May - The Feingold Diet
May - The Feingold Diet
PureF=acts r'-ffit Newsletter of the FeingoldoAssoclationof the United Stdes May, 2fi)3 rtncolo@ Vol. 27, No. 4 SchoolFood The foods servedin America's schoolscontinueto be in the news. There havebeenmanv excesses, andthey are beginningto attractpublic concern ot only are soft drink vending machinesablazewith their logosand stockedfull of sugarybeverages, the cafeteria in many high schoolsis filled with brandnamefast foodandtheir colorfullogos. Schools have becomefranchisesof major chains, returning a portion of their salesto corporateheadquarters. Someschoolsarelookingat unique and disturbingways to raise needed revenue.OneNew Jerseyschooldistrict gave their new gymnasiumthe nameof a supermarketchain in exchangefor $ 100,000.And a Northern Californiadistrict is consideringsellingthenamingrightsof its six elementary schools. priBut the collaborationbetr,veen vateindustryand schoolsneednot be an unhealthyone. In Februarythe JamesMonroe High Schoolheld an event titled: "Healthy Eating 101." This was the secondannualTasteof Monroe food fair hostedby Whole FoodsMarket, Feel GoodFoodsand the Los AngelesUnified SchoolDistrict. WholeFoodsMarket is the nation'slargestnaturalsupermarket, and Feel Good Foodsis a companythat provides affordable, healthy snacks andbeverages for vendingmachines. In Muscatine,Iowa childrenenjoy free fruit and vegetable snacks throughoutthe schoolday, thanksto a federalgrant. The US Dept. of Agricultureand the Dept. of Health and Humanserviceshasallocated$6 million to promotethe consumptionof fresh fruits and vegetablesamongthe nation's school children, but it is enough money to cover only 100 schools.DennisHeiman,principalof the MuscatineHigh Schoolnotedthat after the programbeganthey removed the candy vending machinebecause therewasa 48% drop in salesof candy. This confirms the experienceof those working with children - that they are receptiveto tastynatual food, but they don't eatit sinceit is not readilyavailable. Continued on page 4 "The Edible Schoolyard" Whatbetterway for childrento developanunderstanding of our naturalworld and an interestin healthyfood than to grow it themselves?In someareas,this is just what is happening. "Too often, studentssit at thelr desksand learnabouthabitatsand ecosystemsthousandsof miles away,whiletheir schoolyard sports a barrenlandscape of mown grass or asphalt. But big changesare afoot. Across the country, schoolyardsare now rife with shrdent-designed wildlife habitatsand native ecosystems:butterfly and bird gardens,prairies, wetlands, and more. Theseoasessuppoda diversityof animallife and reveal " importantenvironmental lessons. National Gardening Edible Schoolyardis a profhe I ject of the Manin LutherKing, Jr. Middle Schoolin Berkeley,California. Its famouschampionis Alice Waters,who is creditedwith developing the modernAmericancuisinethat beganin the turbulent1960sin Califomia when sheopenedthe ChezPanisserestaurant. Watersteaches childrenandadults to understandand value the land, and to celebratethe food it provides by preparingit with a light, evenreverent touch. Shebringsboththe landandthe farmers into the experienceof dining - takingusback,literally,to ourroots. Continued onpage4 The FeingoldoAssociationof the United States,Inc., fourded in 1976,is a non-profit organizationwhosepurposqsare to suppoi its membersin the iEplemeotationof the Feingold kogram atrdto gercratepublic awarenossof the potentialrole of foodsand sytrtheticadditivcsin behavior,leaming aodhealthproblems. The program is basedon I diet elimiDatiDgsyDtheticcolors, rynthetic flavors, aod the preservativesBHA, BHT, and TBHQ. &a#q 7lloriet'oDar/l Tltatb /aazno "I just signed my son up for an 8-weekbehaviortherapyprogram. They told me they would work with him without pushingdrugs. I just left there and the nurse told me that they wait and observe the children for 2 weeksbeforethey decidewhat medication to give them. Arrghhh!!!" ''I tried yamsfor the first time today. My sonasked,'Wow, is that artificial color?' I said'no'andhe replied'Isit God-officialcolor, then?"' A proud homeschoolingmom writes: "I just receivedmy son'sIowa test scoresback yesterday.This was the first year he testedoff medsand on Feingold. He improvedin ahnostall areasandwentfrom I 3 to 56 percentile in Math Computation! My husband looked at the scoreslast night andwas in shock!" "You Feingoldpeopleare incredibleandgetmoreincredibleby theday. It's like my sonis the mostimportant personin theworld - it's socool. Who is Pat P? She'sa genius! Donnaforwardedher somesalicylatequestions shecouldn'tanswer,andPatexplained a whole new thing to me aboutgalic andmalic acid. Wow!" Dear Feingold Friendso I wantedto shareour story with you to bring hope to other families. /-\ur eight year old daughter has food allergies as well as chemical and which affecther life andours. Nearlyeverything \-/salicylate sensitivities fiom her toothpasteto children'svitaminsupsether during the early years; howevertodaysheis makinggreatimprovements andearningwonderfulgrades in school. Oneofthe earlyepisodes took placeafterwe hadbeenon vacationandsheate thingstlrat were not normally in her diet. Soonafter eatingthe food, shestopped talkingandbeganspinning.Her behaviorpuzzledus. At timesshewouldbehave normally, and then shewould go into a constantstateof motion for no apparent reason. Sheseemedbright, and had an amazingmemoryfor repeatedversesuch as nightly prayers,but there would be episodeswhere she rarely talked and to "disconnect"ftom us. seemed I learnedabout Feingold from a friend, and it made a huge difference; the episodesof speechloss only camewith dietary mistakes. But she still had problemsandwe lookedinto altemativesto help our little girl. As we located variousnaturalsupplements we were ableto addressthe physicalproblemsthat remained,especiallydisruptedsleepand constipation.AlthoughI can't recall her ever being on a regimenof antibiotics, her intestineswere affected,andthe variousresources we foundhavehelpedwith the healing. I know there are other familieswho needto go beyondthe basicFeingold Programandaresearchingfor naturaloptionsandI wouldbe gladto sharewhat "subject" we learned.You canreachmevia e-mailatposeymail@ box, pleasetype in the codewords "solvingthep""zletogether." Editor's note: Whenwe publish articles thet incl de physical symptomsthat could be an embanassmentto a child. we withhold nat tes. 2 Pure Fads/May 2003 "My son madethe honorroll, but that's not the good news- the good newsis that thecommentson his report card were: RelatesWell to Others, ConsistentlyWorks to Capacity,and Participation. GoodClass/Group "That's high honorsin behavior! And boy, arewe celebrating!" "Four monthsago I couldn'teven warn my 8 ll2 year old daughter'If you don't finishsupperyou can'thave dessert' without her screamingand crying 'But I wantdessert!!'overand over. Now shemerelysays'OK."' You may needthe Feingold Program if... L. ... a pan neveractuallywears out at your house. 2. .. . your childrenautomatically look in the laundrybasketwhenthey get dressed,insteadof lookingin their drawers. 3. ... peoplenoticewhen you are on time. 4. ... yougo to startdinnerandfind that you haveto cleanup the breakfast dishesfirst. 5. ... you realizeyou havethree open soda cans at once, spacedout from roomto room. 6. ... your kids tell you to sit still in church. 7. ... you can't find your keys anywhere,andon theway outthedoor, you realizethey're still in thelock from the night before. B. ... "where are my shoes?"is a frequentphrasein the morning. 9. . .. therearemorethingsON the cabinetthan IN the cabinet. 10. ... you startto do laundryon Saturday,andfind the lastloadyou did lastSaturdayis still in the washer. Parenting is a tough job Onceour childrenareeatinghealthierfood andhavecalmeddown,thechallengeis still not over. Parentingis hard, andfew of us havebeentaughtthe skills we need. Easyto Love,Dfficult to Disciplinehasan intriguingapproach. l\ f ost parentingbooks describe IVltechnioues to showus how to changeour chiid; Becky Bailey, who namedhercompanyI-ovingGuidance, showsus how to focuson ourselves. In the spaceof just a few generations, parentinghas veeredfrom the extremesof autocracyto chaos. For generations, childrenwereexpectedto be obedient;morerecently,they have been indulged. Seekinga middle ground, much of the current parenting advicerelies on negotiationto bring aboutthe desiredchangein the child. Baileytakesa differentapproach;she showsus how to changeourselves,or moreprecisely,howto changetheway we view thinss. promise,butthe That'sanambitious Baileypromisesthat her techniques popularity of the Loving Guidance you you person becomethe "can help materials that workshops and suggests wantyourchildto emulate.It will take quite has hit on something the author your self-disciplineand child-rearing skills to new levels. You will leam remarkable."As parentschangetheir how to move beyond policing your attitudesandbehaviors,"Baileypromchildrenwith rulesandconsequences, ises,"so will their children." some of the traps parentsfall into and discoverhow to createa homein are their beliefsthat: which healthy relationshipsflourish . we can "make" our children beandyourchildrenvoluntarilychooseto have. " cooperate. . misbehavioris to be avoided. . there are certain ways things BeckyA. "should" be, andwe arejustifiedin becomingupsetwhenthey arenot. . If our childrenmisbehave, it is our failure. Few parentstodayare satisfiedwith the techniquestheh parentsused, but .withouta clearroadmapto follow, we tendto fall backon the familiarthings, the lessonsimprintedin us aswe grew up. Parenting's lighter moments When thingsget tough and you needa good laugh,this little can be evencrazier book will showyou that other households thanvours. After an especiallychallengingday, pick up your copy of Blow Drying the Frog & Other ParentingAdvennreJ, andsettlebackfor a respite that'ssureto lightenyour spirits. The non-profit Family andHome Networkhascompileda wonderful sliceof life as told by otherparents. The bookis intendedto be "a $oup of friendssharing the humorousaspectsof their day with you. It's that voice on the other end of the phone line remindingyou that you're not alonein facingthe joys andworriesof raisingchildren,that it's okay to lightenup. That yes,beinga parentis a tough job - but it canalsobe prettydarnfunny." $12 +$2.50 from Family & Home Network, 9493 Silver King Ct. FairfaxVA 22031("103)352-lO12or visit tbeirweb siteat wvr'w.familyandhome. org. "M isbehavior," according to Bailey, "actually servesmanyrvonderful purposesin your child's development....Misbehavior teacheschildren how to communicatein order to get their needsmet....Misbehaviorhelps children learnwhat thoughts,feelings, andbehaviorsare appropriate to have toward others." How we respondto thesebehaviorswill depend,to a large degree,on how we seeourselvesand how we reactwhenthingsdo not go the way we believethey "should." She guides the reader through the turbulentdevelopmentwe call childhood and providesexamplesof how her methodscanbe usedin your family's everydaylife. l,oving Guidance,hasa selectionof books, CDs and workshopsto glide parentsin this philosophy,andto provide them with the tools they canuse as they go though loving ritualswith their children. There are also workfor teachers, shopsandbooksdesigned plusmusicalselections designed to fospeace andharmony. ter For informationcall (800)842-2846 or Pwe Facts/May2003 3 School food, from page I There are plenty of ftesh ftuits and vegetablesat the Los Angeleskadership Academy, despitethe fact that it is locatedin an urbansectionof L.A. Unlike many schools,the Academy hasa fully operationalkitchen, where the staff preparesfresh, healthy food eachday. Someof the cooksareparentsof students.andhavebeentrained for thejob. The food servicedirector purchasesmuch of their food from local farmers, andbuys organicwheneverpossible. Theonly "playground"is thebuilding's roof, where they plan to set up gardens. The school's principal, Rogerl-owenstein explainedthatthere is very little room for athletics- just the basketball courton theroof - but the studentsand staff get lots of exercisesincethefive storybuildinghasno elevator! To learn more about the Ac a d e m y, vi si t their web site: www.laleadership. org. They provide support for those working with children, plus child-size Getting Started tools,books,andothersupplies. There are many resourcesand web They arein PointReyes,CA (415) sitesto help the community interested 663-9433 www. in exploringa schoolyardgarden. San Francisco Green Schoolyard The Edible Schoolyard Alliance Locatedat the Martin Luther King, The group, formed in 2001, proJr. Middle School,in Berkeley,it pro- motes healthy, environmentallysusvides a one-acreorganicurbangarden tainable learning environmentsin the anda kitchenclassroom. area'sschools. They work towarda Their web site offers resourcesand future where each school operatesin linksfor othersinterested in seuingup concertwith its neighborhoodandlocal a similarprojectin their schools. ecology. www.sfgreenschools. org urvw.edibleschoolyard. org Evergreen National GardeningAssociation Believingthat "No plot of groundis This non-profit organization, too sow the seedsof headquarteredin South Burlington, change," Evergreen is a Canadian VT, datesbackto 1972. Theywork to basednon-profitorganization. They renewthelinksbetweenpeopleandthe striveto bring natureto the cities. It Earth, and provide programs for helps people to create healthynatural schoolsandcommunities.(802)863- outdoorspaces atschools,in a commu5251 nity's commongroundsand through homelandscaping. Their karning Groundsprogram Aquatic Outreach Institute brings communitiestogetherto transTheir KidsIn Gardensis a hands-on form barren asphaltand turf school interdisciplinaryeducationprogram grounds into natural outdoor classthat promotesthe use of organic and rooms. integrated pestmanagement techniques in homeandschoolgardens.Theyalso demonstratehow to createa schoolyard Lasagna Gardening habitatfor birds and butterflies.using This delightful book by a master gardenershowsyou how to quickly nativeplants. Educatorsattend2-day workshops createa gardenwithoutthe hardwork to learnhow to establisha programin of tilling the soil. It can be located their schools. almostanywhereand is createdfrom The Aquatic Outreach Institute is newspaper,kitchen scraps,leaves, locatedin Richmond,CA and can be lawn clippingsandpeatmoss,built in reachedat (510) 231-5655or via layers,just like a dish of lasagna.It providesdirectionsfor all typesofgarwww.aoinstitute. org dens,includingbutterflygardens. Eco Schools Softbackbook from RodalePress, This is an internationalorganization $ 15.95 thatteaches citizenshowto improvethe 848-4735 environments ofschoolsandtheir local communities. No spacefor a garden? org One company has developeda uniquesolutionfor growingfoodwithGardensfor Growing People out a garden. The EarthBox enables This organizationrecognizesthat even apartmentdwellersto grow big ourchildrenwill onedaybevotingand plants in a small space,using their makingthe decisionsaboutour envi- containers,and an automaticfeeding ronment.It strivesto educatechildren andwateringsystem. aboutgardeningin orderto ensurethat EarthBox (800)821-8838 theywill be an informedelectorate. Edible schoolyard, from page ) u6VvA,a&v4y VYUAa&v4y The focus of the l,eadershipAcademy is to groomyoungpeopleto become positive role modelsfor their community.In otherschoolsthe purposeof bringingin naturalfood is to enhance thehealthof thechildren,and elsewherenourishing food has been addedprimarily to reducebehavior problems. The good news is that a changein schoolfoods hasbeenfound to enhanceall theseworthwhilegoals. For the schoolsystemthat is focused failureor subon preventingacademic stanceabuse,the simpleansweris that healthy, well-nourishedchildren do not requireas many expensiveservices. Schoolsdon't needto sell their identity to relieve their tight budget woes,they needto look for solutions in their hallways(now crowdedwith junk food vendingmachines)and in their cafeterias. 4 Pve FadslMay 2003 Frustrated with fragrances Who's in charge? Two moms on the messageboard sharetheir experienceswith thosesmellyculprits. Perfumesand cosmeticsare regulated by the Food and Drug Administration(FDA), but "regulated"might be a misnomer. Drugs are substances that affect thebody's functions, but the FDA doesnot considerthat cosmetics have such an effect. (Try telling that to an asthmatic!)TheFDA allowsthe fragrance industry to conduct its own testing...ifthey so choose. One of our Feingold volunteers, ShulaEdelkind, hadan int€restingconversationwith the scientistat the FDA who is the agency'sauthority on the subject of fragrances. Shula was checkingto learn if the perfumeingredientMusk AETT wasstill allowedto be used. After it was shownto cause many harmful effects* on anirnalsthe industryvoluntarilystoppedusing it, but wasneverrequiredto do soby law. She was told that there had beenno change,thatthechemicatcouldstill be usedif the fragranceindustrywished. The scientistacknowledgedthat the agencydoesnot do any safetytesting of thesechemicals,but asked,"Why would a companyusea harmfulirgredient - they would open themselves up to law suits?" Shulareplied,"The manufacturer is not required to tell anyone what ingredientsthey use. How could anyonesuewhen the company is not requiredto disclosethe ingredients?" His response:"Oh, yeah. But why would a companyuse somethingthat is harmful?" Shula: "Why do companiessell cigarettes?" FDA scientist:"Ohhl, yeah." *Effectsof Musk AETT: Theinitial reactionof animalswas hyperactivity, initability anda tendencyto bite. This was followed by limb weakness, discoloration of internal organs and the nervous system, and degenerationof centralnervoussystemneurons.The end result was deteriorationof the brain,spinalcordandnerves,andpermanentbraindamage. "I wrote on my son'smedicalcard that he is not to be around artificial colors, flavors or preservatives.I forgot to add fragrancesbut the school nurseaskedme andI said'yes' andshe specificallywrote it in on his medical card. "Well, blow my mind! last weekI to meethis wentto my son'sclassroom teacher, and what to my wondering eyesdo I see? A lighted scentedcandle! I askhim, 'Is it lit everyday?' He replies, 'Yes, she only blows it out whenit's time0ogo homefor theday.' "He saysother kids haveaskedher to blow it out and she saysshe'snot goingto until they leave. Who in their right mind hasa lighted candlearound 24 childrenand a room full of paper? Whereis theprincipal,the superintendent,thefte marshal?" "The childrenhavebeendoing so well lately. Well, stupid, stupid, Mommy here put on perfume yesterday!!! My sonturnedintoa Mexican jumping bean, daughterturned into a whiny wreck and now my dear husbandhasa migraine!!! "Perfumeis EVIL ... just say'no' to nerfume!" Perfume for Mom this Mother's Dav? Think.again. I re the fragrancesbeingsold todaysafefor consumers?PeterCadbyof -fa,the InternationalFragranceAssociationsaysthey are. He writes, "In recentyears it has becomefashionableto criticize the use of fragrancesin our society,suggesting thatthis useis associated with a varietyof negativeeffects." However,he goeson to say that "an adequatereview and testingmechanism existsto assurethe safety of ftagrancematerials,and their combinationin mixtures,for the consumerof fragrancedproducts." Safetyand CarrieLoewenherz ofthe New York Commitieefor Occupational Healthdisagrees.Shesaysthat 95 percentof the ingredients usedin perfumes aremadefrom petrochemicals andthattheygive off powerfulfumesreferredto as "volatile organiccompounds"or VOCs. This is why your clothessmellodd aftertheyhavebeendry cleaned,andwhy youwill noticetheodoroffreshpaint. Newcarpeting,cars,buildings,clothingandfurnitureall give offfumesthatcan causeharmful side effects. People who know they are sensitiveto synthetic chemicals,as well as thosewith respiratoryproblems,shouldbe especially cautiousaboutexposureto VOCS,whetherthey smellpleasantor unpleasant. But no individualis likely to be unaffectedby breathingin petrochemicals, so mostof the fragrancessold as perfumesand usedin countlesshouseholdand personalproductsaren'ta goodideafor anyone. Fragrancesalsomay usephthalates,believedto be hormonedisruptersand linkedto spermdamageandbirth defects. (Seethe March2003 issueof Pzre Faus for moredetailson phthalates.) The non-profitHumanEcologyAction LeagueQIEAL) offersin-depthinformation on perfimesandtheir negativeeffectsin their bookFragranceandHealth. It is available flom HEAL, PO Box 29629,AtlantaGA 30359(404)248-1898.The costis $12for HEAL members, ContactHEAL for thecost $Z for non-members. to sendthebookoutsidetheUnitedStates. Source:Spencer, PeterS.,& Bischoff, MonicaC. Skin as a routeof entry for neurotoxic substances. In FrancisN. Marzulli & HowardL Mailback(eds.),Dermatoxicology.1984;3rdedition,pp 629630.Washington, DC. Pure Facts/May2A0j 5 FeHmsoild News {iffi Publishedby the Feingold@Association of $e UnitedStates,lnc., P.O. Box 655q Alexandria,VA 22305 (703)768-FAUS DenaanacrT al aron/, 2OO3:The followingstates introducedrelatedbills and resolutions: Alaska,Arizona,Colorado,Hawaii,Indiana,Ken1999:The ColoradoStateBoardof EducationDasseda tucky,Massachusetts, Michigan,Mississippi, New Hampresolutiondirectingeducatorsto find solutionsfor leaming shire,Nevada,NewYork,Texas,Vermontand\r^/est Mrginia. pressuring parand behaviorproblemslhat did not relyon entsto use psychotropic drugsfor theirchildren. In Marchof this yearthe HouseCommitteeon Education The NationalBlackCaucusof StateLegislatorpasseda and the \ /orKorceof the U.S. Houseof Representatives resolutioncallingfor a nationalexaminationof the use of inlroduceda bill calledthe Child MedicationSafetyAct of psychotropic drugsfor children. lt readsas follows: 2000:TexasStateBoardof Educationpasseda resolu- 2003. tion encouraging the use of effeclivenon{rug optionsfor As a conditionof receivingfundsunderany programor cfrildrenwithacademicor disciplineproblems. activityadministered by the Secretaryof Education, each Georgiacreateda commissionto investigatethe use of procedures policies State shall develop and implement and drugsfor childrenand improvemonitoringthe rate of preprohibiting schoolpersonnelfrom requiringa childto obtain scriptions. prescription a for a controlled substance in Schedulell \ bshingtonc€lledfor trackingofchildrenbeingplacedon under section 202(c) of Controlled Substances the Acl as psychiatric drugs. condition or services. a of attending school receiving 2001:Connecticut andMinnesolapassedlavvsto prevent schoolpersonnelfrom coercingparentsto givetheirchildren To keeptabsonfederallegislalion visitthegovemmentweb drugsasa conditionforattendingschool.NorthCarolinaand called'Thomas"maintainedby the Libraryof Congress. site Utahalsoaddressedthe issueand the legislature. Hawaiicalledon the state departmentsof Healthand See:http:/fthomas. Educationlo researchnon-medication altemativesfor chiF US SenaterepealsGeorgiaOrganicExemption drenwithleamingor behaviorproblems. 2002:lllinoisDasseda law similarto Conneclicut's and LastmonthPure Factsrcpoftedon a lastminuteprovision that\ touldallowlivestockproduccalledfor the prohibitionof disciplinaryactionbeingtaken addedto federallegislation againstparentsor guardiansv\rfiorefuseto administerpsy- ers to labellheir meatas "organid'evenif the animalswere chotropicor slimulantdrugsto children. Mrginiapasseda notfed organicgrains. Thisfirstassaulton the OrganicStandardsAci camefrom similarlaw. The NationalFoundation of \ /bmenLegislators calledon GeorgiaRepresentative NathanDeal, at the requestof the federalgovemmentto pass a law that requirespublic FieldaleFarmsCorporation of Georgia,wirowantedto beable schoolsto protectchildrenfromunnecessary druggingas a to labelchickensorganicwten theywerenot. VermontSenatorPatrickLeahysuccessfully led the effort conditionfor receivingfederaltunding. The AmericanLegislativeExchangeCouncilproposed to repealthe exemption. lt was supportedby organicand groupsand by the administration. The House t\^Dpiecesof legislation;one \ touldpreventschoolsfrom environmental drugsto parentsandlhe other\,ouldprohibit of Representalives is expectedto vole for approvalof the recommending invasivepsychological testing. repeal. Protectionfiom forced drug use on children Warrenton,VA CD offeredto help autisticchildren VisittheNaturalMarketplace at5 DiagonalStreetforgreat A smallcountrychurchin Belmont,Ohiois tryingto help food and informationon natural altemativesfor treating autisticchidrengetthe caretheydeserve.A groupof friends gospelCDwithall pmfitsto benefit ADHDfromFeingoldmom,AliceMaher.(540)349-4111. hasrecordeda bluegrass autisticchildren.The grouphascollectedenoughdonations andeagerlyanticipate collecting enough to paytheexpenses, to heloseveralchildren. MatchingDonations? A bluegrassgospelCD may be mailedto you or a friend Pleasecheckwithyour placeof businessto see with a donation(typicaldonationsare$14,shippingincluded). if they have a programto match the donalions may be madepayableto ChestnutLevelChristian Checks suchas employeesgiveto non-profitorganizations to the Mehl Church. Pleaseaddressyour conespondence the FeingoldAssociation. oH 43718. Family,42390HighStreet,Belmont, 6 Pure FadslMay 2003 MiracleWhip? FAUShas beentryingto leamthe sourceof the "artificial color"now listedon the labelsof the originallcaft Miracle Vfiip. By law,if a syntheticFD&Cdye is induded(suchas YellowNo.5 or 6) it mustbe specifcallynamed.A coloring froma naluralsource(annatto,carotene,etc.)canbe simply listedas "artificialcolor." Becauseof the importanceof this information we \ /antto be absolutelysure. We havebeenin dailycontactwith Krafl,wfio has promisedto respond. as PureFactsgoesto presslhey havenot Unfortunately, given us an answer. Pleasewatch and yournextPure Factsfor anynewinformation. TOM'SOF MAINEStageOne Products Anti-PerspiranUDeodorant UnscentedRolFon NaturalAnti-Perspirant NaturalDeodorant: UnscentedRoll-On Floss NaturalAnti-Plaque FlatFloss:Spearmint,Unflavored RoundFloss:Unflavored NaturalAnti-Plaque Mouthwash Natu|alMouthwash: Cinnamint,Gingermint with Baking Soda,Peppermint with BakingSoda,Spearmint Shampoo NaturalAntidandruff Shampoo:Rosemary NaturalBabyShampoo:Honeysuckle Shampoo:Unscented Natu|?lMoisturizing Soap NaturalDeodorantBarsoap: Unscented NaturalGlycerinBarSoap:Refreshmint, Unscented NaturalGlycerinLiquidSoap:Refreshmint, Unscented BarSoap:Lavandin,Unscented NaturalMoisturizing Fluoride-freeToothpastes Toothpaste, Fluoride-Free: Anise, NaturalAntigingivitis Peppermint NaturalAnti-PlaquePlus\ hiteningClearGelToothpaste, Fluoride-Free: Peppermint Style NaturalBakingSodaToothpaste:Homeopathic Fluoride-Free Unflavored Fennel(N) NaturalSensitiveToothpasteFluoride-Free: NaturalTartarControlPlus\MiteningToothpasteFluorideFree:Fennel,Peppermint NaturalToothpaste with Propolis& Mynh Fluoride-Free: Spearmint cinnamint,Fennel,Gingermint, Peppermint, Toothpastes with Fluoride Fennel Natunal Anticavity& Dry Modh FluorideToothpaste: NaturalAnticavityFluorideToothpastewithBakingSoda: Gingermint, Peppermint NaluralAnticavityFluorideToothpaste:Cinnamint,Fennel, Spearmint PIGReport The followingproductshave been researchedor reorMailOrder researched andmaybeaddedto yourFoodlisl Guide. Stage One AURACACIACocoaButter BERLINNATUML BAKERY*SpeltBreads:Flaxseed, Rye,Spelt,Sprouted,SprolrtedBiblicalBread,\ /trite BERLINNATUML BAKERY*Spe|tBuns:HoIDog, SpeltBurger,\/\ihiteBurger ( BIERYCHEESEProvolone BRENT& SAMSAll NaturalCookies:\ilhite Chocolate Macadamia Nut.ChocolatechiDPecan (www.brentandsams. com) DAVINCI*VanillaSyrup:classic(SB,SF),Natural DIETz& WATSoNBlackPepperHam(CS,N), ComedBeefBrisketFirstCut(N),Grill'N Serve BreaKastSausage,RoastBeef(cS), RoastSidoinof Pork,RosemaryHam(N),Scrapple,GourmetLite Breastof Turkey DIONISMoisturilngGoatsMilkLotion(skincream) FRONTIERNATUML BRANDSLanolin GHIRARDELLIDarkChocolateSquarewith\ hite Mint Filling(CS),DoubleChocolateCandyMakingand DippingBar,MilkChocolateBar,MilkChocdlate Souares GOODNEIGHBORSOAPSoaps:Basic,Buttermilk, Oil, Bwannpa'sBee,Calendula,CocoaButter/Palm Exotic,@ats Milk,Greenclay, Lanaloe,Milk,Nettle, Oatmeal,OliveOil Castile,Pure,RedClayMask, Roseclay, SaltyJims, ScotchPonidge,Scrubby, SheaButter,Tie One On Beer,T\^/oBrolhers,\Mite Clay availablevia DutchCheeseStra\/s (CS) KAASSTRENGELS POMPEIANExtraVirginOliveOil YOUNGPECANGoldenSweetPecans Stage Two BERLINNATUALBAKERY'SpeltBread:Raisin DELMONTETropicalFruitin LighflysweetenedFruit Juices(apples,peaches) DIETZ& WATSONCajunEyeRoundRoastBeef (paprika,greenpepper),HamCapocolla(CS,N,cloves, paprika,red pepper),ltalianStyleRoastBeef (CS,paprika),Pepper& onion ltaliansausage (bellpeppers),PremiumcookedHam(CS,N, cloves), Tornato& BasilHam(N), BlackForestCookedHam (N,cloves),GourmetLiteHam(N, cloves) FRUTIOSAll NaturalFruitSnacks(CS,apples,cflenies, grapes,oranges,langerines) GooD NEIGHBORSOAPSoaps:JavaMamaKitchen (coffee),OatmealAlmond (orabsence)of TheFeingold@ reponsibilityfor anyproduct,brand,methodor treatment.Thepresence Associations do not endorse, approveor assume TheFoodlisls arebasedprimarily a producton a Feingold Foodlist, or thediscussion of a methodor treatment doesnotconstitute approval(ordisapproval). uponinformation suppliedby manufacturers andarenot baseduponindependent tening. Pure FadslMay 2M3 7 Childhood Asthma The EnvironmentalProtectionAgency(EPA) has reportedon the constantincreasein childhoodasthma. Between1980and I 995theraterosefrom 3.6 % to 7.5%, andby 2001it hadturther increased to 8.7% of the childrenin the UnitedStates. \I fnv do more than twice as YY manvAmericanchildrennow have asthmaas in 1980? Neither the EPA nor other public health officials have an answer, but they continueto study exposureto environmentalfactors, including: cockroaches,dust mites, tobacco smoke, pesticides, ozoneandsoot. How productive are these studies? Well, let'stakea look at cockroaches. If theyplay a part in therapidincrease ofchildhoodasthma,theyareprobably either increasingdramatically or they arenew to drescene.There'sno evidenceto indicatetheyareincreasingin our country, andasfar asbeingnew to the scene- fossil remainsof these tough critters date back at leastto the Period,which is about Carboniferous 200,000,000yearsago. Dust mitesare ancientaswell. We canblameSir WalterRaleighfor much of ourtobaccoproblems,but he'sbeen out of the picture for severalhundred years and the use of tobacco in this counhyhascontinuallydeclinedin the pastfew decades. Soot is somethingour ancestors knew a lot about, especiallyif they lived in the Appalachianstateswhere coaldustfilled theair bothindoorsand out. All of thesepollutants,plus pesticidesandozonecancertainlytrigger asthma,but they don't accountfor the drasticincreasein this country.However, medicalresearchshowsa link betweencertain food additivesand asthma. Maybetheasthmaepidemicis relatedto ihe continuingincreasein the use of synthetic food additives. Last Call for Calendar Photos EachyearFAUS publishesa School YearCalendarandmailsit to members in tle UnitedStatesat theend of summer. The calendarfeaturesusefultips for living happilyon the FeingoldProgram, along with information on new andhard-to-findproducts.It alsofeaturespicturesof our Feingoldchildren andteens. We arelooking for informal photos,especiallyseasonalactivities. Theycanbe coloror black& white, as long as the imageis not blurry. (Do not send portraits or school photos, please.)You arewelcometo includea descriptionof the activity or someinformationaboutyourchild andhow the Programhasaffectedyour family. Pleasewrite the child's nameand address on thebackandmail to FAUS, PO Box 6550,AlexandriaV A,22306. The photograpln will be returned to vou afterthecalendarhasbeenorinted. E Pure Ftcts/May 2003 They've doneWHAT to seeds? Time to get backto nature,time to experiencethe joy of seeingbeautiful thingsgrow, ofraisingyour ownvegetables without harmful chemicals. Wait a minute! Checkthat packageof seedsto be sure they havenot been coatedwith poisons. Pesticide-coatedseeds are dyed bright pink to carchyour attentionand remind you to not allow youngchildrento handlethem, to usecarenot to touch your eyesor mouth if you have handledthem, and to remind you to make sure you thoroughly wash your handsbeforeyou preparefood. Well, so much for getting back to nature. (Shop for un-dyed, untreated seeds. ) Pure Facts Editor: JaneHersey Cowributing to this issue: Kathy Bratby l-orraine Cordo DonnaCurtis Markey Dokken ShulaEdelkid DebbieJackson BarbaraKeele Pure Facts is ptblished ten timesa year and is a portion of the material provided to membersof the Feingold Association of the UnitedStates. Membershipprovidesthe Feingold Program book including Recipes& Two WeekMenuPlan,regionalFoodlist containingthousandsof acceptable U.S. brand namefoods,a telephone andE-mail Helpl-ine, anda subscrip tion to Pure Facts. Tll.e cost in the U.S. is $69 & $8 shipping. A Pare FactJ subscription, if ordered separately,is $38/year. For more information or detailson membershipoutsidethe U. S., contact FAUS, 127EastMainSt., Riverhead, NY I l90l or phone(631)369-%q. The articles in this newsletterare offered as information for Pwe Far:a readers,and are not intendedto provide medicaladvice. Pleaseseekthe guidance of a qualified health care professiona.lconcerning medical issues. www. @2003 by the FeingoldAssociation of tle UnitedStates.Inc. Permissionto reprint You are welcometo circulate articles tbat appeu in Pure Facts. This can be in the form of photocopiesto sharewith others,or the reprinting of articles in another newsletteror in an Internet newsletteror on a web site. When you reprint, pleaseuse thefollowing acknowledgment: Reprintedfrom Pure Facts, t]rc newsletterof the FeingoldAssociation of the United States (800F2 1-3287www.
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