Puffi@F Newsletterof the FeingoldoAssociationof the United Stata July/August,2008 www.feingold.org Vol.32,No.6 Food dyes and behavior/Iearningproblems are in the news FAUS parentsappearedon nationaland local neq/sprogramsthroughoutthe United Statesand in Canada,describingthe effectssyntheticadditiveshave on their children. n June3 the Centerfor Sciencein n PublicInterest(CSPDheld a (rftt" press conferencein Washington, DC. The agency'sExecutiveDirector, announced MichaelJacobson, a petition RemOVing dyeS And pfeSefVatiVeS ShOUld be a dard part of ADHD treatment rue of the British Medical Journal containsan editorial by Anrp,M.D., professorof pediatricsat the University of Sydneyin Dr. Kemp calls on doctors to recognizethat dietary intervenreatrnentfor ADIID, and should be part of the standardinitial rildren with thesesymptoms. l2 studiesconductedbetween 1975 and 1994,Dr. Kemp notes found that diet showeda positive effuct for at leastsomeof the oints out that of the three major heafmentsfor ADHD in chil.ion, behavioral therapy and diet, only drugs and diet are suptific data. Nevertheless,behavioraltherapy,which Kemp says rc evidencebase,is considerednecessaryfor "adequateteatt, which is science-based, is widely dismissedand regardedas 'treatment. longdistances to helpotherfamiliesfind An elimination diet is a conservative, traditional medical ap- notan"arternative." *l';.iffiH::Tff:,I":jf"trH; proach, was due to be born at the sametime. While we have learned not to expect much from the agencythat is supposedto be protecting sonsumers from harrnful chemiealsin their food, we were piease6 by the phenomenalmedia exposure,and the articles that have fullowed. As a result, many more parentswill be noficing a connection between their child's food and his behavior. More onpage2 Dr. Kemp writes, "In view of the relatively harmlessinterventionof eliminating coloringsand preservatives,and the large number of children taking drugs for hyperactivity, it might be proposedthat an appropriately supervisedand evaluatedtrial of eliminating colorings and preservativesshould be part of standardtreatmentfor children'" This editorial follows a Februaryarticle from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) calling on doctors to revisit the diet/behavior connection in view of the new 2007 Lancet study showing that food dyes and the presewative sodiumbenzoatetriggeredADHD symptomsin most ehildren. The AAP alsoreferencedan earliermeta-analysisfrom Harvard and Columbia universities, showing that researchsupportsthe link bet'*reenfood dyes and ADHD. Feingoldand Spett-- the answerfor Spencer Our searchfor answerstook us to unexpectedplaces. by Beth George ur youngsonwasquitesickduring his infancyand earlyyears, andalsohada hostofbehavioral problems. From age 4 through age6, he was provisionally diagnosed with various neurological disorders, including: ADHD, Asperger's, Sensory Integration Disorders, Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD), and last, but not least, G&T (gifted and talented). He was a virtual alphabet soup! Sometimeshis behavior was fine and other times it was out of control. As a lawyer representing special needs kids, I was skeptical of the alarming number of children being put on psychotropic drugs, and was not willing to go that route. I was determined to find the causesof his problems. It took us several years (and many tears), but ultimately we were able to pinpoint specific behaviors and health issues (including lots of digestive problems) to what he was eating. It all seemsso simple and obvious now, but at the time we were really perplexed. After removing the offending foods and additives the results were amazing. Spencer's health and behavior problems virtually evaporated. So, what did we remove? Wheat. for one. We learnedthatsomepeoplelike our son (who is not celiac) are really sensitiveto wheat and have a difficult time digesting it. He can,however, digest an ancient cousin of wheat, known as spelt, which is making a comebackin natural food circles. Note: Becauseit containsgluten the FDA requires spelt (which is the same botanical genusas common wheat) be labeledas "wheat." 2 Pure Frcts/July/August2008 We also removedartificial colors, flavors and preservatives -- why havethem? We would leamthat giving Spencer high fructosecornsynrpwaslike giving him a shotof adrenalin! And in keepingwith removingthe bad stuff, we also got rid of hydrogenated oils andanythingthatreeksof anartificial processto stabilizefood. Theresultswereamazing.Spencer is no longerdiagnosed with anydisorders. He is not on anymedication,he has no digestivedisorders,his ears don't go bright red, his handsdon't flap, he doesn'thaveoutbwsts(other than the normalonesdirectedat his little sister).I considerhim our "canary in the coalmine" ashe seemsto detectwhatis badfor all of us. So, he'sjust a kid, and kids needto like the food they eat. But he was bumming out becausehe thought he could no longer have pizza, bagels, focaccia and good breads. We knew he could eat spelt, but the spelt products I found were not "kid friendly" so I startedlobbying the bakeriesaround Portland to use spelt. They were not interested so we developed our own recipes. They were so popular with our friends and colleagues, we decided to obtain a home licenseand sell them. We eventually moved into a bakery and havejust recently opened our own eco-friendly facility in Yarmouth, Maine. We have started to share our story publicly, especially the part about how changing a child's diet can change hiVher life, and that parents have the powerto do so. A few people have said, "Oh, I feel sorry for you...you have to watch what your son eats..." My responseis, "What? Why feel sorry for me? I am elated! With a few relatively simple changes we were able to change a kid's life, MY KID'S LIFE, from a tough, unhappy one to a happy, healthy and food-consciousone." Spenceris now I l-years-old and is his own bestadvocate; he readsevery label. This past year Spencer has done well in school, both socially and academically, and was recommendedby his teacher for the gifted math program. He is a greathelp at the bakery, assisting with both the chores and marketing. This is pretty atnazing considering what this child went through from infancy to age 7! SpeltRighttrozenbagelsand pizzadoughare cunentlyavailablein stores Maine,andwe hopeto be expanding to nearbystatessoon.Thebathroughout gelscanalsobe purchased by contacting: info@soeltrlohtbakino.com. CSPI CitizenPetitionto the FDA Fact and Fancy at FDA Unlike mostsuchdocuments, thispetitionto theFoodandDrug Administrationis goodreading,providingan overviewof the subjectandwhathastakenplaceoverthepast{bw decades. The CSPIpetitioncallson the Food andDrug Administrationto removethe erroneousinformation on their web site, statingthat studiesshowno link It wasespeciallygratifyingto Feingoldvolunteersto seetheintroduction: betweeRdyesand hyperactivebehav"Thispetition is dedicatedto thelate Dr. BenFeingold,whoseastuteclinical ob- ior. A footnotequotesDr. Bemard sertrationsand relentlessadvocacyhelpedthousandsofparentsprotect their Weiss:"This is a ratherbafiling statechildrenfromtheneurotoxiceffectsoffood dyesand otherfoodingredients." ment. ln fact, my own study (Weiss 1982)wasfundedby theFDA, andits reads:"About 3 to l0 percentof school-age chilnrhe preliminarystatement results,alongwith a numberof others I drenin theUnitedStatessufferfiom hyperactivity,attention-deficitlhyperactivity disorder('ADHD'), or relatedbehavioralproblems. In the early from that period, definitively dernon1970sDr. BenFeingoldpopularizeda dietaryfeaknentthatappeared to reduce stratedadversebehavioraleffectsof symptomsof hyperactiviryin rnanychildren....numerous scientificstudieshave syntheticfoodcolors.Duringtheinterprovidedat leastpartialsubstantiation of whatbecameknown asthe 'Feingold veningyears,with a plethoraof confirDiet.' Thosestudiesshowthatin somechildrenbehavioralproblemsareexacer- mations,theFDA hasremainedblindly obstinate.It continuesto shieldfood batedby Yellow 5 andodrersyntheticfood dyes." additivesfromtestingfor neurotoxicity and apparentlybelievesthat adverse How to accessthe CSPIPetitionto theFDA: Go to theCSPINewsroomand behavioralresponses arenotanexpresclick on "CSPI Petitionto FDA on Food Dyes. 2008." The site is sionof toxicity." WeissB. Foodaddiwww.cspinet. orf new/200806022. html. tives and hyperactivity. Enviran HealthPerspect.2008; I l6 (6)June. Thepetitionstates,"It is medicallyandethicallyunwiseto burdenhyperactive childrenandtheir parentswith concernsaboutfoodswith qmtheticdyes....The Who's in charge at the Food appropriatepublichealth approach is to removethose dangerous andunnecessary & Drug Administration? substances from the food supply," The FDA's web page,Food Color Thedocumentprovidesanexcellentreviewof thehistoryof this topic,includFacts, claimsthat thereis no evidence ing themanystudiesthat havebeendone,aswell asthe failureof theFoodand that dyes can causehyperactivityor Drug Administrationto enforcethe law, andthe blind eyethat governmentagenlearning disabilities,andtheymisquote cieshavetumedto addressing theneededresearch. the panelreportof the 1982National It showshow researchers havemanipulated statisticsto changetestresults,such Institutesof Healthconference on diet aslumpingall of theresponses togetherandaveragingthem.So,if a studyshows andhyperactivity. a few childrenexhibitinga dramaticresponse to dyes,andyou combinetheirreAt the endof the sectionit saysthat actionwith the others,the averageresponse will appearto be very small. the informationwas preparedin coopAnotherflaw the documentdiscussesis thevery smallamountof dyesusedin erationwith the International FoodInmanyof thestudies.A doseof 27 mg of dyedoesnotreflectthereal-lifesituation (IFIC). formation Council This is wherea child in Americacaneasilyingesttentimesthis amount,alongwith synanother of many industry-zupported preservatives, theticflavorings,sweeteners, flavor enhancerso etc. lobbiesthat porhaysitself as an independentscientificorganizationworkGoodnewsfrom Europe ing for thebenefitof theconsumer. In While the US Food and Drug Administration ignoresall that is happeningin the additionto defendingthe useof food is world, the EuropeanParliamenthas agreedto requirewarning labelson foods that dyes,the IFIC claimsthataspartame contain synthetic dyes. The labels will state:"May have an adverseeffect on ac- safeanddefendstheuseof biotechnology andgeneticengineering offoods. tivity and attention in children." Manufacturerswill have l8 months to comply, but it is likely they will find that replacing synthetic dyes with natural ones is preferableto adding wamings to their food labels. This is already happening in England, where supennarket chains and candy companiesare removing the dyes. IFIC isn't really intemationalat all, but is basedin Washington,DC, convenient to governmentagenciesand politicians. Pure Facts/..fti11t/August 2008 3 Should the FDA ban food dyes? Leadingbi-polar drug proponentslied aboutpaymentsfrom Big Pharma First,let'sask,"Whatis thepurposeof theFood Dr. JosephBiedermanand two colleagues andDrug Administration?" havebeenthe subjectof investigations by it is to protect the public from harmful foods and ingrediaf I ents, then these dyes would have been banneda long time ^ugo, studies on synthetic food dyes have shown they not only trigger learning and behavior problems, but they are also linked to DNA damage,reproductive abnormalities,immune systemdamage,nerve damageand cancer. The questions should not be, "Should petroleum-baseddyes be banned?"but rather, "W"hy arethey still allowed?" Food dyes are testedone at a time, on healthy animals. There is no requirementthat they be testedin combinations,as is the case in real life. Animals are observed for tumors, cancer, death. An animal's behavior or ability to learn is not tested. Actually thereare somegood testsbeingdoneon food dyes and behavior/learning;they are being done by Feingold children in their sciencefair projects. Not only hastheFDA failedto assume itsresponsibilityto reon moveharmfuladditives,theyarepromotingmisinformation the websitethey havecreatedin cooperationwith an industry lobby. (Would the FBI allow its websiteto be writtenby the Mafia?) When consumersunderstandthe risks posedby thesedyes,they will stopbuyingproductsthat containthem. Iowa SenatorChuck Grasslev. r. Biedermanis creditedwith the explosionin the numberof childrenbeingdiagnosedwith bi-polar disorder,a 4O-fold increasebetween 1994 and 2003. The use of anti-psychotic drugs for children is the fastest-growingsegmentof this $11.5billion market. The psychiatristsin question each acceptedover a million dollars from drug companiesat the sametime they were receiving federalfunds for drug researchat Harvard, and failed to accuratelyreport this. Biederman is also a strong proponent of drugs for ADHD and illegally acceptedmoney from both Eli Lilly and the National Institutes of Health while he was conducting researchon the use of Stattera in children. He is cunently recruiting children as young as four yearsold to test out various antipsychotic and anticonvulsantdrugs. Badmouthing natural treatments Thevery busyDr. Biedermanalsoparticipatedin a recentstudyof a differentsort. TheJournalaf theAmerican Medical Associationpublishedthe findings of a supposed sfudyon theeffectiveness of theherbSt.John's Wort for treatrnentof childrenwith ADHD. Thestudyclaimedthattheherbdid not helpsymptoms of ADHD. But what the mediaarticlesdid not saywas that the doseusedwas a tiny fractionof what is recommended,andthat the herbswere oxidized,thus making theminactive,andof no therapeutic use! This is alreadyhappeningin England,wherenaturallycolored M&Ms and Skittles are sold and where a McDonald not Red40 asin sfawberrysundaeis madewith sfrawberries, theUnitedStates. The FDA and Women After studiesshowedthat the synthetichormones Premarinand Premprocausesignificant increasesin hivesor asthma breastcancer,blood clotsto the lungs,heartattacksand Whenadultsrecognizethattheir headaches, strokes,the sale of thesedrugs plummeted,being rearebeingtriggeredby dyes,theywill avoidthemaswell. placedby plant-based naturalhormones.This hascost the manufacturer,Wyeth, a loss of over$500millionperyear. As a result Wyethhasfiled a "Citizen'sPetition" with the FDA, calling for the The banningofthe naturalhormones. FDA is workingto carrythis out. TheHundred-YearLie - How Foad and Medicine are Destroying Your Health journalistRandallFitzgeraldhasaddressed Investigative themajorissueson thefailureof theUS regulatorysystem to protectus from damagingchemicals.Along with some depressing statistics,theauthorincludesa wealthof informationon practicalsolutionsin this very readablebook. Pure Facts readerswill seemany of the topicswe have coveredin pastnewsletters. 2008 4 Pure Facts/July/August R,\NDALL FITZGDRALD About one-thirdof the agency's budgetis suppliedby drug companies,leadingto many suchconflicts of interest. The truth but not the whole truth Einstein Bagel Alert! Tyson'sFoodshasbeentold by a federaljudge that it mustdiscontinueadvertisements claimingthattheir chickensare"raised withoutantibiotics." There havebeenchangesin someof the Einstein BrothersBagels,listed in the first printing of the 2008 Fast Food Guide. he full claim madeby the huge poultry corporationis that the chickensare "raised without antibioticsthat impact antibiotic resistancein humans." What the adsdo not tell consumersis that the eggsareinjectedwith antibiotics beforehatchingand that antibiotic moleculesare found in the feedgiven to the chickens. Theseare no longer acceptablg: Cinnamon SugarBagel Egg Bagel SpinachFlorentine Bagel Blueberry Bagel All of the pretzel bagels Honey Butter Spread Animals areroutinely given antibiotics in order to promotefastergrowth and to preventthe spreadofdiseasewhen they areraisedin closequartersandin hugefacilities. Unfortunately, this leadsto the developmentof even strongerstrainsof bacteriawhich are resistantto the medicines,making them ineffective in treating humanillnesses. The company'sresponse:"The claim we'remakingis'raisedwithout.' And our consumerresearchwould saythat'raisedwithout'in theconsumer's mind, is from hatcheryto when they buy the chicken in the store." Keep cool and well hydrated this summer Here'sa naturalalternativeto thosesugaryblue "sportsdrinks" aswell as a StageTwo option for pediatricelectrolytedrinks. Itima Replenisheroffers a line of powdereddrink mixesthat arefree of synthetic additives as well as sugar,corn synrp and syntheticsweeteners. The drinks contain a balancedcombination of mineralsthat help keep us hydrated: calcium, chloride, magnesium,potassiumand sodium, as well as selenium, zinc and phosphorus. They are free of caffeine, synthetic flavors, and use stevia, lo han guo, and maltodextrin for sweetening. Stevia is a natural zero-calorieproduct and 1ohan guo is a very sweet berry native to China. The maltodextrin is derived from non-GMO corn. Thesedrinks are well toleratedby most people,includingyoung children,diabetics, vegansand thosesensitiveto gluten. Becausethey are offered in a powdered form there is no need for added preservativessuch as sodium benzoate, which is usedin manv so-calledhealthoroducts. There are 4 StageTwo flavors: Banana Berry, Orange,Wild Raspberry,and the new Ultima Kids PediatricElecfolyte Formula Wild Raspberryflavor. The Ultima StageOne flavor is Lemonade. Many health food storesand healthy marketscarry Ultima Replenishersand it can be ordered online from www.ultimareolenisher. com. The following bagelscunently areacceptable: Asiago Cheese(CS) Garlic Dip'd (CS) Onion Dip'd (CS) CinnamonRaisin* (CS,SF) Everything(CS) Good Grains Honey Whole Wheat Onion (CS) Plain(CS) PoppyDip'd (CS) Potato(CS) PowerBagelFruit & Nut* (CS) Pumpernickel(CS,SF) SesameDip'd (CS) Sun Dried Tomato* (CS,SF) SafeNo-Cal Sweetener? In the October 2007 Pure Facts we described the efforts by food giants Coca-Cola and Cargill to produce a new no-calorie sweetener. It would be based upon stevia, favored by health-consciousconsumers,but the companies would need to modiff stevia in order to be able to patentthe new product. Given the name "Truvia," it is a blend of steviaand erythritol, a sugar alcohol,and is now availablefor sale at limited locations. Until FAUS receives completed forms we will not be able to add the product ta ow Foodhsf, but it is good news to see a product that might replace the notorious aspartame. 2008 5 Pure Facts/../rly/Augnt ScientistsUrge Congressto Ban SyntheticFoodDyes With numerousrecentstudiesshowinga stronglink betweensyntheticfood dyesandhyperactivity in children,a groupof prominentscientists hascalledon Congress to bantheuseof these chemicals in our food. ineteenpsychiatrists,toxicologists, and pediatricianshave co-signeda letterurging mem- Dramaticresponseabroad In Europe,Britain's Food Standards Agency (FSA) called on manufacturers to remove the dyes by the end of 2009. The FSA alsoadvisedparentsto limit their children's intake of these additives if they show signs of ADHD. bers of Congress to hold hearings about the adverseeffects of synthetic food colorings and certain other additives on children's behavior and to passa law prohibiting their use. "The undersignedphysiciansand researchersare concemedabout the effects of food ingredients, especially food dyes, on children's behavior, including children with hyperactivity and attention-deficitlhyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and aretroubled by federal inaction," they said. CSPIand FAUS This letter to Congressis part of a campaignby the Centerfor Sciencein the Public Interest,with the supportof the Feingold Association of the United States, to educate the public about the connection between synthetic food dyes and behavior problemsand topressthe U.S. govemment to investigateandban theseadditives. In their letter, the scientists stress that the link between food dyes and children's behavior has been confirmed by numerous controlled studies since Dr. Ben Feingold, a pediatricianand allergist, first discoveredit over30 yearsago.Theywrote: "The first hints that food ingredients could impair children's behavior came in the mid-1970s,when the late Dr. Ben Feingold publicized his clinical findings ... Many of the studiesdone over the years,in the U.S. and abroad, have confirmed that somechildren are adverselyaffectedby foods,with food dyes being the ingredientsmost intensivelv studied." 6 Pure FactslJulv/Ausust 2008 Dyescauseharm to all kids The researchersalso wrote: o'These findings show that adverseeffects are not just seenin children with extreme hyperactivity (i.e., ADHD), but can also be seenin the generalpopulation and acrossthe range of severitiesof hyperactivity." Volunteersat the Feingold Association have long suspectedthis. Parents often report that all of their kids improve when they cut out the dyes and other troublesome additives - not just their hyper child. So, it was interesting when this study concluded that 'regular kids' canbe affectedtoo! The authorsofthe recentstudy from SouthamptonUniversity in England later said that synthetic food dyes affect children's IQ as much as lead in gasoline. Yet the U.S. government largely looks the other way while the food industry dumpshuge amountsof theseharmful chemicalsinto our children's foods. The usageofsynthetic food dyeshas increased five-fold in the last 50 years, with the amount certified by the FDA rising from 12 milligrams of synthetic food coloring per personin 1955 to 59 milligrams per person in 2007. The Environment Committee of the European Union voted to ban artificial dyesin foods for babiesand small children. This bill, which is expected to be approved by the European Parliament, would also require a warning label on other children's foods that contain thesedyes. Call for more research In their letter, the scientistscall on Congressto fund the Institute of Medicine so it can review the research linking food additives and behavior problems, recommend additional research,and formulate child protection policies. In addition, they want the Institute to make a determinationas to whether food additives should be tested routinely for neurobehavioral effects, as numerousresearchershave proposedin the past. The FeingoldAssociationhas long recommended that regulators test food additives for their effects on behavior and concentration. Considering that some of them have already been shown to be newotoxins, we think this is a 'no brainer'! The letter can be found at http:/icspinet. orglneWpdflcong dyes.pdf PIGReport The followingproductshavebeenresearchedor reresearched andmaybe addedto yourFoodlist, Mail OrderGuideor Supplement Guide. Productswiththissymbol^areavailable in Canada. SM = naturalsmokeflavoring StageOne ProductAlert FREEDAVITAMINS ZincLozenges10rngnowcontain orangesso pleasemovethernto the stagetwo section of yourSupplement List. EDENFOODSGoldenAmberDurumPastaVegetable Shellsnolongercontaintomatoandcanbe movedto stageoneof yourFoodlist. StageTwo BLUEDOMINOES artsupplies DominoDoughBESTCHOICECheeseGrackers(paprika) a playdough-typeproduct www.bluedominos.com BREADOF LIFE*RoastedGarlic& HerbDippingSauce Cookie, BREADOF LIFE*GlutenFree:FlaxShortbread (winevinegar) Snickerdoodle Cookies,UltimateCake,Muffin& (tomatoes, BeefBolognese wine), COLAMECO'S* BrownieMix,UltimateCookieMix breadoflifebakery.com BeefRavioli(oranges, tangerines), Cannelloni Chicken CRYSTALRIVERSOAPHand& BodySoapBar:Anise withSpinach& Feta(oranges, tangerines), Chicken Breeze,Chamomile Castile,FlowerPower,Lavender Ravioli(oranges, tangerines), Pomodoro ltalianStyle Calm,MapleChocolate, SweetOatmeal; (tomatoes, TomatoSauce,TurkeyBolognese wine) He6alTooth$oapShreds;Agave Balm Cinnamon DAKOTALAKESGlutenFreeGourmetCoating(bell,chili ShampooSoap www.crystalriversaap.com & red peppers,paprika) www.dakata-lakes.cam in DANNONAll NaturalFlavorsYogurt(tracesalicylate (CS, BodyShotMultivitamins DR.ORGANICS pectin):Lemon,Vanilla apples,bluebenies, blackbenies, boysenberries, EDEN^WildRice;Organic:Black& TanGomasio grapes,raspbenies, cherries, elderberies, tomatoes, tea, (sesamesalt),BlackGomasio(sesarne salt), wolfbenies), FruitsFirstwithMarineComplex KamutFlakes, BrownRiceFlakes,HulledBuckwheat, plums, raspbenies, strawberries, {cranberries, Millet,Oat Flakes,RyeFlakes,SpeltFlakes,Pistachios blackbenies, tea,wine,grapes,blueberries, bilberries, Rigatoni EDEN*^100%WholeGrainKamut& Buckwheat prunes,apples),GreensNowwithMarineComplex LightVanilla EDENSOY.^Organic SoyMilk:LightOriginal, grapes, (blueberries, cherries,cranbenies, bilberries, (banana), freezedriedfruits:Bananamon FUNKYMONKEY tea, oranges,prunes,raspberries, strawberries, (pineapple) JiveALime tomatoes) www.drorganicsfreedom.cam NATURALS CookieBlendFlour, GLUTEN-FREE plums) ENER-G. Chocolate ChipSnackBar(CS,oranges, Brownie FLATOUTMiniHarvestWheatFlatbread Combread& CornMuffinMix(CS),Homemade Wraps Mix,MultiGrainBreadFlour,PancakeMix(CS), (CS,prunes) Pizzeria-StylePizza CrustMix,YellowCakeMix(CS) GARRETT COUNTYAll NaturalChickenAppleSausage www.gfnfoods.com Links,AllNaturalUncuredTurkeyBacon97%FatFree (Costco)RoastedSalted KONASELECTHARVEST^ (paprika), AndouillePorkSausage(paprika), Apple Nuts Macadamia SkinlessChickenSausage, ChorizoSausage(paprika), LAMBAR"^PeanutButterCookie,Pistachiolarabar.com NaturalUncured GlutenFreeChickenBites(paprika), Nuts MACFARMS RoastedSaltedMacadamia Turkey OriginalTom-Toms TurkeyFranks (paprika), MARIPOSA CoconutLemonSquares,SourCreamCoffee PanRoastedTurkeyBreast SnackSticks(paprika), Cake www.mariposabaking.com (paprika), (paprika), SlicedUncuredPepperoni TruffleCake, RUBYRANGEGlutenFree:Chocolate SmokedFreshTurkeyKielbasa(SM,paprika), PancakeMix Cookies,Southwest Old Fashioned TomatoSkinless Chicken Sausage, Sundried www"therubyrange.cam TurkeyAndouille Sausage(SM,red pepper) RUSTICCRUST*ReadyMadeOldWorldCrust:Great Spice(cloves) LIBERTYBAKERYMuffins:Blueberry, GrainsOrganic,NapoliHerbGlutenFree Muffin MEMBY'SAllergyFamilyFoods:GlassicBlueberry OrganicWhippedButterySpread SMARTBALANCE OrangeMuffin& & QuickBreadMix,Cranberry TheDeliBest BabySwissCheese, THUMANN'S QuickBreadMix www.meraby.com (CS,N,SM), LowerSodium LowerSodiumBologna (whitewine Artichokes NATIVEFOREST.^ Marinated (CS,N,SM), SwissLace,NaturalCasingLiverwurst vinegar,chilipeppers); OrganicChutney(allcontainchili (CS,N,SM), NaturalCasingSmokedLiverwurst peppersandcloves):HotMango,MangoPassion, (CS,N,SM) Pork& BeefBologna Papaya,Pineapple for any product,brand,methodor treatment.Thepresence(orabdoesnotendorseor assurneresponsibility The FeingoldAssociation The approval(ordisapproval). of a methodor treatment, doesnotconstitute sence)of a producton a FeingoldFoodlist,or thediscussion testing, andare notbaseduponindependent suppliedby manufacfurers Foodlistsare basedprimarilyuponinformation 2008 1 Pure Facts/July/August FDA forced to warn of mercury dental fillings fter manyyearsof denyingthat the mercuryin "silver" fillings can be harmful, the Food and Drug Administration has been required to change; now its website says: "Dental amalgamscontainmercury, which may have neurotoxiceffects on the nervous system of developingchildrenand fehrses." 7i4'44 qtal ...to the Dale Family Fund for their donation to enableus to createa new information brochure and for FAUS to be representedat several professional conferences. You can contact our office in New York for extra copies ofour brochureand other literafure to give to doctors, teachers and friends. The agency'sabout-facecame after losing a law suit to a coalition of advocacy groups who link mercury exposure to a range of health problems including Alzheimer's disease and multiple sclerosis. "ThehealthbenefitsofVitamin D are plentiful, such as strong bones and a reducedrisk ofbreast cancerand cardiovascular disease," said AMA Board Member Steven Stack, M.D. "It's time to takea goodlook at the current daily recommendedlevelsof Vitamin D and ensure that Americans know the appropriate levels so they can reapthe full healthbenefits." Recent researchon Vitamin D3 shows it protectsagainstblocked arteriesin the legs,diabeticneuropathy, heart attacks and strokes, angina, increasedrate oftissue aging,cancersof the breast,lung and colon,diabetes,as well as helping with pain control and reducing the risk of falls by keeping musclessffong. Few peoplein the US receivesufficient sunlight to create adequate amounts of the vitamin, and infants who are breastfed are at risk of being deficient without supplementation. 2008 8 Pure FactslJuly/August Contributing to this issue: CarolynAllen Lorraine Cordo Markey Dokken SusanGuzo Cindy Hanell Pure Facts is published ten times a year and is a portion of the material provided to mernbersof the Feingold Associationof the United States Membershipprovidesthe Feingold Program book which includesRecipes & Two Week Menu Plan, a regional Foodlist containingthousands of acceptableUS brandnamefoods, a telephoneand E-mail Help-Line,and a subscriptionto Pure Facts. The costin theUS is $69plus s+h. A Pure Fccls subscription plus Member's Message Board accessis $38/year when orderedseparately. The AMA reYisesits stand on vitamin D3 n responseto the growing evidence that vitamin D3 is essentialin protectingus from a wide rangeof illnesses, the American Medical Association has recognized that its recommendationshave been too low. Pure Facts Editor: JaneHersey 7/4rr/ /p14/ ...to Wellshire Farms for donating their luncheonmeatsand to Late July for donating cookies for our Friday night eventheld at our annualmeeting in June. 74a'44c/nul ...to Karen and the staff at the Marriott SpringHill Suites Hotel at the Baltimore Washington Intemational Airport for once againhelping to makeour meetingsucha successful event. Tiarr6 fnul ...to the Offrcersand Board of Directors for your willingness to donate your time and talentsto servethe Association during the coming year: Annette Miller, Larisa Scarbrough, Kathy Bratby, Gail Wachsmuth, Megan Browne, Donna Curtis, CharicedeVidal, SandraEhrenkranz, Katy Wisch, Nancy Kemble, Sarah Roley. And special thanks to the Kemble Kitchen! For more information or details on membershipoutsidethe US, contact FAUS, 554 East Main Street,Riverhead NY ll90l or phone (631) 369-% 44. The articles in this newsletterareoffered as information for Pure Facts readers,and are not intended to provide medicaladvice. Pleaseseekthe guidance of a qualified health care professionalconceming medical issues. www.feingold.org 02008 by the FeingoldAssociation of the United States,Inc. Permissionto Reprint You are welcome to circulate articles that appearin Pure Facts. This can be in the form of photocopies to share with others, or the reprinting of articles in another newsletter or in Internetnewslettersor on a website. When you reprint, pleaseuse the following acknowledgment: Reprintedfrom Pure Facts, the newsletter of the Feingold Associationof theUnited States,www.feingold.org.
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