Pure-F-:actsrrfrfii*t Newsletterof the Feingold@Associationsof the United States FEIIIGOLI'* Yol. 16,No. 6 July/August,1992 Traveling Abroad Food in other countriesis likely to containfewer additives,but there are manypitfalls for the Feingoldmember,particularlythosewho are salicylate-sensitive eingoldmom,GabrielaEbrlich,is a native of Switzerland. She has FindingHelp in the HealthFoodStores sumprovideduswiththisoutstanding mary. The Ehrlichs rely on health food storesfor chocolate,othercandies,ard for readyto eat cereals.Here are the namesfor healthfood storesin various languages: Germany- Refornhauser Switzerland- Reformhauser,Biona, magasinsdietetiques Denmark- Helsebutik Sweden- Halsobutik Most people speak English, and shouldbe ableto help youfind suitable foods, and to suggestrestaurantsand bakeries which offer additive-free foods. RestaurantFood Higher pricedrestaurants(especially in France and Switzerland)rarely use colori.ngor flavoring as it goes against their honor. Homemadedessertswill often be available,but ask for ingredients iust to be sure. In other restaurants,stay awayfrom dessertsand ice cream, Wllen you eat out, look for plain food cookedin butter or flour with only salt and pepper added. Somerestaurants have containers of seasoningmixes on the table, next to the salt and pepper shakers. ThesecontainBHA. Soups and saucesare likely to be madewith cubes and powders which contain BIIA. Most saucesalso containsome wine (salicylate).and cheesefondueis madewith cherryalcohol. Buying Groceries symp; if you do, the mixescould be a problem. On the other hand, fresh crepesservedin Frrurceand Switzerlandshouldbehne,but watchfor salicylate fillingsif you are senstiveto them. Supermarketshopping in Europe and the United Khgdom is not very much different than in the U.S. Processedfood labels are not always alor complete. andadditives accurate readypresentin the oil, etc.,maynotbe listed. A continentalbreakfastwith rolls and butter shouldnot presenta problem;but avoidtoasts, cerealsandfrozen croissants. Good choicesare: fresh fruits and plain pastas; white cheeses; vegetables; freshlybakedbreads;plain rneats,fish and poultry. Steer clear of chocolatedrinks. Chocolate products of all kinds can present a problem for the Feingold member living in Europe. Gabriela Most restaurantsuse only natural writes,"All brandedchocolatesI know butter;asin lhe U.S.,avoidmargarine. of (and trust me,I know them all) contain artificial vanilla - vanillin." It cameasa shockto learnthatthefamous Salicylate sensitive members can generallyfind honey. (Most jams conSwisschocolatescontainthischeapadtain applepectin.) You are not likely to ditive. Other candiesandchewinggum find American stvle oancakesand are alsolikely to be off limits. Proprietorsof smallshopsshouldbe ableto givedetailedinformationabout the ingredientsin their foods. Mustard and mayonnaisewill probably be natural, but are madewith grapeor applevinegar(salicylates).If you'll be doing your own cooking and vinegaryoucanobneednon-salicylate or oriental tain rice vinegaril Japanese shops. You can also substitutefresh lemonjuice, but avoidthe cannedand bottledlemonjuice. Gabrielahas provided FAUS with letters in both French and German, designedto explainthe FeingoldProgram to othsrs. The letters describe our diet and the additiveswe mustavoid in the major food categories.Contact FAUS for a copyof the letter(s). Doug It took ten yearsof searchingbefore Patti Sandersfound help for her son. is behaviorproblemsbegan even beforebirth; Patti couldfeel him kickingasearlyasfour months,andwas not surprised when her second son was "born wild". He grew to be the toddler who neededconstantsupervision,who was alwaysin motion and alwaysloud. In schooland at home,he disturbedand irritated everyonearound him, and evenin the noise of plafng children, Doug'svoicewasalwaysthe one to be heard. Patti madefrequenttrips to school to sDeakwith her son'steachers.She was uot blarnedfor his problems,but nobody could offer any answers. It went on like this for ten yearswhile "I cried buckets of tears", Patti recalls. When sheaskedhirn why he did something unacceptablethe responsewas alwaysa bewildered,"I don't know." At times, Doug would confide, "Mom,I wantto begoodbuttheharder I try the worseI am". He built a wall aroundhimselfso he wouldn't {eel the pain. He was able to hurt his younger sisterand laughat his own behavior. But nobody disliked this more than Doug,whoseselfesteemwasin shreds, "How I envy parents who find the answerwhentheir childrenare small," Patti reflects,"If I could only go back andre-livethoseten years." -,Naw I- L.l f, 5o 9.a5qr<d f(ll 14e a(te' t 0(dJtua o br tat'a: In tlrcseflvo drawingsof a camival game,Doug descibed how hefelt. Pictureon the @t: "tuIebeforeI was on theprogrqm. I felt like I wasSoingto blow up." His desciption of thepicfice on theight: "Me afterI wason theprogratn' I felt a lot better. Now I feel lightandnot sopressured." For the pasttwo yearsPatti hasbeenusingthe FeingoldProgram.Shetried to follow it from Dr. Feingold'sbook, and sawslight improvements,but when she receivedthe newmemberpacket,sheput the familyon the programand followed it carefully. It took severalweeksbefore she saw unmistakablesignsthat the programwasworking. Shewatchedthe emergenceof a childwho waslearningto like himself. Doug would comehomefrom schoolelated,tellinghis mom abouta child in the class,"He likes mel" Teacherswho knew Doug before he moved to Arkansasand went on the FeingoldProgramwouldfind it hard to believethisis the sameyoungmanwhowas recentlyawardedthe highesthonor in his classfor hispositiveattitude-"If I hada room full of Dougsit would be wonderful,"his teachertold Patti, "He completes his assignment, andwill thenfind a book to read. He doesn'tbother anyone." At ige 12,be is gettingA's and B's. He is good aboutstickingto his diet and tells friendshe's"allergic"to somethings. Teachersand other parentshavebeen verysupportive,and makesurethereare foodsDoug can enjoy. The Sanderslive in Gentry,locatedin NorthwestArkansas,wherePatti serves asa FeingoldProgramAssistant. Jason's Story - EditorialComment Unlike Doug'sstory,thisonedoesnot havea happyending. Tye was fourteen.could not sit still lland couldnot concentratg.Jason's life was one of lrustration - the kind that Feingoldvolunteershear of time and time again;but iq this casewe did not know of him, andwerenot working with his family. To the best of our knowledge,Jason'sfamilydid not know there is a supportgroup to help these childrenwho can't seemto fit in. Whenhewasaskedtoleavethesummer school he was attending, Jason finally gaveup, and took his own life. "He wastired of trfngto fit into aworld where he wasn't understood," his mother testified before the Colorado Board of Education. Could the Feingold Program have helnedturn Jason'slife around?While thereis no wayto know,the chancesare overwhelmingthat it could have. Why 2 Pl'JreFactslluly, AugLtst1992 didn't the family try this risk-free aporoach? His mother is a nurse,and may have read about Dr. Feingold's work. But did sheread an articleby a who worksasa consultant orofessional ior one of the food/chemicaVindustry lobbies?Did the articleclaimthat few children are helped by the progam? Did shereadan articleby a researcher whosework supportsour program,but who now deniesthe very reports he published?Did sheattemptto usethe programon her own, but not know of our associationand the helP we can offer? When shefirst soughthelp wasshe told, "He'sjust all boy;he'll outgrowit; you'reoverreacting"?Of did shestop lookingfor helpbecauseshewasweary ofbeingtold Jason'sproblemswerethe resultof her own parenting? Why did Jason die? Somewould blame the Colorado schoolsbecause they are not set up to provide special helo for ADD and ADHD children. BuiFeingoldparentsknowthat special classroomsare not a magic bullet; no classroomwill changethe child'sinternal environment. There is ampleevidenceto point to diet asa likelytriggerfor his sl,nptoms, but it was probablynever considered. Why would red candies,blue toothpaste and yellow pills be overlooked? Perhapsit's becausethey are palt of andare multi-billiondollar enterprises, of more importanceto many people than a boy namedJason, We can help thesechildren, and so canyou. Ifyou haY€fifteenminutesto spare and want to make a diff€r€nce, call FAUSat (703)768-FAUS. Le Big Mac havenot beenreceptiveto her effolts to GabrielaEhrlich,our volunteeritr Switzerland,reportsth1! Eurgpeal_cgl.nqanies deservea veryspecialcommendationl they think wriies, "t she rtaip,iraJ.. researchtheir produ"t"- a huppy#"!p,i".-ir #r.omebody deal'soprofessionallyand thoroughlywith a customer'srequest. I don't know whetherthis is il;;E in U.S.,but it certainlyis not in Europe." the common Here is the completeoverviewon McDonald'sproductsfor UI! Switzerland,France,Germanyandltaly. * = salicylateCS = corn syrup DX = dextrose,similarto corn sj'rup N = sodiumnitrite MSG = monosodiumglutamate McDonaldsin Europe UKMcDonalds (Germany,France,Italy, Switzerland) They actually analyzedevery single food item down to fresh eggsand filled in a separatg questionnaire for everythins! Here areitemsthatshouldbe ok. Bunsand EnglishMuffins ttu," tu,O r* t OrangeJuice* Coffee* Tea* CocaCola (not diet) SkimmedMilk Half Cream Butter White Sugar All bunscontainthe mold inhibitors calciumprtipionateand propionicacid ( E 280) during late spring,sumner and early autumn. (Not a major Problem for Feingold members) Meat: Turkey,Beef Patties(MSG) Pork Sausage Fillet-o-Fish*(DX, paPrika) McDonaldsFishl (DX, paprika) Chicken McNugget Chicken SandwichTempura (DX) Boiled eggs,eggsin brine Ketchup* Mild Mustard* BarbequeSauce* Sweet& SourSauce* Mayonnaise* McRib Sauce* PizzaSauce* Tartar Saucer Salads-watchfor salicylate Dressings: 1000Island* Lite Vinaigette* R/C Red FrenchDressing* SaladCreamn Blue CheeseDressing BakeryProducts PlainDonut (DX) Sugar& CinnamonCoatedDonut (DX) SugaredDonut (DX) Hot CakeMix (DX) Apricot Conserve* StrawberryConserve* Marmalade* (Note: the conservesand tomato basedsauces,and mustardall contain sulphur dioxide. This additive is not eliminatedon the FeingoldProgram.) Bacon(N) Filet-o-Fish* Chicken McNuggets Beef patties Chicken McNugget Sauces:Barbecue* (tomato), Sweet 'n Sourx (apricots),Mustard* (paprika),Curry* (apple) Big Mac Sauce* (paprika, Pickles, grapevinegar)(CS) FrenchFries(DX) Cheese Salads(watchfor salicylates) All saladdressings* Diced ham on salads(N) toppingsare ok Other meat/cheese Ketchup" Pickles* Mayonnaise* Mustard* Tomatoes* Desserts:Avoid all sweeltoppirgs. shakesand ice cream. Note: McDonald fries preParedir the U.K. appearto be cookedin shorten ing containing BHA. Fries preparedir Europe appearto be ok. Help Abroad The impact of Dr. Feingold'swork hasbeenfelt throughoutthe world. There are parent support groupsin variouscouniies, and individualvolunteersin others;all haveoffered to assistfamilies usingthe Program. England: The Hyperactive Children'sSupportGroup, SallyBunday, Secretary;71 WhYke Lane, Chichester,WestSussexPO192LD. Holland: VerenigingBAS, Postbus 51,2100Heemstede. Australia: HyperaclivityAssociation of New South Wales,24129 Bertram Street, Chatswood,N.S.W. 2M7. New Zealand: Wellington H)?eractivityAssociation,93WaipapaRoad, Hataitai,wellington 3. Norway: Norsk FeingoldForening, Framneset,5210Kalandseidet. tario, CanadaL3M 2M6. FAUS Program Assistants in Switzerlald: Alan & GabrielaEhrlich' 14 1197Prangins,Switzerch.desJaquines, land. Phone:022612693(evenings) Israel: Orit Roitman,DvorahHauviah 12,K Harishet, Tivon 36000. ContactFAUS for the namesof additional volunteers in: France, Sweden, BeamsrilleFeingoldAssociation: Singapore,Bermudq and Canada. 366 Book Road North, GrinsbY, OnPureFactsl Iuly, August 1992 l Looking Aheadto Holidays Tracking DownTom's Locating suitable toothpaste is Saco Dulci Frutta wafers will generally the first hurdle a newmember probably not be availableoncesummer is over,sothisis a goodtime to stockup familyfaces.It isn't ashard asyoumay for future candy-making. think. brandson FeinOI the toothpaste Saco foods suggeststhese easy-togold which is rnost the one Foodlists, makecandyrecipes. ieadily availableis Tom's of Maine. The companyhasprovided FAUS with Natural PeanutButter Cups Melt wafers'Ln a doubleboileror in a a listing of the storeswhich are likely to stockthis product. microwave oven on half power for two (Headquarterstatesare listed.) minutes. Stir and microwave at 30 intervals until the wafers are second California: melted. Do not boil or overheat.(Ifthe mixture becomestoo thick it may be Thrifty Corp. thinned with a small amount of solid SafewayStores vegetableshortening.) Emco Drugs Osco/Sav-On Coat the inside of small paper-foil Lucky'sStoresInc. candv cuos with melted Dolci frutta FlemingCompanies chocolatewafers, and allow them to Raley's(Sacramento) cool. Add a scantteaspoonof peanut Trader Joe's(S.Pasadena) butter and top with more meltedDolci FEDCO (Los Angeles) Frutta. Let cool again until set; peel Whole Earth Access(Berkeley) awaythe paper. LongsDrug StoresInc. Jamsandjelliescanbe usedin place ^f ^ a . - ''r 1 'rrrfa r EasyCandyClusters Mix leftovermeltedDolci fruttawith nuts, crunchycerealsand dried fruits. Drop them by teaspoonfulonto waxed paperand allowto harden. Additional recipes using Saco productsare availableby calling1-800238-7666. In Wisconsin call collect: (608)238-9101. CakeDecorating Enthusiasts! If you'veever tried to creategreen leaveson a Feingold-naturalcake,you knowit isn't easy. FoodCare,the food allergycompany describedin the May issueof PureFacts, hasa solution.Their naturalgreenfood colorins is made from: maltodextrin (corn) ind sodiumcopper chlorophyllin. FAUS's talented ColleenSmethers testedit out at the recent annualconferenceand produceda lovelydelicate shadethat will enhanceyour ediblearusrry. For a complimentarycatalogand information on orduing contact FoodCare,Inc., P.O. Box 6383,Champaign, IL 61821.or call (217) 687-51154 PlnreFactsl/uly, August 1992 District of Columbia Giant FoodsInc. Minnesota SnyderDrug New Jersey WakefernFood Pathmark GrandUnion New York Rock Bottom StoresInc. DuaneReade Carl'sDrug GenoveseDrug Fay'sDrug Oregon PaylessNorthwest Rea & Derick EckerdDrug Co. Rhode Island CVS Brooks DouglasDrug Illinois OscoDrug WalgreenCo Virginia Maine WellbySuperDrug LaVerdiere'sDrug Stores Fantle ThayerCentral Rix Drugs Dundngton Drug Pharmacity Heartland Spag's Stop & Shop Pennsylvania Florida Maryland Massachusetts People'sDrug Also: Drug EmporiumInc. Most healthfood storescarryTom's Toothpaste.For memberswho suspecta sensitivityto fluoride,your healthfood storeshouldcarry a non-fluorideversion. ThosePestyPesticides The NationalAcademyofSciencesreport on the effectofpesticideson the diets of infantsand childrenis due out later this year and could hastena shift toward usingfewer chemicalsand could sharpenthe interest in agriculture's impact on the environment. Heat andhumidityilcreaseskinabsorbtion,makingexposureto pesticidesmore hazardousin humidilimatessuchasFlorida'sthanin cooler,drier climates,Florida doctorsweretold at their annualMedicalAssociationmeeting. The doctorswere encouragedto be on the lookout for the growing number of people with "environmental illness," which is causedby exposureto toxic substancesand is difficult to diasnosc. -The above information is takenfrom the Summer 1992 issue of The Human Ecologist,published by theHumatt Ecologt Action League- FAUS ProductInformation Committee(PIC) Report Canadian PIC Thanksto Irma Kennedyand Betty Smidafor researching theseproductswhich are availableiri Canada. BlackRiverpearNectar wasaLightcrispBread NewMoiningcireals: Non-salicylale CrispyBrown Rice with Amaranth SuoerBran OrganicOat Bran Salicylate Corn Flikcs (peach) HoneyFrostei Corn Flakes(peach) SupeiRaisinBran (raisin) .Uliimate Bran (peach) Fruit-E-O'sdOat Bran (orange, peach) Apple CinnamonOatios(apple) HbneyAlmond oatios (almond. peach) Oitios with oat Bran (peach) Gibney,sPotatoChips- Regular U.S. PIC'Please note! FAUS hasrecentlyreceivedproduct information from major cerealand crackermanufacturersand we havebeen able to add somefamiliar brand nameproductsto our foodlist. Even if you member,pleasetestthesenewproductsout arean experienced oneat a_time, asyou did when you addedback salicylates.There is alwaysthe potential-fora reaction,and,if you usenumerousnew productstogetherit's goingto be very hard to determinethe Sourceof a reacti6n. New and Re-researchedProducts whichmaybe addedto your food list: Non-Salicylate WessonPu-reVegetableOil WessonShorteni-ng Monley lce Ben & Jerry'sChu-nky Cream(iS) Ben & Jerry'i Rain ForestCrunch Ice Cream(CS) Ben & Jerry'i VanillaChocolate ChunkIc6 Cream(CS) Ben & Jerry'sVanilli Ice Cream ' (CS) Baker'sSemiSweetAll Natural Chocolate(CS) Minute Tapioca PosJSuperGoldenCrisp Cereal (CS)_ -LancePeanutButter Malt Crackers LanceCaptain'sWafers IaindsayRipeOlives RomanMeal^EnglishMuffins (CP) Nutri-Grain CommonSenseOat Waffles _Bran ErewhonB-anana-o's Erewhon-KamutFlakes (availablein healthfood stores) Benzoates Benzoates (sodium benzoate, benzoate of soda, and benzoic acid) are potential troublemakers. The Feingold Handbook lists sodium benzoateas a potentialproblemfor somepeople,andit maybeespecially so for salicylatesensitivemembers. (Salicylicacid is also knownas"ortho hydroxybenzoicacid'") Along with tartrazine(Yellow No.5), benzoicacid was usedasa challengein the Eggerstudypublishedin 1985.It wasfound to affectmostof the h)?eractivechildrentested. than an expensivesoda. Most containcorn syrup,ard even thoseclaimingto be naturalmay be preservedwith sodium benzoate. For the rare Feingolderwho is extremelysensitiveto benzoates,it maybewiseto removeeventhosewhicharenaturally occurring,and test them out one at a time. Naturallyoccurring benzoatesare foundin: lven experiencedFeingoldmembersreport they-must avoidthis additive. It is widelyusedin bottledlemonjuice, picklesandmanyof thefruit flavored softdrinks,soysauce, "springwaters"whichhavebecome sopopular.In 198533.5 million gallonsof thesedrinks were sold, and in 1991the total had risento 212rnilliongallons.Consideredan "upscale" drink, with pricesto match,theyare reallylittle more Althoughthe consumptionof fishin the United Statesis increasing,it will acceleratesignificantly,according to FoodFuturists. Ihe International SOUndS FiShy! " go*g ffi;t;%, ",J1y",?::,J;i.'I1,::ij:?'-Ti1*: --:*rtF-- like things such as hot dogs,sausage, blueberries broccoli cauliflowe. cinnamon cranberries qinqer hein srup"s greengage plums st""o p"u, ilcorici enract rrpe olives spinach tia ham and evencharcoalbroiled steaks! Funny foods like these generally meantroublefor the Feingoldmember sincethey usuallyrely beavilyon syn- li:i:;*J',:li:T';"1il?Hli51 gredientlabelingisn't required. of for anyprDduct,brand.melhodor lrealmeot.The presence(or absence) The Feingold@Associationsdo not cndoNe,approveor assumeresponsibility ofa metbodorteatment doesnot constiluteappro!?l(or disappro'al).Thc foodlislsarebasedprimarily a produclon a Feingoldfoodlist,or thediscu$sion andare not baseduponindependenitesling. upon informarionsuppliedby manufactur€rs. Pure Facts/Iuly,August 1992 5 FAUS ElectsNewBoard At the 17thAmual Conferencein PomonaCalifornia,delegates electedthe followingFeingoldboard members: OFFICERS President:Pat Palmer,CenterMoriches'NY 1stVice President:Lea English'GreenwellSprings,LA 2nd Vice President:SarahLynn Roley,Carlisle,PA Secretary:BettyFisherSmida,Kingston,Ontado Treasurer:LeslieFowler,Lutherville,MD REGIONAL DIRECTORS EasternDirector: Gail Wachsmuth,Watertown'NY MidwesternDirector: Tina Steffan,Kewaunee,Wl WesternDirector: MarkeyDokken,SanJose,CA STANDING COMMITTEES Bvlaws:Gail Wachsmuth,Watertown,i'IY KathyLeinen,Rialto, CA C'onference: CommunityEducation:BarbaraKeele,WestLiberty,IA Goals:I-eslieGoldsmith,Columbus,TX Nominating:Lynn MurPhY,SanJose,CA by ProductIniormation:Lois Miele' SanDiego,CA, assisted DebbieJackson,SanJose,CA, Irma Kennedy,EastNorthPort,NY Publicity:JudySchneider,StatenIsland,NY TanyaSmall,Malibu, CA Trademarlc/Copyright: OTHER FAUS OFFICIAI-S ARE: HonoraryBoardMember:Mrs. BenFehgold, SanFrancisco,CA Ex-OfficioBoard Member:BarbaraKeele,WestLiberty,IA ExecutiveDirector: JaneHersey,Alexandria,VA Add a cheerfultouch to Your refrigerator,or passon the good word to a teacher.friendor relative. Thesenewrefrigeratormagnetsare availablewith a donation of$leach. ContactFAUS at P.O. Box 6550.Alexandria,Y A72306. Travel Abroad Heading for Cornwall, England? Alan and Patsy DaviesopJrateBentley'sGuestHouse,where they cater to people on specialdiets. You can contact them at: 4 CarteretRoad, BUDE, CornwallEX23 8DD. Phone(0288)355222. "E" Additives to Avoid In Europe eachfood additiveis assigneda number, and most are preceededby the letter E. The following are ones Feingold members should exclude. E102Tartrazine(Yellow No. 5) E104QuinolineYellow 107Yellow 2G E122Carmoisine(red) E123Amaranth(Red No. 2) E124Ponceau4R (red) E127Erythrosine(Red No. 3) 128Red 2G E132Indigo Carmine(blue dYe) E133Brilliant Blue FCF 8L51 Black PN 154Brox'n FK 155Brown HT E32OBHA E321BHT Other additivesto note: E211SodiumBenzoate E250SodiumNitrite E251SodiumNitrate 621MSG Pure Facts Pure Facts is published ten times a year and is a portion of the miterials providedwith membership in the FeingoldAssociation. For completeinformationon the FeingoldProgramcontaCtFAUS, P.o. Box6550,Alexandria,VA 22306.(703) 768-FAUS. Battling Bugs Americansare encouragedto eat more freshfruit, vegetablesand grains' Too little thought,however,is beinggivento the pesticidesbeingappliedto thesefoods' EachveaiAmericanfarmersuse845millionpoundsof pesticides' farmingpracreducedby usingalternative This oumbercouldbe significantly tices,accordingto the NationalResourcesDefenseCouncil. lsed irr areas Innovativepest managementprogramsare being successfully Depa ment The state's York New Island, Long oo aroundthe country,espeJialy - in promoting environrole leadership a has taken Coniervation Environmental of mentally friendly programs. The agencykeeps tabs on companiesand levies stiff hnesfor offenders. Old WestburyGardenscontrolspestson 88-acre: by.replqchgtodc sprayswith h-mless oils, s6apsund predator insects. The PlantingFields Arboretum,409 acresof landin Oy;terBay,hasraisedhealthierpointsettiacropson integratedpest chemicals. lhanthcveverhavewithconventional manasement InLcust Valley the Parent'sCouncilconvincedtheir schoolboard to forego herbicides and allow weeds to grow in school playgrounds' rather than expose to th" oo.sibilitvof canceror other long term healtheffects' The parents "hild."n lnut ';"uttiite Aovmon chemicalsmakessenie." (Soundfamiliar?) "oi. ,4ugust1992 6 Purt Facts/-/aly,
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