November - The Feingold Diet


November - The Feingold Diet
Newsletter of the Feingoldi' Associationsof the United States
Parentswrite to FDA
Strong measuressuggestedfor child obesity
Watchdoggroup wants a ban
on dyeslinked to ADHD
Could this recommended
option damagea child'sability to
think clearly?
The Center for Sciencein the Public
Interest (CSPI) is asking America's
parentsforhelpinitscampaigntoconvince the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that synthetic dyes don't
belong in foods, especiallythose consumedby children.
American Academy of Pediatricsis calling fbr the use of drugs for children
who are overweight or who they deemto be at risk of later heart disI
^ euse, Children as young as eight would be screenedforhigh cholesterol
levels and placed on statin drugs. In the caseof children whose families have a
history of high cholesterolor heart disease,the screeningwould stafi as early as
age two, Anticipating a new market for their products, somecompaniesare developing flavored versionsofthe drugs designedfor children. Sincean estimated
30 percentof children in the US are overweight, this could be a very profitable
market for Big Pharma'
They are being phasedout in Euro,
pean counlries because of importan,
wants to hear from parents who believe that food dyes impair their children's behavior, as well as parents
whose kids'behavior improved when
food dyes were elirninated from their
have brought sharpcriticism from doctorswho saythere
The reconrmendations
that using statin drugs will actually confer iater benefits,and
adultsmight not be safefor children. Researchersat the Unir at SanDiego are collecting information on adversereactions
reinclude muscle pain, muscle weakness,nerve darnage,faring problems,andmood/personalitychanges,amongothers.
sonsto be thankful, but the holidays can alsobring challenges
ling it with peoplewho don't understandyour food choices.
how othershave handledholiday celebrations.
or many new candiesand oiher heats for the holidays,
includinggluten-freeand casein-freeoptions.
plementationofthe FeingoldProgramand to generateawareness
ofthe potentialrole offoods and syntheticadditivesin behavioral,learningandhealth
and the preservativesBHA, BHT and TBHQ.
problems. The programis basedon a diet elirninatingsyntheticcolors,synthcticflavors,aspartame,
Taming the TasmanianDevil
How can you handleyour child's behaviorproblemswhen you are a clinical psychologistwho
specializesin anxietydisordersand ADHD, and when you haveADHD symptomsyourself?
inda and her husbandAlan, were
thrilled to welcome their little
bov. but Lee's binh had been a
diflicult one and he faced various
health issuesearly on. Skin problems,
a chroniccoughandallergies,coupled
with an ear infection,were eventually
resolved, but only after numerous
boutswith antibiotics.
Lee clearly was a precociouschild.
At 17 months he could recitemost of
the alphabet; at 24 months he could
count to ten in a dozen languages.By
3 he was reading and by age 5 he
would be reading books designedfor
3rd graders.
As their lives becamebusier
the family came to rely on
At about age4 this charming, enthusiastic, sensitivelittle boy startedto
become anxious and moody. He
would have bouts of wild energy, followed by long periods of "zoning
out." Frustratedand mgry, Leebegan
lashing out at his parentsand baby sister. He becameoppositional,and both
verbally and physicallyabusive. Neither incentives nor punishments had
any effect and although he seemedto
understand everything his parents
said, he somehowchoseto fight them
on every issue.
Toilet training beganto regressuntil
he was urinating in his room in the
middle of the day and wet the bed every night. It was especiallystressful
for Linda since she was now working
part-time and Alan's work often took
him away from home for weeks at a
time. They didn't want to consider
medicine for such a small child, but
felt they were running out of options.
2 Pure Facts/November
Linda's mom had suggested the
FeingoldDiet when Lee first showed
signs of behavior problems, but the
parents had discounted it as extreme
and unproven. Now, they took a second look.
After much anguish,Alan and
Linda are delighted to have
their sonback.
Linda and Alan quickly learnedthat
studies do support the link between
diet and behavior. They thought about
how their diet had changed as their
work schedules became more demanding and they relied on more processedfoods. They realized that the
apple juice Lee drank so often might
be contributing to his discomfort, and
notedthat after he drank applejuice he
neededto urinate frequently.
Nearly everything in their kitchen
was unacceptableso they replacedit
with Stage One foods from the
Feingold Foodlist, and within 48
hours of beginning the program Lee
was on a very pure StageOne diet.
The change was startling. The
Tasmanian Devil they had come to
dread disappeared,leaving the sensitive and cheerful child they remembered from a year ago. Lee stopped
wettinghis bed the secondnight of the
diet. He begantelling his parentshow
much he loved them, somethingthey
hadn't heard for at least 6 months.
And he was suddenlyback to being a
normal 4-year-old.
He could focus more easily and beganreadingsomeof the books entirely
by himself. He becameinterestedin
numbers again and began to add and
Lee's teachers saw the changes as
well and they were careful to be sure
he didn't get the wrong snacks. But it
was Lee who took chargeof his diet.
He refused cake and chips, and even
chocolate milk, explaining that it
wasn't on his diet. He even tumed
down popsiclesduring the heat of the
summer,while other kids ate theirs.
Lee knows that eating the wrong
foods affects him, and he can explain
which ones are problems. He has
days when he expressesfrustration
over not being able to eat certain
foods, but he showsmore willpower
than even his parents.
This charming, enthusiastic,
sensitivelittle boy startedto
becomeanxiousand moody.
The usual discipline techniquesdidn't work.
This is typical of Feingoldfamilies,
where the children are very committed to staying on their diet, and the
parents are more likely to cheat.
Linda can tell when she has broken
the diet (whether knowingly or not)
becauseshehas touble paying attention, and seesthat sheis moreanxious
and restless.
They have discoveredthat Lee's little sister is lactose-intolerant,
posesan additionalchallenge.
But asthey look back at the amazing
changes they have seen, Linda and
Alan are thankful for more sleep at
night, more joy during the day, and
for having their son back. Linda has
added the Feingold Program to her
clinical practice,and is hopeful that
more parents and more children will
discover this first altemative to medicine.
How canyou dealwith the holidays?
Thanksgiving,Christmas,and the holidayswe celebrateat this time of year are supposedto be
warrn and wonderful as we sharethem with loved ones.
ut for some families, who are especially concernedabout what
they eat, the holidays are neither
wann nor wonderful. How can you
deal with people who do not understand why you avoid eating synthetic
chemicals? Two of our members
sharetheir storiesand strategies.
Our holidaygift
In the year before we started
Feingold, Thanksgiving was a nightmare. Our 7-year-oldson was out of
control, but he fit right in with his
cousins,tro boys 7 and 8, who were
also out of control. We all gatheredat
my in-laws'house,which is an 8-hour
drive from where we live.
The following year we'were solidly
on Feingold and our son was in control
of himself almost all of the time. A
new boy! I was agonizing over the
Thanksgiving hip, and pitched an idea
to my husband. The big idea: for our
early Christmas present for his folks,
we would buy and fix all of the
Thanksgiving dinner. (We stay home
at Christmas, so we always take our
presentsto the Thanksgiving gathering.) That'sa preffy big gift, considering that there are 6 siblings with
children, some grown up, most of
whom attend! He was all for it.
We took two coolers full of things -one was dedicatedto the turkey -- and
many bags of groceries. Dinner was a
rousingsuccessand everyoneloved it,
There was a funny question about the
homemade marshmallowsI put on top
of the sweet potato casserole. They
were cut in rectanglesbecauseI was in
a hurry to bag them up. One sister-in-law thought they were styrofoam peanuts!
Susan Willingham
Our family'sChristmas
No more frazzled Mom
Thanksgiving is a wonderfi.rltime of
year, but it presentsa huge challenge
to people who need to watch more
than calories at the big feast. My
daughterhasbeenaFeingoldkid since
age 4, and for years I would make an
entire feastjust for her, packageit up,
and travel to seefamily.
My husbandand I ate whateverwas
offered andmy daughtergot all her favorites. Therewere two big problems
with this arrangement.The first problem was that I was so tired from cooking my daughter'sfeastand packing it,
and making sure it stayed warm/cold
enough not to spoil, that I was a very
crabby mom and wife. The second
problem was that all the plug-ins,
scents and perfume were enough to
causea major reaction,and causedme
to be even more miserable about the
My solution was to start having
Thanksgivingat my house.I still have
to cook, but I am carefulto cook only
the favorite hied and true recipes my
daughter likes, and I don't have to
pack and carry it all over the place.
Family members sign up to bring
their favorite dishes to save on cost
and work (we have a huge family),
and althoughit is not a 100%Feingold
experience,my daughter can stay on
diet, stay out of the fumes that drive
her baffy, and have a happy Mom, not
to mention memoriesthat are made in
her own house.
Melodie Lunday
Christnas is just around the corner,
and though there is still a lot of eating
going on, food isn't the major focus of
the celebration. We simply started
coming to visit family AFTER the
meal. We eat at home,bring Feingold
snacksand goodiesto munch, and enjoy the visit without the stuggle of a
big meal to worry about. After all, being together is the important part of
family gatherings, I also keep a
binder full of our favorite holiday recipes that have been modified to our
specialneeds. That way they are all
together and I don't have to sift
through our regular recipes to get to
the onesI need.
Melodie Lundav
On the Road
If you will be driving to your destination consider planning your trip to
take you by way of someof the natural food storesand marketsthat are located around the country. Many of
them will provide not only an opportunity to shop for hardto-find products and heats, but also offer a place
to stop for a meal and a chanceto walk
Web sites for Whole Foods and
Trader Joe's will provide their locations, and if you will be driving
through the Southeast,look up Earth
Fare. In the areasfrom upstateNew
York to Northem Virginia checkout
Refer to our Fasl Food Guide for
natural restaurants including Five
Guys, In Ti Out Burger, and Chicken
Out Rotisserie.
Pure Facts/November
2008 3
Child obesity,frompage I
Statin drugs and the ability
to think clearly
The lead researcherat the University
of California, Beatrice Golomb, MD
notes, "Statins may cause cognitive
problems simply becausethey lower
cholesterol. Cholesterol is the main
organic molecule in the brain and constitutesover half the dry weight of the
How effective are statin drugs?
"One fewer heart attack per 100 people: to spareone persona heart attack,
100 people had to take Lipitor for
more than three years. The other 99
got no measurablebenefit." lBusiness
Week, January 20081. According to
the Wall Street Journal, Lipitor, the
world's best selling medicine, eamed
Pfizer $12.6billion lr;'2007.
More drugsfor kids?
Becauselossof appetiteis a side effect of AD[{D drugs, somedoctorsprescribe
thern for obesechildren. The intent is to reducethe child's risk for diabetesand
heartdiseaseby losing weight. But, ironically, becauseADHD drugsraiseblood
pressureand increasethe heartrate, one of the potential side effectsis damageto
the heart.
Weight-loss drugs do not look like a promising option for children. Research
from MIT on rimonabant,one of a new classof drugs for obesity, suggeststhat it
can disrupt brain development.
The drug's manufacfurer,Sanofi-Aventis,doesnot suggestthe product be used
in children, and in fact, it is not even allowed to be given to adults at this time.
The drug was rejectedin the US becauseof the possibility it can tigger suicidal
thoughts. Clinical studiesfound it causedunwanted side effects in more than 40
percentof the subjectswho experiencedvarious psychiafic problems, (Despite
theseissues,Sanofi plans to offer rimonabant as a treatrnentfor type 2 diabetes
next year.) Other pharmaceuticalcompaniesare working on other drugs similar
to rimonabant.
Childhood obesitv
Sideeffectsfrom statindrugs
do not showup for Many causesarebeingexploredand many optionsconsidered,
but an unsuspected
culprit might be playing a major role in this
In anarticletitled"Dangers
of Statin epidemic.
Drugs," Sally Fallon and Dr. Mary
Enig notethat statinsdepressthe immunesystem,which is why they are
sometimesused as an immunesuppressorfor transplantpatients.
Many physicianswant patientsto
changeunhealthydiets and lifestyle
ratherthan rely on medication.And
thepresidentof theAmericanCollege
of Cardiology,Dr. StevenE, Nissen,
saysthatnothingelseis aseffectiveas
niacin (vitamin B3) to lowercholesterol and triglycerides.What'smore,
it's far lessexpensive
drugs. Research
in the Jan.
17, 2006 issueof the Journal of the
American College of Cardiologt
showedthata deficiencyof thiamine
(vitamin B1) is commonin patients
who arehospializedfor heartfailure.
Theynotedthat evena smalldoseof
a multivitamin,wasenoughto confer
4 Pure Facts/November2008
or MSG, playstricks on our tastebuds. It makes
food tastemoreflavorfulwithoutrequiringtheuseof expensive
ents. But hasbeenlinked to many health
includingheadaches,and damageto the brain and nervous system.
A new study suggestsa link betweenMSG use and obesity. Researchersat the
University of North Carolina and in China found that Chinesemen and women
who use considerableamountsof MSG are three times as likely to be overweight
than thosewho do not. The study was publishedin the August issueof thejournal
Although most peoplelink MSG with Chinesefood, it is usedin many countries.
Someofthe favoritesthat rely on forms of this additive include: Marmite (United
Kingdom), Golden Mountain sauce (Thailand), Goya Sazon and Salsa Lizano
(Latin America), Kewpie mayonnaise,ramennoodles,dynamitesauce,spicy tuna
rolls (Japan)as well as whey protein concentratesand liquid aminos (U.S.).
Even healthfood storefoodscan containMSG-fypeadditives.
Foodsthat claim to be fiee of MSG, and even thosethat advertisetheyhave "no
MSG,U often have other forms of glutamate which are listed under nameslike
"hydrolyzed soy protein," "hydrolyzed vegetableprotein," "autolyzed yeast extract," orjust "yeast." It is found in the vegetablebroth addedto cannedtuna, in
low-fat yogurt and ice creams,chips, and is typically in snackfoods that arelisted
as "ranch flavored" and "cheeseflavored."
More on page 6
HFCS - the corn products
industry fights back
s more and more consumersand professionals
steerclearof cornsyrup,especiallyhigh fructose
com syrupGIFCS),the industryis spendingbig
bucks to frght back.
You have probably seenthe ads in which one person
questionsthe use HFCS and the secondperson shoots
them down, saying (smugly) that it is a natural sweetener made from corn. The first person is left feeling
foolish, and stumbling for words.
Advertisingprofessionalsknow that one
of the most effectiveways to sell a product
or an ideais to convincethe audiencethat if
they do not useyour productthey will look
In both TV and magazineads,the com producersargue that IIFCS is natural sinceit doesnot contain artificial colors, flavors or preservatives.But they do not
explain that in order to changecorn into a sweetener,it
must go through multiple chemical processesthat may
leaveresiduesof the chemicals,and thesecan causereactions. People who hate difficulty processingsulfur
and sulfur-basedpreservativesmay be reacting to this
residue. This may explain why some families report
that their child reactsto corn syrup and HFCS, but not to
other sweeteners.
We find a similar situationwith vanillin (imitation vanilla). Despite the argumentthat the two sharea common chemical structure, our sensitive children and
adults react adverselyto vanillin, but not vanilla.
Carbonatedsoft drinks might be especiallytroublesome,accordingto researchconductedat RutgersUniversity. Dr. Chi-TangHooa professorof food science,
has found that carbonatedbeverageswith FIFCS are
very high in "reactive carbonylsr"which are believed
to causetissuedamage. But they are not found in table
sugar (sucrose). Peoplewith diabetes have elevated
blood levels of these reactive carbonyls, which are
linked to the complicationsfrom the disease.
Another possible reasonfor reactionsto corn syrup
andHFCS is the useof genetically-modifiedcorn. Researchersat York Laboratoriesin Englandfound that in
1999, one year after Monsanto'sgenetically-modified
soybeansfirst enteredthe food supply, soy allergiesincreasedby 50% in just one year. Both soy and corn are
over-usedin processedfoods, which may also explain
why they are now conunon food allergens.
Natural candiesin the UK
ars candy company in Britain has unveiled some of
their popular candybarsin versionsthat are free ofartificial colors, flavors and preservatives.Theseinclude:
Mars, Twix, Milky Way and Snickers.
Mars has namedit the "Raising the bar" campaign,and says
"this campaignis just the first step in our plans to make positive, meaningfulchangesto our confectionaryproductsandthe
way we do business."
The candy will be availablethroughoutEurope,but we have
no indication that Mars plans to make any changesin their
oroductssold in the US.
"I'll bring dessert"
Looking for a stage two
dessertthat will impress the
family this Thanksgivingor
Christrnas?Vermont Mystic
Pie Company offers readyto-bake frozen pies that are
Their apple and apple * blueberry pies are made with
pure, natural ingredients available in Vermont, and are
sold in most statesthroughoutthe US. Natural food stores,
supermarkets(and evenCostco)sell them. Checkout their
site:www.vermontrnysticpie.comto find a storenearyou.
They also have a natural frozenpie shell that is stageone
andthe sitecontainstheir favorite pie
filling recipes.
HFCSand Obesity
One of the biggestproblemswith FtrCS could be its own success;it providesmany benefitsfor food manufacturers.It gives
bulk to foods, enablesbreads to brown and helps keep them
soft, can preventfreezerburn in frozen foods, provides sweetness,and is addedto low-fat foodsto compensatefor the lossof
flavor when fat is removed. It is also very inexpensive.
Consumersexpectto find sweetenersin desserts,but IIFCS is
used in many unexpected places, including: mayonnaise,
ketchup,pickles, lunchmeats,soups,saladdressings,crackers
and cough syrup. Both low-fat yogurt and "healthy" smoothies
can have a whopping 10 teaspoonsof HFCS in a serving and
sodahas evenmore. In addition to other sweeteners,the averageAmericaneatsover 40lbs of HFCS eachyear! Processed
foods and restaurantfood (especially fast foods) are loaded
with it, but perhapsthe biggest offendersare the typical foods
servedin school cafeterias. Visit
What are kids actually eating?
Few peoplewill be surprisedto learnthathighly processed/junk
foodsare loadedwith MSG and sugars.
nd they won't be surprisedto know that schoolvending machinesand the
"a la carte items" many school cafeteriasoffer, are loadedwith unhealthy
ingredients. They are also very high in sodium. But most peoplebelieve
thatthehot foodscafeterias
servearebasicallyhealthy.After all, theymeetthe
US Department
of Agriculture'sguidelines.
Someof theworstfoodis foundon schoolcafeteria
I typical pre-madeschool cafeteriahamburgerpattie containssix
different MSG-type additives as well as two forms of sugars.
The barbecuedpork rib pattie has four MSG cousinsand twelve forms
of sugar,especiallycorn syrup and high fructosecom syrup.
The popcorn chicken has three MSG additives,two sugars,and eleven
forms of salt, plus TBHQ.
The beef teriyaki nuggetshave only one MSG source,but eight sugars,
four forms of salt, as well as artificial flavor and sodiumbenzoate.
Institutional foods are notorious for being largely composedof cheapfats and
cheapsugars,including hydrogenatedoil, HFCS, lots of sodiumand a long list of
synthetic chemical additives,
Are we creatingfat children?
Here is a surprisingsourceof MSG and -- possiblyof childhoodobesity.
esearcherswho want to study obesity inject newborn mice and rats with
this apparentlyleadsto obesity(and diabetes)by stimulatingthe panftMSG;
creasto increaseinsulin output. In the scientific literaturethis is refened to
as "MSG-obese"and "monosodiumglutamate-induced
But how is this linked to childhood obesity sincechildren eat this additive; they
don't get injected with it? Or do they? Yes, MSG is usedas a stabilizerin some
vaccines. The web site for the Centersfor DiseaseConhol & Prevention(CDC)
provides a list of which vaccinescontainmonosodiumglutamate*. This list also
indicates which vaccines contain aluminum and formaldehyde,as well as the
other ingredients.
Editor's note: It was surprisingto seehow many vaccinesstill containthe controversialadditive thimerosal,which the govemmenthaspromisedto eliminateor
reduce. Many parentsbelieve that the mercury in thimerosalis responsiblefor
the suddenonsetof autisticsymptomsin their child. The CDC websitesays: "In
July 1999,the Federalgovernmentaskedvaccinemanufacturersto work towards
eliminating or reducing the use of thimerosal, a preservative which contains
small amounts of mercury, in any productscurrently on the market.." A "small
amount"? The FDA site refersto "Thimerosal,which is approximately50% mercury by weight..." Actually, thimerosalcontains49.6%mercury-- not exactlya
"small amount."
Mother's sweettooth
may programbaby
omen who have a diet hish in
junk food while they arepregnant and during breastfeeding
may pass this preference for unhealthy food on to their children.
In a study that has important implicationsfor humans,researchersat the
Royal Veterinary College in London
found that rats given a junk food diet
produced offspring who also preferred this type of food and who were
prone to obesity. The study was published last year in the British Journal
of Nutrilion.
Doctors have reported many cases
wherepatientshave gainedsignificant
amounts of weight after they began
using syntheticsweeteners.It is theorized that the chemicalsinterferewith
the body's ability to signal when it is
satisfied. Aspartameis suspectedof
interfering with the production of serotonin and the releaseof insulin.
Ear infections and obesity
Severalrecent studieshave linked
chronic ear infections with obesity.
They were presentedto the American
PsychologicalAssociationin August.
Chronic middle ear infections appear to damagethe nervesthat are associatedwith one's tastepreferences,
leadingpeopleto cravehigh sugarand
high fat foods. The researchersfound
a high correlation with ear infections
and obesity, both at a young age and
laterin life.
Many Feingold familieshave seen
that the food additives(widely usedin
unhealthyfoods) cantrigger earinfec*More informationcan be found at:,
tions. So thesesubjectsmay already
/cber/vacine/thimerosal.htm,htrnl. have a diet that encouragesobesity.
6 Pure FactslNovember2008
The fotlowingproductshave been researchedor reresearchedand may be addedto your Foodlist,Mail
OrderGuideor Supplement
Productswiththissymbol^are availablein Canada.
SM = naturalsmokeflavoring
Qf = gluten-free CF = casein-free
Stage One
365 ORGANIC(WholeFoodsMarket)^MorningO's Cereal
ARROWHEADMILLSPie Crusts:GrahamCrackerCrust,
BABY'SONLY*^Essentials:DHA & ARA FattyAcid
Supplement(GF,CF),LactoseFreeToddlerFormula(GF) (888\ 227-7122
KATYSWEET(all are GF) CaramelSaucyStuff(CS),
Praline(CS),Chewy PecanPraline(CS),CreamyFudge
PepperedPecans,Pldin Fudge,PralineCrumbles,Praline
SaucyStuffwith Pecans,Rewards- 100 CaloriePecan
Pralines(CS), Roasted& SaltedPecans,Sugar& Spice
KATYSWEETORGANICS(allareGF) ChewyMapleWalnut
Praline,Chewy PecanPraline,CreamyFudgePecan
Omega3 EDA (GF,CF)
NATURALLYNORA Cake Mix: CheerfulChocolate(CS),
(CS); FrostingMix: CheerfulChocolate(GS),Extraordinary
ORGRAN.^MolassesLicorice(CS, GF, CF)
with Flax,Spelt,WholeGrain
TERRA NOSTRAORGANIC^Rice Milk ChocorMChoeolate
(GF,CF), DarkTruffleCenter(GF,CF).
LAKEWOOD100%OrganicFreshPressedLemonade needsto be movedto the StageTwo sectionof
your Foodlrslsinceit now containsgrapejuice,
MATT'SReal PeanutButterCookiesand Real Chocolate Chip Cookiescontainapplefiber and need to be
movedto the StageTwo sectionof your Foodlist.
longercontainsoil of wintergreenso you can move it
to Stage One of your Foodlist& ShoppingGuide.
The CheekyLemonversionof YUMMYEARTH
OrganicCandyDrops,BallPops,and Lollipopsnow
containappleso they shouldbe movedto StageTwo.
Stage Two
365 EVERYDAYVALUE (WholeFoodsMarket)
DecadentDips: BananaSplit
(CS, GF, strawberries),ChocolateDippedCherry
Mud Pie (CS, coffee)
ChipotleTomato(GF,CF, chilipeppers),
Curry(GF, CF, cloves,red peppers)
MRS.MAY'SNATURALS^Trio Bar (GF,CF, almonds):
NATUMLLY NORAAlot'aDots Cake Mix (CS,
elderberries,paprika);Alot'aDots FrostingMix (CS,
NATURE'SPATH*^OrganicToasterPastries(all contain
SHARKIESKids SportsChews(GF, CF): BerryBlasters
cherries,grapes),CitrusSour Power
SportChews(GF, CF): BerryBlast(blackbenies,
PeachTea Breeze(grapes,greentea),Watermelon
(orabfor anyproduct,
brand,methodor treatment.Thepresence
doesnotendorseor assumeresponsibility
of a method
or treatment,
sence)of a product
on a Feingold
suppliedby manufacturers
andare notbaseduponindependent
Foodlistsare basedprimarilyuponinformation
Pure Facts/November2008 7
The 5% Notion
The 5o/oclaim hasbeenaroundfor
manyyeilrs. Critics saythat "studies
show" that the FeingoldDiet helps
only 5% of the childrenwho use it.
They generallydon't cite any studies
to supportthis, which is understandable,sincetherearen'tany.
The Feingoldgoodiebasketsare
availablefor you to orderandwe will
begin shippingthem in mid-November. For each$50 donationFAUS
will senda holiday gift basketfilled
with Stage One and Stage Two
Most often,the sourcecitedis a report froma paneiconvenedby theNational Institutesof Healthin January
of 1982. The panelexaminedall of
the researchthat had beenconducted
in thelate1970sthrough1981.
You cancall ourNewYork offrceat
(631) 369-9340or order online at
The panelconcludedthat while the
FeingoldDiet is a valid optionfor the
treatrnentof hyperactivity,the studies
do not supportthe clinical reportsof
60 to 70% success. However, the
asmostof themfocusedon dyesonly,
anddid not considertheotheraspects
of the diet, suchas artificial flavors,
andsalicylates."Therefore, thesecontrolledchallengestudies do not appearto have addressed
therole ofdiet in hyperacadequately
tivity." lDefinedDietsandChildhood
Hyperactiviry,publishedby theNIHI
rateof between58o/o
showna success
and 8l% dependingupon the design
of the study. Interestingly,one early
studyfrom theUniversityof Wisconrate.
sin showeda 100%success
red &. white striped candy
Onceagain,the basketswill
include Pure Fun all natural
You can have the basketsdelivered
to you or to somelucky recipient. Let
us know when you want them to arrive and if you would like us to enclosea message.
Pure Facts
Editor: JaneHersey
Contributing to this ksue:
Carolyn Allen
Lorraine Cordo
Markey Dokken
Shula Edelkind
Cindy Hanell
Pure Facts is published ten times a
year and is a portion of the material
provided to membersof the Feingold
Association of the United States
Membership provides the Feingold
Program book which includes Recipes & Two Week Menu Plan, a regional Foodlist containing thousands
of acceptableUS brand namefoods, a
telephoneand E-mail Help-Line, and
a subscription to Pure Facts. The
cost in the US is $69 plus s+h. A Pure
Facts subscription plus Member's
Message Board access is $38/year
when ordered separately.
For more information or details on
membership outside the US, contact
FAUS, 554 East Main Street,Riverhead NY ll90l or phone (631)
Holiday shirtsasgifts
Check out the long-sleeveT-shirts
and hoodies available from our
Feingold Store. They comewith some
of our favorite slogans and holiday
pictures. Visit:
www. cafepress.
For sensitivepeoplethe joy of the
holidayscan be spoiledby the many
scentsthat are often
usedat this time of year. Theycanbe
foundin thingslike candles,plug-ins,
soaps,and even in omamentsand
room sprays. Fragrancecompanies
offeranendlessselectionofscentsincluding: ChristrnasTree, Jack Frost,
Pleasesendus your new address;the
SleighBells, and my personalfavorpost office will not forward your
ite:Pipe& Slippers.
newsleffer. You can contact us at
or call (631)
(I hopetheir slipperssmellbetterthan
The articles in this newsletterareoffered as information for Pure Facts
readers,and are not intended to provide medical advice. Pleaseseekthe
guidance of a qualified health care
professional conceming medical issues.
@2008by the FeingoldAssociation
of the United States,Inc.
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You are welcome to circulate articles
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8 Pure Facts/November
When you reprint pleaseusg the following acknowledgment:
Reprinted fromPure Facts, the newsletter of the Feingold Association of
the United States,