July/August - The Feingold Diet
July/August - The Feingold Diet
PumeFaefrst"-ffit Newsletter of the FeingoldcAssociationof the United State rgtrcolo@ July/August2004 Vol. 2E,No. 6 Study links additivesto hyperactivity Researchers in GreatBritain show that syntheticdyesand sodiumbenzoatecausehyperactive behaviorin children,includingthosewho haveno historyof problems. Guzo by Susancuzo sodiumbenzoate berzoatefiom theirdiet," note dnd*t{,*,l.,ffi ffiffi ffi*--"n* peractivityin children, regardlessof whethertheyhavea previoushistory ofbehavioralproblems.Resultsof the studyappearin the June2004issueof Archivesof Diseasein Childhood. Researchers tiom the Universityof Southampton andthe Asthmaand Allergy ResearchCenterconductedthis one-month trial, whichstudied the effectsof syntheticfbod coloringsanda preservative onthebehaviorofa group of 3-year-olds tiom the Isle of Wight. Thestudyfound"significantreductions in hyperactivebehavior" in the first week of this trial, during which thechildrenweregivena dieteliminating artificialcoloringsand benzoate preservatives, .tljNd ''' -\qJ geststhat benefit would accrue for -^ Duringthesubsequ€nt threeweeks, the childrenhad"significantlygreater increasesin hyperactivebehaviour" whengivenan activedrink containing food additivesthanwhengiven an inactive(placebo) drink. The additivcs in the activedrink were the synthetic food dyes tartrazine(FD&C Yellow #5), sunsetyellow (FD&C Yellow #6), carmoisine,andponceau4R, and thepreservative sodiumbenzoate. "Thesefindingssuggest thatsignificantchangesin children'shyperactive behaviourcouldbe producedby the removal of artificial colouringsand and benzoatepreservatives wereremovedfrom their diet." Furthermore,they note, "The potentiallong term publichealthbenefit that might arise is indicatedby the follow up snrdieswhich haveshown thatthe younghyperactive childis at risk ofcontinuingbehavioural difficulties,includingthetransitionto conduct disorderandeducational difficulties." Thisnewstudyconfirmsfindingsof numerousprevioustrials supporting the link betweendiet and behavioral problems. (See www.diet-studies.com/adhd.html. ) Newly published study makes headlines Papers throughout GreatBritain,andasfar awayasIndia,reported thediet/hyperactivity link. Hgr."?rg sometynigatheadlines: The studyused20 mg.of dye- approximately the Hyperactivity linkedto foodadditives, ., Foodq6;6rrhtr andpreservatives make,kids hyperactive Kids' healthwarningon colouringin food Artificial foorlcolorlnglinkedto lids' hyperactivity Removalof colouringJcouldhelp hyperiitive children D(rtors wantfood c6lourings banned' -kids Studysaysadditives makes hyperactive Foodcokrurings& preservatives liive significantimpact on pre-school children amountrt it takes lakesto dye '1 r teaspoon t""rpoon-Ji-ioiuJ;;;il;s. of colored I amounr - -- frosting. --- " I I I Thesody title is: "The effectsofa doubleblind,placebo preservcontrolled,artificialfoodcolouringsandbenzoate ativeschallengeon hyperactivityin a generalpopulation sampleof pre-school children"by B.J. Bateman, et.al., Archivesof Diseasein Childhood,89:506-51 1, June2004. abslract/89/6/506) .http://adc.bmjjournals.com/cgi/conten The Feingold@ Associationof the United states, Inc., fouodedin 1976,is a non-profit organizationwhosepurposesare to supportits membersil the implementationof the FeiogoldProgramandto generatepublic awarenessof thepdtentialrole of foodsatrdsytrtheticadditive,silr behavior,l€ming and heahhproblems. The program is basedon a diet elimirEting syntheticcolols, syrthetic flavors, and the preservativesBHA, BHT, andTBHQ. Dental sealants- are they safefor Feingotdkids? Somanydentalproductsdesignedfor childrencontainunwantedadditives;how aboutthesealants paintedon teethto help guardagainstcavities? answerthis question.P.rre fo I Factswent to our favorite source:our members.Their experience, especiallythose families who havevery sensitivechildren,hasconvincedus that sealantsare well tolerated. A memberwrote that her children have had sealantsand she saw no change."Theirswerequickandpainless. In our experienceso far, I feel like it hasbeena good risk/tradeoff sinceno cavitiesmeansno fillingswith numbing and more 'stuff in the havetheirteeth Here are someof their responses: mouth. Now whenwe cleaned,they use pumice insteadof "My daughterhashadsealants with colored,flavoredtoothpaste,andwe noproblemat all. With anydentistyou bypassthe fluoride rinse. I reactto needto make sure that they are not thoseaswell." usingartificialpolishesandsuchwhen performingthis procedure." Pat Palmer,FAUS pastpresident, "Yearsagoourdentistconsult"My kids had them and they are writes, ant said he believed that the clear probablythe reasonone of them still sealantshouldnot posea problemand hasteeth!" that the white onewas not a coloring "My daughterhad the sealantsthis that was absorbedby the body but titanium dioxide that shouldalso not yearandshewasfine." " posea problem. Lauren Feryo describes how she and her husband, Scott, began using the Feingold Program. "Ryan, our four-year-oldson, had a speechdelay,sensoryintegrationissues(tactile and auditory)and many behavioralissues.We beganFeingold on Februaryof this yearsowe arestill newbies. "Prior to FeingoldRyanwantedno socialinteractionwith his peerswhatsoever. He had difficulty transitioning, dressinghimself,and doinganything on anyoneelse'sterms." havebeenwell Sealants evenby sensitive tolerated, children. Scott Feryo, a FeingoldmemA poll of memberson the bulletin wrote:"The bluesubstance boardcame out uniformlypositive. ber/dentist Onereplycamefrom a dentalassistant: usedon the tooth is a very light concentrationacidwhich is appliedto the "I applydentalsealants atwork and tooth. Greatcare is taken(or should if they aredoneproperlymostpeople be taken)to applythis acidonly to the (unlessyou are efiremely sensitive) toothandnotto thesurrounding tissue. shouldhaveno problems. The acid etchesthe surfaceof the "The etchgel usedto cleantheteeth enamel,allowingthe sealant material is colored,but is completelyrinsedoff to adhereto the tooth. "Sealants andsuctionedaway. It is not ingested. canbe appliedto healthy The sealantsthemselvesare light teethwith no decay,as well as teeth (whitefillcured,anddo not leechanythingonce with composite restorations I have been doing this theyarecured. ings). Theydo not adhereto thesilver firr manyyearsandboth my daughter amalgam fillings. "Great careshouldbe takento enandI havesealants. "Sealantsare preventive;they can surethat all decayis removedbefore keepthe child from gettingdecayon the sealantis applied. The sealantis thechewingsurfacesof the teeth,thus hardenedwith an ultravioletlight, preventinghim fiom needingfurther whichshouldpreventany ingestionof moreamoying the sealantmaterial. exposure to porentially "As far asnecessity like localanesthetic andsilis concerned, I substances ver fillings. They are, however, a only recommendthe sealantsif the choice. If you choosenot to get child hasa high rateof decayor hasa sealantsand your child brushesprop- historyof numerouscavities.I do not erly and effectivelyyou are not con- recommend them if the child hashad " decay and fillings." demninghim to no cavities. 2004 2 Pure FadslJuly/August "Sleepingwas one of the worst issues; he couldn't stop moving long enoughto sleep. Whenhe did sleep, hecontinuedto roll aroundandcry out all nightlong. Whenhe wasawakehe talked.babbled.or mumbledincessantly. "What led us to Feingoldwas that Ryanhad an ear infectionanddid not eatfor four days. All of a suddenhe was very interestedin his 2-year-old sister(he previouslyshowedno interest in her). He was huggingher and helpingher to draw a picture. It was quite dramatic. Everythingwe requestedof him was followedthrough withoutany meltdowns.His speech improvementwas dramatic and we were able to discontinuehis occupationaltherapy. "Unfortunately,we arenowdealing with pollen allergies,which we are reating. But we canneverseegoing back to eatingpre-Feingold. lt has reallychangedour livesin sucha short time." Children's health, behavior and learning issuesare attracting a great deal of attention in Great Britain. Welsh schoolsban additives The schools in Conwy County, Wales,will now servehealthierfood in orderto improvestudent'sbehavior andability to learn. A year-longtrial in one of the county's schoolshas shown that foods without additives suchassyntheticdyeshaveresultedin improvedstudentbehaviorand attention. Government food subsidies Dr. Rayner would also restrict the moneybeinggiven to the food indusfor unhealthy try, by denyingsubsidies foods. Economic inequity Local jurisdictions should take a closelook at thefoodsavailablein low income communities,Rayner notes. "We know that peopleliving in more deprived areascanobtaina wide range Welsh childrenare enjoying 'energydense'optionssuch cheap of this new, healthierfood and Restockingschoolvending as crispsandchocolates, andhaveless machines arenow ableto focuson their " access to healftier foods. JonOwensJones,a memberof ParThe studies. chief executive of Britain's liamentfrom Wales,doesn'twant to Health Development Agency agrees. wait until Britain's childhoodobesity Teachersat the Deganwy School problemsget as bad as here in the Paul Streetspointsout that "children hadlong noticeda deteriorationin the United States. Currently, it is esti- from poorer backgroundsare more children'sbehaviorand concentration mated that 10% of 6-year-oldsand likely to sufferweightproblems..." aftertheyatetheschool'slunch. They l7% of teens in Britain are obese. investigatedthe connectionbetween Joneshascalledfor thebanningofjunk Free fruits and vegetables diet and behaviorand found research foods in vendingmachinesas a first for toddlers linking the disturbedbehaviorswith stepto try to stemthe epidemic. In an effort to stemthe country's certainadditives. Oncethe unnecesgrowing rate of childhood obesity, sary additiveswere removedthe staff Britain's Departmentof Healthis ofjunk Somewant to ban saw a noticeabledifference. The fering vouchersfor free fruits and food advertising school's headteachercommented, aswell asmilk powder,for Anotherplan to addresschildhood vegetables, "Now the children are much calmer low income families. All pregnant hasseemedto obesityis the proposalto restrictjunk andtheir concentration on programsdesigned womenunderage18wilt alsobe eligiimprove." He said that the children foodadvertising ble for the program,regardless of inhave been happy with the return to for childrenandto initiategovernment come. traditionalfood andtakean interestin sponsoredcampaignsto encourage what is beingserved. The successat healthyeatingandexercise.As a result Bad food and this school has attractedthe attention ofsucha campaign,Finlandhascutthe ratesof obesityandheartdisease,and bad manners of neighboringschools. now clairnsthattheproportionof citiThe British magazineMother & activehasrisen Bdry conducted a surveyof mothersof Their researchshowedthat zenswhoarephysically from 30% to 70% . children ages one to four, and found some food additivestrigger Britainis alsolookingintotheprac- that the eatinghabitsof familieshas behavior and learning prob- tice of celebrityendorsement ofjunky changedas much asthe food. lems. foods. A recentarticlein thejournal Almostall ofthe youngsters atejunk Lancet uggests that such endorse- food in front of theTV andnearlyhalf Thecompanies supplyingfood have mentscontributeto thegrowingrateof of them never ate with their family. beenreceptivcto makingchangesin obesity,particularlyamongchildren. Whentheydid eatat thefamily dinner their ingredientsto conformwith the table,parentsreportedthesebehaviors: school'sdesireto eliminatethe addiThe UnitedKingdom'sformerPub- pushingthe food off the table and retives. Conwy'scateringmanagersays lic HealthAssociationchairman,Dr. fusing to eat, throwing food, or "It's hopedthat due to the successof GeofRayner,believesdratin orderto screamingthroughoutthe entiretime. this initiativethat food manufacturers be effective,sucha banwould haveto The editors describeoverfed, igwill recognisethe benefit of futther coverall of Europe. He pointsoutthat nored toddlers,who rarely eat fruits reducingor eliminatingunnecessary eventhoughSwedenhassucha ban, and vegetablesor other wholesome coloursand additivesin their produc- satellite Tv brings ads from other foodandwhogrowupwithoutlearning " tion methods. countries. how to sit at a tableandeata meal. Pure FactsIJuly/Augus em4 3 Kid-friendly cookiesthat parentswill enjoy too Mad MooseOrganicsintroduces"CreatureCookies" f isaandVal M ihancouldn'tfind I-lthe rypeof cookiethey wanted for their children,sothey develoired a little squaresandwichcookie,madein three flavors, and all with a chocolate fudgefilling. Embossed on thecookies like spiare variouscreepycreatures sharks,with a deders,crocodiles,and scriptionof eachcritter on the box. ()fr1?fI1C\ Our wackv world of food Just when we think food processingand farming practices coudn'tget muchgoofier, somethingnew comesalong. Read 'em and weep Oh Betty, pleasetalk to us! Now you can stretch your brain while you crunch on Pringlespotato chips.Theirnew"Fun Facts"version printedonthechips hastrivia questions - in syntheticred andblue dyes! Proctor & Gamblethink "it's a greatway to addfun to lunch" but for sensiliveyoungsters, thatsmallamount of dvewill adda.d.d..notfun. Betty Crocker has beentalking to customerssinceher creationin 1921, but this symbolof GeneralMills has steadfastly refusedto talk to the Feingold Association!Sincethe company will notfill outour inquiryforms,their productscannotappearon our Foodlists. Now, the New Betty Crocker NahrralVanilla cake mix sits on the supermarket shelf,givingeveryindication it could be added...if onlv she wouldspeakup! Leggo that Eggo! Their company,Mad Moose Organics,is dedicated to bothkid-friendly andEarth-friendlyfood. They useno artificial or bio-engineeredingredients, no hydrogenatedoils or ffansfats. The cookies are certified both organicandkosher,andeventle packagingis madefrom recycledmaterials. Lisa andVal write: "Organicfarms build stronglocal economies andprotectbird andwildlife habitats.Thanks to organicfarming,childrenandtheir families are exposedto less harmful toxins andpesticidesin their drinking water,on their playgrounds andin the air theybreathe." How important are organic foods? One of our memberswrote: "The web site www-ourstolenfirture-org/ NewScience/hehav has a long list of studieson how pesticideresiduecan disruptdevelopingendocrinesystems in childrenandtherebyaffecrbehavior including loss of IQ. and increased aggression.As a womanwhosefamily haseatenlargeamountsofGreatLakes (contaminated?) fish for severalgenerations,this really hit home. I went out to the gardenand muncheda few 'organic'snowpeasandstrawberries to makeme feel better." Oneof the studiesdescribedon the site(Our StolenFuture)involvedmixing three chemicalsthat are fbund in groundwaterin agriculturalregionsof the UnitedStates. The study showedthat when the three chemicalswere mixed together their effectswerefar morepotentthan whentheyweretestedindividually. Oneof theeffects,thyroidhormone irritabilchanges, canleadto increased quickness ity and to anger,affecting the ability to concentrateand learn. Theypointoutthat "thyroid hormones are critical for fetal brain development." Porter,et al,Endocrine, immuneand behavioral effectsof aldica6,atrazine andnitratemixturesatgroundwater con- The two yellowdyesfoundin some versionsof Eggo waffles apparently Is this a yolk or ajoke? aren'tenoughcolor, soKellogg'snow Remember the articlein PureFacts offers waffles with Froot Loops flaabout the coloring fed to farmed vors! Here'swhatyou getwhenthose (Page8 make salmon to them orange? color bits areaddedto the batter:Red November 2003 issue.) of the The #40,Yellow#6, Green#3 andBlue#1. British food company,Iceland, describedthecommonpracticeoffeeding More salicylates? coloringto hensto produceeggswith Scientistsbelieve that the natural intenselycoloredyolks. playsa pan in a plantcreates salicylate Hens fed a traditionalnaturaldiet preventingdamagefrom insectsand will produceeggswith deeplycolored microbes.But somefolks at the Agri- yellowyolks,buta similarresultcomes culturalResearchServiceare looking from addingcanthanxanthin, a colorfor ways to speedup the plant's re- ing usedby salmonfarmers. While sponseto danger. Washinglonstate canthanxanthin is not one of the dyes scientistsare experimentingwith excludedfrom theFeingolddiet, it has sprayingsalicylic acid on potato beenlinkedwith eyedamage. plants. Farmerscan use a color wheel to A possiblebenefitfrom usingsali- selectthe degreeof colorthey wantto cylatescouldbe a reductionin the use havein the yolks. The mostintensely of pesticidesif the plantscan defend coloredonesareusedin foodswherea themselves.But on the down side is deepershadeis desired. (We'reuill the prospectthat salicylatesensitive waitingfor the EggBoard to tell us if cenfations. Toxicolog) and Indushi al peoplecouldreact. Heqlth 15: 133-150.1999 thesecoloings are usedin the U.S.) 4 Prre Fads/July/August2004 The "wheytt we eat Whey, the leftoverliquid from makingcheese,was oncea nuisancefor dairymenwho hadto find a way to disposeof it. Now it couldbe a bonanzafor the diet industry. I lthoughwheyis usedin animal -f1,feed andmanyfoods,itsbrightest prospectis tagatose,now being marketedas "Nanrrlose." Tagatoseis a new sweetenerthat tasteslike sugarandis nearlyassweet, it is poorlyabsorbed butbecause by the just over 1/3ofthe body,it contributes caloriesassugar.Sinceit canbe measuredjust like sugar,dissolveseasily, and will brown when it is cooked, tagatoseis likely to be a very popular optlon. Thecompany(Spherixof Beltsville, Maryland)usesthe galactosein whey to createthe sweetener.They claim that their productcan be usedby diabetics,doesnot appearto affectblood sugarlevels,stimulatesthe growth of beneficialbacteriain thegut, anddoes not promotetoothdecay. Tagatoseis similarto the sugaralcohols xylitol and sorbitol, and like thesesweeteners, too muchcan cause diarrhea.Bloatingandgascanbe other sideeffectsof over-consumption since mostof thebreakdown ofthe sweetener occursin the largeintestines. Like othernewly-created foods,the molecular structure of tagatosehas beenrearrangedso the body doesnot recognizeit anddoesnot fully absorb it. This is the casewith Olestra,the syntheticoil that has sent consumers rushingto thebathroom aftertheypigout on potatochipscookedin Olestra. At a 7-Elevennear you The conveniencefood chain uses tagatosealong with two other sugar (erythritoland sucralosesubstitutes akaSplenda)in their Diet PepsiSlurpees.It is likelythattherewill bemany more foods that contain a blend of tagatoseandothersweeteners because blends canmaskundesirable flavorings andsavemoneyfor the manufacturer. Consumers mighthavedifficulty identifying all ofthe sweetening ingredlents andthis couldposea seriousproblem, especially for themanyconsumers who suffer severeside effectsfrom eatins asDartame. The Feingold Association does not considersugar to be desirable;we just find that it is lessof an offenderfor mostmembersthantheunwantedadditives. Clearly, Americanseat too many sugarsof all kinds. The U.S. Deparhnentof Agriculhrre estimatesthat in 2002the average consumerate 146poundsof it. In additionto sugars,theaverageintakeof artificialsweeteners is morethan16poundsper year. At Wal-Mart and other stores Is it safeto use? Like mostnewadditives,studieson tagatose wereconducted by the manuWal-Martandotherstoreshavebethatit is safeand gun carryingfiozen andready-to-drink facturer,whodeemed fruit beveragessweetenedwith taga- submittedthis informationto theFood tose. Eachchainstorewill be selling andDrug Administration.Theagency it andhasagreedwith Spherix the drinks under its own label. The accepted labellists "Gaio tagatose"or "Natur- that tagatosecan be classifiedas "GRAS" - which standsfor generlose." ally regardedassafe. Pastexperience hasshownthatthis Tagatoseabroad is not a very goodway to conductan A line of chocolatecandy bars approvalprocess.Like otheradditives sweetened with tagatose is beingintro- that havebeenapproved,it is unlikely ducedto Austalia and New Zealand that any testswere doneto determine underthe nameMiadaChocolite. if the additive affectedbehavioror learning. Sellingsweetness Spherix plans to market tagatose ("Naturlose") as a natural, healthy product,hoping to appealto healthconsciousconsumers. It could also appealto thosewhobelievethatbehavior problems like hyperactivityare causedby "sugar." fiis is a misunderstanding thathasbeenpromulgated by many in the wholistichealthcommunity. Seeingthatsomechildrenact up after they eat sugary foods, they blame "sugar" rather than the syntheticcolors,flavorsandpreservatives in the foods. Likewise,whenparents remove"sugar"from a child'sdietand seeanimprovement, theyaregenerally eliminatingsugaryfoodstlat contain the mosttroublesome additives. Will Feingoldmembersbe able to toleratetagatose? Thereis no way to predictthis, but shce thechemistryis sodifferentfrom the additiveswe eliminate,the prospectslook good. We will haveto wait for memberfeedbackto learn more. Until that time we would encourage thosewho needto avoiddairy or people who areunusuallysensitive to stick with the time-tested sweeteners. If you do experiment with tagatose, don't overdoit, and rememberthat it couldcontainotherartificialsweeteners in the mix. Finally, pleasephone or e-mailus to let us knowwhatvour experiences havebeen. Pure Facts/July/August2004 5 Drugs for Kids Pharmaceutical companieshave seensalesincreasedramatically,with a continuingrise in the numberof childrenbeingput ondrugsfor behaviorproblemsanddepression.Thelargestincrease is in childrenunderthe ase of 5. hile antibioticscontinueto be the most prescribeddrugs, provide stimulantsandantidepressants the biggestprofits to the industry. In 2C03 5.3% of the children in the UnitedStatestook medicinefor behavior problemsanddepression. Marketing strategies The March issueof Pure Faas describeda repon issuedby an advisory panelof the Food and Drug Administrationwarning of the dangersposed by some antidepressants.The drug that received the most attention was Paxil,anantidepressant soldby GlaxoSmithKline. The United Kingdom bannedPaxil for children and teensafter it became known that the companywithheld information on studiesthat showedthe drug could increasethe risk of suicidal thoughts in youngsters. Although Paxil is not specificallyapprovedfor usein children,doctorsare permitted to prescribeit, andmorethan2 million prescriptionsPaxil were written for childrenin 2002. cusedthem of withholding information aboutnegativestudies,and instructing their sales representativesto present the drug as "remarkably effective and safe." An internalGlaxo memoreferred to the negativesNdies,saying their intentwasto "effectivelymanage the disseminationof thesedatain order to minimize any potential negative commercialimoact." New York fights back Congressweighsin on the nn-ffi New York's StateAttorney, Eliot controversy Spitzer,who madeheadlines by taking When it becameknown that both on the mutual fund industry, hasfiled Glaxo and high level officials at the suit againstGlaxo,suingthe company FoodandDrug Administration worked for consumerffaud. .Spitzerhas ac- to prevent the public from learning aboutthe negativeinformationon these leaders antidepressants, congressional calledfor hearinss. The frightened frog Animal testsdeterminemany of the decisionsthat are made aboutchemicalsin our foodandenvironment.Thosetestshave someseriousshortcomings. aboratory tests typically use young, healthyanimalsthat are exposedto only onechemical,andeat foodthatis ftee of syntheticadditives. Sucha trial might not be an accurate predictorof the additive'seffect on humanswho areexposedto manypotentialoffenders. And if the humans arevery young,very old, or sick, the Underthe stressfulconditionsthis cretestsareevenlessreliable. ated,thesetadpolesdied from a much There's anotherimportantfactor, smallerdoesof thecarbarylthanthose accordingto a paperpublishedin the whoweretestedin laboratories, freeof Proceedings of the NationalAcademy predators. The researchersfound of Sciences . Frogsliving in thenatural "The combinationof stressandpestiworld are far more sensitiveto pesti- cidemadethepesticide 2 - 4timesmore cidesthanthoselivingin laboratories. lethalthanthepesticidealone." In the real world they are exposedto When stressed-out humansare expredators,and the stressthis creates posed to synthetic food additives or changestheir vulnerabilityto chemi- environmentalchemicalstheir effects cals. might be more severethan we had Tadpolesof thegray treefrog were previouslybelieved. exposedto a pesticide(carbaryl). Relyea,RA andN Mills. 2001.PrcdatorNearbywere salamanders, a natural inducedstlessmakesthe pesticidecarbaryl enemy. The salamanderswere in more deadlyto gray tree frog iadpoles. cagesso they could not get to the Proceedingsof the NationalAcademyof tadpoles,but their presence wasclear. Scierc€s,98: 2491-2496. 6 Pure Facts/.Iar)/August2404 "Thefederalgovemment spends $1 billiona monthto fightthewaron drugsbutwe ignorethe \,orsening problemof over-medication. " CNNAnchor,Lou Dobbs Representative JamesGreenwood and SenatorCharlesGrassleyare amongthe legislatorswho havebeen deeply disturbed to learn that the FDA's own medicalofficer, Dr. Andrew Mosholder,waspreventedfiom makinghis findingspublic. Grassley told journalistRob Watersof the Saz FranciscoChroniclethalhe was"very troubled" by allegationsthat the FDA's Office of Drug Safetywithheld critical informationfrom parentsand doctors about the potentialrisks of thesedruss. "Prescription drug spendingfor behavioralconditionsrose 77o/o between2000and2003." MedcoDrug TrendRepott, MedcoHealth Solutionslnc. PIC Report and maybe addedto yourFoodlistor MailOrderGuide. Thefollowingproductshavebeenresearched or re-researched StageOne StageTwo BRENT& SAM'S'All Naturalcookies(SB):Keylime \MfiteChocolate,ChocolateChip,ChocolateChip Pecan,\/\,hiteChocolateMacadamiaNut www.brentandsams.com coOKlES \ hfer Cookieswith chocolate CREATURE FudgeFilling:Banana,Chocolate,Vanilla www.madmooseorganics.com WASH(www.ftwash.com) FIT FRUIT& VEGETABLE GLUTEN-FREE PANTRYDaniel|e,s ChocolateCaKeMix www.glutenfree.com GRINGOPETE'SComTortillas(CS);FlourTortillas: BunitoStyle,FajilaSlyle,SoftTacoStyle HORIZONORGANIC'Cottage Cheese:4oloMilKat, LoMat(2%milkfat) HORIZONORGANIC*Halfand Half,HeavyWripping Cream HORfZONORGANIC*Milks:Lowfat& Nonfat, LowfavReduced Fat Chocolate;SingleSeNe Reduced FatMilk:Chocolate, Vanilla HORIZONORGANIC*Butter:Salted,Unsalted; EuropeanStyleButter:Salted,Unsalted HORIZONORGANIC"InfanlFormulawith lron HORIZoNORGANIC*BabyBlendedVvt)oleMilkYogurt: Vanilla,Pear (Thesecontaintracesalicylate- pectinfrom appleor oranges) LATEJULYORGANICCrackers:CheddarCheese(box andsnackpack),ClassicRich,RoundSaltine MANNY'SAuthentic\MtiteComTortillas(CS); FlourTortillas: BurritoStyle,FajitaStyle,FamilyPack, soft raco style;Tacoshells NaturalGlasscleaner MOUNTAINGREENStreak-Free NIMANRANCH"MiniHalfHam(N), NitrateFreeHalfHam;SteakJerky;UncuredOriginal BeefJerky(CS) Thesearesoldin TraderJoe'sand v\}ttoleFoodsMakels www.nimanranch.com PACIFIC FOODS*OrganicOatAll NaturalNon-Dairy Beverage:LowFatOriginal,Low FatVanilla QUICKCOATSoybeanBlendCoal PanRelease R.W KNUDSENFAMILY*PearJuicebox REDDIAMOND Lemonade SAFEWAYORGANIC(Safeway)Lowfatand NonfatMilks SANTACRUZORGANIC"LemonadeSpritzer SUNRIDGE FARMS(bulkandpackaged) AIINatural: Milk ChocolatePeanuts,TropicalMango,YogurtPretzels; BananaChipsSweetn'Crunchy;Organic: Crunchy BananaChips,TropicalMango www.sunridgefarms.com TAZOTEA*Filterbag:RefreshHerbalInfusion TAZOTEA" Ready-tc.Drink YerbaMate THE ORGANICCO\M Lowfat& NonfatMilk ORGANTC* CheesyLasagna ANNIE'SHOMEGROV\N (tomatoes) www.annies.com mix 781-22+9639 Deluxe ANNIE'SHOMEGRO\N TOTALLYNATURAL* Shells& RealAgedWsconsinCheesemix(paprika) ANNIE'SHOMEGROTilN TOTALLYNATUML" Baked paprika) SnackCheddarBunnies(MSG/h|VP, BARBARA'S BAKERy"CheeseBitesOriginal (redpeppers,paprika) BARBARA,S BAKERY"Fig Bars:App|eCinnamon (peaches,raisins),Raspberry(peaches,apples, raisins),\ ,ttole\/Vheat(raisins) BARBARA'SBAKERY*PuffinsCereal& MilkBars: BlueberryYogurt(apples),Strawberry Yogurt(apples) BARBARA'SNATURE'SCHOTCE* Oats'N HoneyMoist & ChewyGranolaBar(almonds) BETTYLOU'S*SpirulinaGinsengBalls(almonds, grapes,raisins) 1-800-242-5205 DREWSALL NATURALSaladDressing& l0 Minute Marinade: carlic ltalianVinaigrette(winevinegar), KalamateOlive& Caper(winevinegar),Roastedcarlic & Peppercom(ciderandwinevinegar),Romano Caesar(CS,winevinegar),RosemaryBalsamic (winevingear),SesameOrange(cidervinegar), ShitakeGinger(cidervinegar),SoyGinger(cider vinegar),ThaiSesameLime(winevinegar) www.chefdrew.com DREWSALL NATURALSaladDressing& euick Noodle Sauce: LemonTahiniGoddess(cidervinegar) DREWSALL NATURALSalsa:DoubleRoastedMedium (tomatoes, chilipeppers,cidervinegar),organicHot (lomatoes,chilipeppers,cidervinegar),Organic Medium(tomatoes, chilipeppers,cidervinegar), OrganicMild(tomatoes, chilipeppers,cidervinegar) EDEN.AppleCherrySauce;OrganicAppleCherry Butter;OrganicCherryJuice;DriedTartMontmorency Chenies(apples) in bulkand4 oz snack - available pack HOMEMADE GOURMET(soldby distributors) Cotestaw DressingMix (redpeppers),HomestyleSpaghetti SauceMix(redpeppers); GardenHerbDipSeasoning Mix(bellpeppers)www.homemadegoumet.com LUNDBERG'Appte CinnamonNutraFarmedRiceCake (SB) MANNY'STortilla\Maps:Jalapenoand CilantroFlavors (SF,chilipeppers) MISSROBEN'S-MockGoldflshCrackerMix(paprika) BtueberryMutfinMix www.missrobens.com 800-8914083 TAZOTEA. Filterbag: AwakeBtackTea The Feingold@Associationdoes not endorse,approve or assumeresponsibilityfor any product, brand, method or treatment. The presence(or absence) of a product on a FeingoldFoodlist,or the discussionof a method or treatment,does not constituteapproval (or disapproval). The Foodlistsare based pfimarily upon informationsupplied by manufacturersand are not basedupon independentt6ting. htre Facts/July/August20047 tdlruda/ @at6&ttto DearP.R. person,it mustbe hard thesedaysto work for the food additive/junkfood industry. f,or yearsthingshadbeenprettyquietfor you folks ftere in the trenches. I You kept the markeplacesafe for your billionaire bossesand they rewardedyou handsomely.Greenketchup,blue fries, pink margarine,purple cereal- the public was growing accustomedto consumingthingsthat bore less to food. Orangecoloredsugarwaterwaspositionedright andlessresemblance nextto realjuice, furtherconfusingthe busyconsumer.Publicschoolsoffered for marketingand TV did a fine job of promotingbreakfast new oppornrnities producsthatsoldat astonishingly inflatedprices. The numberof childrenwith disturbedbehaviorkept climbing,but that fed the marketfor pharmaceuticals, and despitesomeunfortunatedeathshereand there,the lucrativebusinessof werealreadya hugemarket.Injust drugsfor kidswasexpanding.Preschoolers years in children medications usedto treatADHD anddepression the lastthree underthe aseof 5 rosean astonishins369%. It wasall goingsowell until people beganto noticesomethingthat's hard to hide: obesekids. That led to them takinga look at schoolfood andvending machines.They beganto scrutinizethosehighlyprofitablefoodsyour bosses dependon for theirfat bonuses. Schoolsin somecommunitieshere in the U.S. were experimentingwith giving studentsreal food in place of what hadbeenpreviouslyserved,and an amazingthinghappened.They noticedthe childrenwere calmer,more focusedand better behaved. Even worse, schoolsin GreatBritain were finding the same results, and they blabbedit to the media! The biggestblow came when those scientistsin Englandpublishedtheir findingsthatevena tiny amountof dyeandonepreservative triggeredbehavior problemsin children- and not just kids with ADHD. (Seepage l.) Those syntheticchemicalsthat are the mainstayof thejunk food industrywerebeing ! Red alert! How cana hard-workingpublic relationsstafferfight off attacked suchan assault?Go backto the old daysandpull out theusualformulas: l. When faced with anothernew study that showsfood additivesaffect behavior,saythatthereareno studiesshowingfood additivesaffectbehavior. 2. Line up some folk with impressivecredentialswho will echo your message.They'reexpensive,but it's moneywell spent. portionsof a 22-year3. Ignorethenewerstudiesandquotecarefullyselected Institutes Health, saying report from the National of that only a smallpercent old part of thatreportthat of childrenwereshownto respondto diet. kave out the produced thesefigureswereinadequate. saysthe old studiesthat 4. Pull out the old "sugar" defense.Here'show it goes: a. The Feingolddiet saysfood additivescantriggerbehaviorproblems. b, Thereare studiesthat showsugardoesnot causehyperactivity. c. Thereforethe Feingolddiet doesn'twork. Of course,you needto ignorethe fact that the Feingolddiet hasnothingto do with sugar,but hopefullyyour readerswill be sufficientlyconfusedthatthis linleproblemwill be overlooked. You mustsucceed!Your new vacationhomein Malibu is on the line! /August2404 8 PureFacts/-Izly Pure Facts Editor: JaneHersey Contributingto this issue: Lorraine Cordo DonnaCurtis Charicede Vidal ShulaEdelkind Cindy Hanell BarbaraKeele SarahRoley Gail Wachsmuth Pure Factsis ptbhshedten timesa year andis a portion of the material providedto membersof the Feingold Associationof the United States. Membershipprovidesthe Feingold Bogram book which includes Recipes& Two WeekMenuPlarl a regionalFoodlistcontainingthousandsof acceptableU.S.bnrd name foods,a telephoneandE-mail Hetp Line, anda subscriptotto Pure Factr. The costin theU.S.is $69r $8 shipptng. A Pure Facls subscription plusbulletinboardaccessis $38rlear whenorderedseparately. For more informationor details on rnembership outsidetheU.S., contactFAUS, 127EastMain St., Riverhead, NY I1901or phone (63r) 369-9340. The articlesin this newsletterare offeredas informationfor Pure Facts rcaders,andarc not intendedto providemedicaladvice. Pleaseseek the guidanceof a qualifiedhealth careprofessionalconcerningmedical issues. www,feingold.org @ 2004by ttteFeingoldAssociation of tfie UnitedSates,Inc. Permissionto reprint You are welcometo chculate articlesthat appearin Pure Facts. This can be in the form of photocopiesto sharewith others,or the reprinting of articles in another newslefteror in anInternetnewsletter or on a web site. Whenyou reprint,pleaseusethe following acknowledgment: Reprintedfuom Pure Faus, the newsletterof theFeingoldAssociation ofthe UnitedStates(800)3213287,www.feingold.org