PumeFaefts - The Feingold Diet
PumeFaefts - The Feingold Diet
PumeFaefts'fifr-r Newsletterof the Feingold@Associationsof the United States FEINGoLD@ Vol. 17,No. 7 September,1993 cafeteria Findingrealfoodin your school's It will takesometime andeffort on your part,but you may find therearefoodsyour Feingold child caneatafterall. Sood servicedirectorshavea tough -[ iob. Theyateexpectedto provide a hot. nutritious lunch (and often breakfast) to pleasecountlessyoung tastebuds, chargevery low prices,andstaywithin an incredibly low budget. Five timesa weekthey arc eryectedto havejust the riglrt foods readyat just lhe right time andinjust theright quantity.To nake matteBworse,someschooldistricts consider food such a low priority, they havecombinedthe job of food service directorwith otherduties. Dietitiansmay now find themselvesorderingpencilsand constructionpaper along wilh the hamburgerbuns. It's no wondertheold fashionedschool cafeteriawherefood is actually prepared is becomingextinct. Pre-cut,pre-cooked, pre-packagedlunches generally save school systemsmoney. The ladies with the white uniforms and haimetsmay still be working on schoollunches,but you're likely to find them standingbesidea conveyerbelt in al automatedfood manufacturing plant. What canyou do? As discburagingasthis sounds,it's not impossiblefor the averageFeingold parent to track down somethingin the school cafeteria for lEr child to buy. If your Feingolderis only modemtelysensiuveor if you are certain of hiVher sersitivities, thisshouldwork. However,ifyou arejust beginning the Program or have a very sensitivechil4 you may needto simply nal€ the best you can of the brown bag touune. 1. ContactFAUS or your local association and requestinfonnation suitable lor you to give to thefood servicedirector. 2. Don't contactthe food sewiceperson yet sincethere's a good chancethat you will meetrcsislance.Instead,speak witi thepdncipalor wrile to lhe superintendent of schools. Explain that your child hassomelimitationsandyou would in findinesuitablefoods. like assistance 3. Most likely, your rcquestwill be passedon to the food servicedircctor, who will be told to dealwith it. 4. Try to arrangea conferencervith the director,andbring in your Feingoldliterature to help acquaint him/her with our prognm. 5. Thefood serviceoffice shouldhave for a detailedlist ofaU ofthe ingredients all of the foodsthey purchase.Being a you will probably veteranlabel-reader, be ableto spotthe no-no'sandthepotential problemarcas.Ofcoune,lookfor the flavon andanti co101s, obvioussynthedc oxidants.But alsobe on the lookoutfor suchtip-offs as: lard (almostalways has BHA or BHT), "antioxidarts", "color added","certified color", "flavorings", and if your child is sensitive to MSG, protein" watchfor "hydrolyzedvegetable andthe manyotherplaceswherethis troublesome additive may be hidden: autolyzedyeast.sodiumcaseinile.calcium caseinate,flavoring, naturalflavoE, malt flavoring, high flavored yeast, soytexturedsoyprobeanextract,seasoning, tei4 yeastextract. 6. Ask for a tourof thepantryinyour child's school. Here you can read the labelsfor yourelf. 7. Have you found a few promising items? Maybe they're using natural (packaged)chcolate chip cookies, or it couldbe a goodbrandof yogurt. How about naturaljuice or lemonade? If the schoolhasa saiadbar this is a likely possibility. Does the fresh or carmedfruit look ok, or do they servecarot salad? Evenif you comeawaywith nothingmore th:rna caflon of whole milk ard an ice creamcup, lt meansyour youngstercan standin line too,andbry somethingl 8. The lenglhof time you havebeen ontheprogram,aswell asyourchild'sage and sersitivity,will be importantfactom in decidinghow much the foods couldbe eatenand how often. If you fotlow the program "by the book" (lhe Feingold Handbook)yol shouldgenerallybe able to detecta reaction.Testnewfoodscautiously,oneat a lime. 9. Whenyou find a brandnarneproduct the schoolis usingrvhichyour child seemsto tolerate,pleaseletusknorvabout it. We can do the necessaryresearchand gatherinformationwhich will be lrclpful to otherfamilies. A Caseof "ParentAbuse" The searchfor help was a very rough experiencefor the Novkovic family. "Parentsare so wlnerable,and arenot beingtreatedfairly" PhyllisNovkovic believes. "Meanwhile,every otherkid getsslappedwith a label." moresheread,themoreshethoughtabout it, the morc senseit all madeto her. She begar using the Feingold progrdm last summer,andby the time Miki retumedto school in the fall he was doing well enough that his secondgrade teacher thoughthe wasstill on Ritalin The entire family cooperateson the diet. Miki will checkwithhismombefore he eatsanythingsuspect,andPhyllis' paraswell entsstayonthedietfor themselves asfor their grandson. Although she saw dranatic changes, brain dysfunction'andwrotea prescrip- Phylliswantedto getanobjec(ive opinio4 tion for Ritalin. "When I questioned andaskedher neighborif shehadnoticed this," Phyllisrecalled"lE told me'in my anydifference.Yes,shehad. "Now you 30 yearsasa pediatricia4I've neverseen can sit down and talk with him and he sideeffectsfrom Ritalin.' I calledhim a makessense." Today,Miki is an excelliar and left." lentreaderandlvill curlup lvith abookfor Finally, the Novkovics gavein to the an hour, not just long enoughto rcada pressure anddecided1otry tie medicine. singleparagraph, ashedrdbefore.Hewill Phyllisdescribes it as "disasterous".It be in a regularthird gradeclass- no more wouldcalmhim for a while.but afterthe needfor a specialclassroom. eflectsworeoff therervouldbe a rebound Now theNovkovicssee hyperacof severalhoursof exaggerated tivity. The dose had to be increaseda the realMiki, an exuberant number of times in order to have any for effect.and meanwhileMiki was losing childwhohasa realzest weight and having di-fficultysleeping. life. The teachercontinuedto requesta higher Last spdng Phyllis soughta profesdose. When shecomplainedto the neurologist,he told Phyllishe didn't know sionalto helpMiki catchup on thesocial skills he hadmissedwhile he washyperrvhat shewas talking about. One of the parentgroupgave mostdistressingsideeffectsof the drug active.ThelocalADD glowing recommendation for a psya was that her child's penonalitywas not rvith When chologist who worked them. like shell there.Itwas therewasthe ofthe in for the first appoinunent, she came little boy, but nothinginside.The real Phyllis told him she was looking for a Miki is exuberant, a child rvholoveslife. rvho couldrvork rvith Miki, Dexedrinewastded,but aftera week- professional were out of the question. and that drugs the end of Miki crying unconrollably. Therehadbeenmany He and after much testing and agreed, Novkovicstook him offof it. came up with the recommenevaluation, indicationsthatfood or food Miki completedfirst grade,and was Ritalir dation: off of Ritalin for the sunmer rvhen a additivesweretriggering Phyllis is bitter aboutthereatmentparneighbortold PhyllisabouttheFeingold Miki's behaviorDroblems receivefrom manyquarters. "Thouents program. Apprehensiveaboutusingdiet, sands of dollan later, I've concludedthat shecontacted a dietitianat the localhosa real coitageindustryof these there's He was labeledas 'communication pitd. ln their phoneconversation. the handicapped'and placed in special dietitiansaidshehada diet for hyperac- alleged'e\perts' who haveno interestin classes,beginning with kindergarten tive children,but would not give Phyllis the child - just in pickingyoul pocket." She is also critical of the ADD parent wherePhyllis found herself subjectedto any moreinformationunlessshecantein group members"rvho rverefasupport increasingpressurefrom the school to for a paidcomultation.Askedaboutthe medicateher son. Whenhewasthree,she Feingoldprognm,thedietitianwasvery naticalabouttryingto tdk newmomsinto usingdrugsfor theirlcids." hadtakenhim to be evaluatedby a doctor negativeandabrupt. Note: Miki 's social skills are improvpediatrics nea6y medical at a who taught Phyllis beganto researchthe dieVbe- ing quicklyandhispediatrician is supporschool. After spendingten minuteswith havior corulectionon her olvn, and the tive of thediet. Miki he gave the diagnosisas 'minimal n t'iki hadbeena calmbabyuntil he lVlsraduated to table food. As he got older;his motherrecalls,simpletasks like shoppingbecameimpossiblefor her. He would rnt sit in a stloller, but would jump out ofit andtakeoff. As sheopened the car door, Phyllis would haveto keep one hand on the door and the other on Miki or he would tear off th.roughthe parking lot. Phyllis' parentsknew thatMiki's impossiblebehaviorwasrelatedto foo{ and refusedto join the Novkovics at a restaumnt unlessPhyllis promisedshe would not orderdessertfor their grandson. There were other signs that food or food additives were involved in Miki's difiicult behavior. If he got a drink of Phyllis'dietsodahewouldgo out of control. A neurclogisttold her, "For some reasonthis ADHD is notfoundin foreign countries. They imrnigratehereandsoon we're gettingphonecallslhe kids arehaving problems."But asa nune,her training did not include information on how food affectsbehavior. Miki's symptomswere baffling. He clear$ was a briglrt child, having taught himself to read by walching public TV whenhewasonly three;yet at agefour his ability to uselanguagewasso limited that he could not speakin full sentences.As he got olderhe spokemore,but what he said often came out as norserse. He would attemptto getdressedin the momin& but would run aroundthe house,so distractedthat he would flit from one activity to another. 1993 2 Pure F acts/Sezlember. Bright Spot Milk is a......? Years ago food service directors proudly promotedlowfat milk, while Feingold membersgroaned.1,o*4atandskimmedmilk usuallycontainaform ofvitamin A which is preserved. [In the September1992 issue of Pure Facts, we rcpofted that all schoolswho pafticipatein the U.S. Departmentof Agriculture's progmrnsmust havewhole milk availablefor thosestudentswho requestit.l Now food servicedirecton in Coloradoareenthusiasticallyintroducingnewflavored milks while Feingoldersarticipatethearrival ofeven moresyntheticdyesandflavorings in the schoollunch program. The Hersheycompanyhasexpandedfrom boxed chocolatemilk to strawberryand bananasplit flavors. Despitea hefty helping of addedsugar,artificial flavorings and "Dear FAUS, "I'm a SchoolFood ServiceManager in an elementaryschool. I see Ritalin used,in my opiniorgall too readily. "As a newgrandmothetbesidesageneral interest,I would like to be better informed. Pleasesend me your information. "I doubttherewill be greatchangesin our lurrch menu until USDA changesits requirementsand commodity program. dyes,theproductislabeled"naturallynutritious." someof these 3#ldTlYa.i;;;;1$.help The Trials and Tribulationsof FoodResearch by Debbie Jackson Many peoplethink of productresearchas an exactscience Breakfast Time While the dairy industryhasbeen]urd at wolk finding new chemicalsto add to "mturally nutritious" milk, cerealmanufacturershave been doing what they do best: raisingpices. ConswnerReports notesthatcerealpriceshaveclimbedmuch more rapidly than other brcakfastfoods, andhaveabout doubledbetween1980and 1990 If your neighbor thinks the Feingold programis expensive,showlrerthis listing of cereals,noneof which are on the Feingold Foodlist. Of this cost, only about 8olorepresents the actualcost ofthe raw rxaterial. Here is a sampleof the cost p€r poundof cerealssold in the Washington D.C. area. @ricesvary depending upon the sizepurchased.) Total SpecialK Lucky Charms FrootLoops ComPops RalstonMuesli Trix Triplets CookieCrisp $5.98 $5.46 $5.23 $5.l8 $4.98 $4.92 $4.91 $4.67 $4.63 it is not. Unfortunately, 1 7ou would be amazedat someof the resporseswe receivebackfrom manufacturI ers. A senseof humor,coupledwith psychicpowerscanbe reallyhelpful_ Somecompadesare convincedthatwe shouldbe ableto gleanany informationwe needfrom their standardallerS. sheetsfor egg-freeand wheat-freediets. Or, they tell us ,.iustchecklhe label." Wouldn,titbe niceif thaf s all we hadto do. ti/e catcha lot ofmistakesbeforeyou everseethe results,but sometimeswe haveno clue that thercis a problemurfil aftei the resulrshavebeenannounced.The conceptof chemicalsersitivity is new to manyofthe peoplewe contact. The conceptofsalicylate to someofthem. sensitivityis notonly newbut quiteunbelievable Hereare someof oru favoriti bloopers: . A browniebar with nitrates?It turnedout that nitrateswere checkedbecausethe browniecontainedthiaminemononitrate.a B vitamin. . A rhubaft jam with tomatoes,jalapenos, andbell peppers?The ownerofa small companyhadlistedingrediensfrom herentircprcductline,includinghersalsas, on thisoneform! . A naturalfruit syrupwhercartificial flavor is checked,then "adificial" is crossed offand "natural" lvritten in? Upon questioninghe saidhe did it thatway because he wasn't sule how strict our definition for "natural" was,yet would not tell us what this "natural flavor" was! a problemwith a form ard can'tgeta cleararswerfromcompany Whenwesuspect representatives, our policy is "When in doubt,leaveit out." You canhelpto makeour researchmoreeflicient andreliable. The insidebackcover most foodlistsexplainshow to contactPIC (theProductInformationCommittee)and of havea productresearched,Pleasemakesureyou copy down the ingrcdientssowe can doublecheckthe informationrvegetbackfrom the manufacturcr If theFoduct is made by a small local companylook up the addressin your phonebook andinclude it on the researchcard. If you noticea productchangeor anythingsuspiciouson the label of one foods,pleasenotifyPIC ASAP. of our researched ones,oneata time It's alwaysagoodideato infioducenewpmducts,evenresearched gmnol4 sorlut it will be"easy How aboutsomehomemade to identiryanyproblems.Ifyou're certainthataproductonyour oatmeal, or a friedegg? foodlistcaused a reaction,pleasesini usa r€port. respotrsit appmle or ass:run€ :ingoldo A ssocidionsdo not eNrdors€-, Dnnlq by manufach[ers.and arenot basedup Pure Facts/Septezr ber, 19933 ADD and the Law f ;.ave you ever wished for the help Ilof a lawyer as you navigatedthe confusingwate$ of public educationin searchofthe appropriateprogmmforyour child? Well, you haveaccessto theexpertise of not one,but two lawyen who have personalexperiencedealingwith the system. PatandPeterl,athamzuccessfullyused the Feingold Prcgram for their sor! and we on to help him receivean education that would build upon his strengths. When no suitable college existed, they helpedfound one (seethe afticle below), and when it was clear that other parents did not havethe informationthey needed, PatandPeierwrote the books. Th€ir two books are: AttentionDertcit Disorder and theLo\,, a Guidefor Advocates ($22.), and Learning Disabilities andtheLaw (825.). To receivemoreinformationaboutthe books or to order then4you can write to: 1016 16thStreet, JKL Communications, DC 20036. N.W., Suite700,WashinSlon, The Right to Read SchoolYear Calendars A growingnumberofparentsandeducato6 are concemedabout the difficulty many children haveleaming to readand believethattechniquesnorvin usemaybe poorly suitedfor thosechildren. The National Right to Read Foundawhat is called"intensive tion advocates systematicphonics",andclaimsexcellent resultswith this apprcach The Foundation'sdirector.RobertW. Sweet,Jr., notes, "Before 1930,there were no more than 3 million ilttterates...By1990,morethar 30-35million U.S. citizenscould not readard mostof attendedschoolfor at least them...have eightyea$." To receivemorc information, contact the NatiorxalRight to Read Foundatioq P.O.Box 10337.Bu*e. VA 22009. Feingoldmembenin theUnitedStates are now receivingtheir new 1993-1994 SchoolYear Calendar. BeaconCollege nr hisis a smallcollege-localed not |. on a camous.but in variousbuildings of downtown ieesbu{g, FL, not far from Orlando. Studentscan eam either a two Year Associateor four year Bachelor of Arts degree.Specificemphasisis placedinthe humanservicefield anddesignedfor those seekingemploymentas para-prcfessronals in thearcasofeducatio4socialwotk, or otherareasof socialservice. The small enrollmentallows lhe Beacon staJl to help studentsuse their compensatoryskills in a suppoflive atmosphere. It is a tecbniquethat often wodG well for young peoplewho havebeenunableto succeedin traditional colleges. Socialskills educationis an important Dartof the curriculum as most of the stuin this area. ients haveweaknesses In 1990Beacon'sfirst graduatilg class of nine studentsnade history asstudents in a collegedesignedfor thosewith learning differences. For more informatio4 contactLeilani Cralls,M.Ed.,BeaconCollege,105East Main Street,Leesbur& FL 34'748 (904) 787:7660. 1993 4 Pur€ F acts/September, in Schools Pesticides New York Attomey GeneralRobert Abramsis urging schoolsto curb the use oftoxic pesticides. The majority of schoolsin New York usepesticides,andthat useis prirnarily in kitchens,cafeteriasand on la'wns. Many of the chemicalsin the pesticidesare known to be "neurotoxic", which means they can damagethe nervoussystem. Someof theimmediatesymptomsinclude nauseaand respiratoryproblems,but Feingoldmembersknolv that a child's behaviorandability to focus/learnarcalso aJfected. Our ToxicTimes This is the nameof thenewsletterpublishedby theChemicalInjuryInfomution Netwodq a nonprofit organizationhelping highly sersitive individuals. To leam more aboutthe work of this group, write to: CIIN, P.O. Box 301, White Sulphur Springs,MT 59645. Please enclose a long self-addressed stampedenvelope. Once agaiq the calendar higltligltts someof our own "Feingoldkicls" andhas beenprinted with soy-based(ratherthan petroleum-based) ink, which is generally well toleratedby chemicallysensitive people. This year the mailing includesprinted informationfmm someof thecompanies advertisingin thecalendar. Wethink you will be deliglrtedto haveadditionalinformation aboutsomeof theseexciting new products. As you collectinforma.lphotosofyour childrenandteensduring theyear,please keepthe calendarin mind,aswe will be looking for more happyfacesfor next year. Calenda6aremailedout bulk mte,and only in the United States.Ifyoujoined after they were mailed out or if you live outsidetheU.S.andwouldlike to havea copy pleasecontact the FAUS office at P.O. Box 6550,AlexandriaVA, 22306. donationis $ 10. Proceeds The suggested from the calendarhelp us to fund our specialprojectsto better seryeour members. PureFacts Editor:JaneHeEey Contributihgto this issue: PatPalmer DebbieJackson Bartara Keele Alice Steele GayleCloud LuellaMoser Pure Facts is p,tbbshedten tines a yearandis a portion ofthe material providedto members oftheFeingold Association of theUnitedStates. For more information contact FAUS, P.O.Box 6550,Alexandri4 vA 22306(703)768-FAUS. 'fiftkNews F'effimgoild FEIIIGOLD Publish€dby the Feingold@Associdionof lhe UnitedStat€s,lnc.,P.O.Box6550,Alexandria, VA 22306 C/03)768-FAUS 1993 September, DearReader Manyof you are readingFeingoldNewsforthe first time. FAUSis exploringwaysto sharelocalnewswith aroundthe UnitedStates,and all of ourmembers abroad. Locelassociations and chaplersmaysubmitnews itemsand meetingnoticesfor theirarea. Pleasenote the deadlinedatesbelow. NewProgramAssistants: have Welcome!Thefollowing members volunteered to be ProgramAssistants.Theyare memberswho will be gladto speakwith experienced the Program. andassistyouin starting newfamilies, Califomia, SanMateo:PenniThorpe(415)573-9986 Delaware,Newark:BethMcDonough(302)737-8673 (305)770-1616 Florida, N. Miami:ReneeLeavy-Kohn ldaho,Arco:SusanBrock(208)527-3748 (708)747-8277 Matteson: JudyBertrand lffinois, FeingoldNewsdeadlines: lnformalionneedsto be to FAUSby: January1 February1 March1 April1 May 1 June1 August1 September 1 October1 November 1 In orderto appearin the issuefor: February March April May JUne JulyiAugust October November December/January information suchas a lf youhavetime-sensitive meeting date,pleasesubmitit wellin advance.Bulk take a longtimeto be delivered. mailednewsletters NewYork fromthe Feingold AssociaLonglslandvolunteers willbe holdingmonthlysupport tionof the Northeast at the HolyCrossLutheran for members meetings in Commack. Churchon JericoTurnpike Meetingsare beingplannedfor the firstFridayof eachmonth.The firstmeetingwill be heldon October 8. For moredetailscall DianaKaneat (516)724-2608 Wouldyou liketo helpconlaclthe PTASin public and privateschoolsin yourareato letthem knowthat areavailable? Feingold speakers of the Northeast, contactthe Feingold Association NY Room106,127EastMainStreet,Riverhead, 11901(516)369-9340. lllinois in the Beverlyareaof Chicagoreportthat Members theyhavefounda grealsourceforSundrops(natural alternative to M&M's),as wellas a helpfulandsupportivestaffat: Southtown HealthFood, 2100West95thStreet lL Chicago, (312)233-18s6 at GuittardChocolateChipscanbe purchased in the Chicagoarea. Sam'sWarehouse Scholarships! on lhe It isn'ttoo earlyto sendfor information whichwillbe scholarships Feingold Association's awardednextJune. of $250eachwillbe available, Fourscholarships at the nextannual willbe announced andrecipients to be heldin FortWorthin Juneof FAUSConference, 1994. contactthescholarFordetailsandan application, chairperson: shipCommittee KathyLeinen 344NorthAspen Rialto,CA 92376. The Feingold@Associationsofthe United States,Inc., foundedin 1976,are non-profit volunteerorganizationswhosepwposesareto suppolt publicawareness of the potentialrole of foodsand synthetic of the FeinsoldProsrarnandto generate theirme;b€rs in the imDlenentation colon, synlietic flavors,and tlle is b-as€d on a diet eliminatingsynthetlic additivesin behavior.leiming andhealthprobleirs. The-program preservativesBIIA, BHT, andTBHQ. Committee from the ProductInformation PICReport- Information and maybe addedto yourFoodlist. or re-researched Thefollowingproductshavebeeneithernewlyresearched StageOne (non-salicylate) StageTwo (salicylate) ALMoNDJOYcandyBar(CS) ARRO\ /FIEADMILLS*PuffedCom coldcereal polybag BoN LAITFromageFrais:Blueberry, BAKER'SAngelFlakeCoconut,canned, Cherry,Peach,Raspberry, (CS)( candy) Boysenberry, Snowcanes BOB'SPeppermint (available on the Westcoast) (All MSG/HVP Strawberry tunas conlain of these BUMBLEBEE & Cheese(tomato, Pasta Baked in CELANTANO Vvhite Tuna Chunk in lowlevels.)Albacore (tomato), paprika), chickencutletsParmigiana SolidWiite Tuna;ChunkLight Water:Albacore ChickenPrimavera(tomato),ThickCrustPizza Brolh;ChunkLightTunain Tunain Vegetable (tomato) Water;TuxedoGratedLightTuna BUMBLEBEEDietLo SaltChunkWlite Tunain Cfheseproductsareavailablein moststates;in onlyin Missouri.) theyareavailable the Midwest, Water(noMSG) (clove, orange), Splash caribbean cHIQUITA CABINCANDIESMapleCandySantas (orange) Squeeze au Tropical CALLARD& BO\ /SERButter-Scotch/Caramel FritiniRissoleMixwithVegetables FAMILIA MintToffees(CS) Beurrecandy(CS,MSG/HVP); pePPer) (bell (CS) breadcrumbs DAILY'SNaturalSyrup apple,raisin), OriginalMuesli(almond, FAMILIA Vanilla(dairysubstitute) EDENSOY'EXra:Original, apple),Swiss SwissBabyCereal(almond, semi-sweetchocolatechips GHIRADELLI and MuesliCrocant(raisln) in Northeast H O QuickCreamFarina(available Spec.SeleclCountryPorkSausage FARMLAND Southeast.) pepper) (red Mild Baking RollCocoa,Unsweetened HERSHEY'S Chocolate sausage FARMLil Smokies HILLSHIRE Not Acceptable (cs,N,MSG/HVP) and contain These orodu6tshavebeenresearched Seeds HOODYFreshlyRoastedSunflower excluded on the additives synthetic more of the one or Sugar, Sugar,Granulated Confectioners IMPERIAL Program. Feingold LightBrownand DarkBrownSugar LA CHOYRegularChowMeinNoodles, CALLARD& BO\ ISERChocolateToffees RiceNoodles (art.flavor),EnglishToffees(art.flavor), LANDO' LAKESVvhiteAmericanCheese Jellies(dye,art.flavor) Juicy LINDASY AfterShowerBathOil,bdra RichFace MuesliCrunchy(art.flavor) FAMILIA Lotion,Superior Cream,Moisturizer-Sunscreen chips- 25# RealMilkChocolate HERSHEY'S NightCream- Mailorder:(510)283-5571 (art.flavor),RealSemiSweetChocolate box MAPLEGROVEPureMapleSyruP Bar Chips(art.flavor),SpecialDarkChocolate ChipCo0kies MATT'SNaturalChocolate (art. flavor) Thesecookiesare marketedin the followingstates: Patties(art.flavor) YORKPeppermint FL. IL,W, MN,IA,KS,MO,IN,MI,OH,PA,NJ,MA, Chip,chocolate Chocolate MRS.FIELD'Scookies: Chipwith Nuts,Chocolate contain ChipwithMacadamia Jergensproducts All ofthe following Nut, coconutMacadamia Walnuts, fragrance;sincefragrancesare poorlytoleratedby MilkChocolate Chip,Shortbread, members theyareomittedftomFoodlists. Feingold Shampoo Nul, ChunkMacadamia "Gee VVhite YourHairLooksTerrific" JERGENS Frosting (dye),"GeeYourHairSmellsTenific"Conditioner VvhiteButtercream (dye),All PurposeFaceCream(dye), MOUNDSCandyBar(CS) POSTGrapeNuts,GrapeNutsFlakes, GentleTouchSoap(dye,BHAJBHT/TBHO), Bar(dye) NaturalBranFlakes ClearComplexion Medicated Juice Extra Pomegranate R.W.KNUDSEN" TherapyLotion:Aloe& Lanolin, Advanced EggNoodles VitaminE & Lanolin RONZONI\Mde-VMde DrySkinTreatment, The Feingold@Associatonsdo not enCorse,approveor assumeresponsibilityfor any product.brand,methodor treatnent.-The presence(or approval(or dlsapproval).I ne of a methodor tealrnentdoesnot constrtute abs€nce)-of a Droducton a Feinsoldfoodlisl,or the discussion foodlistsare basedprimarily updninformation zuppliedby manufacturers.and arenot baseduponuldependenttestmg. 1993 2 FeingoldNews/September JamesDobson,M.D. Focuson the Family P.O.Box 35500 ColoradoSprings,CO 80935-3550 Dear Dr. Dobson, Your recentseriesof programson attentiondeficit disordermentionedonly one option for families of children sufferingfrom this syndrome.Our family hasfound what we considerto be a Better Way to help hyperactiveand ADD children. We use a programwhich wasdevelopedat the KaiserPermanenteMedical Center in SanFrancisco.Ben F. Feingold,M.D. wasa clinicianwho acceptedthe invitation from the physiciansat Kaiser to establishan allergyclinic there. After about eightyearsof successfulexperiencehelpingchildren and adults,he presentedhis findingsto the American Medical Associationin 1973.The publicity generatedby the AMA asa result of this workshopled to widespreadnewscoverage,and later, to the publicationof a book for parents. For more than seventeenyearsparentsand professionalshavedonatedtheir time and assistance to help troubled families. We havewatcheddouble-blindstudiesconfirm our own experience- that petroleum-baseddyesand someother additivesadverselyaffect manychildren. The FeingoidAssociationshowsfamilieshow to determineif these chemicalsare contributingto their child'sdifficulties. Our wish is to let thesetroubled familiesknow that there are options,and diet management is one of them. Your assistance could brins this help and hope to countless people. Note to the FeingoldAssociationmember: Pleaseusethe rcmainderof thispagelbackof letter !o descdbeyour family'ser?edenceon the Feingold Program,and mail it to Dr. Dobsonat the aboveaddress.
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