May 1985 - Colorado Court Reporters Association
May 1985 - Colorado Court Reporters Association
cnoo d s;A,.'t A\ c) ? 2 A g / T \ \ tfi { \ %\*r z \ o ^\ A I ( oc) Ag-6l p\o*\**^ltt ottew gsroeiahott *obtuis + EXECI'fWE COMMTTTEE I 985€6 PRESIDENT PRESIDEiN.EIECT Barbara BilllrEs P.O. Box l4OS Greelry. CO 80634 Elleen Chartes Hydt l7l9 Emerson Street 785-60?f 8300208 366 - 37 DQ VICE.PRESIDEI{T Karen Voepel Prourers Courty Cths 3Ol South Main Lamar. CO 81052 Dewer. CO 80218 -ar,< I 3361424 SECRETARY Jason Meadrs 3t5 W. Obk St. ,'Ot Fort Collins. CO 8OSZil TREASURER EX-OmctO Wyona Taylor 209 City & County Bldg. Alan H. Agren 2771 Bryant Street Suite 400 Denver. CO W?Oz Denver. C0 8021 gI3-2?p6 221-30|Il 1 458'-7211 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mary Jacohrcci 131 South First Avenue Brighton. CO 80601 3591 B So$h Kittredge 659-9697 699€709 Barbara Wlshart William Bradshaw P.O. Box 4519 Denver. uO 80204 575-2728 Aurora. CO 80013 Julie Matt Jenavie Par.k Brandt 33O6 Canterbury l^ane ItXl6 Grant Street Pueblo. CO 8100s Denver. CO 8O2O3 546-5001 &t2-5966 Kenneth Kirkpatrick 121 E Pikes Peak Ave.. Suite 226A Colorado Sfrngs. CO 80903 473-1010 csRA coMMrmEES FoR t98S€6 IIITERPROFESSIOTIAL CAT PAST.PRESIDEINS ADVISORY Mary Smith Agren 629-1291 John Bruno 458-7755 Joyce Long 458-7755 coNsTrTr.nroN & BYtAUvlt Tom Rooklidge?A$-7A0 LEGISIATfVE Dee Helfrich 425-1686 PROCEDURES MANUAT CSR LAW RENEWAL MEMBERSHIP Alan Agnen 458-72ll PUBLIC RETATIOT{S MUSEUM John Spera 575-2093 RAMBLINGS Carol Kerr 575-5709 Alan Agren 458:1211 DAILY JOURNAL Harve Clements 443933 DISTTNGUTSHED SERVTCE Viola Lundberg IIECROIOGY 399{029 & Ken Kirlgatrick 473-1010 HTSTORY SPEED COI\NEST Jad< Dennis 421-3174 €JH|CS & CR|E\TANCE Mary Jacobucci 659€6ft IIOMIIIATING Alan Agnen FALI I98S SEMINAR Debbie Resling (Seminarl {ll:Z9ffi Mary Jacobucci (Facilities) 659€6ft Barb Wishart ( Entertainmert) 89-gt0g Mary Smith Agren 629-1291 SPRING 1986 BANQUET 48:I2ll Dianne Worth 32o764-1 TESNilG Viola Lundberg 399€029 'ISRA STUDEilT LIAISON Joyce Marchetti 74G6067 omclAls BUDGET REYIEW Julie Matt 546-5001 FREELANCE Jenavie Park Brandt 832€966 John Boverie 980-9007 ?rc, Susan Luttry FUNDRAISING E SPEAKERS Eileen Charles Hyatt 8300208 PRO BONO 4?J,ol4il Jason Meadors22l-3V11 Barb Wishart 699-9/09 4re y9y_ Tovtqg_goJou loon, a flEmDer $,ho_hasmored and turgotten to notio us? complete the following furm and mail Dotti Weber. CSRA Executive S€cretry. P.O. Bo lz'. WinGor. CO 8OSS0. Name: Business: ztP Business Phone: Home Addresss ztP Home Phone: Submitted b5n CRS: Yes ) CP: Yes ) CM: Yes ) No No No ) ) ) CSRA member: Yes( ) CSR - State Ofi NSRA member: No( Yes( ) No( itto I *"\ vo*nol ./\../\ '$ E K()^ n, rr\ .Vl-r'\ I T t \= P.o.^Box 11721 g Denver, Colorado 80219 ^9 ottof **************************************************************************** VOLUME XTII, NUMBER ONE **************************************************************************** CSRA Colendo r June 29, 1985 CSRA Board ltteeting, Home of Barbara BillinEs Colorado Platt,eville, August '7, 1985 Annual Kansas August 7-IO | NCSA Meeting, Hyatt Regency/Westin City, Missouri Crown 1985 Annual NSRA Convention, Hyatt Regency/Westin Crown, Kansas City, Missouri September 28-29, 1985 CSRA FaIl Seminar, Silver Creek, Colorado MAY, ].985 s&\ t? P.O. Box L8725 Denver, Colorado 80218 7 o T f\ { e o A Ah: springtime in the Rockies and on the pr-ains! white many peopte use New year's Day as a take-off point for new ideas, new resorutions, new starts in 1ife, r am grad that csRA has chosen spring as its changeover time. There is something about the warm spring days mixed with the cool wet ones and the promise of summer that makes each day appropriate for a fresh start. As your new president, r want to say thank you for your kind words and offers of support. rtrs rearly encouraging to have so many reporters asking "How can r help?" Not only the new reporters just begi-nning to get involved in reporting and in cSRA activities, but also past leaders continuing in our efforts to keep our professi-on professional. To those of you who want to see the reporting profession continue to thrive, but don't feer you can actively participate in csRA during this coming year, r urge each of you to do your individual jobs in an efficient and timery manner. I want to keep my first president's message in a positive tone, but there has been an increase over the past year in the activities of our ethics and grievance committee concerning the practices of some reporters in our state, and it is up to each and every one of us to uphold the ethics standards of our association and to see that our fe1low reporters do the same" This past year has been a good one for csRA under Aran,s leadership, and r especiarly want to thank hirn for making the transition so smooth. The projects that have been started during his term in office or before are being carried on. r am happy to tell you that we now have an executive secretary contracted to work part-time for csRA, which wilt greatly assist the officers, board members, and committees in accomplishing the time-consuming tasks they have undertaken" A major project for the association this year is to get a new CSR law into effect for the protection of the reporters, attorneys, and courts. we know it is not something that can be accomplished in a short time, but is something we need, and the groundwork is being done at this time. Also, there wiII be a new membership directory going out this sunmer which will rist all members who have paid their dues by April 15 of this year. If there are any changes to be made, be sure to get them in now. You have been hearing a 1ot about getting CAT in the courtrooms, and there is a reporters in Colorado. It profession and that we are keep the transcripts going great deal of interest among the official shows that we really do care about our willing to do whatever is necessary to out as they should. While we realize not all reporters have a need for CAT in their own situation, it is being looked at by those who run the courts as a great boon in getting backlogs cleaned up in busy courts and keeping them that way. There has been some dissension from reporters who don't feel the need for CAT, and we appreciate your views, but see CAT as the best tool we have to keep tape recorders out of the courtrooms and live reporters in the courtrooms. Those who attended the business meeting on April 13 will agree, I am sure, that it was well worth the time spent away from home or offj-ce. Our NSRA representative, Bill Oliver, is an excellent, vibrant speaker, and had much to tell us about the courtroom of the future. A synopsis of his remarks will be available to you, i-f not in this issue, in a future issue of RAMbIings. I am sure there is one other thing everyone will agree upon, and that is that the spring banquet was a great successl There were over 200 people in attendance, the food was the best ever, the program short and sweet, and a lot of good dancers having a good time. We thank Dianne Worth and Debbie Gunn In closing, I want to once again congratulate our Distinguished Service Award recipient Vi Lundberg and speed contest winners VaI Miller, Mary Jacobucci, and John Boverie. I am looking forward to a great year with great people ! Sincerely, F DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD (As Presented by Dee Helfrich) The highest honor a reporter can achieve is having the Distinguished Service Award bestowed upon them by their fell-ow reporters. And the measure for obtaining this is what one has done for their profession. This means the long hours of haro work, giving up countless evenings and weekends of their per:sonal time over many years, a willingness to do whatever task is required., the ability to be a leader, the guts to tackle the unknown, and a vocabulary that does not include t'r'to. the word " ToniEhtrs recipient possesses all of these qualities. Born, raisecl, educeited in colorad.o, a typical beginning. However, while working as a secretary, she soon realized she needed. a greater challenge. 3ut in the early'60's, one did not have a choice between two good sr:hools in colorado as there is now. rt was either go away to school or find a reporter willing to teach you. since she had arready bought her first house at the ripe ord age of 27 she needed to work while studying. Her first teacher turned her ' to another over reporter who, in turn, turned her over to Forrest Brenner, uhder whom she eompleted her reporter training. As a typist for Jim Ford, she learned how to prod.uce a good transcript, ilnd then went on to becbnie one of his topnotch reporters. Her qareer has been basicall-y as a freelance reporter, with a few years, of federal court ancl many dairy copy jobs through the courts at Co,Iorado, as well as our neighboring "F.tu=. I (continued from page 4) Her service to her profession began almost the day she joined CSRA. She has served on most of the committees and held aII of the offices, and served as our president for the year r9B0-81. But her bi-ggest contribution has been as Chief Test Examiner. When National started the Registered Professional Reporter, she developed the means of imprementing, coordinating and running the testing for colorado, for which she earned the reputation as one of the best in the country. she has tackled all jobs with the same enthusiasm, whether it be representing our Association or cleaning up the hospitality room after a meeting. But our recipient does not believe in al1 work and no p1ay, as square dancing is one of her greatest loves. In the wee, small hours of the morning, after she has danced the night away, she just might pull out her accord.ian and entertain you. rt is with great privilege r ask you to join me in honoring a gal close to a1l our hearts -- VfOLA LUNDBERG. tt { tt 1,tt ti tt I 1I I !t tt tt tt tt il { il 1 q tt t !t tt STENOTE 1 case(s) 2-4 5-9 " " 10-24 " 25-49 " 50-99 " $32.50 per case 31.25 " 30.00 " 29.00 " 28.80 " 28.60 " HIGHEST OUALITY SHORTHAND MACH INE PADS PR OMPT COU RTEOUS SE RVICE Available in white, green, pink or yellow (Prices subject ta change without notice) Tax and Freight additional STENOSCAN (optic grade) Now Available ORDERS OR INFORMATION Call toll free 800-622-0285 ln California call 800-332-0285 I I I I I I I _t STENOTE SETTING INDUSTRY STANDARDS SINCE 1965 THE ISELY COMPANY, lNC.- 755 Pennsylvania Ave. San Francisco, CA 94107 t- RESULTS OF COLORADO SPEED CONTEST on saturday, April 6,1985, csRA sponsored its annual speed contest six people participated, five transcribed, and the results were: Literary Viola Lundberg 95.5458 96.7272 98 .4542 99.0908 99.0908 ,"Ichn Boverie Val-e::ie l4i11er Caroline Castle lfary Jacobucci Opinion Testimony 98 .77 3Z 97.07L2 97.9282 99.2j.72 96 .6952 97 .3042 98.571 Cclposite 3rci Plaqe: John Boverie, 97.3242 2rrd Place: Mary Jacobucci, 98.321? 1::i: Place: Valerie Mil1er, 98.5334 A happy Val.erie Miller accepts the Speed Cup from I{ar}' Smith Argrren. ******n****n********n***n FLOYD SUTLER RETIRES sutler of sterling, a 23-year veteran of the r3th Judicial Dislrict courts, retired March 29, 1985. Fl-r:yd- attended the Elsa Cooper Reporting School in Detroit, Michigan from 1957 to 1958. upon graduation from school, Floyd hired out as a contract reporter for the State Compensation Board in Detroit for three years. rn L962, Froyd and his famiry moved to sterrj-ng, and he commenced work as a reporter for District Judge Francis Shallenberger (now retired), aiid has worked for District Judge carl J. Absmeier since ,January 1, 1980. FJ.o1:$ I'loyd and his wife, Helen, were honored at'a retirement reception i'il:.rch 2lst at thre Sterling EIks Club CLASSIFIEDS The firm of Griggs-Whitlow is in need of an experienced reporter immediately. cal-l 863-0090. pl_ease IDAHO CSR EXAMINATION The fdaho CSR Board will give its CSR examination on August 3 , 19 B 5 . The exam wil l_ be given at Links School of Busi.ness in Boise, Idaho. Additional information and application forms may be obtained from the CSR Board, P.O. Box L265, Boise, fdaho 83701. Applications must be submitted 30 days prior to the examination date. Speeds: Q&A, 200 wpm; jury charge and/or legal argument, 180 wpr,r; literary and/or medical QtA, 160 wpm. NOTE: Absolutely no refunds of application fee. THANK YOU Denver Academy of Court Reporting for the nice cocktail party you hosted on April l2thl The food was delicious, the conversation was fun and, as the old cliche goes, a good time was had by all I After 25 years, we pause to say a special thank you to each of the many thousands of reporters who have made RPM the leading quality supplier in the nation. \bur loyal support has made it possible for us to offer not only the ' highest quality materials, but to create a plant that is a model of the stateof-theart equipment and methods. That simply means more value for less dollan at RPM! lf you feel you are in a rut with a supplier who is not responsive to your needs, isn't it time to look into RPM? You'll be pleasantly surprised. Write today for our catalog-or better still, just give us a call on our toll-free number. Our experienced staff will be happy to assist you. Keporrcrs Paperand '>l.m-g.c-'. 'RPMI --n P.O. Box 24406, louisville, Kentucky 40224 'Toll Free 80&626-6313. Kentucky (502) 2674100 Copyright 1985 RPM Mig. Co. sq o \ t ,. ? A\ P.O. Box 18?25 Denver, Cololado 802l8 o z o A I ( oo A 5q9l CSRA BOARD MEETING MARCH 31, 1985, 10:10 A.M. HTLTON INN SOUTH DENVER, COLORADO qa43q I{EMBERS' OFFICERS & DTRECTORS & MEMBERS PRESENT Alan Agren Mary Smith Agren Mary Jacobucci Barbara Billings Barbara l^lishart Ken Kirkpatrick Bill WERE: Jenavie Park Brandt Taylor Wyona Karen VoepeI Donna Spencer John Boverie Dianne Worth Bradshaw Jason Meadors moved to waive the reading of the minutes of the last board meeting with the following trvo corrections: On page 2 under Officials Committee, presently reads, "page relse of $2.00". Should read "page raise to 92.00." On page 5 under Delinquent Dues, presently reads, "non-dues current members". Should read "non-dues paying members. ,' Ken Kirkpatrick seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously. I{yona Taylor presented the Board a Year-Xnd Ledger Report. There is currently $3,372.66 in our checking account, $I0,293.52 in our Boettcher account, and $2,621.00 in our War Chest. Ken Kirkpatrick moved to accept the Treasurer's Report, Barbara Inlishart seconded the motion and it rvas carried unanimously. TREASURERTS REPORT: APPLICATIONS: Jason Meadors moved that the following new applications be accepted: Jan Brewer, Caroline Castle, Charlene Steele, Kara Spitler, Norman Reinholtz, Ann I'larie Nehil, Ka::i Larson, Diane Krout, Shanne Kessler and Judy Goseland. Barbara BiIIings seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously. NEW MEMBER member 1985 DATE STAI'IPS fOR PLAQU;S: The date stamps for the CSRA membership plaques have come in, and rvil1 be distributed to aLl fully paid members Page 2 CSRA Board Meeting March 31, 1985 OFFICIALS COMMITTEE: Karen Voepel discussed the experimental program with the tape recording, which is being conducted in Craig, Colorado. Karen will keep in contact with the reporter involved, and also the Administrator and attorneys involved. Jim Thomas will be contacted by Barbara Billings problems of handling exhibits. to discuss the OFFICIALS SURVEY: Karen Voepel discussed the survey sent out by the Officials Committee to all official reporters. She's had responses back from I27 reporters. She'11 be sending ouL a third letter to arr reporters who have not returned their surveys to her. There are aDproximately 23 official reporters on CAT. oFFrcrALS MEETTNG: There were approximately 40 reporters present at the officiars meeting herd on March 29, 1985. t^toody waga, from National, was present as our speaker. Also present were vendors representing cimarron, Xscribe, BaronData, The Cat, Microcat, Tom Cat and AID. l'lrD YEAR SPRTNG SEI{rNAR, NSRA: Karen voepel presented to the Board a proposal regarding the Spring Senrinar to be held in New York City this year. Discussj-on was held regarding the amount to be paid and who should attend this seninar. Ken Kirkpatrick movecl that a representative be sent to the special cAT seminar at I'tew york City, such seminar being put on by National for official Reporters, and that the Association budget $800 for expenses to attend t.his symoosium. Donna Spencer seconded the motion with an amendment, that this be done in furtherance of our committment to the officials of the State of Colorado. Jason Meadors seconded the amended second. Further discussion r'ras held. No action was taken on this motion. Taylor moved that l(aren Voepel be sent to the special CAT symoosium in New York City put on by NSRA, rvi-th a budget of $460.00 for air fare and room, in furl-herance of our committment to the officials of the State of Colorado. Discussion was helrl. Ken Kirkpatrick seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously. Wyona Jason l.{eadors brought up the problen discussed by Vi Lundberg at the Officials Meeting on January 29th, regarding attorneys being able to withdraw the original transcripts from the State Court of A letter may be drafted to be sent Appeals and State Supreme Court. Page 3 Board ltlceting March 3L, 1985 SCRA Lo Jim Thomas reqarding this problern. Barbara Billings and Karen Voepel will get together with Julie Matt, the new chairperson for the Officials Committee, regarding this action. Karen Voepel reported on the Officials MeeLing held on l,tarch 29, 1985. present and gave her report on the progress of the banquet to be held on Saturday, April 13, 1985. Everything is set. Room reservations can be made vrith the hotel for $49.95 for single or double room. SPRING BAryQUET: Dj-anne Worth was The program to be followed at the banquet will be as set forth: l{elcome Introduction of officers Honored guests introduced Speed Contest ltinner announced Installation of officers and directors Invocation Dinner of DSA Past-President' s plaque presentation Introduction of new President Announcement ' Dancing Voepel reported there were approximately 170 students that signed up for the seminar held Saturday, March 30, 1985. She said it was an excellent turn out and the seminar was fantastic. q.IqDENT SEI1INAR: Karen AIan Agren reported that the Ivlentor Program is going fine. Alan also reported on the progress of the recipients of the Grant Program. Both students are doing rvelI. FALL SEI'IINAR: The Fall Seminar for 1985 will be at SilverCreek. PAC: No progress having been made, the report was passed. date for a listing Directory. DAILY JOURNAL: April 13th wiII be the cut-off in the Daily Journal and for the CSRA SPEED CONTEST: Saturclay, April Bth, 1985 at 9:00 a.m. is the date and time for the Speed Contest. IL will be given at Denver Acadenty of Court '(Continued on page f2) l0 The Stenostad Line of Sh orthand Mochine Indelible Ink ond Premium Ribbon by Pensed lndelible ink * * A full .75 ounces of ink 25o/o more ink than the leading brand! $2.95 each Item #:40-01 Premium Ribbon * Premium Grade! Long-Wearing! Outlasts standard ribbons 3 to 1! '-*P9jg PRICE PER PREMIUM RIBBON 1 ..... 2-5.... &12 . 13-23 . 24-71 . 72-143 144 up .... $7.95each 6.95 each 5.96 each 5.17 each 4.77 each 3.98 each . Call \f\"., lor Ouole Item f:4G02 exclusively by Pengad Both Stenostart' premium Ribbon & Stenostart' lndeltble lnk made & guaranteed Call Toll Free! 1-800-631-6989 Frae calalog on tequeslt (shipping chatgos n?t ncludod ) call ln Cahlornra call ln Alaska & Hawatt call 1-goc.-142-zilzl l-8oo-2zJ-goos t-800-334-0821 ln New Jersey. Bayonne, NJ o Muncie, lN o Fresno, CA 7A'VIEFICANI ISIEE:: ffi - E Page 4 CSRA Board Meeting March 3I, 1985 CORRESPONDENCE: A letter from Barbara Bil lings was read to the membership, thanking them for the flowers received while she was in the hospital. from the pueblo nev/spaper was passed. a full-page article pertaining to court reporters. around. A news article PRESIDENTIS REPORT: whole board for their It was Alan Agren expressed his appreciation to the support during his year as president of CSRA. The freelance meeting was held on January 25, lllE-LAISE-coLlMrrrEE: 1985' Alt; Agte'I-r teported there was approxinrately I70 students and reporters who attended this seminar. Jenavie park Brandt reported on the success of the seminar. A letter was read from carol Harl and Evans, who was one of the speakers at the meeting. welch, The freelance committee had a budget of $250.00, and it went over budget; ;r17.11. Barbara Bilrings moved that the Board pick up the $117"1r extra into the budget. Jason l"Ieadors seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously. PuBlrg RELATTONS coM!'lrrrEE: Alan Agren reported on this committee. apact<eiffiarsha1IJorpeland,NSRA,washandedout. This packet containecl a year-end r.port from National arong with news articles collected nation-wide referencing court reporters. I'BG{SLATTVE COMIUTTTEE: AIan Agren reported. Barbara Billipgs, Jason I'leadors, Norm Reinholtz and Jim perrirl, our lol:byist, had lunch with Jim Beatty from the Joint Budget Committee, regarding the study conducted in reference to court reporters in the public Utilities Commission- The luncheon went well, and the problem is taken care of. John Boverie discussed the sessions with the Joint Budget Committee that he attended. csR LAI{: Aran Agren reported on the status of this committee. He spoke with Alan Bucholtz, attorney at law, and informed. the Board that Mr. Bucholtz was favorable of the idea of getting ilre CSR law back in the State of Colorado. Mr. Bucholtz also informed AIan that he would be interested in rvorking for us and donating his time if he can work on errenings and \!'eekends. rf he needs to work during the week he will charge a minirnal fee. I'IEMBBRSII IP CO}I}ITTTEtr : Alan Agren reported the deadline for the L2 Page 5 CSRA Board Meeting March 31, 1985 Directory will be cxtended to ApriI 13,1985. PROCEDURES MANUAL COItll'lITTEtr : Since no progress was made, the report was passed. A letter was read from David Miller, attorney at law, working for the American Civil Liberties Union, requesting that CSR helP in a pro bono program. Jason }ileadors will be contacting Mr. Miller for further information. INTERPROFESSIONAL COMMITTEI] : It was suggested bY the Board that a pro bono committee be set uPKen Kirkpatrick moved that we enter and develop a pro bono progrant if certain guidelines are met . Barbara Billings seconded the motion and it was carried unanimouslY ETHICS_AND GRIEVAN_CE COMMITTEE: and letters Alan Agren reported on the complaints filed with this committee. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY: This matter wiIl be tabled until is able to contact some people regarding this matter. Eileen Hyatt CSRA NOMINATING COMMITTEE: A NEW EthiCS ANd GTiEVANCC Committee chairperson will need to be found by Barbara Billings for her terrn as President beginning APril 14. OLD BUSINESS: DUES: The matter regarding non-dues paying members will Ue tabled. ft wiII be discussed further at our next board meeting. DELINQUENT CSRA: A discussion was hetd regarding p"::1":11?.:::t:ware for IBl,1-."*p"tible computers. Barbara BiIlings will appoint a special committee to look further into this matter and report back' COMPUTER FOR Baroara Billings moved that our Treasurer's Books be Laken to Linda Martinez, PubIic Accountant, to have the books audited from the time of the last audit to April 13, 1985. Barbara lrTishart seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously' AUDIT: NEW BUSINESS: for RETIRED I\IEMBtrRSI{IP STATUS: A TCqUCSt was made l:y GladYs Dalton Board the retired membershiP status. I(en I(irkPa trick movecl that recommend that slrc be grauted honorarY membership status. WYona TaYIor 13 '8., $'q; |Page 6 CSRA Board I',lecting March 31, 1985 secondcd the motion and it was carried unanimously. LUNCHES: Alan Agren requested that a letter bc written to the Board Members and Directors who were unable to attend the meeting, but didn't notify him previousry, as his retter to all board members. They rvill be requestecl to reimburse the Association $8.00 for the cost of the lunch. Mary Jacobucci is to send the letters. RESoLurroNS: Ken Kirkpatrick moved that we propose the resolution to NCSA that NSRA recognize the Colorado St-ate Examination for RPR status. The motion died for lack of a second. NCSA Ken Kirkpatrick moved to adjourn the meeting at the hour of 3:42 p.m. Jason }leadors seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously. Reqp ec tfully (i )/LL )7 ry'r Mary' qfet; seo{ Submitted, trcL, 'rZi c.&/)/c( c.u CSR, RPR, CM Bill Ol-iver addressing the CSRA annual meeting. Donna Spencer shov'iing off the plaque awarded her by I4 CSRA. Ms. Carol Kerr Ramb I ing s ZAction Graphics Products 3050 S. Vallejo Sr. Englewood, C0 801 i0 Dear Kerr; Ms While basking in the glow of my new status as a member of the ADVANCED cLAss, it occurs to me thai it is time for a status report and word of tiraaks for the csRA scholarship. 0n sitting do'an to do so, however, r am dismayed to find that r arn no longer mistress of ny native tongue. My mind has been badgered and beaten into submission by rny ne$r language; sH0RT/ngrnn. Masters of cornmunication perpetuate the nyth that television will destroy the revered art of communicatioa between members of the species. They are obviously unaware of the insidious threat of the above-nentioned j argon. No longer the purveyor of childish euphemisms, I now inquire of my offspring: Can you prove KWRAERD that you did not finish the last of the peanut butter? And to my long-suffering spouse: TNT will ycu KRIBT to the cleaning of this house? so nohr you understand my apprehension at the contemplation of a nere few words of gratitude. St111, the gift was very real, my progress conEinuing, my thankfulness genuine and your generosity appreciated" I may even pray in shorthand, for truly it was i.n answer to prayer that these funds were made avaj"lab"i-,:.. La me. It was the only avenue by which I was able to persevere t DACR. I gratefully thank you, CSRA. Sincerely, ''lo*d"= \\"\;- Vonda Maki 15 o+"oo o o s*1 \ t^, a ? 7 A\ P.O. Box 18725 Denver, Colorado 8{}J ls o z o A ( I c5(oo CSRA BOARD MEETING April 14th, 1985, 9240 a.m. HILTON INN SOUTH DENVER, COLORADO OFLICERS, DIRECTORS, AND MEI,IBERS PRESENT: Alan Agren Mary Smith Agren Barbara Billings Bill Bradshaw Jenavie Park Brandt Jack Dennis Eil-een Hyatt Mary Jacobucci Carol Kerr Ken Kirkpatrick Vi Lundberg Julie Matt Jason Meadors Terry Rigler Karen Voepel Barb Wishart Mary Jacobucci moved to waive the readj-ng of the minutes of the last Board meeting. Eileen Hyatt seconded the motion, and it was carried unanimously. Barb Billings read a letter from Eileen Carpenter setting forth her resignation and reasons therefor from the Board of Directors and the Ethics and Grievance Committee. Ken Kirkpatrick was appointed by the President to fill the vacancy created on the Board by this resignation. Karen Voepel moved to accept the new member application submitted by Jack R. Regensburger. Mary Jacobucci seconded the motion, and it was carried unanimously. NEI{ IIIEI"IBERSHIPS: SPRING BAbIQUET: The banquet was discussed, with all agreeing on its overwhelming success. After discussion, Ken Kirkpatrick moved that the amount to be paid per speaker be limited to $100 plus expenses, with any amounts exceeding such sum to be paid only upon Board approval. Mary Jacobucci seconded the motion, and it was carried unanimously. FALL SEI"IINAR: COI"IMITTEE YEAR-END REPORTS : The Board noted'the reports as recited Alan Agren at the Business Meeting of April l3th. by r I CSRA Board Meeting Page 2 April 14, 1985 Discussion was held concerning the membership directory and a membership drive by the Officials Committee. MEMBERSHfP COMMITTEE: g HrsIoRY.coMMrTTEE: Jack Dennis expressed neecl for help in the history-keeping function of Lhis committee and his then withdr:ew from the meetlng- oiscussion was held. Harve Clements will i:re contactecl for his input on this j_ssue. NECR9IOGY DSA: Standards for receipt of this award and their possible inclusion in the Prbcedures Manual were discussed. It was discussed that noteworthy members of the Association nay inactive without being accorded their proper recogni tion . Irleml:e ,-:r are encouraged to inform the Board of any reporters potentially vrort iri. of honorary status. become A letter written by Barb Billings to l4ac Danford, clerk of the supreme court, concerning the unlimited authoriry of attorneys to check out original appeal tranicripts was read, I,jr. Danfordrs reply, stating that the policy would remain unchanged, was aiso read- other possible remedi-al avenues v/ere discussed. COURT OFFICIALS COI{MITTEE: Members are encouraged to inform the Board of situations which may have occurred in which reporters have had to reconstruct al.l or part 6f:a transcript due to its being lost after being transmitted t.o an appellate body. FREELANCE COMMITTEE: meeting was discussed. PuBLrc The possibility of a combined freelance/officiats coMMrrrEE: Dj-scussion was held concerning the the possibility of an articlJ about the banquet, and the possibility"., of another booth at the next State Bar Convention. Iulembers are encouraged to submit articles about their achievements for transmittal to their loca1 or hometown newspapers. T'he address of the newspaper should be included. c-*p RET,ATTONS INTERPROFESSIONAL COMMITTEE: Discussion was held concerning another presentation to CATCA or a presentation at a judges' convention. These projects were accepted by the Officials Committee. PAC COI'IMITTEE: Dj-scussion was this concept held on progress made by Susan Luthy on NSRA TEST: The next NSRA test will be held tiay 4, 1985, dt Mile-t{i college. volunteers are urgently needed to grade papers. r I CStu\ Boarcl April 14, Page ileetinq 1985 3 PRO BONO CO}I}IITTEE: Discussion v/as held concerning the format to be utilized and other concepts. The guidelines will be submitted at the next Board meeting for the Board's review and approval. & GRIEVANCE coI{MrrrEE: Mary Jacobucci was appointed as chairman of this committee, filling the position left by Eileen Carpenter's resignation. The written guidelines for this comrnittee were promulgated. Further di-scussi-on was held. ETHTCS CAT COI'IMI TTEE: There was no report from this committee. PROCEDURES },IANUAL: TheTe was no report from this committee. DAILY JOURNAL: The deadline for inclusion in the Daily Journal passed. Discussion was held concerninE the means for verifying individual qualifications. BUDGET COI'IMITTEE: report. Discussi.on \./as held. has Barb lrlishart will submit a I{ISCELLANEOUS COMIUITTEE REPORTS: Discussion was held concerning this yeai lso hetd concerning the responsibility of committee chairmen to submit standards and expectations for their respective committees to the Procedures Manual Committee to help provide f or continuing and cons j-stent guidelj_nes. FXECUTIVE SECRETARY: Discussion was held concerning proposals submitted by Barbara Billings and Eileen Hyatt for retention of an Executive Secretary. Karen Voepel moved that Dottie Weber be contracted as Executive Secretary. for six months, with a budget of $900, guidelines to be developed by the Board. Mary Jacobuccj- seconded the motion, and it was carrj-ed five to four. RAMBLINGS: Discussion was held concerning the involvement of the Executive Secretary in this committee. Julie l"tatt and Donna Spencer have agreed to be on this committee. FREELANCE FORM BOOK: This project was discontinued. CSRA COI'{PUTER & SOFTWARE: NCSA RESOLUTIONS This matter was tabled. & DELEGATES: Discussion was held concerning a resolution n to the effect that NSRA grant one free convention registration to each state association. Eileen Hyatt moved that the res'olution be submitted to NCSA. Barb Wj_shart seconded the motj-on, and it was carried unanimously. 18 f CSRA Board Meeting April 14, Page 1985 4 Discussion was held concerning a resolutj-on submitted by Barb Billings to the effect that NSRA pay for NSRA representatives to aLtencl state association meetings twice a year if so requested. Karen VoepeI moved that the resolution be submitted to NCSA. Mary Jacobucci seconded the mot,ion, and it was carried unanimously. A discussion was held concernj-ng NCSA delegates at the Kansas City convention. Mary Jacobucci moved that Barb Billings and Eileen Hyatt be designated as delegates, with Karen Voepel and Jason Meadors to be designated as alternate delegates. Barb Wishart seconded the motion, and it was carried unanimously. After discussion, Jason I'teadors moved that Barb Billings and Eileen Hyatt be reimbursed for one night's lodging for each as necessitated by their duties as delegates. Karen VoepeI seconded the motion. Aft,er further discussion, the motion was carried unanimously. It was noted that l'lary Srnith Agren will on the Board of Di-rectors of NSRA. NSRA BOARD OF DIR-ECTORS: be tt" next Board meeting will be held Saturday, June 29' f985, dt 9:30 a.m. at Barb Billing's house in Plattevj-lle. Maps will be furnished at a later time. CSRA BOARD II1EETINGS, Itlary Jacobucci moved that the mileage reimbursement rate for Board be increased to 9.22 per mile conrmensurate with IRS guidelines. Eileen Hyatt seconded the motion, and it was carried unanimously " members NSRA CONVENTION: Eileen Hyatt moved that. by CSRA during the l-985 NSRA convention. a hospitality suite be furnished Jenavie Park Brandt seconded the motion. After discussion, the motion was carried unanimously. A check was received by Colin Campbell for reimbursement of his unused lunch at a prior Board meeting. I"lr. Campbe}l's conscientiousness is appreciated and his check received in the spirit NO FREE LUNCHES: intended. to adjourn the meeting. Ken Kirkpatrick seconded the motion, and it was carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at the hour of 1:40 p.m. Ivlary Jacobucci moved Respectfully submitted, a" a, .," ---z' /. \- /4'*-/.,*-Ei-Z'-,' &-/ -,t /Jason Meadors Secretary, CSRA 19 g t. HIGH TECH. SECBETARIAL SERVICES DIXIE LEE DAVIS, 8.A., M.S.J.A., M.P.A. Computerized Word Proces-cin ApriL 22, 375-9007 1985 Dear Court Reporter: r am the manager of High-Teeh, secretarial services to notify you of our services in reference to court Reporterrs needs.and wish I have a of trained secr.etaries who operate transcription and specializl in computerized word processing. My staff have been trained in lega1 lerminology and include 1ega1 secretari_es and ex-court personnel. My rates are competiIive with oEher court transcribers and we are avairable for rush assignment,s or overload work for those who are inleresLed. employment background involves working in the ^ courts as Yy court Administratoi for approximately 4 lears. r am f amiliar with the f unctionirgg of Dii trict Cou'rt,, fuunieipal Courr, . and Federar District court,. rn {nlellate-court r have held managerial positions for nine years iaaition, and qualily _conLrol, in the production of Eranstripts. r assure have enclosed a sample of our work for your review. I hope you will consider my service when you are in need of court transcriptionisis/typists. with -pool eompuLers and tape Sincerely, r.- 1 5o-1^o r ." V'" l+u*,, Dixie Lee Davis 2A INTRODUCING rhesten'Tfuf+fffi,ffi Allnew hardware. All newsoftware. And the lowest prjce ever for a complete standalone system - starting at $1 2,900. Beforewe designed the StenograPh Spectrum of CAT products, we listened to court reporters like you. And what we heard was the need for the best system functions possible combined with ergonomic hardware design and, of course, an affordable price. The new Stenograph Spectrum offers four basicsystems with many irinovative soft- ware features. Likethe abilityto do any three tasks simultaneously-translate, edit, or print. You can even translate two jobs at the same time. And wait til you see our new dictionary trim program that greatly increases the efficiency of translation. Also, you can switch from an 80-characterdisplay to a 64-character display with extra large letters, making it easier to read your text on the screen. The hardware used in the Stenograph Spectrum is made by Digital Equipment Corporation - the second largest manufacturer of computer hardware in the world. The keyboard is detached from the monitor - connected only by a coiled cord. This means thatyou can movethe keyboard to any comfortable position, including your lap. The monitor can be tilted to any comfortable angle and you have a choice of screen $ltt00RlPll @ 1985 Stenograph Corporation Stenograph Corporation 7300 Niles Center Road Skokie,lL60077 312-675-1600 800-323-4247 display colors, green or amber. The disk drive has a nice space-saving feature - it can lie f lat or you can stand it up using an optional f loor-stand. And the on-site maintenance cost of the DEC hardware is the lowest of any CAT system. The Stenograph Spectrum of CAT Products is flexible enough to meetthe needs of low- volume users as well as large-volume, multiple-user situations. One of the four conf igurations will be right for you - Cimarron lll, IVV orVl. You also havethe choice of four printers. Three are NECwith different letter-quality speeds- 20,33, or 55 characters per second. The fourth choice is the new DEC laser printerthat prints 8 pages per minute letter-quality - and silentlyl Of course, all systems start with the Stenograph DataWriter. We make the heart of every shorthand machine, and we've been doing it for nearly 50 years. And nowthere are morethan 3,000 reporters nationwide using Stenograph CAT systems. Stenograph Corporation the Court Reporter's Company. -