MARCH 2016 - Connecticut Street Rod Association
NUTMEG MOTOR NEWSLETTER CONNECTICUT STREET ROD ASSOCIATION MARCH 2016 NUT MEG MOTOR NEWS CONNECTICUT STREET ROD ASSOCIATION P.O. BOX 1517 WALLINGFORD CT, 06942 203-697-9113 ESTABLISHED 1967 CSRA.ORG If you would like to become a CSRA member our regular meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month which are held at CSRA Clubhouse on 316 Woodhouse Avenue Wallingford CT. 7pm BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2016 PRESIDENT: VICE PRESIDENT: TREASURER: SECRETARY: DIRECTOR: DIRECTOR: John Jarush Anthony Perrone Dennis Dagliere Paul Benoit Greg Piesyna Steve VanBlarcom 860-284-0090 203-634-4150 203-239-3791 860-568-7404 203-729-8847 203-641-3451 NSRA NSRA STATE REPRESENTATIVE: NSRA SAFETY INSPECTOR: NSRA STATE ADVISER: Sally Benoit Armand Couture Tom Falconieri 860-568-7404 203-634-0008 203-265-7226 SWAP MEET CHAIRMAN Bob Kesilewski 203-410-7744 NEWSLETTER STAFF NUTMEG NEWS EDITOR: Junie Barretta NUTMEG NEWS STAFF: Donna Barretta – Dennis - Moe Dagliere STAND-BY’S: Laura Falconieri BIRTHDAY REMINDERS: Junie Barretta SEND YOUR E-MAIL, PICTURES OR ARTICLES to If you are not receiving your newsletter or have changed your address please call or e-mail Dennis Dagliere 203-239-3791 or ALL MEETINGS ARE SMOKE FREE IN CASE OF BAD WEATHER CALL 203-697-9113 Lisa Piesyna Bob Kesilewski Rich Ronzello Tony Miceli Billy Coleman Denise Petrosky Tom Armitage 4 th 6 th 7 th 12 st 21 th 26 31st th DUE TO WRONG BIRTHDAY DATES A NEW LIST WILL BE MADE WITH THE NEW REGISTRATION FORM PLEASE PRINT YOUR BIRTHDAY NEATLY SO I CAN CORRECT MY LIST 2013 NUTMEG MOTOR NEWS CSRA.ORG C.S.R.A. A GROUP DEDICATED TO THE EDUCATION AND PRESERVATION OF OUR AUTOMOTIVE HERITAGE 2015 NUTMEG MOTOR NEWS CSRA.ORG CLUB EVENTS DATE TIME Prez Sez March 6th April 17th John Jarush Hi members and friends, The weather is way too cold for me. Now the snow has started too. Maybe time to join the mass movement out of CT to somewhere warmer. But I am looking forward to warmer weather and the start of cruise season. Can`t get here fast enough for me! The Super Bowl party was great. Awesome ribs, thanks Donna and Junie. The Daytona 500 is next, that should be a good time also. Racing is here, so the start of the cruise season should be next. Cars & Coffee is the same day and Greg has a couple of Garage Nights, one in February and another in March. Don`t forget Cars & Coffee is the third Sunday of every month. The annual slideshow is at Zandries on February 28, now on Sunday this time, not Saturday night as in the past. Junie has a trip to PA to race go-karts on March 6th. March is the time to get those street rods ready, April is almost here and the season gets rolling. On the Legislative side, the 4C`s meetings are still at the Athenian Diner in Middletown. Tommy’s restaurant is still under renovations. The tax panel that the Governor came up with a year or so ago has published their final report, one of their suggestions is to eliminate the $500 assessment on Classic Vehicles. They would replace it with an actual value, based on KBB or Hemmings and that would be what you would be taxed on. As of right now, no bill has been introduced about this, but we are following it. If you know a Senator or Representative that you can call, please do so, but don`t make a big panic till a bill is actually introduced, but make sure they are aware of it. Two bills that have been are one to privatize DMV, the other is to eliminate tax on Social Security income. We will follow them but don`t see them going too far. This year’s Dust-off / Early Inspection will th be April 17 at the clubhouse and a week later the Summer Knights will hold their 25th Annual Car Show on April 24th at the Berlin Fairgrounds. We have a new show to benefit the veterans on August 28th. More info to follow. That’s it for this time, See you at the meeting, John Leaving 5:30 am 8 am EVENT & Kart Racing Dust-off /NSRA PLACE S&S Speedway Clubhouse OUR CONDOLENCES Our condolences to Felix Compo whose father has passed our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. Our condolences to Sally Benoit who had knee replacement our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. KART RACING For those going kart racing we will be leaving the clubhouse March 6th at 5:30 am sharp, since we are using our personal vehicle remember to have your vehicle filled with gas so when you come back you can fill it for the last time please split the cost of gas equally. Almost everyone has volunteered to use their car to carry members, wives and friends I think the fewer cars we have the better off it will be traveling. I will have maps to hand out. GUESS WHO THIS IS You can tell by this baby picture his underwear is too big, but in time he not only grows out of those cloths, he moves out of this state. Can you guess who this CSRA member is? WE HEAR!!! We hear!!! This should have been put in the last month’s newsletter, just before the snow storm Ray Long went out to start his jeep to go get gas, but found his battery was dead so he wanted to get a battery and went to his other car and found out his battery was dead so he jump started it and off he went, but then he gets a phone call from his wife Vicky telling him her electric chair batteries are dead!!! (What Ray spent on battery’s I would have had 10 year’s supply of free ice cream!!! - And I eat a lot of ice cream!) CSRA A GROUP DEDICATED TO THE EDUCATION AND PRESERVATION OF OUR AUTOMOTIVE HERITAGE 2015 NUTMEG MOTOR NEWS CSRA.ORG We hear!!! While Junie was over Armand’s garage working on his truck sitting looking for bolts in a draw Armand came in and was laughing asking, “Why are you sitting and what are are you looking for?” Junie got up to answer only to find the chair he was sitting on Armand had just painted something that morning was now stuck to Junie’s butt!!! We hear!!! At the swap meet meeting this is what happens to you when you work very close, and spend a lot of time together you start to look like one another!!! We hear!!! Gerry wanted me to take this picture so Dennis couldn’t say he didn’t pay his membership dues again!!! NOTICE THE BIG BILL BETWEEN THEIR FINGERS DENNIS GOT THE BETTER GRIP BLONDE JOKE SENT IN BY PURPLE JOE A blonde & her husband are lying in bed listening to the next door neighbor's dog. It has been in the backyard barking for hours & hours. The blonde jumps up out of bed and says, "I've had enough of this." She goes downstairs. The blonde finally comes back up to bed and her husband says, "The dog is still barking, what did you do now?" The blonde says, "I put the dog in our backyard... let's see CARTOON SENT IN BY JERRY VERONESI how THEY like it! CSRA A GROUP DEDICATED TO THE EDUCATION AND PRESERVATION OF OUR AUTOMOTIVE HERITAGE 2015 NUTMEG MOTOR NEWS CSRA.ORG CLEAN FOGGY WINDOW A CHEAP WAY Clean your car windows with shaving cream it’s cheaper than a fog cleaner product. CSRA A GROUP DEDICATED TO THE EDUCATION AND PRESERVATION OF OUR AUTOMOTIVE HERITAGE 2015 NUTMEG MOTOR NEWS CSRA.ORG STUFF FOR SALE If you have stuff to sell you can e-mail me at and please write in the subject box “Stuff for Sale” 3/1/16 – For Sale - 40 Ford Std. Coupe has no patch panels, no rust. Options include the following: Black PPG BC/CC, Red and black leather interior, Classic gauges, Vintage Air, Walker Rad, 327 sbc 350 TH, 9 inch Curry, P & J front end with split wishbones, Chevy P/S box, Wheel Vintique wheels. Powder coated ss caps, and trim rings, Flaming river column, Ron Francis wiring, Newport wipers, GUESS WHO THIS IS If you had guessed Purple Joe was the mover your right. Drake boards, Juliano's wheel, Power seat. Asking $45,000 Car has less than 5000 miles since built. Call Joe Troilo from PA. 610-268-2169 2/1/16 - FOR SALE ’61 Full dress FLH. . . $35,000 OBO Call Chuck 203-753-7139 1/1/16 - 1953 Chevy sedan del. has nova clip with new disk brakes and tubular a frames, Chevy sb with turbo 350 trans and Nova rear, body in very good condition floor pan has been patched, has rust free 54 front end. Have new head light buckets and taillights. Drive train is all hooked up will need exhaust from the headers back. Not running you can’t drive it home bring a trailer asking. . . . . . . . . . . . .$5000.00 I don't need help selling and won’t answer texts Call 860-982-0319 12/1/15 - WANTED - Looking for a Mullins Red Cap Trailer. Any help or leads appreciated. Tom Gormley 203-405-1893 THE GANG IN CALIFORNIA Enjoying Bubba Gumps in Santa Monica CARTOON SENT IN BY PAUL BENOIT CSRA A GROUP DEDICATED TO THE EDUCATION AND PRESERVATION OF OUR AUTOMOTIVE HERITAGE 2015 NUTMEG MOTOR NEWS CSRA.ORG Dear Ron and Members of CT Street Rod Association, On behalf of the CT Breast Health Initative Board of Directors, thank you for your commitment to the 2016 CT RACE IN THE PARK on May 7, 2016.. It is the vision of the Board of Directors and the RACE Committee to host an event where families can gather from across the state for the races, the walks, the children runs and for the events, but most importantly to help find a cure for breast cancer. Your $10,000 RACE contribution entitles you to the benefits of an Emerald Sponsor. As an Emerald Sponsor, your organization’s logo will be placed on our RACE applications, t-shirts, poster and RACE bibs. A link to your website will be placed on our RACE website. CT Street Rod Association will be a sponsor of our kids Expo. You are entitled to display your organization’s banner on the RACE course and space in the Sponsor Tent on RACE day to distribute your items and promote CT Street Rod Association. We will also provide you with ten complimentary RACE entries including t-shirts. Kindness regards, Joyce Bray THANK YOU NOTES Thinking of you and hoping you will find comfort in special memories. Sincerely, Pat DeMallis “UFO 52” (I think this thank you is for Laura Falconieri) Dennis, John and all the members of the Association, On behalf of my family I say thank you very much for your very generous gift to us. The kindness of strangers is over whelming to us. May God bless you for your kindness? Sincerely Betsy, Tina & Family Dear Bubello, We would like to thank you for your generous donation of 4 trays of cookies and cheese. Thank you for thinking of our residents. They will definitely enjoy these delicious goodies. Donations such as yours help us to provide the residents of the shelter with necessities of life that most of us take for granted. We would like to acknowledge that without your generosity and consideration, the residents of Shelter Now would not only be without permanent housing, they would also be without hope. Your kindness empowers our residents and encourages our staff to help those who struggle to make a better life for themselves and their families. Sincerely, William Tuthil Director Shelter Now Dear Members, Thank you for your contribution of $500 to the Haddam Veterans museum which has been recognized as exempt from federal income taxation donations. Federal law requires us to inform you that no goods or service were provided to you in return for your gift. Therefore, the full amount of your gift is deductible for federal income tax purposes, subject to any limitation that might otherwise apply. Thank you very much for your donation to the Veterans Museum. We use donations to constinuously impove the Museum and purchase items that are not covered in our Town Budget. Richard J. Annino, Treasurer CSRA A GROUP DEDICATED TO THE EDUCATION AND PRESERVATION OF OUR AUTOMOTIVE HERITAGE 2015 NUTMEG MOTOR NEWS CSRA.ORG SUPER BOWL PARTY Jerry Veronesi says, “The cruise liner, QE2, moves only six inches for each gallon of diesel that it burns.” I would first like to thank all those who called and said they were coming, it helped me a lot in buying food for this event and for the few who said they were coming or those that didn’t show up I’m sure you had a good excuse. If you were there everyone was treated to one hell of a meal starting with chicken wings, and picking stuff. Anthony and some of the kitchen boys made delicious pork roast, and chicken. I want to thank Gary and Armand who cooked the ribs outside in the cold that my wife Donna, Anthony and I prepared all the ribs on Saturday, maybe buying a few too many, but what was left over was giving out, so it looks like my calculations were a little bit off, better luck with the next event which is Daytona 500 Sunday Feb. 21st I will send out another e-mail asking you to e-mail me so I’ll know how many are coming and how much food to order, boy I sure miss Tom. A small catastrophe happen while everyone was watching the Super Bowl in the first quarter the TV shut off and we all thought Frontier was going to lose a lot of customers for losing reception during the game, but thanks to Ian who found the problem, found one little girl had pulled the plug on the modem to use her lab top. The big pool winners were Vick Long, Joyce Kenny, Bette Dybick and Ray Long. Now it’s time to thank all those who helped clean up I won’t mention any names I wouldn’t want to miss anyone, I appreciate your help, you all did such a great job. CSRA A GROUP DEDICATED TO THE EDUCATION AND PRESERVATION OF OUR AUTOMOTIVE HERITAGE 2015 NUTMEG MOTOR NEWS CSRA.ORG At the regional meet where one could legally register a KODAK MEMORIES national record I was in awe of Jack Merkel’s National’s Epping NH; The third annual New England Hot Rod winning B/GS ’39 Willy sedan of Tarantoia & Cruiata’s Reunion returned to the New England area with classic cars that turned an 11.74 ET. Their 4-door sedan flying down the and nostalgia quarter-mile drag racing. The Hot Rod strip and almost shaking apart was a treat. Reunion is a three day classic car show and nostalgic The 421 c.i., Pontiac powered, Austin convertible was quarter-mile drag race that takes place just north of owned by ‘Joltin Jon” Allevo who was a personal friend of metropolitan Boston. track owner Frank Maratta. I can still remember his weekly Club members Dave and Karen Swiatek hosted the East radio ads reminding us to, ‘bring your camera!’ I’m very Coast Gassers race with over 20 member cars in attendance. glad I did. “We had great weather and great racing.” Said Don Moyer Gasser Magazine’s Race Director. “There was something Jerry Augustine, NE Club Rep for everyone whether you were into car shows, nostalgia drag racing or just hanging out with friends old and new.” In addition, Gasser Legend Jack Merkel, well known to club members on the east coast was honored for his significant contribution to the sport. Jerry Augustine, NE Club Rep East Haddam, CT. It was June 1961 the grand opening of Connecticut Dragway, I was fifteen and was there with my 1949 Browne “Hawkeye camera. The 1/50th second exposure wasn’t great for clarity, but I’m glad I brought it along each time I went to the track. As soon as I turned 16 and got my driver’s license, I would pack my ’40 Ford Tudor with friends, travel 22 miles to the track and pay the extra buck to be able to roam the pits. Cars that had been designed for a max of speed of 45 mph now had engine compartments stuffed with re-engineered over-head valves modern engines. I especially loved the gas class cars. CSRA A GROUP DEDICATED TO THE EDUCATION AND PRESERVATION OF OUR AUTOMOTIVE HERITAGE 2015 NUTMEG MOTOR NEWS CSRA.ORG CARTOON SENT IN BY PURPLE JOE Legislative Update Connecticut Tax Review Panel Report Issued – Potential for Adverse Impact on the Antique Auto Hobby This E-mail provides information on the recently issued condensed version of the Connecticut (CT) Tax Review Panel Report. The condensed report includes a recommendation to raise the maximum assessed value of an antique motor vehicle from $500 to $50,000. This report was presented to the Connecticut Legislature’s Finance Revenue and Bonding Committee on January 29, 2016. Connecticut Legislators who are members of the Legislature Finance Revenue and Bonding Committee can be found via the following link: As discussed below, current property taxes on antique motor vehicles in Connecticut are in alignment with the states that border Connecticut. If enacted, this recommendation would be devastating to the antique auto hobby in Connecticut, as the annual property tax on an antique vehicle would be increased substantially (up to approximately $1,500 dollars per year for a vehicle valued at $50,000 in a town with a mill rate of 30). This could lead to hobbyists being forced to sell their antique vehicle(s). Because of the tax implications, hobbyists also may decide not to restore a project vehicle. This would have a significant negative impact on those businesses in Connecticut that support restoration and maintenance of antique motor vehicles. At this time, there is no legislation proposed that would implement this recommendation. As such, we are recommending that you do not contact your Legislator to voice your opposition at this time. (Our current thought is that unless your Legislator is on the Finance, Revenue and Bonding Committee, it is likely that your Legislator is not aware of this panel recommendation. If your Legislator is on the Finance, Revenue and Bonding Committee, and you wish to voice your concerns regarding this panel recommendation, feel free to do so. In your communication, we suggest you note that your concern is with the CT Tax Review Panel recommendation, and you understand that no legislation is currently pending to implement this recommendation.) This Legislative Update is being sent to make you aware this panel recommendation is out there. Obviously, we will be keeping a very close eye on this, and let you know if any legislation is proposed that implements this recommendation in the 2016 CT Legislative Session that starts on February 3, 2016. Dave Bajumpaa CT Council of Car Clubs CSRA A GROUP DEDICATED TO THE EDUCATION AND PRESERVATION OF OUR AUTOMOTIVE HERITAGE 2015 NUTMEG MOTOR NEWS CSRA.ORG PICTURES FROM THE PAST PETE TREATS HUSBANDS ARE HUSBANDS JOKE SENT IN BY ALEX MCDONALD A man was sitting reading his papers when his wife hit him round the head with a frying pan. “What was that for?” the man asked. The wife replied, “That was for the piece of paper with the name Jenny on it that I found in your trouser pocket.” The man then said. “'When I was at the races last week, Jenny was the name of the horse I bet on.” The wife apologized and went on with the housework. Three days later the man is watching TV when his wife bashes him on the head with an even bigger frying pan, knocking him unconscious. Upon re-gaining consciousness, the man asked why she had hit again. The wife replied, “Your horse phoned.” HEROIN IS THE BRAND name of morphine once marketed by Bayer. AS AN ADULT you have more than 20 square feet of skin on your body about the same square footage as a blanket for a queen size bed in your lifetime, you’ll shed over 40 pounds of skin. ARMADILLOS get an average of 18.5 hours of sleep per day. ARMADILLOS can’t walk under water. BREAKFAST 7 DAYS A WEEK LUNCH CATERING FOR ALL OCCASIONS Tom’s Place “WHERE THE ELITE MEET TO EAT” 238-9029 55 MAIN STREET SOUTH MERIDAN, CT. CSRA A GROUP DEDICATED TO THE EDUCATION AND PRESERVATION OF OUR AUTOMOTIVE HERITAGE 2015 NUTMEG MOTOR NEWS CSRA.ORG GARAGE NIGHT Armand Couture had a garage night at his house and for a winter Wednesday night it sure was cool, I mean cool because I can’t make the garage night on Thursday night’s. Armand had two ’48 Chevy trucks being worked on in his Ford garage. There was plenty to eat and drink and even some got to do a little work on one of the projects straitening the driver door. Seen through the back window of my truck DAYTONA 500 Daytona 500 race had some action in it, but most of the race was like follow the leader game till it came to the last ten laps when all the front runners got to where they could make a bid for the lead, but only Denny Hamlin in second place got to do what all the rest of the drivers wanted to do and that was to pass the leader for the win. But I can tell you if you were at the clubhouse and had Anthony Perrone’s Italian meatballs, sausages macaroni sauce then you are all winners, because it was that good. I would also like to thank all who helped him prepare all the food and thanks to all who brought dessert. It was nice to see most everyone pitch in to help clean up the clubhouse after the race. The winners of the race pool were Don Dybick for 1st, Gloria Veronesi for 2nd, Rich Libassi for 3rd, and Bonnie whose car came in 32nd place. CSRA A GROUP DEDICATED TO THE EDUCATION AND PRESERVATION OF OUR AUTOMOTIVE HERITAGE
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