MAY 2016 - Connecticut Street Rod Association
MAY 2016 - Connecticut Street Rod Association
CONNECTICUT STREET ROD ASSOCIATION MAY 2016 NUT MEG MOTOR NEWS CONNECTICUT STREET ROD ASSOCIATION P.O. BOX 1517 WALLINGFORD CT, 06942 203-697-9113 ESTABLISHED 1967 CSRA.ORG If you would like to become a CSRA member our regular meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month which are held at CSRA Clubhouse on 316 Woodhouse Avenue Wallingford CT. 7pm BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2016 PRESIDENT: VICE PRESIDENT: TREASURER: SECRETARY: DIRECTOR: DIRECTOR: John Jarush Anthony Perrone Dennis Dagliere Paul Benoit Greg Piesyna Steve VanBlarcom 860-284-0090 203-634-4150 203-239-3791 860-568-7404 203-729-8847 203-641-3451 NSRA NSRA STATE REPRESENTATIVE: NSRA SAFETY INSPECTOR: NSRA STATE ADVISER: Sally Benoit Armand Couture 860-568-7404 203-634-0008 203- SWAP MEET CHAIRMAN Bob Kesilewski 203-410-7744 NEWSLETTER STAFF NUTMEG NEWS EDITOR: Junie Barretta NUTMEG NEWS STAFF: Donna Barretta – Dennis - Moe Dagliere STAND-BY: Laura Falconieri BIRTHDAY REMINDERS: Junie Barretta SEND YOUR E-MAIL, PICTURES OR ARTICLES to If you are not receiving your newsletter or have changed your address please call or e-mail Dennis Dagliere 203-239-3791 or ALL MEETINGS ARE SMOKE FREE IN CASE OF BAD WEATHER CALL 203-697-9113 CONNECTICUT STREET ROD ASSOCIATION POST OFFICE BOX 1517 WALLINGFORD, CT 06192 CSRA Minutes of April, 6 2016 Pledge of Allegiance led by Ron Wilkos Sgt of Arms Rich Ronzello Representative from Papa’s Doge gave details about the fifth Annual Charity Sock Hop to be held April 16 at Papa’s Dodge in New Britain. 6:00 to 10:00 pm. Music by the Sharades. More information pending about Annual Dream Cruise. Secretary’s Report: Report accepted Treasure’s Report: Read and accepted Donation: Middlesex County Historical Society Annual Car Show and Flea Market on October 6TH . Jerry Augustine CARRIED. By-Laws: By-Law changes, as voted on by mail… All proposals were passed, (one change by one vote.) Any member with over 40 years of service to the club is now a life member, but still has swap meet obligations. Discussion about sponsor for Morotti Racing. Pete Bozzo TABLED. Clubhouse: Some clubhouse lights to be replaced. Saturday April 16 need members help from 9 AM on, including building and ground cleanup for The Dustoff the following day, April 17. The original club banner needs to be remounted. Club Apparel: Dave presented the 50th Anniversary jacket for all to see. The liner comes out for all seasons wear. Each member will be measured and fitted individually. Some members were fitted at the Dustoff event. Club Events: Annual Dustoff Show at clubhouse on April 17. NSRA Inspections available, lunch served. Junie thanked all who made the Kart Racing Event. Aug 21 Hot Rods and Heroes Show. Discussion about Ellington High School Show, date possibly in May. Club Picnic: Discussion about Annual Club Picnic. Awards Banquet: Buffet OK, band is pending Slide Show: Pete Bozzo gave a report on the recent annual Slide Show of the old dys at the drags. The Sunday afternoon date seemed to work out better. 4 C’s: Meeting of 4C club set for Monday, April 11. More news about taxes and titles pending. Swap Meet: Spring Swap Meet April, 11, dot painting at Lake Compounce done, in record time. Setup starts on Saturday April 30 and swap meet on Sunday May 1. Members must be ready to roll at 5 AM. Sunday May 1. Latest details gone over everyone will get an overview of the swap meet showing locations of all the areas, such as parking numbered lots, etc. if any member cannot be at the swap meet see Bobby for a duty make up. Daffodil Festival: Will be held the day before the swap meet. Old Business: Barrett-Jackson will be holding an event later this year. They are looking for help at the auction for the weekend and pay about $10 an hour. They need about ten more people. Photo Class: Thursday April 21, a photo class wants to take pictures of our cars, about 4 O’Clock. Get to the clubhouse before they leave at 3:30 PM. Summer Knights Car Show: Sunday April 24. We will be meeting at the Cromwell Dinner at 8 AM if interested, leave from there to go to show. Joey Lagono: Joey Lagono Foundation for charity auction at the AquaTurf at 2:30. Bring your car, Joey came out last year and checked all the cars out. Hot Rods & Hero’s: Show will start at noon at Silver City. Swap & Sell: Billy C. has an engine for sale, John has a Model A Coupe for sale. Dave has chrome license plate frames for sale that will fit the small old CT Plate, and Ron Wilkos has a new Quonset hut never put up, 900 sq feet asking $6,000. 50/50: John Jarush and Ron Wilkos Motion to adjourn Turn cell phones back on and help cleanup. Recent News: Captain Bill and Carol were married, our humble congrats to you of both, Andy Sorzotto’s wife Tina was in the hospital, hope all is well. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS April 19, 2016 Treasurer Dues for Goodguys are going in. Swap Meet Setup to go at 5AM Sunday, May 1. Dot painting at Lake Compounce was completed Monday April 11, in record time. Annual Dust-off At clubhouse April 17, we had a large turnout, 57 cars inspected, about 175 pins given out. About 3PM a long line of cars left the clubhouse to caravan past Tom Falconieri’s service station for a final salute . Hot Rod & Heroes Set for August 21. Donations Discussion about one for PBA. Also discussion about a sponsor donation for Morrotti Racing which was tabled last meeting. John reports that there will be some heavy equipment blocking spaces by the Jug handle during the swap meet. Meaning we may have to use parking in camp ground area. Swap Meet Mailer Junie reports mailer will go out this week. Building Some new lights were put in at work/cleanup session April 16. Discussion about new shed to be built, space needed, and type of floor and building app. 10’ x 30’ there are three bids ion that were all discussed. Cars & Coffee Sunday was the same day as the dust-off with coffee running out, due to the heavy demand Garage Night Some coming up dates will be announced when we have them. Members Obligations Tony reports that so far most members are on board. 4 C’s John reports that there is one proposal that deals withlow license plate numbers that may be up for high bids. Otherwise it’s been quiet at this time. We need to form a committee for the 2017 50th Anniversary celebration. As of this time April 20 an article in the Hartford Courant reports that no one should go to DMV. Seems there has been a complete meltdown. The DMV wants to fire the 3M Co. that now has the contract. It has been a DMV nightmare all year. Stay tuned it has to get better. Lisa Piesyna Richard Moore Laura SanGiovanni Rich Lathrop Junie Barretta Peter Bozzo Linda Buccheri Dave Harutunian Clair Gallant Dave Hall 3 4 5 12 22 22 24 25 ? 30 2015 NUTMEG MOTOR NEWS CSRA.ORG EDITOR I like to apologize for last month forgetting the April Birthday list… Here are those names: Prez Sez John Jarush Hi members and friends, The weather sure has got much nicer since I got back from vacation. When I left for Las Vegas, it was cold and gray, now it`s sunny and warmer. Sorry I didn`t make the Dust-off / Early Inspection at the clubhouse, but I always wanted to go to Viva Las Vegas and this year it worked out to be able to go. It was a good show, not as big as I thought it would be, our Monday night CNN show gets twice as many cars, but the concerts were well worth it. The legendary Dick Dale and Brian Setzer both put on awesome shows. But I did see pictures from Early Inspection and in talking to people it was a great turnout. Our Spring Swap meet is the 47th. Can you believe it`s only 3 more till 50 swap meets! I missed the first couple of swap meets, but did attend the last few swap meets at Superior Spring, Two Guys, Heartland, missed New Haven, but did Terryville and now Lake Compounce. The clubs new show to benefit veterans, Hot Rods & Heroes will be on August 21th at New Life Church. Cars & Coffee is the third Sunday of every month and Greg has his Garage Nights upcoming in May and June too. On the Legislative side, we haven`t heard of any bills that are bad for the hobby, but there is still a few weeks left. One bill I did receive info on is that the DMV wants to do an online auction for low number plates when they become available. The way it reads is that you can do an online bid through the DMV website. We will follow them and anything else that may come up in this short legislative session. The budget is still not balanced, so we need to keep our eyes and ears wide open. Speaking of short, this month’s Prez Says is short and sweet. I just got back and I know Junie is itching to get this! That’s it for this time, See you at the meeting, John CLUB EVENTS DATE TIME EVENT May 1st June 20th Aug 21st 6 am 5 pm 2 pm & PLACE Swap Meet Lake Compounce Connecticut Dragway Reunion New Life Church Hot Rods 4 Hero’s New Life Church CLUB ANNIVERSARY JACKET FITTING A tailor will be at the May’s club meeting for the members who weren’t at the last meeting to get measured for their jackets. If you don’t get measured there you will have to go to them to be measured. Also if you want your name on the jacket you must tell them and will have to pay extra. GET WELL Get well to Ted Tine who was recently in the hospital our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family WE HEAR!!! We hear!!! On April 1st Captain Bill and Carol got married and when I heard it I thought it was an April Fool’s Day practical joke knowing the Captain, but it wasn’t a joke so now that the both of them are hitched, this would be a very good time to say from all of us at CSRA, CONGRATULATION!!! (It’s always good to get married on a holiday because you’ll never forget when you got married!!!) CSRA A GROUP DEDICATED TO THE EDUCATION AND PRESERVATION OF OUR AUTOMOTIVE HERITAGE 2015 NUTMEG MOTOR NEWS CSRA.ORG We hear!!! Yep that’s my boys, there doing what GUESS WHO THIS IS comes naturally Can you guess who this CSRA member is with his Hopalong Cassidy t-shirt on, he couldn’t get Cassidy’s horse to pose with him, so he used the biggest dog he had to take its place, I wonder if it’s name was Topper! This is what really happens in Los Vegas that should stay in Los Vegas!!! We hear!!! What happens in Las Vegas stays in Vegas, until you travel with Armand, Dennis, Junie and Dominick. This is what happens when you put Ford lovers with Chevy lovers. We started out with a big Ford that wasn’t big enough for eight people and all the luggage so we had to get another SUV only this time the Ford fit eight people, but not all the luggage till we got the big enough Chevy SUV. Then we traveled to the hotel which was called Monte Carlo this was hard to swallow for those Ford Lovers, but life goes on. Traveling a few days later we were at a red light a cop on a little bitty motorcycle on the passenger side gave us the finger to pull over, he told Dennis the reason he pulled him over was the SUV wasn’t registered since last February, while another cop came to the passenger window telling Jeanne to roll down the window. Dennis told him it was a rental agency car and they were good enough not to give us a ticket and have it towed away if we promise to either call or go there. I won’t go through what happen when Dennis went to the car rental agency, but I will tell you the next Ford SUV didn’t fit us so they gave us one hell of a big 15 passenger Chevy van!!! (FOR ONCE THE CHEVY LOVERS RULED AND THE FORD TALKERS LOSS!!!) DON’T YOU HATE THIS! SENT IN BY FRANK BARRETTA III Q. If you were to spell out numbers, how far would you have to go until you would find the letter A'? A. One thousand CSRA A GROUP DEDICATED TO THE EDUCATION AND PRESERVATION OF OUR AUTOMOTIVE HERITAGE 2015 NUTMEG MOTOR NEWS CSRA.ORG CSRA A GROUP DEDICATED TO THE EDUCATION AND PRESERVATION OF OUR AUTOMOTIVE HERITAGE 2015 NUTMEG MOTOR NEWS CSRA.ORG STUFF FOR SALE If you have stuff to sell you can e-mail me at and please write in the subject box “Stuff for Sale” 4/1/16 FOR SALE – 4/1/16 FOR SALE – Steel Quonset Hut 30’x30’x14’ brand new never put up cost $8,000 will sell for . . . . . . . . . $6,000 Call Ron 860-684-4282 3/1/16 – For Sale – Brand new 1935 pair of Commercial plates still in plastic container . . . . . . . . . . . . .$100 or OBO Call Barry 203-666-7683 3/1/16 – For Sale - 1929 Ford Model A Tudor all original, needs restoration, very solid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 6500.00 Call Tony 860-296-2328 3/1/16 – For Sale - 40 Ford Std. Coupe has no patch panels, no rust. Options include the following: Black PPG BC/CC, Red and black leather interior, Classic gauges, Vintage Air, Walker Radiator, 327 sbc 350 TH, 9 inch Curry, P & J front end with split wishbones, Chevy P/S box, Wheel Vintique wheels. Powder coated ss caps, and trim rings, Flaming river column, Ron Francis wiring, Newport wipers, Gentleman, On June 5th, 2016 in Old Saybrook in the front of the Stop and Shop plaza from 11:00 am to 3:00pm on Elm St. I am running a benefit car show with the Chamber of Commerce and the VFW proceeds to benefit Marine Justin Eldridge's Children’s Education Fund and Local Charities. Admission $10.00 and food and music will be on site. Goody Bags and Dash Plaques to the first 100 vehicles with trophies awarded to various categories. Help us make this first run a success. Questions 203-530-5269 Ted Thank You Ted Aub. Drake boards, Juliano's wheel, Power seat. Asking $45,000 Car has less than 5000 miles since built. Call Joe Troilo from PA. 610-268-2169 2/1/16 - FOR SALE ’61 Full dress FLH. . . . $35,000 OBO Closure with Pride, Dignity, & Compassion. Call Chuck 203-753-7139 CSRA A GROUP DEDICATED TO THE EDUCATION AND PRESERVATION OF OUR AUTOMOTIVE HERITAGE 2015 NUTMEG MOTOR NEWS CSRA.ORG 1/1/16 FOR SALE - 1953 Chevy sedan del. has nova clip THANK YOU NOTES with new disk brakes and tubular a frames, Chevy sb with turbo 350 trans and Nova rear, body in very good condition Thank you very much for your generous floor pan has been patched, has rust free 54 front end. Have donation in memory of my mother new head light buckets and taillights. Drive train is all hooked up will need exhaust from the headers back. Not Barry & the Emple Family running you can’t drive it home bring a trailer asking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$5000.00 Dear Dennis, I don't need help selling and won’t answer texts On behalf of the residents of Tower One / Call 860-982-0319 Tower East, thank you for your generous donation of $100 in memory of Anne Kaplan. Acknowledgement of your gift has been sent to: Ted Emple, Barry Emple, Gerald Emple Your support and interest helps to provide the critical support that enable us to continue to make the Towers an important resource for our residents, their families and for the Greater New Haven Community. As always thank you for your continued support of the Towers. Without friends like you, our mission to provide healthy, affordable, ethical aging services would be impossible to achieve. Sincerely, Vivian Kantrow Dear John, On behalf of the Board of Directors and the Car Show Committee of the Middlesex County Historical Society, I would like to thank you and all the members of the Connecticut Street Rod Association for your very generous donation to our 31st annual Car Show and Flea Market. Two of your members, Jerry Augustine and Pete Bozzo, are long-time members of our committee and play a vital role in our success. This year’s show is on Sunday, October 2 (rain date, October 9) from 8:30 to 3:00 at Palmer Field off Route 66, Washington Street, in Middletown. Last year, several of your members entered their cars for judging at no charge and we encourage more of your members to enter this year. Our trophies are hand-made by a master woodworker and members of the committee and are truly unique and representative of Middletown’s nickname, the “Forest City.” Again, thank you for your generosity and support of our show. Sincerely, Deborah Shapiro Executive Director (and member of the car show committee) CSRA A GROUP DEDICATED TO THE EDUCATION AND PRESERVATION OF OUR AUTOMOTIVE HERITAGE 2015 NUTMEG MOTOR NEWS CSRA.ORG BREAKFAST 7 DAYS A WEEK LUNCH CATERING FOR ALL OCCASIONS Tom’s Place “WHERE THE ELITE MEET TO EAT” 238-9029 55 MAIN STREET SOUTH MERIDAN, CT. STUFF YOU DIDN'T KNOW! SENT IN BY RAY LONG Many years ago in England, pub frequenters had a whistle baked into the rim, or handle of their ceramic cups. When they needed a refill, they used the whistle to get some service. 'Wet your whistle' is the phrase inspired by this practice. WOMEN OF AMERICA RHYME SENT IN BY GLORIA VERONESI Here’s what you do, when you have to go do the dreaded #2! Now stop worrying, DO NOT blush, all you need is the Courtesy Flush! Everyone does “it” it’s not a crime all you do is flush at the same time! Now there’s no embarrassment, nothing to tell, the flush covers the noise and the smell! Flush and go or sit awhile and stay, just keep flushing… there’s no other way! Flush as many times as needed to keep your bowls clean, and this room will not smell so obscene! Women’s noses all over thank you! CSRA A GROUP DEDICATED TO THE EDUCATION AND PRESERVATION OF OUR AUTOMOTIVE HERITAGE 2015 NUTMEG MOTOR NEWS CSRA.ORG PETE TREATS THE TYPEWRITER was invented in 1829 and the automatic dishwasher in 1889 THE WRISTWATCH was invented in 1904 by Louis Cartier WHEN GLASS breaks, the cracks move at speeds of up to 3,000 miles per hour BY RAISING your legs slowly and laying on your back, you can’t sink in quicksand TEN MINUTES of one hurricane contains enough energy to match the nuclear stockpile of the world CELLOPHANE IS NOT MADE OF PLASTIC. It is made of a plant fiber, cellulose, which has been shredded and aged GUESS WHO THIS IS If you guessed Pete Bozzo your right as a kid he was a cowboy, but as a grown up he’s our Pasture Pete at all our club’s events. CSRA A GROUP DEDICATED TO THE EDUCATION AND PRESERVATION OF OUR AUTOMOTIVE HERITAGE 2015 NUTMEG MOTOR NEWS CSRA.ORG CSRA DUST-OFF AND NSRA APPRECIATION DAY April 17, 2016 Written by Bette Dybick Arriving at the CSRA clubhouse, we found the parking lot was almost full and the cars were already lining up in the back yard. Sally Benoit was set up for NSRA sign ups and Paula Schwers was manning the table for inspection of vehicles with several inspectors working on various cars. All in all, 171 pins were handed out and 57 cars were inspected. Sponsors for this year’s event were National Speed, Watson Street Works and Juliano Interiors.. The weather was cooperative with a balmy 70° day. Donuts and pastries were served for the early birds and hamburgs were served for lunch for participants. The kitchen staff of CSRA did their usual perfect job of preparing the food. A memorial service was held after lunch honoring members and former members who had passed away during this year. Among them were Gerry Francis, Art Machall and Tom Falconieri. Presentations were made to the families of each. NSRA Members Tiny Reid from the Ty-rod's and Dick (Relick) Morris. Old friends of CSRA were honored out of respect to our fellow street rodders. Raffle prizes were awarded and awards to people that I don’t have names for, but the Thomas Falconieri family, represented by his wife Laura, was presented an award. At the close of the event, Bob Kesilewski organized a parade of vehicles to drive a designated route which eventually passed by Tom Falconieri’s garage on Route 5 in Meriden, CT as a tribute to Tom. The original early inspection event was always held at that garage. A few of the car owners paid their respects to Tom by “lighting up” or honking their horns as they went by. It was a wonderful way to honor Tom. RIP. CSRA A GROUP DEDICATED TO THE EDUCATION AND PRESERVATION OF OUR AUTOMOTIVE HERITAGE 2015 NUTMEG MOTOR NEWS CSRA.ORG This Pontiac Coupe drove from New York taking the long distance award and some cash to booth. Viva Las Vegas Car Show was held at the Orleans Hotel and it seems there were more women than cars, and some of them ladies looked outstanding, some of them had really great shapes. CSRA A GROUP DEDICATED TO THE EDUCATION AND PRESERVATION OF OUR AUTOMOTIVE HERITAGE 2015 NUTMEG MOTOR NEWS CSRA.ORG Las Vegas Vacation “Take the dam picture my ice cream is melting!” “How can you tell we were drinking” FRIDAY NIGHTS JUNIE BARRETTA Friday nights at the clubhouse has die out since Tommy has past, it’s a tradition I know he would not like to stop. So I asked the Board if I start making it a night where we can have a dinner with just hot dogs, chips and deserts maybe we can get Friday Nights back on track. There are nights you can watch Nascar racing, we still can play Dominos, and if we get enough people we could even play Bocce or if you have a better idea on what to do please let me know. We have a beautiful clubhouse and we hardly use it for our enjoyment. CSRA A GROUP DEDICATED TO THE EDUCATION AND PRESERVATION OF OUR AUTOMOTIVE HERITAGE 2013 NUTMEG MOTOR NEWS CSRA.ORG C.S.R.A. A GROUP DEDICATED TO THE EDUCATION AND PRESERVATION OF OUR AUTOMOTIVE HERITAGE
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