NUTMEG MOTOR NEWSLETTER CONNECTICUT STREET ROD ASSOCIATION JANUARY 2016 NUT MEG MOTOR NEWS CONNECTICUT STREET ROD ASSOCIATION P.O. BOX 1517 WALLINGFORD CT, 06942 203-697-9113 ESTABLISHED 1967 CSRA.ORG If you would like to become a CSRA member our regular meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month which are held at CSRA Clubhouse on 316 Woodhouse Avenue Wallingford CT. 7pm BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2016 PRESIDENT: VICE PRESIDENT: TREASURER: SECRETARY: DIRECTOR: DIRECTOR: John Jarush Anthony Perrone Dennis Dagliere Paul Benoit Tom Falconieri Steve VanBlarcom 860-284-0090 203-634-4150 203-239-3791 860-568-7404 203-265-7226 203-641-3451 NSRA NSRA STATE REPRESENTATIVE: NSRA SAFETY INSPECTOR: NSRA STATE ADVISER: Sally Benoit Armand Couture Tom Falconieri 860-568-7404 203-634-0008 203-265-7226 SWAP MEET CHAIRMAN Bob Kesilewski 203-410-7744 NEWSLETTER STAFF NUTMEG NEWS EDITOR: Junie Barretta NUTMEG NEWS STAFF: Donna Barretta – Dennis - Moe Dagliere STAND-BY’S: Tom Falconieri - Laura Falconieri BIRTHDAY REMINDERS: Junie Barretta SEND YOUR E-MAIL, PICTURES OR ARTICLES to If you are not receiving your newsletter or have changed your address please call or e-mail Dennis Dagliere 203-239-3791 or ALL MEETINGS ARE SMOKE FREE IN CASE OF BAD WEATHER CALL 203-697-9113 January Birthdays! Judy Van Blarcom Isabelle Bozzo Cindy Rouquie Donna Barretta Don Dybick Rachel Christiano Anthony Campagnuolo Phil Rouquie 2nd 8th 10th 13th 14th 20th 25th th 30 DUE TO WRONG BIRTHDAY DATES A NEW LIST WILL BE MADE WITH THE NEW REGISTRATION FORM PLEASE PRINT YOUR BIRTHDAY NEATLY SO I CAN CORRECT MY LIST 2015 NUTMEG MOTOR NEWS CSRA.ORG From the Editor Prez Sez CLUB EVENTS John Jarush Hi members and friends, It`s the start of another year, can`t believe how fast this year went by. One more year then it`s the clubs 50th Anniversary. Not many clubs can say that, and have what our club has. Congrats to all the members for what they do ! Check out the 50th Anniversary Logo when you can, it looks awesome. The weather has been great, but I don`t want to jinx us. I`m looking forward to Christmas vacation to get some work done in the garage, so I hope it stays warm, till the heaters up and running ! The Blood drive and Pete`s NEAM day both are behind us and went well from what I heard. The Christmas party was fun. Lots of food, some games and a carload of toys, and I do mean a carload! The Awards Banquet is next, and that one has great food too, Awards, laughs and a band too. Garage night returns with Jim Wilkos hosting at his new shop in Middlefield by Lyman’s Orchards. Don`t forget Cars & Coffee on the third Sunday, Greg will have donuts. I almost forget the un-decorating at the clubhouse on New Year’s Day. On the Legislative side, it looks like the 4C`s meetings will have to be moved, for one meeting anyway, due to renovations still going on at the restaurant. As I write this, the meeting will be moved to the Athenian Diner in Middletown. We still haven`t heard much, but when the session starts I sure we will hear what`s going on, because the budget is always a hot topic in this state. The new federal law that lets small manufactures build turn-key cars, assign VIN numbers and register them as the year the resemble is a good sign for us. By doing that it shows that they will work to help us, sometimes anyway. But I haven`t seen the final written text of the bill, they may mess it all up before it`s done, but time will tell. It`s a good effort by all that had a hand in it. Hope everyone has a Happy New Year and a great 2016! DATE TIME Jan 1st 12pm Jan 16th 6pm Feb 7th Hour before Game Feb 21st Hour before Race EVENT & New year Party Awards Banquet Super Bowl Daytona 500 PLACE Clubhouse Zandries Clubhouse Clubhouse GET WELL Get well to Dick Esposito who recently had surgery our thoughts and prayers go out to you.. CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to Dave Hall and Rose Brennan in becoming our newest club member, also congratulation to a former member Paul Buccheri becoming a prospective member again. WE HEAR!!! WE HEAR!!! Just to get things right Rat Fink always practices with dummies before dealing with the real thing!!! GUESS WHO THIS IS This CSRA members use to live here and now he doesn’t can you guess who he is? That’s it for this time, See you at the meeting, John CSRA A GROUP DEDICATED TO THE EDUCATION AND PRESERVATION OF OUR AUTOMOTIVE HERITAGE 2015 NUTMEG MOTOR NEWS CSRA.ORG OUR CONDOLENCES Our condolences to the family of Gerald Edward Francis of West Simsbury, Gerry was a former member of CSRA and was a member of Over the Hill Gang, he passed peacefully at Hartford Hospital on Friday, November 27, 2015. Gerry loved cars and always drove his cars in the St Patrick’s Day Parade. He will be missed by many. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Dick Morris’s family, Dick was a friend of the older members. GARAGE NIGHT Come join us for pizza & soda at the first Garage night of the new year. Auto-Moto will be hosting on Friday, January 8 from 6:00-9:00 at 31 Orchard Lane Middlefield, CT. 860-349-3837. Wintec Fabrication, your long time local Hot Rod parts supplier is relocating and merging with AutoMoto in Middlefield, CT. We are excited to announce that this move substantially adds to the products and services that we can offer to the public. In addition to parts for your Hot Rod, Classic car, Pro touring, or even daily driver. We now offer installation, paint & bodywork, custom interiors, even full restoration & customization. Looking forward to seeing all of you and introducing you to the team. Jim Wilkos Q. Which day are there more collect calls than any other day of the year? A. Father's Day CSRA A GROUP DEDICATED TO THE EDUCATION AND PRESERVATION OF OUR AUTOMOTIVE HERITAGE 2015 NUTMEG MOTOR NEWS CSRA.ORG CSRA A GROUP DEDICATED TO THE EDUCATION AND PRESERVATION OF OUR AUTOMOTIVE HERITAGE 2015 NUTMEG MOTOR NEWS CSRA.ORG 9/1/15 – FOR SALE –1965 Plymouth Barracuda, 273 V8 with automatic trans, a very nicely kept car that runs and drives like STUFF FOR SALE new. 75,000 miles on speedom. Engine and all mechanicals If you have stuff to sell you can e-mail me at have been done. . . . . . . . . . . . .Asking $14,000 and please write in the subject box “Stuff for Sale” 12/1/15 - For Sale - 1930 Ford Model A Phaeton Blue very nice restored 1930 Ford Model A Phaeton 2 Door Model with Side-Spare Mount, Luggage Rack, Wind Wings, Cowl, Lamps, 4 Cyl, Standard Transmission, Chrome Bumpers, 19" Lester Tires, Cream Wheels Has been sitting, but restored very well including body, paint, interior, top, tires et cetera. Excellent condition. . . . . . . . Asking $35,000 Call Steve 203-641-3451 Call 860-793-4940 12/1/15 - WANTED - Looking for a Mullins Red Cap Trailer. Any help or leads appreciated. Tom Gormley 203-405-1893 11/1/15 - FOR SALE -1952 Plymouth Suburban wagon, 218 Flathead with 3 on the tree, 3.90 gear, Front disc brakes, dual master, new brake lines and fuel lines, cleaned and sealed original fuel tank. Rebuilt carb. Many extra parts runs great. Also have title. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10k OBO 11/1/15 - FOR SALE - 1955 270 Hemi with a 8-3/4” rear end prices to be discussed if wanted with the car. 11/1/15 - FOR SALE -1972 slant 6 with 904 trans with torque converter, 3 speed manual and aluminum bell housing for 727. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . All for $450 Call 203-213-9340 9/1/15 – FOR SALE – A complete 6-71 GMC blower setup for a small block Chevy. Complete with manifold, blower, carbs, pulleys, fuel line and belts. Recent blower bearings and gaskets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,500 Please call Gerry at 860-966-1467 CARTOON SENT IN BY RAT LONG CSRA A GROUP DEDICATED TO THE EDUCATION AND PRESERVATION OF OUR AUTOMOTIVE HERITAGE 2015 NUTMEG MOTOR NEWS CSRA.ORG NEW YEAR’S DAY Don’t forget we get together New Year’s day at noon to take down the Christmas decorations. If you like you can bring one of your food specialties to go along with the pot luck CSRA will provide. Another reminder on Feb 7th it will be the Super Bowl Party and on Feb 21st it will be Daytona 500. We will need a head count for both these event to order food call Tommy or Junie. If you’re bringing a friend please include them too. Dear Mr. Dagliere, On behalf of Manes & Motions Therapeutic Riding Center and the Hospital for Special Care Foundation, please accept our sincere appreciation for your generous gift of $500 to the Manes & Motions Fund. Sincerely, Carl R. Ficks, Jr Thanks to Pete Bozo and Don Dybick for the help they gave me on my garage addition. Much appreciated. Jerry Augustine PAUL BENOIT’S ODD WAY OF LOOKING AT THINGS THANK YOU NOTES To our Dear Friends at CSRA, On behalf of the Wallingford Wishing Well we want to thank you for your continued generosity to our Wallingford Families. It is an organization such as yours that allow us to continue to assist the sick and underprivileged children. Your donation of generous proportion is greatly appreciated. Respectfully, Sue Brooks Sectary of WWW You crawl under your car to fix what you think is a simple job, with a few hand tools. By the time you get done your torches are out, half your tool box and at least two floor jacks, not to mention half a six pack… Every day not much in your mailbox, but junk mail and advertisements, but take off for a week or two when you get back, yup, a big pile of bills, and or notices… Most of us can rebuild an engine, wire a car, even maybe do a great paint job, but some of us just are not high tech savvy… Troubles with your computer just get most any 5th grade kid to fix it… Why is it we park in the driveway and drive on the parkway… What is so good about going skeet shooting, they good eating or something? Do you need a license to go snipe hunting? Why do English people call a car hood a bonnet? Wonder what they call the exhaust pipe? I know an old timer that once blew the engine in his car. He said the engine ‘fell out.’ Strange I looked under the hood and the engine was where it always was… THE ANSWER TO WHO IS IT Dear Vicky and Ray, Thank you very much for your generous donation to the Joyce D. and Andrew J. Mandell Center for Comprehensive MS Care and Neuroscience Research. Your donation will enhance all that we do at the Mandell Center to care for persons living with MS. We appreciate your generosity. Sincerely, Matthew Farr, MS, PT, Manager Mandell MS Center “Wishing you a year of joy and good health!” CSRA, Thank you for the thoughtful fruit basket while I was recovering. Thank you Kris Sabatucci Dear Dennis, Thank you for your contribution of $500 to the Saint Francis Hospital Mandell Multiple Sclerosis center. We are grate ful that you have chosen to support the healing work that we perform each and every day. Warmly, Whitney Dionne If you guessed Barry Emple your right he took off South and left everything else behind. PETE TREATS WHEN A PERSON DIES hearing is the last sense to go. The first sense lost is your sight. IN ANCIENT TIMES strangers shook hands to show that they were unarmed. IF YOU ARE RIGHT HANDED, you will tend to chew your food on the right side of your mouth. IF YOU ARE LEFT HANDED, you will tend to chew your food on the left side of your mouth. TO MAKE HALF A KILO of honey bees must collect nectar from over 2 million individual flowers. BECAUSE OF THE SPEED at which Earth moves around the Sun it is impossible for a solar eclipse to last more than 7 minutes and 58 seconds. NOBODY KNOWS THE AGE of the human race, but everyone agrees that it is old enough to know better. CSRA A GROUP DEDICATED TO THE EDUCATION AND PRESERVATION OF OUR AUTOMOTIVE HERITAGE 2015 NUTMEG MOTOR NEWS CSRA.ORG THE ONCE MAGICAL LOVE AFFAIR WITH CARS IS OVER "Instead of Ford versus Chevy, its Apple versus By Marc Fisher (Sent in by Jerry Veronese) Android, and instead of customizing their ride, they customize their phones with covers and apps," he says. "You express yourself through your phone, whereas lately, cars have become more like appliances, with 100,000-mile warranties." At the Cruise-In, 30 miles outside Washington, Mecca and a cluster of other collectors, all men past the halfcentury mark, trade laments — for the days when cars had more fanciful designs, for what they fear will be the loss of the Washington Redskins' team name, for their children's lack of interest in cars. INSIDE THE FORT KNOX OF STORAGE Robo Vault can withstand a category five hurricane and keeps billionaires’ $750,000 Ferraris, priceless art collections and vintage wine very safe STERLING, Va. — Chuck Mecca plops his lawn chair down in the parking lot of the Chick-fil-A at the Dulles Town Crossing shopping center, smack behind his lipstick-red 1956 Ford F-100 pickup, primped and polished for its turn under the Friday night lights. Mecca, his beard long since gone white, is a regular at the Cruise-In, a weekly gathering of guys whose enduring love is a set of wheels that delivers them back to the time when customizing and showing off your car was the ultimate expression of self. Now 72, Mecca was 18 when he worked the biggest newspaper delivery route in McLean, Virginia, to amass the cash to buy his first car, a '53 Ford that didn't have a working second gear. He pumped gas to pay for wheels to cruise over the bridge to Washington, D.C., or impress the girls at a local driveAdvanced robotic technology makes the building in in. Florida all but impenetrable and armed guards and Back then, he could name the make and model of fingerprint scans make the vault inaccessible to anything that zipped by. Even now, cars speak for intruders. Prices to keep belongings behind the vault's him: "When my wife beat ovarian cancer," he says, "I incredible 18in thick door start at a reasonable $525 bought her, her dream car," a '56 Chevy Nomad pocket change for some of the vault's celebrity users. station wagon. Susan McGregor, the Fort Lauderdale facility's On Friday evenings at the Cruise-In, Mecca and his president and general manager, said: 'Every day we buddies cluster behind the '72 Dodge Challenger and see something different that comes through the electric-blue '65 Corvette. They check under the RoboVault. I often get asked what's the most unusual hoods and trade stories about cars and women and that I have ever seen here and that was pallets of where the years have gone. Mongolian dinosaur bones.' For nearly all of the first century of automobile travel, getting your license meant liberation from parental control, a passport to the open road. Today, only half of millennial bother to get their driver's licenses by age 18. Car culture, the 20th-century engine of the American Dream, is an old guy's game. "The automobile just isn't that important to people's lives anymore," says Mike Berger, a historian who studies the social effect of the car. "The automobile provided the means for teenagers to live their own lives. Social media blows any limits out of the water. RAY LONG BELIEVES You don't need the car to go find friends." Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what Much of the emotional meaning of the car, especially their journey is all about. to young adults, has transferred to the smartphone, No one is in charge of your happiness except you. says Mark Lizewskie, executive director of the Antique Frame every so-called disaster with these words: Automobile Club of America Museum in Hershey, 'In five years, will this matter?' Pennsylvania. CSRA A GROUP DEDICATED TO THE EDUCATION AND PRESERVATION OF OUR AUTOMOTIVE HERITAGE 2015 NUTMEG MOTOR NEWS CSRA.ORG BRADLEY AIR MUSEUM Marital Bliss JOKE SENT IN BY PURPLE JOE A police officer pulls over a speeding car. The officer says, "I clocked you at 80 miles per hour, sir." The driver says, "Gee, officer, I had it on cruise control at 60; perhaps your radar gun needs calibrating." Not looking up from her knitting his wife says: "Now don't be silly, dear -- you know that this car doesn't have cruise control" As the officer writes out the ticket, the driver looks over at his wife and growls, "Can't you please keep your mouth shut for once !! ?" His wife smiles demurely and says, "Well dear you should be thankful your radar detector went off when it did or your speed would have been higher." As the officer makes out the second ticket for the illegal radar detector unit , the man glowers at his wife and says through clenched teeth, "Woman, can't you keep your mouth shut?" The officer frowns and says, "And I notice that you're not wearing your seat belt, sir. That's an automatic $75 fine. " The driver says, "Yeah, well, you see, officer, I had it on, but I took it off when you pulled me over so that I could get my license out of my back pocket." His wife says, "Now, dear, you know very well that you didn't have your seat belt on. You never wear your seat belt when you're driving." And as the police officer is writing out the third ticket, the driver turns to his wife and barks, "WILL YOU PLEASE SHUT UP??" The officer looks over at the woman and asks, "Does your husband always talk to you this way, Ma'am?" "Only when he's been drinking!" BREAKFAST 7 DAYS A WEEK LUNCH CATERING FOR ALL OCCASIONS Tom’s Place “WHERE THE ELITE MEET TO EAT” 238-9029 55 MAIN STREET SOUTH MERIDAN, CT. CSRA A GROUP DEDICATED TO THE EDUCATION AND PRESERVATION OF OUR AUTOMOTIVE HERITAGE 2015 NUTMEG MOTOR NEWS CSRA.ORG CSRA CHRISTMAS PARTY CSRA A GROUP DEDICATED TO THE EDUCATION AND PRESERVATION OF OUR AUTOMOTIVE HERITAGE 2015 NUTMEG MOTOR NEWS CSRA.ORG CSRA A GROUP DEDICATED TO THE EDUCATION AND PRESERVATION OF OUR AUTOMOTIVE HERITAGE 2015 NUTMEG MOTOR NEWS CSRA.ORG JERRY VERONESI KNOWS THE BRAIN uses more than 25% of the oxygen used by the human body. IF YOUR mouth was completely dry, you would not be able to distinguish the taste of anything. THERE are more living organisms on the skin of a single human being than there are human beings on the face of the earth. MUSCLES are made up of bundles from about 1/5 in the eyelid to about 200 in the buttock muscle. MUSCLES in the human body (640 in total) make up half the body weight. THE HUMAN body has enough fat to produce 7 bars of soap. THE ULTIMATE TEST of a relationship is to disagree but hold hands. Alexander Penney THE HUMAN head is a quarter of our total length at birth, but only an eighth of our total length by the time we reach adulthood. THE HEART of giraffe is two feet long and can weigh as much as twenty four pounds. ON AVERAGE elephant sleep two hours per day. LOBSTERS have blue blood. SHARK’S teeth are literaly as hard as steel. A MOSQUITO has 47 teeth. OXYGEN carbon hydrogen and nitrogen make up of the human body. SEVENTY percent of the dust in your home consists of shed human skin. FISH are the only vertebrate that outnumbers birds. A COCKROACH can live several weeks without their head. ELEPHANTS have been known to remain standing when they died. CARTOON SENT IN BY RAY LONG CARTOON SENT IN BY JERRY VERONESI CSRA A GROUP DEDICATED TO THE EDUCATION AND PRESERVATION OF OUR AUTOMOTIVE HERITAGE 2013 NUTMEG MOTOR NEWS CSRA.ORG C.S.R.A. A GROUP DEDICATED TO THE EDUCATION AND PRESERVATION OF OUR AUTOMOTIVE HERITAGE CONNECTICUT STREET ROD ASSOCIATION NEW & RENEWAL FORM 2016 MEMBERSHIP (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) CLUB# NSRA# THE YEAR YOU JOINED THE CLUB GOODGUYS#__ ______DATE OF BIRTH / MONTH / / DAY/ / NAME_______________________________________________________________________MARRIED YES [ ] NO [ ] LAST FIRST NICK NAME _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS TOWN STATE ZIP HOME PHONE#___________________________________________ CELL PHONE# ______________________________ OCCUPATION:______________________________________________________________________DUES:$20.00 PD[ ] WERE YOU EVER IN THE ARMED SERVICE YES [ ] NO [ ] NAME_______________________________________ IF MARRIED – SPOUSE’S NAME DATE OF BIRTH MONTH / / DAY/ / IF SIGNIFICANT OTHER DATE OF BIRTH MONTH / / DAY/ / MAKE AND YEAR OF STREET ROD_____________________________________________________________________ BODY STYLE COLOR LICENSE PLATE # DO YOU HAVE OTHER STREET RODS OR SPECIAL INTEREST CARS_____________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ARE YOU N.S.R.A. INSPECTED YES [ ] NO [ ] - PASSED YES [ ] NO [ ] - IS YOUR CAR ON THE ROAD YES [ ] NO [ ] REASON FOR NOT ON ROAD___________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ IF YOU BELONG TO ANOTHER CLUB PLEASE NAME:___________________________________________________ HAVE YOU MADE ALL YOUR COMMITMENTS LAST YEAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . YES [ ] NO [ ] DO YOU WANT YOUR NAME IN THE FELLOW PAGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .YES [ ] NO [ ] DID YOU HEAD A COMMITTEE LAST YEAR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . YES [ ] NO [ ] (FOR CLUB USE ONLY) PAID EXEMPT RECORDED YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS_______________________________________________________________________________ ANYONE WHO RECEIVES PROPERTIES FROM CLUB MUST RETURN ITEMS WHEN THEY LEAVE CLUB NEW & RENEWAL FORM 2016 MEMBERSHIP PLEASE FILL-OUT THIS SIZE FORM TO KEEP OUR RECORDS CURRENT PLEASE CIRCLE YOUR SIZE MEMBER SIZE SHIRT S – M - L – XL – XXL – XXXL PANTS S – M - L – XL – XXL – XXXL JACKET S – M - L – XL – XXL – XXXL SPOUSE OR SIGNIFICANT OTHER SIZE SHIRT S – M - L – XL – XXL – XXXL PANTS S – M - L – XL – XXL – XXXL JACKET S – M - L – XL – XXL – XXXL CHILD’S NAME: ______________________________________________AGE ___ DATE OF BIRTH ___/___/___ CHILD’S NAME: ______________________________________________AGE ___ DATE OF BIRTH ___/___/___ CHILD’S NAME: ______________________________________________AGE ___ DATE OF BIRTH ___/___/___ CHILD’S NAME: ______________________________________________AGE ___ DATE OF BIRTH ___/___/___ CHILD’S NAME: ______________________________________________AGE ___ DATE OF BIRTH ___/___/___ GRAND CHILD’S NAME: ____________________________________________AGE ___ DATE OF BIRTH ___/___/___ GRAND CHILD’S NAME: ____________________________________________AGE ___ DATE OF BIRTH ___/___/___ GRAND CHILD’S NAME: ____________________________________________AGE ___ DATE OF BIRTH ___/___/___ GRAND CHILD’S NAME: ____________________________________________AGE ___ DATE OF BIRTH ___/___/___ GRAND CHILD’S NAME: ____________________________________________AGE ___ DATE OF BIRTH ___/___/___ (FOR CLUB USE ONLY) COMMENTS:
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