April 2016 Newsletter - Connecticut Street Rod Association
April 2016 Newsletter - Connecticut Street Rod Association
NUT MEG MOTOR NEWS CONNECTICUT STREET ROD ASSOCIATION P.O. BOX 1517 WALLINGFORD CT, 06942 203-697-9113 ESTABLISHED 1967 CSRA.ORG If you would like to become a CSRA member our regular meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month which are held at CSRA Clubhouse on 316 Woodhouse Avenue Wallingford CT. 7pm BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2016 PRESIDENT: VICE PRESIDENT: TREASURER: SECRETARY: DIRECTOR: DIRECTOR: John Jarush Anthony Perrone Dennis Dagliere Paul Benoit Greg Piesyna Steve VanBlarcom 860-284-0090 203-634-4150 203-239-3791 860-568-7404 203-729-8847 203-641-3451 NSRA NSRA STATE REPRESENTATIVE: NSRA SAFETY INSPECTOR: NSRA STATE ADVISER: Sally Benoit Armand Couture Tom Falconieri 860-568-7404 203-634-0008 203-265-7226 SWAP MEET CHAIRMAN Bob Kesilewski 203-410-7744 NEWSLETTER STAFF NUTMEG NEWS EDITOR: Junie Barretta NUTMEG NEWS STAFF: Donna Barretta – Dennis - Moe Dagliere STAND-BY’S: Tom Falconieri - Laura Falconieri BIRTHDAY REMINDERS: Junie Barretta SEND YOUR E-MAIL, PICTURES OR ARTICLES to Junietoons@aol.com If you are not receiving your newsletter or have changed your address please call or e-mail Dennis Dagliere 203-239-3791 or Choppeda@aol.com ALL MEETINGS ARE SMOKE FREE IN CASE OF BAD WEATHER CALL 203-697-9113 CONNECTICUT STREET ROD ASSOCIATION POST OFFICE BOX 1517 WALLINGFORD, CT 06192 CSRA Minutes of March, 2 2016 Pledge of Allegiance led by Ron Wilkos Sgt of Arms Rich Ronzello Secretary’s Report: Report accepted Treasure’s Report: Read and accepted Donation: Ellington High Auto Shop, Passed. Wallingford YMCA, Passed. Two Scholarships Wilcox, Haddam, and Killingworth considered and Sphinx Motor Patrol considered. By-Laws Discussion about some changes of By-Law meeting recently. All members should receive a ballot by mail to vote on proposed changes. Clubhouse Hours: Pat needs help Saturday March 5 at 10:00 am until work is completed Go Kart Racing: Sunday March 6. Any interested members, friends that would like to go kart racing be at the clubhouse at 5 am to leave at 5:30 am. Club Apparel: Dave gave a report of what is available and an update of the 50th Anniversary logo and jacket. Slide Show Slideshow of the past drag strip activities was March, Sunday at noon. Pete Bozzo gave a report on same. Pete is also a working volunteer at Bradley Air Museum. He stated April 2 is space exploration day. He also gave a report that the museum is due for a lot of extensive improvements. Cars & Coffee Next event is March 20. Garage Nights Garage Nights coming up April 14th at Anthony Perrone’s house and June 30th at John Sabatucci’s house. 4 C’s Quiet at the moment. Discussion about tax issue of old cars, and obtaining a title for old cars. Membership Committees We received a membership application from long time member Barry Emple including a check. Barry has moved to Virginia. The by-laws state that all members must be a state resident thereby application returned with explanation. Swap Meet Discussion about flyers. An overview map of Lake Compounce pending showing all numbered areas, and the general layout of all areas, including swap meet and parking. NSRA The volunteer host for Ladies Tea in Burlington has backed out. We are now back to looking for a party host, either an individual, or a group. All you ladies that helped out in the past your help is still needed Hot Rods & Heroes Show Aug 28 Discussion of same, Noted same weekend as Macungie. Memorial Ride Bob Kesilewski proposed a memorial ride for Tom past his service garage, after the Dustoff and early inspection event on April 17. Old Business: Discussion about buying memorial bricks for Tom at New Hampshire and Charlotte Speedway.. Swap & Sell: Laura had shirts available from Ron’s Hobby Race Shop. Dave Harutunian has paint for sale in pails. Dave has a paint / bodywork supply store. New Business: We received a call from a representative of the Barrett-Jackson auction to be held later this year. They are looking for help at the auction for drivers / moving cars for a few days. It’s a paid job. Anyone interested call John Jarush for details. 50/50: Jayson Petrosky and Greg Piesyna Motion to adjourn Turn cell phones back on and help cleanup. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS March 9, 2016 Dave gave a talk on the 50th Anniversary jackets, also the lead time needed for ordering, and the price of each was given. Dave stated that even if we go with another vendor we should plan on paying this firm for time and effort spent. Annual Awards Banquet, do we go with a band or DJ? Do we go with a sit down dinner or buffet? Treasurer NSRA Fellow pages sent in and the required filling with the state. Proposed By-Law changes members have been sent a ballot by mail to vote on changes. Please return ASAP. Donation, corporate sponsor pending for next meeting. Swap Meet, much discussion about shirts, posters, flyers and shirts only. The board feels they should help in this respect to help ease the load on the chairmen. Discussion about parts pickup, should we accept donations? Those who are assigned swap meet golf karts are they really needed for each individual person? Anyone who has a kart must care for that kart. We are responsible for any damages. 50th Anniversary, Shirts for the dustoff event, and the upcoming swap meet. Memorial, a discussion for Tom. Building, Pat discuss about clubhouse lights. Members needed for work detail on Saturday March 5. Cars & Coffee, held every third Sunday of the month next one is Sunday March 20 at the clubhouse. Goodguys, dues sent in. Father’s Day at the Springfield Big E. Show put on by the Mark’s cruise night crew. More info as we get it. Club Apparel, the board viewed and tried on jackets that are being considered for the 50th anniversary issue. The estimated price was considered. Dave gave a full report on the issue so far. After several design changes of the logo the last design is agreeable to the board. Thanks to Dave for being the middleman. New Business, Barrett-Jackson auction are looking for help at the auction for drivers / moving cars for a few days. It’s a paid job. Anyone interested call John Jarush for details. Anyone notice this? As you know there are cameras all over the place during a NASCAR race including some inside the cars. Looks like the traditional individual gauges on the dash are gone. Now it is a flat rectangle faceplate with electronic image gauges displaying info from the back side. Wonder how long it will be before some latest tech geeks put this in their street rod. 2015 NUTMEG MOTOR NEWS CSRA.ORG *BOARD MEETING April 19th CLUB EVENTS DATE TIME EVENT & Prez Sez April 17th 8 am May 1st 6 am June 20th 5 pm Aug 21st 1 pm John Jarush Hi members and friends, Well the weather has been warmer, but we just got snow again! It`s the first day of Spring, there shouldn`t be snow now. But I do remember getting eight inches of snow on May 9th, 1977. The Dust-off / Early Inspection will be on April 17th at the Clubhouse. Don`t forget a week later the Summer Knights will hold their 25th Annual Car Show on April 24th at the Berlin Fairgrounds. The clubs new show to benefit veterans, Hot Rods & Heroes will be on August 28th at New Life Church, still more info to follow. Don`t forget the Spring Swap Meet on May 1st at Lake Compounce. Saw a video of the go kart trip, looks like they had a blast, good job Junie. Just remember, Cars & Coffee is the third Sunday of every month. Greg has a few Garage Nights upcoming in April, May and June too. On the Legislative side, nothing yet from the tax panel that the Governor came up with a year or so ago, but as I said one of their suggestions is to eliminate the $500 assessment on Classic Vehicles. There is no bill has been introduced about this yet, but we are following it. They also have a bill to allow us to get titles for older vehicles, but the text of it hasn`t been written as of yet. We will follow them, but don`t see them going very far as this is the short legislative session. The club has named the kitchen in honor of Tom Falconieri. At first we thought a plaque above the door, then we decided on a double-sided sign and thanks to Barker Specialty, it looks great. We then needed a bracket to hold it, but instead of buying one, I thought after all those years of him sitting next to me on the Board, the least I could do was make a neat one of a kind bracket, just like him, to hold the sign. Thanks to former member Andy Scorzato of AMS Powder Coat for the great looking blue coating, it turned out to be a fitting tribute to a great guy and true street rodder! Be sure to check it out at this year’s Dust-off / Early Inspection. That’s it for this time, See you at the meeting, John Dust-off Swap Meet Connecticut Dragway Reunion Vets Run PLACE Clubhouse Lake Compounce New Life Church New Life Church DOTS PAINTING Monday April 11th at 10 am we will be doing dots, if it’s raining or rained call Ray Long 203-640-5665. We will try again April 25th if it’s clear. GET WELL Get well to Billy Coleman who had shoulder surgery our prayers and thoughts are with you and your family. WE HEAR!!! We hear!!! You can score one for Veterans!!! Today Alex not Alex McDonald went to the DMV to renew his license. When he was told to go have his picture taken he noticed that there were some men having their pictures taken, these men were wearing turbins on their heads. Alex was asked to take his hat off to have the picture taken He said “No” and “no” again when asked the second time. When he was asked why he would not remove his hat he said, “These men didn’t remove their head wear, “I shouldn’t either!” It was explained that this was their attire and their religion. Alex told the DMV person that what he had on was his attire and when he entered the Marines he declared an oath to the USA, and one nation under God, so that his oath was under God so it’s just as good as his religion, well, the DMV people didn’t know what to do they spoke to supervisors and called Sacramento, Alex was told, after an hour, that he could wear his hat for the picture and if there were any problems they would let him know and he could appeal their decision, He told them if there was a problem he will appeal it. He had spoken to few other Veterans and they plan to do the same. Alex feels no one has more right to display their head gear then a Veteran or active service person. When he left several employees at the DMV clapped quietly! We hear!!! Jack’s girlfriend Allegra got a bad hit from behind at the kart track and drove straight into the wall giving her two good seatbelt bruises, but she got a better hit at a dinner called Hibernia when the owner of the restaurant made a pass on her, and then offered her a job there too!!! CSRA A GROUP DEDICATED TO THE EDUCATION AND PRESERVATION OF OUR AUTOMOTIVE HERITAGE 2015 NUTMEG MOTOR NEWS CSRA.ORG We hear!!! By the looks of this picture of Dennis you would think he won a trophy for winning kart racing, but it wasn’t for that, instead it was for the best move he made to steal the best kart from Armand!!! GUESS WHO THIS IS This baby picture is a CSRA member who used to ride a three wheeler as a young boy, but now that he’s older he has trouble riding in a four wheeler. Can you guess who it is? CSRA A GROUP DEDICATED TO THE EDUCATION AND PRESERVATION OF OUR AUTOMOTIVE HERITAGE 2015 NUTMEG MOTOR NEWS CSRA.ORG Cartoon sent in by Jim Wilkos CSRA A GROUP DEDICATED TO THE EDUCATION AND PRESERVATION OF OUR AUTOMOTIVE HERITAGE 2015 NUTMEG MOTOR NEWS CSRA.ORG STUFF FOR SALE If you have stuff to sell you can e-mail me at Junietoons@AOL.com and please write in the subject box “Stuff for Sale” 1929 Ford Model A Tudor all original, needs Resto, very solid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 6500.00 Call Tony 860-296-2328 3/1/16 – For Sale - 40 Ford Std. Coupe has no patch panels, no rust. Options include the following: Black PPG BC/CC, Red and black leather interior, Classic gauges, Vintage Air, Walker Rad, 327 sbc 350 TH, 9 inch Curry, P & J front end with split wishbones, Chevy P/S box, Wheel Vintique wheels. Powder coated ss caps, and trim rings, Flaming river column, Ron Francis wiring, Newport wipers, Drake boards, Juliano's wheel, Power seat. Asking $45,000 Car has less than 5000 miles since built. Call Joe Troilo from PA. 610-268-2169 2/1/16 - FOR SALE ’61 Full dress FLH. . . . $35,000 OBO Call Chuck 203-753-7139 1/1/16 - 1953 Chevy sedan del. has nova clip with new disk brakes and tubular a frames, Chevy sb with turbo 350 trans and Nova rear, body in very good condition floor pan has been patched, has rust free 54 front end. Have new head light buckets and taillights. Drive train is all hooked up will need exhaust from the headers back. Not running you can’t drive it home bring a trailer asking. . . . . . . . . . . . .$5000.00 I don't need help selling and won’t answer texts Call 860-982-0319 12/1/15 - WANTED - Looking for a Mullins Red Cap Trailer. Any help or leads appreciated. Tom Gormley 203-405-1893 CSRA A GROUP DEDICATED TO THE EDUCATION AND PRESERVATION OF OUR AUTOMOTIVE HERITAGE THANK YOU NOTES To the Membership: 2015 NUTMEG MOTOR NEWS CSRA.ORG I have been told many times you do not want a thank you for doing the following for Tom's wake: • Bringing tents to and setting them up at the Clubhouse. • Bringing chairs to and setting them up the Clubhouse. • Getting Tom's street rods started and bringing them to the clubhouse and back. • Shopping, preparing, cooking, and buying food and other items needed. • Donating money to pay for things that were needed. • Hours setting up the front room so beautifully for my family to receive visitors. • Hours setting up the meeting room so beautifully for friends and family to gather. • Parking vehicles for hours in the pouring rain. • Holding umbrellas and escorting visitors in the pouring rain. • When it was all over, cleaning and vacuuming the whole clubhouse. • Sending an Edible arrangement to my house for my family. • Giving me donation money not used again, I have been told you do not want me to thank you because of your own desire to give. But, I do thank you, Laura YOUR FRIENDS IN SCOUTING. Cub Scout Pack 1010 Middletown, CT Dear CSRA, many thanks for the delicious fruit basket it was greatly appreciated. Just to let you know I’m doing well with my knee. I like to thank everyone who sent me cards and the well wishes Love & Peace Sally Benoit To the CSRA Members, I wanted to thank you all for sending me the edible arrangement fruit basket today to my house. That was very thoughtful! Thank you for everything you did for my father’s funeral and the hours members spent making it look so good and run smoothly. Thanks to all the member’s wives as well! This was the worst thing that could ever happen to me. It’s nice to know I have your support and can feel the love from you. Roseanne Brennan Falconieri CARTOON SENT IN BY JIMMY BRIGLIA CARTOON SENT IN BY SALLY BENOIT CSRA A GROUP DEDICATED TO THE EDUCATION AND PRESERVATION OF OUR AUTOMOTIVE HERITAGE 2015 NUTMEG MOTOR NEWS CSRA.ORG GUESS WHO THIS IS If you had guessed Richie Bubello your right, because of his bad back he has a hard time riding in his street rod. BREAKFAST 7 DAYS A WEEK LUNCH CATERING FOR ALL OCCASIONS Tom’s Place “WHERE THE ELITE MEET TO EAT” 238-9029 55 MAIN STREET SOUTH MERIDAN, CT. STUFF YOU DIDN'T KNOW! SENT IN BY RAY LONG Q. Half of all Americans live within 50 miles of what? A. Their birthplace CSRA A GROUP DEDICATED TO THE EDUCATION AND PRESERVATION OF OUR AUTOMOTIVE HERITAGE 2015 NUTMEG MOTOR NEWS CSRA.ORG CARTOON SENT IN BY GERRY VERONESI LOGIC FROM AN UNCLUTTERED Sent in by Dennis O’Brien MIND A Kindergarten teacher was observing her classroom of children while they were drawing. She would occasionally walk around to see each child's work. As she got to one little girl who was working diligently, she asked what the drawing was. The girl replied, 'I'm drawing God.' The teacher paused and said, 'But no one knows what God looks like.' Without missing a beat, or looking up from her drawing, the girl replied, 'They will in a minute.' CARTOONS SENT IN BY Dennis O’Brien JOKES SENT IN BY ANTHONY PERRONE WITH AGE COMES WISDOM. Baby's First Doctor Visit A woman and a baby were in the doctor's examining room, waiting for the doctor to come in for the baby's first exam. The doctor arrived, and examined the baby, checked his weight, and being a little concerned, asked if the baby was breast-fed or bottle-fed. “Breast-fed,” the woman said. The doc replied. “Well, strip down to your waist.” She did. He pinched her nipples, pressed, kneaded, and rubbed both breasts for a while in a very professional and detailed examination. Motioning to her to get dressed, the doctor said, “No wonder this baby is underweight. You don't have any milk.” “I know,” she said, “I'm his Grandma, but I'm glad I came.” A Sunday school teacher was discussing the Ten Commandments with her five and six year olds. After explaining the commandment to 'honor' thy Father and thy Mother, she asked, 'Is there a commandment that teaches us how to treat our brothers and sisters? From the back, one little boy (the oldest of a family) answered, 'Thou shall not kill. One day a little girl was sitting and watching her mother do the dishes at the kitchen sink. She suddenly noticed that her mother had several strands of white hair sticking out in contrast on her brunette head. She looked at her mother and inquisitively asked, 'Why are some of your hairs white, Mum? Her mother replied, 'Well, every time that you do something wrong and make me cry or unhappy, one of my hairs turns white. The little girl thought about this revelation for a while and then said, 'Mummy, how come ALL of grandma's hairs are white?' CSRA A GROUP DEDICATED TO THE EDUCATION AND PRESERVATION OF OUR AUTOMOTIVE HERITAGE 2015 NUTMEG MOTOR NEWS CSRA.ORG I could tell by the big smile on Dave “The rear end clipper” S & S SPEEDWAYS Novicelli’s face all was well. When you plan an event like kart racing you hope all goes I called him rear end clipper because he raced like well, especially when you take so many that far who never Earnhardt hitting your rear end trying to get you loose to raced karts before that drive like dirt cars. When the first pass you. group of eight karts went out I was amazed how quick that For all who went that day it turned out to be a great day and first group was and how fast they learned how to slide into if you don’t believe what I wrote just asks anyone who the turns. I guess maybe this group got to see firsthand how went. Armand “the Tire liar,” Dennis and Junie raced their karts to slide into the turns. After fifteen minutes of racing the first eight karts went to the pits where the second group of karts were waiting their turn, but had nobody out there to follow to set the speed to slide around the turns, but they didn’t do that bad. But let me tell you towards the end of racing that day everyone did great. THIS PROVES IAN’S CAR WAS MADE IN CHINA POWER BALL WINNER SPOTTED CSRA A GROUP DEDICATED TO THE EDUCATION AND PRESERVATION OF OUR AUTOMOTIVE HERITAGE 2015 NUTMEG MOTOR NEWS CSRA.ORG MEMORIAL RIDE FOR TOMMY Sunday afternoon after Dust off/ Inspection day and the Memorial of are past members, we will be having a Memorial Ride around 2-3 O'clock in Memory of Tommy to Meriden past his Garage where we used to have Inspection day before we had our club house. I will have maps on the route we going to take.. Please see me Sat. and/or Sunday on Inspection weekend of April 16-17.for more Info... Thanks.. Bobby PETE TREATS A CAT has 32 muscles in each ear. TIGERS have striped skin not just striped fur. A CAT’S jaws cannot move sideways. THERE ARE more beetles than any other king of creature in the world. CERTAIN FROGS that can survive the experience of being frozen. ONLY humans sleep on their backs. THE HUMAN brain is 80% water. EVERYONE’S tongue print is different. THE OLDEST known fossil is of a single-celled organism, blue-green algae found in 3.2 billion year old stone in South Africa. A COMET’S TAIL always points away from the sun. JOKE SENT IN BY JERRY AUGUSTINE One day my housework-challenged husband decided to wash his Sweatshirt. Seconds after he stepped into the laundry room, he shouted to me, 'What setting do I use on the washing machine?' 'It depends,' I replied. 'What does it say on your shirt?' He yelled back, ' Notre Dame!' And they say blondes are dumb... SWAP MEET NEW 1) Posters, flyers and flyer holders are here for the spring swap meet at the club house, please take them and hand them out. 2) Special Swap Meet Mailer with all Swap Meet information, job lists and new maps of all the lots, and Emergency Route plan will be mailed out. 3) Junie and Don will be doing Line & Dot painting on Monday April 10 starting at 10am at Lake Compounce... Anyone who can help PLEASE DO!!! Also Junie will need your help getting his trailer loaded with paint, paint sticks etc...Please see Junie at the meeting and let him know if you can HELP... 4) If there is bad weather Monday morning for line & dot you can call Ray Long 203-640-5665 Junie will let Ray know if line & dot painting is a go.. 5) Anyone who cannot work Sat. and/or Sunday at the Swap Meet there is other work to be done to put your Swap Meet hours in Sat. afternoon after club clean-up April 16 we will getting the trailers ready and with other jobs to do. 6) I will try to make the April meeting, but may get there late..Any questions see Richie (Jr.) I will let him know what needs to be done... Thanks.. Bobby (Coach) CSRA A GROUP DEDICATED TO THE EDUCATION AND PRESERVATION OF OUR AUTOMOTIVE HERITAGE 2013 NUTMEG MOTOR NEWS CSRA.ORG C.S.R.A. A GROUP DEDICATED TO THE EDUCATION AND PRESERVATION OF OUR AUTOMOTIVE HERITAGE
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