Network friends Network friends
Network friends Network friends
... csak 5 perc naponta dek Hasznos párbeszé a mindennapokra SZÓBELI, ÍRÁSBELI Kidolgozott érettségi és nyelvvizsga tételek Networkfriends friends Network Érdekességek és tények Érdekességek és tények közösségi oldalakról aa közösségi oldalakról Lovagoljunk Lovagoljunk minden, amit lovaglásról minden, amit aa lovaglásról tudni kell tudni kell Kids’ Corner Kids’ Corner Angol audióval gyerekeknek audióval nyelvlecke gyerekeknek Angol nyelvlecke Ingyenesen letölthető audióanyagok 2010. március 750Ft Nyelvtan: Nyelvtan: Hogyan tegyünk fel kérdéseket angolul Hogyan tegyünk fel kérdéseket angolul I SSN 2061- 2109 9 772061 210001 10003 a főszerkesztő levele editorial Szia! Amikor ezt a beköszöntőt írom, még nagyon hideg van és a hó is térdig ér, de remélhetőleg mire a kezedbe veszed ezt az újságot, már enyhül valamelyest az idő, hiszen már a márciusi számnál tartunk! Annál a márciusi számnál, amelynek a címlapján te is megtalálhatod magad, ha küldtél képet felhívásunkra. Remélem, hogy tetszik az alkotásunk! Ebben a hónapban két fő téma vonul végig a magazinon: a közösségi oldalak népszerűsége és a lovaglás (mármint külön-külön ). Ide fogjuk kapcsolni azt is például, hogy mit kell tudni a manapság nagyon népszerű Social Networking Site-okról (pl. Facebook, Twitter, stb.), és megtanuljuk ezek angol nyelvű használatához szükséges legfontosabb szavakat, kifejezéseket. Tudomány és technika rovatunkból pedig kiderül, hogy milyen mobilokkal tudunk „fészbúkolni” meg „twitterezni”, hogy akkor se maradjunk le semmiről, ha éppen nem ülünk számítógép előtt. Ami pedig a lovakat illeti: a lovaglással meg lovakkal kapcsolatos szókincs mellett találsz cikket a lóversenyekről és a lóversenyek divatjáról. Mindezeken túl még egy lovasidióma-gyűjteményt is készítettünk neked. A lovas képekért pedig itt szeretnék köszönetet mondani a Sóskúti Lovassport Klubnak és Süsü lónak! | 2010 március Két nagyon-nagy újdonsággal is jelentkezem márciustól! Rengetegen kértétek, hogy legyen a szószedeteknél fonetikus írás is, így – bár én inkább a helyes kiejtés meghallgatása és utánzása híve vagyok – mostantól ezt is megtalálod a cikkek végén. A másik újdonság pedig az, hogy a Szakértő válaszol rovatot próbaképpen – szintén sokak kívánságára – gyerekangolra cseréltük. Ez a terület még nekem is újdonság, de remélem, hogy tetszeni fog az ifjú és az idősebb olvasóknak is. Ezeket a kicsiknek szóló leckéket 2-10 év közötti gyermekeknek terveztük. Az olvasni nem tudó gyermekek szüleinek, illetve óvodai/iskolai használathoz szülői/tanári útmutatót is mellékeltünk. Ezeket, a leckéhez tartozó audiókkal együtt, a weboldalról lehet letölteni! Természetesen ebből a számból sem maradhatnak el az írásbeli, szóbeli nyelvvizsgára felkészítő anyagok és a Business Eng lish rovat sem. Jó tanulást! Szalai Nóri 3 tartalom contents 18 Health Benefits of Horse Riding Ebben a hónapban 6 Network Friends havi különkiadás 10 The Hungarian Revolution and War of Independence ételek és receptek 12 Rhubarb, the Fruity Vegetable Hírek a nagyvilágból – interesting News of the world 14 Érdekes hírek a nagyvilágból Celeb hírek 16 Sport 23 Equestrian Sports Sztárpletykák 20 Hats On! Szleng 26 Horse idioms Tudomány 28 4 Social Networking on your mobile phone | 2010 március Könyvajánló 33 Tanuláshoz ajánlott könyvek és internetoldalak Film 34 Alice in Wonderland Zene 35 Johnny Cash This month's grammar 41 Hogyan tegyünk fel kérdéseket írásbeli vizsgák 44 46 38 Feleletválasztós nyelvtani teszt Olvasott szöveg értése Kids' Corner 30 Malta – The Best Place to Perfect Your English useful dialogues 53 55 Hasznos párbeszédek Hallás utáni értés business english 59 61 | 2010 március Banking Megoldások 5 ebben a hónapban this month Network by Tamás Boros level: intermediate and above középhaladó szinttől Friends s ocial networking is the grouping of individuals into specific groups or communities. A social network service focuses on building and reflecting of social networks or social relations among people, who share interests or activities, or belong to the same religion or share the same political views. Although social networking is possible in person, especially in the workplace, universities, and high schools, it is most popular online. This is because unlike most high schools, colleges, or workplaces, the internet is filled with millions of individuals who are looking to meet other people, to gather and share information and experiences about any number of topics. Social networking websites function like an online community of internet users. They essentially consist of a representation of each user (often a profile), his/her social links, and a variety of additional services. Most social network services are web-based and provide means for users to interact over the internet, such as e-mail and instant messaging. So, once you are granted access to a social networking website, you can begin to socialize. This socialization may include reading the profile pages of other members and possibly even contacting them. The friends you can make are just one of the many benefits of social networking online. Another of those benefits include diversity as the internet gives individuals from all around the world access to social networking sites. In this way, even if you are in Hungary, you can develop an online friendship with someone in Germany. Not only will you make new friends, but you just might learn a thing or two about new cultures or new languages and learning is always a good thing. Once you are well informed and comfortable with your findings, you can begin your 6 Everything you want to know about social networking sites search from hundreds of networking communities to join. The main types of social networking services are those which contain category places (such as former school-year or classmates), means to connect with friends (usually with self-description pages) and a recommendation system linked to trust. Popular methods now combine many of these, with Facebook, Bebo and Twitter widely used throughout the world; MySpace and LinkedIn being the most widely used in North America;[1] Nexopia (mostly in Canada);[2] Bebo,[3] Hi5, StudiVZ (mostly in Germa- ny), iWiW (mostly in Hungary), Tuenti (mostly in Spain), Decayenne, Tagged, XING;[4], Badoo[5] and Skyrock in parts of Europe;[6] Orkut and Hi5 in South America and Central America;[7] and Friendster, Mixi, Multiply, Orkut, Wretch, Xiaonei and Cyworld in Asia and the Pacific Islands and Orkut and Facebook in India. There have been some attempts to standardize these services to avoid the need to duplicate entries of friends and interests (see the FOAF standard and the Open Source Initiative), but this has led to some concerns about privacy. | 2010 március The most popular social networking sites in Hungary iWiW It is a Hungarian social networking web service, started on April 14, 2002 as WiW (Who Is Who). For Hungarians it is the best place for a member to be in touch with their friends. Users can make a profile by giving personal information like date of birth, place they | 2010 március are living in, names of schools and university. Users can write about interests and mention if they like pets or not. Users of iWiW can even find people with similar interests and be friends with them. It could also emerge as an effective communication medium across platforms other than the internet. MyVIP MyVIP is a Hungarian site, too. It was created to pro- vide an online space where members can get together, in order to have conversations. That is how you will be able to chat with people who have common fields of interests. If you use this online resource you can expand your assortment of contacts. This seems to be a very effective way to make new friends, in addition to finding your old friends no matter where they are. myVIP is an exclusive website that is constantly growing, and you can become a member only if you receive an invitation from an existing member. This could be a good opportunity for you to make new friends. 7 ebben a hónapban this month Facebook Facebook is one of the most popular social networking sites in the World. It allows you to add friends and send them messages, and update their personal profiles to notify friends about themselves. Additionally, users can join networks organized by city, workplace, and school or glossary social networking [ˈsəʊʃl̩ ˈnetwɜːkɪŋ] grouping [ˈɡruːpɪŋ] individual [ɪndɪˈvɪdʒʊəl] community [kəˈmjuːnɪti] to focus on [tu ˈfəʊkəs ɒn] to reflect [tu rɪˈflekt] to share interest [tu ʃeər ˈɪntrəst] to belong to [tu bɪˈlɒŋ tuː] religion [rɪˈlɪdʒən] unlike [ˌʌnˈlaɪk] to be filled with [tu bi fɪld wɪð] to gather [tu ˈɡæðə] eventually [ɪˈventʃʊəli] to consist of [tu kənˈsɪst ɒv] representation [reprɪzenˈteɪʃn̩] profile [ˈprəʊfaɪl] additional [əˈdɪʃn̩əl] web-based [web beɪst] means [miːnz] to interact [tu ɪntəˈrækt] to be granted sth [tu bi ˈɡrɑːntɪd] access to … [ˈækses tu] to socialize [tu ˈsəʊʃəlaɪz] socialization [səʊʃəlaɪˈzeɪʃn̩] to include [tə ɪnˈkluːd] benefit [ˈbenɪfɪt] diversity [daɪˈvɜːsɪti] finding [ˈfaɪndɪŋ] self-description [self dɪˈskrɪpʃn̩] recommendation [rekəmenˈdeɪʃn̩] to combine [tu kəmˈbaɪn] attempt [əˈtempt] to standardize [tu ˈstændədaɪz] to duplicate [tu ˈdjuːplɪkeɪt] to emerge [tə ɪˈmɜːdʒ] effective [ɪˈfektɪv] medium [ˈmiːdɪəm] platform [ˈplætfɔːm] to get together [tu ɡet təˈɡeðə] to have (sth) in common [tu həv ɪn ˈkɒmən] resource [rɪˈzɔːs] to expand [tə ɪkˈspænd] assortment [əˈsɔːtmənt] in addition to [ɪn əˈdɪʃn̩ tuː] to notify [tu ˈnəʊtɪfaɪ] additionally [əˈdɪʃn̩əli] to post [tu pəʊst] to foster a relationship [tu ˈfɒstər ə rɪˈleɪʃnʃɪp] to encourage [tə ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒ] advantage [ədˈvɑːntɪdʒ] ability [əˈbɪləti] tweet [twiːt] business-oriented [ˈbɪznəs ˈɔːrɪəntɪd] span [spæn] purpose [ˈpɜːpəs] 8 közösségi hálózatépítés csoportosítás egyén közösség valamire koncentrálni, fókuszálni visszatükröz ugyanaz az érdeklődési köre valahova/valakihez tartozik vallás ellentétben, eltérően valamivel tele van összegyűlik, összegyűjt végül, végül is áll valamiből ábrázolás, bemutatás profil további web-alapú, internet alapú eszközök egymásra hat valakinek megadnak valamit (pl. engedély) hozzáférés …-hoz/-hez/.höz szocializálódik, érintkezik, összejár szocializáció, társas érintkezés magába foglal jótékony hatás különféleség, különbözőség felfedezés ön-leírás, bemutatkozás javaslat vegyít, kombinál kísérlet szabványosít, egységesít kettőz, sokszorosít felbukkan, felemelkedik hatásos, hatékony közeg pódium, platform összejönni közös valami bennük forrás (valaminek a forrása) kiterjeszt válogatás, választék, készlet …-on/-en/-ön felül, ezen túl értesít ráadásul, továbbá “posztol”, elhelyez, közzétesz kapcsolatot táplál, elősegít bátorít előny képesség csipogás, csiripelés üzleti orientációjú, témájú időtartam, ív cél college. Profiles allow users to post pictures, comments or blogs. Additionally, it has some of the best privacy options on the Internet. We felt that Facebook really encouraged using the site to foster relationships with people you already know, or friends of friends. Within hours, we were in touch with scores of old friends and relatives. MySpace MySpace has become the most popular social networking site in the United States. A social networking site (such as MySpace) can employ more than 1000 workers. MySpace is available in 15 languages. The advantages of MySpace include the ability to upload and share video, audio and image files as well as a blog. But blogging is not the main business of MySpace, MySpace’s central focus is social networking. Twitter It is a free social networking and microblogging service that enables its users to send and read messages known as tweets. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters displayed on the author's profile page and delivered to the author's subscribers who are known as followers. LinkedIn LinkedIn is a business-oriented social networking site. Founded in December 2002 and launched in May 2003, it is mainly used for professional networking. As of January 2010, LinkedIn had more than 55 million registered users, spanning more than 200 countries and territories worldwide. LinkedIn has more than 55 million users worldwide, of which approximately half are in the United States. 11 million are from Europe. With 3 million users, India is the fastest-growing country as of 2009. The Netherlands has the highest adoption rate per capita, outside of the United States, at 30%. The purpose of the site is to allow registered users to maintain a list of contact details of people they know and trust in business. The people in the list are called Connections. Users can invite anyone (whether a site user or not) to become a connection. | 2010 március Did you know about Twitter? Ashton Kutcher beat CNN in Twitter followers. The 31-year-old actor became the first Twitter user to garner more than 1 million followers. Aston was in a race with CNN’s breaking news feed, to become the first „Twitter millionaire”. Kutcher and his wife, Demi Moore erupted in cheers as his account topped the mark, and he popped a bottle of champagne to celebrate. His main rival, CNN's breaking news feed, broke the million barrier half an hour later. Kutcher had promised to donate 10,000 mosquito nets to charity if he won. But not all his online comments have been so high-minded; in March, he posted a picture of his wife Demi Moore's bottom on the site. Now they are officially the first Twitter celeb couple. glossary to gather [tu ˈɡæðə] in race with … [ɪn reɪs wɪð] breaking news [ˈbreɪkɪŋ njuːz] to erupt [tə ɪˈrʌpt] to top the mark [tu tɒp ðə mɑːk] to pop a bottle of champage [tu pɒp ə ˈbɒtl̩ əv ʃæmˈpeɪn] rival [ˈraɪvəl] high-minded [haɪ ˈmaɪndɪd] FACEBOOK VOCABULARY View my profile Messages Events Photos Friends Applications Games Groups Friends online Friend requests Notifications News feed Top news Home Edit friends Account setting Privacy settings Application settings Credit blance Help center Log out Wall Info Comments Adatlap megtekintése Üzenetek Események Fényképek Ismerősök Alkalmazások Játékok Csoportok Online ismerősök Ismerősnek jelöltek Értesítések Hírek Legfrisebb Kezdőlap Ismerősök kezelése Fiókbeállítások Adatvédelmi beállítások Alkalmazások beállításai Kredit Súgóközpont Kijelentkezés Üzenőfal Adatok Hozzászólások | 2010 március View photo comments Post album to profile Keep me logged in Forgot your password? Log in Sign up összegyűjt versenyben …-val/-vel legfrisebb hírek kinő, kitör túllépi a szintet kibont egy üveg pezsgőt rivális kényesen erkölcsös Albumhozzászólások album megjelenítése Maradj bejelentkezve Elfelejtetted a jelszavad? Bejelentkezés Regisztráció TWITTER VOCABULARY Have an account? Sign in! Username or e-mail Password What’s happening? Latest Update Home Profile Find people Settings Help Sign out Follwing Followers Listed Direct messages Van már fiókon? Jelentkezz be! Felhasználónév vagy e-mail Jelszó Mi történik éppen? Legfrissebb Frissít Kezdőlap Profil Keress ismerősöket Beállítások Súgó/Segítség Kijelentkezés Követettek Követők Listán szereplő Közvetlen üzenetek 9 havi különkiadás this month special level: intermediate and above középhaladó szinttől The Hungarian Revolution and War of Independence of 1848-1849 Márciusi szóbeli nyelvvizsgákon (főleg március 15. környékén) előszeretettel beszéltetik a vizsgázókat arról, hogy mit is ünnepelünk ezen a napon. Természetesen nem csak emiatt fontos tudnunk angolul is beszélni erről a témáról, hiszen számos esetben előfordulhat, hogy külföldi ismerős vagy akár egy turista megkérdezi tőlünk, hogy mit ünnepelünk március idusán. The Revolution started on March 15th in 1848, with bloodless events in Pest and Buda, followed by various insurrections throughout the kingdom, which enabled Hungarian reformists to declare Hungary's new government and the first Prime Minister of Hungary, Lajos Batthyány. The new government approved a sweeping reform package, referred to as the "April laws" (also referred to as the "March Laws"), which essentially created a democratic political system in Hungary. They also demanded that the Hungarian government receive and expend all taxes raised in Hungary, and have authority over Hungarian regiments in the Habsburg army. 10 On March 15th we commemorate the Hungarian Revolution and War of Independence of 1848-1849. This is also a public holiday in Hungary. The Hungarian Revolution of 1848 was one of many revolutions that year and closely linked to other revolutions of 1848 in Habsburg areas. The revolution in the Kingdom of Hungary grew into a war for independence from Habsburg rule. Many of its leaders and participants, including Lajos Kossuth, István Széchenyi, Sándor Petőfi and József Bem, are among the most respected national figures in Hungarian history, and the anniversary of the revolution's outbreak, on March 15, is one of Hungary's three national holidays. In the summer of 1848, aware that they were on the path to civil war, the Hungarian government ministers attempted to gain Habsburg support against Conservative Josip Jelačić. By the end of August, the imperial government in Vienna officially ordered the Hungarian government in Pest to end plans for a Hungarian army. Jelačić then took military action against the Hungarian government without any official order. War between Austria and Hungary had officially begun. Initially, the Hungarian forces (Honvédség) achieved several victories fighting against Austrian armies (at Pákozd in September 1848 and at Isaszeg in April 1849). The war led to the October Crisis in Vienna, when insurgents attacked a garrison on its way to Hungary to support Jelačić's forces. After Vienna was recaptured by imperial forces, General Windischgrätz and 70 000 troops were sent to Hungary to crush the last challenge to the Austrian Empire. Julius Jacob von Haynau, the leader of the Austrian army who then became governor of Hungary for a few months of retribution, ordered the execution of 13 leaders of the Hungarian army in Arad and the Prime minister Batthyány in Pest. | 2010 március COCKADE – KOKÁRDA Definition according to LONGMAN ONLNE DICTIONARY: A cockade is a knot of ribbons, or other circular- or oval-shaped symbol of distinctive colors which is usually worn on a hat, used to show rank, membership of a club, etc. 1848. március 15-én a pesti forradalom estéjén a Bánk Bán előadásán Jókai Mór szónokolt a színpadon, amire így emlékezett vissza egy későbbi írásában: „Látjátok ezt a háromszínű kokárdát itt a mellemen? Ez legyen a mai dicső nap jelvénye. Ezt viselje minden ember, ki a szabadság harcosa; ez különböztessen meg bennünket a rabszolgaság zsoldoshadától. E három szín képviseli a három szent szót: szabadság, egyenlőség, testvériség. Ezt tűzzük kebleinkre mindannyian, kikben magyar vér és szabad szellem lángol! Ez aztán fordított a dolgon. A háromszínű kokárda helyreállítá a rendet. Aki háromszínű kokárdát akart feltűzni, annak előbb haza kellett menni. Tíz perc múlva a színház üres volt. És másnap minden embernek ott volt a mellén a háromszínű kokárda; a Nemzeti Kaszinó urainak paletot-ján kezdve, a napszámos darócáig, s aki köpönyegben járt, az a kalapjára tűzte.” Jókai Mór: Az a nő, aki együtt jön velem glossary participant [pɑːˈtɪsɪpənt] résztvevő Sándor Petőfi (1 Janrespected [rɪˈspektɪd] tiszteletben tartott uary 1823 – most likely DID outbreak [ˈaʊtbreɪk] kitörés 31 July 1849), is one YOU KNOW? bloodless [ˈblʌdləs] vérnélküli of the greatest Hunga „Külföldön Petőfi a insurrection [ˌɪnsəˈrekʃn̩] felkelés, lázadás rian poets. He was a legismertebb magyar költő regiments [ˈredʒɪmənts] ezred (katonaság) revolutionary, and the mindmáig. Ő az istenek magyar on the path to … [ɒn hi pɑːθ tu] úton … felé author of the Nemzeti kedvence. Mindent megkapott, imperial [ɪmˈpɪərɪəl] birodalmi dal, the poem said to hogy nagy költő lehessen: tehetségarrison [ˈɡærɪsn̩] helyőrség have inspired the Hunget, történelmet, sorsot. Huszonhat to recapture [tu ˌriːˈkæptʃə] visszafoglal garian Revolution of évet élt, s világirodalmi rangú s troop [truːp] sereg méretű életmű maradt utána, mely 1848, in which he played a key role. retribution [ˌretrɪˈbjuːʃn̩] megtorlás korfordulót jelentett nemzete iroHe believed in the Romantic idea of knot [nɒt] hurok, csomó dalmában” – Németh G. Béla: A an artist as freedom fighter, and berevolutionary [ˌrevəˈluːʃənri] forradalmár magyar irodalom története to play a key role [tu pleɪ ə kiː rəʊl] kulcsszerepe van came the voice of rebellious youth of (Kossuth Kiadó) rebellious [rɪˈbelɪəs] lázadó his country. He participated in Hungary's War of Independence (1848-49) and disappeared on July 31, 1849, in a battle against Russian forcPETŐFI SÁNDOR: SZEPTEMBER VÉGÉN SÁNDOR PETŐFI: AT THE END OF SEPTEMBER es. He was probably buried in a mass grave. His death created a legend and mystery. Még nyílnak a völgyben a kerti virágok, The garden flowers still blossom in the vale, Between 1844 and 1849 he published 10 Még zöldel a nyárfa az ablak előtt, Before our house the poplars still are green; volumes of poems. De látod amottan a téli világot? But soon the mighty winter will prevail; Már hó takará el a bérci tetőt. Snow is already on the mountain senn. Még ifjú szívemben a lángsugarú nyár The summer sun's benign and warming ray The earliest American translations from HunS még benne virít az egész kikelet, Still moves my youthful heart, now in its spring; garian into English are found in the 1853 De íme, sötét hajam őszbe vegyül már, But lo! my hair shows signs of turning gray, Száműzöttek Lapja (Exiles’ Paper), as well A tél dere már megüté fejemet. The wintry days thereto their colors bring. as in Graham’s Magazine, which published Elhull a virág, eliramlik az élet... This life is short; too early fades the rose; some of Sándor Petőfi’s poems in English. Ülj, hitvesem, ülj az ölembe ide! To sit here on my knee, my darling, come; The translator of Petőfi’s verse was Mihály Ki most fejedet kebelemre tevéd le, Wilt thou who on my breast dost now repose, Heilprin (1822-1888) who arrived in America Holnap nem omolsz-e sírom fölibe? Not kneel, perhaps, to-morrow o'er my tomb? in 1856. In 1881 and in 1889 William N. Loew, Ó mondd: ha előbb halok el, tetemimre O! tell me, if before thee I should die, a New York lawyer published an anthology Könnyezve borítasz-e szemfödelet? Wilt thou, with broken heart, weep o'er my bier, entitled Magyar Poetry. In 1906 Frigyes RieS rábírhat-e majdan egy ifjú szerelme, Or will some youth efface my memory, dle utilized Loew’s translations in his A HisHogy elhagyod érte az én nevemet? And with his love soon dry the mournful tear? tory of Hungarian Literature. E. Delmer and Ha eldobod egykor az özvegyi fátyolt, If thou dost lay aside the widow's veil, E.B. Pierce also published Petőfi’s poetry in Fejfámra sötét lobogóul akaszd, Pray hang it o'er my tomb. At midnight I English translation in 1948. – Encyclopedia Én feljövök érte a síri világból Shall rise, and, coming forth from death's dark vale of Literary Translation into English by Olive Az éj közepén, s oda leviszem azt, Take it with me to where, forgot, I lie, Classe Letörölni véle könnyűimet érted, And stanch with it my ceaseless flowing tears, Ki könnyedén elfeledéd hívedet, Flowing for thee who hast forgotten me, Last but not least, let’s read an example of S e szív sebeit bekötözni, ki téged And bind my bleeding heart, which ever bears, Loew’s translations! Még akkor is, ott is, örökre szeret! Even then and there, the truest love for thee. | 2010 március 11 ételek és receptek food and recipes level: lower-intermediate and above gyenge középhaladó szinttől és felette Archaeological evidence suggests that rhubarb has been grown and used medicinally for thousands of years in China. The plant appears to have been imported to Europe by travelers, and quickly became entrenched in European cuisine. Nowadays it continues to play a strong supporting role in many European desserts and preserves. Rhubarb, the fruity vegetable Rhubarb facts Rhubarb is also known as pieplant. It has a tart flavor and bright color. Rhubarb is an intensely sour vegetable, and is popular with many people in a cooked and heavily sweetened form as part of a dessert. Traditionally, rhubarb is paired with things like strawberries or ginger, and abundantly sweetened. The result is a tart, sweet, distinctive flavor. What to look for: Thin, red, crisp stalks have the best texture. If stalks are floppy, it indicates they were picked too long ago. How to store: Wrap in plastic and refrigerate for up to 1 week. Don't forget! Only the stalks of rhubarb are edible. The leaves are potentially toxic to both humans and animals. glossary rhubarb [rúbɑ̀rb] fruity [frúti] archaeological [ɑ̀rkiəlɑ́dʒɪkəl] evidence [ɛ́vədəns] to suggest [tú səgdʒɛ́st] medicinally [mədɪ́sənəli] to be imported to … [tú bí ɪ̀mpɔ́rtəd tú] entrenched [ɛntrɛ́ntʃt] cuisine [kwɪ̀zín] to play a role in … [tú plé ə ról ɪn] preserve [prəzə́rv] tart [tɑ́rt] flavor [flévər] sweetened [swítənd] paired with … [pɛ́rd wɪθ] ginger [dʒɪ́ndʒər] abundantly [əbə́ndəntli] distinctive [dɪ̀stɪ́ŋktɪv] crisp [krɪ́sp] stalk [stɒ́k] texture [tɛ́kstʃər] floppy [flɑ́pi] to wrap in plastic [tú rǽp ɪn plǽstɪk] to toss [tú tɒ́s] 12 rebarbara gyümölcsös régészeti bizonyíték javasol, sejtet orvosilag, gyógyászatilag importálva van megkövesedett (szokás pl.) konyhaművészet szerepet játszik befőtt fanyar íz édesített párosítva …-tal gyömbér bőségesen megkülönböztető ropogós szár (növénynek) szerkezet, állag laza, petyhüdt fóliába csomagolni megszór How to cook: Because it's so tart, rhubarb should always be cooked with a sweetener. It's usually used in baked desserts such as crumbles, cakes, and pies. You can also toss it with honey, roast briefly, and then add to salads or serve with meats. It goes with: Apples, pears, berries, sugar, honey, ginger, fresh cheeses, yogurt, vanilla, almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, ham, duck, trout and salmon. | 2010 március GINGERBREAD-RHUBARB TIRAMISU Ingredients: 200g caster sugar 50ml water 400g rhubarb 4 eggs, separated 1 orange, juice only 250g mascarpone 200g soft gingerbread cookies cocoa powder to decorate RHUBARB CRUMBLE Preparation: 1. Make a syrup by dissolving half of the sugar in the water and bring to a boil in a pan for 2-3 minutes. Add the rhubarb, bring the syrup back to a boil and let it simmer gently for 3-4 minutes, or until the rhubarb is tender. Set aside to cool. 2. Beat the egg yolks in a bowl with the remaining sugar until pale and fluffy. When ready, beat in the mascarpone cheese until well combined. 3. In a separate bowl, whisk the egg whites until stiff peaks form when the whisk is removed from the bowl. Fold lightly into the egg and mascarpone mixture. 4. Add the orange juice to the cooled rhubarb syrup. Strain the rhubarb from the syrup and set aside, reserving the syrup in a wide bowl. 5. Dip half the cookies in the cooled syrup and use them to line the base of a 28 cm gratin dish or 6-8 smaller dishes. Spread half the mascarpone mixture over, followed by half the rhubarb. Cover the rhubarb with another layer of cookies dipped in syrup. Spread over the remainder of the rhubarb, followed by the remaining mascarpone mixture. Cover with cling film and chill for a minimum of 6 hours, or ideally overnight to allow the cookies to absorb the juice and soften. 6. When ready to serve, decorate the top with cocoa powder. | 2010 március Preparation: 1. Arrange diced rhubarb in a buttered 8-inch square baking dish. 2. Sprinkle with orange juice, 3/4 cup sugar, cinnamon, then dot with the 1 tablespoon of cut up butter. 3. Combine melted butter with brown sugar. 4. Sift together the flour, salt, and baking soda; mix with oats. 5. Combine the flour oat mixture with the brown sugar and melted butter mixture. Spread over rhubarb. 6. Bake at 375 F/190 C degrees for 40 minutes. Serve warm, with ice cream or whipped topping. glossary to crumble [ˈkrʌmbl] chopped [tʃɒpt] granulated sugar [ˈɡrænjʊleɪtɪd ˈʃʊɡə] cinnamon [ˈsɪnəmən] mixture [ˈmɪkstʃə] melted butter [ˈmeltɪd ˈbʌtə] sifted all-purpose flour [ˈsɪftɪd ˌɒlˈpɜːpəs ˈflaʊə] baking soda [ˈbeɪkɪŋ ˈsəʊdə] quick cooking oat [kwɪk ˈkʊkɪŋ əʊt] to arrange [tə əˈreɪndʒ] diced [daɪst] square baking dish [skweə ˈbeɪkɪŋ dɪʃ] to sprinkle with [tu ˈsprɪŋkl̩ wɪð] to dot with butter [tu dɒt wɪð ˈbʌtə] to combine [tu kəmˈbaɪn] to spread over [tu spred ˈəʊvə] whipped topping [wɪpt ˈtɒpɪŋ] gingerbread cookies [ˈdʒɪndʒəbred ˈkʊkɪz] syrup [ˈsɪrəp] to dissolve [tu dɪˈzɒlv] to bring to a boil [tu brɪŋ tu ðə boɪl] to simmer [ tu ˈsɪmə] gently [ˈdʒentli] tender [ˈtendə] to set aside to cool [tu set əˈsaɪd ʌnˈtɪl kuːl] remaining [rɪˈmeɪnɪŋ] fluffy [ˈflʌfi] to whisk [tu wɪsk] stiff [stɪf] to fold in [tu fəʊld ɪn] to strain [tu streɪn] to dip [tu dɪp] cling film [kl̩ ɪŋ fɪlm] to chill [tu tʃɪl] to absorb [tə əbˈzɔːb] Ingredients: 3 cups chopped rhubarb 2 tablespoons orange juice 3/4 cup granulated sugar 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon 1 tablespoon butter, cut in small pieces. For the crumble mixture: 1/4 cup melted butter 1/3 cup brown sugar 2/3 cup sifted all-purpose flour 1/8 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon baking soda 2/3 cup quick cooking oats morzsa felaprított kristálycukor fahéj keverék olvasztott átszitált búzaliszt szódabikarbóna gyors főzéshez való zab elrendez felkockázott négyszög alakú edény megszór valamivel megszór nagyobb vajdarabkákkal vegyít, elvegyít, összekever beterít, beken itt: tejszínhab mézespuszedli szirup felold felforral lassú tűzön főz lágyan, finoman puha, lágy félretesz hűlni megmaradó pilleszerű felver tojást, habot kemény finoman belekever leszűr mártogat, belemárt folia lehűt felszív, magába szív 13 hírek a nagyvilágból news of the world level: lower-intermediate and above gyenge középhaladó szinttől Interesting news from the world Ebben a rovatban olyan érdekes hírekről olvashatsz, amelyek a közelmúltban történtek a nagyvilágban. A cikkek magyar fordítását megtalálod a weboldalon (, így gyakorolhatod a fordítást is. Mystery beast terrified kids Terrified locals in a South American town are running scared after a strange creature they describe as "Gollum" crawled out of a lake and charged schoolkids. The beast — which has "sparked fear and confusion" in the small town of Cerro Azul, Panama — was spotted on Saturday when four 14 to 16-year-olds were playing by the waterfront. According to their account, reported by Panamanian news service Telemetro, the youngsters "screamed" when the five-foot creature emerged from a cave and started clamouring over rocks towards them "as if to attack them". In a "desperate bid to defend themselves" the four terrified boys said they hurled rocks 14 at the strange creature to kill it, before throwing its corpse in the water and running away. Their disbelieving parents returned to the lake the following day — and were stunned to discovered the beast's body washed up on the shore. Experts have yet to examine the images — or make any statements regarding their discovery. But one of the locals told Panama news channel: "I have only seen that creature once before — and it was in the Tolkien film." The fictional Gollum — originally known as Smeagol — was a hobbit whose later name was derived from the "disgusting gurgling, choking cough he made". to crawl [krɒl] kúszik, mászik to charge [tʃɑrdʒ] támadni to spot [spɑt] megpillant to emerge [ɪmərdʒ] kiemelkedik to clamour [klæmər]lármázik, zajt csap to hurl [hərl] hajít Smeagol hobbit, fél szerzet, babó to gurgle [gərgəl] gagyog choking cough folytogató [tʃokɪŋ kɑf] köhögés source: | 2010 március Elephants trained to play basketball Elephants in Thailand are being trained to play basketball, as part of an innovative regime introduced by their carers. The Island Safari Centre on Koh Samui is teaching six-year old Malie, and nine-year old Toktak to use their trunks to perform basketball skills, in an effort to improve their health and vitality. Organisers at the centre, which cares for the animals, say that they undergo rigorous training in order to learn the basics of the game. “It takes two or three months of intensive training to teach them basics, but fortunately their standards are improving with each passing day”, said organiser Ning. The keepers begin by teaching the elephants basic ball control skills, and how to hold the ball in their trunk. The animals are then taught to stand on their hind legs, walk with the ball and finally shoot it through the hoop. Visitors to the centre described the game as “unbelievable”, with one onlooker saying, “I had never seen an elephant playing basketball.” carer [kɛrər] vitality [vajtæləti] rigorous [rɪgərəs] gondozó életerő, vitalitás kemény, szigorú hind [hajnd] hátsó, hátulsó hoop [hup] karika, átv kosár onlooker [ɒnlʊkər] nézelődő, szemlélő source: Man kidnaps teenager for throwing snowball A man angry about teenagers who had thrown a snowball at his car may have over-reacted slightly — and now faces charges after he pulled a knife and kidnapped one of them. 25-year-old Joshua Good, of Ansonia, Connecticut, was angered when his car got caught in the snowball crossfire as the group of teenagers had a snowball fight nearby. Instead of, for example, ignoring it, or maybe shouting angrily, police say he decided instead to threaten the youths with a knife. He then forced one of them, a 13-year-old boy, into his car, and drove off. Fortunately for everyone concerned, nobody was actually hurt in the incident — according to authorities, Good simply drove the 13-year-old home unharmed. Nonetheless, Good is now facing charges including first-degree kidnapping, threatening and reckless endangerment, which could see him given up to a 25-year prison sentence. source: crossfire [krɒsfɑjr] concerned [kənsərnd] reckless endangerment [rɛkləs ɛndendʒərmənt] | 2010 március kereszttűz érintett gondatlan veszélyeztetés 15 celeb hírek celeb files level: all levels minden szintnek celeb files Ebben a rovatban mindamellett, hogy aktuális bulvár híreket és paparazzi képeket találsz, a felvételek alapján még a szóbeli vizsgákon előforduló képleírást is gyakorolhatod! A képleírásokat meg is hallgathatod a weboldalon! 4th February 2010 – Ashlee Simpson Wentz and her husband Pete Wentz at Madison Square Garden. Ashlee Simpson Wentz and her husband Pete Wentz from Fallout Boy watch the Knicks play the Wizards courtside at Madison Square Garden in New York. picture description: This is a color photo of Ashlee Simpson and her husband, Pete Wentz. They are young musicians; Ashlee is a singer, while Pete is the bassist for the American band called Fallout Boy. This picture must have been taken at some kind of a sport event, most probably at a basketball match. (As American celebrities usually go to basketball matches.) Ashlee and Pete look very much alike, as if they were siblings, maybe because they use the same black hair dye. When the picture was taken, they both were eating: Pete was having a hot dog, while Ashlee was having nachos. They both are dressed in black, it must be their favorite colour. Ashlee is wearing an interesting lace top with a pair of jeans. Pete is wearing black jeans with a black sweater. 16 bassist [bésɪ̀st] – basszusgitáros sport event [spɔ́rt ɪvɛ́nt] – sportesemény celebrity [səlɛ́brəti] – híresség, celeb to look alike [tú lʊ́k əlájk] – egyformán néznek ki sibling [sɪ́blɪŋ] – testvér hair dye [hɛ́r dáj] – hajfesték a picture is taken [ə pɪ́ktʃər ɪ́z tékən] – készül egy fénykép to take a picture/photo [tú ték ə pɪ́ktʃər/ fótò] – készíteni egy képet/fotót lace [lés] – csipke | 2010 március 5th February 2010 – Diddy covers up at LAX airport, California. Puff Daddy covers up at LAX airport, California. to cover up [tú kə́vər ə́p] – beöltözik/betakarózik paparazzi shot [paparɒ́zi ʃɑ́t] – lesifotó, paparazzi kép current [kə́rənt] – jelenlegi, aktuális stage name [stédʒ ném] – előadói/művész név aka=also known as [ɒ́lso nón ǽz] – …-ként is ismert record producer [rəkɔ́rd prədúsər] – lemezproducer fashion designer [fǽʃən dəzájnər] – divattervező entrepreneur [ɑ̀ntrəprənə́r] – vállalkozó performer [pərfɔ́rmər] – előadó to be dressed in black [tú bí drɛ́st ɪn blǽk] – feketébe öltözve lenni clogs [klɑ́gz] – klumpa picture description: This is a very strange paparazzi shot of Sean Combs, whose current stage name is Diddy (aka Puff Daddy and P. Diddy). He’s a record producer, rapper, actor, men’s fashion designer, entrepreneur and dancer. He’s one of the richest hip-hop performers and used to be Jennifer Lopez’s boyfriend. It’s a strange photo because he’s dressed all in black, and we can’t really see his face. He’s wearing a pair of black jeans, a black sweater, a black coat and a pair of Croc Clogs. picture description: This is a paparazzi photo of Renee Zellweger, an American actress, best known for her role as Bridget Jones. She must have lost a lot of weight as she looks very slim in this photo, while in the film she is rather overweight. In this picture she is probably running errands. She is walking in the street and listening to music. She is dressed in black, carrying a black shoulder bag. She’s also wearing sunglasses. 5th February 2010 – Renee Zellweger goes to Starbucks and takes some photos on her phone in Los Angeles, California. to be best known for … [tú bɛ́st nón fɔ́r] – a legjobban …-ról/ről ismert role [ról] – szerep to lose weight [tú lúz wét] – lefogy overweight [òvərwét] – túlsúlyos to run errands [tú rə́n ɛ́rəndz] – ügyeket intéz shoulder bag [ʃóldər bǽg] – válltáska | 2010 március 17 level: lower intermediate and above gyenge középhaladó szinttől életmód health and fitness Health benefits of horse riding i If you thought the horse is the one getting all the exercise whenever you go horseback riding, you'd be mistaken. Horseback riding has as many health benefits for the rider as it does for the ridden. So, if you want to try something different, horseback riding can have many health, relaxation and fitness benefits. This is the best pastime activity for those who love animals and are bored to death by the usual “mustwin” sport games. t's a little-known fact that horseback ridThere are programs available for riders ing stimulates muscles in the dorsal and from beginner to expert level. Posture is the abdominal regions that are seldom area that is almost immediately imused in everyday living. Improved with horse riding. Balance agine packing that sixand posture are things that pack you've always wanted will become second nature Did you know? in your abs without having after a little bit of riding. A 65 kg pound person riding a to anything but hold on. From the moment you horse will burn about 2 calories a Riding horseback get on a horse, you minute. The same person on a trotalso causes less stress will start learning the ting horse burns 6 calories per minute, to the knees and other balance you need to and galloping would burn 8 calories a lower body parts than stay on. In this acminute. (Incidentally, even grooming comparable forms of tivity, your hips will a horse helps you lose unwanted fat exercise like walking or get a good workout, a 65 kg person burn 6 calories swimming. and the movement of each minute tending their The ability of horsethe horse forces you equestrian ride.) back riding to help peoto strengthen your core ple develop, tighten, and muscles and improve your strengthen those hardly-used posture in general. muscles with little to no strain is so Your muscles and joints are powerful, it led Japanese engineers in 2005 to another area that can greatly benefit from develop fitness machines that simulate the achorseback riding. The movements of the tions and physical affects of riding a horse. horse force you to develop good muscle tone, Despite the fact that this is an extremely this happens instinctively and automatically. physical activity, it is possible to participate While this is most noticeable in your thighs no matter what your level of physical coorand calves, there is a more holistic effect godination and strength is. In fact, horseback ing on as well. Riding will also improve the riding is often used as physical therapy for a muscle tone and flexibility of the entire body. variety of illnesses. As you learn to use your body with the 18 horse, you will develop a greater range of movement that will enable you to become healthier as well as a better rider. This is an excellent activity for children of all ages as they will develop a base of health that can carry them through adulthood. Thanks to this background they will be in a better health and mental condition. Besides the physical benefits available to horseback riders, there is also a great deal to be said regarding the emotional and cognitive benefits as well. Horse riding is appreciated as having excellent therapeutic qualities. The psychological benefits can be as important to riders as the physical benefits. While horseback riding, you will be outdoors and getting to know an animal that you have not had much experience with before. Depending on what approach you decide to use, you and your children can get to know your horses quite well and learn a great deal about caring for animals and how they function. | 2010 március glossary Horse riding is becoming a popular recreational activity. For most individuals with disabilities, horseback riding is generally categorized into two types: therapeutic riding and hippotherapy. Both types of riding benefit the rider. Physical Benefits ▶ Improved balance and muscle strength ▶ Improved coordination, faster reflexes and increased motor skills ▶ Stretching of tight or spastic muscles ▶ Decreased spasticity ▶ Increased range of motion of joints ▶ Improved respiration and circulation ▶ Stimulates sensory integration ▶ Improved visual-spatial perception ▶ Improved eye-hand coordination Socio-emotional Benefits ▷ Improved self-confidence ▷ Improved risk-taking abilities ▷ Development of patience ▷ Emotional control and self-discipline ▷ Expansion of locus of control ▷ Development of respect and care for animals source: HIPPOTHERAPY Hippotherapy has no relation with hippos, it is the name of therapeutic riding. The word „hippo” comes from Greece, it means: horse. Hippotherapy is a kind of curing in which the horse is a „living medicine”. It is a good therapy in cases of movement-function problems or locomotor disorders. The patient mostly rides at a walking-pace. Unlike in therapeutic horseback riding, where specific riding skills are taught, in hippotherapy the movement of the horse is a means to a treatment goal. After your first ride, you may feel muscles that you never knew you had. This is due to | 2010 március benefit [ˈbenɪfɪt] horseback riding [ˈhɔːsbæk ˈraɪdɪŋ] to be mistaken [tu bi mɪˈsteɪkən] rider [ˈraɪdə] relaxation [ˌriːlækˈseɪʃn̩] pastime activity [ˈpɑːstaɪm ækˈtɪvəti] to be bored to death [tu bi bɔːd tu deθ] little-known fact [ˈlɪtl̩ nəʊn fækt] to stimulate muscles [tu ˈstɪmjʊleɪt ˈmʌsl̩ z] dorsal [ˈdɔːsl̩ ] abdominal [æbˈdɒmɪnl̩ ] six-pack [sɪks pæk] to tighten [tu ˈtaɪtn̩] to strengthen [tu ˈstreŋθn̩] hardly-used [ˈhɑːdli juːzd] strain [streɪn] despite the fact that … [dɪˈspaɪt ðə fækt ðət] to participate in … [tu pɑːˈtɪsɪpeɪt ɪn] posture [ˈpɒstʃə] balance [ˈbæləns] incidentally [ˌɪnsɪˈdentəli] equestrian [ɪˈkwestrɪən] joint [dʒoɪnt] to force somebody to do something [tu fɔːs ˈsʌmbədi tuː də ˈsʌmθɪŋ] instinctively [ɪnˈstɪŋktɪvli] noticeable [ˈnəʊtɪsəbl̩ ] calf (calves) [kɑːf kɑːvz] holistic [həʊˈlɪstɪk] cognitive [ˈkɒɡnətɪv] to appreciate [tu əˈpriːʃieɪt] to depend on [tu dɪˈpend ɒn] disability [ˌdɪsəˈbɪlɪti] spastic muscle [ˈspæstɪk ˈmʌsl̩ ] decreased [dɪˈkriːst] respiration [respəˈreɪʃn̩] circulation [ˌsɜːkjʊˈleɪʃn̩] sensory integration [ˈsensəri ˌɪntɪˈɡreɪʃn̩] visual-spatial [ˈvɪʒʊəl ˈspeɪʃl̩ ] perception [pəˈsepʃn̩] self-confidence [self ˈkɒnfɪdəns] self-discipline [self ˈdɪsɪplɪn] expansion [ɪkˈspænʃn̩] locus [ˈləʊkəs] to have relation with … [tu həv rɪˈleɪʃn̩ wɪð] to cure [tu kjʊə] to affect [tə əˈfekt] verbally [ˈvɜːbəli] előny, haszon, jótétemény lovaglás össze van tévesztve lovas enyhülés, lazulás, ellazítás szabadidő eltöltése halálra unja magát kevéssé ismert tény stimulálja az izmokat hát-, háti has-, hasi kockahas :-) megfeszít, feszessé tesz megerősít, megerősödik alig-használt rándulás, túlfeszítés annak ellenére, hogy … részt venni valamiben póz, testtartás egyensúly egyébként, mellékesen lovasizület kényszeríteni vkit ösztönösen észrevehető vádli teljeskörű kognitív, észlelő nagyra értékel függ valamitől rokkantság, mozgásképtelensg görcsös, bénult csökkentett, fogyatékos légzés keringés érzékszervi intergrálás látás és térbeli érzékelés önbizalom önfegyelem növekedés, fejlesztés vminek a helye kapcsolata/összefüggése van valamivel gyógyít befolyásol, hatással van szóbeli the movement of the horse and its affect on the rider during the ride. Horse riding increases both the respiratory and circulatory systems and is therefore considered to be cardiovascular exercise. Children and adults with autism benefit from riding horses as therapy. Therapeutic riding helps improve social, communication and motor skills. Autistic riders learn to communicate verbally and physically with their horse, and they can see the immediate result of their communication when the horse reacts. They learn to focus on something outside themselves, an important step for autistic people. 19 level: lower-intermediate and above gyenge középhaladó szinttől divat és szépség fashion and beauty Humans have covered their heads since time immemorial. Initially headwear offered protection from the elements and from injury from falling rocks, masonry or weapons. Later head coverings became symbols of status or authority. In fashion terms, hats are a very noticeable accessory because the onlooker’s attention is first drawn to the face. Hatson! H ats are the most delicate accessory to wear because its trend is reduced to a limited popularity. Very few are comfortable with hats. People either are or are not into them. Hats provide a good way to create an instant image. Try putting one on and you've gotten a totally new look. Take it off and you've changed again. 10 Tips to Buy a Hat 1. Quality hats are very neatly constructed. 2. Make sure you wear it right way. Always look at the label or seam to determine which side is the back. 3. Try various positions when trying on a hat. 4. More flexibility means more chances for a better fit with your other clothing. 5. Tilting hat to the side creates a face-slimming effect. 6. Your back view must look as good as your front view. 7. Round hats flatter the shape of an angular face. 8. Small close brims flatter the shape of a narrow face. 9. Turbans and pillboxes are height-creating and flatter the shape of a round or wide face. 10. Generally, hats should not be wider than your shoulders or less narrow than your hairdo. 20 A HAT MYTH: Placing your hat on the bed is bad luck While many people may laugh, others still believe placing your hat on the bed will bring bad luck. While there is no actual evidence of where this superstition began, there are two theories behind this hat myth. The first began with old beliefs that evil spirits live in your hair! This foolish belief was likely fueled from the static electricity that would discharge in the air when HAT-IQUETTE – Can you leave your hat on? When you’re wearing hats, there are some rules both men and women alike need to follow in order to take their sophisticated trends to the next level. Men's hat etiquette: 1. It is traditionally considered an act of charming courtesy and respect for men to remove their hats in the presence of a woman. 2. Men should remove their hats while on an elevator, especially if a lady is present. taking a hat off in a warm, dry environment. The second is tied into the belief of morbid angles. Leaving a hat on a bed might suggest somebody has died. Historically, during some funerals a hat was placed over the closed portion of the casket near the feet of the deceased. A hat placed on a bed is said to have the same connotation of the casket which was said to evoke their spirits. source: Internet 3. Men typically remove their hats when entering a building or upon arrival to their destination. 4. Men shall not wear their hat inside a church; it is appropriate for women to wear dress hats, however. 5. Traditionally, a gentleman will tip his hat to a lady in passing. He may replace it after she has passed or as they begin to walk/talk together. 6. It is very poor manners and could be taken as an insult if a man were to tip his hat to another man. | 2010 március HEADGEAR (uncountable) – FEJFEDŐK, FEJREVALÓK A különféle fejfedők magyar elnevezését nem adom meg (mert nem mindegyikre lehet megfelelő kifejezést találni), azonban a képek magukért beszélnek. beanie [ˈbiːni] ski beanie [skiː ˈbiːni] trooper [ˈtruːpə] beret [ˈbereɪ] newsboy hat [ˈnjuːzboɪ hæt] bucket hat [ˈbʌkɪt hæt] fedora [fɪˈdɔːrə] ivy hat [ˈaɪvi hæt] ascot hat [ˈæskət hæt] bowler hat [ˈbəʊlə hæt] top hat [tɒp hæt] cowboy hat [ˈkaʊboɪ hæt] straw hat [strɔː hæt] safari hat [səˈfɑːri hæt] baseball cap [ˈbeɪsbɔːl kæp] trucker cap [ˈtrəkə kæp] headband [ˈhedbænd] visor [ˈvaɪzər] earmuffs [ˈɪrˌməfs] bandana [bænˈdænə] divat és szépség fashion and beauty Women's hat etiquette: 1. Women may only wear a fashionable hat into a theatre if it does not cause those behind to move in order to see around the hat. Hat etiquette for Men and Women: 1. Both men and women should remove their hats during the National Anthem. The only ex- ception to this rule is when a woman is wearing a very proper hat. 2. Once your hat has been removed, you should hold your hat in your hand such a way that only the outside is visible. Never reveal the inside lining of your hat. glossary human [ˈhjuːmən] to cover … [tu ˈkʌvə] since time immemorial [sɪns taɪm ˌɪməˈmɔːrɪəl] masonry [ˈmeɪsnri] authority [ɔːˈθɒrəti] in terms of … [ɪn tɜːmz əv] noticeable [ˈnəʊtɪsəbl̩ ] accessory [əkˈsesəri] onlooker [ˈɒnlʊkə] to draw attention to … [tu drɔː əˈtenʃn̩ tu] reduced to … [rɪˈdjuːst tu] limited [ˈlɪmɪtɪd] popularity [ˌpɒpjʊˈlærɪti] to be comfortable with … [tu bi ˈkʌmftəbl̩ wɪð] to be into … [tu bi ˈɪntə] to provide [tu prəˈvaɪd] instant [ˈɪnstənt] neatly [ˈniːtli] label [ˈleɪbl̩ ] seam [siːm] to determine [tu dɪˈtɜːmɪn] to flatter [tu ˈflætə] angular [ˈæŋɡjʊlə] brim [brɪm] pillbox [ˈpɪlbɒks] hairdo [ˈheəduː] myth [mɪθ] to place … somewhere [tu pleɪsˈsʌmweə] evidence [ˈevɪdəns] superstition [ˌsuːpəˈstɪʃn̩] belief [bɪˈliːf] evil spirit [ˈiːvl̩ ˈspɪrɪt] fueled [ˈfjuːəld] static electricity [ˈstætɪk ɪˌlekˈtrɪsɪti] to discharge [tu dɪˈstʃɑːdʒ] to be tied to … [tu bi taɪd tu] casket [ˈkɑːskɪt] deceased [dɪˈsiːst] sophisticated [səˈfɪstɪkeɪtɪd] charming [ˈtʃɑːmɪŋ] courtesy [ˈkɜːtəsi] to respect [tu rɪˈspekt] to remove [tu rɪˈmuːv] in the presence of … [ɪn ðə ˈprezns əv] appropriate [əˈprəʊpriət] to tip one’s hat [tu tɪp wʌnz hæt] poor manner [pʊə ˈmænə] insult [ɪnˈsʌlt] National Anthem [ˈnæʃnəl ˈænθəm] visible [ˈvɪzəbl̩ ] 22 ember, emberi fed, befed időtlen idők óta kőművesmunka hatóság valamiben kifejezve, valamiben megadva észrevehető, feltűnő kiegészítő néző felhívja a figyelmet …-ra/-re csökkentve …-ra/-re korlátolt népszerűség kényelmesen, jól érzi magát valamiben oda van …-ért lehetővé tesz, biztosít azonnali csinosan, elegánsan cimke szegély, varrás meghatároz kecsegtet, hízeleg, előnyös külsőt kölcsönöz szögletes karima kerek, ellenző nélküli sapka frizura mítosz elhelyez …-t valahol bizonyíték babona hiedelem gonosz szellem ellát (valamilyen energiával) statikus energia elsül, kisül, elbocsájt …-hoz/-hez/-höz köthető koporsó elhunyt kifinomult vonzó figyelmesség, bók, udvariasság tisztel levesz, eltávolít … jelenlétében megfelelő megemeli a kalapját modortalanság, rossz modor sértés nemzeti himnusz látható To practice your good manners go to page and listen to the song You Can Leave Your Hat On! There is a short exercise to the song, too! "You Can Leave Your Hat On" is a song written by Randy Newman and appearing on his 1972 album Sail Away. It was made famous by Joe Cocker when featured in the 1986 Adrian Lyne film 9½ Weeks during the famous striptease scene. It first appeared on his album from that year titled Cocker. A cover version by Tom Jones was featured in the British film The Full Monty, the story of a group of unemployed steelworkers who decide to become male strippers to earn quick money due to lack of employment and as a means to make maintenance (alimony) payments so that the main character can continue to see his son. source: Internet ASCOT RACECOURSE – Where the most unusual hats can be seen Immár közel 300 éve hagyományosan júniusban tartják meg a Londonhoz közeli kisvárosban az egyhetes Royal Ascot lóversenysorozatot. A szigorú öltözködési szabályokhoz is kötött rendezvényen megjelennek a királyi család tagjai, és képviseltetik magukat a közélet szereplői is. A harmadik nap, a Ladies Day viszont mindig oldottabb légkörben zajlik, ekkor a hölgyek a legváltozatosabb kalapkreációkkal rukkolnak elő. Ha szeretnél még egykét érdekességet megtudni az ascoti lóversenyek divatjáról, akkor menj a weboldalra, ahol egy videót és további olvasnivalókat is találsz a témával kapcsolatban! | 2010 március level: lower-intermediate and above gyenge középhaladó szinttől sport sport One of the things I miss most about London, are the bookmaker shops. On a Saturday afternoon I would go into one of these bookie shops and bet on the football and the horse racing, then to the pub for a pint of Guinness and to watch the races on television. So here are some sports involving horses. You can listen to this article on our website! There’s also a teachers’ resource pack to this topic! Equestrian Sports by Raymond Mc Manus Horse Racing – Turf and Harness Racing Horse racing is a multi million pound industry where horses can be bought and sold for very high prices. It is also at the heart of a very profitable gambling industry. People can gamble on course, in bookmaker shops or online. It is sometimes called the sport of kings. The turf (lóverseny) is a speed race on a track where jockeys ride horses, usually at a gallop, while harness racing (fogathajtás) is a speed race on a track for trotters or standardbred pacers harnessed to sulkies. National Hunt Racing This type of racing takes place over fences and hurdles. Hurdles are small fences which are easier for horses to jump. They are run jockey [dʒɑ́ki] zsoké, lovas | 2010 március over many distances and courses. A course is another name for a race track. The biggest race in England takes place at the Aintree course in Liverpool. The race was first run in 1836. Nowadays it is one of the most important events on the British sporting calendar. The race will take place this year on the 10th of April. The race is run over 7km and involves the horses jumping 30 fences; some are about 2 metres high. About forty horses usually take part in this race. Last year the winner was Mon Mome who won at a 100/1, which means if you bet 100 forints on him to win you would win 100,000 forints! This is one of the biggest betting events of the year and nearly everyone likes to have a gamble, but just for fun! When the horses go down to the start and the tape is lifted, you hear the roar of the trotter [trɑ́tər] ügetőló pacer [pésər] poroszkaló sulky [sə́lki] (ügető) kocsi harness [hɑ́rnəs] hám 23 sport sport crowd, the thundering of hooves as the hor ses charge towards the first fence. During the race many horses fall and on some occasions horses have also died. Nowadays the fences are a lot safer and have been made smaller to protect the horses. Cheltenham festival The Cheltenham festival takes place in the English countryside in March. This is also for horses over fences. It is basically a competition between the best horses in England and Ireland. It is famous because about a 100,000 Irish fans, gamblers and punters invade rural England to bet, drink, play poker and watch their favourite horses. The great thing about national hunt racing is the horses are often not that expensive and are owned by ordinary folks! Flat Racing Flat racing takes place on a course with no fences. One of the most famous races is the Epsom English Derby. This usually takes place in June and is one of the most valuable races in the world. The prize 24 glossary equestrian [ɪˈkwestrɪən] bookie [ˈbʊki] bookie shop [ˈbʊki ʃɒp] to bet on [tu bet ɒn] profitable [ˈprɒfɪtəbl̩ ] gambling [ˈɡæmbl̩ ɪŋ] speed race [spiːd reɪs] track [træk] jockey [ˈdʒɒki] to take place [tu teɪk pleɪs] competition [kɑmpətɪʃən] gambler [gæmblər] hurdle [ˈhɜːdl̩ ] roar [rɔː] hooves [huːvz] ordinary [ˈɔːdɪnri] folk [fəʊk] valuable [ˈvæljʊəbl̩ ] to breed (bred, bred) [tu briːd bred] mare [meə] show jumping [ʃəʊ ˈdʒʌmpɪŋ] to knock over [tu nɒk ˈəʊvə] whip [wɪ́p] spur [spə́r] saddlebag [sǽdəlbæ̀g] money this year will be 1.25 million pounds sterling! Many people believe that Sea the Stars is the greatest horse of all time. He is the only horse to have won the 2000 guineas, the English Derby and the Arc de Triomphe in the same year. He is bred and trained in Ireland. He earned 4.5 million pounds most of it in 2009. He will now go to stud in Ireland which means he could earn 100 million in breeding rights. This is why horse racing is such an important industry in Ireland! Going to stud means making love to a nice mare and having little horse babies! Great job if you can get it! ló-, lóval kapcsolatos bukméker fogadóiroda fogadni vmire hasznot hozó szerencsejáték gyorsasági verseny pálya zsoké megrendezésre kerül verseny szerencsejátékos akadály, gát ordít, üvölt pata hagyományos, rendes népség, emberek értékes tenyészt kanca díjugratás lever ostor sarkanytú nyeregtáska Showjumping Showjumping takes place indoors in an arena. The horse and rider have to jump a number of different fences without knocking them over. The fences can be of different heights and lengths, some can be water jumps. For every fence a rider knocks down he incurs 4 faults. Some competitions are against the clock and the winner with the fewest faults and fastest time wins. This sport is an Olympic event. At one Olympics Ireland won their only gold medal in Showjumping only for the horse to fail a drug test! | 2010 március BASIC VOCABULARY riding cap [rájdɪŋ kǽp] kobak bridle [brɪ́ndəl] kantár curb [kə́rb] zabla gloves [glə́vz] kesztyű riding crop [rájdɪŋ krɑ́p] pálca saddle [sǽdəl] nyereg rein [rén] gyeplő saddlecloth [sǽdəl klɒ́θ] nyeregtakaró chaps [tʃǽps] csizmaszár stirrup iron [stə́rəp ájərn] kengyelvas riding boots [rájdɪŋ búts] lovaglócsizma horseshoe [hɔ́rsʃù] patkó Exercises: When was the first Aintree Grand National run? A) 1888 B) 1822 C) 1836 D) 1850 What is the prize money for the English Derby? A) 1.25 million dollars B) 1.25 million euros C) 1.25 million pounds D) 1.25 million Guineas Give another word for horse track A) Road B) Lap C) Course D) Hunt What is another name for a rider of a horse? A) Player B) Hunter C) Joker D) Jockey In which city is Aintree race course? A) Leeds B) Cheltenham C) London D) Liverpool Which horse won the 2009 Arc de Triomphe? ............................................................................ In showjumping how many faults do you get for knocking down a fence? A) 1 B) 2 C) 4 D) 5 Which of these are a definition of stud? A) Breeding horse B) Something you can wear C) A part of a football shoe D) Something found on a belt Which of these is a famous Hungarian race horse? A) Overdone B) Overdose C) Over and out D) Death by chocolate About how long is the Grand National? A) 8 km B) 6KM C) 7km D) 4km | 2010 március 25 szleng slang level: all levels minden szintnek Horse Idioms There are a lot of idioms in the English language and they can be quite difficult to use but all you need is practice. It is also important to choose idioms that you like and can drop into everyday conversation. This really helps to enrich your conversations. But do not panic you only need to know a few. Here are some by Raymond McManus idioms to do with horses. one-horse race [wə́n hɔ́rs rés] – a certainty – tuti biztos dolog Christoph Waltz is a one-horse race to win the best Oscar for best supporting actor this year. – Egészen biztos, hogy Christoph Waltz fogja nyerni az idei legjobb mellékszereplőnek járó Oscar-díjat. two-horse race [tú- hɔ́rs rés] – where there are only really two choices – olyan helyzet, amikor igazából csak két választás van I think the Oscar for best director this year is a two horse race horse between James Cameron and his ex wife Kathryn Bigelow. – Úgy gondolom, hogy idei legjobb rendezőnek járó Oscar-díjra két igazi esélyes van, James Cameron és a volt felesége Kathryn Bigelow. dark horse [dɑ́rk hɔ́rs] – an outsider, someone we know little about but could be good – valaki, akinek nem isemrjük a képességeit (és lehet, hogy egészen jók), titkos befutó I think the young British actress Carey Mulligan is a dark horse for the best actress nominee this year, even though she is up against more famous actresses. – Úgy gondolom, hogy a fiatal brit színésznő Carey Mulligan lehet a titkos befutó a legjobb színásznőknek járó Oscardíj esetén, még úgy is, hogy sokkal ismertebb színésznőkkel száll versenybe. to put the cart before the horse [tú pʊ́t ðə kɑ́rt bəfɔ́r ðə hɔ́rs] – to have things in the wrong order, confusion – rossz sorrendben, felcserélve csinálni valamit (szó szerint a kocsi húzza a lovat) Do not put your shoes on before putting on your trousers that is like putting the horse before the cart. – Ne cipőd vedd fel előbb, hanem a nadrágod. Így rossz sorrenben csinálod! Hold your horses! [hóld jɔ́r hɔ́rsəz!] – Slow down! – Vissza a lóerővel! Lassíts! Vegyél vissza a tempóból! Hold your horses! I am not ready yet please give me five minutes. – Vegyél vissza a tempóból! Még nem vagyok kész, adj még 5 percet légyszi’! I could eat a horse! [áj kʊ́d ít ə hɔ́rs!] – I am very hungry! – nagyon éhesnek lenni I am so hungry I could eat a horse! – Olyan éhes vagyok, hogy egy lovat is fel tudnék falni! one horse town [wə́n hɔ́rs táwn] – a boring place – egy dögunalmas hely I grew up in a one horse town. It was so boring with nothing to do, the only exciting thing to ever happen was when the horse drowned (szóvicc Raymond módra) :-) – Egy dögunalmas városban nőttem fel. Annyira unalmas volt az élet, hogy az egyetlen izgalmas esemény az volt, amikor a ló megfulladt (szóviccel utalva arra, hogy angolul az unalmas hely az, ahol csak egy ló van…) 26 | 2010 március flogging a dead horse [flɑ́gɪŋ ə dɛ́d hɔ́rs] – something is over or finished, no way forward – halott lovat ostorozni/korbácsolni (magyarul: mint halottnak a csók) John is determined to leave his job, talking to him is like flogging a dead horse, he just won’t listen. – John elszánta magát, hogy otthagyja a munkáját, beszélni vele annyit ér, mint halottnak a csók. Trojan horse [tródʒən hɔ́rs] – a spy, or someone working against you – tórjai faló, kém, kémkedő alak It is about time you got off your high horse and talked to your husband, he made a mistake but is sorry now. – Ideje, hogy leszállj a magas lóról és beszélj a férjeddel, hibázott, de már bocsánatot kért. from the horse's mouth [frə́m ðə hɔ́rsəz máwθ] – the truth or someone who knows about certain information or a secret – biztos forrásból I got it straight from the horse's mouth: Kinga is having an affair with her boss. – Biztos forrásból tudom, hogy Kingának viszonya van a főnökével. Dave was a Trojan horse. He was working against the company and giving information to their competitors. – Dave volt a trójai faló. A cég Ellen dolgozott, és a versenytársaknak adott ki információkat. to back the wrong horse [tú bǽk ðə rɒ́ŋ hɔ́rs] – to support a loser or the wrong side – rossz lóra tenni (szó szerint rossz lóra ülni) During World War I. Hungary backed the wrong horse and ended up with the Triannon Treaty. – A II. világháború alatt Magyarország rossz lóra tett, amelynek a trianoni szerződés let a vége. to get off your high horse [tú gɛ́t ɒ́f jɔ́r háj hɔ́rs] – to stop being superior about someone or something – leszállni a magas lóról | 2010 március 27 tudomány és technika science and technology level: lower-intermediate and above gyenge középhaladó szinttől Social networking mobile on yourphone Have you heard that the number of subscribers accessing social networking sites via mobile device will grow to 607.5 million worldwide by 2013? That means 43 percent of global mobile web users will regularly keep in touch with others through social networking sites using a mobile device. Facebook for iPhone Facebook for iPhone is currently the most popular social-networking application on the App Store, which says as much about the 90 million active users on Facebook as it does about the iPhone appliance. What the Facebook application doesn’t do is let you search for or invite new friends, nor does it let you accept friend invitations from others. It also doesn’t show notifications, and can't access any Facebook application. In other words, the application is good for very specific interaction with your current network, but not expanding it. This version of Facebook has been optimized for the Apple iPhone, but it will also work with most Web browsers as an alternative Facebook interface. Mobile social networkers will grow to 56.2 million in the U.S. by 2013 – about 45 percent of the nation's mobile web user segment. The business information service, eMarketer anticipates mobile social networking will enjoy 46.8 percent CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) between 2008 and 2014, increasing from 76 million worldwide users to 760.1 million during that seven-year stretch – by 2014, 13.3 percent of all global mobile subscribers will access social media sites. "Combining two much-hyped, but still-emerging channels – mobile and social – results in a developing opportunity for marketers," said eMarketer senior analyst Noah Elkin in a prepared statement, adding that while location-based networks like Loopt and foursquare have not yet achieved critical mass, they are worth watching given that they work to link people, places and interests. Elkin notes that location-based services can also be used in other contexts to help marketers target social network users with relevant information and offers: "Location-aware branded applications and utilities that include a social component provide an avenue for marketers to engage their audience directly." source: Twitter for mobile phones Although Twitter works great through SMS, there are a large number of mobile applications that let you save on SMS bills and get the best from Twitter on your phone and iPhone. Here are 3 examples: PocketTweets Another web-based interface to Twitter, but it’s specifically created for the iPhone and iPod Touch. Just visit http://www.pockettweets. com from your appliance and download the software. It loads quickly and it’s very feature rich. 28 | 2010 március Jitter MySpace page. When visitors click that badge, your MySpace page is synced to your friend’s iPod. Thanks to this, Mogopop puts your MySpace photos, your MySpace blog, your top friend pictures, your interests, movies and books onto the iPod of whoever clicks the button. Jitter is java based, so it’s almost guaranteed this one will work on your phone. Very minimal, so no pictures, text only. It’s a bit ugly, but certainly functional. You can download it from this site: http://www. Mobile Twitter It’s functional and it looks like the web interfaces. It is used for mobile phones, but this also has a version for iPods. Install it from http:// iPod your Myspace Mogopop is a site that lets you share mini websites and content on iPods. It has a good feature for you: iPod your MySpace. Available on http://www.mogopop. com, the feature lets you create an iPod-like badge to add to your glossary to subscribe [tu səbˈskraɪb] to access [tə ˈækses] via… [ˈvaɪə] device [dɪˈvaɪs] to keep in touch [tu kiːp ɪn tʌtʃ] to anticipate [tə ænˈtɪsɪpeɪt] hyped [ˈhaɪpt] emerging [ɪˈmɜːdʒɪŋ] developing [dɪˈveləpɪŋ] senior [ˈsiːnɪə] location-based [ləʊˈkeɪʃn̩ beɪst] to achieve [tə əˈtʃiːv] mass [mæs] to target [tu ˈtɑːɡɪt] relevant [ˈreləvənt] application [ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃn̩] currently [ˈkʌrəntli] appliance [əˈplaɪəns] notification [ˌnəʊtɪfɪˈkeɪʃn̩] in other words [ɪn ˈʌðə wɜːdz] to expand [tə ɪkˈspænd] optimized [ˈɒptəˌmaɪzd] interface [ˈɪntəfeɪs] feature [ˈfiːtʃə] badge [bædʒ] to sync [tu sɪŋk] ultimately [ˈʌltɪmətli] to aim [tə eɪm] wireless [ˈwaɪəlɪs] to transmit [tu trænzˈmɪt] signal [ˈsɪɡnəl] consumption [kənˈsʌmpʃn̩] | 2010 március feliratkozni, előfizetni elérni, hozzáférni … útján eszköz, berendezés, készülék kapcsolatot tart, kapcsolatban marad előre meglát, megelőz nagyon beharangozott felmerülő fejlődő fő-, magasabb rangú helyszín/hely-alapú elér, megvalósít tömeg, tömeges megcéloz lényeges, odavaló alkalmazás jelenlegi eszköz, berendezés értesítés más szóval kiterjeszt optimalizált interfész, kezelőfelület sajátság, jellegzetesség jelvény, kitűző szinkronizál végül, végtére megcéloz vezetéknélküli közvetít jel, jelzés fogyasztás DID YOU KNOW? A British computer engineer has connected his house to Twitter. His house ’says’ through Twitter, that “the heater is working on the toilet” or “the temperature of the fitness center is cool.” Ultimately, he aims to reduce the cost of electricity to his residence. The system works through a network of a dozen sensors that Stanford-Clark installed in the house – in the power meter window and the bathroom, for example. Information from wireless sensors are recorded on a small chip that transmits radio signals to a central hub. Stanford-Clark has developed a program that transforms these signals into words. Since he started to monitor the use of electricity in his home, the engineer has already cut by one third the consumption of electricity in his house. After registration, you can also read the posts of Andy’s ’talking house’ here: http:// 29 level: lower-intermediate and above gyenge középhaladó szinttől utazás travel The beautiful island of Malta, located in the centre of the Mediterranean Sea, is an ideal place for studying English if you like sunshine, swimming and meeting new people. During the summer months, students from all over the world travel to Malta to study English and enjoy the great holiday atmosphere. Malta has something for everyone: Mediterranean climate, crystal clear sea, wonderful cafes and shops, exciting nightlife with parties and discos organised especially for international students. m Malta – The Best Place to Perfect glish n r E You alta is a small island in the Mediterranean Sea. It is located about 100 km south of Sicily and 300 km north of Tunisia. It is a member of the European Union and Maltese and English are the two official languages. The capital is Valletta and the currency is the Euro. There are three islands altogether, Malta – the biggest – is the centre of government, business and tourism. Gozo – the second biggest island – is more rural with fishing and agriculture being the main activities, but still a great place to get away from the hustle and bustle of the main island. The smallest island is Comino, which is uninhabited. Malta is a very historical island going back 7000 years. It has many ancient temples, some of which are the oldest in Europe. You can also see the influence of both the Greek and Roman cultures on the islands. St Paul was also shipwrecked here according to the Bible. The island is very beautiful and the climate warm and sunny, perfect for lazing on the beach and relaxing. The scenery is wonderful and the sea breezes refreshing. The sea is azure blue and clean, perfect for swimming and diving. There are some good walks and cycling is another good way to get around the island. There is great nightlife on the main island with lots of pubs, clubs and restaurants. The seafood in Malta is especially good and usually very fresh. You can also take a cruise around the islands. 30 | 2010 március In 1814 Malta became part of the British Empire. It was an important link between Gibraltar and the Suez Canal. The ships would dock here on their long journeys to India and the Far East. British soldiers were stationed on the island until 1979. Malta became independent in 1964 but still had strong ties to Great Britain. In World War Two the island was awarded the St George cross for bravery, one of the highest military honours in the British army. This was because of the efforts of the people in defending the island against the Germans. You can still see the cross on the Maltese flag. Only two organisations have ever been awarded this honour. TRAVELLERS’ INFORMATION Maltese Islands are easily accessible by plane. Unfortunately there are no budget flights to the Islands, but Malta’s national airline, Air Malta offers flights at very reasonable prices, which are nearly as cheap as budget airlines. Visit their website at, you’ll find flights starting from as cheap as £89! When learning English in Malta, the best choice of accommodation is staying with a host family. When staying there as a tourist, you probably don’t want to adapt to a family. These websites can give you some ideas and information about various types of accommodation on the Maltese Islands.,,, www., glossary The strong ties to Britain mean that 90 percent of Maltese people speak English. This has led to a thriving English Language Teaching Industry. There are many language schools where you can learn English, catering to all levels, as well as specialist subjects like Business English. You can then practice your language skills amongst the natives. The advantage Malta has over the traditional native speaking countries like Ireland and the UK is the climate. You can combine a sunny seaside holiday while studying English, a perfect combination. This is much better than learning in rainy and noisy London! All in all, a great place to visit and a great place to learn! | 2010 március located [ləʊˈkeɪtɪd] the Mediterranean Sea [ðə ˌmedɪtəˈreɪnɪən siː] atmosphere [ˈætməsfɪə] climate [ˈklaɪmət] crystal clear [ˈkrɪstl̩ klɪə] capital [ˈkæpɪtəl] currency [ˈkʌrənsi] altogether [ˌɔːltəˈɡeðə] government [ˈɡʌvənmənt] rural [ˈrʊərəl] agriculture [ˈæɡrɪˌkʌltʃə] hustle and bustle [ˈhʌsl̩ ənd ˈbʌsl̩ ] uninhabited [ˌʌnɪnˈhæbɪtɪd] ancient [ˈeɪnʃənt] temple [ˈtempl̩ ] influence [ˈɪnflʊəns] to be shipwrecked [tu bi ˈʃɪprekt] according to … [əˈkɔːdɪŋ tu] scenery [ˈsiːnəri] breeze [briːz] refreshing [rɪˈfreʃɪŋ] cruise [kruːz] the Suez Canal [ðə ˌsuːˈez kəˈnæl] to dock [tu dɒk] to station (soldiers) [tu ˈsteɪʃn̩ ˈsəʊldʒəz] independent [ˌɪndɪˈpendənt] to have strong ties to … [tu həv strɒŋ taɪz tu] to be awarded something [tu bi əˈwɔːdɪd ˈsʌmθɪŋ] bravery [ˈbreɪvəri] effort [ˈefət] thriving [ˈθraɪvɪŋ] all in all [ɔːl ɪn ɔːl] accessible [əkˈsesəbl̩ ] budget flight [ˈbʌdʒət flaɪt] airline [ˈeəleɪn] reasonable price [ˈriːznəbl̩ praɪs] choice [tʃoɪs] fekszik valahol, található valahol Földközi-tenger atmoszféra, légkör klíma, éghajlat kristálytiszta főváros pénznem, valuta együtt kormány falusi, vidéki mezőgazdaság sürgés-forgás lakatlan ősi, régi templom (nem keresztény) hatás, befolyás hajótörést szenved … szerint látvány, táj, tájkép fuvallat üdítő, felfrissítő hajókázás, tengeri utazás Szuezi-csatorna kiköt (hajó), beáll a dokkba állomásozik (katona) független szoros kötődése van …-hoz/-hez-/höz valamivel díjazták/jutalmazták bátorság erőfeszítés jól menő, virágzó mindent egybevetve elérhető fapados repülőjárat légitársaság elérhető ár választék 31 utazás travel Sea, Sand, Sunshine and English Good news! Malta – whose flag proudly carries the George Cross awarded to its people by Queen Elizabeth's father King George VI – is one of Europe's top centres for the teaching of English to speakers of other languages. Situated in the centre of the beautiful Mediterranean Sea, Malta enjoys practically year-round sunshine! At Gateway School of English (GSE), Malta – a family-managed and family-owned enterprise in Malta – we focus on delivering quality tuition and achieving results. The result is a pedagogic vision that combines professional seriousness with a teaching style that ensures success. Our teachers are all experienced and internationally qualified professionals and know that learning, if it is to be effective, must be fun. We offer a broad range of competitively priced English courses. Each course is aimed at a specific type of client whose specific requirements we aim to meet. Our School caters for beginners as well as advanced students, for the young as well as for mature persons. You may choose brief high-intensity programmes or the more relaxed medium and long duration courses. Although we offer both group and individual tuition, we guarantee individual attention to each individual in the classroom. Course Types General English Intensive English Conversational English Business English Professional English 50 plus courses Thanks to the Gateway School Residence, students wishing to live close to Gateway School of English are guaranteed excellent service, speed of access to the School (less than 30 metres from bedroom to classroom!) and the relaxation that goes with the absence of the hassle of having to travel to and from one's place of study. The Gateway School Residence is available on half board (breakfast & dinner) / full board (breakfast, lunch & dinner) and is surrounded by an open space, ideal for al fresco relaxation. Exam Preparation Parent & Child Family Program The School Residence More Information For more information visit the school’s website here: The Gateway School of English (GSE) is more than a guarantee that your stay with us will be a successful English language learning experience in Malta. We guarantee that you will take back home with you an exciting total experience that will enrich you as a person, making you more aware of the world's diversity and of the importance of reaching out across cultural barriers. We look forward to welcoming you to Malta and to Gateway School of English! könyvajánló books könyvajánló Az érettségi és a felvételik közeledtével ebben a hónapban kivételesen három, kizárólag angoltanulással kapcsolatos könyvet szeretnénk a figyelmedbe ajánlani. Az első egy egynyelvű angol értelmező szótár, amely kiválóan használható önálló tanulás során. Angol nyelvi érettségire, nyelvvizsgára, illetve angol szakra készülők számára egy igazi „alapmű”! A második kiadvány a nyelvtanulók örök problémájára, a társalgási The Penguin English Dictionary Hasznos nyelvre, azaz a mindennapi helyzetekben gyakran előforduló szófordulatokra, szerkezetekre, illetve ezeknek a könnyed elsajátítására helyezi a hangsúlyt, és szolgál praktikus tanácsokkal. Végül, de nem utolsósorban egy nyelvtanulási technikát finomító kiadványt ajánlanánk, amelyből praktikus ötleteket kaphatnak angolt tanítók és tanulók ahhoz, hogy a számítógép és az internet miként segítheti a rémisztő angol vizsgákra való felkészülést. Ára: nagyjából 20 USD (kb. 4000 Ft) Megvásárolható:, www. Ára: 5950 Ft Megvásárolható: Libri, Alexandra, Bookline, nagyobb és idegennyelvi könyvesboltok | 2010 március Figyelmedbe ajánlom a következő internetoldalakat, mert hasznosak lehetnek nyelvtanulás vagy nyelvgyakorlás során. Compelling Conversations for Advanced Students A kiadvány haladó nyelvtanulóknak készült. Mindennapi beszédtémákat dolgoz fel és azokhoz megfelelő szókincset, nyelvtani ismereteket ad. Ezek mellett még 12-15 általános példát is nyújt. Ismeretanyaga megfelel a közép és felsőfokú nyelvvizsgák követelményeinek, sőt bizonyos vonatkozásban meg is haladja azokat. Az egynyelvű angol szótár a Penguin zászlóshajója, amelynek második felújított kiadása minden szempontból páratlanul részletes és alapos tájékoztatást nyújt az angol nyelvről. Nagy-Britannia vezető lexikológusai javították és korszerűsítették, hogy a mai nyelvet tükrözze. A kevésbé ismert szavak magyarázatai mellett csonka szavakat, rövidítéseket, a „dot com” korszak legújabb kifejezéseit és jelentésüket is megtalálhatod benne. weboldalak How to Teach English with Technology (CD melléklettel) Kifejezetten angol nyelvoktatók számára készített praktikus számítógép és internethasználati jó tanácsokat ad. Bemutatja, hogy hogyan lehet még hatékonyabb és egyben élvezetesebb is a nyelvtanulás. Ára: 5325 Ft Megvásárolható: Bookline, és nagyobb idegennyelvi könyvesboltok Web English Teacher Carla Beard gyakorló angoltanár által elsősorban kezdő tanárok számára készített resource oldala, ahonnan óravázlatokat, videókat, vicceket, keresztrejtvényeket és egyéb angol tanulást segítő anyagokat tölthetsz le és oszthatod meg a saját anyagaidat másokkal; a fórumon kérdéseket tehetsz fel és kaphatsz rájuk autentikus választ. Ha kezdő tanár vagy ezt a linket a kedvencek közé mindenképp mentsd le! SYVUM A angol specifikus oldalát a világ angol oktatói az egyik leghasznosabbnak és legtöbb segítséget nyújtó site-nak tartják. Hogy miért is? Mert interaktív weboldal lévén nem csupán letölthető gyakorló feladatokkal, magyarázatokkal és viccekkel szolgál, de az oldal bejelentkezett látogatói javíthatják, kiegészíthetik, megjegyzést fűzhetnek a korábban feltöltött segédanyagokhoz és akár saját anyagaikat is megoszthatják másokkal. 33 level: intermediate and above középhaladó szinttől filmajánló movies Other premieres in March: Hunger (2008) The film is about the 1981 Irish hunger strike led by two IRA volunteers. This film has been called an odyssey, in which the smallest gestures become epic and when the body is the last resource for protest. Hungarian Opening Date: March 4th, 2010 The Young Victoria (2009) The story is about Queen Victoria’s earlier years of her life where the budding romance between herself and the German Prince Albert was taking forefront. Hungarian Opening Date: March 11th, 2010 Legion (2010) Legion is an apocalyptic-thriller. When God loses faith in humankind, he sends his legion of angels to bring on the Apocalypse. Humanity's only hope lies in a group of strangers. Hungarian Opening Date: March 18th, 2010 Read the movie review then watch the trailer on the website! There’s also a teacher’s resource pack for this article. From Walt Disney Pictures and visionary director Tim Burton comes an epic 3D fantasy adventure Alice in Wonderland, a magical and impressive twist on some of the most beloved stories of all time. Lewis Carroll's 'Alice In Wonderland' and 'Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There', which first told the story of a young girl, who after following a rabbit down a hole, is transported to a strange world. Alice embarks on a fantastical journey to find her true destiny and end the Red Queen's reign of terror. The all-star cast includes Johnny Depp, Mia Wasikowskam, Anne Hathaway, Helena Bonham Carter and Crispin Glover. Linda Woolverton (Beauty and the Beast) wrote the screenplay. Johnny Depp stars as the Mad Hatter and Mia Wasikowska as 19-year-old Alice, who returns to the whimsical world she first encountered as a young girl, reuniting with her childhood friends: the White Rabbit, Tweedledee and Tweedledum, the Dormouse, the Caterpillar, the Cheshire Cat, and of course, the Mad Hatter. The director, Tim Burton said these interesting words about the movie: “Making the movie was a challenge: to re-appropriate this classic of children’s literature. The dreamlike imagery remains in the mind long after one has finished reading it. My intention is to capture that imagery and transpose it onto a film. Alice in Wonderland (2010) Starring Mia Wasikowska, Johnny Depp, Michael Sheen, Helena Bonham Carter, Anne Hathaway, Alan Rickman, Stephen Fry, Crispin Glover, Christopher Lee Written by Linda Woolverton (screenplay), Lewis Carroll (books) Directed by Tim Burton Music by Danny Elfman Genre Family & fantasy film Hungarian Opening Date: March 5th, 2010 34 Every character is weird, but I tried to give them their own specific weirdness so that they’re all different. I want to make a movie of Alice that’s more of a story than just a series of weird events.” This film marks the 7th time Johnny Depp has worked under the direction of Tim Burton. Johnny Depp worked hard to give the Mad Hatter more depth and presence than in past portrayals. In fact, the pair swapped sketches and themes for the character prior to creating this new version. Depp stated his experience was "A dream come true" and that the Mad Hatter is like "A mood ring, his emotions are very close to the surface". The creators’ goal was to conserve the essence of the story. It remains Carroll’s story, they only made it more cinematic. Capturing the wonder of Lewis Carroll's beloved Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1865) and Through the Looking-Glass (1871) with stunning, avant-garde visuals and the most charismatic characters in literary history, the „new” Alice in Wonderland comes to the big screen in Disney Digital 3D on March 4, 2010. | 2010 március cd ajánló Johnny Cash: American VI: Ain't No Grave Lyrics from the album For the Good Times (Kris Kristofersson) (Verse 1) Don't look so sad, I know it's over. But life goes on, and this old world will keep on turning. Let's just be glad we had some time to spend together. There's no need to watch the bridges that we're burning. (Refrain) Lay your head upon my pillow. Hold your warm and tender body close to mine. Hear the whisper of the raindrops, Blowin' soft against the window, And make believe you love me one more time, For the good times. American VI: Ain’t No Grave scrapes together the final recordings of the late, indubitably great Man In Black, Johnny Cash. His wife once said: „To dismiss his music is to admit that you have no soul.” And maybe it’s the truth. (Verse 2) I'll get along; you'll find another, And I'll be here if you should find you ever need me. Don't say a word about tomorrow or forever, There'll be time enough for sadness when you leave me. music Johnny Cash’s American VI: Ain’t No Grave, featuring the final recordings the Man in Black ever made before his death in September 2003, will be released on February 26th, the day that would have marked Cash’s 78th birthday. American VI is deeply elegiac and spiritual, with each song its own piece of the puzzle of life's mysteries and challenges – the pursuit of salvation, the importance of friendships, the dream of peace, the power of faith, and the joys that entail simple survival. It is an achingly personal and intimate statement, as, from the end of the line, Johnny Cash looks back on a most extraordinary life. The album’s eclectic mix of covers includes Sheryl Crow’s “Redemption Day,” Kris Kristofferson’s “For the Good Times,” Ed McCurdy’s “Last Night I Had the Strangest Dream” and Bob Nolan’s “Cool Water.” American VI will also feature the neverbefore-heard Cash original “I Corinthians: 15:55,” which he wrote during the last three years of his life. Cash began recording American VI in 2002 and worked up until his September 12th, 2003 death. Cash stuck with the project even after the death his wife, June Carter, in May 2003. “Johnny said that recording was his main reason for being alive. I think it was the only thing that kept him going,” Rick Rubin, American VI’s producer said in a statement. Guitarists Mike Campbell, Matt Sweeney, Jonny Polonsky and Smokey Hormel, and keyboardist Benmont Tench join Cash on American VI, and the Avett Brothers’ Seth and Scott contribute to the title song “Ain’t No Grave.” This title track speaks to the overall theme of the album – "Well there ain't no grave/Can hold my body down..." American VI may be his final album of new material. The Man in Black may no longer walk this Earthly realm, but through his music, thankfully, Johnny Cash is very much alive and well and living among us. Other famous albums: Scorpions: Sting in the Tail It’s the 17th studio album of the German heavy metal band. It will be their last album before retirement. Hungarian release date: March 22, 2010 | 2010 március AC/DC: Iron Man 2 (soundtrack) The music really underscores the high energy and excitement of the film. The album features fifteen tracks from ten different albums, ranging from 19752008. Hungarian release date: April 19, 2010 Title: American VI: Ain't No Grave Genre: Folk-rock, Americana Label: Universal Music Hungarian release date: February 23, 2010 35 horoszkóp horoscope horoscope (1st March – 31st March) Aries Leo Sagittarius 21.03–20.04 23.07–23.08 23.11–21.12 It’s not like you to be feeling indecisive, you usually go at things full tilt. For whatever reason it would seem that every little thing you touch is turning into a massive issue and this is naturally making you very wary. Just don’t give in to it. Your true charisma is fully on show and it is attracting all sorts of attention. Impressive work offers may come your way and in-fact you may have decisions to make as to stay where you are or take a step into the unknown. Let the past go! You really don’t need to always be at everyones beck and call. There’s no-one to rescue, or any situation to sort out! Use your new found vitality for your own benefit now and discover the fun and pleasure you can get out of life for once. Taurus Virgo Capricorn 21.04–20.05 24.08–23.09 22.12–20.01 You’ve built a very fine reputation for being the steady, reliable one of the group. For once, throw caution to the wind! Show those close to you that you too have a mischievous streak, and like to be adventurous in matters of the heart. Although you believed you had it all carefully worked out things really don’t seem to have gone according to those plans. OK, take a step back, and look objectively at what went wrong and then go for it again with your new approach. Just when you think you have managed to put all the hurt from the past away, some little incident happens and brings it all gushing to the fore. But it’s time to explore new avenues with the knowledge that it really is going to get better now. Gemini Libra Aquarius 21.05–21.06 24.09–23.10 21.01–19.02 You are known for being “horizontal” when it comes to your reaction to issues that would normally get others all hot and bothered. However, you are feeling a real need to get things moving as you have been kicking your heels too long. Take a look at how others see you, not just as a person but the complete picture. You could benefit by developing a more upfront image although the inclination is to be laid-back. Try showing your self confidence rather than hiding it. Conquests in many areas of your life have been fought and won. You feel totally satisfied in all that’s been achieved now, not for the power it gives you, but rather for the sense of true professionalism. You feel on top of the world. Cancer Scorpio Pisces 22.06–22.07 24.10–22.11 20.02–20.03 Calm, collected and ready to meet any eventuality that’s you at the moment. Whilst those around you are struggling to get their lives in order, yours seems to have slotted perfectly into place. Soak up that adoration coming your way! Don’t for one moment think you have anything to be guilty about. You are harbouring silly feelings. Where has all that self-belief gone, any limitations are down to you only. So kick off the restraints and show them what your made of! You can be decisive when you need to be and surprisingly prac- tical too. Some get to where they want to be in one big step, others however, take many smaller steps. This is not always a bad thing as there’s more time to take in the view. 36 | 2010 március rejtvény puzzler Puzzler 2 1 3 9 10 4 11 5 12 6 8 7 13 14 15 16 17 18 21 23 24 27 22 25 28 20 19 26 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 38 39 40 37 41 43 ACROSS 1. Step off an aircraft 5. Make louder 9. Tin 10. Point of view 14. Phase of history 15. Staple food of the East 16. His name (part 1) 18. Hunting dog 21. Long fish 23. Washing tubs 25. Affecting the windpipe 27. Official opinion challenger 30. Sacred song 31. TV sports host, ... Lynam 32. Unwilling to accept new ideas 34. Decipher 36. Greek love-god | 2010 március 35 42 44 16 & 44 Across 38. Play a role 40. Assistance 42. Canine pet 43. Brass wind instrument 44. His name (part 2) DOWN 1. Adages 2. Coop 3. Relating to love 4. Heroic story 5. Muhammad ..., ex-boxer 6. Greek woodland god 7. Frozen water 8. Brewing ingredient 11. Tailor’s spike 12. At no time 13. Sphere 17. Breed of dog 19. Part of a circle 20. Permitted 21. Flowed back 22. Men with bad manners 24. That boy’s 26. Possesses 28. Literary word for “anger” 29. Desert region in Israel 30. Gift 32. Land by the sea 33. Thing to be given by right 34. Way to address a doctor 35. Very keen 37. Ice-skating arena 39. Greek letter 40. Drink daintily 41. Wheel mark 42. Last note of a scale 37 kids' corner gyerekek n a i m m a r ls a F Sziasztok! Ebben a leckében meg fogjuk tanulni a háziállatok nevét angolul, de nem ám akárhogyan! A szavak mellett meghallgatunk két mókás dalt és egy mondókát is! Bátran énekelj te is, nagyon könnyű lesz. Ez segít majd abban is, hogy szépen ejtsd ki a szavakat! Mikor meghallgattad, megtanultad a dalokat és a mondókát, akkor oldd meg a feladatokat is! A leckéhez tartozó hanganyagokat, szótanuló kártyákat és a feladatok egy részét a internetoldalon találod. Ha egyedül nem tudod hogyan kell ezeket letölteni és kinyomtatni, kérd egy felnőtt segítségét! Hello kids! Look! What a busy farm we have got here! Look at all the animals! Let’s get closer and see what they are saying! Johnny McDonald is a little boy. He lives in a big town. Johnny’s grandpa has a farm, far from the town. Jonny’s grandpa and grandma live there. Every summer Johnny goes to visit his grandparents and spends the holiday with them. 38 | 2010 március 2-10 éves gyerekekhez szól ez a rész. Az olvasni nem tudó gyerekek szülőkkel együtt használhatják a leckét (ehhez pontos útmutatást a weboldalon találsz). Óvodai és iskolai használathoz oktatói útmutatót mellékeltünk, amelyet szintén az internetoldalunkon találsz meg! Old McDo nald Had a 1. Old MacDonald had a farm Ee-yi-ee-i-oh And on that farm he had some SHEEP Ee-yi-ee-i-oh With a BAA here And a BAA there Here a BAA There a BAA Everywhere a BAA 2. Old MacDonald had a farm Ee-yi-ee-i-oh And on that farm he had some COWS Ee-yi-ee-i-oh With a MOO here And a MOO there Here a MOO There a MOO Everywhere a MOO With a BAA here And a BAA there Here a BAA There a BAA Everywhere a BAA 3. Old MacDonald had a farm Ee-yi-ee-i-oh…. And on that farm he had some DUCKS Ee-yi-ee-i-oh With a QUACK here And a QUACK there Here a QUACK There a QUACK Everywhere a QUACK With a MOO here | 2010 március Farm baabaa oinkoink moomoo quackquack And a MOO there Here a MOO There a MOO Everywhere a MOO With a BAA here And a BAA there Here a BAA There a BAA Everywhere a BAA 4. Old MacDonald had a farm Ee-yi-ee-i-oh And on that farm he had some Ee-yi-ee-i-oh With an OINK here And an OINK there Here an OINK There an OINK Everywhere an OINK With a QUACK here And a QUACK there Here a QUACK There a QUACK Everywhere a QUACK With a MOO here And a MOO there Here a MOO There a MOO Everywhere a MOO With a BAA here And a BAA there Here a BAA There a BAA Everywhere a BAA Old MacDonald had a farm Ee-yi-ee-i-oh…. PIGS 39 kid's corner gyerekek baa-baa baa-baa bl ack a a b shee aa p b „Baa-baa” – „Did you hear that? Who was that?” „It’s Mrs Smith’s black sheep. Let’s go and ask him whether he’s got any wool for winter!” Baa, baa black sheep, Have you any wool? Yes sir, yes sir, Three bags full. One for my master, And one for my dame, And one for the little boy, Who lives down the lane. other animals who live on a farm Can you hear that clopping sound? There must be a horse around! Horsey horsey don't you stop, Just let your feet go clippetty clop. The tail goes swish and the wheels go round, donkey szamár, csacsi chicken csirke rooster kakas chick csibe Fontos szavak és kifejezések! animals big town cat chick chicken rooster cow dame Did you hear that? dog donkey 40 40 állatok nagy város macska csibe csirke kakas tehén hölgy, asszony Hallottad ezt? kutya szamár, csacsi duck farm farmer foot - feet goat grandma grandpa holiday horse lane Let’s get closer! goat kecske Giddy up, we're homeward bound. Tanuld meg a szavakat! Mondd ki őket hangosan, így gyakorold! kacsa gazdaság, farm gazda láb-lábak kecske nagymama nagypapa szünidő ló kis utca Menjünk közelebb! Let’s go! master pig sheep-sheep summer tail to live wheel Who was that? Menjünk! mester, úr malac bárány-bárányok nyár farok élni kerék Ki volt az? | 2010 március | 2010 március level: all levels minden szintnek havi nyelvtan this month's grammar Az angol nyelv a magyarhoz képest egy kissé bonyolultan teszi fel a kérdéseket. Míg magyarul sokszor elég a hangsúllyal (írásban egy kérdőjellel) jelezni, hogy na ez itt most egy kérdés (és nem kijelentés vagy felkiáltás), addig az angol nyelvben a kérdésekhez nem csak hangsúlyt és írásjel jelzi a kérdést, hanem a szórend is. Ha angolul szeretnél egy kérdést feltenni, akkor kérdő szórendet kell használnod. Mielőtt belemélyednénk a kérdő szórend részletes taglalásába, ismerkedjünk meg néhány alapfogalommal. Kétfajta kérdéstípus létezik: 1. yes – no questions Az yes-no (azaz az igen-nem) kérdésre a válasz meglepő módon igen (yes) vagy nem (no). Az ilyen típusú kérdéseknél nincs kérdőszó, csak a kérdő szórendből derül ki, hogy ez itt egy kérdő mondat. mivel az ilyen típusú kérdések tartalmaznak kérdőszót is, és angolul a kérdőszavak (1 kivételével) ezzel a két betűvel kezdődnek. Wow! Tehát, az ilyen kérdésekben van kérdőszó, tehát igen-nem választ nem lehet ezekre adni. A WH-questions-ra (magyarul kérdőszavas kérdés) minimum egy szóval, de leginkább egy teljes mondattal kell válaszolni. (Kezdő nyelvtanulóknál örülünk az egy szónak is, hisz legalább értik a kérdést! ) Na nézzünk egy-két példát! Például: You are hungry. Éhes vagy. Are you hungry. Éhes vagy? Statement.Kijelentés QuestionKérdés Ahogy azt a példából is láthatod, magyarul az írásjel kivételével semmi különbség nincs a kérdő és a kijelentő mondat között, angolul pedig megváltozott a mondat szórendje: kijelentő szórendből kérdő szórend lett. Létezik tagadó yes-no kérdés is: Aren’t you hungry? Nem vagy éhes? Ebben az esetben is kérdő szórendet használunk (természetesen) és a segédigét tesszük (amivel kérdezünk) tagadó alakba. A kérdéseknek ezt a formáját (mármint a tagadó yes-no kérdéseket) akkor szoktuk használni, amikor a válaszadótól pozitív (azaz igenlő) választ várunk. 2. WH-questions (azaz a ’dáböljúédzs’ questions ) Először is tisztázzuk, hogy miért hívják így őket. WH-question a nevük, | 2010 március WHO is this man? KI ez a férfi? WHAT is his name? MI a neve? WHERE is he from? HOVA valósi? WHY is he scared? MIÉRT fél? WHEN was he born? MIKOR született? He’s a secret agent. Egy titkosügynök. His name is Fox. Foxnak hívják. He’s from Canada. Kanadába valósi. I don’t know! Nem tudom! I have no idea! Ask him! Fogalmam sincs! Kérdezd meg tőle! KÉRDŐSZAVAK ANGOLUL Who? Ki? / Kik? / Kit? / Kiket? Whom? Kinek? / (Kit?) …és még sok más prepozícióval kombinálva What? Mi? / Mik? / Mit? / Miket? Where?Hol? When?Mikor? Ezeken felül van még egy WH szó, de ez nem kérdőszó (kérdést fog bevezetni majd függő beszédben, de még a jövő zenéje…): WHETHER. 41 havi nyelvtan this month's grammar Minden WH szó vezethet be kérdést, kivéve az előbb említett WHETHER: Who is that girl? Whom are you talking to? What is this? Where is the station? When is your birthday? Ki az a lány? Kihez beszélsz? Mi ez? Hol van az állomás? Mikor van a születésnapod? Minden WH szó vezethet be függő kérdést (indirect/reported question), a WHETHER is: He asked me who that girl was. Megkérdezte tőlem, hogy ki az a lány. She asked her whom he was talking to. Megkérdezte tőle, hogy kihez beszél. Can you tell me what this is? Meg tudod mondani, hogy mi ez? I wonder where the station is. Azt szeretném tudni, hogy hol van az állomás. He asked me when my birthday is. Megkérdezte, hogy mikor van a születésnapom. She asked the children which cake they preferred? Megkérdezte a gyerekeket, hogy melyik süti tetszik nekik jobban. TIPP: A segédigéket két csoportra oszthatjuk: 1. elsődleges segédigék (primary auxiliary verbs): BE, HAVE, DO 2. módbeli segédigék (secondary auxiliary verbs): WILL, WOULD, CAN, COULD, MAY, MIGHT, SHALL, SHOULD, MUST, (OUGHT TO, USED TO) A segédigéket (ahogy azt a nevük is mutatja) arra használjuk, hogy ’segítsenek nekünk’ kérdéseket és tagadó mondatokat csinálni. A segédigéknek három formája van: -s form (egyes szám harmadik személy), past tense (múlt idő) és past participle (ige harmadik alakja). segédige BE HAVE DO -s form is, isn’t has, hasn’t does, doesn’t Past tense was/were had did Ezzel szemben a módbeli segédigéknek csak egy formája van. Ugyanaz az alak egyes szám harmadik személyben is, nincs múlt idejű és harmadik alakjuk sem. mondatunkban.(Ugyanis ezekben az esetekben kell segédigét használunk a tagadáshoz és a kérdésfeltevéshez.) KÉRDŐSZÓREND Az előző fejezetből megtudtad, hogy egy sima kis kérdőjel odabig�gyesztésével nem tudsz helyes kérdést feltenni angolul, mivel az angol a kérdésfeltevéshez kérdő szórendet használ. Tanuljuk is meg most a kérdőszórendet! Például: Present Simple Tense Kijelentés:Mary likes dogs. Segédige: DO Kérdés: Does Mary like dogs? Nézzük először a to be -t, azaz a létigét: Present Continuous Tense Kijelentés:Herbie is sitting on the bed. Segédige: BE→IS Kérdés: Is Herbie sitting on the bed? TO BE Statement: You (subject) are (verb) here. Kijelentés: Te (alany) vagy (ige) itt. Question: Are (verb) you (subject) here? Kérdés: Vagy (ige) te (alany) itt? (Magyarul inkább: Te itt vagy?) Amint azt a fenti példából is láthatod: ha a főige a to be, akkor semmi más dolgod nincs, mint megcserélni az alanyt és az igét. Ha van kérdőszó is a mondatban, akkor a kérdőszó lesz az első, aztán jön a többi elem, kérdő szórendben. Például: Where (question word) are (verb) you (subject)? Hol (kérdőszó) vagy (ige) te (alany)? NOT TO BE – kérdőszórend a többi igével Ha a mondat igéje nem a létige (to be), akkor a kérdésfeltevéshez, tehát a kérdő szórend kialakításához segédigét kell használnod. Kijelentő mondatokban nem használunk segédigét (egy-két speciális esettől eltekintve). A tagadáshoz használunk segédigét, de a szórend ugyanaz, mint a kijelentő mondatokban. Tehát az egyetlen bonyodalmat szórendügyileg a kérdés okozza. Nézzük is meg most már végre a kérdő mondatok szórendjét. A to be, azaz a létige esetét már megtárgyaltuk a fejezet elején, most nézzük azokat az eseteket, amikor bármilyen más ige van a 42 Past Participle been had done Past Simple Tense Kijelentés:Mary went to the Zoo. Segédige: DO→DID Kérdés: Did Mary go to the Zoo. Present Perfect Simple Tense Kijelentés: Mary and John have seen a panda. Segédige: HAVE Kérdés: Have Mary and John seen a panda? A különböző igeidők segédigéit az igeidők tanulásakor érdemes megjegyezni. (Az igeidőkről szóló fejezetekben találod meg őket az igeragozási táblázatokban!) Ha nincs kérdőszó a kérdésben (emlékezz csak vissza, ezt az esetet neveztük yes-no question-nek), akkor ez a sorrendje a szavaknak (mondatrészeknek) a mondatban: Does Mary like dogs? 1. Does: SEGÉDIGE 2. Mary: ALANY 3. like: FŐIGE 4. dogs: TÁRGY | 2010 március Nézzünk egy másik példát is: Is Herbie sitting on the bed? 1. Is: SEGÉDIGE 2. Herbie: ALANY 3. sitting: FŐIGE 4. on the bed: HELYHATÁROZÓ Na, még egyet: Have Mary and John seen a panda? 1. Have: SEGÉDIGE 2. Mary and John: ALANY 3. seen: FŐIGE 4. a panda: HELYHATÁROZÓ Amint az láthatod, a főige nem mindig az első alakban van, hisz például a második példában „-inges” (sitting), a harmadik példában pedig harmadik alakban (seen) volt. Egy egyszerű támpont ahhoz, hogy hogyan jegyezzük meg, hogy mikor milyen segédige és milyen igealak kell: FŐIGE: ► Simple igeidőkben (Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple: első alak ► minden continuous igeidőkben (Present Continuous, Past Continuous, Future Continuous, Present Perfect Continuous, Past Perfect Continuous, Future Perfect Continuous): „-inges” alak ► „sima” Perfect igeiőkben (Present Perfect Simple Tense, Past Perfect Simple Tense, Future Perfect Tense): harmadik alak ALANY: a cselekvést végző lény (azért nem mondom, hogy személy, mert hát egy kutya vagy egy földönkívüli is tud cselekvést végrehajtani… meg az emberek is rajtuk ) Akkor kérdezünk alanyra, ha azt akarjuk tudni, hogy ki az a lény, aki (ami) a cselekvést végrehajtja / hajtotta / hajtani fogja. Paula loves George. Somebody loves George. SEGÉDIGE: ► Simple igeidőkben (Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple: DO ► „sima” Continuous igeidőkben (Present Continuous, Past Continuous, Future Continuous): ARE ► minden Perfect igeidőkben (Present Perfect Simple Tense, Past Perfect Simple Tense, Future Perfect Tense, Present Perfect Continuous, Past Perfect Continuous, Future Perfect Continuous): HAVE Question: Who loves George? Answer:Paula. WHO: subject GEORGE:object Paula loves somebody. Question: Who does Paula love? Answer:George. WHO:object PAULA: subject Valaki szereti George-ot. Tehát a legfontosabb a szórend tekintetében: Első a segédige, majd jön az alany, a főige, és aztán a többi mondatrész! Ha kérdőszó is van a kérdésünkben, akkor lesz az első szó, majd jön a többi, az előbb említett sorrendben: Kérdés: Ki szereti George-ot? Válasz:Paula. WHO: alany GEORGE:tárgy Például: Where (kérdőszó) did (segédige) Mary (alany) go (főige)? További példák: ALANYRA KÉRDEZÉS – AVAGY KI SZERETI PAULÁT? Hogy a kérdőszórend kérdés se legyen annyira egyszerű, tiszta és világos, ha alanyra kérdezünk, akkor megint csak egy másik szórendet kell alkalmaznunk. Milyen is az, amikor alanyra kérdezünk? Először is tisztázzuk, hogy mi az az alany. TIPP: Angolul azért is nehezebb a dolog, mert nincs a tárgynak jele (mint magyarul a –t ), tehát az például, hogy ki és kit angolul ugyanúgy hangzik: WHO. Az, hogy éppen alany vagy tárgy szerepét tölti be egy szó a mondatban a szórendből derül ki. | 2010 március Paula szeret valakit. Kérdés: Kit szeret Paula? Válasz:George-ot. WHO:tárgy PAULA: alany WHO / WHAT = ALANY WHO / WHAT = TÁRGY Who wants some ice-cream? Pedro wants some ice cream. Ki kér egy kis fagyit? Kit hívtál tegnap? Who did you call yesterday? I called only Sue yesterday. Pedro kér egy kis fagyit. Csak Sue-t hívtam tegnap. What happened here last week? What did Sue say to you? There was an accident. She didn’t say anything interesting. Mi történt itt múlt héten? Mit mondott neked Sue? Volt egy baleset. Nem mondott semmi érdekeset. 43 feleletválasztós nyelvtani teszt írásbeli vizsgák Feleletválasztós nyelvtani teszt Az alábbi teszt hasonló a nyelvvizsgákon (közép és felsőfok) előforduló feleletválasztós nyelvtani tesztekhez. Ezek a tesztek a nyelvtani jelenségek mellett kifejezésekre, állandósult szókapcsolatokra is rá szoktak kérdezni, ezért előfordulhatnak ilyenek a feladatsorban is. A nyelvtani tesztekhez soha nem szabad szótárt, illetve semmilyen egyéb segédeszközt használni. Ha nincs külön feltüntetve a feladat, akkor általában a helyes megoldást kell kiválasztani! A megoldásokat a magazin végén találod! Ha nem csak arra vagy kíváncsi, hogy melyik a helyes megoldás, hanem arra is, hogy miért az, akkor az erre vonatkozó kifejtéseket olvasd el a weboldalon. 1. I think I am late from the website meeting, …. ? 4. …, I would tell him nothing! a) don’t I b) amn’t I a) were I you b) unless I was you c) aren’t I d) wouldn’t I c) in case I were you d) when I were you 2. It seems Mari still …. what she is looking for. 5. I hated the Corc’s Christmas party, there was … to talk to. a) haven’t found b) doesn’t find a) everyone b) anybody c) won’t have found d) hasn’t found c) nobody d) anyone 3. I was really exhausted because I …. all day. 6. Lions don’t fear … anything. a) have worked b) had been working a) - b) of 44 c) have been working d) would have worked c) from d) on | 2010 március 7. I’m so bored, why not … a movie? 14. The old chap was accused ….… Charlie Sheen's luxury automobile. a) to watch b) watching a) have stolen b) of stealing c) watch d) seeing c) being stolen d) of having been stolen 8. Sarah … to give sick people some advice. 15. That stupid song … smile for the first time in months. a) often asks b) has often asked a) made her b) had her to c) was often asked d) was often asking c) made her to d) got her 9. I can’t stand Hilary and I can’t stand Sarah … . 16. They … an alternative solution to the problem. a) as well b) too a) sought b) seeked c) neither d) either c) were sought d) were seeked 10. You can take … book you like. 17. Marilyn Monroe died … a heart attack at the age of 36. a) whichever b) any of a) from b) in c) that d) the whole c) of d) with 11. I met Lord Parry Mitchell … at BHG the other day. 18. He … that his grandfather had died in WW II. a) briefly b) shortly a) has said to me b) told to me c) for short time d) for a brief time c) said me d) told me 12. The police … the matter. 19. Amy asked me … because she was allergic to smoke. a) was said to investigate c) told investigating b) were asked to investigate d) asked for investi gating a) stopping to smoke b) to stop smoking 13. They suggested … my eyes tested as soon as possible. 20. That horrible crime was committed by a ... child. a) that I would have b) me to have a) three years old b) three-years-old c) me having d) that I have | 2010 március c) stopping smoking d) to stop to smoke c) three-years’s old d) three-year-old 45 olvasott szöveg értése írásbeli vizsgák írásbeli vizsgák Az olvasott szöveg értésének gyakorlása nem csak azért fontos, mert szinte minden típusú nyelvvizsga írásbeli részén előfordul, hanem azért is, mert ezzel a „feladattípussal” szinte minden nap találkozhatunk a valós életben is. A feladattípus megoldásához semmiféle technika elsajátítására nincs szükség, a szöveg általános tartalmi megértése és a szövegre vonatkozó információk keresése a fontos. A legtöbb vizsgán megengedett az egynyelvű szótár használata (az ORIGO és BME vizsgákon kétnyelvű szótárt is használhatsz), amely helyes használata segíti a feladatmegoldást, azonban figyelni kell arra, hogy a rendelkezésre álló idő ne men- jen el szótárazással. Sok olyan tanulóval beszélgettem, akiknek nem sikerült elsőre letenniük a nyelvvizsgát, és amikor próbáltam kideríteni, hogy ennek mi lehet az oka, rengeteg esetben kiderült, hogy szinte minden szót megnéztek a szótárban (még azokat is, amiket tudtak – biztos, ami biztos alapon), és ezzel elment az idő, pánikba estek, elkezdtek kapkodni, és ez természetesen a többi feladat rovására is ment. Tehát fontos, hogy legyen egy jó szótárunk, amelyből ki tudjuk keresni azokat a szavakat, amelyeket nem ismerünk, és a feladat megoldásához, a szöveg megértéséhez szükségesek, azonban nem szabad elfecsérelnünk az időnket arra, hogy önbizalomhiány miatt minden szót ellenőrizzünk, még azokat is, amelyeknek ismerjük a jelentését. Ezt a feladattípust sok-sok olvasással egyedül is lehet gyakorolni. Én mindig azt szoktam tanácsolni, hogy apránként a ta- nuló váltson át a magyar nyelvű újságokról/ internetoldalakról az angol nyelvűekre, mert így a mindennapi információszerzés mellett még a nyelvet is tudja gyakorolni, a nemzetközi híreket pedig a legtöbb esetben össze tudja vetni a magyar lapokban megjelent cikkekkel, így ellenőrizni tudja azt is, hogy jól értelmezte-e a szöveget. Az alábbiakban megnézünk egy-egy olvasott szövegértési feladatot minden szintre (alapfok: B1, középfok B2, felsőfok: C1). Az angol nyelvű szöveg után magyar kérdéseket találsz, amelyekre magyarul kell választ adnod (az ORIGO vizsgán találkozhatsz ilyen típusú feladattal, a többin – beleértve az érettségi feladatokat is – inkább angol nyelvű kérdésekre kell angolul válaszolni. Azonban felkészülés során (függetlenül attól, hogy milyen vizsgára készülsz), mindegyik típust érdemes gyakorolni. A feladatok megoldásait a magazin végén találod. alapfok (B1) + érettségi középszint Latin language Latin is an old language that was spoken by the Romans. People do not speak or write this language very much any more, but many students around the world study it in school. In the Vatican, it is an official language. The Roman Catholic Church still uses Latin as its official language. Many words used in science and medicine were created from Latin words, or are Latin words. There were two types of Latin, Classical Latin and Vulgar Latin. Classical Latin was the literary standard variety used by the Romans and is the one used by the Roman Catholic Church and studied by many students around the world. Vulgar Latin, on the contrary, was the more common spoken variety used by the Romans. Latin was the most important language in the Middle Ages. It was taught in all European schools, and all universities used Latin as the teaching language. Latin lost its importance only in the Reformation. Many languages spoken today came from the Latin language. Those languages are called Romance languages. The five largest Romance languages are French, Romanian, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. Other IndoEuropean languages are related to Latin. The Romance languages are very close to each other, and it is possible for the speakers of one Romance language to understand another to at least some extent. For example, the speakers of Portuguese can well understand Spanish. It can be said that the Romance languages are modern dialects of Latin. source: Wikipedia Válaszolj a következő kérdésekre magyarul! 1.Melyik korban volt a legfontosabb a latin nyelv és miért? 2.Melyik mai nyelvek származnak a latinból? 3.Hol használják ma a latin nyelvet? 46 | 2010 március középfok (B2) + érettségi emeltszint Final tests for polar explorers Two polar explorers from Devon are undergoing final tests in Canada before the start of a major scientific survey. The pioneering £3m expedition will plot the future of the Arctic ice cap. Pen Hadow, who lives on Dartmoor, and Ann Daniels, of Whimple, will use specially-built radar to measure the thickness of the ice. About 10 million measurements will be taken to help scientists to calculate more accurately how long the dwindling ice cap might last. Mr Hadow became the first explorer to trek solo and unsupported from Canada to the North Pole. Ms Daniels, who has four children including teenage triplets, was a member of the first all-women teams to trek to both the North and South Poles. The third member of the survey team is specialist polar photographer Martin Hartley. The trio have been rehearsing their daily routines in temperatures as low as -30C at Broughton Island, in northern Canada. They are also practising their drills and tasks, as well as checking the scientific and life-support equipment is performing correctly. Mr Hadow said training conditions were tough, with Broughton Island in darkness for about 20 hours a day. "You can't see your hand in front of your face, and if your overhead torch goes out, that is it," he said. During trials in | 2010 március November, the team suffered varying degrees of frostbite to their faces and limbs. But Mr Hadow said it was vital the trials were carried out in extreme conditions. "We need to be sure we work well as a team, so our daily routines for trekking, eating, science work and so forth have to be practised so we are in the best possible shape when we cross the starting line," he said. "After years of preparation, that will be our moment of truth." The three-month Catlin Arctic Survey expedition to the North Pole is due to begin at the end of February. The team will take samples of the water, snow, ice and air as well as measuring the water column under the sea ice and recording density measurements of the snow and ice. A data uplink system will transmit findings to scientists direct from the ice via satellite. An Inuit clam-diver, who has been diving in sub-zero seawater for many years has been giving the team members advice, as they will sometimes be forced to swim across open water pulling heavily-loaded sledges. During the Broughton Island training, Mr Hartley will use an underwater camera to capture images of the team swimming in subzero temperatures. He will also use a nightvision camera to film the team crossing the ice in complete darkness. Current estimates of how long ice will be a year-round feature around the North Pole vary considerably with scientific predictions ranging between five and 100 years. The project aims to help fill the current gap in existing measurement studies by satellites and submarines - which cannot differentiate between ice and snow layers. Once the survey has been completed, the findings will be made available for the United Nations Climate Change Conference of Parties in Copenhagen, Denmark, next year. The project's patron is the Prince of Wales. It is supported by the United Nations Environment Programme and World Wildlife Fund International. source: BBC News Válaszolj a következő kérdésekre magyarul! 1.Hol és hogyan készül a csapat az expedícióra? 2.Ki, hogyan és miért segít a csapatnak felkészülni? 3.Kik az expedíció tagjai, és mit tudunk róluk? 47 olvasott szöveg értése írásbeli vizsgák felsőfok (C1) What's cooking? The evolutionary role of cookery YOU are what you eat, or so the saying goes. But Richard Wrangham, of Harvard University, believes that this is true in a more profound sense than the one implied by the old proverb. It is not just you who are what you eat, but the entire human species. And with Homo sapiens, what makes the species unique in Dr Wrangham’s opinion is that its food is so often cooked. Cooking is a human universal. No society is without it. No one other than a few faddists tries to survive on raw food alone. And the consumption of a cooked meal in the evening, usually in the company of family and friends, is normal in every known society. Moreover, without cooking, the human brain (which consumes 20-25% of the 48 body’s energy) could not keep running. Dr Wrangham thus believes that cooking and humanity are coeval. In fact, as he outlined to the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), in Chicago, he thinks that cooking and other forms of preparing food are humanity’s “killer app”: the evolutionary change that underpins all of the other—and subsequent— changes that have made people such unusual animals. Humans became human, as it were, with the emergence 1.8m years ago of a species called Homo erectus. This had a skeleton much like modern man’s—a big, brain-filled skull and a narrow pelvis and rib cage, which imply a small abdomen and thus a small gut. Hitherto, the explanation for this shift from the smaller skulls and wider pelvises of man’s apelike ancestors has been a shift from a vegetable-based diet to a meat-based one. Meat has more calories than plant matter, the theory went. A smaller gut could therefore support a larger brain. Dr Wrangham disagrees. When you do the sums, he argues, raw meat is still insufficient to bridge the gap. He points out that even modern “raw foodists”, members of a town-dwelling, back-to-nature social movement, struggle to maintain their weight— and they have access to animals and plants that have been bred for the table. Pre-agricultural man confined to raw food would have starved. | 2010 március Firelight Start cooking, however, and things change radically. Cooking alters food in three important ways. It breaks starch molecules into more digestible fragments. It “denatures” protein molecules, so that their amino-acid chains unfold and digestive enzymes can attack them more easily. And heat physically softens food. That makes it easier to digest, so even though the stuff is no more calorific, the body uses fewer calories dealing with it. In support of his thesis, Dr Wrangham, who is an anthropologist, has ransacked other fields and come up with an impressive array of material. Cooking increases the share of food digested in the stomach and small intestine, where it can be absorbed, from 50% to 95% according to work done on people fitted for medical reasons with collection bags at the ends of their small intestines. Previous studies had suggested raw food was digested equally well as cooked food because they looked at faeces as being the end product. These, however, have been exposed to the digestive mercies of bacteria in the large intestine, and any residual goodies have been removed from them that way. | 2010 március Another telling experiment, conducted on rats, did not rely on cooking. Rather the experimenters ground up food pellets and then recompacted them to make them softer. Rats fed on the softer pellets weighed 30% more after 26 weeks than those fed the same weight of standard pellets. The difference was because of the lower cost of digestion. Indeed, Dr Wrangham suspects the main cause of the modern epidemic of obesity is not overeating (which the evidence suggests—in America, at least—is a myth) but the rise of processed foods. These are softer, because that is what people prefer. Indeed, the nerves from the taste buds meet in a part of the brain called the amygdala with nerves that convey information on the softness of food. It is only after these two qualities have been compared that the brain assesses how pleasant a mouthful actually is. The archaeological evidence for ancient cookery is equivocal. Digs show that both modern humans and Neanderthals controlled fire in a way that almost certainly means they could cook, and did so at least 200,000 years ago. (...) Válaszolj a következő kérdésekre magyarul! 1.Dr Wrangham szerint mitől felsőbbrendű az ember az étkezés tekintetében? (3 pont) 2.Milyen volt a Homo Erectus testfelépítése, és milyen következtetést vontak le ebből? (6 pont) 3.Miért nem ért egyet a növényevői elmélettel Dr Wrangham? (5 pont) 4.Milyen módon változtatja meg a főzés az élelmiszereket? (7 pont) 5.Mit tart Dr Wrangham a modernkori elhízás fő okának? (4 pont) source: The Economist 49 szóbeli vizsgák szóbeli témakörök Ebben a rovatban a különböző szóbeli vizsgákon (érettségi, és különböző nyelvvizsgák) előforduló témákat fejtjük ki havonta, úgy hogy gyakorlatilag bármelyik vizsgán kön�nyedén vehesd az akadályokat. A hallás utáni értés és kiejtés gyakorlására számos – a rovathoz kapcsolódó – hanganyagot találsz a weboldalon. Ebben a hónapban a TELEFONÁLÁS témakörét tekintjük át. Ebben a cikkben megnézzük, hogy milyen szavakra és mondatokra lehet szükségünk telefonáláskor! A Hasznos párbeszédek rovatban is ehhez a témához kapcsolódóan találsz majd párbeszédmintákat, amelyekhez a weboldalon hanganyagot is találsz! Telephone English Don’t be afraid if the phone rings and you have to answer it in English! if you practice a lot, you’ll be able to speak English on the phone, too! In this unit, we are going to look at some of the words and expressions that we use for telephoning. Remember, practice makes perfect! Telephone English Ebből a gyűjteményből hasznos mondatokat és kifejezéseket tanulhatsz meg telefonálással kapcsolatban. A kifejezésekhez hanganyagot is találsz a weboldalon! Answering the phone – Amikor felvesszük a telefont Hello. Halló! Thank you for calling Millennium Centre. Köszöntjük, hogy a Millennium Központot hívta! Barbara speaking. How can I help you? Itt Barbara beszél. Miben segíthetek? Doctor’s office. Orvosi rendelő. Before having a look at some useful dialogues, let’s learn some important words and expressions! phone booth telefonfülke 50 pay phone/public phone cell phone / mobile phone wireless /cordless phone / handy nyilvános telefon mobiltelefon vezetéknélküli telefon operator operátor | 2010 március glossary to answer the phone [tə ˈɑːnsə ðə fəʊn] answering machine [ˈɑːnsərɪŋ məˈʃiːn] busy signal [ˈbɪzi ˈsɪɡnəl] call [kɔːl] caller [ˈkɔːlə] call back/phone back [kɔːl bæk fəʊn bæk] call display [kɔːl dɪˈspleɪ] cellular phone / cell phone / mobile phone [ˈseljʊlə fəʊn sel fəʊn ˈməʊbaɪl fəʊn] cordless phone [ˈkɔːdləs fəʊn] to dial [tu ˈdaɪəl] dial tone [ˈdaɪəl təʊn] directory / phone book [dɪˈrektəri fəʊn bʊk] to hang up [tu hæŋ ʌp] to ring off [tu rɪŋ ɒf] operator [ˈɒpəreɪtə] pager [ˈpeɪdʒə] phone [fəʊn] to phone [tu fəʊn] phone booth [fəʊn buːð] pay phone [peɪ fəʊn] to pick up the phone [tu pɪk ʌp ðə fəʊn] receiver [rɪˈsiːvə] to ring [tu rɪŋ] Introducing yourself – Bemutatkozunk Hey George. It’s Lisa calling. Szia Geoge. Itt Lisa beszél. Hello, this is Julie Smith calling. Halló, itt Julie Smith beszél. Hello, it’s Barbara from the language centre here. Halló. Itt Barbara beszél a nyelviskolából. Speaking. Ezt akkor mondjuk, ha minket keresnek és mi vesszük fel a telefont. Asking to speak with someone – Ha valakivel beszélni szeretnénk Is Fred in? Bent van Fred? Is Jackson there, please? Ott van Jackson, kérem? Can I talk to your brother? Beszélhetnék a testvéreddel? May I speak with Mr Green, please? Beszélhetnék Green úrral, kérem? Would the doctor be available? Elérhető a doktor úr? Connecting someone – Kapcsolunk valakit Just a sec. I’ll get him. Egy perc, és előkerítem! Hang on a second! Tartsd egy percet! Please hold on, and I’ll put you through! Tartsa kérem, és kapcsolom. All of our operators are busy at this time. | 2010 március felvenni a telefont üzenetrögzítő foglalt jelzése telefonhívás hívó visszahívás híváskijelző mobiltelefon vezetéknélküli telefon tárcsázni tárcsahang telefonkönyv letenni a telefont letenni a telefont operátor személyhívó telefon telefonálni telefonfülke nyilvános telefon felvenni a telefont telefonkagyló csörög Minden munkatársunk foglalt. Please hold for the next available person. Kérem tartsa a kezelő jelentkezéséig. Making special requests – Különleges kérések Could you please repeat that? Meg tudná ezt ismételni? Would you mind spelling that for me? Betűzné nekem ezt legyen szíves? Could you speak up a little please? Tudna egy kicsit hangosabban beszélni? Can you speak a little slower? Tudna egy kicsit lassabban beszélni? Can you call me back? Vissza tudna hívni? I think we have a bad connection. Azt hiszem, hogy rossz a vonal. Can you please hold for a minute? Tudná tartani egy percre? I have another call. Van egy másik hívásom. Taking a message for someone – Üzenetet felveszünk valakinek Sammy is not in. Who is this? Sammy nincs bent. Ki keresi? I’m sorry. Lisa is not here at the moment. Sajnálom, de Lisa nincsen itt éppen. Can I ask who is calling? Megkérdezhetem, hogy ki keresi? I’m afraid he’s stepped out. Sajnálom, de éppen most ment ki. Would you like to leave a message? Szeretne neki valami üzenetet hagyni? 51 szóbeli vizsgák szóbeli témakörök Köszönöm. Meg tudná kérni, hogy hívja vissza Briant, amikor beérkezett? Confirming information – Információ visszaigazolása Okay, I’ve got it all down. Rendben van. Leírtam mindent. Let me repeat just to make sure. Hadd ismételjem meg a biztonság kedvéért. You said your name was John, right? Azt mondta, hogy John-nak hívják, ugye? Listening to an answering machine – Üzenetrögzíto meghallgatása He’s busy right now. Can you call later again? Most nagyon elfoglalt. Vissza tudná hívni később? I’ll let him know you called. Megmondom neki, hogy kereste. I’ll make sure she gets the message. Biztos lehet benne, hogy meg fogja kapni az üzenetet. Leaving a message with someone – Üzenetet hagyunk valakinek Would you like to leave a message? Szeretne üzenetet hagyni? Yes, you can tell him his wife called. Igen, átadná neki, hogy a felesége hívta? No, that’s OK. I’ll call back later. Nem, köszönöm. Majd később visszahívom. Yes, it’s Barbara from Millennium Centre. Igen. Barbara vagyok a Millennium Központból. When do you expect her back in the office? Mikor lehet számítani arra, hogy visszajön? Thanks, could you ask him to call Brian when she gets in? Hello. You have reached 222-6789. Halló. Ön a 222-6789-et hívta. Please leave a detailed message after the beep. Kérem hagyjon üzenetet a sípszó után. Hi, this is Elisabeth. Szia, itt Elisabeth. I’m sorry I’m not available to take your call this time. Sajnos nem vagyok elérhető. Leave me a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. Kérlek, hagyj üzenetet és amint tudlak visszahívlak. Thank you for calling Dr Smith’s office. Köszönjük hívását. Dr Smith rendelője. Our hours are 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday. Rendelési időnk reggel 9-től 5-ig, hétfőtől péntekig tart. Please call back during these hours, or leave a message after the tone. Kérem, hogy ebben az időszakban hívjon minket, vagy hagyjon üzenetet a sípszó után. If this is an emergency please call the hospital at 333-7896. Vészhelyzet esetén hívja a kórházat a 333-7896-os telefonszámon. Kérdések és válaszok Ebben a részben olyan kérdéseket és mintaválaszokat találsz, amelyek a témakörhöz kapcsolódóan előfordulhatnak a nyelvvizsgán. A kérdések és válaszok hangos változatát a weboldalon találod! Q: Are you on the phone?What’s your phone number? A1: Yes, I’m on the phone. My number is 35-34-209. A2: No, I’m not. I only have a cell phone. Q: Do you have a cell phone? A1: Yes, of course. I think nowadays everybody has a cell phone. A2: It must be surprising, but I don’t. I don’t want to get phone call anytime, anywhere. Q: Do you have a pre-paid or a post-paid cell phone? A1: I have a pre-paid cell phone, so if I can’t make any phone calls, I have to buy a pre-paid card, and top-up my phone. A2: I have a post paid cell phone, so I can make phone calls any time, and pay for them at the end of the month. Q: Is your name listed in the directory? A1: Yes, my landline is in the directory. A2: No, I don’t have a landline, so I’m not in the directory. Q: Do you like making long conversations? A1: No, I try to make it as short as possible. I don’t want to pay a lot on phone bills. A2: Yes, mostly with my mother. She lives in another town, so we can’t meet too often, and we mostly speak on the phone. 52 | 2010 március hasznos párbeszédek useful dialogues Useful dialogues Ebben a rovatban olyan párbeszédmintákat nézünk meg hónapról-hónapra, amelyek a mindennapi életben nagyon gyakran előfordulnak, és a szóbeli vizsgák (nyelvvizsga és érettségi is) előfordulnak szituációs szerepjáték formájában, amit vagy a vizsgáztatóval, vagy egy másik vizsgázóval kell „eljátszani”. Igazodva az e havi szóbeli témához, most néhány utazással kapcsolatos párbeszédet nézünk meg. A párbeszédek hanganyagát, és a hozzájuk tartozó szintén hangos kifejezés gyűjteményt a weboldalon találod meg! USEFUL EXPRESSIONS Could you hold on a second? Tudná tartani egy másodpercre? Do you have a pen? Van tolla? Dr Brinkmann is booked for this afternoon. Dr Brinkman minden időpontja foglalt ma délután. How can I help you? Miben segíthetek? I can put you in for 2 pm tomorrow. Holnap délután 2-re tudom Ön betenni. I wonder if Dr Brinkman has some time to see me this afternoon. Érdeklődöm, hogy Dr Brinkman-nak van-e egy kis ideje, hogy megvizsgáljon ma délután. Thank you for calling Medipoint Healthcare Centre. Köszönjük, hogy a Medipoint Egészségközpontot hívta. Thank you for calling. Köszönjük hívását. | 2010 március MAKING AN APPOINTMENT Időpontegyeztetés... Healthcare Centre: Emily: Healthcare Centre: Emily: Healthcare Centre: Emily: Healthcare Centre: Emily: Healthcare Centre: Emily: Healthcare Centre: Emily: Thank you for calling Medipoint Healthcare Centre. How can I help you? Hello. Emily Woods calling. I have a terrible headache, and I wonder if Dr Brinkman has some time to see me this afternoon. I’m sorry Ms Woods, but Dr Brinkman is booked for this afternoon. I can put you in for 2 pm tomorrow. How does that sound? That would be fine. I’ll have to give you the address of our new office. Oh, that’s right. You moved your office last month. Yes, we moved downtown. Do you have a pen? Could you hold on a second? ... Okay, go ahead! Okay, we are at 327 Balkan Avenue. The office is on the ground floor. Thank you. I’ll see you tomorrow then. Thank you for calling. See you tomorrow. Thank you, bye! 53 hasznos párbeszédek useful dialogues TAKING A MESSAGE Ha üzenetet kell átadnod... Gregory:Hello! Katie: Hi, is this Gregory? Gregory:Yes. Katie: It’s Katie here. Is Martha at home? Gregory: No, she left a few minutes ago. Can I take a message? Katie: Yes, thanks. I wanted to ask her to meet me at Cinepoint Movies at 8 pm tonight. Gregory: Sure. Just let me write that down. Could you hold on for a second? I have to answer another call. Katie: No problem. Gregory: Sorry about that. I am here again. Now, could you please repeat that information? Now I have a pen, too. Katie: It’s the Cinepoint Movies at 8 pm tonight. Gregory: Okay. Is there anything else? Katie: No. That’s it. Thank you! Bye! Gregory:Bye! USEFUL EXPRESSIONS Can I take a message? Átvehetek egy üzenetet? Just let me write that down. Engedje meg, hogy leírjam. Could you hold for a second? Tudná tartani egy pillanatra? I have to answer another call. Fel kell vennem egy másik hívást. Could you please repeat that information? Meg tudná ismételni ezt az információt? 54 | 2010 március szóbeli vizsgák hallás utáni értés Hallás utáni értés Ebben a rovatban a hallás utáni értést fogjuk gyakorolni olyan feladatokkal, amelyek mind az érettségin, mind a nyelvvizsgákon (mindegyik típusú vizsgán) előfordulnak. A hallás utáni értést sokféleképpen lehet ellenőrizni (feleletválasztós teszt, igazhamis teszt, kifejtős kérdés, stb.), ezért a gyakorló feladatok között is többféle kérdéstípust fogsz találni. Mindhárom szintre (alap/B1, közép/ B2, felső/C1) találsz feladatokat. A feladatokhoz tartozó audió anyagokat a oldalon találod meg. Alapfok (B1) TIPP: (Adható pontszám: 5 pont) Olvasd el a feladatot. A szöveg meghallgatása után válaszd ki a helyes megoldást és jelöld meg azt az értékelő lapon! True 1. Peter lives in Brampton. 2. His daughter’s names are Angela and Adrienne. 3. The station is 6 minutes drive from Peter’s house. 4. His train ticket costs 8 dollars. 5. A delivery boy takes is going to take the bicycles into Peter’s house. | 2010 március False A vizsgákon a hallás utáni értést ellenőrző feladat során NEM lehet szótárt és semmilyen más segédeszközt használni. A hanganyagokat általában háromszor lehet meghallgatni, a feladatokra pedig menet közben kell válaszolni. 55 szóbeli vizsgák hallás utáni értés középfok (B2) Olvasd el a feladatot. A szöveg meghallgatása után válaszold meg a kérdéseket! (Adható pontszám: 15 pont) Tom Cruise and the Scientology 1.Mi volt Tom Cruise szüleinek a foglalkozása? (2) 2.Milyen vallást gyakorol Tom Cruise családtagjai a riport szerint? (3) 3.Hányszor állt az oltár előtt életében Tom Cruise? (1) 4.Mikor és minek hatására csatlakozott Tom Cruise a Szcientológia egyházhoz? (2) 5.Mely területeken segít a Szcientológia vallás gyakorlóinak a híres színész szerint? Legalább 2 területet említsen meg! (2) 6.Mely államokban lakott Tom Cruise gyermekkorában? (2) 7.Milyen jelzőkkel illetik gyakran a neves színészt? (2) 8.Mi szeretett volna Tom Cruise lenni mielőtt színésznek állt? (1) felsőfok (C1) Olvasd el a feladatot. A szöveg meghallgatása után válaszold meg a kérdéseket! (Adható pontszám: 15 pont) Public tax returns in Scandinavia 1.A riportban Norvégia mellett említett mely országokban nyilvános és hol nem nyilvános az adóbevallás? (4) 2.Milyen jövedelmi adatokat tesznek közszemlére Norvégiában? (3) 3.Mely esetek képeznek kivételt a nyilvánosság alól? (2) 4.Milyen módon lehet hozzájutni a Norvég adófizetők adataihoz? (3) 5.Milyen okból tették nyilvánossá az adózási adatokat 1863ban? (1) 6.Mennyi adót fizetett Norvégia leggazdagabb embere 2001-es évre és miért? (2) 56 | 2010 március alapfok (B1) hanganyag szövege Peter is a Sales man who lives in Toronto. Tomorrow is his twin daughter's birthday and he has to buy them a present. Their names are Adi and Angela; they will be two years old. Peter wants bicycles for their birthday present. Last week, he saw good kiddies bicycle at a department store in Brampton so he's going to go there to buy one each. First of all, he's going to drive to the station. That takes about seven minutes. At the station he's going to buy a 6 dollar ticket and take the escalator up to platform 8. From Brampton station he is going to walk to the department store. Peter hopes the bicycles are still there. If they still there, he's going to buy them. The bicycles are quite big so he's going to ask the shop assistant to send it to his house by delivery service. középfok (B2) hanganyag szövege Tom Cruise and the Scientology Cruise, the popular American actor and producer was born in New York, on July 3, 1962 as the son of Mary Lee, a special education teacher, and Thomas Cruise Mapother III, an electrical engineer. Cruise's parents moved frequently when he was a child, residing in a number of locations throughout the United States and Canada, including Ottawa; Louisville, Kentucky; Glen Ridge, New Jersey. A highly-regarded actor who tops the celebrity "A-list" and regularly appears on lists of the "most beautiful people in the world," Cruise is known for his tireless devotion to his fans and several random acts of kindness (chasing purse-snatchers and the like). Cruise is clearly a man interested in spiritual things: he considered a career as a Catholic priest before pursuing an acting career and is now perhaps the most outspoken celebrity on his religion. He joined the Church of Scientology in 1986 after a class helped him overcome dyslexia, and his three sisters followed him one by one. His mother, a Catholic, was the lone hold out in the family until she turned to it in 2003 after going through "some things." She still practices her Catholic faith, however. Cruise has been married twice to Mimi Rogers and Nicole Kidman with whom he adopted two children together, Isabella and Connor and has a child with his current wife, Katie Holmes. Katie Holmes, recently has begun studying Scientology, which Cruise says does not conflict with her Roman Catholic upbringing. He joined the Church of Scientology in 1986 while married to then-Scientologist Mimi Rogers. Cruise is arguably Hollywood's most outspoken member of the Church of Scientology. Cruise has publicly said that Scientology, specifically its "Study Technology," helped him overcome his dyslexia. When speaking of behalf of Scientology, he emphasizes the religion's programs in education, as well as drug addiction recovery and criminal rehabilitation. Since 2004, Cruise has talked more openly about Scientology and promoted its ideas, especially its rejection of psychiatric drugs. Cruise also claimed in an Entertainment Weekly interview that psychiatry "is a Nazi science" and that methadone was actually originally called Adolophine after Adolf Hitler, a well-known urban legend. Source:, Tom Cruise felsőfok (C1) hanganyag szövege Public tax returns in Scandinavia Norwegian tax office tells all online Ever wanted to know how much your boss makes? The man in the office next door who's always at lunch? Your neighbour with the flash new car? In Norway it's all just a mouse-click away. On Thursday, the financial details of all Norwegian taxpayers was published on the internet – provoking fierce debate in the prosperous Scandinavian country of 4.5 million inhabitants. Every year, Norway publishes everyone's income tax returns. So do Finland and Sweden. And nobody really cares. By contrast, U.S. law prohibits releasing anybody's tax information. Imagine the howl if the IRS put tax returns online, so co-workers, neighbors and mothers-in-law could see what someone earns. That happened in Italy earlier this year, when the outgoing government of prime minister Romano Prodi briefly posted taxpayers' incomes on the Internet, and newspapers picked up the list. | 2010 március Norwegian tax returns have been public information since 1863, but until now it was only possible to see other people's figures by applying in person at a tax office. Now curious web surfers can find out their bosses and colleagues' tax details. 'Necessary gossip' It is also possible to obtain taxation details through a text-messaging service for mobile phones. The mass disclosure prompted the head of the Norwegian data protection authority to ask for the practice to be stopped. However, leading Norwegian daily Aftenposten defended the exercise, describing it as "necessary gossip" in an editorial. "Originally, the point was that everyone should act as watchdogs and check if their neighbour was paying enough tax," the paper said. "This still applies." However, its readers don't agree. One says it is "completely unreasonable to pass this information to the masses" and another calls it a "pathetic demonstration of the culture of envy". Unwelcome offers There were two reasons behind the decision to make tax information publicly available nearly 140 years ago. It was felt that making information available to those with the greatest interest in individual returns – neighbours and fellow villagers – would have a regulatory function. However, the practice has not always been popular. Last year football agent Einar Baardsen took the Norwegian state to court, arguing that publicity about his income led to him receiving dubious investment offers. He also stated that the police had found criminals in possession of copies of local tax lists and claimed that publication breached the European Convention on Human Rights. The case never came to court. According to the latest figures, Norway's richest man is industrialist and fishing magnate Kjell Inge Roekke, who had capital of 3.8 billion kroner (£329m; $515m) on 31 December 2001, but no taxable income for the year. Source: BBC, Friday, 11 October, 2002 57 üzleti angol business english level: intermediate and above középhaladó szinttől Banking by György Juhász g oing to the bank is one if we need a higher amount of money to improve our lives. What is a bank? What kind of role do banks play in our lives? Let us briefly discover this mysterious world of finances. A bank is a financial institution that accepts deposits and puts those deposits into lending. Banks provide financial services to customers. Banks are important players in financial markets and offer investment funds and loan services. As banks play an important role in business life and the lives of private persons, governments must regulate their activities. The level of regulation of the bank sector is different by countries. But what does the work „bank” mean? The name „bank” comes from the Italian word „banco” meaning "desk/bench", used during the Renaissance by bankers in Florence, who used to make their transactions above a desk covered by a green tablecloth. However, there are traces of banking activity even in ancient times. In fact, the word goes back to the Ancient Roman Empire, where moneylenders would set up their stalls in the middle of enclosed courtyards on a long bench called a „bancu”, from which the words „banco” and „bank” are derived. As a moneychanger, the merchant at the bancu just converted the foreign currency into the only legal tender in Rome, the Imperial Coin. Banking activities Banks act as payment agents by collecting deposits and paying cheques drawn by customers. Banks also enable customer payments via other payment methods such as telegraphic transfer, EFTPOS (Electronic Funds Transfer at Point of Sale) and ATM (Automated Teller Machine). Banks borrow money by accepting deposits on customer accounts and by issuing bonds. Banks lend money to customers, mostly in the form of installment loans and other forms of money lending. Banks provide almost all payment services, and a bank account is indispensable for most businesses, individuals and governments. In general, there are banking activities that require you to go to a bank and there are 58 As we grow out of our childhood, we all experience the importance of managing our finances. We all buy food, buy a car, a bicycle, go to holiday. We all save money for different things and have to spend money on our lives. Many times, we temporarily do not have the financial means to achieve our goals. In this case, we have a few opthose for which you do not most stores and restaurants. tions… need to go to the bank. When Cash, Visa, MasterCard and you personally go to the bank, your are able to open a checking or a savings account, apply for a credit or a debit card, rent a safety deposit box, fill out a withdrawal slip and withdraw money from your account. At the bank, you are also able to talk to a teller or a bank manager who will give you information about the services the bank has to offer you. You will also be able to take out or pay off a loan at the bank, also just deposit or transfer money. For transferring, checking your account, withdrawing cash, buying different things or paying your bills, you do not need to go to the bank as you may do these transactions by using the e-banking, ATM and bank or credit card services of the bank. Banking in Hungary – Currency, Paying, Credit Cards ► The official currency of Hungary is the forint (HUF). ► Common paper bills are the 20,000, 10,000, 5,000, 1,000, 500. ► The coins come in 200, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5. If a foreigner or tourist wants to exchange currency in Budapest, the best deal will probably be using his/her bank card at the ATM. He or she may also go to a bank or an exchange point (you find those in all shopping centers). Exchange points generally provide better exchange rates than banks. If tourists want to avoid the hassle of exchanging money, they can also pay with credit or banking card in American Express are accepted in most places. In general, they will be able to use most internationally recognized credit cards at larger stores around town. But when shopping in smaller grocery stores and souvenir shops, they might have to pay in cash. The most common ways of paying rent and utilities in Hungary is pre-authorized bank transfer, of postal checks. Expatriates in Hungary tend to use the foreign-owned banks such as Magyar Külkereskedelmi Bank Rt (MKB), or CitiBank Rt. Most banks provide e-banking today in Hungary. In a short time, about 30 minutes, you can open a Forint-based account or a USA dollar or Euro account according to your needs, and it is likely that a minimum deposit will be required. In order to obtain a bank card, you will be asked to make an up-front deposit of Forint 50,000 or € 200. To open a bank account, you must present an identification document (such as ID card, driver's license, tax card, passport, etc.). You can open a bank account either in foreign currency or in Hungarian forints. In order to open a bank account you will have to make a minimum deposit. The amount of it depends on the particular bank. A bank account in Hungarian forints can also be opened without a minimum amount, but this kind of account bears no interest and you cannot change your forints in other currencies at any time. There is also no bank card with this kind of account. Banking hours: regular branches are usually open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. – Monday through. | 2010 március Thursday. On Friday, banks close earlier – usually at 3 or 4 p.m. With the exceptions of some shopping mall bank outlets, Hungarian banks are not open Saturday. All banks are closed on Sundays and on state holidays. ATMs are really common in Hungary and are accessible anytime. However, beware of higher services charges for using ATMs that are not affiliated with your origin bank. Over half of the Hungarian population uses bank cards twice a month on average, almost exclusively for cash withdrawals from their accounts. By investing heavily in information technology and using its extensive branch network, OTP Bank has become the market leader in this new, growing business with more than 40% of all ATMs and bank cards issued in Hungary and more than 70% of all bank card transactions. Banking channels Banks offer many different channels to access their banking and other services: ► A branch, banking centre or financial centre is a location where a bank or financial institution offers a wide variety of face-to-face service to its customers. ► An ATM is a computerized telecommunications device that provides a bank’s customers financial transactions in a public place without the need for a human clerk. Most banks now have more ATMs than branches, and ATMs are providing a wider range of services to a wider range of users. Most ATMs enable card holders from other banks to get their account balance and withdraw cash or top up their mobile phone cards even if the card is issued by a foreign bank. ► Mail is part of the postal system which itself is a system wherein written documents typically enclosed in envelopes. Banks normally use mail to deliver periodic account statements to customers. ► Telephone banking is a service provided by a bank which allows its customers to perform transactions over the telephone. This normally includes bill payments (e.g. for electricity). ► Online banking is a term used for performing transactions, payments etc. over the Internet through a bank's secure website. ► Mobile banking is a method of using one's mobile phone to conduct simple banking transactions by remotely linking into a banking network. ► Video banking is a term used for performing banking transactions or professional banking consultations via a remote video and audio connection. Video banking can be performed via purpose built banking transaction machines (similar to an ATM). Private banking Private banking is a term for banking, investment and other services provided by banks to private individuals investing sizable assets. The word "private" refers to the customer service being provided on a more personal basis than in massmarket banking, usually via dedicated bank advisers. Historically private banking is seen as very exclusive, only catering for persons with high income with liquidity over $2 million, although it is now possible to open some private bank accounts with as little as $250,000 for private investors. An institution's private banking division will provide various services such as wealth management, savings, inheritance and tax planning for their clients. glossary to spend money on sg. [tu spend ˈmʌni ɒn] to buy sg. [tu baɪ] temporarily [ˈtemprərəli] option [ˈɒpʃn̩] amount [əˈmaʊnt] financial institution [faɪˈnænʃl̩ ˌɪnstɪˈtjuːʃn̩] to provide services [tu prəˈvaɪd ˈsɜːvɪsɪz] investment fund [ɪnˈvestmənt fʌnd] loan [ləʊn] banker [ˈbæŋkə] bench [bentʃ] trace [treɪs] to lend [tu lend] to borrow [tu ˈbɒrəʊ] money changer [ˈmʌni ˈtʃeɪndʒə] legal tender [ˈliːɡl̩ ˈtendə] payment [ˈpeɪmənt] customer [ˈkʌstəmə] transfer [ˈtrænsfɜː] teller [ˈtelə] deposit [dɪˈpɒzɪt] account [əˈkaʊnt] checking account [ˈtʃekɪŋ əˈkaʊnt] savings account [ˈseɪvɪŋz əˈkaʊnt] installment loan [ˌɪnˈstɒlmənt ləʊn] kölcsön indispensable [ˌɪndɪˈspensəbl̩ ] credit card/debit card [ˈkredɪt kɑːd ˈdebɪt kɑːd] | 2010 március pénzt költeni vmire megvenni valamit átmenetileg választási lehetőség összeg pénzügyi intézmény szolgáltatásokat nyújtani befektetési alap hitel/kölcsön bankár pad nyom kölcsönadni kölcsön venni pénzváltó törvényes fizetési eszköz kifizetés ügyfél átutalás bankpénztáros betét számla folyószámla lekötött betéti számla részletekben visszafizetett nélkülözhetetlen hitel kártya safety deposit box [ˈseɪfti dɪˈpɒzɪt bɒks] to withdraw [tu wɪðˈdrɔː] withdrawal slip [wɪðˈdrɔːəl slɪp] to pay off [tu peɪ ɒf] bill [bɪl] currency [ˈkʌrənsi] exchange point [ɪkˈstʃeɪndʒ poɪnt] store [stɔː] to accept [tə əkˈsept] cash [kæʃ] pre-authorized [pre ˈɔːθəraɪzd] expatriate [eksˈpætrɪeɪt] utility [juːˈtɪlɪti] identification document [aɪˌdentɪfɪˈkeɪʃn̩ ˈdɒkjʊment] interest [ˈɪntrəst] branch [brɑːntʃ] service charge [ˈsɜːvɪs tʃɑːdʒ] to enable sy to do sg [tə ɪˈneɪbl̩ ˈsaɪ tuː də] card holder [kɑːd ˈhəʊldə] account [əˈkaʊnt] account balance [əˈkaʊnt ˈbæləns] to top up [tu tɒp ʌp] account statement [əˈkaʊnt ˈsteɪtmənt] wealth management [welθ ˈmænɪdʒmənt] inheritance [ɪnˈherɪtəns] széf felvenni pénzt pénzfelvételi nyomtatvány kifizetni számla valuta pénzváltó bolt elfogadni készpénz előzetesen engedélyezett külföldi közüzemi szolgáltatás személyazonosító okmány kamat bankfiók szolgáltatási díj lehetővé tesz vmit vki számára kártyabirtokos számla számlaegyenleg feltölteni számlaforgalmi jelentés vagyonkezelés öröklés 59 üzleti angol business english Banking – Dialogues A párbeszédek hanganyagát a weboldalon találod meg! Opening a bank account Bank clerk: Good morning! Can I help you? David Adams: Yes, I'd like to open an account. Bank clerk: Certainly. What kind of account would you like? David Adams: Just a basic account. Bank clerk: Do you have any form of ID with you? David Adams: Will a driving licence do? Bank clerk: I have to make a copy of it. In the meantime, could you please fill in this form? David Adams:Sure. Bank clerk: All right. If you could sign it here... and here. Thank you. And could I have a specimen of your signature here, please. Thank you. David Adams: Yes, here you are. Bank clerk: All right. Let's go over to the counter and you can deposit the money. David Adams: Thank you. Telephone Banking Exchanging money Customer: Excuse me, what is the exchange rate for Euro? Clerk 1: I´m sorry, sir. I don´t know. You must go to the foreign exchange desk. Customer: Where´s that? Clerk 1: Over there, on your left. Customer: Excuse me, what is the exchange rate for Euro? Clerk 2: Do you want to buy Euro, or sell them, sir? Customer: I want to sell. Clerk 2: How much do you want to change? Customer:150. Clerk 2: Let me see. That´s 40 391 Forints for 150 Euros. Customer: And what’s the exchange rate? Clerk 2: The exchange rate is 269,47 Forints to the Euro. But there is also a bank charge. Customer: How much is the bank charge? Clerk 2: There is always a small bank charge. It´s 200 Forints. How would you like your money? Customer: 40 000 in 5 000 bills, the rest as you wish. Clerk 2: Right. Here you are. Customer: Thank you very much. Have a nice day! Clerk 2: You too, bye! 60 Representative: Hello. How can I help you today? Customer: Hello. I'd like some information on the telephone banking services offered at by your bank. Representative: Certainly. What is your account number? Customer: It’s 88776022-22555666788000006 Representative: What would you like to know? Customer: How do I sign up? Representative: Just let me know, I'll sign you up immediately. Customer: Can you tell me how the telephone banking services work? Representative: You can do all your day-to-day banking over the telephone, 24 hours a day. Customer: That's great. How do I access my account? Representative: Just call the bank, key in your PIN number and listen to the menu of options available. Customer: How do I choose which option I want? Representative: Just press the number for the service stated by the recording. Customer: What kind of things can I do? Representative: You can check your balance, pay bills, order a statement or even transfer money to another bank. Customer: That's fantastic! Can I trade stocks and bonds. Representative: I'm afraid you will have to have a special account for that. Customer: What about getting help if I have any problems? Representative: There's an automated answering machine and staff are available 9 to 5 seven days a week. Customer: It all sounds very good to me. I'd like to sign up. Representative: Alright, can you answer a few questions please? Customer:Certainly... | 2010 március megoldások answers Megoldások Sport: 1-c, 2-c, 3-c, 4-Sea the Stars, 5-d, 6-d, 7-c, 8-a, 9-b, 10-c Nyelvtani teszt: 1-c, 2-d, 3-b, 4-a, 5-c, 6-a,7-c, 8-c, 9-d, 10-a, 11-a, 12-b, 13-c, 14-b, 15-a, 16-a, 17-c, 18-d, 19-b, 20-d Olvasott szöveg értése: Alapfok – Latin language Megoldások: 1. A latin a Középkorban különlegesen fontos volt, minden európai iskolában tanították, és az összes egyetemnek ez volt a tanítási nyelve. 2. A latin nyelv mai leszármazottai a francia, a román, az olasz, a portugál és a spanyol, melyek nagyon közel állnak egymáshoz. 3. A latin nyelvet jelenleg nem sokat használják, de sokan tanulják iskolában. A Vatikán és a Római Katolikus egyház hivatalos nyelve a latin. Középfok – Final tests for polar explorers Megoldások: 1. A csapat az Észak-Kanadában található Broughton szigeten készül, ahol a hőmérséklet eléri a -30 fokot. Gyakorolják a napi teendőiket, feladataikat, valamint ellenőrzik mind a tudományos, mind az életben maradáshoz szükséges berendezések működését. A körülmények rosszak, a szigeten naponta 20 óráig van sötétség, rosszak a látási viszonyok, és a csapat tagjai máris különböző mértékű fagyási sérüléseket szenvedtek. 2. Egy inúit kagyló-búvár segít nekik a felkészülésben, aki több éve merül nulla fok alatti tengervízben, így tapasztalataival sok jó tanácsot tud adni nekik az expedícióhoz, melynek során elő fog fordulni, hogy nyílt vízben kell úszniuk a nehéz szánjukat maguk után húzva. 3. Pen Hadlow, aki Dartmoor-ban lakik, ő volt az első felfedező, aki egyedül, segítség nélkül ment el Kanadából az Ézski Sarkra, Ann Daniels, négy gyermek, köztük kamasz hármasikrek édesanyja, aki tagja volt annak a csak nőkből álló csapatnak, akiknek először sikerült eljutniuk mind az Északi, mind a Déli Sarkra, végül Martin Hartley, sarkköri fényképészszakember. Felsőfok – The evolutionary role of cookery Megoldás: 1. Dr Wrangham szerint mitől felsőbbrendű az ember az étkezés tekintetében? Szerinte a főzés és az ételek egyéb elkészítési módjai helyezik az embert a többi faj fölé. 2. Milyen volt a Homo Erectus testfelépítése, és milyen következtetést vontak le ebből? A modern emberi csontozathoz volt hasonló a testfelépítése: nagy koponya (és agy-) méret, keskeny medence és mellkas, ami kis gyomorméretre utal, tehát valószínűsítik, hogy nyers, növényalapú étrenden éltek, erről tértek | 2010 március át a húsalapú étrendre. 3. Miért nem ért egyet a növényevői elmélettel Dr Wrangham? Szerinte a nyers ételek nem elegendőek a szervezet számára, így a kizárólag nyers ételeken élő, a mezőgazdaság elterjedése előtti emberek éheztek volna. 4. Milyen módon változtatja meg a főzés az élelmiszereket? A keményítő-molekulákat könnyebben emészthető, kisebb darabokra bontja le, a fehérjemolekulákat megváltoztatja, így az emésztő enzimek könnyebben lebontják őket, valamint a hőkezelés puhítja az élelmiszereket, ezek által könnyebben emészthetővé lesznek. 5. Mit tart Dr Wrangham a modernkori elhízás fő okának? A közhiedelemmel ellentétben ő nem a túl sok evést, hanem a túlságosan feldolgozott ételeket hibáztatja az elhízásért. Hallás utáni értés: Alapfok 1-f, 2-f, 3-f, 4-f, 5-t Középfok Mi volt Tom Cruise szüleinek a foglalkozása? (2) - Gyógypedagógus(1) - villamos mérnök(1) Milyen vallást gyakorol Tom Cruise családtagjai a riport szerint? (3) - Lány testvérei(0.5) kivétel nélkül a Szcientológia egyház hívei (0.5) - Édesanyja (0.5)különös megtapasztalásai ellenére még mindig hithű katolikus / katolikus maradt(0.5) - Jelenlegi felesége, Katie Holmes (0.5) most ismerkedik a Szcientológia egyház tanaival (0.5) - Volt felesége, Mimi Rogers, házasságuk idején a riport szerint a Szcientológia egyház híve volt Hányszor állt az oltár előtt életében Tom Cruise? (1) Négyszer. Mikor és minek hatására csatlakozott Tom Cruise a Szcientológia egyházhoz? (2) - 1986-ban (1) - Akkori felesége, Mimi Rogers hatására csatlakozott az egyházhoz (1) - mert kikezelték dislexiájából (1) Mely területeken segít a Szcientológia vallás gyakorlóinak a híres színész szerint? Legalább 2 területet említsen meg!(2) - oktatás (1) - kábítószer elleni küzdelemben (1) - bűnözés visszaszorítása (1) Mely államokban lakott Tom Cruise gyermekkorában? (2) - Amerikai Egyesült Államok / USA (Louisville, Kentucky; Glen Ridge, New Jersey) (1) - Kanada (1) Milyen jelzőkkel illetik gyakran a neves színészt? (2) - A világ legszebb embere / legszebb ember a kerek világon - "A" osztályú színész / a színészek legjobbja Mi szeretett volna Tom Cruise lenni mielőtt színésznek állt? (1) - Katolikus pap / pap (1) Felsőfok A riportban Norvégia mellett említett mely országokban nyilvános és hol nem nyilvános az adóbevallás (4)? Nem nyilvános: - Amerikai Egyesült Államok / USA / Amerika (1) - Olaszország (1) Nyilvános: - Svédország (1) - Finnország (1) Milyen jövedelmi adatokat tesznek közszemlére Norvégiában? (3) - bevétel / keresek (1) - osztalék (1) - befektetésből szerzett jövedelem (1) - előző évben befizetett adó (1) - csak az adóköteles jövedelem kerül megjelölésre, ami általában lányegesen alacsonyabb, mint a valós bevétel. (1) Mely esetek képeznek kivételt a nyilvánosság alól ? (2) - nemzetbiztonsági szempontból titkosnak vélt (1) - bűnügyi nyomozás részét képező adatok (1) Milyen módon lehet hozzájutni a Norvég adófizetők adataihoz ? (3) - online / interneten keresztül (1) - az adóhivatalokban személyesen (1) - szöveges üzenet formájában mobil telefonok segítségével (1) Milyen okból tették nyilvánossá az adózási adatokat 1863-ban ? (1) - úgy vélték a nyilvánosság / az, hogy mások megláthatják fizetnek-e az emberek vagy sem a jó irányba tereli / korlátozza / visszaszorítja a nem fizetéseket (1) Mennyi adót fizetett Norvégia leggazdagabb embere 2001-es évre és miért ? (2) Semennyit (1), mert nem volt adózott jövedelme abban az évben (1) D E P L A E M I C A N O R T A S H T O U P B A T H S I N D I S S I R E C L O S E O S A C T I A S T R UMP N E P P I I C N E B B D E D D U E R U E T AMP A L N I ON R E B A V R E L RONC U P N T R E S G D E E RO S V I C E N N K U T L I F Y E C E R A S S S E T N H I A L B A S A LM E COD E A DOG E O CH E R 61 következő havi számunkból ALL ABOUT EASTER Április havi számunkban mindent megtudhatsz a Húsvétról, emellett tojásos-nyulas idiómákat és húsvéti recepteket is találsz a magazinban! 5 perc Angol Magazin 2010/1. szám (II. évfolyam) Megjelenik havonta Ára: 750 HUF, ISSN: 2061-2109 Kiadó és szerkesztőség: 5 Perc Csoport Oktató és Médiaszolgáltató Kft. 1055 Nyugati tér 6. (az udvarban) Telefon: 783-0207 E-mail: Terjesztési igazgató: Szatmáry Edina, Főszerkesztő és felelős kiadó: Szalai Nóra Főszerkesztő helyettes: Tóth Péter Újságírók: Szalai Nóra, Kurucz Márti, Juhász György, Gerry Revai, Boros Tamás Lektorok: Megyery Pál, Gerry Revai Tervezőszerkesztő: Benke Tamás, Geiszt Csaba AUSTRALIA Utazás rovatunkban Ausztráliába látogatunk, ahol a földrajzi tudnivalók és helyi nevezetességek mellett megismerkedhetünk Ausztrália leghíresebb szülöttjeivel is! Fotók: Kerekes Csaba, Istockphoto, Fotolia, Getty Images, Red Dot Nyomda: Palatia Nyomda 9026 Győr, Viza u. 4. Nyomdavezető: Radek József Kereskedelmi kapcsolattartó: Nagy Richárd Telefon: 30-963-8839 LET’S GO TO THE MOVIES! A szóbeli vizsgákra felkészítő részben ezúttal a filmekkel és mozizással kapcsolatos témakört nézzük át! ... Továbbá – felkészítő feladatok írásbeli érettségire és nyelvvizsgákra – kidolgozott tételek szóbeli érettségire és nyelvvizsgákra – üzleti angol – hallás utáni értést ellenőrző feladatok sok-sok audióval – nyelvtan – tanári resource pack megjelenik: 2010 március 30-án! 62 Hirdetésfelvétel: E-mailben: vagy telefonon: 783-0207 Terjesztés: Kapható a Lapker Zrt. hírlapárusainál, illetve megrendelhető a kiadótól postai úton (5 Perc Csoport Kft., 1055 Nyugati tér 6.), telefonon (783-0207) vagy e-mail-ben a címen. Előfizetési információk: Telefon/Fax: 783-0207 Posta: 5 Perc Csoport Kft., 1055 Nyugati tér 6. E-mail: Az 5 Perc Angol Magazin előfizethető a szerkesztőségnél az alábbi módokon: – készpénzben a szerkesztőség címén (hétfőtől péntekig 09:00–17:00 óráig) – csekken, amely a szerkesztőségtől rendelhető e-mailben (, telefonon/ faxon (783-0207) vagy postai úton (5 Perc Csoport Kft., 1052 Budapest, 1055 Nyugati tér 6., az udvarban) – átutalással a 10700079-44156808-51100005 bankszámlára. Az átutalás közlemény rovatában fel kell tüntetni a pontos címet, ahová a magazint postázni kell. Előfizetési díjak: Negyedévre: 2250 forint (750 Ft/példány) Félévre: 3750 forint (625 Ft/példány) Egy évre: 7500 forint (625 Ft/példány) | 2010 március Lemaradtál az előző számokról? Megrendelheted őket a weboldalon! | 2010 március 63 64 | 2010 március