Preparación de impuestos gratuito -FREE!!!


Preparación de impuestos gratuito -FREE!!!
January/Enero 2015
Vol. 26 - No. 1
Preparación de impuestos gratuito -FREE!!!
Free Tax Preparation Services Support
from 211
Esta es la temporada de preparar y reportar
tus impuestos del 2014 y es ofrecido
En esta temporada de impuestos hay que
pensar nuevamente como llenar las formas
y que tipo de formas y al mismo tiempo
como poder recibir el crédito por ingreso.
Mucho de esos términos puede prestarse
para mucha confusión.
Y ahora hay un programa que esta ofrecido
por el 211 Western New York que puede
ayudar a mucha gente como llenar y
someter las formas de impuestos.
Si usted (y su cónyuge si presentan una
declaración conjunta) ganó menos de
$58,000 usted califica para los servicios de
preparación de impuestos gratis (federal y
estatal). Llame al 2-1-1 CNY para poder
encontrar un lugar conveniente para usted,
algunos sitios incluso ofrecen citas.
Es llamado VITA, siglas de Asistencia
Voluntaria al Contribuyente. El programa
es patrocinado por United Way y el Centro
de Olmsted.
En el 211 Western New York- los
voluntarios están muy ocupados y
preparándose para poder ayudar aquellos
que tienen citas programadas a través del
programa VITA. Todos los voluntarios
están capacitados para asegurarse que la
Pobreza de los
Por: Humberto Caspa, Ph.D
El caso de Ferguson, Missouri, nos da
la oportunidad de reflexionar sobre la
situación económica y social de los grupos
afrodescendientes en el mundo.
Uno se preguntará por qué este grupo
minoritario es, tal vez, el uno de los más
azotados por la pobreza, el desempleo,
la marginalidad económica, la falta de
educación, el crimen y otros males sociales
de aquellas sociedades menos desarrolladas
o anteriormente llamadas subdesarrolladas.
El problema central de los afrodescendientes
no es uno de decisión individual. Como
cualquier grupo social marginalizado, los
afrodescendientes no deciden –por decir—
ser pobres, desempleados o tomar parte de
un grupo de crimen callejero y/u organizado.
gente llene las formas correctas para el tío Por el contrario, al igual que cualquier
persona racional, el afrodescendiente busca
“Todas las declaraciones de impuestos
oportunidades en la sociedad para sobresalir,
se revisan por una segunda vez antes de
tener dinero o una mejor posición social,
que se sometan electrónicamente, así que
pero las oportunidades se le niega porque
tenemos un buen equilibrio de verificación. son, precisamente, afrodescendientes.
Reiteramos que los voluntarios están
En este sentido, el problema de esta gente
See IMPUESTOS on page 3
Presidente reinicia las relaciones diplomáticas
con el gobierno de Cuba
Por: Humberto Caspa
Aunque la Guerra Fría terminó oficialmente
y simbólicamente con la destrucción el
Muro de Berlín, esta semana el Presidente
le puso punto final a esa guerra irracional,
firmando un acuerdo que reinicia las
relaciones diplomáticas con el gobierno de
La decisión de Obama obviamente
decepciona a una gran cantidad de
descendientes cubanos que siempre han
preferido la transformación democrática
del régimen autoritario de los Castro antes
de restaurar relaciones diplomáticas con
Estados Unidos.
El senador demócrata Bob Menéndez de
New Jersey, jefe del Comité de Relaciones
Internacionales del Senado habla, por
sí solo, del sentimiento de un sector de
cubanos-americanos que no están de
acuerdo con la decisión de la Casa Blanca.
“La acción del presiente Obama reivindica
la conducta brutal del gobierno de Cuba”,
manifestó recientemente.
Hispanic and Black Community losing ground
By: Marcos Lebron
As we enter the New Year headlines read:
Poverty rises to historic levels, Crime in
Buffalo and Rochester on the rise, Police
Brutally out of control, Unemployment of
Hispanic and minorities reach 18% percent,
Minorities pushed out of the Communities
for new development, Peace Bridge area
next Chernobyl. To quote Congressman
Higgins “possibly the next Chernobyl
It seems as if city leaders such as Darius
Pridgen and David Rivera who represent
a large portion of the community being
affected, either, have no interest in the
community or are just blind to the change.
In any event, those communities seem to
have little, if any, leadership coming from
their elected officials.
The changing landscape of Buffalo’s
minority community, are being felt most
notably in the neighborhoods they are
being pushed out of.
Buffalo, New York is being rapidly
reshaped as blacks, Latinos, Asians and
immigrants surge into the north, while
See CUBA on page 3
See POVERTY on page 3
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Herman Badillo, 1st PuertoBad Neighbor
Rican Born Congressman, Dies Buffalo News Page 4
Buffalo News Page 4
Preocupa a Moody’s la
situación del BGF
Mundo Latino Page 7
Motown: the Musical
at Shea's in Buffalo
Entretenimiento Page 11
National Study Shows Summer
School Gains in Rochester
Rochester News Page 5
Mensajería instantánea mantiene
a los hispanos conectados
Tech & Science News Page 8
La peor o la mejor arma; la
Tu Reflejo Page 8
15 Foods to Add to Your Diet in
Salud Page 15
Yankees no cuentan con Alex
Sports News Page 17
Straight Talk 2015
Saturday, January 24, 2015
Your Future In Business:
A Formula For Success
Three Hispanics on fivemember City Council
Dunkirk News Page 6
Puerto Rico es el destino más
popular entre viajeros de EEUU
Mundo Latino Page 7
Charles F. Torres - NYSP &
President PRHDP
Conozca su Gente Page 9
Recipe for the enchiladas
de pollo al mole
Receta Page 9
Una decena de coaches
boricuas en las Mayores
Sports News Page 17
Obama’s Power Has Its
Editorial/ Letters Page 18
certificados porque queremos asegurarnos de que estén recibiendo un servicio de calidad.
Nosotros queremos asegurarnos de que las personas sigan viniendo y que tengan la
confianza de que la preparación de impuestos van a ser completamente correctas.
No hay una gran cantidad de cambios en el código de impuestos de este año. Pero
una cosa que mucha gente estaba conteniendo la respiración en fue la continuación
permanente del impuesto mínimo alternativo.
Olga Ortiz es un especialista en impuestos con Vita y que ha estado preparando impuestos
por los últimos seis años. Ella dijo que si hubiera sido suspendido, podría haber tenido un
gran impacto en las familias a través de los EE.UU.
"Si hubiera entrado en vigor, habría afectado a unos 30 millones de familias en los
EE.UU. Y habría cambiado drásticamente la forma en que sus impuestos se sometieran",
dijo Ortiz.
Ortiz dijo que desde VITA comenzó en 2007, han sido capaces de ayudar a miles de
familias alrededor de la zona oeste de Nueva York y que han sido capaces de conseguir
alrededor de $ 25 millones en de los reembolsos o créditos fiscales. El grupo está
esperando para poder ayudar a cerca de 2 mil familias este año.
Las citas se están realizando para el programa VITA en el oeste de Nueva York.
Llame hoyal marcar: 211 o 888-696-9211, disponibleslas 24 horas deldía, 7 días a la
Free Tax Preparation Services Support from 211
It's tax season once again and that means you need to start thinking about W-2s, 1099s,
taxable income and earned income tax credits.
Many of those terms can get confusing.
And now there's a program being offered by the 211 Western New York that can help
some people file the proper tax forms.
If you (and your spouse if filing jointly) earned less than$58,000 you qualify for free tax
preparation services (federal & state). Call 2-1-1WNY to find a location convenient to
you, some sites even offer appointments.
It's call VITA, which stands for Volunteer Income Tax Assistance. The program is
sponsored by United Way and the Olmsted Center.
At the 211 Western New York volunteers is busy getting ready to help people who have
scheduled appointments through the VITA program. All of the Volunteers knowtheir way
around tax forms and making sure people fill out the right ones for Uncle Sam.
"All returns are reviewed a second time before they are electronically filed, so we have
a good checks and balances. The volunteers again are certified because we want to make
sure they are receiving quality service. So there's a lot of things like that, that we make
sure them coming in, that they have the confidence that we're going an accurate return for them.
There aren't a lot of changes in this year’s tax code. But one thing that many people were
holding their breath on was the permanent continuation of the Alternative Minimum Tax.
Olga Ortiz is a tax specialist with Vita and she's been preparing taxes for the last six
years. She said if it would have been discontinued, it could have had a major impact on
families across the U.S.
"Had it gone into effect, it would have affected about 30 million families in the U.S. And
it would have drastically changed the way their taxes were filed," Ortiz said.
Ortiz said since VITA started back in 2007, they've been able to help about thousands
families in the Western New York area and they've been able to get about $25 million in
either refunds or tax credits. They're expecting to help about 2 thousand families this year.
Appointments are being made for the VITA program in Western New York. Calltoday by
dialing 2-1-1 or 888-696-9211, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Llame hoyal marcar:211 o 888-696-9211,disponibleslas 24 horas deldía, 7 días a
CUBA • from FRONT page
Asimismo, Marco Rubio, senador de Florida, también se refirió a la acción ejecutiva
como “otro de los intentos magros del presidente Obama de pacificar a regímenes
Sin embargo, una gran cantidad de cubanos-americanos, particularmente generaciones
jóvenes, no miran con malos ojos el reinicio de las relaciones internacionales entre los
dos países. Por el contrario, se piensa que con la apertura política y luego con la eventual
normalización económica entre los dos países –aunque es necesaria una decisión del
Congreso para que se levante el embargo contra Cuba—, el régimen autoritario y cuasisocialista de Cuba tendrá el mismo epílogo de la ex Unión Soviética.
Una encuesta realizada en junio por la Universidad Internacional de Florida encontró
que 68% de los cubanos-americanos favorecen la normalización de las relaciones
diplomáticas, a un 69% le gustaría que se levante las restricciones de viajes y 52% que se
ponga fin al embargo económico.
Asimismo, las encuestas realizadas desde 1999 hasta hoy por la empresa Gallup
demuestran que la mayoría de los ciudadanos norteamericanos también ha estado a favor
del reinicio de las relaciones internacionales.
A un principio existía un apoyo de 51%, pero las últimas encuestas recientes demuestran
que el apoyo subió a más del 70%. Hoy, una mayoría de estadounidenses también está
de acuerdo con el fin del embargo económico que afecta a Cuba desde la llegada de Fidel
Castro al gobierno.
Lo cierto es que la política dura contra la Isla no hizo más que ahondar el apoyo de su
gente hacia el gobierno de Castro y, consecuentemente, recrudecer su sistema socialista.
Como decía un colega cubano y amigo mío durante un debate en la cadena de Televisa en
la Ciudad de México: “…a Cuba no la van a cambiar con la mano dura. Cuba cambiará
solo por la voluntad de su gente”.
Así, la mano dura de más 50 años posibilitó, paradójicamente, la sobrevivencia del
régimen castrista. Los cambios democráticos no los vamos a hacer desde Estados Unidos
o desde cualquier país del mundo, sino es una tarea de los propios cubanos de la Isla.
Empero, es necesario entregarles y demostrarles que las libertades económicas posibilitan
libertades políticas. Como dijo el senador demócrata Dick Durbin de Illinois: “Una vez
que abramos las puertas del comercio, el intercambio de ideas [de la libertad] crearan una
fuerza positiva para el cambio en Cuba, mucho más de lo que 50 años de la actual política
de exclusión alcanzó”.
Cuba se transformará de adentro hacia afuera y no al revés.
POVERTY • from FRONT page
gentrification by whites is widening the income gap in neighborhoods like the Niagara and
Ellicott districts, according to new census figures released on Tuesday.
Some of the largest population gains since 2000 were recorded in places that not long ago
might have been considered marginal, including Downtown, the Westside and the Niagara
district neighborhoods, as well as the Medical campus area, registered large gains.
The number of Hispanic and African American residents declined in Ellicott, Niagara,
but increased in the Blackrock, Riverside, upper Delaware districts and in the towns of
Tonawanda, Cheektowaga and Grand Island.
The black population shrunk by double digits in the Ellicott and Fruit belt area but jumped
north of the city and in Cheektowaga.
The non-Hispanic white population swelled on the Lower Westside, downtown, Elmwood
Village but declined in Blackrock, Riverside and Delaware.
Diverse racial, ethnic and immigrant enclaves have proliferated in Buffalo and especially
its suburbs since 2000, but that increase generated only negligible inroads against historic
patterns of racial segregation, according to analyses of the new data. Most whites in the
metropolitan area and most blacks in the city still live where a majority of their neighbors
are of the same race.
The latest figures are the single largest data release in the Census Bureau’s history,
providing a look for the first time since 2000 at a variety of characteristics, including
income, race, immigration and commuting habits for people in areas as small as just a
few square blocks. Based on samples taken from 2005 to 2009, the five-year American
Community Survey is separate from the 2009 survey, which probably better reflects the
full impact of the recession, and from the 2010 Census, which is supposed to count people
at every address.
Since 2000, decades of white flight eased and the proportion of non-Hispanic white
Buffalo resident increased slightly, to 46 percent. So did Buffalo’s proportion of Hispanic
residents, to just over 15 percent. The proportion of blacks declined by a percentage point,
to 37.0 percent, and the share of Asian residents rose to nearly 2 percent.
Buffalo foreign-born population increased since 2000, about 16 percent..
But many of the biggest gains in diversity were in the suburbs, generated by newly arrived
Hispanic and Asian immigrants, and their American-born children. Their population
increased in every ring town surrounding Buffalo.
In 2000, on average, a black suburbanite lived in a neighborhood that was 47 percent
black. In 2005-9, that neighborhood would have been 53 percent black, the analysts found.
In 1970, whites in the metropolitan area were likely to live in a neighborhood that was 92
percent white, a figure that declined to 86 percent in 2000, and to 83 percent in 2005-9. In
Buffalo is among a group of metropolitan regions where the Great Migration created large
black and Hispanic ghettos, and where very high levels of segregation have proved very
resistant to change.
es estructural y sistémico. El racismo, los prejuicios sociales y los estereotipos contra
los afrodescendientes son simplemente consecuencias de sistemas económicos y sociales
El desarrollo económico normalmente no los incluye. Es decir, pocos empresarios ven
a los afrodescendientes como un mercado de inversión pudiente. En consecuencia, los
marginalizan y los dejan a las penurias de la pobreza.
La situación económica de los afrodescendientes en los Estados Unidos, a pesar de que es
mejor que en otros países, no es precisamente la mejor. Evidentemente existen personas
negras de clase media y alta en este país, pero la mayoría está situada en los eslabones de
pobreza. Sus problemas, por consiguiente, son similares a esos grupos sociales afectados
por la falta de dinero.
Hace un poco más de tres años, mi esposa, mi hija y yo, nos ausentamos en un viaje
de paseo por la región Este del país. Visitamos a New York, Boston; conocimos a la
Universidad de Harvard y la de Yale, dos baluartes de la educación norteamericana y
mundial. Nuestro viaje también incluyó las Cataratas del Niágara, en cual está ubicado
en plena frontera de Estados Unidos y Canadá. Su belleza es incomparable y difícilmente
Antes de llegar a Niágara pasamos por Búfalo, ciudad gélida y en una precariedad casi
absoluta, a excepción de algunos sectores escasos de clase media y alta. Pareciera que
la mayoría de los habitantes de esta ciudad vive en un nivel económico precario, de alta
pobreza y abandono. No es ninguna coincidencia que los habitantes de estos sectores
plagados de pobreza pertenecen a los grupos de afrodescendientes.
Muy cerca de nosotros, en la zona metropolitana de Los Ángeles, los barrios más afectados
por problemas sociales, la pobreza, el vagabundaje, el crimen, pertenecen a los grupos
En Colombia, país sudamericano que está en pleno crecimiento económico, tiene toda una región
–el Chocó— poblada por afrodescendientes. Al igual que en Búfalo o en cualquier otra ciudad
norteamericana dominada numéricamente por afrodescendientes, el Chocó es la región más pobre de
Colombia. En el mundo, hay sociedades completas, como Haití o los países de África, que están en
la pobreza extrema. No es ninguna coincidencia de que todos son sociedades de negros.
Así, el hecho de ser afrodescendiente procrea desventajas sociales y muchas veces se convierte en
un estigma que no permite la superación personal. Ferguson o cualquier ciudad o sociedad con
mayorías negras nos ayuda a entender la precariedad de este grupo social y “nuestro” problema
contra esta gente.
Pensando en casarse? Tenemos Su respuesta
Pilgrim-St. Luke’s y El Nuevo Camino
Este hermoso Santuario se parece a un castillo desde afuera y es hermoso por
dentro. Situado en el corazón del Elwood Village estamos disponibles para llevar a
cabo todos tipos de bodas en español o inglés. Incluso podemos diseñar una misa
bilingüe para satisfacer sus necesidades. También celebramos Quinceañeras para
celebrar y dedicar sus hijas al cuidado de nuestro Señor, Jesús.
El reverendo Justo Gonzalez, II, M.Div., M.S.S.A., M.A.P.M. tiene 25 años de
experiencia en el ministerio y trabajará con ustedes para crear la boda de tus
sueños. Contáctenos al 716-989-9207.
Noticias de Buffalo
Herman Badillo, First Puerto-Rican Born Congressman, Dies
The nation’s first Puerto-Rican born congressman, Herman Badillo, died Dec. 3 from
complications due to congestive heart failure, reports stated.
Badillo was 85.
He is survived by his son, David, and his wife, Gail Roberts.
Badillo, who came to the U.S. as a boy, had participated in New York City politics since
1962, being elected to four terms in Congress, as well as holding roles such as city
commissioner; Bronx borough president; deputy under Mayor Edward Koch; counsel to
Mayor Rudolph Giuliani; candidate for state and city comptroller; as well as trustee, and
then board chairman of the City University of New York (CUNY).
He had also attempted to become New York City’s first Puerto Rican mayor, running for,
but never winning the seat in 1969, 1973, 1977, 1985, 1993 and 2001.
Badillo had been most well-known for advocating for urban renewal, antipoverty
programs, voting rights and bilingual education in New York City.
An orphan, he had overcome poverty as a child, and an inability to speak English, prior to
his rise in politics.
He resigned as CUNY chairman in 1999, and made his final run for mayor in 2001, before
reportedly retiring from politics.
Bad Neighbor
By: Sergio Rodriguez
Buffalo’s largest Hispanic organization opens controversial program despite concerns from
A few months ago residents of the Lower West Side of Buffalo near Virginia Street learned
about Hispanic United of Buffalo's plan to introduce a rather unusual program to the
residential neighborhood: a methadone clinic. Unbeknownst to residents, the plan had
already been set into motion by the leadership at HUB long before word began to spread.
At a recent community gathering at HUB, organized by concerned 10th St. resident
Vanessa Pomales, with assistance from Buffalo Common Council President Darius
Pridgen’s office, the organization's Executive Director Eugenio Russi informed those in
attendance that he had no intention of letting anyone in the community know about HUB's
proposed plan to open the methadone clinic until after it was open and providing services.
How did plans to open a methadone clinic in this densely populated residential
neighborhood go undetected by residents, community leaders, and elected officials for so
long? Why did leadership at HUB hide this from its community?
Mr. Russi repeatedly told the audience at the recent meeting, which included between 12
to 15 community members, that HUB prides itself on being a good neighbor. How can
anyone trust an organization with a hidden agenda that will surely impact residents' quality
As word spread about the opening of the methadone clinic at HUB, concerned resident
Vanessa Pomales asked for my help to prevent the methadone clinic from opening. When I
contacted community leaders for their reaction most were concerned if not outraged.
While no one I spoke with is opposed to the idea of a methadone clinic, those opposed
are concerned for the children who go to school across the street from the proposed
site, the seniors who utilize the building for recreational purposes and the surrounding
A meeting was held with Buffalo Common Council President and Ellicott District
Councilman Darius Pridgen, who arranged for the meeting to be held at HUB’s Virginia
Street site, Niagara District Councilman David Rivera and a representative from Fillmore
District Councilman David A. Franczyk’s office. Additionally, a businessman who invested
over a million dollars into a nearby apartment complex was in attendance and expressed
his dissatisfaction with the project.
Mr. Russi spent the better half of the meeting giving those in attendance a history of the
organization and the “positive” effects of methadone clinics and left little room questions.
He skipped over their concerns to show the physical changes they’ve made to the the 2nd
floor of the building to accommodate the proposed methadone clinic. Mr. Russi went
into detail about the safety measures his organization is taking to ensure that clients and
employees are safe, including mounting cameras throughout the exterior and interior of
the building and hiring two security officers – all while attempting to convince those in
attendance that the community has nothing to be worried about.
When he allowed for questions from the audience there were a broad range of topics
discussed, but the questions primarily focused on safety. Responses coming from Mr. Russi
failed to ease their concerns. I prodded Mr. Russi to reveal the timeline and learned that
his plan is to open the methadone clinic by July 1st.
Subsequently, councilman Fronziak issued a statement denouncing HUB’s plans and later
proposed a resolution, passed by the Common Council, titled “Prevent HUB Methadone
Clinic on Virginia Street." Among the most critical aspects, the resolution states:
“That the Common Council requests that HUB put a moratorium on the plan for a
methadone clinic on Virginia Street, and that HUB fully communicate with the City of
Buffalo, Common Council, and the above mentioned block clubs, community associations
and concerned citizens should they propose to move the methadone clinic to a more
appropriate hospital/clinical setting or area outside of the residential neighborhood;
That the Buffalo Police Department opine on how they believe the location of a methadone
clinic on Virginia Street will impact on their ability to keep the neighborhood safe from
That the City Law Department advise the Common Council on any applicable city, state or
federal laws, regulations or statutes which govern the placement of methadone clinics in
The resolution gained wide coverage from local media organizations including CBS
affiliate WIVB-TV and Time Warner Cable News.
Later, the VETTE Block Club issued a statement in opposition to the proposed clinic:
“As a group majority, the VETTE Block Club stands in opposition to the opening of a
methadone clinic at 254 Virginia Street by the Hispanics United of Buffalo organization.
The VETTE Block Club is sympathetic to those with substance abuse disorders and
recognizes that heroin and opioid addiction is a particularly difficult and complex disease
to overcome.
We fully support the treatment of this disease. However, in full recognition of the various
needs of the members of this community, we do not feel that it is suitable for this type of
drug treatment facility to be placed in a residential area. We strongly feel this clinic is
better suited to be located in a commercial zone and/or established medical facility for the
safety of all involved.
Panorama Hispano
Panorama Hispano News‫‏‬
Managing Editor
Marcos Lebron
Art Director
Yuri Cisneros
For Advertisement Sales
(716) 228-7498
Carlos DePonce
Rev. Justo González-Hernández
Marcos Lebron
Carlos Monserratte
266 Elmwood Ave.
Suite 927
Buffalo, NY 14222
(716) 228-7498
Panorama Hispano invita sus comentarios, favor de incluir su dirección y teléfono diurno para
verificación. Todas las cartas al Editor están sujetas a edición y corrección.
Los articulos y anuncios publicados aquí no pueden ser riempresos sin autorización escrita de
Panorama Hispano. Las opiniones expresadas en este periódico no son necesariamente compartidas
por el mismo.
The articles and advertising contained in this publication may not be reprinted without written
permission of Panorama Hispano. The opinions given in this newspaper are not necessarily the
opinions of Panorama Hispano.
Furthermore, the manner in which Hispanics United of Buffalo has gone about
implementing their plans for this clinic in our shared district, without educating this
community or soliciting its input, has concerned us as a group. We are taking action to
discuss and identify what is in the best interest of the community, including those afflicted
by opioid addiction.”
This battle is far from over. HUB has shown no signs of relenting or changing course
despite strong concerns from neighboring organizations, residents, and local leaders. It will
be a long road before HUB is the "good neighbor" it claims to be.
Students Explore Hispanic History at
Buffalo Public Schools’ Museum Field Trip
Buffalo, December 17, 2014- The celebration of Hispanic heritage is a vital part of the
Buffalo Public Schools’ commitment to cultural diversity and local history. A field trip
to allow students to think like historians will be held at the Buffalo History Museum (25
Nottingham Court Buffalo, N.Y. 14216) on Friday, December 19, 2014 from 10:00 a.m. to
12:00 noon. Students viewed the “EchandoRaíces (Sprouting Roots): Hispanics Building
a Life and Legacy in Western New York” exhibit. The exhibit is part of the BRING US
YOUR HISTORY community history project provided through collaboration between
the Hispanic Heritage Council of Western New York, The Buffalo History Museum, The
Buffalo and Erie County Library and Randforce Associates.
Eighty students in grades 4-5 from two Buffalo Public Schools, Frank A. Sedita
Elementary School #30 and Herman Badillo Bilingual Academy School #76, research the
contributions of Hispanics Americans in Buffalo, New York. This field trip was aligned
withthe New York State Social Studies Framework and did address college and career
readiness skills in three key areas:
Cognitive strategies: Students develop critical thinking, literacy, research, analysis
and interpretation skills, all which are key cognitive strategies.
Content knowledge: Students study a subject and its historical context in a thorough
and interdisciplinary way, which increases their content knowledge in history, social
studies, English language arts, fine art, and media and technology.
Self-management skills: Students develop communication, teamwork, organization
and time-management skills.
“This wonderful learning experience instilled pride in our Hispanic students and teach
all students about the many contributions of Hispanics in Western New York. It also gave
students an opportunity to learn more about their own roots in Western New York”, said
Dr. Tamara Alsace, Director of Multilingual Education for the Buffalo Public Schools.
The district coordinator for Buffalo Public School Hispanic Museum Field Trip is
W. Charles Brandy, Director of Social Studies. To learn more about Buffalo Public
Schools Hispanic Museum Field Trip History, contact him at 716-816-3048 Ext. 1443 or
Skating rinks at Canalside open in grandiose fashion
After years of construction, the latest Canalside feature is finally ready.
Crews have been working non-stop to complete the finishing touches for Thursday
evening’s grand opening of the ice rinks at Canalside.
The rink is more than two times the size of a standard NHL hockey rink. The mechanical
and electrical equipment required to maintain the ice, located underneath the rink, used to
be a part of the Memorial Auditorium — popularly called the Aud — which stood on the
same location from 1940 until 2009. The Aud closed in 1996.
The $20 million project, which laid 70 miles of refrigerated pipeline to cool the massive
rink, looks to be a springboard of more expansion and growth at Canalside. It brings yearround activity to an area which previously had none, but this winter will be a highlight for
those who enjoy skating. And those who don’t can ride waterbikes, partake in curling, and
broom ball.
“It’s been an awesome day,” Ryan Coate, general manager for Canalside, said. “We’ve
been here since 3 a.m. putting on the finishing touches with the contractors.”
The construction features historic aspects, like stairs surrounding the new skating rink are
built to resemble the stairs that immigrants saw stepping off boats from the Erie Canal
when they may have first arrived in Buffalo.
See CANALSIDE on page 13
Noticias de Rochester
City Announces RPD to Wear Body Cameras
Mayor Lovely Warren, Rochester Police Chief Michael Ciminelli, and Locust Club
President Michael Mazzeo announced the Rochester Police Department has taken the first
steps to equip police officers with body cameras at a press conference Dec. 18.
And, although the city hasn’t figured out all the details; Ciminelli said RPD officers will
begin testing the various types of cameras, and could begin wearing them full-time as early
as 2015.
There are 20 to 25 different types of cameras the police department is looking into, he
stated, and it will cost anywhere from $600 to $1,200 per camera.
Yet, the RPD still needs to decide which officers will wear the cameras, he said.
“We have to look into which officers would wear the cameras,” Ciminelli stated. “For
instance, would it be appropriate to have school resource officers wear the cameras,
because they're in the school setting."
He said he expects to have a more detailed proposal ready in time for the city’s 2015-2016 budget.
In addition, Mayor Warren, City Council President Loretta Scott, Ciminelli, and Mazzeo
issued the following statement regarding the matter:
“We recognize that there is a high level of interest in police body cameras and their
potential use by the Rochester Police Department (RPD). We are moving forward to
develop and implement a plan to deploy body cameras. We are in the process of working
through a number of technical, policy, labor, and cost factors that must be resolved to
successfully implement a body camera program in RPD.
“We are also aware of President Obama’s recent announcement that he intends to make
federal funding available which could provide the City up to 50 percent in matching
federal funds for the purchase of police body cameras. This could potentially result in
significant savings for the city.
“So, while at this time, we cannot provide a specific date for implementation of an RPD
body camera program, we are diligently moving forward to achieve this.
We will keep the community advised of our progress as we work through this process.”
NYS Board of Regents Passes Regulation Allowing Kids to Enroll in
School, Regardless of Immigration Status
The New York State Board of Regents has announced its approval of an amended
regulation which will allow students to enroll in schools despite their immigration status.
"Some school districts are refusing to enroll unaccompanied minors and undocumented
youths if they, or their families or guardians, are unable to produce documents sufficiently
demonstrating guardianship and/or residency in a district,” the board said in a statement.
“Such enrollment policies, as well as highly restrictive requirements for proof of residency,
may impede or prevent unaccompanied minors and undocumented youths from enrolling
or attempting to enroll in school districts throughout the state.”
In addition, New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman released the following
statement in support of the board:
“Schoolhouse doors must be open to every student in our increasingly diverse state,
regardless of their immigration status—and there is simply no excuse for denying children
that basic, constitutionally protected right. The Board of Regents’ emergency regulation
will help eliminate significant barriers faced by unaccompanied minors across the state.”
Schneiderman said the amended regulation expressly prohibits school districts, at the time
of or as a condition of enrollment, from inquiring about the citizenship or immigration
status of students, or their parents or guardians.
The regulation also sets forth non-exhaustive lists of permissible documentation—
including acceptable proof of residency, age, and guardianship documents—that districts
may use to determine a student’s age and residency, he said.
Additionally, the rule requires that such lists now be disclosed to the public in the school
district’s enrollment materials.
According to Schneiderman, the Attorney General’s Civil Rights Bureau and the New York
State Education Department plan to continue their joint review into enrollment policies and
procedures of school districts across New York state.
To file a complaint, contact the Civil Rights Bureau at (212) 416-8250, civil.rights@ag.ny.
gov or visit
Graduation Rates Slightly Rise, but District Lags Behind Rest of Big Five
The Rochester City School District’s June graduation rate has stayed relatively flat, at 43.4
percent, in the 2013-2014 school year, according to a report released by the New York
State Education Department, however; the numbers have risen slightly for students who
graduated in August, increasing to 51 percent, up from 48 percent the year before.
“The data shows that student achievement is improving and our students are on the right
trajectory,” said RCSD Superintendent Bolgen Vargas. “We have a long way to go before
our graduation rates are acceptable, but today’s results are an important indicator. Our
students, teachers, administrators, staff members, families and community partners can see
that their hard work is moving our district in the right direction.”
Still, according to NYSED, the district’s June and August graduation rates have again
come in last place, behind each of the other Big Five Districts.
According to the data, New York City’s June graduation rate has risen the most out of the
larger districts; rising 2.9 percent to 64.2 percent; while Yonkers’ has risen 2.4 percent to
68.8 percent, correspondingly.
Comparatively, Buffalo’s June graduation rate has remained flat, at 52.8 percent; while
Syracuse’s graduation rate has risen to 51.1 percent, up 2.3 percent from the previous
school year.
NYSED’s report also found the following trends in RCSD’s August graduation rates:
• The graduation rate for black students increased 4.8 percent, from 47.7 percent in 2013 to
52.5 percent in 2014.
• The graduation rate for Hispanics dropped 3.6 percent, from 46.9 percent in 2013 to 43.3
percent in 2014.
• The rate for Limited English Proficient students also dropped, from 20.7 percent in 2013
to 17.5 percent in 2014.
• Graduation rates for special education students have increased 8 percent in two years,
from 18.7 percent in 2012, to 23.5 percent in 2013, to 26.7 percent this year.
• Statewide, 61.6 percent of black and Hispanic students graduated in the 2013-14 school
year, compared to 87 percent of white students during the same time period.
According to Vargas, the district will be analyzing the data in the weeks ahead to drive
further improvements for the graduation class of 2015, and in the future.
Graduation Rates Slightly Rise, but District Lags Behind Rest of Big Five
The Rochester City School District’s June graduation rate has stayed relatively flat, at 43.4
percent, in the 2013-2014 school year, according to a report released by the New York
State Education Department, however; the numbers have risen slightly for students who
graduated in August, increasing to 51 percent, up from 48 percent the year before.
“The data shows that student achievement is improving and our students are on the right
trajectory,” said RCSD Superintendent Bolgen Vargas. “We have a long way to go before
our graduation rates are acceptable, but today’s results are an important indicator. Our
students, teachers, administrators, staff members, families and community partners can see
that their hard work is moving our district in the right direction.”
Still, according to NYSED, the district’s June and August graduation rates have again
come in last place, behind each of the other Big Five Districts.
According to the data, New York City’s June graduation rate has risen the most out of the
larger districts; rising 2.9 percent to 64.2 percent; while Yonkers’ has risen 2.4 percent to
68.8 percent, correspondingly.
Comparatively, Buffalo’s June graduation rate has remained flat, at 52.8 percent; while
Syracuse’s graduation rate has risen to 51.1 percent, up 2.3 percent from the previous
school year.
NYSED’s report also found the following trends in RCSD’s August graduation rates:
• The graduation rate for black students increased 4.8 percent, from 47.7 percent in 2013 to
52.5 percent in 2014.
• The graduation rate for Hispanics dropped 3.6 percent, from 46.9 percent in 2013 to 43.3
percent in 2014.
National Study Shows Summer School Gains in Rochester
Rochester students attending a voluntary, school district-led summer learning program
entered school in the fall with stronger mathematics skills than their peers who did not
attend the program, according to a new RAND Corporation study.
While students who attended summer learning programs performed better in math, they
did not experience near-term benefits in reading or see significant improvement in social
and emotional outcomes compared to their peers. However, the study identified key factors
linked to reading achievement.
Summer learning loss disproportionately affects low-income students and therefore likely
contributes to the achievement gap between these students and their higher-income peers,
according to researchers.
The new RAND findings provide the first student outcome data in a six-year study of
summer learning programs in five urban areas, which is the most comprehensive research
on summer learning to date. It is part of a $50 million project funded by The Wallace
Foundation to examine whether and how two consecutive summers of voluntary, districtled summer programs – offering academic instruction and enrichment activities like arts
and field trips – help boost low-income students’ success in school.
The Rochester City School District is one of five urban districts participating in the study
conducted by RAND Education. Students in the study were in the third grade as of spring
2013 and enrolled in a public school. Researchers used a randomized controlled trial to
assess the effects of district-run voluntary summer programs on student achievement
and social and emotional skills in the fall after the students participated in the summer
“We are pleased to take part in this national study that will help our district and others to
create programs that reduce summer loss,” said Superintendent Bolgen Vargas, Ed.D. “We
executed the Summer Scholars program using a project management approach that is being
cited as a model for summer learning, and the instructional findings will help to inform the
work of our teachers throughout the year.”
“These early findings show that voluntary, district-run summer learning programs can
benefit low-income elementary students in terms of their math skills,” said Jennifer
McCombs, co-author of the report and a senior policy researcher at RAND, a nonprofit
research organization. “Those students who attended more often and received more
instructional hours in math performed best on the math assessment.”
Students who took part in the summer learning program gained the equivalent to more than
one-fifth of the amount of growth in math skills achieved by the typical student between
the spring of 3rd grade and the spring of 4th grade.
The Wallace Foundation has announced plans to make an additional investment to
extend summer programs in the Rochester City School District and the four other school
districts for two more summers, provide technical assistance to the districts and to develop
additional knowledge and tools for field-wide use.
Read the rest of the article on our website at
TOLL FREE (888) 416-4443
Three Hispanics on five-member City Council
Noticias de Dunkirk
Gov. Andrew Cuomo sent a Dunkirk native to present a proclamation at a recent Common
Council meeting.
Lori Cornell, the Southwestern Region governor's representative, was on hand to make the
"Good news travels very quickly to Albany with the news of your recent minority
majority, and it was very important to the governor that he officially declare Spanish
Heritage Month right here in the city of Dunkirk for all of southwestern New York,"
Cornell stated of the recent appointment, and now election, of Willfred Rosas, making him
the third Hispanic on the five-member council.
Councilmen William J. Rivera (left) and Adelino Gonzalez were the first Hispanics elected
to council by the voters of Dunkirk in 2011.
"Whereas New York state is home to one of our country's largest Hispanic populations
and their contributions are many and significant, improving the quality of life for people
of all backgrounds," she began. " ... And whereas this year's theme, Hispanics, a legacy
of positive action and a future of success, celebrates the richness of culture and history of
our various distinct Hispanic communities and their role within our contemporary society
whereby they positively impact the social, cultural and economic development of this state
and the nation. Their achievements are visible in all areas of endeavor, including public
service, business and industry, science and technology, education, the arts and sports,
and our collective Hispanic community holds great promise for continued success in our
The proclamation ends with Cuomo stating, "It is fitting that all New Yorkers join in this
celebration of cultural pride and tradition, and pay tribute to the contributions the Hispanic
community has made and continues to make to all facets of life in this great state and
Adelino Gonzalez was council's first Hispanic member, taking office in November 2011
to finish the unexpired term of Rose Floramo, who resigned in October 2011 due to health
reasons. Floramo had already decided not to run in the 2011 elections and Gonzalez served
the remainder of Floramo's term before beginning his first two-year term after the 2013
elections as Third Ward councilman.
Gonzalez was asked for his thoughts on Cuomo's proclamation.
"I think it was very nice to have the governor send somebody to proclaim Hispanic
Heritage Day in regard to what's going on here in the city of Dunkirk, having the super
minority in the city council. It's never been done in the area, so I'm very proud of that
and I'm glad we're being recognized," he replied. "It's amazing it had to come all the way
down from Albany and not locally, but nonetheless, I am grateful to the governor for his
proclamation and to the city of Dunkirk, I thank them also."
William J. Rivera was elected in 2011 as Second Ward councilman.
"I think it's amazing as long as Hispanics have been coming to this county, and been in
Dunkirk specifically, it's amazing to me to know that this is the first time, the first time in
2012, that a Hispanic was able to get into office and now, less than three years later, we
have a majority," Rivera said. "I guess the bottom line is that the city government really
reflects the population of the city. It's kind of neat."
Rosas is the new member, although he is running things as the councilman-at-large since
being appointed in September to replace Stephanie Kiyak, who resigned in early August.
"I'm looking forward to working with these guys here, as well as the community in
general, which I'm hoping is going to be backing us," Rosas said. "I know the Hispanic
community is thrilled that we're here and we're going to try to do what's right for the city
All elected offices in the city, except for City Court Judge Walter Drag, will be on the
ballot in November 2015.
Although there was no opposition to the Democratic slate in 2013, that election did not
include the office of mayor, which is a four-year term.
inform me either. I'll check into it.'
"That's all I get. Please let us know what's going on."
Dolce restated that he wasn't going to have a public debate, to which Gonzalez pointed out
that he has a phone and computer.
"They work both ways you know," Dolce replied.
"They do, but I get the question before I get the answer. ... I'll leave it at that," Gonzalez
After the meeting Dolce was asked about Gonzalez's complaint.
"I feel it was an unfortunate comment, unfortunate he feels that way," Dolce replied. "I can
assure everyone that a steady stream of information comes from this office and others in
City Hall and it may not be everything he wants, but I think he also has to understand that
there's much information of a sensitive nature and there are things you just have to wait to
talk about."
City budget approved in 3-2 vote
The city of Dunkirk will have a spending plan in place for 2015, although the three
resolutions dealing with the budget that passed Common Council did not receive
unanimous support.
The first budget resolution approved was 97-2015, which amended and then approved
Mayor Anthony J. Dolce's 2015 budget proposal. The budget calls for spending
$14,973,797 in the general fund; $3,255,143 in the water fund and $4,139,294 in the sewer
treatment fund - a total of $22,368,234.
That vote saw both Councilman-at-Large Wilfred Rosas and Councilwoman Stacy Szukala
voting no after the other council members, Michael Michalski, William J. Rivera and
Adelino Gonzalez had provided the three votes needed for passage.
Prior to the vote, each council member talked about the budget, with Szukala stating there
were areas that probably couldn't be cut. She added it was known where she disagreed
and her no vote should be no surprise. Included were a retirement cashout that wasn't
accounted for, along with fire department retirees council was unaware of when the budget
was processed. She was also concerned that $30,000 was again budgeted for water main
breaks while spending on breaks is already nearly $150,000 this year.
"Lastly and most important for myself was the (Dunkirk Local Development Corporation)
payment that we'll be paying as a city, the taxes on the homes that they own, as well as
their audit," Szukala added. "We've been told in the past that we should try to separate the
DLDC from the city and I know this was a concern of mine and some people felt the same,
but felt that this was the best way to go about moving forward. As time goes on maybe that
will change, but for me I just can't vote yes on the budget this evening for those reasons."
Gonzalez, like Szukala, said he would like to vote on the budget by sections.
"I disagree with a lot of some of the things that we have to go along with in order to make
this work. I'm not entirely in favor of it but I'll still be voting in favor of it," he added.
Rivera recalled a budget meeting that got a "little heated."
"I would prefer not to push it off to councils in the future to deal with these issues. ... Our
mayor, this council, we have a pretty good handle on what's going on here," he added. "I'm
going to challenge everybody that next year at this time we're all voting we agree with this
budget together. ... There's nobody else here in charge of dealing with these issues than
Rivera added he would be voting yes but hoped it would be unanimous next year.
For his part, Michalski said he agreed with Szukala on a lot of her issues.
"Recognizing the shortfalls is the easy part; it's addressing where you're going to get
the money to fund those shortfalls, that's the difficult part, especially without increasing
taxes," he continued. "Although its not a perfect budget, I don't think there is one. It
morphs, it changes all the time, maybe changing constantly throughout the year. We'll be
able to deal with those issues when they come up."
Rosas was in his first budget process and said one of things he recognized was the impact
of contractual issues.
"Without being involved in the contract negotiation process it's close to impossible to have
City Mayor, councilman at odds over communication
any input as a council in how things are running in the city," he stated. "So that was my
It's not just about voting on resolutions during meetings for members of the city of
main concern going forward. ... Maybe we need to look at becoming more involved in
Dunkirk's Common Council. Council members have a portion of their meetings set aside
so they can speak to issues that concern them. Often times it is to question the progress of things like contract negotiation, or at least be allowed to voice opinion."
Approving the expenditure of the 2015 appropriated amounts was next, with Szukala
a project or to announce a committee meeting has been added to the monthly calendar.
casting the no vote as 98-2014 passed 4-1.
Other times council members use their time to let someone know they aren't particularly
Resolution 99-2014 set the tax levy after passing by a 3-2 vote, with Szukala and Rosas
happy with something. Such was the case at the most recent council meeting when
Councilman Adelino Gonzalez had the floor. After some preliminaries, Gonzalez had some again voting no. The resolution stated a tax levy of $4,837,477 be established at a rate of
$17.302619 per $1,000 of assessed valuation based on the city's total assessed valuation of
questions for Mayor Anthony J. Dolce.
"Why is it that sometime for us to get information we have to get it from the street instead $279,580,626.
After the meeting Rosas said his no votes came after much discussion with Dolce, who he
of getting it from yourself or council regarding situations in the city that we should be
apprised of?" Gonzalez began. "I take issue when somebody calls me up on the phone and said put together a tight budget.
"The more that I thought about it and the more I had a chance to look into it, I know
says, 'Hey did you know about this? Did you see what's happening with this?' ... This is
there are things that could be done differently," he explained, citing the budgeting for
stuff we should know ahead of time so when people ask us we can say we're on that, that
water breaks as an example. "It was for me the contract negotiations without council's
issue is taken care of, or something. When we're surprised like that I take issue and when
I asked (Councilman-at-Large Wilfred Rosas) Willie, 'Well, they haven't told me anything involvement in that, that controls a lot of the budget regarding overtime and things of that
either.' At least you should tell Willie, he's your second in command. Let him know what's nature. ... We have no input, we can't control costs because it's all contractual.
"What I'm asking for is more information being passed along to us during that process so
going on in the city, whatever issue needs to be done so when I ask at least I have some
that we could have input to the city administration when they sit down with the contract so
they know where we stand. That's more of what I'm referring to as opposed to sitting in on
Dolce started to say that without knowing what issue Gonzalez was talking about he
those negotiations."
couldn't reply, but Gonzalez cut the mayor short.
When asked about the next budget, Szukala said she had suggested a 1 percent cut from
"Regardless of what issue it is, the marina, taxes, whatever. Some of these things that
each department, with departments deciding where the cuts would be.
people call us and say what's going on at the marina, where are we with that? I heard that
"That was one, I think, easier way, not easy, but easier way to attack the budget," she
there's some issues like that. ... I don't know, they haven't informed us. We don't get any
explained. "I'd just like to see us stop the ridiculous spending. Some of the overtime was
from development either."
warranted, yes, but some of it, in my opinion, is not."
"I'm not getting in a public debate with you about involvement," Dolce said.
After the meeting, Dolce said the changes made were council's recommendations and he
Gonzalez said he didn't want a debate, just answers.
would not be vetoing any of the resolutions.
"We need to know ahead of time what's going on so we can answer the questions," he
The final resolution concerning the budget setting new water rates will be taken up at the
Dec. 16 meeting after a public hearing at 5:15 p.m. that day.
"I'm not having a public debate as far as who's involved and the level of involvement, so
I'm going to stop there," Dolce stated.
"I understand the level of involvement in different situations, but at least let us know.
That's all I care about," Gonzalez replied.
"Again, I'm biting my tongue here," the mayor answered.
Gonzalez again said council needs to know so they can provide answers.
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"It bothers me. I try to ask Willie and he doesn't know anything about it. 'They didn't
Mundo Latino
Preocupa a Moody’s la situación del Banco Gubernamental de Fomento
Sostiene si no se refinancia deuda por los préstamos a Carreteras, puede quedar insolvente
WASHINGTON– Si no se refinancian los préstamos de la Autoridad de Carreteras y
Transportación (ACT), para que sean asumidos por la Autoridad para el Financiamiento
de Infraestructura (AFI), se colocaría al Banco Gubernamental de Fomento (BGF) en
camino a su insolvencia fiscal, según la casa acreditadora Moody’s.
En un análisis del 15 de diciembre, Moody’s sostiene que el BGF puede colocarse en
camino a la insuficiencia de reservas en momentos en que se enfrentará “a una creciente
presión de sus propios requisitos para el pago del servicio de la deuda”.
Como ha indicado el gobierno, la ley que aumentó el arbitrio a los derivados de petróleo
no va permitir la emisión de bonos que le otorgaría liquidez al BGF.
El gobernador Alejandro García Padilla, con la esperanza de renegociar el asunto en la
sesión legislativa que comenzará en enero de 2015, tiene previsto, de todos modos, firmar
la legislación.
El aumento en los derivados de petróleo ha perseguido que AFI emita deuda para comprar
los préstamos de la ACT que están en los libros del BGF.
Pero, las enmiendas hechas por la Legislatura al proyecto de la ‘crudita’ impedirán seguir
adelante con los planes originales del gobierno de Puerto Rico, coincide Moody’s, pues
condiciona el aumento en el arbitrio a la aprobación de la reforma contributiva y a que la
tasa de interés de la emisión de bonos no supere el 8.5%.
El presidente de la Comisión de Hacienda de la Cámara de Representantes de Puerto
Rico, Rafael “Tatito” Hernández, ha reconocido que los cambios hechos por la Legislatura
no permitirán a AFI emitir los $2,900 millones en bonos, sino quizá unos $1,700 millones.
Las dos caras de emigrar a Florida
Por José A. Delgado
Muchos boricuas llegan con un trabajo en la mano, pero otros pasan una transición dura y
complicada tras abandonar Puerto Rico.
ORLANDO - Son cada vez más los puertorriqueños que se aventuran a buscar el “sueño
americano” en el reino oficial del mundo de la fantasía.
La ola migratoria boricua de las últimas dos décadas ha tenido como epicentro la Florida
central, sobre todo la zona metropolitana de Orlando, que incluye a Kissimmee, alentada
en gran medida por la industria de centros de entretenimiento y servicios generada
alrededor de la evolución del conglomerado “reino mágico” de Disney.
Afectados por una crisis fiscal y económica que parece no tener fin, muchos abandonan la
Isla aunque tienen trabajo -como ha sido el caso emblemático de ingenieros de la NASA y
maestros-, certeros de que Florida será su pasaporte hacia un nuevo comienzo.
Para otros, en una tendencia que parece ir en crecimiento, la emigración es todo un
experimento: son los que llegan sin trabajo, dominio del inglés y/o medio de transporte, lo
que complica su transición e incorporación a su nuevo entorno.
“Hay muchos casos de gente que viene a explorar, sin nada seguro. Algunos se han traído
a su familia, sin tener casa, ni trabajo y han tenido que vivir un largo tiempo en un hotel.
Eso es un error”, dijo la directora de la Administración de Asuntos Federales de Puerto
Rico (Prfaa) en Florida, BetsyFranceschini, cuya oficina de Kissimmee ha atendido a más
de 8,300 puertorriqueños en los pasados 19 meses, en persona, por teléfono o internet.
Cuando se le pregunta al nuevo emigrante por qué dejó la Isla, las respuestas principales
se pueden resumir en dos, simples y contundentes: la búsqueda de mejores oportunidades
de trabajo y, aunque las estadísticas indiquen una baja en la tasa de criminalidad, dejar
atrás la inseguridad de las calles de Puerto Rico.
Tener familia en la zona facilita la decisión.
En Orlando, con una población de 255,000 personas y donde residen alrededor de 30,000
boricuas, la presencia puertorriqueña es significativa. Pero es mucho más evidente
en Kissimmee, donde proliferan los negocios borinqueños, sobre todo de comida, los
anuncios publicitarios en español y los boricuas suponen cerca de un tercio de los 60,000
Héctor Areizaga, por 12 años maestro en el sistema de educación pública de Puerto Rico,
es una de las caras de la nueva emigración, que ha elevado el total de boricuas en Florida
a cerca de un millón (rondaban en 2013 los 924,000 según la Encuesta de la Comunidad
del Censo de los Estados Unidos).
Dos días antes de la Navidad de 2013, Areizaga no podía despegarse de la radio y la
red de internet en San Juan. En una apresurada sesión, como acaba de suceder con “la
crudita”, la Legislatura de Puerto Rico recortaba los beneficios del sistema de retiro de los
Para Areizaga, de 58 años y quien fue director de la escuela Rafael Cordero de Aguadilla,
la prisa de los legisladores significaba que su jubilación como maestro, en vez de a los
65, no le haría sentido sino hasta mucho más tarde. La larga espera por el retiro estaría
endurecida por un cheque más pequeño.
Ante la amenaza del cambio en las reglas, Areizaga renunció a su puesto de maestro el
verano pasado. Su hija Katina, quien tiene dos hijos, estaba además en el proceso de ir a
reencontrarse con su marido, que ya trabajaba en Orlando.
Cuando El Nuevo Día fue a entrevistarlo, Areizaga -quien fue locutor comercial en el
baloncesto puertorriqueño-, ayudaba a su hija, sus dos nietos y yerno a instalarse en un
apartamento ubicado a 12 minutos del aeropuerto de Orlando.
Allí su familia paga una renta de $900 al mes, en un apartamento de tres cuartos, con salacomedor-cocina integrada.
Después de pasar la Navidad en la Isla, Areizaga regresará a buscar dónde vivir y
continuar la búsqueda de trabajo en la zona de Orlando. “La calidad de vida y la seguridad
laboral se puso extremadamente complicada en Puerto Rico”, dijo Areizaga.
Su hija, que hasta su cierre trabajó como mesera en un restaurante de Aguadilla y no
domina el inglés, en su momento también buscará trabajo.
En su caso, Héctor Areizaga -quien domina el inglés y tiene una maestría en
administración-, piensa que tiene dos opciones principales: certificarse como maestro
o buscar un trabajo administrativo. “Nos sentimos más relajados. Los servicios que
recibimos del gobierno son extremadamente ágiles”, agregó Areizaga, esperanzado en un
mejor futuro.
Un cambio planificado
Carlos Díaz, por su parte, diseñó con tiempo su mudanza a la zona de Orlando. Es
pensionado de la industria farmacéutica, en la que trabajó por 25 años.
Su hijo de 17 años -activo desde pequeño en el baloncesto-, quería venir a estudiar su
escuela superior en la zona de Orlando y tratar de desarrollarse en el deporte. Conocían el
área por frecuentes visitas a familiares y a los centros de Disney.
“Hicimos un plan, dos o tres años antes de mudarnos, con miras a darle la oportunidad de
que iniciara su ‘highschool’ en Estados Unidos”, dijo Díaz.
Lleva dos años y medio en la zona residencial de clase media alta en WyndhamLakes, en
Orlando, a medio camino de Kissimmee. El patio de la casa da a un lago.
Su hijo había estado en escuelas privadas en Puerto Rico.
“En términos de educación, se le ofrece la misma calidad, en algunas áreas mejor que la
privada sin tener que pagar”, sostuvo Díaz, al resaltar además las ofertas extracurriculares
del sistema escolar público de Orlando.
Poco a poco, dijo, se acostumbró a destensarse con respecto a las salidas de su hijo y a
la seguridad en su casa. “Me siento más seguro en el área de Orlando. A la gente le digo
que hay que prepararse económicamente y hacer un plan de transición. Estamos en otro
mundo, aunque con la particularidad de que tenemos una gran población puertorriqueña e
hispana”, dijo Díaz.
Edwin Ocasio, cofundador del grupo de teatro Contrapuntos, lleva dos años viviendo en la
zona de Orlando y desde hace un año comenzó a presentar sus proyectos en esta zona.
“En Orlando he encontrado estructura. Quizá la permisología es tan estricta como en
Puerto Rico, pero funcionan más rápido y creo que están enfocados en facilitar el proceso
de producción, que en mi caso es el teatro”, sostuvo Ocasio.
Huyendo del frío
Carmen Pastor, Gustavo Torres y sus tres hijos integran, por su parte, una de las muchas
familias que ha vivido en estados con temperaturas frías y escoge la zona de Orlando/
Kissimmee como destino. Es el caso de muchos boricuas que dejan Nueva York, Chicago
(Illinois) o la zona de Hartford (Connecticut), en busca de un mejor clima y un ritmo de
vida más sosegado.
Desde hace cinco meses, la familia Torres-Pastor vive en Kissimmee, en el vecindario de
Ponciana. La casa que tienen rentada les ofrece el patio con el que soñaron durante las
últimas tres décadas en Connecticut.
Y viven literalmente rodeados de boricuas. En el círculo en que residen, siete de las nueve
casas son de familias de origen puertorriqueño.
“Esto es como Puerto Rico”, dijo Carmen Pastor, encantada de encontrar en Kissimmee
muchos más productos autóctonos y negocios boricuas que en Willimantic, donde vivían
en Connecticut.
Desde hace cuatro meses, Coraly Sánchez, de 24 años, se mudó a Ponciana, en
Kissimmee, “en busca de un cambio de vida”. Con su exmarido vivió un tiempo en
Chicago, pero luego regresó a San Juan.
Piensa seguir en Kissimmee, donde trabaja en un negocio de comida boricua, hasta
principios de año. Pero, Florida central se le hace muy tranquilo. Dice que pronto irá a
probar suerte en Filadelfia, Pensilvania. Si tampoco se acostumbra, entonces volverá a la
Acusan a Obama de recompensar a Castro con cambio hacia Cuba
La normalización de relaciones entre Estados Unidos y Cuba representa un tanque de
oxígeno al régimen castrista, en momentos que enfrentaba sombrías expectativas políticas
y económicas, consideró el diario The Washington Post.
En un duro editorial a propósito del anuncio del presidente estadunidense Barack Obama,
el rotativo, un frecuente defensor de las políticas del mandatario, dijo que con la apertura
de embajadas en sus respectivas capitales, Obama dio a La Habana "un amplio auxilio
"Obama puede seguir afirmando que ha desmantelado una política fallida de más de 50
años; lo que ha hecho realmente es darle a un régimen fracasado de 50 años nueva vida",
sentenció en su opinión principal.
Para el diario, lo que el mandatario hizo el miércoles fue conceder al régimen cubano todo
lo que estaba en su lista de deseos y Obama podía otorgar con su poder.
Esto incluyó además de la normalización de relaciones, la revisión de la designación de
Cuba como promotor del terrorismo y fin de restricciones sobre la inversión de Estados
Unidos y la mayoría de los viajes a Cuba.
Indicó que esa liberalización proporcionará al régimen castrista los ingresos que "necesita
desesperadamente y eliminarán la ventaja de Estados Unidos a la hora de implementar las
reformas políticas".
Si bien el diario dio la bienvenida a la liberación del contratista estadunidense Alan
Gross, sugirió que su detención cinco años atrás fue una maniobra de Cuba para usar su
caso como arma de negociación a fin de lograr un eventual relajamiento en la política de
Estados Unidos.
"Aunque Obama intentó retratar la liberación de Gross como independiente respecto al
intercambio de espías, no cabe ninguna duda de que el aparato de inteligencia radical
de Cuba obtuvo exactamente lo que buscaba cuando hizo de Gross un rehén de facto",
Aún más, argumentó que si bien el embargo y la política de aislamiento no han dado los
resultados que se esperaban, el cambio radical ordenado por Obama no debió haberse dado
sin mayores concesiones de Cuba.
"El hecho de que el embargo no haya logrado destruir el comunismo no explica por qué
todas las sanciones deberían levantarse sin concesiones políticas significativas por parte de
Cuba", indicó.
El diario desestimó igualmente la noción de que el cambio mejorará las relaciones de
Estados Unidos con Latinoamérica, donde el tema del embargo comercial contra la isla
ha sido fuente de fricciones, calificando la expectativa de ingenua, y en cambio sentará un
negativo precedente.
"Los países que previamente exigieron el fin de las sanciones de Estados Unidos contra
Cuba ahora no esperarán las reformas de La Habana, al contrario, presionarán a la
administración Obama para que no sancione a Venezuela", precisó.
El diario recordó que la normalización de relaciones con Vietnam dos décadas atrás,
fracasó en materializar las expectativas de una mejora gradual en las condiciones de los
vietnamitas y sólo ha beneficiado a ese régimen.
Anticipó que un resultado similar al de Vietnam es lo que espera el régimen castrista, en
la persona de miles de turistas e inversión empresarial estadunidenses "que permitirán al
régimen mantener su sistema totalitario indefinidamente".
Las hermosas playas y deslumbrantes paisajes naturales de Puerto Rico atraen todos
los años a miles de turistas de todas partes del mundo, pero sin lugar a dudas son
los estadounidenses quienes más le tienen el ojo puesto a la Isla, según una reciente
publicación del portal turístico
Technology & Science
Mensajería instantánea mantiene a los hispanos conectados con sus familias
Los jóvenes las adoptan primero y motivan al resto de sus parientes
Vivimos en un mundo en permanente movimiento, donde cada año, los vaivenes
económicos y la búsqueda de mejores oportunidades impulsan a millones de hombres y
mujeres a radicarse en otros países.
Pompilio Roselli, director general de msngr para América Latina, mencionó que de
acuerdo con las Naciones Unidas, en 2013 había 232 millones de emigrantes en todo el
mundo, cifra que se viene incrementando considerablemente desde 1990. Personas que
emprenden la difícil tarea de apostar a su futuro sin que eso signifique olvidar su tierra
natal ni descuidar los lazos que tienen con ella.
Un ejemplo claro lo representa la comunidad latina en Estados Unidos: un 17% (53
millones de personas y en aumento) de la población en este país es de origen hispano, la
primera minoría, por encima de afroamericanos (12%) y asiáticos (5%). Roselli recordó
que este es un grupo con características bien definidas que, se ha dicho y destacado
sobremanera, hace de la comunicación, la cercanía y los lazos familiares o de amistad, un
estilo de vida.
Por su magnitud, los vínculos entre ellos y sus países de origen tienen un enorme impacto
político, económico y cultural. El envío de remesas, el mantenimiento de las costumbres y
festividades propias y la existencia de redes de comunicación fluidas, contribuyen a crear
una comunidad unida, que preserva su sentido de pertenencia y mantiene vivas sus raíces.
Roselli destacó que, por lo mismo, para los latinos, las herramientas tecnológicas cumplen
un rol clave.
"Las posibilidades que ofrecen las populares aplicaciones de mensajería instantánea, por
ejemplo, abren una ventana entre unos y otros, y permiten que muchas familias compartan
momentos importantes de sus vidas sin fijarse en las distancias o en los costos, acercando
las realidades cotidianas a través de palabras, imágenes o incluso pequeños fragmentos de
video. Pese a la distancia, pueden estar al tanto del día a día de sus seres queridos", dijo el
principal ejecutivo para la región de la aplicación de mensajería msngr.
Esta puede ser parte de la explicación sobre por qué los latinos forman la comunidad
que más se recuesta en la tecnología: un 86% de los hispanos en Estados Unidos tiene
un teléfono celular, pero además detentan la tasa más alta de adopción de smartphones
(72%), un 10 % por encima del promedio general en este país. Esto determina que algunas
categorías, como por ejemplo entretenimiento o redes sociales, son más consumidas por los
latinos en equipos móviles que en computadoras, según reporta ComScore (Digital Future
in Focus 2014 - Latam& US Hispanics).
Roselli resaltó que esta nueva forma de comunicación es impulsada por los miembros más
jóvenes de las familias e incorporada luego por el resto, como las mujeres.
“Para las latinas, la tecnología y las redes sociales están permitiendo el mantenimiento y
recuperación de su cultura, idioma y tradiciones, que las lleva a organizar grupos afines
en torno a su origen, tanto dentro de los Estados Unidos, como a nivel internacional, ya
que crean conexiones robustas con familiares y amigos en sus países de origen”, resume
claramente un informe de la consultora Nielsen.
Pero para que estas comunicaciones existan -tanto de grupo como ilimitadas-, debe haber
herramientas que las permitan.
"Generar ese vínculo y hacerlo fácil, gratis y accesible es lo que nos impulsa a quienes
desarrollamos msngr, la aplicación de mensajería que nació para poner a más gente más
cerca de la manera más sencilla, económica y, por qué no, divertida. msngr se destaca de
otras aplicaciones, ya que no sólo funciona en smartphones (Android y próximamente
iPhone), sino también en los teléfonos con funcionalidades más básicas, lo que significa
que cualquiera puede participar en chats grupales con sus amigos, sin importar el equipo
que utilice. Pero, además, el uso del chat de msngr es gratuito, sin cargo por consumo de
datos (en determinados países y según la operadora de telefonía móvil)", resumió Roselli.
Skype ofrecerá traducción simultánea en inglés y español
Planea ampliar la oferta a otros idiomas
El servicio de telefonía a través de internet Skype ofrecerá traducción simultánea para
usuarios que mantengan una conversación en inglés y español, un servicio que lleva más
de una década en desarrollo.
El programa desarrollado por Microsoft, empresa propietaria de Skype, traduce el audio
durante la conversación, de forma que cada una de las dos personas participantes escuchan
la voz de un robot que traduce en su propio idioma.
Skype Translator ofrece también una transcripción de la conversación en ambas lenguas.
Microsoft ofrecerá en un primer momento traducciones solo en inglés y español, pero
planea ampliar la oferta a otros idiomas.
El nuevo sistema de traducción simultánea solo está disponible para las versiones de Skype
para Windows 8.1 y Windows 10.
Skype utilizó para promocionar el servicio el vídeo de dos niñas, una en una escuela
en la Ciudad de México y la otra en un colegio en la ciudad de Tacoma, en el estado de
Washington, en la costa oeste de Estados Unidos.
El programa estará disponible para los usuarios que se registren a través de la página de la
versión de prueba de Skype Translator.
Tu Reflejo
La peor o la mejor arma; la lengua.
Por: Damaris Caceres Mercado.
La lengua es un arma de doble filo. Puedes utilizarla según lo que abunda en tu corazón.
Se utiliza para bendecir, para alabar, cantar, anunciar buenas nuevas, edificar, corregir,
amonestar. Por otro lado también se utiliza para maldecir, hablar mentiras, burlas,
calumnias, herir sentimientos, y destruir al prójimo como a sí misma.
Para mí, es sobremanera molesto, leer o escuchar a una persona jactanciosa. Para ser
precisa, no es molestia realmente lo que siento; es lástima, y mucho más cuando se sabe
la realidad de la persona. ¡Pobre! ¡Qué baja autoestima tiene! ¡Ni hablar de la persona
que cree saberlo todo! ¿Qué me dicen de esas personas que se ahogan en un problema,
pero cuando humildemente se intenta aconsejarle, siempre tienen algún obstáculo para no
aceptar el consejo? También están esas personas que dicen tener preparación académica de
aquí y de allá, cuando realmente no tienen ni un cuarto año de escuela superior.
También están esas personas que sólo buscan los defectos de los demás y no se miran en
un espejo. Como dice la biblia... "¡no hables de la paja del ojo de alguien más cuando
tienes una viga o árbol en el tuyo!"
Hay algunos que se inventan los chismes que no saben. Pero todas las malas acciones
tienen sus consecuencias y esas personas ¡están cavando su propia tumba!
La lengua es una parte del cuerpo humano muy importante. No tiene hueso. No corta. Es
muy sensitiva. A pesar de todo puede destruir una vida inocente, como también animar o
salvar a un necesitado. Depende del uso que le demos según nuestra mentalidad.
Si eres de mentalidad mediocre, puedes hacer mucho daño, pero si eres sabio/a, salvarás y
cambiarás muchas vidas.
Es por eso que se debe ser feliz con lo que se es. Debemos ser felices con lo que tenemos,
y lo que hemos logrado... ¿por qué? Porque no hay mejor almohada que una conciencia
limpia y una lengua descansada. Podemos ser esclavos de nuestras palabras, o dueños de
nuestro silencio.
Bendecidos sean todos y que este nuevo 2015 sea uno lleno de positivismo, salud y mucha
paz en sus vidas, les desea este su servidora, Damaris Caceres Mercado.
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Google Driving Toward Android-Powered Cars
Google is reportedly also working on getting its Android mobile operating system built
directly into a variety of vehicles. Such a system would allow drivers to use mobile apps
without having to connect their cellphones to their cars, according to a Reuters article
published Thursday.
Google rolled out its preview of Android Auto in June. Designed to support easier in-car
use of audio and messaging apps, Android Auto has been touted as a way to integrate
mobile devices with cars in a safer and more streamlined way.
Last month, Google announced that it was making the first APIs available to developers
who want to build Android Auto-enabled apps. It has also begun working with a number
of Android Auto partners, including iHeartRadio, Pandora, SoundCloud, Spotify and
Contending with CarPlay
Google is far from the only Internet tech company looking to gain a foothold in the
automotive market. In March, for instance, Apple announced a new offering called CarPlay
with many of the same features that Google is working on.
Designed for in-car integration with iPhones, CarPlay uses Apple's iOS operating system
See DRIVING on page 17
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Conozca su Gente
Receta del Mes
NY State Police
Senior Investigator &
President of The PR
and Hispanic Day
Parade of WNY
Charles F. Torres
Enchiladas de
pollo al mole
Charles Torres is a 28 year veteran of the New York State Police. He was born in Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico and
grew up in New York City. At the age of fifteen his mother, Aida, brought him and his siblings to Buffalo for
a new start. He attended Grover Cleveland High School and the University of Buffalo before attending the
NYSP Academy in 1985. His first assignment was as a road Trooper to the Watertown, NY area from where
he worked his way back to Buffalo. After only 5 ½ years, he was promoted to Investigator and assigned to the
Violent Predator Task Force in New York City.
Currently he supervises a squad of investigators targeting crime in the Buffalo area. He is also a trained
Hostage Negotiator and has successfully performed crisis intervention throughout Western New York.
Mr. Torres is well known for his dedication to his assignments and has received numerous professional
accolades. He has also been recognized for Professional Achievement by Mayor Byron W. Brown, Back to
Basics Ministry and Hispanics United of Buffalo. Despite the very serious and dangerous nature of his work,
Sr. Inv. Torres is known as simply “Charlie”, a true public servant and a reliable friend to all.
He not only serves the community through his job, but through his volunteerism as well. Charlie has been an
active member of the Puerto Rican Day Parade of WNY since its inception. Over the past eight years, he has
served as the President of the Puerto Rican and Hispanic Day Parade of Western New York, New York State’s
second largest Puerto Rican Day Parade. A prime example of the outreach/impact of the PRHDP of WNY is
the Miss Borinquen of WNY Latina Leadership Program that has awarded thousands in college scholarships
and been instrumental in increasing the high school graduation and college attendance rates among Latinas
in the Hispanic community of Buffalo and surrounding areas. Under his leadership the Miss Borinquen was
given the support and latitude to become an award winning leadership development program by augmenting its
curriculum, increasing its mentoring component and greatly increasing the amount of scholarships it awards.
Under his leadership, the PRHDP Association has been instrumental in numerous individual and collaborative
efforts toward the empowerment of the Hispanic community of WNY.
"Last night my husband, Charlie Torres,was presented with the Outstanding Leadership Award
by Hispanos Unidos at their annual gala. I have always known what a genuine and dedicated
community leader and servant Charlie is. However, it was heartwarming to have our son say
"Wow, Dad I knew you were an awesome dad, but I had no idea you did all that other stuff too!"
That said it all...As a wife, I could not be prouder," Buffalo City Court Judge Betty Calvo-Torres.
2 cups of Mole poblano (You can buy it as a ready-made paste at the store)
1/2 cooked chicken, skin and bones discarded.
12 corn tortillas.
1 small onion chopped in rings.
1/2 cup of 15% cream.
Grated Monterey cheese
To make your own Tortillas:
2 cups of special masa corn flour for tortillas.
1 cup of lukewarm water.
canola oil.
First dip each Tortilla in the mole poblano, place chicken on all of them,
fold them to wrap them around the filling and line them up them in a pan.
Pour the mole over the enchiladas, then sprinkle the onion bits over.
Bake in the oven to warm them up. When fixing each indidual plate, pour
some cream on top of each enchiladas, sprinkle some grated cheese and
serve to your guests.
If you wish to make them yourselves, the tortillas are made by mixing the
corn masa with q2the water. Mix and knead your dough until you get a
homogenous mixture. Just make sure your dough isn't too dry.
Divide the dough in approximately 15 portions for 15 individual tortillas,
and flattening them up with a rolling pin as thin as possible.
Put your favorite skillet to the stove, pour in a little bit of canola oil. When
you see the perimeter of each tortilla has dried off, this means it's time to
flip them over.
When the tortilla begins to puff slightly, pull it away and repeat the
procedure to make another one. Absolutely delicious when served freshly
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VOCES LATINAS Reading Series
Main Productions
Yo Soy Latina
by Linda Nieves-Powell
Directed by Victoria Pérez
September 21, 2014
by Marco Antonio Rodriguez
Directed by Victoria Pérez
November 13-16, 2014 (in Spanish)
Elliot, A Soldier’s Fugue
by Quiara Alegria Hudes
Directed by Scott Behrend
January 25, 2015
One-Act Play Festival
June 11-14, 2015
La Edad de laCiruela
by Aristides Várgas
Directed by Sheila M López
March15, 2015 (in Spanish)
In residence at:
Road Less Traveled Theater
639 Main St.
Buffalo, NY 14203
Low Down Payment • All Drivers Accepted
Immediate Coverage
572 Amherst St.
Buffalo, NY 14207
M-TH 9-5 • F 9-6 and by appt.
Co-Pastors Reverend Bruce McKay • Co-Pastor Reverend Justo Gonzalez II
Progressivo, Inclusivo
No importa quién eres o dónde usted está en camino de la vida, eres bienvenido aquí.
Adoracion, Domingos a las 11:45 a.m. • Worship Hour 11:45 a.m.
Iglesia Unida de Cristo
In Pilgrim-St. Luke’s United Church of Christ • 335 Richmond Ave. at Utica
885-9443 •
Join us for a Bilingual Christmas Eve Mass on December 24, 2014 at 6 p.m.
Nosotros públicamente y con entusiasmo la bienvenida y afriman personas de toda edad, raza, género, etnia, orientación sexual, capacidad física y mental,
situación económica, la estructura familiar y en la vida de miembro de pleno derecho, el liderazgo, el ministerio sacramental y de nuestra congregación.
Movies- Peliculas
Motown – the musical
Selma- January 9th.
Although the Civil Rights Act of 1964 legally desegregated
the South, discrimination was still rampant in certain areas,
making it very difficult for blacks to register to vote. In
1965, an Alabama city became the battleground in the fight
for suffrage. Despite violent opposition, Dr. Martin Luther
King Jr. (David Oyelowo) and his followers pressed forward
Motown: the Musical at SHEA’S in Buffalo is the real story on an epic march from Selma to Montgomery, and their
of the one-of-a-kind sound that hit the airwaves in 1959
efforts culminated in President Lyndon Johnson signing the
and changed our culture forever. Featuring all the classics
Voting Rights Act of 1965.
you love, Motown the Musical tells the story behind the
hits as Diana, Smokey, Berry and the whole Motown family Centrada en varios personajes importantes de la historia de
fight against the odds to create the soundtrack that changed Estados Unidos. George Wallace fue una figura política de
carácter controvertido que rechazó disolver la segregación
America. Motown shattered barriers, shaped our lives and
racial entre afroamericanos y blancos, al tiempo que en el
made us all move to the same beat. Now, experience the
resto de estados del territorio querían suprimirla.
next electrifying chapter in the Motown story.
La historia de la película se enmarca en la segunda mitad
Es la historia real del sonido único en su tipo que llegó a las del siglo XX, aborda también la marcha que emprendió en
ondas en 1959 y cambió nuestra cultura para siempre. Con Alabama el líder Martin Luther King, con el fin de protestar
todos los clásicos que amas, Motown, el musical cuenta la
por la decisión del gobernador y pedir la igualdad de
historia detrás de los éxitos como Diana, Smokey, Berry y
derechos para los suyos.
toda la lucha de la familia Motown contra viento y marea
para crear la banda sonora que cambió América. Motown
Escobar: Paradise Lost –Paraiso Perdido- January 16
hizo añicos las barreras, en forma de nuestra vida y nos
hicieron avanzar al mismo ritmo. Ahora, la experiencia el
próximo capítulo electrizante en la historia de Motown.
DaddyYankee estuvo en la República Dominicana, para
compartir con los participantes de su proyecto social
“Daddy’sHouse”. Se trata de un comedor donde a diario
comen cerca de 150 niños que viven en pobreza extrema.
El reguetonero, quien patrocina esta iniciativa hace cinco
años, ayudó a servir un menú navideño y les entregó
regalos. La reunion se da en un ambiente informal pero el
Boricua aprovecha para hablarles sobre lo importante que
es educarse y convivir en igualdad.
Mira al nuevo fenómeno viral de Youtube 'El baile del
Pippin the musical – In Rochester –
For Pablo Escobar (Benicio Del Toro), family is everything.
When young surfer Nick (Josh Hutcherson) falls for
Escobar's niece, he finds his life on the line when he's pulled
into the dangerous world of the family business.
Para Pablo Escobar, la familia lo es todo. Cuando un joven
surfista Nick se enamora de la sobrina de Escobar, Nick se
da cuentra que su vida esta en la linea corta cuando el ha
sido introducido al mundo peligroso de los negocios de la
familia escobar.
Diane Paulus’ new, circus-inspired production of Pippin
features an acrobatic troupe of performers, led by the
The boy next door – Obsesion – January 23.
charismatic Leading Player. The ensemble cast tells
the story of Pippin, a young prince who longs to find
passion and adventure in his life. To prove his loyalty to
his distracted father, King Charles, Pippin goes to war.
However, when the Leading Player convinces the prince to
fight tyranny, Pippin kills Charles and takes over the throne.
Realizing his mistake, Pippin begs the Leading Player to
bring his father back to life, and she obliges. The prince
falls in love with Catherine, a widow with a young son,
Pippin struggles to decide whether he should settle down
and pursue a peaceful life or continue to make magic with
the dazzling troupe of performers.
Is one of those thrillers that may blow your mind over the
La nueva producción de dianePaulus, de un circo-inspirado hot relationship between a mature woman and younger guy.
de Pippin cuenta con un grupo de acróbatas de artistas,
J Lo is estranged from her husband, and in a moment of
liderados por el carismático actor principal. El elenco
weakness, she sleeps with Noah, the high school kid who
cuenta la historia de Pippin, un joven príncipe que anhela
just moved in down the street. Only it turns out Noah is a
encontrar la pasión y la aventura de su vida. Para probar
crazy stalker. Making it a really a thunderous relationship
su lealtad a su padre distraído, el rey Carlos, Pipino va a la and a fun movie to watch.
guerra. Sin embargo, cuando el jugador líder convence al
Es una de esas películas de suspenso que puede volar tu
príncipe a luchar contra la tiranía, Pippin mata a Charles y
mente sobre la relación caliente entre una mujer madura y
asume el trono. Al darse cuenta de su error, Pippin le ruega
un chico más joven. J Lo está separada de su marido, y en
a la jugadora líder que le vuelva la vida de su padre, y ella
un momento de debilidad, ella duerme con Noé, el chico
dice que si. El príncipe se enamora de Catalina, viuda y con
de secundaria que se acaba de mudar en el vecindario en
un hijo pequeño, Pippin lucha para decidir si debería sentar
la misma calle. Sólo resulta que Noé es un acosador loco.
cabeza y llevar una vida pacífica o continuar haciendo
Por lo que es realmente una relación estremecedora y una
magia con la compañía deslumbrante de los actores.
película con mucho entretenimiento.
La nueva sensación en las redes sociales es "El baile del
Serrucho", una pegajosa canción para "tonear" en las
noches. Pero lo más gracioso no es la canción sino quién
la baila, pues un hombre se ha hecho famoso por crear los
primeros pasos para el popular baile.
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Opening ceremonies began Thursday with an acoustic performance by Neon Trees.
Skating, along with other activities Thursday night included a parade of Ice activities and
an ice performance to the music of Disney’s hit movie “Frozen”.
The official ribbon cutting, followed by a Christmas tree lighting, happened just after 6
Throughout the year, the entrance fee will cost $5, or $3 for children 6 to 12 and free
for children under 6. Skate rental costs $3. Events throughout the rest of the winter will
include other ice-themed activities like “ice bikes”, curling, broom ball, pond hockey and
“We’re just so excited, my staff is thrilled,” Coate said. “It’s been just such a great
Free medical job training program graduates first students
Buffalo is in the midst of a medical boom, and it’s creating opportunities for those who are
looking for work.
One man is taking that opportunity, but after running out of money having taken classes
at ECC, he didn’t know what to do until he heard about a program through the Buffalo
Center for the Arts and Technology (BCAT).
Two programs are available right now to prospective students; medical coding and
pharmacy technician programs. The part that has drawn students to the programs are the
fact that they are free.
Robert Bradshaw Jr. heard about the program, and was attracted to one of its highlights.
The program trains students for jobs readily available in the Buffalo job market.
Donations cover the costly $15,000 a year program, so students who otherwise may not
have the opportunity to gain specialized skills have that chance.
BCAT just graduated its very first class of students, and Bradshaw was among them.
“The seven months was hard, but we graduated Thursday,” Bradshaw said. “It was lovely,
just lovely. Such a sense of accomplishment, like a weight off your chest.”
Bradshaw is currently finishing his two month internship with Kaleida Health, and he says
he’s confident he’ll have a job offer when he’s finished.
Stacey Watson, the director of programs at BCAT, said the ideal candidates for the
program are those who want to get back to work and earn a family-sustaining wage.
“There are a lot of opportunities in the medical campus and other areas as well for people
who are wanting a job, wanting to be able to support their families, however wanting to do
it in a way that is not cost prohibitive by going to college for four years,” she said.
Of the 70 students that applied to get into the first class of students at BCAT, only 17 were
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La Iglesia en Accion
NY Clergy Call For Police Reform To Rebuild Trust With Community
Written by Anthony Moujaes
New York-area ministers of the United Church of Christ are part of an ecumenical
community voice calling for justice and end to police violence. A pastoral letter to the
mayor and city council, signed by 109 faith leaders from New York, takes aim at a lack of
accountability and implores elected leaders to reform the police department to rebuild trust
between law enforcement and the public.
UCC clergy in that part of the country recognize the eyes of the nation are on New York
after the non-indictment of a white police officer, Daniel Pantaleo, whose chokehold lead
to the death of an African American man, Eric Garner.
"As a broad coalition of antiracist spiritual leaders from many faiths, we ask that you be
true to your calling as public servants, continuing to stand on the side of what is moral,
just and right," the faith leaders wrote. "Our city is experiencing a moral crisis: the police
are not being policed. They appear to be above the law."
About 15 of the letter's endorsers are either from settings of the UCC and the Collegiate
Church. Together, those leaders have asked the mayor of New York City to police the
police, by appointing a special prosecutor to investigate and examine cases of excessive
force and wrongful deaths at the hands of law enforcement.
Among the signees are the Rev. David Gaewski, conference minister of the New York
Conference of the UCC, and the Rev. Freeman L. Palmer, associate conference minister,
the Rev. Donna Schaper, pastor of Judson Memorial Church, the Rev. Amy Butler, pastor
of Riverside Church, the Rev. Conrad B. Tillard Sr., pastor of Nazarene Congregational
UCC and the Rev. Wayne R. Christiansen, pastor of All Souls Bethlehem Church.
Seven representatives of the Collegiate Church of New York, which is building a
relationship with the UCC around social justice programs, also signed the letter, including
the Rev. Michael Bos, president of the consistory of the Collegiate Church.
The grand jury decision was announced on Dec. 3, and in the days since, clergy have
discussed an organized response to end the institutional racism that remains. This letter is
part of that response.
"The persistent pattern of refusing to indict police officers who kill people of color,
especially black men, continues to communicate that the lives of God's beloved children
do not matter," the letter continues. "These killings are breaking the hearts of our children,
creating fear and anxiety about their own safety and future."
"We urge you to see the gravity of our current moral crisis and join us in healing our
broken hearts and our broken system," the letter concludes. "We urge you to restore peace
to our community by reforming the New York Police Department."
"Let us strengthen the bonds of our shared humanity among citizens and police officers, so
that we may live free with mutual respect and abiding trust."
Papa Francisco y el histórico restablecimiento de relaciones Cuba Estados Unidos
VATICANO, 17 Dic. 14 / 12:38 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- El Papa Francisco aseguró
que “se complace vivamente” por el histórico acercamiento entre Cuba y Estados
Unidos anunciado hoy en simultáneo por sus gobernantes, Raúl Castro y Barack Obama,
Barack Obama y Raúl Castro anunciaron hoy, al mismo tiempo, el restablecimiento
de relaciones entre sus países. Previamente, el 16 de diciembre, ambos mandatarios
sostuvieron una llamada de cerca de una hora, la primera desde la Crisis de los Misiles, en
la década de 1960.
En un comunicado difundido hoy por la Secretaría de Estado Vaticano, se recordó el
importante rol desempeñado por la Santa Sede y el Papa Francisco, quien escribió tanto
a Obama como a Castro alentándolos a resolver “cuestiones humanitarias de común
“El Santo Padre se complace vivamente por la histórica decisión de los Gobiernos de los
Estados Unidos de América y de Cuba de establecer relaciones diplomáticas, con el fin de
superar, por el interés de los respectivos ciudadanos, las dificultades que han marcado su
historia reciente”, señaló el comunicado.
El Vaticano recordó que “en el curso de los últimos meses, el Santo Padre Francisco ha
escrito al Presidente de la República de Cuba, el Excelentísimo Señor Raúl Castro, y al
Presidente de los Estados Unidos, el Excelentísimo Señor Barack H. Obama, invitándoles
a resolver cuestiones humanitarias de común interés, como la situación de algunos
detenidos, para dar inicio a una nueva fase de las relaciones entre las dos Partes”.
“La Santa Sede, acogiendo en el Vaticano, el pasado mes de octubre, a las Delegaciones
de los dos Países, ha querido ofrecer sus buenos oficios para favorecer un diálogo
constructivo sobre temas delicados, del que han surgido soluciones satisfactorias para
ambas Partes”.
El comunicado anuncia además que “la Santa Sede continuará apoyando las iniciativas
que las dos Naciones emprenderán para acrecentar sus relaciones bilaterales y favorecer el
bienestar de sus respectivos ciudadanos”.
En el marco del restablecimiento de relaciones, Cuba liberó al estadounidense Alan
Gross, retenido como prisionero durante cinco años en la isla, así como un "activo" de
inteligencia no identificado, mantenido en Cuba por 20 años. Por su parte, Estados Unidos
liberará a tres prisioneros cubanos.
En sus respectivos discursos, tanto Barack Obama como Raúl Castro agradecieron el rol
del Papa Francisco en el acercamiento de ambos países.
Papa Francisco nombra a nuevo Cardenal Camarlengo de la Iglesia
¿Qué significa eso?
VATICANO, 20 Dic. 14 / 07:05 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- El Papa Francisco ha
nombrado Camarlengo de la Santa Iglesia Romana al Cardenal Jean Louis Tauran,
Presidente del Pontificio Consejo para el Diálogo Interreligioso, que fue además quien
tuvo el encargo de anunciarle al mundo la elección del Santo Padre en marzo de 2013 con
el tradicional “¡Habemus Papam!”.
Pocos saben que las dificultades del Purpurado francés para hacer el anuncio de la
elección del Papa Francisco al final del Cónclave se debieron al parkinson que sufre desde
abril de 2012.
Nacido en Burdeos (Francia), el Cardenal Tauran habla castellano, inglés e italiano
y es miembro del cuerpo diplomático del Vaticano desde 1975. Como presidente del
Pontificio Consejo para el Diálogo Interreligioso y, gracias entre otros puntos a su dilatada
experiencia internacional, es el principal encargado de las relaciones con el mundo
El Santo Padre ha nombrado también como Vicecamarlengo de la Santa Iglesia Romana
a Mons. GiampieroGloder, Nuncio Apostólico y Presidente de la Pontificia Academia
El nombramiento del Cardenal Tauran como Camarlengo cesa en el cargo
alCardenalTarcisioBertone, que ostentaba el cargo desde el año 2007. El también
Secretario Emérito del Estado Vaticano, acaba de cumplir 80 años el pasado 2 de diciembre
y ya no participaría, además, de un eventual Cónclave para la elección del nuevo Papa.
¿Qué hace el Camarlengo?
El origen del término Camarlengo, proveniente de "camerarius", se remonta al siglo XII,
y era el encargado de la "Camera thesauraria", la cámara del tesoro, actualmente conocida
como Cámara Apostólica, que si bien originalmente tenía una función de administración
de bienes temporales de la Santa Sede, actualmente funciona únicamente durante la sede
vacante, es decir, durante el tiempo que transcurre entre la muerte del Papa y la elección en
el Cónclave de su sucesor.
El cargo de Camarlengo recaía con frecuencia en un Cardenal, pero esto no fue obligatorio
hasta el siglo XVI. Siempre fue asistido por un vice camarlengo, un auditor general y los
"clérigos prelados", además de un notario.
El Papa Pablo VI, en 1967, con la Constitución Apostólica "Regiminiecclesiaeuniversiae",
señaló que la Cámara Apostólica conservaría las funciones de cuidar y administrar los
bienes y derechos temporales de la Santa Sede durante el periodo de sede vacante. Estos
deberes fueron confirmados por la Constitución Apostólica "Pastor bonus", de San Juan
Pablo II, en 1988.
De acuerdo a la Constitución Apostólica "Universidominicigregis" de 1996, que norma
el Cónclave, el Camarlengo y el Penitenciario Mayor son los únicos jefes de dicasterio
vaticanos cuyas funciones no concluyen al iniciar la sede vacante.
Una de las primeras acciones del entonces Camarlengo, el Cardenal Bertone, en febrero
de 2013 luego de la renuncia de Benedicto XVI, fue sellar los aposentos pontificios en el
Nuevos embajadores
El Papa Francisco también ha recibido hoy las cartas credenciales de tres nuevos
embajadores ante la Santa Sede: Jaime Bernardo Príncipe de Bourbon de Parme,
Embajador de los Países Bajos; ClelioGalassi, Embajador de San Marino; y Eduardo Félix
Valdes, Embajador de Argentina.
UCC Ministers In New York Are Proclaiming Justice And Paying It Forward
Written by Connie Larkman
UCC ministers, co-pastors of a small congregation in Brooklyn, are fueling a movement
and paying it forward. It started with one small banner that proclaimed "Black Lives
The banner went up outside the Greenpoint Reformed Church in North Brooklyn, N.Y.,
immediately after the Ferguson decision was announced the week of Thanksgiving. The
Rev. C.B. Stewart, Greenpoint's co-pastor, made the banner with the Lutheran pastor
from the church across the street, hung it out on the fence in the white, working class
neighborhood, and hoped for the best.
"In our church, we believe if there is a justice proclamation to be made, make it, and make
it first, because time is of the essence," said the Rev. Ann Kansfield, another Greenpoint
co-pastor. The sign, which wasn't really weather resistant, came down in a rainstorm,
and after one of the church's neighbors worked to hang it back up and another praised it,
Kansfield — who is also on the staff of the New York Conference of the UCC — decided
to design a sturdier vinyl replacement.
"It was so easy for me to design, because the UCC website had the logo images online
and they were easy to use," said Kansfield. "[The Rev.] David Gaewski, the UCC's New
York Conference minister, liked it so much he wanted 15 of them. He then told me two
other conference ministers [in Connecticut and Massachusetts] also wanted some for
their churches. Usually, I just upload the artwork and order banners online through www. But since this order involved 37 banners going to four different places, I
figured it would be best to call it in to their office in South Carolina."
"I explained to the woman about the order, and said we needed it quickly," said Kansfield. "I then
told her that the banner said 'Black Lives Matter,' [and] she responded, 'Well, if that's what it says, I'll
donate the banners myself. You place the order online, then email me and I'll take care of it.'"
"When she said 'Black Lives Matter,' I said I will donate those banners. I had to do it. I just felt it,"
said Sabrina Ross, the customer service representative at "Later, I was telling my
co-worker, it just came out so fast, it was something I had to do. I didn't even know what the total of
the order was going to be."
The total was well over $300, donated on the spot. The UCC banners, a rush order, are set to arrive in
Brooklyn and at the UCC conference offices in New York, Connecticut and Massachusetts at the end
of the week. Now Kansfield is paying that kindness forward, offering on Facebook to cover the cost
of similar banners for other reformed churches. She's made up the banner with the RCA logo and is
ready to go.
"If I get more than 10 churches, I may freak out and need to find some extra cash for this," said
Kansfield. "But I'm guessing that folks will follow the lead of Sabrina at, who
donated the first round of these. She had the first round. I got the second round. Let's see how many
churches will hang banners like this. I'm also willing to design them with other denominational
branding. So if there are Episcopalians or Lutherans or whatever who want them, let me know."
"I didn't anticipate the image of the banner to be so viral," said Kansfield. "Local churches, local
pastors are actually doing stuff, and we can accomplish so much when we share it with one another:
In this case, three settings working together, the conference, national and local church. It's so nice
when coordinating ideas works out."
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The Reverend Justo Gonzalez, II, M.Div., M.S.S.A., M.A.P.M. has 25 years of ministry
experience and will work with you to create the wedding of your dreams. Contact us
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15 Foods to Add to Your Diet in 2015
1. Matcha tea:
Haven't heard of Matcha tea yet? You will. Matcha tea is the dried leaves of
green tea ground into a powder. Before the leaves hit the ground however, they are shaded
for 30 days to increase their chlorophyll production. That means that when you drink
Matcha, you are literally drinking the tea leaves and all the healthy chlorophyll contained
in it, as opposed to sipping water that is brewed (and diluted) from a green tea bag or
A 2009 study found that consumption of Matcha tea helped to slow the progression of
kidney and liver damage in Type 2 diabetic rats. One important note though, if you're
enjoying Matcha tea, then keep it plain. A 2010 study found that the addition of milk to
Matcha tea slightly decreased the antioxidant capacity.
While the benefits of green tea have been well established, and the research for Matcha still
need to catch up to our enthusiasm, one thing is certain, you can expect to see a lot more of
this hot (both in temperature and trend) drink in 2015.
2. Broccoli sprouts:
Broccoli sprouts (which look like alfalfa sprouts) are starting to pop up in trendy
restaurants Nationwide. While they're a good looking garnish next to a piece of fish, it's
their powers once consumed that will blow your mind (and your ability to fight against
cancer). Broccoli sprouts are exceptionally high in an enzyme called myrosinase and
myrosinase is the essential accompaniment to another power factor found in broccoli called
sulforaphane. Sulforaphane is the main component in broccoli that provides all the cancer
fighting benefits. The reason this is important is because without myrosinase, sufolafrane
doesn't work so well, and the benefits of broccoli are reduced. Enter the humble sprout.
A 2011 study found that combining broccoli sprouts with broccoli increased
thesufolraframe absorption by 50 percent. That means that even if you kill your broccoli
benefits through improper cooking, you may still get these benefits back by combining
with the sprouts. Broccoli sprouts may also play a role in the prevention of cancers of the
stomach, bladder and skin.
3. Crickets:
In the next year, Americans will most likely continue to debate the health impact ofred
meat, and whether or not it harms us or helps us. Above and beyond health however,
there's something else we should be looking at as well -- the environmental impact of our
meat heavy diet. Scientists predict that as the population increases, our demand on meat as
food will as well, leading to increased livestock methane emissions and further increases
in climate change and pollution. So meat eaters, where oh where will you get protein that
makes you feel good about your health and the earth? It's time to say hello to the cricket.
Crickets (as well as mealworms, locusts, and grasshoppers) can provide the high quality
protein that so many meat lovers are seeking without the carbon footprintaccording to
several new studies. Americans in general need to adapt to a healthier diet for many
reasons, but perhaps now more then ever, we need to think about the environment as well.
According to a new survey, most individuals are ready to do that. Therefore, you might
be seeing a little less cow and a lot more insect in 2015. By the way, if you want to avoid
meat all together (a cricket is, still an animal product), plants have a minimal impact on the
environment and can provide plenty of fabulous protein as well!
4. Kalettes:
You've heard of Brussels sprouts, and surely you know all about kale so imagine the
fabulous union that would be made if these two cruciferous vegetables decided to get
together. Guess what -- they have! All together now; let's welcome Kalettes to the 2015
dinner table! You may be thinking at this point Ka-what? I admit, I didn't know a lot about
them either, but when The Centers For Science in The Public Interest deemed them as the
food to eat, and the Today Show called it "the brangelina of vegetables" I had to find out
The brain child of a British seed company, Kalettes (also known as Lollipop kale sprouts
and BrusselKale) are a hybrid of half Brussels sprouts, half kale and look like Brussels
sprouts with leaves sprouting out. They boast the same benefits that both kale and Brussels
sprouts have with a variation of the taste. If they're not already in stores near you, they will
be soon!
5. Plantains:
I'm half Dominican, so plantains have always been the norm in my house. These fruits
have become more prevalent on restaurant menus in the past 18 months and will continue
to make a strong showing in 2015.
A 2010 study found that the soluble fiber in plantains may help in the treatment of Crohn's
disease. In addition to this, plantains are high in fiber, potassium, vitamin C and vitamin
A. The key is to eat them in the healthiest way possible. Instead of frying your plantains
(which is unfortunately the most common way you will find them at a mainstream
restaurant), try making them Dominican style by making Mangu, a dish of boiled and
mashed plantains with some healthy vegetable oil and sautéed onions on top. Yum!
6. Umeboshi paste:
Made from picked, umebashi plums, this fermented Japanese condiment may be just
what you're looking for to kick your salt habit. Thought it does contain salt, it's in such
a concentrated amount that using only a teeny tiny amount will go a long way. Look for
versions that are made without the use of dyes or additives and use as a seasoning in soups,
sauces, salad dressings, dips, stir-fry and sushi. The fruit from which umeboshi is made
from (the Ume) may also have a positive effect on the prevention of cancer according to
one study.
7. Watercress:
Move over kale -- watercress just took your gold medal! A 2014 study found watercress
as having the highest nutrient score of any fruit or vegetable. This wasn't the first accolade
for watercress though. In 2009 and 2010 researchers found that components in watercress
actually helped to turn off breast cancer cells.
8. Lychee:
Aries: Surgen nuevas ideas que pueden ayudarte a conseguir lo
que deseas. Si estás convencido, hazlo.
Tauro: La vida siempre nos da oportunidades, no pierdas la fe. En
el amor, expresa lo que sientes.
Géminis: Estás viviendo una etapa de cambios, saca las mejores
conclusiones. Esa persona te ayudará.
Cáncer: Has pasado una semana complicada, pero las cosas están
mejorando. Confía en tus cualidades.
Leo: Recibirás un reconocimiento especial por tu labor, debes
plantearte nuevas metas. Escucha a tu corazón.
Virgo: Una persona del sexo opuesto se acerca a ti para proponerte
algo importante. Analiza si te conviene.
Libra: No te dejes llevar por el pesimismo, demuestra que estás para
grandes cosas. La suerte te acompaña.
Escorpio: Te sientes presionado para actuar y eso está mal.
Reflexiona sobre lo que realmente deseas.
Sagitario: Necesitas replantear las cosas que no están funcionando.
Debes ser sincero y corregir esos errores.
Capricornio: Si tienes pareja, demuéstrale lo que sientes. Si no la
tienes, mejora tu actitud. Sonríe.
Acuario: Las cosas no caen del cielo, esfuérzate para conseguir lo
que deseas. Esa persona te extraña.
Piscis: Habrá la posibilidad de realizar un trabajo distinto.
Encuentras un motivo para ser optimista.
spicing it up with this tasty plant. You can also use capers to spice up eggs, pasta dishes, chicken
salad and even martinis!
10. Black-, mung- and garbanzo-bean pastas:
Non-wheat noodles will see a huge increase in 2015 as individuals seek to get off the wheat wagon
and onto the bean wagon. The most common varieties you'll see will include black bean, mung bean
and garbanzo bean. In addition to being gluten-free, these pastas will most likely be higher in fiber
and protein and lower on the glycemic index than their wheat counterparts. That means, you're more
likely to get fuller quicker.
In addition to pasta options, you will also be able to get bean-based cereals, chips and crackers. As
with all foods, choose the version that has the least amount of ingredients and avoid "blends" that
simply mix the bean powder with refined wheat flours.
11. Khorasan wheat:
Whether it's your favorite restaurant or local grocery store, you may start seeing a lot more of this
ancient grain. A small, randomized trial in the Journal of European Clinical Nutrition examined
the health benefits of khorasan wheat (found in your grocery store under the trademark Kamut).
Researchers found that khorasan wheat was associated with impressive reductions in cardiovascular
risk factors with notable improvements in metabolic, lipid, antioxidant and inflammatory blood
12. Purple peppers:
Purple foods have long been associated with fabulous health benefits and studies show that
purple varieties of plants such as tomatoes, sweet potatoes, corn and blueberries contain more
health boosting benefits than their blander cousins thanks to a compound called anthocyanins (the
component that actually provides the deep purple hue).
That's why I was elated to see a purple pepper in the grocery store the other day! While few studies
have documented the health benefits of the purple pepper, it's safe to say that adding it to your diet in
2015 may boost both the color on your plate and your health.
13. Rosemary:
Adding spices can increase the nutritional benefits of almost any food, but some spices are more
impressive than others. Rosemary has not only been associated with reductions in cancer causing
compounds when cooking meat, it's also been linked to overall reductions in diabetes risk,
Alzheimer's disease and macular degeneration and may play a role in improving brain health as well.
Now that's one spice worth stocking the spice rack with!
14. Coconut flour:
Coconut flour has gained popularity in the past few years due to its gluten-free (and bakery friendly)
status. But it's what coconut flour has that other flours don't that gets me excited! Studies have shown
that coconut flour is higher in fiber and lower on the glycemic index than other flours, perhaps
making it a better baking option for individuals looking to lose weight.
Additionally, it's one of the only flours containing medium chain triglycerides. In addition to being
highly versatile in baked foods, it also may be a good choice for individuals with diabetes due to its
low GI status.
15. Pine nuts:
Overall nut consumption has been associated with decreased mortality as well as adecrease in risk for
metabolic syndrome, but when many of my patients think about nuts, they never imagine the humble
This Chinese fruit made quite a showing in 2014, from fruit cups to ice cream, and 2015 will most
seeds of the pine cone!
likely be another big year. Found fresh in the fall and canned the rest of the year, this little bud boasts In addition to enjoying the same benefits as many of their popular counterparts (like peanuts,
some big benefits. High in potassium and vitamin C, a 2014 study found that consumption of lychee pistachios and walnuts), pine nuts may additionally help to suppress appetite and create fullness: two
was positively associated with reduced inflammation. Other studies have demonstrated the power of dream side effects for individuals struggling to lose weight. Go beyond pesto and use pine nuts in
lychee consumption on the reduction of certain cancers as well.
salads, baked treats like cookies and scones and vegetarian dishes.
9. Capers:
Some of the foods listed in here may be brand new to you and some may be foods you've eaten for
If you reserve buying capers only when you're making picatta, then you're missing out on a whole
years. One thing is certain though: regardless of how new, old or trendy these foods may become in
world of disease prevention! A 2007 study found that when capers (immature flower buds of the
the next year, all of them will help to improve your health. After all, good health is a trend that never
Capparisspinosa plant) were added to meat, they decreased byproducts formed during digestion that goes out of style.
are associated with cancer risk. That means, anytime you eat meat, you should probably consider
The World Economy In 2015 Will Carry Troubling Echoes Of The Late 1990s
A financial crash in Russia; falling oil prices and a strong dollar; a new gold rush in Silicon
Valley and a resurgent American economy; weakness in Germany and Japan; tumbling
currencies in emerging markets from Brazil to Indonesia; an embattled Democrat in the
White House. Is that a forecast of the world in 2015 or a portrait of the late 1990s?
Recent economic history has been so dominated by the credit crunch of 2008-09 that it
is easy to forget what happened in the decades before. But looking back 15 years or so is
instructive--in terms of both what to do and what to avoid.
Then, as now, the United States was in the vanguard of a disruptive digital revolution.
The advent of the internet spawned a burst of innovation and euphoria about America's
prospects. By 1999 GDP was rising by more than 4% a year, almost twice the rich-country
average. Unemployment fell to 4%, a 30-year low. Foreign investors piled in, boosting
both the dollar and share prices. The S&P 500 index rose to almost 30 times earnings; tech
stocks went wild.
The optimism in America stood in stark contrast to gloom elsewhere, as it does today.
Japan's economy had slipped into deflation in 1997. Germany was "the sick man of
Europe", its firms held back by rigid labour markets and other high costs. Emerging
markets, having soared ahead, were in crisis: between 1997 and 1999 countries
from Thailand to Brazil saw their currencies crash as foreign capital fled and dollardenominated debts proved unpayable.
Eventually, America ran into trouble too. The tech-stock bubble burst in early 2000,
prompting a broader share price slump. Business investment, particularly in technology,
sank; and as share prices fell, consumers cut back. By early 2001 America, along with
most of the rich world, had slipped into recession, albeit a mild one.
Inevitably the parallels are not perfect. The biggest difference is China, a bit-part player
in 1999 and now the world's second-biggest economy, contributing disproportionately to
global growth. But there are three trends at work that destabilised the world economy then
and could do the same now.
The first is the gap between America, where growth is accelerating, and almost everywhere
else, where it is slowing. In the late 1990s Larry Summers, then the US deputy treasury
secretary, warned that the world economy was "flying on one engine". For 2015 The
Economist's panel of forecasters expects 3% growth in America, compared with 1.1% in
Japan and the euro area. China's growth rate may fall to around 7%.
Americans can comfort themselves that, as in the late 1990s, the optimism gap is partially
warranted. Jobs are being created in their country faster than at any time since 1999,
cheap petrol has buoyed consumer spending and business investment has picked up. But
the news is not all good: cheaper oil could tip plenty of America's shale producers into
bankruptcy in 2015, while a stronger dollar and weakness abroad will hurt exporters--just
as they did 15 years ago. Britain, the other Anglosphere champion, may also be clobbered
by the euro zone's woes.
The second worrying parallel with the late 1990s is the dismal outlook for the rich world's
two other big economies. Germany's growth rate has tumbled to around 1% and there is
a deeper malaise caused by years of underinvestment, a disastrous energy policy and a
government that is too obsessed by its fiscal targets to spend money and too frightened of
its voters to push through the sort of structural reforms that Gerhard Schröder implemented
in 2003. Meanwhile Japan has repeated the error it made in 1997--thwarting its escape
from stagnation with a premature rise in consumption tax.
The third echo of the 1990s is the danger in emerging markets. Back then the problem
was fixed exchange rates and hefty foreign debt. Now the debts are lower, the exchange
rates float and most governments have built up reserves. Still, there are growing signs of
trouble, especially in Russia (see "Russia and the rouble: As ye sow, so shall ye reap").
But other commodity exporters also look vulnerable, especially in Africa. Oil accounts
for 95% of Nigeria's exports and 75% of its government revenue. Ghana has already gone
to the IMF for support. In other countries the danger lies in the corporate sector. Many
Brazilian firms are heavily indebted in dollars. A rash of corporate defaults may prove less
spectacular than Asia's sovereign-debt crises in the 1990s, but they will make investors
nervous and push up the dollar.
Fear the hangover
Add all this up and 2015 seems likely to be bumpy. Bears will bet that a surging dollar
coupled with euro-zone torpor and a few emerging-market crises will eventually prompt
a downturn in America. On the plus side, stockmarkets do not look as frothy as they did
in the 1990s: the price/earnings ratio of the S&P 500 is 18, not far above its historical
average. Although many big tech firms are investing recklessly, most have decent balancesheets (see "Technology firms:"). And the global financial system is less
leveraged and hence less vulnerable to contagion. In 1998 Russia's default felled LTCM, a
big American hedge fund. Such knock-on effects are less likely today.
But if the world economy does stumble, restoring stability will be harder this time round
because policymakers have so little room for manoeuvre. Back in 1999 the Federal
Reserve's policy rate was around 5%, leaving plenty of scope for cutting when the
economy slowed. Nowadays interest rates all over the rich world are close to zero.
The political scene is also different, and not in a good way. At the end of the 1990s most
people in the rich world had enjoyed the fruits of the boom: median American wages
rose by 7.7% in real terms in 1995-2000. Since 2007, by contrast, they have been flat
in America, and have fallen in Britain and much of the euro zone. All over the rich
world voters are already grumpy with their governments, as polling numbers and their
willingness to vote for protest parties show. If they are squeezed next year discontent will
turn to anger. The economics of 2015 may look similar to the late 1990s, but the politics
will probably be rather worse.
Saudi Arabia Confident in Oil Rebounding on Global Growth
Saudi Arabia, the world’s largest oil exporter, is confident that crude prices will rebound
with global economic growth boosting demand.
Prices will recover from a slump due to a glut created by a lack of cooperation from
producers outside the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, Saudi Arabia Oil
Minister Ali Al-Naimi said at a conference inAbu Dhabi. Al-Naimi ended his speech
showing the confidence as he jumped off the stage and smiled. Prices will rebound in the
second half of 2015 and help to make up for losses expected in the first part of next year,
Kuwait’s Oil Minister Ali al-Omair said at the conference.
Brent oil tumbled into a bear market this year as the U.S. pumped the most oil in more
than three decades and economic growth slowed from China toGermany. Growth in global
crude demand was about 700,000 barrels a day this year, below the projected 1.2 million
barrels a day, Al-Naimi said.
“The oil market will recover,” Al-Naimi said. “Fossil fuel will remain the main source of
energy for decades to come.”
Oil surged from a five-year low at the end of last week after Al-Naimi said the slump in
prices was temporary. West Texas Intermediate climbed 4.5 percent to $56.52 a barrel on
Dec. 19 and Brent advanced 3.6 percent to $61.38 a barrel. Saudi Arabia accounted for
about 13 percent of global oil output last year, BP Plc estimates.
Bullish Wagers
Money managers are the most bullish since August about the rout being over. The netlong position in West Texas Intermediate rose by 26,455 contracts to 217,723 futures and
options in the week ended Dec. 16, the most since mid August, U.S. Commodity Futures
Trading Commission data show.
“We are now in a provisional, correctional period,” Mohammed Al Sada, Qatar’s energy
minister, said at the conference. “Markets have stabilization mechanisms that will bring
stability. We don’t know exactly how long it will take but it will stabilize because the
current prices will separate the efficient producers from the producers who have high
Lower oil prices won’t have a major effect on Saudi Arabia’s economy, Al-Naimi said.
Economic growth will expand 4.3 percent this year and 3.6 percent next year, according to
analyst estimates compiled by Bloomberg.
Lack of cooperation from non OPEC producers and wrong information in the market hit
prices, Al-Naimi said. Saudi Arabia’s oil policy doesn’t target other countries, he said.
Technological Developments
High prices in the past three years and technological developments contributed to
increased production, resulting in lower oil prices, Al-Naimi said. Brent averaged $100.61
a barrel this year, down from $108.71 in 2013 and $111.68 in 2012.
Output in the U.S. is the highest in three decades as companies split rocks to produce shale
oil. Current prices won’t stimulate investment in energy in the long run, Al-Naimi said.
Saudi Arabia has 265 billion barrels of oil reserves, and will increase refining capacity to
3.3 million barrels a day by 2017 from 2.1 million barrels in 2014, Al-Naimi said. It’s also
looking to more joint ventures in downstream projects abroad, he said.
The nation wants to become an international hub for climate change and carbon emissions
research, he said. Al-Naimi attended United Nations global warming talks in Lima, Peru,
this month.
Cuomo Vetoes Bill Letting Pensions Add More to Hedge Funds
Governor Andrew Cuomovetoed a bill that would have allowed New York state, city and
teachers pension funds to allocate a larger percentage of their investments to hedge funds,
private equity and international bonds.
The measure approved by lawmakers in June would have increased the cap on such
investments to 30 percent from 25 percent for New York City’s five retirement plans, the
fund for state and local workers outside the city, and the teachers pension. The funds have
combined assets valued at $445 billion.
“The existing statutory limits on the investment of public pension funds are carefully
designed to achieve the appropriate balance between promoting growth and limiting risk,”
Cuomo said in a message attached to the veto. “This bill would undermine that balance
by potentially exposing hard-earned pension savings to the increased risk and higher fees
frequently associated with the class of investment assets permissible under this bill.”
Cuomo, a 57-year-old Democrat, has sentiment similar to that of the California Public
Employees’ Retirement System, the biggest U.S. pension. The $294 billion fund said in
September it was divesting from hedge funds because they’re too complex and expensive
while contributing too little to returns.
Making Choice
U.S. state and local retirement plans are short at least $1.3 trillion because of investment
losses triggered by the recession and insufficient contributions, according to Federal
Reserve data. The deficit stresses government finances, forcing officials to choose between
contributions to public pensions and investment in infrastructure.
Funds in other states haven’t followed California’s lead. In June, New Jersey’s $77.8
billion pension fund said it had added $1.1 billion to hedge funds since the start of its 2014
fiscal year, to protect against risk after a six-year bull market in stocks.
New York City’s five pensions reported a combined 17.5 percent gain on investments for
the fiscal year ended June 30, propelled by U.S. stocks. The state fund posted an estimated
13 percent rate of return for the fiscal year ending March 31. The New York State Teachers
Retirement System returned 18.2 percent for the year ended June 30.
‘Dangerously Close’
A memo attached to the New York bill said raising the allotment for hedge funds and other
investments is necessary for flexibility to meet targeted annual returns. A swing in the
value of the funds’ publicly traded stocks can push the pensions “dangerously close” to the
investment cap, the memo said. The change would also better enable the funds’ advisers
and trustees to “tactically manage the investments to take advantage of market trends,
react to market shocks and potentially costly rebalances or unwinds at inopportune times,”
it said.
The bill was backed by New York City Comptroller Scott Stringer, the custodian of the
city’s five pension funds, which have assets valued at almost $160 billion.
“We will continue to work with our partners in the legislature and Governor Cuomo to
pass this bill,” Eric Sumberg, a Stringer spokesman, said in an e-mailed statement.
Matt Sweeney, a spokesman for Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli, the sole trustee of the
state’s $176.8 billion pension fund, didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.
John Cardillo, a spokesman for the $108 billion teachers retirement fund, declined to
Yankees no cuentan con Alex Rodríguez
Contrato de Headley da indicios de que lo tendrían como bateador designado
Los Yankees le dieron a Chase Headley un contrato de cuatro años y $52 millones en lo
que podría ser un indicio de que no esperan que Alex Rodríguez defienda regularmente la
tercera base.
La presencia de Headley, por otro lado, despejaría el camino para que el venezolano
Martín Prado juegue en segunda.
Rodríguez tiene 39 años y viene de un año de inactividad como consecuencia de una
suspensión por haber violado las normas sobre consumo de sustancias prohibidas. Los
Yankees le adeudan $61 millones de los tres últimos años de su contrato a diez años por
$275 millones. La permanencia de Headley parece un signo de que los Yankees piensan
usar a Rodríguez como bateador designado, haciéndolo jugar en tercera solo en caso de
necesidad, o buscar incluso una trasferencia.
El gerente general del equipo Brian Cashman dijo el mes pasado que "si retengo o traigo a
un tercera base, ese sería el tercera base" del equipo.
Rodríguez no juega una temporada completa desde el 2007 como consecuencia de
lesiones, operaciones en ambas caderas y la suspensión. Ganador tres veces del premio
al Jugador Más Valioso de la Liga Americana, el dominicano cumplirá 40 años el 27 de
El toletero admitió en el 2009 que consumió sustancias prohibidas del 2001 al 2003,
cuando jugaba con Texas, pero negó haberlo hecho siendo yanqui. Posteriormente, luego
de recibir inmunidad de los fiscales, admitió haber usado sustancias prohibidas entre
fines del 2010 y octubre del 2012, las cuales fueron suministradas por Anthony Bosch,
según documentos de la Administración de Control de Drogas. Bosch era el propietario de
Biogenesis of America, una clínica de Coral Gables, Florida.
Headley quedó quinto en la votación para el Más Valioso del 2012 luego de batear de 286
con 31 jonrones y 115 empujadas con San Diego. Además ganó el Guante de Oro al mejor
tercera base.
Al año siguiente su rendimiento mermó. Bateó de 250 con 13 cuadrangulares y 50
impulsadas y estaba bateando de 229 cuando los Padres lo enviaron a los Yankees el 22
de julio a cambio del infielder novato venezolano Yangervis Solarte y el pitcher de ligas
menores Rafael de Paula. Había estado jugando con una hernia de disco y empezó a
batear mejor cuando se le dio una inyección epidural el 20 de junio.
Con los Yankees bateó de 262 con seis jonrones y 17 impulsadas en 191 turnos al bate.
DRIVING • from page8
to give drivers hands-free access to their phones' contacts, calls, messages and music.
The system features Apple's Siri personal digital assistant that can read messages, take
dictation and respond to voice commands.
Rolled out first in vehicles made by Ferrari, Mercedes-Benz and Volvo, CarPlay will
eventually be featured in cars from a number of other manufacturers including BMW,
Ford, GM, and Honda, according to Apple.
The first Android Auto-enabled cars are expected to hit the market in 2015, according to
Reuters. As with Apple CarPlay, however, a user would be required to connect a mobile
device to the vehicle's system.
Auto Update with Android M
The next version of Android Auto would enable motorists to take advantage of the mobile
operating system with or without using their cellphones. That update is expected to come
when Google puts out Android M, likely in "a year or so," the article noted, citing "two
people with knowledge of the matter."
In October, Google released Android 5.0 Lollipop, which it said was its "biggest update
of Android to date." While the operating system has been reported to feature a number
of bugs in need of fixing, it was built with a "material design" approach designed to
eventually work across any device, from smartphones and wearables to TVs and cars.
As part of its efforts to incorporate its operating system into cars, Google has also teamed
up with companies including Audi, GM, Honda, Hyundai and Nvidio to establish the
Open Automotive Alliance. According to the organization's Web site, the founding
companies "share a vision for making technology in the car safer, more seamless and
more intuitive for everyone."
Una decena de coaches boricuas en las Mayores
Charlie Montoyo con Tampa Bay es el más reciente
Con el nombramiento reciente de Charlie Montoyo como coach de tercera base de los
Rays de Tampa Bay, se perfila para el 2015 nuevamente una nutrida participación de
boricuas fuera de las líneas de cal en los equipos de las Grandes Ligas.
Montoyo era considerado como candidato a la posición de dirigente de los Rays ante la
partida de JoeMaddon. No obstante quedó fuera del grupo de finalistas y la posición le fue
otorgada a Kevin Cash.
El nombramiento de Montoyo, nativo de Florida, Puerto Rico, surge después de que se
convirtiera en el dirigente más exitoso que han tenido los Bulls de Durham, filial de Triple
A de la organización y la cual dirigió desde el 2007.
Además de Montoyo, se espera que Juanchi Nieves y Víctor Rodríguez regresen al
cuerpo técnico de los Medias Rojas de Boston, el primero como coach de lanzadores y el
segundo como asistente del coach de bateo.
Santos ’Sandy´ Alomar Jr., quien también fue considerado para las posiciones de dirigente
en propiedad de las novenas de liga mayor de Arizona y Minnesota, finalmente no fue
escogido. Debe regresar como coach de primera con los Indios de Cleveland, a quienes ya
dirigió pero de manera interina. 800.777.3921 716.829.7600
Otro de los coaches fijos ya en las Mayores lo es José ´Cheíto´Oquendo. Con 14 temporadas
manejando los corredores en la tercera base de los Cardenales de San Luis, Oquendo es uno de los
coaches con más tiempo en la misma posición en las Grandes Ligas.
Luis ‘Papa’ Rivera regresa como coach de tercera base de los Azulejos de Toronto y José ´Tony´
Valentín como el de primera de los Padres de San Diego.
El guayamés Ricky Bones debe regresar a su posición como coach del bullpen de los Mets de
Nueva York mientras que Héctor ´Boliche´ Ortiz, quien se desempeñaba como coordinador de
receptores de la organización de los Vigilantes de Texas, fue promovido a coach de la inicial bajo el
nuevo dirigente, Jeff Banister.
Finalmente, Dave Martínez, de origen puertorriqueño, se mudó de Tampa Bay a los Cachorros de
Chicago para retomar su posición como coach del banco del dirigente JoeMaddon. Al igual que
Montoyo, Martínez era un candidato al puesto de dirigente en propiedad de los Rays.
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Jorge Posada alega que le robaron $11 millones
Demanda a sus asesores financieros
El exreceptor de los Yankees, el boricua Jorge Posada, está demandando a sus exasesores
financieros bajo el argumento de que se adueñaron de hasta $11 millones suyos durante varios años.
Según Vice Sports, Posada y su esposa Laura están demandando a Collar y Fernández de la firma
Quantum Ventures, LLC, porque entienden que los señalados mal administraron unos fondos que
resultó en una pérdida de $11.2 millones, según se desprende del archivo del recurso sometido en el
condado de Miami-Dade que fue obtenido por esta fuente.
Además, según Vice Sports, Posada no es el único jugador en señalar a Collar y Fernández. En
demandas por separado, el exlanzador cubano de los Yankees, de los White Sox de Chicago y de los
Filis de Filadelfia, José Contreras, también sometió una demanda similar contra la firma financiera.
Según la demanda de Contreras, los abogados del lanzador cubano alegan que su cliente perdió $2.4
millones por inversiones de Quantum.
Posada y Contreras alegan que no se dieron cuenta de malos manejos y dicen que nunca autorizaron
las inversiones con riesgo realizadas por Collar y Fernández.
Posada descubrió el fraude luego de haber contratado a un contable independiente para que hiciera
una auditoria de las finanzas.
El exreceptor dejó de ser cliente de Collar y Fernandez en el 2010. La firma comenzó a trabajar las
finanzas de Posada en el 1999.
El alegado fraude gira alrededor de negocios hechos en bienes raíces.
De acuerdo a lo que dijo el abogado de Posada, Barry Lax, a Vice Sports, “los detalles del fraude
están centrados en unos sombríos acuerdo en bienes raíces en el 2005. SunsetTrails LLC, que era
administrado por Collar y Fernández, compró unos terrenos por $13.5 millones un día después de
que Southern Acres los habías adquirido por $8.4 millones. Quantum dio $3 millones de Posada a
SunsetTrails, pero el expelotero no tenía porcentajes directos sobre la tierra comprada, la que iba
a dirigida a desarrollar un centro de ecuestre dirigido a una comunidad adinerada. De todo esos
detalles, yo nunca escuché nada. Me quedo boquiabierto”.
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Obama’s Power Has Its Limits
Nashville, Tennessee
This city, famous for its lively music scene and for having a spirited vibe, was perhaps
not the most ideal place to talk with President Obama about the serious topics of racism,
immigration reform and the newly released details about what amounted to torture of
prisoners. But even heads of state don’t control everything.
In fact, throughout my career, I’ve interviewed dozens of democratically elected heads
of state, and a great number of them have insisted that people would be surprised at
how little power they actually wield. Barack Obama, the leader of the free world, is no
For instance, I’m certain that Obama would have liked to sign into law comprehensive
immigration reform legislation that offered a path to citizenship for most of the 11 million
undocumented immigrants living in the U.S. But it didn’t happen. His efforts, and those
of his Democratic Party, have been blocked by Republicans. So, instead, he recently used
executive action that would shield about 4 million immigrants from deportation. “We’re
not going to separate families,” he told me about this initiative in Nashville last week.
“We’re going to focus on criminals. We’re going to focus on borders. We’re going to
focus on new arrivals.”
According to a recent poll from Latino Decisions, about 89% of Hispanic voters support
Obama’s decision to go it alone on immigration. Personally, I wish Obama had taken such
action before his administration deported more than 2 million undocumented immigrants
during his first six years in office – more than any other U.S. president.
I mentioned this fact to him, and he indicated that perhaps I didn’t recognize his efforts
to try and push for reform during his tenure in the White House. “When you present it in
that way,” he said, “it does a disservice because it makes the assumption that the political
process is one that can easily be moved around depending on the will of one person, and
that’s not how things work.”
Just as it’s impossible for Obama to solve the greater immigration issue on his own,
the president of the United States also cannot singlehandedly improve race relations in
the country. The protests that have resulted from a lack of charges against white police
officers in the deaths of two African-American men, Michael Brown in Missouri and
Eric Garner in New York, demonstrated that, tragically, though we may have an AfricanAmerican president in the Oval Office, we are not living in a post-racial society.
“Issues of racial prejudice and discrimination,” Obama told me, “they’re embedded
deeply in society.” However, he said the nation has seen notable progress with regard to
race in the last 20 years.
I asked Obama if he had ever been discriminated against. “Of course,” he said. “I think
it would be pretty hard to grow up in the United States of America without having any
experience of discrimination. But what I do know is that in my life things have improved,
and they are going to continue to improve.”
I also asked Obama about the Senate Intelligence Committee’s just-released report
detailing the CIA’s treatment of prisoners in the aftermath of the 2001 terrorist attacks in
the U.S. During the administration of President George W. Bush, detainees captured by
American forces were subjected to, among other things, waterboarding, “rectal feeding”
or being forced to stand on broken feet during interrogations supervised by the CIA.
According to the report, at least one prisoner died after being left chained to a wall
During our discussion, Obama described the actions detailed in the report as “brutal
activity.” “We did some things that violated who we are as a people,” he said.
Soon after he took office in 2009, Obama banned the use of the so-called “enhanced
interrogation techniques” employed at times by the CIA when questioning prisoners.
I asked him if he could guarantee that his government hasn’t tortured any detainee,
including those locked up at Guantanamo. “I can categorically say that anybody who
engaged in any behavior like this would be directly violating my executive orders and my
policies as president of the United States, and would be held to account, and would be
breaking the law,” he said.
Obama may not have the power to fix the immigration system or end racism in the U.S.,
but his stance against torture is a huge step in the right direction. Both President George
W. Bush and Obama had to confront racism during their administrations, and both failed
at passing immigration reform legislation. But in the end, torture of prisoners happened
under one administration, and not in the other. In that respect, Obama comes out ahead.
No, presidents don’t have all the power they wish they had, but the actions that they take
can be measured in human lives and personal dignity. Having that sort of power is more
than enough.
By Jorge Ramos Avalos.
No Seas Neutral
Nueva York. Amo ser periodista. Es la única profesión en el mundo que tiene como
descripción el ser rebelde e irreverente.
Es decir, el periodismo te obliga a ser joven toda tu vida. El escritor colombiano Gabriel
García Márquez tenía razón: es el mejor oficio del mundo. Pero podemos y debemos usar
el periodismo como un arma para un mejor propósito: la justicia social.
Lo mejor del periodismo se da cuando nos atrevemos a tomar postura, cuando
cuestionamos a los que están en el poder y evitamos que abusen de su autoridad, cuando
denunciamos una injusticia. Lo mejor del periodismo ocurre cuando tomamos partido con
las víctimas, con los más vulnerables, con los que no tienen derechos. Frente al abuso del
poder, el periodismo tiene que ser contrapoder.
Creo en los principios básicos del periodismo. No tengo nada en contra de la objetividad
y el balance. Eso tiene que ser como un reflejo: ser obsesivo con los datos y presentar
todos los puntos de vista. Sin embargo, eso no es suficiente para contar toda la verdad.
Frente a los poderosos, debemos tomar partido. Si tenemos que escoger entre ser amigo
o enemigo del presidente, del político, del general o del dictador, la decisión es muy
sencilla: soy reportero, no quiero ser tu amigo.
Cuando me toca hacer una entrevista con alguien importante, siempre doy por hecho
dos cosas: una, que si yo no le hago las preguntas duras e incómodas nadie más lo va a
hacer; y dos, asumo que nunca más volveré a ver y a entrevistar a esa persona. Las peores
entrevistas que me ha tocado ver son cuando el periodista trata de quedar bien y hace
preguntas flojas para mantener su acceso a sus fuentes. Eso es autocensura.
Estoy a favor del periodismo con un punto de vista. Se vale tomar una posición
antagónica antes de una entrevista o reportaje. Esa es una decisión moral. Es
perfectamente válido el no ser neutral. Nuestro oficio no se da en un vacío. Tenemos
opiniones y códigos de ética -por la democracia, por la libertad, por la pluralidad- y eso
debe estar reflejado en nuestro trabajo.
Hay grandes ejemplos de valientes periodistas que decidieron no ser neutrales y
enfrentaron al poder. Edward R. Murrow luchó contra el prejuiciado senador Joe
McCarthy, Walter Cronkite contra la guerra de Vietnam, y los reporteros del Washington
Post en contra del corrupto presidente Richard Nixon. ChristianeAmanpour se peleó con
el presidente Bill Clinton por su cambiante posición en la guerra en Bosnia y Anderson
Cooper demostró la incapacidad del presidente Bush tras el paso del huracán Katrina.
Gracias a estos periodistas, los poderosos no se salieron con la suya.
Ahora nos toca a nosotros denunciar la sanguinaria y casi eterna dictadura de los Castro
en Cuba, y los asesinatos de estudiantes en México y Venezuela con complicidad de sus
gobiernos. Igual nos tocó en su momento enfrentar al presidente Barack Obama por no
cumplir su promesa migratoria y por deportar a más de dos millones de indocumentados,
y al líder Republicano, John Boehner por la hipocresía de decir que estaba a favor de una
reforma migratoria y (al mismo tiempo) bloquear un voto en la cámara de representantes.
No creo en ser partidista. Soy fieramente independiente. Pero como periodistas, hay que
tomar partido. Como lo dijo el sobreviviente del holocausto y ganador del premio Nobel
de la paz, ElieWiesel: “Debemos tomar partido. La neutralidad solo ayuda al opresor,
nunca a la víctima.”
Lo peor en nuestra profesión es cuando nos quedamos callados ante una injusticia o abuso
de poder. Tristemente nos quedamos callados antes de la guerra de Iraq y, por lo tanto,
murieron innecesariamente miles de soldados norteamericanos y decenas de miles de
civiles iraquíes.
No soy menos periodista por tomar una posición. Al contrario. Hay veces en que la
única manera honesta de hacer periodismo es dejando de ser neutral y confrontando a los
poderosos. El silencio es el peor pecado en el periodismo. No seas neutral.
Posdata. Aquí está el discurso dedicado a los periodistas asesinados recientemente en Siria
y en México: “Ustedes fueron nuestros ojos; ahora son parte de nuestra alma.”
The Power Of ‘No’
“No” is the strongest word in any language.
It implies a halt, a cessation – an insistence that enough is enough. Lately, “NO,” all
capitals, can be found on signs everywhere in demonstrations against President Enrique
Peña Nieto in Mexico, and in widespread protests against racial discrimination in the
United States.
Bitter outrage after the killings of two unarmed African-Americans by white police
officers – Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, and Eric Garner in New York City –
have culminated in ongoing demonstrations from coast to coast following the decisions
of grand juries in both cases against indicting the officers on criminal charges. Thousands
and thousands of Americans have taken to the streets in recent weeks to make their voices
heard about what they see as an injustice.
As I’ve written before, the election of the America’s first black president didn’t usher in
a post-racial era in our country. Sadly, skin color still matters. I was struck by what Spike
Lee told me in an interview recently: that even he, a famous director, and practically a
New York icon, feels discriminated against, and that he sometimes has a hard time hailing
a cab in the city.
Another striking statement came from New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio earlier this
month. After a grand jury declined to indict an officer in the death of Garner, the mayor
said at a news conference that he worries about his own son, Dante, who is biracial.
“Chirlane and I have had to talk to Dante for years about the dangers that he may face –
good young man, law-abiding young man, never would think to do anything wrong, and
yet because of the history that still hangs over us, the dangers he may face,” de Blasio
said. “Is Dante safe each night? There are so many families in this city who feel that each
and every night. Is my child safe? … Are they safe from the very people they want to have
faith in as their protectors?”
People in Mexico are just as outraged and frustrated, though their rage is focused on their
national leader. Millions of Mexicans, in the streets and on social media, are demanding
that Peña Nieto resign due to his ineffectiveness in quelling violence in the country and for
what many consider to be questionable dealings involving a house owned by his wife that
was built and financed by a government contractor.
Since Peña Nieto took power two years ago, more than 31,000 Mexicans have been
killed, according to official data. Recently, the kidnapping and presumed deaths of 43
college students from Ayotzinapa – along with the president’s slow, detached reaction
– demonstrate Peña Nieto’s clumsiness and negligence. No, Peña Nieto isn’t directly
responsible for the students’ deaths, but his failed policies facilitate these kinds of horrific
Meanwhile, the issue of the Mexico’s “white house” remains unresolved weeks after it came to
the attention of the public, and the spotlight on the issue is getting brighter.“A contractor who built
and holds the title to President Enrique Peña Nieto’s family home has won a series of high-profile
government contracts since the Mexican leader came to power two years ago,” reported The Wall
Street Journal earlier this month. The Journal went on to detail the involvement of GrupoHiga SA
in the construction of a $3.4 billion waterway, a $460 million museum in Puebla, as well as in the
renovation of the presidential hangar at Mexico City’s airport, among other contracts. (The Journal’s
story can be read here:
The president’s conflict of interest is obvious. But is it too much to ask that an independent
investigation be conducted, and that a complete list of all government contracts awarded to this
corporation be made public? The people say no, and they will continue to insist.
Faced with this suspicion of influence peddling, combined with a deep sense of insecurity in the
country, Mexicans have been driven to the streets. No, they will not accept their situation, and no,
protesting won’t be enough to change things, but it’s a start. It’s a symbol.
In her beautiful book, “A Man,” the late journalist OrianaFallaci wrote how Alexandros Panagoulis,
a leader of the resistance against Greece’s dictatorship in the 1970s, showed her three large letters
carved on a hill in the Peloponnese region: “OXI”, Greek for “no,” put there decades ago by
rebels fighting fascism and the Nazis. Fallaci called that symbol of resistance “the most beautiful
monument to human dignity.”
The protests both in Mexico and the United States have been expressions of discontent and despair.
It’s possible that nothing will change in Mexico, and that racism and injustice will continue in
But every change begins by saying no. We don’t know what’s next, but we know that we won’t stand
for what we have now.
By Jorge Ramos Avalos
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