Tavares Chamber of Commerce 300 East Main Street Tavares, FL
Tavares Chamber of Commerce 300 East Main Street Tavares, FL
Tavares Chamber of Commerce 300 East Main Street Tavares, FL 32778 Presorted – STD U.S. Postage PAID Mid-Florida, FL Permit #57120 January 2014 Business Luncheon with (l to r back row) Chamber Board Secretary Deborah Cahill, Chamber Past President Jacquelyn Coval - Bank First, Chamber Directors Cheryl Rumbly - Cornerstone Hospice, Steve Jennelle - BMJ CPA, Chamber President Orin Owen, Directors Dee Johns - Directories Inc, T.J. Fish - Lake~Sumter MPO, Chamber Vice President Janet Noack United Southern Bank and Director Mary Johnson - Grand Rental Party Plus. (l to r front row) Caterers Beth Bratcher, Haystax Owner Thom Barberi and wife Cindy Barberi. February Chamber Business Luncheon Wednesday, February 26 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM Sponsor: Duke Energy Speaker: Jerry Miller, Community Relations at Duke Energy February 2014 Caterer: Olivia's Coffeehouse & Bistro Tavares Civic Center 100 E. Caroline Street, Tavares Please RSVP Calendar of Events Tuesday, February 11 Networking Lunch Angelo's Italian Restaurant 2270 Vindale Road Tavares Noon to 1:00pm - Please RSVP Thursday, February 13 Business After Hours/ Ribbon Cutting Grand Opening of Hwy 441 Diner 381 E Burleigh Blvd., Tavares (In JoAnn's Shopping Center) 5:30 - 7:30pm Sunday, February 16 Waterman 5K Run Wooton Park Contact 407-772-2233 For more info 7:30am Thursday, February 20 Business After Hours Mark's Floor 3985 Hwy 19A, Mount Dora 5:30 - 7:30pm Friday, March 14 Tavares Chamber Golf Tournament Arlington Ridge Golf Club 4463 Arlington Ridge Blvd., Leesburg 8:30am Shotgun Start Go to: www.TavaresChamber.com or call 352. 343. 2531 Tavares Chamber 2nd Annual Golf Tournament is set for March 14, 2014 Join the Tavares Chamber of Commerce on March 14 as they partake in their 2nd Annual Golf Tournament at Chamber member Arlington Ridge Golf Club, 4463 Arlington Ridge Blvd., Leesburg. Teams of four can compete for only $225. Individual play will be only $60. Your entry fee includes 18 holes of golf with a golf cart, range balls and a lunch buffet and team prizes. Hole Sponsors can join the fun for $50. Bring your tent, table and fun activities to greet the golfers. "Last year's sponsors were so much fun - even the golf grounds keeper wanted to be a part of our event", says Tavares Chamber Membership Director Jeff Smith. Continue on page 6 Tavares Spring Water Festivals in Wooton Park TAVARES – Friday, March 22 launches Tavares springtime events in Wooton Park. Starting with the annual Classic Race Boat Association (CRA) Regatta. The waterfront park is the venue of back-to-back events for the following six weeks. The Classic Raceboat Association (CRA) is a Florida based organization that was formed to facilitate the exhibition of classic race boats of all types from the early 1900’s to the 1980’s that include Hydros, Flatbottoms, Raveaus, and Donzis. The Classic Raceboat Regatta attracts large boat counts with well over 75 classic race boats at the last several events. Some of the boats will reach speeds of 140 mph on the 1 mile racecourse. Continue on page 6 Cannonball Express Now Offering Short Trips The Tavares, Eustis & Gulf Railroad are now offering 30 minute, 2 mile roundtrip train rides on Saturday and Sunday. Within the next few weeks, they will be putting an extended schedule on Facebook and online. The new schedule will link Tavares and Mount Dora 6 days a week. Tuesday through Friday the 1941 diesel will pull the train. Saturday and Sunday the 1907 wood burning steam locomotive will be running. You will be able to take the train between the two cities, get off to explore and take a later train back. Tavares, Eustis & Gulf Railroad will also be offering a variety of annual passes for purchase. Keeping watching for details. All aboard! Member Spotlight: Tavares Historical Society TAVARES - An important organization in Tavares is the Historical Society. It is charged with preserving the history of our City and has an extensive collection of paper records and artifacts in the museum at 121 E. Alfred Street. The museum is open Saturdays from 10am to 2pm. When the City completes the new public safety building, the museum will relocate to the present fire station located in the ACL train depot. This will allow a larger display area to include an extensive Lionel Train collection and masterpiece dollhouses. Tom Russ, Vice President of the Society is the representative with the Tavares Chamber of Commerce. Membership to the Historical Society is open to all interested parties. For information call 352-343-1613. Page 2 Tavares Business Journal Business Team Building at the 12th Annual Central Florida Dragon Boat Festival TAVARES - Businesses use the Central Florida Dragon Boat Festival April 4 & 5, 2014 in Tavares, Florida to build team management and leadership skills. Leadership building and teamwork are the foci of 22 member teams on Lake Dora in the Rotary Club of Lake County Golden Triangle’s 2014 Central Florida Dragon Boat Festival. Teams from all over the southeast command 30-foot long boats decorated with dragonheads to the beat of a drummer. Teams consist of 20 paddlers, a drummer, and a steersperson for 22 teammates in the boat. Teams must include a minimum of eight female paddlers. Pink teams are breast cancer survivors and senior teams are groups over 55 years of age. Your business leadership team will challenge the overall 2013 champion of division, the Tampa Bay Dragon Boat Club “Blade Runners” (2:26.61), second place overall champion, the Miami Dagon Slayers (2:30.58), and third place overall champions, the TECO Anou Black team from Tampa, FL (2:32.11). Teams gather the night of April 4, 2014 for the prerace Awakening of the Dragon Ceremony and a performance by the Orlando Taiko Drummers followed by spectacular fireworks over Lake Dora. Dinner tickets are $10 online, while supplies last. The challenging competition begins at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, April 5, 2014 at Wooton Park in Tavares, FL. The schedule for the day is filled with all types of entertainment including, the Dragon/Line Dance, Martial Arts demonstrations, Chinese acrobats, the Taiko Drummers, and other live entertainment. Lunchtime will feature the annual Lucy Ho egg roll eating contest, the closing ceremonies occur at 5:15 p.m. Families will find a lot of action, and sun filled sights throughout the park and lake. Detailed information, accommodation availability, and team registration packets are at www.CFDragonBoat.org. Like us and view previous race photos at www.facebook.com/CFDragonBoat. Proceeds from Rotary Club events support charities in the area and around the world. More information about the charitable work is at www.Rotary.org. For more information, contact Colleen McGinley at Director@TavaresChamber.com 352-343-2531 or http://www.cfdrgaonboat.org. Florida Hospital Waterman Goes Red for Heart Month The month of February is dedicated to the prevention and education of Heart Disease, one of Lake County’s leading causes of death. TAVARES - In recognition of heart month, Florida Hospital Waterman will host a series of heart healthy events throughout the month of February. To symbolize their continued dedication to improving the heart health of Lake County, the outside canopy will “Go-Red” and glow for the entirety of the month. Florida Hospital Waterman’s community education program, Waterman Wellness, will feature two special heart health presentations. Samuel J. Goss, D.O., F.A.C.C. will present "Heart Matters: Overview of Cardiac Issues" on Wednesday, February 5, 1 p.m. in the Florida Hospital Waterman Mattison Conference Center. Also, Miguel Bryce, M.D., F.A.C.C. will present "Cardiac Devices: Overview of Arrhythmias" on Wednesday, February 26, 1 p.m in the Florida Hospital Waterman Mattison Conference Center. “Heart Disease is a leading cause of death in Lake County for both men and women,” says Richard Pearce, Director of the Florida Hospital Waterman Heart Center. “However, many of the factors contributing to heart disease can be prevented by making lifestyle improvements. We want to make sure that our community has the educational tools they need to make healthy choices.” To keep the momentum going Thursday, February 13, from 8 - 11 a.m. a free, community “Heart to Heart” Health and Wellness Expo will take place in the main entrance atrium and the Donald & Audrey Conroy CREATION Health Center. To finish out the month, Florida Hospital Waterman will host a special open house to reveal their newly renovated Cardiac Catheterization Lab. The hospital also plans to host a variety of employee focused initiatives, to give all employees the opportunity to unite for this important cause. Employees are being encouraged to participate in National Go-Red Day on February 7, and are being encouraged to purchase carnations to be delivered to their fellow co-works on Valentine’s Day. Proceeds from the sale will go directly to benefit the Heart Center, and improving the heart health of Lake County. To register for a Florida Hospital Waterman Heart Month event or for more information, call (352) 253- 3635 or visit FHWatermanHeart.com. Trustee Members Signature Trustee: (352) 253-3333 __________________________________________________________________________________________ Exclusive Trustee: (352) 324-3900 __________________________________________________________________________________________ Premiere Trustee: Belton Bail Bonds Fred Belton - (352) 343-7775 Belton Insurance Agency Tia Belton - (352) 343-6555 Special Olympics athletes to train in Clermont Athletes from all over Florida - as well as right here in Lake County - will travel to Clermont this week to perfect their sporting skills during the Special Olympics 2014 USA Games Training Camp. More than 180 Special Olympics athletes from Florida will descend upon Clermont on Jan. 24 and 25 to train for the 2014 Special Olympics USA Games in New Jersey in June. Tavares local Kyle Krekeler doesn’t have to go far to prep for his track and field race, as he participates in training camp at Montverde Academy. Like many other Special Olympics athletes, competing in the 2014 USA Games this will give Krekeler an opportunity to demonstrate not only his sports abilities, but also his independence. The two-day training seeks to build on each team and individual’s competitive strengths before they head off to join their more than 3,500 fellow athletes in New Jersey. There, they will compete in 16 sports before tens of thousands of cheering spectators. For more information on the Special Olympics, visit www.specialolympicsflorida.org or email Danielle Spears at daniellespears@sofl.org. To learn more about planning a trip to Lake County, log on to www.VisitLakeFL.com, call 352429-3673 or visit the Lake County Welcome Center at 20763 U.S. Highway 27 in Groveland. __________________________________________________________________________________________ Trustee: Ameriprise Financial Services Linda J. Bennett - (352) 742-3331 The Law Offices of Brent C. Miller, PA Brent Miller - (352) 343-7400 Tavares Business Journal Page 3 2014 Tavares Chamber of Commerce Board Executive Committee: Orin Owen ........................... Owen Associates ............................................................................. President Janet Noack......................... United Southern Bank...................................................................... Vice President Kelly Pisciotta ...................... Habitat for Humanity ........................................................................ Treasurer Deborah Cahill ..................... ......................................................................................................... Secretary Jacquelyn Coval .................. BankFirst .......................................................................................... Past President Directors: Debbie Behlmann ................ Southern Palms RV Resort.............................................................. Director Lou Buigas........................... Hoity Toity Merchantile .................................................................... Director T.J. Fish ............................... Lake~Sumter MPO .......................................................................... Director Beth Ann Gause .................. Gause and Hargrove ....................................................................... Director Rick Golab ........................... Florida Hospital Waterman .............................................................. Director Heather Graham .................. Focus Magazine .............................................................................. Director Steve Jennelle ..................... BMJ CPA ......................................................................................... Director Dee Johns ........................... Directories Ink .................................................................................. Director Mary Johnson ...................... Grand Rental Station ....................................................................... Director Brent Miller .......................... Law Offices of Brent C. Miller .......................................................... Director Dr. Joe Morreale .................. The Chiropractic Center................................................................... Director Cheryl Rumbly ..................... Cornerstone Hospice ....................................................................... Director Davis Talmage .................... Pruett-Williams Insurance ................................................................ Director A Trip Around the World to Broadway and Home February 20, 7:00 pm Musical performance at Tavares Civic Center, 100 E. Caroline Street. Featuring the Lake Concert Band. Presented by the Tavares Public Library, this event is FREE Page 4 Tavares Business Journal H & R Block Business After Hours and Ribbon Cutting on January 16, 2014. Adventure Christian Academy and Learning Center Ribbon Cutting for their new school playground. For more information go to: http://www.lakecountychamberalliance.com Chamber Alliance representatives visit Tallahassee at the 2013 Lake Legislative Days Tavares Business Journal Page 5 Spring Festivals _________________________________________________ from page 1 Sunnyland Antique Boat Festival returns to the shores of Wooton Park the weekend of March 28 - 30. This is the largest show of its kind, boasting over 250 boats on display. The 12th Annual Rotary Club of Lake County Golden Triangle Central Florida Dragon Boat Festival will “awaken the dragon” Friday evening, April 4, signifying the start of the festival. Teams from as far away as Canada participated in previous year’s competition. Complete with Chinese performers, fireworks and vendors; this event always has a huge turnout. April 26 will feature Planes, Trains & BBQ in and around Wooton Park. The sanctioned BBQ competition brings the best to Tavares and the coveted People’s Choice award allows attendees the opportunity to sample the delectable creations. Air shows will captivate the audience, as they look skyward to watch the acrobatic daredevils perform seemingly impossible maneuvers. Certain to be a crowd favorite at the event is our movie star train steam engine, the Orange Blossom Cannonball. It is fitting that one of the springtime events in America’s Seaplane city will be a seaplane fly-in. Tavares seaplane basin is the only one of its kind in the state of Florida. There are nearly 15,000 seaplanes in the U.S., and Tavares recorded over 7,000 takeoffs and landings in the first year of operations. This event promises to wow the spectators and participants alike. Mark your calendars for Saturday, April 26 for this exciting event. The Tavares Chamber of Commerce will be teaming up with the Rotary Club of Lake County Golden Triangle to raise funds at these events and need volunteers to help. Please contact the Tavares Chamber of Commerce (352) 343-2531 to volunteer. Golf Tournament _________________________________________________ from page 1 Special events at the Golf Tournament will include: Putting Contest Pro Help on par 3 hole Picture Time on a par 5 hole Pick a Flag hole and a 50/50 drawing Please contact the Chamber to sign up for a team and/or a sponsorship at this fun event. Contact: Vinnie Vittoria (352) 446-1343 or the Tavares Chamber 352-343-2531 to sign up. Or check out the insert in this newsletter. Don't miss the fun this year at Arlington Ridge Golf Club. We are arranging for transportation, so stay tuned to the Chamber as this event grows. Firefighters, community team up for ‘Team Jay’ Firefighter’s son, 6, diagnosed with leukemia MOUNT DORA -- Lake County firefighters are shaving their heads and donning orange T-shirts and wristbands emblazoned with the words “Team Jay” to support their brother, firefighter Nick Ryon, whose son Jay was diagnosed with cancer last week. The 6-year-old is aggressively fighting Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, or ALL, at Florida Hospital in Orlando, after the family received the difficult news. A Facebook group called Team Jay, created to cheer up the child while he undergoes treatment, has gone viral. The page already has 6,000 members and climbing, and nearly 900 photos of everything orange: Pumpkins, flip flops, silly socks, cats and even orange–dyed dogs. Why orange? Leukemia awareness is represented by the color. Photos continue pouring in from across the world — from U.S. Army bases, universities and fire departments. Children from cheerleaders to Little Leaguers are flooding the page with photos of themselves holding signs and notes of support for Jay and his family. “Thank you all for your comments and your videos,” said Ryon in a video taken in Jay’s hospital room and posted to the group. “Jay is loving it. Keep it coming in. That’s what’s keeping us going.” The Facebook group began with the sole purpose of making Jay smile. But the community’s support of the little boy, affectionately known as “JJ,” is also testament to the camaraderie within The Lake County Public Safety Department. Ryon and Jay’s mom Maggie Denk shaved their heads as their son goes through chemotherapy. In turn, dozens of members of the Public Safety Department are sporting completely bald heads or “Friar Tuck” haircuts. “Nick and Maggie are really incredible people,” said Lake County Fire Lt. Brian Gamble. “They are always donating their time on the opposite side of this. And JJ -- he is a great little kid.” For more information or to share a message with Jay, join the Team Jay group on Facebook. Page 6 Tavares Business Journal Welcome New Members Adventure Christian Academy and Learning Center Gary Johnson 352-742-4543 Deborah Cahill 352-409-7418 Healing Hands Recovery Solutions, Inc. Pamela Hand 352-308-8249 Hwy 441 Diner Billy Digino 352-508-5494 LegalShield Victoria Alicia Chan Victoria Alicia Chan 619-955-3691 Reflections of Recovery, Inc. Pamela Hand 352-308-8281 Traditional Congregation of Mount Dora Alyce Shelton 352-735-4774 TAVARES CHAMBER AMBASSADORS Co-Chair, Deborah Cahill Ameriprise Financial Services Co-Chair, Cheryl Rumbley Cornerstone Hospice Betty Ainslie Rodan & Fields Dermatologists Indep. Consultant Debbie Behlmann Southern Palms RV Resort Connie Gay Dreamland Productions Rachel Graves Quality Indoor Environmental Solutions Lisa Johnson EZ Nutrition Sharon Keith Mary Kay Cosmetics Membership Renewals Access Awards & Engraving Tom Marcinkus 352-385-2927 Hoity Toity Merchantile Lou Buigas 352-205-5992 Barbara L. Johnson Realty, Inc. Julie Hall 352-669-3244 Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites Michael Vassell 352-742-1600 Beautiful Smiles Dental Care Anthony Gulde 352-602-4235 Kelly Pisciotta 352-267-2118 Belton Bail Bonds, Inc. Fred and Tia Belton 352-343-7775 Mary Kay Cosmetics, Inc. Sharon Keith 407-256-5759 Belton Insurance Agency, Inc. Tia Belton 352-343-6555 Molly Maid Steve Hoffman 407-877-0184 Bridges Covenant Church Eric Filkin 352-343-0917 Olivia's Coffeehouse & Bistro Olivia Spilotros 352-357-1887 Bristol Lakes Apartments Jackie Kelly 352-385-4447 Pruett-Williams Insurance Pete Williams 352-357-6119 Chris Ayres WebDev. Inc. Chris Ayres 813-695-7057 Quality Indoor Environmental Solutions, Inc. John and Rachel Graves 352-223-0759 Digino's New York Style Pizza Billy Nasralla 352-508-5621 Ellrodt Bail Bonds Jim Ellrodt 352-343-2245 Fisherman's Cove Resort Rusty Hinkle 352-343-1233 R Car Automotive Inc. Ryan Veraghen 352-742-0661 Riley's Mobile Home Park Wayne Hoffman 352-383-5777 Riverest Waterfront Resort Sandra Hagin 352-343-7780 Florida Hospital Waterman Rick Golab 352-253-3381 Tom Russ 352-343-1613 Focus Magazine Shelly Gerig 352-552-5467 Trustco Bank Kathy McKeeby 352-323-8147 Gause & Hargrove, PLLC Beth Ann Gause 352-343-7424 White Aluminum William Dorman 352-787-6783 Mary Rhodes The Mortgage Firm Judy Stewart Law Offices of Judy Stewart, PA Tavares Chamber of Commerce does not necessarily endorse or support advertising materials distributed through the newsletter. Tavares Business Journal Page 7
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