Energizing Neighborhoods. Housing You Can Trust! Newsletter
Energizing Neighborhoods. Housing You Can Trust! Newsletter
Mission We build quality housing that is affordable and provide exceptional service that is responsive to residents and neighborhoods. 13 Center Street, 2nd Floor Rutland, Vermont 05701 Newsletter M a r c h / A p r i l 2 015 Change Service Requested Spring is Coming! And with it Comes New Growth The Housing Trust of Rutland County (HTRC) is bringing spring to our offices a bit earlier than Mother Nature is to the rest of the world. Spring means new growth. New growth means change and while it can be challenging and even a bit frightening, change is necessary to allow new growth to emerge. It is also extremely exciting! Dawn Chilos has moved into the position of Maintenance Coordinator. With her years of experience at HTRC, she is able to jump in with both feet, and excel in her new role. Dawn is working closely with two new Maintenance Technicians, Mike Alexander and Gene Ohman-Leone. Both bring much experience and passion to the Housing Trust and in turn our residents and communities. Please be sure to say hello and make them feel welcome when you see them. Housing Trust Office Hours “Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.” Monday-Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Closed from 12:00 p.m. –1:00p.m. Lunch Closed 9:00-11:00 a.m. the 2nd Mike Alexander Another bloom this spring is the addition of an Executive Assistant. Melissa Disorda will be working closely with Elisabeth Kulas, our Executive Director. She brings an enthusiasm and experience which complements our team. Melissa has been making site visits and getting to know the properties, so you may have had the chance to meet her already. Our office is closed on Fridays. We are available by appointment only. To make a rent payment on Friday, please put it in the Benjamin Franklin 1-800-545-7989 or (802) 775-3139 Melissa Disorda Our new staff looks forward to meeting and getting to know residents, and community members, as they grow in their positions. We are pleased to welcome them on board, and with our new growth. New growth is a sign of good health, and we are feeling strong and healthy! As always, we are committed to our Mission. Energizing Neighborhoods. Housing You Can Trust! Gene Ohman-Leone past few weeks. Thursday of each month for staff meeting lockbox on the wall, outside the office door. We are also blooming in Property Management. With Dawn’s transition to maintenance, Sindy Fortier has joined HTRC as the new Operations Assistant. She has worked in the community for over 15 years, and brings much knowledge to her new role. You may have met or spoken to her already, as she has been on the phones and in reception for the Sindy Fortier Housing Trust of Rutland County News Page 2 Housing Trust of Rutland County News Page 3 Property Management Community Events Laura McIvor: SASH Coordinator Check Out the Senior Seminar Day April 1 ~ 8:30am-12pm Godnick Center Seminars throughout the morning including Arts & Crafts, Tai Chi, and Bone Builders. Lunch will feature a turkey dinner. Registration fee is $3, payable before 3/25. For more information or to register call 802.773.1853 SASH Flash . Digital Consciousness April 1 ~ 6:30pm Paramount Theater 30 Center Street, Rutland, Speaker: Richard Guerry Presentation is by Child First Advocacy Center and addresses online, internet safety. Speaker Richard Guerry will address such problems as cyber bullying, and many other current and future cyber issues. This event is designed for parents, educators, community members and youth. For more information, visit www.IROC2.org or call 802.772.2400 Peace & Calm in Chaos Part I: April 14, 21 & 28 ~ 6-7:30pm Part II: May 2 & 12 ~ 6 -7:30pm Rutland Regional Medical Center: 160 Allen Street, Rutland, VT Presented by: Bonnie Olson, Life Coach These two classes include presentations on meditation skills and practice sessions. Part II builds upon the skills obtained in Part I. Space is limited to 15 people. Registration is required for the separate classes. To register, visit www.RRMC.org or call 802.772.2400. March is National Women’s History Month Weaving the Stories of Women’s Lives Throughout history women have played a huge part in world events. Whether they were on the frontlines in the middle of the action, or taking a more quiet role, every historic event had a woman somewhere in the story. We would like to take the time to mention two such women, from Vermont. We at the Housing Trust feel a connection to them both. Bernice Tuttle: 1880-1973 Bernice was active in community service while working in her family’s Rutland based printing company. She founded the Rutland Women’s Club and the Vermont Children’s Aid Society. Shirley Farr: 1881-1955 Shirley was a civic leader in the town of Brandon, including serving on the Vermont Eleanor Roosevelt state legislature from 1945 to1947. Known for her philanthropy, it was surrounding forest land Shirley who gifted to the state of Vermont. Branbury Beach and It is now Branbury State Park. The Shirley Farr House located at 149 Mulcahy Drive in Brandon, was named for Ms. Farr and her contributions to Brandon. Tuttle Block Our offices at 13 Center St, Rutland are located in the Tuttle building, where the publishing/ printing company was located. “You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.” Farr House Money ~ Money ~ Money In order to maintain good accounting practices, and ensure you have a record of payments made to the Housing Trust, we require payments for rent, security or maintenance fees to be paid by check or money order. We are unable to accept cash for any payments over $10.00. Thank you for your understanding on this matter. Krey Kellington Property Manager x 207 Kathleen Dodge Compliance Administrator x 220 Sindy Fortier Operations Assistant x 206 Denise Greene Compliance/Finance Assistant x 214 SASH Program Laura McIvor SASH Coordinator x 213 Property Maintenance Dawn Chilos Maintenance Coordinator x 202 ReminderI Mike Alexander Maintenance Specialist x 201 If you suspect there may be bedbugs lurking —let us know immediately. We would rather check it out and find nothing, than find out when the problem is big and harder to address. Thank you for your help! Gene Ohman-Leone Maintenance Specialist x 216 Administration Melissa Disorda Executive Assistant x 215 Elisabeth Kulas Executive Director x 203 Andrea Coppola Chief Operating Officer x 218 Do you have an idea for an article? If you have an idea for an article; something about which you would like more information; a community event or activity you would like to share, please let us know. We are always looking for ideas, and want to share information which is useful and important to you. Please contact us by email: info@housingrrutland.org Pat Hadam Chief Financial Officer x 208
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