Newsletter 4 - Blue River – Kansas City Baptist Association


Newsletter 4 - Blue River – Kansas City Baptist Association
Blue River-Kansas City Baptist Association
Vol. 35, No. 1
Visit us at
January, 2016
Park Shares Disciple-Making App Written by Dan Steinbeck.
RAYTOWN – Brandon
Park has a heart for making
disciples and believes every
follower of Christ should do
with permission from The Pathway
ground level of knowing they
are saved. “The first two
weeks we are making a solid
foundation,” he said.
Park, who serves as pastor
of First Baptist, Raytown,
led his church to develop a
disciple-making app called
LifeCoach. Not only did the
church create the app, but they
offer it to anyone without cost.
“Commit to the Lord
whatever you do,
and He will establish
your plans.”
Proverbs 16:3
New Year Blessings from
BR-KC Staff
“We envision a network of
healthy Baptist churches
partnering together
to transform lives and
communities through the
power of the Gospel of
Jesus Christ at home, in
North America
and around the world.”
“I’ve always had a passion to
After week 10, class members
help create disciple-making
become disciple makers
in our church. There was so
much else I saw in disciplemaking, and there is some
“The app morphs itself to a
great material, but it wasn’t all coach mode,” Park said. “The
reproducible. I thought, ‘What power is not in the content I
if we combine the material and wrote, but in the power of the
technology?’ The app is free
word of God and interactive
for all. I wanted there to be
coaching relationships,” Park
no barrier for someone in the
“We do this in three ways
– captivating media, a daily
devotional, and discussion
questions,” Park said.
The app includes 50 truthillustrating videos, 13 that
were filmed in Israel. It
took one-and-a-half years
and $50,000 for writing,
development and travel.
Here’s how it works: People
agree to be Great Commission
disciple-makers and open a
free account. They check in
daily (five times per week)
reporting their progress. A
chat feature offers multiple
person discussion with
response-driven conversation.
After one week is completed,
the following week’s session
on the app is automatically
unlocked. The full course
information is on the app and
on the website,
Participants start at the
A companion workbook may
be purchased. It has QR codes
and URL links so people may
watch videos on a smartphone.
The info is stored in “the
When Park told attendees at
the 2015 Missouri Baptist
pastors’ conference it was
available for free for them,
there was a ”tremendous
response” with over 50
churches immediately
signing up.
Why is First, Raytown, giving
this away?
“We want to invest big in
the kingdom growth,” Park
said. “We developed this for
the church at large, with no
mention of our church. We
continued on page 2
You are invited to attend the
Freedom Gala & honor dinner
Christine Ladner
Kansas Assistant Attorney General
January 23, 2016
5:30-6:00 p.m. Social
6:00 p.m. Dinner and Program
North Club Arrowhead Stadium
1 Arrowhead Drive
Kansas City, MO 64129
$100 per person
Includes Dinner & Entertainment
RSVP by January 15, 2016
Contact: Steven Robinson at (816) 795-1822
Proceeds benefit:
Platinum sponsor:
Page 2 BR-KC Baptist Association News
People Teams Spotlight - Syrian Refugees:
Asking the Right Question by Andrew Huesing
Should the US resettle Syrian refugees?
That’s a complicated question, but I’m
sure you have an opinion. Whatever you
think, it is very possible that God will
ignore your opinion and bring whomever
He wants to Kansas City. If you think
he should bring ten times more Syrians
than President Obama wants, maybe He
will close the door to Missouri and send
them somewhere else. If you believe that
we shouldn’t take any, maybe God will
send ten thousand. God is the One who
determines where people live.
My question is this: what are Christians
called to do with people God brings to
Kansas City? We are clearly called to
make disciples of all nations and to love
our neighbor. We can do that in refugee
camps or in Europe or in America, but
we have to reach them for Christ. If God
ordained us to live in Kansas City, He is
calling us to focus on those who are here
and those who will be here. We have no
excuse for not loving those God brings to
us or sharing Jesus with them. But great
joy comes from being on mission with
God to reach those He brings.
People Teams is one of the ministries
of the BR-KC Baptist Association for
internationals and refugees. You can
make a difference for Christ by building a
relationship with one family from another
nation. This Spring, we are using soccer
and simple home visits to build these
relationships with kids, teens, and their
parents. We need caring Christians to
serve as mentors, coaches, and drivers. If
you are interested or if you have questions
or if you want a speaker about what God
is doing among the nations in KC, contact
Andrew Huesing at kcpeopleteams@
These brothers came from Iraq through Syria
to KC in 2009. Their family is trying to stay
away from ISIS in Baghdad.
4th Quarter Grant Report
Disciple-Making App
continued from page 1
wanted it to be free.”
Park is currently training 100 church
leaders to be disciple-making coaches.
“The end goal is that I want to see them
each find someone to disciple. It is
intentionally perpetual.”
Assisting Comm.
“There are four things people need
– leaders with a heart for discipleship,
intentional relationships, followers who
want to grow and be all they can be in
Jesus, and an exponential process. It’s
simple, biblical, and transferrable.”
Blue River-Kansas City
Baptist Association News
Jennifer Hutton, Editor
Vol. 35, No. 1
January 2016
(USPS 058-960)
Published monthly for $1.00 per year
by Blue River-Kansas City
Baptist Association
4041 NE Lakewood Way, Suite 260
Lee’s Summit, MO 64064
Periodicals postage paid at
Lee’s Summit, MO
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to
BR-KC Baptist Association, 4041 NE Lakewood Way
Suite 260, Lee’s Summit, MO 64064
Dr. Rodney Hammer...........................Executive Director
Jennifer Hutton....................... Administrative Assistant
Gregg Boll............................................. Associate Director
Steven Robinson.....................Director of Development
Luis Mendoza.............. Multi-cultural Church Strategist
Travis Hamm........................................... Student Minister
Carson Conover..................................... Student Minister
Andrew Huesing........................................ People Teams
Flex Funds
United Believers
The U Church
Blue Ridge
Grace and Truth
Full Faith
United Believers
Wornall Road
Loma Vista
Restoration House
Mosaic Bible Fellowship
The U Church
Blue Ridge
United Believers
Primera Iglesia Independence
Grace and Truth
Grace and Truth
The U Church
Equipping Ldrs Ministry Tm
Armour Heights
Blue Ridge
Beverly Hills
2016 Vision 2020 Grant Schedule
1st Quarter
3rd Quarter
2/1 2/17
2/24 1st Quarter Grant Requests Due 8/5 Review Process Completed
Grant Checks Written
8/24 2nd Quarter
3rd Quarter Grant Requests Due
Review Process Completed
Grant Checks Written
4th Quarter
2nd Quarter Grant Requests Due 10/7
4th Quarter Grant Requests Due
Review Process Completed
10/19 Review Process Completed
Grant Checks Written
10/26 Grant Checks Written
Online applications now available at
Executive Director Report
BR-KC Baptist Association News Page 3
Dear Partners in Missions,
Campus Ministry
Don’t go through 2016 without being encouraged, blessed and challenged to grow!
Travis Hamm, UMKC & Rockhurst
You hopefully have or will receive shortly an invitation to our Restoration House 2nd
Annual Gala Fundraiser. Please don’t feel pressured. We just want you to know
about it if you are inclined to participate, or want your church to buy a table where you
and other church members can participate and enjoy together. Perhaps none of the
above and that’s fine too. We’re excited about what God is doing to help victims of
human trafficking. You can see more about what’s been going on at Restoration House
in our December newsletter reviewing the last year of ministry.
Pastor/Staff/Spouse Appreciation Banquet
Get filled up, blessed up and revved up! This will be a wonderful evening of
fellowship, good food, and laughter
together. This year it is FREE, with
appreciate our ministers and their spouses!
Thank you to Moyer & Moyer Insurance
for their sponsorship of this event.
It was a good semester for Impact. While
there is plenty to share, here were a few
key happenings:
The Kaleo Community held our yard
sale at the beginning of
November and collected
over $300 to give to
Restoration House of
Greater Kansas City.
Thank you everyone who
donated items, helped us
organize the event, and/
or bought items!
Some members of our community also
celebrated Thanksgiving with friends
and neighbors. We had a blast gathering
together and great conversations
ensued including some good spiritual
Horn of Africa
Horn of Africa refugee ministry and Bible School are percolating as well! The second
container of books for Eritrean Refugee children was delivered earlier this month. Our
next semi annual mission trip to Northern Ethiopia is January 4-15, 2016. Please keep
the team of six BR-KC’ers in prayer!
You won’t want to miss our annual Horn of Africa Fundraiser with entertainment,
dinner, fresh from the field reports from Horn of Africa Missions, and info about how
you and your church can participate. It’ll be a blast!
Vancouver Retreat
In February another BR-KC Team will provide and present a retreat for Vancouver,
Canada church planters, pastors and their families. It’s a three day retreat with
something for each age group, childcare for little ones, in a neat setting on a working
ranch with Christian conference facilities .
Vote to Purchase Office Property!
On December 18th, in a Special Called Business Meeting, the Executive Board of
BR-KC unanimously voted to purchase a new office property for the Association
at 806 Main Street, Greenwood, MO. It is anticipated that owning this small office
property will result
in a minimum of
$15,000 savings in
operating expenses
per year. The funds
January 28, 2016
to purchase the new
6:30 p.m.
office are being
Spring Valley Baptist Church
borrowed from our
8801 E. 79th Street
Vision 2020 Grant
Raytown, MO 64138
Fund and the savings
will be returned
annually to the Vision
Meeting Highlights Include:
2020 fund until paid
Church Recognitions
back. We’ll send
Horn of Africa Mission Trip Report
more information
Restoration House Gala Report
later about moving
Property Purchase Report
dates, etc.
Executive Board Meeting
But more than anything I have been
excited for how God is using this
community to impact lives. As we
gathered one Sunday, I asked our group
how God is working in and through
their lives. I thought I would share just a
couple of the responses with you:
“I’m thankful for a community of
believers that challenge my faith and
make me desire to grow deeper in my
walk with God. This community exudes
the love of God in so many ways and
impacts the lives of many with this love.”
“This community has been such a blessing
because it truly is a family of believers.
When you join this group, you will always
be cared for - and this care is not only a
care of a friend, but it is the care of Jesus
that shines through. I have learned that
Jesus is my true joy, and that He is my
real satisfaction in life. I have learned
more about God’s goodness and His grace
which will always overcome.”
These and the other responses were really
encouraging, and God was definitely
praised that day!
Thank you to everyone who continues to
pray for our ministry.
Page 4 BR-KC Baptist Association News
News from the
Please be in prayer for our missions team
traveling to the Horn of Africa from
January 4th through January 15th.
River Boulevard in Independence
recently called Randy Chambers as their
new pastor.
Lone Jack Baptist is seeking a part-time
worship leader. Send resumes to Pastor
Jerry Tharp at
Belvidere Heights in Grandview is
looking for a part-time music director.
Send resumes to Music Search
Committee, 15109 White Avenue,
Grandview, MO 64030.
First Baptist Church of Grain Valley
is looking for a part-time music director.
Send resumes to Tracy Barker at
Oakwood in Lee’s Summit is looking for
a part-time worship pastor. Send resumes
to Russ Taylor at
Lone Jack Baptist is hosting a free
conference on January 9-10 featuring
sermons by Dr. Owen Strachan, Jared
Wilson, Dr. Tom Johnston, and Ken Smith.
Sessions available on multiple topics.
Register at
Annual Pastor/Staff & Spouses
Appreciation Banquet
February 19th at 7 p.m.
FBC Raytown Atrium
Event is FREE but you must register
Awareness and Volunteer
Training Event
January 21
6 - 8 p.m.
Heart of Life Church
Ongoing Needs:
Quik Trip Gas Cards
Grocery Gift Cards
Annual Horn of Africa
Fundraising Dinner and
Silent Auction
February 20th at 6 p.m.
FBC Raytown Atrium
Call 816-795-1822 to reserve childcare
Sponsored By
Yamaha FS-500 three tier organ in very good
shape available to a church, organization or
individual that can use it. Contact John May
at 816-289-4727 or
To download the LifeCoach app mentioned
in the article on page 1, go to the App Store
on your device and search for LifeCoach.
For over 20 years, comedian
and motivational speaker David
Ferrell has shown audiences that
comedy can be clean and funny. In
addition to his uproarious tales
about everyday life, David delights
audiences with hilarious impressions
of famous celebrities, cartoon
characters, farm animals and more!
November Financial Report
Current Month
Receipts from churches Other Income
Less Expenses
Balance as of November 30, 2015
Budget $467,750.00 Annual
$38,979.17 Monthly
Budget Receipts + other income
Receipts compared to budget 93%
( 39,764.43)
($4,704.26) Calendar
Office Closed for Holiday
Legacy Cohort, Blue Ridge
Ministry Teams
Office Closed for Holiday
Hope Now Freedom Gala
Executive Board Meeting,
Spring Valley
($ 30,680.07)
E3, Faith, Harrisonville
Legacy Cohort, Blue Ridge
Ministry Teams
Admin & Finance Committee
E3, South Haven, Belton
Pastor App. Banq. Raytown 1st
Horn Fundraiser, Raytown 1st
E3, Calvary, Blue Springs