Newsletter - Bert Oldfield Public School
Newsletter - Bert Oldfield Public School
Bert Oldfield Public School Newsletter Oldfield Road, Seven Hills Telephone: 9622 2122 Safe, Respectful, Responsible Learners Term 2, Week 9 Thursday 27th June, 2013 DIARY DATES: From the Principal’s Desk. 28th June Principal’s Award Assembly 15th July Staff Development Day 26th July National Tree Planting Day 1st August Education Week Open Day 8th August Athletics Carnival ELECTRONIC NEWSLETTER EMAILED AND WEBSITE In the interests of reducing our carbon footprint, this will be the last printed newsletter. At the beginning of Term 3 we will distribute the newsletter electronically via email to families. As has always been the case, we will continue to publish our newsletter on our website and also on our Smartphone App. We currently email our newsletter to a number of families and community members. At the start of Term 3, the office staff will email the newsletter to families each even week. There will also be a number of printed newsletters available from the front office for families who may not have the internet at home and that are available on request. If you have not already sent us your email address, please do so by filling in the chit at the end of the newsletter. All emailed documents are always BCC (blind carbon copy) to ensure that your details are kept confidential. ALL STAR AWARD Crishika A Vaneet B Mathiang M Hana Q Viraj S ROCKSTAR AWARD KB SAFETY FIRST Thank you to all parents and carers who recognise the importance of safety when bringing their children to school. At Bert Oldfield School we are constantly reminding our students about safety. It has unfortunately come to our attention that several students are being dropped off at school at the school crossing from the car, without pulling into the parking areas on the side of the road. It is vital that if you are dropping your children off at school from the car that you park the vehicle, alight from the car on the passenger side, and walk across the designated crossing. Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. Azar H Inayat K Mere K Benjamin K Evalina M Manuia N Issac L Ivy P Pranav S Joey T KW Kelly M Tayla S Luke L Chantal S 1P Kelly M Luke L Chantal S 1P Amjad A Nin Nin Win S Jacob W 1/2F Amjad A Jacob 1/2F Keira S Silaulei T 3/4C Keira S Silaulei T 3/4C Liam C 4/5/6/S Liam C Jordan R Shad S Adele P Michael S 5/6B Shad S Adele P 4/5/6/S 5/6B HOME READERS AWARD 100 Club Noor M Arwa S Viraj S KB Tanisha G Rasnam M 1P Mehak K Kashish S 2/3T Jack B 3/4C Olivia B 4/5/6S Mansi S Bert Oldfield Public School, Oldfield Road Seven Hills. 5/6B NAIDOC We had an absolutely fantastic NAIDOC day on last Wednesday. Our students thoroughly enjoyed the Indigenous performer, Raiker, who presented traditional aspects of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures to our students. An array of dances, songs, language and history was presented in a fun and entertaining way. Our students then joined forces with their class buddies and explored traditional indigenous art techniques on mini boomerangs. The students again had a great time interacting with their buddies and working on their boomerangs and produced some creative designs. Our thanks to Mrs Sibir for all her hard work organising this fantastic day, and congratulations to our student leaders who spoke at the assembly about the importance of NAIDOC day. Congratulations also to each and every student for their respectful behaviour and level of participation. It was fantastic and made m y se l f a nd th e teachers very proud. Website: Email; P AND C ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. A huge thankyou to our outgoing P and C committee and congratulations to our newly elected 2013/2014 committee. Thanks to Mrs Pepper, the newly elected President, Mrs Howell, Vice President, Mrs Jain, Secretary, Ms Gatley, Treasurer, Mrs Sheehan, School Banking Officer. Sincere thanks to Mrs Pepper who is also filling the position of Uniform Coordinator on an interim basis. We still require a Canteen Coordinator and would appreciate any parent from our community fulfilling this roll .Our current P and C have done an outstanding job and are to be commended for their efforts in 2012, raising greatly needed funds through the canteen and fundraising initiatives. I would like to wish the newly elected P and C members the best of luck as they seek to continue to support our great school with their service and community spirit. All parents are able to join the P and C or just come along to the meetings and help this important organisation work for the betterment of the school and to enrich the experiences of our children. The P and C meets every month on the 4th Thursday of the month commencing at 9.30am in the school staff room and I strongly encourage you to lend your support. NATIONAL PARTNERSHIPS AT BOPS As previously informed, Bert Oldfield Public School has been fortunate enough to be again receiving Commonwealth funding through the Improving Literacy and Numeracy National Partnerships Initiative. This initiative provides our school with significant funding across 2013 and 2014 to enhance teacher professional learning in literacy and numeracy teaching. Bert Oldfield Public School has been the recipient of commonwealth finding from 2011 and 2012 as part of the Low SES National Partnerships initiative and was utilised for teacher professional learning, additional staffing and additional resourcing. The current funding is significantly different to the previous funding and we are only permitted to utilise the funding for teacher professional learning. This is great news for our already experienced and skilled teachers and will significantly develop our schools’ systems and practices around assessment of student learning to better plan for teaching. The project has a very specific purpose, with our school selecting numeracy teaching as our major focus area. What does this mean for my children? It means that over the course of Semester 2, 2013 and Semester 1, 2014, your child’s teacher will be involved in on-site training to further develop their teaching skills. It means some additional staff for our school that will be teaching your child’s class from time to time, specialist departmental staff coming in to the school to work with our teachers and students, as well as frequent team teaching in your child’s classroom to provide additional support. We are very excited about our projects and are looking forward to the even greater improvements in our students’ learning outcomes. P and C IPADS at BOPS It is great when you see a group’s hard work pay off. The P and C always work hard for the benefit of our students. Our small but dynamic committee have been organising events and raising funds for our students’ educational benefit. Thanks to the P and C’s kind donation this year we will be able to buy some IPADS for use in the classrooms. These will be the first of many IPADS that we will be getting for the students to utilise in the classroom. They are a great educational tool and will be highly engaging as students interact with them across all subjects. I must encourage you to continue to support the P and C in their fundraising efforts. SEMESTER ONE REPORTS Our teachers will soon be sending you the Semester One Reports, which will be coming home at the commencement of Term Three. Bert Oldfield Public School, Oldfield Road Seven Hills. These reports represent a formative appraisal of your child’s learning and application to their studies across Semester One, 2013, and will represent an accurate reflection of student achievement. The student reports for this semester provide information to parents which encompasses all six Key Learning Areas, as well as social skills information. This year students will be provided with an overall assessment of achievement in the Key Learning Areas using a five point scale, Basic, Limited, Sound, High and Outstanding, with the majority of students expected to be within the sound level of achievement. Students are also provided an assessment ranking for their application in the Key Learning Areas and are indicated as consistent, satisfactory or inconsistent. As always, you are encouraged to focus on level of effort your child has made towards their progress and regard it as equally, if not more important, to their level of achievement. PARENT TUTORS WANTED We are still seeking the involvement of some of our Mums, Dads and carers in our Reading and Maths tutor programs. I made this request previously and so far no one has indicated a willingness to help out. A number of students are currently receiving additional support from our Classroom Without Borders University students, implementing reading and maths support programs. We would like to increase the involvement of our community members and are asking anyone that can offer some of their time to tutoring some needy students to please come and see Mr Perrott or Mrs Marshall. GRADE PLANNING Planning for instruction is a vital component of effective teaching and learning. To this end our teachers have been involved in team planning this week. They met in teams to discuss and plan their learning and assessment programs for Term 3, as well as consult with our support staff. SMART PHONE APP Bert Oldfield Public School now has the smartphone App. I have received some great feedback from parents and hope that you are enjoying the facility. Iphone and Android users are now able to receive our newsletter, view photos and receive notifications on their smartphones. All you need to do is go to the Itunes store or Play Store and search Bert Oldfield Public School, and then download. To download this app you can go to either the Apple App Store or to the Google Play store and search ‘Bert Oldfield Public School’. Once you have downloaded the app you will be asked for a username and password. The username is “community” and the password is “bops”. Select the grade levels that your children are in and press “Login”. If you are having trouble with the IPHONE app, please delete it and reload it as the problem we had has been resolved. REGIONAL CROSS COUNTRY CARNIVAL I would like to acknowledge the outstanding efforts of one of our students at the recent Regional Cross Country Carnival last week. Olivia B. represented BOPS and the Seven Hills Wentworthville PSSA at Penrith Regatta Centre in the 12 yrs girls 3K event. Olivia should be proud of reaching this level and we congratulate her for the manner in which she represented our school. HAPPY HOLIDAYS It has been a long productive term and I am sure your children are looking forward to the holidays. Being the last newsletter for the term I would like to wish you all a safe, enjoyable holiday. I would also like to thank you all for the fantastic term at Bert Oldfield PS. I am looking forward to many more productive terms and getting to know each family even more. Website: Email; KINDERGARTEN ENROLMENTS FOR 2014 – I It is the time of the year where we start asking for Enrolment Forms for students who will be commencing Kindergarten in 2014. Parents who have children who will be starting Kindergarten in 2014 are asked to obtain an enrolment form from the office. Staffing for 2014 will be based on our predicted enrolment figures so accurate information is needed. It would be appreciated if this information could be brought to the attention of any neighbours who have a child ready to commence Kindergarten next year. Your assistance in this area is greatly appreciated. Please contact the school office with any enquiries. Parenting TIPS Future success If you had a choice of bestowing great intelligence or great persistence on your child at birth, which would you choose for your child? Your choice could make a profound difference on your child’s success at school, their future levels of achievement and eventually their income as an adult. Find out more: 281%29/Intelligence-or-persistence--which-would-you-choos VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS Thank you again to all those who have made this important contribution payment. The fees are an important part of our finances providing much needed assistance with the purchase of classroom requisites, sporting equipment, library resources, art and craft supplies, computer technology, paper usage and reading resources and various items for the children. It should be noted that our fees are a once only for the year, unlike other systems which collect payments every term amounting to large sums of money per child. Please support our great school. To enable us to fully utilise your contribution, please make your payment as soon as possible. Managing depression One in four kids over 12 have symptoms of depression. What to look for and how to help. Listen to brain and mind specialist Professor Ian Hickie chat with James O'Loghlin on helping kids beat the blues. Find out more: managing-depression-in-children SCHOOL UNIFORM We are greatly appreciative of everyone’s efforts to wear correct school uniform, particularly as the cold weather of winter hits. Bert Oldfield Public School has always been proud of the high standard of school uniform throughout the school. School uniform at Bert Oldfield is compulsory and is viewed as an important aspect of school life. All students are expected to wear full school uniform every day – without exception. As we enter the colder months, some students are still wearing non-school uniform items. Students are to only wear school jumpers and jackets and burgundy tights. Also, only burgundy, blue or white hair ties and bands are to be worn. Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. BOUNCE BACK CONTINUES Students in class have been continuing to participate in their BOUNCE BACK lessons. The theme for all classes remains "People Bouncing Back". Again, we strongly encourage you to discuss this theme with your children as we all experience many changes during our life. Children can learn the BOUNCE BACK acronym below so that when they experience any kind of setback, they can remember the statements to help them cope better. The lessons are important to their whole development, particularly their mental and emotional health. Bad times don’t last. Things always get better. Stay optimistic. Other people can help if you talk to them. Get a reality check. Unhelpful thinking makes you feel more upset. Nobody is perfect – not you and not others. Concentrate on the positives (no matter how small) and use laughter. Everybody experiences sadness, hurt, failure, rejection and setbacks sometimes. They are a normal part of life. Try not to personalise them. Blame fairly – how much of what happened was because of you, how much was because of others and how much was because of bad luck or circumstances. Monday-itis Sometimes it's hard to know if your child is really coming down with something or just suffering a bout of Monday-itis. For safety's sake, if your child seems unwell you should always keep them home from school and seek medical advice. Find out more: too-sick-to-go-to-school Food allergies Do you know a child with a serious food allergy? Read about how to recognise a reaction - to help keep the kids we love safe. Find out more: The wonder of Maths Have you discovered TED talks? There are also some great ones especially for curious kids -like this one on "mathemagic". Using daring displays of algorithmic trickery, lightning calculator and number wizard, Arthur Benjamin mesmerizes audiences with mathematical mystery and beauty source=facebook#.Ua6WsdqLHpR.facebook How to parent your tween Find out how to manage your tween's rapidly expanding list of needs and personal demands. It's that weird and wonderful time the experts say occurs between ages nine and 13, but which experience suggests can stretch out to anywhere between ages eight and 15. Find out more: development/how-to-parent-your-tween D.Perrott Principal Accept the things you can’t change, but try to change what you can first. Catastrophising exaggerates your worries. Don’t believe the worst possible picture. Keep things in perspective. It’s only one part of your life. Bert Oldfield Public School, Oldfield Road Seven Hills. Website: Email; HOME READER’S AWARD 100 Club Class Crishika A Hana Q Shabri A Tyler K-A Iliya Z KB Nikolina B Manasvi G 2/3T Diana H Inayat K Ivy P KW Riya J Lea S Lachlan McK 3/4C Krithika G Corrine L Lauren McK 1P Oliver K Balqis A Rishabh J Majok M 4/5/6S Kanak S Jackson S 1/2F Tira P Lachlan S 5/6B The above students where our 100 Night Readers for this term. The above students have already received their awards at our last assembly. NAIDOC DAY BY 2/3T Wednesday 19th June, 2013 Yesterday morning an Aboriginal man came to our school to do a performance. He did painting and showed what the marks stand for. He did dancing with some of the students and let the boys play the didgeridoo. We went to the Aboriginal performance to celebrate NAIDOC week. He came from the tip of Queensland where the Torris Strait Island people lived. I felt very happy, excited and tired. When we came back to our classroom we went to our buddies class KW. We watched all sorts of Dreamtime stories. We all got a boomerang to paint and we had a bookmark that we coloured in. My favourite dreamtime stories was The Kangaroo and Wombat one. By Mahek K Yesterday morning everyone in our school gathered together in the assembly hall for a very s p e c i a l performance as part of NAIDOC Week. An Aboriginal man came to our school to tell us about his culture and how they live in the Torris Strait Islands. He did lots of fun activities with us, he even played the didgeridoo! Before the performance I was very excited and happy. First. the man asked some year 3’s and year 4’s to come and do a dance. The dance was called the ‘Sasa” and you had to pat your knees. Next, the man showed us some musical instruments he plays. He also had the paint and he put it on his skin. The year 5’s and 6’s did an emu dance and the kindy’s, year 1’s and 2’s did a kangaroo dance. The man played the didgeridoo and made it sound like different animals. Some boys even got the opportunity to play the didgeridoo. I had a great time and felt tired after the performance. By Manasvi G Yesterday morning was the Aboriginal Performance at the assembly. There was a man that showed us how to dance and play the didgeridoo. When we came back to class we went to KW to get buddies. We painted boomerangs together with our buddies and made book marks. I felt happy and excited. By Connor P Bert Oldfield Public School, Oldfield Road Seven Hills. Website: Email; PSSA Report Unfortunately, PSSA this week has been cancelled with wet weather ground closure. In the last two rounds the netball and soccer teams have demonstrated great sportsmanship and they have represented our school with pride. The netball teams have continued to improve their skills. In soccer the junior team has improved their positioning and the senior soccer team remains undefeated. All students are to be commended for their behaviour and effort throughout this term and after a restful holiday we will continue in Week 1 Term 3. We hope all our students have a safe and exciting holiday and are all rejuvenated and ready to conquer term three. July: Pie/Sausage/ Mac and Cheese Day August: 8th Athletics Carnival BBQ September: Fathers Day Stall Help is required for the athletics carnival and we would love to see some dads come and give us a hand on the bbq. There will be a note to follow early in term 3. Bert Oldfield Public School, Oldfield Road Seven Hills. Website: Email; Please note that our centre is open for 3 weeks in July! Do you have children aged 5-12 years? Are you looking for something for them to do in the holidays? Then how about a day at … WHEN: Monday 1st July 2013 to Friday 19th July 2013 7am to 6:30pm WHERE: Toongabbie Christian School 30-40 Metella Road, Toongabbie 2146 OOSH Room M1 COST: Up to $38 per child per day* Up to $20 per child for half day* (7am-1pm or 1pm–6:30pm) Registration Fee: $30 1st child, max. $50 per family (paid once per year) Booking Fee: $15 per family (waived for early birds- conditions apply) Optional Bunning’s Warehouse Excursion: $15 per child Compulsory Incursions: $15 per child, $30 per family (1) Light and Colour Workshop by Fizzics Education (2) Fitnessworx Mix (3) Starstruck Karaoke and Disco Party Day: $10 per child, $20 per family (covers activities, and food and drink for the day) *Every Family is entitled to rebate on fees, and some pay only a few dollars. Please contact the Family Assistance Office on 136 150. CONTACT: Lyn Skelton (Coordinator) 8863 2913 Mobile: 0404 892 419 Email: Bookings are essential! Bert Oldfield Public School, Oldfield Road Seven Hills. Website: Email; School Holiday Gymnastics Clinics For school aged boys and girls Come and experience the fun and excitement of gymnastics. Positions now available at Winston Hills and Seven Hills Centres Fun in a safe and structured environment Qualified and Professional Coaches Olympic Standard Equipment Foam Filled Landing Pits Trampolines Affiliated with Gymnastics Australia and NSW Full Day Sessions (9.00am-3.00pm) $40.00 per day Half Day Sessions (9.00am-12.30pm) $30.00 per session July 1st – 5th and July 8th – 12th BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL Term Enrolments Now Being Taken Classes for Boys and Girls 2 years and above Book now on 9620 8323 or Unit 7/32 Artisan Rd Seven Hills and Unit 5/1a Gibbon Rd Winston Hills BERT OLDFIELD PUBLIC SCHOOL Email Addresses Please complete the tear-off slip below for the newsletter to be emailed to you and return to school as soon as possible. Child’s name: _________________________________ Class: _________ Blacktown City Council have some wonderful school holidays activities Happening during the break. Tennis Clinics, Arts and Craft, Vacation Activities Centre, Kidz Blitz. For more information please visit the website : or My email address is: (please print clearly) _____________________________________________ Parent/ Caregiver _____________________________ (Please Sign) Parent/Caregiver _______________________________ (please print name) Bert Oldfield Public School, Oldfield Road Seven Hills. Website: Email;
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