Newsletter - Bert Oldfield Public School
Newsletter - Bert Oldfield Public School
Bert Oldfield Public School Newsletter Oldfield Road, Seven Hills Telephone: 9622 2122 Safe, Respectful, Responsible Learners DIARY DATES Term 2, Week 8 Thursday 16th June, 2016 17th June Whole school Assembly 30th June Pyjama and onsie dayYear 6 fundraiser STAR AWARDS KB Mannat Dhanju Meeya– Jay Te-Hiko George Toilolo KP Riley Connelly Wesley Darlington Charliz Gomez KW Claire Thomas Salvatore Ioane Ana Dobric 1B Patrick Lee Shaunee Reweti Jennifer Mourad 1/2F AJ Mackey-Herrick Ricco Rudolph Pranshu Kumar 2M Dolly Daramola Natahlia Cook Caleb Reyes-Sunga 2/3T Liam Howell Viraj Sambher Khy-Larnie Samuela-Matenga 3/4D Isobelle George Layla Mourad Zac Sellwood 3/4P Shabri Aulia Corrine Lee Tayla Swain 5/6S Lachlan McKenzie Nin Nin Win Sein Navneet Warraich 5/6W Dax David Alex Sas-Pele Annabel Pinder Bert Oldfield Public School, Oldfield Road Seven Hills. From the Principal’s Desk Parents and Citizens Annual General Meeting The P and C are a hard working group of committed parents and community members that support our students learning. The 2015 committee have done an outstanding job across the 2015-2016 year, raising greatly needed funds for our school and provided greatly needed services to the Bert Oldfield School community The job they have done is even more amazing when you consider that some of the Key committee positions have not been actively filled for some time, requiring other executive and some non-executive members of the committee to fill dual roles. I commend the hard work of the outgoing 205/2016 committee to you. With that in mind, the Annual General meeting for the election of the 201/2017 P and C Committee will be held next Wednesday evening at 7:00pm. Positions that will be nominated and elected include: P and C President P and C Vice President Secretary Treasurer Canteen Manager Uniform Coordinator Fundraising Committee All of these positions are available if you think you can help out in any capacity. You are all of course cordially invited to attend the P and C AGM and offer your assistance to the 2016/17 P and C Committee. Hope to see you there. Semester One Reports Teachers are currently preparing the semester one reports, which will be distributed to students at the commencement of term 3. The additional time frame is an important component of our school learning program, allowing teachers additional time to effectively and accurately assess their students to make evidence based judgements on their levels of attainment and application. This year we have made some slight alterations to our report format, to hopefully make it clearer and easier to understand. The students are still reported on against a 5 point achievement scale, that being Limited (L), Working Towards (WT), Sound (S), High (H) and Outstanding (O). This year, the level ‘Working Towards (WT)’ has replaced the previous level, ‘Basic’. With respect to a students’ commitment to learning, students will be ranked on a 3 point scale, they being Limited (L), Consistent (C) and Outstanding, (O), hopefully giving you a clearer picture of your child’s effort and application to their studies and their school. These reports represent a formative appraisal of your child’s learning and application to their studies across terms 1 and 2, and provide information which encompasses all six key learning areas, as well as social information. The Bert Oldfield Public School report is a stage based report and provides information about a student’s level of achievement against stage based syllabus outcomes and criteria. Website: Email; Kindergarten students learn within their own stage, that being Early Stage One and Kindergarten students are therefore expected to achieve at a sound level within this stage by the end of the year. Year One students and Year Two students learn within Stage One syllabus outcomes and criteria and are therefore expected to have achieved a sound level against those identified outcomes and criteria by the end of Year Two. This represents a two year learning commitment to achieve syllabus outcomes for Stage One. Year Three and Year Four students learn within Stage Two syllabus outcomes and criteria and are therefore expected to have achieved a sound level against those identified outcomes and criteria by the end of Year Four. Again, this represents a two year learning commitment to achieve syllabus outcomes for Stage Two. Positive Parenting I came across this article from the “Raising Children Alliance” It has some great advice about the most difficult job in the world. Raising our children Similarly, Year Five and Year Six students learn within Stage Three syllabus outcomes and are therefore expected to have achieved a sound level against those identified outcomes and criteria by the end of Year Six. This again represents a two year learning commitment to achieve syllabus outcomes for Stage Three. Therefore, at this stage of the year, Kindergarten, Year Two, Year Four and Year Six students should be achieving at a sound level of achievement within their respective stage. Year One, Year Three and Year Five students, however, are still effectively only half way through their course content and stage of learning, so are therefore expected to be working towards or achieving at a sound level. Of course, all students are aiming to achieve at either a sound or higher level by the conclusion of each syllabus stage of their learning. Within these reports, students have been provided with an overall assessment of achievement in the key learning areas using a five point scale: Limited, Basic, Sound, High and Outstanding. Students are also provided with an assessment ranking for their application in each key learning area, and are indicated as Consistent, Satisfactory or Inconsistent. As always you are encouraged to focus on the level of effort your child has made towards their progress and regard it as equally important as their level of achievement. being in the moment with your child spending quality time with your child working on family management. Being in the moment LMBR (Leadership Management and Business Reform) “Go Live September 5” Bert Oldfield Public School will transition to the new NSW public schools’ finance system and a new bank account on 5 September 2016. To ensure a smooth transition, there will be changes to the way we accept parent or carer payments. 21. Cash and cheque payments: Between 31 August 2016 and 5 September 2016, we will also not be able to accept payments by cash or cheque as we prepare to close our current bank account and transition to the new one. Please ensure that you have made any outstanding cash or cheque payments before 31 August 2016. From 6 September 2016, cash and cheque payments will be accepted as before. 2. Online payments: Between 24 August 2016 and 4 September 2016, we will also not be able to accept online payments as we prepare to close our current bank account and transition to the new one. Please ensure that you have made any outstanding online payments before 24 August 2016. From 5 September 2016, online payments will be accepted as before. Bert Oldfield Public School, Oldfield Road Seven Hills. Loving attention, warmth and care are critical for your child’s development, learning and self-esteem. No parent can provide this every minute of every day, but over time you can build a strong and positive relationship. Your family is unique. There’s no formula or a best or right way to create a strong relationship with your child – each family has to figure it out for themselves. There will be times when you don’t or can’t do what you’d like for your child, but if you put time into building positive relationships in your family, those relationships will see you through. You can build positive relationships by: When you give loving positive attention to your child, you help them build a picture of themselves as a person who is valued and valuable. This kind of attention doesn’t have to be a big deal – you just need to ‘be in the moment’ with your child. This means trying to tune in and think about what is going on with your child. Sometimes this is simply showing acceptance, letting your child be and not giving directions all the time. It’s good to give your child the opportunity to take the lead, to have input, to make suggestions and ask questions. When you’re really in the moment, you respond to your child in ways that aren’t impulsive or based on habit. Being in the moment includes praising, repeating your child’s words, smiling and making eye contact, imitating, playing what your child wants to play, and really having fun together. Parents who give these responses can see dramatic changes in their children. Your child can tell when you’re not really paying attention – when you’re giving those mindless ‘mmmm’ responses to what he’s saying. Of course this will happen sometimes, but the aim is to tip the balance in favour of being positive and present. Spending ‘quality time’ Quality time can happen anytime and anywhere, in the middle of ordinary days and situations. A shared laugh when you’re bathing your toddler, the discovery of the season’s first flower in the garden with your six-year-old, or a good conversation in the car with your eight-year-old – these can all be quality time. Just listen closely to your child or stop what you’re doing to pay full attention to them. Website: Email; You can also make quality time by taking advantage of any opportunity, however small, to show that you value and appreciate your child. For example, you can communicate powerful positive messages with your smiles, laughter, eye contact, hugs and gentle touches. Quality moments like these are an essential factor in building a positive relationship with your child. Thank you STAFF CAR PARK A reminder that you are not to walk through or park in the staff car park area—this is a WH&S safety rule. Also, the DoE have a safety issue with parents walking or entering through the car park. We need to keep our children safe at all times so please enter and exit through the entry gate near the school sign when arriving at school. The time you spend with your child also makes a difference to how they learn. For example, the time you spend talking with your child in the first three years of life helps them learn language. Working on family management Strong family relationships are helped by looking at how your family members interact on a day-to-day basis. Here are some ideas: Plan some one-on-one time on a regular basis with each of your children. Some children are quieter and don’t demand as much attention as others, and they might get left out. On a busy work day, one-on-one time with a child might be brief, but over a week, try to have some longer interactions. Set aside one-on-one time with your partner. Investing in a strong, loving relationship with your partner is also investing in your relationship with your child. It can take effort, but it’s well worth it. If you’re a single parent, you could try setting aside time with an extended family member or a close friend. Maintaining your relationships with adults will help you feel supported. Think about ways to organise the household routine so it’s less stressful. Even simple changes can help, such as using an ongoing shopping list so you won’t have to rush off unexpectedly to the supermarket to get milk as soon as you get Gardening Club made tomato sandwiches from our home grown tomato’s. Yummo. home. When children are old enough, give them some household responsibilities. Being responsible for some chores, no matter how small, help children feel they’re making a valuable contribution to the family’s wellbeing. Even very young children like the feeling of belonging that comes from making a contribution. Money Sent to School When sending money to school we ask that you send it in an envelope with your child’s name, class and what the money is for. We are having too many students bringing money into the office or handing it to their class teachers without envelopes which is leading to misplaced money. We request that you purchase a pack of envelopes, especially for school. Bert Oldfield Public School, Oldfield Road Seven Hills. Website: Email; ALL STAR ROCK STAR MAKING AN ONLINE PAYMENT. Did you know that you can make an online payment for most KW Indrakshee Chatterjee Olivia Clegg 1B Takdir Kaur Jennifer Mourad Brandon Wong Sam Haunga Sidney Ngatokorua 1B Takdir Kaur 2M Alidcane Min Sugandhen Ratanalabanes Azra Ozdemir 2M Alidcane Min 3/4P Shyne Sunga Joey Thistlewaite 3/4P Shyne Sunga Just click the make a payment tab and follow the links 3/4D Barnabas Kpozehouen 5/6S Riya Jain Silaulelei Toilolo Caitlyn Crowther Corben Wilson Navneet Warraich Keira Sheehan 5/6S Riya Jain START SMART MONEY PROGRAM 100 Night Reading KB Abhiraj Cheema KP Kayla Cabrera Jankaia-Joa Samuela-Matenga KW Violet Innes Arjun Ramireddy 1B Jennifer Mourad 1/2F Leyla Basaran 2/3T Sitt Naing 3/4D Layla Mourad 3/4P Ivy Pepper Pranzal Jain We recently welcomed Start Smart to deliver their free, financial education workshops to our students from Year 1 to Year 6. Delivered in class to students by a wonderful facilitator Renice, Start Smart changes the way young people learn about money. By making money management interactive, engaging and fun, our students were equipped with the confidence and competence they need to make smart decisions about money. Our school has proudly joined the Commonwealth Bank's Start Smart Program in its mission to improve the financial literacy of Australia’s young people. Overall, the program proved to be a highly beneficial experience for students and was thoroughly enjoyed by all. For more information on the program and each of the workshops we encourage you to visit BREAKFAST CLUB The Breakfast club will once again be running on Monday and Wednesday mornings from 8.30am – 8.55am. Thank you to the many children who were happy to donate their gold coin for slices of toast with honey or vegemite together with a cup of milk. Enjoy toast with Vegemite or honey and a healthy glass of milk Bert Oldfield Public School, Oldfield Road Seven Hills. When: Mondays and Wednesday Time: 8.30am – 8.55am Where: Mrs Oldfield’s Room Website: Email; Cost:: A gold coin donation Cost: Mums, Dads, Grandmas and Grandads Volunteers are required for Breakfast Club on a Monday or a Wednesday from 8.30am – 8.55am to assist with preparing the food for the students who attend Breakfast Club. If you are able to assist please contact Mrs Sternaras so that a roster can be organised. Gold Coin Donation CUBBY HOUSE: In the HUB When: Every Tuesday Where: Bert Oldfield Public School Time: 3.15—4.15pm Commenced 8th March Contact Nanthini at BOPS Hub or Lulu at Karabi 9688 1084 HURRY!!! LIMITED PLACES Come along and join in the fun and meet new people. GARDENING CLUB NEWS Our wonderful gardening guru Mrs Lessells works with our students each week in the school garden teaching them all about the plants/ vegetables they are growing. NEWS FROM OUR P&C A reminder the Uniform Shop is open from 2.30pm on Mondays only. This is the only way you can purchase your children's uniforms. You will still be able to place a pre-order but can only collect it from the Uniform Shop on the following Monday. Mrs Lessells has asked if anyone in our school community has succulents (non spikey) that you might donate for the students to make a green wall. Also if you have any second hand earthenware pots that you can donate to the school. Please bring any donations to the Administration Office and they will be given to Mrs Lessells. Please make sure you take note of the opening times and how to order and where to collect them from. Thank you for Thank you for your understanding Volunteers We are still looking for volunteers to help out in the canteen. If you can spare a few hours or the whole day, weekly or fortnightly, that will help us immensely. It would be a treat for any students to see their grandparents who have also volunteered to help in the canteen. Please see Shelley on Tuesday mornings or Janel, the P&C President, on Fridays in the canteen. P&C Committee supporting the Gardening Club. They have been doing some What's Happening at B.O.P.S Karabi English Classes (NEW) When: Mondays Where: Bert Oldfield Public School Hall Time: 11.30am—12.30pm Playgroup 5yrs & under When: Mondays Where: Bert Oldfield School Hall Time: 9.00am—11.00am Cost: Gold Coin Donation and a Piece of Fruit. Zumba Classes When: Wednesdays Where: Bert Oldfield School Hall Time: 9.15am—10.15am Bert Oldfield Public School, Oldfield Road Seven Hills. great work. Website: Email; Bert Oldfield Public School, Oldfield Road Seven Hills. Website: Email; POSITIVE LEARNING BEHAVIOUR EXPECTATIONS PBL Post You may have noticed this new addition to our school playground located near to the entry of our main playground asphalt area. We have put this post box there so that members of our school community—students and the parents—can ‘mail’ us any suggestions that you think may assist us in further providing a positive learning environment for all the students of our school. We look forward to hearing from you ! Bert Oldfield Public School, Oldfield Road Seven Hills. Website: Email; Play Pals BOPS was fortunate to acquire the following new equipment for Play Pals through the Woolworths Earn & Learn Program and additional funding: Garden Noughts and Crosses Weplay – Rock and Fish Marble Run Cogo Toys Cognitive Games Kit Moving Monkeys Building Gears Set Weplay Tricky Fish Game Set of 2 Crazy Forts Building Set Feed the Animals – Fine Motor Games Set Wild Animals Floor Puzzle Rings and Sticks Wooden Box Shape Puzzle Set of 3 Design and Drill Activity Centre Magnetic Fishing Set M&D Lace and Trace Shapes Magnetic Games Set of 3 M&D Lace and Trace Farm Animals Super Construction Set Farm and Zoo Puppets Set of 8 After the long and arduous task of labelling every piece and storage tub, the equipment has finally made its way onto the playground. Students from all grades are thoroughly enjoying the new games, puzzles and activities and are developing positive social skills in the process. We encourage all students to attend and would love to see as many students as possible each Tuesday and Thursday lunchtime under the Hall COLA. Ms Perente and the Play Pal Leaders. Bert Oldfield Public School, Oldfield Road Seven Hills. Website: Email; Bert Oldfield Public School, Oldfield Road Seven Hills. Website: Email; Parent Online Payment Procedures (POP) The P&C School Canteen is open lunch time every Tuesday with a Twist! They will only sell Toasties! Drinks are also available Toasties available - Lunch order’s only Cheese $2 Cheese & Tomato $2.50 Ham, Cheese & $3.00 Baked beans $2 Cheese and ham $2.50 Drinks Water $1.00 & Juice Spaghetti $2 Cheese and baked beans $2.50 Please note: The canteen will not be open for recess on Tuesdays. If your child would like to order a 'Toastie’ on 'Toastie Tuesday', please write the desired order on a lunch order bag, with your child's name and class, along with the correct money and have them post it in the canteen lunch order box. Bert Oldfield Public School, Oldfield Road Seven Hills. Website: Email; Bert Oldfield Public School, Oldfield Road Seven Hills. Website: Email;
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