kps press - Korumburra Primary School


kps press - Korumburra Primary School
Private Bag 1, Mine Road, Korumburra. 3950
School Hours: 9.00 a.m.—3.30 p.m.
Web address::
Telephone: 5655 1309
Fax:: 5655 2861
June 11th, 2015
Issue 17
Aim High
Be Respectful
Be Resilient
Be Responsible
Principal’s Report
2016 Prep Parent Information Night
Last night Mrs Kerrie McPherson and her team held an Information Night
for our 2016 incoming Prep students. The night was well attended by
both new families to the school and also current parents with other
children already in our school. The purpose of the night was to give
parents an insight into the Prep program and other general information
about the school. The night also provided parents an opportunity to meet
the Prep teaching team at KPS and ask any questions that they may
have had. I would like to thank Kerrie McPherson, Jennifer Cant and Jan
Clark for organising the night. A special thank you to Betty Hall for
arranging the uniform display and for providing supper for our guests.
Spirit of Anzac Medallions
At our recent school Anzac Service, our 2 School Captains Jorja Whyte
and Jordan Thomas, were the recipients of medallions donated to each
school recognising the centenary of the Gallipoli landing. Unfortunately,
Jordan was absent on that day due to illness so at our Assembly last
Friday, we presented him with his Spirit of Anzac medallion. As only 2
medallions were available for each school, the presentation is a
recognition of these students’ effort, behaviour and the example they set
for other students and support they show for the KPS community.
Congratulations to both Jordan and Jorja on receiving their medallions.
Lightning Premiership
Today, 49 of our Year 5 & 6 students travelled to Mary MacKillop C.R.C. in
Leongatha to participate in the annual District Lightning Premiership. I’m
sure all of our students will have a great day competing in our winter sports;
football, netball and soccer. Congratulations to all of the teams competing
today. Thank you to Mrs Snooks and the Year 5 & 6 staff for organising the
day as well as to the parents that have assisted or made the time to watch
our teams.
Very early last Saturday, we again had a number of young Korumburra
people on site damaging our school property. Sadly 3 of the 5 people
on-site were ex-students. The visitors pulled a light down from the covered
way outside room 5, leaving exposed wires, broke all the pickets on the
paling fence beside the vegie patch near the Senior building, upturned one
of the picnic tables, pulled the 2 netball posts out of their sleeves and threw
them away near the Senior building, tipped rubbish bins over, put one of
the lunch box trolleys from outside the Year 3 & 4 building on the covered
way roof and then threw it off - wrecking it as well as damaging some of the
totems created in Art lessons which are in some of the garden beds near
the Library building. Police did attend and have issued official cautions to
the 2 youths who have indicated that they will visit the school to arrange
paying for their damage. Our students get quite concerned when people
damage our school property and this was again the case when we
mentioned it to them all on Tuesday. Hopefully this wanton destruction will
now cease.
Report Writing
As we get closer to the end of Term 2, our teachers have been busily
writing the students’ Semester 1 reports. Reporting student progress to
parents is an essential part of our work. As a school we pride ourselves on
providing parents with an accurate assessment of not only academic
progress but also social and emotional development. Thank you to the staff
for the countless hours they have put into preparing the students’ reports as
well as the editing and reviewing process. Student’s Semester 1 reports are
due to be distributed on the last day of Term 2, Friday 26th June.
Planning Week
Next week, our teachers will have the opportunity to work offsite for a
day to plan in their teams for Term 3. Each Department team will use
this day to analyse individual student achievements and plan for each
student’s further development next term.
Portfolio Presentations
Next term, Monday 20th July will see a day dedicated to students having the
opportunity to present their portfolios to their parents. There will be no
formal classes for the day but students are all expected to attend with their
parents / guardians to present their portfolios. The portfolio presentations
will commence at 11:00 and run till 7:30 and each be approximately 15
minutes in duration. More detales regarding this event will be distributed
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Principal’s Report cont….
(Continued from page 1)
JSC End of Term Event
As has become tradition, the Friday of our second last week of
each term is a JSC Dress Up Day with next Friday 19th June being
no exception. The Free Dress Day will see the JSC Executive
encourage all children to also wear a beanie which will support of
one of their 2 nominated causes for the day – support of Brain
Cancer together with support of State Schools Relief who do a
wonderful job of providing clothing and footwear for disadvantaged
school families across our state. Students are asked to donate a
gold coin for the privilege of dressing up. Our JSC Executive have
organised prizes for best outfits and beanies. Well done to them on
their organisation. Good luck everyone with your outfits!
Michael’s Supa IGA
Don’t forget about Michael’s Supa IGA Community Rewards
Program. This is one way that every family can financially contribute
to our school without making a formal donation. Did you know that
just by shopping at Michael’s Supa IGA, if your customer tag is
linked to KPS, our school receives a donation proportional to the
amount spent? What a simple way to contribute to our school. Last
year Michael’s Supa IGA donated $3,525 to our school just because
of families having a customer tag linked to our school!! Thank you to
all those who regularly support our school in this way. If you don’t
have a customer tag, application forms are available either at our
school Office or Michael’s Supa IGA.
Keeping Warm
At this time of the year as the winter sets in, it is very important that
all our students stay warm and dry at school. Attendance and
learning progress are closely connected and we hope that your
child’s attendance is maximised by staying healthy. Can all parents
please ensure that your child / children are appropriately dressed for
the wet and cold weather. Please send a raincoat where possible as
we like to let the students out to play even in colder conditions to get
some fresh air. Our school waterproof coats are a great investment
at this time of the year and are available at the Office for only $30.
Spot Mr Gray’s Spelling Mistake
Did you spot the mistake in my last report? I spelt the word ‘visitors’
as ‘visitiors’. Well spotted Sophie McKenzie! Sophie won a treat from
the canteen for her efforts! Good luck spotting my very easy mistake
in this report. As usual, there will be a prize for those students who
can identify the deliberate error!
David Gray
Assistant Principal
Some of our 2014 Villians and Heroes
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Middle Department News
Science Activities
The Year 3 and 4 students have been participating in classroom activities regarding Matter (solids, liquids and gases) and Materials (paper,
plastic, metal, wood etc). We have conducted a number of experiments and are intending to have Science Activities Day next week where
students will be able to experience a variety of scientific principles in a fun way.
Jay and Sam conducting the Growing Crystals experiment
Ethan carefully measuring liquids
Footy Clinic
Melbourne Football Club in conjunction with AFL Victoria Country-Gippsland will be conducting a Footy Clinic at school on Tuesday 23rd June
for the students in LD 2-3, NK3, DM3, BH4 and HA4. The clinic will start at 1:45 and the students will be able to go through some skills and
drills with some AFL players. Students and teachers are looking forward to their visit.
Nigel Kilpatrick
Classroom Teacher
Library News
Premiers’ Reading Challenge – Just a reminder if you want to enter the Premiers’ Reading Challenge you must return your signed consent
form to the Library.
Overdue books – With the end of term not too far away could all students please return
their overdue books as soon as possible. Don’t forget you can re-borrow books if you’re
still reading them!
Congratulations to this week ’s challengers:
Helen Cripps
Library Coordinator
Will Anthony, Holly Fowler, Katie Turton & Ayla Fowler
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Junior Department News
We were very excited to have our annual Grandparent’s Day recently and to have the opportunity to share part of our school day with them.
Many Grandparents attended our Assembly and then followed us to our rooms, where they quickly became involved in our Investigations
session. We had Grandparents joining in with box construction, writing, making felt pictures, building with blocks and other construction
materials, making paper people and things with playdough – just to mention a few! Following this some of our Grandparents got to listen to
their grandchildren read their home reading book and then joined with some of the other Grandparents to have a cuppa in the Library. The
children really love having their Grandparents visit them at school and enjoy showing them some of the activities they participate in. The
Grandparents also really seem to enjoy their time with us and many get to adopt surrogate grandchildren and renew old acquaintances. We
would like to thank the Grandparents and their families for the effort taken for them to attend! Many have to travel quite a distance and some
stay with their families to make this possible. We really appreciate everyone’s efforts!
Following this the children got to write about their Grandparent’s visit and we got to look at some of the photos taken.
Evan, Wil, Noah and I played at skipping. We counted. I got 11 and then 12! -Jayden
Jordyn and I worked at the basketball. -Janae
I read, ‘Here Comes Little Chimp’ to my Gran, my Pa and Nan. -Evan
I played with the marbles and mine was twisty-twirly. -Jordyn
Grandma and I played with the KNex and we built a see-saw. -Noah
The Marble Maze had a spinning thing and three steps! -Riley
Nana and I were skipping with Cassidy. -Sienna
Nanna, Poppy and I were sounding words at the Year 1’s table. I was writing the card words. -Tahli
I did the reading. I like reading! -Wil
I read to my Grandparents and it was fun. -Zenna
Kerrie McPherson
Classroom Teacher
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Senior Department News
Year 6
Wow, we’ve had a busy couple of weeks in the Year 6 area! The students have been working hard on testing and we have been pleased
with the positive attitudes they displayed during these times. Well done to you all!
Recently, the students have been focussing on Sustainability through our Writing, Reading and Integrated Studies periods. In the coming
weeks, groups of students will be creating persuasive advertisements about a controversial sustainability topic. We are really keen and
looking forward to seeing what the students produce!
We wish all of our Year 6 students going to the Lightning Premiership today the best of luck!
Year 5
The Year 5’s have been busy finessing up their digital portfolios, along with taking a look at report writing. The students have been settling
back into their daily routines after all the different assessments this term.
Just a friendly reminder that students need to come with their WARM school clothing, as we are endeavouring to keep them healthy and
rugged up when they are outside for play.
We wish all of our Year 5 students going to Lightning Premiership today the best of luck!
Christine Abbott
Classroom Teacher
Education is all around - you can’t you see it!
Education is all around you—it’s the past and your future. You need education to become what you want to be when you’re older. Like if you
want to be a farmer you need to have a good education. There’s all sorts of stuff you need to learn Maths, English, Writing, Reading all that
sort of stuff. Also say you want to go and buy a car you need to know how to drive a car or you’re just going to crash and no one wants to
crash and look like a weirdo. Education is books, toys and people had to be educated to make all sorts of toys and games. For instance a
video game. People needed to go to school to learn computer skills. When you are young—say about 2-3 you were taught to walk and talk
otherwise there’d be people crawling on the floor not being able to talk to others.
A quote from Albert Einstein:
Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the min to think!
by Kristine Matties
What Education Means to Me
Without an education what will you end up doing in life?
The Guardian which is an informational newspaper says we are very lucky in Australia because around the world almost 70 million kids are
prevented from going to school each day.
You should get an education because it will help you in the future when you end up getting a job. If you have dream jobs stick with it. Say if
you want to become the world’s fastest runner, you need to work hard and keep practising to achieve.
In school you should set yourself some goals to help you succeed in new subjects. If you struggle in Maths or Spelling make yourself a goal
to improve on them.
Once you become an adult you should teach young children what you have learnt whether you’re a teacher or not. You can still encourage
kids to do big things in the world.
You might think “Who needs an education?!” But if you want to get a proper job and make a lot of money say to become a lawyer or a
marketing director you need to get a proper education.
Overall you should stick to your dream job and one day it will become a reality.
“Always walk through life as if you have something new to learn and you will.” –Vernon Howard
by Mitchell Sawyers
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Art News
In Art lessons the students have been learning about the importance of choosing the right equipment to gain the desired effect.
Such as,
Using thick brushes for painting backgrounds and blending colours.
Painting with thin brushes for small areas and details.
Creating smooth tones from light to dark with 6B pencils.
Sketching with 2B pencils
Enhancing and adding detail to black paper and paint with metallic markers
Here are some awesome outcomes of what students have been exploring in Art over the last two
Rachel Warren
Art Teacher
Private Bag 1, Mine Road, Korumburra. 3950
Calendar of Events
17th June
ICAS Writing Comp.
18th June
Regional Cross Country
Lardner Park
19th June
JSC Dress Up Day/Beanie
23rd June
AFL Clinic Year 3 and 4.
24th June
District Chess Tournament
at KPS.
26th June
Term 2 ends.
13th July
Term 3 begins
16th July
State Cross Country
20th July
Pupil Free Day
22nd July
Finance Meeting
Building and Grounds
Publicity and Marketing
29th July
School Council Meeting
2016 Preps Footy Day
Year 4 Camp Allambee
2nd Sept.
Prep 2016 Orientation
Session No 1
18th Sept.
Term 3 finishes.
24th—26th August
Telephone: 5655 1309
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