ommunitarian - Delaware County Community College
ommunitarian - Delaware County Community College
The ommunitarian C Volume 15, No. 2 March 29, 2010 DCCC Engineering Club to build 15-foot-tall campus birdfeeder By Kerry Hansen Staff Writer The DCCC Engineering Club has been hired to design and construct a 15 foot tall birdfeeder to attract songbirds so Biology students can study them. The birdfeeder will be installed in the outdoor café area where the students can view it from inside the classrooms. The birdfeeder is expected to be completed in June in the beginning of the 2010 Summer I semester. The birdfeeder design team includes Engineering Club President Kyle Contino, Engineering Club Vice-President Kesla Duka, Liam Shea, and Hilson Chan. Alex Nash, who joined the club last semester, is the technical lead and design contributor. The Engineering Club has been working on the birdfeeder design since last September. Alex Contino stated that “meeting attendance is about 20 [people]” every second and fourth Tuesday to discuss the planning and design of the birdfeeder. The idea for the birdfeeder was conceived by Biology Professor Steve Aquilani who first started this project overseas with students in Greece. “It started with Aquilani.” Contino stated. This is a new program Professor Aquilani is trying. He taught this in Europe, in Greece. “It is all about observing.” Duka stated. The Engineering Club is the first to design and build a campus birdfeeder. “Professor Aquilani’s objective is that is there’s something wrong this semester with the design to come up with something better next semester, so this is like our prototype. We are like the first.” Duka said. “We are the groundbreakers.” Contino stated. The Engineering concepts that were used to create the birdfeeder included physics, mechanics, and structure statics. The birdfeeder will allow students to study “the different types of songbirds that come according to the elevation” Duka stated. “The highest perch is about fifteen feet high.” Nash stated. The design of the birdfeeder had many constraints and specifications when it came to the design of the birdfeeder. “There needed to be a mechanism in there so that it could be raised and lowered so that it could be filled (with birdseed).”Nash stated. Four trays are located along the trunk of the birdfeeder to feed birds at different heights along the feeder. The lowest perch is at ground level. “One is going to be right on the ground.” Nash stated. The birdfeeder needed to be portable, and designed for the Biology students to put together themselves. “It needed to be collaps The birdfeeder needed to be portable, and designed for the Biology students to put to- Continued on page 2 R&B and soul artist Rudy Currence brings his voice and rhythm to DCCC By Jennifer Malfara Staff Writer In the Cafeteria at the Main Campus around Q time, an R&B, soul and gospel musician performed for 55 minutes to a crowded audience. The concert was sponsored by the Campus Life office. Rudy Currence, 24, a talented singer and songwriter from North Carolina, began introducing himself to the students and informed them he signed a recording contract with Ludacris’ record label, Disturbing Tha Peace (DTP) Records. He also explained that he is on a 40-college tour that started in mid-January and will run through May this year. Currence never missed a beat on the keyboard, flowing from each song with maturity and grace. His vocals have a unique R&B and gospel flair to them. He also impressed his audience with his sense (Photo by Jennifer Malfara) of humor and smile. Being nervous is not a prior- Rudy Currence performs in the DCCC cafeteria Continued on page 2 Inside ... Civil Rights activist visits campus pg. 2 Clubs raise money for Haiti pg. 2 Garden planned for campus center pg. 3 Flirting with trouble pg. 6 Is race still an issue? pg. 6 Technology pg. 8 NHL deals with concussions pg. 10 Co-ed tennis springs back pg. 10 Olympics pgs. 10-11 (Drawing courtesy of the DCCC Engineering Club) Blueprint of the Bridfeeder Project shows what the finished product should look like by this summer. Students visit UN Headquarters and Times Square in New York By Lucas Rodgers Senior Staff Writer Huge skyscrapers, incessant street vendors, historic art, diverse commerce, intercultural collaboration: these are just a few of the things students witnessed on a trip to New York City. Students and faculty of Delaware County Community College visited the United Nations Headquarters and Times Square, March 2, on a campus life-sponsored trip. The trip included a tour of the UN buildings, a briefing on the UN Global Compact, and an opportunity to explore the streets of Manhattan. Perhaps the highlight of the trip for many students was the city of itself. It’s a massive city with constant activity; the towering buildings and expansive streets may seem overwhelming but offer many new experiences. Students were free to walk around in groups and go where they pleased, but were given a map of Manhattan with recommendations for popular sights, tours, museums, theatres, shopping, and restaurants. Students participated in a walking tour of the UN Secretariat, learning the history of the UN and observing meeting rooms and displays of UN relief supplies as well as gifts contributed from member countries. A briefing on the UN Global Compact, a body designated for collaboration with businesses, was included in the visit. Sean Cruse, a staff member of the UN Global Compact, gave a presentation on the organization’s tasks and goals, and allowed students to join in with questions or comments. “The UN was very interesting, a lot of knowledgeable people, [and a] cool tour,” said Bryan Clyde, 21, a business management major. “But I really liked just walking around seeing people and different things.” The bus arrived in Manhattan and dropped off students and faculty in front of the UN Headquarters at 10:30 a.m. After, they had to go through a security check before beginning the tour. The tour guide started off by quizzing students on their knowledge of the UN. There were some good guesses, but she eventually revealed information about the UN’s founding and current status. She explained that the UN was formed Oct. 24, 1945 with 51 original member states, and now has 192 member states. Several gifts from member states of the UN were on display, such as an ornate wood carving of a ship from Japan, a finely detailed, white marble sculpture of a hillside from China, and a Norman Rockwell painting depicting the golden rule. A scale model of the entire UN Headquarters, along with miniature flags of each member state, was also on display. Students also visited a large UN meeting hall and learned about veto power within the UN, how seating order for representatives is determined, and the six official languages of the UN: English, Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish. Then, students learned about UN peacekeeping operations. The UN has no standing army but Continued on Page 4 Page 2 March 29, 2010 CAMPUS Lifelong Civil Rights activist inspires new generation By Rosalind N. Seth Staff Writer (Photo by Rosalind Seth) gether themselves. “It needed to be collapsible if need be, movable if need be, and stored if need be, it needed to be modular.” Nash stated. “The Biology students have to be able to put it together.” Contino stated. The Engineering Club members will create an instruction booklet to help the Biology students to assemble the birdfeeder as a group. “We are gonna build it and then we are gonna make a set of instructions, and then dismantle it and hand it to the Biology students and say build it and then we will supervise of course.” Nash stated. “And we are having an instruction booklet.” Cafeteria becomes impromptu church for gospel singer From page 1 ity for him. “I’m used to it [performing],” Currence said. “I grew up with music all my life.” He sang familiar songs such as “Umbrella” by Rihanna and “Lean on Me” by Bill Withers, involving the students to sing the choruses and snap their fingers to the beat. Michelle Liu, 19, a business major said, “He was pretty good.” Being accepted by the audience as he turned the cafeteria into a gospel church in the middle of his set, Currence said, “I grew up in a church because my dad was a preacher down in North Carolina.” He then began to sing “Oh Lord” in his own style, bouncing octaves, ranging from tenor to soprano. Teresa Domigo, 46, a social work major, enjoyed him so much she bought his 2006 independent album, Here with You. “I love him,” she said. “He was awesome.” From that same album, he sang “Weave Ponytail,” a slow love song, and “Zion,” which talks about his struggles in North Carolina and trying to make it in the world. He also sang “Sweetest Sacrifice” from his first Independent album, “More Than You’ll Ever Know,” which was recorded in 2003. Though Currence had to motivate the audience to sing, he said he still enjoyed playing at DCCC. “I love what I do,” he said. “I don’t take it for granted.” Currence is now recording his new album for DTP, “Black Keys and Blue Skies,” which will come out in the summer 2010. If you’re a fan of Rudy Currence or are interested in his music, go to his website, You can also buy his music on or Contact Jennifer Malfara at Communitarian@mail.dccc. edu Contact Kerry at (Photo courtesy of the DCCC Engineering Club) Plans for the new birdfeeder were created with AutoCAD. PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT From page 1 PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT Duka is working on a 3-D drawing plan. Nash drew the 2-D plans for the birdfeeder using the program AutoCAD. Nash said, “I’ve had 10-plus years experience in building and construction…I can take the concept and make it real.” Nash has worked with PVC and swimming pools for many years. Nash’s experience with PVC and swimming pools was influential in creating the design and choosing to use PVC materials for the birdfeeder. “I think we’re pretty confident in this design at this point. This is going to be made out of PVC mostly, and myself and Liam are both swimming pool technicians. We feel that our theories are pretty well established.” Nash said. “Engineering project management came in a lot coordinating everyone’s efforts to make one idea so that people can speak up individually to reflect the best of what we have worked on.” Contino stated.”I have done a lot of management of people in general.” PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT The Engineering Club builds giant birdfeeder Contact Rosalind N. Seth at PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT Leslie Burl McLemore spoke at DCCC on Feb. 18 about his role in the Civil Rights movement. Civil Rights activist Dr. Leslie Burl McLemore visited Delaware County Community College’s main campus on Thursday, Feb 18th. During the Mississippi native’s address to students and faculty, he shared some experiences about participating in the struggle for racial equality in America. McLemore’s contributions to the Civil Rights Movement include involvement in the Student Nonviolence Coordination Committee (SNICK), the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), and the Mississippi Freedom Democratic party. The African American Civil Rights movement began in 1955. McLemore, now a political science professor at Jackson State University, began his commitment to Civil Rights advocacy as a teenager while growing up, as the son of a share cropper in Walls, MS, where he quickly became disillusioned with the inadequate education available to blacks. “So many people didn’t get an education before me because of lack of opportunity,” said McLemore. For example, he described Mount Zion CME church school, the first school he attended as a child. “It had only one teacher, who was not a college graduate, responsible for grades 1-8,” he said. Also little time was set aside for academics, according to McLemore. “You only went to school four month out of the year. The rest of the time you engaged in plantation activities,” he added. Despite these disadvantages, McLemore would later not only graduate high school, but also earn a BA from Rust College, an MA from Atlanta University and a PhD from the University of Massachusetts. “You’re looking at a miracle,” McLemore said as the audience applauded. After witnessing the effects of racial discrimination in his segregated school district, McLemore was inspired to arrange a protest at his high school, Central High School in Desoto County, MS. v The students had three demands according to McLemore: they wanted black (African-American) history books in the library, fewer faculty members on the district advisory board, and better food quality in the cafeteria. McLemore joked about the third demand. “The greens didn’t taste like our mother’s greens the cornbread didn’t taste like our mother’s cornbread,” he said smiling. None of the demands were adequately met including the food. “They promised but in the end we only got bigger portions,” he added. As he furthered his education at Rust College, McLemore also continued with his activism. He and his peers boycotted theatres, integrated schools, and took part in voter registration, even though he was under 21 and couldn’t register. McLemore explained the way blacks were discouraged from registering for the right to vote. According to McLemore, if a black person wanted to have the right to vote in Mississippi he had to pass a literacy test, interoperate a random portion of the Mississippi constitution, and have his name printed in the paper. Toward the end of his lecture, McLemore spoke fondly of President Obama along with the notion of the first African American President in general. However he also strongly suggested that the office of commander and chief does not suit Obama. “I think that Obama is too great, too refined, and has too much ability to be president of the United States,” he said. Clubs raise money to help Haiti By Saundra Maddox Junior Editor Delaware County Community College students and staff members have not forgotten the earthquake that struck Haiti on Jan. 12, leaving hundreds of thousands homeless, injured, or dead. The quake led to a worldwide call for help, and people all around the world responded by making donations made to help Haitians rebuild their country. Last month, for example, DCCC History Club members raised $500 to donate to Haiti. Since then, DCCC has made more efforts to help the country. Collection boxes for change were placed in the cafeteria and hallways for donations of soap, shampoo, toothbrushes and similar items. All donations have since been collected and sent out to Haiti. The DCCC Campus Life office and student clubs such as BSU, Phi Theta Kappa and the Business Society held a raffle from Feb. 8 through March 4 to raise additional money to send to Haiti. The raffle tickets sold for $1 each or six for $5. Prizes included an I-Pod Nano, free tuition for a three-credit course, and tickets to sporting events. Here are the winners of the raffle and their prizes. Patricia A. Pasley won two Sixers tickets for the March 12 game against the Cleveland Cavaliers. De Vitale won two Phillies tickets for the April 30 game against the rival New York Mets. Trina Tinnin won free tuition for a son, 21, whose major is undecided, said three-credit course. she “was aware that there were collecV. Terinoni won an I-Pod Nano. tions going around the campus for Haiti,” Barb Sigel won a multi-cultural food but that she just simply did not get the basket. chance to contribute. “I have two Haitian Dalisha Flipper won the President’s friends that were sad because they were parking spot. trying to get in touch with their sister Dorthea won a Coca-Cola lawn chair. who was in Haiti,” she added. Mayu Ouishi and Kait Nigro both won DCCC has made a great effort towards online gaming systems. helping the country of Haiti. The story of Mariam Wright and Fatmata Bundu Haiti and its devastation has touched us both won DCCC sweatshirts. all in some way. Jane Schurman won a Fusion Salon gift A Swedish proverb says, “The best card. place to find a helping hand is at the The goal was $1,000, but DCCC colend of your own arm.” If you have not lected $800. already donated to help Haiti, there is still The shortfall could be due to the fact time. that not all students knew about the fund raising activities. Contact Saundra Maddox at: communiWhen a Communitarian reporter ducted an informal poll about student awareness of the raffle and collections, Christian Brown, 20, a liberal arts major, responded, “I didn’t know that there were collections going on around campus for Haiti.” Brown added that he “would have donated what [he] could to the fundraiser if there were more banners (Photo by Saundra Maddox) or advertisements Collection jars for donations for Hatian earthquake relief for them.” Jaleesa Richard- were located around campus. March 29, 2010 Page 3 CAMPUS Large expanses of dirt soon to become fields of flowers (Photo by Katy O’Dwyer) A flower garden containing pansies and other annuals as well as some perranials will soon fill the brownspots beside the STEM building in the center of campus. By Kerry Hansen and Rosalind Seth Staff Writers DCCC landscaping to be completed by mid-May That pile of dirt outside the new STEM Building won’t be there for long. A DCCC grounds crew including Jimmy Creuz, Kevin Diggins and Chris Sim has been working on a new garden design that will transform the bare soil into a garden that will be ready by May 14. “On and off we are doing the finishing grade and then we will put topsoil in,” said Sim, the Grounds Supervisor, who has worked for DCCC for more than 25 years. He explained that the garden plan is uncertain due to contact with the grower and the types of seeds that are ordered. “There is a basic plan, but it is not exact,” he said. “At first we will put in annuals and then we will plant perennials. The pansies will go in first,” added Diggins. “They die in the winter and are replanted again.” “It will be great,” said Creuz. Diggins, a DCCC employee for over 20 years, is in the midst of many projects for the school grounds, such as maintenance issues related to this harsh winter season. Diggins is a little worried that the garden may suffer because of the habit that many students have of littering instead of using designate d trash cans. “It would be nice if they just left the flowers but they leave the cigarettes or trash there,” Diggins said. Contact Kerry Hansen and Rosalind Seth at Page 4 March 29, 2010 National Students visit U.N. Headquarters and Times Square From page 1 relies on volunteers from the militaries of member states. UN forces are identified by their blue helmets or berets, and can not open fire unless first attacked. Examples of UN relief efforts were also on display, such as UNICEF nutrition kits, refugee tents and mosquito nets. The UN provides mosquito nets to help prevent the spread of malaria, tents to give shelter to refugees, and nutrition kits to aid starving people; the UN also has programs such as sports in a box and school in a box to provide education and recreation to children in need. “I’m pursuing a career with international business and international relations so I think it was an eye opener for me just going there and meeting people and hearing about what the UN actually does,” said Isaac Fomevor, 23, a business major. After the tour, students and faculty gathered in a small conference room for the briefing on the global compact. The briefing outlined the concept of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility), and how the UN and corporations can meet on common grounds. While businesses are mainly focused on profit and growth, and the UN centers around peace development and human rights, they do share some goals. Building markets, good governance and security, environmental issues, global health and social inclusion were examples Cruse gave that deepen interdependencies between the UN and businesses. The UN Global Compact was launched July 26, 2000 in New York with about 40 businesses, but now includes over 77,000 corporations and stakeholders. Membership is free for businesses, but they must follow 10 basic principles, file annual reports, and are encouraged to make donations. The 10 principles of the UN Global Compact fall into the four categories of human rights, labor standards, environment and anti-corruption. “The UN was really different,” said Ashleyann Petillo, 20, a restaurant management major. “It was fun to see everything; I took a lot of pictures.” After the UN Global Compact briefing, the bus dropped off students and faculty at Times Square at 2:30p.m. so they could walk around Manhattan. Some points of interest in the city included Rockefeller Center, St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Central Park and the Empire State Building. New York is a busy city that contains numerous sights to see and activities to engage in. Other recommended locations (Photo by Lucas Rodgers) The United Nations Building was one of the New York landmarks visited by a DCCC tour group on March 2, 2010. included the BMW Gallery, the Museum of Modern Art, Bloomingdale’s, the Trump Tower and restaurants like the Zen Palace and Le Parker Meridian Burger Joint. Of course, it’s impossible to see everything Manhattan has to offer in such a small amount of time, but students still had the opportunity to take part in many experiences unique to that location. At 5:30p.m., the bus picked up students and faculty, at the corner of 45th Satreet and Broadway, to return to DCCC, thus Open House. ending the trip to New York. “I thought I’d see some boring museums and stuff, but it actually was really interesting,” said Timothy Nolan, 22, a nursing major. “When we had time on our own, we got to go out on an adventure of our own.” Contact Lucas Rodgers at Get closer to your dream of getting a degree. Join our Open House at our Center City campus. Thursday, April 8th 5:30 to 7:00p.m. & Saturday, April 10th 10:30a.m. to Noon s On-the-spot transcript evaluation s Financial aid and scholarship information Peirce College 1420 Pine Street Philadelphia, PA 19102 $50 application fee waived for those who attend and apply YOU. IMPROVED. 888.GO.PEIRCE, ext.9000 Page 5 March 29, 2010 March 29, 2010 Page 6 EDITORIAL Student/teacher affairs are flirting with trouble By Leslie McDonnell Co-managing Editor One of the biggest scandals to ever hit Phoenixville High School was the affair between teacher and wrestling coach, Adam Hawke Staton, who was 29 at the time, and a 16-yearold female student of the school. Sources say the girl reported the relationship to school officials out of spite after finding bikini photos of another female student in Staton’s desk at school. When authorities were notified, Staton was arrested and charged with multiple counts of corrupting a minor. Although the prison time and fines would eventually be behind him, his reputation would be forever tarnished. There were severe consequences for the girl as well. She had to drop out of high school, where she was an honor student, and be home-schooled. She was also harassed online and lost many former friends. But in college, such an affair is no big deal because feasibly students are adults and not minors. Or is it? The DCCC student handbook clearly states that such a relationship is, “unprofessional and unacceptable. Whether the relationship is consensual is irrelevant.” A power relationship like this is also considered sexual harassment because, “such conduct has the effect of interfering with work performance or educational experience, or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work/educational environment,” as stated in the handbook under sexual harassment. If an accusation like this is reported there will be an investigation. All allegations are confidential because they could be false, which is part of the reason for investigation and confidentiality. False reports could be extremely damaging to a professional’s career. Although such occurrences are very rarely an issue, it is not unheard of. And just because these situations are kept confidential does not mean damage won’t be inflicted upon the accused individual’s career. It certainly won’t help. The handbook advises students or staff to report knowledge of such a relationship to the Associate Dean of Student Success, Betty Brown, in the Assessment Center so that an investigation can be conducted. There is no specific course of disciplinary action that would result since each case has unique dynamics and each instance would be dealt with appropriately according to the situation. Student to student relationships are obviously allowed but student to faculty/staff is not permitted. All DCCC employees receive sexual harassment training. Contact Leslie McDonnell at communitarian@mail.dccc. edu The Communitarian is produced by both current and former students of Fundamentals of Journalism II in collaboration with Campus Life and published at Delaware County Community College. Students who would like to write for the campus newspaper and have already completed Fundamentals of Journalism I (ENG 130) should register for Fundamentals of Journalism II (ENG 131). Students who have completed both classes are welcome back to join the senior staff. For more information, send an e-mail to Executive Editor Katy O’Dwyer Managing Editors Joe Giordano Leslie McDonnell Layout Editor Anya Gavlishin Junior Editors Saundra Maddox Tim Riday Web Editor Candice Monhollan Senior Reporters Lucas Rodgers Shawn Kotzen Is race still an issue? By Joseph Giordano Co-managing Editor Tastycakes, fruit punch, and cookies line the table while students choose from the variety of snacks before returning to their seats. The students place their desks in a circle and talk amongst themselves while munching on their treats. The students are preparing to discuss a rather difficult question, if race and ethnicity are still big issues in the United States. Hosted by the Delaware County Community College’s Black and Women’s History Committee, this informal debate was presided over by Dr. Joe Myers. Myers began the discussion by relating a story he heard over the radio about how Michael Jackson tried to change his race, but followed up with the question, what is race? One student replied to this by answering “You can’t change your race, it’s your background and you just can’t change something you were born as.” The same student followed this up by stating “People are looking at Obama as if he is the first black president, and don’t realize he’s half white. It’s as if they voted for a color rather than the man’s qualifications.” Jesse White, an elementary education student, stated that he was raised to respect everyone of all backgrounds, but that people will usually assume otherwise just because of how one dresses or their appearance. An international student from Liberia brought up an interesting point of how while she was in class, a professor asked her what her favorite food was. After responding that it was spaghetti, the teacher made a remark that they were surprised it wasn’t roasted lion or antelope. It’s as if your background automatically defines what your cultural preferences are. A member of the faculty who was in the audience, Pat Peterson, an adjunct professor who teaches personal career development, remarked “I was a child of segregation and saw changes when Kennedy and Johnson became presidents,” she said. “I blame the press for some of the controversy. They were making an issues of Michelle Obama’s obesity plan and acting as if it is targeting specifically the urban community when in reality it is just an American health issue.” Another point raised was that even though younger children are exposed to a greater racial variety on television and other cultures, race is always going to be that subject that no one will want to discuss. Contact Joseph Giordano at Reporters Kerry Hansen Jennifer Malfara Candice Monhollan Rosalind Seth The Communitarian Opinion Policy The opinions expressed on the editorial and the op-ed pages do not necessarily reflect those of The Communitarian staff or college. We welcome your comments on any matter relating to Delaware County Community College, and responsible rebuttal is encouraged. Write to Please write “letter to editor” in the subject box. Page 7 March 29, 2010 “Arcadia accepted all of our credits.” “Arcadia made it easy to transfer–and made sure we had the courses to apply for assured admission to the Physical Therapy program.” Ashley Eisennagel (left) “We went on Italy Preview! For $495 we got airfare, hotel accommodations, and 2 credits, too! We learned so much and had a great time.” Jennifer Eisennagel (right) photo courtesy: Jessica Alderman Are You Ready to Transfer? Arcadia Offers a World of Opportunites to Transfer Students 0 Italy Preview and other opportunities to study abroad. Find out more at 0 &*%(!*)&*(%#*-%.(%"" 0 Assured admission to select graduate programs including Physician Assistant and Physical Therapy. 0 Academic scholarships up to $18,000 as well as personalized financial aid counseling. Attend Arcadia’s Transfer Decision Day 0 %*!%$$(&+"!*($)&%(**!%$ 0 $#&+) %+)!$,!""%(*($)()*+$*) !$"+!$&(*#$*)*.""!,!$ Wednesday, May 12 Noon to 6:30 p.m. Grey Towers Castle Bring your transcript for a credit evaluation. Find out about scholarships, grants and loans. Come to Transfer Evaluation Day and have your questions answered. Register at Metropolitan Philadelphia . March 29, 2010 Page 8 Technology Facebook co-founder to launch nonprofit that connects people with their causes By Jessica Guynn Los Angeles Times Chris Hughes, a Facebook co-founder who helped launch the social networking phenomenon and then the tour-de-force online organizing campaign for Barack Obama’s presidential bid, on Thursday unveiled his latest endeavor: A Web site to connect individuals and organizations striving to help the world. The site is called Jumo, which means “together in concert” in Yoruba, a West African language. It will officially open for business in September or October. He announced the new project on his blog and on Twitter. Hughes, 26, who now lives in New York, wants to use the experience and knowledge he gained at Facebook and on the Obama campaign to “have maximum impact on the world.” In an interview, Hughes said he arrived at the decision to form a nonprofit that would tap the power of the Internet to connect people and causes after a post-campaign year of traveling in Africa, Asia and Latin America and work as an entrepreneurin-residence at a venture capital firm and at his old stomping grounds, Facebook. “You learn pretty fast that there is no magic solution to poverty. There are not even a single set of solutions or strategies that are going to be the answer to all of these challenges,” he said. “Instead you have to support all the individuals and organizations working on the ground doing good, valuable work.” The most effective way to give that support is to create a site that can match people, their skills and interests with the organizations who need them, Hughes said. While working on Facebook and the Obama campaign, Hughes said he learned that if you make it easy for people to get involved, they will. The Obama campaign made political history by enlisting voters in droves on the Web. “You can get a lot of people to give money if you show them a photo of a malnourished African child. That’s pretty similar to what we saw in the world of politics. Before the Obama campaign, the standard was to assume that people had short attention spans and that the message had to be that urgent action is needed,” Hughes said. “What we did with Obama is we took the leap of faith that people have longer attention spans, and that if you really build a relationship with them and help them understand what the campaign is about, what the values are and why it is important for them to get involved, they will not only contribute once but over the long term.” Hughes is banking that will be true when it comes to philanthropy. “I really want to move away from the old model in which you have to rely on people giving $10 after a humanitarian crisis to a newer model where people give money but also their time and their skills, whatever they have, to the causes that are personally meaningful to them well before the crisis moment presents itself,” he said. Visitors to the Jumo site are asked to answer a list of ques- (Illustration by Val B. Mina of The Sacramento Bee) People who spend all their time on may be oblivious to hole it can create in their social lives. tions designed to help them discover personally relevant opportunities to donate their time or money. Jumo has a staff of three (Kristen Titus, a nonprofit expert, and the Obama campaign’s former designer, Scott Thomas) and is looking to hire several more. Hughes is seeking $2.5 million in funding from individuals and foundations and he said he has already raised about a quarter of that amount. “I fundamentally believe that people have a genuine desire to be positively engaged in the world around them,” he said. “I don’t think the online world has yet caught up with that desire.” The Internet has spawned many efforts to help organizations solicit interest, volunteers and donations. Hughes’ generation is actively experimenting with how to use social networking for social good. Hughes’ friend Joe Green and veteran entrepreneur Sean Parker created Causes on Facebook, which helps raise money and awareness for nonprofits through the activity of millions of users. Causes has become a model for how the Internet can level the playing field for nonprofits that cannot afford expensive and often ineffective direct marketing campaigns. “People are doing amazing things right now on the Web. They are all doing pieces of the puzzle,” Hughes said. “I do think that they are still very focused on the very last step, that moment of action or donation. If you zoom out a little bit, you can build an information channel so people can have an ongoing relationship with issues and causes.” Distibuted by McClatchy-Tribune Information Services Revenue from digital streams goes unclaimed by musicians By Alex Pham Los Angeles Times When John Boydston got an e-mail from SoundExchange saying he had several thousand dollars in unclaimed royalties, he did what most sensible people would do. He ignored it. To the rock musician from Atlanta, “money for nothing” meant a song by Dire Straits, not a stranger contacting him out of the blue promising to cut him big checks. But then he got the message again six months later. Curious, he called SoundExchange. “Sure enough, they had a sizable amount of money for me,” said Boydston, 51, whose band Daddy a Go Go includes his two teenage sons. “It was several thousand dollars. That’s not a ton of money. But for a guy who makes CDs in his basement, it was enough to finance my next album.” Boydston’s money came from royalties that SoundExchange has squirreled away on his behalf since 2001, when Congress created the nonprofit to collect royalties from digital music streams on Internet, satellite radio and cable television. So far, the group has distributed about $360 million to more than 45,000 artists and copyright holders. But at any given time, about 25 percent of the money SoundExchange gets from online music services such as Pandora, XM Radio and can’t be distributed because the artists can’t be tracked down. Currently, that amounts to about $50 million. And with the rising popularity of Internet radio, the cash pile has been growing, said John Simson, SoundExchange’s executive director. The problem stems from what Simson calls “bad data.” Music services have been required by law since 2001 to send royalty payments to SoundExchange for the songs they stream online. But they often provide scant details. Stations routinely get promotional discs in the mail that aren’t properly labeled, so the performers often go uncredited. Other times, music services keep sloppy records of the songs they play. Some tunes, for example, are titled “Unknown” and performed by “Various Artists.” “We have this inside joke that if you want to make millions in the music business, just form a record label called Unknown and a band called Various Artists, and before you’ve even recorded a track, you can collect millions of dollars,” Simson said. The problem primarily hits niche artists and older performers whose works are less widely recognized. Boydston, for instance, has self-published six children’s rock albums over the last decade. He estimates that he’s sold 30,000 discs in total. “I’m a niche within a niche,” he said. “People like me fall below the radar.” The “dirty data” phenomenon hampers the collection of royalties by other groups as well. “This affects everyone,” said Patrick Sullivan, chief of RightsFlow, which helps track a separate set of royalties. “Without proper data, we can’t get the money out to the license holders. We have to do it better, because ultimately if we don’t get paid, no one gets paid.” To fill in the blanks, SoundExchange has a grass-roots campaign to scour social networks such as Facebook and MySpace Music, to work with companies that provide independent artists with services such as CD Baby and ReverbNation and to hit music festivals and events. This week at the South by Southwest music festival in Austin, four or five SoundExchange employees will fan out, armed with a list of 450 artists who collectively are owed about $250,000. The vast majority don’t know about the money they are owed, so it will be up to SoundExchange to look for them by attending their shows or camping out at the registration desks. If they are like Lexi Street, lead singer for the Lexi Street Band in Atlanta, they will be highly skeptical. “Someone tracking you down and giving you money? It just doesn’t exist,” Street said, describing how she reacted when SoundExchange called her in April. “I was like, ‘What do I need to do? Give them my soul?’ As an independent artist, you get so many pitches that try to nickel-and-dime you for one gimmick or another.” Street was eventually convinced by the voice at the other end of the line. She registered her songs with SoundExchange and received two checks totaling just over $500. She used the money toward the cost of recording her second album, “Champagne Promises.” Not everyone signs up. Some even flatly refuse to take the money, believing it to be a con, SoundExchange’s Simson said. Joyce Moore, the wife and manager of Sam Moore, a Grammy Award-winning soul singer, said she routinely encounters skeptical artists, even after she tells the story of how her husband’s first check was enough to cover six months’ worth of property taxes on their Scottsdale, Ariz., home, with some left over for “a couple of nice dinners.” “A lot of legacy artists don’t understand what it is, and they think the money isn’t real,” Moore said. “I tell them it isn’t charity. It isn’t funky. It isn’t a scam. It’s the real deal.” Distibuted by McClatchy-Tribune Information Services March 29, 2010 Page 9 Accelerated Degree Programs for Adult Students “ It’s the most supportive program I could find for non-traditional students. Sue Gernert ’08, Major: Crime & Justice ” Now located on the Central Campus of Delaware County Community College! We’re in it for " $ $ & - & 3 "5 & % % & ( 3 & & 1 3 0 ( 3 " . 4 YOUR LIFE. Page 10 March 29, 2010 SPORTS NHL deals with concussion problems Candice Monhollan Staff Writer Philadelphia Flyers forward Eric Lindros crumpled to the ice after being hammered in the jaw by the shoulder of New Jersey Devil Scott Stevens during Game 7 of the 2000 Eastern Conference Finals. Lindros stayed down on the ice, unable to get up, suffering a concussion that ultimately ended his career as a Flyer. It was a sight teammate Keith Primeau will never forget. “At that point in time, I thought I was looking at somebody’s career end,” he said. Primeau knows all too well what Lindros went through. A member of the Philadelphia Flyers from 2000 to 2006, Primeau cemented himself in Flyers history with his dedication and the way he played the game. He was named captain of the Flyers from 2001 to 2006. During his tenure on the Flyers, Primeau suffered four concussions: two in 2000, one in 2004, and the final one that ended his career came only nine games into the 2005-06 season. “I’ve been getting bumped on the head since I was 5, 6, 7, 8-years-old,” he said. “I had more [concussions] than the documented four I had playing, so I couldn’t even guess [how many]. It’s north of 10, for sure.” Primeau is one of more than 30 NHL players whose careers have ended by concussions or post-concussion symptoms since 1996. This number does not include the players in other leagues, such as the minors, or even those who played in the NHL before 1996. Ten to 12 percent of minor league players (ages 9-17) who are injured suffer concussions every season. In fact, Canadian amateur hockey players over 18-years-old had roughly 4.6 to 6.0 concussions per 1,000 player-hours, according to Anthony Marchie and Michael Cusimano, neurosurgeons at St. Michael’s Hospital Injury Prevention Research Centre in Toronto. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention defines a concussion as a type of traumatic brain injury caused by a bump, blow or jolt to the head that causes the brain to malfunction. Concussions can also occur from a fall or blow to the body that forces a rapid movement of the head, making the brain bounce off the skull. Some symptoms are immediate, but others may take a few days up until a week after the incident to appear. According to the American Academy of Neurology, symptoms can range from confusion, dizziness, headaches and clumsiness to nausea, blurred vision, difficulty concentrating and loss of equilibrium. Concussions are categorized as Grades 1 through 3, with 1 being the mildest and 3 being severe. In a Grade 3 concussion, the person loses consciousness for a few seconds or a few minutes, sometimes longer. Repeated concussions can cause serious damage to the brain that may require surgery or lead to long-lasting problems with movement, learning or speaking, experts say. The NHL has had more than 30 players suffer concussions or concussion-like symptoms as a result from hard hits to the head since the start of the 2009-10 season. All of these hits were determined to be either legal or illegal by the referees. If a referee feels the hit is illegal, he can assess the player with a charging, boarding, elbowing or interference penalty. The NHL rulebook for 2009-10 states that if one of these illegal hits is a penalty and results in an injury to the face or head, the player is given a game misconduct, which involves the player being sent to the locker room for the rest of the game. When a player receives a game misconduct, the player is hit with an automatic fine of $200 and the case is reported to the NHL Commissioner, who will review the incident and determine if more disciplinary action should be taken in the form of a fine or suspension. On the other hand, if the hit is deemed legal by a referee, then no penalty is called, even if the player on the receiving end is injured. The question of what should be done to eliminate head shots and reduce concussions is a controversial one among players, coaches and general managers throughout the league. In an NHL Players Association meeting near the end of the 2008-09 season, the players agreed that they wanted to see the league create a rule that would penalize intentional hits to the head. Likewise, when the general managers (GM) of all the clubs convened in Toronto on Nov. 11 and 12 to discuss ways to improve the game, one of the issues raised was the question of how to deal with head shots. After the two days, the GMs formed a small committee to review the hits that have taken place this season in preparation for the next meeting March 9 and 10 in Boca Raton, Fla. The second of the GM meetings ended with a proposal in hand for a rule change: “A lateral, back pressure or blindside hit to an opponent where the head is targeted and/or the principal point of contact is not permitted. A violation of the above will result in a minor or major penalty and shall be reviewed for possible supplemental discipline.” The proposal will be sent to be approved by the Competition Committee later this spring, and from there it will be forwarded to the Board of Governors for the final approval. If it passes, it will be instituted into the rulebook for the 2010-11 season. The new rule will not take away all hits to the head, but the general managers agree that it is a step in the right direction. “You can still hit this guy, you just can’t target his head,” Toronto Maple Leafs GM Brian Burke told “Hitting in our game - it’s part of the fabric of our game. It’s what’s distinctive about hockey in North America. Anywhere else on the planet you go, there’s not as much hitting as there is in our game. We want to keep that, we want to preserve that. But we want to take out a dangerous hit where a guy targets a guy’s head. He can still reef the guy; he just can’t target his head.” After his fourth concussion, Primeau played two more games, but the headaches returned, forcing him to sit out the rest of the season. On Sep. 14, 2006, Keith Primeau hung up his skates and retired. “I continue to get better, but I’ll always know I damaged my brain,” he said. “I still get head pressure whenever I get sick or my immunity goes down. It goes right to my head. When I exercise and elevate my heart rate, I get light-headed and disoriented.” Primeau believes that the players have lost respect for each other. Players nowadays have no fear, he said, because of the lack of retributions and repercussions for their actions which allows them to take too many liberties. According to Primeau, the biggest solution would be a league mandated rule that any direct hit to the head, whether intentional or unintentional, will result in a penalty. “We have to make sure we continue the awareness,” Primeau said. “My biggest fear is that head trauma [and] post-concussion is going to become like a MCL, an ACL, a separated shoulder or a pulled groin, and it’ll just become an accepted part of the occupation. It’s more important than that. It needs to be treated as a life situation as opposed to a hockey situation.” Contact Candice at North America dominated the 2010 Winter Olympic Games Candice Monhollan Staff Writer The 2010 Winter Games came to a close in Vancouver, British Columbia, on the night of Feb. 28, ending 17 days filled with tragedy and triumph. North America dominated the Games, with Canada and the United States winning 63 of the 258 medals: 23 gold, 22 silver and 18 bronze. The United States came home with 37 medals in hand - the most by any country in Winter Games history. Canada, the host country, won 14 gold medals, the most by any country in the Winter Games - breaking the record of 13 originally held by Norway in 2002 and the former Soviet Union in 1976. Tragedy struck early in the Games when just hours before the opening ceremony, 21-year-old Nodar Kumaritashvili, the Georgian luger, was involved in a fatal crash during a training run Feb. 12. During his run, Kumaritashvili, said by observers to be going at least 90 mph, lost control of his sled, went over the wall and crashed into one of the metal support beams. It didn’t end there. The mother of Canadian figure skater Joannie Rochette died of a heart attack hours after arriving in Vancouver. Rochette decided to continue on with the Games and put on two performances that brought the home crowd to their feet. She finished the Olympics with a bronze medal. For the final game of the Winter Olympics, it was only fitting that it would be a match-up between the United States defeated Finland to win the gold medal (32.8 million). The “Miracle on Ice” USA-Soviet Union semifinal game, from the same tournament, drew 34.2 million viewers, and that game was broadcasted on a tape delay. Some Americans came into the Games with the hopes of improving their performances from four years ago, or to build upon their success. Bode Miller, looking for redemption from the Torino Games, secured three medals: a gold in the men’s super combined, a silver in the men’s Super-G and a bronze in the men’s downhill. Lindsay Vonn, battling injuries, returned home with a gold in the ladies’ downhill and a bronze in the ladies’ Super-G. Shaun White, a favorite in the Games, did not disappoint. Posting a high score on his first run, no other boarder was able to match, giving him the gold in the men’s halfpipe and a second run that meant nothing. White took advantage of the “free run” and showed off his secret move and received an (Photo courtesy of Daniel A. Anderson/Orange County Register/KRT) Apollo Ohno won Olympic gold in 2006 in Torino and in 2010 in Vancouver. even higher score of 48.4 out of 50.0. Apolo Anton Ohno skated away from the Games as an and Canada for the men’s ice hockey gold medal. NBC’s Bob eight-time Olympic medalist, passing Bonnie Blair as the most Costas called the game, “One of the greatest sports events I decorated American Winter Olympian. Ohno won two bronze have ever seen.” and one silver medal to go along with his gold, silver and According to NBC, the gold medal game attracted 27.6 bronze from 2006 and gold and bronze from 2002. million viewers, the most people watching a hockey game in 30 years since the 1980 Olympics when the United States Contact Candice Monhollan at DCCC’s co-ed tennis team springs back onto the courts Tim Riday Junior Editor DCCC’s co-ed tennis team is back into the swing of things after beginning practices on March 8. The first signs of spring were seen during that first practice. It was sunny and 60 degrees outside. As the snow and the cold continue to melt and fade away, the tennis courts are beginning to heat up. “We had a great turnout the first day,” said Andrew Johnson, Director of Wellness, Athletics, and Recreation at DCCC. “This is an all new team.” Johnson was happy with the amount of students that showed up for the first practice. “The first couple of days are slow,” Johnson said. “We had 12 or so players.” However, many students at DCCC aren’t aware about all of the sports teams. “I thought we only had a basketball team,” said Kyle Hall, 21, a communications major at DCCC. “Tennis is a fun sport to watch though.” “I knew we had sport teams at DCCC,” said Chelsea Darczuk, 19, an education major at DCCC. “I just didn’t know which sports.” The tennis team is set to play a nine match season this year. Five games will be played at DCCC’s main campus tennis courts. Practices are scheduled for every Monday and Thursday. All games will be free to attend. Students are encouraged to come out and support all DCCC athletic teams. The tennis schedule can be found online on DCCC’s website and outside of the wellness, recreation, and athletics office (room 2507, near the cafeteria). Any student still interested in playing tennis should contact coach Megan Barclay at 484-318-5510, or Andrew Johnson, Director of Wellness, Athletics & Recreation, in room 2507, call 610-359-5354 or email Contact Tim Riday at communitarian@mail. March 29, 2010 Page 11 SPORTS For the Phillies, a new decade with new expectations By Shawn Kotzen Senior Staff Writer momentum. The Yankees and their astronomical payroll proved to be too much for the Phightins. This brings us to the 2010 season, and its enormous amount of expectations. General Manager Ruben Amaro Jr. had the unenviable task of taking over for the legendary Pat Gillick before the 2009 season. After a successful campaign, highlighted by the aforementioned Cliff Lee trade, he started this past off-season with none other than the… the Cliff Lee trade. Confused? You’re not alone. 2007 American League Cy Young award winner Cliff Lee, who had a stellar and awe-inspiring off season (Remember the behind-the-back catch on the mound?), became immensely popular in the half season. Was he rewarded with a multi-million contract to assure he anchors the Phils’ rotation for years to come? No, obviously he was traded to the Seattle Mariners for Minor League prospects. But before fans could riot, Amaro Jr. announced part two of the trade, the Phils’ acquisition of Toronto Blue Jay ace Roy Halladay, a former Cy young winner in his own right, and possibly the best pitcher in baseball today Although some fans will disagree, it seems the Phils pitching rotation has gotten even better for 2010, and although the prospect of a Halladay-Lee one-two punch, Amaro had to replenish the Phils’ Minor League rosters after giving up the farm to obtain Lee in the first place. In the very least the Phils have broke even. After Halladay, the next biggest upgrade is the signing of Infielder and former Phillie Placido Polanco, who spent 2009 with the Detroit Tigers. Polanco brings his .300 average and speed to the third base position, which last year was occupied by the ground ball hitting Pedro Feliz, who signed with the Houston Astros as a free agent. Although Feliz is slightly better defensively, Polanco is a much more reliable offensively. Just in case the Polanco experiment fails, the Phils also signed corner infielder Ross Gload away from the Florida Marlins. Gload wasn’t a starter last season, but proved his talent by being amongst the league leaders in pinch hitting. The rest of the offseason moves made by the General Manager were far from earth shattering, but still helped restock the team with established veteran help. Among the new faces are backup catcher Brian Schneider, middle reliever Danys Baez and possible fifth starter, who It seems the new decade which descended upon the greater Philadelphia area brought with it something we’ve never seen before. No, it’s not a fat-free cheese steak. Nope, it’s not the seven-plus feet of “Snowmageddon” that blanketed the region this winter- and lord knows it’s not a Super bowl victory. Do you give up? It’s a spoiled Phillies fan. Even after the heartbreaking loss to the New York Yankees in game six of the 2009 World Series, the newly minted optimistic fans still expect and demand success from this group of proven winners. That proof of greatness is in their 2008 World Series victory in five games over the not quite ready for primetime Tampa Bay Rays. That year it seemed that everything fell into place for the “Phightin’ Phils”, in the regular season and the playoffs: Brad Lidge failed to blow a save (all year), Jamie Moyer defied Father Time, the usual suspects of Ryan Howard, Chase Utley and Jimmy Rollins had typically great seasons and Cole Hamels looked like Bob Gibson during the playoffs. The result was a parade down Broad Street that a few people played hooky from work and school to attend. The start of the 2009 season brought about higher expectations than normal, but there were a few skeptics that labeled the Phils as “one-hit wonders.” The team, determined to silence the naysayers, had a little trouble at the start of the season due to injuries, pitching problems and even a suspension to JC Romero, a premier member of their bullpen. Even Brad Lidge, who was perfect in save opportunities the previous season, struggled by blowing save after save. In short, the team came together thanks to emerging stars like Jayson Werth and midseason acquisition from the Cleveland Indians; ace starting pitcher Cliff Lee, and won their third National League East title in three years. After cooling off the mega-hot Colorado Rockies, they easily dispatched the vengeful Los Angeles Dodgers, obtaining their second consecutive National League Pennant. The Yankees were next, and much to the Phils dismay; they were ready. The Phils hit a Manhattan-sized brick wall and lost their gives Jamie Moyer competition for the title of oldest Phillie, Jose Contreras. Basically these aforementioned players are the closest thing to human cannon fodder you can get. Besides Cliff Lee, the only departing Phillies from last year’s team who might be missed (and I stress might) are pitchers Brett Myers and Scott Eyre. As for the other names, I don’t think there will be any tears shed for Paul Bako, Eric Bruntlett, Matt Stairs or Yankee defector/ traitor Chan Ho Park. Oh, and in case you already forgot, the Pedro Martinez experiment is over. I hear they might bring in Curt Schilling for a tryout (don’t get too excited, I’m just joking). The biggest question mark on the Phils roster is closer Brad Lidge. Without success from “Lights Out” Lidge, the team will fall apart in the late innings like they did in 2009. We can’t afford another replay of last season, with Brad Lidge walking off the mound, with his head down and every Phils fan in the Delaware Valley throwing beer cans at their television sets. If this happens, mark my words, there will be no joy in Muddville in 2010. The second biggest is head case/ primadonna Cole Hamels. Will we get the Hamels from the 2008 postseason? Or the Hamels from the 2009 postseason? There’s no way to tell. This is the most maddening situation on the Phils plate for 2010. Cole Hamels has all the talent in the world to be an ace in the Major Leagues, plus he’s adding a “cutter” to his pitching repertoire. The problem with Hamels has always been his desire. Does he have the heart to carry the Phils to third straight World Series? I believe the addition of Halladay is the proof that the Phils management doesn’t think so. We shall see. All things considered, the pieces of the puzzle are laid out on the table. The Ryan Howard, Chase Utley and J-Roll pieces have built a solid foundation to work with, while the Jayson Werth, the Shane Victorino and Raul Ibanez pieces have increased in importance since last year. There are still a few pieces that are questionable in value and the newest, Roy Halladay, might actually become the most important of them all. No matter what shape the puzzle takes, one thing is guaranteed for the 2010 season. Phils fans are going to have a great time watching all the pieces come together. Contact Shawn Kotzen at Philadelphia area boasts 10 Olympic champions By Candice Mohallon Staff Writer The United States proudly sent 214 athletes to the 2010 Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver, British Columbia. The Philadelphia area supplied 10 athletes to compete, and out of the 37 medals won by the United States, five were won by our local athletes. Here’s a look at the athletes and how they finished in their events: Eric Bernotas, a native of Avondale, Pa., competed in the men’s skeleton. He posted a track time of 53.23, just 0.19 seconds behind first, and giving him a 14th place finish. Allison Baver, of Reading, Pa., a short track speed skater, took part in three competitions. She won a bronze medal in the 3,000 meter relay, came in at No. 15 in the 1,500 meter and was disqualified in the 1,000 meter. Ben Agosto and Tanith Belbin, the ice dancing pair, train and live in Aston, Pa. They scored a 103.33 in a combined score of compulsory dance and original dance, and then a 99.74 in the free dance. They finished with a 203.07, giving them fourth place. Johnny Weir, of Coatesville, Pa., competed in the men’s figure skating. He scored an 82.10 in the short program and a 156.77 in free skating, giving him a final score of 238.87 and sixth place. Bobby Ryan, native of Cherry Hill, N.J. and hockey player for the NHL Anaheim Ducks, was part of the U.S. men’s ice hockey team. Ryan posted a goal and an assist and had a plus3 rating in the tournament and helped to take the U.S. team to the gold medal game and skated away with a silver medal. Four Philadelphia Flyers were sent to the Olympics to represent their countries. Defenseman Oskars Bartulis, of Latvia, came in 12th place. Defenseman Kimmo Timonen, of Finland, netted two goals and two assists and won a bronze medal. Defenseman Chris Pronger, of Canada, had five assists on the way to capturing the gold medal along with teammate and Flyers captain, Mike Richards, who had two goals and three assists. Contact Candice Monhollan at communitarian@mail.dccc. edu Ben Agosto – Ice Dancing Oskars Bartulis – Men’s Ice Hockey Allison Baver – Short Track Speed Skater Tanith Belbin – Ice Dancing Eric Bernotas – Men’s Skeleton Chris Pronger – Men’s Ice Hockey Mike Richards – Men’s Ice Hockey Bobby Ryan – Men’s Ice Hockey Kimmo Timonen – Men’s Ice Hockey Johnny Weir – Men’s Figure Skating Page 12 March 29, 2010 IMMACULATA UNIVERSITY UNDERGRADUATE ADULT EDUCATION Immaculata University serves adult men and women, full- and part-time students, who pursue baccalaureate degrees or various certifications, or who take non-credit workshops for professional proficiency or personal enrichment. ACCELERATED PROGRAMS � � � Attend classes one night per week on campus or at one of various sites located throughout the Delaware Valley Remain with consistent small group of fellow learners from start to finish Are you entering college for the first time? Are you returning to college to complete a degree? Immaculata University offers choices: � Participate � � Choose from the following accelerated programs: � � CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAMS Bachelor of Arts in Organization Dynamics (a business major) (online program available) � Bachelor of Arts in Human Performance Management (a psychology major) (online program available) � Bachelor of Arts in Financial Management (online program available) � Bachelor of Arts in Information Technology in Business � Bachelor of Arts in Health Care Management (online program available) � Bachelor of Science in Nursing � Located in Chester County south of Route 30 and 352 in the day in the evening on weekends Earn � � � � an associate or baccalaureate degree teacher certification a certificate in a special area to enhance credentials credit while updating knowledge and skills or enriching your personal life � Academic advisers help you plan the best way to accomplish your goals � Financial aid counselors discuss ways to pay for college expenses Contact us to find a site near you Call 1-800-37-ACCEL Fax 610-647-0215 E-mail Attend � � � � full-time part-time Call 610-647-4400, Ext. 3238 Fax 610-647-0215 E-mail
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