and detailing suspended metal loth ond ploster ceilings
and detailing suspended metal loth ond ploster ceilings
Technical Bulletin No.12: Suspended Metal Lath and Plaster Ceilings following technicol bulletin is a historicol orchive from 1958. lt is provided os o descriptive guide for informotion and detailing suspended metal loth ond ploster ceilings only. While the informotion contoined herein is relevont, it should not be relied upon to be compliont with current stondords for hongers; size ond spacing of main runners and cross The furring. For the most up to date information please refer to ASTM C 841Standard Specificotion for Installotion of lnterior Lathing ond Furring, ond; ASTM C L063 Standard Specification for lnstollation of Lathing and Furring to Receive lnterior and Exterior Portlond Cement-Based Plaster. TECHNICAL BULLETIN No. l2 4 lll o z SUSPENDED METAT LATH qnd PLASTER CEILINGS 6a z F ul to Iz -I tll F = o lll c, = Itl ao o F \--^----^-- ceilinqs of meral ldth and pla"ter are LJUSPL,NDL,I-) in the consruction industry for a variety of purposes. Among the manv objectir-es accomplished widel,v used are: Fire protecting the construction above Concealing ventilating ducts, etc. Reducing sound transmission Enablins reduced floor slab thickness Providing acoustical treatment Beautilying interior oI the structure Lowering ceiling to desired height P€rmitting unusual lighting efiects Giving a finished appearance Any one of these reasons is sufficient to justify rhe use of a metal lath and plaster suspended ceiling. Very frequently, the desiguer accomplishes several of the loregoing objectives rvirh one ceiling. With versatility unlimited, metal lath and plaster ceilings sometimes are perfectly level, sometimes are domed, sometimes are formed into unusual contours. Although always having contributed to the frre protection of structural members,. the introduction of lightweight aggregate plaster has created a greatly broadened demand for metal lath ceilines. One inch ol gvpsum-vermiculite or gypsurn.perlite-plaster over rnetal lath forms a suspended reiling whi, h pror ides rugged resistance to fire. A floor assembly with such protection can qualify for ,I-hours or more fire resistance under the standard test procedure. This nerv method rvhich we term metal lath and plaster membrane fireproofing has contributed subsrantiallv to rhe lorvering of building costs. Savings resulting lrom the marled reducrion in weighr are discussed in more detail in Technical Bulletin No. 3. In summary, probably no single construction as, sembly serves more utilitarian purposes than does a suspended ceiling of metal lath and plaster. FINISHED }NEIAT LATH SUSPENDED CEILINGS AND PLASTER CONVOI.UIE SUSPENDED OF METAL LATH CAN BE SHAPED TO MEIT mot conplex conto.molions. 'w Publlshed by META IATH ITANUFACTURER!; ASSOCLANON 820 Tr3n.fal Road St.Paul, l|N 5511'l 512.645.0208 THE CEII,ING 2.0- Metol Loth Celllng Suspended Below sleel, Concrele, ond Wood Constructlon I.O- SIZE AND SPACING OF AND CROSS FURRING RUNNERS Size and spa(ing of channels lor main runners shall confornl lo Table ll, and su(h runners shall be .ross lulred hirh penril rods or channels o[ the size and at the spacing required in Table III. (lt is recommended that when main runners are susp€nded from joists that they tun transverse ro the direcrion of the joisrs.) Neither main nrnners nor cross fL|lring bhall be let into nor come in contact with abutring masonr! or rein. forced concrele walls or partitions. A main runner shall be locared within 6" of the wall ro supporr rhe ends of the cross furring, and hang€rs shall be located ro support rhe ends of rhe When main runners are spliced, the ends shall be overlapped less than 12" (with flanges of channels interlocked) and securely tied near each end of the splice with two loops of No. 16 gage galvanized wir€. not /t.o- AITACHMENT OF CROSS FURRING TO R,UNNER5 The cross fuuing shall be securely saddle-tied to th€ main runners by not less than No. 16 gage galvanized wire at each crossing, or bv No. 9 gage wire hairpin clips or equivalent clips or attactunents. When furring members are spliced, the ends sha be overlapped not l€ss than 8" (with flanses of channels inrFrlocked, al)d s.curely ried near each end ot the splice with tso loops of No. Io gage Baivant.d wire. 3.0- HANoER' All wire hangers shall be of such lengrh that the lower ends oI hangers may be saddle-tied or wrapped around the runnen so as to pr:event tuming or twisting of the runners and to develop the full strength of the han8ers. All wire hangers shall be galvanized and shall be nor less than Type I as set forlh in Eederal Specificarion QQ-W-401b, Wjre, Steel (Carbon). Bare and Coated. (NOTE: Insert here applicable supplernentary specifications for type of construction involvcd.) srEE[ Size end spacing of hangers for Mekl Larh ceilings susp€nded from steel construction shall be as provided in Table I. For steel beams, joists or orher s[eel construc[ion, hangers shall be wrapped around, ins€rred through, or clipped or bohed to steel structural supports, so as to develop the full stren8th of the hangers. All wire hangers shall be of ample length such thar the lower end o[ haneers mav be saddle.tied or wrapped around the rinners sir as to develop the full strength of the hangers. 5.O- CONCRETE SIAB Size and specing of hangers for Metal Lath ceilings suspended from concrere flar slab consrruction shall be as Drovided in Table I. Haneers shall be secured !o steel reinforcement in conirere with cinder aggregare and may be se. cured ro sreel reinforcemenr or looped or embedded 6.0- coNcREtE in^ron.rete with orher types.of .aggregares. spe(ial insel!5. ar lfast equivalenr in strengrh to the hangers, to which the hanqers can larer 6e at. rached. may be inserred througi or a ached to rhe lop of the forms in lieu of a;choring rhe hangers drr€atlv rn th€ conarete. JOTST Size ot hanters lor lfrral Lath ceilirlgs suspended (rom concrerE ioisr ronsrru(rion shali be is provided in Table l. Hangers shall be inserred rhrough the cenrering at the bottom ot ioists, and shall be Drovided wirh a loop or other di:formation to positi'vely enter the concrete, or be secured to the reinforcins steel. Ir 20" wide form constructior, hang€rs shall bc In 30" wide form construction, hangers shall be placed in each row ofjoists. Other approved attachments or inserts may be used if of equivalcnt strength. placed in alternate rows of concrete joists. 7.o- wooD Size and spacing of hangers for Melal Lath ceilings suspended from wood consrrucrion shall be as provided in Table l. Wire hanqers shall be inserted in holes drilled a rninimum;f 3" above borrom of joisrs and wirh the upper end of the hanger in each case lwisted three times around itsflf, or Wire hangers shall be atrarhed lo 30d nails, dliven on a downward slant inro sidrs of ioisrs which are sufficientlv ride ro Dermit not less than 3 inches Denetration into the rvbod. Snch nails shall be driven at least 5" from bottom edges and nor over 36" on cent€rs, with the upper end of rhe hanqer in each case twisted three aimes around itsell, or four l%" No. 9 gage wire staples shali be used to secure wire hangers to the side of joists. Staples shall be driven tiorizontally or on a downwird slanr. three near (he upper end of the loop and rhe fourth to fasten the looie end, or When purlins exceed spacinqs of 4' o-c.. 1t/". No. O scriw eyes shall be fistenid inro heavv w6ria flooring at not orer 3'o.c. so rhal rhey wil) sirpporr an area not over I square feet with upper eird of hanger to be inserted-in screw eye and ii each case twisted three times around itself. (This spacing is determined on resisrance ro wirhdrarval of rhe N;_ o screw eye in Northern While pine. \Vhen wood ofiering greater resistance is used, rhe spacing may be slighlly increared or a smaller size s(rew fve would be permirred. Exanple: A No. 4 screw eie in Douglai Fir has equivaienl resisran(e ro withdrawal to a No. O in Norrhern While tine. or Flat hangers, if used. shall be spiked ro sider of joists with two l2d nails driven rhrorrqh hotes drilled in rhe hanger and clinched ar teasi3 inches above bottom of ioists. 8.0- TYPES OF MEIAT I.ATH AND ATTACHMENT TO FURRING ,,,Metal.Lath, of one of rhe rypes and weights lisre(l in Table lV fur the rol'e,ponding spacing ol turrin-g. .hrll br ]rra(he.t ro the Iurrng member. wirh rhi lonq dim;n.ion ot rhe sheer across t^*r I -{r: rxo rrac$G o} riafloart the furring, anct shall be caried down 6,, on ro the walls and partitions, or Cornerile shail be useci. Metal Lath shall be atrached ro rhe sreel furrins members by No. t8 gage galvanized annealed wire ties space<i at not to ex.cFii C" inrer\ale. lie. \lratt be t,t ed where .r,te, ot .l,.cl. Idp al supporrs and a(,ide hpr ol .heer. bel$een \uppofls. Diamond Mesh Metal Lrrh shall be lapped nor te* i6an r:, at .ides: Rib Melal Larh shall be tappi<J ar ,i,tes hr nesrins ouriide rib\ or.elvrge..{ll Ve(al Lalh shrll tap t" ar end,. Fnd lrp. nf .heer\ .hould generallt or. ur onli orer .upporrs: if between. end\ ol sheers ahall he la(ed or ;deouareir' ried rogrrher wirh No. l8 gage gal\ani/ell anneateLl tie wire. rigid Toblo lV M.rol lolh \ ty2. Cro33 furring | 175 tht. loblolll\ Note 9.0- IUPPTEMENTAI INSTATI.ATION PROVISIONS 9.1-P.ot .iion of hongcrr. Rod and flat iangers may be ordinary unpainred mild steel, except where ther€ is excessive moisrur€ oi couosive fum€s, all rod and :flar hangers shall be coared wirh rus!.inhibitive paint. Painting also is recommended for rheaten and audi, roriums, and large in publi( buitdings. 'eilinB. In Concrere Joisr Constiucrioir. l/,I" round niild sreet hanqers may be plared 48" on renter in alrernare rorv. o{,onciete ioisrs in 20" wide form construcrion. : -Where hangers are spaced not lo exceed 24,' on centers along.ea(b runner or carrying (bannel, cross furring channels ma) be omirted and larh ariached crosswise and direcrlv ro runner channels; provided, however, rhar spacing cenaei to center of such runner channels shall no! exceed- the limits specified in Table IV. (1) This spacing for furr€d ceitings under concrete joist con- rAA; $zt Ara! t|^ct o oa'Bcto3t fum|rtc 9.2-A[ ot flgr hong.r. ro mcin runn.r kalryin9) .hann.t.. Lower ends of flar steel hange$ shall'have holes Dunched at lhe proper disrance \bul no( clorer r"" trorir endsr ro which rhe runner channel shall be bolred wirh nor le\\ than 3s" diameter bolts. pro\ided thar tor (eilinq\ orer audi. roriums, rhearers and other public buildings aid elrewhere where an added factor o[ sateiy is de,irable,-rhe loser end ol 8ar steel hangerc shall be long enough to bend up sharpll as stirrups under runner rhannel ro which rhey shall be bolied as already described. and shall ronrinue up and be securelv tied to-main portion of hanger not less rhan 6,, above runnei, Sir., Typ. ond W6i9ht (If live loads or addi(ional dead loads are conremDlared. hanger and channel sizes, and melhod of a(tachmenr m:usr be designed accordingly.) 9.3-H.nEorr to r..i.t <omFr.$ion. In regions subject to tornadoes or cyclones, whcre uDwar(l prejsures are likely ro be exened or wirere srrspentled ieitine areas are exposed ro high winds rhro gh oul\ideopenines du; ryt:g a! T^llr tV wHct|:3 0r narar ta$t at.o ,taorto oi ttrtar'' ing construcrion, hangefi shall eirhei be of a tipe ro" rerisr or strurs o[ %,' channe]s or rees qol heavier size where hangers exc€ed 4' o.c.) may be used. there slrurs shall be used ve i(aily berween runnei (hannels and rbe (onsrruction above. being spacrd nor (o exceed 8, o.r. in borh direc. compre-ssion. tions. They shall be in addilion ro rhe regular hangers. 9,,1-V.nriloring, \yhere larh and plasler (eilings are Io(ared under roof (onslru(lron. lr ls recommended rhat rhe space thus eslabiished be v€ntilared. Such ventilarion shall be d;signed in accordance accepred engineering practice. with NOTE: Weighti ore exclu3ive of poper, Sber, or orher bo.king. STEE! PUR.tI Sl..l roof de.k .oyorcd wirh in,0lotion o.d builr-up rooflng Stru.lurol Chonn.l Suspended ceiling is attached ro channel purlins, by galvanized wire hangers inserted through shop- cRoss punched holes. (Instead of inserting through the punched hole, the wire hanger may be wrapped completely around the purlin.) SECTION THRU PURTIN l7 ELEVATION OF Ih I tsl' | /\- PURLIN AND "bort CEITING SECTION x tL srcct nor"nild H# wooD Jor5r ioi3'3. Spocins ond lVz' *itc rloplct Detail illustrates tll'o methods for attaching wire hangers to wood joists for supporting a suspended ceiling oI metal lath and plaster. For nominal width joists of 2" or more, hangers can be inserted through holes drilled in joists, or can be stapled to their sides. No. 9 gogo Soddl!-ti. hangor typ. of lclh [{.lol lalh rpocinq DETAIL THRU DOtflE CEil.tNG AIL PARATLEL v De$ription, The use of ceilinq domes with or rcithout indirect lighting fixtures isbne of the easiest and yet most effective uays to achieve architectural distinction for an otne|rvrse very orqrnary aPPealrng room. Ellipses and citcular arcs are the usual cross-sectional shapes, but dropped centers or doughnutrlral,ctl str rrctrrres are also popular. Latlrirrg 1.,ro,edure lor'dorries gerrerally lollows specihcatiorrs for suspcndeti ceilings lor ceiling domes rlith It ," tliamcters of 8leet or more, flaln runners are r lrlrrrrt ls lrert irrto (orr entric cirr les of gradu- ate(l ili.rIllrtrl\ s.r tltrr the Itorirorrtal disra cc be tweerr runncrs is not note tha:n 4'-0'/. Harrgers can be t.-o. 9 gage galvanized annealed wire, or:l/16" or ll" round mild steel rods, or l" x 3/16" tlat nrild stcel straDs. Thev are fastened to rhe circular r trnrcrs ar spacirigs not io exceed 3'-0" meas11e(l al,)lrg tlre rurve or rlr. Irr rro tase js it permissible lor a No. 9 gage hanger to support rnore than 12.5 sq. [1. of ceiling. Cross-Iurring menlbers are usually 31" channels lrlared uith the 3;" dimcn\ion horizortal and rhe 0angcs irr a vertiral position \o tlrat the charrrrel can be nrorc easily bent or sprung into the shape of the dome. Thev are saddle-tied to the circular runlrers like the radiating spokes of a rlheel, and the grearesr spar l)ctr|een cltarrnels is restricted to 16". Pencil rods and steel straps are occasionally used for cross-frrrrins but the distance benveen circular nrnners trust tlien be reduced to 2 ft. or less. To cornplete the lathing, metal lath u'eighing 3.4 lb. per sq. yd. is tied to the cross furring members at 6" intervali rvith l8 gage tie rvire. APRIL ]958 ' furring PtAN 1% " chonnel bote n.9 SECTION Vt'donnol TECHNICAt BUttETIN No. l2 SUPPTEMENT NUMBER SUSPENDED AAETAT tATH ond PTASTER CEItINGS O CHANNEL CLEARANCES O COMPRESSION MEMBERS O TIES AND SPLICES O VENTITATION Wh.rc lorh ond plor- tor <oilingr or. lo€ot.d undcr rool conrtruclion, I it ir r.c- omm.nd.d iho r lhc rpoc. thur .rtob- lirh.d b. v.ntilorod. Such v.ntildiion ,holl b. d.'isn.d nc. ac< in w ilh oc.cprcd cngin..r;ng 4 ul o zao zts RUNNER VENTITATION AND FURRING CHANNEL CTEARANCES t.o u zI IIt of No. 16 sos. wir. croei lurring 8" lnin. tor .ro3r fufrins = o ua F I gl CHANNEI. SPTICES SADDLE TIES TIES AND SPLICES z gr ao o Compre3.ion fi.hb€rt IO REsIsT COMPRE'SION.In resiohr subiect to rornodoes or cyclones. where uPwo.d Pre$ures HANGERS ore likely ro be.xerled or wher. surpended ceiling pored io high wind3 rh.ough oul' 3ide openingr during con5lru.iion, hongers sholl either be of o lype ro .esist <ompre5!ion, or nrutr of 3/.' <honnelr o. teer (of heovier ,ize where honger! exceed 1'o.c.) hoy be used. These 3rrurr 5holl be used verii.dlly belween runner .ionnel3 ond the conslrqciion obove, heing 3poced nol 1o ex.eed 8' o.<. in bolh directionr. Cror3 furring They ,holl be in oddirion to the regulo. COMPRESSION MEMBERS MEIAT LATH MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION ENGINEE R 5 BUIIDINS ctEvt tANo r4, oHro MAXIMUM SPACING OF WIRE HANGERS AI,ONG MINIMUM SIZE OF HANGERS EACH MAIN RUNNER No.7 goge golvonized *ire or %6 rod No. 9 goge solvonired *,e o SIZE Al{D No. o o l6 sdge golvo.ized 5"r wire, !oddleried ,'z SPACII{G FOR (:) lv|AII{ RU}|]{ERS 5Z zA cR0ss tuRRll{G z N< ;: ]YlTIAL LATl|' - -o z z z F o z q6 oE F: z(J I a. .9 >n 4 4 f 4 = z = a z UNDERSIDE OF SUSPENDED SPACING CEILING oF cRoss FURRING (3} (l) Fo. voriolioir ree boric toblet in le.hnicol Eulletin No. 12. (2) fo. concrele coshu<rion only. (3) Sporing of dos.f,rrri6s must nol .tceed norinum ollowoblo rpon for iype of metol lorh u!ed. N O VEM BER, I960 IXDXD ffi 5a TECHNICAt BUttETIN No. I2 SUPPTEMENT NUMBER SUSPENDED METAL TATH ONd PIASTER CEILINGS 2 OMAXIMUM SPANS FOR MAIN RUNNERS, FURRING CHANNELS ond METAL LATH .PROPERTIES OF CHANNETS AND HANGER DATA MAXIMUM MAXIMUM CENTER TO B 2'-6" INFORI Itl o z o l u 2 T (J F r40 t. o - .o \Jz z9 20 (3) DI RUNNERS FOR THE5E 150 175 1\2 214 211 211 90 t24 lt3 uPr fN 238 120 158 238 I CROSS IURRING | /t0 | ,10 140 70 88 105 123 r60 t60 160 r60 (3) {l) 180 238 10s 120 o x = z t86 186 186 186 !o^ 63 75 88 lo0 221 40 50 60 8l 8l 8t 221 See Technicol Eulletin No. 12, Toble lood of lishiweight dggregoie. Lower number indicoies colculoted corYing copocitY of runner, in poundr, limited by (W) momenl (31 Nol recommended. (4) 8d3ed on coid-rolled chonnels fobricoled by members of l'\elol Loth Mon'Jf octurer5 Aito.iolion. '| V1" C, R. CHANNET in sulpended ceilinss. @ 175 lbs. per 1000 fest (,{) "X" Below Indicotes Weight ond Type {per Sq. Yd.) of Recommended Melol 224 (3) / /{ CHANN€I @ 300 lbr. /** R 9 2,.o, I eZ '/." I 3'-O" {3} /." P.n.R. Y." c.R. Chonnel 3/1" c.R. Chonnel Y." Pen.R. 1/t" c.e. 3/." c.P. 3L"C.P..Ch. /." C.R. B CENTER SPAN ?.n il Y." P.6.i 1/"C.R.Ch, l:- MAX|MUTI CENTET TO 2'-6' Chonnel 14" C.R. Chdn.el ./." c.R. number denore3 e"imoted weiehr or merol loth ond plo'ter <eiling, in Pounds, boted on o deod lO pounds per sq. ft. No vdrionce should be mode for lzt l-----l-'+upp.r 311" C.e. (3) 3'-6" {31 1/1" c.P.. '4" c.9.. l3) ll for mai. runnercPons sen- {5) Morimum rpon "C" of 3.4 lb. diomond mesh merol loth is 13/r" 90 65 CHANNEL @ 59O lb,. per | 0O0 feet (4) (3) 75 65 C.R. 268 60 C\ 2" 60 a. ro NOTES (3) '| 100 l RUNNERS (3) I = @ RECOMMENDED REQ UEST 80 .o RUNNERS(r) sP/ \NS AV/ \ITABTE 135 121 MAtN I RECOMMENDE 125 .o Ui (3) I r00 Uz Y.z 4,.o,, 179 2e. cO 3'-6" 150 | 179 | >ut p= | t*_l 120 z ^-d -'z dz 4 o r! c ^ATroN D|NG REGAR F = B CENTER SPACING 2',-O" 4 SPANS FOR 1'-O' {3) 3/t" c.P. {3) {31 ,l le /e -.o *-' Loih /8 /** to ot/ 3l €l 6 +"*/ EtEMENTS OF COLD-ROILED CHANNEL5 (ol FABRICATED BY MEMBERS OF METAI- LATH MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION NOTE (o) Properties S ond I ore comprrted dboul lhe slrongest (X-X) oxis of the chonnel. TYPE OF HANGER SAFE LOAD lN POUNDS (o) ESTIMATED ULTIMATE STRENGTH(b) MAX. AREA SUPPORTED PER HANGER(c) Round Rod Flot 12.5 17.5 NOTES o design or working (o) Rod ond flot hongers ore bosed on working slress of 18,000 P.s.i. (b) (c) Bosed on ultimole strength of 60,000 p.s.i. of gross oreo. stress of 20,000 p.s.i. Wire hongers ore bosed on o Mulriply individuol figures by 10 lbs. per sq. ft. {overoge weight of ceiling) to deiermine the opproximote weight of ceiling in oounds. Also,these oreos do nol utilize the full sofe lood of the honger, but ore bosed on spocingt generolly recognized ond Used in suspended ceiling conslruction (d) Arrived ot by deducting oreo oI 7/tt" diometer hole for 31" diometer boll. (e) Sofe food on net oreo of flot is greoler fhon shown but sofe lood on 3/s " bolt in single sheor is.068 times l0 kips per sq. in.: 680 lbs. ({) design or sq. in. (root oreo) Bosed on strengih o{ honger only. Welds hove nol been colculoted os iob requirements vory depending upon lood supporled. DECEMBER 1957 lo be IECHNICAL BUtLETIN No. l2 SUPPTEMENT NUMBER SUSPENDED METAT TATH ONd P[ASTER CEIIINGS Forned 7r" chonnel brockers, 13 O %' o. TIGHTING DETAITS c. mox. Anoch by shoe ond wke lies Trolsh (hoy or moy nor be ploirered on 0pper ridel 4, ul o zao F = f @ Y.' Chonnel 9 2 I t ;;--\ A.- \ ;:.T*' AVf*\-:J z o c, = ao o F rurrno3e / loPrionol) / \--ll{--E / L ll H ,c'G3{uring Fq. ! {wid" flot,wire-iied to q c.osr fu.rins %" dio. rod, wire-tied to not3 TIGHT IROUGHS. IN A SUSPENDED METAL IATH AND PIAsIER CEITING Metol lsth ond plo3ler ceilins (surpended. furred or conrocl) Wire supporr ottoched ro mefol rlud (if needed) These illustrolions show only o few of fhe vorious monners in which troughs for indirect lighting con be conslructed. Either 3/c",1Yz" or 2' coldrolled chonnels moy be used for froming. be lothed ond plosfered on the upper side if desired. lf o continuous refleclor is used with d continuous ffxture, plostering in the trough moy be omitled ond the ffxlure con Troughs moy resi on lhe chonnels. 7a" chonoel brocket welded or wire-tied to mehl nud f LIGHT TROUGH ATTACHED TO WAtt PARAI.TET WITH RUNNERS PARAILET WITH MAIN CROSS FURRING REFTECTED CEITING PIANS WITH TROFFER OPENINGS sEcTioN "A-A" sEcTtoN "s-8" I.IGHTING IN CEIIINGSTROFFER AND FI.USH of fixlures ond lheir ottochment in o suspended ceiling ore nol limiied to the deloils shown. The lypes Other lypes of lroffers moy be ol- toched to the ceiling in o monner sim- ilor lo those illusiroted, or moy be suspended from the overheod conslruclion, ond instolled 5ingly or in rows. Other styles of recessed lights olso ore Metol ldth ovoiloble. Ploner TYPICAT SECTION THROUGH TIGHT TROFFER IN MEMBRANE FIREPROOFING DECEMBER I959