July 2015 - Augustana Lutheran Church


July 2015 - Augustana Lutheran Church
The Trumpeter
July 2015
Volume 23, Issue 7
Augustana Lutheran Church, Sioux City, Iowa
From the Pastor
I know several people, especially men, who complain or boast about old “sports injuries.” Those people “earned” their injuries because they were jocks or wannabe jocks. I
didn’t have any sports injuries because I wasn’t a jock…I was a nerd. I didn’t participate
in athletics; I was in the pep band (not too much chance of getting injured unless I’d happen to fall off the bleacher or something!). Well, I now have my own sports injury.
I was at Lutheran Lakeside Camp the week of June 7. The weather on Thursday was
dreary…it drizzled most of the day. Five of my colleagues and I decided we’d drive into Spirit Lake and go
bowling. That’s a sport I enjoy, so was glad to be invited. The other five had bowled their first frame and it
was my turn. I studied the pins carefully and planned my strategy for a strike. As I got to the line at which I
was to release the ball, my right foot went from under me and I went down on my right knee and then right
elbow. (The ball went down the lane and into the gutter.) I’ve watched athletes get hurt during a sporting
event; none of them probably reacted as I did in my embarrassment! I rolled over on my back and flailed my
arms and legs in a silly manner before rising to my feet. As I walked back toward my colleagues I was met
with questions of concern for my wellbeing. “Are you okay?” Not to let a VERY hard oak floor get the better of
me, I replied, “I’m fine. Embarrassed but okay.”
Truth be told, my knee hurt terribly and my elbow didn’t feel much better, but I refused to look at either of
them. (I did sneak a glance at my elbow to make sure I wasn’t bleeding.) I bowled perhaps my worst game
ever and was looking forward to going back to camp and tending to my hurts. “Oh, we have time for another
game before dinner. Shall we bowl another game?” asked my cohorts. I didn’t want to sit this one out, so I put
on a cheerful smile and agreed to another game. I think I doubled my score if I remember correctly, so there
was some redemption in bowling the second game. I was glad, however, when I bowled my 10th frame and
was done. I got my shoes changed and got ready to climb into the back of my colleague’s van for the ride
home. It was easier getting in before we left camp than now with my “bum” knee.
Back in my room at camp, I checked things out more carefully. No broken skin. Slight bruise forming on
the elbow. A little puffiness on the knee. Ibuprofen before dinner and at bedtime. A good night’s sleep. Much
better in the morning. I now have my own sports injury to use when it seems to fit.
Yes, Jackson and I had a great time at camp and I’m looking forward to going back on July 19 with the
other confirmation students. I might skip bowling if the invitation is extended, however!
(Disclaimer: My story is, of course, a bit silly. Many sports injuries are very serious and I do not intend to
minimize anyone else’s injuries, only to have a little fun with mine.)
Worship continues this summer. Please join us on Sunday mornings at either 8:00 or 10:15. Please bring
a guest.
Lutheran Lakeside Camp has a program called “God’s Little Sprouts.” It’s a day
camp held at Lakeside for 3, 4, and 5 year old children. Camryn, Alex, Elie, Hunter,
and Tyler are planning to go with Pastor Del and a couple of parents on July 13.
What a great way to introduce God’s Little Sprouts to Lutheran Lakeside Camp!
Pastor Del and six confirmation students will be attending confirmation camp at Lutheran Lakeside Camp
July 19-24. We will be leaving at 1:00 Sunday afternoon and will return around 2:00 on Friday afternoon.
The Trumpeter—July 2015
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Stewardship Stuff
Wedding Blessings
Summer attendance is a bit more erratic than
during the rest of the year. Full-fledged vacations
and weekend getaways produce fewer people in
the pews. Financial obligations of the congregation continue, however.
Are you going to miss a Sunday? Consider
bringing two weeks of offerings the week before.
We also have service from the United States
Postal Service, so you could mail your offering to
Having your offerings sent to the church
through an electronic funds transfer (EFT) is
probably the easiest and most convenient way to
ensure that your offering gets to the church on
the schedule you choose. One option is called
Simply Giving. Check out this link to get more details or call Ruth for more information. https://
Your personal banker should be able to help
you set up an EFT if you would like to do it that
way. Again, you control the frequency of giving as
well as the amount.
Please, don’t let your stewardship go on vacation with you.
Thank you.
Summer Music
Only one date left! Do you have a musical talent? Diana Wooley is looking to fill
the summer calendar with soloists who
will offer a vocal or instrumental solo during worship. Please let her know if you
will share your
musical gifts with
the congregation
this summer.
Alexis Kasdorf and Jonathan Levay were
married at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in
Sioux City on June 20. Jonathan is the son of
Jerry & Sue Levay. Blessings to you, Lexy
and Jonathan.
Holy Baptism
Through water and Word,
Audrey Bennie Rae Christopherson became a child of
God in the sacrament of Holy Baptism on June 21.
Audrey’s parents are Caleb
& Kim Christopherson. Her
sponsors are Jason & Mandy Christopherson. Welcome to the family, Audrey.
The Trumpeter—July 2015
VBS at Augustana -Catch the Buzz!
A curriculum from the ELCA Malaria
Monday, July 6th to Thursday, July 9th,
2015. 1pm – 3pm daily with a pool jaunt
from 3:30pm – 6pm on Monday
There are 5 rotations – Crafts, Story,
Snacks, Activity, & Music.
We will meet Marla the Mosquito and
Plasmo the Parisite.
Volunteers are needed for each of the
rotations. You would only have to do two groups. Also need someone to be Marla and Plasmo. (good Servant project for Confirmation!)
If you are willing to help out, please call Marlene Levine at 402-4943498 or email me at mlevine862@aol.com.
More information on the Posters at church. List of supplies needed
and other stuff.
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Women’s Bible Study
Pastor Del will lead two Bible
studies this summer using the
ones published in the July/
August edition of Gather. The
lesson on July 1 is on the Widow’s Mites and the lesson on
August 5 is “God Loves a
Cheerful Giver.” Each study will
be held in the Augsburg Room
at 10:00 and is open to all women of the church and guests.
Remember in Prayer
Maxine Anderson (Bullocks’ aunt); Robert Barger (Kris Whitsel’s grandfather),
Emrich Bell (Seaton’s grandson), Oriah Boling-Ellens (Schossows’ niece), Dawn Cannon (Fred Hexom’s cousin), Darrell Elvik (Ollie Nygard’s cousin), Charlene Epis (Elaine
Kreutzian’s sister), Jeff Emerson, Ken File (Sheila Schossow’s father), Mike Frohman
(Iversens’ friend), Catherine Goertz (Lois Daniels’ mother), Kris Grunig (Strohbeens’
friend), Jon Hanson (Judy Swanson’s friend), John Hart, Paula Hebron, Ron Houske
(Jack Ward’s friend), Brian Krusko (Shelley Hexom’s father), Theresa Krusko (Shelley
Hexom’s mother), Katy Krznarich (Shelley Hexom’s great aunt), Lauren Larson (Amy Swenson’s niece), Kim
Lundgren (Pat Bergstrom’s niece), Kenneth McAlexander (Jon’s grandfather), Sara McAlexander, Trevor &
Nicholle Mammen and family (Deb Fegenbush’s family), Jean Midland, Eleanor Moline, Marion Moline, Denise
Nurse (Robinsons’ cousin), Ouida Olson, Norma Parker, Millie Peterson, Wendy Pohl (Paige Gray’s sister),
Rosalie Richardson, Bert Schelhaas (Oliviers’ brother-in-law), Sharon Schweitzer (Elaine Kreutzian’s sister),
Alice Sea, Cynthia Seymour (friend of Judy Swanson), Jerry Snodgrass (Amy Swenson’s father), Clayton
Swenson (Carla Glass’ grandfather), Leslie Walker (Schossows’ friend), Jane Ward, Cindy Washinowski
(Darold & Alice Sea’s daughter), Gary Winters (Nancy Van Meter’s brother), and those affected by disasters
throughout the world.
Each week we pray for some of the families in the congregation. Following is the list of those for whom we
pray in July.
July 5—Adam & Jeanne and Ellie Frisch; John & Pastor Lorene Glant; Joe & Carla, Camryn and Braedyn
Glass; Doug & Krystal, Mackenzie and Spencer Gough; Andy & Paige, Brynn and Ian Gray.
July 12—Diane Gross; Sue Hagberg; Erik Hagberg; James Hall; Josh & Jennifer, and Gemma Harry; John &
Gwen Hart
July 19—Paula Hebron; Matt & Tracy, Alyson and Mason Heck; Gloria Hegenbart; Dick & Mary Hettinger;
Fred & Shelley, Alex and Madeline Hexom.
July 26—Jean Huff; Lois Irwin; Pete & Angela, Elie and Evan Iversen; Fran Jackson; Carolyn Johnson.
The Trumpeter—July 2015
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Western Iowa Synod Assembly
Our church is an important part of many activities, organizations, and programs. One of the most important of these is the Western Iowa Synod. For this article I’ll use WIS to refer to the synod.
Recently I had the opportunity to attend the 2015 WIS Assembly with Pastor Del, Jane Olivier, and Austin Baier. The sessions were held at Spencer over a two-day period.
I personally have had a long and strong opinion that WIS is of great importance to member churches
and that church members should have a basic knowledge of WIS. As a result I will attempt to give you
some idea of what took place at the 2015 Assembly.
First, a few basic facts:
 There are about 55,000 members of ELCA Lutheran churches in the WIS
 There are 134 congregations in the WIS
 There are 65 synods in the ELCA
 Approximately 350 people attended the 2015 WIS
A brief summary of topics that seemed to reappear would include faith growth and what do the words
“the church” mean? Also we received reports and then more reports. Numerous visitors representing various organizations expressed thanks for assistance from WIS.
Regarding faith growth: churches should view confirmation as part of the beginning of growth, not the
end. One of the major duties of a church should be to promote faith growth opportunities.
There are probably numerous opinions regarding what is meant by the words “the church.” There
seemed to be a consensus that the church is you, the people and far more than the building, leaders or
staff. At one point in time the church may have been defined as thirteen people.
Augustana voting members were asked to stand for a round of applause as one of the member churches
that increased their mission contribution last year to WIS. It had also been mentioned that it had been thirteen years since WIS could afford financial support for any new missions.
I left the assembly with many positive thoughts regarding both WIS and the ELCA. The positive thing
that these groups are doing could fill and enlarged edition of the Trumpeter.
Some miscellaneous notes from WIS:
 Fifty foster children had the opportunity to attend Lutheran Lakeside Camp last year.
 Several visitors from Tanzania attended the assembly.
 A survey of then recent seminary graduates showed that they had a combined debt of one million dollars as they began their employment as pastors.
 Western Iowa has a first in the nation as one Lutheran and one Presbyterian church have combined into
a single church. Rockwell city in to a single church.
 35,000 Iowans received assistance last year form Lutheran Social Services of Iowa.
Reported by Dick Sea
July Benevolence
The Social Concerns benevolence event for July and August is an “ingathering of
school supplies” for Irving School. Items needed include: Boxes of crayons (16 or 24
count), thick Crayola markers, large bottles of glue, (no paste, gel, or colored glue),
glue sticks, plastic school boxes, 2-pocket folders, spiral notebooks (wide-lined), wide
lined note paper (200 count), scissors (Fiskar’s brand), #2 pencils, large erasers, large
boxes of Kleenex, Ziploc bags (quart and gallon sizes), package of sticky notes (small
and large sizes), and old magazines. (You may also check the listing of items requested at the store for Irving School/Sioux City Elementary schools.)
The Trumpeter—July 2015
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July Birthdays, Baptism Birthdays, and Anniversaries
Judy Matsuo
Marge Swanson
Kari Dickman
Shannon Peterson
Bev Drefke
Joe Mitchell
Tara Schwaderer
Donna Verschoor
Christi Bullock
Jean Midland
Steve Parker
Robyn Levine
William Mize
Paula Hebron
Ellie Frisch
Emily Hall
Elliott Swenson
Nancy Van Meter
Rick Swenson
Breckan Anderson
Elie Iversen
Dick Hettinger
Holly Lines
Dennis Lines
Katie Rosencrants
Carla Glass
Gwen Hart
Emily Jennings
David Mara
Anne Winter
Lori Padmore
Margaret Johnson
Aubrey Sea
Nolan McCarville
Alice Sea
Zach Plambeck
Pastor Del Olivier
Kari Dickman
William Mize
Alicia Trobaugh
John Hagberg
Mason Heck
Braedyn Glass
Camryn Glass
Scott Plambeck
Anna Anderson
Madalyn Welp
Dave & Mary Madsen
Paul & Teresa Olson
Chuck & Barb Lamphear
Craig & Kari Dickman
Craig & Donna Walsh
Jason & Amy Renneke
Adam & Jeanne Frisch
Matt & Tracy Heck
If you see a missing name or incorrect
date, please advise the office of the
correct information.
The Trumpeter—July 2015
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Worship assistants
are responsible for serving on the day they are scheduled. If you are unable to
serve on a date scheduled, please arrange for a substitute and notify the office so the correct names
may be entered in the bulletin.
Sunday, July 5, 2015
Acolyte—Isaac Plambeck
Greeters—Skip & Shelia Schossow
Assisting Minister—-Lynne Rask
Communion Assistants—Dan Graben and Debbie McAllister
Technical Assistant—Josh Midland
Sunday, July 12, 2015
Acolyte—Dominic Trobaugh
Greeters—Bob & Marge Swanson
Assisting Minister—Emily Hall
Communion Assistants—Ginny Ericson and Amy Macfarlane
Eucharistic Ministers—Linda Nygard and Judy Swanson
Technical Assistant—TBA
Funeral Helpers
The following are asked to bake a cake
or help in the kitchen for funerals during
the month. The Funeral Coordinator will
contact you if needed.
Christi Bullock, Deb Fegenbush, Tracy
Heck, Marlene Levine, Linda Nygard, Bev
Robinson, Gloria Smith, and Kris Whitsel.
Darold Sea (captain), Chris
Liberto, Tom Peterson, and
Martin Sea.
Sunday, July 19, 2015
Acolyte—Lexy Baier
Greeters—Marian Erickson and Amy Swenson
Assisting Minister—-Matt Rixner
Communion Assistants—Cyd Fleckenstein and Fred Hexom
Rosie Forsling
Lois Irwin (set up)
Technical Assistant—Emily Hall
Sunday, July 26, 2015
Acolyte—Noah Dickman
Greeters—Jan Mohan and Beth Schwaderer
Assisting Minister—-Cathy Seaton
Communion Assistants—Ray Seaton and Steve Macfarlane
Eucharistic Ministers—Deb Fegenbush and Linda Nygard
Technical Assistant—Spencer Gough
Sunday, August 2, 2015
Acolyte—Jackson Wynn
Greeters—Dick & Alice Sea
Assisting Minister—-Shelley Hexom
Communion Assistants—Doug Strohbeen and Susie Strohbeen
Technical Assistant—Matt Rixner
Ruth Brei
We bid farewell to Ruth as she leaves Augustana to begin
a new job in a podiatrist office. Ruth’s last day will be July 8.
Blessings to you in your new job, Ruth.
Ushers for July
Altar Guild
The Trumpeter—July 2015
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Welcome New Members
The following people became members on June
7: John Fredrick & Marilyn Joyce (Webb) Hagberg;
Caleb Christopherson & Kimberly Marie (Rowekamp)
Christopherson and their daughter, Audrey Bennie
Rae Christopherson; and Daniel Robert Graben.
The Hagbergs
Kimberly is a professor at Morningside College
teaching psychology and graduate education courses along with being the campus educational technologist. She loves to read, garden, and dabble in knitting and crocheting.
Caleb flew tankers and Lear jets in Afghanistan
and Iraq. His hobbies include gardening, marksmanship, and music.
Marilyn has worked 30+ years as a trust/estate
attorney at Security National Bank. She enjoys yoga,
walking, and reading. She also likes spending time
with her 2 stepchildren and 2 granddaughters.
John enjoys bike riding and has participated in
RAGBRAI for ten years. He is a season ticket holder
of the Explorers. He enjoys fishing in the Ely, Minnesota area. He also prepares weekly text notes for
pastors and lay people.
Dan Graben
Dan’s interests include: hiking, fireworks, art, music, travel, museums, theater, exploring yard sales,
and fine dining.
Robert Charles “Charlie” Stewart was born on
June 7, 2015 at 1:10 pm. His parents Jennifer &
Robert Stewart were supposed to become members this day also. But Charlie’s arrival postponed
that idea! Welcome Charlie and congratulations,
Jenny & Bob.
Charlie made his
debut appearance in
church on June 21. You
can see a short video
on our Facebook page.
Augustana Lutheran Church
600 Court St.
Sioux City, IA 51101
Summer Schedule:
Mission Statements:
Congregation Council:
8:00 Holy Communion Worship
Church: A welcoming, caring congregation offering opportunities for worship, spiritual growth, and fellowship.
We express our faith and love to others in the name of Jesus Christ.
Deb Fegenbush (2015); Adam
9:00 Adult Education
10:15 Holy Communion Worship
Staff: We are called to work together
to enhance the community of Augustana Lutheran Church as we
share our ministry of witnessing to the
living God in Jesus Christ, facilitating
the gifts and talents of people.
—handicap accessible
—free taxi to worship—277-0000
Office hours Mon-Fri 8:30 am-1:30 pm
Phone: 712-255-7694
dent (2016); Jean Huff (2015); Jeff
Levine (2017)Marlene Levine, Secretary; Dick Lindblom, President
(2017); The Rev. Del Olivier, Pastor;
Sheila Schossow (2015); Martin
Sea, (2016); Bob Swanson, Treasurer.
The Rev. Del Olivier, Pastor
Michael Madsen, Organist
Angela Iversen, Shannon Peterson, Heidi Graben, and Donny Short, Pianists
“Augustana Lutheran, Sioux City” on Facebook
July 2015
(2017); Shelley Hexom, Vice Presi-
Diana Wooley, Director of Music
Fax: 712-255-7695
Frisch (2016); Krystal Gough
Mark Kochen, Sexton
Ruth Brei, Office Administrator