IZVJEŠTAJ - Vlada Crne Gore
IZVJEŠTAJ - Vlada Crne Gore
VLADA CRNE GORE Kabinet predsjednika Vlade IZVJEŠTAJ o realizaciji Trećeg međunarodnog ministarskog IDAHO Foruma 2015 - 10-12. maj 2015. godine - Podgorica, 4. jun 2015. godine I. Izještaj o realizaciji Trećeg međunarodnog ministarskog IDAHO Foruma posvećenog suzbijanju zločina iz mržnje i nasilja nad LGBTI osobama, Budva, 10-12. maj 2015. godine Treći međunarodni ministarski IDAHO Forum organizovan je od strane Vlade Crne Gore u Budvi, od 10. do 12. maja 2015. godine, povodom obilježavanja Međunarodnog dana borbe protiv homofobije, transfobije i bifobije. Tema Foruma je bila okončanje zločina iz mržnje i nasilja nad LGBTI osobama. Forum je otvorio potpredsjednik Vlade Crne Gore Duško Marković, a na Forumu su učestvovali visoki zvaničnici Savjeta Evrope, Evropske unije i OEBS-a, veliki broj ministara zemalja regiona i članica EU, kao i međunarodni eksperti i predstavnici akademske zajednice i nevladinih organizacija koje se zalažu za promovisanje i poštovanje prava LGBTI osoba. Zastava IDAHO Foruma uručena je potpredsjedniku Vlade Crne Gore Dušku Markoviću, kao domaćinu IDAHO Foruma 2015, od strane ministarke za kulturu i demokratiju Švedske Alis Bah Kunke i ministarke za socijalni dijalog, potrošačka pitanja i građanske slobode Malte Helene Dali, domaćina prethodnog IDAHO Foruma 2014. Tokom Foruma ministri i zamjenici ministara zemalja regiona zaduženi za pitanja promocije i zaštite prava LGBTI osoba su potpisali Zajedničku izjavu1 za suzbijanje zločina iz mržnje i nasilja nad LGBTI osobama. Na Forumu je ocijenjeno da organizacija IDAHO Foruma i podrška Vlade Crne Gore predstavlja potvrdu liderske pozicije Crne Gore u daljoj implementaciji LGBTI politika kako bi se izgradilo društvo u kojem bi svi uživali jednak tretman, bez obzira na bilo koje lično svojstvo. 1. Treći međunarodni ministarski IDAHO Forum organizovan je od strane Vlade Crne Gore u Budvi, 10-12. maja 2015. godine, čiji je fokus bio prevencija zločina iz mržnje i nasilja nad LGBTI osobama. Forum je bio prilika da se razmotre ostvareni rezultati zemalja na planu unaprijeđenja promocije i poštovanja prava LGBTI osoba, razmijene iskustva i podstakne međusobna saradnja u borbi protiv diskriminacije LGBTI osoba. Učesnici su pozdravili organizaciju Foruma od strane Vlade Crne Gore, što je još jedna potvrda njene posvećenosti unaprijeđenju kvaliteta života LGBT osoba u Crnoj Gori. Pohvaljen je napredak država Zapadnog Balkana u cilju promovisanja ljudskih prava i ukazano da je za ostvarivanje napretka na polju zaštite LGBTI prava prvenstveno važna iskazana politička volja i posvećenost vlada ovom pitanju. Ocijenili su da je Forum bio izuzetno uspješan, kao i da su potpisivanjem Izjave zemlje regiona potvrdile svoju spremnost za zajedničko djelovanje na polju zaštite LGBTI prava. Naglašen je značaj kontinuiranog rada na preispitivanju društvenih stavova i suočavanju sa stereotipima i predrasudama koje su usmjerene protiv LGBTI osoba, kao i nastavljanja započetih aktivnosti u borbi protiv homofobije, transfobije i bifobije. Predloženo je razmatranje mogućnosti održavanja follow-up sastanka ili skupa u Rimu prije sljedećeg IDAHO Foruma u Danskoj (zajednička inicijativa Italije i Crne Gore). Forum je otvorio potpredsjednik Vlade Crne Gore Duško Marković koji je u svom uvodnom izlaganju ukazao na značajan napredak koji je Crna Gora ostvarila u oblasti zaštite i unapređenja ljudskih prava, uključujući i prava LGBTI osoba. Potvrdio je odlučnost Vlade Crne Gore da izgradi otvoreno društvo koje će poštovati jednakost i politiku različitosti, bez obzira na bilo koje lično svojstvo, uključujući seksualnu orjentaciju i rodni identitet. Ukazao na aktivnosti preduzete na planu definisanja jasnih smjernica politike borbe protiv diskriminacije i postizanja veće vidljivosti LGBT osoba u društvu, unaprijeđenja zakonodavnog i strateškog okvira i njihovog usklađivanja sa međunarodnim standardima, realizacije obuka za predstavnike policije, sudstva i tužilaštva, te podizanje svijesti javnosti. U kontekstu unaprijeđenja zakonodavnog okvira, informisao da je započet dijalog o registrovanom partnerstvu u cilju usvajanja odgovarajućeg zakona. Sve ove aktivnosti preporučile su Crnu Goru za domaćina IDAHO Foruma 2015, što predstavlja potvrdu njene opredijeljenosti za unaprijeđenje promocije i zaštite prava LGBTI osoba. Potpredsjednik Marković je naglasio značaj Foruma u Budvi za sagledavanje ostvarenih rezultata u odnosu na pitanja nasilja i zločina iz mržnje prema LGBTI osobama, pružanje odgovora izazovima, utvrđivanje modaliteta institucionalnog pristupa u ostvarivanju koncepta i primjeni najboljih praksi, kao i za podsticanje međusobne saradnje i zajedničke akcije u borbi protiv diskriminacije LGBTI 1 Zajednička izjava nalazi se u prilogu Izvještaja. 2 osoba, putem istraživanja, normativnih instrumenata i najboljih dostupnih operativnih programa i projekata. U uvodnom dijelu, učesnicima Foruma su se video porukom obratile Ulrike Lunaček, potpredsjednica Evropskog parlamenta i Vera Jurova, evropska komesarka za pravdu, potrošačka pitanja i rodnu ravnopravnost. Uvodna izlaganja su, takođe, imali Snežana Samardžić-Marković, generalna direktorka za demokratiju Savjeta Evrope, Teri Reintke, članica Evropskog parlamenta i Džon Džeferi, zamjenik ministra pravde i ustavnog razvoja Južne Afrike, dok su speciajlna obraćanja imali Jovan Kojičić, savjetnik predsjednika Vlade Crne Gore za ljudska prava i zaštitu od diskriminacije i koordinator IDAHO Foruma 2015 i profesor Todd Brower u ime Bredli Sirsa, izvršnog direktora Vilijams instituta Pravnog fakulteta Univerziteta Kalifornije. Potpredsjednica Lunaček je u svom obraćanju istakla da je Zapadni Balkan napredovao u smislu prihvatanja LGBTI osoba I njihove pravne zaštite. Antidiskriminacioni zakoni, inkluzivne politike i zakoni o registrovanom partnerstvu doprinose poboljšanju položaja LGBTI osoba u regionu. Ukazala na usvojeni Zakon o zabrani diskriminacije na radnom mjestu Evropskog parlamenta, koji moraju da usvoje i zemlje u procesu pristupanja EU, ali i na važnost osiguravanja slobode udruživanja i okupljanja i promocije različitosti kroz afirmativne kampanje. Pozdravila inicijativu komesarke Jurove za usvajanje direktive o jednakosti, ali ukazala da su smjernice i akcioni plan za borbu protiv homofobije neophodni za EU, ali i za zemlje u procesu pristupanja EU. Komesarka Jurova je istakla da je diskriminacija u Evropi zabranjena, ali da nedavno istraživanje pokazuje da se 46% LGBTI osoba izjasnilo da je bilo predmet nekog vida diskriminacije. Naglasila da je usvajanje Zakona za borbu protiv nasilja nad LGTBI osobama prioritet, kao i da je zabrana diskriminacije po osnovu seksualne orijentacije i rodnog identiteta u mnogim zemljama EU jedino zabranjena na radnom mjestu. Stoga, informisala da preduzima aktivnosti na obezbjeđivanju podrške direktivi za jednak tretman i njenom skorom usvajanju, čime će se poslati snažan signal zemljama članicama EU o potrebi zabrane diskriminacije po bilo kom osnovu. EK podržava programe razmjene iskustava i praksi u borbi protiv zločina iz mržnje i govora mržnje i obezbjeđuje finansijsku podršku aktivnostima međunarodnih nevladinih organizacija (ILGA Europe, Transgender Europe, IGLEO) na planu borbe protiv diskriminacije LGBTI osoba. Kao značajnu aktivnost, komesarka Jurova je navela i pokretanje i pružanje podrške poveljama o raznovrsnosti kojima se podstiče različitost u kompanijama i koje je do sada potpisalo više od 700 kompanija na prostoru EU, što predstavlja oko 13.6 miliona zaposlenih. Generalna direktorka SE za demokratiju Snežana Samardžić-Marković je ukazala da su ostvareni značajni rezultati u pogledu zaštite i dostojanstva LGBTI osoba u prethodnom periodu. Naglasila važnost preporuka Komiteta ministara Savjeta Evrope u vezi mjera za borbu protiv diskriminacije LGBTI osoba, koje sadrže i standarde za transrodne osobe, za pravnu i političku reformu u državama članicama u cilju unaprijeđenja poštovanja prava LGBTI osoba. Ukazala da zločini iz mržnje postoje, ali da isti često budu neprijavljeni ili čak ignorisani od strane državnih organa. U cilju iskorjenjivanja diskriminacije naglasila značaj: 1) utvrđivanja političkog i pravnog okvira zasnovanog na brojnim podacima i analizi presuda, 2) obuke profesionalaca radi sticanja neophodnih znanja i vještina, 3) hrabrosti političkih lidera i osuđivanja svih činova nasilja i zločina iz mržnje, kao i 4) činjenice da su žrtve svjesne svojih prava i imaju povjerenje u državne organe. Pozdravila je napore koje Crna Gora ulaže na planu zaštite i promovisanja prava LGBTI osoba. Ponovila je spremnost Savjeta Evrope da sarađuje sa partnerima kako bi se ojačao uticaj Savjeta Evrope na ovom planu. Zamjenik ministra pravde i ustavnog razvoja Južne Afrike Džon Džeferi je istakao da je Južna Afrika prva zabranila diskriminaciju intersex osoba 2005. godine, prva zemlja u svijetu koja je zakonom zabranila diskriminaciju po osnovu seksualne orjentacije, ali i prva zemlja u Africi koja je legalizovala istopolne brakove. 2002. godine je legalizovano usvajanje djece od strane lica uistopolnom braku.. Međutim, diskriminacija postoji, budući da se često postojeće pravne osnove ne primjenjuju u cjelosti, odnosno zakonodavstvo samo po sebi ne može u potpunosti iskorijeniti zločin iz mržnje i diskriminaciju, već predstavlja samo prvi korak na tom planu. S tim u vezi, zamjenik ministra Džeferi je istakao da se teži praktičnim intervencijama – formirana je radna grupa za izradu strategije i zaštitu LGBTI osoba, ali i tim za praćenje hitnih predmeta u pravosudnom sistemu, preduzimaju se aktivnosti kako bi se unaprijedilo prijavljivanje zločina iz mržnje itd. Zamjenik ministra Džeferi je naglasio važnost zakona o jednakosti, ali i strogih krivičnih sankcija. Istakao uključenost civilnog društva u svim pitanjima zaštite LGBTI osoba, ali i informisao o aktivnostima Južne Afrike na 3 regionalnom planu (organizovanje seminara za iznalaženje praktičnih rješenja, usvajanje rezolucije Afričke komisije kojom se osuđuje diskriminacija LGBTI osoba). U cilju unaprijeđenja položaja LGBTI osoba na afričkom kontinentu, neophodan je dijalog i konsultacije razvijenih i zemalja u razvoju. Članica Evropskog parlamenta Teri Reintke je ukazala na relevantnost teme Foruma u Crnoj Gori. Naglasila da homofobija nije dio kulture, posebno ne crnogorske kulture, već čista mržnja. Savjetnik predsjednika Vlade Crne Gore Jovan Kojičić je istakao da je na politiku Vlade Crne Gore značajan uticaj imao švedski pristup kroz razmatranje zakona kao osnova za demokratiju, kao instrumenta demokratije i ostvarenih rezultata koji ne znače implementaciju, već kulturu. Ukazao je na započeti dijalog o registrovanom partnerstvu i odlučnost Vlade Crne Gore da usvoji predmetni zakon. Istakao, između ostalog, podršku italijanske vlade organizaciji Foruma i pokretanje inicijative Italije i Crne Gore prije narednog IDAHO Foruma kako bi se pokazala posvećenost borbi protiv diskriminacije LGBTI osoba. Neformalni ministarski sastanak IDAHO Foruma2 U okviru Foruma, održan je i treći IDAHO neformalni ministarski sastanak kojim je predsjedavao ministar pravde Crne Gore Zoran Pažin. Sastanku su prisustvovali ministri učesnici foruma, državni sekretari i zamjenici ministara zemalja učesnica Foruma, kao i specijalni gosti: direktorka za jednakost u Generalnom direktoratu Evropske komisije za pravosuđe i potrošačka pitanja Sala Sastamoinen (u ime evropske komesarke Vere Jurove) i zamjenik ministra pravde i ustavnog razvoja Južne Afrike Džon Džeferi. Sastanak je moderirao savjetnik predsjednika Vlade Crne Gore za ljudska prava i zaštitu od diskriminacije Jovan Kojičić. Sastanak je pokazao da je ostvaren značajan napredak na planu borbe protiv nasilja i diskriminacije LGBTI osoba u regionu Evrope, ali i da su glavni izazovi sa kojima se zemlje suočavaju usvajanje relevantnog zakonodavstva i njegova potpuna implementacija, promjena mentaliteta, izgradnja kapaciteta, obrazovanje o LGBTI pitanjima i monitoring sprovođenja politika. Naglašena je važnost političkog liderstva na nacionalnom i regionalnom nivou, samim tim i jedinstva u borbi protiv diskriminacije LGBTI osoba, kao i značajna uloga lokalnih vlasti i civilnog sektora. Ukazano je na važnost zauzimanja jedinstvenog pristupa EU pitanjima LGBTI osoba, ali i na potrebu primjene smjernica sa IDAHO Foruma. Nakon sastanka, ministri i zamjenici ministara Albanije, Bosne i Hrcegovine, Srbije, Hrvatske i Crne Gore potpisali su zajedničku izjavu kojom se zemlje obavezuju na preduzimanje aktivnosti na planu suzbijanja zločina iz mržnje i nasilja nad LGBTI osobama. Tekst zajedničke izjave na crnogorskom jeziku, kao i fotokopija potpisanog originala nalaze se u prilogu ovog izvještaja. Kratak pregled ostvarenog napretka u zemljama učesnicama IDAHO Foruma Ministar pravde Crne Gore Zoran Pažin je informisao da je u cilju eliminisanja diskriminacije po osnovu seksualne orijentacije i rodnog identiteta, Vlada Crne Gore do sada realizovala niz aktivnosti kako bi se stvorili svi neophodni uslovi za poštovanje i zaštitu prava LGBTI osoba, njihova sigurnost i društvena uključenost (usvajanje niza izmjena i dopuna ključnih zakona - Zakona o Zaštitniku, Zakona o zabrani diskriminacije, Zakona o zdravstvenom osiguranju, Krivičnog zakonika, donošenje Pravilnika o utvrđivanju medicinskih razloga za promjenu pola, potpisivanje memoranduma o razumijevanju i mjerama u borbi protiv diskriminacije po osnovu seksualne orijentacije i rodnog identiteta sa opštinama). Ministar Pažin je informisao i da je pokrenut dijalog u cilju izrade Zakona o registrovanom partnerstvu, ali i da je nadležno Ministarstvo rada i socijalnog staranja započelo dijalog sa sindikalnim organizacijama i poslodavcima kako bi se obezbijedila puna ravnopravnost LGBTI osoba na radnom mjestu. Ministarka za društveni dijalog, potrošačka pitanja i građanske slobode Malte Helena Dali je naglasila važnost uloge lokalnih vlasti u sprovođenju relevantnih politika i promjene stavova i mišljenja u odnosu na LGBTI pitanja. Ministarka pravde Finske Ana-Maja Henrikson je informisala o novousvojenom Zakonu o jednakosti i nediskriminaciji (januar 2015) kojim je definisano pitanje zaštite LGBTI osoba u svim segmentima života, ali kao izazov navela obezbjeđivanje njegove potpune implementacije. Ukazala na 2 Spisak učesnika IDAHO neformalnog ministarskog sastanka nalazi se u prilogu Izvještaja. 4 usvojeni Zakon o istopolnom braku i izrazila nadu da će IDAHO Forum osigurati političku volju za unaprijeđenje LGBTI prava. Ministarka prosvjete, kulture i nauke Holandije Jet Busemejker je, pored ostvarenog napretka, ukazala da glavni izazov predstavlja uključivanje politika o LGBTI pitanjima u obrazovanje (pored uključivanja u udžbenike, neophodna adekvatna obuka nastavnika i profesora), ali i povećanje društvene prihvatljivosti LGBTI osoba kod ortodoksnih grupa (neophodan pristup iznutra). Podsekretar za ustavne reforme i vezu Vlade Italije sa Parlamentom Ivan Skalfaroto je, ukazujući na visok stepen otpora u italijanskom društvu prema LGBTI pitanjima, informisao da je u Italiji u toku proces izrade predloga zakona o građanskom partnerstvu koji je inicirao i javnu debatu na nivou cijelog društva. Ovom predlogu zakona, kao i zaštiti prava LGBTI osoba podršku je po prvi put pružio i predsjednik Vlade Italije Mateo Renci. Informisao, takođe, da je tokom 2014. Donji dom usvojio Zakon o zločinima iz mržnje, kao i Zakon o borbi protiv rasizma koji uključuje transfobiju i homofobiju. Ministarka bez portfelja u Vladi Srbije Jadranka Joksimović je ukazala na pozitivne promjene u opredijeljenosti političkih aktera u odnosu na LGBTI pitanja, te informisala o uspješno organizovanoj Paradi ponosa u Srbiji 2014. godine, ali i o usvojenim zakonskim izmjenama i Akcionom planu za borbu protiv diskriminacije za period 2015-2018. Zamjenik ministra pravde BiH Nezir Pivić je ukazao da u BiH postoje određene zakonske norme, ali iste nijesu dovoljne da bi se osigurala zaštita LGBTI osoba (registrovane žalbe u vezi sa diskriminacijom po osnovu seksualne orijentacije, ali bez pokrenutih sudskih postupaka). Predstavnica Islanda Linda Ros je informisala da su sve aktivnosti u ovoj zemlji u pravcu zaštite prava LGBTI osoba preduzete na osnovu ranije sprovedenih istraživanja i istakla da je zahvaljujući aktivnostima za LGBTI prava ostvaren značajan napredak na planu jačanja zakonodavnog i institucionalnog okvira, obezbijeđena podrška svih političkih partija u Parlamentu, ali i da je formiran Komitet za izradu akcionog plana o pravima LGBTI osoba, sa specijalnim fokusom na prava transrodnih i intersex osoba čije usvajanje se očekuje do narednog IDAHO Foruma. Predstavnik Vlade Norveške Dag Simonsen posebno je pohvalio napredak Crne Gore i čestitao Vladi Crne Gore na ostvarenim rezultatima u oblasti LGBT problematike. Takođe, informisao je da Vlada Norveške preduzima aktivnosti na planu izrade zakona o promjeni pola, ali i da je pokrenut proces preispitivanja zdravstvenih usluga transrodnim osobama. Naglasio da se realizuje više istraživačkih programa o životu LGBTI osoba u ruralnim područjima i manjinskim narodima. Predstavnik Vlade Kosova Lirak Čelaj je ukazao na neznatan napredak po pitanju zaštite prava LGBTI osoba (organizovana parada protiv homofobije predvođena od strane ministra za integracije u maju 2014, implementacija LGBTI twining projekta), ali i da je Ustav Kosova otvoren po pitanju definisanja braka što omogućava usvajanje zakona o LGBTI osobama. Državna sekretarka u Ministarstvu pravde Slovačke Monika Jankovska je informisala o usvojenim ustavnim reformama o braku (zajednica između muškarca i žene) 2014, ali i o neuspjelom referendumu da se ojača o ustavna norma početkom 2015. Naglasila da je u toku rad na izradi Akcionog plana za LGBTI i da se očekuje njegovo skoro usvajanje. Zamjenica ministra za socijalno staranje i mlade Albanije Bardhikla Kospiri je informisala da je usvojena rezolucija Parlamenta o zaštiti prava i sloboda LGBTI koja sadrži preporuke za usvajanje akcionog plana za donošenje zakonskih izmjena za poštovanje LGBTI prava, da se Zaštitnik o Ombudsmanu podstiče praćenje kršenja prava LGBTI osoba, ali i da je otvoreno sklonište za LGBTI osobe žrtve nasilja i diskriminacije. Državna sekretarka Belgije za borbu protiv siromaštva i jednake mogućnosti za osobe sa invaliditetom i borbu protiv poreskih pronevjera i naučnu politiku Elke Sleurs je informisala da je borba protiv diskriminacije u ovoj zemlji ojačana zaštitom transrodnih i intersex osoba, kao i da je u aprilu 2014. usvojen Zakon o pravu na roditeljstvu (lezbijke dobile pravo na roditeljstvo), ali i da se radi na zakonodavstvu o transordnim pitanjima (zdravstvena zaštita). Dodala da iako je osnažen zakonodavni okvir, homofobna ponašanja postoje. Istakla je kandidaturu Belgije za domaćina petog po redu IDAHO Foruma 2017. Državna sekretarka u Ministarstvu rada, porodičnih i socijalnih pitanja Slovenije Martina Vuk je na usvojeni Zakon o civilnom partnerstvu kojim se brak definiše kao zajednica dvoje ljudi, ali i da se čeka odluka Ustavnog suda o organizovanju referenduma o ovom Zakonu. Ministar javne administracije Hrvatske Arsen Bauk, pored informisanja o usvajanju Zakona o istopolnom partnerstvu, istakao da je najveći izazov zaštita prava transrodnih osoba. Ministarka za kulturu i demokratiju Švedske Alis Bah Kuhke je kao glavni izazov navela borbu protiv diskriminacije po osnovu rodnog identiteta i ukazala na potrebu šireg pristupa ovom pitanju. Direktorka za jednakost u Generalnom direktoratu Evropske komisije za pravosuđe i potrošačka pitanja Sala Sastamoinen (u ime evropske komesarke Vere Jurove) je ukazala na prioritete rada evropske komesarke Jurove (usvajanje direktive o jednakom tretmanu kako bi se zaštitila LGBTI populacija u svim sferama života, pokretanje inicijative za preduzimanje aktivnosti na nacionalnom i nivou EU za zaštitu LGBTI osoba, primjena postojećih zakona EU i mjerenje stepena implementacije direktive o jednakom 5 zapošljavanju, djelovanje grupe na visokom nivou za LGBTI, prikupljanje podataka o nediskriminatornim dobrim praksama, pokretanje i podrška poveljama o raznovrsnosti za podsticanje različitosti u kompanijama). Naglasila da je sastanak bio prilika za prikupljanje informacija o ostvarenim rezultatima u zemljama članicama i kandidatima za članstvo u EU, kao i da će uzeti u obzir ideju o potpisivanju zajedničke deklaracije zemalja kandidata za članstvo u EU za suočavanje sa LGBTI pitanjima. Zamjenik ministra pravde i ustavnog razvoja Južne Afrike Džon Džeferi je upoznao sa aktivnostima preduzetim u Južnoj Africi u pogledu zaštite prava LGBTI osoba, ističući kao najveći izazov promjenu stavova i društva u cjelini. Ukazao da je Aktom o jednakosti formiran Sud za jednakost koji, između ostalog, ima i preventivnu ulogu, ali i timovi za pružanje odgovora u slučaju zločina iz mržnje koji predstavljaju vezu sa civilnim društvom. U okviru Foruma organizovano je više plenarnih sesija. Na sesiji posvećenoj ostvarenom progresu u periodu 2013-2015 učesnicima su se obratili potpredsjednik Vlade Crne Gore i ministar vanjskih poslova i evropskih integracija Igor Lukšić, ministarka prosvjete, kulture i nauke Holandije Jet Busemejker, ministarka za društveni dijalog, potrošačka pitanja i građanske slobode Malte Helena Dali, ministarka za kulturu i demokratiju Švedske Alis Bah Kuhke i ministar javne administracije Hrvatske Arsen Bauk. U svom izlaganju, potpredsjednik Lukšić je ukazao da organizovanje IDAHO Foruma u Crnoj Gori predstavlja potvrdu demokratizacije njenog društva i sprovođenja reformi. Predstavio aktivnosti na nacionalnom planu u pogledu unaprijeđenja zakonodavnog, strateškog i institucionalnog okvira Crne Gore za zaštitu LGBTI osoba od diskriminacije. U kontekstu aktivnosti na regionalnom i međunarodnom planu, ukazao na potpisivanje zajedničke izjave Hrvatske i Crne Gore o borbi protiv transfobije i homofobije u oktobru 2013, kao i organizovanje neformalnog sastanka focal pointa LGBTI mreže predstavnika evropskih vlada. Informisao i da je Crna Gora postala članica Grupe zemalja za LGBT i kosponzorisala rezoluciju Savjeta za ljudska prava o seksualnoj orijentaciji i rodnom identitetu u septembru 2014. Ministarka Holandije Busemejker je informisala o napretku ostvarenom na planu prihvatljivosti LGBTI osoba u Holandiji (91% socijalna prihvatljivost), te iskazala zadovoljstvo da se pitanjem socijalne prihvatljivosti bavi i Forum u Budvi. Izrazila zabrinutost postojanjem homofobnih zakonodavnih okvira u pojedinim zemljama (Rusija, Litvanija, Mađarska), kao i zbog ubijanja transrodnih osoba u Turskoj. Pozvala zemlje da se pridruže u izradi sveobuhvatnog pristupa borbi protiv diskriminacije LGBTI osoba. Informisala o pokretanju nedjelje aktivnosti IDAHO u Holandiji uz učešće svih zainteresovanih subjekata. Ministarka Malte Dali je naglasila da je neophodno osigurati da IDAHO Forum ima rezultate i ukazala na značaj proaktivnog pristupa komesarke Jurove. Informisala da je LGBTIQ agenda unaprijeđena na nacionalnom nivou, posebno usvajanjem Zakona o priznavanju roda transrodnih osoba. Ministar Hrvatske Bauk je informisao o usvajanju Zakona o istopolnom partnerstvu, nakon čega je sklopljeno oko 50 partnerstava, ali ni jedno nije bilo javno. Ukazao na dinamičan proces koji je prethodio donošenju pomenutog zakona i pokretanje referendumske inicijative kojom se u Ustavu Republike Hrvatske definiše da je brak partnerstvo između muškarca i žene. Informisao i da je izmjenama Zakona o državnim maticama priznat rodni identitet 2012. Ostvaren je napredak u organizovanju parada ponosa u Hrvatskoj, u smislu smanjenja nasilja i samim tim smanjenog broja policijskih pripadnika. Ministarka Švedske Alis Bah Kuhke je ukazala na važnost preduzimanja aktivnosti kako bi se unaprijedio položaj LGBTI osoba u Evropi i svijetu. Ukazala na važnost nevladinih organizacija koje se bore za prava LGBTI osoba. U okviru sesije posvećene regionalnom pristupu – uzajamno učešće, razmjena dobrih praksi i saradnja u borbi protiv diskriminacije i promocije jednakosti LGBTI osoba izlaganja su imali Aleksandar Vasiljević, šef Odjeljenja MUP Srbije za organizaciju, prevenciju i policiju u zajednici, Stevan Milivojević iz LGBT Foruma Progres, Jelena Dacić, programski direktorica direktor za ljudska prava u NVO Juventas, Danijel Kalezić iz Queer Montenegro i Ketrin Hugendubel iz ILGA Europe. Panelisti su naglasili značaj ostvarivanja regionalnog pristupa u suočavanju sa LGBTI pitanjima, razmjene iskustava zemalja regiona (ILGA step-up projekat), posebno kad je u pitanju Zakon o registrovanom partnerstvu u Crnoj Gori, ali i potrebu kreiranja inicijativa od značaja za region (kreiranje regionalne mreže LGBTI). Informisali da se regionalna saradnja ostvaruje na nivou NVO koje se bave LGBTI pitanjima. Za ostvarivanje značajnijeg progresa istaknut značaj političkog liderstva u regionu. Šef Odjeljenja MUP Srbije za organizaciju, prevenciju i policiju u zajednici Vasiljević je predstavio ključne aktivnosti realizovane od strane policije Srbije i zajednice LGBTI u posljednjih nekoliko godina. 6 Naglasio da sve zemlje regiona, izuzev Crne Gore, moraju još mnogo toga da urade na planu unaprjeđenja prava LGBTI osoba. Informisao o usvajanju Akcionog plana za unaprjeđenje saradnje policije sa LGBTI zajednicom u februaru 2014. koji predviđa realizaciju aktivnosti na unaprjeđenju komunikacije kroz imenovanje oficira za vezu za LGBTI zajednicu, razvijanju i organizovanju policijske obuke, borbi protiv nasilja i huliganizma, kao i donošenje novog zakona o mirnom okupljanju građana. Predstavnik LGBT Foruma Progres Milivojević ukazao da su uslovi u zemljama regiona slični, da postoji osnovna komunikacija i saradnja, kao i da regionalni pristup predstavlja najsnažniji vid ostvarivanja uticaja na planu poboljšanja položaja LGBTI osoba. Kad je u pitanju nacionalna LGBT politika, istakao da ista nije prihvaćena od zakonodavstva u cjelini, te da je neophodno ostvariti vidljivije rezultate na terenu u pogledu ostvarivanja slobode mirnog okupljanja, uključivanja pitanja LGBTI u udžbenike, pružanja političke podrške LGBTI zajednici. Predstavnica Juventasa Dacić je predstavila iskustvo ove NVO u oblasti regionalne saradnje. Predstavnik Queer Montenegro Kalezić dodatno informisao o stvaranju regionalne LGBT organizacije u novembru o.g. Predstavnica ILGA Europe Hugendubel je naglasila važnost donošenja i implementacije zakonodavnih izmjena, ali i neophodnost uključivanja civilnog sektora u cilju ostvarivanja pomaka na planu poštovanja i zaštite prava LGBTI osoba. U okviru sesije posvećene sveobuhvatnom pristupu borbi protiv diskriminacije u Evropi, video porukom se obratio Nils Muižnieks, komesar za ljudska prava Savjeta Evrope. U svom obraćanju pohvalio je ostvareni napredak u prethodnom periodu na polju zaštite prava LGBTI osoba, ukazavši na nedostatak usaglašene politike i potrebu uspostavljanja jasnih standarda za borbu protiv diskriminacije LGBT osoba, govor mržnje i nasilja nad LGBTI licima. Šefica odjeljenja za pitanja seksualne orjentacije i rodnog identiteta Savjeta Evreope Eleni Tsetseskou je ukazala na značaj prikupljanja podataka o napadima na LGBT osobe, i sugerisala državama da vode evidencije o navedenim. Obavijestila da je Savjet Evrope otvoren za saradnju sa svim članicama, kao i da ima uspostavljena tijela za monitoring, koji dolaze po pozivu države, i da su u periodu 2014-2017 posjetili sedam država, koje već implementiraju dobijene preporuke na polju prava LGBT lica. Predstavnica OEBS Kancelarije za demokratske institucije i ljudska prava ODIHR Azra Januzović je obavijestila da ODIHR aktivno sarađuje sa 57 država (od Vankuvera do Vladivostoka), koja obuhvata u najvećem dijelu obuke policije, tužilaca, nosilaca pravosudnih funcija. Upoznala da je svega 12 država (Belgija, Njemačka, Poljska, Hrvatska, Irska, Španija, Finska, Italija, Švedska, Francuska, Norveška, Velika Bitanija) podnijelo izvještaje o stanju LGBT prava u svojim zemljama. Imajući u vidu da preostalih 35 država to nije učinilo, istakla da je ovaj rezultat nezadovoljavajući. U okviru sesije učešće su uzeli i izvršna direktorka ILGA za Evropu Evelin Paradis i izvršna direktorka Transgender EU Julija Ert. Zajednički je konstatovano da države treba da uspostave standard tzv. „zero tolerance“ (nulta tolerancija) za govor mržnje i za krivična djela učinjena iz mržnje prema LGBT osobama. U okviru sesije Borba protiv mitova i stereotipa uz pomoć edukacije policije i sudstva o LGBT su učestvovali savjetnik predsjednika Vlade Jovan Kojičić, direktor Williams Instituta u Los Anđelesu za obuku sudija Tod Brover, pripadnica policije Amsterdama Marja Lust, pripadnica policije Toronta Danijela Botinu i specijalista za pitanja diskriminacije LGBT osoba, Velika Britanija, Melani Strej. Učesnici su zajednički konstatovali da je ovaj segment od posebnog značaja za pripadnike LGBT, s obzirom da u slučaju napada, veoma često ne prijave isti iz razloga nepovjerenja u policiju i sudstvo da će počinioci biti uhvaćeni i kažnjeni. Na ovom panelu su sumirani utisci sa Regionalnog treninga sa policijom i sudstvom, uz konkretne primjere iz prakse policije Amsterdama i Toronta, kao i prakse evidencije slučajeva i postupanja od strane renomirane organizacije iz Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva, Galop. 2. LGBTI Biznis forum 2015 - Trećem međunarodnom ministarskom IDAHO Forumu 2015, prethodio je prvi LGBTI Biznis forum na Balkanu na kom su razmatrana pitanja promocije različitosti na radnom mjestu, uključujući strategije i politike multinacionalnih kompanija, kao i borba protiv diskriminacije LGBTI osoba u radnom okruženju. Cilj Foruma je da se ideja promocije različitosti na radnom mjestu učini razumljivom kompanijama i privrednim društvima u Crnoj Gori i regionu. Biznis forum je organizovan od strane Vlade Crne Gore, uz podršku Vilijams Instituta Pravnog fakulteta Univerziteta Kalifornije (UCLA), Out Leadership SAD/Evropa, IBM Korporacije, Udruženja poslodavaca iz Italije Parks-Liberi e Uguali, Njemačke asocijacije gej menadžera i preduzetnika Völklinger Kreis i Američke privredne komore u Crnoj Gori. 7 Uvodna izlaganja imali su ministarka bez portfelja u Vladi Crne Gore Marija Vučinović, ambasadori Holandije i Velike Britanije Laurent Stokvis i Ian Viting, u ime ambasadorke SAD u Crnoj Gori Biks Aliu, v.d. direktorica Američke privredne komore u Crnoj Gori Milica Dragojević, izvršna direktorica Gay Straight Alijanse iz Beograda Mirjana Bogdanović, kao i savjetnik predsjednika Vlade Crne Gore za ljudska prava i zaštitu od diskriminacije i koordinator IDAHO Foruma 2015 Jovan Kojičić. Video porukom učesnicima Foruma obratio se Tod Sirs iz Out Leadership-a SAD. Učesnici Foruma su izrazili zahvalnost Vladi Crne Gore, predsjedniku Vlade Milu Đukanoviću i savjetniku Jovanu Kojičiću za organizovanje IDAHO Foruma u Budvi. Pozdravljena je liderska uloga Crne Gore u promovisanju prava LGBTI osoba, posebno u pogledu pokretanja inicijative za borbu protiv diskriminacije na radnom mjestu. Naglašena je važnost LGBTI Biznis foruma za region u kontekstu razmjene iskustava i razmatranja pitanja LGBTI osoba u radnom okruženju. Ukazano na značaj zajedničkog djelovanja državnih institucija, civilnog sektora i međunarodne zajednice na planu stvaranja uslova za poštovanje jednakosti svih građana u svim sferama života, kao i različitosti za ostvarivanje razvoja društva u cjelini. Ključna proruka Foruma je da upravljanje različitostima doprinosi razvoju biznisa, konkurentnosti, inovativnosti i ostvarivanju benefita kompanija na nacionalnom i globalnom nivou. U svom uvodnom izlaganju ministarka Vučinović je potvrdila odlučnost Vlade Crne Gore da omogući jednak tretman i mogućnosti LGBTI osobama u svim segmentima društva, kao i pristup svim institucijama i servisima, da se slobodno izraze o sopstvenoj seksualnoj orijentaciji i rodnom identitetu, i s tim u vezi, zaštiti ih od bilo kod vida diskriminacije. Kao potvrdu Vladine politike unaprijeđenju položaja LGBT osoba u Crnoj Gori navela usvajanje Strategije za poboljšanje kvaliteta života LGBTI osoba za period 2013-2018. Preuzimanjem inicijative za organizovanje Foruma istakla da Vlada nastoji da ohrabri dijalog i predvodi regionalnu inicijativu u oblasti zaštite prava LGBTI osoba i njihove društvene uključenosti. Naglasila da su ljudska prava, vladavina prava i društvena uključenost svih preduslov ekonomskog razvoja. U tom kontekstu, informisala da je započet dijalog sa sindikalnim organizacijama i poslodavcima kako bi se obezbijedila puna ravnopravnost LGBTI osoba na radnom mjestu. U video poruci osnivač Out Leadershipa Tod Sirs je istakao da svi ljudi u društvu imaju direktan uticaj na razvoj i naglasio značaj koji korporacije imaju u isticanju uloge LGBTI različitosti i ostvarivanju benefita. Naglasio značaj stvaranja uslova za život i ekonomski razvoj LGBTI osoba, kao i njihovo napredovanje u poslu za dobrobit svih kompanija i društva u cjelini. U prilog tome, pored ličnog iskustva, ukazao i na vodeću ulogu predsjedavajućeg Komisije za jednake mogućnosti iz Hong Konga Dr. Chow u borbi protiv diskriminacije LGBTI osoba u biznisu i organizaciji LGBTI Biznis samita u Hong-Kongu. Nerezidentni ambasador Holandije u Crnoj Gori Laurent Stokvis je pohvalio posvećenost Crne Gore ostvarivanju prioriteta zacrtanih u Strategiji za poboljšanje kvaliteta života LGBT osoba u Crnoj Gori 2013-2018: borba protiv diskriminacije po osnovu seksualne orjentacije i rodnog identiteta, borba protiv homofobije i unaprijeđenje kvaliteta života LGBTI osoba i njihove društvene uključenosti. Pozdravio uspješno organizovanje Parade ponosa u novembru 2014. i značajnu ulogu policije. Istakao da je politička podrška izuzetno značajna za suočavanje sa izazovima koji postoje u crnogorskom društvu (neprijateljska osjećanja prema LGBTI osobama, 25 napada na LGBTI osobe je zabilježeno, nemogućnost policije da počinioce privede pravdi). Stoga borba protiv diskriminacije LGBTI osoba u svim sferama života, uključujući i na radnom mjestu predstavlja preduslov za njihovu potpunu uključenost u društvene procese. Naglasio je značaj kompanija na ovom planu, i u tom kontekstu ukazao na primjer komapnije SHELL (jedne od pet najboljih kompanija prema Workplace Pride izvještaju) u promociji LGBTI inkluzivnih politika u kompaniji, kao i u drugim firmama sa kojima sarađuje na globalnom nivou. Ukazao na nedavno obavezivanje Opštine Hag, gdje se mjeri uticaj politika za inkluziju LGBTI osoba, da bude jedan od gradova duge i da primjenjuje sve preporuke u sferi obrazovanja, kulture i nauke, kao i na aktivnosti holandskog Ministarstva vanjskih poslova za podsticanje javnih institucija da konkretizuju svoje politike za zaposlene LGBTI osobe. U prevazilaženju izazova u uključivanju zaposlenih LGBTI osoba ambasador Stokvis je ukazao na značaj zajedničke promocije LGBTI inkluzivnih politika od strane kreatora politika, kompanija, društvenih partnera i LGBTI mreže. Naglasio da će Vlada Holandije i dalje 8 biti partner u borbi protiv diskriminacije LGBTI osoba, kao i na planu ostvarivanja inkluzivnosti u društvu i na radnom mjestu. Ambasador Velike Britanije u Crnoj Gori Ian Viting je ukazao povezanost pitanja promocije prava LGBTI osoba sa evroatlantskim aspiracijama Crne Gore i ostvarivanjem njenog napretka na putu ka članstvu u EU i NATO. Ukazao na podršku britanske Vlade aktivnostima na planu promocije prava LGBTI osoba u Crnoj Gori (izrada Strategije, realizacija obrazovnih programa, organizacija parada ponosa, izrada protokola o zdravstvenoj zaštiti), kao i na važnost implementacije LGBTI inkluzivnih politika za poslovnu zajednicu, budući da različitost i inovacije predstavljaju ključ ekonomskog rasta i uspjeha. Naveo primjer NVO iz VB koja radi godišnje rangiranje poslodavaca koji sprovode politike za stvaranje inkluzivnih radnih mjesta i dodjeljivanje nagrade najboljima u ovoj oblasti. Stvaranje radnog okruženja za punu inkluzivnost LGBTI osoba moguće je jedino putem borbe protiv diskriminacije, homofobije, transfobije, primjenom kaznenih politika, podsticanjem iskazivanja otvorenih stavova i pružanjem dobrih primjera. U ime ambasadorke SAD u Crnoj Gori učesnicima Foruma se obratio Biks Aliu koji je tom prilikom pohvalio napredak Crne Gore na planu poštovanja prava LGBTI osoba, posebno uspješno organizovane parade ponosa i naglasio važnost vidljivosti pripadnika ove populacije za cjelokupan razvoj društva. Značajan doprinos ostvarivanju prava LGBTI je i formiranje Kancelarije savjetnika za LGBTI pitanja u Kabinetu predsjednika Vlade Crne Gore i liderska uloga savjetnika Kojičića, kao i ukupna podrška Vlade implementaciji LGBTI politika. Istakao da izazovi u ostvarivanju prava pripradnika LGBTI zajednice u Crnoj Gori postoje (slučaj zabrane okupljanja u Nikšiću zbog bezbjednosnih razloga, nošenje narukvica za alarmiranje pripadnika policije u slučaju napada na pripadnike LGBTI zajednice) i naglasio važnost osiguravanja lične bezbjednosti svih u Crnoj Gori ukoliko se želi biti dio evroatlantske zajednice. Ukazao na dalju partnersku ulogu Ambasade SAD u Podgorici u promociji i implementaciji LGBTI politika. V.d. direktorica Američke privredne komore u Crnoj Gori Milica Dragojević je naglasila značaj ljudskog kapitala za biznis zajednicu i kompanije. Ukazala da je pružanje jednakih šansi svima preduslov prosperiteta, ali i da predrasude postoje i da je neophodno o njima javno govoriti i ukazati da iste sprječavaju ekonomski rast i razvoj. Istakla značaj Biznis foruma za razmatranje politika i praksi za postizanje pravičnog i nediskriminatornog radnog okruženja. Izvršna direktorica Gay Straight Alijanse Mirjana Bogdanović je istakla da su Crna Gora, Srbija i region u cjelini ostvario značajne pomake u pogledu promocije i zaštite prava LGBTI osoba (izrada pravnog i strateškog okvira, povećanje vidljivosti LGBTI zajednice, pozitivne promjene političkih elita u odnosu na LGBTI pitanja). Ipak, predrasude, homofobija i transfobija postoje u ovim društvima i za njihovo iskorjenjivanje je neophodno vrijeme, kao i konkretne aktivnosti državnih institucija i civilnog sektora. Iako je pitanje položaja LGBTI osoba u radnom okruženju najmanje zastupljeno u Regionu, postoje jasni standardi EU u ovoj oblasti, kao i dobri zakonski okviri u zemljama Regiona kojima je regulisana ova oblast. Međutim, pripadnici LGBTI zajednice imaju strah od nedobijanja ili gubitka posla zbog svoje seksualne orijentacije. Stoga, naglasila važnost slanja jasne poruke za stvaranje inkluzivne radne sredine koja će doprinijeti prosperitetu kompanija i društva u cjelini. Savjetnik predsjednika Vlade za ljudska prava i zaštitu od diskriminacije Jovan Kojičić se zahvalio svim partnerima na podršci i istakao da je organizovanje Foruma samo inicijalni korak na planu jačanja promocije i zaštite prava LGBTI osoba na radnom mjestu. Naglasio da poštovanje ljudskih prava doprinosi razvoju biznisa, kao i da se politika Crne Gore ogleda u premisi da niko ne treba da živi u strahu bez obzira na bilo koje lično svojstvo, uključujući i seksualnu orjentaciju. U okviru Biznis foruma održana su dva panela koja su imala za cilj razmatranje politika i praksi za unaprijeđenje i zaštitu ljudskih prava LGBTI osoba i zabrana diskriminacije na radnom mjestu. U okviru panela posvećenog unaprjeđenju i zaštiti ljudskih prava – jednakost i nediskriminacija na radnom mjestu govorili su Bredli Sirs, izvršni direktor Vilijams instituta Pravnog fakulteta Univerziteta Kalifornije, Marijn Pijneburg iz IBM Korporacije, Igor Šuran iz Udruženja poslodavaca iz Italije Parks 9 Liberi e Uguali i Majkl Kauh iz Njemačke asocijacije gej menadžera i preduzetnika. Panelisti su ukazali na značaj promocije različitosti u kompanijama za ostvarivanje inkluzivnog radnog okruženja, ekonomskih benefita kompanija, njihove konkurentnosti i inovativnosti, produktivnosti zaposlenih i efikasnosti korisničkih usluga. Da bi se ovo postiglo neophodno je preduzeti aktivnosti na planu: usvajanja nediskriminatornih politika, obučavanja rukovodećeg kadra da budu lideri u inkluzivnosti, javno istupanje o značaju različitosti, utvrđivanje i usklađivanje sa međunarodnim standardima. Ukazano je i na ekonomske troškove usljed postojanja homofobije. Od ukupne radne snage u EU (240 miliona ljudi) samo 5-10% su pripadnici LGBTI zajednice (18 miliona), što rezultira gubitkom produktivnosti u iznosu od 200 milijardi EUR. Istaknuta je liderska uloga kompanija u SAD u procesu usvajanja politika nediskriminacije LGBTI na radnom mjestu, kao i da gotovo sve kompanije u SAD (96%) imaju politike koje promovišu nediskriminaciju na radnom mjestu (Bredli Sirs). Predstavljeno je iskustvo IBM korporacije u izgradnji menadžmenta različitosti kroz primjenu zakona, podizanje svijesti i uklanjanje barijera, kao i kroz usklađivanje različitosti za ostvarivanje inovacija, saradnje i uspjeha (Marijn Pijneburg). Istaknute su oblasti djelovanja Njemačke asocijacije gej menadžera i preduzetnika kroz političko zastupanje ove Asocijacije i upravljanje različitostima kroz sprovođenje studija, dodjeljivanje nagrada kompanijama i ostvarivanje pristupa zasnovanog na aktivnostima zajednica (Majkl Kauh). U okviru panela posvećenog eliminaciji diskriminacije LGBTI lica na poslu govorili su Milan Antonijević iz Komiteta pravnika za ljudska prva (YUCOM), Mirjana Bogdanović, izvršna direktorica Gay Straight Alijanse, Jelena Dubovi iz Infostud Srbija i Tamara Ivanišević, pravnica iz Srbije. Panelisti su ukazali na aktuelno stanje u Srbiji kad je u pitanju promovisanje i zaštita prava LGBTI osoba, kao i na odsustvo kompanija, domaćih i inostranih, prilikom organizovanja parade ponosa i nepostojanje nediskriminatornih politika unutar samih kompanija. Istaknuto da su mediji neutralni po pitanju prava LGBTI zajednice, ali da još uvijek ima i onih koji su protiv. Ukazano je i na pomake političkih aktera po pitanju LGBTI osoba. Iako je diskriminacija zabranjena postojećim zakonodavnim okvirom, postoje zločini iz mržnje, ali i odgovor pravosuđa na iste. Od ukupno 6 slučajeva diskriminacije po osnovu seksualne orijentacije, za koje su donesene pravosnažne presude, samo jedan slučaj diskriminacije je bio na radnom mjestu (2011). Postoji takođe problem u prijavljivanju uznemiravanja na poslu po osnovu seksualne orijentacije i rodnog identiteta. Naglašena je važnost ne samo ranog obrazovanja djece o poštovanju različitosti, već i sprovođenja obuka i treninga upravljačkog kadra u kompanijama, profesora i učitelja. Ukazano je na slučaj transrodne osobe u Vojsci Srbije (major Helena) koji je doprinio približavanju pitanja LGBTI osoba ljudima kroz istupanja u javnosti i rušenje predrasuda. 3. IDAHO Forumu je prethodio Regionalni trening za obuku policijskih službenika i nosilaca pravosudnih funkcija, koji je otvorio direktor Uprave policije Crne Gore Slavko Stojanović. Upoznao da je Uprava policije bila prva policijska organizacija ikada koja je dobila nagradu „Prijatelj pravde – nagrada za 2011. godinu“, koju dodjeljuje Konferencija „Pravda na Balkanu – jednakost za seksualne manjine“, a koja se dodjeljuje licu koje nije pripadnik LGBTI zajednice ili instituciji koja je posebno posvećena zaštiti i ostvarivanju prava seksualnih manjina. Policija i predstavnici LGBTI zajednice su do sada u zajedničkoj saradnji realizovali niz uspješnih aktivnosti. Kao primjer kvalitetne saradnje su uspješno organizovane parade ponosa u Crnoj Gori. Informisao da su organizovane edukacije policijskih službenika u smislu senzibilnog postupanja prema članovima LGBTI zajednice. Određeni su policijski službenici za kontakt sa LGBTI zajednicom kojima se pripadnici ove zajednice mogu posebno obratiti u slučaju bilo kakve potrebe za policijskim djelovanjem. Nakon uvodnog izlaganja, uslijedila su obraćanja savjetnika predsjednika Vlade Crne Gore Jovana Kojičića, izvršnog direktora Wiliams insituta u Los Anđelesu Bradli Sirsa, pomoćnika ministra bezbjednosti Bosne i Hercegovine Mija Krešića, pomoćnice ministra unutrašnjih poslova Albanije Elone Hokse, predstavnice OEBS Kancelarije za demokratske institucije i ljudska prava ODIR Azre Januzović i generalne sekretarke ILGA World Helen Kenedi. Sekretarka ILGA World Helen Kenedi je informisala da je prema podacima ILGA World u 78 država i 4 10 entiteta propisana kazna zatvora za LGBTI lica, dok je u pet država propisana smrtna kazna za isto tzv. „krivično djelo“. Iskazano je nezadovoljstvo ovim podacima, ukazano na potrebu da se više pažnje posveti ovom pitanju, te da je promovisanje LGBTI prava od izuzetnog značaja. U okviru treninga posebna pažnja je posvećena ključnim problemima sa kojima se suočavaju pripadnici LGBTI zajednice, kao i potrebi izgradnje povjerenja u policiju i sudstvo. Predstavljeni modaliteti saradnje policije Amsterdama i Toronta sa LGBTI zajednicom. U Amsterdamu je formirana policijska jedinica “Rozi u Plavom”, koju čine pet policajaca koji su zaduženi za prikupljanje prijava napada na LGBT lica, sa ciljem izgradnje povjerenja u policiju i prijavu napada. Za dalje djelovanje po prijavama su zaduženi svi policajci u Amsterdamu. Nasuprot ovom modelu je policija u Torontu, koja ima samo jednog policajca zaduženog za prikupljanje prijava napada na LGBTI lica, čiji je osnovni zadatak da sasluša žrtvu i dalje procesuira postupak. Razmjena iskustava predstavnika policije i aspekt praktičnog djelovanja je od posebnog značaja za sve učesnike i daje dodatnu vrijednost ovom Forumu. U toku treninga je održan panel za obuku nosilaca pravosudnih funkcija, gdje su se obratili zamjenica Predsjednika Vrhovnog suda Stanka Vučinić, sudija Ustavnog suda Srbije Marija Draškić i direktor Williams Instituta u Los Anđelesu za obuku sudija Tod Brover. Zamjenica Predsjednika Vrhovnog suda Vučinić je obavijestila da je unaprijeđen zakonodavni okvir, sa naglaskom na izmjene Krivičnog zakonika kojim je, kao otežavajuću okolnost za odmjeravanje kazne, propisano krivično djelo učinjeno iz mržnje zbog pripadnosti seksualnoj orijentaciji ili rodnom identitetu. Definisani su posebni oblici krivičnih djela učinjenih iz mržnje zbog pripadnosti seksualnoj orjentaciji ili rodnom identitetu (ugrožavanje sigurnosti i nasilničko ponašanje), za koje je propisana kazna zatvora od 3 mjeseca do 3 godine. Za navedena krivična djela je pred crnogorskim sudovima vođeno pet postupaka, čiji ishod su tri osuđujuće presude, jedna oslobađajuća, dok je jedna optužba odbijena. Vrhovni sud Crne Gore i NVO „Forum Progres“ su potpisali memorandum o saradnji, kojim je omogućeno prisustvo predstavnicima ove NVO da učestvuju na suđenjima za postupke koji se vode zbog pripadnosti seksualnoj orjentaciji ili rodnom identitetu. Sudija Ustavnog suda Srbije Draškić je prezentovala dvije odluke Ustavnog suda Srbije koje se tiču: 1) prava LGBT osoba i 2) ustavnosti Zakona o javnim okupljanjima Srbije. U prvom slučaju je predstavljen slučaj lica kojem je prekršeno Ustavom zagarantovano pravo na dostojanstvo i život bez obzira na seksualnu orjentaciju, koji je rezultirao donošenjem odluke u korist LGBT lica. U drugom slučaju je pokrenut postupak ustavnosti Zakona o javnim okupljanjima zbog odbijanja organizovanja “Povorke ponosa”, koji je rezultirao proglašavanjem cjelokupnog Zakona o javnim okupljanjima neustavnim. 4. Na marginama samita održan je 14. Okrugli sto LGBT mreže predstavnika evropskih vlada, Panel o ljudskim pravima međurodnih osoba i budućim izazovima, kao i prateći sastanak u organizaciji nevladinih organizacija na temu ljudskih prava LGBTIQ lica u Crnoj Gori – postojeća praksa i najveći izazovi. 14. Okrugli sto LGBT mreže predstavnika evropskih vlada su otvorili ministarka za društveni dijalog, potrošačka pitanja i građanske slobode Malte Helena Dali i zamjenik ministra pravde i ustavnog razvoja Južne Afrike Džon Džeferi. Tokom okruglog stola predstavljene su aktivnosti Malte, Španije, Danske, Švedske, Norveške po pitanju nacionalnih politika na planu promjene i registracije rodnog identiteta. U tom kontekstu, pohvaljen napredak koji ostvarila Malta usvajanjem Zakona o rodnom identitetu. U okviru Okruglog stola razmatrane su aktivnosti pojedinačnih zemalja koje su preduzete u periodu od prethodnog sastanka LGBT mreže focal pointa održanog u Rimu u novembru 2014. Savjetnik za ljudska prava i zaštitu od diskriminacije Jovan Kojičić je ukazao na aktivnosti preduzete u Crnoj Gori u naznačenom periodu, a koje se odnose na organizovanje treninga za predstavnike policije i sudstva u saradnji sa OEBS i ODIHR, posvećivanje pažnje socijalnim radnicima za razumijevanje pitanja LGBTI osoba, uključujući i pitanja zdravstvene zaštite, otvoreni dijalog o istopolnom partnerstvu (zakon o registrovanom partnerstvu, korištenje iskustva Holandije, Austrije, Velike Britanije). Pored predstavljanja nacionalnih aktivnosti na planu unaprijeđenja položaja LGBTI osoba u 11 pojedinačnim zemljama, na Okruglom stolu je predstavljen i projekat Odjeljenja za seksualnu orjentaciju i rodni identitet Savjeta Evrope – SOGI projekat za period 2015-2017. Razlog za pokretanje ovog projekta je zavisnost ovog Odjeljenja Savjeta Evrope od dobrovoljnih kontribucija, budući da se ovo Odjeljenje ne finansira iz redovnog budžeta Savjeta Evrope. S tim u vezi, zemlje su pozvane da pruže podršku za finansiranje aktivnosti Odjeljenja na planu seksualne orjentacije i rodnog identiteta iz redovnog budžeta (razmatranje ovog pitanja u septembru 2015). Projektne aktivnosti će se realizovati u oblasti: zakonodavne reforme, izgradnje kapaciteta, podizanja svijesti i koordinacije saradnje. Ukoliko zemlje žele da učestvuju u projektu, potrebno je da pošalju zvaničan zahtjev za podršku Savjeta Evrope (do sada zahtjeve uputile Slovačka, Albanija, Grčka, Litvanija, a očekivanje je da će zahtjev uputiti i BiH). Ovo Odjeljenje Savjeta Evrope je u procesu priprema pokretanja baze podataka o dobrim praksama i politikama na planu seksualne orjentacije i rodnog identiteta. Panelom na temu ljudskih prava transrodnih osoba i budući izazovi koordinirali su i predsjedavali Savjet Evrope (Kancelarija komesara za ljudska prava) i Agencija za temeljna prava EU (FRA). Na panelu su govorili savjetnik u Kancelariji komesara za ljudska prava Savjeta Evrope Lauri Sivonen, šef sektora za saradnju sa institucijama EU i državama članicama (FRA) Denis Van Der Veur, konsultant komesara Savjeta Evrope za ljudska prava Silvan Agius, te predstavnici organizacije Intersex International Europe Kiti Anderson i Dan Kristijan Gatas. Na panelu su predstavljena stanovišta Savjeta Evrope o ljudskim pravima i intersex osobama, kao i rezultati istraživanja o izazovima sa kojima se intersex osobe suočavaju u EU. Ovo su ujedno i ključni dokumenti za razumijevanje pitanja intersex osoba iz perspektive ljudskih prava. Kao glavni izazovi sa kojima se intersex osobe suočavaju na prostoru EU su: 1) procedure za registraciju pri rođenju (samo nekoliko zemalja ima mogućnost nenavođenja pola djeteta nakon rođenja, dok je u 18 zemalja odlaganje registracije pola moguće do nedjelju dana ili duže); 2) nepostojanje sveobuhvatne baze podataka o učestalosti medicinskih zahvata sprovedenih na intersex djeci (ove intervencije sprovedene u 21 zemlji članici EU, definisanje roda pri rođenju utvrđuje dalji pravni i društveni život osobe, medicinske intervencije rezultiraju fizičkim i mentalnim posljedicama kod ovih osoba); 3) različiti osnovi za diskriminaciju intersex osoba u EU članicama. Kako bi se osiguralo poštovanje prava intersex osoba neophodno je osigurati olakšanu proceduru pravnog priznanja roda (uvođenje alternativnih rodnih identifikatora), puni pristup medicinskim uslugama, upoznati javnost sa problemima ove populacije, obezbijediti savjetovanje djeci i roditeljima, osigurati pristup pravdi, uz sprovođenje istrage o prethodnim kršenjima ljudskih prava intersex osoba. Sastanak sa crnogorskim NVO - Predstavnici crnogorskih nevladinih organizacija (“Juventas”, „Queer Montenegro”, “Forum Progres”) su istakli da prepoznaju napore Vlade Crne Gore na polju zaštite LGBT prava i pohvalili uspostavljeni zakonodavni i institucionalni okvir, te iskazali nezadovoljstvo brojim pitanjima – nedovoljnom implementacijom Strategije za unapređenje kvaliteta života LGBT osoba za period 2013-2018. godine, ukazujući na Ministarstvo za ljudska i manjinska prava kao nosica aktivnosti i nedovoljno ostvarenim rezultatima; neučešćem ministra za ljudska i manjinska prava na Forumu; neodovljnim finansijskim sredstvima opredijeljenim za rad NVO koje se bave ovim pitanjima (posebno kada je u pitanju održavanje skloništa za žrtve napada po osnovu seksualne orjentacije); nerasvijetljenim slučajevima napada na LGBT lica kojih prema njihovim podacima ima 27, kao i napadima na objekte ovih NVO kojih je prema njihovim navodima bilo 400; nezadovoljstvo homofobičnim opozicionim partijama, iskazujući bojazan za svoj opstanak u slučaju promjene vlasti; takođe, ukazali da u ovom smislu koriste UPR mehanizam za davanje preporuka Vladi Crne Gore i ILGA organizaciji. Predstavnica MVPEI je u odgovoru na ove navode ukazala da je Vlada Crne Gore, prepoznajući LGBT zajednicu i potrebu za zaštitu njihovih prava, u potpunosti otvorena za saradnju, te da će sve navode prenijeti relevantnim akterima u cilju rješavanja ovih pitanja. Ocjena – Organizovanje Trećeg IDAHO Foruma u Budvi predstavlja potvrdu snažne posvećenosti Vlade i zvaničnika Crne Gore politici zaštite i promocije prava LGBTI osoba. Ovo je ujedno i potvrda liderske pozicije Crne Gore u regionu kad je u pitanju napredak na planu borbe protiv diskriminacije LGBTI populacije, ali i u kontekstu pokretanja regionalne incijative za zaštitu LGBTI osoba od diskriminacije na radnom mjestu. Forum je bio prilika da se sagleda ostvareni napredak u zemljama učesnicama, ali i razmotre modaliteti buduće saradnje u kontekstu savladavanja izazova u suočavanju sa LGBTI pitanjima. U tom kontekstu, naglašen je značaj regionalnog pristupa, posebno na planu razmjene 12 iskustava i dobrih praksi radi promjene stavova i društva u cjelini. Potvrda tome je i potpisivanje zajedničke izjave zemalja regiona koje se obavezuju na suzbijanje zločina iz mržnje i nasilja nad LGBTI osobama. Forum je doprinio daljoj afirmaciji Crne Gore na planu promocije i zaštite ljudskih prava, uključujući i prava LGBTI osoba, što je u potpunosti usklađeno sa njenim spoljnopolitičkim prioritetima i aspiracijama za članstvo u EU i NATO. Dodatno je učvrstio poziciju Crne Gore kao odgovornog partnera međunarodne zajednice u borbi protiv diskriminacije po bilo kom osnovu. U prilogu Izvještaja nalaze se i sve agende Foruma, sa prilogom publikovanog materijala. Izvještaj sačinile: Dragana Šćepanović, prvi sekretar i Jelena Milačić, savjetnik, Generalni direktorat za multilateralne poslove i regionalnu saradnju, MVPEI Verifikovao: ambasador Milorad Šćepanović, v.d. generalnog direktora za multilateralne poslove i regionalnu saradnju, MVPEI Odobrio: Jovan Kojičić, savjetnik predsjednika Vlade Crne Gore za ljudska prava i zaštitu od diskriminacije 13 II. INFORMACIJA O UTROŠENIM SREDSTVIMA U skladu sa zaključkom Vlade Crne Gore broj: 08-882, od 8. maja 2015. godine, iz Tekuće budžetske rezerve obezbjeđena su sredstva u iznosu od 34,000.00 eura za održavanje Trećeg međunarodnog ministarskog Foruma, 10-12. maja 2015. godine. Od odobrenih sredstava iz Tekuće budžetske rezerve, potrošeno je ukupno 27,100.24 eura, i to: Namjena: Usluge logistike Smještaj, posluženje i ishrana prema programu IDAHO Foruma 2015 Lokalni, regionalni i međunarodni transport UKUPNO: III. Okvirni iznosi: 1,050,00€ 22,095,90€ 3,954.34€ 27,100.24€ PREDLOG ZAKLJUČKA: Vlada Crne Gore, na sjednici od___________ juna 2015. godine, razmotrila je i usvojila Izvještaj o organizovanju Trećeg međunarodnog ministarskog IDAHO Foruma 2015, čiji je pokrovitelj bila Vlada Crne Gore, u periodu 10-12. maja 2015. godine. 14 PRILOZI: 1. ZAJEDNIČKA IZJAVA 2. SPISAK UČESNIKA NA NEFORMALNOM MINISTARSKOM SASTANKU 3. BROŠURA SA PROGRAMIMA 1 IDAHO 2015 Forum Međunarodni dan borbe protiv homofobije, transfobije i bifobije – Crna Gora Zajednička izjava Budva, 11. maj 2015. Kako se i navodi u Univerzalnoj deklaraciji o ljudskim pravima, sva ljudska bića se rađaju slobodna i jednaka u dostojanstvu i pravima. Svakome su zagarantovana sva navedena prava i slobode, bez bilo kakvih razlika, kao što su rasa, boja kože, pol, jezik, religija, političko ili drugo mišljenje, nacionalno ili socijalno porijeklo, imovinsko stanje, rođenje ili neki drugi status. Obavezujemo se da ćemo se zajednički boriti protiv homofobije, transfobije i bifobije kako bi se eliminisala svaka neposredna ili posredna diskriminacija po osnovu seksualne orjentacije ili rodnog identiteta, kao i da ćemo konstantno promovisati društveno prihvatanje lezbejki, gejeva, biseksualnih, trans i interseksualnih osoba (LGBTI). Potvrđujući našu posvećenost u sprovođenju preporuke Komiteta ministara Savjeta Evrope CM/Rec (2010)5 o mjerama za borbu protiv diskriminacije na osnovu seksualne orjentacije ili rodnog identiteta, i našu čvrstu vjeru u osnovne slobode, koje su temelj nacionalnog i globalnog prosperiteta, pozdravljamo buduće inicijative koje su usmjerene u borbi protiv diskriminacije na osnovu seksualne orijentacije ili rodnog identiteta. Mi, ministri regiona, planiramo da: Aktivno radimo kako bismo osigurali dalje unaprijeđenje i efikasno sprovođenje zakonskih i drugih mjera u cilju iskorijenjivanja svakog oblika diskriminacije koje je zasnovano na seksualnoj orjentaciji ili rodnom identitetu. Promovišemo slobodu okupljanja i izražavanja, uključujući sve vrste društvenih okupljanja koje se održavaju u tolerantnoj atmosferi i bez nasilja, sa ciljem promovisanja, sticanja i odbrane LGBTI prava. Garantujemo korišćenje prava u pogledu obrazovanja, bez obzira na nečije lične karakteristike, zabranjujući bilo kakav oblik fizičkog, mentalnog ili društvenog nasilja, kao i zlostavljanje i zanemarivanje, vrijeđanje osobe ili bilo koji drugi oblik diskriminacije, koji proizilazi iz stereotipa i predrasuda prema LGBTI licima. Pružamo podsticaj i podršku željenoj kulturnoj i društvenoj promjeni sa ciljem da se doprinese procesu jednakosti LGBTI u pogledu njihove sigurnosti i uključenosti u društvo. Osiguramo poštovanje prava jednakosti svakog pojedinca bez obzira na nečiju seksualnu orjentaciju ili rodni identitet kako bi se izborili sa homofobijom, transfobijom, bifobijom i ostalim socijalnim netrpeljivostima. Pozdravimo i podržimo svaku međunarodnu inicijativu koja ima za cilj unaprijeđivanje svijesti i znanja o ljudskim pravima LGBTI osoba. Unaprijedimo regionalnu i međunarodnu saradnju, razmjenjujemo znanja i dobre prakse među Potpisnicima kako bi se suzbila homofobija, transfobija i bifobija na nacionalnom, regionalnom i međunarodnom nivou, kao i da bi se podstakla saradnja državnih institucija i organizacija civilnog sektora koje brane ljudska prava LGBTI osoba. Prioritetno odgovorimo na zločine iz mržnje i nasilje koji su zasnovani na seksualnoj orjentaciji ili rodnom identitetu širom nacionalnih vlada i da ih javno osudimo, kako bi se naglasalo da takva djela neće biti tolerisana. Takođe, tražićemo strožije kazne, uzimajući u obzir otežavajuće okolnosti, koje bi dovele do sankcija i krivičnih gonjenja u skladu sa zakonom. Obavežemo se da ćemo kontinuirano raditi sa centrima za obuku nosilaca pravosudnih funkcija, policijom i svim relevantim institucijama u cilju okončanja zločina iz mržnje i nasilja, sprječavajući da se kulturne, tradicionalne i religijske vrijednosti, kao pravila “dominantne kulture” koriste da bi se opravdali zločini iz mržnje, nasilje ili bilo koji drugi oblik diskriminacije, uključujući seksualnu orjentaciju ili rodni identitet. MINISTERIAL MEETING (Minister (or replacement) + 1 policy advisor) ZA STOLOM SJEDE: 1 2 Alice Bah Kuhnke John Jeffery Minister for democracy and culture Deputy Minsiter for Justice and Constitutional Development State Secretary for Combating Poverty, for Equal Opportunities, for Disabled People, for the Fight against Tax Fraud and for Science Policy, attached to the Minister of Finance Sweden South Africa 3 Elke Sleurs 4 5 Anna-Maja Henriksson Ivan Scalfarotto Minister of Justice Undersecretary of State - Ministry of Constitutional Reforms and Government Liaison to Parliament Finland Italy 6 Helena Dalli Minister for Social Dialogue, Consumer Affairs and Civil Liberties Malta 7 Jet Bussemaker Minister of Education, Culture and Science Netherlands 8 Monika Jankovská State Secretary of the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic Slovakia 9 Martina Vuk State Secretary, Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities Slovenia 10 Jadranka Joksimović Minister without portfolio in charge of european integration Serbia 11 12 Arsen Bauk Bardhylka Kospiri Minister of Public Administration Deputy Minister at Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth Croatia Albania Belgium 13 Linda Rós Alfreðsdóttir Special Advisor Minister of Welfare Iceland 14 15 Nezir Pivić Salla SAASTAMOINEN BIH European Commission 16 17 Zoran Pažin Jovan Kojičić Deputy Minister of Justice Director for Equality, DG Justice and Consumers Minister of Justice Adviser to the Prime Minister and Coordinator of IDAHO Forum 18 Mijo Krešić Deputy Minister of Security BIH 19 20 Lirak Çelaj Dag Robin Simonsen Deputy Minister of Justice Senior Adviser at Ministry of Children, Equality and Social Inclusion Dept. of Family and Equality Affairs Kosovo* Norway Montenegro Montenegro OBSERVERS 21 Rasmus Rue Head of Section at Ministry for Children, Gender Equality, Integration and Social Affairs Denmark 22 Isabelle Klein Conseillere -Ministère de la Famille, de l'Intégration et à la Grande Région Luxembourg POLICY ADVISORS 23 Silvan Agius Ministry for Social Dialogue, Consumer Affairs and Civil Liberties Malta 24 Ben Baks Delegate -Ministry of Education, Culture and Science LGBT & Equality Department Netherlands 25 Marie Ek Special adviser, Ministry for democracy and culture Sweden 26 Ružica Boškić Director General at Directorate for Family, Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Republic of Slovenia Slovenia 27 Fatjona Muho Delegation member Albania 28 Director of the State Secretary Cabinet Slovakia 29 Zuzana Maruniaková Ooshara Sewpaul Avisor, Chief Director: Constitutional Development South Africa 30 Lynn Verrydt Policy Advisor Equal Opportunities Belgium 31 Jugoslav Milačić Adviser to the Minister Serbia Ending hate crime and violence Thanks to the financial assistance for IDAHO Forum 2015 provided by the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Belgrade. Duško Marković Jovan Kojičić Deputy Prime Minister of Montenegro Host of IDAHO Forum 2015 Government of Montenegro Adviser to the Prime Minister Coordinator of IDAHO Forum 2015 Government of Montenegro WELCOMING NOTE Honorable Ministers, distinguished guests and friends, It is our great pleasure to wish you a warm welcome to Montenegro. As you know, the Government of Montenegro has been very progressive working in favor of the agenda aimed at embracing diversity, promoting equality and fighting against discrimination at all levels, including LGBTI individuals. According to the Rainbow Index, which judges how countries are performing in the field of LGBT rights, announced last year in Valletta (Malta), the fastest climbers were Malta – up to 22 per cent – and Montenegro – up 20 per cent. The results we see continue to motivate us toward developing inclusive LGBTI policy approach here in Montenegro. It has been great pleasure for us to continue and expand cooperation with our sustainable partners: The Williams Institute UCLA School of Law - United States, the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), Supreme Court of Montenegro – Judicial Education Center, Roze in Blauw (Pink in Blue) Amsterdam Police - the Netherlands, Toronto Police Service – Canada, EGALE - Canada, Galop – United Kingdom, ILGA Europe, ILGA World, Justice in the Balkans – Equality for Sexual Minorities, Police Directorate of Montenegro and the Council for civil control of the police, Out Leadership, United States/Europe, IBM, Parks - Liberi e Uguali, Italy, Völklinger Kreis – German Association of Gay Managers and Entrepreneurs and Amer- ican Chamber of Commerce in Montenegro. Together we have been dedicated to creating necessary expertise, capacity and knowledge in order to achieve our development objectives and identify challenges and modalities of the institutional approach related to combating discrimination against LGBTI individuals. It is also very encouraging to see so many high officials and representatives of governments, academics and NGOs participating at this third IDAHO Forum. Ministers and officials from eleven countries present at the IDAHO Forum 2013 in The Hague signed a declaration calling for a comprehensive policy approach at European Union level and across the European Union on LGBT issues. This Call is later expanded and supported by many countries, including Montenegro. Maltese and Swedish governments joined forces and hosted the second European IDAHO Forum 2014, in Valletta, Malta. This Forum was dedicated to strengthening and expanding of the process initiated in the Hague and coordinated at all levels in the fight against homophobia and transphobia. The Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) also called for EU-wide action to “break down the barriers”. Europe’s largest ever survey of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people reveals that fear, isolation and discrimination are common in Europe’s LGBT community. By confronting myths and stereotypes about the LGBT community with facts we can break down the barriers between ourselves and cultural attitudes, and put an end to discrimination in all countries and in all spheres of live of LGBTI individuals. Everyone should feel free to be themselves at home, work, at school and in public - and nobody should have to live in fear, or invisibility because of who they love, how they look, or who they are. As quoted in the Yogyakarta Principles - a universal guide to human rights which affirm binding international legal standards with which all states must comply - “Sexual orientation and gender identity are integral to every person’s identity and humanity and must not be the basis for discrimination or abuse”. This is or common task - to reaffirm our belief in fundamental freedoms, which are founded on the values of equality and non-discrimination, and through our policies to work at all levels to combat discrimination and eliminate any kind of threats to the fundamental rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex individuals. The third IDAHO Forum 2015 will consider up-to-date progress achieved at the previous Forums with the primary goal of improving the dialogue related to the main challenges ahead to combat the discrimination of LGBTI individuals and improve their social acceptance. Thank you - and we wish you all a highly successful event! 3 IDAHO 2015 FORUM On 17th May 1990, the General Assembly of the World Health Organization (WHO) removed homosexuality from their list of mental disorders. The decision of the WHO constitutes a historic date and since 2004, 17th May has been commemorated as the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO). On the first Ministerial IDAHO Forum (2013), hosted by the Government of Netherlands on 16-17 May 2013, in the Hague, ministries of eleven EU countries signed “Call for a comprehensive policy approach at European Union level and across the European Union on LGBT issues”, delivered to the European Commission. This Call is later expanded and supported by many countries. The Call initiated a process of coordinated international efforts and activities in the fight against homophobia and transphobia at all levels. On 13-14th May 2014, Maltese and Swedish governments joined forces and hosted the second European IDAHO Forum (2014) in Valletta, Malta. Forum was dedicated to strengthening and expanding of the process initiated at the previous ministerial meeting, and it made possible to continue the process of placing issues in regard to the rights and freedoms of LGBT people high on the list of priorities on the human rights agenda. The third IDAHO Forum (2015), to be held in Montenegro, will consider up-to-date progress achieved at the previous meetingswith the primary goal improving the dialogue on hate and violence based on sexual orientation or gender identity. Our intention is to respond to the challenges and modalities of the institutional approach, achieving best practices to foster joint actions and cooperation in order to combat discrimination against LGBTI people through research, normative instruments and best available operational programmes and projects. In order to strengthen efforts on the promotion and advancement of the rights and freedoms of members of the LGBTI community we have called Ministers from the Region to join us in action of signing Joint Statement on Ending hate crime and violence against LGBTI people, following our common goals and efforts against hate crime and violence and promoting our policies on equality, diversity and inclusion of LGBTI people. 4 IDAHO 2015 FORUM The Regional Police and Judicial Training The Regional Police and Judicial Training will focus on combating Hate Crime and Bias-motivated Violence against LGBTI people. The training will provide discussion of and access to recent data in the area, community outreach and engagement, and best available practices for police and judicial officers in order to ensure that LGBTI persons are protected against this crime and violence. In addition, the focus of the training will be on practical skills and information to permit police officers and judges to make the most informed decisions on these matters when they appear before them, so they are not forced to rely on myths or stereotypes about LGBTI people. The training will be guided by the Government of Montenegro, Police Directorate of Montenegro, Supreme Court of Montenegro – Judicial Education Center and the Williams Institute UCLA School of Law - United States, as well as supported by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), Roze in Blauw (Pink in Blue) Amsterdam Police - The Netherlands, Toronto Police Service – Canada, EGALE - Canada, Galop – United Kingdom, ILGA Europe, ILGA World, Justice in the Balkans – Equality for Sexual Minorities, The Council for civil control of the police - Montenegro. Meeting of the “Trust and Security Team” of the Police Directorate of Montenegro (Trust team between the police and the LGBTI community) This meeting is open for all Police and Judicial Traning participants + Montenegrin NGOs (invitational) 5 IDAHO 2015 FORUM LGBTI BUSINESS FORUM 2015 The platform for Balkans Diversity and LGBTI Inclusion The support of organisations and companies for LGBTI equality and inclusion in the workplace internationally has grown tremendously in the past decade. Following on the global progress on this topic, as well as the discussion at the World Economic Forum in Davos (2015), we strongly believe that our society needs to include all available talent in order to be more effective and successful. To share insights in best practices, in the leading role of multinational companies, and their LGBTI inclusion strategies at the gobal level, economists, politicians and business leaders will gath- er in Budva (Montenegro) to discuss policies and LGBTI business solutions for the worlds biggest challenges in the area of Human rights, placing LGBTI rights at the top of the forum’s agenda. The Business Forum will be held under auspices of the IDAHO 2015 Forum lead by the Government of Montenegro and supported by the Williams Institute UCLA School of Law, United States; Out Leadership, United States/Europe; IBM; Parks Liberi e Uguali, Italy; VölklingerKreis – German Association of Gay Managers and Entrepreneurs and American Chamber of Commerce in Montenegro. 6 IDAHO 2015 FORUM The Regional Police and Judicial Training SUNDAY 10 MAY 2015 08:45-09:30 Registration & Welcome coffee 09:30-10:00 Welcome and opening remarks Slavko Stojanović, Director of the Police Directorate, Montenegro Special addresses: Jovan Kojičić, Adviser to the Prime Minister on Human Rights and Protection against Discrimination, Coordinator of IDAHO Forum 2015, Montenegro; Chair of the International Academic Conference Justice in the Balkans: Equality for Sexual Minorities R. Bradley (Brad) Sears, Roberta A. Conroy Scholar of Law and Policy, Assistant Dean and Executive Director of the Williams Institute, UCLA School of Law, Los Angeles, California, United States; Member of the Council of the International Academic Conference Justice in the Balkans: Equality for Sexual Minorities Mijo Krešić,Deputy Minister, Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina Elona Hoxha, Deputy Minister of Interior, Albania Azra Junuzović, Deputy Head of the Tolerance and Non-Discrimination Department, The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) Helen Kennedy, Executive Director, Egale Canada Human Rights Trust, Secretary General ILGA World, Canada Aleksandar Saša Zeković, President of the Council for Civil Control Of The Police, Montenegro 10:00-11:00 Hate Crime and Bias-Motivated Violence: Current Data, Laws, and Rights and Responsibilities Azra Junuzović, Deputy Head of the Tolerance and Non-Discrimination Department, The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) Helen Kennedy, Executive Director, Egale Canada Human Rights Trust, Secretary General ILGA World, Canada Marta Ramos, ILGA Portugal, ILGA Europe 7 11:00-12:00 Building Bridges to the Community, Responding to Needs Danielle Bottineau, Police Constable, LGBT Liaison Officer, Toronto Police Service, Canada 12:00-12:30 Coffee Break 12:30-13:30 The UK and Dutch Experiences: Best practices, part 1. Melanie Stray, specialist LGBT anti-violence advocate, Hate Crime Casework & Development Department, Galop, United Kingdom Marja Lust, Executive board member ‘RozeInBlauw Amsterdam’, Amsterdam Police Department, the Netherlands 13:30-14:30 Lunch 14:30-15:45 OSCE, ILGA, Canada, UK and Dutch Experiences: Best practices, part 2, and Questions for experts. Azra Junuzović, Deputy Head of the Tolerance and Non-Discrimination Department, The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) Danielle Bottineau, Police Constable, LGBT Liaison Officer, Toronto Police Service, Canada Melanie Stray, specialist LGBT anti-violence advocate, Hate Crime Casework & Development Department, Galop, United Kingdom Marja Lust, Executive board member ‘RozeInBlauw Amsterdam’, Amsterdam Police Department, the Netherlands 15:45-16:15 Coffee Break 16:15-17:15 Judicial Panel Stanka Vučinić, Deputy President of the Supreme Court, Montenegro Marija Draškić, Judge of the Constitutional Court, Republic of Serbia Todd Brower, Judicial Training Director, The Williams Institute, UCLA School of Law, Los Angeles, California, United States, Professor of Law, Western State University College of Law, Fullerton, California, United States Zorica Mršević,Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Social Sciences, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia 17:15-18:15 Meeting of the “Trust and Security Team”, Police Directorate of Montenegro (Trust team between the police and the LGBTI community) This meeting is open for all Police and Judicial Traningparticipants + Montenegrin NGOs (invitational) 18:15-18:30 Closing remarks (and administrative matters) 8 IDAHO 2015 FORUM LGBTI BUSINESS FORUM 2015 The platform for Balkans Diversity and LGBTI Inclusion SUNDAY 10 MAY 2015 11:00h LGBTI Business Forum press conference Jovan Kojičić, Adviser to the Prime Minister on Human Rights and Protection against Discrimination, Coordinator of IDAHO Forum 2015, Montenegro; Chair of the International Academic Conference Justice in the Balkans: Equality for Sexual Minorities R. Bradley (Brad) Sears, Roberta A. Conroy Scholar of Law and Policy, Assistant Dean and Executive Director of the Williams Institute, UCLA School of Law, Los Angeles, California, United States; Member of the Council of the International Academic Conference Justice in the Balkans: Equality for Sexual Minorities Igor Šuran, Parks - Liberi e Uguali, Italy Michael Kauch, Board Member, VölklingerKreis – German Association of Gay Managers and Entrepreneurs Marijn Pijnenburg, Global Business Development Executive Workforce Diversity and LGBT Markets, IBM Corporation 13:00-14:00 Рegistration and welcome snacks 14:00-14:30 Opening Welcome Remarks and Opening Keynote Addresses Marija Vučinović, Minister without portfolio, Montenegro Video speech: Todd Sears, Out Leadership, United States Special addresses: Laurent Stokvis, Ambassador of the Netherlands to Serbia and Montenegro Ian Whitting, Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Montenegro Margaret Ann Uyehara, Ambassador of the United States of America to Montenegro Milica Dragojević, Acting Director,American Chamber of Commerce in Montenegro Mirjana Bogdanović, Executive Director and co-founder of Gay Straight Alliance (GSA), Serbia 9 14:30-15:45 PANEL 1 - ADVANCING AND PROTECTING HUMAN RIGHTS FOR ИNDIVIDUALS: EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY IN THE WORKPLACE The panel will discuss international progress achieved in the past decade in advancing and protecting Human rights for individuals. The panel will bring policy solutions for the challenges supporting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) equality and diversity in the Workplace. The intention is to respond to the lasting challenges and issues prohibiting freedom and equality of LGBTI indivuduals in the Region of Western Balkans, including workforce inclusion strategies. R. Bradley (Brad) Sears, Roberta A. Conroy Scholar of Law and Policy, Assistant Dean and Executive Director of the Williams Institute, UCLA School of Law, Los Angeles, California, United States; Member of the Council of the International Academic Conference Justice in the Balkans: Equality for Sexual Minorities Marijn Pijnenburg, Global Business Development Executive Workforce Diversity and LGBT Markets, IBM Corporation Igor Šuran, Parks - Liberi e Uguali, Italy Michael Kauch, Board Member, VölklingerKreis – German Association of Gay Managers and Entrepreneurs 15:45-16:00 Q & A 16:0-16:30 Coffee Break 16:30-17:45 PANEL 2 - TARGETING LGBTI JOB DISCRIMINATION LGBTI people are among those most at risk of economic insecurity and equal opportunity. Change is needed to improve economic security and equal opportunity, as well as the workplace for LGBTI people. Laws prohibiting discrimination against LGBTI people prohibits contractors from discriminating against employees based on sexual orientation or gender identity and there is a need to be fully inclusive of LGBTI people. Milan Antonijević, Director of Lawyers’ Committee for Human Rights – YUCOM, Serbia Mirjana Bogdanović, Executive Director and co-founder of Gay Straight Alliance (GSA), Serbia Jelena Dubovi, Infostud, Serbia Tamara Ivanišević, Lawyer, Serbia 17:45-18:00 Q & A 18:00-18:15 Closing remarks Jovan Kojičić, Adviser to the Prime Minister on Human Rights and Protection against Discrimination, Coordinator of IDAHO Forum 2015, Montenegro; Chair of the International Academic Conference Justice in the Balkans: Equality for Sexual Minorities Marijn Pijnenburg, Global Business Development Executive Workforce Diversity and LGBT Markets, IBM Corporation 10 IDAHO 2015 FORUM ENDING HATE CRIME AND VIOLENCE SUNDAY 10 MAY 2015 18:30-19:00 IDAHO 2015 PRESS CONFERENCE Venue: Hotel Splendid, Montenegro Duško Marković Deputy Prime Minister (Montenegro) Jet Bussemaker Minister of Education, Culture, and Science (The Netherlands) – host IDAHO FORUM 2013 Helena Dalli Minister for Social Dialogue, Consumer Affairs and Civil Liberties (Malta) – co-host IDAHO FORUM 2014 Alice Bah Kuhnke Minister of Culture and Democracy (Sweden) - co-host IDAHO FORUM 2014 Moderator: Jovan Kojičić Adviser to the Prime Minister Coordinator of IDAHO Forum 2015 (Montenegro) 11 19:30-20:15 OPENING CEREMONY Venue: Hotel Splendid, Budva, Montenegro Programme A Documentary: IDAHO Forum 2014 hosted by the Swedish and Maltese Governments Malta and Sweden handing over of the IDAHO Forum flag to the 2015 host Launch of ILGA-Europe’s Rainbow Europe 2015 A short video which gives the audience a brief overview of what the Annual Rainbow package contains Short introduction of the 2015 figures and highlights 20:30 - 21:30 Welcoming Dinner MONDAY 11 MAY 2015 08:00–09:00 Registration and welcome coffee Venue: Hotel Splendid, Budva, Montenegro 09:00–10:15 OPENING PLENARY Venue: Hotel Splendid, Budva, Montenegro Room:Crnojević/Balšić Welcome Speech Duško Marković, Deputy Prime Minister, Montenegro Video speech: Ulrike Lunacek, Vice President of the European Parliament Keynote Speeches Vëra Jourová, Commissioner, Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality, European Commission Ms Snežana Samardžić-Marković, Director General, Directorate General of Democracy, Council of Europe Terry Reintke, Member, European Parliament John Jeffery, MP, Deputy Minister for Justice and Constitutional Development, South Africa Special addresses Jovan Kojičić, Adviser to the Prime Minister on Human Rights and Protection against Discrimination, Coordinator of IDAHO Forum 2015, Montenegro; Chair of the International Academic Conference Justice in the Balkans: Equality for Sexual Minorities 12 R. Bradley (Brad) Sears, Roberta A. Conroy Scholar of Law and Policy, Assistant Dean and Executive Director of the Williams Institute, UCLA School of Law, Los Angeles, California, United States; Member of the Council of the International Academic Conference Justice in the Balkans: Equality for Sexual Minorities Håkan Hydén, Professor in Sociology of Law and Associate Professor in Civil Law, Holder of the Samuel Pufendorf Professorship, Lund University, Sweden 10:15–11:15 PLENARY 1 Room: Crnojević/Balšić Two Years of Impact working for lasting change Progress achieved to date on the agenda by European IDAHO Forums 2013-2015 The panel will discuss and consider up-to-date progress achieved at the previous IDAHO Forums on the basis of comprehensive efforts, support and approach related to LGBTI issues. The intention is to respond to the lasting challenges and modalities of the institutional approach in achieving the concept, ass well as the application of best practices to foster joint actions in order to combat discrimination against LGBTI people. Igor Lukšić, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, Montenegro Jet Bussemaker, Minister of Education, Culture, and Science, The Netherlands Helena Dalli, Minister for Social Dialogue, Consumer Affairs and Civil Liberties, Malta Alice Bah Kuhnke, Minister of Culture and Democracy , Sweden Arsen Bauk, Minister of Public Administration, Republic of Croatia 11:15–11:45 Coffee Break 11:30 – 13:00 3rd IDAHO informal Ministerial Meeting (for Ministers from the EU and the Region only) Venue: Hotel Splendid, Budva, Montenegro Room: Crystal Including Signature of Joint Statement (Regional approach) and Minister’s group photo 13:05 – 14:05 Ministerial Lunch 11:45–13:00 PLENARY 2 Room: Crnojević/Balšić Taking a comprehensive approach tackling discrimination in Europe Hate Crime, Bias Crimes and Violence Against LGBTI People This panel will discuss a comprehensive approach, as well as the actions taking by the CoE/EU/OSCE and its member states combatting discrimination on Hate crime, Bias Crimes and Violence against LGBTI people. Video speech: Nils Muižnieks, Commissioner for Human Rights, Council of Europe 13 Eleni Tsetsekou, Head of Unit, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Issues, Council of Europe Juan Gonzalez Mellizo, Teamleader Non-Discrimination Policies, DG Justice and Consumers, European Commission Azra Junuzović, Deputy Head of the Tolerance and Non-Discrimination Department, The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) Evelyne Paradis, Executive Director, ILGA Europe Julia Ehrt, Executive Director, TGEU 13:00–14:15 Lunch 13:00-14:15 Informal Intergovernmental Organisations coordination meeting on LGBTI issues (IGO’s only) – Working Lunch The meeting will be chaired by the Council of Europe Eleni Tsetsekou, Head of Unit, SOGI Unit, Council of Europe Following the first IGO-meeting in Rome in November 2014, Intergovernmental organisations share topical issues, share experiences and coordinate on activities in the LGBTI field. Target groups: Council of Europe, OSCE/ODIHR, EU (Commission, FRA), UN OHCHR, UNESCO, UN WOMEN, UNICEF, ILO, WHO, UNAIDS, UNDP, World Bank, OSCE and Focal Points Network. PARALLEL SESSIONS 14:15-15:30 PARALLEL SESSION/PLENARY 3: Room: Crnojević/Balšić Combating Myths and Stereotypes with Tools for Police and Judicial Education on LGBTI A review of the best available practices to combat myths and stereotypes about LGBTI people. Jovan Kojičić, Adviser to the Prime Minister on Human Rights and Protection against Discrimination, Coordinator of IDAHO Forum 2015, Montenegro; Chair of the International Academic Conference Justice in the Balkans: Equality for Sexual Minorities, Montenegro Todd Brower, Judicial Training Director, The Williams Institute, UCLA School of Law, Los Angeles, California, United States, Professor of Law, Western State University College of Law, Fullerton, California, United States Marja Lust, Executive board member ‘Roze In Blauw Amsterdam’, Amsterdam Police Department, The Netherlands Danielle Bottineau, Police Constable, LGBT Liaison Officer, Toronto Police Service, Canada Melanie Stray,specialist LGBT anti-violence advocate, Hate Crime Casework & Development Department, Galop, United Kingdom Helen Kennedy, Executive Director, Egale Canada Human Rights Trust, Secretary General ILGA World, Canada 14 14:15-15:30 PARALLEL SESSION/PLENARY 4: Room: Media Center Regional approach: Mutual learning, exchange of best practices and cooperation in combating discrimination and promoting equality for LGBTI people A panel on regional resources for advocates and groups and exchange of best practices.A discussion on how to respond to challenges and how to improve services and quality of life for LGBTI people. This panel will include future goals and challenges for LGBTI people in the Region. Aleksandar Vasilijević, Police Adviser, Head of Department for Organization, Prevention and Community Policing, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Saša Zeković, President of the Council for Civil Control Of The Police, Montenegro Stevan Milivojević, LGBT Forum Progress, Montenegro Danijel Kalezić, Queer Montenegro, Montenegro Katrin Hugendubel, Advocacy Director, ILGA Europe Jelena Dacić,Human Rights Programme Director, Juventas, Montenegro 14:15-15:30 PARALLEL SESSION/PLENARY 5: Room: Crystal European Court of Human Rights promoting and protecting LGBT people’s human rights Panel coordinated and chaired by the Council of Europe. The 1950 European Convention on Human Rights is crucial for the definition of the rights of lesbian, gay and transgender persons. The European Court of Human Rights has enshrined these rights in its case law and has played both an essential and a pioneering role at international and European levels by prompting states to make major legislative changes on issues such as sexual orientation and gender identity i.e. decriminalisation of homosexuality in Europe, broadened our understanding of the concept of family, strengthened the principle of non-discrimination also in connection to sexual orientation and gender identity. Based on a new publication on the ECtHR case law on sexual orientation and gender identity issues the panel will discuss the significance of the Strasbourg Court’s SOGI judgements and their implications for the human rights of LGBT people. Panel coordinated and chaired by the Council of Europe. Eleni Tsetsekou, Head of Unit, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Issues, Council of Europe Robert Wintemute, Professor of Human Rights Law, UK Håkan Hydén, Professor in Sociology of Law and Associate Professor in Civil Law, Holder of the Samuel Pufendorf Professorship, Lund University, Sweden Nigel Warner, ILGA-Europe Advisor on Council of Europe 15:30-15:45Break 15 15:45-16.45 PLENARY 6 Room: Crnojević/Balšić Wrapping up highlights and outcomes of the 3rd IDAHO FORUM Minister/Co-chair of the informal ministerial meeting Speaker from parallel session 3 Speaker from parallel session 4 Speaker from parallel session 5 Liri Kopaçi-Di Michele, Delegateof the informal IGO-meeting Special address: Jesper Brask Fischer, Deputy Permanent Secretary of theMinistryof Children, Gender Equality, Integration and Social Affairs, Denmark ANOUNCEMENT of Minister’s Joint Statement Zoran Pažin Minister of Justice, Montenegro JadrankaJoksimović Minister without portfolio, Republic of Serbia Special address: Gabriele Heinisch-Hosek Minister of Federal Ministry of Education and Women’s Affairs, Austria Anna-Maja Henriksson Minister of Justice, Finland Ivan Scalfarotto Undersecretary of State for Constitutional Reform and G overnment Liaison to Parliament, Italy Closing of the Plenary by the host Duško Marković Deputy Prime Minister, Montenegro 17:00h END OF PLENARY 17:30 - 19:30 14th Roundtable of the European Governmental LGBT Focal Points Network(invitational) Room: Crnojević/Balšić Special guests: Helena Dalli, Minister for Social Dialogue, Consumer Affairs and Civil Liberties, Malta John Jeffery, MP, Deputy Minister for Justice and Constitutional Development, South Africa 16 TUESDAY 12 MAY 2015 09:00-10:00 HUMAN RIGHTS OF INTERSEX PEOPLE: CHALLENGES AHEAD Panel coordinated and chaired by the CoE Comm HR and FRA Room: Media Center Until recently, European societies remained largely unaware of the reality of intersex people. The classification of humankind into two categories, female and male, is omnipresent and informs the way we understand and organize the world around us. People who do not fit neatly into these two categories run the risk to face serious violations of their fundamental rights. Among them, intersex persons are especially vulnerable. The supposed dichotomy of gender and corresponding medical norms have resulted in routine medical and surgical interventions on intersex people even when they have not been adequately consulted or informed prior to such procedures. Secrecy and shame around intersex bodies have permitted the perpetuation of these practices while the human rights issues at stake have remained for the most part unaddressed. During this side event, the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe will launch the Issue Paper on human rights and intersex people. The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights will present new research findings on fundamental rights challenges intersex persons face in the European Union. Both presentations aim to fill the gap in understanding and responding to the situation of intersex people from a human rights perspective. Representatives of organizations representing intersex persons will comment on the presentations and give a perspective from the intersex community. The event is open for journalists and media. Lauri Sivonen, Adviser, Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights, Council of Europe Dennis Van Der Veur, Head of Sector Cooperation with EU Institutions and EU Member States, European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights Silvan Agius, Expert Consultant to the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Dan Christian Ghattas, Organization Intersex International Europe (OII Europe) 10:00-17:00 Continuation of the14th Roundtable of the European GovernmentalLGBT Focal Point Network (invitational) Room: Crnojević/Balšić 17:00 – 18:00 NGOs side event Room: Media Center Human rights of LGBTIQ persons in Montenegro: Current practice and biggest challenges Panel coordinated and chaired by the National NGO’s working on LGBTIQ issues in Montenegro Panelists: Representatives of NGO’s Endinig hate crime and violence 18 19 Alice Bah Kuhnke Alice Bah Kuhnke has been the Minister for Culture and Democracy in the Swedish Government since October 2014. She belongs to the Green Party. Ms Bah Kuhnke has a BA in Political Science from Stockholm University and holds several diplomas in leadership, including from the Stockholm School of Economics. She has many years of experience and commitment in areas such as human rights, environment and civil society. Ms Bah Kuhnke has long experience in culture and media, including as a presenter and reporter for Sveriges Television and TV4 (1992–2000). She has also served as a board member of the Royal Dramatic Theatre (2006–2012) and the foundation Hela Sverige artister mot nazister (All of Sweden artists against Nazism) (2001–2007). Ms Bah Kuhnke was previously Director-General of the Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society (2013–2014) and prior to this she was Head of Sustainability at engineering and consulting company ÅF AB (2009–2013). The year before, 2008–2009, she was Head of Operations at the think tank Sektor3 (Tankesmedjan för det civila samhället). In addition, Ms Bah Kuhnke was Secretary-General of Fairtrade Sverige during the period 2004–2007 and she was Head of Operations at Skandia Idéer för Livet (Ideas for Life) in 2001–2004. Ms Bah Kuhnke has held several elected positions, including as a board member of Save the Children Sweden and the Swedish Church, and also as a member of the board of trustees of the World Wide Fund for Nature. 20 Arsen Bauk Arsen Bauk - Minister of Public Administration, Government of the Republic of Croatia Arsen Bauk is a mathematician and information scientist by profession, having graduated from the Faculty of Sciences of the University in Zagreb in 1997. However, his professional career has been predominantly political. After joining the Social Democratic Party (SDP) as early as 1991, Mr Bauk has served as a member of the party’s governing bodies since 2000, first of its Central Committee, then the Executive Committee and finally, since 2012, of the SDP Presidency. In addition, he has chaired the Split-Dalmatia County branch of the SDP since 2010. As a party official, Mr Bauk entered the executive back in 2000 as Assistant Minister at the Ministry of Defence, first in charge of information and communications technology, and then, in 2003, of the material assets. From 2008 he served a fouryear term as an opposition Member of Croatian Parliament. As such, he performed the duties of Deputy Chair of the Parliamentary Credentials and Privileges Commission, Member of the Parliamentary Defence Committee and Member of the Parliamentary Committee for Maritime Affairs, Transport and Communications. When the SDP came to power in the 2011 parliamentary election, Mr Bauk was appointed Minister of Public Administration. 21 Mirjana Bogdanović Executive Director and co-founder of Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) Belgrade, Serbia. Before she became GSA executive director, as a member of the GSA Executive Committee she was mostly dedicated to the creation of GSA development strategy. She coordinated most of the GSA projects relating to the implementation of Anti-Discrimination Law and reduction of violence over LGBT persons, where she cooperated with many institutions such as Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Justice, Ministry for Human and Minority Rights and others. Mirjana is one of GSA’s main strategists and lobbyists, creator of political strategy of GSA, who contributed a lot to the visibility and development of whole LGBT movement in Serbia and put LGBT issue on Serbian political agenda. She designed and led process of organizing Belgrade Pride Parade 2010, being in charge for negotiations with government institutions and safety strategy as an Organizing Committee member. She was member of inter ministerial Working group for improving freedom of assembly in Serbia formed by Ministry for Human and Minority Rights and thematic Working group for creation of national governmental Anti-Discrimination Strategy formed by Government Office for Human and Minority Rights. Currently, she is member of working group of National convention about the EU for Chapter 23. Since mid 90s, she was a manager and participant of many campaigns for democratization of Serbian society, within both political and non-governmental sector. Before engagement in Serbian NGO sector, she was on the position of Secretary General of Civic Alliance of Serbia (CAS, GSS), and a member of Presidency of that political party. Before that, she was a Secretary and than the President of Belgrade Executive Board of CAS, as well as Chief of Belgrade Electoral Headquarter of CAS for local elections in 2004 and member of Central Electoral Headquarter of GSS-LDP-LSV coalition for parliamentary elections in 2007. Her great political experience she is now using in GSA advocacy&lobbying program, as well as in designing and managing GOTV campaigns.Regarding her engagement in NGO sector, Mirjana was also a regional Development Director of NGO Youth Initiative for Human Rights (YIHR) who worked with YIHR offices in Belgrade, Sarajevo, Podgorica and Priština. She participated in many seminars, training courses, conferences, discussion forums and presentations in Serbia and abroad, on many of them as a speaker and lecturer. Mirjana is also author and co-author of several publications, research analysis and policy papers. 22 Jesper Brask Fischer Jesper Brask Fischer – Deputy Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Children, Gender Equality, Integration and Social Affairs Jesper Brask Fischer gained a master’s degree in politics and administration from University of Roskilde in 1997, and completed in 2012 The Challenge of Leadership program from INSEAD The Business School for the World. In his professional life Mr. Jester Brask Fischer held the position as Personal Secretary to the Minister in Ministry of Social Affairs from 1998-2002, followed by a position as Head of Department of the Department for Social Policy and Communication in Ministry of Social Affairs from 2002-2005. In 2005-2007 Mr. Jesper Brask Fischer was Minister Counsellor at the Permanent Represen- tation of Denmark to The European Union, and hereafter Head of Department of Department for Family, Civic Society and International Relations of Ministry of Social Affairs. In 2012 Mr. Jesper Brask Fischer was appointed as Deputy Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Social Affairs and Integration (his current position). In addition to a professional life in the ministerial and governmental sector of Denmark, Mr. Jesper Brask Fischer has been engaged in several external projects, steering committees and other formal engagements, inter alia Chairman of the steering committee of The European Union’s Year of Poverty in 2009-2010, Board Member of AKF, Institute for Governmental Research from 20102012 ,and since 2010 Board Member SFI, National Research Centre for Social Research. 23 Todd Brower Prof. Todd Brower is the Judicial Education Director for the Charles R. Williams Institute on Sexual Orientation Law and Public Policy at UCLA School of Law. articles, research studies and publications on the treatment of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered persons in the courts of the United Kingdom, California and New Jersey. He is a professor of Constitutional Law at Western State University College of Law in Fullerton, California. He has an LL.M from Yale Law School, a J.D. from Stanford Law School, an A.B. from Princeton University, and was a Fulbright scholar in France. He has worked with the courts of many states and federal agencies on judicial education programs and with the National Judicial College, the National Association of State Judicial Educators, the National Association of Women Judges, the National Center for Juvenile and Family Court Judges, and the California Center for Judicial Education and Research. Professor Brower served on the California Judicial Council - Access and Fairness Advisory Committee and is the author of various law review 24 Jet Bussemaker Jet Bussemaker - Minister of Education, Culture and Science, began her career at the University of Amsterdam in 1985. From 1985 to 1993 she was a research assistant, researcher and lecturer at the university. From 1989 to 2007 she worked for one day a week at VU University, Amsterdam, where her work included a research project financed by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). She was also a visiting fellow at Harvard University. From 1986 to 1988 Dr Bussemaker was a policy officer at the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, where she was involved in promoting research in women’s studies. On 19 May 1998 Jet Bussemaker became a member of the House of Representatives for the Labour Party (PvdA). Her portfolio included social affairs and tax policy, and together with John Leerdam she was responsible for drawing up the PvdA’s cultural strategy. On 22 February 2007 she was appointed State Secretary for Health, Welfare and Sport in the fourth Balkenende government. After serving as State Secretary, Dr Bussemaker worked for a short period as an independent consultant. On 1 March 2011 she joined the Executive Board of the University of Amsterdam and the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. She has also been a crown-appointed member of the Social and Economic Council (SER). On 5 November 2012 Dr Bussemaker was appointed Minister of Education, Culture and Science in the Rutte-Asscher government. 25 Helena Dalli Dr Helena Dalli Malta’s Minister for Social Dialogue, Consumer Affairs and Civil Liberties. She was elected to the Maltese Parliament for the first time in 1996 and served as Parliamentary Secretary in the Office of the Prime Minister. Dr Dalli was re-elected to Parliament in all subsequent national elections. Between 1998 and 2013 she served as shadow minister for public administration, public investment and gender equality. Following a change in government in March 2013, Dr Dalli was appointed Minister for Social Dialogue, Consumer Affairs and Civil Liberties. She piloted various ambitious human rights and equality legislations, including a Civil Unions Act and amendment of the Constitution to include sexual orientation and gender identity in the non-discrimination article in April 2014. Following that, she put forward a Gender Identity, Gender Expression and Sex Characteristics Bill, which was adopted by the Maltese Parliament in April 2015. Dr Dalli is a sociologist by profession and lectured in the areas of sociology of law, governance, economic sociology and public policy. 26 Milica Dragojević Ms. Milica Dragojević took office as the Acting Director of American Chamber of Commerce in Montenegro in May 2015. She is responsible for managing a highly driven team of professionals towards achieving the strategic plan and the AmCham Montenegro’s mission in improving the business environment in Montenegro. The main focus of AmCham activities is placed on advocating its members’ interests towards the Government of Montenegro, promoting and attracting new foreign investors, as well as on expanding the AmCham network. Prior to joining AmCham Montenegro, Milica has worked as a public policy researcher at Institute Alternative, a Podgorica-based think tank, and completed an internship at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik), based in Brussels. She has worked on numerous independent projects and is one of the authors of “Resisting the Evil: (Post-) Yugoslav Anti-War Contention”, edited by Bojan Bilić and Vesna Janković, published by Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Germany. Milica holds a Master of Arts degree in Exteral Relations of the EU from the University of Hamburg, Germany. 27 Elona Gjebrea Elona Gjebrea (Hoxha) was born in May 18, 1968 in the Capital of Albania, Tirana. She studied Biology and graduated in such a field in the Faculty of Natural Sciences at the University of Tirana in 1991. Coming from a family of intellectual background, Ms Gjebrea pursued her Master degree studies and defended her dissertation thesis in Aerobiology, while in November 2008 she successfully completed her Ph.D. studies in the United Kingdom through joint engagement in the University of Worcester and Coventry University. During the first professional decade in the University Hospital Center “Mother Theresa”, working as an researcher in the clinic of Allergology, Ms Gjebrea became honorific member of many associations whose goal is the improvement of human health; such organisms worth mentioning the European Academy of Allergology & Clinical Immunology (EAACI), Aerobiology International Association (AIA), Global Population Institute, the International Aids Association, etc. In 2005 till 2013, she was elected as Director of Albania Center for Population and Development, accredited member of IPPF. Since October 2013 to date Elona Gjebrea Hoxha she hold the position of Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs and at the same time she is the National Anti-trafficking Coordinator, in the latter the main tasks being the coordination and monitoring of the anti-trafficking efforts by all institutions and law enforcement agencies in Albania. Ms. Gjebrea is considered to be one of the most cooperating Senior officials in the Government of Albania, where as Deputy Minister she has been personally engaged in including local stakeholders in the decision making process, as well as her vast work with refugees, asylum seekers and citizenship issues in Albania. Nevertheless, Deputy Minister Gjebrea, still finds time to teach as a part-time lecturer at the New Your University of Tirana, as well as write research paper. 28 Gabriele Heinisch-Hosek Born on December 16th 1961 in Guntramsdorf in Lower Austria, Gabriele Heinisch-Hosek took her A-levels at a grammar school in Vienna in the year 1980. After graduating from the teachers college in Baden/Lower Austria as teacher for German and Arts at secondary modern schools (Hauptschule) she started her teaching career in Vienna in November 1984. From 1985 Ms Heinisch-Hosek worked as a teacher at the Viennese School for Pupils with Hearing Impairments and in 1992 she took the teacher’s examination for teachers at special schools for children with hearing impairments and deaf children. Ms Heinisch-Hosek started her political career in 1990 on the Guntramsdorf Municipal Council, in 1995 she became Executive Municipal Councillor for Arts, Culture, and Education. In 1999 she became a Member of Parliament for the districts of Mödling and Greater Vienna. Between 2001 and 2004 Gabriele Heinisch-Hosek was the Social Democratic Party’s Spokesperson for Child and Youth Affairs in Parliament. From 2001 until 2009 she has been the Chairwoman of the women’s organisation of the Social Democratic Party in the district of Mödling. Between 2004 and April 2008, Ms. Heinisch-Hosek was the Social Democratic Party’s Spokesperson for women’s issues in Parliament and chaired the parliamentary commission for the Equal Treatment of Women, a position from which she resigned only when she was sworn in as Provincial Councillor for Health, Social Affairs, and Youth Welfare on 10th April 2008. From December 2008 until December 2013, Gabriele Heinisch-Hosek was the Austrian Federal Minister for Women’s issues and Public Services. In June 2009, she was elected Chairwoman of the Women’s Organisation of the Social Democratic Party in Austria. Since March 1st 2014, Gabriele Heinisch-Hosek is the Austrian Federal Minister for Education and Women’s Affairs. Gabriele Heinisch-Hosek is married to Walter Heinisch and lives in the Lower Austrian municipality of Guntramsdorf. 29 Anna Maja Henriksson Anna-Maja Henriksson, Minister of Justice, Finland (22 June 2011 to present) Master of Laws with court training, Member of Parliament; Swedish People’s Party, Vice Chair, 2010 to present; Swedish People’s Party, Ostrobotnia District Board, Vice Chair 2006-2007; Legal Affairs Committee, Vice Chair 2007-2011; Special Advisor to the Coordinate Minister of Finance, Ministry of Finance 2003-2004; OKO Bank, Pietarsaari district, Bank Lawer 1987 to present; Pietarsaari Town Council, Chair 2009-2011; Regional Council of Ostrobotnia, Assembly, Member 2005 to present; Pietarsaari Town Board, Chair 2001-2008; Vaasa Hospital District, Council Member 1997-2009; Pietarsaari Town Council, Member 1997 to present; University of Helsinki, Advisory Board for education in Swedish, 2010 to present; Nyland Brigade guild, Advisory Board, Member 2010 to present; Finnvera, Supervisory Board, Member 2010-2011; Kaleva Mutual Insurance Co (union representative), 2010 to present; Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities, Advisory Board for services in Swedish, Member 2009 to present; Swedish Assembly of Finland (Folktinget), Chair 2009-2011; Foundation for Higher Education in Ostrobothnia, Delegation, Member, 2007 to present; Folkhälsan, Working Member, 2005 to present; Social Insurance Institution of Finland, Board, Member 2000-2007; Ostrobothnia Chamber of Commerce, Pietarsaari division, Fund Committee, Member 1996-2009; Spouse: Janne Henriksson; Two children. Language skills: Swedish, Finnish, English, German. 30 Håkan Hydén Håkan Hydén has a Master in Law 1969 and Bachelor of Arts 1976. He is Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology of Law 1978, Lund University, Sweden. Hydén is also Docent (Reader, Associate Professor) in Civil law at the Law faculty, Lund University. He has worked as a Clerk at the District court of Göteborg Sept, 1969 – February 1972, been a Senior Lecturer in Commercial Law, Department of Business Law, Lund university, 1972 - 1984. Hydén was appointed Professor (in Chair) in Sociology of Law at Lund University August 1988 – March 2012 and now he is Senior professor. He was holder of the Samuel Pufendorf Professorship of Torsten and Ragnar Söderbergs Foundation, 2008-2012. He is Fellow of the World Academy of Arts and Sciences since 2009, Adjunct professor at Inner Mongolia Normal University (China) since 2010 and member of the Executive committee of the Research Committee for Sociology of law, within the International Sociological Association. Hydén is among other things member of The Regional Committee for Ethical assessment of scientific applications since 2004, member of the research Council at “The Crime Victim Compensation and Support Authority” in Sweden since 2004. He is vice-chairman in FmF, (Researchers meeting Filmproducers) which is a unit under Lund University. Hydén has been supervisor for more than 25 doctorates over the years. He has an extensive production of books and articles in different subjects. Lately he has been focusing on the role of norms in Society. Here the articles: Putting Law in Context. Some Remarks on Implementation of Law in China 2010, Cornell University Press and Looking at the World through the Lenses of Norms. Nine Reasons for Norms: A Plea for Norm Science, Berlin: LIT Verlag, 2011, can be mentioned. 31 John Jeffery John Jeffery, MP, Deputy Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development, South Africa John Jeffery, MP is South Africa’s Deputy Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development. Mr Jeffery is an admitted attorney and holds BA and LLB degrees, as well as a postgraduate diploma in environmental law from the University of Natal. He is a member of the ruling party, the African National Congress. He describes growing up as a white South African in the late 1970s and seeing the injustices and human rights violations under the previous regime as being the driving force in him joining the liberation struggle and becoming actively engaged in politics at university. After South Africa’s transition to a constitutional democracy in 1994, Mr Jeffery became a member of the KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Legislature where he chaired the Environment and Conservation Portfolio Committee.Mr Jeffery has been a member of the National Assembly of Parliament since 1999. He is a former member of the Justice and Constitutional Development Portfolio Committee where he was instrumental in shaping a number of pieces of legislation, such as the Child Justice Act, the Prevention and Combating of Trafficking in Persons Act, the Protection from Harassment Act, the Superior Courts Act, the Protection of Personal Information Act and the Legal Practice Act. He served as Parliamentary Counsellor to the President and the Deputy President from 1999 – July 2013. Mr Jeffery was appointed as the Deputy Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development in July 2013.His constituency is in Kwazulu-Natal. 32 Jadranka Joksimović Born in 1978. She graduated from the Faculty of Political Sciences of Belgrade University in 2002/03 at the Department of International Relations and obtained a Master’s degree from the Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences at ALFA University in Belgrade in 2011/12.She was awarded a scholarship of the Norwegian Embassy, “For a generation that promises” in 2001, and in 2000/01 she received a scholarship from the Serbian government’s Fund for Talent “For the most talented students in Serbia.”She was a participant in the European Visitors Programme - a programme for learning about the institutions of the European Union in Brussels and Strasbourg in 2009.She began her career as an undergraduate assistant at the Faculty of Political Sciences.Joksimovic worked in the Serbian Radical Party from 2005 to 2007 as an international relations assistant to Aleksandar Vucic.She is one of the signatories - the founder of the Serbian Progressive Party in 2008. During 2008 and 2009 she worked in the Serbian Parliament as an associate to the parliamentary group “Forward Serbia” (Napred Srbijo). In May 2012 she was elected a Serbian MP from the list of the Serbian Progressive Party.In the Serbian Parliament she acted as Chair of the Security services control Committee. During her term in office, the control mechanisms of this committee over security services were significantly improved.She was also a member of the European Integrations Committee, Joint Committee for Stabilisation and Association, member of the Permanent Delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, head of the delegation of the Central European Initiative and president of the Group of Friendship with Turkey. She participated in many seminars and international conferences, and in many meetings of the Enhanced Permanent Dialogue of Serbia and the EU. On 27th of April 2014. she became the Minister Without portfolio in Charge of European Integration in the Government of the Republic of Serbia.She is a member of the Main Board and a member of Presidency of the Serbian Progressive Party. Also, she is the International Secretary of the Serbian Progressive Party.She speaks English (fluently) and German (basic). 33 Věra Jourová Ms Věra Jourová is currently European Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality. In 2014, before coming to the European Commission, Ms Jourová held the position of Minister for Regional Development in the Czech Republic. Previous to this, from 2006 to 2013, she worked in her own company as an international consultant on European Union funding, and also was involved in consultancy activities in the Western Balkans relating to the European Union Accession. In 2003 Ms. Jourová was appointed Deputy Minister for Regional Development, a position which she held for three years. Previously she worked as Head of the Department of Regional Development in the Vysočina Region, from 2001, and before that as Secretary and Spokesperson of the Třebič Municipal Office, from 1995 to 2001. Ms Jourová holds a Degree in Law (Mgr.) from the Charles University, Prague and a Master’s degree (Mgr.) in the Theory of Culture from the Charles University, Prague. 34 Azra Junuzović Azra Junuzović is a Deputy Head of the Tolerance and Non-Discrimination Department at the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR). She has been performing various functions in the OSCE since 2002 working for ODIHR and the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina on the issue of tolerance and non-discrimination. In her daily work, she consults and trains government officials, as well as law enforcement and civil society on hate crimes, intolerance and discrimination. She has written articles on the issue of hate crimes, OSCE’s involvement in non-discrimina- tion issues, education access in post-conflict environments and ethnicity and modern identities. Prior to her OSCE work, she was engaged with the Danish Save the Children. During the 90s, she worked on humanitarian and human rights issues in Bosnia and Herzegovina. She holds the Ph.D. in Sociology from the University in Sarajevo and M.A. in Sociology from the Bosphorus University in Istanbul. As a participant of the Bosnia Undergraduate Development Programme, she studied at Rutgers University in New Brunswick in the United States. 35 Michael Kauch Michael Kauch - board member, Völklinger Kreis - Association of German gay managers and entrepreneurs Michael Kauch holds a University degree in economics. Currently, he is working as a self-employed consultant in PR and Public Affairs, predominantly in health and environment. Michael Kauch has been a Member of Parliament in Germany (Bundestag) from 2003 to 2013. Before he was the managing director of BJU, the German young entrepreneurs association. Michael Kauch is an active member of the German liberal party FDP, chairing its Committee on Labour and Social Affairs on the national level as well as the working group on diversity management. He is Chairman of the German liberal gay and lesbian association LiSL. Since October 2014 he is member of the board of Völklinger Kreis - Association of German gay managers and entrepreneurs. Within Völklinger Kreis he is responsible for membership issues and the dialogue with the business associations. 36 Helen Kennedy Helen Kennedy, became Egale’s Executive Director in 2007. She is the first woman to hold the position. She joined the organization with 22 years of experience in politics both as an elected city councillor and a political staffer. She is a founding member of Canadians for Equal Marriage, widely regarded as the most influential public policy lobbying campaign in Canadian history – which ultimately resulted in Canada being one of the first countries in the world to legalize same-sex marriage. Helen’s work includes the Climate Survey on Homophobia and Transphobia in Canadian Schools, the first national survey of its kind in Canada, and provides critical findings on bullying to schools, educators and governments. She has delivered training to Immigration Refugee Adjudicators and police services across Canada and at the invitation of the US Department of Defence, consulted with senior Pentagon officials in Washington on the US military’s Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy. Helen created Canada’s first LGBTQ youth crisis intervention centre and is currently working on opening Canada’s first housing facility for LGBTQ homeless youth. She is Co-Secretary General of ILGA World, the International Gay, Lesbian, Trans and Intersex Association. Helen lives in Toronto with her partner and two young children. Egale Canada Human Rights Trust is Canada’s only national charity advancing LGBT human rights through research, education and community engagement. 37 Jovan Kojičić Jovan Kojičić is an Assistant Professor in European Law. Prof. Kojičić has an extensive background in in the human rights field, policy and legislative framework, as well as in environmental law and international environmental law. Teaching is an environment that he has found both intellectually stimulating and part of his own growth as a professional. Prof. Kojičić received his Doctor of Laws (Dr. iur.) degree at the Viadrina European University in Germany. During his doctoral studies he was awarded the prestigious German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Fellowship. Prof. Kojičić joined the Faculty of Administrative and European Studies in Podgorica in April 2008. Also, he has finished his post-doc in the field of human rights in international law and the relation of law to social change (in the non-discrimination field) at the Lund University Department of Sociology of Law in Lund, Sweden. Prof. Kojičić is also a visiting researcher at the department of European, Public International and Public Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Leipzig, Germany, as well as a visiting scholar at the UCLA School of Law - the Williams Institute in Los Angeles, California, the United States. He has been a full member of the Southeast Europe Society (Munich, Germany) since 2003, as well as a listed expert in Environmental Law for Serbia and Montenegro with the Eco Institute for Applied Ecology in Darmstadt, Germany. Prof. Kojičić was also a member of the European Economic and Social Committee Study Group (2001-2003) for the ECOSOC Project of South-Eastern European Countries. Over the years, Prof. Kojičić has received many awards such as: Academic Fellowship, DAAD, for the 19th European Summer Academy in Germany (2008); Academic Research Fellowship, DAAD (2008); Graduate College Europa Fellows II, Federal German Ministry of Education and Research and European Union Fellows Programme, European University Viadrina, Germany (2005); European Viadrina University PhD Fellow (2004); The European System of Human Rights Summer Course Fellow, European Viadrina University, Council of Europe and DAAD (2003), DAAD PhD Fellowship (2002-2004) among others. He is the President of the DAAD Alumni Club Montenegro and the principal organiser of the international conference “Justice in the Balkans: Equality for Sexual Minorities”. Prof. Kojičić is the author of numerous scientific articles, books, book chapters and theses in his areas of expertise. In August 2011 he has been appointed as Adviser to the Prime Minister of Montenegro on Human Rights and Protection against Discrimination, to which he has been reappointed on January 31, 2013. 38 Mijo Krešić Mijo Krešić, Deputy Minister of Security Bosnia and Herzegovina Born on October 1, 1966. Graduated from the Zagreb School of Economics and Management (Zagreb, Croatia). In 2014 obtained an MBA title at the Department of Finance and Banking. Acquired a Diploma of the Military Academy, Department of the Land Forces at the Military Academy in Belgrade (RS) in 1989. He was director of Inter - Impex Ltd. from Tuzla until 2007. For a year, he was the acting director of the Prevention of Corruption and the Coordination of Anti-Corruption Agency in BiH, participating in the establishment and management of the Agency. Also, he was the Deputy Minister of Security was from 2007 until 2012, when, among other things, led the negotiations on cross-border cooperation with neighboring countries and participated and coordinated the establishment of a system for lawful interception of telecommunications in BiH. He participated in preparation of lows which are in jurisdiction of Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina and led and participated in projects of Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina in coordination with international organizations and ministries. Until 2014 he was a Member of Parliament in Tuzla Canton especially dedicated to the work of drafting laws and monitoring expenditure of funds of the executive authorities, public funds and public companies founded and owned by Tuzla Canton. Appointed Deputy Minister of Security again in the beginning of April 2015. He was head of the BiH police team in football in two world championships organized by the International Police Association. His hobbies are skiing, soccer and tennis. 39 Igor Lukšić Prof. dr Igor Luksic graduated on 10 June 1998 from the University of Montenegro, Faculty of Economics in Podgorica, Entrepreneurship department. He obtained a Master’s Degree at the same institution on 3 October 2002 (thesis: “Spontaneous Order and Transition”) and a Ph.D. on 10 September 2005 (thesis: “Transition – Process of Achieving Economic and Political Freedoms”). From June 1998 until February 2000, he worked as an associate in implementing the European Commission’s assistance programme “Obnova” at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Montenegro. From February 2000 until January 2001, he worked as international relations adviser at the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS). In the period from January to May 2001, he performed duties of Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. From March 2003 to June 2006, he was an MP at the Parliament of Serbia and Montenegro. He was elected MP at the Parliament of Montenegro six times (in 2001, 2002, 2006, 2008, 2009 and 2012). From January until April 2003, he was public relations adviser to the Prime Minister and from March 2003 to February 2004 he served as Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia and Montenegro. Since Febru- ary 2004, he has served five terms as Finance Minister, and since December 2008 two terms as Deputy Prime Minister. He was the youngest Minister and Deputy Prime Minister at the Government of Montenegro. From 29 December 2010 until 4 December 2012, he served as Prime Minister of Montenegro. During his two-year term of office, Montenegro opened the EU accession negotiations, received encouragement to continue pursuing reforms related to Euro-Atlantic integration at the NATO Summit in Chicago, and became a member of the World Trade Organisation. In December 2012, he was elected Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration. He is also Associate Professor at the Faculty of International Economics, Finance, and Business in Podgorica, teaching the courses Economics and Development and Market Functioning. During summer semesters of 2004, 2005 and 2006 he was a teaching assistant at the Entrepreneurship department of the University of Montenegro’s Faculty of Economics. He published a book of poetry and prose “Book of Laughter” and a book of poetry entitled “Book of Fear.” He is fluent in English, and also speaks German, Italian, and French. 40 Ulrike Lunacek Ulrike Lunacek is Vice President of the European Parliament, MEP (Greens/EFA) since 2009, EP-Rapporteur for Kosovo, Co-President of the LGBT Intergroup of the EP and Member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and Substitute in the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs; Lunacek was born in Krems, Lower Austria on May 26th, 1957 and spent her childhood and youth there and in Vienna. From 1973 till 1974 she was an AFS-Student in Boone, Iowa, USA before graduating from High School in Vienna in 1975. Afterwards she studied English-Spanish-German for the interpreter’s degree at the University of Innsbruck, where she graduated with Maga. Phil. (B.A.) in 1983. Parallel to her studies she was co-founder of the first Shelter for battered women and their children in Innsbruck and worked there during the first year of its existence. Having returned to Vienna in 1983 she worked as journalist, editor, interpreter and teacher in development education, feminist and LGBT NGOs until 1995. That same year she ran for the first time for a seat in the Austrian parliament and was the first Austrian politician open about her (lesbian) sexual orientation. From 1996 to 1998 she was Secretary General of the Austrian Green Party, then from 1999 to 2009 Member of the Austrian Parliament, being the Austrian Greens` Spokesperson on Foreign Affairs and Development Issues and Equality for Lesbians, Gays and Transgender Persons. From 2006 to 2009 she was also Co-Spokesperson of the European Green Party (EGP). Her specific work on foreign affairs, with a conflict prevention and rights-based focus on human rights, women’s rights, rights of ethnic and sexual minorities, has been at the core of her political work even before she entered party politics, including the struggle for fair trade and socially and ecologically sustainable trade relations. Lunacek is also well known as a strong advocate of fundamental rights, of sexual and reproductive health and rights, and as a fighter against corruption, for rule of law and independent media, within the European Union or outside, especially in the Balkans. Her visibility as one of the few openly lesbian politicians in Europe, as Co-Chair of the LGBT Intergroup, has given Lunacek and the Greens strong visibility and clout with and in all movements who struggle for equality inside and outside the European Union, at Prides and other LGBT events. 41 Duško Marković Duško Marković - Deputy Prime Minister for political system, foreign and interior policy Mr Marković was born on the 6th of July 1958 in Mojkovac, Montenegro. He graduated from the Faculty of Law in Kragujevac, Serbia in 1983, when he starts working at the legal department at te Mine “Brskovo” in Mojkovac. From 1986 he was a secretary of the Municipal Assembly of Mojkovac and after two years he became a President of the same. In 1991 he was engaged as a Secretary General of the Montenegrin Government, until 1998 when he became a member of the Parliament of Montenegro in two mandates. After this position, he moves in 2005 to the position of Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs and head of the State Security Service. In the light of this engagement, he continues a carrier as a Director of the National Security Agency from 2005 to 2010. In 2010, he became a minister without portfolio in the Government of Montenegro and soon after in the same year a Deputy Prime Minister for political system, foreign and interior policy and Minister of Justice. From 2015 he continued to be a Deputy Prime Minister. 42 Zoran Pažin Minister of Justice in the Government of Montenegro; Zoran Pazin has extensive law background; after graduating from the Faculty of Law at the University in Belgrade he became a judge and advanced to the position of the President of the Basic Court; before his appointment as a Minister he has been representing Montenegro before the European Court for Human Rights in Strasbourg, parallel to that he gained profound experience as a substitute member of the Venice Commission; Mr Pazin was a member of the executive board of association of judges of Montenegro and the Secretary General of Association of Judges of MNE. He was also a member of the Steering Committee for Human Rights of Council of Europe (CDDH); during his professional career, Mr Pazin contributed to the development of the civil society, thus, he founded World Association of Court Administrators and NGO Centre for Rule of Law. He was the president of the Association of Mediators of Montenegro and a member of the Managing Board of the Centre for Mediation of Montenegro; Mr Pazin has been particularly involved in promotion of the rule of law, strengthening of independence and impartiality of judiciary, raising the level of legal awareness with the citizens and promotion of ethics principles and justice as the source of law; he is the author of many bibliographic items in the area of human rights and freedoms; as a mediator and trainer of mediators he strongly advocates the mechanisms of the alternative disputes resolution and promotes the mediation in Montenegro; during his career, Mr Pazin was engaged as an expert in numerous working groups drafting legislation; he actively participated in the activities of Consultative Council of European Judges, as expert he has been involved in drafting the Comparative Analysis of Montenegrin judiciary framework for fight against organized crime in regard to the criminal offence of the human beings trafficking, Comparative Analysis SALW Legislation in Montenegro (Compliance with EU Regulations), the Analysis on Financial Investigation in the Context of the Fight against Corruption and Organised Crime, Directive to the Police Directorate for managing in the cases of reported corruption, the Guide for journalists through the criminal proceedings and the Guide through Law on Free Access to Information and many others; March 2015 he assumed the position of the Minister of Justice of Montenegro. 43 Marijn Pijnenburg Marijn Pijnenburg is IBM’s Business Development Executive for Diversity and LGBT for Europe, Middle East and Africa. In this role he provides strategic advisement to IBM customers in traditional and growth markets on how to leverage human capital, diversity, inclusion, LGBT and collaboration as critical business drivers to foster innovation and generate business opportunities in the global market place. Marijn joined IBM in 1996 and has worked in various roles in Strategy & Change and Business Transformation. He is initiator of a several LGBT Business Forums throughout EMEA and board member of WorkPlace Pride, an NGO focussing on ensuring safe and inclusive workplaces for the LGBT employees. And steering committee member of OUTstanding, a not-forprofit professional network for LGBT and ally executives focused on driving LGBT inclusion at a senior level in business. 44 Terry Reintke Terry Reintke is a Member of the European Parliament, elected 2014 at the age of 27. She belongs to the Greens/EFA Group and is a member of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, the Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality, as well as the Committee on Regional Development. She stands for a Europe that offers prospects for young people in all fields of life that should allow for a free life, equal participation, and social security. In the European Parliament she particularly puts herself out for better prospects for young people on the employment market and the combat against youth unemployment, especially in Southern Europe. Furthermore, she pushes for gender equality, more progressive antidiscrimination policies, the recognition of new family models, and the support of queer movements all over Europe. Terry was born and raised in Gelsenkirchen and studied political science in Berlin and Edinburgh. She started getting interested in politics at the age of 14 and became an activist of the Young Greens in Germany and the Federation of Young European Green whose spokesperson she was from 2011 to 2013. 45 Snežana Samardžić-Marković Ms Snežana Samardžić-Marković is since 2012 Director General of Democracy at the Council of Europe, in charge of the Organisation’s action promoting democratic innovation, governance, participation and diversity. Her responsibilities include the policy areas of education and youth, local democracy, cultural policies, election assistance, the protection of human dignity, gender equality, children’s rights, and the rights of minorities, societal defences against discrimination, democratic cit- izenship, social cohesion, intercultural dialogue and democratic responses to crisis situations. Previously, Snežana has held numerous positions in the Serbian Government including as Deputy Director in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Neighbouring Countries; Assistant Minister of Defence (2005-2007) and Co-President of the Serbia-NATO Defence Reform Group; member of the Foundation Board of WADA, Minister of Youth and Sports (2007-2012) and President of the Fund for Young Talents. 46 Ivan Scalfarotto Ivan Scalfarotto, Undersecretary of State for Constitutional Reform and Government Liaison to Parliament Ivan Scalfarotto, MP is the Italian Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Constitutional Reforms and Government Liaison to Parliament. He has been the rapporteur of the draft law proposal against homophobia and transphobia presented to Parliament in 2013, approved in the Chamber of Deputies and now pending before the Italian Senate for final approval. He represented the Italian Government at IDAHO 2014 in Malta. Mr Scalfarotto has a professional background as a Human Resources Director. He has worked for over 20 years in the Financial Services, covering senior International HR positions in Milan, London and Moscow. Scalfarotto has been active in politics after his return to Italy, covering roles of increasing responsibility: he was Deputy National Chairperson of Italy’s Democratic Party (“Partito Democratico”) between 2009 and 2013. In March 2013 he was elected to Parliament as a Member of the Chamber of Deputies (Lower House). On February 28, 2014 he joined Prime Minister Renzi’s Government in his current capacity. Scalfarotto wrote three books: “Contro i perpetui” (Il Saggiatore, 2006) on Innovation, Change, and Social mobility in Italy. “In nessun paese” (Piemme, 2010) on the need of a progressive Civil rights legislation in Italy. “Ma questa è la mia gente” (Mondadori, 2012), a collective portrait of the Italian Democrats. He has one of the most visible political blogs in Italy (www.ivanscalfarotto.it) and writes regularly for “Il Post” (www.ilpost.it), Italy’s first superblog, and for the Italian Edition of “The Huffington Post” (www. huffingtonpost.it). Scalfarotto graduated in Law cum laude at Naples University “Federico II”. He currently lives in Milan with his partner, Federico, and their two cats. 47 R. Bradley (Brad) Sears R. Bradley (Brad) Sears is the founding director and current Executive Director of the Williams Institute, and an Adjunct Professor at UCLA School of Law. When the Williams Institute started in 2001, Sears was the only staff member and the Institute had a budget of $100,000 and endowment of $2.5 million. Sears helped to create and develop the Williams Institute’s core programs and strategies. Today, the Institute has 20 faculty and staff members, a budget of nearly $3 million, and an endowment of over $20 million. Sears has published a number of research studies and articles, primarily on discrimination against LGBT people in the workplace and HIV discrimination in health care. At UCLA School of Law, he teaches courses on sexual orientation law, disability law, and U.S. legal and judicial systems. Sears has given hundreds of academic and community presentations on HIV/AIDS and LGBT legal issues. He has testified before Congress and a number of state legislatures, authored amicus briefs in key court cases, helped to draft state and federal legislation, and been cited by a number of media, including the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, National Public Radio, and CNN. Sears graduated summa cum laude from Yale University and magna cum laude from Harvard Law School. During law school, he served as Editor-in-Chief of the Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review. After law school, he clerked for the Hon J. Spencer Letts of the Central District of California; founded the HIV Legal Checkup Project, a legal services program dedicated to empowering people living with HIV, and served as the Discrimination & Confidentiality Attorney for the HIV/AIDS Legal Services Alliance of Los Angeles (HALSA). Sears has served on the board of directors or advisory boards for Being Alive Los Angeles, HALSA, USC’s AIDS Education Training Center, the Center for Health Justice, and UCLA’s LGBT Studies program. Sears has received Being Alive Los Angeles’ Volunteer of the Year Award and, in 2009, was recognized on Advocate’s Magazine’s “40 Under 40” list. In 2010, under his leadership, the Williams Institute received the “Treasures of Los Angeles” award from the Los Angeles Central City Association. 48 Todd Sears Todd Sears is the Founder and Principal of Out Leadership, a recognized global strategic advising firm that connects leaders across the world’s most influential industries to create business opportunities, cultivate talent, and drive LGBT equality forward. Todd began his career as an investment banker before moving to Merrill Lynch to become a Financial Advisor, where he created the first team of financial advisors on Wall Street to focus on the LGBT community and brought $1.5 billion of new assets to the firm. Todd then moved into diversity leadership, pioneering equality initiatives first at Merrill Lynch and then at Credit Suisse. Sears serves on the non-profit boards of the Williams Institute of UCLA, The Palette Fund, the Global Equality Fund of the United States Department of State and Lambda Legal; he was the founding chair of Jeffrey Fashion Cares, which he ran for 10 years. He is a graduate of Duke University. 49 Slavko Stojanović On 21 June 2013, he was appointed as Director of Police Directorate of the Montenegrin Ministry of Interior. Slavko Stojanovic started his employment in 1977 within the police force of Montenegro. Having completed the College for Internal Affairs in 1982, he finished his internship period in criminal and uniformed police.In 1984, he was deployed to work as an Assistant Commander for public peace and order and traffic security in Podgorica.He performed tasks of a Commander of police station for traffic security in Podgorica in the period 1985-1990. Function of an Assistant Head of the Centre for Security in Podgorica for uniformed police performed in the period 1990-1992.In 1992, he was appointed as a Senior Inspector for public peace and order in Police Directorate of the Montenegrin Ministry of Interior. Within the period 1994-2005, he performed tasks of a Head of the Department for traffic security in Police Directorate of the Montenegrin Ministry of Interior. Tasks of an Assistant Director of Police Directorate for the General Police Jurisdiction Department, he performed from October 2005 to 2008. In 2008, he was appointed as an Advisor to the Director in Police Directorate. Within the period from 1973 to 1977, he attended the High School for Internal Affairs in Sremska Kamenica. He attended the College for Internal Affairs in the period from 1978-1981.He graduated at the Faculty of Security in Skoplje in 1985. In 1983, he completed special course regarding Managing and Commanding Police Units in Belgrade, for a period of 8 months.He also completed great number of specialized courses and professional seminars in the security area. 50 Laurent Louis Stokvis H.E. Mr. Laurent Louis Stokvis MA, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Montenegro Ambassador Stokvis graduated from the Atlantic College in Wales in 1969. He received his Master’s Degree in Modern History from the University of Oxford in 1972. In 1975 he joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. From 1975 to 1992 he performed various assignments in embassies of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Rabat, East Berlin, the Permanent Representation with NATO in Brussels and at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the Directorate for European Integration. In the period from 1992 to 1995 he held the position of the Counsellor of the Embassy, at the Permanent Representation in Geneva. From 1995 to 1999 he was Counsellor/Deputy Head of Mission at the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Paramaribo. Between 1999 and 2002 he was Counsellor/Deputy Head of Mission at the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Warsaw. In the period between 2002 and 2006 he was Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Slovak Republic. Between 2006 and 2010 he worked as Director in the Directorate for the Western Hemisphere. He has been appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Republic of Serbia in September 2010. 51 Igor Šuran Croatian by birth and living in Italy for over 25 years, Igor holds the B.A. degree in Economics. Following a professional career in international corporate and investment banking, where he covered managerial and executive positions in institutional relationship management, Igor is currently the Executive Director of Parks - Liberi e Uguali, Italy’s only employers’ association whose mission is to promote LGBT equality and inclusion in the workplace. 52 Margaret Ann Uyehara Margaret Ann Uyehara was confirmed by the Senate to be the U.S. Ambassador to Montenegro in December 2014. A career member of the Senior Foreign Service, class of Minister-Counselor, Ms. Uyehara has three decades of experience managing Department of State staff and resources. Ms. Uyehara most recently served as Executive Director of the Bureaus of European and Eurasian Affairs and International Organization Affairs in the De- partment of State. Previous tours have included Austria, Germany, Ukraine, Indonesia, Japan, Philippines, United Kingdom and Mali. Ms. Uyehara is a native of Berea, Ohio. She earned a B.A. in Political Science at Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, Michigan in 1981 and studied at Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service. She speaks German, French, Ukrainian and Japanese. Ms. Uyehara and her husband, Foreign Service Officer Michael Uyehara, have five children. 53 Marija Vučinović Marija Vučinović was born on 30 January 1958 in Rijeka, Croatia. She graduated from the Faculty of Engineering in Rijeka – Department of Naval Architecture and became a graduate naval architect. She worked for 16 years in the Adriatic Shipyard Bijela in the design office as a chief designer and manager of the office. In 2002, she got involved in the political work of the Croatian Citizens’ Initiative (CCI) and was elected Vice Chairwoman and since 2005, she has been President of the CCI. She was a member of the Croatian - Montenegrin Interstate Council, a member of the local parliament in Tivat since the constitution of the CCI, and president of its members club. Marija Vučinović is also a member of the Croatian National Council. She used to work as a technical manager in the Public Water Supply Company of Tivat. On 4 December 2012, she was elected Minister without Portfolio in the Government of Montenegro. From 2014, she has been a president of the Council for the development of NGOs. She is married and has daughter Dunja and son Davor. 54 Ian Robert Whitting H.E. Mr. Ian Robert Whitting OBE, British Ambassador to Montenegro 2008 - 2012 Her Majesty’s Ambassador, Reykjavik; 2003 - 2008 Athens, Deputy Head of Mission / Consul General; 2002 - 2003 FCO, Assistant Director EU Affairs; 1998 - 2002 FCO, Deputy Head Afri- ca Department FCO; 1997 - 1998 FCO, Conference Media Coordinator; 1994 - 1997 Abidjan, Deputy Head of Mission; 1972 - 1997 Overseas postings including Dublin, Moscow, Athens, Tunis and Cairo. He is married to Tracy Gallagher and has two daughters, Isobel and Olivia. 55 Aleksandar Saša Zeković Aleksandar Sasa Zekovic (1974) is the President of the Council for Civil Control of the Police, which is a collective ombudsman body specialized for the matters of the police. He was engaged in professional monitoring of the police since 2000. He coordinated the programs of the police reform and of the strengthening of its capacities for the communication and cooperation with the minority communities. He is particularly dedicated to the enhancement of the overall integrity of the police and the bettering of the application of the police authority in the cases of family violence, cases of persons with disability and the LGBT community. He managed the projects in the area of police training, as well as the training of prosecutors and judges, first of its kind implemented in Montenegro. At the University of Montenegro, he received his MA degree on the subject “Political criteria in the accession process of Montenegro to the European Union”. He was a member of the experts groups drafting the Law on freedoms and rights of the minorities, first state report of Montenegro on the implementation of the Framework convention of the Council of Europe for the rights of the minorities, as well as the first Governments LGBT Strategy. He was a human rights violation researcher, coordinator/researcher of the Humanitarian Law Fund, program director of the Center for Civic education, the director of Roma Scholarship Foundation and the President of the Steering Committee of LGBT Forum Progress. He is the founder of the Alternative Institute. He is an author, coauthor or editor of over thirty experts publications, academic analysis or studies as well as two official school textbooks.