Chamber Newsletter_March2016 - Roswell Chamber of Commerce
Chamber Newsletter_March2016 - Roswell Chamber of Commerce
CHAMBER CONNECTION MARCH 2016 Letter From President, John Dalton Table of Contents Executive Director Candace Lewis Communications Coordinator Ester Garcia Interim Office Manager Kristin Vinson Membership Coordinator Tawnie Honey President’s Letter 2 2015/2016 Board of Directors 4 Business of the Month 5 February Calendar 6 Chamber Champions 38 Chamber Diamonds 38 Emerald Members 38 Welcome to March! In this month’s newsletter, you will find many exciting announcements from our local businesses. Everyone is especially ecstatic about the new American Airlines daily flight to Phoenix starting March 3rd! This new service is going to open up many doors for Roswell and our surrounding communities. I also want to encourage all our Chamber Members to come out and celebrate with us and our local Agriculture Industry at our Annual Rise with Roswell breakfast on March 17th. This is a great event to celebrate and honor our community of local ranchers and farmers and show them our appreciation for all they provide to our great town. Tickets are available at the Chamber office. Give the girls a call! Please don’t hesitate to let us know how we can be of service to you! Lastly, I’d like to extend the warmest of welcomes to our newest members! Be well, Chamber Members 39 John Dalton Pecos Valley Health and Wellness, PC John Dalton, DC, APC 313 W Country Club Rd #5 Roswell, NM 88201 575-625-0039 (Office) 877-900-8327 (FAX) (575)623-5695 Page 2 Red Coats Tales HAPPY ST. PATRICK’S DAY! I would like to thank each one of the Roswell Chamber of Commerce businesses for the support they show the Redcoats. Roswell is growing by leaps and bounds and our community continues to prosper because of the active involvement we receive from our local Chamber businesses. February was bursting with new businesses celebrating their Grand Openings with Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies. I enjoyed meeting all the new business owners, their staff and their families. The Redcoats are honored to have the opportunity to be a part of these special events. I cannot wait to see what’s in store for March! Andrea Moore If the Roswell Redcoats or the Roswell Chamber of 2015-2016 Redcoat President Commerce can provide any support to you and your business, please contact the staff at the Roswell Chamber office at (575) 623-5695. If you are interested in representing Roswell as a Redcoat, please contact me, Andrea Moore, at (575) 420-3035 or reach out to any Redcoat member! We would love for you to join in all the fun! Andrea Moore 2015-2016 Redcoat President (575)623-5695 Page 3 The Chamber is Proud to Present our Board of Directors Executive Board of Directors John Dalton, President Pecos Valley Chiropractic Shane Hall, Vice President First American Bank Kaye Whitefoot, 1st Vice President Dairy Producers of New Mexico Dawn Tschabrun, Treasurer Lovelace Regional Hospital– Roswell Rick Spragins, Past President Comfort Keepers Board of Directors Don Bullock Bullocks Jewelry Brooke Linthicum Eastern New Mexico Medical Center Steve Shanor Hinkle & Shanor Terri French Ritter & Company Terry Lindberg Hippie Chicks Judy Smith Kitchen Design Bill Marley Gandy Marley Ranch Janice Stewart Casa Maria Healthcare/Sunset Villa Care Center Robert Garcia Fenn Foods Caleb Grant Farm Bureau Financial Services Bobby Graves Xcel Energy Jesus Medina AerSale Betty Young Read & Stevens Shawna Perry Glorieta Geoscience, Inc. Ex-Officio Members Tom Burris Roswell Independent School District John Madden Eastern New Mexico University-Roswell Brad Houston Agricultural Specialist John Mulcahy Chaves County Economic Development Dennis Kintigh Mayor, City of Roswell Andrea Moore Redcoat President Jerry Grizzle New Mexico Military Institute Kyle D. Smiley Wooton County Commissioner (575)623-5695 Page 4 February’s Business of the Month Waide Irrigation Service & Supply 6436 Old Dexter Hwy, Dexter, NM (575) 622 622--4416 (575)623-5695 Page 5 March 1, 2016 What: Roswell, NM City Elections 2016 March 8, 2016 March 17, 2016 What: Roswell Daily Record 125th Anniversary Event What: Business After Hours at Washington Federal Where: Roswell Daily Record, 2301 N. Main St. Where: Washington Federal, When: Tuesday, March 8th 5:00pm-7:00pm When: Thursday, March 17th 5:00pm-6:30pm When: March 1st Contact: (575) 624-6700 or visit Contact: (575)623-5695 March 4, 2016 March 13, 2016 March 18, 2016 What: Way Way Off Broadway– Seussical the Musical What: Sons of the Pioneers What: “I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change” Where: ENMUR– Performing Arts Center Where: Pueblo Auditorium, 300 N. Kentucky Where: Roswell Community Little Theater, 1717 S. Union When: March 4th-6th; 11th-13th When: Sunday, March 13th 2:00pm Contact: (575) 317-0157 Contact: (575) 622-8333 March 4, 2016 March 15, 2016 When: March 18th & 19th; March 25th & 26th Contact: (575) 622-1982 March 24, 2016 What: Jacob Furr at Pecos Flavors Winery What: Mornings with the Mayor What: Roswell Chamber Legislative Luncheon Where: Pecos Flavors Winery, 113 E. 3rd St. Where: Roswell Chamber, 131 W. 2nd St. Where: Roswell Chamber, 131 W. 2nd St. When: Tuesday, March 15th 7:00am When: Thursday, March 24th 11:30am-1:00pm Contact: (575) 623-5695 Contact: (575) 623-5695 When: Friday, March 4th 6:00pm-8:00pm Contact: (575) 627-6265 March 5, 2016 March 15, 2016 March 24, 2016 What: Artfaire What: ILEA Reception What: Alamo MVD Ribbon Cutting Where: Roswell Convention Center, 912 N. Main St. Where: ILEA Academy 47 Gail Harris Where: Alamo MVD, 104 E. Linda Vista Suite A When: March 5th & 6th 9:00am-5:00pm When: Tuesday, March 15th 5:30pm-7:00pm When: Thursday, March 24th 4:00pm Contact: (575) 623-5695 Contact: (575) 208-2864 ARTFAIRE March 5, 2016 March 17, 2016 March 28, 2016 What: Terri Clark Concert What: Rise with Roswell What: Total Productions Ribbon Cutting Where: Artesia Horse Council Arena, Artesia, NM Where: ENMSF– Farm Bureau Building Where: Total Productions, 4501 N. Main St. STE 36 When: Saturday, March 5th 7:00pm When: Thursday, March 17th 6:45am When: Monday, March 28th 4:00pm Contact: (575) 746-4212 Contact: (575) 623-5695 Contact: (575) 623-5695 (575)623-5695 Page 6 Mornings with the Mayor An open forum with Mayor Dennis Kintigh, providing community members an opportunity to ask questions and voice concerns. March 15, 2016 7:00 AM RSVP (575)623-5695 131 W. 2nd St. (575)623-5695 Page 7 RISE WITH ROSWELL AGRICULTURE DAY 2016 Date: March 17, 2016 Time: 6:45am-8:00am Farm Bureau Building Eastern New Mexico State Fairgrounds Guest Speaker: Shannon Norris Recruiting and Retention Coordinator College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences New Mexico State University (575)623-5695 Page 8 100 years. Common sense banking for When Washington Federal first started out, almost 100 years ago, we were part of the American frontier. Business was done with a firm handshake and a commitment to the community. We might have grown, but we haven’t grown out of the commitment to do right by our local communities. For example, we’re a portfolio lender. This means we keep all of the home loans we make. When you get a loan with Washington Federal, you can be sure it won’t be sold to a large institution that’s located somewhere else. We know if our clients need help then they want to work with someone in their community. Our Washington Federal team in Roswell is led by Oscar Armendariz, Branch Manager. He provides over 15 years of banking experience and has been in the Roswell community for over three decades. “Roswell is our home too. We’re doing business with our friends, family and neighbors. That’s what makes Washington Federal so unique. We provide our services face-to-face and because we’re a portfolio lender, we’re literally invested in the communities we serve. You’re always able to talk to somebody in your community who knows about your account,” said Oscar. Oscar Armendariz Branch Manager 300 North Pennsylvania Ave. Rowsell, New Mexico 575-317-9732 NMLSR #410394 Washington Federal Business After Hours March 17 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM 300 N. Pennsylvania Avenue, Roswell Please join us! Washington Federal has 27 offices in New Mexico and 248 offices in eight western states. The Roswell team can be reached at 575-622-6201 or via email at To find out more about Washington Federal, please visit our website at Additional Roswell Locations: Roswell North 3201 N Main Street Roswell Drive Up South 1810 S Main Street Special thanks to: (575)623-5695 Page 9 Taste of Roswell Thursday, April 28th 5:30pm to 8:30pm Roswell Civic Center “Rock & Soul” Show Featured By: Al Nelson ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Sponsorship information Corporate Sponsorship of $400 includes: Private Table with 8 tickets Complimentary Business Table Centerpiece 2 drink tickets per person Business sponsorship recognition during event Business/Organization Name: _______________________________________ Contact Name: _____________________ Phone Number: __________________ Address: __________________________ Email: ___________________________ Please mail completed form with check back No later than March 18th: Roswell Chamber of Commerce 131 W. Second St. Roswell, NM 88201 ILEA Reception February 9 2016 On February 9th the International Law Enforcement Academy hosted a Welcome Reception for foreign delegates from Antigua, Belize, St. Kitts and St. Vincent at the ILEA center located at 47 Gail Harris. ILEA provides training courses, seminars and workshops for police and sheriff’s agencies both nationally and internationally. (575)623-5695 Page 11 Mark Your Calendars for June 4th! The Third Annual Cruz’n For Vets is set for June 4, 2016. This year, PVT is partnering with Choices Center for Independent Living. Funds raised from this year’s event will help Choices fund a new program to buy and train service dogs for veterans suffering from PTSD in Southeastern New Mexico. Sponsorship opportunities are now available. For more information, contact Michelle Wood at • 575-748-1241 • (575)623-5695 Page 11 12 Mornings with the Mayor - February 16 This month’s Mornings with the Mayor on Tuesday, February 16th was a huge success! Mayor Dennis Kintigh explaining a prospective Childrens Museum project between East 3rd and Virginia Streets. Congratulations to Kerry Moore, winner of this morning’s door prize provided by Casa Maria Healthcare and Sunset Villa Care Center. A special thanks to Janice Stewart and Chef Manny with Casa Maria and Sunset Villa for providing such a wonderful breakfast. Each month, the Chamber of Commerce invites you to spend a morning with Roswell’s Mayor, Dennis Kintigh, to ask questions and discuss issues that impact the community Dennis believes we need to strengthen our economic development, provide better public safety, and clean up the community. He supports our troops and the 2nd Amendment. (575)623-5695 Page 13 Valley Christian Academy Business After Hours February 18, 2016 The Roswell Chamber of Commerce hosted a Business After Hours event at Valley Christian Academy on Thursday, February 18th. The evening was a great celebration of success, packed full of community members networking and sharing their support for the school. A special thank you to Superintendent Lori DeKay; School Board President, Jason Perry and the Valley Christian staff for hosting such an amazing event. Pictured: Superintendent, Lori DeKay and School Board President, Jason Perry (575)623-5695 Page 14 Casa Maria Business After Hours February 25, 2016 The Roswell Chamber of Commerce hosted Business After Hours at Casa Maria Care Center on Thursday, February 25th. The wonderful staff at Casa Maria gave tours of their rehabilitation department and new private suites. It was an elegant evening with remarkable food and drinks provided by Chef Manny and his extraordinary staff. Thank you Casa Maria for putting together such a spectacular event! Pictured:DennisKin/gh,MayorofRoswell,NM;KennyWelch,Administrator ofCasaMariaHealthcareandPecosValleyRehabilita/onSuites;Dr.Siavach Karimian,MedicalDirectorforCasaMariaHealthcareandSunsetVillaCare center. (575)623-5695 (575)623-5695 Page 1315 Page 15 16 Invite you to attend the Roswell’s out of this woRld Job faiR Wednesday April 13, 2016, 1:00pm- 5:00pm Set up time is 12:00 PM Roswell Convention and Civic Center - 912 N. Main St., Roswell, NM ________________________________________________________________________________ Return form to: New Mexico Workforce Connection, 2110 S. Main, Roswell, NM 88203 or Email-Nellie Daniel ( or fax to 575-627-5822 Dead line to submit: April 1, 2016 NO CHARGE for Entry FEE Business Name: ______________________________________________________________ Name of Contact: ___________________________________________________________ E-Mail Address____________________________ Phone Number: _____________________ Address: City ____________________________ State: ______ & Zip:________________ Names of all Recruiters Attending: ______________________________________________ What Positions are available: Number of positions available: ___________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Tables are first come, first serve. Arrive early. For larger displays we ask please set up by the walls. Electrical is available by the walls. NOTE: You will need to provide your own electrical extension cords. No TVs or VCRs are available but you may bring your own. Electrical Access Needed? Yes______ No _______ 17 TBK TACTICAL, LLC. Training and investigations TBK Tactical was formed 2011 in Great Falls, Montana and is currently based in Roswell, New Mexico. We provide specialized training to the law enforcement community as well as training, consulting, and private investigative services to private/non-government business, organizations, and citizens. Our instructors are current serving and retired members of law enforcement and military with over 120 years of combined service. Let our experience work for you; contact us to see how we can help with your personal or business training or investigative needs. Training Investigations Law Enforcement Training Background Investigations Self-Defense Seminars Work Place Criminal Activity Investigations Concealed Carry Certifications Interviews & Surveillance Private Firearms Training Fraudulent Disability Investigations Crime Prevention Training & Consulting Work Place Drug Investigations Free Street Drug Training for Educators Corporate Internal Investigations New Mexico Security Guard Training Use of Force Investigations TBK Tactical, LLC. (406) 564-8051 Sometimes the fight comes looking for you, don’t fear it…..own it. Refuse to be a victim! l a c I c L A W E N t F O R C E M E N T a t TRAINING 18 February 2016 Ribbon Cuttings The Roswell Chamber of Commerce Redcoats are an elite organization that provides specialized recognition to local businesses throughout the community. Whether it’s a Groundbreaking ceremony or a Grand Opening celebration, the prestigious Roswell Redcoats are a vital support system to the local business community. Elliott Electric Ribbon Cutting - February 16 The Roswell Chamber of Commerce celebrated the Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting of Elliott Electric Supply on Tuesday, February 16th. Branch Manager Michael Hughes and his staff welcomed everyone to their new located at 907 E. 2nd Street. Roswell Redcoats Rhonda Johnson, Clarissa Adams, Madlyn Wafful, Joan Reeves and Adriana Garcia; Lyle Dumars, Warehouse; Kevin Sykes, Sales; Michael Hughes, Branch Manager; Chris Woodall, Area Manager; Dario Guevara, Sales; Roswell Redcoats Jim Fielding, Debra Young, Stephanie Gerdts, Anjy Cooper and Ester Garcia. Four Paws Pet Pantry Ribbon Cutting February 17 The Roswell Chamber of Commerce, along with St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church celebrated the Grand Opening of St. Andrew’s Four Paws Pet Pantry. The Pet Pantry lends a temporary helping hand to families struggling to provide food for their beloved animals. St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church Four Paws Pet Pantry is located at 505 N. Pennsylvania Ave. Roswell Redcoats along with members and volunteers of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church Four Paws Pet Pantry. (575)623-5695 Page 19 February 2016 Ribbon Cuttings (cont.) Los Paisanos Ribbon Cutting - February 20 The Roswell Chamber of Commerce celebrated the Grand Opening of Los Paisanos Autobuses, Inc. with a Ribbon Cutting on Saturday, February 20th. Executive Director, Luis Sarinana introduced his staff and gave tours of their new facility and their plush new 2016 charter buses. Stop by their location at 1400 W. Second Street Suite K in the Monterey Shopping Center. Roswell Redcoats Rhonda Johnson, Yukie Ebara, Peggy Seskey and Joan Reeves; Supervisor, Carlos Troche; Office Manager, Judith Sanchez; Executive Director, Luis Sarinana; Employee, Erica Sanchez; Roswell Redcoats Debra Young, Jim Fielding, Madlyn Wafful, Clarissa Adams and Anjy Cooper. Ernie’s Signs Ribbon Cutting - February 20 The Roswell Chamber of Commerce and business owner, Ernie Hacker, celebrated the Ribbon Cutting of Ernie’s Signs on Friday, February 20th. Ernie Hacker introduced his staff and showed us the wide array of quality signs and wraps they produce. Ernie’s Signs is located at 107 E. Gallina Road. Roswell Redcoats Anjy Cooper, Rhonda Johnson, Ester Garcia, Hervey Gilliland and Peggy Seskey; Employee, Travis Miller; Owner, Ernie Hacker; Roswell Redcoat Debra Young; Employee, Jim Cox; Roswell Redcoats Clarissa Adams, Jim Fielding and Yukie Ebara. (575)623-5695 Page 20 February 2016 Ribbon Cuttings (cont.) Pecos Valley Rehabilitation Suites Ribbon Cutting - February 25 The Roswell Chamber of Commerce and Casa Maria Healthcare celebrated the Grand Opening of the Pecos Valley Rehabilitation Suites. The event was filled with great doctors and staff who gave tours of the fabulous new private suites. The Pecos Valley Rehabilitation Suites are located inside of Casa Maria Healthcare at 1601 S. Main Street. Roswell Redcoats Hervey Gilliland, Anjy Cooper, and Stephanie Gerdts; Dr. Siavach Karimian, Medical Director of Casa Maria Healthcare and Sunset Villa Care Center; Kenny Welch, Administrator of Casa Maria Healthcare and Pecos Valley Rehabilitation Suites; Roswell Redcoat, Jim Fielding; Mayor Dennis Kintigh, Mayor of Roswell, NM; Roswell Redcoats Joan Reeves, Madlyn Wafful and Peggy Seskey. The Roswell Redcoats are ready to promote your business! Please contact the Roswell Chamber of Commerce at (575)623-5695 to schedule your next ribbon cutting, groundbreaking or grand opening event. (575)623-5695 Page 21 February 15thMarch 31st 2016 What: Comfort Keepers of Roswell, Artesia and Carlsbad’s third annual Feed Seniors Now Food Drive! Why: Support the JOY Center “Home Delivered Meals” program and give seniors non-perishables to take-home. When/Where: From 2/15-3/31 Comfort Keepers and participating partners see below) will have food-drive donation boxes for the community to bring nonperishable food donations to help Stop Senior Hunger. In conjunction, Comfort Keepers, the JOY center and Main Street Arts will be selling paper shopping bags for $10 to be decorated by artists, non-artists, children and corporations. Art bags will be displayed at Main Street Arts and the JOY Center. The $10 purchase will sponsor a “Home Delivered Meal” for a day to a home-bound resident of Chaves County. The bag will be used to deliver the sponsored meal to a senior. Main Street Arts Comfort Keepers 1410 S. Main St Roswell Chamber of Commerce 131 W 2nd St 1822 N. Montana Ave. Roswell Farmer’s Markets: 800 W Hobbs St 2800 N Main St 600 E 2nd St KBIM Radio: 1301 N Main St Main Street Arts 223 N Main St. Pioneer Bank: 3000 N Main St 306 N Pennsylvania 2 St Mary’s Place For more information Call Comfort Keepers: 624-9999 22 23 Portales, NM Ruidoso, NM Roswell, NM Las Cruces, NM Lubbock, TX Hobbs, NM Midland, TX El Paso, TX El Paso, TX 24 Have you scheduled your FREE Home Energy Audit? What is a Home Energy Audit? It’s an inspection and evaluation of a home’s energy efficiency level. What to expect during a Home Energy Audit. A licensed and insured professional home energy auditor will … • Perform an infiltration test to determine where air is leaking. • Perform a duct efficiency test to determine if the home’s heating, ventilation and air conditioning system is working properly. • Make all reasonable efforts to correct problems identified such as sealing plumbing penetrations, window caulking, weather stripping around doors, sealing cracks, and correcting leaks in air duct sytems. Central Valley Electric Cooperative Members Sign-Up by the end of MARCH! for your FREE Home Energy Audit Program ends March 31, so sign-up today! (575) 746-3571 Artesia/Dexter/Roswell (575) 752-3366 Hagerman e-mail Some restrictions apply and not all homes will qualify for an audit. CVE does not guarantee a specific level of energy or cost savings as a result of the home energy audit. Central Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc. is an equal opportunity provider and employer. 25 Visit us at: 250 W. Country Club Rd. 575-623-4161 Online at: and www. We are proud to be celebrating 10 years of serving our patients and our community in Roswell and over 18 years in southeastern NM! Thank you for your confidence in us! 26 27 29 30 Presents Classes Register at 1407 W 2nd St., Roswell, NM Registration is until March 20th, 2016 Beginners classes (min 4 students, max 8 students) Starting on Thursday March 31st to June 2nd 6-8 pm 10 weeks for $40.00 plus kit. The class project will be a gold ornament. Kit cost is $45.00 Kit includes all beads, instructions, needles, thread and conditioner. Intermediate classes (min 4 students, max 8 students) Starting on Saturday March 26th to May 28th 1-3 pm 10 weeks for $40.00 plus kit. The class project will be “spiral with volcanic eye” necklace Kit cost is $36.00 Advanced classes (min 4 students, max 8 students) Starting on Thursday March 30th to June 2nd 1-3 pm 10 weeks for $40.00 Students purchase own beads The class project will be “Starburst” amulet bag. 31 SATURDAY, MARCH 5 7:00pm TH Gates Open at 5:00pm Tickets are $45 General Admission *VIP TICKETS $125 *(Includes a seat in the first few rows of the concert AND a special post-concert acoustic show by Terri Clark!) Tickets can be purchased in person at the Ocotillo Performing Arts Center Box office, over the phone at 575-746-4212, or online at 32 33 At Options, You Are Family At Options Home Care we pride ourselves on the relationships we build, from the first phone call inquiry, to each and every day of care. We understand that each Client deserves special attention. Our Caregivers are thoroughly screened and trained to provide the highest quality in home care. Options is available 24 hours a day - 7 days a week to answer your questions or concerns. We take your care seriously, which is why our Caregivers are equipped with the training and experience needed to provide you with superior in home care services. Your Options Home Care family respects and cares for our Clients and the community, which is why we continuously keep both engaged in community gatherings and functions. Serving More Than 20 New Mexico Counties Northern NM Rio Arriba, Los Alamos and Santa Fe Counties Local: 505-989-3306 Eastern NM Curry, DeBaca, Quay and Roosevelt Counties Local: 575-762-2023 Southern NM Dona Ana, Otero, Luna and Sierra Counties Local: 575-521-9442 North Eastern NM Taos and Rio Arriba Counties Local: 575-737-5539 Central NM Sandoval, Bernalillo, Torrance and Valencia Counties Local: 505-881-4275 South Eastern NM Chaves, Eddy, Lincoln and Lea Counties Local: 575-627-7883 Providing Compassionate In-Home Care Services for Our Community Options Home Care understands the emotion and stress of finding a Caregiver, which is why we are by your side, every step of the way. Let us guide you through the entire process and get you the assistance you need and deserve through our compassionate and qualified Caregivers. w sS n o i t p O . w w t e n . s e ervic 3434 35 Home Planning 3117 N. Main Roswell, NM 88201 575.622.0021 Fax: 575.623.3939 Toll Free: 1.888.830.2002 WELCOME TO THE ALL NEW CENTURY 21!! LORI BERRY, 575-317-8491, RILEY ARMSTRONG, 575-910-4655 AND STARLA NUNEZ. 575-626-5403 PROVIDING SERVICE YOU DESERVE AND PEOPLE YOU CAN TRUST. “INVEST IN ROSWELL – WHERE LIVING IS EASY” 36 ELLIOTT ELECTRIC SUPPLY IN Elliott Electric Supply 256 907 East 2nd Street Roswell, NM 88201 Office: (575) 208-1571 w w w. E l l i o t t E l e c t r i c . c o m Branch Manager: Michael Hughes Hours of Operation Monday - Friday | 7 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Saturday | 8 a.m. - Noon ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Large Local and Regional Inventory Quality Products 24/7 Emergency Service In-House Credit Free Scheduled Deliveries ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Custom Wire Cuts and Parallel Wire On-Site Inventory Solutions Quotations Real Time Inventory Data and Much More We Deliver...Lower Cost, Quality Products & Personal Service 37 A Special Thanks To Our Elite Members Champs Diamonds 400 Penn Plaza All State Security Services Hinkle Oil & Gas Aersale Cable One Sam’s Club AVFlight Central Valley Electric Candlewood Suites Culligan Casa Maria Healthcare Dean Baldwin Cattle Baron First American Bank Century 21Home Planning Genesis Healthcare Domino’s Pizza International UFO Museum & Research Center Eastern New Mexico Medical Center Emeralds JP Stone Community Bank Farmer’s Country Market New Mexico Gas Company Gandy Marley Three Amigos Dairy HCI, LLC Walmart J.S. Ward & Son Washington Federal Krumland Auto Group Wells Fargo L&F Distributors Leprino Foods Lovelace Regional Hospital Oasis Computers Pioneer Bank Would You Like To Maximize Your Membership? Roswell Ford Consider upgrading to Champion, Diamond or Emerald status. Roswell Livestock & Farm Supply Call the Chamber for more information. Roswell Daily Record Xcel Energy 575.623.5695 (575)623-5695 Page 38 Thank You To Our New & Renewed Members For January NEW Matador Resources Alamo MVD Meca Therapies, LLC. Dragon Tamer Enterprises-Hot Body For You New Mexico Gas Company, Inc. Elliott Electric Supply Roswell Family Care, LLC. Los Paisanos Autobuses, Inc. Roswell Fine Arts League TBK Tactical, LLC. Training and Senior Solutions Investigations Smith Engineering Company Southwest Printers, LLC. RENEWED Spring River Mobile Home Park Admiral Beverage Corp. St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran Church All About Spas Washington Federal Billy the Kid Storage XCEL Energy Burnt Well Guest Ranch Casa Querencia Animal Health Center Dean Baldwin Painting Economy Motors Elwood Staffing Services, Inc. Eye Associates of New Mexico First American Bank French Brothers Homes, LLC. Fulkerson Services, Inc. Historical Society for Southwest New Mexico Hunt Cimarron, LP. IHOP J & L Jewlers J&J Home Care, Inc. Kraft & Hunter, LLP. La Quinta Inn & Suites (575)623-5695 Page 39 131 W. 2nd St. Roswell, NM 88201 1(877) 849-7679 (575) 623-5695
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