Technical specification mobile
Technical specification mobile
Mobile ad products specification Media Impact Polska Sp. z o.o. Last updated: September 20 2016 Strona 2 z 34 Table of Contents General rules ........................................................................................... 4 Mobile Rich Media.................................................................................... 6 Mobiboard Rich Media ......................................................................................... 6 Mobiboard Fullpage (Mobiboard Rich Media)........................................................... 6 Mobiboard Autofullpage (Mobiboard Rich Media) ..................................................... 8 Mobiboard Expand (Mobiboard Rich Media) ............................................................ 9 Mobiboard Autoexpand (Mobiboard Rich Media) .....................................................11 Cube 3D (Rectangle Rich Media)..........................................................................12 Rectangle Swipe (Rectangle Rich Media)...............................................................14 Page Breaker (Rectangle Rich Media) ...................................................................15 Corner Rich Media .............................................................................................16 Parallax rectangle ..............................................................................................18 Multi-Images Rectangle ......................................................................................19 Vertical panorama .............................................................................................20 Horizontal panorama..........................................................................................21 Bars 3D Rectangle .............................................................................................22 Pull Fullpage Rectangle ......................................................................................23 Formats of standard ad products........................................................... 25 Mobiboard ........................................................................................................25 Rectangle Mobile ...............................................................................................26 Magazine Mobile (m.onet, m.fakt) .......................................................................27 Video Player Branding Mobile ..............................................................................28 Panel Mobile .....................................................................................................28 Onet Impact Mobile ...........................................................................................29 Advertisement Link Mobile ..................................................................................29 App Splashscreen ..............................................................................................30 App Sponsoring .................................................................................................30 Advertorial .......................................................................................................31 Sponsorship Mobile ............................................................................................31 Sponsorship Mobile - Login .................................................................................32 Pre Roll – Mid Roll Mobile....................................................................................33 Media Impact Polska Sp. z o.o., ul. Domaniewska 52, 02-672 Warszawa tel. +48 (22) 232 24 00 KRS: 0000475673, Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy w Warszawie XIII Wydział Gospodarczy Kapitał Zakładowy Spółki: 880 000,00 zł NIP: 5213655064 Strona 3 z 34 Media Impact Polska Sp. z o.o., ul. Domaniewska 52, 02-672 Warszawa tel. +48 (22) 232 24 00 KRS: 0000475673, Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy w Warszawie XIII Wydział Gospodarczy Kapitał Zakładowy Spółki: 880 000,00 zł NIP: 5213655064 Strona 4 z 34 General rules All advertisements assigned by the client or the customer (further called the Advertiser) to be placed on Grupa Onet-RASP (further called the Publisher) websites must be prepared according to the ergonomic guidelines and technical specification for advertisements to be published in The Publisher may check the advertisements for technical compliance with the specifications and reserves the right to remove or stop any advertisement which is not prepared according to the rules. Display of the advertisement by the Publisher does not automatically mean that the Publisher accepts that such advertisement is provided in accordance with the specifications. The Publisher decides about the functionality of its websites, and while designing takes into account user experience. Thus, the Publisher reserves the right to reject or stop broadcasting any advertisement, if it is considered annoying or harmful to users. Media Impact Polska Sp. z o.o., ul. Domaniewska 52, 02-672 Warszawa tel. +48 (22) 232 24 00 KRS: 0000475673, Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy w Warszawie XIII Wydział Gospodarczy Kapitał Zakładowy Spółki: 880 000,00 zł NIP: 5213655064 Strona 5 z 34 1. Naming files a. Creative should be named in following schema: advertiser/CampaigName_banner-type_size.FileExtension e.g.: nokia3310_Mobiboard_320x50.png. b. File names cannot contain spaces or national specific characters. 2. Deadlines for files delivery a. All materials which are prepared to display must be delivered at least 3 business days before the start of campaign. Rich Media and 3rd party adservers ads - at least 5 business days before the start of campaign. b. Zip is the one and only compressed file format which is acceptable by the Publisher. 3. Users data confidentiality a. Interaction tracing scripts are forbidden. b. Ad cannot read or change cookie files. c. During campaign the Advertiser can collect data concerning users, but at any time there must be the Publisher acceptation. The Advertiser must also inform the Publisher about: what kind of data will be collected, what is the purpose of collecting data, how long data will be stored, if and what kind of other companies will have access to data and in which range will they entitled to use data. d. On grounds of foregoing information, the Publisher consents to collecting and usage of users data. The Advertiser ensures that any of data collected in connection with campaign on the Publisher's websites will not serve any other purpose, that declared. e. Without the Publisher agreement data collected by the Advertiser cannot be used to retargeting campaign or identification users in any other way in the other Advertiser’s campaigns. 4. Advertisement cannot cause errors and warnings. 5. During displaying, the advertisements cannot disrupt the operation of the webpage. Media Impact Polska Sp. z o.o., ul. Domaniewska 52, 02-672 Warszawa tel. +48 (22) 232 24 00 KRS: 0000475673, Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy w Warszawie XIII Wydział Gospodarczy Kapitał Zakładowy Spółki: 880 000,00 zł NIP: 5213655064 Strona 6 z 34 Mobile Rich Media Rich Media creative are emitted from Javascript code and can be displayed on device or browser that supports this technology. Rich Media ads are designed to be displayed on mobile default browser (Safari – iOS and/or Android Browser - Android). All Rich Media creative must have legend containing: 1. Information on with devices ad have to work (operating system and its version, browser, type of device – smartphone/tablet). 2. Short script describing ad behavior. 3. Declaration of initial creative size. 4. Materials should be delivered at last one business week before planed emission. Important: Mobile Rich Media ads are prepared by the Publisher and based on materials send by the Advertiser. The Advertiser delivers video, graphics etc. In case of more complicated creative also script and composition visualization. Mobiboard Rich Media In the simplest version it can be single graphic file filling all available space (initial creative and expanded one). More advanced form with one or more Rich Media elements (e.g. galleries, video, maps etc.) should have branded background and if it is required the space provided for navigation bar/buttons and main content. Mobiboard Fullpage (Mobiboard Rich Media) Start image 1. Size for smartphone: 320x75 px. 2. Size for tablet: 750x200 px. 3. Format: JPG, PNG. 4. Weight: for smartphone up to 15kB, for tablet up to 40kB, 5. Naming file: mobiboard.FileExtension. 6. Images should encourage users action to expand images. 7. The whole area of images leads to expand. Media Impact Polska Sp. z o.o., ul. Domaniewska 52, 02-672 Warszawa tel. +48 (22) 232 24 00 KRS: 0000475673, Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy w Warszawie XIII Wydział Gospodarczy Kapitał Zakładowy Spółki: 880 000,00 zł NIP: 5213655064 Strona 7 z 34 Main image 1. Size: 1280x800 px (horizontal) and 800x1280 px (vertical). Images should contain important content only at area of 1080x600 px (horizontal) and 720x940 px (vertical). Rest of area could be placed outside the visibility area. 2. Format: JPG, PNG. 3. Weight: up to 150 kB. 4. Image could be background (with Rich Media features) or main content image. 5. Image could be scaled up to 320 px. 6. Close button is placed on the upper-right corner of the ad. Video (optional) 1. Format: MP4 and WEBM (essential both formats). 2. Up to 1 video files. 3. Weight: up to 2 MB. 4. Each video files should be provided with image background (Format: JPG; Size: this same as a main size). Image should contains video action information, e.g. "Kliknij, aby obejrzeć" (click on to watch) or PLAY icon. 5. Play only after user action. Gallery (optional) 1. Size: 1280x800 px (horizontal) and 800x1280 px (vertical). Images should contain important content only at area of 1080x600 px (horizontal) and 720x940 px (vertical). Rest of area could be placed outside the visibility area. 2. Format: JPG. 3. Weight: up to 150 kB (max 6 images). 4. Naming files: [NOslide]_1280x800.jpg e.g. 1_1280x800.jpg. 5. All images should encourage users action to swipe images, e.g. arrow and label "Przewiń dalej" (swipe). Panorama (optional) It is a series of object pictures made of different sides, at the same angle (gallery 360°). 1. Size: up to 600x600 px; minimum 8 pictures (object is rotated on each picture of 45° to the previous). 2. Format: JPG. 3. Weight: up to 50 kB (min 8 images). 4. Naming files: [NOslide]_panorama.jpg e.g. 1_panorama.jpg. Media Impact Polska Sp. z o.o., ul. Domaniewska 52, 02-672 Warszawa tel. +48 (22) 232 24 00 KRS: 0000475673, Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy w Warszawie XIII Wydział Gospodarczy Kapitał Zakładowy Spółki: 880 000,00 zł NIP: 5213655064 Strona 8 z 34 5. All images should encourage users action to swipe images, e.g. arrow and label "Przewiń dalej" (swipe). Locate (optional) Using maps feature in case of user accept geolocation. 1. Addresses and the geographical coordinates of presented places. 2. Places descriptions (described in a balloon). 3. Address and the geographical coordinates of default place (if user denies geolocation). Total weight of all files can be up to 300 kB (except video, which maximum weight is up to 2 MB). Additional notes: 1. Ad must lead to mobile website. 2. No possibility of socio-demographic or geographic targeting. 3. Possibility of plugging external tracking code need to be consulted in advance. 4. Ad shall not be broadcasted on old versions of page sites. 5. Ad can be displayed on resolutions bigger than 320 px. 6. Realization time: 7 business days. 7. Emission: CPM. 8. Available on systems: Android, iOS. 9. Available on browsers: Chrome and System browsers. 10. Based on original material send by the Advertiser, the Publisher prepares advertisement ready for display. Mobiboard Autofullpage (Mobiboard Rich Media) Image display after close start creative 1. Size for smartphone: 320x75 px. 2. Size for tablet: 750x200 px. 3. Format: JPG, PNG. 4. Weight: for smartphone up to 15 kB, for tablet up to 40 kB. 5. Naming files: mobiboard.FileExtension. 6. The whole area of images leads to expand. Start image 1. Size: 900x480 px (horizontal) and 640x780 px (vertical). 2. Format: JPG, PNG. Media Impact Polska Sp. z o.o., ul. Domaniewska 52, 02-672 Warszawa tel. +48 (22) 232 24 00 KRS: 0000475673, Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy w Warszawie XIII Wydział Gospodarczy Kapitał Zakładowy Spółki: 880 000,00 zł NIP: 5213655064 Strona 9 z 34 3. Weight: up to 100 kB. 4. Image could be scaled up to 320 px. 5. Close button is placed on the upper-right corner of the ad. Also the AD have to be closed automatically after 10 sec without any user action. Total weight of all files can be up to 300 kB (except video, which maximum weight is up to 2 MB). Additional notes: 1. Ad must lead to mobile website. 2. No possibility of socio-demographic or geographic targeting. 3. Possibility of plugging external tracking code need to be consulted in advance. 4. Ad shall not be broadcasted on old versions of page sites. 5. Ad can be displayed on resolutions bigger than 320 px. 6. Realization time: 7 business days. 7. Emission: CPM. 8. Available on systems: Android, iOS. 9. Available on browsers: Chrome and System browsers. 10. Based on original material send by the Advertiser, the Publisher prepares advertisement ready for display. Mobiboard Expand (Mobiboard Rich Media) Start image 1. Size for smartphone: 320x75 px. 2. Size for tablet: 750x200 px. 3. Format: JPG, PNG. 4. Weight: for smartphone up to 15 kB, for tablet up to 40 kB. 5. Naming files: mobiboard.FileExtension. 6. Images should encourage users action to expand images. 7. The whole area of images leads to expand. Main image 1. Size for smartphone: 320x250 px. 2. Size for tablet: 750x450 px. 3. Format: JPG, PNG. 4. Weight: up to 80 kB. 5. Image could be background (with Rich Media features) or main content image. 6. Image could be scaled up to 320 px. Media Impact Polska Sp. z o.o., ul. Domaniewska 52, 02-672 Warszawa tel. +48 (22) 232 24 00 KRS: 0000475673, Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy w Warszawie XIII Wydział Gospodarczy Kapitał Zakładowy Spółki: 880 000,00 zł NIP: 5213655064 Strona 10 z 34 7. Close button is placed on the upper-right corner of the ad. Video (optional) 1. Format: MP4 and WEBM (essential both formats). 2. Up to 1 video files. 3. Weight: up to 2 MB. 4. Each video files should be provided with image background (Format: JPG; Size: this same as a main size). Image should contains video action information, e.g. "Kliknij, aby obejrzeć" (click on to watch) or PLAY icon. 5. Play only after user action. Gallery (optional) 1. Dimension up to: 600x600 px., 2. Format: JPG. 3. Weight: up to 50 kB (max 6 images). 4. Naming files: [NOslide]_1280x800.jpg, e.g.: 1_600x600.jpg. 5. All images should encourage users action to swipe images, e.g. arrow and label "Przewiń dalej" (swipe). Panorama (optional) It is a series of object pictures made of different sides, at the same angle (gallery 360 °). 1. Size: up to 600x600 px; minimum 8 pictures (object is rotated on each picture of 45° to the previous). 2. Format: JPG. 3. Weight: up to 50 kB (min 8 images). 4. Naming files: [NOslide]_panorama.jpg e.g.: 1_panorama.jpg. 5. All images should encourage users action to swipe images, e.g. arrow and label "Przewiń, aby obrócić" (Swipe to rotate). Locate (optional) Using maps feature in case of user accept geolocation. 1. Addresses and the geographical coordinates of presented places. 2. Places descriptions (described in a balloon). 3. Address and the geographical coordinates of default place (if user denies geolocation). Media Impact Polska Sp. z o.o., ul. Domaniewska 52, 02-672 Warszawa tel. +48 (22) 232 24 00 KRS: 0000475673, Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy w Warszawie XIII Wydział Gospodarczy Kapitał Zakładowy Spółki: 880 000,00 zł NIP: 5213655064 Strona 11 z 34 Total weight of all files can be up to 300 kB (except video, which maximum weight is up to 2 MB). Additional notes: 1. Ad must lead to mobile website. 2. No possibility of socio-demographic or geographic targeting. 3. Possibility of plugging external tracking code need to be consulted in advance. 4. Ad shall not be broadcasted on old versions of page sites. 5. Ad can be displayed on resolutions bigger than 320 px. 6. Realization time: 7 business days. 7. Emission: CPM. 8. Available on systems: Android, iOS. 9. Available on browsers: Chrome and System browsers. 10. Based on original material send by the Advertiser, the Publisher prepares advertisement ready for display. Mobiboard Autoexpand (Mobiboard Rich Media) Image display after close start creative 1. Size for smartphone: 320x75 px. 2. Size for tablet: 750x200 px. 3. Format: JPG, PNG. 4. Weight: for smartphone up to 15 kB, for tablet up to 40 kB. 5. Naming files: mobiboard.FileExtension. 6. The whole area of images leads to expand. Start image 1. Size for smartphone: 320x250 px. 2. Size for tablet: 750x450 px. 3. Format: JPG, PNG. 4. Weight: up to 100 kB. 5. Image could be background (with Rich Media features) or main content image. 6. Image could be scaled up to 320 px. 7. Close button is placed on the upper-right corner of the ad. Video (optional) 1. Format: MP4 and WEBM (essential both formats). 2. Up to 1 video files. 3. Weight: up to 2 MB. Media Impact Polska Sp. z o.o., ul. Domaniewska 52, 02-672 Warszawa tel. +48 (22) 232 24 00 KRS: 0000475673, Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy w Warszawie XIII Wydział Gospodarczy Kapitał Zakładowy Spółki: 880 000,00 zł NIP: 5213655064 Strona 12 z 34 4. Each video files should be provided with image background (Format: JPG.; Size: this same as a main size). Image should contains video action information, e.g. "Kliknij, aby obejrzeć" (click on to watch) or PLAY icon. 5. Play only after user action. Total weight of all files can be up to 300 kB (except video, which maximum weight is up to 2 MB). Additional notes: 1. Ad must lead to mobile website. 2. No possibility of socio-demographic or geographic targeting. 3. Possibility of plugging external tracking code need to be consulted in advance. 4. Ad shall not be broadcasted on old versions of page sites. 5. Ad can be displayed on resolutions bigger than 320 px. 6. Realization time: 7 business days. 7. Emission: CPM. 8. Available on systems: Android, iOS. 9. Available on browsers: Chrome and System browsers. 10. Based on original material send by the Advertiser, the Publisher prepares advertisement ready for display. Cube 3D (Rectangle Rich Media) Cube 3D is a Rich Media format dedicated for touch screen mobile devices. Format consists of six faces of cube which may contain images and/or video. Cube can be rotated by user in all directions. Images - sides 1. Size: 300x250 px. 2. Format: JPG. 3. Weight: up to 30 kB. 4. Naming files: 1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg, 4.jpg. 5. All images should encourage users action to swipe images, e.g. arrow and label "Przewiń, aby obrócić" (Swipe to rotate). 6. Every image can redirect to different URL. Images - up and down faces Media Impact Polska Sp. z o.o., ul. Domaniewska 52, 02-672 Warszawa tel. +48 (22) 232 24 00 KRS: 0000475673, Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy w Warszawie XIII Wydział Gospodarczy Kapitał Zakładowy Spółki: 880 000,00 zł NIP: 5213655064 Strona 13 z 34 1. Size: 300x300 px; Images should not contain any important content at area of 25 px from upper and lower edges. This is placed outside the visibility area. 2. Format: JPG. 3. Weight: up to 30 kB. 4. Naming files: top.jpg, bottom.jpg. 5. Every image can redirect to different URL. Default image 1. Size: 300x250 px. 2. Format: JPG. 3. Weight: do 30 kB. 4. Naming files: default.jpg. Video (optional) 1. Format: MP4 and WEBM (essential both formats). 2. Up to 3 video files. 3. Each video files should be provided with image background (Format: JPG; Size: 300x250 px). Image should contain video action button. Total weight of all files can be up to 300 kB (except video, which maximum total weight of all of them is up to 2 MB). Additional notes: 1. Ad must lead to mobile website. 2. No possibility of socio-demographic or geographic targeting. 3. Possibility of plugging external tracking code need to be consulted in advance. 4. Ad shall not be broadcasted on old versions of page sites. 5. Ad can be displayed on resolutions bigger than 320 px. 6. Realization time: 7 business days. 7. Emission: CPM. 8. Available on systems: Android, iOS. 9. Available on browsers: Chrome and System browsers. 10. Based on original material send by the Advertiser, the Publisher prepares advertisement ready for display. Media Impact Polska Sp. z o.o., ul. Domaniewska 52, 02-672 Warszawa tel. +48 (22) 232 24 00 KRS: 0000475673, Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy w Warszawie XIII Wydział Gospodarczy Kapitał Zakładowy Spółki: 880 000,00 zł NIP: 5213655064 Strona 14 z 34 Rectangle Swipe (Rectangle Rich Media) Swipe is a Rich Media format dedicated for touch screen mobile devices. Format consists of one or more slides forming a coherent message which may contain images, video and/or galleries. Main files 1. Size: 300x250 px. 2. Format: JPG. 3. Weight: up to 30 kB. 4. Naming files: 1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg etc. 5. All images should encourage users action to swipe images, e.g. arrow and label "Przewiń, aby obrócić" (Swipe to rotate). 6. Each image could lead to different URL. (URLs should be delivered with all materials) 7. Ad contains up to 6 images. Default image A graphic file displayed to users of other operation systems than supported. 1. Size: 300x250 px. 2. Format: JPG. 3. Weight: up to 30 kB. 4. Naming files: default.jpg. 5. Image could lead to different URL. (URLs should be delivered with all materials) Marker color 1. Color of slide position indicators (active and inactive) provided in hexadecimal code. Video (optional) 1. Format: MP4 and WEBM (essential both formats). 2. Up to 3 video files. 3. Each video files should be provided with image background (Format: JPG; Size: 300x250 px). Image should contains video action information, e.g. "Kliknij, aby obejrzeć" (click on to watch) or PLAY icon. Article (optional) 1. Title and content – can include HTML tags. Media Impact Polska Sp. z o.o., ul. Domaniewska 52, 02-672 Warszawa tel. +48 (22) 232 24 00 KRS: 0000475673, Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy w Warszawie XIII Wydział Gospodarczy Kapitał Zakładowy Spółki: 880 000,00 zł NIP: 5213655064 Strona 15 z 34 2. Background: 300x250 px size, file named according to number of slide where the article should be placed. 3. To change the position of the article on the slide, the x and y coordinates of the article (in relation to the upper-left corner of the ad) must be specified. Gallery (optional) May contains up to 6 images. It is possible to place more than one gallery in the ad. 1. Background: size 300x250 px. 2. Format: JPG. 3. 6 images, each with 2 different sizes (JPG): previews size: 300x250 px, thumbnails size: 87x73 px. To change the position of the article on the slide, the x and y coordinates of the article (in relation to the upper-left corner of the ad) must be specified. 4. Naming files: thumbnail - gal[galleryID]_t[ThumbnailNumber] np. gal1_t1.jpg, images - gal[galleryID]_img[ImageNumber] np. gal1_img1.jpg. Total weight of all files can be up to 300 kB (except video, which maximum total weight of all of them is up to 2 MB). Additional notes: 1. Ad must lead to mobile website. 2. No possibility of socio-demographic or geographic targeting. 3. Possibility of plugging external tracking code need to be consulted in advance. 4. Ad shall not be broadcasted on old versions of page sites. 5. Ad can be displayed on resolutions bigger than 320 px. 6. Realization time: 7 business days. 7. Emission: CPM. 8. Available on systems: Android, iOS. 9. Available on browsers: Chrome and System browsers. 10. Based on original material send by the Advertiser, the Publisher prepares advertisement ready for display. Page Breaker (Rectangle Rich Media) Main Files Media Impact Polska Sp. z o.o., ul. Domaniewska 52, 02-672 Warszawa tel. +48 (22) 232 24 00 KRS: 0000475673, Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy w Warszawie XIII Wydział Gospodarczy Kapitał Zakładowy Spółki: 880 000,00 zł NIP: 5213655064 Strona 16 z 34 1. Size: 12280x720 px (horizontal) and 720x1280 px (vertical). Due to the different aspect ratio of mobile devices screens, there should be designated safe area of 125 px on each side. 2. File format: JPG. 3. Weight (one file): up to 150 kB. 4. File name according to aspect ratio: landscape_1280x720.jpg, portrait_720x1280.jpg. Default Image A graphic file displayed to users of other operation systems than supported. 1. Size: 300x250 px. 2. Format: JPG. 3. Weight: up to 30 kB. 4. Naming files: default.jpg. Total weight of all files can be up to 300 kB. Additional notes: 1. Ad must lead to mobile website. 2. No possibility of socio-demographic or geographic targeting. 3. Possibility of plugging external tracking code need to be consulted in advance. 4. Ad can be displayed on resolutions bigger than 320 px. 5. Realization time: 7 business days. 6. Emission: CPM. 7. Available on systems: Android, iOS. 8. Available on browsers: Chrome and System browsers. 9. Based on original material send by the Advertiser, the Publisher prepares advertisement ready for display. Corner Rich Media Corner is a graphic form placed in the top right corner of the website. The creation gives the impression that the website can be collapsed to reveal the content of advertising. Logo 1. Size: 80x30 px. 2. Format: JPG, PNG, GIF. 3. Weight: up to 5 kB. Media Impact Polska Sp. z o.o., ul. Domaniewska 52, 02-672 Warszawa tel. +48 (22) 232 24 00 KRS: 0000475673, Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy w Warszawie XIII Wydział Gospodarczy Kapitał Zakładowy Spółki: 880 000,00 zł NIP: 5213655064 Strona 17 z 34 Background 1. Size: up to 760x690 px. 2. Format: JPG, PNG, GIF. 3. Weight: up to 35 kB. 4. Image could be scaled to 320 px. 5. image could be gradient or one color (hex). Main file 1. Size: up to 760x690 px. 2. Format: JPG, PNG, GIF. 3. Weight: up to 60 kB. 4. Image could be scaled up to 320 px. Gallery (optional) 1. Size: up to main 760x690 px. 2. Format: JPG. 3. Weight: up to 30 kB (max 6 images). 4. Naming files: gal[galleryID]_img[ImageNumber] e.g. gal1_img1.jpg etc. 5. All images should encourage users action to swipe images, e.g. arrow and label "Przewiń, aby obrócić" (Swipe to rotate). Video (optional) 1. Format: MP4 and WEBM (Essentials both formats). 2. Weight: up to 2 MB. 3. Up to 1 video file, 4. Each video file should be provided with image background (Format: JPG, size: up to 760x690). Image should contains video action information, e.g. "Kliknij, aby obejrzeć" (click on to watch) or PLAY icon. Total weight of all files can be up to 300 kB (except video, which maximum total weight of all of them is up to 2 MB). Additional notes: 1. Ad must lead to mobile website. 2. No possibility of socio-demographic or geographic targeting. 3. Possibility of plugging external tracking code need to be consulted in advance. 4. Ad shall not be broadcasted on old versions of page sites. Media Impact Polska Sp. z o.o., ul. Domaniewska 52, 02-672 Warszawa tel. +48 (22) 232 24 00 KRS: 0000475673, Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy w Warszawie XIII Wydział Gospodarczy Kapitał Zakładowy Spółki: 880 000,00 zł NIP: 5213655064 Strona 18 z 34 5. Ad can be displayed on resolutions bigger than 320 px. 6. Realization time: 7 business days. 7. Emission: CPM. 8. Available on systems: Android, iOS. 9. Available on browsers: Chrome and System browsers. 10. Based on original material send by the Advertiser, the Publisher prepares advertisement ready for display. Parallax rectangle Parallax is a rich media format dedicated to mobile devices. Format consists of two layers where the innermost one reacts to the device’s orientation. Format is displayed on mobile devices with operating systems iOS 7.0+ and Android 4.1+ for native and Chrome browser. Example:,3wg7sh?adbeta=302078 Graphic file or animation 1 1. Located on the first layer. 2. Size: 300x250. 3. File format: png (in the case of a graphic file) or canvas - animation in HTML5. 4. It should be transparent. 5. File name: frontimage.png. Graphic file 2 1. It is located on the second layer. 2. The size proportionally larger in relation to 300x250 (330x275 minimum, maximum 570x475). 3. File Format: JPG. 4. File name: backimage.png. Default image 1. A graphic file displayed to users of other operation systems than supported. 2. Size: the same as the graphic file 1. 3. File format: JPG. 4. Maximum weight: 40kb. 5. File name: defaultimage.jpg. Media Impact Polska Sp. z o.o., ul. Domaniewska 52, 02-672 Warszawa tel. +48 (22) 232 24 00 KRS: 0000475673, Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy w Warszawie XIII Wydział Gospodarczy Kapitał Zakładowy Spółki: 880 000,00 zł NIP: 5213655064 Strona 19 z 34 Total weight of all files can be up to 300 kB (except video, which maximum total weight of all of them is up to 2 MB). Additional notes: 1. Ad must lead to mobile website. 2. No possibility of socio-demographic or geographic targeting. 3. Possibility of plugging external tracking code need to be consulted in advance. 4. Ad shall not be broadcasted on old versions of page sites. 5. Ad can be displayed on resolutions bigger than 320 px. 6. Realization time: 7 business days. 7. Emission: CPM. 8. Available on systems: Android 4.1+, iOS 7.0+. 9. Available on browsers: Chrome and System browsers. 10. Based on original material send by the Advertiser, the Publisher prepares advertisement ready for display. Multi-Images Rectangle Multi-Images Rectangle is a rich media format dedicated to mobile devices. Format uses data from the accelerometer and displays graphics when a user changes the position of his phone: up-down or left-right. Format is displayed on mobile devices with operating systems iOS 7.0+ and Android 4.1+ for native and Chrome browser. Example:,3wg7sh?adbeta=299220 Graphic files 1. Size 300x250. 2. Format: JPG. 3. Maximum number of files: 10. 4. Name of the file in accordance with the display order 1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg, 4.jpg etc. 5. All files should be prepared with the same background. Default image 1. A graphic file displayed to users of other operation systems than supported. 2. Size: 300x250. 3. File format: JPG. 4. It can link to a landing page - the URL should be sent along with the materials. 5. Maximum weight: 40kb. Media Impact Polska Sp. z o.o., ul. Domaniewska 52, 02-672 Warszawa tel. +48 (22) 232 24 00 KRS: 0000475673, Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy w Warszawie XIII Wydział Gospodarczy Kapitał Zakładowy Spółki: 880 000,00 zł NIP: 5213655064 Strona 20 z 34 6. File name: default.jpg. Total weight of all files can be up to 300 kB (except video, which maximum total weight of all of them is up to 2 MB). Additional notes: 1. Ad must lead to mobile website. 2. No possibility of socio-demographic or geographic targeting. 3. Possibility of plugging external tracking code need to be consulted in advance. 4. Ad shall not be broadcasted on old versions of page sites. 5. Ad can be displayed on resolutions bigger than 320 px. 6. Realization time: 7 business days. 7. Emission: CPM. 8. Available on systems: Android 4.1+, iOS 7.0+. 9. Available on browsers: Chrome and System browsers. 10. Based on original material send by the Advertiser, the Publisher prepares advertisement ready for display. Vertical panorama Vertical panorama is a rich media format dedicated to mobile devices. Format uses data from the accelerometer and displays graphics when user change the position of his phone: up-down or left-right. Format is displayed on mobile devices with operating systems iOS 7.0+ and Android 4.1+ for native and Chrome browser. Example:,3wg7sh?adbeta=282944 Graphic files 1. The size of 300x600 or 300x900. 2. Format: JPG. 3. File name: vertical.jpg. Default image 1. A graphic file displayed to users of other operation systems than supported. 2. Size: 300x250. 3. File format: JPG. 4. It can link to a landing page - the URL should be sent along with the materials. 5. Maximum weight: 40kb. Media Impact Polska Sp. z o.o., ul. Domaniewska 52, 02-672 Warszawa tel. +48 (22) 232 24 00 KRS: 0000475673, Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy w Warszawie XIII Wydział Gospodarczy Kapitał Zakładowy Spółki: 880 000,00 zł NIP: 5213655064 Strona 21 z 34 6. File name: default.jpg Total weight of all files can be up to 300 kB (except video, which maximum total weight of all of them is up to 2 MB). Additional notes: 1. Ad must lead to mobile website. 2. No possibility of socio-demographic or geographic targeting. 3. Possibility of plugging external tracking code need to be consulted in advance. 4. Ad shall not be broadcasted on old versions of page sites. 5. Ad can be displayed on resolutions bigger than 320 px. 6. Realization time: 7 business days. 7. Emission: CPM. 8. Available on systems: Android 4.1+, iOS 7.0+. 9. Available on browsers: Chrome and System browsers. 10. Based on original material send by the Advertiser, the Publisher prepares advertisement ready for display. Horizontal panorama Horizontal panorama is a rich media format dedicated to mobile devices. Format uses data from the accelerometer and displays graphics when user change the position of his phone: up-down or left-right. Format is displayed on mobile devices with operating systems iOS 7.0+ and Android 4.1+ for native and Chrome browser. Example:,3wg7sh?adbeta=282943 graphic files 1. The size of 600x250 or 900x250. 2. Format: JPG. 3. File name: horizontal.jpg. Default image 1. A graphic file displayed to users of other operation systems than supported. 2. Size: 300x250. 3. File format: JPG. 4. It can be directed to a landing page - the URL should be sent along with the materials. Media Impact Polska Sp. z o.o., ul. Domaniewska 52, 02-672 Warszawa tel. +48 (22) 232 24 00 KRS: 0000475673, Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy w Warszawie XIII Wydział Gospodarczy Kapitał Zakładowy Spółki: 880 000,00 zł NIP: 5213655064 Strona 22 z 34 5. Maximum weight: 40kb. 6. File name: default.jpg. Total weight of all files can be up to 300 kB (except video, which maximum total weight of all of them is up to 2 MB). Additional notes: 1. Ad must lead to mobile website. 2. No possibility of socio-demographic or geographic targeting. 3. Possibility of plugging external tracking code need to be consulted in advance. 4. Ad shall not be broadcasted on old versions of page sites. 5. Ad can be displayed on resolutions bigger than 320 px. 6. Realization time: 7 business days. 7. Emission: CPM. 8. Available on systems: Android 4.1+, iOS 7.0+. 9. Available on browsers: Chrome and System browsers. 10. Based on original material send by the Advertiser, the Publisher prepares advertisement ready for display. Bars 3D Rectangle Bars 3D Rectangle is a media rich format dedicated to mobile devices. Format uses data from the accelerometer and displays 3 graphics when user change the position of his phone: up-down or left-right. Format is displayed on mobile devices with operating systems iOS 7.0+ and Android 4.1+ for native and Chrome browser. Example:,jr44tf?adbeta=307792 graphic files 1. Size 300x250. 2. Format: JPG. 3. Number of files: 3. 4. Name of the file in accordance with the planned order wyświetania 1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg. Default image 1. A graphic file displayed to users of other operation systems than supported. 2. Size: 300x250. 3. File format: JPG. Media Impact Polska Sp. z o.o., ul. Domaniewska 52, 02-672 Warszawa tel. +48 (22) 232 24 00 KRS: 0000475673, Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy w Warszawie XIII Wydział Gospodarczy Kapitał Zakładowy Spółki: 880 000,00 zł NIP: 5213655064 Strona 23 z 34 4. It can be directed to a landing page - the URL should be sent along with the materials. 5. Maximum weight: 40kb. 6. File name: default.jpg. Total weight of all files can be up to 300 kB (except video, which maximum total weight of all of them is up to 2 MB). Additional notes: 1. Ad must lead to mobile website. 2. No possibility of socio-demographic or geographic targeting. 3. Possibility of plugging external tracking code need to be consulted in advance. 4. Ad shall not be broadcasted on old versions of page sites. 5. Ad can be displayed on resolutions bigger than 320 px. 6. Realization time: 7 business days. 7. Emission: CPM. 8. Available on systems: Android 4.1+, iOS 7.0+. 9. Available on browsers: Chrome and System browsers. 10. Based on original material send by the Advertiser, the Publisher prepares advertisement ready for display. Pull Fullpage Rectangle Pull Fullpage Rectangle is a rich media format dedicated to mobile devices. The user is initially shown the advert In 300x250 format, which after its interaction extends to the creation of the entire screen of the device. Example: Graphic file before interaction: 1. Size 300x250. 2. The creation must contain information / button to encourage the development of the rest of creation. 3. The weight up to 30kb. 4. Format: HTML5. Graphic files after interaction 1. Size: 1280x800 px (horizontal layout) and 800x1280 px (vertical layout). Due to the different proportions of the screens, creations need to contain safe area (where no Media Impact Polska Sp. z o.o., ul. Domaniewska 52, 02-672 Warszawa tel. +48 (22) 232 24 00 KRS: 0000475673, Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy w Warszawie XIII Wydział Gospodarczy Kapitał Zakładowy Spółki: 880 000,00 zł NIP: 5213655064 Strona 24 z 34 tere is no crucial information. The content of the advertising should be displayed within 1080x600 px (horizontal layout) and 720x940 px (vertical layout). 2. The weight of each file: 150 kB. 3. Format: HTML5. 4. Closing the layer occurs through the close icon in the top right corner of creation. Total weight of all files can be up to 300 kB (except video, which maximum total weight of all of them is up to 2 MB). Additional notes: 1. Ad must lead to mobile website. 2. No possibility of socio-demographic or geographic targeting. 3. Possibility of plugging external tracking code need to be consulted in advance. 4. Ad shall not be broadcasted on old versions of page sites. 5. Ad can be displayed on resolutions bigger than 320 px. 6. Realization time: 7 business days. 7. Emission: CPM. 8. Available on systems: Android 4.1+, iOS 7.0+. 9. Available on browsers: Chrome and System browsers. 10. Based on original material send by the Advertiser, the Publisher prepares advertisement ready for display. Media Impact Polska Sp. z o.o., ul. Domaniewska 52, 02-672 Warszawa tel. +48 (22) 232 24 00 KRS: 0000475673, Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy w Warszawie XIII Wydział Gospodarczy Kapitał Zakładowy Spółki: 880 000,00 zł NIP: 5213655064 Strona 25 z 34 Formats of standard ad products File Size and weight Ad type Mobiboard Rectangle Onet Impact format 300x50 px / 320x50 px / 320x75 px; up to 10 kB JPG, PNG 750x100 px / 750x200 px; up to 40 kB 300x250 px; up to 30 kB JPG, PNG Mobiboard (Universal, scalable creative 750x200 px; up to 40 kB) Advertisement Up to 35 characters with optional graphics up to 60x15 px; up to link 5 kB Panel mobile 300x50 px; up to 10 kB JPG, PNG JPG, PNG JPG, PNG Note: The publisher does not guarantee that your ad in the extension .gif will play correctly on all mobile devices. Some device’s settings and the operating system may block animation, and show graphic image instead. Publisher is unable to determine which devices have the settings and thus be responsible for the effect of what is displayed on the user's screen. Mobiboard 1. Option 1: Universal creative (scaled, static creative) a. Size and weight: 750x200 px, up to 40 kB. b. Format: PNG, JPG. c. Font size: min. 30 px. 2. Option 2: creative for smartphone and tablet a. Size and weight: 750x200 px, up to 40 kB and 320x75 px, up to 10kB. b. Format: PNG, JPG. Additional notes: 1. Ad must lead to mobile webpage. Media Impact Polska Sp. z o.o., ul. Domaniewska 52, 02-672 Warszawa tel. +48 (22) 232 24 00 KRS: 0000475673, Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy w Warszawie XIII Wydział Gospodarczy Kapitał Zakładowy Spółki: 880 000,00 zł NIP: 5213655064 Strona 26 z 34 2. No possibility of socio-demographic or geographic targeting. 3. Creative must be placed on the Publisher's servers. 4. Possibility of plugging external tracking code need to be consulted in advance. 5. In case of universal creative minimum font size is required so readability will be maintained. 6. Ads will not be emitted on old sites version. 7. Option 1: ad will be scaled up to 320 px. 8. Option 2: ad will not be emitted on screens resolution smaller than 320 px. 9. Universal creative can be scaled to (Option 1): 750x200 px, 480x128 px, 320x85 px. List of all accepted dimensions: 300x75 px; up to 10 kB / 320x75 px; up to 10 kB, 750x200 px; up to 40 kB. Or: 300x50 px; up to 10 kB / 320x50 px; up to 10kB, 728x90 px; up to 30 kB / 750x100 px; up to 40kB. Rectangle Mobile 1. Size and weight: 300x250 px, up to 30 kB. 2. Format: PNG, JPG. 3. Font size: min. 20 px. 4. Available also on applications: Onet 5. Important: on the Home Page ad will be displayed only on screens width 300 - 479 px, on the other sites ad will be displayed on screens width above 300 px, ad will not be emitted on mainpages and old sites version. Additional notes: 1. Ad must lead to mobile webpage. 2. No possibility of socio-demographic or geographic targeting. 3. Creative must be placed on the Publisher's servers. 4. Possibility of plugging external tracking code need to be consulted in advance. 5. Ad can be displayed on resolutions smaller than 300 px only when the Advertiser provide right creative (180x150 px; up to 20 px) or provide standard creative with min. font size 20 px. 6. Universal creative can be scaled to: 300x250 px, 250x208 px. Media Impact Polska Sp. z o.o., ul. Domaniewska 52, 02-672 Warszawa tel. +48 (22) 232 24 00 KRS: 0000475673, Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy w Warszawie XIII Wydział Gospodarczy Kapitał Zakładowy Spółki: 880 000,00 zł NIP: 5213655064 Strona 27 z 34 7. With the exception of the Home Page, Rectangle is emitted under 2 paragraph of the content. Magazine Mobile (m.onet, m.fakt) General assumptions: 1. Creative is composed of: graphic, headline displayed on the graphic background and the tab bar "RECOMMENDED". 2. Creative is marked with the word "ADVERTISEMENT" (“REKLAMA”), positioned above the headline. 3. The header appears at the bottom of graphics and is set by the Publisher. 4. Magazine can contain from 1 to 5 images with the headline, then it takes the form of a slider with automatic scrolling. Visualization: Media Impact Polska Sp. z o.o., ul. Domaniewska 52, 02-672 Warszawa tel. +48 (22) 232 24 00 KRS: 0000475673, Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy w Warszawie XIII Wydział Gospodarczy Kapitał Zakładowy Spółki: 880 000,00 zł NIP: 5213655064 Strona 28 z 34 Materials: 1. Dimension for the graphic: 570x288px. 2. Format: JPG, PNG, GIF (non-animated). 3. File size: up to 50 kB. 4. Headline: text up to 50 characters with spaces (up to 2 lines of text). Do not use capital letters. 5. Tab: text up to 15 characters with spaces (customer name, a brand, a special action name or a short slogan). Additional information: 1. The landing page must be legible on mobile browsers. 2. Creative scales automatically, the size automatically adjusts to the resolution of the device on which it is displayed. 3. In the case of several graphics, you can set separate links to landing pages. 4. The magazine is displayed with the capping 1/1day/UU: what means the creative displays on the first page view, once a day, on the second page view it can be viewed by clicking on the tab. Important: in case of breaking news labeled as "URGENT" or "LIVE", the magazine will show up on the second, not the first page view. Video Player Branding Mobile 1. Size top bar: 530x50 px (scaled to 288x27 px). 2. Size bottom bar: 530x100 px (scaled to 288xx54 px). 3. Weight for all bars: up to 40 kB. 4. Format: PNG, JPG (Creative cannot be animated!) 5. Font size: min. 20 px. Additional notes: 1. Landing page must be easily readable on the smaller screens of mobile devices. 2. No possibility of socio-demographic or geographic targeting. 3. Creative must be placed on the Publisher's servers. 4. Possibility of plugging external tracking code need to be consulted in advance. 5. Emission only on sites with video player (selected sites). Panel Mobile 1. Size and weight: 320x50 px; up to 10 kB. Media Impact Polska Sp. z o.o., ul. Domaniewska 52, 02-672 Warszawa tel. +48 (22) 232 24 00 KRS: 0000475673, Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy w Warszawie XIII Wydział Gospodarczy Kapitał Zakładowy Spółki: 880 000,00 zł NIP: 5213655064 Strona 29 z 34 2. Format: PNG, JPG. 3. Additional notes: 4. Landing page must be easily readable on the smaller screens of mobile devices. 5. No possibility of socio-demographic or geographic targeting. 6. No possibility of mobile device nor mobile operating systems targeting. 7. Creative must be placed on the Publisher's servers. 8. Possibility of plugging external tracking code need to be consulted in advance. Panel is available only on smartphones (320-767 px screen resolutions). Onet Impact Mobile Universal creative (scaled, static creative) 1. Size and weight: 750x200 px, up to 40 kB. 2. Format: PNG, JPG. 3. Font size: min. 30 px. Additional notes: 1. Landing page must be easily readable on the smaller screens of mobile devices. 2. No possibility of socio-demographic or geographic targeting. 3. Creative must be placed on the Publisher's servers. 4. Possibility of plugging external tracking code need to be consulted in advance. 5. In case of universal creative minimum font size is required so readability will be maintained. 6. The AD is scaled up to 320 px size. 7. Universal creative can be scaled to: 750x200px, 480x128px, 320x85px, 216x57px. Advertisement Link Mobile 1. Length up to 35 characters including spaces, 2. Size and weight of optional graphics: 60x15px, up to 5kB. 1. Length up to 35 characters including spaces, 2. Size and weight of optional graphics: 210x140px up to 10 kB. Media Impact Polska Sp. z o.o., ul. Domaniewska 52, 02-672 Warszawa tel. +48 (22) 232 24 00 KRS: 0000475673, Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy w Warszawie XIII Wydział Gospodarczy Kapitał Zakładowy Spółki: 880 000,00 zł NIP: 5213655064 Strona 30 z 34 Additional notes: 1. Advertisement link is connected to specific section on main page of mobile Onet. 2. Link cannot contain capital letters and rules of Polish orthography and grammar must be applied. 3. Ad must lead to mobile webpage. 4. Graphic is scalable. 5. Graphic can contain only the Advertiser's logo on white background. 6. No possibility of targeting. 7. Creative must be placed on the Publisher's servers. App Splashscreen 1. Size and weight up to: 150x95 px (the deliver graphic needs to be twice bigger than the creative size set in a code. So In this case the graphic should be In size 300x190), 20 kB. 2. Format: png, JPG. 3. Available only on applications: Onet. 4. The advert is unskippable 5. Splashscreen must me displayed on the bottom part of the screen. 6. Above the advert there must be a title „PARTNER APLIKACJI”. Additional notes: 1. Ad must lead to mobile webpage. 2. No possibility of socio-demographic or geographic targeting. 3. Creative must be placed on the Publisher's servers. 4. Possibility of plugging external tracking code need to be consulted in advance. App Sponsoring 1. Size and weight up to: 320x50 px (the deliver graphic needs to be twice bigger than the creative size set in a code. So In this case the graphic should be In size 640x100), 20 kB. 2. Format: PNG, JPG. 3. Creative must contain a title „Partner aplikacji”, which should be written with font size min 12 px. Title should be placed near logo. 4. Available only on apps: Onet. 5. Additional notes: Media Impact Polska Sp. z o.o., ul. Domaniewska 52, 02-672 Warszawa tel. +48 (22) 232 24 00 KRS: 0000475673, Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy w Warszawie XIII Wydział Gospodarczy Kapitał Zakładowy Spółki: 880 000,00 zł NIP: 5213655064 Strona 31 z 34 a. Landing page must be easily readable on the smaller screens of mobile devices. b. No possibility of socio-demographic or geographic targeting c. Creative must be placed on the Publisher's servers. d. Possibility of plugging external tracking code need to be consulted in advance. Advertorial 1. Article: up to 5000 characters including spaces. 2. Graphics: 528x211px, up to 40 kB. 3. Optional video: up to 30 sec., file in MP4, up to 10 MB, ratio 16:9. 4. Optional gallery: Lead + 6 pictures. 5. Advertisement link: see specification for ‘Advertisement link mobile’. Additional notes: 1. Creative must be placed on the Publisher's servers. 2. Graphic will be scaled to smaller resolutions. 3. Possibility of plugging external tracking code need to be consulted in advance. 4. Page containing article will be placed in site template and labeled "Materiał Sponsorowany. Materiał przygotowany przez...” (Sponsored Material. Material provided by...). Sponsorship Mobile 1. Simultaneously emission of Mobiboard and Rectangle mobile. 2. Mobiboard emitted in form of top bar and Rectangle in form of bottom bar. Additional notes: 1. Landing page must be easily readable on the smaller screens of mobile devices. 2. No possibility of socio-demographic or geographic targeting 3. Creative must be placed on the Publisher's servers. 4. Possibility of plugging external tracking code need to be consulted in advance. 5. Creative elements should be prepped in few different sizes, in order to optimize displaying on different devices. 6. Rectangle mobile is emitted only on articles detail (right column or as rectangle). 7. Ads will not be emitted on old sites version. Media Impact Polska Sp. z o.o., ul. Domaniewska 52, 02-672 Warszawa tel. +48 (22) 232 24 00 KRS: 0000475673, Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy w Warszawie XIII Wydział Gospodarczy Kapitał Zakładowy Spółki: 880 000,00 zł NIP: 5213655064 Strona 32 z 34 Sponsorship Mobile - Login On devices with resolution smaller than 800px the ad will be displayed on the bottom of login form. On devices with resolution bigger than 800 px the ad will be displayed on the right side of the form. Separate creative for both type of device are required (Creative A and B). A. Creative on the bottom of login form Option 1: Universal creative (scaled, static creative). a. Size and weight: 480x60 px; up to 30 kB. b. Format: PNG, JPG. c. Font size: min. 20 px. Option 2: Fixed size creative. a. Size and weight: 320x50 px; up to 10 kB. b. Format: PNG, JPG. B. Creative on the right side of login form Depending on available space (resolution of the device) one of creatives is emitted The Advertiser must provide both. 1. Size and weight: 320x320 px; up to 30 kB and 600x600 px; up to 50 kB. 2. Format: PNG, JPG. Additional notes: 1. No possibility of socio-demographic or geographic targeting. 2. Ad must lead to the Advertiser's mobile webpage (there is a possibility to make landing page for the Advertiser within the campaign). 3. Creative must be placed on the Publisher's servers. 4. Creative elements should be prepped in few different sizes, in order to optimize displaying on different devices. 5. Possibility of plugging external tracking code need to be consulted in advance. 6. External tracking code domain must support SSL (https). 7. Ad emission depends on width form on the screen resolution. 8. Universal creative is scaled up to 320 px size (applies to point A). 9. Universal creative can be scaled to (Option 1): 480x60 px, 320x40 px (applies to point A). 10.Important: In case of Rich Media please contact to sales representative to confirm specification and display rules. Creative must be expanding upward (ad is placed on the bottom of page). It can be expand only after users action. Media Impact Polska Sp. z o.o., ul. Domaniewska 52, 02-672 Warszawa tel. +48 (22) 232 24 00 KRS: 0000475673, Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy w Warszawie XIII Wydział Gospodarczy Kapitał Zakładowy Spółki: 880 000,00 zł NIP: 5213655064 Strona 33 z 34 Additional options Background: Whole website (including background of editorial and advertisement content) can be branded with color. Guidelines should be submitted in form of hex coded color e.g. #ffffff (for white). Background is not clickable. Wallpaper: Image is placed under page content and cut on sides (not scalable for different screen resolutions). Creative is anchored on top left corner. Wallpaper is not clickable. 1. Size and weight: up to 2050x2050 px; up to 150 kB. 2. File format: PNG, JPG. Additional notes: 1. Creative can be delivered in smaller size. In such case it should blend to solid color e.g. white or black (rest of additional space will be filled automatically with color). 2. Editorial and advertisement content may ‘move’ within the page due to scaling and can cover different parts of wallpaper Pre Roll – Mid Roll Mobile 1. Source files format: MPEG, AVI, MOV, or QT. 2. Source file for base video should be in the best possible quality. Maximal weight of source material – 0.5 GB. 3. Based on original material send by the Advertiser, The Publisher prepares advertisement ready for display (i.e. compiled against the requirements of the player and bandwidth). 4. Maximal impression time is 30 sec. 5. Source material requirements: a. Resolution: 1024x576 px. b. Normal sound level: -18 dBfs. c. Max. sound level: -6 dBfs, bitrate. d. Total: ~6 Mbps. e. Frames per second: 25. 6. Preferred video ratio (width/height) 16:9. But 4:3, 16:10 or 18:10 video can be broadcasted, but movie material will be accompanied by black stripes on the both sides of the player window. 7. Base video can be send to the Publisher's FTP: a. Host name: Media Impact Polska Sp. z o.o., ul. Domaniewska 52, 02-672 Warszawa tel. +48 (22) 232 24 00 KRS: 0000475673, Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy w Warszawie XIII Wydział Gospodarczy Kapitał Zakładowy Spółki: 880 000,00 zł NIP: 5213655064 Strona 34 z 34 b. User and password will be sent by the Publisher advertisement office. c. Base video source file can be also placed on the Advertiser's FTP. In this case the Advertise should grant the Publisher required accesses. 8. Pre roll on mobile devices and TV widgets: Emission of Pre Roll on mobile sites and TV widgets has some limitations because of touch screen specific. Redirecting user to the campaign landing page is not available while watching video. When advertisement is being watched on the device-specific player appearance and behavior of „Advertisement” label may differ from described in specification. 9. Video-campaigns realized on ROS Video mobile - additional information: a. Randomly emitted on application, TV widgets and mobile sites (only if chosen form is available) b. The offer may vary slightly depending on actualization of advertising options. c. Pre-roll is also available on application: Onet Media Impact Polska Sp. z o.o., ul. Domaniewska 52, 02-672 Warszawa tel. +48 (22) 232 24 00 KRS: 0000475673, Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy w Warszawie XIII Wydział Gospodarczy Kapitał Zakładowy Spółki: 880 000,00 zł NIP: 5213655064