49th World Championship Boat Angling Seniors 7th until - FIPS-M
49th World Championship Boat Angling Seniors 7th until - FIPS-M
49th World Championship Boat Angling Seniors 7th until 14h of September 2013 49º Campeonato do Mundo de Pesca em Barco Ancorado U 21 7 a 14 de Setembro de 2013 1 Federação Portuguesa de Pesca Desportiva do Alto Mar MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT FPPDAM Once again Portugal was the venue chosen by the FIPS-m to achieve the World Championship boat anchor, to be held in the city of Setúbal de 7 to 14 September 2013. The Portuguese Federation of Sport Fishing Deep Sea, is proud to welcome so fins of various countries and can offer the ideal conditions for practicing this sport. The experience of the organization and the results obtained in previous World Championships determined that once again we can take responsibility for organizing this important international event. We are so certain of work and dedication that awaits us, the difficulties we have to overcome, the spirit of sacrifice of all those who worked in the success of this major sporting event. This is why the FPPDAM committed to mobilize human and logistical resources capable of delivering a championship that could overcome the previous editions, creating for it an interesting social program making known our hospitality, the city, the food and the beauty of its coastline. Within sports, we have a rich fauna but selective dictate that a large commitment of athletes, as well as boats and their crews who are identified by their experience with the fishery and thus the success of the tests. We feel honored that we can once again contribute to a Championship that takes contours of extreme international importance, but feel increased responsibilities for the development of the sport, the clubs that spend a lot of sacrifices to keep alive this welcoming sport athletes for dedication will give Fishing a contribution of major importance. This is a reflection of the work of many years of selfless commitment of all those who have contributed to this development that once again recognizes the FIPS-m. Fishing boat at anchor is very much alive and we are all responsible for this success. Best regards The President of FPPDAM Carlos M. G. Vinagre 2 MENSAGEM DE BOAS VINDAS DA PRESIDENTE DA CÂMARA MUNICIPAL DE SETÚBAL The Municipality of Setúbal is proud to be able to receive, in Rio Sado, the World Championship Boat Anchored in 2013. For the city will be a pleasure to welcome all participants in the competition, as well as their family, friends and all those who accompany them. It is with great joy that we share the best of what nature gave us. The river gives life to one of the most beautiful bays in the world. The Arrábida, territory and local protected nature reserve, with a single location, it offers to all who visit the, stunning scenery and unique paintings of unparalleled beauty, that many poets have served as inspiration. The beauty of the beaches, lapped by blue Sado and cuddled by green hills, give this region a unique profile, making it a tourist destination mandatory and unavoidable. The villages of Azeitão, land of gastronomic tradition, make a difference for the quality of regional products (cheese, wine, sweets), but also by the unparalleled beauty of manors, mansions and wineries, privileged witnesses of this union between nature, history and traditions. Setúbal, thanks to its compelling story and fishing activity connected to the sea, offers to all its visitors and priceless treasures. Setúbal makes a difference, though, for its cultural diversity and the wide range of initiatives that, throughout the year, will be able to develop and implement, in close collaboration with local authorities and sports clubs and recreational services that contribute to enrichment of the region, city and county. All this leaves us all with a certainty: Anyone visiting Setubal eventually returns because here everyone is welcome. THE PRESIDENT OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF SETÚBAL Maria das Dores Meira, Dra 3 PROGRAMA / PROGRAM / PROGRAMME 07-09-2013 CHEGADA DAS DELEGAÇÕES DESPORTIVAS / ARRIVAL OF DELEGATIONS / ARRIVEE DES DÉLÉGATIONS ENTREGA DAS ACREDITAÇÕES / DELIVERY OF ACCREDITATION / LIVRAISON DE L'AGRÉMENT 08-09-2013 10H00 REUNIÃO DE CAPITÃES / CAPTAINS MEETING / REUNION DES CAPITAINES 16H00 CERIMÓNIA OFICIAL DE ABERTURA / OFFICIAL OPENING CEREMONY / CEREMONIE D'OUVERTURE OFFICIELLE 05H30 PEQUENO ALMOÇO / BREAKFAST / PETIT DEJEUNER 06H15 TRANSPORTE PARA LOCAL EMBARQUE / LOCAL TRANSPORT FOR BOARDING / TRANSPORT POUR LE SITE DE EMBARQUEMENT 07H00 SAÍDA DAS EMBARCAÇÕES / DEPARTURE OF BOATS / SORTIE DES BATEAUX 08H30 INICIO DO TREINO OFICIAL / START OF OFFICIAL TRAINING / DEBUT DE L'ENTRAINEMENT OFFICIEL 14H00 FIM DO TREINO OFICIAL / END OF OFFICIAL TRAINING / FIN DE L'ENTRAINEMENTN OFFICIEL 16H00 TRANSPORTE PARA HOTEL / TRANSPORTATION TO HOTEL / TRANSPORT À L'HÔTEL 20H00 JANTAR / DINNER / DÍNNER 05H30 PEQUENO ALMOÇO / BREAKFAST / PETIT DEJEUNER 06H15 TRANSPORTE PARA LOCAL EMBARQUE / LOCAL TRANSPORT FOR BOARDING / TRANSPORT POUR LE SITE DE EMBARQUEMENT 07H00 SAÍDA DAS EMBARCAÇÕES / DEPARTURE OF BOATS / SORTIE DES BATEAUX 08H30 INICIO DO 1ª PROVA OFICIAL / START OF 1st OFFICIAL EVENT /DEBUT DU 1er ESSAI OFFICIEL 14H00 FIM DA 1ª PROVA OFICIAL / END OF 1st OFFICIAL EVENT /FIN DE LA 1er JOURNÉE OFFICIEL 16H00 TRANSPORTE PARA HOTEL / TRANSPORTATION TO HOTEL / TRANSPORT À L'HÔTEL 20H00 JANTAR - RESULTADOS DO DIA/ DINNER - RESULTS OF THE DAY / DÍNNER - RESULTATS DE JOUR 05H30 PEQUENO ALMOÇO / BREAKFAST / PETIT DEJEUNER 06H15 TRANSPORTE PARA LOCAL EMBARQUE / LOCAL TRANSPORT FOR BOARDING / TRANSPORT POUR LE SITE DE EMBARQUEMENT 07H00 SAÍDA DAS EMBARCAÇÕES / DEPARTURE OF BOATS / DÉPART DES BATEAUX 08H30 INICIO DO 2ª PROVA OFICIAL / START OF 2nd OFFICIAL EVENT / DÉBUT DU 2º ESSAI OFFICIEL 14H00 FIM DA 2ª PROVA OFICIAL / END OF 2nd OFFICIAL EVENT / FIN DE LA 2º JOURNÉE OFFICIEL 16H00 TRANSPORTE PARA HOTEL / TRANSPORTATION TO HOTEL / TRANSPORT À L'HÔTEL 20H00 JANTAR - RESULTADOS DO DIA/ DINNER - RESULTS OF THE DAY / DÍNNER - RESULTATS DE JOUR 05H30 PEQUENO ALMOÇO / BREAKFAST / PETIT DEJEUNER 06H15 TRANSPORTE PARA LOCAL EMBARQUE / LOCAL TRANSPORT FOR BOARDING / TRANSPORT POUR LE SITE DE EMBARQUEMENT 07H00 SAÍDA DAS EMBARCAÇÕES / DEPARTURE OF BOATS / DEPART DES BATEAUX 08H30 INICIO DO 3ª PROVA OFICIAL / START OF 3rd OFFICIAL EVENT / DÉBUT DU 3e ESSAI OFFICIEL 14H00 FIM DA 3ª PROVA OFICIAL / END OF 3rd OFFICIAL EVENT / FIN DE LA 3e JOURNÉE OFFICIEL 16H00 TRANSPORTE PARA HOTEL / TRANSPORTATION TO HOTEL / TRANSPORT À L'HÔTEL 20H00 JANTAR - RESULTADOS DO DIA/ DINNER - RESULTS OF THE DAY / DÍNNER - RESULTATS DE JOUR 16H00 CERIMÓNIA DE ENCERRAMENTO / CLOSING CEREMONY / CÉRÉMONIE DE CLÔTURE 20H00 JANTAR DE GALA / GALA DINNER / DINER DE CLÔTURE 08H00 PEQUENO ALMOÇO / BREAKFAST / PETIT DEJEUNER 09H30 SAÍDA DAS DELEGAÇÕES/ DEPARTURE OF DELEGATIONS /DÉPART DES DÉLÉGATIONS 09-09-2013 10-09-2013 11-09-2013 12-09-2013 13-09-2013 14-09-2013 4 Registration Form/ Bulletin d’inscription/Boletim de inscrição Country/pays/País____________________________________________ Federation/ federation/Federação_______________________________ Equipe/team/Equipa__________________________________________ Team/L’equipe/Equipa Name/Nom/Apelido Christian name /prenom/Nome 1º ______________________ ___________________________ 2º _______________________ ___________________________ 3º _______________________ ___________________________ 4º _______________________ ___________________________ 5º _______________________ ____________________________ Reserve/Substituer/Suplente 6º _____________________ ___________________________ 7º _____________________ ____________________________ 8º _____________________ ____________________________ Team Manager/ Directeur/Director ____________________________ ___________________________ Captain ____________________________ __________________________ Arrival/Arrivee/chegada Transport can be arranged from Lisbon International Airport, if required. Extra fee will be paid. 5 Arrival Airport/Aeroport d’arrivé/ Aeroporto de chegada ______________________ Airline/Ligne Aerienne/Linha Aérea ______________________________________ Date/Date Data: _____/_____/_____ Time/Heure/Hora ____________________ Flight nº/Vol nº/Voo nº: __________________________ Cost of entry per participant/ Reserve = 800,0€ Team x = € (Prix pour chaque participant/ preço por participante) Cost for team Manager = 700€ Total _________________€ __________________€ ( Total amount in Euro to be transferred to the following bank account(until 31 july 2013) Bank: MILLENIUM BCP IBAN - PT50.0033.0000.06680447788.80 Swift code - Return before/ Remettre avant le/ enviar até 30/06/2013 SWIFT/BIC: BCOMPTPL to: Federação Portuguesa de Pesca Desportiva de Alto Mar 6 Registration of companions/ Fiches dês accompagnateurs Country/pays/País____________________________________________ Federation/ federation/Federação_______________________________ Equipe/team/Equipa__________________________________________ Companions / Accompagnateurs / Acompanhantes Name/Nom/Apelido Christian name /prenom/Nome 1º ______________________ ___________________________ 2º _______________________ ___________________________ 3º _______________________ ____________________________ 4º _______________________ ____________________________ Arrival/Arrivee/chegada Transport can be arranged from Lisbon International Airport, if required. Extra fee will be paid. Arrival Airport/Aeroport d’arrivé/ Aeroporto de chegada _______________________ Airline/Ligne Aerienne/Linha Aérea _______________________________________ Data & Time __________________ Flight nº __________________________ Cost of entry per Companion=700,0€ Nº of Companions_____ x 700€ = ________€ Total amount in Euro to be transferred to the following bank account(until 31 july 2013) Return before/ Remettre avant le/ enviar até 30/06/2013 to: 7 Adress/Adresse/Endereço FPPDAM Avenida Dom Pedro V, nº 7 2900 – 546 Setúbal GPS: Contacts/Contacts/Contactos Telf: +351 265 591 143 Fax: +351 265 229 401 Email: geral@fppdam.pt Name/Nom/Apelido Christian name /prenom/Nome SILVIO SANTOS Email: silvio.santos@fppdam.pt Phone/Téléphone/Telefone: +351 91 902 59 27 Name/Nom/Apelido Christian name /prenom/Nome CARLOS VINAGRE Email: carlos.vinagre@fppdam.pt Phone/Téléphone/Telefone: +351 96 110 53 20 Name/Nom/Apelido Christian name /prenom/Nome RUI ESPIRITO SANTO Email: rui.espiritosanto@fppdam.pt Phone/Téléphone/Telefone: +351 96 110 53 83 8 1 R 2 3 R – Reserva/Reserve/Réserve - 38.25.000 / 38.23.000 / 008.55.000 / 008.52.000 Zona/Zone 1 – 38.24.000 / 38.21.000 / 008.58.000 / 008.55.000 Zona/Zone 2 – 38.24.000 / 38.21.000 / 008.52.000 / 008.48.000 Zona/Zone 3 - 38.19.000 / 008.54.000 / 38.21.000 / 008.50.000 9 Ne compte pas pour le Classement Not valid for the classification Agulha Garfish Aguglia belone belone Agulhão Saury Aiguille de mer Anchova Blue fish Tassergal scomberesox saurus saurus Bicuda Barracuda Bècune sphyraena sphyraena Boga Bogue Bogue boops boops Cangulocinzento; peixeporco Trigger fish Baliste Balistes capriscus Carapaus Horse mackerel Chinchard trachurus trachurus pomatomus saltarix 10 Cavala Scomber Vizet scomber japonicus Congro Conger Congre conger conger Dobradiça ( lirio) Cutlass fish Sabre Trichiurus lepturus Espadarte Broadbill Espadon xiphias gladius Gaiado Atlantic bonito Bonite katsuwonus pelamis Judeu-liso Bullet tuna Melva auxis-rochei Palombeta Leer fish Fausse palomète lichia amia Peixe-lua Moon fish Poisson lune mola mola 11 Peixe-piloto Pilot Pilote naucrates ductor Raia Maiden ray Raie bouclèe scomber scombrus Sarda Mackerel Maque reau scomber scombrus Sardinha Sardine Sardine Sardina pilchardus, Toutes les espèces des Thons / All the species of Thons Toutes les espèces de Cabots (mugilidae ) / All the species of Mullets Toutes les espèces de Requins / All species of Sharks 12 Pour le Classement For the classification * - fréquent ** *** **** + fréquent 13 Rascasso 18 cm ** Robalo 36 cm Sargueta Ferreira 18 cm 18 cm **** Salema * 18 cm ** Pescada * 26 cm * 14 Andorinha Peixe Piça Bica 18 cm **** 18 cm **** Moreia Viuva 58 cm * Pregado 30 cm Rodovalho 30 cm * 30 cm Garoupa 18 cm * Solha * 18 cm ** 18 cm Capatão 18 cm * 25 cm * Dentilha * 18 cm * * 18 cm * 15 Grupo/Groupe/Group 1 Garoupa/Comber/Serran Cabrille Dentilha /Cuckoo wrasse/Vieille coquette Ruivo / Large scaled gurnard/Cavillone Bodião / Ballan wrasse /Vieille commune Andorinha / Sea perch /Barbier hirondelle Cabra / Piper gurnard/Grondin-lyre Peixe Aranha /Weever/Petit vive Rascasso / California scorpionfish /Rascasse californienne Judia-Peixe Piça/Rainbow wrasse/Girelle points Serranus cabrilla Labrus Mixtus Lepidotrigla Cavillone Labrus bergylta Anthias anthias Trigla lyra Echiichthys vipera 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Scorpaena guttata Coris julis 1 1 Trisopterus luscus Phicis blennoides Merluccius merlucius Lithognathus mormyrus Sarpa salpa Merlangius merlangus Conger conger Mullus surmuletos Muraena helena 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Grupo/Groupe/Group 2 Faneca / Pout /Guidon Abrótea /Forked hake/Loche Pescada / European hake / Merlan Ferreira / Sand Steenbras/Marbré Salema / Salema / Saupe Badejo / Whiting / Merlu Congro / Conger / Congre Salmonete /Red mullet / Rouget de roche Moreia /Moray / Murène Grupo/Groupe/Group 3 Sargo /White seabream/ Sar Besugo /Axillary seabream/Pageot acarne Linguado /Common sole/sole Areeiro /Megrim / Cardine Solha / Plaice / Plie Diplodus sargus sargus Pagellus acarne Solea vulgaris Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis Pleuronectes platessa 3 3 3 3 3 16 Roduvalho / Brill / Barbue Pregado / Britt /Turbot Viúva / Saddled bream/Oblade Grupo/Groupe/Group 4 Choupa / Black bream / Brême de mer Robalo /Sea bass/Bar Baila /Black-spotted bass/Bar moucheté 3 3 3 Scophthalmus rhombus Scophthalmus maximus Oblada melanura points Spondyliosoma cantharus Dicentrarchus labraix Dicentrarchus punctatus 4 4 4 Grupo/Groupe/Group 5 Bica / Becker/Pageau Goraz /Red sea bream/Pageot rose Sargo Veado/Zebra sea bream/Sar a grosses lévres Pagellus erythrinus Pagellus bogaraveo Diplodus cervinus cervinus 5 5 5 Grupo/Groupe/Group 6 Dourada / Gilt head/Daurade Pargo / Red porgy / Pagre Corvina / Meagre / Courbine Capatão / Pink dentex/Gros denté rose Sparus aurata Pagrus pagrus Argyrosomus regius Dentex gibbosus 6 6 6 6 - Todas as espécies não mencionadas valem 1 Ponto - All species not mentioned are worth 1 point - Toutes les espèces non mentionnées valent 1 point 17 18 2013 CIPS FIPS Championnat du Monde de Pêche Sportive en Bateau World Boat Anglig Championship BOATS SENIORS 19 2013 CIPS FIPS Championnat du Monde de Pêche Sportive en Bateau World Boat Anglig Championship BOATS SENIORS 20 D’intéret Touristique / Tourist interest / De interesseTurístico MUSEU DO QUEIJO CAVES JOSE MARIA DA FONSECA CONVENTO D’ARRÁBIDA 21 D’intéret Touristique / Tourist interest / De interesseTurístico CENTRO HISTÓRICO DE SETÚBAL CASTELO DE S. FILIPE CASTELO DE PALMELA 22 D’intéret Touristique / Tourist interest / De interesseTurístico OBSERVAÇÃO DE AVES PASSEIO DE GALEÃO NO RIO SADO OUTLET FREEPORT ALCOCHETE GOLFINHOS NO RIO SADO 23 Hotels / Hôtels / Hoteis HOTEL DO SADO 24 HOTEL DO SADO 25 Hotels / Hôtels / Hoteis HOTEL ESPERANÇA 26 HOTEL ESPERANÇA 27
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