the only monthly watch magazine
MEDIA KIT 2012 THE ONLY MONTHLY WATCH MAGAZINE A Symbol of style and A Technical masterpiece. Classic, contemporary, traditional, modern, watches are a passion common not only to expert collectors, but also to hedonist AND influent men for whom a watch is the only wearable jewel. 20 successful years and La Revue des Montres is leader On its market, a reference for all those watch lovers and professionals of the sector. Interviews to the most important market players, brand and model sagas all the latest creations and business news. Each month, La Revue des Montres, reveals the many aspects of this modern and sophisticated industry, representative of the planet of luxury. Our Choice… Once a year, our experts realize a guide, which unveils and describes all the new models of the year. Year after year, the HOROGUIDE. delivers every day the relevant news of watch’s world, revealing in exclusivity all the latest models of the most important brands. la revue des montres is available on your IPAD Les Éditions Jalou, a family owned French MEDIA company, WHO PUBLISHES high end fashion magazines, WEBSITES AND DIGITAL CONTENTS since 1921. 10 highly positioned and renowned magazines in France L’OFFICIEL de La Mode et de la COUTURE, L’OFFICIEL HOMMES, Jalouse, L’OPTIMUM, L’OFFICIEL 1000 MODELS, LA REVUE DES MONTRES, L’OFFICIEL VOYAGE, L’OFFICIEL CHIRURGIE ESTHéTIQUE, L’OFFICIEL ART, L’OFFICIEL PARIS GUIDE www.LOPTIMUM.FR WWW. WWW.jalouGALLERY.COM 26 international editions L’OFFICIEL BRAZIL L’OFFICIEL CENTRAL ASIA L’OFFICIEL CHINA L’OFFICIEL HOMMES CHINA L’OFFICIEL ART CHINA L’OFFICIEL HOMMES GERMANY L’OFFICIEL GREECE L’OFFICIEL HOMMES GREECE L’OFFICIEL INDIA L’OFFICIEL HOMMES ITALY L’OFFICIEL HOMMES KOREA L’OFFICIEL LATVIA L’OFFICIEL LEVANT L’OFFICIEL HOMMES LEVANT L’OFFICIEL LITHUANIA L’OFFICIEL MIDDLE-EAST L’OFFICIEL MOROCCO L’OFFICIEL HOMMES MOROCCO L’OFFICIEL NETHERLANDS L’OFFICIEL HOMMES NETHERLANDS L’OFFICIEL RUSSIA L’OFFICIEL SINGAPORE L’OFFICIEL THAÏLAND L’OFFICIEL HOMMES THAÏLAND L’OFFICIEL UKRAINE L’OFFICIEL HOMMES UKRAINE 2012 DEADLINES ISSUESSPECIAL THEMESON SALESBOOKINGs 172 – February • Special Salon International Jan. 21st Dec. 19th Feb. 1st Haute Horlogerie (SIHH), distribution at the fair 173 – March • Bâle Fair, distribution at the fair Feb. 29th 174 – April • Post Bâle issue/Vintage Watches March 27th March 1st • Special issue with all the watch March 30 March 5th H/S HOROGUIDE th The most important brands, with prices and description 175 – May • Special aviation watchesApril 27thApril 2nd 176 – June • Special dossier on Summer watches May 29th May 2nd 177 – July/Aug • Special dossier on diving watches June 29 June 1st 178 – September • New watches and trendsAug. 27 July 25th 179 – October • Special dossier on luxury watches Sept. 3rd 180 – November • Salon Belles Montres,Oct. 27 Oct. 3rd 181 – Dec/Jan th th Sept. 27th th Distribution at the fair • End of the year issue/ Nov. 27thOct. 29th Exceptional watches RATES 2012 (Gross Prices in EUROS EXCL. VAT) RATES HORS SERIE “HOROGUIDE 2012” STANDARD INSERTIONS PAGE SIZE 4/CB&W ¤ ¤ POSITIONNING ¤ SIMPLE PAGE RECTO 8 100 6 800 SINGLE Page 8 100 SIMPLE PAGE VERSO 7 250 6 400 1ST Cover 31 400 Inside front cover DPS 16 400 (DPS) 13 900 12 500 Facing Editorial 11 200 1/2 PAGE 4 850 4 300 Facing Summary 1 11 200 1/3 PAGE 3 160 3 160 Facing Summary 2 11 200 DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD Facing Summary 3 11 200 SPECIAL POSITIONNING 3RD Cover 8 100 (4/C or B&W) 4TH cover 22 000 Opening to models 1 page POSITIONNING ¤ AVDERTORIAL Forfait net Inside front cover DPS 16 400 (Technical fees included, Facing Editorial 11 200 except photo) Facing Summary 1 11 200 Opening to models DPS Facing Summary 2 11 200 ADVERTORIAL Forfait net 10 first RECTOS 9 380 (Technical fees included, 4 22 000 except photo) TH COVER SPECIAL INSERTIONS * For every advertising (DOES NOT INCLUDE TECHNICAL FEES) insertion in the Horoguide we offer a 1-PAGE ADVERTORIAL PAGE SIZE ¤ FRENCH COVER + 6 single Pages 31 400 PUBLI 6 pages 20 000 PUBLI 4 pages 16 000 PUBLI 3 pages 12 500 Gatefold + 1 st double spread 19 000 INSERTS (MINIMUM 12 PAGES – DOES NOT INCLUDE TECHNICAL FEES) QUANTITYCOST PER 1000 ¤ 12 PAGES – 16 PAGES 340 18 PAGES – 24 PAGES 650 26 PAGES – 48 PAGES 900 < 48 PAGES UPON request TAP 1000 ex – 150 gr ¤ 8 Pages 3 100 12 Pages 3 700 opening to your models. 3100 4 200 RATES 2012 (GROSS PRICE IN EUROS EXCL. VAT) 2012 DISCOUNTS All discounts are cumulative. Discounts are applied to gross TURNOVER except 15 % Agency Commission deducted from net billing. A – DISCOUNT Available for advertiser or advertisers group GROSS TURNOVER (¤) % 5 800 to 15 900 4% 15 901 to 23 800 8% 23 801 to 31 800 12 % 31 801 to 67 000 15 % > 67 001 20 % B – LOYALTY, PROGRESSION, NEW CLIENT (% Gross TURNOVER) Available for the brand ¤ % Loyalty T.O 2012 < T.O 2011 3% Progression T.O 2012 > T.O 2011 4% New Advertiser Revue des Montres 5% Combining* 10 % * Available for new advertisers present in La Revue des Montres and at least an other magazine of the group, it considers only magazines regarding new business. C – CUMULATIVE BILLING DISCOUNTS Available for buying group representing several brands GROSS TURNOVER (¤) % Up to 44 800 1% 44 801 to 112 000 2% > 112 001 3% D – AGENCY DISCOUNT 15 % TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS FILE FORMAT MARGES AND SIMPLE PAGES - PDF 1.3 (profile “Distillers” and “Indesign” A precise 10 mm margin must include linecuts are available on request). - Important: even though there are more and technical areas. We recommend to have a simple page for each file. recent versions of Acrobate, the 1.3 is the only one certified by the SICOGIF. BEWARE - Files in 4/C: CMJN. We have no responsibility concerning the - Page per page or multiple continuing pages quality’s publication. If any other materials (do not skip pages). - File built in single pages (no double pages, not even for the advertisements in question). (typons, CD-ROM containing a non numerical file…) that the one named above are given to us as technical elements. 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PROOF Only the contractual proof (cromalin, matchprint, Epson, approval) are accepted. All other proofs, Sherpa, Laser or inkjet layout are not the reference in case of objection. General Terms and Conditions I Any subscription of an advertising order implies the acceptance of our terms of VII Any existing taxes and any new taxes will be to the advertiser’s charge. sale and regulations. VIII During the order transfer, the choice II Any cancellation of an advertising order will be made of a common accord will only be accepted if it occurs at least of the representative or the advertiser 3 months before publication and 6 months and ourselves between the modalities for 4th cover pages. of payment defined below: IIIWe reserve the right to modify the 1.Payment conditions of the current price list, even In implementing the French Laws for current orders, with an advance of Modernization of Economy of the 4th notice of 3 months. of August 2008 and the 5th of December 2008, our invoices must be paid within IV The publicity appears under the 45 days. Only the effective collection responsibility of the advertisers. The editor of bills of exchange will be considered reserves the right to refuse at any time as being worth complete payment an insertion, which, by its nature, its text in the sense of the present terms of sale. or its presentation appears against the spirit of the publication or susceptible to provoke protests from its readers Any amount not paid by the due date or a third party. shall give rise to payment by the client V The advertiser is responsible, in every legal rate of interest. In implementing case, for the payment of the advertising article L.441-6 of the French Commercial order with the conditions defined in the Code, these penalties are payable price list. However, the representative by rights, as of receipt of the notice who sends us an order acts also on informing the buyer that we have his or her behalf and is as such jointly debited them. Any amount not paid responsible towards us for the payment by the due date shall give rise to the of the order. payment by the customer of penalties, VI If the order has to be executed with in 2.Non-payment of penalties fixed at three times the fixed at one-and-a-half times the legal interest rate. In implementation the framework of a mandate contract, of the article L441-6 of the French we must be in possession of a certificate Commercial Code, these penalties of this contract linking the advertiser are due by right, as of receipt of the and the representative, the contract will notice informing the buyer that we have debited them. Furthermore, our company be considered of indefinite length until its interruption by the advertiser. Within reserves the possibility to take other the framework of a mandate contract, legal action in order to end this the original of the invoice will be nonpayment, with penalty payments per day of delay. communicated to the announcer, the duplicate being sent to the representative. Only an intermediary duly appointed by the advertiser to purchase advertising space in its title will be considered as representative. Invoices will contain a professional discount of 15% calculated net after reduction. General Terms and Conditions IXWithout prejudice to the article VIII, upon express agreement and with the exception this discount concerns the brands which of a report sought out in time and 3.New Business: did not realize a turnover during the accorded by us, the non-payment of our previous year and which will invest supplies at the fixed due date will entail: during the next year. It will be calculated according to the grid planned for that 1. The immediate payability of all the purpose in the price list. sums that were billed and are unpaid by the involved advertiser, whatever the planned method of payment. this reduction applies to all the inserts for which the same representative 2.The payability of a compensation equal 4.Multiple office-holding: handled at least two brands, for one to 15% of the sums owed in conformance or for several advertisers or group of with all the orders placed by the involved advertisers in the title. advertiser, besides the legal interests and the possible legal expenses. 5.The conceding of each of these discounts is subordinated to the X Discounts Definition of the advertiser: every presence on the price list of the corresponding grid. advertiser, including a group of advertisers, XI Any complaint must, under penalty defined as a set of advertisers whose of forfeiture, be written in the week following the insert. By express agreement between the parties, it is stipulated that companies are controlled by a common holding company. Definition of the brand: Commercial in case of contesting, only the commercial naming of a product and a line of products marketed by his or her company. court of Paris, France remains competent. delivery address: 1. Quantity: LES ÉDITIONS JALOU This reduction is reserved for the 5 rue Bachaumont, advertiser or group of advertisers 75002 Paris on the basis of the accumulation Tel. : +33 1 53 01 88 30 of the gross annual sales (price list) Fax : +33 1 53 01 10 40 realized by the group or their representative (or representatives), for their account. R.C.S. PARIS B 331 532 176 2.Loyalty, preservation and progress: this discount applies to the brands. It takes in account the evolution of the annual gross annual sales (price list) of the brand during the previous year and during the next year, according to the grid planned for that purpose in the price list. This discount concerns only the brand having realized a turnover during the previous year. de l’année précédente. S.A.R.L. AU CAPITAL DE 606 000 euros LES ÉDITIONS JALOU PARIS , 1921 OLIVIER JUNGERS ADVERTISING GENERAL DIRECTOR T : +33 1 53 01 88 44 O.JUNGERS@EDITIONSJALOU.COM MARINA DE DIESBACH ADVERTISING DIRECTOR T: +33 1 53 01 88 35 M.DIESBACH@EDITIONSJALOU.COM JULIE EDERY TECHNICAL SERVICES T: +33 1 53 10 88 30 F: +33 1 53 01 10 40 J.EDERY@EDITIONSJALOU.COM ANGELA MASIERO ITALIAN MARKET T: +39 02 89 05 09 02 A.MASIERO@EDITIONSJALOU.COM 5 RUE BACHAUMONT 75002 PARIS T. + 33 1 53 01 10 30 / F. + 33 1 53 01 10 40
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