L`Officiel - Jalou Media Group
L`Officiel - Jalou Media Group
MEDIA KIT 2015 RUSSIA They say that a year in Russia is equal to three, since everything changes so quickly. This is true enough in relation to the Russian edition of the Paris cult magazine: within a relatively brief spell of time L’Officiel has been launched in Russia for the third time. Presently by a serious publisher who decided to invigorate the project by inviting an ambitious — in good sense of a word — team headed by Ksenia Sobchak. Ksenia made it clear in her previous magazine that she is capable of making her publications smashing, dynamic, modern and exciting. For L’Officiel Russian version she sets forth other tasks — offer readers and advertisement market some sort of “neoclassics of fashion”, based on the classic fashion magazine DNA, using the best elements from French and Italian “branches”. You stick to traditions but give a modern charm to the most typical genres of a fashion magazine. To achieve the goal it is planned to lay a stress on large-scale fashion photographs and big texts. The BEAUTY section, so important in a female magazine, will be made more vivid and colorful. Art and fashion news will be presented in a brighter way, more elegant and easier to grasp. Fashion relations with art and its inclusion into a wider cultural context make another strong point L’ O F F I C I E L TALENT S Команда L’Officiel Россия Ksenia Sobchak EDITOR IN CHIEF Eduard Dorozhkine Andrey Artiomov Dasha Anichkina EDITOR AT LARGE CREATIVE DIRECTOR FASHION DIRECTOR L’ O F F I C I E L L 15085 - 1 - F: 10,00 € - RD N.1 avril-mai-juin 2012 - wiTh engliSh TexT www.lofficielarT.com MoNUMENTA(L) BUREN PAR TAYOU l ’ inTégrale de ThOmAs rUFF à munich PALAIS DE TØKYØ le grand Souffle MEXICO CALLING PAR sTEFaN BRÜGGEMaNN Tom SachS miSSion marS LES MODERNES REBELLES IRANIENNES DE Shirin Aliabadi excluSif ErwIN wUrM en mode “one-minuTe SculpTure” 1921 1930 1940 1950 1960 L’Officiel has been present from the first moments of this revolution in genre and has established itself throughout the decades as one of the leading magazines of its sector. this virtuous «cultural exception» of luxury orchestrated by some powerful French people which today and, more than ever are incredible assets of international success. Created in 1921, L’Officiel is one of the oldest magazines in the Fashion world. A status as much as a privilege, which now places the title amongst the most influential in the world. Not satisfied with offering just legitimacy, its fine art of longevity is mainly due to the remarkable capacity that L’Officiel has to Accompany, Inform and Disseminate a certain idea of «French» style, which for decades has become a dream machine as well as a recognized brand worldwide. So now, more than ever, L’Officiel stands tall and is evolving as one of the flagships of this success and of the future of this famous «French Style.” Paris has always been the epicentre of the fashion galaxy — «Made in France», a mixture of know-how and making it known and – When launched, L’Officiel de la Mode et de la Couture de Paris moved to the heart of the new galaxy of luxury goods and fashion. The reviews of fashion collections, the pertinent eye and stylized signatures, participated in the birth of haute couture and the rise of the first wave of big fashion houses. L’Officiel magazine quickly became the essential 1970 1980 1990 vehicle where paths cross among a public of the elite, celebrities and the rich and famous. Taken over by Georges Jalou, former typesetter and visionary in the press world, L’Officiel continued to build its reputation in the 50-60’s, as a modern magazine, enjoying the worldwide success of the greatest names in couture, such as Christian Dior and Yves Saint Laurent. In the 70s and 80s, the title became a «premium consumer» together with Readyto-wear and a new style of creators. As a forerunner, L’Officiel exposed in each of its issues, talents like Claude Montana, Thierry Mugler, Christian Lacroix and and Jean-Paul Gauthier. 1996 L’OPTIMUM 1997 JALOUSE 1999 LA REVUE DES MONTRES 1999 L’OFFICIEL 2003 CHINA 1000 MODÈLES 2005 L’OFFICIEL VOYAGE 2005 L’OFFICIEL HOMMES 2012 L’OFFICIEL ART IN THE 90S, UNDER THE LEADERSHIP OF LAURENT JALOU AND MARIE-JOSÉ SUSSKINDJALOU, SON AND DAUGHTER OF GEORGES, THE COMPANY TURNED INTO A POWERHOUSE PUBLISHING GROUP LES EDITIONS JALOU. IN THE 2000S, LES EDITIONS JALOU LOOKED TO THE FUTURE AND INTERNATIONALLY. THE ARRIVAL TO MANAGEMENT POSITIONS OF THE THIRD GENERATION JALOU MEMBERS: VANESSA AND RONALD BELLUGEON, JENNIFER EYMÈRE, AND BENJAMIN EYMÈRE DYNAMIC GROUP GENERAL DIRECTOR, 33, FORMER LAWYER IN PARIS AND NEW YORK. TRUE TO TOP QUALITY DNA AND AT THE SAME TIME, AS OTHER GROUPS OF LUXURY AND FASHION BECOME GLOBAL GIANTS, L’OFFICIEL SPREADS OUT AROUND THE GLOBE THROUGH SUBSIDIARIES, LICENSES AND JOINT VENTURES. L’ O F F I C I E L L’ O F F I C I E L 6 7 EUROPE/RUSSIA • Germany (L’Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes) • Greece (L'Officiel, L’Officiel Hommes) • Italy (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes) • Latvia (L'Officiel) • Lithuania (L'Officiel) • Netherlands (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes) • Portugal (L’Officiel) MARCH 2015 • Russia (L'Officiel) • Spain (L’Officiel) MARCH 2015 • Switzerland (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes, L’Officiel Voyage) • Ukraine (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes) MIDDLE EAST/AFRICA • Angola (L’Officiel) MARCH 2015 • Lebanon (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes) • Middle East (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes, L’Officiel Art) • Morocco (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes) • Turkey (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes) ASIA / PACIFIC • Australia & New Zealand (L’Officiel) • Azerbaijan (L'Officiel) • Central Asia (L'Officiel) • China (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes, L'Officiel Art) • South Korea (L'Officiel Hommes) • India (L'Officiel) • Indonesia (L'Officiel) • Malaysia (L’Officiel) SEPTEMBER 2015 • Philippines (L’Officiel) APRIL 2014 • Singapore (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes) • Thailand (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes, L'Optimum, L’Officiel Art) • Vietnam (L’Officiel) JULY 2014 CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA • Brazil (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes, L’Officiel Voyage) • Mexico (L'Officiel) I NTER NATI O NAL ED ITI O N S A KEY STRATEGY JMG IS ACTIVE THROUGHOUT THE WORLD WITH 50 TITLES AND CONTINUES ITS EXPOTENTIAL GROWTH IN MATURE MARKETS. J A LO U M E D I A G R O U P 9 TÜRKİYE novAs corEs pArA sEu bEijo 70 AcEssórios quE são puro dEsEjo pEArLs nEgrAs o soM do vidigAL pArA o Mundo dvF’S Wrap parTy Perfume’s new star & being the most powerful Woman in Fashion viTorino cAMpos tiempos modernos EsTrEiA coMo stylist MODA RENK METAL &ROMANCE PALETINE BULAŞIYOR YÜZ YÜZE NÚMERO 20 R$ 14,90 GEORGIA MAY JAGGER AZIZ SARIYER MAYA PORTAKAL TOM AIKENS LAPO ELKANN PAOLLA RAHMEIER VESTE DOLCE & GABBANA Luxe Living aT HoMe WiTH drieS van noTen inSTagLaM HoLidayS Beautiful Bali Bright, white and floral FaSH ion Fi x eS For ev ery Mood Nisan 2014-4 Sayı: 20 9 TL KKTC 10 TL KAPAK ANGELA.indd 152 chic ou provoc’ arT aTTack WeLcoMe To THe neW SeaSon lo Último en relojes jessica hart Lv’S STaTeMenT ScarveS Vol III Garçon simplicidad máximo impacto les deux tendances de l’été on THe Menu $45 Mayo 2014 Bo don en MaxMara LoFFICIeLMexICo.CoM Jessica Hart en Dior BeauTy’S neW WinnerS esenciales de belleza qu e C a roaas lé m . vã moda da PURER GLANZ JUWELEN-SOMMER CAUÃ REYMOND KRASILCIC ALEX POISÉ t N° 43– 7,500 L.L. EspEciAL bAToM créateurs nouvelles valeurs et légendes vivantes R$ 19,90 SARIŞIN OLMAK YA DA OLMAMAK N° 2 – MAI/JUNI 2014 CHF 12 nº03 spécial Mode Making a Modern icon NÚMERO 1 SAÇLARDA DEVRİM N° 44 – 7,500 l.l. Forever FaBuLouS 2014 ZIRVEDE OLMANIN DAYANILMAZ HAFIFLIGI pAssARElAs Ny-pARis o quE vAi virAr ModA, dos pés Aos cAbELos MAYO LINDVALL nº03 ANGELA t FELIPE HIRSCH t MARLON TEIXEIRA t GIOVANNI BIANCO OSKAR METSAVAHT t OTÁVIO ZARVOS t MARCOS CAMPOS t PABLO GALLARDO nadim tabet est en the kooples NADIM TABET . IBrAhIM MAAlouf . BErNArD MourAD AlI chErrI. roy DIB . MAS: ThAT PETrol EMoTIoN 9 772077 50001 1 LO-03-Portada_Forros OK.indd 1 09/04/14 18:49 3/22/14 3:40 PM L’OFFICIEL Turkey L’OFFICIEL Brazil L’OFFICIEL Middle East L’OFFICIEL China L’OFFICIEL Lebanon L’OFFICIEL Greece L’OFFICIEL Mexico L’OFFICIEL Switzerland L’OFFICIEL Azerbaijan JALOUSE China L’OFFICIEL HOMMES Brazil L’OFFICIEL HOMMES Lebanon L’OFFICIEL HOMMES China L’OFFICIEL HOMMES Ukraine HARTE DRINKS DIE BRUDERLIEBE KONTROLLVERLUST №56 20142013 №54 MARTS DECEMBRIS agnese zeltiņa Jana Briķe sapŅu pārdeVēja milēdijas adVOkāte ass JautāJums drīss van notens Viss par skaistuma injekcijām un ViŅa mŪZas Pavasara diāna fon firstenBerga kleitu karaliene Cena-EUR 3,514,25 Cena – Ls5,00/Ls 2,99 / EUR L’OFFICIEL Indonesia L’OFFICIEL Italy WILL FERRELL LEBRON JAMES BJARNE MELGAARD MATTHIAS LILIENTHAL TOMI UNGERER STEFAN SAGMEISTER RYAN MCGINLEY ALAN MOORE ULLI LOMMEL OLIVER BERBEN L’OFFICIEL Latvia L’OFFICIEL Thailand L ’OFFIC IE L H OMME S Middle East L ’OFFIC IE L H O M M E S South Korea L’OFFICIEL HOMMES Netherlands L’OFFICIEL HOMMES Germany N° 7 - APRIL 2014 - WWW.LOPTIMUMTHAILAND.COM NO.82 РоссиЯ L’OFFICIEL Central Asia C LE M E N S SCHICK Jaunās sezonas tendences LASIET MŪS ARĪ iPHONE UN iPAD 03 9 771691 513001 L’OFFICIEL India kods April 本刊邮发代号:28-426 国内统一刊号:CN52-1010/I 国际标准刊号:ISSN1002-686X RMB ¥20 HKD $30 www.lofficielart.cn 04/2014 Март 2014 DE LA COUTURE ET DA LA MODE DE PARIS EN RUSSIE аRT мода как искусство เมษายน 2557 25 мэттью макконахи дельфина делеттРе дРис ван нотен сеРгей Полунин джессика лэнг 10 | prim av er a estate 20 14 Google 艺术计划的中国攻略 董梦阳 艺术, 北京 กิจกรรมคลั่ง ท้าให้คุณลอง สักครั้ง (ก่อนตาย) STRANGE SEX EXTREME LIFE WEAR A CRAZY PRINT ถ้าคุณลองแล้ว ก็ขอโทษด้วย HOW TO ประลองความมัน สไตล์หนุ่มบ้าพลัง 断章取义朱新建 青铜时代 一器倾城 2013 佛教艺术的得与失 Google Art Project in China Dong Meng Yang Art, Beijing Zhu Xin Jian Bronze Age Buddhism Art in 2013 AND LOOK GOOD NEW BLOOD IN MENSWEAR รู้จักผู้ก่อตั้ง อินสตาแกรม MR. BEAN’S INCREDIBLE CAR COLLECTION 16+ на сибуи: платье и колье LanVin, браслеты VaLentino Cover.indd 1 L’OFFICIEL Lithuania L’OFFICIEL Morocco L’OFFICIEL Singapore L’OFFICIEL Netherlands 画廊主的前世今生 How Did They Become Gallerists 73×60cm 2013 Rinus Van De Velde 布面油画 APR - 100THB Золотые правила веСны 曹力 EXCLUSIVE STANISLAS WAWRINKA THE NEW COURT HERO 四美图系列之三 БлеСК! L’OFFICIEL Russia L’OFFICIEL Ukraine L ’OFFIC IE L H OMME S Morocco L ’OFFIC IE L H O M M E S Thailand L’OFFICIEL HOMMES Italy 3/28/14 16:53 L’OPTIMUM Thailand I NTER NATI O NAL I NTER NATI O NAL L’ O F F I C I E L L’ O F F I C I E L 10 11 L’OFFICIEL ART China L’OFFICIEL ART Middle East JOIN THE FRONT ROW L’ O F F I C I E L 13 THE ISSUES AT STAKE L’Officiel, is adding NEW DYNAMICS and a STRONG CONCEPT to its «fashion & luxury» application. COMPETITION SHIFTS IN READERSHIP, ADVERTISING CHALLENGES AND THE PRESS ENVIRONMENT ARE GOING THROUGH PROFOUND CHANGES. L’OFFICIEL RUSSIA IS A FEMALE MAGAZINE BASED ONLY ON THE CONCEPT OF «FASHION & LUXURY» ISN’T ENOUGH TO ATTRACT READERS. L’Officiel provides a CLEAR EDITORIAL LINE to which its targeted profile reader yearns to and/or identify with. L’Officiel, FEMININE PREMIUM , is still an «ad-liking» aficionado and considers advertisers as AUTHENTIC PARTNERS AND CONTENT PROVIDERS . L’ O F F I C I E L L’ O F F I C I E L 14 15 THE NEW ELITE SHE IS A REAL WOMAN, MODERN, INFLUENTIAL AND CHIC. SHE ISN’T A FANTASY IMAGE OF A WOMAN IN THE FASHION WORLD WHO DOESN’T HAVE A FOOT IN THE REAL WORLD. L’ O F F I C I E L 17 THE TARGET THE TARGET BETWEEN 25 AND 50 YEARS OLD A NEW WOMAN OF THE WORLD AGE CLASSES ARE MORE AND MORE DECATEGORIZED. To be 20 in A woman who lives a very UNINHIBITED LIFE , the culture of the mundane and the festive. A culture that doesn’t include only the idleness of yesterdays “happy few”, but is like a new form of activism. Her way of life also mixes with that of the network of entertainment. It’s within this framework that she exposes her elegance and reinforces her style in the world of fashion, watchmaking and jewellery. She ticks all the boxes on the social events calendar: Roland-Garros, Cannes Festival, Venice Biennale, Art Basel, fashion weeks, etc 2014, doesn’t necessarily mean you are young and to be 50, just doesn’t mean that you are out-of-the-loop. While the “L’Officiel woman” between 25 and 50 cultivates personal balance and professional success with all the codes and choice that go with it. A STRONG BUYING POWER With her financial independence, she belongs to or leans towards the NEW INFLUENTIAL CIRCLES . For her, wealth and success are virtues and not to be considered a complex. A TASTE FOR FASHION AND STYLE Beyond her taste and real passion for fashion, she is a woman who lives an AUTHENTIC LIFESTYLE . She loves: fashion, society events, decoration, design, architecture, art in all its forms, well-being, nouvelle cuisine, travelling. BRANDS ARE A CULTURE A woman who possesses a true « SHOPPING CULTURE », she knows and uses the brands, admitting that they are an integral part of contempory culture. Knowing, choosing and selecting fashion and luxury houses is for the “L’Officiel woman” what the art of wine is for a man. An outward sign of elegance, of how to live, of culture and where to stand, to distinguish or to be unique in the world. CONNECTED AND INTERNATIONAL AN ACTIVE WOMAN, FOR WHOM, “THE SKY’S THE LIMIT” Either by pleasure or by obligation, she is an activist when it comes to travelling and networking. She loves: the palaces, the big jet-set cities (Ibiza, Gstaad), the capitals (Paris, New York, Londres) and the new destinations “to see and be seen”. EUROPEAN CHIC Rather than being reduced to mere urbanity, she is first and foremost a European. A dimension that gives her an opening and exposure to culture in the world and in its time. SHE EXPORTS STYLE ACROSS THE GLOBE . SOPHISTICATED WITHOUT BEING SNOBBISH She is not locked in the shackles of fashion but affirms her relationship to elegance in a CLEVER MIX BETWEEN TRADITION AND MODERNISM, CHIC AND ON–THE-EDGE . Less attracted to fashion as a fantasy but more so towards an informed, inspired, timely and realistic style concept. L’ O F F I C I E L L’ O F F I C I E L 18 19 # 137| Октябрь 2014 Декабрь 2013 - Январь 2014 Октябрь 2014 DE LA COUTURE ET DA LA MODE DE PARIS EN RUSSIE DE LA COUTURE ET DE LA MODE DE PARIS EN RUSSIE DE LA COUTURE ET DA LA MODE DE PARIS EN RUSSIE ГОРОСКОП Лучшие аксессуары сезона: рюкзаки, ботфорты, тиары 2014 НОВЫЕ ТОЧКИ НА КАРТЕ МИРА ЛУЧШЕЕ ИЗ КОЛЛЕКЦИЙ БУДУЩЕГО СЕЗОНА ХЬЮ ДЖЕКМАН ФЕСТИВАЛЬ SOLO SHEN WEI DANCE ARTS коко роша: «Я скорее куплю пЛаншет, чем пару туфеЛь» НАОМИ УОТТС: «ПРИНЦЕССА ДИАНА ОКАЗАЛАСЬ НЕ ТАКОЙ ПРОСТОЙ, КАК Я ДУМАЛА» КРАСОТА СТЕРЕТЬ БРОВИ! ОСЕННИЙ ТОН возвращение легенДарного журнала о моде НАДЕЖДЫ Октябрь 2013 ВЛАДИМИР ПОЗНЕР, ВИКТУАР ДЕ КАСТЕЛЛАН, УИЛЛ ФЕРРЕЛЛ, ЕВА ГЕРЦИГОВА 16+ ÍÀ ÒÈÀÍÅ: ÏÀËÜÒÎ GUCCI НА ВИКТОРИИ: ТИАРА, СЕРЬГИ И БЮСТЬЕ DOLCE & GABBANA PRIN T раф симонс, Диана крюгер, петр федоров 16+ На КоКо Роша: пальто Louis vuitton, сеРьги, Cartier РОССИЯ Май 2014 DE LA COUTURE ET DE LA MODE DE PARIS EN RUSSIE # 133| Май 2014 # 138| Ноябрь 2014 Ноябрь 2014 РОССИЯ 9/18/14 11:03 PM РОССИЯ 000_OF137_Cover_spread.indd 1-3 официальное БОЛЬШИЕ 60-е, ВПЕРЕД! LIGHTNESS россиЯ РОССИЯ МИР L’OFFICIEL РОССИЯ VALUES & VIRTUES DE LA COUTURE ET DA LA MODE DE PARIS EN RUSSIE Март 2014 АRT МАДС МИККЕЛЬСЕН: «ВСЕ МОГУТ УВИДЕТЬ КРАСИВОЕ В УЖАСНОМ» МОДА КАК ИСКУССТВО DE LA COUTURE ET DA LA MODE DE PARIS EN RUSSIE МЭТТЬЮ МАККОНАХИ ДЕЛЬФИНА ДЕЛЕТТРЕ ДРИС ВАН НОТЕН СЕРГЕЙ ПОЛУНИН ДЖЕССИКА ЛЭНГ ШАНЕЛЬ И АМЕРИКА ЭСТАФЕТА DESIRABILITY Balancing the mix “fashion/people” with an up-market approach, the new L’Officiel targets a resolutely entertaining magazine. An assumed lightness that does not exclude relevance and promises its readers a positive environment, a true antidepressor to respond to anxiety-provoking news. ЦВЕТЫ ЖИЗНИ МОДА ИГРА ПО НОВЫМ ПРАВИЛАМ гэРИ Олдман кеРИ РаССел алекСандР паль нумИ РапаС алИша кИз БЛЕСК! ПРОГНОЗ НА ОСЕНЬ БАРБАРА БУИ, ГОГА АШКЕНАЗИ, ДЖЕССИКА ЧЕСТЕЙН, КЕЙТ АПТОН НА КИРЕ: ПЛАТЬЕ ALBERTA FERRETTI, КОЛЬЕ DIOR 16+ на Паулине: Пальто и Платье PRADA 2)),&,(/[00158LQGG 16+ MAGNETISM IN A WORLD OF SUCCESS ГУБЫ 70-х 16+ A MAGAZINE WITH HIGH ENTERTAINING VALUE ИСТОРИЯ ОТНОШЕНИЙ ЗОЛОТЫЕ ПРАВИЛА ВЕСНЫ НА СИБУИ: ПЛАТЬЕ И КОЛЬЕ LANVIN, БРАСЛЕТЫ VALENTINO Becoming the magazine of style for the new elite, the new L’Officiel uninhibits the values of success in a world that personifies luxury, rarity, preciousness, elegance and dreams. DI GITA L EXPERTISE MEMBERSHIP OF A FASHION «SELECTOR» THE HIGH DEMANDS OF A BRAND CULTURE TO A COMMUNITY The new L’Officiel satisfies the specific rule of “initiation/confirmation”. Whether she dreams of, or is as she is, or she discovers the codes or it comforts her status, the reader includes a stylish community and far from being divided, brings together readers with similar aspirations. A community embodied in the magazine and its development (internet, mobile, social, events, special editions : Due to its strategic bias in favour of a style «selector», which brings together chic and trendy, tradition and modernity, L’Officiel wants to be the new unavoidable prism of style for classy women who dream of being fashionable and fashionable women who want to be chic. It ensures clear ideas and readable paths to follow, a real « how-to-wear» to adopt contemporary elegance. SOCIA L EVEN TS L’ O F F I C I E L L’ O F F I C I E L 20 21 РЕКЛАМНЫЕ РАСЦ Е Н КИ 2015/ ADV ER TISING RAT E S 2015 201 5 D E A D L I NE S (ЦЕНЫ УК АЗА НЫ Б ЕЗ УЧЕТА НДС /PRIC ES DON’T INC L UDE VAT) НОМЕР / ISSUE MARCH APRIL ПОДТВЕРЖДЕНИЕ РАЗМЕЩЕНИЯ / PLACEMENT CONFIRMATION JANUARY 19 2015 TH FEBRUARY 19TH 2015 КРАЙНИЙ СРОК ПОДАЧИ МАТЕРИАЛОВ / MATERIALS DEADLINE JANUARY 26 2015 TH FEBRUARY 26TH 2015 MAY MARCH 19TH 2015 MARCH 26TH 2015 JUNE-JULY APRIL 20TH 2015 MAY 27TH 2015 AUGUST JUNE 24TH 2015 JUNE 30TH 2015 SEPTEMBER JULY 24TH 2015 JULY 29TH 2015 OCTOBER AUGUST 24TH 2015 AUGUST 28TH 2015 NOVEMBER DECEMBER-JANUARY SEPTEMBER 24TH 2015 OCTOBER 23RD 2015 SEPTEMBER 29TH 2015 OCTOBER 29TH 2015 ПОЗИЦИЯ И ОБЪЕМ / POSITION AND VOLUME СТОИМОСТЬ (В РУБЛЯХ) / PRICES IN RUB GF 4 ПОЛОСЫ/GATEFOLD 4-PAGE 2 500 000 GF 2 ПОЛОСЫ/GATEFOLD 2-PAGE 1 950 000 1-Й РАЗВОРОТ /1ST SPREAD 1 850 000 2-Й РАЗВОРОТ /2ND SPREAD 1 750 000 3-Й РАЗВОРОТ /3RD SPREAD 1 550 000 4-Й РАЗВОРОТ /4TH SPREAD 1 450 000 5-Й РАЗВОРОТ /5TH SPREAD 1 250 000 6-Й РАЗВОРОТ И ПОСЛЕДУЮЩИЕ В ТОННЕЛЕ /6TH SPREAD AND FURTHER IN THE TONNEL 1 100 000 РАЗВОРОТ /SPREAD 1 100 000 4-Я ОБЛОЖКА/ 4TH COVER 1 650 000 3-Я ОБЛОЖКА/ 3RD COVER 680 000 1 ПОЛОСА, ОТКРЫВАЮЩАЯ РУБРИКИ/OPENER PAGE 580 000 1 ПОЛОСА /SINGLE PAGE 550 000 ПРЕМИАЛЬНЫЕ ПОЗИЦИИ/ PREMIUM POSITIONS ПОЗИЦИЯ И ОБЪЕМ / POSITION AND VOLUME СТОИМОСТЬ (В РУБЛЯХ) / PRICES IN RUB 1 TOC СОДЕРЖАНИЕ/1 TOC CONTENTS 760 000 2 TOC СОДЕРЖАНИЕ/2 TOC CONTENTS 760 000 3 TOC МАСТХЭД/3 TOC MASTHEAD 740 000 4 TOC МАСТХЭД/4 TOC MASTHEAD 740 000 5 TOC ПИСЬМО РЕДАКТОРА/5 TOC EDITOR’S LETTER 780 000 1 ПОЛОСА В ПЕРВОЙ ТРЕТИ ЖУРНАЛА /SINGLE PAGE IN 1ST THIRD OF THE MAGAZINE 600 000 L’ O F F I C I E L L’ O F F I C I E L 22 23 РЕКЛАМНЫЕ РАСЦ Е Н КИ 2015/ ADV ER TISING RAT E S 2015 201 5 D E A D L I NE S (ЦЕНЫ УК АЗА НЫ Б ЕЗ УЧЁТА НДС /PRIC ES DON’T INC L UDE VAT) НОМЕР / ISSUE MARCH APRIL КРАИНИЙ СРОК ПОДТВЕРЖДЕНИЯ РЕКЛАМЫ/ DEADLINE OF THE ADVERTISING CONFIRMATION КРАЙНИЙ СРОК СДАЧИ РЕКЛАМНЫХ МАКЕТОВ/ DEADLINE OF THE ADVERTISING LAYOUT SUBMISSION 12 JANUARY 2015 23 JANUARY 2015 16 FEBRUARY 2015 27 FEBRUARY 2015 ТИРАЖ В ПРОДАЖЕ/ CIRCULATION ON SALE 27 FEBRUARY 2015 25 MARCH 2015 MAY 09 MARCH 2015 20 MARCH 2015 22 APRIL 2015 JUNE-JULY 13 APRIL 2015 24 APRIL 2015 22 MAY 2015 AUGUST 08 JUNE 2015 19 JUNE 2015 24 JULY 2015 SEPTEMBER OCTOBER 13 JULY 2015 24 JULY 2015 24 AUGUST 2015 31 AUGUST 2015 21 AUGUST 2015 25 SEPTEMBER 2015 NOVEMBER 07 SEPTEMBER 2015 18 SEPTEMBER 2015 16 OCTOBER 2015 DECEMBER-JANUARY 12 OCTOBER 2015 23 OCTOBER 2015 20 NOVEMBER 2015 ПОЗИЦИЯ И ОБЪЕМ / POSITION AND VOLUME СТОИМОСТЬ (В ЕВРО)/ PRICES IN EURO GF 4 ПОЛОСЫ/GATEFOLD 4-PAGE 60 000 GF 2 ПОЛОСЫ/GATEFOLD 2-PAGE 46 500 1-Й РАЗВОРОТ /1ST SPREAD 44 000 2-Й РАЗВОРОТ /2ND SPREAD 41 500 3-Й РАЗВОРОТ /3RD SPREAD 37 000 4-Й РАЗВОРОТ /4TH SPREAD 35 000 5-Й РАЗВОРОТ /5TH SPREAD 30 000 6-Й РАЗВОРОТ И ПОСЛЕДУЮЩИЕ В ТОННЕЛЕ /6TH SPREAD AND FURTHER IN THE TONNEL 26 000 РАЗВОРОТ /SPREAD 26 000 4-Я ОБЛОЖКА/ 4TH COVER 40 000 3-Я ОБЛОЖКА/ 3RD COVER 16 000 1 ПОЛОСА, ОТКРЫВАЮЩАЯ РУБРИКИ/OPENER PAGE 14 000 1 ПОЛОСА /SINGLE PAGE 13 000 ПРЕМИАЛЬНЫЕ ПОЗИЦИИ/ PREMIUM POSITIONS ПОЗИЦИЯ И ОБЪЕМ / POSITION AND VOLUME СТОИМОСТЬ (В ЕВРО)/ PRICES IN EURO 1 TOC СОДЕРЖАНИЕ/1 TOC CONTENTS 18 000 2 TOC СОДЕРЖАНИЕ/2 TOC CONTENTS 18 000 3 TOC МАСТХЭД/3 TOC MASTHEAD 17 500 4 TOC МАСТХЭД/4 TOC MASTHEAD 17 500 5 TOC ПИСЬМО РЕДАКТОРА/5 TOC EDITOR’S LETTER 18 500 1 ПОЛОСА В ПЕРВОЙ ТРЕТИ ЖУРНАЛА /SINGLE PAGE IN 1ST THIRD OF THE MAGAZINE 14 000 L’ O F F I C I E L L’ O F F I C I E L 24 25 TECHNICAL RE QU IRE M E N T S 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS: Source materials submitted for publication in the Periodical are to meet the following requirements: They are to comply with the laws of the Russian Federation, They must be completely ready for publication and signed into press by the Client, Their sizes are to fit the advertising modules below 2. ADVERTISING MODULE SIZES: Format as a part of page Size in millimeters (widt h/heig ht) (after trimming) 1/1 220/285 3. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ON FILES: We accept files created in the following applications: • 4 Adobe InDesign, • 4 Adobe Photoshop, • 4 Adobe Illustrator The files created in Adobe illustrator should not contain any raster images, vector objects only! Vector and raster images must be united only in InDesign as separate files. NOTE: Files created in other applications are accepted ONLY in the .tif or raster .eps. format ARE NOT ACCEPTED! • File names must not contain punctuation marks, symbols, spaces, or Cyrillic symbols. • File names are to have a reference to the advertiser. No files containing numerals only or abstract names are accepted. A file name is to be followed by a period and file type extensions (.eps, .tif or other). Example: AST_BRAND_01.eps The color model of all illustrations is CMYK. See Item 4.2 4. REQUIREMENTS ON MAKE-UP FILES: We accept only files created on the Apple Macintosh platform (Adobe InDesign application) containing illustrations created in the applications Illustrator® and PhotoShop®. Make-up files must be accompanied by all fonts used and illustrations, to be placed in separate folders. Page size in the document should be identical to the trimmed format of the publication. The bleed should be equal 5 mm. Any significant elements of the make-up should not be closer than 5 mm to the trim line and 10 mm to the spine line. Otherwise, these elements are likely to be trimmed or be folded at the spine. Do not use font sizes smaller than 6 points L’ O F F I C I E L 26 for four-color reverse texts. Black is Black (K100) only. The minimum width of fourcolor lines is at least 1 pt. Large black areas must be black composites of C-60%, M-40%, Y-40%, and K-100%. Overprint is only allowed for special projects to identify varnish, die-cut, embossing, relief, and so on. In all other cases, no special overprint setting (even on black) should be used. Files should not contain blank pages or extra information (unused styles, elements beyond document margins, and so on). All unused colors are to be removed from the document, and the remaining ones are to be separated in the CMYK color model. No colors should have names identical to basic colors used in standard palettes. All images used in graphic boxes must be on the 100% scale. Resolution of all raster images must be 300 dpi (for block) and 350 dpi (for cover). All files should finally be checked in FLIGHTCHECK according to all parameters (including trapping). 4.2 REQUIREMENTS ON RASTER (BITMAP) IMAGES: Files of the raster images submitted are to be saved in the TIF or EPS format. Color profile should be embedded. We recommend to use profile to block the magazine: ISOcoated_v2_300_eci.icc Total Ink Limit 300%, for the cover of the magazine ISOcoated_v2_eci.icc NOTE: If the color separation requirements are not kept, the Publishers reserve the right to make required changes in the files to have a normal printing process, and will accept no liability for the accuracy of the Client’s advertisement color reproduction. For saving EPS files, do not use the functions: • Include Halftone Screen, • Include Transfer Function, • PostScript Color Managment. 4.3 REQUIREMENTS ON VECTOR IMAGES: Before work begins to create an illustration in the Adobe Illustrator application, the Document Raster Effect Settings are to be set to “High” (300 dpi). Vector images are images created and edited in Adobe Illustrator application (.eps or .ai format). Color model for these images is CMYK. Vector images should not contain: • Any overprints (especially on White), • Any unused colors (swatches) or nonCMYK colors, • Any raster elements. (Raster and vector elements may be united only in InDesign application), • Any fonts (all fonts should be converted to curves using mode CREATE OUTLINES), • Large black areas must be black composites of C-60%, M-40%, Y-40%, and K-100%. 5. COLOR PROOF: Color proof must imitate the color profile embedded in the file (see Section 4.2) and must contain name of this profile and control scale UGRA/FOGRA with 46 fields. The size of color proof must be 100% of the print size. Color proof should be made from the file given.We must obtain the color proofs affirmed by customers simultaneously together with the files. We can guarantee the best color correspondence of file and printing only using the color proofs made on our equipment. 6. MEDIA: You can choose to publish their advertising models to our FTP server. In the folder advertising_L’OFFICIEL. User: officiel pwd: Lfyyst77 Tell letter laid out an advertising layout. You can use file sharing. 7. RECOMMENDATIONS: For spread images, we recommend to expand the illustration 4 mm to either side from thespine (a total of 8 mm, see figure). Otherwise, loss or distortion of significant image elements or their visual distortion in the ready-glued magazine is possible. CONTACTS NATALIA GANDURINA Publisher gandurina.natalia@lejr.ru VLADIMIR POMUKCHINSKY Commerclal Director pomukchinsky@lejr.ru KARINA BUSHMINA Advertising Department bushmina@lejr.ru ELENA TURYKINA Advertising Department turykina@lejr.ru RUSSIA MOSCOW ULITSA BOLSHAYA DMITROVKA 32/4, 125 009 PHONE 8 (499) 518 66 33 L’ O F F I C I E L 28
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