l`officiel manila - Jalou Media Group
l`officiel manila - Jalou Media Group
2015 – 2016 MEDIA KIT ROGUE MEDIA, INC. — L'OFFICIEL MANIL A MEDIA KIT — SUMMARY P. 7 O U R M A N I FES TO P. 8 O U R H E RI TAG E P. 21 B R A N D VA LU ES P. 22 T H E CO RE RE A D E R P. 25 P OS I T I O N I N G P. 26 T H E L' O FFI C I E L M A N I L A T E A M P. 28 E D I TO RI A L S EC T I O NS P. 31 C I RC U L AT I O N P. 32 E D I TO RI A L C A L E N DA R P. 33 2015 -2016 P RI N T A DV E RT IS I N G R AT ES P. 34 S E L EC T I O N O F WO RL DW I D E A DV E RT I S E RS P. 36 P RO D U C T S P EC I FI C AT I O NS PHOTOGR APHY TIMUR CELIKDAG L'OFFICIEL MANIL A 5 — L'OFFICIEL MANIL A MEDIA KIT — OUR MANIFESTO FASHION OF THE MOMENT, STYLE THAT ENDURES. This is the spirit of L’Officiel. With its origins in Paris, the heart of the fashion world, L’Officiel understands that today’s fashion is a natural synergy between tradition and innovation. We respect fashion’s heritage but also embrace present-day sensibilities that likewise help shape fashion history. Fashion is now, but it is also what was then. We view fashion as an ever-evolving work of art but also believe that authentic style transcends trends. We understand that fashion and luxury co-exist, but that true luxury is subtle, arcane, and ultimately desirable. We believe that real fashion is not about what you keep in your closet— it’s an experience, a philosophy, a lifestyle. And we bring that experience to you—in the form of a magazine that is both a thought-provoking visual feast and an enviable source of in-depth fashion reportage. This is L’Officiel. PHOTOGR APHY MARK NICDAO / ST YLING PAM QUIÑONES L'OFFICIEL MANIL A 7 OUR HERITAGE L’OFFICIEL IS ONE OF THE MOST INFLUENTIAL MAGAZINES IN THE FASHION WORLD. L 15085 - 1 - F: 10,00 € - RD With that comes status and privilege: The title competes internationally with VOGUE, Harper’s BAZAAR, and ELLE. N.1 avril-mai-juin 2012 - wiTh engliSh TexT www.lofficielarT.com MoNUMENTA(L) BUREN PAR TAYOU l ’ inTégrale de ThOmAs rUFF à munich PALAIS DE TØKYØ le grand Souffle MEXICO CALLING PAR sTEFaN BRÜGGEMaNN Tom SachS miSSion marS LES MODERNES REBELLES IRANIENNES DE Shirin Aliabadi excluSif ErwIN wUrM en mode “one-minuTe SculpTure” 1921 L’OFFICIEL 1930 L’OFFICIEL 1940 L’OFFICIEL 1950 L’OFFICIEL 1960 L’OFFICIEL L’OFFICIEL IS THE EMBODIMENT OF FRENCH STYLE AND SAVOIR-FAIRE. L’OFFICIEL IS BOTH A WEAVER OF DREAMS AND A GLOBAL FASHION MEDIA BRAND. 1970 L’OFFICIEL 1980 L’OFFICIEL 1990 L’OFFICIEL 1997 JALOUSE 1999 LA REVUE DES MONTRES 1999 L’OFFICIEL 1990s L’Officiel is launched as a fashion trade magazine, journaling the birth of French haute couture and rise of the first fashion houses. L’Officiel quickly becomes the authoritative voice in the fashion industry. Les Edition Jalou expands its portfolio to include several verticals in the luxury market, covering women’s fashion (L’Officiel 1000 Modèles, Jalouse), men’s fashion (L’Officiel Hommes, L’Optimum), beauty (L'Officiel de la Beauté, L’Officiel Aesthetique Surgery), travel (L’Officiel Voyage), watches (La Revue de Montres), jewelry (L'Officiel Intégrale Luxe), art (L’Officiel Art), and culture (L’Officiel Paris Guide, L’Officiel Conciergerie). Under the stewardship of George Jalou, a former typesetter and visionary in the publishing world, L’Officiel embraces modernity and innovation, storying the greatest talents of the era, including Christian Dior and Yves Saint Laurent. 1970s – 1980s With the rise of ready-to-wear fashion, L’Officiel becomes a premium consumer magazine at the forefront of fashion, introducing readers to new trailblazing talents like Claude Montana, Thierry Mugler, Christian Lacroix, and Jean-Paul Gaultier. 2003 CHINA 1000 MODÈLES 1920s 1950s-1960s PARIS HAS ALWAYS BEEN THE EPICENTER OF THE FASHION GALAXY—AND THE STORY OF L’OFFICIEL IS INEXTRICABLY PARALLEL TO THE HISTORY OF FASHION. 1996 L’OPTIMUM 2005 L’OFFICIEL VOYAGE 2005 L’OFFICIEL HOMMES 2012 L’OFFICIEL ART THIS MAY 2015, ROGUE MEDIA, INC. WILL PUBLISH THE TITLE’S 25TH EDITION: L’OFFICIEL MANILA 2000s Les Editions Jalou focuses on cross-border publishing ventures, launching in mature and emerging markets. Today, major international editions of L’Officiel include Italy, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Russia, Brazil, Mexico, the Middle East, India, China, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Australia. L'OFFICIEL MANIL A L'OFFICIEL MANIL A 8 9 FRENCH TITLES FRENCH SUPPLEMENTS & SPECIAL ISSUES HORS-SÉRIE HORS - SéRIE N°1 N° 982 – 4,50 € AMY ADAMS FA SHI O N WE E K L’INTÉGRALE HORLOGERIE JOAILLERIE LA STAR QUI ENVOÛTE HOLLYWOOD l'inTégrale 5000 lE guide dE lA saison HOROGUIDE 2O14 1OOO MODELES MOdèlES 200 Collection « Chain Attraction », Louis Vuitton Joaillerie Tendances accessoires Maquillage coiffure fronT row Mannequins sTreeT sTyle MODE PA R I S – M I L A N – N E W Y O R K – L O N D R E S AU T OM N E - H I V E R NOUVEAUX DÉSIRS NOUVELLES ENVIES L 15777 - 8 H - F: 25,00 € - RD 1000 PIÈCES HAUTEMENT DÉSIRABLES TENDANCES - COUPS DE CŒUR CHASSEURS DE PIERRES - NOUVEAUX DESIGNERS DIVINS DIAMANTS Amy Adams en Miu Miu WWW.LOFFICIELMODE.COM 2014/2015 BIlINguAl EdItION www.lofficielmode.com HORS-SÉRIE N°15 – 2014 – 17 € – US $ 35 – WWW.LAREVUEDESMONTRES.COM MARquES RICHARD MILLE RM 19-01 TOURBILLON NATALIE PORTMAN L 19721 - 15 H - F: 17,00 € - RD L 15003 - 982 - F: 4,50 € - RD L 15003 - 982 - F: 4,50 € - RD OF982_COUV2 .indd 4 19/12/13 15:44 L’OFFICIEL L’OFFICIEL HOMMES L’OFFICIEL ART L’OFFICIEL VOYAGE L’OFFICIEL 1000 MODÈLES L’OFFICIEL JEWELLRY L’OFFICIEL ENFANT L’OFFICIEL HOMMES COLLECTIONS L’OFFICIEL FASHION WEEK L’OFFICIEL DESIGN L’OFFICIEL WEDDINGS LA REVUE DES MONTRES HORS-SÉRIE Beauté 100 INCONTOURNABLES DU BASIQUE AU MYTHIQUE TENDANCES BACKSTAGE MAKE-UP & COIFFURE PARFUMS DE LUXE SOINS HAUTE COUTURE vip JALOUSE L’O P TIMUM SHOPPING GUIDE LA REVUE L’OFFICIEL D E S MONTRES AESTHETIQUE SURGERY & HOLISTIQUE SPAS, RETRAITES, BOOT CAMPS MONICA DIVINE ET STAR Laetitia Casta Mariacarla Boscono Diane Kruger Eva Herzigova L’OFFICIEL BIEN-ÊTRE LA REINE ÉGÉRIE ACCOMPLIE WHO’S L 18479 - 1 H - F: 10,00 € - RD WHO LES ARTISANS DE LA BEAUTÉ L’OFFICIEL BEAUTY L'OFFICIEL MANIL A L'OFFICIEL MANIL A 10 11 HOROGUIDE EUROPE / RUSSIA • Germany (L'Officiel Hommes) • Greece (L'Officiel, L’Officiel Hommes) • Italy (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes) • Latvia (L'Officiel) • Lithuania (L'Officiel) • Netherlands (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes) • Russia (L'Officiel) • Switzerland (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes, L’Officiel Voyage) • Ukraine (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes) MIDDLE EAST / AFRICA • Lebanon (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes) • Middle East (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes, L’Officiel Art) • Morocco (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes) • Turkey (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes) ASIA / PACIFIC • Australia (L’Officiel) • Azerbaijan (L'Officiel) • Central Asia (L'Officiel) • China (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes, L'Officiel Art, Jalouse) • South Korea (L'Officiel Hommes) • India (L'Officiel) • Indonesia (L'Officiel) • New Zealand (L’Officiel) • Philippines (L'Officiel) • Singapore (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes) • Thailand (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes, L'Optimum, L’Officiel Art) • Vietnam (L’Officiel) A GLOBAL PURVEYOR OF FASHION, STYLE, AND LUXURY CENTRAL & SOUTH AMERICA • Brazil (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes, L’Officiel Voyage) • Mexico (L'Officiel) AN UNP R E C E D E N T E D R E AC H L’OFFICIEL AND ITS SATELLITE TITLES ARE NOW DISTRIBUTED IN 110 COUNTRIES, REACHING MORE THAN 9 MILLION READERS. L’OFFICIEL MANILA WILL BE THE 25TH EDITION OF THE VENERABLE FASHION MEDIA BRAND. L'OFFICIEL MANIL A L'OFFICIEL MANIL A 12 13 INTERNATIONAL EDITIONS TÜRKİYE INTERNATIONAL EDITIONS o soM do vidigAL pArA o Mundo créateurs nouvelles valeurs et légendes vivantes Perfume’s new star & being the most powerful Woman in Fashion viTorino cAMpos tiempos modernos EsTrEiA coMo stylist MODA RENK METAL &ROMANCE PALETINE BULAŞIYOR YÜZ YÜZE NÚMERO 20 R$ 14,90 GEORGIA MAY JAGGER AZIZ SARIYER MAYA PORTAKAL TOM AIKENS LAPO ELKANN PAOLLA RAHMEIER VESTE DOLCE & GABBANA Luxe Living aT HoMe WiTH drieS van noTen inSTagLaM HoLidayS Beautiful Bali Bright, white and floral WeLcoMe To THe neW SeaSon FaSH ion Fi x eS For ev ery Mood Nisan 2014-4 Sayı: 20 9 TL KKTC 10 TL KAPAK ANGELA.indd 152 lo Último en relojes chic ou provoc’ jessica hart arT aTTack Lv’S STaTeMenT ScarveS Vol III Garçon simplicidad máximo impacto les deux tendances de l’été on THe Menu esenciales de belleza $45 Mayo 2014 Bo don en MaxMara LoFFICIeLMexICo.CoM Jessica Hart en Dior BeauTy’S neW WinnerS qu e C a roaas lé m . vã moda da PURER GLANZ JUWELEN-SOMMER CAUÃ REYMOND KRASILCIC ALEX POISÉ t N° 43– 7,500 L.L. pEArLs nEgrAs bEijo N° 2 – MAI/JUNI 2014 CHF 12 nº03 spécial Mode Making a Modern icon dvF’S Wrap parTy R$ 19,90 AcEssórios quE são puro dEsEjo EspEciAL bAToM novAs corEs pArA sEu N° 44 – 7,500 l.l. Forever FaBuLouS NÚMERO 1 SAÇLARDA DEVRİM SARIŞIN OLMAK YA DA OLMAMAK 70 pAssARElAs Ny-pARis o quE vAi virAr ModA, dos pés Aos cAbELos 2014 ZIRVEDE OLMANIN DAYANILMAZ HAFIFLIGI MAYO LINDVALL nº03 ANGELA t FELIPE HIRSCH t MARLON TEIXEIRA t GIOVANNI BIANCO OSKAR METSAVAHT t OTÁVIO ZARVOS t MARCOS CAMPOS t PABLO GALLARDO nadim tabet est en the kooples NADIM TABET . IBrAhIM MAAlouf . BErNArD MourAD AlI chErrI. roy DIB . MAS: ThAT PETrol EMoTIoN 9 772077 50001 1 LO-03-Portada_Forros OK.indd 1 09/04/14 18:49 3/22/14 3:40 PM L’OFFICIEL L’OFFICIEL L’OFFICIEL L’OFFICIEL L’OFFICIEL L’OFFICIEL L’OFFICIEL L’OFFICIEL L’OFFICIEL JALOUSE L’ OF F IC IEL HOM M ES L’ OF F IC IEL HOM M ES Turkey Brazil Middle East China Lebanon Greece Mexico Switzerland Azerbaijan China Brazil Lebanon HARTE DRINKS DIE BRUDERLIEBE KONTROLLVERLUST №56 20142013 №54 MARTS DECEMBRIS agnese zeltiņa Jana Briķe sapŅu pārdeVēja milēdijas adVOkāte ass JautāJums drīss van notens Viss par skaistuma injekcijām un ViŅa mŪZas Pavasara diāna fon firstenBerga kods C LE M E N S SCHICK Jaunās sezonas tendences kleitu karaliene Cena-EUR 3,514,25 Cena – Ls5,00/Ls 2,99 / EUR WILL FERRELL LEBRON JAMES BJARNE MELGAARD MATTHIAS LILIENTHAL TOMI UNGERER STEFAN SAGMEISTER RYAN MCGINLEY ALAN MOORE ULLI LOMMEL OLIVER BERBEN LASIET MŪS ARĪ iPHONE UN iPAD 03 9 771691 513001 L’OFFICIEL L’OFFICIEL L’OFFICIEL L’OFFICIEL L’OFFICIEL L’ OFFI CI E L H OM M ES L’ OFFI CI E L H OM M ES L’ OFFI CI E L H OM M ES L’ OFFI CI E L HOM M ES L’ OF F IC IEL HOM M ES L’ OF F IC IEL HOM M ES India Central Asia Indonesia Italy Latvia Thailand Middle East South Korea Netherlands Germany China Ukraine N° 7 - APRIL 2014 - WWW.LOPTIMUMTHAILAND.COM NO.82 РоссиЯ L’OFFICIEL April 本刊邮发代号:28-426 国内统一刊号:CN52-1010/I 国际标准刊号:ISSN1002-686X RMB ¥20 HKD $30 www.lofficielart.cn 04/2014 Март 2014 DE LA COUTURE ET DA LA MODE DE PARIS EN RUSSIE аRT мода как искусство เมษายน 2557 25 мэттью макконахи дельфина делеттРе дРис ван нотен сеРгей Полунин джессика лэнг 10 | prim av er a estate 20 14 Google 艺术计划的中国攻略 董梦阳 艺术, 北京 กิจกรรมคลั่ง ท้าให้คุณลอง สักครั้ง (ก่อนตาย) STRANGE SEX EXTREME LIFE WEAR A CRAZY PRINT ถ้าคุณลองแล้ว ก็ขอโทษด้วย HOW TO ประลองความมัน สไตล์หนุ่มบ้าพลัง 断章取义朱新建 青铜时代 一器倾城 2013 佛教艺术的得与失 Google Art Project in China Dong Meng Yang Art, Beijing Zhu Xin Jian Bronze Age Buddhism Art in 2013 AND LOOK GOOD NEW BLOOD IN MENSWEAR รู้จักผู้ก่อตั้ง อินสตาแกรม MR. BEAN’S INCREDIBLE CAR COLLECTION 16+ 画廊主的前世今生 How Did They Become Gallerists 73×60cm 2013 Rinus Van De Velde 布面油画 APR - 100THB Золотые правила веСны 曹力 EXCLUSIVE STANISLAS WAWRINKA THE NEW COURT HERO 四美图系列之三 БлеСК! на сибуи: платье и колье LanVin, браслеты VaLentino Cover.indd 1 3/28/14 16:53 L’OFFICIEL L’OFFICIEL L’OFFICIEL L’OFFICIEL L’OFFICIEL L’OFFICIEL L’ OFFI CI E L H OM M ES L’ OFFI CI E L H OM M ES L’ OFFI CI E L H OM M ES L’O P TIMUM L’OFFICIEL ART L’OFFICIEL ART Lithuania Morocco Singapore Netherlands Russia Ukraine Morocco Thailand Italy Thailand China Middle East L'OFFICIEL MANIL A L'OFFICIEL MANIL A 14 15 WELCOME TO THE FRONT ROW LAUNCHING IN M AY 2 0 1 5 PHOTOGR APHY MARK NICDAO / ST YLING PAM QUIÑONES L'OFFICIEL MANIL A 17 L’OFFICIEL MANILA SITS IN THE FRONT ROW OF FASHION. "WITH ITS INTERNATIONAL, DIRECT-FROM-THESOURCE COVERAGE, L’OFFICIEL MANILA GIVES UNPARALLELED INSIDER ACCESS TO THE BEST AND LATEST IN FASHION—LIKE NO OTHER LOCAL FASHION MAGAZINE CAN." – PA M Q U I Ñ O N E S Editor in Chief PHOTOGR APHY TIMUR CELIKDAG — L'OFFICIEL MANIL A MEDIA KIT — BRAND VALUES GLOBAL INTELLIGENT AUTHENTIC CREDIBLE CHIC L’Officiel Manila provides exclusive and unrivaled access to the global arena of fashion. More than just fashion news and trends reportage, L’Officiel Manila delivers in-depth coverage of fashion as we know it: a creative force, an industry, a heritage, a culture, and a representation of what is now. With its clear, authoritative editorial voice, L’Officiel Manila resonates with its core readership of Filipino female affluents. PHOTOGRAPHY MATHIEU CÉSAR L'OFFICIEL MANIL A 21 — L'OFFICIEL MANIL A MEDIA KIT — THE CORE READER SHE IS BETWEEN 30 AND 45 YEARS OLD, WITH AN AVERAGE AGE OF 38. She is predominantly married (60% married, 40% single), hailing from the A+ socio-economic segment and holding a university or advanced degree. She is a homeowner in a private residential area in Metro Manila (Makati, Bonifacio Global City, Alabang, San Juan, Pasig, Quezon City) or a key provincial city (Bacolod, Baguio, Cagayan de Oro, Cebu, Davao, Iloilo). Traveling internationally at least twice a year, she is a high-powered executive or established entrepreneur. SHE IS A PROLIFIC LUXURY GOODS CONSUMER. She spends an average of 60,000 pesos a month on couture and ready-to-wear fashion, accessories, watches and jewelry, and beauty products. SHE REGARDS BRANDS WITH AN INTELLIGENCE THAT GOES BEYOND THE SURFACE AND THE TRIVIAL. She has a profound interest in the heritage, craftsmanship, and science of luxury products and services. SHE IS A NEW WOMAN OF THE WORLD. She is at home in all the style capitals of the world, and she lives her life with confidence and a measure of uninhibitedness. For her, authenticity is the new activism. SHE’S CLUED IN. She actively seeks innovation and elegance in her style choices, mixing tradition with modernism, chic yet edgy. Through its core audience of female affluents, L’Officiel Manila will attract a secondary cult following of female aspirationals and mass affluents, aged 25-45. L'OFFICIEL MANIL A 22 PHOTOGR APHY MARK NICDAO / ST YLING PAM QUIÑONES — L'OFFICIEL MANIL A MEDIA KIT — POSITIONING Chic Luxury PREVIEW Pop Culture Fashion M E T RO Lifestyle + Fashion M E GA Mass Fashion EDITORIAL MIX FA S H I O N & ACC E SORI E S 55% 41% 37% 47% Legend BE AUT Y 25% L'OFFICIEL MANILA PREVIEW METRO SOURCE DATA: FEBRUARY AND MARCH 2014 ISSUES L’OFFICIEL MANILA WILL PUBLISH THE HIGHEST NUMBER OF FASHION AND BEAUTY PAGES AMONG WOMEN’S FASHION MAGAZINES IN THE PHILIPPINES. 14% 15% 5% WAT C H E S & J E W E L RY MEGA 18% 1% 1% 2% LIFEST YLE 15% 40% 48% 36% PHOTOGR APHY MARK NICDAO / ST YLING PAM QUIÑONES L'OFFICIEL MANIL A 25 — L'OFFICIEL MANIL A MEDIA KIT — T H E L' O F F I C I E L M A N I L A T E A M PA M Q U I Ñ O N E S V I C K Y M O N T E N E G RO E D I TO R I N C H I E F EXECUTIVE EDITOR As the most coveted fashion stylist in the country, Quiñones is considered the style authority by the Philippine fashion industry, affluents, and mass affluents/aspirationals. With a degree in European Studies from Ateneo de Manila University, she first moved to Milan, Italy, to take up Fashion Promotion at Istituto Marangoni, simultaneously working in Milan Fashion Week. Later on, she pursued further studies in image consulting at New York’s Fashion Institute of Technology. Previously the Fashion Editor for Marie Claire Philippines and Chalk magazine, Quiñones has an extensive styling portfolio spanning high-fashion, beauty, and lifestyle, published in the country’s leading fashion and lifestyle media. Montenegro holds an impressive editorial resume. Soon after graduating with a BA Journalism degree from UP Diliman, she worked as a Contributing Writer for the Philippine Daily Inquirer, covering the fashion and lifestyle beat. Montenegro was also part of the three biggest publishing firms in the country and found success with different readerships and genres: she was the Editor in Chief of teen magazine Chalk and Managing Editor (from 2007-2010) and Fashion Features Editor at Large (from 2011-2014) of fashion magazine Preview. In 2014, Montenegro ventured into books and wrote StyLIZed: Liz Uy’s Ten Style Essentials. Apart from publishing, she also has extensive experience in brand building and content marketing particularly as President of Curious Creative Agency Inc., her own marketing and communications agency. MIGUEL MARI V I C K Y T E N S UA N C R E AT I V E D I R E C TO R BEAUTY DIRECTOR As the founding Creative Director of Rogue, Mari is an award-winning creative, setting the new standard in Philippine magazine design—from art direction and photo editing, to page architecture and typography. The former Design Director of luxury watch and automotive magazines, Mari has over 17 years of experience in graphic design, eight of which were spent in publishing, where he has mastered the art of “visual journalism.” He has also designed local coffee table books and special publications for various industry captains and multi-national corporations in the Philippines, including Don Jaime Zobel de Ayala, Mañosa & Co., Shell Pilipinas, Puerto Princesa Mayor Edward Hagedorn, the Lopa family, Neal Oshima, Scott Tuason, and the Ayala Museum, among other clients. Tensuan is one of the most experienced beauty journalists in the country. As Mega magazine’s first beauty editor, she built a strong following for the stories and sections that she pioneered and fostered a thriving relationship with the biggest brands of the industry. Known to have an atypical approach when it comes to producing her visuals, she crafts her stories with the goal of unraveling products, treatments, and topics at a scientific level. Tensuan also maintained a popular column both with Meg magazine and the Philippine Star’s YStyle section and was the Editor in Chief of Blush magazine. PA O L O R E Y E S I P E C RU Z E D I TO R I A L D I R E C TO R PUBLISHER One of the founding editors of Rogue, Reyes has been working in the publishing industry for over 12 years. Under his editorial leadership, Rogue has become an internationally recognized and award-winning magazine, honored by the Asian Publishing Awards and the New York Festivals Awards. The great-grandson of the late Liwayway magazine publisher and Editor-in-Chief Severino Reyes (Lola Basyang, Walang Sugat), he has been a columnist of the Philippine Daily Inquirer since 2005 and has authored and edited several books and memoirs, most notably the historical biography Coming Home to Roberts Street. After receiving his B.A. in communication and journalism from the Ateneo de Manila University, Reyes pursued further studies in photography and print media design at the Istituto d'Arte LdM in Italy, and attended the Magazine Media & Digital Publishing program at Yale University. Cruz has over 10 years of editorial, advertising sales, marketing, business development, and digital experience in magazine publishing. Previously managing various luxury titles for the two largest publishing firms in the country, he also attended the Stanford Professional Publishing Course at Stanford University in 2008. In 2009, Cruz moved to New York to take up his Master’s in Publishing at New York University, where he finished at the top of his class, garnering the Award for Excellence in Magazine Publishing, besting colleagues from Esquire, ELLE, Time, and The Associated Press. While in New York, Cruz also interned at the international publishing division of Hearst Magazines, working for the foreign editions of Harper’s BAZAAR, Esquire and Cosmopolitan. Most recently, he attended the 2014 Digital Newsstand Conference held in Bangkok, Thailand, organized by the worldwide magazine media association: FIPP. Cruz is concurrently the Publisher of Rogue, a leading luxury lifestyle magazine in the Philippines. PHOTOGR APHY STIAN FOSS L'OFFICIEL MANIL A L'OFFICIEL MANIL A 26 27 — L'OFFICIEL MANIL A MEDIA KIT — EDITORIAL SECTIONS — L'OFFICIEL MANIL A MEDIA KIT — EDITORIAL SECTIONS FA S H I O N WA T C H E S & J E W E L RY Always up to the minute and relevant, L’Officiel Manila provides unprecedented fashion coverage expertly curated by its editorial team. L’Officiel Manila is the only local fashion magazine with a section dedicated to watches and jewelry, accessories, and all the other important extras. INCLUDES INCLUDES RETAIL STORE OPENINGS • PRODUCT LAUNCHES • TREND REPORTS • DESIGNER OVERVIEWS • DESIGNER PROFILES • DESIGNER Q&A BRAND STORIES • FASHION & ACCESSORIES EDITORIALS • GASTRONOMY • BOOKS & FILMS TREND REPORTS • DESIGNER PROFILES • DESIGNER AND EXECUTIVE Q&A • BRAND STORIES • WATCH & JEWELRY EDITORIALS BEAUTY From the latest runway looks to the newest products and services and the science behind them, L’Officiel Manila scratches beneath the (beauty) surface. F E AT U R E S & E D I TO R I A L S With its creative team of photographers, stylists, and journalists, L’Officiel Manila offers thought-provoking visuals and in-depth features that speak to the informed fashion set. INCLUDES INCLUDES PRODUCT REVIEWS • TREND REPORTS • BEAUTY TECHNOLOGY • PERFUMES & SCENTS • BRAND STORIES INFLUENCER INTERVIEWS • REPORTAGE ARTICLES • FASHION, JEWELRY, AND BEAUTY EDITORIALS • NOSTALGIA FEATURES BEAUTY EDITORIALS • AESTHETIC SURGERY L'OFFICIEL MANIL A L'OFFICIEL MANIL A 28 29 — L'OFFICIEL MANIL A MEDIA KIT — CIRCULATION CIRCULATION: 40,000 PASS ON READERSHIP: 10 X TOTAL READERSHIP: 400,000 COVER PRICE: PHP200 FREQUENCY: 10 TIMES A YEAR WITH DOUBLE ISSUE IN DECEMBER/JANUARY AND JULY/AUGUST PAPER SIZE: 9” X 12” (FOLDED) NEWSSTAND DRAW: M E T RO M A N I L A 80% 20% KE Y PROV IN CI AL CITIES METRO MANILA: Makati, Bonifacio Global City, Alabang, San Juan, Pasig, Quezon City KEY PROVINCIAL CITIES: Bacolod, Baguio, Cagayan de Oro, Cebu, Davao, Iloilo City DISTRIBUTION: UPSCALE BOOKSTORES AND NEWSSTANDS IN METRO MANILA AND KEY PROVINCIAL CITIES: BACOLOD, BAGUIO, CAGAYAN DE ORO, CEBU, DAVAO, ILOILO CITY COMPLIMENTARY COPIES TO VIPS: LEADING DESIGNERS, SOCIALITES, PACESETTERS, BUSINESSWOMEN, INDUSTRY CAPTAINS, PHILANTROPISTS, ART COLLECTORS, AND TOP CLIENTS OF FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS VISIBILITY COPIES IN HIGH-END COMMERCIAL AREAS: HOTELS & RESORTS, AIRLINE LOUNGES, COUNTRY CLUBS, SPAS, GYMS, SALONS, CLINICS, RESTAURANTS, LUXURY RETAILERS, REAL ESTATE SHOWROOMS, AND FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS PHOTOGR APHY LAURENCE ELLIS L'OFFICIEL MANIL A 31 2015-2016 EDITORIAL CALENDAR 2015 - 2016 PRINT ADVERTISING R ATES ISSUE MONTH ISSUE THEME ON SALE BOOKING DEADLINES FEBRUARY EMERGING FASHION + POSSIBLE BEAUTY SUPPLEMENT January 23rd December 10th MARCH SPRING/SUMMER + POSSIBLE 1,000 LOOKS/COLLECTIONS SUPPLEMENT February 28th January 10th BEAUTY ISSUE + POSSIBLE TRAVEL SUPPLEMENT FULL PAGE APRIL March 28th February 10th REGULAR PAGE SPREAD 1x 3x 6x 9x 10 x ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL + POSSIBLE ACCESSORIES SUPPLEMENT April 28 March 10 FRONT COVER GATEFOLD 516,000 516,000 516,000 516,000 516,000 INSIDE FRONT COVER + PAGE 1 463,000 448,000 433,000 421,000 410,000 JUNE ACCESSORIES SPECIAL + POSSIBLE WATCHES & JEWELRY SUPPLEMENT May 28nd April 10th OUTSIDE BACK COVER 351,000 351,000 351,000 351,000 351,000 INSIDE BACK COVER 252,000 249,000 237,000 228,000 215,000 JULY / AUGUST HAUTE COUTURE + POSSIBLE SHOES SUPPLEMENT July 28th June 10th SEPTEMBER BIG FASHION ISSUE/AUTUMN/WINTER + POSSIBLE 1,000 LOOKS/COLLECTIONS SUPPLEMENT August 28st July 10th OCTOBER BEAUTY & ACCESSORIES SPECIAL + POSSIBLE BAGS SUPPLEMENT September 28th August 10rd NOVEMBER FASHION LIFESTYLE/ART AND DESIGN ISSUE + POSSIBLE HOME SUPPLEMENT October 28rd September 10th DECEMBER / JANUARY LUXURY ISSUE + POSSIBLE WATCHES & JEWELRY SUPPLEMENT November 28th in php REGULAR POSITIONS SPECIAL POSITIONS MAY P LAUNCH ISSUE L'OFFICIEL MANIL A 32 th th October 10th PHOTOGR APHY MATHIEU CÉSAR / ST YLING ALEX ANDR A ELBIM 1x 3x 6x 9x 10 x 194,000 189,000 174,000 172,000 171,000 307,000 305,000 283,000 281,000 277,000 C IRC UL ATION 40,000 copies distributed to upscale bookstores and newsstands in Metro Manila and key provincial cities: Bacolod, Baguio, Cagayan de Oro, Cebu, Davao, and Iloilo Complimentary copies to VIPs: leading designers, socialites, pacesetters, businesswomen, industry captains, philanthropists, art collectors, and top clients of financial institutions Visibility copies in high-end commercial areas: hotels & resorts, airline lounges, country clubs, spas, gyms, salons, clinics, restaurants, luxury retailers, real estate showrooms, and financial institutions FREQUENCY L'Officiel Manila is published 10 times a year with a double month issue in December/January and July/August L'OFFICIEL MANIL A 33 SELECTION OF WORLDWIDE ADVERTISERS WATCHES & JEWELRY FASHION 3.1 PHILLIP LIM 32 PARADIS SPRUNG FRERES 7 FOR ALL MANKIND ADIDAS Y-3 ADOLFO DOMINGUEZ AGENT PROVOCATEUR (MODA) AIGLE AIGNER AIRFIELD AKRIS ALAIN FIGARET ALBERTO GUARDIANI ALFRED DUNHILL ALL-STAR CONVERSE ALLUDE AMERICAN APPAREL AMERICAN VINTAGE ANNE FONTAINE ANNE KLEIN ATTILIO GIUSTI LEO BRUNI BA & SH BALLY MODA BARBARA BUI BCBG MAXAZRIA BELSTAFF BERENICE BERLUTI BLUMARINE BOGLIOLI SARTORIA BORBONESE BOSS BOTTEGA VENETA BRIGITTE BARDOT BRIONI BROOKS BROTHERS BRUNELLO CUCINELLI BURBERRY BURBERRY BRIT BURBERRY CHILDREN BURBERRY LONDON BURBERRY PRORSUM CALVIN KLEIN COLLECTION CALVIN KLEIN JEANS CALVIN KLEIN PLATINUM LABEL CALVIN KLEIN UNDERWEAR CAMPER CANALI CAROLINA HERRERA CARVEN CASADEI CELINE CH CHANEL ACT2 ISSEY MIYAKE ISSEY MIYAKE MEN J.M. WESTON JACOB COHEN JIL SANDER JIMMY CHOO JOHN JOHN JOHN VARVATOS JOSEPH JUST CAVALLI KATE SPADE KENZO KENZO HOMME KURT GEIGER L’UTRE CHOSE LA PERLA LACOSTE LANCEL LANVIN LE SILLA LES COPAINS LISE CHARMEL LIU JEANS LIU-JO LOEWE LOUIS VUITTON LONGCHAMP LUISA CERANO MAISON ULLENS MAJE MARC BY MARC JACOBS MARC CAIN MARC JACOBS MARCO POLO MARINA RINALDI MAX & CO MAX MARA MCM MCQ MCQUEEN MICHAEL KORS MISSONI MIU MIU MIXED MONCLER MOSCHINO MSGM MULBERRY NANCY GONZALEZ NAPAPIJRI NET-A-PORTER.COM NEW BALANCE NIKE ONLY OSKLEN CHLOE CHRISTIAN DIOR CHRISTIAN DIOR HOMME CLAUDIE PIERLOT COACH COMPTOIR DES COTONNIERS CORI CORNELIANI CRUCIANI DAKS DIANE VON FURSTENBERG DIEGO M DIESEL DKNY DOLCE & GABBANA DONDUP DSQUARED2 DUVETICA ECCO ELEVEN PARIS ELISABETTA FRANCHI EMILIO PUCCI EMPORIO ARMANI ERIKA CAVALLINI SC ERMENEGILDO ZEGNA ETRO FACONNABLE FENDI FORTE FORTE FURLA G-STAR G.R. FISCHELIS GERARD DAREL GIORGIO ARMANI GIUSEPPE ZANOTTI DESIGN GIVENCHY GOLDEN GOOSE GUCCI GUESS BY MARCIANO GUESS HAND BAGS GUESS JEANS GUGLIELMO CAPONE H&M HACKETT HERMES HOGAN HOTEL PARTICULIER HUGO MEN’S COLLECTION HUGO WOMEN`S COLLECTION ICEBERG IKKS INTIMISSIMI IRO ISABEL MARANT SELECTION OF WORLDWIDE ADVERTISERS PATRIZIA PEPE PAUL & JOE PAUL SMITH PAUL SMITH SHOES PAUL SMITH WOMEN PEPE JEANS PEUTEREY PHILIPP PLEIN PINKO PORTS 1961 PRADA RAF SIMONS RALPH LAUREN COLLECTION RENE LEZARD REPETTO REPLAY RIMOWA ROBERTO CAVALLI ROBERTO CAVALLI CLASS ROGER VIVIER S.FERRAGAMO SAINT LAURENT SAKS FIFTH AVENUE SAND SANDRO SANTONI SHIATZY CHEN SPORTMAX STELLA LUNA STELLA MCCARTNEY STONE ISLAND STRENESSE STUART WEITZMAN SUD EXPRESS THE KOOPLES TOD’S TOM FORD TOMMY HILFIGER TRUE RELIGION DENIM TUMI VALENTINO VALENTINO R.E.D VERSACE VIC MATIE VICTOR HUGO VICTORIA`S SECRET VIONNET VIVIENNE WESTWOOD WOOLRICH YVES SALOMON ZADIG & VOLTAIRE ZARA ADLER AUDEMARS PIGUET BAUME & MERCIER BEDAT & CO BELL & ROSS BLANCPAIN BOVET BREGUET BUCCELLATI BULGARI JEWELLERY BULOVA CARTIER CASIO CHANEL JOAILLERIE CHANEL WATCHES CHARRIOL CHAUMET JEWELLERY CHOPARD CHRISTIAN DIOR JEWELLERY CHRISTIAN DIOR OROLOGI CK CALVIN KLEIN WATCHES DE BEERS DIAMOND JEWELLERY DE GRISOGONO DINH VAN EMPORIO ARMANI WATCHES FRANCK MULLER GC OROLOGI GLASHUTTE ORIGINAL GRAFF GUESS WATCHES H.STERN HARRY WINSTON HERMES JEWELS HERMES WATCHES HUBLOT IRO ISSEY MIYAKE JAEGER-LECOULTRE BEAUTY JAQUET DROZ JUST CAVALLI TIME&JEWELS LONGINES LOUIS VUITTON MAISON MARTIN MARGIELA FOR ATELIER SWAROVSKI MESSIKA MIKIMOTO MONTBLANC OFFICINE PANERAI OMEGA PANDORA JEWELLERY PASQUALE BRUNI PATEK PHILIPPE PIAGET POMELLATO PORSCHE DESIGN WATCHES QEELIN RADO REPOSSI RICHARD MILLE RITA & ZIA ROGER DUBUIS STEPHEN WEBSTER SWAROVSKI SWATCH TAG HEUER THOMAS SABO TIFFANY & CO. TIFFANY BY ELSA PERETTI TUDOR ULYSSE NARDIN VAN CLEEF & ARPELS VERSACE WATCHES VHERNIER VIVIENNE WESTWOOD ZENITH ARTISTRY AVENE BIOTHERM BOBBI BROWN BOTTEGA VENETA PARFUMS BULGARI PARFUMS BURBERRY LONDON PARFUMS CALVIN KLEIN PARFUMS CAROLINA HERRERA PARFUMS CARTIER CHANEL PARFUMS CHRISTIAN DIOR PARFUMS CLARINS CLE DE PEAU CLINIQUE COSTUME NATIONAL PARFUMS DERMO EXPERTISE DOLCE & GABBANA COSMETICS ELIE SAAB PARFUMS ESTEE LAUDER FANCL FERRARI PARFUMS GIORGIO ARMANI PARFUMS GIVENCHY COSMETICS GUERLAIN HERMES PARFUMS HUGO BOSS PARFUMS KANEBO KARL LAGERFELD PARFUMS KERASTASE L'OCCITANE L'OREAL PARIS L'OREAL PROFESSIONNEL LA MER LA PRAIRIE LANCOME LAURA MERCIER COSMETICS LOLITA LEMPICKA PARFUMS LUNASOL MAC MAQUILLAGE MARC JACOBS PARFUMS MARIONNAUD MONTBLANC PARFUMS NARS NATURA COSMETICS NATURA BISSE NINA RICCI PROFUMO PRADA BEAUTY SCHWARZKOPF SEPHORA SHISEIDO SISLEY COSMETICS SK-II TEC NI ART THIERRY MUGLER PARFUMS TOM FORD BEAUTY TORY BURCH PARFUMS TOUS VALENTINO PARFUMS VIKTOR & ROLF PARFUMS YVES SAINT LAURENT BEAUTY EYEWEAR BULGARI EYEWEAR BURBERRY EYEWEAR CARRERA EYEWEAR CELINE EYEWEAR CHANEL EYEWEAR CHLOE EYEWEAR CHRISTIAN DIOR EYEWEAR COACH EYEWEAR DOLCE & GABBANA EYEWEAR FENDI EYEWEAR G-STAR EYEWEAR GUCCI EYEWEAR JUST CAVALLI EYEWEAR LOEWE EYEWEAR MARC JACOBS EYEWEAR MICHAEL KORS EYEWEAR MIU MIU EYEWEAR OLIVER PEOPLES EYEWEAR PAUL & JOE EYEWEAR PERSOL POLICE EYEWEAR PRADA EYEWEAR RAY BAN EYEWEAR ROBERTO CAVALLI EYEWEAR L'OFFICIEL MANIL A L'OFFICIEL MANIL A 34 35 SAINT LAURENT EYEWEAR TOM FORD EYEWEAR VALENTINO EYEWEAR VERSACE EYEWEAR VOGUE EYEWEAR PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS PAPER SIZE: 9” X 12” (FOLDED) COVER PAPER: C2S 160 WITH UV LAMINATION INSIDE PAPER: MATTE SILK 80 COLOR: FULL-COLOR PRINTING: OFFSET BINDING: PERFECT ADVERTISING DEADLINES BOOKING: EVERY 10TH OF THE MONTH, 2 MONTHS PRIOR TO ISSUE MONTH AD MATERIALS: EVERY 17TH OF THE MONTH, 2 MONTHS PRIOR TO ISSUE MONTH CANCELLATION: CANCELLATIONS MUST BE MADE 5 WORKING DAYS BEFORE THE AD MATERIAL DEADLINE TECHNICAL DETAILS: AD MATERIAL MUST HAVE 0.125” BLEED ON ALL SIDES. PLEASE KEEP ESSENTIAL TEXT AND BRANDING WITHIN A 0.5” MARGIN ALL AROUND THE PAGE TO AVOID CROPPING OF IMPORTANT INFORMATION CONTACT INFORMATION ROGUE MEDIA, INC. Building 3 Jannov Plaza 2295 Pasong Tamo Extension, Makati City, Metro Manila Philippines 1231 TELEPHONE: +632 729 7747 FAX: +632 894 2676 EMAIL: mail@lofficielmanila.com PAM QUIÑONES, Editor in Chief pam.quinones@lofficielmanila.com IPE CRUZ , Publisher felipe.cruz@roguemag.net CHRIS TAN, Advertising Director chris.tan@roguemag.net L'OFFICIEL MANIL A 36 L’ O F F I C I E L M A N I L A RO G U E M E D I A , I N C . B U I LD I N G 3 JA N N OV PL A Z A 2 2 9 5 PASO N G TA M O E X T. M A K ATI C IT Y M E TRO M A N I L A , PH I LI PPI N ES 1 2 3 1 m a i l @ l o f f i ci e l m a n i l a . co m
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