L`Officiel - Jalou Media Group
L`Officiel - Jalou Media Group
MEDIA KIT TÜRKİYE 2016 Türkİye O M M E D YA TÜRKİYE O M M E D YA M ANIFESTO Viral Luxury N° 37 Eylül 2015 Lindsay Ellingson Telling stories about luxury, representing it and exposing it to the limelight, neither starts nor stops with glossy magazines alone. new york’ta yenİ sezon başk adır In a global approach, L’Officiel brings together the intelligent, the artistic and the commercial at the service of the new luxury culture. Parsons’da bir Türk geleceğİn moda tasarımcıları ONA EMANET Bahar temizliği yazı lekesİz atlatIN Sonbahar-Kış aLIŞVERİŞ LİSTENİZ HAZIR MI? GENÇLEŞEN TASARIMLARI TAKİPTEYİZ moda y&z kuşağının L’Officiel accompanies and extends luxury in all its dimensions (fashion, art, travel, femininity and masculinity...) and all mediums including print magazines (L’Officiel Art, L’Officiel Voyage, L’Officiel Hommes, L’Officiel Guide), supplements (L’Officiel Wedding, L’Officiel Enfant, L’Officiel Fashion Week, L’Officiel Accessories...), web (www.lofficiel.com.tr), social media and events. In 2015, luxury is no longer a cold monster locked in an ivory tower. Today, it is a way of seeing the world— an experience as much as a mode of expression. Luxury is a feeling. dİLİnden anlıyor 3 L 15085 - 1 - F: 10,00 € - RD O M M E D YA N.1 avril-mai-juin 2012 - wiTh engliSh TexT www.lofficielarT.com MoNUMENTA(L) BUREN PAR TAYOU l ’ inTégrale de ThOmAs rUFF à munich PALAIS DE TØKYØ le grand Souffle MEXICO CALLING PAR sTEFaN BRÜGGEMaNN Tom SachS miSSion marS LES MODERNES REBELLES IRANIENNES DE Shirin Aliabadi excluSif ErwIN wUrM en mode “one-minuTe SculpTure” 1921 1930 1940 Luxury and fashion are French inventions from the 1920s. L’Officiel was present in those first moments, establishing itself as a leading authority. Created in 1921, L’Officiel is one of the oldest magazines in fashion. A status as much as a privilege, the magazine’s longevity and legitimacy places it amongst the most influential in the world. The je ne sais quoi of French style itself has become a recognised global brand over the decades. It is an asset of international luxury, with Paris the epicentre of the fashion industry. When launched, L’Officiel de la Mode et dela Couture de Paris was immediately at the heart of luxury and fashion, participating in the birth of haute couture and the rise of the first wave of big fashion houses. 1950 1960 Taken over by Georges Jalou, a former typesetter and media visionary, L’Officiel continued to build its reputation in the 50s and 60s, celebrating the greatest names in couture, Christian Dior and Yves Saint Laurent. In the 70s and 80s, the title embraced a new style of creator, talents like Claude Montana, Thierry Mugler, Christian Lacroix and Jean-Paul Gaultier. In the 90s, under the leadership of Georges’ progeny, Laurent Jalou and Marie-José Susskind-Jalou, the magazine spawned a powerhouse publishing group, Les Editions Jalou, diversifying the L’Officiel brand in response to increasingly demanding and focused consumption sociology: L’Optimum (men’s mothly), Jalouse (young women), La Revue des Montres (watchmaking monthly), 4 1970 1980 1990 1996 L’OPTIMUM 1997 JALOUSE 1999 LA REVUE DES MONTRES 1999 L’OFFICIEL 2003 CHINA 1000 MODÈLES 2005 L’OFFICIEL VOYAGE L’Officiel Hommes (men’s quarterly), L’Officiel 1000 Modèles (collections), L’Officiel Voyage (travel) and L’Officiel Art. In the 2000s, under third-generation Jalou family management, Les Editions Jalou looked to the future, expanding internationally through subsidiaries, licenses and joint ventures. In 2014, true to top quality DNA, Les Editions Jalou became Jalou Media Group, taking on the form and organization of a media agency. Today, 46 editions of L’Officiel and L’Officiel Hommes are distributed in 24 countries including Turkey, Russia, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Morocco, Brazil, India and China. IN 2012 L’OFFICIEL HERITAGE AND SOPHISTICATION WERE BROUGHT TO THE TURKISH PUBLISHING INDUSTRY WITH L’OFFICIEL TÜRKİYE. A TITLE FINELY TUNED TO THE LOCAL AND GLOBAL LUXURY MARKET. SINCE THEN L’OFFICIEL TÜRKİYE WORKS HAND IN HAND WITH THE BRANDS AS LOYAL PARTNERS IN THE CREATION OF CONTENT, YET KEEPING TRUE TO THE REQUIREMENTS AND THE EXPERTISE THAT HAS MADE IT ONE OF THE MOST RESPECTED FASHION AND LUXURY MAGAZINES. 5 2005 L’OFFICIEL HOMMES 2012 L’OFFICIEL ART O M M E D YA O M M E D YA L’Officiel Türkiye TITLES & SU PPLEM ENTS Türkiye TÜRKİYE Türkiye TÜRKİYE TÜRKİYE DAILY LUXURY L’Officiel Türkiye interprets luxury not just as a dream that must be achieved but as part of daily life. While reflecting global environment and news, it also functions as a platform converging local demands and styles. A fashion magazine where fashion meets art, east meets west. Sayı 7 Sonbahar 2015 N° 28 Aralık 2014 FA S H I O N W E E K 150 Hediye DİLE BENDEN NE DİLERSEN Peri masalına inandıran tasarımcılar JEAN PAUL GAULTIER ZUHAIR MURAD ULYANA SERGEENKO 1000 MODEL TETIAROA M A R LO N BRANDO’NUN H AYA L A D A S I Sayı 7 / Sonbahar 2015 Fantastik 9 DÜŞ DÜNYASINDA YAŞAYAN MODA KAHRAMANLARI Harikalar diyarında A N A H TA R TRENDLER ÖNE ÇIKAN AKSESUARLAR V E D E TAY L A R #tbt90s NEFES KESEN SET TA S A R I M L A R I Aralık 2014-12 Sayı: 28 9 TL KKTC 10 TL 9 FOTOĞRAF ISSN 2147-8252 12’ye 5 kala AYAKK ABI, ÇANTA VE MÜCEVHERLER İLE YENİ YILA HAZIRLANIN Hussein Chalayan / Chalayan 772147 825006 Sonsuza dek genç MUCİZE HORMON TAKVİYESİ w w w. lof f icie l. com . tr Sonbahar Sayı: 7 2015-3 10 TL KKTC 12.50 TL EUGENIA VOLODINA 41 MARKA moda özel sayısı F LO R A N S A’ D A D OL CE V ITA , LO N D R A’ D A FL  N ERIE Y Ü RÜ Y Ü S Ü , M E LBO U R N E ’ D E G U RM E D EN EY IM … Hussein Chalayan, Jonathan Anderson ve Loewe, Mithat Can Özer, 90’ların ikon parfümleri, Denim ceket HİT listesi FRONT ROW PA R İ S – M İ L A N O – N E W Y O R K – L O N D R A SONBAHAR KIŞ Global gezginin otel rehberi 2015 / 2016 KAPAK EDNAOUIZ.indd 2 6 9/30/15 3:59 PM L ’ O fficiel L ’ O fficiel Hommes L ’ O fficiel ART L ’ O fficiel VOYAGE L ’ O fficiel 1000 MODÈLES TÜRKİYE TÜRKİYE çocuk www.lofficiel.com.tr ALIŞVERİŞ RETRO TRENDİ ÇOCUKLARIN GARDIROBUNA GİRDİ 250+ AKSE SUAR AİLE BOYU YARATICILIK TASARIMCI BANU BORA VE KIZLARIYLA EVDEYİZ TATİL KAPIDA addresses Enjoy the need-to-know tips from the locals of Istanbul FENDI 13.950 TL DIOR ROUGE DIOR LIP BALM 117 T L L’OFFICIEL 1000 Modèles Yaz Sayı: 1 2015-1 15 TL. BURBERRY MAYIS 2015 L’OFFICIEL TÜRKİYE’nin ücretsiz ekidir. 1 BURBERRY MART 2015 L’OFFICIEL TÜRKİYE’nin ücretsiz ekidir. AKSESUAR BOLUM-1.indd 1 23/02/15 20:42 GAZETE GUZELLIK.indd 1 stylish traveler for the O, Christian Dior’un kadınlara güzellik ve mutluluk veren kozmetik ürünler yaratma tutkusundan doğan bir dudak balsamı. Rouge Dior Lip Balm, doğal cazibe yaratma konusunda gerçek bir yetenek. AKSESUARLAR 10/22/14 5:13 PM KAPAK.indd 1 L ’ O fficiel kıds L ’ O fficiel 1000 MODÈLES Accessorıes L ’ O fficiel beauty L ’ O fficiel 1000 MODÈLES DESIGN TÜRKİYE TÜRKİYE TÜRKİYE READERS AB+ & AB++ Between the ages 25-48 %70 active and working %60 in İstanbul %40 in other major cities of Turkey KAPAK.indd 2 TÜRKİYE INSIDE New trend codes, trendsetters, arts and culture, emerging and iconic names, 100% up to date news, interviews, shopping, style tips... State of the art craftsmanship, finest jewels and watches... New products and trends in the beauty world, expert suggestions... Non conventional, luxurious, undiscovered getaways... An eye on the most chatted about and exclusive events... 11/25/14 6:16 PM BURBERRY 1 L’OFFICIEL Fashion Week HAZİRAN 2015 / L’OFFICIEL DERGİSİNİN ÜCRETSİZ EKİDİR Wedding N° 38 Ekim 2015 Kusursuz detaylar aksesuar mücevher saat 2015’te “evet” diyen en cool gelİnler Unutulmaz bir düğün için 10 yar atıcı fİKİr 2014 CHANEL 6.9 0 0 EU R O 2015 Yola çıkma vakti yenİ trend destİnasyon dÜĞÜnlerİ Çevirisi %$ & '' & & EKİM 2015 L’OffIcIEL TürKİyE’nİn ücrETsİz EKİdİr. FFICIEL 1000 Model ARALIK 2014 L’OFFICIEL TÜRKİYE’nin ücretsiz ekidir. TUM SAYFALAR.indd 83 L ’ O fficiel WEDDING L ’ O fficiel accessorıes 83 11/24/14 3:00 PM L ’ O fficiel 1000 MODÈLES HAUTE COUTURE 7 6/10/15 6:16 PM L ’ O fficiel GUIDE EUROPE/RUSSIA • Germany (L’Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes) • Greece (L'Officiel, L’Officiel Hommes) • Italy (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes) • Latvia (L'Officiel) • Lithuania (L'Officiel) • Netherlands (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes) • Russia (L'Officiel) • Spain (L’Officiel) march 2015 • Switzerland (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes, L’Officiel Voyage) • Ukraine (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes) MIDDLE EAST/AFRICA • Lebanon (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes) • Middle East (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes, L’Officiel Art) • Morocco (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes) • Turkey (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes) ASIA / PACIFIC • Australia & New Zealand (L’Officiel) • Azerbaijan (L'Officiel) • China (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes, L'Officiel Art) • South Korea (L'Officiel Hommes) • India (L'Officiel) • Indonesia (L'Officiel) • Japan (L’Officiel) september 2015 • Kazakhstan (L’Officiel) april 2015 • Malaysia (L’Officiel) september 2015 • Philippines (L’Officiel) APRIL 2014 • Singapore (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes) • Thailand (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes, L'Optimum, L’Officiel Art) • Vietnam (L’Officiel) JULY 2014 central and SOUTH AMERICA • Brazil (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes, L’Officiel Voyage) • Mexico (L'Officiel) I NTER NATI ONAL ED ITI ONS A KEY STRATEGY JMG is active throughout the world with 50 titles and continues its expotential growth in mature markets. JALOU MEDIA GROUP 9 TÜRKİYE O M M E D YA novAs corEs pArA sEu 70 bEijo AcEssórios quE são puro dEsEjo pEArLs nEgrAs o soM do vidigAL pArA o Mundo dvF’S Wrap parTy Perfume’s new star & being the most powerful Woman in Fashion viTorino cAMpos tiempos modernos EsTrEiA coMo stylist MODA RENK METAL &ROMANCE PALETINE BULAŞIYOR YÜZ YÜZE NÚMERO 20 R$ 14,90 GEORGIA MAY JAGGER AZIZ SARIYER MAYA PORTAKAL TOM AIKENS LAPO ELKANN PAOLLA RAHMEIER VESTE DOLCE & GABBANA Luxe Living aT HoMe WiTH drieS van noTen inSTagLaM HoLidayS Beautiful Bali Bright, white and floral FaSH ion Fi x eS For ev ery Mood Nisan 2014-4 Sayı: 20 9 TL KKTC 10 TL KAPAK ANGELA.indd 152 chic ou provoc’ arT aTTack WeLcoMe To THe neW SeaSon lo Último en relojes jessica hart Lv’S STaTeMenT ScarveS Vol III Garçon simplicidad máximo impacto les deux tendances de l’été on THe Menu $45 Mayo 2014 Bo don en MaxMara LoFFICIeLMexICo.CoM Jessica Hart en Dior BeauTy’S neW WinnerS esenciales de belleza qu e C a roaas lé m . vã moda da PURER GLANZ JUWELEN-SOMMER CAUà REYMOND KRASILCIC ALEX POISÉ t N° 43– 7,500 L.L. EspEciAL bAToM créateurs nouvelles valeurs et légendes vivantes R$ 19,90 SARIŞIN OLMAK YA DA OLMAMAK N° 2 – MAI/JUNI 2014 CHF 12 nº03 spécial Mode Making a Modern icon NÚMERO 1 SAÇLARDA DEVRİM N° 44 – 7,500 l.l. Forever FaBuLouS 2014 ZIRVEDE OLMANIN DAYANILMAZ HAFIFLIGI pAssARElAs Ny-pARis o quE vAi virAr ModA, dos pés Aos cAbELos MAYO LINDVALL nº03 ANGELA t FELIPE HIRSCH t MARLON TEIXEIRA t GIOVANNI BIANCO OSKAR METSAVAHT t OTÁVIO ZARVOS t MARCOS CAMPOS t PABLO GALLARDO nadim tabet est en the kooples NADIM TABET . IBrAhIM MAAlouf . BErNArD MourAD AlI chErrI. roy DIB . MAS: ThAT PETrol EMoTIoN 9 772077 50001 1 LO-03-Portada_Forros OK.indd 1 09/04/14 18:49 3/22/14 3:40 PM L ’ O fficiel Türkiye L ’ O fficiel Brezilya L ’ O fficiel Ortadoğu L ’ O fficiel Lübnan L ’ O fficiel Çin L ’ O fficiel Yunanistan L ’ O fficiel Meksika L’ O F F I C I E L İsviçre L ’ O fficiel Azerbaycan JALOUSE Çin L’O fficiel H O MME S Brezilya L’O fficiel H O MME S Lübnan L’O fficiel H O MME S Çin L’O fficiel H O MME S Ukrayna HARTE DRINKS DIE BRUDERLIEBE KONTROLLVERLUST №56 20142013 №54 MARTS DECEMBRIS agnese zeltiņa Jana Briķe sapŅu pārdeVēja milēdijas adVOkāte ass JautāJums drīss van notens Viss par skaistuma injekcijām un ViŅa mŪZas Pavasara diāna fon firstenBerga kleitu karaliene Cena-EUR 3,514,25 Cena – Ls5,00/Ls 2,99 / EUR L ’ O fficiel Endonezya WILL FERRELL LEBRON JAMES BJARNE MELGAARD MATTHIAS LILIENTHAL TOMI UNGERER STEFAN SAGMEISTER RYAN MCGINLEY ALAN MOORE ULLI LOMMEL OLIVER BERBEN L ’ O fficiel Letonya L ’ O fficiel İtalya L ’ O fficiel Tayland L’ Officiel HOM M ES Ortadoğu L’ Officiel H O MME S Güney Kore L’O fficiel H O MME S Hollanda L’O fficiel H O MME S Almanya N° 7 - APRIL 2014 - WWW.LOPTIMUMTHAILAND.COM NO.82 РоссиЯ L ’ O fficiel Orta Asya C LE M E N S SCHICK Jaunās sezonas tendences LASIET MŪS ARĪ iPHONE UN iPAD 03 9 771691 513001 L ’ O fficiel Hindistan kods April 本刊邮发代号:28-426 国内统一刊号:CN52-1010/I 国际标准刊号:ISSN1002-686X RMB ¥20 HKD $30 www.lofficielart.cn 04/2014 Март 2014 аRT DE LA COUTURE ET DA LA MODE DE PARIS EN RUSSIE мода как искусство เมษายน 2557 25 мэттью макконахи дельфина делеттРе дРис ван нотен сеРгей Полунин джессика лэнг 10 | prim av er a estate 20 14 Google 艺术计划的中国攻略 董梦阳 艺术, 北京 กิจกรรมคลั่ง ท้าให้คุณลอง สักครั้ง (ก่อนตาย) STRANGE SEX EXTREME LIFE WEAR A CRAZY PRINT ถ้าคุณลองแล้ว ก็ขอโทษด้วย HOW TO ประลองความมัน สไตล์หนุ่มบ้าพลัง 断章取义朱新建 青铜时代 一器倾城 2013 佛教艺术的得与失 Google Art Project in China Dong Meng Yang Art, Beijing Zhu Xin Jian Bronze Age Buddhism Art in 2013 AND LOOK GOOD NEW BLOOD IN MENSWEAR รู้จักผู้ก่อตั้ง อินสตาแกรม MR. BEAN’S INCREDIBLE CAR COLLECTION 16+ на сибуи: платье и колье LanVin, браслеты VaLentino Cover.indd 1 L ’ O fficiel Litvanya L ’ O fficiel Fas L ’ O fficiel Singapur L ’ O fficiel Hollanda 画廊主的前世今生 How Did They Become Gallerists 73×60cm 2013 Rinus Van De Velde 布面油画 APR - 100THB Золотые правила веСны 曹力 EXCLUSIVE STANISLAS WAWRINKA THE NEW COURT HERO 四美图系列之三 БлеСК! L ’ O fficiel Rusya L ’ O fficiel Ukrayna L’ Officiel HOM M ES Fas L’ Officiel H O MME S Tayland 3/28/14 16:53 L’ O P T I M U M Tayland L’O fficiel H O MME S İtalya INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL 10 11 L ’ O fficiel A R T Çin L ’ O fficiel A R T Ortadoğu O M M E D YA JOIN THE FRONT ROW 13 L’Officiel is MEDIA & PUBLISHING ARE EXPERIENCING PROFOUND CHANGE. TODAY, A WOMEN’S MAGAZINE BASED ON THE CONCEPT OF FASHION & LUXURY ALONE ISN’T ENOUGH. 14 adding new dynamics and a strong concept to its fashion & luxury application. L’Officiel provides a clear edıtorıal lıne to connect with the luxury consumer and to involve advertisers as authentıc partners and content provıders. 15 THE NEW ELIT SHE IS A REAL WOMAN: MODERN, INFLUENTIAL, CHIC. SHE ISN’T A FASHION WORLD FANTASY WHO DOESN’T HAVE A FOOT IN THE REAL WORLD. MARTIN PARR X L’OFFICIEL ART JALOU MEDIA GROUP 16 17 THE TARGET 30 - 45 YEARS OLD the target A NEW WOMAN OF THE WORLD Age cannot be classified as it once was. To be 20 in 2014, doesn’t signal immaturity, to be 50 isn’t to be out of touch. An appreciation for intelligent fashion and luxury editorial transcends generations. In particular, the L’Officiel woman between 30 and 45 is one who cultivates personal balance and professional success, embracing the reward and choice that comes with it. The L’Officiel woman lives an uninhibited life, eschewing the culture of the mundane in favour of the festive: celebrating, entertaining and being entertained. Within this framework she expresses her elegance and reinforces her style in the world of fashion, watchmaking, jewellery and luxury events. STRONG BUYING POWER CONNECTED AND INTERNATIONAL With her financial independence, she belongs to or leans towards many new influential spheres. For her, wealth and success are virtues. She is an active woman—for her, the sky’s the limit. Either by pleasure or by obligation, she is an activist when it comes to travelling and networking. She loves the metropolitan cities, the jet-set cities (St. Barts, Gstaad), the capitals (Paris, New York, London) and the new destinations yet to reach the mainstream. A TASTE FOR FASHION AND STYLE Beyond her taste for fashion, she is a woman who lives an authentic lifestyle. She loves culture, events, interiors, design, architecture, wellbeing, cuisine, travel and art in all its forms. EUROPEAN CHIC Rather than being reduced to mere urbanity, she first and foremost adopts a European sensibility—a dimension that gives her an opening and exposure to culture in the world at this time. She exports style across the globe. BRANDS AS CULTURE She is a woman who possesses true commercial nous, she understands and uses brands, recognising them as an integral part of contemporary culture. Knowing and choosing fashion and luxury houses is, for the L’Officiel woman, an outward sign of elegance, of how to live, of culture and how to be distinguished or to be unique in the world. 18 A SOPHISTICATE, NOT A SNOB She is not locked in the shackles of fashion but affirms her relationship to elegance in a clever mix between tradition and modernism, chic and comfort. Less attracted to fashion as a fantasy, more towards an informed, inspired, timely and realistic style concept. 19 THE L’OFFICIEL WORLD MARTIN PARR X L’OFFICIEL ART JALOU MEDIA GROUP 20 Inspiring Front Row L’Officiel becomes the magazine of the front row, illuminating, issue after issue, the universe of modern, luxurious style. A universe that magnetises female audiences seeking lightness, elegance and success, anchored in a chic, cool and contemporary world. Ultra Fashion At the Heart OF FASHION L’Officiel is a flagship international fashion title, one of the leading exporters of the French touch. It embodies and exports French chic and now, by extension, the idea of European elegance. The Balance Attractive Success Culture In fashion, the front row is the first row facing the runway, the row of influence, of power, of image, of glamour. By extension, the front row represents a success culture. L’Officiel tells the story of this culture in all its dimensions. Chic & Trendy Chic fashion is revealed as a trend and trend fashion is interpreted according to the codes of chic. Creative direction propose a fashion close to the brands and to the expectations of its target, with a perfect balance between elegance and everyday style. The Magazine European Chic Present in Paris, Milan, Melbourne, Sydney, Amsterdam, Zurich, Energetic JET-FETE Parties are one of the great places of expression of front row. Intriguing, secretive, magnetic. L’Officiel issues include a special section for the jet-set parties. 22 Moscow, Athens, Beirut, Istanbul, Dubai, Casablanca, Vilnius, Riga, Munich, Tashkent, Baku, Mumbai, Bangkok, Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Singapore, Auckland, Jakarta, Seoul, Mexico City City and São Paulo, L’Officiel embodies and exports French chic and now, by extension, the idea of European elegance. 23 TÜRKİYE TÜRKİYE 2 ST İ L N° 30 Şubat 2015 N° 28 Aralık 2014 Çiçeklenme MODA ALGILARIMIZI DEĞIŞTIREN EN GÜÇLÜ TREND 150 Hediye DİLE BENDEN NE DİLERSEN Peri masalına inandıran tasarımcılar JEAN PAUL GAULTIER ZUHAIR MURAD ULYANA SERGEENKO İlk gösterim BAŞROLDEKI TASARIMLARLA SEZON PRÖMIYERI Fantastik 9 DÜŞ DÜNYASINDA YAŞAYAN MODA KAHRAMANLARI Beş gizli adres SEVGILINIZLE NEREYE K AÇMAK ISTERDINIZ? Harikalar diyarında STIL ONUN DNA’SINDA VAR Aralık 2014-12 Sayı: 28 9 TL KKTC 10 TL EUGENIA VOLODINA Sonsuza dek genç MUCİZE HORMON TAKVİYESİ Cilt kaliteni yükselt! YAŞLANMAYI GECIKTIRME TEKNIKLERI PRI NT FOTOĞRAF 12’ye 5 kala AYAKK ABI, ÇANTA VE MÜCEVHERLER İLE YENİ YILA HAZIRLANIN Julia Restoin FOTOĞRAF www.l offi c i el .c om.tr Şubat 2015-02 Sayı: 30 9 TL KKTC 10 TL www.lofficiel.com.tr KAPAK EDNAOUIZ.indd 2 11/25/14 6:16 PM KAPAK JULIA.indd 2 Circulation across 2,500 stores in Turkey. Featuring celebrity covers and high profile models. 23/01/15 13:30 TÜRKİYE VALUES & VIRTUES ECOSYSTEM N° 34 Haziran 2015 PLAJ KITI DETOKS, BIKINI VE KREM KILAVUZU ALESSANDRA AMBROSIO BIR DE TASARIMCI YÖNÜYLE TANIYIN TAKIBE ALIN ITALYAN PRENSES MELUSINE RUSPOLI FARKINDA MISINIZ? UNISEX TASARIMLAR YÜKSELIŞTE w w w. l o f f icie l . co m . t r KONUK EDITÖR TOMMY HILFIGER 70’LERI ANLATIYOR LIGHTNESS Haziran 2015-06 Sayı: 34 9 TL KKTC 10 TL 2015 YAZININ BEYAZLARI KOZLARI MASUMIYET DESIRABILITY ENTERTAINMENT VALUE MAGNETISM TOWARDS SUCCESS Balancing the fashion/people mix with an up-market approach, L’Officiel is resolutely entertaining. Lightness does not exclude intelligence, promising a positive environment, an escape from the mundane or stressful. The magazine of style for the new elite, L’Officiel uninhibits the values of success in a world that personifies luxury, rarity, preciousness, elegance and dreams. dIGI tal L’Officiel has a strong presence in the digital world with applications for iPhone, iPad, a frequently updated website (www.lofficiel.com.tr), Instagram and Facebook accounts. LIGNES FRANCHES EXPERTISE Un sac, quatre mises en scène. La pochette « Petal » de Burberry, en cuir et lin, se plie à toutes vos envies. COMMUNITY A STYLE SELECTOR SOcı AL me d ıa Photographie PE TER L ANGER St ylisme LISA JOUVIN CONNECTED & INFORMED A strategic bias in favour of a style edit bringing together the classic and the directional, tradition and modernity, L’Officiel is the prism of style for women who dream of being chic. Clear ideas and creative direction reflect a contemporary approach to elegance. a real how-to- wear to adopt contemporary elegance. +6K Whatever she dreams or discovers for herself, L’Officiel brings together women with aspirations and knowledge. A community embodied in the magazine and its extensions online, mobile, social, events and special editions. NOVEMBRE 2013 OF982_MODE_SAC_BURBERRY.indd 164 EVENTS 19/12/13 15:55 EXCLU SI VE CONTENTS Collaborations between L’Officiel and Istanbul Fashion Week, Contemporary Istanbul Art Fair, special events with fashion brands... 24 +14,6k 164 Collaborative projects with international and national brands on fashion, art, beauty, jewellery... 25 +50,7k T E C H NI C A L REQ UIRE MEN TS RATES 2016 ( vat excluded) SPECIAL PAGES FILE FORMAT - PDF 1.3 (profile “Distillers” and “Indesign” are available on request). - Important: even though there are more recent versions of Acrobate, the 1.3 is the only one certified by the SICOGIF. - Files in 4/C: CMJN. - Page per page or multiple continuing pages (do not skip pages). - File built in single pages (no double pages, not even for the advertisements in question). RESOLUTION - Images: ideally 300 DPI, minimum 200 DPI. - For the “bitmap”: ideally 1200 DPI, minimum 600 DPI. 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ADINA General manager ENSAR ALTUN edıtorıal dırector GÜLEN YELMEN advertısıng general dırector EBRU ALİŞAN - ebrualisan@ommedya.com advertısıng dırector GÜLCAN AVUKA - gulcanavuka@ommedya.com advertısıng dırector (marketıng) AYNUR ATALIK - aynuratalik@ommedya.com advertısıng coordınator RAHŞAN KÜRKÇÜ- rahsankurkcu@ommedya.com advertısıng executıve GÖKAY KESER- gokaykeser@ommedya.com Etkİ Yayıncılık Reklamcılık İletİşİm Hİzmetlerİ San. ve Tİc. Ltd. Ştİ. T. + 212 280 95 85 / F. + 212 324 06 73 28
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