L`Officiel - Jalou Media Group
L`Officiel - Jalou Media Group
MÉDIA KIT 2014 – 2015 L’ Officiel Jal ouse L ’Opti m um L ’Of f i cie l Hom m e s L’Officiel Jalouse L’Optimum JALOU MEDIA GROUP JALOU MEDIA GROUP 2 3 L’Officiel Hommes I N DEX P. 7 MAN I FESTO P. 9 T E AM P. 10 JALOU M ED IA GROUP P. 19 L’O FFI CI EL P. 32 d e adlin es P. 33 rat es P. 37 digital P. 40 gen eral t erm s and condition s JALOU MEDIA GROUP 5 MAN I FES TO Viral luxury Telling stories about luxury, representing it or directing and exposing it in the limelight, neither starts nor stops, with glossy magazines alone. In a global, cross-border and international approach, Jalou Media Group sees itself as a contemporary «media factory» where the editorial, the artistic and the commercial departments create audacious dynamics at the service of the new luxury culture. This concerns both the major actors in the field of luxury and those in the public. Through its brands and creative concepts, JMG accompanies and extends luxury in all its dimensions (fashion, art, travel, male and female...) and methods of distribution (print, web, social networks, events ...). Because in 2014, luxury is no longer a cold monster locked in an ivory tower. Because now, luxury is a way of seeing and experiencing the world. An experience as much as a mode of expression. Because luxury is definitely a feeling. JALOU MEDIA GROUP 7 TALENT S JMG creative team So-Me Vanessa Bellugeon CREATIVE DIRECTION WOMEN’S FASHION Jennifer Eymère Emmanuel Rubin Frédérique Dedet Stephan Ciejka CASTING FOOD / SPIRITS PEOPLE / LUXURY WATCHES JALOU MEDIA GROUP 9 L 15085 - 1 - F: 10,00 € - RD N.1 avril-mai-juin 2012 - wiTh engliSh TexT www.lofficielarT.com MoNUMENTA(L) BUREN PAR TAYOU l ’ inTégrale de ThOmAs rUFF à munich PALAIS DE TØKYØ le grand Souffle MEXICO CALLING PAR sTEFaN BRÜGGEMaNN Tom SachS miSSion marS LES MODERNES REBELLES IRANIENNES DE Shirin Aliabadi excluSif ErwIN wUrM en mode “one-minuTe SculpTure” 1921 1930 1950 1940 Luxury and fashion as a brand concept are two French inventions from the 1920’s. L’Officiel has been present from the first moments of this revolution in genre and has established itself throughout the decades as one of the leading magazines of its sector. Created in 1921, L’Officiel is one of the oldest magazines in the Fashion world. A status as much as a privilege, which now places the title amongst the most influential in the world. Not satisfied with offering just legitimacy, its fine art of longevity is mainly due to the remarkable capacity that L’Officiel has to Accompany, Inform and Disseminate a certain idea of «French» style, which for decades has become a dream machine as well as a recognized brand worldwide. Paris has always been the epicentre of the fashion galaxy - «Made in France», a mixture of know-how and making it known and this virtuous «cultural exception» of luxury orchestrated by some powerful French people which today and, more than ever are incredible assets of international success. So now, more than ever, L’Officiel stands tall and is evolving as one of the flagships of this success 1960 and of the future of this famous «French Style.” – When launched, L’Officiel de la Mode et de la Couture de Paris moved to the heart of the new galaxy of luxury goods and fashion. The reviews of fashion collections, the pertinent eye and stylized signatures, participated in the birth of haute couture and the rise of the first wave of big fashion houses. L’Officiel magazine quickly became the essential vehicle where paths cross among a public of the elite, celebrities and the rich and famous. Taken over by Georges Jalou, former typesetter and visionary in the press world, L’Officiel continued to build its reputation in the 50-60’s, as a modern magazine, enjoying the worldwide success of the greatest names in couture, such as Christian Dior and Yves Saint Laurent. In the 70s and 80s, the title became a «premium consumer» together with Ready-to-wear and a new style of creators. As a forerunner, L’Officiel exposed in each of its issues, talents like Claude Montana, Thierry Mugler, Christian 1970 1980 1990 Lacroix and and Jean-Paul Gauthier. In the 90s, under the leadership of Laurent Jalou and Marie-José Susskind-Jalou, son and daughter of Georges, the company turned into a powerhouse publishing group Les Editions Jalou. At a time when luxury and fashion were being built like large capitalist structures, the Group diversified around the brand L’Officiel, to respond to a new sociology of consuming, which was increasingly demanding and focused. In 1996, L’Officiel dared to take on a bold challenge and succeeded in what would become the leading male monthly fashion and style magazine - L’Optimum - a glossy news magazine. In 1997, Jalouse, feminine fashion and trend, conquers the 20-30 year old public. Then, La Revue des Montres, an essential monthly in the world of watchmaking; L’Officiel Hommes a quarterly reference in men’s fashion; L’Officiel 1000 Models, a true guide to the collections; L’Officiel Chirurgie Esthétique; L’Officiel Voyage and, more recently, L’Officiel Art, a quarterly devoted to contemporary art as a new lifestyle. IN the 2000s, Les Editions Jalou looked to the future and internationally. 1996 L’OPTIMUM 1997 JALOUSE 1999 LA REVUE DES MONTRES The arrival to management positions of the third generation Jalou members: Vanessa and Ronald Bellugeon, Jennifer Eymère, and Benjamin Eymère dynamic Group General Director, 33, former lawyer in Paris and New York. True to top quality DNA and at the same time, as other groups of luxury and fashion become global giants, L’Officiel spreads out around the globe through subsidiaries, licenses and joint ventures. Today, 46 editions of L’Officiel and L’Officiel Hommes are distributed in 24 countries including China, Russia, Brazil, India, Thailand, Morocco and also Italy and the Netherlands. At the same time Les Editions Jalou are diversifying outside of the print press by incorporating the digital sphere and capitalizing on their expertise. Jalounet orchestrates the web policies for the group with several sites (including www.lofficielmode.com) and an editorial policy to conquest social media. Jalouprod develops client portfolios by producing catalogs, consumer magazines…, for many major players in the luxury and fashion sector (Galeries Lafayette, L’Oréal ...). Identity, structure, internationalization: 1999 L’OFFICIEL 2003 CHINA 1000 MODÈLES 2005 L’OFFICIEL VOYAGE 2005 L’OFFICIEL HOMMES 2012 L’OFFICIEL ART strengthened by this virtuous triptych, Les Editions Jalou continues in 2014 to develop a solid strategy and focus on its three main titles: L’Officiel, Jalouse and L’Optimum. For each title, the editorial line was as finely-tuned as possible to the new market expectations and will be accompanied by an ambitious and targeted mix of marketing and distribution. IN 2014 AND FOR YEARS TO COME, LES EDITIONS JALOU - LUXURY MEDIA GROUP, FRENCH AND INDEPENDENT, WITH ITS STRONG BACKGROUND AND “SEAL-OF-APPROVAL” VALIDATED BY THE QUALITIES WHICH CONTRIBUTED TO BUILDING AND CONSOLIDATING THE GROUP, BECOMES JALOU MEDIA GROUP, TAKING ON THE FORM AND ORGANIZATION OF A MEDIA AGENCY. We will work hand in hand with the brands as loyal partners in the creation of content, YET KEEPING TRUE TO THE REQUIREMENTS AND THE EXPERTISE THAT HAS MADE US ONE OF THE MOST RESPECTED FASHION AND LUXURY MAGAZINE EDITORS. JALOU MEDIA GROUP JALOU MEDIA GROUP 10 11 HORS-SÉRIE SPÉ CIA L 0€ 1 9U ,L I5E U D E A N° 995 Mai 2015 ART N°13 MARS-AVRIL-MAI 2015 Spécial Beauté LES SECRETS DE LA FORME Bilingual edition Mode SPORT & LUXE LeTOP LA NOUVELLE DYNAMIQUE 50 Front Row SOFIA SANCHEZ DE BETAK ARMANI SUPERSTAR LUCREZIA BUCCELLATI AUTOMNE HIVER 2015-16 2015 - 2016 du Voyageur Chic GREEN POWER Horlogerie Joaillerie COLLECTIONS AUTOMNE HIVER HORS SéRIE FA SH I ON wEEK l’intégrale www.lofficielmode.com 25€ PA G E S MILAN 5000 NEW YORK LONDRES MODÈLES 24/02/15 16:04 K AT Z/ OA13_Cover OK 02.indd 1 JU LE Hô te l s The Brando, l’aTol l sTar royal Pal m, myThe éT ernel S et aussi : no s a dr es s es à m i a m i Bea c h , hong Kong , l o n dr es , Flo r en c e, B elg r a de… OV51_COUVERTURE.indd 1 L’ O f f i c i e l Hommes divineS ColleCtionS les trésors du red carpet dans le secret des collectionneurs maisons précieuses, femmes d’influence pleins feux sur les diamants MMDL153_COVER FR.indd 1 26/02/15 20:20 30/03/15 16:56 L’ O f f i c i e l B ue no s ai r e s ave c e d uar d o n o vi l l o asT r ad a L’ O f f i c i e l VOYAGE T E N D A N C E S - M A N N E Q U I N S : 1 0 R É V É L AT I O N S BEAUTÉ - FRONT ROw MISES EN SCÈNE - ACCESSOIRES OFHS_LUXE3_COUV_Finale.indd 1 L’ O f f i c i e l 1000 MODÈLES Maartje Verhoef au défilé Miu Miu L 15777 - 10 H - F: 19,50 € - RD L 15777 - 10 H - F: 19,50 € - RD FW3_COVER_FR.indd 1 28/11/2014 15:32 L’ O f f i c i e l JOAILLERIE HOMMES DÉFILÉS & ACCESSOIRES Bilingual edition www.lofficielmode.com 17/03/15 16:13 12/02/15 11:30 L’ O f f i c i e l ART L 18455 - 3 H - F: 18,00 € - RD U RT NASHAT A LE X OH39_Couve_AV_Finale220_new.indd 22 OF0994_COVER 3.indd 1 CO IAMS O / SHAHRYAR DIOGO PIMENTÃ i e lmod e . com w w w.l o ffic ie 1 000 PièCeS i nsi d e r Cam bodg e d a ns l e s m é a nd r e s du Pays-Fleuve Pu nta del e ste l e s PoT l aTino Food m e l Bour ne Ta s Ty detr oit l e re v iva l d e moT or ciTy L 18455 - 3 H - F: 18,00 € - RD AEL WILL BOLTAN SKI BA HA / MICH SRY ISTIAN DE HUMA BHAB CAMILLE ROWE EN PRADA ET JOAILLERIE MAUBOUSSIN TIN / CHR LI N KRIS MAR / JAN FABRE L 19808 - 153 S - F: 17,00 € - RD L 11435 - 39 - F: 6,00 € - RD EL A D L A S BERLINDE DE BRUYCKÈRE Collier “Acte V”, Louis Vuitton Joaillerie. Destination COMPORTA NOUVEL ÉDEN Club Privé JOUVENCE AUX BAINS 08:00 World Technic Dossier : quand l’horlogerie de luxe sait se rendre accessible Mai 2015- n 180 www.jalouse.fr Repaire de stars l’hotel il pellicano tendance liGht cinéma leS new faceS deS tapiS RouGeS alicia VikandeR nicholaS hoult Zoey deutch lou de lâaGe couRtney eaton eloge de la légèreté 14 TOM HARDY MaRk RonSon l’usine à tubes 16:30 life & sTyle Kari Voutilainen : les merveilles de l’horloger qui venait du froid L’ O f f i c i e l ENFANT L’ O f f i c i e l HOMMES COLLECTIONS L’ O f f i c i e l FASHION WEEK BACKSTAGE MAKE-UP & COIFFURE PARFUMS DE LUXE SOINS HAUTE COUTURE 230 8 4 vip nouvelles montres de 3 000 à 30 000 € L’ O f f i c i e l SHOPPING L’ O f f i c i e l 1000 MODÈLES DESIGN L’ O f f i c i e l MARIAGE la R E V U E D E S M O N T R E S HORS-SéRIE BIEN-ÊTRE & HOLISTIQUE SPAS, RETRAITES, BOOT CAMPS LA REINE MONICA DIVINE ET STAR Laetitia Casta Mariacarla Boscono Diane Kruger Eva Herzigova L 19083 - 205 - F: 1,00 € - RD millions d’euros, la dernière tour française à Sydney RDM 205 COVER v5.indd 1 J180_CoverOK.indd 2 MYTHIQUE TENDANCES 0 Le retour de Spécial beauté détox Minimal make-up, clean manucure, healthy hair, coolsculpting… AU euro, le kidnapping le plus minable MAD MAX cover girl Jena GoldSack : leS pluS beaux yeux de la planète richard mille rm51-02 milliers d’euros pour ouvrir son restaurant millions de dollars au box-office Beauté 100 INCONTOURNABLES DU BASIQUE larevuedesmontres.com 50 256 millions de dollars dépensés iMpRiMé en u.e. n.205 / mai 2015 / mensuel milliards de dollars, la franchise ciné la plus rentable 100 Musique Jen a Go lds a ck en Ju s t Ca v al li. BiJo u x , Rep o s si . 12:00 people & sTory La grande épopée des montres de chemins de fer C O O L B U S I N E S S & S T Y L E / N O 7 3 – M A I 2 0 1 5 ÉGÉRIE ACCOMPLIE WHO’S L 18479 - 1 H - F: 10,00 € - RD WHO LES ARTISANS DE LA BEAUTÉ 14/04/2015 15:58 03/04/2015 17:31 JALOUSE L’ O P T I M U M LA REVUE D E S MONTRES L’ O f f i c i e l CHIRURGIE ESTHÉTIQUE L’ O f f i c i e l BEAUTé RICHARD MILLE RM 19-01 TOURBILLON NATALIE PORTMAN L 19721 - 15 H - F: 17,00 € - RD 02/04/15 12:50 Le M a g a zin e d e o 1OOO MODELES 432 PA R I S PARIS LONDRES HOROGUIDE 2O14 HORS-SÉRIE N°15 – 2014 – 17 € – US $ 35 – WWW.LAREVUEDESMONTRES.COM PRIX N153 FR ENCH TITLES su pplements an d s pecial issu es JALOU MEDIA GROUP JALOU MEDIA GROUP 12 13 HOROGUIDE EUROPE/RUSSIA • France • Germany (L’Officiel - November 2015 - L'Officiel Hommes) • Italy (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes) • Latvia (L'Officiel) • Lithuania (L'Officiel) • Netherlands (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes) • Russia (L'Officiel) • Spain (L’Officiel) September 2015 • Switzerland (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes, L’Officiel Voyage) • Ukraine (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes) MIDDLE EAST/AFRICA • Lebanon (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes) • Middle East (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes, L’Officiel Art) • Morocco (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes) • Turkey (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes) ASIA / PACIFIC • Australia & New Zealand (L’Officiel) • Azerbaijan (L'Officiel) • China (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes, L'Officiel Art) • India (L'Officiel) • Indonesia (L'Officiel) • Japan (L’Officiel) October 2015 • Kazakhstan (L’Officiel) • Malaysia (L’Officiel) september 2015 • Philippines (L’Officiel) • Singapore (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes) • South Korea (L’Officiel Hommes) • Thailand (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes, L'Optimum, L’Officiel Art) • Vietnam (L’Officiel) central and SOUTH AMERICA • Brazil (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes, L’Officiel Voyage) • Mexico (L'Officiel) • Saint Barth (L’Officiel) winter 2015 I NTER NATIONAL ED ITIONS A KEY STRATEGY JMG is active throughout the world with more than 50 titles and continues its expotential growth in mature markets. JALOU MEDIA GROUP 15 no 1 Số tháng 7 - 2015 Issue 110 February 2015 Refresh your style Top Trends ThaT work now Desert Rose alice Temperley in dubai Making Time Count aT louis VuiTTon sự trỗi dậy của châu á The cool girl’s designer phillip lim s qu e C a roaa lé m . vã moda da Fashion tài năng trẻ gốc việt toả sáng Cult Status chanTecaille and Their cause-meTics THE UNSTOPPABLE Beauty R$ 19,90 huyền bí phương đông CAUÃ REYMOND KRASILCIC ALEX POISÉ NÚMERO 1 t R I TA O R A I n D I O R Nhà xuất bảN hồNg đức www.lofficielmode.com L’ O f f i c i e l Turkey L’ O f f i c i e l Brazil L’ O f f i c i e l Middle East L’ O f f i c i e l Lebanon L’ O f f i c i e l China L’ O f f i c i e l Vietnam L’ O f f i c i e l Mexico L ’ O FFICIE L Switzerland L’ O f f i c i e l Azerbaijan L’ O f f i c i e l Philippines N° 43– 7,500 L.L. Divas or Role models? The miTford sisTers t FELIPE HIRSCH t MARLON TEIXEIRA t GIOVANNI BIANCO OSKAR METSAVAHT t OTÁVIO ZARVOS t MARCOS CAMPOS t PABLO GALLARDO nadim tabet est en the kooples NADIM TABET . IBrAhIM MAAlouf . BErNArD MourAD AlI chErrI. roy DIB . MAS: ThAT PETrol EMoTIoN L’O f f i c i e l H O MME S Brazil L’O f f i c i e l H O MME S Lebanon L’O f f i c i e l H O MME S China L’O f f i c i e l H O MME S Ukraine Deutsch № 02 Sommer 2015 № 02 Sommer 2015 ZURÜCK IN DIE ZUKUNFT BILLY IDOL LUCKY BLUE BRYAN FERRY FORMEL E DRIES VAN NOTEN ANTI AGING FREDERICK LAU DANDY DIARY BERGHAIN Deutschland 6,00 € | Österreich 6,70 € | Schweiz SFr 9,50 | BeNeLux 6,90 € Italien 8,50 € | Spanien 8,50 € | Portugal (cont.) 8,50 € | Frankreich 8,50 € Zurück in die Zukunft 6 Euro LOH_0115_Cover_LITHO_3_impressum.indd 3 L’ O f f i c i e l India L’ O f f i c i e l Kazakhstan L’ O f f i c i e l Indonesia L’ O f f i c i e l Latvia L’ O f f i c i e l Italy L’ O f f i c i e l Thailand L’ Of f ic iel HOM M E S Middle East L’ Of f ic ie l H O MME S South Korea L’O f f i c i e l H O MME S Netherlands 19.06.15 15:29 L’O f f i c i e l H O MME S Germany N° 7 - APRIL 2014 - WWW.LOPTIMUMTHAILAND.COM NO.82 NL April 本刊邮发代号:28-426 国内统一刊号:CN52-1010/I 国际标准刊号:ISSN1002-686X RMB ¥20 HKD $30 www.lofficielart.cn 04/2014 N° 56 – €4,50 maart 2015 เมษายน 2557 25 Salma Hayek on her own terms 10 | prim av er a estate 20 14 Front row k arls muzen Google 艺术计划的中国攻略 董梦阳 艺术, 北京 กิจกรรมคลั่ง ท้าให้คุณลอง สักครั้ง (ก่อนตาย) STRANGE SEX EXTREME LIFE WEAR A CRAZY PRINT ถ้าคุณลองแล้ว ก็ขอโทษด้วย HOW TO ประลองความมัน สไตล์หนุ่มบ้าพลัง 青铜时代 一器倾城 2013 佛教艺术的得与失 Google Art Project in China Dong Meng Yang Art, Beijing Zhu Xin Jian Bronze Age Buddhism Art in 2013 AND LOOK GOOD NEW BLOOD IN MENSWEAR Sonia Rykiel AFSchEID vAN EEN EEUwIgE REbEL 断章取义朱新建 รู้จักผู้ก่อตั้ง อินสตาแกรม MR. BEAN’S INCREDIBLE CAR COLLECTION JULIA RESTOIN ROITFELD FAShION FAmILy AFFAIR BP L’ O f f i c i e l Lithuania L’ O f f i c i e l Morocco L’ O f f i c i e l Singapore L’ O f f i c i e l Netherlands Cover.indd 1 L’ O f f i c i e l Russia L’ O f f i c i e l Ukraine L’ Of f ic iel HOM M E S Morocco L’ Of f ic ie l H O MME S Thailand 3/28/14 16:53 L’ O P T I M U M Thailand L’O f f i c i e l H O MME S Italy 画廊主的前世今生 How Did They Become Gallerists 73×60cm 2013 Rinus Van De Velde 布面油画 www.lofficiel.nl 四美图系列之三 APR - 100THB julia in prada STANISLAS WAWRINKA THE NEW COURT HERO 曹力 EXCLUSIVE All-time beauty icons van Birkin tot Bardot I NTER NATIONAL I NTER NATIONAL JALOU MEDIA GROUP JALOU MEDIA GROUP 16 17 L’ O f f i c i e l A R T China L’ O f f i c i e l A R T Middle East JOIN THE FRONT ROW JALOU MEDIA GROUP 19 THE ISSUES AT STAKE COMPETITION SHIFTS IN READERSHIP, ADVERTISING CHALLENGES AND THE PRESS ENVIRONMENT ARE GOING THROUGH PROFOUND CHANGES. L’Officiel, starting from in 2014, added new dynamics and a strong concept to its «fashion & luxury» application. L’Officiel provides a clear editorial line to which its targeted profile reader yearns to and/or identify with. A FEMALE MAGAZINE BASED ONLY ON THE CONCEPT OF «FASHION & LUXURY» ISN’T ENOUGH TO ATTRACT READERS. L’Officiel, feminine premium, is still an «ad-liking» aficionado and considers advertisers as JALOU MEDIA GROUP JALOU MEDIA GROUP 20 21 authentic partners and content providers. THE NEW ELITE SHE IS A real woman, modern, in fluential and chic. SHE ISN’T A fantasy image of a woman in the fashion world who doesn’t have a foot in the real world. MARTIN PARR X L’OFFICIEL ART JALOU MEDIA GROUP JALOU MEDIA GROUP 22 23 The Target The Target BETWEEN 30 AND 45 YEARS OLD A NEW WOMAN OF THE WORLD Age classes are more and more decategorized. To be 20 in 2014, doesn’t necessarily mean you are young and to be 50, just doesn’t mean that you are out-of-the-loop. While the “L’Officiel woman” between 30 and 45 cultivates personal balance and professional success with all the codes and choice that go with it. A woman who lives a very uninhibited life, the culture of the mundane and the festive. A culture that doesn’t include only the idleness of yesterdays “happy few”, but is like a new form of activism. Her way of life also mixes with that of the network of entertainment. It’s within this framework that she exposes her elegance and reinforces her style in the world of fashion, watchmaking and jewellery. She ticks all the boxes on the social events calendar: Roland-Garros, Cannes Festival, Venice Biennale, Art Basel, fashion weeks, etc A STRONG BUYING POWER With her financial independence, she belongs to or leans towards the new influential circles. For her, wealth and success are virtues and not to be considered a complex. A TASTE FOR FASHION AND STYLE Beyond her taste and real passion for fashion, she is a woman who lives an authentic lifestyle. She loves: fashion, society events, decoration, design, architecture, art in all its forms, well-being, nouvelle cuisine, travelling. CONNECTED AND INTERNATIONAL An active woman, for whom, “the sky’s the limit” Either by pleasure or by obligation, she is an activist when it comes to travelling and networking. She loves: the palaces, the big jet-set cities (Ibiza, Gstaad), the capitals (Paris, New York, Londres) and the new destinations “to see and be seen”.   EUROPEAN CHIC Rather than being reduced to mere urbanity, she is first and foremost a European. A dimension that gives her an opening and exposure to culture in the world and in its time. She exports style across the globe. BRANDS ARE A CULTURE A woman who possesses a true « shopping culture », she knows and uses the brands, admitting that they are an integral part of contempory culture. Knowing, choosing and selecting fashion and luxury houses is for the “L’Officiel woman” what the art of wine is for a man. An outward sign of elegance, of how to live, of culture and where to stand, to distinguish or to be unique in the world.  SOPHISTICATED WITHOUT being SNOBBISH She is not locked in the shackles of fashion but affirms her relationship to elegance in a clever mix between tradition and modernism, chic and on–the-edge. Less attracted to fashion as a fantasy but more so towards an informed, inspired, timely and realistic style concept. JALOU MEDIA GROUP JALOU MEDIA GROUP 24 25 POSITIONING FASHION & PEOPLE Th e S TY L E FRONT ROW Recognized since 1921 as one of the leading luxury and fashion brands, it has become the international reference of «french style» and among the leaders in the up-market women’s press. L’officiel adds a people dimension around the FRONT ROW concept. MARTIN PARR X L’OFFICIEL ART JALOU MEDIA GROUP 26 JALOU MEDIA GROUP Inspiring ultra fashion The Front Row universe «L’Officiel» becomes the magazine of «front row know-how», illuminating, issue after issue, the universe of those who embody today, the modern elite style. A universe that magnetizes a female audience seeking lightness, style and success and at the same time comforting women in their values in this world of chic, cool and contemporary. At the Heart of L’Officiel «L’Officiel» is now, more than ever, one of the starship titles of international fashion and one of the leading exporters of the French touch. attractive Chic and Trendy Chic Fashion is revealed as a trend and trend fashion is interpreted according to the codes of chic. Creative direction and stylists propose a fashion close to the brands and to the expectations of its target, with a perfect balance between elegance and everyday style. High-end customers In fashion, the «front row» is the first row facing the runway, the row of influence, of power, of image, of glamour of the «rich & famous». By extension, contemporary heir to the elite and the happy few, the front row represents a «success culture». The index of the new - «L’Officiel» will tell the story of this culture in all its dimensions. «L’Officiel» ‘new formula’, dares a chic upscale and people magazine by exploring the front row universe. Energetic reconciliation The Magazine European Chic «L’Officiel» is the only independent French title of the luxury press industry and is present in Paris, Milan, Amsterdam, Zurich, Kiev, Moscow, Athens, Beirut, Istanbul, Dubai, Casablanca, Vilnius, Riga, Munich, Tashkent, Baku, Mumbai, Bangkok, Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Singapore, Jakarta, Seoul, Mexico City City and São Paulo. It embodies and exports THE MAGAZINE OF THE «JET-FETE» Parties are one of the great places of expression of front row. This is a pop culture. Intriguing, secretive, magnetic. We are dedicating a large section to the «JET-FETE,» the new «L’Officiel» reinvents its genre of journalism. «French chic» and now, by extension, the idea of «European elegance.» By its culture, its identity, its heritage and its strategic position between Paris, Milan, London and the Nordic countries, «L’Officiel» is the magazine and cultural exception of luxury & fashion, a true sign of international success JALOU MEDIA GROUP JALOU MEDIA GROUP 28 29 ECOSYSTEM VALUES & VIRTUES N° 992 Février 2015 N° 998 Septembre 2015 FRO NT ROW Tory Burch 24 H DE LA VIE D’UNE FEMME Femmes engagées LIYA KEBEDE, CARLA BRUNI, NATALIA VODIANOVA… Edie Campbell SALLE DE BAINS MODÈLE Sabine Getty Mode MARIAGE COUTURE SEXY TYROL MO DE Une journée avec Les bons manteaux La nerd attitude La silhouette JENNA LYONS DE J.CREW géométrique Une soirée chez EMMANUEL PERROTIN L E V I S AGE DU C I N É M A I N DÉ PE N DA N T A M É R IC A I N S A L M A H AY E K - P I N A U L T E N G U C C I w w w. l o f f ic iel m o de. c o m PRINT ELIZABETH OLSEN EN DIOR L 15003 - 993 - F: 4,50 € - RD L 15003 - 993 - F: 4,50 € - RD OF0993_COUV_Salma Hayek.indd 1 w w w.l o f f i c i e l m o d e .c o m L 15003 - 998 S - F: 4,50 € - RD 29/01/15 17:39 OF0998_COVER - V2.indd 1 24/07/15 11:46 N° 994 Avril 2015 N° 997 Août 2015 Le style en héritage ILONA SMET DREE HEMINGWAY GAIA TRUSSARDI Spécial USA Mode IMPRIMÉS ACTUELS NOUVEAUX INTEMPORELS COUTURE ÉTERNELLE FRONT ROW CHEZ GABI HEARST LES 1000 VIES DE GLORIA VANDERBILT Beauté LAETITIA CASTA PRISCA COURTIN CLARINS CROISIÈRE DIOR AVEC CAROLINE ISSA LES FUTURS TOPS EN LOUIS VUITTON Dîner CHEZ LES HERRER A À NEW YORK BEST OF MODE LE STYLE US DANS TOUS SES ÉTATS JEAN NATUREL ALLURE SECONDE PEAU LILY ALDRIDGE EN RALPH LAUREN COLLECTION G E O R G I A M AY J A G G E R E N F E N D I w w w. l o f f ic ie l m o d e . c o m www. l of f ic iel mode. c om L 15003 - 997 - F: 4,50 € - RD L 15003 - 997 - F: 4,50 € - RD OF0997_COVER_1.indd 1 LIGHTNESS L 15003 - 994 - F: 4,50 € - RD L 15003 - 994 - F: 4,50 € - RD 17/06/15 13:21 OF0994_COVER.indd 1 10/03/15 12:22 DESIRABILITY A MAGAZINE WITH HIGH ENTERTAINING VALUE MAGNETISM IN A WORLD OF SUCCESS Balancing the mix “fashion/people” with an up-market approach, the new L’Officiel targets a resolutely entertaining magazine. An assumed lightness that does not exclude relevance and promises its readers a positive environment, a true antidepressor to respond to anxiety-provoking news. Becoming the magazine of style for the new elite, the new L’Officiel uninhibits the values of success in a world that personifies luxury, rarity, preciousness, elegance and dreams. EXPERTISE D I GITAL LIGNES FRANCHES MEMBERSHIP of A FASHION «SELECTOR» THE HIGH DEMANDS OF A BRAND CULTURE SOCIAL Un sac, quatre mises en scène. La pochette « Petal » de Burberry, en cuir et lin, se plie à toutes vos envies. Photographie PE TER L ANGER St ylisme LISA JOUVIN TO A COMMUNITY The new L’Officiel satisfies the specific rule of “initiation/confirmation”. Whether she dreams of, or is as she is, or she discovers the codes or it comforts her status, the reader includes a stylish community and far from being divided, brings together readers with similar aspirations. A community embodied in the magazine and its development (internet, mobile, social, events, special editions : (Luxe, Beauté, Fashion Week, 1000 Modèles Design…) Luxury, Beauty, Fashion Week, 1000 Models Design ... ). Due to its strategic bias in favour of a style «selector», which brings together chic and trendy, tradition and modernity, L’Officiel wants to be the new unavoidable prism of style for classy women who dream of being fashionable and fashionable women who want to be chic. It ensures clear ideas and readable paths to follow, a real « how-to- wear» to adopt contemporary elegance. +30,8k NOVEMBRE 2013 EVENTS +149k 164 OF982_MODE_SAC_BURBERRY.indd 164 19/12/13 15:55 NATIVE CONTENT L’Officiel Exhibition, place Vendôme L’Officiel x Burberry JALOU MEDIA GROUP JALOU MEDIA GROUP 30 31 +60,6k RATES 2015 ( g r o ss STANDARD ADVERTISING SPACE 201 5 d e adline s ISSUES 992 – February 993 – MARch 994 – ApRIL 995 – MAy 996 – JUNe / JUly 997 – August 998 – SEPTEMBer 999 – OCTOBer 1000 – NOVEMBer 1001 – DeCEMBer / JANuary p r i c e i n e u r o e x c l . vat ) SPECIAL THEMES ON SALES BOOKINGS January 23rd SPeCIAL young designers HAUTE COUTURE SPeCIAL + children supplement special ACCESSOIRES + ACCESSOIRES SUPPLeMENT fashion and beauty specialÉ + watch and jewellery portfolio summer fashion + gifts supplement: mother and father day December 4th February 20th March 7th May 22nd April 10th July 17th special young designers HAUTE COUTURE special + children supplement + DEAUVILLE supplement June 10th August 21st July 7th September 18th July 23rd accessories supplement beauty special + watch and jewellery portfolio luxury and jewelry special + gifts supplement October 23 September 10 rd th November 27 th October 10 th B&W € SINGLE PAGE 16 300 15 200 DOUBLE PAGE 28 000 27 500 1 / 2 PAGE 10 700 10 100 1 / 3 PAGE 8 000 7 242 1 / 4 PAGE 6 400 6 100 PLACEMENT February 10th April 24th 4/C € € double spread inside back cover 32 100 back cover 54 000 page facing a specific feature or successive page + 10 % SPECIAL CAMPAIGNS (+ technical costs upon request) PREMIUM POSITIONS (4/C or B1W) January 10th March 27th SURFACE PLACEMENT € SURFACE € bellyband 81 000 split front cover 73 300 opening double gatefold 69 800 DOUBLE SPREAD INSIDE FRONT COVER 47 200 1 ST DOUBLE SPREAD 37 700 rates for inserts (inclusion only) (+ technical costs upon request) 2 ND DOUBLE SPREAD 36 900 VOLUME 3 RD DOUBLE SPREAD 36 500 cost per 1000 copies € 4 TH DOUBLE SPREAD 36 400 2 PAGES 191 5 TH DOUBLE SPREAD 35 300 4 PAGES 255 FIRST 20 DOUBLES SPREADS 32 600 6 PAGES 319 PAGE FACING TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 25 300 8 PAGES 352 per additional page 13 DOUBLE SPREAD BETWEEN TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 AND 2 37 600 PAGE FACING TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 25 300 DOUBLE SPREAD BETWEEN TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 AND MASTHEAD 1 36 900 PAGE FACING MASTHEAD 1 24 400 DOUBLE SPREAD BETWEEN MASTHEAD 1 AND 2 CATALOGUES JOINED TO L’OFFICIEL (+ technical costs upon request) VOLUME cost per 1000 copies € 36 700 < 12 PAGES – 16 PAGES < 326 SINGLE PAGE FACing masthead 2 24 400 < 18 PAGES – 24 PAGES < 490 double spread between masthead 2 and editor’s letter 36 500 < 26 PAGES – 48 PAGES < 653 page FACing editor’s letter 24 400 DOUBLE spread between editor’s letter and contributors 36 300 page facing contributors 24 400 double spread between contributors and list 36 100 back of page “la liste de vanessa” 20 600 page facing feature “chemise blanche” 20 200 page facing news 1 20 100 page facing news 2 20 000 page facing news 3 19 900 THEMATIC SUPPLEMENT page facing news 4 19 700 POSITIONING € page facing news 5 19 700 INSIDE FRONT COVER 13 500 page facing news 6 19 700 INSIDE BACK COVER 10 300 page facing beauty editorial 20 300 BACK COVER 16 400 1 st page in beauty 18 700 2 nd page in beauty 18 700 PACKAGE:INSIDE FRONT COVER, INSIDE BACK COVER & BACK COVER 31 000 3 rd page in beauty 18 700 page facing jewels editorial 20 300 1 st page in jewels 18 700 SURFACE € 2 nd page in jewels 18 700 SINGLE PAGE 9 900 3 rd page in jewels 18 700 DOUBLE PAGE 18 200 page facing style editorial 20 300 1 front of page in style 18 300 POSITIONING € 2 nd front of page in style 18 100 INSIDE FRONT COVER 15 000 3 rd front of page in style 17 900 DOUBLE SPREAD INSIDE FRONT COVER 17 500 4 th front of page in style 17 900 INSIDE BACK COVER 11 000 20 first fronts of page 17 900 BACK COVER 19 100 page facing fashion editorial 20 300 PAGE FACING EDITOR4S LETTER 12 200 inside back cover 17 000 PAGE FACING TABLE OF CONTENTS 12 200 st OVER 48 PAGES - QUOTATION UPON REQUEST GIFTS SUPPLEMENT IN JUNE & DECEMBER POSITIONING € INSIDE FRONT COVER 15 402 INSIDE BACK COVER 11 220 BACK COVER 19 686 CHILDREN SUPPLEMENT JALOU MEDIA GROUP JALOU MEDIA GROUP 32 33 L’OFFICIEL TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS D ISC O U N T S 2 0 1 5 All rebates are cumulative and are calculated on gross expenditure, except for the 15% professional rebate which is based on the advertiser’s net expenditure. A – Discount on gross expenditure, granted to an advertiser or group of advertisers. € 16 000 to 26 500 25 501 to 29 900 29 901 to 66 100 66 101 to 148 800 148 801 to 283 600 283 601 to 815 000 > 815 001 % 3 6 8 10 12 15 20 B – Discounts (loyalty, Progression, new advertiser) granted to a brand €% Loyalty Revenue 2015 < Revenue 2014 3 Progression Revenue 2015 > Revenue 2014 5 New advertiser L’OFFICIEL 5 Combining * 10 *Only effective for any new client running in 2 titles of Jalou Editions and only if related to new business. FILE FORMAT PDF 1.3 (profile “Distillers” and “Indesign” are available on request). Important: even though there are more recent versions of Acrobate, the 1.3 is the only one certified by the SICOGIF. Files in 4/C: CMJN. Page per page or multiple continuing pages (do not skip pages). File built in single pages (no double pages, not even for the advertisements in question). RESOLUTION Images: ideally 300 DPI, minimum 200 DPI. For the “bitmap”: ideally 1200 DPI, minimum 600 DPI. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Inking Superposition: 280 % File Format: magazine format + 5 mm of bleed off with trim marks. In case of double page do not consider the cutting value. No inking profile in the files. SUPPORT and TRANSMISSION The preferred supports are CD-ROM ISO 9660 or DVD-R. FILE NAMES Files must have only alphanumeric types (0 to 99/A to Z), with the media name and the issue number. TEST All files must come along with a numerical test issued from this same file. PROOF Only the contractual proof (cromalin, matchprint, Epson, approval) are accepted. All other proofs, Sherpa, Laser or inkjet layout are not the reference in case of objection. Margin AND SIMPLE PAGES A precise 10 mm margin must include linecuts and technical areas. We recommend to have a simple page for each file. C – Grouping of mandates Gross revenue (€) Up to 248 000 248 001 to 468 000 > 468 001 D – Professional rebate % 1 2 3 BEWARE we have no responsability in the quality of publication in case any other materials (typons, CD-ROM containing a non numerical file…) that the one named above are given to us as technical elements. 15 % SIZES REMINDING: Width x Length OFFICIEL 224 x 297 mm for a simple page full clip paper (First 5 mm on each side) 448x 297 mm for a full paper double page (First 5 mm on each side) All material is to be sent to Sarah Schmitt L’OFFICIEL 5, rue Bachaumont, 75002 Paris TEL :+ 33 1 53 01 88 30 s.schmitt@jaloumediagroup.com JALOU MEDIA GROUP JALOU MEDIA GROUP 34 35 Texts must have a 5 mm intented line from the format DIGITAL JALOU MEDIA GROUP JALOU MEDIA GROUP 36 37 l’ o f f i c i e l / puretrend ON-LINE JMG DIGIPACKS #OOTD (O u t f i t O f T h e D ay ) Shooting a fashion subject # BAS IC 1 News article on a website – Your choice + 200 000 fans + 33 915 fOLLOWERS 2 500 € 1 News article on a website – Your choice Post Facebook + Instagram + Twitter 5 000 € #O M G # RE G R AM ( O h M y G od ) 1 News article on a website – Your choice EDITORIAL ON Newsletter (250K subscribers) Post Facebook + Instagram + Twitter POST ON THE SITE 1 News article on a website – Your choice 1 200 € #Regram (1 News article on a website – Your choice + post on social networks) 6 000 € # S ELFIE Styling & shooting «Still life» of a product Post it on the site + 60 000 FOLLOWERS Post Facebook + Instagram + Twitter 2 500 € #We we r e th e r e Accompanying OF EVENTS: Press day, New Store, Party… 1 News article on a website – Your choice Post Facebook + Instagram + Twitter 4 000 € # BOLLY WOOD Post a video on social networks 300 000 UNIQUE VISITORS 2 000 € (Facebook) / 800 (Instagram) GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS IAny subscription of an advertising order implies the acceptance of our terms of sale and regulations. VIIAny existing taxes and any new taxes will be to the advertiser’s charge. VIIIDuring the order transfer, the choice will be made of a common accord of the representative or the advertiser and ourselves between the modalities of payment defined below: IIAny cancellation of an advertising order will only be accepted if it occurs at least 3 months before publication and 6 months for 4th cover pages. IIIWe reserve the right to modify the conditions of the current price list, even for current orders, with an advance notice of 3 months. 1.Payment In implementing the French Laws of Modernization of Economy of the 4th of August 2008 and the 5th of December 2008, our invoices must be paid within 45 days. Only the effective collection of bills of exchange will be considered as being worth complete payment in the sense of the present terms of sale. IV The publicity appears under the responsibility of the advertisers. The editor reserves the right to refuse at any time an insertion, which, by its nature, its text or its presentation appears against the spirit of the publication or susceptible to provoke protests from its readers or a third party. 2.Non-payment Any amount not paid by the due date shall give rise to payment by the client of penalties fixed at three times the legal rate of interest. In implementing article L.441-6 of the French Commercial Code, these penalties are payable by rights, as of receipt of the notice informing the buyer that we have debited them. Any amount not paid by the due date shall give rise to the payment by the customer of penalties, fixed at one-and-a-half times the legal interest rate. In implementation of the article L441-6 of the French Commercial Code, these penalties are due by right, as of receipt of the notice informing the buyer that we have debited them. Furthermore, our company reserves the possibility to take other legal action in order to end this nonpayment, with penalty payments per day of delay. V The advertiser is responsible, in every case, for the payment of the advertising order with the conditions defined in the price list. However, the representative who sends us an order acts also on his or her behalf and is as such jointly responsible towards us for the payment of the order. VI If the order has to be executed with in the framework of a mandate contract, we must be in possession of a certificate of this contract linking the advertiser and the representative, the contract will be considered of indefinite length until its interruption by the advertiser. Within the framework of a mandate contract, the original of the invoice will be communicated to the announcer, the duplicate being sent to the representative. Only an intermediary duly appointed by the advertiser to purchase advertising space in its title will be considered as representative. Invoices will contain a professional discount of 15% calculated net after reduction. GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS IXWithout prejudice to the article VIII, upon express agreement and with the exception of a report sought out in time and accorded by us, the non-payment of our supplies at the fixed due date will entail: 3.New Business: this discount concerns the brands which did not realize a turnover during the previous year and which will invest during the next year. It will be calculated according to the grid planned for that purpose in the price list. 1.The immediate payability of all the sums that were billed and are unpaid by the involved advertiser, whatever the planned method of payment. 2.The payability of a compensation equal to 15% of the sums owed in conformance with all the orders placed by the involved advertiser, besides the legal interests and the possible legal expenses. 4.Multiple office-holding: this reduction applies to all the inserts for which the same representative handled at least two brands, for one or for several advertisers or group of advertisers in the title. 5.The conceding of each of these discounts is subordinated to the presence on the price list of the corresponding grid. XDiscounts Definition of the advertiser: every advertiser, including a group of advertisers, defined as a set of advertisers whose companies are controlled by a common holding company. Definition of the brand: Commercial naming of a product and a line of products marketed by his or her company. XIAny complaint must, under penalty of forfeiture, be written in the week following the insert. By express agreement between the parties, it is stipulated that in case of contesting, only the commercial court of Paris, France remains competent. 1.Quantity: This reduction is reserved for the advertiser or group of advertisers on the basis of the accumulation of the gross annual sales (price list) realized by the group or their representative (or representatives), for their account. delivery address: LES ÉDITIONS JALOU 5 rue Bachaumont, 75002 Paris TEl. : +33 1 53 01 88 30 Fax : +33 1 53 01 10 40 S.A.R.L. AU CAPITAL DE 606 000 euros R.C.S. PARIS B 331 532 176 2.Loyalty, preservation and progress: this discount applies to the brands. It takes in account the evolution of the annual gross annual sales (price list) of the brand during the previous year and during the next year, according to the grid planned for that purpose in the price list. This discount concerns only the brand having realized a turnover during the previous year. de l’année précédente. JALOU MEDIA GROUP JALOU MEDIA GROUP 40 41 JALOU MEDIA GROUP 42
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