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MEDIA KIT 2013 ALL COLLECTIONS L’OFFICIEL 1000 MODELS L’OFFICIEL 1000 MODELS, the essential guide for all the fashion collections, not only of the most important brands, but also of young designers. Haute couture, Ready to wear, Accessories, Men’s Fashion, Design… each issue of L’OFFICIEL 1000 ModEls is a unique and fundamental database in order to discover all the latest trends for the future seasons. All the collections PARIS – LONDON MILAN – NEW YORK HAUTE COUTURE DESIGN A Complete panorama oN international design. HOMME All men’s fashion shows : Milan, Paris, São Paulo. ACCESSORiES Les Éditions Jalou, a family owned French MEDIA company, WHO PUBLISHES high end fashion magazines, WEBSITES AND DIGITAL CONTENTS since 1921. DAV D DA AVID AV BOWIE BEAUTÉ MAKE-UP TOUT DE LA SCÈN NE E AU MU M USÉ SÉE E ES TENDANCLES ES DES DÉFILÉS NATALIA VODIANOV A N° 973 – 4,50 € WWW.LOFFICIE OF973_COU VI TOR VIC OR IA IA BECKH KHA HAM AM LES SACS DE POSH NATALIA FAIT SON SHOW EN DIOR LMODE.COM V_OK_sans code barre.indd 4 15/02/13 12:05 N°158 Mars 2013 - 3 € R WWW.JALOUSE.F L’E FF ET LON PIL PAQUI SONT LES INFLUENCE DU LUXE ? URS M ODE P OP T . KANYE WESLON ANLLA HIPEE RDONAS. GUY KAERS ERT . ROGER TAL KIM ER REY SCH R . RNE WE RIE AND IAN KIM KARDASH WEST N° 49 — DÉCEMBRE 2012 - JANVIER 2013ET—KANYE WWW.LOPTIMUM.FR PAR NICK KNIGHT LAU T . HURTS OLIVIER MOSSE S 4 GROUPE LE GUIDE DE 4 ST YLES T L’HOMME PARFAIT ER MB LA YUMI TOP GEISHA 100 CHOSES + à s’offrir avant la fin du monde 90 LOOKS MODE À TWISTER SPORT PARFUMS Yumi Lambe CHAUSSURES rt en Kenzo. ALCOOL DESIGN MONTRES HIGH-TECH ACCESSOIRES VOITURES L 17572 - 49 - F: 3,00 € - RD TOYS Sac et chaussures Louis Vuitton Wo uvel Comporta no c Eldorado chi CHANEL MADEMO ISELL E PRIVÉ AL onNe RT UGl LISb POnde Rfu arajas chez les Mah au Rajasthan Au Sri Lanka île du sourire no181 – décemb re 2012 – Janvier 2013 L 19083 -- 181 181 -- F: 5,50 € -- RD RD CHIRURGIE ESTHÉTIQUE es Dans les sauvag Pyrénées Smart valises ades Montres nom pour tout savoir sur Les meiLLeures techniques LE GUIDE COMPLET HORS-SÉRIE N° 23 La fin d’un tabou es ceLLuLes souch n annoncée chronique d’une révolutio caLvitie ffes Le succès des microgre anti-ÂGe ciblés Des protocoles très seins priorité au naturel Liposuccion harmonie et mesure € - RD 2013 - with english L 15085 - 5 - F: 10,00 N°5 mars-avrilmai text STERLING RUBY “Pourunmonument schizophrénique” 冬季刊 N ° 0 4 hiver 2012 prince maurice, uxua à trancoso, Andaz à amsterdam € - RD L 13042 - 43 - F: 7,00 144 Pages chirurGie intime hôtels STYLE Injections Laser Peeling Lifting Lipofilling Liposuccion Rhinoplastie Implants… 去香槟区 度周末 梵克雅宝的幕后故事 “光之城”最受欢迎的 10 张餐桌 aRT & MoDE Raf SIMoNS KaRL LaGERf ELD MaRTIN PaRR EN BacKS +20页独家shopping秘笈 TaGE oLIvIER ZahM + ET LES MUSES DE cRéaTEURS JULIo LE PaRc Une histoire cinétiq La coLLEcTIoN ue DE ThIERRY GILLIE vaLéRIE BELIN 10 highly positioned and renowned magazines in France L’OFFICIEL de La Mode et de la Couture, L’OFFICIEL HOMMES, Jalouse, L’OPTIMUM, L’OFFICIEL 1000 MODèles, LA REVUE DES MONTRES, L’OFFICIEL VOYAGE, l’OFFICIEL ART, L’OFFICIEL PARIS GUIDE, L’OFFICIEL CHIRURGIE ESTHÉTIQUE Portraits-sculp tures LE BERLIN DE GREGoR hILDE cLaUDE Lévê En images L’îLE DE NaoSh R 冬季节日特刊 BRaNDT qUE IMa, UN MUSéE LES 30 aNS DES DU fUTUR fRac par Jack Lang et aurélie filippe tti DavIDE BaLUL a / PoRTfoLIo WWW.lofficielhommes.fr www.larevuedesmontres.com WWW.jalouse.fr WWW.lofficielmode.com WWWjalouGALLERY.COM 28 international editions L’Officiel Azerbaijan L’Officiel Brazil L’Officiel Central Asia L’Officiel China L’Officiel Hommes China L’Officiel Art China L’Officiel Hommes Germany L’Officiel India L’Officiel Indonesia L’Officiel Italy L’Officiel Hommes Italy L’Officiel Hommes Korea L’Officiel Latvia L’Officiel Levant L’Officiel Hommes Levant L’Officiel Lithuania L’Officiel Middle East L’Officiel Morocco L’Officiel Hommes Morocco L’Officiel Netherlands L’Officiel Hommes Netherlands L’Officiel Russia L’Officiel Singapore L’Officiel Thailand L’Officiel Hommes Thailand L’Officiel Turkey L’Officiel Ukraine L’Officiel Hommes Ukraine Male sophistication №4 . herfst/winter 2012 BRYAN ADAMS EXPOSED ARTIST ANDREI ROITER VIOLIST CHARLIE SIEM DESIGNER BENT VAN LOOY Mick Jagger nummer 4 - € 4,95 by bryan adaMs 2013 deadlines ISSUES SPECIAL THEMES ON SALEs BOOKINGs 132 – February • Summer Haute Couture 2013 February 15th January 21st 133 – February • Men’s Ready-to-wear Winter 2013-2014 February 25th February 7th 134 – March • Women’s Ready-to-wear Milan/New-YorkMarch 22 nd March 7th Winter 2013-2014 135 – April • Women’s Ready-to-wear Paris/LondonMarch 29th March 18th Winter 2013-2014 136 – April • Winter accessories 2013-2014April 19thApril 5th 6 - April • Ultimate 5000 modelsApril 24thApril 15th 11 – July • Design June 20th June 7th 12 – July • Plastic surgery July June 137 – August • Winter Haute Couture 2013-2014 July 26 138 – September • Summer men’s Ready-to-wear 2014August 16 July 25th 139 – October • Women’s Ready-to-wear Milan/New-YorkOctober 21st October 8th 140 – November July 11th th th Summer 2014 • Women’s Ready-to-wear Paris/LondonOctober 31stOctober 15th Summer 2014 141 – November • Summer accessories 2014November 14th October 31st 7 - November • Ultimate 5000 modelsNovember 14th October 31st RATES 2013 (GROSS PRICE in euros excl vat) 2013 DISCOUNTS STANDARD ADVERTISING SPACE SURFACE Single page € 7 800 All rebates are cumulative and are calculated on gross expenditure, except for the 15% professional rebate which PREMIUM POSITIONS is based on the advertiser’s net expenditure. (4/C OR B&W) A – Discount on gross expenditure, granted Placement € Double spread inside front cover 11 500 to an advertiser or group of advertisers. Second cover 8 310 €% Page facing Table of Contents 9 330 15 500 to 25 700 3 Inside back cover 7 590 25 701 to 29 100 6 Back cover 16 360 29 101 to 64 200 8 Package * 15 650 64 201 to 144 500 10 144 501 to 275 300 12 *package IncludES 275 301 to 791 300 15 • Opening double spread > 791 301 20 • Inside back cover • Back cover (to spread annually B – Discounts (loyalty, Progression, new advertiser) granted to a brand. on the various issues). €% Loyalty T.O 2013 < T.O 2012 3 Progression T.O 2013 > T.O 2012 5 New advertiser L’OFFICIEL 1000 models combining* 5 10 *Only effective for any new client running in 2 titles of Jalou Editions and only if related to new business. C – CUMULATIVE BILLING DISCOUNTS Available for buying group representing several brands GROSS TURNOVER (€)% Up to 244 300 1 244 301 to 461 300 2 > 461 301 3 D – AGENCY COMMISSION 15% TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS FILE FORMAT Margin AND SIMPLE PAGES - PDF 1.3 (profile “Distillers” and “Indesign” A precise 10 mm margin must include linecuts are available on request). - Important: even though there are more and technical areas. We recommend to have a simple page for each file. recent versions of Acrobate, the 1.3 is the only one certified by the SICOGIF. BEWARE - Files in 4/C: CMJN. we have no responsability in the quality of - Page per page or multiple continuing pages publication in case any other materials (do not skip pages). - File built in single pages (no double pages, not even for the advertisements in question). (typons, CD-ROM containing a non numerical file…) that the one named above are given to us as technical elements. 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PROOF Only the contractual proof (cromalin, matchprint, Epson, approval) are accepted. All other proofs, Sherpa, Laser or inkjet layout are not the reference in case of objection. j.edery@editionsjalou.com General Terms and Conditions Any subscription of an advertising order implies the acceptance of our terms of Any existing taxes and any new taxes will be to the advertiser’s charge. During the order transfer, the choice will be made of a common accord sale and regulations. Any cancellation of an advertising order will only be accepted if it occurs at least of the representative or the advertiser 3 months before publication and 6 months and ourselves between the modalities for 4th cover pages. of payment defined below: We reserve the right to modify the conditions of the current price list, even In implementing the French Laws for current orders, with an advance of Modernization of Economy of the 4th of August 2008 and the 5th of December notice of 3 months. 1.Payment 2008, our invoices must be paid within The publicity appears under the 45 days. Only the effective collection responsibility of the advertisers. The editor of bills of exchange will be considered reserves the right to refuse at any time as being worth complete payment an insertion, which, by its nature, its text in the sense of the present terms of sale. or its presentation appears against the spirit of the publication or susceptible 2.Non-payment to provoke protests from its readers Any amount not paid by the due date or a third party. shall give rise to payment by the client of penalties fixed at three times the The advertiser is responsible, in every legal rate of interest. In implementing case, for the payment of the advertising article L.441-6 of the French Commercial order with the conditions defined in the Code, these penalties are payable price list. However, the representative by rights, as of receipt of the notice who sends us an order acts also on informing the buyer that we have his or her behalf and is as such jointly debited them. 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This discount concerns only the brand having realized a turnover during the previous year. de l’année précédente. LES ÉDITIONS JALOU PARIS , 1921 OLIVIER JUNGERS ADVERTISING GENERAL DIRECTOR T : +33 1 53 01 88 44 O.JUNGERS@EDITIONSJALOU.COM KATHLEEN BUSSIÈRE ADVERTISING EXECUTIVE T: +33 1 53 01 88 45 K.BUSSIERE@EDITIONSJALOU.COM ANGELA MASIERO italian market T: +39 02 84 25 66 23 A.MASIERO@EDITIONSJALOU.COM 5 RUE BACHAUMONT 75002 PARIS T. + 33 1 53 01 10 30 / F. + 33 1 53 01 10 40
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Julie Edery
La Revue des Montres
5, rue Bachaumont, 75002 Paris
TEL : + 33 1 53 01 88 30
L`Officiel - Jalou Media Group