L`Officiel - Jalou Media Group
L`Officiel - Jalou Media Group
MEDIA KIT 2015 first MEDIA GROUP c o nte nt s l’o f f i c i e l e d ito r i a l o f f i c e Creative team p. 4 L’O FFI C I E L p. 5 fi rs t ME D I A G RO U P p. 16 co n te n ts p. 19 Gauhar Kapparova Danna Karagussova Makpal Karibzhanova Editor-in-Chief People & Luxury Editor Health & Beauty Editor Dinara Satzhan Alina Maykeyeva Kristina Danshina interviewer publisher brand-manager Gulnar Tyndybayeva Natalya Tskhai Aigul Mukey contributor contributor contributor t h e ta rget p. 22 p os itio n i n g p. 24 s t y le p. 28 s pecial campaig n s p. 30 di s t ri butio n p. 32 t h emes & deadli n es 2015 r ates tec h n ical req ui reme n ts first MEDIA GROUP first MEDIA GROUP 2 3 h i sto ry L’Officiel 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 L 15085 - 1 - F: 10,00 € - RD 1921 N.1 avril-mai-juin 2012 - wiTh engliSh TexT www.lofficielarT.com MoNUMENTA(L) BUREN PAR TAYOU l ’ inTégrale de ThOmAs rUFF à munich First Media Group is one of the most successful and dynamic companies representing media and publishing in Kazakhstan. PALAIS DE TØKYØ le grand Souffle MEXICO CALLING PAR sTEFaN BRÜGGEMaNN Tom SachS miSSion marS LES MODERNES REBELLES IRANIENNES DE Shirin Aliabadi excluSif ErwIN wUrM en mode “one-minuTe SculpTure” 1996 L’OPTIMUM 1997 JALOUSE 1999 LA REVUE DES MONTRES Created in 1921 L’Officiel is one of the oldest magazines in the fashion world. Thought the long period of time L’Officiel is serving as a guide in the world of luxury, fashion and trends for several generations of women, who choose authentic and unique style. In 2015 L’Officiel expands its borders by becoming a fashion guide for women of Kazakhstan. A status as much as a privilege, which now places the title amongst the most influential in the world. 1999 L’OFFICIEL 2003 CHINA 1000 MODÈLES 2005 L’OFFICIEL VOYAGE 2005 L’OFFICIEL HOMMES 2012 L’OFFICIEL ART In year 2015 FMG together with Jalou Media Group launching L’Officiel Kazakhstan. 50 titles of L’Officiel and L’Officiel Hommes are represented in 30 countries, including China, Russia, Brazil, India, Thailand, Morocco, Italy, Netherlands and many other. The media holding has a remarkable expertise and experience in working with Premium and Luxury brands. Practical skills accompanied with significant number of successfully conducted international projects are still bringing its advantages and positively affecting FMG’s reputation. Creativity and strategic approach, which are designed to satisfy its stakeholders’ interests and needs - are the core values of the organization, which are leading FMG to its success. First Media Group represents the collaboration of essential knowledge, experience and unique style. It is symbolic that the Kazakh edition was honored to be the anniversary, the 50’th international L’Officiel. L’Officiel as a true embodiment of arts, accompany and disseminate a certain idea of «French» style, which for decades has become a dream machine as well as a recognized brand worldwide. first MEDIA GROUP first MEDIA GROUP 4 5 EUROPE/RUSSIA • Germany (L’Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes) • Greece (L'Officiel, L’Officiel Hommes) • Italy (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes) • Latvia (L'Officiel) • Lithuania (L'Officiel) • Netherlands (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes) • Portugal (L’Officiel) spring 2015 • Russia (L'Officiel) • Spain (L’Officiel) fall 2015 • Switzerland (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes, L’Officiel Voyage) • Ukraine (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes) MIDDLE EAST/AFRICA • Angola (L’Officiel) spring 2015 • Lebanon (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes) • Middle East (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes, L’Officiel Art) • Morocco (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes) • Turkey (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes) ASIA/PACIFIC • Australia & New Zealand (L’Officiel) • Azerbaijan (L'Officiel) • China (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes, L'Officiel Art) • South Korea (L'Officiel Hommes) • India (L'Officiel) • Indonesia (L'Officiel) • Malaysia (L’Officiel) fall 2015 • Philippines (L’Officiel) spring 2015 • Singapore (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes) • Thailand (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes, L'Optimum, L’Officiel Art) • Vietnam (L’Officiel) summer 2015 • Kazakhstan (L’Officiel) spring 2015 i n te rn atio n al editio n s central and SOUTH AMERICA • Brazil (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes, L’Officiel Voyage) • Mexico (L'Officiel) first MEDIA GROUP 7 TÜRKİYE 70 AcEssórios quE são puro dEsEjo pEArLs nEgrAs o soM do vidigAL pArA o Mundo dvF’S Wrap parTy créateurs nouvelles valeurs et légendes vivantes Perfume’s new star & being the most powerful Woman in Fashion viTorino cAMpos tiempos modernos EsTrEiA coMo stylist MODA RENK METAL &ROMANCE PALETINE BULAŞIYOR YÜZ YÜZE NÚMERO 20 R$ 14,90 GEORGIA MAY JAGGER AZIZ SARIYER MAYA PORTAKAL TOM AIKENS LAPO ELKANN PAOLLA RAHMEIER VESTE DOLCE & GABBANA Luxe Living aT HoMe WiTH drieS van noTen inSTagLaM HoLidayS Beautiful Bali Bright, white and floral WeLcoMe To THe neW SeaSon FaSH ion Fi x eS For ev ery Mood Nisan 2014-4 Sayı: 20 9 TL KKTC 10 TL KAPAK ANGELA.indd 152 lo Último en relojes chic ou provoc’ jessica hart arT aTTack Lv’S STaTeMenT ScarveS Vol III Garçon simplicidad máximo impacto les deux tendances de l’été on THe Menu $45 Mayo 2014 Bo don en MaxMara LoFFICIeLMexICo.CoM Jessica Hart en Dior BeauTy’S neW WinnerS esenciales de belleza qu e C a roaas lé m . vã moda da PURER GLANZ JUWELEN-SOMMER CAUÃ REYMOND KRASILCIC ALEX POISÉ t N° 43– 7,500 L.L. novAs corEs pArA sEu bEijo N° 2 – MAI/JUNI 2014 CHF 12 nº03 spécial Mode Making a Modern icon R$ 19,90 EspEciAL bAToM N° 44 – 7,500 l.l. Forever FaBuLouS NÚMERO 1 SAÇLARDA DEVRİM SARIŞIN OLMAK YA DA OLMAMAK pAssARElAs Ny-pARis o quE vAi virAr ModA, dos pés Aos cAbELos 2014 ZIRVEDE OLMANIN DAYANILMAZ HAFIFLIGI MAYO LINDVALL nº03 ANGELA t FELIPE HIRSCH t MARLON TEIXEIRA t GIOVANNI BIANCO OSKAR METSAVAHT t OTÁVIO ZARVOS t MARCOS CAMPOS t PABLO GALLARDO nadim tabet est en the kooples NADIM TABET . IBrAhIM MAAlouf . BErNArD MourAD AlI chErrI. roy DIB . MAS: ThAT PETrol EMoTIoN 9 772077 50001 1 LO-03-Portada_Forros OK.indd 1 09/04/14 18:49 3/22/14 3:40 PM L ’ O fficiel Turkey L ’ O fficiel Brazil L ’ O fficiel Middle East L ’ O fficiel Lebanon L ’ O fficiel China L ’ O fficiel Greece L ’ O fficiel Mexico L’OFFICIEL Switzerland L ’ O fficiel Azerbaijan JALOUSE China L’Officiel HOMME S Brazil L’Officiel H OMME S Lebanon L’Officiel HOMME S China L’Officiel H OMME S Ukraine HARTE DRINKS DIE BRUDERLIEBE KONTROLLVERLUST №56 20142013 №54 MARTS DECEMBRIS agnese zeltiņa Jana Briķe sapŅu pārdeVēja milēdijas adVOkāte ass JautāJums drīss van notens Viss par skaistuma injekcijām un ViŅa mŪZas Pavasara diāna fon firstenBerga kleitu karaliene Cena-EUR 3,514,25 Cena – Ls5,00/Ls 2,99 / EUR L ’ O fficiel Indonesia WILL FERRELL LEBRON JAMES BJARNE MELGAARD MATTHIAS LILIENTHAL TOMI UNGERER STEFAN SAGMEISTER RYAN MCGINLEY ALAN MOORE ULLI LOMMEL OLIVER BERBEN L ’ O fficiel Latvia L ’ O fficiel Italy L ’ O fficiel Thailand L’Officiel HOMMES Middle East L’Officiel HOMMES South Korea L’Officiel HOMMES Netherlands L’Officiel HOMMES Germany N° 7 - APRIL 2014 - WWW.LOPTIMUMTHAILAND.COM NO.82 РоссиЯ L ’ O fficiel Central Asia C LE M E N S SCHICK Jaunās sezonas tendences LASIET MŪS ARĪ iPHONE UN iPAD 03 9 771691 513001 L ’ O fficiel India kods April 本刊邮发代号:28-426 国内统一刊号:CN52-1010/I 国际标准刊号:ISSN1002-686X RMB ¥20 HKD $30 www.lofficielart.cn 04/2014 Март 2014 аRT DE LA COUTURE ET DA LA MODE DE PARIS EN RUSSIE мода как искусство เมษายน 2557 25 мэттью макконахи дельфина делеттРе дРис ван нотен сеРгей Полунин джессика лэнг 10 | prim av er a estate 20 14 Google 艺术计划的中国攻略 董梦阳 艺术, 北京 กิจกรรมคลั่ง ท้าให้คุณลอง สักครั้ง (ก่อนตาย) STRANGE SEX EXTREME LIFE WEAR A CRAZY PRINT ถ้าคุณลองแล้ว ก็ขอโทษด้วย HOW TO ประลองความมัน สไตล์หนุ่มบ้าพลัง 断章取义朱新建 青铜时代 一器倾城 2013 佛教艺术的得与失 Google Art Project in China Dong Meng Yang Art, Beijing Zhu Xin Jian Bronze Age Buddhism Art in 2013 AND LOOK GOOD NEW BLOOD IN MENSWEAR รู้จักผู้ก่อตั้ง อินสตาแกรม MR. BEAN’S INCREDIBLE CAR COLLECTION 16+ на сибуи: платье и колье LanVin, браслеты VaLentino Cover.indd 1 L ’ O fficiel Lithuania L ’ O fficiel Morocco L ’ O fficiel Singapore L ’ O fficiel Netherlands 画廊主的前世今生 How Did They Become Gallerists 73×60cm 2013 STANISLAS WAWRINKA THE NEW COURT HERO 布面油画 APR - 100THB Rinus Van De Velde 曹力 EXCLUSIVE Золотые правила веСны 四美图系列之三 БлеСК! L ’ O fficiel Russia L ’ O fficiel Ukraine L’Officiel HOMMES Morocco L’Officiel HOMMES Thailand 3/28/14 16:53 L’OPTIMUM Thailand L’Officiel HOMMES Italy I N T E RN AT I O N A L I N T E RN AT I O N A L first MEDIA GROUP first MEDIA GROUP 8 9 L ’ O fficiel A R T China L ’ O fficiel A R T Middle East K a z ak h s t a n – e x pa n d i n g t h e b o r de r s of Luxury Kazakhstan is the most successful and dynamically developing country in the territory of former the Soviet Union. Today country is turning into the new platform for developing and disseminating the idea of Luxury in all its dimensions. Key players of the fashion and luxury industry such as Louis Vuitton, Dior, Hermes, Prada are represented in the market. Launch of the Kazakhstani edition of international fashion and style magazine L’Officiel is an essential step in developing of publishing industry, and it is absolutely timely and anticipated. first MEDIA GROUP 10 L’Officiel Kazakhstan is a luxury and fashion guide with a particular international approach for Kazakhstan’s readers. L’Officiel Kazakhstan is always inspiring, new and different. It offers edgy fashion reports, interviews with trendsetters, artists, photographers, designers and fashion leaders Content presented with the distinctive hallmark of L’Officiel Kazakhstan is always surprisingly fashionable and with luxurious international appeal first MEDIA GROUP 13 JOIN THE FRONT ROW fi r s t M E D I A G R O U P 14 Contents FRONT ROW Celebrity interviews Socialite life coverage Highlights from fashion shows Reports from world events & invitation-only parties STYLE Top trends review & runway reports Critics’ choice & must-have accessories Best discoveries & obsessions Latest news & shopping references MODE Fashion stories Stars’ looks & focus on models BIJOUX Horology trends & brand-new timepieces High jewellery premieres & selections of unique gems BEAUTE & SANTE Beauty photo sessions Cosmetics & fragrances news Wellness, fitness & health Skin care & makeup recommendations LIFE STYLE 10% 45% 15% 15% 10% 5% Exclusive features & famous contributors Culture & Art Design & architecture High End gadgets & hottest cars Gourmet food & wine Destinations & resorts Inspiration & entertainment front row fashion & style RSVP Memories from fabulous nights and happenings JEWEllery & watches beauty & health life style rsvp first MEDIA GROUP ffii r s t M E D I A G R O U P 16 17 THE TARGET THE NEW ELITE SHE IS Modern, influential and chic. She is the reflection of contemporary ideals, which combines feminine and unique style . She isn’t A fantasy of a woman, but a real impersonation of French ideas about fashion. MARTIN PARR X L’OFFICIEL ART first MEDIA GROUP first MEDIA GROUP 18 19 THE TARGET THE TARGET Between 30 and 45 years old REAL WOMAN Age classes are more and more decategorized. To be 20 today doesn’t mean you are young, to be 50 just doesn’t mean that you are out-of-the-loop. While the «L’Officiel woman» between 30 and 45 cultivates personal balance and professional success with all the codes and choices that go with it. L’Officiel woman lives a very uninhibited life, the culture of the mundane and the festive. She attends all social and cultural events all over the world: fashion weeks, Luxe Expo, private dinners and fashion shows. Connected and international A strong buying power With her financial independence, she belongs to or leans towards the NEW INFLUENTIAL CIRCLES. For her, wealth and success are virtues. A taste for fashion and style Personality and lifestyle inspired by L’Officiel are her virtues, which are making her unique and authentic. An active woman for who «the sky’s the limit». She is an activist when it comes to travelling and networking. She loves the palaces, the big jet-set cities, the capitals and the new destinations «to see and be seen». SOPHISTICATED WITHOUT being SNOBBISH She is not locked in the shackles of fashion but affirms her relationship to elegance in a clever mix between TRADITIONS AND MODERNISM, CHIC AND CLASSICS. She sees the world through the fashion prism, she embodies the modern style concept. Brands are a culture L’Officiel woman A woman who possesses a true «SHOPPING CULTURE», she knows and uses the brands, admitting that they are an integral part of contempory culture. Knowing, choosing and selecting fashion and luxury houses is for the «L’Officiel woman» what the art of wine is for man. – she is the woman a million want to be alike. She is authentic, elegant and unique. first MEDIA GROUP first MEDIA GROUP 20 21 POSITIONING fashion & people the style front row Recognized since year 1921 as one of the leading luxury and fashion brands, it has become the international reference of «French style» and among the leaders in the up-market women’s press. Today L’Officiel is an absolute distributor of French Chic, which spreads its style all over the world. L’Officiel becomes the magazine of «front row know-how», illuminating issue after issue, the universe of those who embody today, the modern elite style. L’Officiel Kazakhstan will tell you its own story, the story of the front row culture, creating its new formula. MARTIN PARR X L’OFFICIEL ART first MEDIA GROUP 22 first MEDIA GROUP Style Magazine with high quality conte nt is built up by adding Fashion – Luxury – People – Entertainment concept. Readable and light content of the magazine promises its readers relevant and reliable knowledge and experience. Feminine premium Today, L’Officiel more than ever deserves to become your guide in the world of fashion and luxury, as one of the leading exporters of «French chic» that keeps the perfect balance between premium elegance and casual style. Being the magazine of style for the new elite, A ut h entic «fa s h ion expert» – L’O ffi c i e l is r eady to b ecome a n u n avoidab le style pr is m for con tem por ary wome n, L’Of f iciel Kazakhstan uni nhi bi ts the values o f success in a world that personifies luxury, elegance and dreams. providing its readers with a real «how to wear», which faces all needs of modern elegance. L’Officiel gives its reade rs spe cial feeling of belonging to that what they dream of or who they would like to be. L’Officiel embodies and distributes modern style and elegance. Due to its uniqueness and legacy, L’Officiel is not just a magazine, but a cultic and cultural phenomenon in the world of Luxury & Fashion. Are or they tend to be. L’Officiel readers represent a stylish community with common aspirations and values. first MEDIA GROUP fi r s t M E D I A G R O U P 24 25 L’OFFICIEL world events print N° 991 Décembre-Janvier 2014/2015 Cadeaux LA LISTE DE VOS ENVIES Événement LA FONDATION LOUIS VUITTON ILLUMINE PARIS Art de vivre CHARLOTTE DELLAL SA NOUVELLE VIE Secrets de beauté SCARLETT JOHANSSON Étoiles des neiges GSTAAD vs ST. MORITZ L’adieu à OSCAR DE LA RENTA ELISA SEDNAOUI EN CHANEL CROISIÈRE Holding First Media Group includes one of the most advanced companies in the field of organizing and managing the exclusive events of the highest quality in Kazakhstan. First Events successfully cooperates for more than 10 years with luxury world name brands. www.lofficielmode.com LL 15003 15003 -- 991 991 -- F: F: 1,00 1,00 € € -- RD RD OF991_COUV-SEDNAOUI2.indd 4 04/11/14 19:09 We strongly believe that the partnership of the media holding and world-renowned magazine – L’Officiel will have a significant contribution to the development of event management industry. digital social Toda y F i r s t E ve n t s t oge t h e r w i t h L’ O f ficiel h a s all t h e n e ce s s a r y r e s our ce s i n o r de r t o i mpleme n t i t s o w n a s well a s j o i n t eve n t s o f t h e h i g h e s t q ual it y. events first MEDIA GROUP first MEDIA GROUP 26 27 outdoor advertising outstanding events 2015 L’Officiel Kazakhstan marketing and advertising campaign uses all the possible tools in order to reach different stakeholder groups, and fulfill key values of the brand. March June Bridal fair L’Officel Kazakhstan launch presentation in Astana. Exclusive luxury event, which covers wedding industry of Kazakhstan. The event will take place in The Ritz-Carlton, Almaty in partnership with country’s leading organizations. Official presentation of L’Officiel Kazakhstan in the capital followed by private dinner for selected audience and media coverage. May Luxe expo Grand annual event, in the world of luxury. The evening program includes L’Officiel Kazakhstan launch presentation. Collaboration of Luxe Expo 2015 and L’Officiel is aimed to build key audience’s loyalty and increase brand-awareness among potential partners and clients. Strong publicity covers main cities: Almaty, Astana. All year round various forms of advertising are shown. A combination reevaluation and intensive. advertising for special issues and events, including upcoming and annual events. Joint Projects with EXPO 2017 which includes beneficial commercial opportunities. Major fashion weeks covering the most topical fashion issues of the country: new faces, edgy collections, tendencies and style. November L’Officiel Luxury Awards 2015 Major Luxury fashion event with original L’Officiel Kazakhstan hallmark. Collaborations with key players of fashion and luxury industry in Kazakhstan. fi r s t M E D I A G R O U P fi r s t M E D I A G R O U P 28 29 L’OFFICIEL i n k a z a k h sta n Distribution L’Officiel Kazakhstan reaches its target audience through: • Sales via distribution networks and independent retailers • VIP and CIP zones, business lounges of airports, including first and business class of the airlines • Luxury and trendy hotels, restaurants, wellness-centers, shops and boutiques • Paid subscription • Mailing Mailing 7% Client database 1% Luxury locations 34% Sales 58% Circulation: 30,000 copies Readership: 150,000* L’Officiel Kazkahstan is distributed on the territory of Kazakhstan, across the major cities of the country *An anticipated readership is based on 4.98 readers per copy ko s ta n ay 1% pavloda r a s ta n a 27% akto b e 2% at y r au 1% 1% ka r aga n da 2% Frequency: 10 times a year u s t - kame n ogo r s k 1% almat y aktau 1% s h ymke n t 4% 50% L’Officiel Kazakhstan is the only independent French title of the Luxury press industry in Kazakhstan. first MEDIA GROUP 30 RATES 2015 (in euro) surface L’Officiel ka z ak h stan ISSUES 1 – MAY special themes deadlines Watch & Jewellery April 10 Summer Fashion & Beauty 2 – JUNE 6 000 SINGLE PAGE 4 000 1 / 2 PAGE 2 000 1 / 3 PAGE 1 500 placement 20 1 5 t hemes & deA D L I N E S th May 11th 3 – JUly / AUGUST Health June 10th 4 – SEPTEMBER Fashion Week – New Trends – Fashion & Beauty August 10th 5 – OcTOBER Accessories September 10 th 6 – NOVEMBER Winter Fashion October 9 7 – DECEMBER / JANUARY Gifts, New Year November 10th th € DOUBLE PAGE € gate folder + 1 st double spread 15 000 back cover 12 000 gate folder on front cover 10 000 1 st double spread 10 000 2 nd double SPREAD 9 000 3 rd double SPREAD 8 000 4 th double SPREAD 7 000 5 th double SPREAD 6 500 double spread inside back cover 7 500 double heavy-paper page 7 000 3 rd COVER 7 000 double spread between masthead and contents 6 500 double spread between masthead and editor’s letter 6 500 page facing editor’s letter 5 500 page facing table of contents 5 000 page facing masthead 5 000 page facing contributors 5 000 page facing beauty editorial 4 500 page facing bijoux editorial 4 500 page facing style editorial 4 500 page facing mode editorial 4 500 special campaigns (does not include technical fees) € surface FILE FORMAT PDF , СDR, Psd, Tiff, Ai, Eps RESOLUTION Bitmap: 300 DPI, minimum 250 DPI. BEWARE! 15 000 split front cover 10 000 double spread + bellyband 10 000 € VOLUME catalogues joint to l’officiel up to 20 p. double page insert SIZES 220x285 mm for single pages and inserts 440x285 mm for spreads (bleed 3 mm with 4 sides) For catalogues: not more than 220x285 mm COLOR inside double gate folder rates for inserts and CATALOGUES (inclusion only, at least 2000 copies) TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS 5 1,5 DISCOUNTS 2015 (Discount on gross expenditure, granted to an advertiser or group of advertisers) CMYK, pantone, greyscale. All important information (text, logo) must have a 5 mm intended line from the format. For single pages: 12 mm from the left side. Colors on the screen might slightly differ from the printed version. CONTACT INFORMATION contract type % one-year 20 half-year 10 Address: 162 A , D o s t y k ave n ue , A lmat y, K a z ak h s ta n P h o n e n um b e r : +7 (727 ) 329 53 31 E - mail : i n fo @ lofficiel . k z Editor-In-Chief gau h a r ka p pa rova edito r@ lofficiel . k z Head of commercial department: b ei b it ali b ekov + 7 701 111 48 4 3 i n fo @ lofficiel . k z Associate brand manager alexa n d r a pa n +7 705 575 14 27 alexa n d r a . pa n @ lofficiel . k z PR-manager fa r iz a aida r b ekova +7 7 7 7 268 0 8 37 f. aida r b ekova@ lofficiel . k z professional discount for advertising AGENCies – 20 % first MEDIA GROUP 32 first MEDIA GROUP
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