media kit 2015 - Jalou Media Group
media kit 2015 - Jalou Media Group
MEDIA KIT 2015 Greetings from L’Officiel Japan April 2015 L'OFFICIEL Japan Inc. 3-1-29, Motoazabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo Japan Tel. 03-6434-7690 Today we are proud to announce that L'Officiel Japan will finally launch. We will publish the first issue in October 2015. The international fashion magazine L'Officiel , first published in Paris in 1921, carries a history of 94 years and represents the French chic elegance. L'Officiel gathers all kinds of information from all over the world to create a global standard magazine. Our Japanese version will fuse with our own unique perspectives. The concept of “New Luxury“ has not been seen before in any other magazine. Japan holds its unique history, tradition and culture, and and these are highlighted domestically and globally. Through flushing new standards we seek to add our innovative luxury flavor to build an original standard. We will cover fashion, beauty, music, food, health, travel, interior and all kinds of art forms by interviewing key influential individuals. We will deliver wellselected information every month to fulfill your sophisticated life. L'Officiel Japan will aim for enriching high quality and true elegance amongst mature ladies who have long awaited such a magazine. Please do look forward to our first issue and more to come. Yours Sincerely Tetsuya Mabuchi L'OFFICIEL Japan Inc. Managing Director / Publisher Tetsuya Mabuchi L’OFFICIEL | JAPAN 2015 2 www.LOFFICIEL.JP JMG creative team Tetsuya MABUCHI CEO/ publisher/ L’OFFICIEL Japan chief editor Executive director of BON IMAGE, a management of f ice where domestically and internationally outstanding models belong. He established a Japanese model section and has fostered globally active models. He is known as a key person who leads many Japanese models such as Ai Tominaga to runway in New York and Paris, and recently plays a role to penetrate Asian markets. He built SIGNO Inc. in 2000. He manages both domestic and overseas artists and supports activities of younger artists. He is also a director of REP agent association. Kiyohiko OKUBO Naoko KIKUCHI Ma na g i ng exe c ut ive d i re c tor of S e ven a nd I publisher After working as a fashion director at ELLE Japon for over 10 years, she assumed a post of fashion creative director at Harper’s BAZAAR Japanese edition since January 2013. She stepped aside its post in 2015 and makes a direction for whole magazine and works as a stylist as well. Mami SEKIYA Riichiro YAMAMOTO She has a career of interviewing overseas collection for over 20 years and ta kes an active role at a front line of fashion as editor and director. “ELLE marriage” “Departures Magazine” “CREA Traveler” “Harper’s BAZAAR” He joined Hachette Filipacchi Medias, in charge of “PREMIERE” “ELLE” and “MEN’S CLUB”. He joined International Luxury Media, in charge of “Harper’s BAZAAR” “RollingStone Japanese edition” and “OCEANS”. Beyond that, he is in cha rge of s ome med ia ba s e d on out s ou rc i ng agreement. Magazines such as “Bijin Hyakka” and others for ones in their 20s such as “WWD Japan” “WWD JAPAN MAGAZINE” publisher Editing adviser Editor (external) Advertisement adviser Kasumi NISHIO General Manager of advertisement department After working as a general manager of advertisement department for “VACATION” “NILE’S NILE”, member maga zi ne for t he upper-i ncome, she worked as a responsible person for first issue of male magazine “MADURO” in 2014. L’OFFICIEL | JAPAN 2015 and 3 other advertisement staff 3 www.LOFFICIEL.JP JALOU MEDIA GROUP Jalou Media Group is a family media group based in Paris, at the heart of the fashion world for over 90 years. It is controlled 100% by the Jalou family, and presided by Ms Marie-Jose Jalou. Originally standing as the referent Paris Haute Couture trade media, over the decades the group has adopted an international dimension, and progressively added other brands and products to its portfolio. Jalou Media Group has its ownbranded concierge service (L’OFFICIEL Conciergerie) and it has a presence in 70 countries with over 42 international editions. L’OFFICIEL | JAPAN 2015 4 www.LOFFICIEL.JP 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 L'OFFICIEL L'OFFICIEL L'OFFICIEL L'OFFICIEL L'OFFICIEL L'OFFICIEL L'OFFICIEL L 15085 - 1 - F: 10,00 € - RD 1921 L'OFFICIEL N.1 avril-mai-juin 2012 - wiTh engliSh TexT MoNUMENTA(L) BUREN PAR TAYOU l ’ inTégrale de ThOmAs rUFF à munich PALAIS DE TØKYØ le grand Souffle MEXICO CALLING PAR sTEFaN BRÜGGEMaNN Tom SachS miSSion marS LES MODERNES REBELLES IRANIENNES DE Shirin Aliabadi excluSif ErwIN wUrM en mode “one-minuTe SculpTure” 1996 1997 1999 1999 2003 2005 2005 2012 L'OPTIMUM JALOUSE LA REVEVUE DES MONTRES L'OFFICIEL 1000 MODELES CHINA L'OFFICIEL VOYAGE L'OFFICIEL HOMME L'OFFICIEL ART L’OFFICIEL IS ONE OF THE MOST INFLUENTIAL MAGAZINES IN THE FASHION WORLD. With that comes status and privilege: The title competes internationally with VOGUE, harper’s BAZA AR , and ELL E. L'Officiel (French pronunciation: [lɔfisjɛl]) is a French fashion magazine. It has been published in Paris since 1921 and targets upper-income, educated women aged 25 to 49. In 2006, it had a circulation of 101,719. A men's edition of L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes, and many foreign editions are also published. The complete name of the magazine is "L'Officiel de la couture et de la mode de Paris”. taken a more youthful, energetic approach to fashion. In 1990’s, L’Officiel expand its portfolio to include several verticals in the luxury market, covering women’s fashion (L’Officiel 1000 Modèles, Jalouse), men’s fashion (L’Officiel Hommes, L’Optimum), beauty (L'Officiel de la Beauté, L’Officiel Aesthetique Surgery), travel (L’Officiel Voyage), watches (La Revue de Montres), jewelry (L'Officiel Intégrale Luxe), art (L’Officiel Art), and culture (L’Officiel Paris Guide, L’Officiel Conciergerie). L'Officiel was first published by Andrée Castaniée in 1921. Georges Jalou joined the magazine as artistic director in 1932. Soon after, L'Officiel launched the careers of designers including Pierre Balmain, Cristóbal Balenciaga, Christian Dior, and Yves St. Laurent, and the magazine became "the Bible of fashion and of high society". Jalou later became the magazine's general director, and ultimately purchased the publication. He transferred ownership of L'Officiel to his three children in 1986. In recent years, the publication has L’OFFICIEL | JAPAN 2015 In 1996 L'Officiel began focuses on cross-border publishing ventures, launching in mature and emerging markets. Today, major international editions of L’Officiel include Italy, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Russia, Brazil, Mexico, the Middle East, India, China, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Australia,Phillipines, Japan and more. 5 www.LOFFICIEL.JP French Titles French Supplements & Special Issues L’OFFICIEL | JAPAN 2015 6 www.LOFFICIEL.JP International Editions EUROPE/RUSSIA ASIA/PACIFIC Germany (L’Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes) Australia & New Zealand (L’Officiel) Greece (L'Officiel, L’Officiel Hommes) Azerbaijan (L’Officiel) Japan (L’Officiel) fall 2015 Italy (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes) Latvia (L'Officiel) Lithuania (L'Officiel) Netherlands (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes) Portugal (L’Officiel) China (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes, L'Officiel Art) South Korea (L'Officiel Hommes) India (L’Officiel) Indonesia (L’Officiel) Malaysia (L’Officiel) fall 2015 Russia (L’Officiel) Spain (L’Officiel) fall 2015 Switzerland (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes, L’Officiel Voyage) Philippines (L’Officiel) Singapore (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes) Thailand (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes, L'Optimum, L’Officiel Art) Vietnam (L’Officiel) summer 2015 Ukraine (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes) MIDDLE EAST/AFRICA Kazakhstan (L’Officiel) Angola (L’Officiel) spring 2015 Lebanon (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes) Middle East (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes, L’Officiel Art) CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA Brazil (L’Officiel) Mexico (L’Officiel) Morocco (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes) Turkey (L'Officiel, L'Officiel Hommes) L’OFFICIEL | JAPAN 2015 7 www.LOFFICIEL.JP TÜRKİYE International Editions ANGELA LINDVALL ZIRVEDE OLMANIN DAYANILMAZ HAFIFLIGI SAÇLARDA DEVRİM SARIŞIN OLMAK YA DA OLMAMAK 70 pAssARElAs Ny-pARis o quE vAi virAr ModA, dos pés Aos cAbELos AcEssórios quE são puro dEsEjo EspEciAL bAToM pEArLs nEgrAs novAs corEs pArA sEu o soM do vidigAL pArA o Mundo bEijo N° 44 – 7,500 l.l. Forever FaBuLouS spécial Mode Making a Modern icon dvF’S Wrap parTy créateurs nouvelles valeurs et légendes vivantes Perfume’s new star & being the most powerful Woman in Fashion viTorino cAMpos EsTrEiA coMo stylist MODA RENK METAL &ROMANCE PALETINE BULAŞIYOR YÜZ YÜZE Beautiful Bali NÚMERO 20 Nisan 2014-4 Sayı: 20 9 TL KKTC 10 TL KAPAK ANGELA.indd 152 Luxe Living aT HoMe WiTH drieS van noTen inSTagLaM HoLidayS R$ 14,90 GEORGIA MAY JAGGER AZIZ SARIYER MAYA PORTAKAL TOM AIKENS LAPO ELKANN arT aTTack chic ou provoc’ jessica hart Lv’S STaTeMenT ScarveS Bright, white and floral WeLcoMe To THe neW SeaSon Vol III on THe Menu les deux tendances de l’été BeauTy’S neW WinnerS FaSH ion Fi x eS For ev ery Mood PAOLLA RAHMEIER VESTE DOLCE & GABBANA Jessica Hart en Dior 9 772077 50001 1 3/22/14 3:40 PM L'OFFICIEL L'OFFICIEL Turkey L'OFFICIEL Brazil L'OFFICIEL Middle East L'OFFICIEL China L'OFFICIEL Lebanon Greece №56 20142013 №54 MARTS DECEMBRIS agnese zeltiņa Jana Briķe sapŅu pārdeVēja milēdijas adVOkāte ass JautāJums drīss van notens Viss par skaistuma injekcijām un ViŅa mŪZas Pavasara diāna fon firstenBerga kods Jaunās sezonas tendences kleitu karaliene Cena-EUR 3,514,25 Cena – Ls5,00/Ls 2,99 / EUR LASIET MŪS ARĪ iPHONE UN iPAD 03 9 771691 513001 L'OFFICIEL L'OFFICIEL Central Asia L'OFFICIEL Indonesia L'OFFICIEL Italy L'OFFICIEL Latvia Thailand РоссиЯ India L'OFFICIEL Март 2014 DE LA COUTURE ET DA LA MODE DE PARIS EN RUSSIE аRT мэттью макконахи дельфина делеттРе дРис ван нотен сеРгей Полунин джессика лэнг мода как искусство БлеСК! Золотые правила веСны 16+ L'OFFICIEL L'OFFICIEL Lithuania L'OFFICIEL Morocco на сибуи: платье и колье LanVin, браслеты VaLentino L'OFFICIEL Singapore L'OFFICIEL Netherlands L'OFFICIEL Russia Ukraine N° 2 – MAI/JUNI 2014 CHF 12 nº03 nº03 MAYO 2014 tiempos modernos máximo impacto esenciales de belleza JUWELEN-SOMMER LO-03-Portada_Forros OK.indd 1 CAUÃ REYMOND KRASILCIC ALEX POISÉ t NÚMERO 1 $45 Mayo 2014 Bo don en MaxMara LoFFICIeLMexICo.CoM qu e C aroasalém . vã moda da PURER GLANZ t FELIPE HIRSCH t MARLON TEIXEIRA t GIOVANNI BIANCO N° 43– 7,500 L.L. simplicidad R$ 19,90 lo Último en relojes Garçon nadim tabet est en the kooples NADIM TABET . IBrAhIM MAAlouf . BErNArD MourAD AlI chErrI. roy DIB . MAS: ThAT PETrol EMoTIoN OSKAR METSAVAHT t OTÁVIO ZARVOS t MARCOS CAMPOS t PABLO GALLARDO 09/04/14 18:49 L'OFFICIEL Mexico L'OFFICIEL L'OFFICIEL Switzerland JALOUSE Azerbaijan China L'OFFICIEL HOMMES Brazil L'OFFICIEL HOMMES Lebanon L'OFFICIEL HOMMES China L'OFFICIEL HOMMES Ukraine HARTE DRINKS DIE BRUDERLIEBE KONTROLLVERLUST C LE M E N S SCHICK WILL FERRELL LEBRON JAMES BJARNE MELGAARD MATTHIAS LILIENTHAL TOMI UNGERER STEFAN SAGMEISTER RYAN MCGINLEY ALAN MOORE ULLI LOMMEL OLIVER BERBEN L'OFFICIEL HOMMES Middle East L'OFFICIEL HOMMES South Korea L'OFFICIEL HOMMES Netherlands L'OFFICIEL HOMMES Germany NO.82 April 04/2014 本刊邮发代号:28-426 国内统一刊号:CN52-1010/I 国际标准刊号:ISSN1002-686X RMB ¥20 HKD $30 Google 艺术计划的中国攻略 董梦阳 艺术, 北京 断章取义朱新建 青铜时代 一器倾城 2013 佛教艺术的得与失 Google Art Project in China Dong Meng Yang Art, Beijing Zhu Xin Jian Bronze Age Buddhism Art in 2013 10 | prim av er a estate 20 14 曹力 L'OFFICIEL HOMMES Italy L'OPTIMUM Thailand 8 L'OFFICIEL ART China 73×60cm 2013 L’OFFICIEL | JAPAN 2015 L'OFFICIEL HOMMES Thailand 布面油画 L'OFFICIEL HOMMES Morocco 四美图系列之三 画廊主的前世今生 How Did They Become Gallerists Rinus Van De Velde L'OFFICIEL ART Middle East www.LOFFICIEL.JP Our Manifesto Vérité Bonté Beauté The words, SHIN ZEN BI stand for acknowledged truth, ethical goodness and aesthetical beauty in Japanese. It means the universal validity of human ideals. L’officiel Japan will value those words. LA Vie Artistique FOR “L'OFFICIEL JAPAN” THE TRUTH, GOODNESS AND BEAUTY ARE OUR FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES. THERE ARE WOMEN WHO WANT TO HAVE A BEAUTIFUL LIFE BY IMPROVING THEIR INNER BEAUTY THROUGH UNDERSTANDING THEMSELVES, FACING UP TO THE REALITIES OF SOCIETY, AND SERVING THE PUBLIC. WE ARE HERE TO SUPPORT THEIR LIFESTYLE “100%”. We develop categories of coverage in unique ways which is unlike other women’s magazines who use standardized categories. For that, the key word is “Vie Artistique“. A lifestyle filled with elegance and creativity is a beautiful piece of art that touches the deepest parts of your core.There are indispensable categories for our readers to help them to find a way of life which reveals to them a true reason for living that they can apply to their today’s lives. Contributing to society, especially, is an important theme for us. We will interview VIPs about how they have been contributing to society as well as their lifestyles. We will look for how they can sustain a beautiful way of life through asking the right questions in interviews. L’OFFICIEL | JAPAN 2015 9 www.LOFFICIEL.JP Photos Nadine Ottawa Presenting valued wearable high fashion styles elevates your IMAGE to the next stage. Some can be more attractive by covering up less with clothes and jewelries. There Vérité are women who have a keen aesthetic sense to pick those items that bringing them to the next level, and are realistic enough to understand their aesthetics and weaknesses objectively. Our roll model, that we want to learn from as well as suggest to our readers, is the woman who constantly continues to put an effort into improve herself including her fashion and lifestyle. We will introduce valued items as well as possibilities of the styles of high fashion, which will lead you to be more elegant just like a jewel sparkling in every scene. L’OFFICIEL | JAPAN 2015 10 www.LOFFICIEL.JP Miroir Soleil Noir, 2007, Carbure De Silicium, Diamètre 83 X 3,5 Cm, Galerie Kreo. Think of duties and HARMONY to live an excellent life People can have fulfilling days from a versatile relationship with others and society. Bonté We believe that we should spare no effort for others’ happiness, or for a creative society filled with smiles because our happiness is built on the support that we receive from the many people in our lives. “Noblesse Oblige (Obligation of Nobility) “, the idea of what duties and responsibilities a man of power or wealth has to others , is well known in Western countries but not in Japan. Described from several viewpoints, we will provide clues on how to live in a diverse society to help each other equally rather than as superiors. L’OFFICIEL | JAPAN 2015 11 www.LOFFICIEL.JP Photo Jean-Louis Froment. Ci-Dessus, Le Rideau De Scène Du Train Bleu Par Pablo Picasso, 1924. Impressive art and travel promote the expression of your inner beauty. Our goal through the pursuit of “the truth, goodness, and beauty“ is to make life beautiful. What brings a fulfilling life is ascertaining the truth of you, and having a vivid relationship with others. Through this lifestyle, we believe women can become Beauté more and more attractive, with inner beauty radiating. They will be happier and more productive by living in proximity with various arts and by having breathtaking travel experiences to escape from everyday life even more than the one “L'OFFICIEL JAPAN“ suggests. Impressive art and travel are good shots in the arm to improve quality of life. Since art is one of our biggest themes, we will provide our readers access to the world’s most prominent art scenes so that they can more easily assimilate it into their lives for every issue. L’OFFICIEL | JAPAN 2015 12 www.LOFFICIEL.JP Sample Cover Launching October 2015 L’OFFICIEL | JAPAN 2015 13 www.LOFFICIEL.JP Cover L’OFFICIEL | JAPAN 2015 14 www.LOFFICIEL.JP Fashion 40% Japan production content center Feature on fashion story to practice Art de Vivre . Feature on style of L OFFICIEL fashionista who focus on a sense of oneself. (developing from various perspectives such as models, photographers, and stylists) Feature on both valuable standard and brand-new accessories for a dress. L’OFFICIEL | JAPAN 2015 15 www.LOFFICIEL.JP Fashion L’OFFICIEL | JAPAN 2015 16 www.LOFFICIEL.JP Beauty 15% Japan production content center Introduce beauty-photo sessions based on lifestyle of L OFFICIEL women. Feature on cosmetics and fragrances/ wellness, fitness, health/ beauty for travel/ skin care and latest make-up information. L’OFFICIEL | JAPAN 2015 17 www.LOFFICIEL.JP Beauty L’OFFICIEL | JAPAN 2015 18 www.LOFFICIEL.JP Watch & Jewellery 15% Japan production content center Feature on trend forecast for jewelry, and latest watch guide. [SIHH(Geneva salon), WPHH, Baselworld flash news] Feature on latest high-jewelry information and the world of rare customized jewelry. Feature on mode and jewelry, and art and jewellery. L’OFFICIEL | JAPAN 2015 19 www.LOFFICIEL.JP Watch & Jewellery L’OFFICIEL | JAPAN 2015 20 www.LOFFICIEL.JP Travel 10% Overseas production content translation center Propose travels of upper-income Europeans who are masters of label and resort. Introduce best parts and pleasure of travels in detail that are not be felt by Japanese perspectives. Introduce well-selected theme extracting from colorful contents of L OFFICIEL Travel. Feature on fulfilling travel item collection. L’OFFICIEL | JAPAN 2015 21 www.LOFFICIEL.JP Travel L’OFFICIEL | JAPAN 2015 22 www.LOFFICIEL.JP Art 10% Overseas production content translation center Latest art scene information (noteworthy art exhibition, auction information, etc) Introduce artists that L OFFICIEL is paying attention to. Lifestyle information of collector, and art and lifestyle information. L’OFFICIEL | JAPAN 2015 23 www.LOFFICIEL.JP Art L’OFFICIEL | JAPAN 2015 24 www.LOFFICIEL.JP Life Style 10% Overseas production content translation center Special contributed article, column and interview of celebrity, inspiration and entertainment information. Party and event information. Design and architecture information. High-end products (objet, crystal, lighting, tableware, etc) Car information/ gourmet food and wine/ resort life information L’OFFICIEL | JAPAN 2015 25 www.LOFFICIEL.JP Jife Style L’OFFICIEL | JAPAN 2015 26 www.LOFFICIEL.JP Target Readers She is an active lady who pursues or tries to pursue basic concept of L’OFFICIEL Japan “the truth, goodness, and beauty” in her lifestyle. She is a down-to-earth realist and spares no effort in bringing herself to the next level. She has a strong passion for mode and art to enrich her lifestyle, and can spend same energy for social duties. Her beauty generated from her intellectual mind keeps shining over the years. Core targets are ladies who are pre-matured in their 30s and 40s and focus on her beautiful life. For L’OFFICIEL Japan, actual age of readers does not have a big meaning. Ladies who have a fresh mind to pursue something beautiful, have a motivation to sharpen her beauty sense for whole lifestyle, and have a vitality to enjoy best season of their life, are our target readers. But if we would venture to say, they are active ladies in their 30s and 40s filled with a sense of independence and curiosity regardless of whether married or unmarried. Ladies who have an aesthetic sense for genuine article and an active purchasing power. Ladies who have an aesthetic sense, have a motivation to beautify their life, and know the real value of genuine articles, pay for the cost of its beauty with no hesitation. Ladies who know the value of brand based on accumulated persistence of product making and history. Ladies have their own lifestyle so that they make a judge objectively on whether it suits with them or not, and whether it is appropriate for their age or not. On the other hand, they know the value of brand very well, and make a balance between presence of branded items and themselves. If the branded items enhance their charms, they definitely purchase. Mode, travel, art, interior… ladies living in “Art de Vivre” As enhancing lifestyle, art, living environment, and the quality of travel mean a lot. Readers of L’OFFICIEL Japan are ladies who know full well those values. They have a special interest in those which create not a typical but a special time. L’OFFICIEL | JAPAN 2015 27 www.LOFFICIEL.JP Japan production content center FASHION BEAUTY WATCH & JEWELLERY Feature on fashion story to practice “Art de Vivre”.Feature on style of L’OFFICIEL fashionista who focus on a sense of oneself. (developing from various perspectives such as models, photographers, and stylists) Feature on both valuable standard and brand-new accessories for a dress. Introduce beauty-photo sessions based on lifestyle of L’OFFICIEL women. Feature on cosmetics and fragrances/ wellness, fitness, health/ beauty for travel/ skin care and latest make-up information. Feature on trend forecast for jewelry, and latest watch guide. [SIHH(Geneva salon), WPHH, Baselworld flash news] Feature on latest high-jewelry information and the world of rare customized jewelry. Feature on mode and jewelry, and art and jewelry. 40% 15% 15% Overseas production content translation center TRAVEL ART Pr o p o s e t r a v e l s o f up p e r- i n c o m e Europeans who are masters of label and resort. Introduce best parts and pleasure of travels in detail that are not be felt by Japanese perspectives. Introduce wellselected theme extracting from colorful contents of L’OFFICIEL Travel. Feature on fulfilling travel item collection. Latest art scene information (noteworthy art exhibition, auction information, etc) In t r o d u c e a r t i s t s t h a t L’O FFICIEL i s paying attention to. Lifestyle information o f c o l l e c t o r, a n d a r t a n d l i f e s t y l e information. 10% L’OFFICIEL | JAPAN 2015 10% 28 LIFESTYLE 10% Special contributed article, column and inter view of celebrit y, inspiration and enter t ainment informa tion. Par t y and event information. Design and architecture information. High-end products (objet, cr ys t a l, ligh t ing, t a bl ew a r e, e tc) C a r information/ gourmet food and wine/ resort life information www.LOFFICIEL.JP Distribution L’OFFICIEL JAPAN WILL PUBLISH THE HIGH EST NUMBER OF FASHION AND BEAUTY PAGES AMONG WOM EN’S FASHION MAGAZINES IN JAPAN. 40% 15% 15% 10% 10% 10% Fashion (40%) Japan production content center Feature on fashion story to practice “Art de Vivre” .Feature on style of L’OFFICIEL fashionista who focus on a sense of oneself. (developing from various perspectives such as models, photographers, and stylists) Feature on both valuable standard and brand-new accessories for a dress. Beauty (15%) Japan production content center Introduce beauty-photo sessions based on lifestyle of L’OFFICIEL women. Feature on cosmetics and fragrances / wellness, fitness, health / beauty for travel / skin care and latest make-up information. Watch & Jewellery (15%) Japan production content center Feature on trend forecast for jewelry, and latest watch guide. [SIHH(Geneva salon), WPHH, Baselworld flash news] Feature on latest high-jewelry information and the world of rare customized jewelry. Feature on mode and jewelry, and art and jewelry. Travel (10%) Overseas production content translation center Propose travels of upper-income Europeans who are masters of label and resort. Introduce best parts and pleasure of travels in detail that are not be felt by Japanese perspectives. Introduce well-selected theme extracting from colorful contents of L’OFFICIEL Travel. Feature on fulfilling travel item collection. Art (10%) Overseas production content translation center Latest art scene information (noteworthy art exhibition, auction information, etc) Introduce artists that L’OFFICIEL is paying attention to. Lifestyle information of collector, and art and lifestyle information. Life style (10%) Overseas production content translation center Special contributed article, column and interview of celebrity, inspiration and entertainment information. Party and event information. Design and architecture information. High-end products (objet, crystal, lighting, tableware, etc) Car information/ gourmet food and wine/ resort life information L’OFFICIEL | JAPAN 2015 29 www.LOFFICIEL.JP Distribution L OFFICIEL JAPAN REACHES ITS TARGET AUDIENCE THROUGH: Sales via distribution networks and independent retailers • VIP and CIP zones, business lounges of airports, including first and business class of the airlines • Luxury and trendy hotels, restaurants, wellness-centers, shops and boutiques • Paid subscription • Mailing by subscription 10% towards upper-income customers 19% (Department stores、Hotels、Art gallery etc) at bookstores 69% by distributing to clients 2% CIRCULATION: 80,000 copies L’Officiel Japan is distributed on the territory of Japan, across the major cities of the country Pass On Readership: 10 X Total Readership: 400,000 Cover Price: Php200 Frequency: 10 Times A Year With Double Issue In December/January And July/August Paper Size: 235mm ×297mm Sales: dominant bookstores across the nation 10,000 stores convenience stores“7-11”17,000 outlets L’OFFICIEL | JAPAN 2015 30 www.LOFFICIEL.JP Business Expansion ● circulation with paper-based media ● digital contents Over the counter sale centering in dominant bookstores and 7-11 convenience stores across the nation, and mailing to upper-income customers. “L’OF I CIE L on l i ne” w h i ch d i s t r i butes interesting contents for many readers at a faster speed than paper-based media. Latest information including inter views or events will be distributed with motion pictures. ● social network ● L’OFFICIEL events We will provide various SNS tools to foster interactive communications with readers. Lively information of readers will be reflected flexibly. L’OFFICIEL night where some guests will be invited as our roll model, and we will learn from them. For example, party events on the premise of charity, or travel events for L’OFFICIEL readers. L’OFFICIEL | JAPAN 2015 31 www.LOFFICIEL.JP Event Plan ● subway hijack ● L’OFFICIEL night Main stations and main routes in major cities such as Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, and Sapporo will be all L’OFFICIEL We will regularly hold formal night events inviting most fresh L’OFFICIEL ladies that we envy for their lifestyle. And we will have a special event for awarding yearround L’OFFICIEL woman. ● L’OFFICIEL club We will establish the exclusive L’O F F I CI E L c l ub m a i n l y fo r subscribers. We will provide var ious proposals to enr ich your lifestyle, such as luxur y reso r t l ife not be able to experience elsewhere, culture schools for flower arrangement or drawing, various volunteer activities. ● L’OFFICIEL wedding We w i l l s upp o r t wedding event s with some unique ideas of L’OFFICIEL. By consulting wedding dress and s ta g i n g a p a r t y. Irreplaceable day will be a precious memory. L’OFFICIEL | JAPAN 2015 32 www.LOFFICIEL.JP Media Data By featuring all the latest trends not only in Fashion, Beauty and Jewelry, but also in Art and Travel, L'Officiel Japan aims to be always inspiring, new and different. It offers edgy fashion reports, interviews with trendsetters, artists, photographers, designers and fashion leaders, becoming the true luxury and fashion guide. FREQUENCY LAUNCH Monthly, 10 issues per year (February/March and August/September double issues) 1st October 2015 (TBD) The start of the planned electronic version on the same day BASIC BODY Mounting stitching all color COVER PRICE 780yen (including tax / TBD) CIRCULATION 80,000 copies (TBD) DISTRIBUTION PUBLICATION SALES The national good bookstores, Convenience store L’OFFICIEL JAPAN Inc. and Seven & i Publishing Co., Ltd. Seven & i Publishing Co., Ltd. PUBLISHER EDITING DIRECTOR TETSUYA MABUCHI CO-PUBLISHER KIYOHIKO OKUBO L’OFFICIEL JAPAN Inc. Managing Director SEVEN & i PUBLISHING CO., Ltd Executive Managing Director WEB ON SALE CONTACT US L’OFFICIEL | JAPAN 2015 From November 2015 (TBD) Seven & i Publishing Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 5-7-2 Kojimachi 31MT building 5F Japan:102-0083 Tel. 03-6238-2886 33 www.LOFFICIEL.JP Advertising R ATES 2015 SURFACE PAGES SIZES(H×W) ¥ INSIDE BACK COVER PAGE 4C 1P 281 × 225 ㎜ 2,800,000 INSIDE FRONT COVER SPREAD PAGE 4C 2P 297 × 470 ㎜ 3,800,000 AFTER INSIDE FRONT DOUBLE SPREAD PAGE 4C 2P 297 × 470 ㎜ 3,700,000 PAGE FACING FRONT COLUM 4C 1P 297 × 235 ㎜ 2,000,000 PAGE FACING TABLE OF CONTENTS 4C 1P 297 × 235 ㎜ 2,100,000 SURFACE FOUR COLOUR SINGLE PAGE 4C 1P 297 × 235 ㎜ 1,800,000 SURFACE FOUR COLOUR DOUBLE PAGE 4C 2P 297 × 470 ㎜ 3,600,000 THIRD COVER PAGE 4C 1P 297 × 235 ㎜ 1,800,000 The tie-up, you will need the production costs of 400,000 yen per 4C1P. For tie-up advertising, it will be considered as from the spread (2p). 30days before the publication. We accept fixed data only. Advertorial page will start from two pages, nomination of a particular model, the request of the special shooting will be separately consult. LʼOFFICIEL JAPAN INC. 3-1-29 Motoazabu Minato-Ku Tokyo Japan 106- 0046 Tel. 03- 6434-7690 Fax. 03- 6434-7680 L’OFFICIEL | JAPAN 2015 34 www.LOFFICIEL.JP
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