bruun rasmussen fine art + antiques
bruun rasmussen fine art + antiques
auc t io n 8 01 • a pr il 2 0 0 9 fine art antiques bruun rasmussen fine art + antiques a u c t i o n 8 01 copenhagen auc t i o n 8 01 copenhagen fine art + antiques au c t i on 801 copenhagen tuesday 28 april wednesday 6 pm 29 april 1 pm thursday 30 april 1 pm monday 4 may 4 pm tuesday 5 may 1 pm selected paintings 1 - 116 paintings and drawings 117 - 235 russian paintings and antiques silver ceramics and glass oriental works of art 236 298 335 381 jewellery and watches 411 - 631 furniture, bronzes and clocks 632 - 830 - 297 334 380 410 wednesday 6 may 1 pm 2 pm furniture, bronzes and clocks oriental carpets 831 - 892 893 - 1006 fine art + antiques auction 28 april - 6 may 2009 preview thursday friday saturday sunday monday 23 24 25 26 27 april april april april april 4 1 11 11 1 pm pm am am pm - 7 5 4 4 5 pm pm pm pm pm Please note that parking is no longer available in the courtyard in Bredgade. Bredgade 33 · DK-1260 Copenhagen K · Tel +45 8818 1111 · Fax +45 8818 1116 · malerier + antikviteter a u k t ion 801 københavn tirsdag 28 april onsdag kl. 18 29 april kl. 13 torsdag 30 april kl. 13 mandag 4 may kl. 16 tirsdag 5 may kl. 13 onsdag 6 may kl. 13 kl. 14 udsøgte malerier 1 - 116 malerier og tegninger 117 - 235 russiske malerier og antikviteter sølv porcelæn, fajance og glas orientalsk kunsthåndværk 236 298 335 381 smykker og armbåndsure 411 - 631 møbler, bronze og ure 632 - 830 møbler, bronze og ure orientalske tæpper 831 - 892 893 - 1006 - 297 334 380 410 malerier + antikviteter auktion 28. april - 6. maj eftersyn torsdag fredag lørdag søndag 23. 24. 25. 26. april april april april mandag 27. april kl. kl. kl. kl. 16 13 11 11 - 19 17 16 16 kl. 13 - 17 Bemærk venligst, at det ikke længere er muligt at parkere i gården i Bredgade. Bredgade 33 · DK-1260 København K · Tel +45 8818 1111 · Fax +45 8818 1116 · Hovedkontoret er flyttet til Sundkrogsgade i København En lang række af Bruun Rasmussens funktioner er blevet samlet i Københavns Nordhavn. For virksomhedens kunder betyder det, at kontakten til blandt andet kundeser vice og bogholderi foregår fra Sundkrogsgade 30. Den primære vurderings- og indleveringsfunktion er ligeledes f lyttet fra Bredgade 33 til henholdsvis Sundkrogsgade 30 og Baltikavej 10. Det medfører, at vurdering og indlevering af effekter til både de traditionelle auktioner og net-auktionerne nu hovedsagligt finder sted i disse to afdelinger, der ligger tæt på offentlig transport og heldig vis har langt bedre parkeringsforhold end det gamle auktionshus i Bredgade. I Sundkrogsgade gælder det vurdering og indlevering af både ældre og moderne malerier, antikviteter, møbler, design, smykker, kunstindustri og dekorationer. Bruun Rasmussen udvider på Baltikavej i København Bruun Rasmussen har netop udvidet faciliteterne i Københavns Nordhavn. Det eksisterende domicil i Utzons visionære byggeri i Sundkrogsgade 30 er blevet suppleret med yderligere 4000 kvadratmeter nye lokaler på Baltikavej 10, der ligger i umiddelbar nærhed. Den store blå bygning huser Bruun Rasmussens afdelinger for samlerobjekter: bøger og manuskripter; frimærker, posthistorie og postkort; mønter, medailler og pengesedler og vin samt et lager. På Baltikavej vil auktionshusets sagkyndige dagligt stå klar med uforpligtende vurderinger af samlerobjekter, ligesom indlevering af disse foregår her. Det gamle auktionshus i Bredgade I den gamle, fredede bygning fra 1794 i Bredgade 33 har Bruun Rasmussen i over 60 år af holdt traditionelle auktioner, hvor der gennem tiden er blevet formidlet et utal af kunstgenstande. Således forbliver det! Husets 10-12 årlige traditionelle auktioner vil fortsat blive af viklet fra auktionssalen i Bredgade. I begrænset omfang vil der på samme adresse stadig være mulighed for vurdering og indlevering af både ældre og moderne malerier, antikviteter, møbler, design, smykker, kunstindustri og dekorationer. Nyt jysk hovedsæde på Søren Frichs Vej i Århus Bruun Rasmussen har desuden f lyttet sit jyske hovedsæde til Århus fra herregården Pedersholm i Vejle. Pedersholm vil pr. 1. april blive anvendt til andet formål. I Århus danner de store moderne lokaler på Søren Frichs Vej 34D nu ramme om virksomhedens auktioner i Jylland, der fremover kun benytter internettet som salgskanal. Den smukke bygning, der tidligere har huset Aarhus Maskinfabrik, ligger i en afstand af kun to km fra Århus centrum, ARoS og motor vejen. I det nye auktionshus bliver man hver uge mødt af nye malerier, møbelklassikere, designerlamper, antikviteter og smykker, og der er dagligt åbent for vurdering, indlevering og eftersyn. De effekter, der skønnes bedre solgt på en traditionel auktion, vil blive fragtet til København og solgt fra auktionssalen i Bredgade. Bruun Rasmussen Properties Bruun Rasmussen Properties er ligeledes f lyttet fra Bredgade til Sundkrogsgade 30 i Københavns Nordhavn. Her udbydes eksklusive liebhaverboliger, villaer og lyst- og landejendomme i Danmark og udlandet. Formidlingen af ejendomme er en naturlig forlængelse af husets virke med salg af kunst og indbo. Auktionshuset sikrer en enestående eksponering til den rette kreds af både danske og internationale købere. Nye regler for afhentning Bruun Rasmussen har indført nye regler for af hentning af auktionsvarer. Det betyder, at effekter købt på auktion 801 skal være betalt og af hentet i Bredgade 33 senest mandag den 25. maj. I modsat fald bliver de transporteret til Bruun Rasmussens lager på Baltikavej 10 i Københavns Nordhavn for købers regning og risiko. Transporten koster 100 kr. pr. effekt inkl. moms, og opbevaringen koster 100 kr. pr. effekt pr. påbeg yndt uge inkl. moms. Har De ikke mulighed for af hentning inden for dette tidsrum, kan De bestille transport eller forsendelse via hjemmesiden, dog ligeledes senest mandag den 25. maj. Ændring af købersalær Pr. 1. januar har Bruun Rasmussen ændret købersalæret til 24% (ekskl. moms). Salærændringen gælder alle køb på husets auktioner, både på de traditionelle auktioner og på net-auktionerne. Der vil fortsat ikke blive beregnet hammerslagsgebyr. Se købskonditionerne på side 514. KASTELLET E AD SG EN SVE J SUNDKROGSGADE STO RE FÆ AVN NG DEH KO SKU RG EH AV NS VEJ BALTIKAVEJ AMALIENBORG BREDGADE KA LK BR ÆN DE RIH KO N G E N S N Y TO R V AV NS GA DE N O R D H AV N S TAT I O N SU K ND RO GS GA DE P FA SI LK EB OR GV EJ VEST RE RING VEJ TR IN DS ØV EJ FR EJ AS VE ÅRHUS J SØ Bruun Rasmussen på Søren Frichs Vej i Århus RE N FR IC HS VE J The main office has moved to Sundkrogsgade in Copenhagen Furthermore, many of the auction house’s functions have been concentrated in Copenhagen’s Nordhavn. For the company’s customers, this means that e.g. customer ser vice and the bookkeeping department will be located at Sundkrogsgade 30. Likewise, the primar y valuation and consignment function has been moved from Bredgade 33 to Sundkrogsgade 30 and Baltikavej 10. This means that valuation and consignment of items for traditional as well as online auctions will now chief ly be handled in these two branches both of which are conveniently located in relation to public transportation and luckily also have much better parking facilities than the old auction house in Bredgade. Sundkrogsgade will be the setting of valuation and consignment of both older and modern paintings, antiques, furniture, design, jewellery and decorative art. Bruun Rasmussen expands at Baltikavej in Copenhagen At Bruun Rasmussen we have recently expanded our facilities in Copenhagen’s Nordhavn. The existing domicile in Utzon’s visionar y edifice at Sundkrogsgade 30 has been supplemented with an additional 4.000 square metres of new spaces at Baltikavej 10 close by. The big blue building houses Bruun Rasmussen’s departments of collectibles: Books and manuscripts; Stamps, postal histor y and postcards; Coins, medals and bank notes as well as Wine and a storage facility. At Baltikavej, the auction house’s experts will be ready to assist with non-binding valuations of collectibles. Consignment of such items will also take place here. The old auction house in Bredgade In the old listed building from 1794 in Bredgade 33, Bruun Rasmussen has conducted traditional auctions of countless art objects for more than sixty years. And we will continue to do so! The 10-12 traditional auctions conducted annually will continue to be held in the auction hall in Bredgade 33. To a limited extent it will still be possible to have both older and modern paintings, antiques, furniture, design, jewellery and decorative art valuated and consigned at the same address. New Jutland head office at Søren Frichs Vej in Aarhus Bruun Rasmussen has also relocated its Jutland head office to Aarhus from Pedersholm Manor in Vejle. As of April 1st, therefore, Pedersholm Manor will be used for something else. In Aarhus, the two large, modern premises at Søren Frichs Vej 34D now house Bruun Rasmussen’s auctions in Jutland, henceforth conducted exclusively online. The beautiful building, formerly the location of Aarhus Machine Works, is located a mere 2 kilometres from Aarhus city centre, ARoS and the motor road. Every week this new auction house will present new paintings, f urniture classics, designer lamps, antiques and jeweller y, and it will be open daily for valuation, consignment and preview. Items deemed better suited for a traditional auction will be transported to Copenhagen and sold from the auction hall in Bredgade. Bruun Rasmussen Properties Bruun Rasmussen Properties has also been moved from Bredgade to Sundkrogsgade 30 in Copenhagen’s Nordhavn. Here we present choice properties, villas and countr y houses in Denmark and abroad. Real estate is a natural extension of Bruun Rasmussen’s sale of art and furniture. The auction house ensures a select exposure for the right circle of Danish and international clients. New rules for claiming of items Bruun Rasmussen has introduced new rules for claiming of auction items. Items bought at Action 801 must be paid and claimed in Bredgade 33 by Monday, May 25th at the latest. Otherwise, they will be moved to Bruun Rasmussen’s storage facility at Baltikavej 10 in Copenhagen’s Nordhavn at the buyer’s expense and risk. This transportation will cost DKK 100 per item VAT included, and storage will cost DKK 100 per item per week VAT included. If it is impossible for you to claim your items within this period of time, you can arrange transportation or mailing by way of our website. Please note that this must also be done before Monday, May 25th. Changes in the buyer’s premium As of Januar y 1st Bruun Rasmussen has changed the buyer’s premium to 24 percent (VAT excluded). This change applies for all purchases at Bruun Rasmussen’s auctions, whether traditional or online. As before, no hammer price fees will be added. You will find the conditions of purchase at 516. KASTELLET E AD SG EN SVE J SUNDKROGSGADE STO RE FÆ AVN NG DEH KO SKU RG EH AV NS VEJ BALTIKAVEJ AMALIENBORG BREDGADE KA LK BR ÆN DE RIH KO N G E N S N Y TO R V AV NS GA DE N O R D H AV N S TAT I O N SU K ND RO GS GA DE P FA SI LK EB OR GV EJ VEST RE RING VEJ TR IN DS ØV EJ FR EJ AS VE ÅRHUS J SØ The new Jutland at Søren Frichs Vej in Århus RE N FR IC HS VE J Velkommen til forårets internationale auktion over ældre malerier og antikviteter Den danske guldalderkunst er fint repræsenteret med både landskaber, mariner og portrætter. Fremhæves skal Christen Købkes portræt af fætteren, bagermester P. Ryder, i afslappet positur og med cigarillo i hånden. En anden guldalderperle finder man med Wilhelm Marstrand, der har foreviget udsigten fra et vindue i C.W. Eckersbergs atelier på Charlottenborg. Blandt auktionens store udvalg af andre malerier lokker P.S. Krøyer med to fine lyseblå måneskinsbilleder fra Skagen. Man kan også lade sig friste af et forarbejde til hans berømte maleri af Børsens mænd fra 1895, som stadig kan ses i den imponerende bygning. I den russiske sektion optræder et charmerende saltkar og senempire-spejl, der begge har været i Zar Alexander III og Kejserinde Dagmars eje, samt Boris Mikhailovich Kustodievs snedækkede bylandskab fra revolutionsåret og en fin samling af russiske drikkekar i sølv og emalje – en såkaldt kovsh. Et af auktionens højdepunkter er den folkekære kunstner Bjørn Wiinblads private samling fra ”Det blå hus” af blådekoreret kinesisk porcelæn og europæisk fajance. Han blev internationalt anerkendt for sine dekorative arbejder med det særegne fabulerende udtryk. Mere upåagtet er det, at han livet igennem var en lidenskabelig samler. Fra samlingen udbydes bl.a. et sjældent Yongzheng-fad og to store Kangxi-skåle. Læs mere om Wiinblads samling side 514. Smykkeauktionen afholdes denne gang mandag den 4. maj kl. 4 om eftermiddagen for at tilfredsstille et ønske fra vores kunder. Den indeholder denne gang sjældne farvede ædelstene, f.eks. en diamanthalskæde med South Sea kulturperler og en ubehandlet Burma safir på 15.00 ct. samt en platinring med en intens orange safir på over 10.00 ct. Blandt auktionens diamantsmykker markerer tre diamantstjerner sig særligt – alle stammer fra en diamanttiara fra 1930’erne. På møbelsiden står et ovalt mahognibord, tilskrevet David Roentgen, centralt. Det var ikke uden grund, at Frederik den Store af Preussen, Marie Antoinette og Katharina den Store beundrede hans excellente håndværk, og han fremstod da også om nogen som fyrsternes møbelsnedker og modtog titlen ”Ébéniste-mécanicien du Roi et de la Reine” af Ludvig XVI af Frankrig og blev senere udnævnt til hofmøbelsnedker for Frederik Wilhelm II af Preussen. Welcome to the international auction of fine art and antiques in the spring Danish Golden Age art is well represented with landscapes, marines and portraits. Christen Købke’s portrait of his cousin, master baker P. Ryder, in relaxed posture and with a cigarillo in his hand, merits special attention. Another Golden Age gem is Wilhelm Marstrand’s view from a window in C.W. Eckersberg’s studio at Charlottenborg. The auction’s comprehensive selection of paintings includes two fine light-blue moonlight pictures from Skagen by P.S. Krøyer. The auction also tempts with a sketch for Krøyer’s famous painting of the Gentlemen of the Stock Exchange from 1895 which is still located in the impressive building. In the Russian section, we find a charming salt-cellar and a late Empire mirror, both former possessions of Tsar Alexander III and Empress Dagmar in addition to Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev’s snow-clad cityscape from the year of the revolution and a fine collection of Russian drinking vessels in silver and enamel – a so-called kovsh. One of the highlights of the auction is the popular artist Bjørn Wiinblad’s private collection from the ”The Blue House” of blue-decorated Chinese porcelain and European faience. He was internationally renowned for his decorative works with their distinctive imaginative expression. It is less wellknown that he was a passionate collector his whole life. From his collection, we present e.g. a rare Yongzheng dish and two large Kangxi bowls. Read more about the Wiinblad collection page 516. This time, the jewellery auction is held Monday, May 4th at 4.00 pm in order to accommodate a request from our customers. It features rare coloured gems, e.g. a diamond necklace with South Sea cultured pearls and an untreated Burma sapphire at 15.00 ct. in addition to a platinum ring with an intense orange sapphire at more than 10.00 ct. Among the diamond jewellery, three diamond stars are particularly noteworthy – they all derive from a diamond tiara from the 1930’s. In the furniture section an oval mahogany table, ascribed to David Roentgen, assumes a crucial position. It is no coincidence that Frederic the Great, Marie Antoinette and Catherine the Great were all admirers of his excellent craftsmanship. He ranked as the quintessential cabinet-maker for the princes of Europe, and Louis XVI of France gave him the title of ”Ébéniste-mécanicien du Roi et de la Reine”, just as Frederic William II of Prussia later appointed him royal cabinetmaker. department of antiques head of department cataloguing Kasper Nielsen 8818 1121 silver Alexa Bruun Rasmussen 8818 1165 Ralph Lexner 8818 1161 ceramics, glass and oriental art Charlotte Hviid 8818 1162 ceramics, glass and oriental art Torben Friis Møller 8818 1167 jewellery Katrin Mikkelsen Sørensen 8818 1174 jewellery Heidi Schophuus Jensen 8818 1163 furniture, bronzes and clocks Anders Fredsted 8818 1142 furniture, bronzes and clocks Thomas Lembourn 8818 1141 carpets and tapestries Henrik Schleppegrell 8818 1145 furniture bronzes and clocks tuesday 5 may at 1 pm lot 632 - 829 wednesday 6 may at 1 pm lot 830 - 891 632 A George II marquettery longcase clock of walnut, inlaid with flowers and foliage, square hood, dial of brass. Work signed J. Windmills London. The first part of the 18th century. H. 216 cm. Includes two weights and pendulum. Joseph Windmills was maker in 1702- 1723. He has always been a highly regarded maker of clocks and watches. In 1710 he took over the contract to care for the clocks at the Tower of London from Thomas Tompion. DKK 40.000-60.000 / € 5.400-8.000 632 310 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 633 A pair of Italian gilt bronze vases. Later bases of green marble, 18th-19th century. H. 28 cm. (2). DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 634 A pair of French Régence beech and polished oak armchairs, with arched backs, outswept arms and cushion seats, shell carved aprons and foliate decorated cabriole legs, between which X-shaped stretchers. Early 18th century. (2). DKK 50.000 / € 6.700 633 634 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 311 635 635 A Bohemian glass chandelier, baluster shaped middle section with six curved candle arms, hung with prisms. Ca. 1760. Restored. H. 120 cm. Diam. 118 cm. DKK 50.000 / € 6.700 636 A Baroque style black painted chest of drawers. 19th century. H. 81 cm. W. 116 cm. D. 64 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 636 312 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 637 A Norwegian blue painted folk chair, decorated with foliage in colours. 19th century. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 638 A Swedish Baroque table, with top of öland marble, lower part of dark polished oak. The first part of the 18th century. H. 74 cm. W. 124 cm. D. 80 cm. DKK 15.000-20.000 / € 2.000-2.700 637 638 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 313 639 314 639 Gaspard II Marsy (1624-1681), copy after: "The Abduction of Oreithyia". Unsigned. A large patinated bronze sculpture. France. 19th century. H. 98 cm. The Greek god of wine Boreas abducted the Athenian princess Oreithyia to Thrakien and made her his wife. The original sculpture in marble from 16771681 was placed in the gardens of the Tuileries and is now at The Louvre. Marsy was assisted by Anselme Flamen (1647-1717). Bronze examples at The Getty Museum, California, and National Gallery of Art, Washington. DKK 100.000 / € 13.000 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 640 640 A Swedish Baroque cabinet of elm root, inlaid with stars in dark and light woods. The front with two doors, behind which small drawers and writing flap. The first part of the 18th century. H. 212 cm. W. 157 cm. D. 57 cm. DKK 60.000-80.000 / € 8.000-11.000 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 315 641 641 A Swedish "bonade", decorated in colours on canvas, with biblical sceneries, owner initials and year 1807. Early 19th century. H. 112 cm. L. 307 cm. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 642 A Swedish Öland marble top table with several fossils, baluster shaped legs of oak. Early 18th century. Restored. H. 82 cm. L. 156 cm. W. 100 cm. DKK 35.000 / € 4.700 642 316 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 643 A Louis XV style twelve- light cut glass chandelier, the gilt frame hung with cut glass in shapes of leaves and bunch of grapes. Late 19th century. H. 80 cm. Diam. 60 cm. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 644 A pair of Swedish Rococo pine armchairs. Openwork backs, carved with ornamentation, curved armrests, cabriole legs with a turned stretcher. Mid-18th century. (2). DKK 35.000 / € 4.700 643 644 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 317 645 645 A Swedish Rococo painted cupboard, curved profiled top, upper part with two doors, curved lower part. Refreshed painting. Mid 18th century. H. 236 cm. W. 135 cm. D. 55 cm. DKK 50.000 / € 6.700 318 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 646 An Augsburg Renaissance astronomical gilt bronze table case clock exuberantly cast with figures and ornaments, open-worked top adorned with Urania, signed Jeremias Wetske 1588. Clockwork not contemporary. H. 30,5 cm. DKK 15.000-20.000 / € 2.000-2.700 646 647 A Swedish Baroque table, with top of öland marble, lower part of red painted oak. The first part of the 18th century. H. 71 cm. W. 98 cm. D. 55 cm. DKK 12.000-15.000 / € 1.600-2.000 647 648 A German Baroque wrought iron chest with mechanical lock. Mid 17th century. H. 41 cm. W. 79 cm. D. 45 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 648 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 319 649 649 A French gilt bronze eight-light chandelier. Régence style, 19th century. H. 83 cm. Diam. 85 cm. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 650 A Baroque oak and iron cast cabinet on stand, front with two doors behind which several small drawers. Early 18th century. H. 128 cm. W. 90 cm. D.47 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 650 651 A Baroque chest of black painted wood with bands of wrought iron. Mid 17th century. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 651 320 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 652 652 A set of ten white painted Swedish Rococo chairs, curved backs carved with bivalves and foliage, cabriole legs, between which H-shaped stretcher, claw and ball. Mid 18th century. (10). DKK 125.000 / € 17.000 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 321 653 322 653 A George III walnut and marquettery inlaid long case clock, brass dial with openwork corner ornaments, work with date and minute disposal. Plaque marked Andrew Dunlop, London.18th century. H. 275. Includes two weights, pendulum and key. DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 654 A George III mahogany bracket clock with chimes, dial of brass, movement with eight bells and revision function. Signed Thomas Hally, London. England, late 18th century. H. 48 cm. DKK 40.000-50.000 / € 5.400-6.700 655 A Queen Anne mahogany lowboy, front with four drawers, cabriole legs on padfeet. Partly 18th century. H. 79 cm. W. 86 cm. D. 51 cm. Provenance: Noyes family, Boston, Massachusetts. DKK 40.000-50.000 / € 5.400-6.700 654 655 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 323 656 657 656 A Dutch Louis XVI palisander long case clock with chimes, dial of brass, moon phase decorated in colours, four chimes; Hoog op de Solder, Menuet, Slaan and Niet Slaan, work with date and second disposal. Late 18th century. H. 230. Includes two weights and pendulum. DKK 25.000-30.000 / € 3.400-4.000 324 657 An English mahogany long case clock, dial of brass, with openwork corner ornaments, chapter ring of pewter, work with date and minute disposal. Marked L & B Bradley, London. Mid 18th century. H. 222 cm. Includes two weights and pendulum. DKK 12.000-15.000 / € 1.600-2.000 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 658 658 A George III green painted and decorated with chinoiserie scenes in gold long case clock, dial of brass, work with minute and date disposal. Plaque signed Nath. Style, London. England, late 18th century. H. 251 cm. Includes two weights, pendulum and key. Nathaniel Style London clockmaker 1772-1799. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 659 659 A George III mahogany and gilt bronze mounted longcase clock, dial of pewter with Roman- and Arabic numerals, Strike- Silent. Marked John & Miles Brockbank, London. England, late 18th century. H. 228 cm. Includes two weights and pendulum. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 325 660 A Swedish Rococo gilt-wood mirror, openwork schell, rocaille and foliage carvings. Border of mirror decorated with flowers in gold. Mid 18th century. H. 91 cm. W. 37 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 661 A Swedish Rococo blue painted sofa, decorated with bivalve and foliage carvings. Mid 18th century. L. 175 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 660 661 326 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 662 662 A Swedish walnut and pearwood inlaid Rococo cupboard, curved top with doors, lower part with three curved drawers. Later legs. Mid 18th century. H. 230 cm. W. 145 cm. D. 54 cm. DKK 50.000 / € 6.700 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 327 663 Danish Rococo gold-highlighted walnut longcase clock with chimes, carved with pierced ornamentation. Brass dial, pierced corner ornamentation of gilt lead. Chapter ring of pewter. Movement with 13 bells and four tunes. Sign. Christopher Balcke, Copenhagen.Mid-18th century. H. 270 cm. Includes two lead weights, pendulum and key. Born in Christianshavn in Copenhagen c. 1738, died 1800. Son of a supercargo Balcke. Unaffiliated craftsman in Copenhagen 1761 granted citizenship in 1762 as a goldsmith. He joined the workshop of his father-in-law, the goldsmith Sivert Thornsteinson in Østergade, Copenhagen. Became a capitain in the militaria. DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 328 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 663 664 664 A pair of Norwegian Louis XVI gilt-wood mirrors with openwork bows, flowers and foliage carvings, each with one scrolled brass candlearm. Ca. 17701780. H. 63 cm. (2). DKK 100.000 / € 13.000 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 329 665 A Danish Rococo gilt wood richly carved mirror. Mid 18th century. H. 126 cm. W. 46 cm. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 666 A French red painted tapestry stool with shell and foliage carvings. Mid 18th century. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 665 666 330 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 667 A Swedish Baroque style cut glass chandelier. 20th century. H. 85 cm. Diam. 58 cm. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 667 668 A French provincial Rococo walnut chest of drawers, curved front with four drawers. Mid 18th century. H. 84 cm. W. 124 cm. D. 64 cm. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 668 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 331 669 A south German Rococo white painted and gilt mirror, decorated with carved polychrome flowers. Mid 18th century. H. 67 cm. W. 32 cm. DKK 10.000 / € 1.300 670 A set of six Swedish white painted chairs, curved backs carved with shells, cabriole legs, with stretchers, claw and ball. 19th century. (6). DKK 40.000 / € 5.400 669 670 332 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 671 671 A German walnut Rococo writing bureau, curved top with two doors, lower part with writing flap and drawer, cabriole legs. Mid 18th century. H. 200 cm. W. 108 cm. D. 74 cm. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 333 672 An English glass chandelier, baluster shaped middle section with 12 curved candlearms in two levels, hung with drops and chains. Late 18th century, restored. H. 130 cm. Diam. 106 cm. DKK 50.000 / € 6.700 673 An English mahogany table, consisting of two drop leaf tables and two D-ends on round legs with padfeet. Queen Anne style, 19th century. H. 73 cm. D-ends each L. 67 cm. Drop leaf table each L. 162 cm. Extra leaf L. 53. In total L. 511 cm.W. 118. DKK 20.000-30.000 / € 2.700-4.000 672 673 334 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 674 674 An English George II gilt-wood miror, with bivalve and foliage carvings.18th century. H. 177 cm. W. 63 cm. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 335 675 A Louis XV signed Philippe Pluvinet walnut bergere, carved with foliage and ornaments. France, mid 18th century. Philippe-Joseph Pluvinet recieved Master in Paris 1754. Similar bergere pictured in Pierre Kjellberg. DKK 35.000 / € 4.700 676 A Swedish Rococo walnut parquettery inlaid commode, with top of Kolmådan marble, curved sides and front with three drawers. Mid 18th century. H. 74 cm. W. 62 cm. D. 47 cm. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 675 676 336 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 677 A Danish Rococo walnut mirror, decorated with gilt-wood carvings in the shape of fruitbasket, rocailles, flowers and foliage. Mid 18th century. H. 140 cm.W. 57 cm. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 678 A Danish Rococo gilt and walnut commode, top of white marble, serpentine front with three drawers. Mid 18th century. H. 79 cm. W. 76 cm. D. 52 cm. DKK 35.000 / € 4.700 677 678 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 337 679 679 A set of four Roman Rococo gilt wood armchairs, tops and aprons carved with schells and leaves. Italy. Mid 18th century. (4). DKK 60.000-80.000 / € 8.000-11.000 338 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 680 680 680 A pair of painted Würtsburg Rococo mirrors, decorated with polychrome flowers and foliage, carved with flower basket, birds, conforming foliate, scroll and rocailles. Germany, mid 18th century, restored. H. 132 cm. W. 66 cm. DKK 150.000 / € 20.000 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 339 681 681 A large Swedish Rococo gilt wood mirror, carved with openwork flowers and foliage, raised border of mirror decorated with flowers in gold, two-piece original mirror. The back with "Stockholms Hallstämpel". Mid 18th century. H. 179 cm. W. 86 cm. Alike mirror: Graham Child, World of mirrors 16501900, London 1990, p. 299, pl. 681. DKK 60.000 / € 8.000 340 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 682 682 A Rococo white painted cupboard, profiled top, front with two doors and four drawers. Mid 18th century. Later painted. H. 224 cm. W. 143 cm. D. 53 cm. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 683 A tiled top table of black painted wood. The top is inlaid with 12 faience tiles from Harlingen, decorated in blue with the Acts of the Apostles. 18th century. H. 79 cm. W. 61 cm. D. 47. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 683 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 341 684 A Louis XV style six-lighted brass and cut glass chandelier, hung with prisms in the shape of leaves and stars. Late 19th century. H. 118 cm. Diam. 75 cm. DKK 35.000 / € 4.700 685 A pair of Louis XV bois satiné tulipwood and parquetery encoignures stamped F.G. Breche d'Alèp marble top, both with curved fronts with two doors, inlaid with marquettery. Mid 18th century, restored. H. 92 cm. W. 82 cm. D. 53 cm. F.G. for Francois Garnier (d.1774), father of the ébeniste Pierre Garnier. DKK 40.000-500.000 / € 5.400-6.700 684 685 342 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 686 A Japanese black and gold lacquer cabinet, decorated with island landscapes, pavillions and stylised birds, fitted with two doors enclosing ten drawers, the metalwork has been regilt. Late 17th century. H. 79 cm. W. 90 cm. D. 52 cm. DKK 20.000-30.000 / € 2.700-4.000 687 A set of four Rococo gilt and green painted armchairs, the serpentine rails carved with flowers and leaves. Mid 18th century. (4). DKK 50.000-60.000 / € 6.700-8.000 686 687 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 343 688 344 688 A Louis XV rosewood and gilt bronze mounted book cabinet stamped Pierre Garnier, front with glass doors, top of red and white marble. France, mid 18th century. H. 135 cm. W. 110 cm. D. 38 cm. Garnier was responsible for a number of similar pieces which featured comparable inlay using bands of pewter, and it is close to one which was from a suite of three illustrated by Alexandre Pradere ('French Furniture Makers', 1989, p. 248, fig. 254) and one illustrated by Pierre Kjellberg ('Le Mobilier Francais du XIIIe Siecle', 1989, p. 346). Pradere (p. 247) describes Garnier as one of the pioneers of the neo-classical style together with Oeben and Joseph. Although he is not as well known as either of these ebenistes, Garnier was at the forefront of the development of the neo-classical style and one of the first craftsmen to work in this manner. Some of his earliest pieces in this style are highly original and striking. These include a pair of commodes in the Swedish Royal Collections at Gripsholm (Pradere, op cit, p. 249, fig. 257). DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 689 A south German gilt wood Rococo mirror, carved with openwork rocailles and foliage. Presumably Würtsburg. Mid 18th century. H. 141 cm. W. 66 cm. DKK 60.000 / € 8.000 690 A Swedish Rococo walnut paquettery inlaid commode, curved sides and front with three drawers, gilt bronze handles and brass mounting. Mid 18th century. H. 81 cm. W. 83 cm. D. 48 cm. DKK 40.000 / € 5.400 689 690 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 345 691 A Louis XVI walnut and gilt-wood mirror. Schleswig-Holstein, late 18th century. H. 85 cm. W. 34 cm. DKK 10.000 / € 1.300 692 A pair of Louis XV white painted armchairs, with flower and leave carvings, cabriole legs. Mid 18th century. (2). DKK 35.000 / € 4.700 691 692 346 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 693 A Rococo walnut and gilt-wood mirror, decorated with openwork bunch of grapes and foliage. Schleswig-Holstein, mid 18th century. H. 93 cm. W. 36 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 694 A Swedish Rococo style white and blue painted tray table. 19th century. H. 74 cm. L. 83 cm. D. 54 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 693 694 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 347 695 695 A Danish bombé shaped walnut and gilt wood commode, top of white marble, serpentine sides and front with three drawers, gilted base with openwork carvings. Rococo style, late 19th century. H. 74 cm. W. 71 cm. D. 48 cm. DKK 12.000 / € 1.600 696 An Altona Rococo beech armchair, curved walnut veneered back, carved with leaves and schells, cabriole legs. North Germany, mid 18th century. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 696 348 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 697 A Danish walnut and gilt wood framed mirror, decorated with flowerheads and festoon. Mid 18th century. H. 106 cm. W. 47 cm. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 698 A Danish Rococo walnut and gilt highlights commode, serpentine sides and front with three drawers, top of white marble, later gilt wood base carved with c-scrolls and foliage. Mid 18th century. H. 77 cm. W. 68 cm. D. 46 cm. DKK 50.000 / € 6.700 697 698 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 349 699 699 A pair of French chandeliers with frames of gilt metal, each with twelve serpentine candlearms, decorated with glass beads and hung with drops. 20th century. H. 130 cm. Diam. 73 cm. (2). DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 700 350 700 A Venetian Rococo yellow painted console, decorated with flowers in colours, top of gray marble. Mid 18th century. H. 88 cm. W. 125 cm. D. 61 cm. DKK 45.000 / € 6.000 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 701 701 A Rococo walnut and gilt wood writing bureau, upper part with two doors, decorated with bird, flowerheads and trelliswork. The lower part with writing flap and curved bracket front commode with four drawers, gilted legs, carved with foliage. Danmark or Norway. Mid 18th century, restored. H. 245 cm. W. 127 cm. D. 62 cm. DKK 150.000-200.000 / € 20.000-27.000 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 351 702 A French bronze and cut glass eight-light chandelier. Late 19th century. H. 70 cm. Diam. 62 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 702 703 A pair of gray painted Rococo style consoles, with white painted curved tops. 19th century. H. 87 cm. W. 85 cm. D. 42 cm. (2). DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 703 352 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 704 Danish Rococo commode in the manner of Mathias Ortmann. Walnut, picked out in gold. Top of imitation Gjellebæk marble. Fluted sides, curved front with four drawers. First half of the 18th century. Restored. H. 81 cm. W. 66 cm. D. 50 cm. It is possible that similar small commodes were positioned between the lights of the windows in the large riddersal (Literally the "knights' hall") of Hirscholm Castle, Denmark. DKK 80.000 / € 10.500 704 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 353 705 A north German gilt-wood Rococo mirror, pierced top and bottom with c-scrolls, flowers and foliage. Mid 18th century. H. 91 cm. W. 46 cm. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 706 A gilt wood Rococo style bracket, carved with openwork rocailles and scroll work, flowers and foliage. Second part of the 19th century. H. 82 cm. W. 117 cm. D. 45 cm. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 705 706 354 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 707 707 A French Louis XV style bronze, rock crystal and amethyst eight-light chandelier. Electrified. France, second part of the 19th century. H. 119 cm. Diam. 63 cm. DKK 75.000-100.000 / € 10.000-13.000 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 355 708 A Danish white painted Rococo mirror, with remaines of gilt, carved with rocailles, scroll work and flower basket. Mid 18th century. H. 93 cm. W. 40 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 709 A pair of Swedish Rococo style gray painted armchairs. 20th century. (2). DKK 10.000 / € 1.300 708 709 356 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 710 A Rococo walnut and gilt-wood mirror. SchleswigHolstein, mid 18th century. H. 110 cm. W. 40 cm. DKK 12.000 / € 1.600 711 A Louis XVI grey painted bureau. Late 18th century. H. 109 cm. W. 120 cm. D. 57 cm. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 710 711 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 357 712 712 A late Gustavian gilt wood mirror with openwork carvings in the shape of foliage and sea horses, the top with medallion of plaster with profile portrait. C. 1800. H. 166 cm. W. 73 cm. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 713 A Swedish Gustavian style gray painted display cabinet, upper part with two glass doors, lower part with two grooved doors. 19th century. Restored. H. 210 cm. W. 80 cm. D. 44 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 713 358 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 714 714 A Danish Louis XVI openwork carved and gilt wood mirror. Late 18th century. H. 189 cm. W. 60 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 715 A Danish Louis XVI mahogany bureau cabinet, the fall-front with conforming interior. Late 18th century. Later gilt bronze handles. H. 222 cm. W. 130 cm. D. 58 cm. DKK 25.000-30.000 / € 3.400-4.000 715 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 359 716 A six-lighted Louis XVI gilt bronze framed blue glas and prism chandelier, hung with prisms in chaines and cascades. Late 18th century. H. 115 cm. Diam. 100 cm. DKK 75.000-100.000 / € 10.000-13.000 717 A Gustavian white painted sofa, carved with roses and foliage, round fluted legs. Sweden, late 18th century. L. 206 cm. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 716 717 360 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 718 A pair of French Louis XVI gilt wood framed mirrors, with urn and foiate carvings, each one brass candlearm. Late 18th century. H. 75 cm. W. 37 cm. (2). DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 718 719 A signed french rosewood and palisander Transition commode with gilt bronze mounts. Top of red marble. Stamped Caumont together with JME, Jurande des Menuisiers-Ébénistes. Late 18th century. H. 84 cm. W. 77 cm. D. 41 cm. Jean Caumont cabinetmaker in Paris 1736-1774. DKK 50.000 / € 6.700 719 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 361 720 720 A George III mahogany bracket clock with chimes, dial of brass, movement with eight bells and revision function. Signed Ja. Upjohn & Co., London. Late 18th century. H. 34 cm. DKK 50.000 / € 6.700 721 A English George III gilt wood and gezzo mirror, carved and cast with Prince og Wales feather, ornaments and festoons. Late 18th century. H. 180. W. 57. DKK 10.000-15.000 / € 1.300-2.000 721 362 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 722 722 A George III mahogany musical table clock, movement with date, strike-silent and eight chimes. Sign. Ben. Sidey Tho. Best, London. England, ca, 1780. H. 44 cm. Dial with rococo spandrels, engraved silvered centre with a strike/silent dial and calendar aperture. The movement with verge escapement and eigth bells, the blackplate engraved with a basket of fruit and flowers and leaf scrolls. Thomas Best, London. an. 1761-1790. Watches for Dutch market and musical clocks. DKK 50.000-60.000 / € 6.700-8.000 723 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 723 A mahogany tilt-top table, top with black painted metal tray decorated with scenery in colours. Late 18th century. H. 77 vm. Diam. 68 cm. DKK 10.000 / € 1.300 363 724 A North German Louis XVI silvered wood and gezzo mirror, openwork top, carved with fruit basket. Late 18th century. H. 187 cm.W. 63 cm. DKK 25.000-30.000 / € 3.400-4.000 725 A set of four French Louis XVI white painted armchairs, carved with foliate and ribbon borders, round fluted legs. Late 18th century. (4). DKK 50.000 / € 6.700 724 725 364 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 726 A Guatavian white painted and gilt highlighted mirror, decorated with border of imitated porphyry, top and buttom with glass painting decorated with lions and foliage. Stamped with “Stockholm Hallstämpel”. Sweden, late 18th century. H. 180 cm. W. 77 cm. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 727 A Gustavian white painted and gilt demi lun console table, top of Ölands marble. Sweden, late 18th century. H. 76 cm. W. 77 cm. D. 40 cm. DKK 20.000-30.000 / € 2.700-4.000 726 727 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 365 728 728 A Danish Louis XVI mahogany and gilt wood mirror. Late 18th century. H. 102 cm. W. 52 cm. DKK 10.000 / € 1.300 729 366 729 A small Danish Louis XVI walnut commode with added writing bureau and cabinet. Late 18th century. H. 210 cm. W. 81 cm. D. 48 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 730 730 A Danish Louis XVI mahogany and gilt wood mirror, decorated with flower and festoon carvings. Late 18th century. H. 112 cm. W. 39 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 731 A George III mahogany long case clock, movement with date- and minute dial, moonphase decorated in coloure. Dial signed John Soldano, London. Late 18th century. Three weights, pendulum, key and winding key is enclosed. H. 228 cm. John Soldano received master 1772. DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 731 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 367 732 A pair of French gilt, patinated bronze and white marble candelabras, each with female figures holding three flower-headed candlearms, on a circular socle and square stepped base of gray marble. 19th century. H. 78 cm. (2). DKK 60.000 / € 8.000 733 A pair of white painted French Louis XVI bergères. Late 18th century. (2). DKK 35.000 / € 4.700 732 733 368 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 734 A French Directoire mahogany and gilt bronze mounted secretaire and commode with top of grey marble. Late 18th century. Secretaire H. 143 cm. W. 95 cm. D. 42 cm. Commode H. 96 cm. W. 130 cm. D. 60 cm. (2). DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 734 734 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 369 735 370 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 735 A large twelve-lighted Louis XVI gilt bronze framed prism chandelier, decorated with female masks and foliage, hung with prisms in chaines and cascades, pagoda shaped top. Late 18th century. H. 150 cm. Diam. 115 cm. DKK 100.000-150.000 / € 13.000-20.000 736 An oval Louis XVI mahogany table, attributed to David Roentgen, top with open gallery of brass, apron with one drawer gilt bronze ornaments, tapered fluted legs, between which shelf. Late 18th century. H. 76 cm. W. 70 cm. D. 49 cm. David Roentgen, b. 1743 in Herrnhag, probably created the 18th century's most inventive and interesting high quality furniture. He began as an apprentice at his father Abraham's workshop in Neuwied near Koblenz in Germany and ended up making furniture for e.g. Frederick the Great of Prussia, Marie Antoinette and Catherine the Great. In 1768, Louis XVI of France made him Ébéniste-mécanicien du Roi et de la Reine. Later he was appointed royal cabinet-maker for Frederick William II of Prussia. After a magnificent and prosperous career, he died in Wiesbaden in 1807. DKK 150.000 / € 20.000 736 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 371 737 A Gustavian three-lighted gilt bronze and opalin glas chandelier, decorated with prisms. Sweden, late 18th century. H. 71 cm. Diam. 38 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 738 A large pair of Louis XVI white and blue painted armchairs. Stamped Jean Baptiste Boulard. France, the second part of the 18th century. (2). Jean-Baptiste Boulard (1725-1789) is considered to be one of the great Parisian menuisiers of his day. He was accepted as a maître on April 17, 1754. In 1777, he was appointed Fournisseur-Ordinaire du Mobilier de la Couronne. From that time until his death, he supplied furniture to the Garde-Meuble for use in various royal palaces. Most of his work consisted of chairs of which many were Louis XVI style. Examples of Boulards work can be found in the Musée du Louvre, Musée des Arts Décoratifs, and the Carnavalet in Paris, The Wallace Collection in London, The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, and the Château de Chantilly. Literature: Les Ébénistes du XIXe Siècle 1795-1889, p. 96-97. DKK 40.000 / € 5.400 737 738 372 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 739 739 A Dansih Louis XVI mahogany and gilt-wood ornamented mirror. Late 18th century. H. 132 cm. W. 51 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 740 A Danish Louis XVI white painted and gilded mirror and console, the console top of white marble . In the manner of J. C. Lillie. 18th century. Mirror H. 55 cm. W. 55 cm. Console H. 52 cm. W. 75. D. 39 cm. (2). DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 740 373 741 741 A set of six French tapestry armchairs of oak, four-sided backs, curved armrests, carved with profilings and volutes, round, channelled legs. Louis XVI style, 19th century. (6). Provenance: Château de Brumare, Paris. DKK 20.000-30.000 / € 2.700-4.000 741 374 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 742 742 A French rosewood and palisander cabinet bureau, openwork gallery and gilt bronze mounting, upper part with two doors, with porcelain decorated in colours in Sevre manner, lower part with writing bureau, inlaid with green gold printed leather, tapered legs. The back marked Grohe Fréres ébenistes du Roy á Paris. The second part of the 19th century. H. 161 cm. W. 102 cm. D. 51 Guillaume Grohé (1808-1885) established his workshop in Paris in 1829 with his brother, under the trade name "Grohé Frères" and by 1861 he run the business on his own. The firm created original pieces of furniture B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 in Louis XIV and Louis XVI styles and delivered many pieces to the Second Empire court. Grohé took part in all major exhibitions until 1878 when the business closed. In the 1855 Paris Expositon Universelle Grohé were awarded with a médaille d'honneur. Grohé worked as main supplier to the Duc d'Aumale in the château de Chantilly and som similarities can be found with the meuble-bahut they delivered for the salon des Guises, illustrated in Ledoux-Lebard p. 241, in particularly the floral garlands mounts flanking the cupboard doors.Comparative literatur; Ledoux-Lebard, Les Ébénistes du XIX siècle 1795-1889, pp 239245. DKK 150.000 / € 20.000 375 743 A Baltic Louis XVI four-light prism and blue glass chandelier. Late 18th century. H. 70 cm. Diam. 48 cm. Provenance: A manor house on the Danish island Funen. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 743 744 A pair of Russian demi lune mahogany and brass inlaid commodes. Partly 19th century. H. 86 cm. W. 85 cm. D. 48 cm. DKK 75.000 / € 10.000 744 376 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 745 A Russian brass inlaid mahogany armchair. 19th century. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 745 746 A Russian mahogany and brass inlaid writing table, top with green leather writing surface. Louis XVI style, 19th century. H. 80 cm. L. 166 cm. D. 76 cm. DKK 40.000 / € 5.400 746 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 377 747 A Gustavian Johan Åkerblad gilt wood mirror, carved with openwork ornaments. Stamped "Stockholms Häll" and IÄ. Sweden, second part of the 18th century. H. 163 cm. W. 67 cm. Johan Åkerblad active as Master in Stockholm 17511780. Åkerblad had in these years a very large production of mirrors and wall lights of exceptional high quality. DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 748 A pair of Gustavian white painted and gilt highlighted stools. Sweden, late 18th century. (2). DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 747 748 378 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 749 A pair of north Italian gilt wood chairs with original red silk decorated with coat of arms embroidery. Late 18thcentury. (2). DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 749 750 An Italian polychrome painted commode with rectangular simulated marble top, above two long drawers decorated with flowers all over, on straight tapering legs. Late 18th century, redecorated in the 20th century. H. 91 cm. W. 132 cm. D. 56 cm. DKK 60.000 / € 8.000 750 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 379 751 751 751 A pair of Danish Louis XVI gilt wood console tables, both with tops of white marble and fronts with openwork ornaments. Attributed to the Architect Caspar Frederik Harsdorff. Late 18th century. H. 84 cm. W. 91 cm. D. 60 cm. (2). Provenance: Lilliendal Manor. Architect Caspar Frederik Harsdorff represented an austere neoclassical style that was a reaction to the prevailing rococo style. A couple 380 of Harsdorff's most accomplished examples are his own residence, Kongens Nytorv 3-5 (constructed in 1780), and Erichsens Palæ (Manor) by Kongens Nytorv (constructed 1799). He also practiced interior design and was not only epoch-making within architecture but also within the design and manufacturing of furniture. In acknowledgement of his evident talent, C.F. Harsdorff was appointed Court Architect and Professor. DKK 200.000 / € 27.000 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 752 752 A pair of Altona walnut and gilt framed mirrors, carved with urns, flowers and festoons. Restored. Partly late 18th century. H. 98 cm. W. 35 cm. (2). Litteratur: Annette-Isabel Kratz, Altonaer Möbel des Rokoko und Klassizismus, Hamburg 1988, p. 171, pl. 20. Ellen Redlefsen: Möbel in Schleswig Holstein, Katalog der Möbelsamlung des Städtischen Museums Flensburg, p. 212, pl. 746 und 747, und p. 291, pl. 745. DKK 150.000 / € 20.000 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 381 753 753 A pair of Louis XVI gilt bronze wall lights, tapering backplates decorated with urns and foliage. France, late 18th century. H. 46 cm. (2). DKK 35.000 / € 4.700 754 A French Louis XVI style gilt-bronze mounted mahogany writing desk with red leather inlaid top. Handles stamped Z.J. 19th century. H. 75 cm. L. 168 cm. W. 86 cm. DKK 75.000 / € 10.000 754 382 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 755 A large Danish "Liselund" Louis XVI gilt-wood and mahogany mirror. Late 18th century, restored. H. 167 cm. W. 77 cm. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 756 A French gilted and white painted Louis XVI bergère stamped Benoit Grivet, carved with rosettes, foliage and ornaments. Late 18th century. Benoit Grivet recieved master in Paris 1774. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 755 756 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 383 757 757 384 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 758 757 A Gustavian set of white painted seat furniture, consisting of a sofa and six chairs, shields shaped backs, with rosettes and fluting. Sweden, late 18th century. L. 195 cm. (7). DKK 65.000 / € 8.700 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 758 A pair of Danish Louis XVI mahogany commodes. Each with three drawers flanked by corner quartercolumns. Late 18th century. H. 78 cm. W. 78 cm. D. 45 cm. Provenance: Borreby castle. DKK 85.000 / € 11.000 385 759 A Danish Louis XVI mahogany and gilt wood mirror, decorated with ornament and festoon carvings. Late 18th century. H. 114 cm. W. 50 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 760 A Gustavian white painted sofa, carved with griffins and masks. Sweden, late 18th century. Restored. L. 183 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 759 760 386 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 761 A Danish white painted and gilt high-lighted pedestal cabinet. Late 18th century. H. 110 cm. W. 48 cm. D. 38 cm. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 761 762 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 762 A Danish Louis XVI beech armchair, after English model, attributed to C.F. Lillie, with shield-shaped openwork back, cushion seat and lightly curved legs. Late 18th century. DKK 12.000 / € 1.600 387 763 A Russian mahogany and brass inlaid display cabinet. 19th century, restored. H. 189 cm. W. 121 cm. D. 38 cm. DKK 35.000 / € 4.700 763 764 A Russian mahogany and brass inlaid card table. 19th century. H. 77 cm. W. 98 cm. D. 49 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 764 388 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 765 A pair of Swedish Neoclassical ormulu-mounted, cut-glass and cobalt girandoles, each with a central obelisk surmounted by a pendant spray and a crescent moon, raised on a cylindrical cobalt socle from which issue candle branches and pendant drops, all on a square marble base. Early 19th century. H. 76 cm. (2). DKK 40.000 / € 5.400 765 766 A Russian mahogany and brass inlaid writing table, top with green gold printed leather. 20th century. H. 77 cm. L. 165 cm. W. 98 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 766 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 389 767 A French Louis XVI style gilt bronze and marble guéridon in the mannor of Adam Weisweiler. 19th century. H. 74 cm. Diam. 56 cm. DKK 20.000-30.000 / € 2.700-4.000 768 A Russian mahogany and brass inlaid writing table, front with two drawers, tapered legs on brass castors. 19th century. H. 78 cm. W. 144 cm. D. 62 cm. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 767 768 390 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 769 A pair of Louis XVI style gilt bronze wall lights each with two swirled branches, adorned with cupids and foliage. 19th century. Drilled and wired. H. 43 cm. (2). DKK 6.000-8.000 / € 800-1.100 770 Jean-Baptiste-Claude Sené, manner of: A French Louis XVI white painted sofa. Late 18th century. L. 174 cm. Jean-Baptiste-Claude Sené, 1748-1803, became a master menuisier at the age of twenty-one, continuing the family precedent set by his father and grandfather. He created furniture for the French royal family, notably a bed made for Marie Antoinette. After the French Revolution, Sené worked as an administrator for the new republican government, a position that allowed him to continue making furniture unlike most of his competitors. Literature: Anne Forray-carlier, Le Mobilier du Musée Carnavalet, Editions Faton, p. 196-197. . DKK 75.000 / € 10.000 769 770 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 391 771 771 A pair of white painted iron cast urns on pedestals. 19th century. Urns H. 78 cm. Diam. 61 cm. Plinths H. 52 cm. W. 40 cm. DKK 50.000 / € 6.700 772 An Italian walnut and marquettery inlaid Louis XVI style commode. 19th-20th century. H. 90 cm. W. 119 cm. D. 56 cm. DKK 25.000-30.000 / € 3.400-4.000 772 392 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 773 773 An Italian Louis XVI gilt wood console table with top of veneered marble in geometrical design in colours, apron carved with lion masks, rosettes and foliage, turned tapering and fluted legs. Late 18th century, probably Tuscany. H. 94 cm. W. 145 cm. D. 77 cm. DKK 120.000 / € 16.000 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 393 774 774 A pair of Swedish white painted bergères, carved with flowers and leaves, on round fluted legs. Second part of the 19th century. (2). DKK 35.000 / € 4.700 775 A set of four Swedish white painted armchairs, carved with flowerheads and leaves. Second part of the 19th century. (4). DKK 40.000 / € 5.400 775 394 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 776 A French Louis XVI white marble and gilt bronze mantal clock, white enamel dial with Roman- and Arabic numeral. Signed Le Roux à Paris. Late 18th century. H. 36. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 777 A Gustavian gray painted commode. Sweden, late 18th century, refreshed paint. H. 91 cm. W. 125 cm. D. 60 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 776 777 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 395 778 A Swedish white painted display cabinet, front with two glass doors. 19th century. H. 231 cm. W. 144 cm. D. 34 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 779 A pair of Swedish gray painted bergères. Gustavian style, 20th century. (2). DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 778 779 396 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 780 A Louis XVI gilt-wood mirror, decorated with openwork Prince of Wales feather, bow and foliage. Schleswig-Holstein, late 18th century. H. 170 cm. W. 58 cm. DKK 35.000 / € 4.700 781 A Danish Louis XVI white painted tiled top table, the top inlaid with 35 Dutch faience tiles decorated in mangan with architectural settings. Late 18th century. H. 77 cm. L. 75 cm. W. 70 cm. DKK 15.000-20.000 / € 2.000-2.700 780 781 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 397 782 A Dansih Louis XVI mahogany and gilt wood mirror. Late 18th century. H. 98 cm. W. 37 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 783 A set of six gray painted Gustavian style chairs. 20th century. (6). DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 782 783 398 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 784 A Danish Louis XVI mirror in mahogany frame with gilt wood carvings. Late 18th century. H. 156 cm. W. 61 cm. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 785 A pair of Gustavian style white painted pine wood commodes. Sweden, 19th century. H. 82 cm. W. 96 cm. D. 46 cm. (2). DKK 40.000 / € 5.400 784 785 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 399 786 A Danish "Liselund" gilt and white painted wood mirror. Louis XVI style, 19th century. H. 130 cm. W. 73 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 787 A Gustavian style white and blue painted sofa. Sweden, late 19th century. L. 125 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 786 787 400 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 788 A pair of Swedish red granite gilt bronze mounted vases. 20th century. H. 62 cm. (2). DKK 15.000-20.000 / € 2.000-2.700 788 789 A French gilt bronze and red granite centerpiece. 20th century. H. 50 cm. L. 52 cm. W. 26 cm. DKK 75.000 / € 10.000 789 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 401 790 A French gilt-bronze and marble centerpiece, cast with ram's heads, ornaments and foliage, bowl of gray marble, square base of red marble. Louis XVI style, second half 19th century. H. 40 cm. Diam. 37 cm. DKK 35.000 / € 4.700 790 791 A pair of Russian mahogany and brass inlaid side tables. 19th-20th century. H. 76 cm. W. 77 cm. D. 51 cm. DKK 50.000 / € 6.700 791 402 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 792 A Swedish Gustavian style six-light prism chandelier, gilt brass frame hung with prisms and a blue glass bowl. Late 19th century. H. 80 cm. Diam. 63 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 792 793 A late Gustavian gilt and green painted sofa, curved armrests decorated with carvings. Sweden, early 19th century. L. 220 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 793 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 403 794 794 A pair of Gustavian white painted stools. Sweden, late 18th century. (2). DKK 18.000 / € 2.400 795 A pair of Swedish gray granite urns with flared baluster form. 20th century. H. 51. cm. Diam. 39 cm. (2). DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 795 796 A Russian mahogany and brass inlaid commode, front with four drawers, cut off fluted corners. 19th century. H. 92 cm. W. 86 cm. D. 47 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 796 404 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 797 797 A pair of two-lighted Louis XVI gilt bronze wall lights. Late 18th century. H. 33 cm. (2). DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 798 A pair of Louis XVI style white painted and breche d'Alep marble cabinets, both with curved doors, carved with fruit and flower festoon. 20th century. H. 90 cm. W. 133 cm. D. 60 cm. (2). DKK 50.000 / € 6.700 798 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 405 799 A large Danish Louis XVI gilt framed mirror, the top decorated with profile portrait, flowers and drapery. Late 18th century. Similar mirror: Chr. Waagepetersen, Danske møbler før 1848, p. 457, pl. 605. DKK 40.000-50.000 / € 5.400-6.700 800 A Gustavian blue painted console table, apron with one draw with drapery carvings. Sweden, late 18th century. H. 76 cm. W. 91 cm. D. 52 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 799 800 406 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 801 A Gustavian gilt wood and white painted mirror, decorated with classic figures and urn. Sweden, late 18th century. H. 118 cm. W. 48 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 802 A Gustavian white painted sofa, carved with hops and leaves. Göteborg, late 18th century. L. 182 cm. DKK 20.000-30.000 / € 2.700-4.000 801 802 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 407 803 A Louis XVI gilt-wood mirror, pierced top with urn and foliage. Late 18th century. H. 91 cm. W. 45 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 804 A French Louis XVI white- and blue painted bed. Marked G. Jacob. H. 124 cm. L. 195 cm. W. 116 cm. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 803 804 408 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 805 805 A French Louis XVI style gilt and white painted wall panel, carved with bow, oak leaves and ornaments. 19th century. H. 134 cm. W. 154 cm. DKK 15.000-20.000 / € 2.000-2.700 806 A Louis XVI gilt wood table, with top of imitated porphyry. Late 18th century. H. 79 cm. L. 79 cm. W. 52 cm. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 806 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 409 807 L'Escalier de Cristal (1802-1923); A French mahogany and black painted wood torchere, top of gray marble, openwork gallery and mounting of gilt bronze. 19th20th century. H. 77 cm. Diam. 40 cm. DKK 40.000 / € 5.400 808 "Table bouillotte", a small round mahogany and white marble Louis XVI table, rim with two drawers, round fluted legs with sabots of brass. Late 18th century. H. 70 cm. Diam. 65 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 807 808 809 A Gustavian mahogany commode, upper drawer with writing bureau, tapered fluted legs. Sweden, late 18th century. H. 91 cm. W. 110 cm. D. 52 cm. DKK 12.000 / € 1.600 809 410 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 810 810 A eight-lighted Louis XVI gilt bronze framed prism chandelier, decorated with masks and hung with prisms in chaines and cascades. Late 18th century. H. 115 cm. Diam. 100 cm. DKK 75.000-100.000 / € 10.000-13.000 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 411 811 A Swedish six-light brass and prism late Empire chandelier. First part of the 19th century. H. 80 cm. Diam. 75 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 811 812 Two Russian birch wood bergères, arm rests with griffins of gilt bronze. 19th century. (2). DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 812 412 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 813 A French Empire red and white, gilt and patinated bronze mantel clock. Signed Armingaud Lne' à Paris. Early 19th century. H. 52 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 813 814 A freestanding Russian writing desk of karelian birch wood, the top inlaid with black leather, above three drawers, tapering fluted legs. Louis XVI style, 19th century, restored. H. 77 cm. L. 178 cm. W. 76 cm. DKK 75.000 / € 10.000 814 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 413 815 414 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 816 815 A pair of French Empire gilt-bronze candelabra with classical figures each holding five curved arms, standing on a cylindrical base with lyre and foliage in relief. Early 19th century. H. 72 cm. (2). DKK 80.000 / € 11.000 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 816 A French Empire ormolu three-piece Surtout de Table, openwork gilt bronze gallery with ornaments and foliage. Early 19th century. H. 14 cm. L. 179 cm. W. 60 cm. DKK 75.000-100.000 / € 10.000-13.000 415 817 Jens Adolf Jerichau (1816-1883): Little girl with kittens, white marble scuplture. Signed A. Jerichau, Roma, 1858. H. 97 cm. Thanks to financial assistance Jerichau was able to go to Rome, where he initially worked in Thorvaldsen's studio. Numerous times he returned to Rome, once staying there from 1858-1859. It seems certain that this sculpture, now to be sold, was made during that stay. In addition to this sculpture another exsample from 1856 is to be found at Glyptotek and one at the Danish National Gallery from 1886. DKK 50.000-75.000 / € 6.700-10.000 817 416 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 818 818 An Empire rectangular gilt bronze framed and prism eight-light chandelier, hung throughout with pendant chains and faceted drops, three levels with blue glass plates. Presumably Berlin. Early 19th century. H. 120 cm. Diam. 100 cm. DKK 150.000-200.000 / € 20.000-27.000 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 417 819 819 A gilt and black painted wood and metal eight-light chandelier. 19th century. Electrified. H. 80 cm. Diam. 97 cm. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 820 A Danish Empire mahogany armchair, curved back inlaid with classical figures in light wood, armrest decorated with griffins, curved and profiled legs. Early 19th century. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 820 418 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 821 821 A pair of gilt bronze wall lights, each with two arms, decorated with griffins. 19th century. H. 34 cm. (2). DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 822 H.E. Freund, 1786-1840; A mahogany tilt-top table, fluted column with palmet and animal carved tripod. 19th century. H. 76 cm. Diam. 135 cm. Literature: Mirjam Gelfer-Jørgensen, Herculanum paa Sjælland p. 106 and 220, fig. 95 and 213. 27 and 152. Similar table exhibited at the Frederiksborg Museum and at Torvaldsens Museum. DKK 75.000 / € 10.000 822 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 419 823 A French Empire gilt bronze and imitated malakit mantel clock, Amor and Psyke. Early 19th century. H. 61 cm. DKK 35.000 / € 4.700 823 824 A pair of Italian grained commodes, with simulated marble tops, above two long drawers, decorated with lions and ornaments. 19th century. H. 89 cm. W. 110 cm. D. 57 cm. (2). DKK 40.000 / € 5.400 824 420 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 825 Two Italian white marble busts, young girl and boy. One of them signed R. Pihlert fec. Roma. Mid 19th century. H. 56. (2). DKK 15.000-20.000 / € 2.000-2.700 826 A pair of Italian white marble columns with octagonal bases. 16th-17th century. Restored. H. 111 cm. (2). DKK 10.000-15.000 / € 1.300-2.000 825 827 A pair of Italian Empire green painted and white marble console tables. Early 19th century. Redecorated in the 20th century. H. 90 cm. W. 135 cm. D. 79 cm. (2). DKK 75.000 / € 10.000 826 827 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 421 828 828 A pair of French red granite, gilt bronze mounted obelisks. 20th century. H. 88 cm. (2). DKK 75.000 / € 10.000 422 829 A large Empire French 24-light gilt-bronze chandelier, decorated with twelve angels each holding two curved candle arms. Early 19th century. H. 160 cm. Diam. 100 cm. DKK 125.000 / € 17.000 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 829 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N B R E D G A D E A U C T I O N 8 01 423 index A Dreyer, Dankvart Adams, jr., Edward Dyck, Anthony van, after 158 Afanasiev, Aleksey Feodorovich 246 Ancher, Anna 56, 66, 67 Ancher, Helga 147, 183 Ancher, Michael 48, 54 55, 58, 63, 64 65, 132, 144, 180 Eckersberg, C. W. 232 Eriksen, Edvard Fabris, Jacob 71 191 Fauerholdt, Viggo 73 Fischer, Paul 137, 138 Jerichau, Harald 39 Jerichau, Holger H. 44 145 22 K Klever, Julius Sergius von Fines, Eugène-Francois 170 28 Juel, Jens 178 Bail, Joseph, ascribed to Jerichau Baumann, Elisabeth Eckersberg, Erling Angermeyer, Hermann B 35 Johansen, Viggo F Balsgaard, Carl 14, 234 Jepsen, Morten Eckersberg, C. W., ascribed to 235 140 74, 150 134 E Andersen-Lundby, A. Arnesen, Vilhelm 1, 4, 6 218 79, 80, 82 84, 105, 106, 152 242 Kloss, Frederik Theodor 26 Kondratenko, Gavriil Pavlovich 251 Kornbeck, Peter 129 Krøyer, P. S. 24, 42, 43, 49 50, 51, 57, 86 Francken II, Frans, ascribed to 207 Kusmichev, Antip Ivanovich 295 Barocci, Federico, after 206 Fresenius, Richard 130 Kustodiev, Boris Mikhailovich 247 Bendz, Wilhelm 231 Fritzsch, C. D., ascribed to 126 Kustodiev, Boris Mikhailovich, Bille, Carl 27 Bleuler, Johann Ludwig 199 Bogdanoff-Belsky, N. P. 238, 241 Brasen, Hans 165, 167 Bréard, Henri Georges 176 Brendekilde, H. A. 110, 142 Brendstrup, Thorald 45 Budtz-Møller, Carl Burgade, Louis Bærentzen, Em. Bøgh, Carl Christensen, Anthonore Cless, Jean Henri Købke, Christen H L Hall, Harry 166 Hammershøi, Vilhelm 151 Hansen, Constantin 76 103, 107, 108 120 2, 175 77, 95, 96 104, 116, 146, 168 I Damm, Johan Frederik 125 J Daumier, Honoré 228 Jacobsen, Antonio Daux, Charles Edmond 212 78, 83 92, 93 Jensen, C. A. 19, 20, 23 Defregger, F. von, ascribed to 213 Jensen, I. L. 135, 136 Drachmann, Holger Jensen, I. L., after 504 52 Lednev-Schukin, S. E. Liljefors, Bruno 252 87, 88 Loutherbourg II, P. J. de, ascribed to 114, 216 Ilsted, Peter 111 182 Heyerdahl, Hans Olaf 131 Larsen, Johannes 181 Henningsen, Erik 249 Locher, Carl 149 122, 123 Lanceray, Eugen, ascribed to 177 21, 127 Holsøe, Carl 11 179 Hansen, Heinrich Holm, Christian 244 Lindström, Rikard 7 D Dalsgaard, Christen Grolleron, Paul Louis Narcisse 215 208 279 236 Kuznetsov, Pavel Varfolomeevich Gorbatov, Konstantin Ivanovich 237 C Chlebnikov, Ivan Petrovich ascribed to G 193 Lund, F. C. 210 72, 101 Lund, Troels Lundbye, Johan Thomas 209 3, 12 Lunde, Anders 5 Lübbers, Holger 59 Lützen, N. A. 85 M Mackeprang, Adolf 112 Makowsky, Vladimir Egorovich, ascribed to 250 BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 801 index Mander (III), Karel van, ascribed to S Schiøttz-Jensen, N. F. 221 Marstrand, Wilhelm 10, 18, 121 Melbye, Anton Melbye, Vilhelm Messmann, Carl Ludvig Schleisner, C. A. 46 117, 119 15 Scott, William Bell 211 75 Semenov, Vasili S. 288 Semenova, A. N. 278 Shorey, Terence 157 Siegumfeldt, Hermann Carl 118 38, 141 Meyer, Carl V. 169 Monies, David 219 Muraviev, Vladimir Leonidovich 248 Müller, F. 161 Müller, Richard 297 Møller, I. P. 230 Mønsted, Peder Z 89, 90, 102, 143 N Sonne, Jørgen Zonaro, Fausto, ascribed to 40, 41 214 Å Aagaard, C. F. 139 8, 9, 115, 163 Stainton, George 159 Stella, Jacques, ascribed to 188 Strashinsky, L. O., after 245 Strodtmann, Christian 124 Sørensen, C. F. 16, 17, 25, 60, 68 T Nachtmann, Franz Xaver 227 Tchoumakoff, Théodore Nevalainen, Anders 280 Thaulow, Frits 81 Tischbein, Friedrich 13 O Olrik, Sigurd 109 Tuxen, Laurits 253 47, 53 Ovchinnikov, Pavel Akimovich 282 U P Utkin, Petr Savvich, ascribed to 254 Peeters, Jan I, ascribed to 203 V Petersen, Vilhelm 153 Vaccaro, Andrea, ascribed to 184 154, 155, 156 Vallin, Jacques Antoine Petzholdt, Fritz 30, 31, 33, 37 van Dyck, Anthony 134 133 36 Philips, John 225 Vermehren, Frederik Philipsen, Theodor 113 Vyssotsky, Konstantin Semenovich R Rasmussen, I. E. C. 61, 62 69, 70, 148 Rembrandt van Rijn, 222, 223, 224 Renoir, Pierre Auguste 229 Richardt, Ferdinand 164 Rider, A 225 Ring, L. A. Ring, Ole Zahrtmann, Kristian 91, 97, 98, 99 171, 172, 173, 174 Rooser, G. J. Rørbye, Martinus 233 29, 32, 226 BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 801 239, 240, 243 W Wagner, C. Walters, Samuel 217 94 Watteau, Jean Antoine, style of 205 Waymer, G. E., ascribed to 190 Weber, Paul 162 Wegener, Gustav Theodor 100 Witt, Jacob de, ascribed to 197 Y Yorke, William Howard 160 505 katalog i s e r i n gspr i n c i pp e r e x pla n at i o n of catalogu i n g pr i n c i pl e s Forklaring vedr. kunstnernavne i katalogerne Explanation of names of artists used in the catalogues Jens Juel: I henhold til vor opfattelse: Et originalt arbej de af kunstneren, for hvis ægthed Bruun Rasmussen indestår i henhold til købskonditioner § 9. Jens Juel: In our opinion, an original work by the artist the genuiness and authenticity of which is guaranteed by Bruun Rasmussen according to the Conditions of purchase § 9. Nedennævnte forbehold ved katalogiseringer er foretaget efter vor bedste overbevisning og tjener som vejledning for køber, men kan ikke gøres til genstand for reklamationer. Below cataloguing reservations are made according to the best of Bruun Rasmussen's knowledge. They are for guidance only and cannot be subject to claims. Jens Juel tilskrevet: I henhold til vor opfattelse: Værket er sandsynligvis fra kunst-nerens tid og muligvis udført af denne. Jens Juel tilskrevet (ascribed to): In our opinion, pro bably a work of the period of the artist, and possibly executed by the artist. Jens Juel's atelier/skole/værksted: I henhold til vor opfattelse: Udført under kunstnerens indflydelse og antagelig fra dennes tid. Jens Juel's atelier (studio)/skole (school)/værksted (workshop): In our opinion, a work made under the influence of the artist, and probably of his period. Jens Juel, (?): I henhold til vor opfattelse: Kan være udført af kunstneren eller en senere kopi efter kunstneren. Jens Juel, (?): In our opinion, possibly a work by the artist, or a (later) copy of the artist’s work. Jens Juel, kopi efter/Jens Juel's stil/Jens Juel efterfølger: I henhold til vor opfattelse: En senere gentagelse eller i stil med kunstneren. ?: Yderligere forbehold for den i kataloget angivne beskrivelse. Sign.: Efter vor overbevisning original signatur af kunst neren. Betegnet: I henhold til vor opfattelse: Kunstnersignatur er gengivet, men ikke nødvendigvis udført af kunstneren. Hvis ingen signatur nævnes i kataloget, drejer det sig om et antagelig usigneret arbejde Hvis ingen aldersangivelse nævnes i kataloget, drejer det sig om et antageligt nyere eller helt moderne arbejde U.r.: Uden ramme. Jens Juel, kopi efter (copy after)/Jens Juel's stil (style of)/ Jens Juel efterfølger (follower of) : In our opinion, a later copy of a work by the artist or in the artist's style. ?: The catalogue description is subject to further reservations. Sign.: In our opinion, the work has been signed by the artist. Betegnet (bears the signature): In our opinion, the inscription may be by a hand other than that of the artist. If no signature is mentioned in the catalogue the work is apparently unsigned. If no date is mentioned in the catalogue the work is apparently from the last century or of comparratively resent date. U.r.: Unframed. No compensation is given should the frame be damaged. For beskadigelse af ramme ydes ingen kompensation. Ovenstående beskrivelse er Bruun Rasmussens opfattelse og tjener som vejledning for køber. Det er ikke nogen garanti. Køber skal selv overbevise sig om de forskellige katalognumres autencitet og kondition. Above description is a statement of opinion by Bruun Rasmussen and is to be considered only as guidance to the buyer and not as a statement of fact. The buyer is to satisfy himself of the authenticity and the condition of the works of art. Forkortelser: Abb.: L. = Længde =Copy-Dan L. = Length =Droit de Suite B. = Bredde W. = Width sst. = Samme sted H. = Højde sst. = Same place H. = Height Diam.=Diameter D. =Dybde Diam.=Diameter D. =Depth 506 = Fuld moms = Full VAT * CD * CD BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 801 Bruun Rasmussen vinder pris... Bruun Rasmussens google-løsning, der giver sælgere bedre priser, vandt hæder ved prisuddelingen på Danish Internet Awards. På DIA09, Danish Internet Awards, kåres de bedste, mest kreative og effektive webkampagner, og i konkurrencen mod 230 andre kampagner løb Bruun Rasmussen af med prisen for markedets bedste Google-søgeords-løsning. Løsningen, der hjælper sælgere til at opnå bedre priser på auktion, slog blandt andre Microsoft, DSB, Nykredit og Dell. Sælgerne er vinderne Selvfølgelig er vi glade for denne pris, men det er nu vores sælgere, der skal være mest glade. Systemet, som vi nu er hædret for, sikrer nemlig, at samtlige af de objekter, vi udbyder til salg, automatisk bliver eksponeret på en fremtrædende plads på Google. Søger du f.eks. på navnet "Oluf Høst", vil det første resultat være et link direkte til de emner af Oluf Høst, som Bruun Rasmussen udbyder pt. Kampagnen rammer plet Juryen DIA09 består af 13 udvalgte profiler med indsigt i markedsføring på internettet, og de argumenterede blandt andet således: "... Årets vinder kan sælge, og årets vinder sælger meget ... At udnytte “long tail” under de omstændigheder Bruun Rasmussen har, kræver en gennemtænkt og "state of the art"-løsning ... Det er lykkedes Bruun Rasmussen at annoncere for hvert eneste individuelle møbel, kunstværk, figur, mønt osv. på Google, og via denne strategi drives trafik ind til sitet! ... Kampagnen har været ekstremt målrettet og rammer plet." BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 801 507 Asger Jorn: "Frieri" (Courtship). Signed Asger J. 44. Oil on canvas. 32 x 24 cm. Estimated: DKK 200.000./ € 27.000 Modern Auction Summer 2009 Preview: 11 - 15 june Auction: 16 - 18 june 508 BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 801 Modern Auction Summer 2009 In connection with the redecoration of the Old Stock Exchange in Copenhagen in 1957, the Architect and Professor Kai Gottlob designed in four unique chandeliers for the Great Hall. These gigantic chandeliers will be offered for sale in pairs at the next modern auction in Bredgade. Estimated: DKK 100.000 / € 13.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 801 509 TRENDY LEJLIGHED I HISTORISKE RAMMER Møllehusene 5, st., Roskilde · Plan: 2 · bolig: 162 m2 · Rum: 4 · OPFØRT: 1886/2003 Kontantpris: DKK 3.995.000 · Brutto/netto: dkk 26.683/21.262 · telefon 2424 9898 510 BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 801 VELVÆRE, HISTORIE, ATMOSFÆRE OG DETALJER I SKØN SYMFONI Solrødvej 4, Snoldelev · grund: 5.548 m2 · Bolig: 200 m2 · udbygninger: 800 m2 · opført: 1712/1942 Kontantpris: DKK 5.400.000 · Brutto/netto: DKK 37.408/30.124 · telefon 2424 9898 BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 801 511 SMUK OG LYS LEJLIGHED MED SUBLIM BELIGGENHED LIGE TIL KLITTERNE Classensvej 8, Liseleje · Etage: 1. sal · Bolig: 143 m2 · Rum: 4 · Opført: 1964/1997 Kontantpris: DKK 4.000.000 · Brutto/netto: dkk 26.612/21.575 · telefon 2424 9898 512 BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 801 SKØNT LIEBHAVERSOMMERHUS MED PLADS TIL 2-3 FAMILIER Østerlyngvej 110, Rørvig · grund: 2.982 m2 · Bolig: 517 m2 · rum: 12 · opført: 1700'tallet/1974 Kontantpris: DKK 4.500.000 · Brutto/netto: dkk 32.420/24.500 · telefon 2424 9898 BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 801 513 k ø bsko n d i t i o n e r § 1. Budgivning Køber er den byder, der får hammerslag. Den, der byder for andre, hæfter som selvskyldnerkautionist for berigtigelsen af købet. På opfordring fra Bruun Rasmussen Kunstauktioner (herefter benævnt Bruun Rasmussen), skal alle bydere, hvadenten de ønsker at afgive et bud ved personligt fremmøde på auktionsstedet eller afgive en kommission pr. brev, fax eller hjemmeside eller byde direkte pr. telefon eller hjemmeside, kunne dokumentere deres betalingsdygtighed samt til enhver tid identificere sig. Bruun Rasmussen er altid berettiget til at nægte at acceptere et bud, hvis på forlangende ikke tilstrækkelig sikkerhed er stillet eller en passende à conto betaling har fundet sted. Bud afgives af byderen ved personligt fremmøde på auktionsstedet eller ved skriftlig kommission enten pr. brev, fax eller hjemmeside. På online-auktioner afgives bud direkte fra hjemmesiden. Afgivelse af bud pr. telefon er muligt under visse forudsætninger, der afgøres af Bruun Rasmussen. Bruun Rasmussen påtager sig intet ansvar for eventuelle fejl eller fejltagelser, der måtte opstå ved brug af denne service. Auktionarius bestemmer overbuddets størrelse og træffer ligeledes afgørelse i alle tvivlstilfælde om budgivningen. For at kunne byde på online auktioner kræves forudgående registrering af byders betalingskort- / kreditkortoplysninger. § 2. Betaling For numre, der handles til brugtmoms, opgøres købesummen som hammerslagsprisen med tillæg af 30% (for vin dog 25 %) i auktionsomkostninger inklusive afgift. Visse numre handles efter særlige regler til fuldmoms, så udover auktionsomkostninger på 24% (for vin dog 20 %), beregnes moms på 25% af hammerslag og auktionsomkostninger. Hvilke numre der sælges til fuldmoms fremgår af katalog og hjemmeside med stjerne (*). Danske momsregistrerede købere skal overfor Bruun Rasmussen oplyse deres SE-/CVR-nr. (moms-nr.), da dette skal anføres på de fakturaer, hvor varen købes i fuld moms. For visse udenlandske købere gælder der særlige regler for afgiftsfritagelse jvf. § 4. Afgiftsfritagelse omfatter ikke EU private købere, som ligestilles med danske købere jvf. gældende dansk lovgivning om handel med brugte varer, kunstgenstande, samlerobjekter og antikviteter. Købesummen forfalder til betaling ved tilslaget. Der kan betales kontant op til DKK 100.000 eller med Dankort, banknoteret check, rejsechecks, Visa-, Master-, Diners Club- eller Eurocard. Personlige udenlandske checks kan kun anvendes efter forudgående aftale. Betaling kan finde sted under eller umiddelbart efter auktionen og under alle omstændigheder skal betaling finde sted senest 8 dage efter fakturadatoen. På online auktioner trækkes købesummen på de af byderen oplyste kort- og kontooplysninger i forbindelse med at det købte emne udtages til transport (ca. 12 timer efter dagens salg). Samtidig tilsendes køber faktura og transportoplysninger. Betales købesummen ikke rettidigt, skal der svares rente heraf med 1,5% pr. påbegyndt måned. Betales købesum og renter ikke inden 8 dage efter at Bruun Rasmussen har afsendt påkrav herom til køber, er Bruun Rasmussen berettiget til at annullere købet og bortsælge det købte på ny auktion hos Bruun Rasmussen eller underhånden og afkræve køber ethvert herved opstået tab. Et eventuelt overskud tilfalder den, der har indleveret det købte til auktion. Har den misligholdende køber tilgodehavender fra salg af effekter hos Bruun Rasmussen, er Bruun Rasmussen berettiget til at berigtige ethvert tilgodehavende hos køber ved modregning. Har den misligholdende køber indleveret andre effekter til salg, er Bruun Rasmussen berettiget til at bortsælge sådanne effekter 514 på auktion hos Bruun Rasmussen uden at være bundet af en af den misligholdende køber fastsat mindstepris. Den misligholdende køber er ikke berettiget til at kræve udlevering af effekter indleveret til salg, så længe forfalden gæld til Bruun Rasmussen ikke er betalt, uanset om værdien af sådanne effekter må anses at overstige forfalden gæld. Bruun Rasmussen er berettiget til at afvise bud afgivet af en køber, der er i misligholdelse med sine betalingsforpligtelser over for Bruun Rasmussen eller et bud afgivet af en anden på den pågældendes vegne, ligesom Bruun Rasmussen er berettiget til at kræve et depositum som betingelse for accept af fremtidige bud. § 3. Fortrydelsesret For privatkøb af emner på en online-auktion gælder loven om fjernsalg, herunder også 14 dages fortrydelsesret. Eventuelle omkostninger forbundet med transport af købte emner retur fra køber, betales af køber selv. Såfremt køber benytter sig af sin fortrydelsesret, refunderer Bruun Rasmussen betalingen umiddelbart efter, at varen er sendt retur og modtaget af Bruun Rasmussen. Bruun Rasmussen gør opmærksom på, at det herefter er op til bankerne/kreditkortselskaberne, hvornår refusionen indgår på købers konto. § 4. Afgiftsfritagelse Udenlandske købere, der opfylder nedennævnte betingelser, betaler 24% (for vin dog 20 %) i auktionsomkostninger af hammerslaget, og bliver ikke belastet af danske afgifter. A. Købere med bopæl i et andet EU-land: Købere, som er momsregistreret i et andet EU-land, fritages for at betale dansk moms, når momsregistreringen dokumenteres over for Bruun Rasmussen, som skal påføre momsnummeret på fakturaen. B. Købere med bopæl uden for EU: 1. Forsendelse gennem speditør: Effekter, der eksporteres gennem en af Bruun Rasmussen godkendt speditør, fritages for afgift. 2. Udførsel som rejsegods: Der kan ske fritagelse for dansk afgift, når køberen selv medtager det købte under forudsætning af, at følgende betingelser er opfyldt: Fakturaen skal være betalt, og den danske afgift på 25% af fakturabeløbet skal være deponeret hos Bruun Rasmussen. a. Købere med fast bopæl i Norge vil få den danske moms refunderet, så snart Bruun Rasmussen har modtaget købsfakturaen retur med påtegning om officiel indførsel fra det endelige lands toldmyndighed eller anden på omsætningsafgiftsområdet kompetent myndighed, hvis købet overstiger DKK 1.200. b. Købere med fast bopæl andre steder uden for EU vil få den danske moms refunderet, efter at effekterne har været forevist til toldbehandling i forbindelse med køberens udrejse fra EU. Eksportørblanketten returneres til Bruun Rasmussen efter at være forsynet med et toldvæsens attest for udførslen, hvis købet overstiger DKK 300. Dette gælder også for Færøerne og Grønland. § 5. Afgiftsbetaling A. Momsregistrerede i andre EU-lande, der ikke ønsker at gøre brug af § 4, kan i stedet vælge at handle til brugtmoms/fuldmoms på lige fod med private købere. Dette skal meddeles Bruun Rasmussen inden kl. 10 den følgende auktionsdag. B. Momsregistrerede i Danmark kan vælge at købe til fuldmoms med 25% af både hammerslag og auktionsomkostninger. Dette skal meddeles inden kl. 10 den følgende auktionsdag. BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 801 § 6. Udlevering Købesummen skal være betalt, inden det købte kan udleveres til køberen. Det købte henligger fra hammerslaget for købers regning og risiko. For varer, der ikke afhentes ifølge aftale efter hammerslaget, vil blive kørt på fjernlager på købers regning og risiko. Købte varer, der er betalt, men ikke afhentet, vil efter 1 år blive videresolgt for købers regning ved auktion eller underhånden. § 7. Forsendelse Såfremt Bruun Rasmussen påtager sig at emballere og fremsende købte varer, sker dette på købers regning og risiko. Bruun Rasmussen kan således ikke drages til ansvar for skader forvoldt på købte varer under forsendelse eller for forsvundne forsendelser. § 8. Kunstnerafgift til Copy-Da n CD Ifølge gældende dansk lovgivning om ophavsret skal der opkræves følgeretsvederlag på værker af alle nyere danske og visse udenlandske kunstnere. Følgeretsvederlaget opkræves hos køber af Bruun Rasmussen på vegne af kunstnernes organisation Copy-Dan, for de kunstværker, der er omfattet af loven. Disse værker er mærket CD for Copy-Dan ud for katalognummeret. Følgeretsvederlaget beregnes som følger for det enkelte kunst værk, når hammerslagsprisen overstiger DKK 1.802: • 5% af den del af hammerslagsprisen, der ligger mellem DKK 0 og DKK 300.472 med tillæg af auktionsomkostninger på 24% ekskl. afgift • 3% af den del af hammerslagsprisen, der ligger mellem DKK 300.472 og DKK 1.201.887 med tillæg af auktions omkostninger på 24% ekskl. afgift • 1% af den del af hammerslagsprisen, der ligger mellem DKK 1.201.887 og DKK 2.103.302 med tillæg af auktions omkostninger på 24% ekskl. afgift • 0,5% af den del af hammerslagsprisen, der ligger mellem DKK 2.103.302 og DKK 3.004.718 med tillæg af auktionsomkostninger på 24% ekskl. afgift • 0,25% af den del af hammerslagsprisen, der ligger over DKK 3.004.718 med tillæg af auktionsomkostninger på 24% ekskl. afgift Copy-Dan afgiften kan ikke overstige DKK 93.146 for det enkelte kunstværk. Såfremt det må erkendes, at det købte er en forfalskning, eller såfremt beskrivelsen har været behæftet med væsentlige fejl, der har medført en væsentlig højere hammerslagspris, end en korrekt beskrivelse må antages at ville have resulteret i, er køber berettiget til at annullere købet, hvorefter den samlede erlagte købesum tillagt auktionsomkostninger og evt. moms, vil blive refunderet køber. Væsentlige fejl i beskrivelsen relateret til mål eller vægt erstattes kun procentuelt i forhold til differencen. Retten til under de her anførte betingelser at annullere et køb eller kræve erstatning kan kun udøves af den, der købte den pågældende effekt hos Bruun Rasmussen og er betinget af, at krav om annullering og/eller erstatning fremsættes skriftligt over for Bruun Rasmussen inden 2 år efter købsdagen (datoen for genstandens overlevering), og, i tilfælde af annullering, af at det købte inden samme frist returneres til Bruun Rasmussen i den samme stand i enhver henseende, som det købte var i på hammerslagstidspunktet. Køber kan i tilfælde af annullering ikke gøre krav på betaling af renter af købesummen og er ej heller berettiget til at kræve anden udgift eller tab, herunder eventuel mistet videresalgsfortjeneste, dækket. Et køb kan ikke kræves annulleret og køber kan ikke kræve erstatning efter ovenstående bestemmelser, såfremt: a. beskrivelsen i katalog eller på hjemmesiden på hammerslagsdagen var i overensstemmelse med den på dette tidspunkt gældende opfattelse blandt lærde og eksperter, eller b. den eneste måde til på salgstidspunktet at få fastslået et falskneri var iværksættelsen af videnskabelige processer, hvis gyldighed først blev anerkendt efter salgstidspunktet, eller som ville have været uforholdsmæssigt omkostningskrævende eller uigennemførlige uden beskadigelse af den pågældende effekt. I tillæg til ovenstående frist gælder de almindelige forældelsesregler i forældelsesloven, efter hvilke køber ikke under nogen omstændigheder kan gøre noget krav gældende over for Bruun Rasmussen, når der er forløbet mere end 5 år fra købsdagen. Bruun Rasmussen Kunstauktioner Jesper Bruun Rasmussen, Auktionsholder Jørgen Byriel, Auktionsleder § 9. Eksporttilladelse Kulturværdiudvalget er blevet ansøgt om eksporttilladelse, hvor dette kræves iflg. gældende dansk lovgivning om sikring af kulturværdier i Danmark. Foreligger en sådan ikke, vil dette blive meddelt den udenlandske køber umiddelbart efter hammerslaget. Derefter vil Bruun Rasmussen igen ansøge Kulturværdiudvalget på købers vegne, nu hvor prisen kendes. Gives eksporttilladelse ikke, er Kulturværdiudvalget forpligtet til at overtage det købte til den opnåede pris, hvilket betyder at købet bliver hævet for køber. § 10. Beskrivelse af emner Alt sælges i den stand, hvori det ved hammerslaget er at forefinde og som beskrevet i katalog eller hjemmeside med senere offentliggjorte ændringer og modifikationer. Beskrivelsen er foretaget efter bedste overbevisning og under anvendelse af de anførte katalogiseringsprincipper. De solgte effekter er ofte af en alder eller af en art, der bevirker, at de kan være behæftet med fejl, mangler, restaurering eller beskadigelser, der ikke nødvendigvis angives i katalog eller på hjemmesiden. Afbildninger i katalog eller på hjemmesiden er blot til identifikation og kan ikke anvendes til vurdering af effekternes stand. Enhver der ønsker at byde på auktion, bør derfor ved selvsyn på de før auktionen afholdte eftersyn forvisse sig om de ønskede effekters stand. Beskrivelsen er udtryk for den på salgstidspunktet blandt lærde og eksperter herskende opfattelse. Skulle der efter købet opstå tvivl om det købtes ægthed eller dettes overensstemmelse med beskrivelsen, skal dette straks meddeles til Bruun Rasmussen. BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 801 KOMMISSIONER Bruun Rasmussen påtager sig at byde i kommission for bydere, der ikke kan være til stede ved auktionen. Det er en forudsætning, at kommissioner indleveret pr. brev eller fax er Bruun Rasmussen i hænde i 24 timer før auktionens start, så om nødvendigt bydernes kreditværdighed kan undersøges. Via hjemmesiden er denne deadline 3 timer. Bruun Rasmussen påtager sig intet ansvar for eventuelle fejltagelser, der måtte opstå ved brug af denne service. Konditionsrapporter Bruun Rasmussen påtager sig, hvis det er muligt, at orientere nærmere om numrenes kondition og tilstand. Dette er ment som en service for kunder, der ikke selv har mulighed for ved selvsyn at undersøge numrene på eftersynet. Det understreges, at de givne oplysninger ikke kan gøres til genstand for reklamationer; her henvises til beskrivelsen. FRITAGELSE FOR DANSK FULDMOMS Købere skal ifølge § 2 betale fuldmoms af de varer der i katalog eller på hjemmesiden er markeret med stjerne (*). 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Bruun Rasmussen Auctioneers Jesper Bruun Rasmussen, auctioneer Jørgen Byriel, officially appointed external supervisor COMMISSION Bruun Rasmussen undertakes to execute commission bids for bidders who are unable to be present at the auction. It is a prerequisite that Bruun Rasmussen receives the commission 24 hours before the start of the auction for the bidders’ credit to be checked, if necessary. Bruun Rasmussen is not to be held responsible for any errors that may occur using this service. CONDITION REPORTS Bruun Rasmussen undertakes to provide further information about the state and condition of the lots if possible. This is regarded as a service for customers who are unable to make a personal inspection of the lots at the preview. Bruun Rasmussen stresses that the information given cannot be used as the basis for complaints; complaints can only be based on the catalogue text. Exemption FROM VAT Buyers shall, according to § 2, pay full VAT on lots marked with an asterix *. 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Bankforbindelse Bankers Danske Bank · Konto: 30014310970638 IBAN: DK4130004310970638 Swift-BIC DABADKKK Danske Bank · Account: 30014310970638 IBAN: DK4130004310970638 Swift-BIC DABADKKK virksomhedsregistrering business registration CVR-nr. DK25472020 CVR-nr. DK25472020 BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 801 moms og ku n st n e rafg i ft vat a n d copy - d a n i n format i o n standard auktionsomkostninger BUYER’S STANDARD PREMIUM 30% - brugt moms 30% AUCTIONEERS’ MARGIN SCHEME 1. januar 1995 trådte nye love i kraft i EU vedrørende moms ved handel på auktion med brugte varer, kunst genstande, samlerobjekter og antikviteter, der nu kan handles til brugt moms. As of 1 January 1995 new EC regulations came into effect regarding the sale of secondhand goods, works of art, collector’s items and antiques; these items may now be traded under the Auctioneers’ Margin Scheme. Efter de nye regler er det kun auktionsomkostninger, der skal tillægges moms, og ikke som tidligere varens fulde pris. I auktionsomkostninger er indregnet ikke fradragsberettiget moms. Under the Auctioneers’ Margin Scheme the premium only is subject to VAT, i.e. the hammer price is exempted from VAT. The buyer’s premium of 25% will thus henceforth include non-refundable VAT. Fuld moms * full vat * anvendes for visse varer som ikke kan handles i brugt moms. Disse er mærket med en stjerne *. Købere skal betale 24% i auktionsomkostninger, hvortil lægges 25% moms af hammerslaget og auktionsomkostningerne. will be charged on goods that cannot be traded under the Auctioneers’ Margin Scheme. These lots are marked with an asterix *. The buyer pays the auction premium of 24% plus 25% vat on the hammer price as well as the buyer’s premium. Reducerede auktionsomkostninger 24% BUYER’S REDUCED premium 24% betales af købere der opfylder følgende betingelser: is paid by buyers fulfilling the following terms/conditions: 1.Danske momsregistrerede købere kan vælge at betale 24% i auktionsomkostninger + 25% moms af hele (fuldmoms). Momsbeløbet kan køber modregne, og betaler derved 24% i auktionsomkostninger. 1.Danish VAT registered buyers may choose to pay the 24% buyer’s premium + 25% VAT on the total amount (Full VAT). The buyer may have the total VAT refunded and thus pays 24% in buyer’s premium only. 2. Momsregistrerede købere i andre EU-lande kan, ved at anvende deres EU-momsnr., undgå den danske moms og derved betale 24% i auktionsomkostninger. 2. VAT registered buyers in other EU countries may avoid Danish VAT by using their VAT registration number and thereby pay a buyer’s premium of 24% only. 3. Alle købere med bopæl i et land uden for EU, der opfylder de danske toldmyndigheders krav i forbindelse med eksport, betaler derved 24% i auktionsomkostninger (se købskonditioner, §4, Afgiftsfritagelse). Kunstnerafgift til Copy-dan CD 3. Residents of countries outside the EU meeting the Danish customs authorities’ requirements regarding the export of goods pay the buyer’s premium of 24% only (see Conditions of Purchase §3, Exemption from VAT). Artists’ royalties payable to copy-dan CD Ifølge gældende dansk lovgivning om ophavsret, skal der opkræves 5% i kunstnerafgift af hammerslagsprisen med tillæg af auktionsomkostninger på 24% excl. afgift på værker af alle nyere danske og de fleste udenlandske kunstnere. Disse værker er mærket CD for Copy-Dan ud for katalognummeret. Pursuant to current Danish legislation on copyright an artists’ royalty of 5% of the total price exclusive of VAT (i.e. hammer price plus buyer’s premium 24%) shall be collected on works of modern art by all Danish and most foreign artists. These works are marked CD for Copy-Dan next to the lot number. For nærmere information henvises til købskonditionerne. For further information please refer to the Conditions of Purchase. 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Submitted bids are shown under “Your bids” when you are logged in. Please contact technical support on +45 8818 1114 for questions about the registration and submission of bids on the website. For additional information, please consult “Conditions of Purchase” §1. BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 801 komm i ss i o n sbu d comm i ss i o n b i d sbr e d ga d e Skal være Bruun Rasmussen i hænde senest 24 timer før auktionens start. Must be submitted no later than 24 hours prior to the start of the auction. Navn Name: * ................................................................................................................................................................................... Adresse Address: * ............................................................................................................................................................................ 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Undertegnede har udfyldt ovennævnte med de ønskede oplysninger, samt har accepteret købskonditionerne. The undersigned has supplied the required information and agrees to be bound by the conditions of purchase. Signatur: * ................................................................................. B.R. kunde-nr. Client No.: ....................................................... Jeg ønsker at modtage salgsresultater på de emner jeg har budt på via email I wish to receive sales results on the items I have been bidding on via e-mail dagligt every day efter auktion after the auction på e-mail adressen on this e-mail address: ................................................................................................ Auktion nr auction no: Katalog nr. Beskrivelse Lot. No.Description Bud kr. Bid DKK 801 Max +15% +25% B R U U N R AS MU S S E N kun staukt i o n er A / S Bredgade 33 · DK-1260 København K · Tel +45 8818 1111 · Fax +45 8818 1116 · · " Fortsættes næste side Please turn over BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 801 523 komm i ss i o n sbu d comm i ss i o n b i d sbr e d ga d e Katalog nr. Beskrivelse Lot. No.Description Auktion nr auction no: 524 Bud kr. Bid DKK Max +15% +25% 801 BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 801 Jakob Philipp Hackert. Eruption of the Vesuvius. 1797. Oil on canvas, 64.5 x 87 cm. Sale 16 May Spring Auctions 2009 Meissen Berlin St. Petersburg 9 May (Berlin) Decorative Arts 15 May Paintings, Drawings and Sculptures 15 - 19 C. 16 May Asian Art 12/13 June LEMPERTZ established 1845 Neumarkt Cologne, Germany Tel. + ⁄ ⁄ - Fax - Poststraße Berlin Tel. ⁄ - Fax - BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 801 525 Raoul DUFY (1877-1953), REGATTA, 1928, watercolour & gouache on paper mounted on canvas 109 x 138cm, signed bottom right EXHIBITION IN PARIS FROM TUESDAY 14 TO SUNDAY 19 APRIL 2009 AUCTION ON 20 AND 21 APRIL 2009 PARIS - HÔTEL MARCEL DASSAULT 7, Rond-Point des Champs-Élysées - 75008 Paris - Tél : +33 1 42 99 20 20 INFO & CATALOGS AT WEB : OURY.ARTCURIAL.COM EMAIL : VDELABROSSEFERRAND@ARTCURIAL.COM 526 BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 801 BRUUN RASMUSSEN IS A MEMBER OF “INTERNATIONAL AUCTIONEERS” STOCKHOLM COPENHAGEN COLOGNE PARIS NEW YORK VIENNA ZURICH 8 leading auction houses in eight countries 350 000 clients worldwide 200 experts in 35 different specialities MILAN HEAD OFFICE Tel +41 22 310 21 80 Fax +41 22 810 06 30 SWANN BUKOWSKIS DOROTHEUM ARTCURIAL BRIEST-POULAIN-F.TAJAN BRUUN RASMUSSEN LEMPERTZ KOLLER PORRO & C. 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