Havnen - Bruun Rasmussen Kunstauktioner
Havnen - Bruun Rasmussen Kunstauktioner
Så er der fest i Havnen Bruun Rasmussen Kunstauktioner inviterer til fremvisning af det nye online-domicil i Nordhavnen. Kim Utzons ægyptisk inspirerede bygning danner ramme om festlighederne, og der vil være underholdning for både børn og voksne, bl.a. rundvisning hver hele time. Desuden er der eftersyn på effekterne til kommende online-auktioner. Vi byder på en let forfriskning og glæder os til at se Dem. Tid: Lørdag den 12. april kl. 12.00-16.00 Sted: Sundkrogsgade 30, 2100 København Ø Sundkrogsgade 30 2100 København Ø www.bruun-rasmussen.dk antique days of sale tuesday 22 april 6 pm 1 - 126 wednesday23 april 1 pm paintings, drawings, icons and prints 127 - 389 clocks, furniture and bronzes 390 - 600 furniture and bronzes 601 - 747 ceramics and glass 748 - 797 thursday 24 april 1 pm friday 25 april 1 pm monday 28 april 1 pm tuesday 29 april 1 pm au C ti on 786 selected paintings jewellery and watches silver 798 - 968 969 - 1027 oriental art 1028 - 1124 carpets 1125 - 1266 antique decorative art and jewellery from ancient days up to the present auction preview 22 - 29 april 2008 wednesday thursday friday saturday sunday monday 16 17 18 19 20 21 april april april april april april 3 pm 10 am 10 am 11 am 11 am 10 am - 6 5 5 4 4 5 pm pm pm pm pm pm Bredgade 33 · DK-1260 Copenhagen K · Tel +45 8818 1111 · Fax +45 8818 1112 bredgade@bruun-rasmussen.dk · www.bruun-rasmussen.dk antikviteter au k ti on 786 følgende dage sælges tirsdag 22. april kl. 18 onsdag 23. april kl. 13 torsdag 24. april kl. 13 fredag 25. april kl. 13 mandag 28. april kl. 13 tirsdag 29. april kl. 13 udsøgte malerier 1 - 126 malerier, tegninger, ikoner og grafik 127 - 389 ure, møbler og bronze 390 - 600 møbler og bronze 601 - 747 porcelæn, fajance og glas 748 - 797 smykker og armbåndsure 798 - 968 sølv 969 - 1027 orientalsk kunstindustri 1028 - 1124 tæpper 1125 - 1266 antikviteter kunstindustri og smykker fra antikken til vore dage auktion eftersyn 22. - 29. april 2008 onsdag torsdag fredag lørdag søndag mandag 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. april april april april april april kl. kl. kl. kl. kl. kl. 15 10 10 11 11 10 - 18 17 17 16 16 17 Bredgade 33 · DK-1260 København K · Tel +45 8818 1111 · Fax +45 8818 1112 bredgade@bruun-rasmussen.dk · www.bruun-rasmussen.dk Bruun Rasmussen byder velkommen til årets første internationale auktion og til et katalog spækket med antikviteter, kunsthåndvæk, smykker og ure. Et af auktionens fineste møbler er et sjældent klassicistisk og meget smukt i farver dekoreret fajancebord fra Slesvig. Det signerede bord blev udført i sidste halvdel af det 18. århundrede og stammer fra en dansk herregård. Også en meget stor ørn af marmor, der vejer omkring 500 kg og måler 135 cm, har fundet vej til auktionen. Denne skulptur har prydet forfatterinden Karen Bramsons villa Solgården, der blev opført i 1904 på et jordstykke tilhørende Gjorslev gods. Karen Bramson var en af datidens store personligheder. Hun havde nære forbindelser til Frederik VIII, som efter sigende ved flere lejligheder skulle have overnattet i det såkaldte kongeværelse, der var indrettet i villaens tårn. Ørnen, der var én af fire og placeret på tårnets top, var en gave fra kongen som tak for hendes gæstfrihed. Den danske skønvirke er rigt repræsenteret, og blandt de mange udsøgte emner er Valdemar Engelhardts vase af porcelæn med sølvmontering fra 1913. Vasen er et fornemt stykke dansk kunsthåndværk, hvor kvalitet og skønhed går op i en højere enhed. Mester Nicolai Knudsens barok vinflaske af sølv fra 1699 udgik fra sidste katalog grundet tvivl om ejerskabet, men er nu uomtvisteligt klar til at komme under hammeren. Føllenslev Kirke fik foræret vinflasken af familien Adeler fra Dragsholm Slot i 1715. Takket være en større efterforskning kan det nu fastslås, at den sjældne vinflaske ikke forlod kirken på uretmæssig vis, men derimod overgik til privat ejerskab, da Føllenslev Kirke blev begavet med flere sølvgenstande. Herefter findes kun få informationer om vinflaskens færden – lige indtil 1940’erne, hvor sælger blev den heldige ejer. Også fra den danske barok stammer et stort lågkrus af sølv på godt 1,5 kg. udført af Mester Hendrich Reinicke i 1716 i København. Pr. 1. april byder vi velkommen til vores ny afdelingsleder for smykker, Katrin Mikkelsen Sørensen. Kataloget omfatter mange flotte smykker, såsom en imponerende Georg Jensen halskæde fra 1960’erne med smaragder og brillanter samt en diamantring prydet med en gul-grøn diamant på 2.60 ct. Interessen for vintage-armbåndsure er steget markant de senere år, og denne gang kan vi præsentere den største auktion over ure i Bruun Rasmussens historie. Fra Urban Jürgensen til Swatch, fra Rolex til Piaget – i alt 54 spændende ure kommer under hammeren. Dette tilskriver vi især vores nye urekspert Kristian Haagen, som vi byder velkommen. Afdelingerne for Kunstindustri Bruun Rasmussen hereby bids you welcome to the first international auction of 2008 with a catalogue that is crammed with antiques, arts and crafts, jewellery and wristwatches. One of the finest pieces of furniture included in this auction is a rare neo-classicist faience table from Schleswig, beautifully decorated in colours. This signed table was created in the second half of the 18th century and derives from a Danish manor house. Among the many items that have found way to the auction we also find a very large marble eagle that weighs approximately 500 kg. and measures 135 cm. This sculpture has adorned authoress Karen Bramson’s villa, Solgården, built in 1904 on a piece of land belonging to The Gjorslev Estate. Karen Bramson was one of the prominent figures of her time. She had close ties to King Frederik VIII who is said to have spent the night in the so-called royal chamber in the tower of the villa on several occasions. The eagle, one of the four that were placed on top of the tower, was presented to Karen Bramson by the king in appreciation of her hospitality. Danish art nouveau is amply represented at the auction. The many exquisite items include Valdemar Engelhardt’s porcelain vase with silver mounting from 1913. The vase is a splendid specimen of the distinguished Danish arts and crafts in which quality and beauty form a higher synthesis. Silversmith Nicolai Knudsen’s baroque wine bottle from 1699 was withdrawn from the previous auction because its legal ownership was held in dispute, but it is now incontestably suited to come under the hammer. The Adeler family of Dragsholm Castle presented the wine bottle to Føllenslev Church in 1715. A major investigation has established that this rare wine bottle did not leave the church illegally, but in fact passed into private ownership, as Føllenslev Church was presented with a number of other silver items. There is very little information available as to the wine bottle’s subsequent destiny – until the 1940’s when the present owner had the good fortune to come into possession of it. The auction also presents another silver item from the Danish Baroque, a large tankard, weighing upwards of 1.5 kg., made in Copenhagen by Hendrich Reinicke in 1716. We would also like to take the opportunity to welcome Katrin Mikkelsen Sørensen who will be joining us April 1st as the new head of our jewellery department. The catalogue features many beautiful jewels, for example a most impressive Georg Jensen necklace from the 1960’s with emeralds and brilliants and a diamond ring adorned with a yellowish green diamond of 2.60 ct. In later years, we have witnessed an increased interest in vintage wristwatches, and at this auction we present the most comprehensive selection of watches in the history of Bruun Rasmussen. From Urban Jürgensen to Swatch, from Rolex to Piaget – a total of 54 exciting watches will come under the hammer. We ascribe this fact primarily to our new watch expert, Kristian Haagen, who we hereby welcome to Bruun Rasmussen. The Departments of Decorative Art department of varia head of the department cataloguing silver Sabrina Ulrich Vinther 8818 1165 s.vinther@bruun-rasmussen.dk Ralph Lexner 8818 1161 r.lexner@bruun-rasmussen.dk ceramics, glass and oriental art Charlotte Hviid 8818 1162 c.hviid@bruun-rasmussen.dk jewellery Katrin Mikkelsen Sørensen 8818 1174 k.m.sorensen@bruun-rasmussen.dk jewellery Heidi Schophuus Jensen 8818 1163 h.s.jensen@bruun-rasmussen.dk watches Kristian Haagen 8818 1168 k.haagen@bruun-rasmussen.dk department of furniture, bronzes and carpets head of the department cataloguing Thomas Lembourn 3343 6973 t.lembourn@bruun-rasmussen.dk furniture, bronzes and clocks Anders Fredsted 3343 6964 a.fredsted@bruun-rasmussen.dk furniture, bronzes and clocks Per Flemming Koefoed 3343 6993 p.koefoed@bruun-rasmussen.dk carpets and gobelins Henrik Schleppegrell 3343 6980 h.schleppegrell@bruun-rasmussen.dk furniture bronzes clocks thursday 24 april 1 pm catalogue no. 390 - 600 friday 25 april 1 pm catalogue no. 601 - 747 601 A Directoire gilt-bronze, black and white marble mantel clock surmounted with a figure of Minerva, flanked by a pair of obelisks fitted with military trophies, raised on a white marble base above a rectangular black marble plinth. Late 18th century. H. 53 cm. Provenance: Danish Private collection. DKK 20.000-25.000 / € 2.700-3.400 602 A pair of Italian grey- and blue-painted commodes, both tops of imitation marble and two drawers decorated with classical figures. Late 19th century. H. 93 cm. W. 124 cm. D. 50 cm. (2). DKK 40.000 / € 5.400 601 602 140 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 603 A Swedish Late Empire white marble and gilt-bronze crystal girandole, hung with prisms in chains and cascades, four-sided grey marble base. Early 19th century. H. 73 cm. Diam. 35 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 604 A Dutch Louis XVI rosewood and fruitwood commode, inlaid with marquetry, top of grey marble, handles of giltbronze and enamel, decorated with outdoor scenes in grisaille. Late 18th century. H. 81 cm. W. 90 cm. D. 58 cm. DKK 15.000-20.000 / € 2.000-2.700 603 604 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 141 605 A pair of gilt-bronze guéridons with circular porphyry tops within a pierced gallery, raised on three incurved supports with lion masks joined by a stretcher ending in paw feet. 20th century. H. 80 cm. Diam. 48 cm. (2). DKK 75.000 / € 10.000 605 142 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 606 A pair of Swedish Neoclassical ormulu-mounted, cut-glass and cobalt girandoles, each with a central obelisk surmounted by a pendant spray and a crescent moon, raised on a cylindrical cobalt socle from which issue candle branches and pendant drops, all on a square marble base. Early 19th century. H. 76 cm. (2). Provenance: Danish private collection. DKK 75.000-100.000 / € 10.000-13.000 606 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 143 607 An oval Danish Louis XVI mirror “Liselund spejl” in frame of gilt and white-painted wood, carved with openwork of bow, flowers and foliage. Late 18th century. H. 132 cm. W. 46 cm. DKK 50.000-60.000 / € 6.700-8.000 607 144 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 608 608 A pair of almost identical Danish Louis XVI white-painted chairs, curved front legs with carved channelings and rosettes. Late 18th century. (2). DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 609 A Danish Louis XVI console table in the style of C.F. Harsdorff of white-painted and gilt wood, table top of imitation marble. Late 18th century. Probably painted at a later date. H. 83 cm. W. 78 cm. D. 49 cm. Similar console-table acquired during the 1770s or 1780s for Christiansborg or the Moltke Palace at Amalienborg. In 1783 another console table was likewise acquired for the Svenstrup Manor House. The console table was quite definitely designed by C.F. Harsdorff and carved by J. Karleby. Jens Karleby was a sculptor and master craftsman at the workshop of Simon Carl Stanley and continued working when management of the firm passed to Stanley's widow, Magdelena. Literature: Tove Clemmesen; Møbler af N.H. Jardin, C.F. Harsdorff og J.C. Lillie. København, 1973. Pl. 66a og 66b. DKK 20.000-30.000 / € 2.700-4.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 609 145 610 A signed North German Louis XVI faience tray table, the tray top is decorated with yellow, violet, blue and green colours with a classical motif, the bottom section is of later date. Signed and engraved under the top: Schleswig, serial number and size; No 3. The second part of the 18th century. H. 80 cm. L. 80 cm. W. 54 cm. The tray tables from Schleswig, North Germany are in a class of their own and often differ widely. They may have festoon borders of green and manganese as well as scattered flowers. Most are painted blue and often have depictions of houses, landscape and decorative figures inside a Rococo frame. The tray tables range from the Rococo up to the Neo-Classical, and there exist some especially good examples with decoration from the latter period such as this one, which will be sold at this auction. It is also noteworthy that one does not expect to encounter Neo-Classicism in other products, even though the factory remained active until 1814. The tray table is pictured in Kai Uldall: Gammel Dansk Fajance, 1961, figure 132. DKK 150.000-200.000 / € 20.000-27.000 146 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 610 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 147 611 A classic alabaster vase with religious scenes in relief, base of veined red marble. 19th century. Vase H. 74 cm. Base H. 120 cm. DKK 75.000 / € 10.000 611 148 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 612 A Louis XVI gilt-framed mirror, carved with foliage, the top is decorated with a soldier in profile. Late 18th century. H. 134 cm. W. 60 cm. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 613 A Danish Louis XVI white-painted and gilthighlighted commode, curved front with four drawers, rounded tapering legs. Restored. Late 18th century. H. 100 cm. W. 76 cm. D. 50 cm. DKK 10.000-12.000 / € 1.300-1.600 612 613 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 149 614 A walnut and gilt-highlighted commode, carved with foliage and borders, later added top of white marble. 19th century. H. 69 cm. W. 60 cm. D. 40 cm. DKK 12.000-15.000 / € 1.600-2.000 615 A Danish Louis XVI mahogany commode. Late 18th century. H. 101 cm. W. 126 cm. D. 61 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 614 615 150 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 617 616 616 A French Louis XVI gilt-bronze mantel clock, house supported by fluted column, casted with vase, festoons and foliage, white enamel dial, clockwork ingraved with twined round foliage and signature: Masson Paris. The movement is not originally belonging. Late 18th century. H. 30 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 617 A French Louis XVI gilt-bronze and white marble mantel clock, white enamel dial. Signed Barancourt á Paris. Master Pierre Michel Barancourt 1779-1789. Late 18th century. H. 55 cm. DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 151 618 A Late Gustavian gilt-wood and painted mirror, carved with flowers, foliage and ornamentation. Sweden, early 19th century. H. 114 cm. W. 82 cm. DKK 50.000 / € 6.700 619 A Swedish Empire console of gilt wood and green and white painted wood, top of white marble, apron carved with rosettes and leaves. Circa 1810. H. 82 cm. W. 88 cm. D. 44 cm. DKK 15.000-20.000 / € 2.000-2.700 620 A German Louis XVI white-painted display cabinet, curved top, front with two glass doors, below drawers and doors. Late 18th century. H. 254 cm. W. 143 cm. D. 71 cm. DKK 60.000 / € 8.000 618 619 152 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 620 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 153 621 621 A pair of Gustavian gilt-wood mirror bracket lights, carved with bows and foliage, each with two curved brass arms for lights. Sweden, Late 18th century. H. 66 cm. W. 43 cm. (2). DKK 60.000 / € 8.000 622 154 622 A Gustavian walnut commode, top of black and white veined mable, sides and front inlaid with fruitwood. Sweden, late 18th century. H. 83 cm. W. 80 cm. D. 49 cm. Provenance: The Danish artist Peter Hougaard and Laura Dinesen, Rungstedgård. DKK 12.000 / € 1.600 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 623 A Swedish late Empire crystal chandelier with brass frame. Four curved arms for lights and one inner light, hung with prisms in chains and cascade. Early 19th century. H. 95cm. Diam. 63 cm. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 624 A Swedish white-painted sofa, back of French cane-work, rounded fluted legs. 19th century. H. 185 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 623 624 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 155 625 An English maritime barometer in case of palisander, with thermometer, barometer and calibration screw, counterbalance and brackets of brass. Gowlands & Son, Liverpool. 19th century. H. 92 cm. DKK 8.000 / € 1.100 626 625 626 A large mirror, carved with festoons and roses. 19th century. H. 270 cm. W. 112 cm. DKK 40.000 / € 5.400 156 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 627 A French gilt-bronze chandelier, 16 curved arms for lights decorated with leaves. Louis XVI style, 19th century. H. 75 cm. Diam. 72 cm. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 627 629 A Swedish Empire tray table of birchwood, octagonal metal tray painted black, slightly curved legs with crossed stretchers. Early 19th century. H. 73 cm. L. 78 cm. W. 61 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 628 628 A Swedish tilt-top table of beech wood, profiled column on tripod. 19th century. H. 74 cm. W. 87 cm. D. 87 cm. DKK 8.000 / € 1.100 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 629 157 630 158 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 631 630 A Swedish white-painted bookcase, profiled top, front with two glass doors, below four grooved doors. 19th century. H. 277 cm. W. 176 cm. D. 37 cm. DKK 70.000 / € 9.400 631 A pair of large French gilt-bronze bracket lights, each with three curved candle branches with flowers, foliage and ornaments. The second part of the 19th century. H. 71 cm. (2). The model is after Pierre-Francois Feuchère, 1788. Literature; Hans Ottomeyer/Peter Pröschel: "Vergoldete Bronzen", Die Bronzearbeiten des Spätbarock und Klassizismus, München, 1986. S. 292 og 293. DKK 75.000 / € 10.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 159 632 632 A pair of gilt-bronze and porphyry vases, with cast satyr masks, fruit and foliage. Louis XVI style, 20th century. H.73 cm. (2) DKK 60.000 / € 8.000 160 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 633 633 An American gilt-bronze and silver table clock, white painted dial with Roman numerals stamped Sterling Bronze Co, New York. Works stamped in Waltham. Circa 1900. H. 20 cm. In 1850, Aaron Dennesson, Edvard Howard and David Davis launched the Waltham watchmaker firm in Roxbury. DKK 15.000-20.000 / € 2.000-2.700 634 A small, signed Louis XVI mahogany table en chiffonnière, table top of grey marble, pierced, brass gallery, front with three drawers, round, profiled legs. Signed F. Scheif. France, late 18th century. H. 76 cm. W. 47 cm. D. 31cm. Fidelis Schey was accredited master in 1777. He is represented by works at Château Fontainebleau, Collection Puiforcat and Le musée de Chaalis. DKK 20.000-25.000 / € 2.700-3.400 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 634 161 635 A pair of Altona Louis XVI walnut and gilt framed mirrors, carved with openwork foliage and ornaments. Late 18th century. H. 88 cm. W. 45 cm. (2). DKK 125.000 / € 17.000 636 A pair of Danish Louis XVI console tables ascribed to the architect C.F. Harsdorff, of gilt wood, table tops of Norwegian Gjellebæk marble. Restored. Late 18th century. H. 81 cm. W. 75 cm. D. 44 cm. The architect Caspar Frederik Harsdorff represented the simple Neo-Classicist style which was a reaction against the Rococo. Two of the best examples of his work are his own house at Kongens Nytorv 3-5 (built in 1780) and Erichsens Palace - also on Kongens Nytorv (built 1799). He was ready to put his architectural skills to the service of interior decoration, and also the design and making of furniture. Because of his obvious talent Harsdorff was appointed Court Builder and professor. He had numerous pupils, including his friend and colleague C.F. Hansen. Marble is still quarried at some locations in Norway, but there is no longer any Gjellebæk marble of the type introduced in the 18th century into Danish stately homes. DKK 150.000 / € 20.000 162 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 635 636 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 163 637 A French chandelier of gilt and patinated bronze, curved arms for eight lights. 19th century. H. 90 cm. Diam. 67 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 638 A French mahogany pedestal, oval top of red and white marble, gilt bronze mounts cast with female herms, swans and ornamentation. Empire style. 20th century. H. 121 cm. L. 40 cm. W. 31 cm. DKK 8.000-10.000 / € 1.100-1.300 639 A Empire style gilt and patinated bronze figure after the antique. France. The second half of the 19th century. H. 54 cm. L. 53 cm. W. 21 cm. DKK 12.000-15.000 / € 1.600-2.000 637 638 639 164 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 640 640 A Russian table top of terrazzo inlaid with a chessboard and birds in black, white and red. The second half of the 19th century. Diam. 60 cm. DKK 10.000 / € 1.300 641 A Norwegian cello with label: Andreas Lunde, Bragnes, 1804. Early 19th century. Instrument maker Andreas Lunde is represented at the Music Historical Museum, Drammen Museum and Norsk Folkemuseum, all in Norway. DKK 10.000 / € 1.300 641 642 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 642 A French Empire chiffonière of mahogany. Top of black and white veined marble, front with six drawers, flanked by Egyptian monopodia of giltbronze. Early 19th century. H. 133 cm. W. 95 cm. D. 45 cm. DKK 10.000-12.000 / € 1.300-1.600 165 643 A pair of Danish Louis XVI mahogany commodes. Three drawers flanked by corner quartercolumns with gilt-bronze capitals and bases. Late 18th century. H. 79 cm. W. 67 cm. D. 44 cm. (2). DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 643 644 A Danish Louis XVI mahogany bureau, inlaid with light wood. Label: Manufactured by Joachim Christian Esmann. Late 18th century. H. 209 cm. W. 130 cm. D. 62 cm. The artist and cabinet-maker Joachim Christian Esmann who was born around 1755,came to Denmark from Rostock. On 17th of July in 1782 he asked the Guild of Cabinet-makers in Copenhagen for permission to undertake a masterpiece. The 30th of October in 1782 he was granted his trade license. From 18121814 he was Guild Master; he died in Copenhagen 14th of August 1815. From quite early on Esmann's company was renowned as is evident from the fact that,in 1787, five years after he established himself, he had 15 journeymen in his workshop. The 11th of July in 1796 Esmann received the registe- 166 red deed of the property on Vingårdsstræde 138, where he lived till his death in 1815. A known Louis XVI bureau at the Danish Museum of Art and Design, two commodes, a small table, a pedestal, two sofas and 38 similar chairs plus two bureaus can all be attributed to Esmann for certain, since they have been provided with a label or the bills of sale have been kept. This bureau is up for auction and is hence one of the two bureaus mentioned. In March 1808 Esmann together with other famous cabinet-makers delivered a large quantity of furniture to Frederiksberg Castle when Marshal Bernadotte took up residence there. However, whether or not Esmann produced work for the Danish Royal Family remains unknown. Literature: Signerede arbejder af københavnske snedkere by Tove Clemmensen. DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 644 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 167 645 A Danish Louis XVI mahogany and goldhighlighted framed mirror, decorated with gilt carvings of flowers and cornucopia. Late 18th century. H. 136 cm. W. 50 cm. DKK 10.000-15.000 / € 1.300-2.000 645 646 A Danish Louis XVI mahogany commode, carved with dentils, front with three drawers. Late 18th century. H. 84 cm. W. 74 cm. D. 47 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 646 168 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 647 A pair of French gilt and patinated bronze candlesticks, stems in the shape of “Noble Savages”, round profiled bases decorated with foliage and ornamentation. 19th-20th century. H. 24. (2) DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 648 A Danish Louis XVI brass-inlaid mahogany bureau. Late 18th century. H. 125 cm. W. 128 cm. D. 65 cm. . DKK 15.000-20.000 / € 2.000-2.700 647 648 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 169 649 A pair of Italian veined marble and gilt-bronze vases, cast with mascarons and festoons. Louis XVI style, 19th century. H.43 cm. (2). DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 649 170 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 650 A pair of Charles X gilt-bronze candelabra, stems in the shape of cupids, each holding three curved arms for lights. France, the first half of the 19th century. H. 71 cm. (2). DKK 35.000 / € 4.700 650 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 171 651 651 A large signed mahogany and gilt-bronze mounted centre table. Circular top, apron with stars, curved legs in the shape of monopodia, ending in paw feet, between which are concave stretchers. France, 19th century. Signed P. Ritchen. H. 74 cm. Diam. 149 cm DKK 150.000 / € 20.000 172 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 652 652 A pair of gilt-bronze wall lights cast with lion heads, each with three candle branches in the shape of arrows. France, 19th century ? H. 9 cm. (2). Literature: Pendules et bronzes d'ameublement entrés le Premier Empire par Jean-Pierre Samoyault, Inspectéur général des musées de France, Conservateur en chef du musée national du Château de Fontainebleau. Paris 1989. DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 653 A French Empire mahogany console cabinet, top of black marble with fossils, decorated with gilt bronze mounts in shape of classical women and leaves, front with one drawer and two doors, flanked by monopodia. Illegible stamp. Early 19th century. H. 102 cm. W. 112 cm. D. 45 cm. DKK 50.000 / € 6.700 653 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 173 654 654 A French mahogany and gilt-bronze mounted centre table, table top of grey marble, legs in shape of monopodia, between which is a centrepiece. 19th century. H. 79 cm. W. 98 cm. DKK 50.000 / € 6.700 174 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 655 A French Louis XVI, brass-mounted mahogany card table, table top of green felt, apron with drawer, straight, tapered legs, castors of brass. Stamped JME (Jurande des Menuisiers-Ébénistes). Late 18th century. H. 76 cm. W. 81 cm. D. 40 cm. DKK 10.000-15.000 / € 1.300-2.000 656 A pair of French Empire mahogany armchairs, curved backs, armrests carved with classical figures. Signed Jacob. Early 19th century. (2). DKK 40.000 / € 5.400 655 656 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 175 657 657 A gilt and patinated bronze tilt toilet mirror, decorated with ornamentation. Early 19th century. H. 28 cm. DKK 6.000 / € 800 658 658 A pair of French gilt bronze candlesticks, stems shaped as caryatids, bearing nozzles in the form of classical vases with flames. Empire style, 20th century. H. 32 cm. (2). DKK 6.000-8.000 / € 800-1.100 659 A gilt-brass chronometer carriage timepiece. The movement No. 1374, with the stamp of Breguet. 19th century. H. 14 cm. DKK 8.000-10.000 / € 1.100-1.300 659 176 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 660 660 A pair of Empire gilt-bronze candlesticks, fluted stems, bases cast with roses and foliage. Early 19th century. H. 31 cm. (2). DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 661 A pair of Empire gilt-bronze candlesticks, fluted stems, raised bases decorated with border. Early 19th century. H. 27 cm. (2). DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 661 662 662 A pair of French Empire gilt-bronze candlesticks, cast with flowers and foliage. Early 19th century. H. 27 cm. (2). DKK 8.000 / € 1.100 663 A pair of French Empire gilt-bronze centrepieces, cast with foliage, round bases on paw feet. Later bowls of mouldedglass. Early 19th century. (2). DKK 8.000 / € 1.100 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 663 177 664 A pair of Empire gilt and patinated bronze candlesticks, stems shaped as caryatids with flower vases, round profiled bases. Early 19th century. H. 28 cm. (2). DKK 25.000-30.000 / € 3.400-4.000 665 A pair of Classical Bohus stone vases, foursided bases. Sweden, 20th century. H. 62 cm. Diam. 31 cm. (2). DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 664 665 178 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 666 A late Gustavian gilt-wood bracket mirror, top decorated with two sphinxes and ornamentation, two scrolled candle arms. Sweden, early 19th century. H. 69 cm. W. 58 cm. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 667 A pair of Gustavian white-painted armchairs, backs carved with flowers and leaves. Sweden, late 18th century. (2). DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 666 667 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 179 668 A set of six Danish Late Empire chairs of gilt and white-painted wood, curved backs decorated with classical scenes by Lauritz Tuxen. The first half of the 19th century. (6). These chairs were designed for the artist Lauritz Tuxen by the Danish architect, Thorvald Jørgensen. The decoration of the backs was executed by Lauritz Tuxen himself. After having seen the chairs by Thorvald Jørgensen, which were originally commissioned for the third Christiansborg Palace, Lauritz Tuxen ordered a set of twelve chairs for his own dining room, of which six are now offered for sale at this auction. The chairs have been in the family's possession since they were made. DKK 50.000-75.000 / € 6.700-10.000 668 180 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 181 669 A pair of French gilt-bronze and cutglass candelabra, five curved arms for lights, cast with putti and foliage. C. . 1900. H. 80 cm. (2) DKK 35.000 / € 4.700 670 A pair of Swedish Late Empire mahogany stools, cross-shaped legs. The first half of the 19th century. (2). DKK 8.000 / € 1.100 669 670 671 An Empire mahogany fire screen, inlaid with fan and lists of light wood, front with mirror. Early 19th century. H. 106 cm. W. 59 cm. DKK 8.000 / € 1.100 182 671 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 672 672 A Danish Empire mahogany bureau, inlaid with cupids and curved foliage of light wood, free standing columns of alabaster, cylinder flap behind which are drawers and spaces, inlaid with light wood, retractable writing flap, lower part with three drawers. Early 19th century. H. 237 cm. W. 127 cm. D. 64 cm. Provenance: Kragerup estate, later the Danish artist Peter Hougaard and Laura Dinesen, Rungstedgård. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 183 673 A pair of French Empire gilt-bronze candelabra, each stem shaped like a woman in classical style, standing on a ball, each with six curved arms for lights. Early 19th century. H. 74 cm. (2) DKK 75.000 / € 10.000 673 184 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 674 A French gilt-bronze chandelier, six curved arms, cast with cherubs. 19th century. H. 80 cm. Diam. 56 cm. DKK 40.000 / € 5.400 675 An English mahogany three-pillar table. D-ends, baluster-shaped pillars, channelled trefoil feet, brass sabots in the form of animal paws. 19th century. H. 73 cm. Full length 300 cm. B. 106 cm. DKK 20.000-30.000 / € 2.700-4.000 674 675 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 185 676 676 A Norwegian Louis XVI cast-iron oven in three levels. Cast with scene depicting Scaevola burning his right hand at the altar. The scene is framed by an oval laurel wreath. Warlike symbols partly hidden by the inscription: "For Kongen for fædrene landet". At the bottom Mosse & Werk. Curved openings flanked by allegorical figures in niches. Cast at Moss ironworks in 1769. Oven reliefs presumably the work of the sculptor Hendrich Lorentz Bech. The second half of the 18th century. H. 157 cm. L. 75 cm. W. 37 cm. 186 During this period the oven reliefs are of primary importance regarding Norwegian sculpture and the master craftsman Henrik Bech, or Hendrich Lorentz Bech as he styled himself. The name is familiar in Norwegian art history, since Bech took part in the decoration of Kongsberg Church, the major work of that period. Provenance: originally from the manor house of Langesø. Literature: Norsk jernskulptur, Arne Nygård Nilssen, Oslo 1998. Illustrated. DKK 40.000-50.000 / € 5.400-6.700 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 677 677 A Danish Louis XVI bureau of elm and root wood, presumably made by Lorentz Nielsen. Sønderjylland, Late 18th century. H. 221 cm. W. 121 cm. D. 59 cm. Lorentz Nielsen (1739-1821), Aabenraa, accredited Master 1774. He was one of the finest and most original cabinet makers during the Danish NeoClassical Period from 1775-1800. DKK 75.000-100.000 / € 10.000-13.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 187 679 678 678 A Russian mahogany column, front with curved door, four-sided base of Karelian birch. 19th century. H. 115 cm. W. 44 cm. D. 44 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 679 A Danish Louis XVI gold-highlighted mahogany mirror in the manner of C.F. Lillie, top of plate glass decorated with pigeons, fountains and foliage. Late 18th century. H. 155 cm. W. 61 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 680 A French gilt-bronze and grey marble mantel clock, white enamel dial. Stamped Charpentier a Paris. Louis XVI style. Late 19th century. H. 47 cm. Provenance: Artist Peter Hougaard and Laura Dinesen, Rungstedgård. DKK 10.000 / € 1.300 188 680 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 681 681 A pair of Louis Philippe gilt-bronze candelabra, each with four curved arms, smooth stem, trefoil base cast with foliage. France, mid 19th century. H. 64 cm. (2) .DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 682 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 682 An Empire gilt-bronze mantel clock, standing Cupid floating on cloud by clock case, base cast with symbols of love. The movement and the dial are not originally belonging. France, early 19th century. H. 28 cm. DKK 6.000/ € 800 189 683 A pair of Directoire gilt bronze candlesticks, raised bases. France, circa 1800. H. 27 cm. (2). DKK 6.000-8.000 / € 800-1.100 684 A Swedish Empire metal tray, decorated with pigeons and oak leaves in colours. Early 19th century. L. 66 cm. B. 53 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 683 685 684 190 685 A French Empire brass and gilt-bronze cartel clock, white enamel dial. Signed Chopin, F, Rue St. Denis 257, á Paris. The movement is not originally belonging. The first half of the 19th century. Diam. 26 cm. DKK 8.000-10.000 / € 1.100-1.300 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 686 686 A vase clock of white marble and gilt bronze, white enamel dial. Probably later dial. France, 19th century. H. 47 cm. DKK 8.000-10.000 / € 1.100-1.300 687 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 687 A pair of Charles X gilt-bronze candlesticks, channelled stems, round bases, cast and chased with ornamentation. France, the first part of the 19th century. H. 27 cm. (2). DKK 8.000-10.000 / € 1.100-1.300 191 688 A late Gustavian cartel clock, carved with dolphins, lyre and openwork foliage, white painted dial. Sweden, early 19th century. H. 85 cm. W. 65 cm. DKK 10.000 / € 1.300 689 A pair of Swedish white-painted and gilt- highlighted corner cabinets, curved fluted fronts carved with vine leaves. Gustavian style, 19th century. H. 110 cm. W. 65 cm. D. 44 cm. (2). DKK 10.000-15.000 / € 1.300-2.000 688 689 192 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 690 A Gustavian white-painted and gilt-highlighted framed mirror, curved top, decorated with foliage. Sweden, late 18th century. H. 110 cm. W. 53 cm. DKK 12.000 / € 1.600 691 A pair of Gustavian white painted armchairs, medallion-shaped backs. Sweden, late 18th century. (2). DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 690 691 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 193 693 692 692 A Danish Louis XVI elm bureau, inlaid with geometrical patterns in light and dark wood. Late 18th century. H. 202 cm. W. 125 cm. D. 55 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 694 A Danish Empire mahogany card table, inlaid with light and dark wood. Early 19th century. H. 78 cm. W. 94 cm. D. 46 cm. DKK 8.000 / € 1.100 194 693 A Danish Louis XVI mahogany mirror, decorated with gilt carvings of flowers and foliage. Late 18th century. H. 126 cm. W. 50 cm. DKK 10.000-15.000 / € 1.300-2.000 694 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 695 695 A Danish Louis XVI elm cabinet, curved top carved with bird and ornamentation. Sønderjylland, Denmark, late 18th century. H. 220 cm. W. 165 cm. D. 70 cm. DKK 15.000-20.000 / € 2.000-2.700 696 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 696 A Swedish white-painted “tile table”, top decorated in imitation of blue tiles with flowers and landscapes. 19th century. H. 75 cm. L. 87 cm. W. 44 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 195 697 697 A pair of Gustavian oval bracket mirrors in giltwood frames, each with two curved arms for lights. Sweden, late 18th century. H. 95 cm. W. 61 cm. (2). Literature: Gustaf Upmark, Möbler i Nordika Museet, Stockholm 1912, no. 158, p. LXXIV. DKK 100.000 / € 13.000 196 698 An Italian marble-veneered table top, inlaid with various kinds of marble. 19th century. H. 5 cm. L. 137 cm. W. 71 cm. DKK 100.000 / € 13.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 698 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 197 699 A Norwegian Louis XVI gilt-wood framed mirror, the top carved with fruit, flowers and foliage in openwork. Late 18th century. H. 112 cm. W. 60 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 700 A pair of Swedish late Empire mahogany stools. Early 19th century. (2). DKK 6.000 / € 800 699 700 198 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 701 A pair of gilt-bronze candelabra, each with four curved arms for lights, cast with foliage, channelled stems, round, raised bases. Louis XVI style, 19th century. H. 51 cm. (2). DKK 15.000-20.000 / € 2.000-2.700 702 An Austrian Biedermeier tilt-top table of Brazilian rosewood, baluster-shaped plinth, curved quatrefoil foot. Mid 19th century. H. 76 cm. L. 143 cm. W. 95 cm. DKK 10.000 / € 1.300 701 702 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 199 703 A pair of French grey-veined marble vases, giltbronze mountings. Louis XVI style, 20th century. H. 53 cm. (2). DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 704 A pair of Chinese red-lacquer chairs decorated with figures and ornaments in gold and black. 19th century. (2). DKK 6.000-8.000 / € 800-1.100 703 704 200 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 705 A pair of French table lamps of yellow marble and gilt bronze, with cast swans. Circa 1900. H. 46 cm. (2). DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 706 An English free-standing mahogany writing desk, front with two drawers, straight tapered legs, brass castors. 19th century. H. 79 cm. W. 144 cm. D. 89 cm. DKK 15.000-20.000 / € 2.000-2.700 705 706 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 201 707 707 A pair of late Empire gilt-bronze candlesticks, fluted stems, round bases cast with foliage and ornaments. Early 19th century. H. 33 cm. (2) DKK 12.000 / € 1.600 708 708 A Danish oak writing bureau, upper part with cabinet, writing flap behind which are small drawers and spaces. Curved lower part with four drawers. Late 18th century. H. 231 cm. W. 120 cm. D. 62 cm. DKK 20.000-30.000 / € 2.700-4.000 709 A Regency mahogany drop-leaf table, with fillets of satinwood, apron with drawer, tapered legs. England, early 19th century. H. 73 cm. W. 86 cm. D. 46 cm. DKK 8.000 / € 1.100 709 202 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 710 710 A German coloured cartel clock with church interior, young woman in foreground, white enamel dial. 19th century. H. 63 cm. B. 52 cm. DKK 8.000 / € 1.100 711 A Swedish gilt-wood Late Empire mirror and console, richly carved with fluted half columns, table top of white marble, apron is carved with symbols of war, curved sides with rosettes and foliage. Early 19th century. Mirror H. 177 cm. W. 92 cm. Console H. 82 cm. W. 95 cm. D. 44 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 711 203 712 712 A signed ink stand in the shape of a figure of gilt and patinated bronze, standing man in Renaissance clothes with basket on his back, detachable head with signet, pen in the shape of a walking stick, base containing an inkpot. Signed De Blanch. France, the second half of the 19th century. H. 18 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 712 713 A patinated bronze sculpture representing an Middle East warrior. The second half of the 19th century. H. 53 cm. DKK 8.000 / € 1.100 713 204 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 714 Viggo Jarl (1879-1959): Sitting male figure with outstretched hand. "L'Homme accise". Signed V. Jarl 1919. Foundry stamp L.R 20 cire perdue. Green-patinated bronze statuette. The first half of 19th century. H. 33 cm. Viggo Jarl was a student of Zahrtmann, Bundgaard and Sinding. Studied in Rome 1901-1903, afterwards he went to the École des Beaux Arts and the Academie de la Grande Chaumière in Paris. His early works bear the impress of his years of apprenticeship in Rome and his involvement in the art of Rodin. His interest especially concerned the naked figure of the adolescent. He sought to give them a spiritual look, often with symbolic overtones. The later sculptures are shaped in a rigorous simplicity, where everything unnecessary is gone. His works aroused attention in foreign countries, particularly in France. With a background of a wealthy and cultivated family, he was able to live and work wherever he wanted. He started a foundation to support young students at institutions of higher education while also running a hall of residence. Literature: Billedhuggeren Viggo Jarl 1879-1959. København 1959. Planche 40. DKK 15.000-20.000 / € 2.000-2.700 714 715 715 F. Barbedienne; A gilt-bronze dish in Classical style. Stamped F. Barbedienne Fondeur Paris. 20th century. H. 12 cm. Diam. 55 cm. . DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 205 716 A Danish Louis XVI mahogany-framed mirror in white-painted and gold-highlighted wood, carved with foliage and a gentleman in profile. Late 18th century. H. 119 cm. B. 41 cm. DKK 8.000 / € 1.100 717 A Victorian mahogany service trolley containing flacons and glasses, straight tapering legs, brass castors. Stamped Mappin and Webb, Oxford Street, London. W. England, late 19th century. H. 75 cm. L. 104 cm. W. 56 cm. DKK 10.000 / € 1.300 716 717 206 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 718 A Gustavian mirror in gilt wood frame, openwork top with leaves and bow. Sweden, late 18th century. H. 107 cm. W. 44 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 719 A pair of French crystal bracket lights, each with three curved arms for lights, hung with prisms and decorated with glass beads. 20th century. H. 68 cm. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 718 719 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 207 720 720 A Napoleon III gilt-bronze and green marble mantelpiece set consisting of a chariot with Cupid pulled by horses and two vases. France, the second half of the 19th century. H. 43 cm. (3) DKK 40.000 / € 5.400 208 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 721 721 A pair of Russian gilt-bronze and onyx parafin lamps, decorated with coloured enamel, handles in the shape of caryatids. Stamped. The second half of the 19th century. H. 76 cm. (2). DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 209 722 A pair of Charles X gilt and patinated bronze candelabra, each with five curved arms for lights, fluted stems, four-sided bases. France, the first half of the 19th century. H. 53 cm. (2) DKK 10.000 / € 1.300 723 A pair of French patinated bronze ornamental jugs, bases of red marble. The second half of the 19th century. H. 68 cm. (2). DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 722 723 210 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 724 724 Albert-Ernest Carrier-Belleuse (1824-1897); A figure of gilt bronze, standing young woman surrounded by three cupids, green veined marble base. Signed Bruxelles 1871, CarrierBelleuse. Late 19th century. H. 70 cm. DKK 75.000 / € 10.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 211 212 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 725 A pair of French mahogany cabinets in the Japanese style, both with tops of breche d' Alep marble, lists and mounting of gilt-bronze, fronts and sides with panels of black lacquer decorated in gold with figures, architecture and landcapes. The second half of the 19th century. H. 106 cm. W. 112 cm. D. 48 cm. (2). Furniture with lacquered finishes from China and Japan became highly desirable in Western Europe at the end of the 17th century. When lacquerware first arrived in Europe there was never enough to satisfy the demand. Europeans viewed Japan and China as exotic countries and therefore held their lacquered objects in high esteem. When it became very difficult to obtain lacquered items, Europeans tried to imitate them by develo-ping a finish called japanning. DKK 200.000 / € 27.000 725 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 213 726 Carl Johan Bonnesen (1868-1933); "Hunneren med Kineserpigen". Patinated bronze sculpture. Signed C. J. B. 1917 H. 65 cm. L. 65 cm. W. 16 cm. As a sculptor Carl Johan Bonnesen specialised in animal motifs and exotic, primitive subjects. Bonnesen became successful at an early age. Some of his works he sold to Heinrich Hirschsprung (the founder of "Den Hirschsprungske Samling i København" and some to Carl Jacobsen, who became his most important patron. The full-size sculpture can be seen in Aalborg. DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 726 214 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 727 A pair of patinated bronze figures with bases of veneered white marble. Representing the poet Jean Racine and the dramatist Pierre Corneille, respectively. France, the second half of the 19th century. H. 58 cm. (2). . The orphan Jean Racine grew up in the famous Jansenist abbey Port Royal, but immediately after finishing his education he went to Paris, where he began to write in earnest. He was heavily criticised among colleagues, but as a consolation he enjoyed recognition from the Court of Versailles and great acclaim from Louis XIV. He is most famous for his serious dramas. Pierre Corneille was born into an old bourgeois family, he studied law and in 1624 became a lawyer. The first play of Corneille, "Mélite", was based on personal experience. The play was performed at the Marais theater and became a great success. In order to further his career Corneille moved to Paris where he made the acquaintance of Cardinal Richelieu who became one of his patrons. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 727 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 215 728 CD Carl Martin-Hansen (1877-1941); A patinated bronze bust representng Princess Marie. Signed CMH 1900. H. 46 cm. 728 The French-born Princess Marie (1865-1909) was married to Prince Valdemar, then serving as a naval officer, the youngest son of Christian IX and Queen Louise. During summer Princess Marie and Prince Valdemar lived with their family at Bernstorff Castle. During winter they moved to Det gule Palæ with all their children, Aage, Axel, Erik, Viggo and Margrethe. Princess Marie was the first member of the Danish Royal Family, to take photographs. She painted watercolours and exhibited at Charlottenborg. Princess Marie was in many ways unusual for her time. To show her connection to the navy through her husband, she had an anchor tattooed on one of her upper arms, which was visible when she appeared in evening dress. She was a great admirer of the fire brigade which led to her being made a “Fire Major”. At the age off 44 princess Marie passed away. At that time she was so popular, that a memorial was raised in her honour at Langelinie, in Copenhagen. .DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 729 An artist mahogany sofa in the Pompeian style, profiled legs, upholstery in armrest and back, seat with detachable cushion. Circa 1850. L. 200 cm. Similar sofa at the Museum of Frederiksborg. This sofa originates from the estate of Johanne Bindesbøll. Literature: Mirjam Gelfer-Jørgensen: "Herculaneum på Sjælland, p. 162 and p. 386. DKK 10.000-15.000 / € 1.300-2.000 729 216 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 730 A Victorian bird cage of brass, curved top, profiled lower part with curved legs. England, late 19th century. H. 150 cm. Diam. 54 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 731 An artist mahogany and oak armchair, openwork back and rounded armrest, short rectangular legs carved in the shape of stylised volutes and palms, which are emphasised with "nails". Seat of a later date. 19th century. DKK 6.000-8.000 / € 800-1.100 730 731 732 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 732 A mahogany writing desk by M.G. Bindesbøll, apron with drawer, profiled legs. Denmark, mid 19th century. H. 75 cm. L. 125 cm. W. 71 cm. DKK 12.000 / € 1.600 217 733 733 A large crystal chandelier with gilt-bronze frame, cast with 20 arms for lights, foliage and shells, hung with numerous prisms. Rococo style, circa 1900. H. 125 cm. Diam. 100 cm. DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 218 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 734 A pair of French gilt-bronze candlesticks. Louis XV style, late 19th century. H. 28 cm. (2). DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 735 A French marquetry table in the Boulle manner, inlaid with brass and tortoiseshell. Mounted in bronze and brass. Late 19th century. H 77 cm. W. 117 cm. D. 71 cm. DKK 15.000-20.000 / € 2.000-2.700 734 735 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 219 737 736 A Napoleon III standard lamp of gilt bronze and ebony, trefoil feet of (elephant) tusks. Matching fabric shade with coloured glass beads. France, late 19th century. H. 200 cm. DKK 40.000 / € 5.400 737 An English ebonised tilt-top table, decorated with gold, top inlaid with glass painting. The second half of the 19th century. H. 58 cm. Diam. 56 cm. Several English factories during the Victorian period made these glass paintings. For example, Walton & Co at Old Hall in Wolverhampton was known for their fine unsigned paintings on decorative papier-mache items. DKK 8.000-10.000 / € 1.100-1.300 736 220 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 738 738 A pair of gilt-bronze mirror bracket lights, cast and chased with portraits and foliage. 20th century. H. 51 cm. (2). DKK 6.000 / € 800 739 A Rococo style mirror cabinet of Brazilian rosewood, curved top with openwork ornaments, the upper part with mirror, curved lower part with two doors. The second half of the 19th century. H. 230 cm. W. 130 cm. D. 60 cm. DKK 15.000-20.000 / € 2.000-2.700 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 739 221 740 A French Empire gilt and patinated bronze night clock, stem shaped as Cupid on channelled base, frosted glass dial with Roman numerals. The movement is not originally belonging. The first part of the 19th century. H. 50 cm. DKK 10.000 / € 1.300 740 741 741 A pair of French gilt and patinated bronze candlesticks, stems in the shape of putti, round bases of red marble. 19th century. H. 28 cm. (2) . DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 742 A pair of French gilt and patinated bronze lamps, cast with vases on fluted pillars. Louis XVI style, 20th century. H. 42 cm. (2) .DKK 10.000 / € 1.300 742 222 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 743 743 A pair of French crystal chandeliers with frames of gilt metal, each with six curved arms for lights, decorated with glass beads and hung with prisms. 20th century. H. 95 cm. Diam. 55 cm. (2). DKK 35.000 / € 4.700 743 744 A Napoleon III ebonised wooden cabinet inlaid with brass and pewter. France, second half of 19th century. H. 128 cm. W. 84 cm. D. 59 cm. DKK 10.000 / € 1.300 744 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 223 745 A pair of partly gilt-bronze candlesticks cast with rocailles and stylised foliage, stems in the shape of a young man with respectively a sheaf and a fish, bases and nozzles of rose quartz. Late 19th century. H. 18 cm. (2). DKK 15.000-20.000 / € 2.000-2.700 746 A pair of Regence style gilt-bronze candelabra, each with four arms for lights, cast with foliage and ram’s heads, trefoil base cast with sphinxes. France, the second half of the 19th century. H. 46 cm. (2) .DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 747 A Napoleon III gilt-bronze umbrella stand, with cast leaves, putto and cockleshell. France, mid 19th century. H. 75 cm. DKK 12.000-15.000 / € 1.600-2.000 745 746 747 224 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 ceramics glass friday 25 april after 2 pm catalogue no. 748 - 797 749 748 748 Gerhard Henning 750 751 750 Gerhard Henning b. Stockholm 1880, d. Hellerup 1967 b. Stockholm 1880, d. Hellerup 1967 “The Nightingale" porcelain group, decorated in overglaze colours and gold, oriental couple sitting and knealing on an oval base. Sign. monogram. Juliane Marie mark. Royal Copenhagen. H. 30 cm. DKK 8.000-10.000 / € 1.100-1.300 "Ali and Peribanu" figure group, decorated in overglaze colours and gold, playing couple on an oval base. Sign. monogram. Juliane Marie mark. Royal Copenhagen. H. 22 cm. DKK 8.000-10.000 / € 1.100-1.300 749 Gerhard Henning 751 Gerhard Henning b. Stockholm 1880, d. Hellerup 1967 b. Stockholm 1880, d. Hellerup 1967 "A Chinese Couple" porcelain group, decorated in overglaze colours and gold, oriental couple on a round base. Sign. monogram. Juliane Marie mark. Royal Copenhagen. H. 33,5 cm. DKK 6.000-8.000 / € 800-1.100 "Moon Girl" porcelain figurine decorated in overglaze colours and gold, girl standing on a base. Sign. monogram. Juliane Marie mark. Royal Copenhagen. H. 30 cm. DKK 6.000-8.000 / € 800-1.100 226 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 752 752 Four porcelain groups: "The four quarters of the Earth" decorated in overglaze colours. “Asia” in the shape of a woman on a camel, “Europe” in the shape of a woman on a bull, “Africa” in the shape of a negress on a lion, “America” in the shape of a red indian girl on a crocodile. Juliane Marie mark. Royal Copenhagen. H. 28-32 cm. (4). DKK 125.000-150.000 € 17.000-20.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 752 227 753 "Blue Fluted Full Lace" porcelain, decorated in underglaze blue, 22 dinner plates, 21 luncheon plates. 1098 and 1135. Royal Copenhagen, 18941900. Diam. 21 cm. and 25 cm. DKK 20.000-25.000 / € 2.700-3.400 753 754 754 "Blue Fluted" open-worked round porcelain fruit basket, decorated in underglaze blue with twisted handles. Royal Copenhagen, ca. 1780. D 20,5 cm. H. 9 cm. DKK 6.000-8.000 / € 800-1.100 755 756 755 "The Abduction of Europe" porcelain figure group, decorated in overglaze colours and gold with a woman on a bull, on an oval base. Juliane Marie mark. 12130. Royal Copenhagen. H. 27 cm. DKK 10.000-15.000 / € 1.300-2.000 756 Two porcelain centrepieces, decorated in underglaze colours and gold with iris and sweet peas. Royal Copenhagen, 19th cent. Diam. 20 cm. (2). DKK 12.000 / € 1.600 757 Empire porcelain centrepiece, decorated in bleu royal and gold, pierced bowl carried by bisquit fantasy animal. Royal Copenhagen. Modelled by G. Borup 1804-1879. 19th cent. H. 44 cm. Diam. 31 cm. DKK 8.000-10.000 / € 1.100-1.300 228 757 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 758 Royal Copenhagen ice dome and stand, decorated in purple with flower bouquets. Bell shaped pierced cover with medallions, vines and repoussé flowers, finial in shape of a tulip. Ca. 1790. H. 30 cm. The making of ice cream in the 18th and 19th century was as follows: "In the 18th and far into the 19th century dessert ice cream was a luxury reserved for the few. Only wealthy people and the nobility could enjoy this cold refreshment that was costly to make in that it required loads of egg yolks, cream and, not least, the vanilla of the Orient. Furthermore, when freezing the ice cream, one had to use natural ice and salt to make a freezing mixture. The ice was gathered in the winter from lakes and the sea. It was kept in specially isolated ice houses where it was placed several yards below the ground. The ice cream was frozen in this freezing mixture - first in a working mould for further treatment, since in a decorative form. The so-called 'ice cream bomb' was highly popular. It could consist of several layers of various kinds of ice cream, e.g. a core of fruit ice surrounded by a cream parfait. When served, the ice cream was cut as, today, you would cut a cake, and the ice cream bomb was placed under the dome where it was kept in place by the raised edge of the bottom dish. The ice cream dome is a specifically Danish phenomenon that is not known anywhere else in Europe. This splendid item begins to figure in the table arrangement in the last part of the 18th century. Steen Nottlemann. DKK 60.000 / € 8.000 758 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 229 759 760 761 762 765 763 764 766 230 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 767 768 759 "Flora Danica" 12 luncheon plates with openworked rims, decorated in colours and gold with flowers. 3554. Royal Copenhagen. Diam. 23 cm. (12). DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 764 "Flora Danica" letter knife decorated in colours and gold with flowers. Royal Copenhagen and A. Michelsen. L. 24 cm. DKK 3.000 / € 400 760 "Flora Danica" 12 side plates, decorated in colours and gold with flowers. 3551. Royal Copenhagen. Diam. 17 cm. (12). DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 765 "Flora Danica" vegetable dish, decorated in colours and gold with flowers. Finial in the shape of curved branches and repoussé flowers. 3568. Royal Copenhagen. Diam. 24 cm. DKK 10.000-12.000 / € 1.300-1.600 761 "Flora Danica" 11 plates with open-worked rims, decorated in colours and gold with flowers. 3526. Royal Copenhagen. Diam. 27 cm. (11). DKK 40.000-45.000 / € 5.400-6.000 766 "Flora Danica" six plates decorated in colours and gold with flowers and plants. Juliane Marie mark. Royal Copenhagen, 1905. Diam. 22 cm. (6). DKK 18.000-20.000 / € 2.400-2.700 762 "Flora Danica" four-sided dish, decorated in colours and gold with flowers. 3565. Royal Copenhagen. L. 30 cm. W. 22 cm. DKK 4.000-5.000 / € 540-670 767 Two "Flora Danica" dishes, decorated in colours and gold with plants, handles in the shape of branches with repoussé flowers. Juliane Marie mark. Royal Copenhagen, 1905. L. 25 cm. (2). DKK 8.000-10.000 / € 1.100-1.300 763 "Flora Danica" sugar bowl decorated in colours and gold with flower. 2582. Royal Copenhagen. L. 17 cm. DKK 8.000 / € 1.100 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 768 Two small "Flora Danica" dishes decorated in colours and goldwith plants, handles in the shape of branches with repoussé flowers. Juliane Marie mark. Royal Copenhagen, 1905. L. 22 cm. (2). DKK 6.000-8.000 / € 800-1.100 231 770 769 771 772 769 Two "Flora Danica" plates with open-worked rims, decorated in colours and gold with plants. 3526. Royal Copenhagen. Diam. 27 cm. (2). DKK 6.000-8.000 / € 800-1.100 770 "Flora Danica" plate with open-worked rim, decorated in colours and gold with flowers. 3574. Royal Copenhagen. Diam. 28,5 cm. DKK 4.000 / € 540 771 "Flora Danica" plate decorated in colours and gold with plant. Juliane Marie mark. Royal Copenhagen, 1905. Diam. 25 cm. DKK 4.000-5.000 / € 540-670 772 "Flora Danica" eight ashtrays decorated in colours and gold with flowers. 3501. Royal Copenhagen. Diam. 7,5 cm. (8). DKK 4.000 / € 540 773 232 773 Meissen porcelain figure in the shape of a parrot sitting on the stump of a tree, decorated in colours. Germany, 19th cent. H. 42 cm. Orginally modelled by Johann Joachim Kaendler. DKK 8.000-10.000 / € 1.100-1.300 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 774 774 French porcelain soup tureen, decorated with rococo genre scenes, finial in the shape of a lemon. Samson, 19th cent. L. 38 cm. DKK 5.000 / € 670 775 French ivory coloured Saint Cloud bonbonniere decorated with flowering prunus in low relief, rim mounted with bronze. Mark engraved St. C above T. 18th cent. H. 11 cm. DKK 10.000 / € 1.300 775 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 776 A pair of French porcelain bouquetieres decorated with " The Music" and the "Art of Painting", birds, butterflies, crowns with flowers and stilized foliage in colours and gold, sides with gilt Medusa's heads, pierced top, slightly profiled base, standing on a black patinated and gilt bronze stand, moulded with rosettes and stilized foliage. In the manner of Jacob Petit. Paris, 20th cent. H. inc. stand 24 cm. W. 18,5 cm. (2). DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 776 233 777 Bing & Grøndahl porcelain vase, decorated in underglaze colours with dandelions, silver mounting in the shape of foliage and flowerbuds. Ca. 1910. Sign. monogram CH. Silver mounting marked 930 S, Erik M and monogram for Erik Magnussen. H. 40 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 777 778 Anna Smidth b. 1861 Porcelain vase decorated in underglaze colours with forest with birch tree trunks and stream. Sign. A. Smidth. Royal Copenhagen. Ca. 1900. H. 45 cm. DKK 10.000 / € 1.300 779 Knud Valdemar Engelhardt b. 1882, d. 1931 778 234 Porcelain vase with turqouise crystalglazed, silvermounting in the shape of a fish, crabs and seeweed. Sign. monogram. Royal Copenhagen and A. Michelsen, 1913. H. 44 cm. DKK 50.000-75.000 / € 6.700-10.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 779 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 235 782 780 783 781 780 CD Elisabeth Drewes Kofoed 781 Suzette Holten Skovgaard b. 1877 b. Copenhagen 1863, d.s.p. 1937 Porcelain bowl, decorated in underglaze colours, outside with clematis and low relief and inside with blue clematis. Sign. A. Drewes. Bing & Grøndahl. H. 7 cm. Diam. 18 cm. DKK 5.000 / € 670 Porcelain bowl decorated in underglaze colours and patterns in oriental style. Sign. monogram. Bing & Grøndahl. H. 8 cm. Diam. 19. DKK 5.000 / € 670 782 CD Elisabeth Drewes Kofoed b. 1877 Porcelain jar in underglaze colours with water lilies and leaves. Bing & Grøndahl. H. 23 cm. DKK 10.000 / € 1.300 783 Art noveau porcelain vase, decorated in underglaze colurs in low relief with flowers and foliage and stylized fence in front. Signed J.O. possibly for Jo Hahn Locher. Bing & Grøndahl. H. 20 cm. DKK 8.000 / € 1.100 784 CD Gerhard Heilmann b. 1859, d. 1946 784 236 785 Porcelain vase decorated in overglaze colours with parrots and twisted branches. Sign. monogram. Royal Copenhagen. H. 35cm. DKK 8.000-10.000 / € 1.100-1.300 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 785 CD Effie Hegermann-Lindencrone b. 1860, d. 1945 Porcelain lamp decorated in underglaze colours in different blue nuances in the shape of black grouse flying above water in low relief Sign. monogram. Bing & Grøndahl. H. incl. mounting 33 cm. DKK 8.000 / € 1.100 786 786 Porcelain jug decorated in underglaze colours with lupins, silver mounting with poppies in low relief. Royal Copenhagen and A. Michelsen, 1905. H. 23 cm. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 787 CD Effie Hegermann-Lindencrone b. 1860, d. 1945 Baluster shaped porcelain vase with three small handles, decorated in underglaze colours and silver glaze with pine in low relief. Bing & Grøndahl. H. 24 cm. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 787 237 788 A collection of faience tankards decorated in colours, with horses, monogram, inscription and flowers. Mounted with pewter. Germany 18th-19th cent. H. 20-25 cm. (6). DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 788 789 Hessian style Norwegian "brennevins glass", conic shaped bowl engraved with C7 within a crowned double monogram. Baluster shaped airfilled stem on a bell shaped foot. Norway, 1760-1775. H. 16 cm. DKK 8.000-10.000 / € 1.100-1.300 789 791 790 792 790 Hessian style Norwegian "brennevins glass", conic shaped bowl engraved with C7 within a crowned monogram. Baluster shaped air filled stem on a bell shaped foot. Norway, 17601775. H. 15 cm. DKK 8.000-10.000 / € 1.100-1.300 791 Nøstetangen "Slanger med Butte Klokker Chrystal" wine glass, pale gray batch, conic shaped bowl, air filled cylindric stem on sligthly raised foot. Norway, 1750-1760. H. 15 cm. DKK 5.000-7.000 / € 670-940 792 Gjørvik glass carafe, body mounted with raspberries, thin cylindrical neck and lobed base. Norway, beginning of 19th cent. H. 19 cm. DKK 8.000 / € 1.100 793 A covered Biedemeier goblet engraved with blackberry twig and bees, profiled stem with air filled faceted ball on octagonal foot with star. Germany, 19th cent. H. 60 cm. DKK 6.000-8.000 / € 800-1.100 238 793 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 794 795 794 Arsall Art Nouveau lamp with double overlay of brown and pink glass, cut through in the form of flowers. Mounting and foot of patinated copper, socket of black bakelite. Signed Arsall. H. incl. mounting 70 cm. Vase H. 37 cm. DKK 6.000 / € 800 795 A pair of Heiberg opaline oil lamps mounted with bronze ornaments. 19th cent. H. 59 cm. (2). DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 796 Val St. Lambert cobalt art noveau glass vase, decorated with galvanized bronce foliage. Marked VSL. Belgium, ca. 1900. H. 36 cm. The technique was created by the designer Léon Ledru (Paris 1855 - Liege 1926). DKK 8.000-10.000 / € 1.100-1.300 797 Carl Moser b. 1873, d. 1939 Cut and gilt glass jug decorated with tulips and leaves, gilt brass mounting. Ca. 1900. H. 30 cm. DKK 8.000 / € 1.100 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 786 796 797 239 Book Auction in Bredgade Preview:16 - 21 April + 5 May Auction:5 May Jubilee Auction This autumn Bruun Rasmussen celebrates its 60th anniversary. Please contact the book department for consignments for this auction. For further information, please call Sebastian Hauge Lerche +45 6035 1005 or e-mail boger@bruun-rasmussen.dk 402 BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 786 Wine Auction in Bredgade Preview:5 - 6 May Auction:6 May Jubilee Auction This autumn Bruun Rasmussen celebrates its 60th anniversary. Please contact the wine department for consignments for this auction. For further information, please call Henrik Christensen +45 8818 1206 or e-mail vin@bruun-rasmussen.dk BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 786 403 Weapon Auction in Bredgade Preview:6 - 9 May Preview at Sundkrogsgade 30 Auction:9 May Jubilee Auction This autumn Bruun Rasmussen celebrates its 60th anniversary. Please contact the weapon department for consignments for this auction. For further information, please call David Utzon-Frank +45 6035 1221 or Jens Perto +45 2393 0057 or e-mail vaaben@bruun-rasmussen.dk 404 BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 786 Coin Auction in Bredgade Preview:7 - 9 June + 16 - 17 June Auction:17 June Jubilee Auction This autumn Bruun Rasmussen celebrates its 60th anniversary. Please contact the coin department for consignments for this auction. For further information, please call Michael Fornitz +45 8818 1201 or e-mail m.fornitz@bruun-rasmussen.dk BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 786 405 Jubilee Auction Autumn 2008 French Directoire gilt-bronze mantel clock. Early 19th century. H. 46 cm. Sold for € 31.000 An invitation to consign This autumn Bruun Rasmussen Auctioneers celebrates its 60th anniversary and already at present we are looking for consignments for this extraordinary jubilee auction. For further information, please contact the relevant department on +45 8818 1111. 406 BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 786 Russian sale at Bruun Rasmussen an invitation to consign Russian art and antiques remain highly desirable commodities in the international market. Bruun Rasmussen is conducting an important Russian sale in November 2008 and is now inviting consignments. For further information, please visit www.bruun-rasmussen.dk, write us an e-mail at russian@bruun-rasmussen.dk or call +45 8818 1111. Igor Grabar. Still life in red tones. Sold for € 83.000 Russian diamond brooch. Sold for € 24.000 Leonid Pasternak: Pink roses. Sold for € 160.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 786 407 Panoramaudsigt over Holckenhavn Fjord Gl. Vindingevej 14, Nyborg - 792 m2 · Opført 1891/2003 · Vær. 9 · Grundareal 10.603 m2 kontantpris: 13.500.000 Udbetaling 675.000 bruttoNetto 78.033/62.886 www.br-properties.dk · telefon 2424 9898 408 BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 786 Visit our online-auctions Bruun Rasmussen are holding online-auctions, taking place every week. Monday: Antique Furniture and Carpets Tuesday: Modern Art and Design Wednesday: Paintings, 18th-19th century Thursday: Varia Furthermore books, coins, stamps, weapons and wine are sold online every month. You can follow these auctions on: www.bruun-rasmussen.dk A mahogany Charles X chest of drawers, grey marble top, front with four drawers. Circa 1830. Sold for € 2.200 BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 786 409 Bruun Rasmussen er blevet medlem af sammenslutningen International Auctioneers (IA). Bruun Rasmussen has now become member of the association International Auctioneers (IA). IA blev grundlagt i 1993 og består nu af otte af verdens mest prestigefulde uafhængige auktionshuse. Sammenslutningen har en halv million kunstkøbere og sælgere og omsætter årligt for ca. 600 millioner Euro. En halv million emner i kategorierne kunst, antikviteter, design og samlerobjekter bliver solgt på de ca. 1200 årlige auktioner. IA was formed in 1993 and now consists of eight of the world’s most prestigious independent auction houses. The association has half a million art buyers and sellers, 600 million Euros in annual turnover and over 1200 auctions annually, comprising half a million lots from all areas of the fine and decorative art and design. IA-medlemmerne indgår i et samarbejde om salgs- og marketingaktiviteter og de otte auktionshuses eksperter udgør samlet set en stor vidensbank. Sammenslutningen har udover en informativ hjemmeside også et magasin, der udkommer to gange årligt, april og oktober, og distribueres til auktionshusenes 50.000 vigtigste kunder. The IA members has joint advertising and sales promotion, combined expertise of the eight teams of specialists, an informative website and a twice-annual publication International Auctioneers Magazine. The magazine is published in April and October and distributed to the 50 000 most important clients of the eight member auction houses. De øvrige medlemmer i IA er Artcurial i Paris, Bukowskis i Stockholm, Dorotheum i Wien, Porro & C i Milano, Koller i Zurich, Lempertz i Køln og Swann Galleries i New York. The other members of IA are Artcurial in Paris; Bukowskis in Stockholm; Dorotheum in Vienna; Porro & C. in Milan; Koller in Zurich; Lempertz in Cologne, and Swann Galleries in New York. For yderligere oplysninger om Bruun Rasmussens medlemskab af IA kontakt venligst Frederik Bruun Rasmussen på 8818 1111. If you have any questions regarding Bruun Rasmussen’s membership of IA, please feel welcome to contact the IA representative Frederik Bruun Rasmussen, tel. +45 8818 1111. For yderligere information om IA, se venligst www.internationalauctioneers.com For further information about IA, please visit www.internationalauctioneers.com 410 BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 786 information AFHENTNING DISPATCH Afhentning af effekter købt på traditionel auktion SKAL SKE senest 2 uger efter sidste auktionsdag (eller efter aftale). Collection of purchases bought at traditional auctions must be no later than 2 weeks after the last auctionday. Uafhentede effekter vil herefter uden yderligere varsel blive sendt til opbevaring for købers regning og risiko. Uncollected items will without further notice be sent into storage at the expence and risk of the buyer. salgsresultater sales results Hammerslags-priser fra de seneste auktioner kan ses på vores hjemmeside: www.bruun-rasmussen.dk Sales results from the latest auctions are available at our website: www.bruun-rasmussen.dk Hammerslags-priser kan også fås ved at ringe til vores automatiske telefonsvarer på telefon: 8818 1113. Sales results are also available at our answering machine. Please call: +45 8818 1113. FOTO PHOTO Fotos af alle effekter kan ses på vores hjemmeside: www.bruun-rasmussen.dk Photos of all items are available at our website: www.bruun-rasmussen.dk euro euro Det bydes og faktureres i danske kroner. Bids and invoicing are made in DDK. Ved omregning fra DKK til Euro er anvendt Nationalbankens officielle valutakurs på tids punktet for udarbejdelse af kataloget. For the conversion from DKK into Euro, Bruun Rasmussen has used the official rate of exchange from Denmarks Nationalbank (the Danish National Bank) at the time of preparation of the catalogue. Beløbet i Euro er afrundet til et tal, der efter Bruun Rasmussens skøn fremtræder på en præsentabel måde i forhold til beløbet i DKK. The amount in Euro is, in Bruun Rasmussen's judgment, roughly adjusted to presentable figures. Bevaringstilstand Condition Bruun Rasmussen henleder opmærksom heden på, at katalognumrene som udgangs punkt ikke er forsynet med oplysninger om tilstand (jvf. købskonditionernes § 9). Vi henviser imidlertid til vores hjemmeside: www.bruun-rasmussen.dk, hvor der under det enkelte katalognummer ofte er oplysninger om bevaringstilstand, reparationer o. lign. Er disse oplysninger ikke tilstrække lige kan én af afdelingens sagkyndige kontaktes for yderligere informationer. Bruun Rasmussen draws attention to the fact that, as a rule, no information is provided regarding the condition of the lots (cf. conditions of purchase § 9). However, we refer to our website: www.bruun-rasmussen.dk where infor mation regarding condition, repairs, etc. can usually be found for the individual lot. Should this information be insufficient, further details can be obtained by contacting one of the experts of the department. Bankforbindelse Bankers Danske Bank · Konto: 30014310970638 IBAN: DK4130004310970638 Swift-BIC DABADKKK Danske Bank · Account: 30014310970638 IBAN: DK4130004310970638 Swift-BIC DABADKKK virksomhedsregistrering business registration CVR-nr. DK25472020 CVR-nr. DK25472020 BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 786 411 k ata l ogi s e r ing s p r incippe r e x p l anation of cata l og u ing p r incip l e s Forklaring vedr. kunstnernavne i katalogerne Explanation of names of artists used in the catalogues Jens Juel: I henhold til vor opfattelse: Et originalt arbej de af kunstneren, for hvis ægthed Bruun Rasmussen indestår i henhold til købskonditioner § 9. Jens Juel: In our opinion, an original work by the artist the genuiness and authenticity of which is guaranteed by Bruun Rasmussen according to the Conditions of purchase § 9. Nedennævnte forbehold ved katalogiseringer er foretaget efter vor bedste overbevisning og tjener som vejledning for køber, men kan ikke gøres til genstand for reklamationer. Below cataloguing reservations are made according to the best of Bruun Rasmussen's knowledge. They are for guidance only and cannot be subject to claims. Jens Juel tilskrevet: I henhold til vor opfattelse: Værket er sandsynligvis fra kunst-nerens tid og muligvis udført af denne. Jens Juel tilskrevet (ascribed to): In our opinion, pro bably a work of the period of the artist, and possibly executed by the artist. Jens Juel's atelier/skole/værksted: I henhold til vor opfattelse: Udført under kunstnerens indflydelse og antagelig fra dennes tid. Jens Juel's atelier (studio)/skole (school)/værksted (workshop): In our opinion, a work made under the influence of the artist, and probably of his period. Jens Juel, (?): I henhold til vor opfattelse: Kan være udført af kunstneren eller en senere kopi efter kunstneren. Jens Juel, (?): In our opinion, possibly a work by the artist, or a (later) copy of the artist’s work. Jens Juel, kopi efter/Jens Juel's stil/Jens Juel efterfølger: I henhold til vor opfattelse: En senere gentagelse eller i stil med kunstneren. ?: Yderligere forbehold for den i kataloget angivne beskrivelse. Sign.: Efter vor overbevisning original signatur af kunst neren. Betegnet: I henhold til vor opfattelse: Kunstnersignatur er gengivet, men ikke nødvendigvis udført af kunstneren. Hvis ingen signatur nævnes i kataloget, drejer det sig om et antagelig usigneret arbejde Hvis ingen aldersangivelse nævnes i kataloget, drejer det sig om et antageligt nyere eller helt moderne arbejde U.r.: Uden ramme. Jens Juel, kopi efter (copy after)/Jens Juel's stil (style of)/ Jens Juel efterfølger (follower of) : In our opinion, a later copy of a work by the artist or in the artist's style. ?: The catalogue description is subject to further reservations. Sign.: In our opinion, the work has been signed by the artist. Betegnet (bears the signature): In our opinion, the inscription may be by a hand other than that of the artist. If no signature is mentioned in the catalogue the work is apparently unsigned. If no date is mentioned in the catalogue the work is apparently from the last century or of comparratively resent date. U.r.: Unframed. No compensation is given should the frame be damaged. For beskadigelse af ramme ydes ingen kompensation. Ovenstående beskrivelse er Bruun Rasmussens opfattelse og tjener som vejledning for køber. Det er ikke nogen garanti. Køber skal selv overbevise sig om de forskellige katalognumres autencitet og kondition. Above description is a statement of opinion by Bruun Rasmussen and is to be considered only as guidance to the buyer and not as a statement of fact. The buyer is to satisfy himself of the authenticity and the condition of the works of art. Forkortelser: Abb.: L. = Længde =Copy-Dan L. = Length =Droit de Suite B. = Bredde W. = Width sst. = Samme sted H. = Højde sst. = Same place H. = Height Diam.=Diameter D. =Dybde Diam.=Diameter D. =Depth 412 = Fuld moms = Full VAT * CD * CD BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 786 m o m s og k u n s tne r afgift v at an d cop y - d an info r m ation standard auktionsomkostninger BUYER’S STANDARD PREMIUM 25% - brugt moms 25% AUCTIONEERS’ MARGIN SCHEME 1. januar 1995 trådte nye love i kraft i EU vedrørende moms ved handel på auktion med brugte varer, kunst genstande, samlerobjekter og antikviteter, der nu kan handles til brugt moms. As of 1 January 1995 new EC regulations came into effect regarding the sale of secondhand goods, works of art, collector’s items and antiques; these items may now be traded under the Auctioneers’ Margin Scheme. Efter de nye regler er det kun auktionsomkostninger, der skal tillægges moms, og ikke som tidligere varens fulde pris. I auktionsomkostninger er indregnet ikke fradragsberettiget moms. Under the Auctioneers’ Margin Scheme the premium only is subject to VAT, i.e. the hammer price is exempted from VAT. The buyer’s premium of 25% will thus henceforth include non-refundable VAT. Fuld moms * full vat * anvendes for visse varer som ikke kan handles i brugt moms. Disse er mærket med en stjerne *. Købere skal betale 20% i auktionsomkostninger, hvortil lægges 25% moms af hammerslaget og auktionsomkostningerne. will be charged on goods that cannot be traded under the Auctioneers’ Margin Scheme. These lots are marked with an asterix *. The buyer pays the auction premium of 20% plus 25% vat on the hammer price as well as the buyer’s premium. Reducerede auktionsomkostninger 20% BUYER’S REDUCED premium 20% betales af købere der opfylder følgende betingelser: is paid by buyers fulfilling the following terms/conditions: 1.Danske momsregistrerede købere kan vælge at betale 20% i auktionsomkostninger + 25% moms af hele (fuldmoms). Momsbeløbet kan køber modregne, og betaler derved 20% i auktionsomkostninger. 1.Danish VAT registered buyers may choose to pay the 20% buyer’s premium + 25% VAT on the total amount (Full VAT). The buyer may have the total VAT refunded and thus pays 20% in buyer’s premium only. 2. Momsregistrerede købere i andre EU-lande kan, ved at anvende deres EU-momsnr., undgå den danske moms og derved betale 20% i auktionsomkostninger. 2.VAT registered buyers in other EU countries may avoid Danish VAT by using their VAT registration number and thereby pay a buyer’s premium of 20% only. 3. Alle købere med bopæl i et land uden for EU, der opfylder de danske toldmyndigheders krav i forbindelse med eksport, betaler derved 20% i auktionsomkostninger (se købskonditioner, §3, Afgiftsfritagelse). Kunstnerafgift til Copy-dan CD 3. Residents of countries outside the EU meeting the Danish customs authorities’ requirements regarding the export of goods pay the buyer’s premium of 20% only (see Conditions of Purchase §3, Exemption from VAT). Artists’ royalties payable to copy-dan CD Ifølge gældende dansk lovgivning om ophavsret, skal der opkræves 5% i kunstnerafgift af hammerslagsprisen med tillæg af auktionsomkostninger på 20% excl. afgift på værker af alle nyere danske og de fleste udenlandske kunstnere. Disse værker er mærket CD for Copy-Dan ud for katalognummeret. Pursuant to current Danish legislation on copyright an artists’ royalty of 5% of the total price exclusive of VAT (i.e. hammer price plus buyer’s premium 20%) shall be collected on works of modern art by all Danish and most foreign artists. These works are marked CD for Copy-Dan next to the lot number. For nærmere information henvises til købskonditionerne. For further information please refer to the Conditions of Purchase. BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 786 413 k ø b s k on d itione r § 1. Budgivning Køber er den byder, der får hammerslag. Den, der byder for andre, hæfter som selvskyldnerkautionist for berigtigelsen af købet. På opfordring fra Bruun Rasmussen Kunstauktioner (herefter benævnt Bruun Rasmussen), skal alle bydere, hvadenten de øns ker at afgive et bud ved personligt fremmøde på auktionsstedet eller afgive en kommission pr. brev eller fax eller byde direkte pr. telefon, kunne dokumentere deres betalingsdygtighed samt til enhver tid identificere sig. Bruun Rasmussen er altid berettiget til at nægte at acceptere et bud, hvis på forlangende ikke tilstrækkelig sikkerhed er stillet eller en passende à conto beta ling har fundet sted. Bud afgives af byderen ved personligt fremmøde på auktions stedet eller ved skriftlig kommission. Afgivelse af bud pr. telefon er muligt under visse forudsætninger, der afgøres af Bruun Rasmussen. Bruun Rasmussen påtager sig intet ansvar for eventuelle fejl eller fejltagelser, der måtte opstå ved brug af denne service. Auktionarius bestemmer overbuddets størrelse og træffer ligeledes afgørelse i alle tvivlstilfælde om budgivningen. § 2. Betaling For katalognumre, der handles til brugtmoms, opgøres købesummen som hammerslagsprisen med tillæg af 25% i auktionsom kostninger inklusive afgift. Visse katalognumre handles efter særlige regler til fuldmoms, så udover auktionsomkostninger på 20%, beregnes moms på 25% af hammerslag og auktionsomkostninger. Hvilke katalognumre der sælges til fuldmoms fremgår af kataloget med stjerne *. Danske momsregistrerede købere skal overfor os oplyse deres SE-/ CVR-nr. (moms-nr.), da dette skal anføres på de fakturaer, hvor varen købes i fuld moms. For visse udenlandske købere gælder der særlige regler for afgiftsfritagelse jvf. § 3. Afgiftsfritagelse omfatter ikke EU private købere, som ligestilles med danske købere jvf. gældende dansk lovgivning om handel med brugte varer, kunstgenstande, samler objekter og antikviteter. Købesummen forfalder til betaling ved tilslaget. Der kan betales kontant op til DKK 100.000 eller med Dankort, banknoteret check, rejsechecks, Visa-, Master-, Diners Club- eller Eurocard. Personlige udenlandske checks kan kun anvendes efter forudgående aftale. Betaling kan finde sted under eller umiddelbart efter auktionen og under alle omstændigheder skal betaling finde sted senest 8 dage efter fakturadatoen. Betales købesummen ikke rettidigt, skal der svares rente heraf med 1,5% pr. påbegyndt måned. Betales købesum og renter ikke inden 8 dage efter at Bruun Rasmussen har afsendt påkrav herom til køber, er Bruun Rasmussen berettiget til at annullere købet og bortsælge det købte på ny auktion hos Bruun Rasmussen eller underhånden og afkræve køber ethvert herved opstået tab. Et eventuelt overskud tilfalder den, der har indleveret det købte til auktion. Har den misligholdende køber tilgodehavender fra salg af effekter hos Bruun Rasmussen, er Bruun Rasmussen berettiget til at berigtige ethvert tilgodehavende hos køber ved modregning. Har den misligholdende køber indleveret andre effekter til salg, er Bruun Rasmussen berettiget til at bortsælge sådanne effekter på auktion hos Bruun Rasmussen uden at være bundet af en af den misligholdende køber fastsat mindstepris. Den misligholdende køber er ikke berettiget til at kræve udlevering af effekter indleveret til salg, så længe forfalden gæld til Bruun Rasmussen ikke er betalt, uanset om værdien af sådanne effekter må anses at overstige forfalden gæld. 414 Bruun Rasmussen er berettiget til at afvise bud afgivet af en køber, der er i misligholdelse med sine betalingsforpligtelser over for Bruun Rasmussen eller et bud afgivet af en anden på den pågældendes vegne, ligesom Bruun Rasmussen er berettiget til at kræve et depositum som betingelse for accept af fremtidige bud. § 3. Afgiftsfritagelse Udenlandske købere, der opfylder nedennævnte betingelser, betaler 20% i auktionsomkostninger af hammerslaget, og bliver ikke belastet af danske afgifter. A. Købere med bopæl i et andet EU-land: Købere, som er momsregistreret i et andet EU-land, fritages for at betale dansk moms, når momsregistreringen dokumenteres over for Bruun Rasmussen, som skal påføre momsnummeret på fakturaen. B. Købere med bopæl uden for EU: 1 Forsendelse gennem speditør: Effekter, der eksporteres gennem en af Bruun Rasmussen godkendt speditør, fritages for afgift. 2 Udførsel som rejsegods: Der kan ske fritagelse for dansk afgift, når køberen selv medtager det købte under forudsætning af, at følgende betingelser er opfyldt: Fakturaen skal være betalt, og den danske afgift på 25% af fakturabeløbet skal være deponeret hos Bruun Rasmussen. a Købere med fast bopæl i Norge vil få den danske moms refunderet, så snart Bruun Rasmussen har modtaget købsfakturaen retur med påtegning om officiel indførsel fra det endelige lands toldmyndighed eller anden på omsætnings afgiftsområdet kompetent myndighed, hvis købet overstiger DKK 1.200. b Købere med fast bopæl andre steder uden for EU vil få den danske moms refunderet, efter at effekterne har været forevist til toldbehandling i forbindelse med køberens udrejse fra EU. Eksportørblanketten returneres til Bruun Rasmussen efter at være forsynet med et toldvæsens attest for udførslen, hvis købet overstiger DKK 300. Dette gælder også for Færøerne og Grønland. § 4. Afgiftsbetaling A. Momsregistrerede i andre EU-lande, der ikke ønsker at gøre brug af § 3, kan i stedet vælge at handle til brugtmoms/fuld moms på lige fod med private købere. Dette skal meddeles os inden kl. 10 den følgende auktionsdag. B. Momsregistrerede i Danmark kan vælge at købe til fuldmoms med 25% af både hammerslag og auktionsomkostninger. Dette skal meddeles os inden kl. 10 den følgende auktionsdag. § 5. Udlevering Købesummen skal være betalt, inden det købte kan udleveres til køberen. Det købte henligger fra hammerslaget for købers reg ning og risiko. For varer, der ikke er afhentet 14 dage efter hammerslaget, vil der blive opkrævet opbevaringsgebyr. Købte varer, der er betalt, men ikke afhentet, vil efter 1 år blive videresolgt for købers regning ved auktion eller underhånden. § 6. Forsendelse Såfremt Bruun Rasmussen påtager sig at emballere og fremsende købte varer, sker dette på købers regning og risiko. Bruun Rasmussen kan således ikke drages til ansvar for skader forvoldt på købte varer under forsendelse eller for forsvundne forsendelser. BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 786 § 7. Kunstnerafgift til Copy-Da n • 1% af den del af hammerslagsprisen, der ligger mellem DKK 1.242.917 og DKK 2.175.104 med tillæg af auktions omkostninger på 20% ekskl. afgift en korrekt katalogbeskrivelse må antages at ville have resulteret i, er køber berettiget til at annullere købet, hvorefter den samlede erlagte købesum, dog højst den i kataloget angivne højeste vurderingspris tillagt auktionsomkostninger og evt. moms, vil blive refunderet køber. Væsentlige fejl i katalogbeskrivelsen relateret til mål eller vægt erstattes kun procentuelt i forhold til differencen. Retten til under de her anførte betingelser at annullere et køb kan kun udøves af den, der købte den pågældende effekt hos Bruun Rasmussen og er betinget af, at krav om annullering fremsættes skriftligt over for Bruun Rasmussen inden 2 år efter købsdagen, og af at det købte inden samme frist returneres til Bruun Rasmussen i den samme stand i enhver henseende, som det købte var i på hammerslagstidspunktet. Køber kan i tilfælde af annullering ikke gøre krav på betaling af renter af købesummen og er ej heller berettiget til at kræve anden udgift eller tab, herunder eventuel mistet videresalgsfortjeneste, dækket. Et køb kan ikke kræves annulleret efter ovenstående bestemmelser, såfremt: • 0,5% af den del af hammerslagsprisen, der ligger mellem DKK 2.175.104 og DKK 3.107.292 med tillæg af auktionsomkostninger på 20% ekskl. afgift a beskrivelsen i kataloget på hammerslagsdagen var i overensstemmelse med den på dette tidspunkt gældende opfattelse blandt lærde og eksperter. CD Ifølge gældende dansk lovgivning om ophavsret skal der opkræves følgeretsvederlag på værker af alle nyere danske og visse udenlandske kunstnere. Følgeretsvederlaget opkræves hos køber af Bruun Rasmussen på vegne af kunstnernes organisation Copy-Dan, for de kunstværker, der er omfattet af loven. Disse værker er mærket CD for Copy-Dan ud for katalognummeret. Følgeretsvederlaget beregnes som følger for det enkelte kunst værk, når hammerslagsprisen overstiger DKK 1.864: • 5% af den del af hammerslagsprisen, der ligger mellem DKK 0 og DKK 310.729 med tillæg af auktionsomkostninger på 20% ekskl. afgift • 3% af den del af hammerslagsprisen, der ligger mellem DKK 310.729 og DKK 1.242.917 med tillæg af auktions omkostninger på 20% ekskl. afgift • 0,25% af den del af hammerslagsprisen, der ligger over DKK 3.107.292 med tillæg af auktionsomkostninger på 20% ekskl. afgift Copy-Dan afgiften kan ikke overstige DKK 93.219 for det enkelte kunstværk. b den eneste måde til på katalogets udgivelsestidspunkt at få fastslået et falskneri var iværksættelsen af videnskabelige processer, hvis gyldighed først blev anerkendt efter katalogets udgivelsestidspunkt eller som ville have været uforholdsmæssigt omkostningskrævende eller uigennemførlige uden beskadigelse af den pågældende effekt. § 8. Eksporttilladelse Kulturværdiudvalget er blevet ansøgt om eksporttilladelse, hvor dette kræves iflg. gældende dansk lovgivning om sikring af kulturværdier i Danmark. Foreligger en sådan ikke, vil dette blive meddelt den udenlandske køber umiddelbart efter hammerslaget. Derefter vil Bruun Rasmussen igen ansøge Kulturværdiudvalget på købers vegne, nu hvor prisen kendes. Gives eksporttilladelse ikke, er Kulturværdiudvalget forpligtet til at overtage det købte til den opnåede pris, hvilket betyder at købet bliver hævet for køber. § 9. Katalogisering Alt sælges i den stand, hvori det ved hammerslaget er at forefinde og som beskrevet i kataloget med senere offentliggjorte ændringer og modifikationer. Katalogiseringen er foretaget efter bedste overbevisning og under anvendelse af de anførte katalogiseringsprincipper. De solgte effekter er ofte af en alder eller af en art, der bevirker, at de kan være behæftet med fejl, mangler, restaurering eller beskadigelser, der ikke nødvendigvis angives i kataloget. Afbildninger i kataloget er blot til identifikation og kan ikke anvendes til vurdering af effekternes stand. Enhver der ønsker at byde på auktion, bør derfor ved selvsyn på de før auktionen afholdte eftersyn forvisse sig om de ønskede effekters stand. Katalogbeskrivelsen er udtryk for den på tidspunktet for katalogets trykning blandt lærde og eksperter herskende opfattelse. Skulle der efter købet opstå tvivl om det købtes ægthed eller dettes overensstemmelse med katalogbeskrivelsen, skal dette straks meddeles til Bruun Rasmussen. Såfremt det må erkendes, at det købte er en forfalskning, eller såfremt katalogbeskrivelsen har været behæftet med væsentlige fejl, der har medført en væsentlig højere hammerslagspris, end BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 786 Bruun Rasmussen Kunstauktioner Jesper Bruun Rasmussen, Auktionsholder Jørgen Byriel, Auktionsleder KOMMISSIONER Bruun Rasmussen påtager sig at byde i kommission for bydere, der ikke kan være til stede ved auktionen. Det er en forudsætning, at kommissionen er Bruun Rasmussen i hænde 24 timer før auktionens start, så om nødvendigt bydernes kreditværdighed kan undersøges. Bruun Rasmussen påtager sig intet ansvar for eventuelle fejltagelser, der måtte opstå ved brug af denne service. Konditionsrapporter Bruun Rasmussen påtager sig, hvis det er muligt, at orientere nærmere om katalognumrenes kondition og tilstand. Dette er ment som en service for kunder, der ikke selv har mulighed for ved selvsyn at undersøge numrene på eftersynet. Det understreges, at de givne oplysninger ikke kan gøres til genstand for reklamationer; her henvises til katalogteksten. FRITAGELSE FOR DANSK FULDMOMS Købere skal ifølge § 2 betale fuldmoms af de varer der i kataloget er markeret med stjerne *. Når virksomheder, der er momsregistrerede i andre EU-lande, køber hos Bruun Rasmussen og videresælger til private, skal der ikke betales dansk moms, men moms i henhold til de regler der gælder, hvor den udenlandske virksomhed er momsregistreret. Det tilrådes at søge oplysning hos de lokale myndigheder. 415 con d ition s of p u r cha s e § 1. Bidding The buyer shall be the highest bidder at the “hammer price”. Any person bidding on behalf of a third party shall be liable in surety for completion of the sale. At the request of Bruun Rasmussen Kunstauktioner (hereinafter called Bruun Rasmussen), all bidders, whether they wish to make bids in person at the place of auction or commission bids by letter or fax or direct telephone bids, should be able to document their ability to pay and be able to provide proof of identity at any time. Bruun Rasmussen is entitled to refuse to accept a bid if, when requested, adequate security or adequate payment on account has not been rendered. Bids should be made by the bidder in person at the place of auction or by written commission. Telephone bidding is possible within certain conditions made out by Bruun Rasmussen. Bruun Rasmussen is not to be held responsible for any errors that may occur using this service. The auctioneer shall have absolute discretion as to the increment of the bids. The auctioneer will also make decisions in all cases of doubt regarding the bidding. § 2. Payment The purchase price is the hammer price plus 25% in buyer’s premium, including VAT, for lots sold subject to the special VAT scheme for sales of Works of Art, Collectors’ items and Antiques, and secondhand goods by Public Auction (hereinafter called Special VAT). Certain lots are sold in accordance with specific rules on normal VAT arrangement (hereinafter called normal VAT), so that the purchase price is the hammer price plus an additional 20% in buyer’s premium and VAT of 25% levied on both the hammer price and the buyer’s premium. The lots subject to Full VAT are indicated as such in the catalogue with an asterix (*). Danish VAT registered buyers shall provide us with documentation of their SE-/CVR-number (VAT No.) as this has to be quoted on the invoice for goods bought at full VAT. For some foreign buyers, specific VAT-exemption rules apply (cf. Article 3). VAT-exemption does not apply to private buyers from the EU who are considered as Danish buyers (cf. current Danish legislation on Special VAT Scheme for Sales of Works of Art, Collectors’ items and Antiques by Public Auction). The purchase price falls due for payment when the goods have been knocked down. Payment may be made in cash up to DKK 100,000, by Dankort, banker’s cheque, traveller’s cheque, Visa-, Master-, Diners Club- or Eurocard. Personal foreign cheques may only be used for payment by prior arrangement. Payment may be made during or immediately after the auction. Under all circumstances payment must be made no later than eight days from the date of the invoice. Should the purchase price not be paid by the due date, interest at 1.5 % per new month will be charged. If the purchase price and interest are not paid within eight days after Bruun Rasmussen has sent its demand to the buyer, Bruun Rasmussen shall be entitled to rescind the sale and resell the goods at a Bruun Rasmussen auction or privately, and to demand reimbursement of any related losses from the defaulting buyer. Any further profit on the sale shall be payable to the person who had deposited the goods for sale by auction. If the defaulting buyer is entitled to proceeds from a sale of goods by Bruun Rasmussen, Bruun Rasmussen shall be entitled to set off its receivables against its payables to the defaulting buyer. If the defaulting buyer has deposited other goods for sale, Bruun Rasmussen shall be entitled to sell such goods at a Bruun Rasmussen auction without being bound by the reserve stipulated by the defaulting buyer. The defautling buyer shall not be entitled to demand the surrender of goods deposited for sale as long as the debt payable to Bruun Rasmussen has not been discharged, regardless of whether the value of such goods may be deemed to exceed the debt payable. Bruun Rasmussen shall be entitled to refuse a bid made by a buyer who is in default in respect to his payment obligations 416 to Bruun Rasmussen, as well as a bid made by a third party on behalf of such a defaulting buyer. Bruun Rasmussen shall further be entitled to demand a deposit as a condition of accepting any future bids from such a purchaser. § 3. Exemption from VAT Foreign buyers who fulfil the conditions stated below shall pay 20% of the hammer price in buyer’s premium and shall not be subject to Danish taxes and duties: A. Buyers residing in another EU Member State: Buyers are exempt from paying Danish VAT as long as they have provided Bruun Rasmussen with documentation of their VAT registration. The VAT number will then be quoted on Bruun Rasmussen’s invoice. B. Buyers residing outside the EU: 1Dispatch through forwarding agent: Lots exported through a forwarding agent approved by Bruun Rasmussen are exempt from VAT. 2 Export as personal luggage: Goods may be exempt from Danish VAT when the buyer personally takes the goods out of the country as luggage, provided the following conditions have been met: The invoice must have been paid and the Danish duty of 25% of the invoice amount must have been deposited with Bruun Rasmussen. a Buyers residing in Norway will be refunded the Danish VAT as soon as the invoice of sale has been returned to Bruun Rasmussen endorsed by the customs authorities of the country in question or by any other authority with jurisdiction over matters of purchase tax with respect to official imports of goods into the country in question if the purchase price exceeds DKK 1,200. b Buyers residing in other countries outside the EU will be refunded the Danish VAT after the goods have been presented for customs clearance in connection with the departure of the buyer from the EU. 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Bid DKK Max +15% +25% 786 BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 786 k o m m en d e a u k tione r co m ing a u ction s bredgade books and manuscripts Preview: 16 - 21 april + 5 may Auction: 5 may wines Preview: 5 - 6 may Auction: 6 may weapons Preview: 16 - 21 april + 9 may Auction: 9 may modern art and design Preview: 4 - 9 june Auction: 10 - 13 june coins Preview: 7 - 9 + 16 - 17 june Auction: 17 june vejle art, antiques and design Prreview: 14 - 19 may Auction: 20 - 21 may online-auctions Havnen and Vejle are holding online auctions, taking place every week Monday: Antique furniture and carpets Tuesday: Modern art and design Wednesday: Paintings, 18th-19th century Thursday: Varia Futhermore online auctions are held on books, coins, stamps, weapons and wine. 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