Term One Newsletter - Lake Cathie Children`s Cottage


Term One Newsletter - Lake Cathie Children`s Cottage
Term One Newsletter
February to April 2014
Lake Cathie
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centre photos and
information updates!
Children’s Cottage
02 6586 3233
Centre Events and Information
Our centre Newsletter is distributed at the start of each school
term. With this, we are aiming to provide an informative summary
of news, events and important information. Additionally, regular
information updates will be available through our Facebook page,
parent pockets and the Daily News board in each room. We look
forward to beginning another fun filled year with new and returning
families. 
Upcoming Events
Sports Week
24th February – 28th February 2014
Children will have the opportunity to experiment and practice their
fundamental movement skills through various activities such as Tee-Ball,
Soccer, Football, Tennis, catching, kicking& throwing games and team
games. Is there a game or activity your child likes to play? Please share
your ideas with your child’s educator.
LCCC Incursion
Happy Beats – Adventure in Music
Tuesday 18th March
$6.00 per child
School Holidays
The Term One School holidays are
14th April – 25th April.
If your family requires Vacation
Care for School Aged children
please contact Denielle.
Places are limited.
does not operate during school
Upcoming Public Holidays
LCCC will be CLOSED on the
following days:
Friday 18th April – Good Friday
Public Holiday
Monday 21st April – Easter
Monday Public Holiday
Friday 25th April – ANZAC Day
Public Holiday
Our Aim
At Lake Cathie Children’s Cottage we aim to provide the children and families of our
community, the highest quality care and education in a hands-on, supportive, safe and
caring environment.
Our Philosophy
Respect &
1. We believe all children are unique individuals that require a
supportive and caring environment to grow, learn and develop to their
highest potentials. We aim to create a home like environment that
incorporates children’s home experiences into our program.
2. We believe children come from diverse family environments and we
will respect and support children and their families.
3. We believe families and Educators need to work together in
partnership to provide the highest level of care and education for
every child. Educators and parents will monitor children’s
development and support each child’s individual developmental
4. Children will be respected and given equal opportunities whilst in our
Safety &
5. We believe Educators are responsible for the safety and well being of
every child at our centre.
Curriculum &
Hands on Play
6. We believe children share their unique interests, strengths and needs,
and these will be used as the basis for our emerging curriculum. All
children will be given open opportunities to learn, explore, try,
connect and investigate with hands on play and supported learning
7. We will create open communication, which will allow families,
children and educators to feel comfortable discussing their needs.
With Families
Positive Team
8. We believe children feel secure within a structured routine. During
our daily routine we will support children’s learning and self
confidence through our interactions.
9. We believe Educators should be supported to undertake regular
training and development to stay up to date with current Early
Childhood practices.
10. We believe parents and the wider community should be encouraged
and given opportunities to share in and extend the children’s
11. Management and Educators will develop a positive staff team where
all staff feel valued and accepted in their workplace
Educational Philosophy
Lake Cathie Children’s Cottage supports every child’s holistic development, allowing them to achieve their
highest ability, in a fun, hands on environment. Educators follow an Emergent Curriculum that
encompasses interests, needs, strengths, community connections and family input to facilitate
experiences. Within this Emergent Curriculum, intentional teaching is used to scaffold learning and
Our approach to curriculum development is based on the Early Years Learning Framework which describes
the outcomes required to support and enhance young children’s learning from birth to five years of age.
Additionally, the Early Years Learning Framework guides educators in developing quality programs for
children as it describes the early childhood pedagogy (principles and practice) to underpin everyday
Portfolio of Learning and Development
Educators observe individual children monthly and gather information reflective of skill development,
interests and milestones. From this, the observations are typed in the form of learning stories, jottings and
art samples, and presented with photographs. These ‘observations’ form the digital Portfolio of Learning
and Development which each family will receive at the end of the year. The Portfolios are distributed on
CD with your child’s individual Visual Art Portfolio which presents a holistic picture of your child’s time
with us. Paper copies of your child’s Portfolio are also available upon request.
Room educators keep up to date records of observations, jottings and photographs. These are available for
viewing at any time. Please organise a time with your child’s Lead Educator if you are interested in viewing
your child’s portfolio.
We welcome all donations of old toys, books, clothes,
magazines, boxes, containers, old sewing scraps etc. Please
see room educators if you have items to donate.
Policy and Procedures 2014
Infectious Diseases Policy
Every child’s health and well being is monitored whilst in our care. Any suspected cases of Infectious
Diseases will be excluded until a Doctor’s Clearance is received.
Parents will be notified of any Infectious Disease present in the centre and exclusion periods will be
Any un-immunised child will be excluded if there is an outbreak of a vaccine preventable disease.
Children or staff whom the centre does not have a current/ complete immunisation record, will be
considered non-immunised and excluded.
Please provide your child’s UPDATED immunisation register on enrolment and as they receive updated
24 hours must pass from any case of vomiting or diarrhoea before your child returns to care.
Medication Administration
 24 hours must pass after your child’s 1st dose of prescribed medication before your child returns to
 If your child requires Medication whilst in care please pass the Medication to a staff member on
arrival to the centre.
 The Parent or Guardian MUST hand the medication to an educator on arrival each day.
***NO medication is to be left in a child’s bag or lunch box.
 Educators must ensure that the first dose has been administered by the parent/guardian.
 Educators must ensure the child has no known allergies to the medication.
 Educators must fill in the Medication Administration Register with the Parent/ Guardian to ensure
the medication is labelled with the correct information
Name of the medication
Expiry date of the medication
Time and date of the last dose
Child’s name and D.O.B
Required dose of medication and how it is to be administered
Time, date and frequency of administration of medication
The medication must be in its original container or bottle
Signed Authorisation from the Parent/guardian to administer medication as detailed
Prescription medication must be clearly labelled from a Pharmacist with the dosage and administration
details for the child. ***NO medication will be shared with another child or sibling.
Non-prescription medication must be in its original container, bearing the original label and instructions.
Non-prescription medication must be clearly labelled from a pharmacist. Non-prescription medication will
only be administered according to the instructions provided on the product.
Educators can refuse to hold or administer medications to any child if they do not comply with the
conditions above.
 A Medication Plan will be developed between management and families for any long term
medication required whilst in care.
Food and Nutrition
Good nutrition is essential to healthy living and enables children to be active participants in their play.
Lake Cathie Children’s Cottage recognises the importance of healthy eating to the growth and
development of young children and is committed to supporting the healthy food and drink choices of
children in our care.
The service is committed to implementing the healthy eating key messages outlined in Munch & Move and
Get Up and Grow and to supporting the National Healthy Eating Guidelines for Early Childhood Settings and
the Australian Dietary Guidelines for Children and Adolescents.
Educators encourage Healthy Eating habits whilst in care. Families are provided with Nutrition guidelines
and lunch box recommendations on enrolment.
Families are required to provide all meals for their children whilst in care:
 Fruit/Vegetable option for Morning Tea
 Lunch
 Afternoon Tea
 Drink Bottle (watered encouraged)
 Educators will monitor parent provided meals and will place reminder slips in the child’s lunch box
if a not-recommended item is packed
 Educators will not refuse food to children packed by their family, however, discussion will take
place about healthy eating choices
 Educators will ensure each child is provided with food and drinks that are nutritious, adequate in
quantity, varied, offered at frequent intervals and appropriate to the developmental needs of each
 Educators provide parents with information in regards to the child’s daily intake of food using Daily
Information Sheets.
Not Recommended Foods
Foods high in salt, fat and sugar are not recommended. Please use the table below as a guide when
choosing food and snacks for your child’s lunchbox.
<(less than) 600mg per 100mg
<(less than) 20g per 100mg
Saturated Fat
<(less than) 5g per 100mg
<(less than) 15mg per 100mg
Please ensure all lunchboxes, containers and drink bottles are clearly labelled.
If you have any questions regarding lunchbox choices or food information, please do not hesitate to talk our centre
educators…we are here to help 
Meet the Team 2014
Denielle Dietrich- Centre Director
Hi, my name is Denielle Dietrich and I am the very proud Director of Lake Cathie
Children’s Cottage. I hold a Bachelor of Education- Early Childhood and a Senior 1st
Aid Certificate. I have worked at the centre for 12 wonderful years after moving to
the Mid Nth Coast from Western Sydney. I have a beautiful family including, my
husband Steve and daughter Lelani, that fill my life with lots of love, laughter and
happiness. I am looking forward to another amazing year caring for, supporting and
educating your children. I will be available Monday to Friday from 8.30am. Please
don’t hesitate to call, email or pop in to see me at any time.
Joy McInally: Lead Educator – Early Childhood Teacher
I am married with 3 grown up children and 2 step children. I also have 13 beautiful
grandchildren that fill my days with smiles. I currently have my Diploma in Teaching
K-6 and taught in local schools for 30 years before deciding to move to Early
Childcare where I completed my Cert III in Children’s services and then my Diploma
in Children’s services. I have worked here for the past 5 years. Last year saw me
extend my interests by completing the Bachelor of Teaching-Early Childhood at
Curtin University W.A. I am very excited to be in the Koala Room and Wombat Room
and I look forward to meeting new families and friends to join our learning journey.
Sheila McDougall: Centre Assistant
Hi! I’m currently working towards my Certificate III in Children’s Services and this is my second year working at LCCC.
I am Canadian born and raised and moved here with my partner Chris 8 ½ years ago. We have lived in Bonny Hills the
last 7 years. Both my children are in attendance here as well, Aurora is a BIG Koala this year and Flynn is a Joey now!
I have worked with children many times before including the Great Aussie Bush Camp (‘The Rock’ near Tea Gardens).
I have many interests in the outdoor world but at the moment, my focus is my kids and our Landscaping business
outside of work. I look forward to getting to know your children even better, and having fun playing and learning
Louise Love: Centre Assistant
I live in Bonny Hills with my 2 year old daughter, Sienna, and our 7 year old pug dog Kostya. I moved to Bonny Hills 3
years ago from Manly NSW. I taught Yoga in Sydney Northern Beaches for over 15 years. I have recently attained my
Certificate III in Children’s Services and later in the year I will begin my Diploma of Children’s Services. I am very
much a people person and enjoy interaction with others and always have an avid interest into their wellbeing. As a
mother and educator I gain great satisfaction from being part of a child’s learning experiences and physical and
mental development.
Simone Hamilton: Casual Educator
Hello! I am a casual Educator at Lake Cathie Children’s Cottage. I am currently studying the Certificate III in Children’s
Services and I am almost there! For 35yrs I have been an enrolled nurse working in all areas. I have twin boys, now
26yrs of age and living life to the full. I have found my new calling with caring for children and love it. My interests
are gardening and catching a good movie, and most of all spending time with my family.
Possum Room
Meet the Possum Room Educators…
Kylie Saville: Lead Educator
Hi, my name is Kylie Saville. I have my Diploma in Children’s Services and current First
Aid Certificates and have worked here for 8 years now. I live at Coopernook with my
wonderful husband Michael and our 2 children, Imogen who is 6 and Zander who is
almost 4! My family is everything and I try to spend as much time as I can with them.
I love being creative, doing craft activities and listening to music. I am looking forward
to spending another year with the little Possums. This year I am taking on a new
challenge and studying my Bachelor of Teaching, I will be working Mon, Wed and Fri
and will be using my Tues and Thurs for studying!
Suz Burtenshaw: Lead Educator
Hi, my name is Suz Burtenshaw. I am originally from New Zealand and moved to Lake
Cathie 3 years ago I have been fortunate enough to live in a few places; I've lived in LA,
London, Wales, Scotland and Sydney. My baby is my puppy called Coco Pops, she is a
chocolate Cavoodle and she is very spoilt. I have completed my Certificate III in
Children’s Services and am currently studying my Diploma. I am looking forward to
spending more time in the Possum Room this year. I will be working 5 days.
Possum Room Flexible Daily Routine
7:30am – Centre opens
7:30-9:00am – Indoor play in Possum room
Siblings and mixed age groups join together from 7:30-8:00am before the older rooms separate. Children are
supported by educators during separation from parents/guardians. Educators are engaged in play and a range of
activities are offered to extend and support children across all areas of development.
9:00-9:30am – Morning Tea
Children wash hands and are offered fruit from their lunchbox and their drink
9:30-10:30am – Outdoor Play
Hats and sunscreen are put on with assistance from educators. Children are given opportunities to interact in
individual and small group play outside. Activities are programmed to support the interests, strengths and abilities of
each child.
10:30-11:00am- Nappy Changes
Nappy changes take place while other children continue outdoor play
11:00am – 11:10am – Group Time
Children gather in a small group and enjoy music and movement, story time or other group activities
11:10-11.30am – Lunch
Children wash hands and enjoy their individual packed lunches from their lunchbox and their drink. Educators
engage in conversation with children during mealtime
11:30-1:30pm – Rest/Quiet Time
Children are given the opportunity for a sleep or rest on their beds. Children who choose not to sleep or wake early
are offered quiet activities for the rest of the period
1:30-2:00pm – Nappy Changes & Outdoor Preparation
Nappy changes occur and shoes, hats and sunscreen are placed on children in preparation for outdoor play
2:00-3:00pm – Afternoon Tea & Indoor Play
Children wash hands and are offered a snack from their lunchbox and their drink then engage in indoor play
3:00pm-4:00pm Outdoor play
Children are given opportunities to interact in individual and small group play outside. Activities are programmed to
support the interests, strengths and abilities of each child. Educators discuss children’s day with parent/guardian and
farewell children
4:00-5:30pm – Indoor play, Nappy Changes & Late Afternoon Tea
Siblings and mixed age groups join together for play in the Possum room. Late afternoon tea is offered.
5:30pm – Centre Closes
We also cater for individual children’s routines which mirror children’s home routines and discussed with
families on a regular basis and adjusted as needed
Possum Room Broad Goals
Children Have a Strong Sense of Identity
Each child is given the opportunity to:
Interact with others learning empathy, respect and care
Develop a settled pattern for their own routine
Be open to new challenges and discoveries
Feel safe, secure and supported in the environment
Children are Connected With and Contribute to Their World
Each Child is given the opportunity to:
5. Broaden their understanding of their world through play opportunities
6. Exploring and manipulating objects to find interesting and predictable results
Children Have a Strong Sense of Wellbeing
Each child is given the opportunity to:
7. Develop social skills and engage in meaningful learning relationships
8. Engage in increasingly complex sensory motor skills eg. crawling, walking, running, climbing, grabbing,
9. Develop and show emotions
Children are Confident and Involved Learners
Each child is given the opportunity to:
Engage with educators and form bonds
Develop the ability to imitate others
Learn through sensory play
Persist and learn new skills through play and individual development eg. grasping, sitting, crawling
Explore and show curiosity in their environment
Problem solve, experiment and investigate activities
Children are Effective Communicators
Each child is given the opportunity to:
Make sounds, noises and form words from their language
Use verbal and non-verbal communication
Engage in conversations, songs and non verbal gestures with educators
Name objects and use 2 word sentences
Joey Room
Meet the Joey Room Educators…
Donna Salt: Lead Educator
Hi, my name is Donna Salt. I have been working in the early childhood industry for
about 10 years, and hold my Diploma in Children's Services. I grew up in the Camden
Haven area, and currently live at Kendall with my husband in the house we built in
2010. I enjoy listening to music and going to see live bands, yoga, fishing, 4WDing,
camping, reading and relaxing with friends. I am inspired by the world around me, and
aim to bring my love of nature into the teaching experiences I offer your children. I am
very excited to be spending 2014 in the Joey Room once again, and look forward to lots of fun and adventures :)
Bec Blackhall: Educator
Hi, my name is Rebecca Blackhall. I have lived in Lake Cathie for 7 years with my
Husband, Mark, and our daughters Hailey, Nardia, Kate and Charlotte. Prior to being
employed at Lake Cathie Children's Cottage I ran my own Family Day Care Business. I
made the change to Lake Cathie Children’s Cottage, as my children started
school/preschool. In my free time I enjoy reading, swimming and going on family
holidays. I will now be going into my 3rd year in the Joey room (My 2nd year assisting
Miss Donna) and I am looking foward to being a part of their experiences and
watching them learn and grow.
Joey Room Routine (Summer)
7:30am: Centre opens
7:30 – 8:00am: Indoor play in Possum Room
Siblings and mixed age groups join together for play in the Possum Room. Children are supported by staff
during separation from parents/guardians
8:00 – 9:30am: Outdoor Play in Back Yard
Children are supported by staff to separate from parents/guardians. Children and staff engage in
structured and spontaneous play in mixed age groups, which extends children’s abilities across all areas of
9:30am: Transition indoors for Morning Tea & Indoor Play
Children gather together on the veranda and transition indoors via the bathroom, where they wash hands
and use the toilet (if needed) in preparation for morning tea. Children then sit at the tables to eat parent
provided fruit snack. Children are also offered milk or water, as well as their own drink bottles, during this
9:45 – 11:10am: Indoor Play & Nappy Changes/Toileting
Children engage in either structured/planned experiences or enjoy spontaneous or free-play opportunities
with educators and their peers.
Activities are programmed to support the needs, interests and strengths of each child.
Nappy changes and toileting also occur from 11:00am (scheduled change time) or on a “need” basis.
11:10am: Pack Away Time
Children are encouraged and supported to pack away the activities and toys they have been playing with
before transitioning to the mat for group time.
11:15-11:30am: Group Time
Children gather as a group on the mat and engage in stories, music & movement activities, stretching &
yoga play, group games and language activities.
Children then transition to the bathroom for hand washing and then move to the lunch tables.
11:30 – 11:55am: Lunch
Children enjoy parent provided lunches at the table with their peers. They are offered their own drink
bottles or water in a cup, and select a snack from their lunchbox to place in the afternoon tea basket.
Children have the opportunity to engage in conversations with their peers and educators during this time.
Children then transition to the bathroom for toileting, putting on rest nappies (if required) and handwashing before moving to their beds for rest time.
12:00pm-2:00pm: Rest Time
Children are supported to rest &/or sleep on their beds during this time, with the assistance of their
educators and gentle relaxation music. Children who are on sleep time limits or those who choose not to
sleep, are offered quiet activities as an alternative.
2:00-2:40pm: Indoor Play, Nappy Changes, Toileting, Hats/Shoes/Sunscreen On
Children have their nappies changes or are encouraged to use the toilet. Beds are cleaned and sheets are
packed away. Children gather on the mat and hats, shoes and sunscreen are put on, with educator
assistance (if required).
2:40-3:00pm: Afternoon Tea
Children enjoy self-selected snacks from their individual lunch boxes, along with their drink bottles. They
then gather on the mat to enjoy a song or story to transition outdoors for afternoon play.
3:00-5:00pm: Outdoor Play in Back Yard
Children and staff engage in structured and spontaneous or free play in mixed age groups, to extend
children’s learning across all areas of development. Staff farewell children as their parents/guardians
collect them and discuss any important information regarding their child’s day.
4:45-5:00pm: Late Afternoon Tea
Children join together and are offered a fruit & cheese platter (centre provided), along with their own drink
bottle or water. Children then transition indoors for free play until the centre closes.
5:30pm: Centre Closes
Joey Room Broad Goals: 2-3 years
EYLF Outcome 1: Children have a strong sense of identity
Each child will work towards:
1. Using their home language to construct meaning e.g. through asking questions, using two or three words
2. Communicating their needs for comfort and assistance
3. Openly expressing their feelings and ideas in their interactions with others
EYLF Outcome 2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world
Each child will work towards:
4. Cooperating with others and negotiating roles and relationships through play and group experiences with
other children
5. Building on their own social experiences to explore other ways of being through simple make believe play
6. Discovering and exploring some connections amongst people through making preferences of same gender
playmates and toys
EYLF Outcome 3: Children have a strong sense of wellbeing
Each child will work towards:
7. Increasing gross motor skills through active, physical play e.g. walking, running, climbing and jumping with
8. Increasing hand-eye coordination and spatial awareness through ball play e.g. catch and throw games and
ball kicking
9. Increasing balance, fine and gross motor movement through dance and creative movement
10. Developing fine motor abilities through manipulating equipment and managing tools with increasing
competence and skill e.g. holding a crayon with fingers and using a pencil to draw/scribble in circles
11. Developing self-help skills through recognizing and communicating their bodily needs and showing
increasing independence and competence in personal hygiene, care and safety of themselves and others
12. Remaining accessible to others at times of distress, confusion and frustration
EYLF Outcome 5: Children are effective communicators
Each child will work towards:
13. Beginning to sort, categorise, order and compare through play e.g. building towers, lining up objects
14. Responding to printed, visual and multimedia texts with relevant gestures, actions, comments and questions
15. Increasing their understanding of measurement and numbers, using vocabulary to describe size, length,
volume, capacity and names of numbers
16. Actively using, engaging with and sharing the enjoyment of language and texts in a range of ways e.g. books,
songs, role-play
17. Showing increasing knowledge, understanding and skill in conveying meaning in at least one language e.g.
following two or more directions; recognizing similarities and differences
Wombat Room
Meet the Wombat Room Educators…
Ange Connerty: Lead Educator
Hi my name is Ange Connerty, I am the Lead educator in the Wombat room for
2014. I have worked at Lake Cathie Children’s Cottage for the past 4 years, during
this time I have enjoyed educating and caring for the children in the Wombat and
Possum rooms.
I have completed my Certificate III and Diploma of Children’s Services. I am also
trained in First Aid, Asthma and Anaphylaxis.
Growing up as a child I was lucky enough to live in central west NSW spending lots
of time on the family farms. I love the country life and get back to Orange as often as we can to visit my parents and
extended family. My husband Brett and I made the sea change several years ago to Port Macquarie, and never
looked back, as we live in such a wonderful piece of the world.
Brett and I have two children Bayden and Marli (who are growing up way too fast) This year is a very exciting year for
our little family. Our daughter Marli is starting kindergarten this year and we are eagerly awaiting our new home to
be completed in the coming months. Brett and I are adjusting to having 2 bigger children now and can’t wait to enjoy
everything 2014 brings our way.
Cassie Lucas: Educator
Hi my name is Cassie Lucas. I have lived locally most of my life. I am married with
3 beautiful girls – my twins Jayden and Oakley and my youngest, Kealey. I enjoy
reading, music, art and spending time with my family.
This is my 4th year at the centre and I am currently studying my Diploma in
Children’s Services which I hope to complete this year. I am excited to be in the
wombat room this year and look forward to getting to know all the children and
their families.
Ashleigh Eade: Centre Assistant – Possum, Joey and Wombat
Hi my name is Ashleigh; I have completed my Certificate III in Children's Services and have been lucky
enough to secure casual work at Lake Cathie Children's Cottage. I have recently moved back home from 3
years in Sydney where I did my Traineeship in Childcare and absolutely loved it! I love watching children
grow and learn as each day is different. I enjoy surfing and travelling.
I look forward to meeting parents and helping their children feel as if they are in a home away from home.
A friendly reminder Please
Don’t slam the gate!
Our internal hallway gate is next to our Cot
Room – please be careful when shutting
the gate as babies are sleeping at all
times of the day 
Open Door Policy
Do you have a talent or hobby you would like to
share with us? Would you like to come in and
share play time with us? You are more than
welcome to come and join the fun in the rooms. If
you would like to organise a time, please see room
educators. 
Wombat Room Rhythm of the Day
Wombat Room – Rhythm of the Day Winter Cycle: April-September
9:10- 9:20am
9:20am - 9:30am
Family Grouping in the Possum Room
Emergent Play: Children participate in emergent play opportunities that
extend from interests, observations and learning extensions.
Pack Away: After a 5 minute warning, children are supported by
educators to work together to pack away activities.
Toilet: Children take the opportunity to go to the toilet and wash their
Morning Tea: Children gather at the tables for a snack of fruit from their
lunch boxes and drink break.
Group Time: Belonging- Talking Circle-Children and educator gather on
the mat for children to share news with peers.
Table Tope Activities: these activities extend from current
learning/interest area.
Outdoor Play in the Big Yard
Transition Indoors – After a 5 minute warning, children take the
opportunity to go to the toilet and wash their hands
Group Time: Language and Literacy- exploring alphabet, numbers,
shapes, colours through a variety of experiences including music and
movement, stories, songs and games.
Lunch: Children gather at tables with Educators for their lunch from
their lunch boxes and drink break.
Toileting: Children take the opportunity to go to the toilet and wash
their hands before rest and relaxation.
Rest and Relaxation Time: all children are offered rest/sleep
opportunities based on individual needs. Children who choose not to
sleep are offered quiet activities to enjoy during this time.
Children gather hats, shoes and apply sunscreen. Children take the
opportunity to go to the toilet and wash their hands before afternoon
Afternoon Tea: Children gather at tables with Educators for a snack from
their lunch boxes and drink break.
Outdoor Play in the Big Yard – Emergent Play
Family Grouping in the Possum Room/Yard
Late Afternoon Tea (Centre Provided)
Centre Closes
Wombat Room – Rhythm of the Day Summer Cycle: September-April
9:10- 9:20am
9:20am - 9:30am
Family Grouping in the Possum Room
Outdoor Play in the Big Yard – Emergent Play
Pack Away: After a 5 minute warning, children are supported by
educators to work together to pack away activities.
Transition indoors: After a 5 minute warning, children take the
opportunity to go to the toilet and wash their hands before transitioning
into the Wombat Room.
Morning Tea: Children gather at the tables for a snack of fruit from their
lunch boxes and drink break.
Group Time: Belonging- Talking Circle-Children and educator gather on
the mat for children to share news with peers.
Emergent Play: Children participate in emergent play opportunities that
extend from interests, observations and learning extensions.
Pack Away: After a 5 minute warning, children are supported by
educators to work together to pack away activities.
Group Time: Language and Literacy- exploring alphabet, numbers,
shapes, colours through a variety of experiences including music and
movement, stories, songs and games.
Table Tope Activities: these activities extend from current
learning/interest area.
Toileting: Children take the opportunity to go to the toilet and wash
their hands before rest and relaxation.
Rest and Relaxation Time: all children are offered rest/sleep
opportunities based on individual needs. Children who choose not to
sleep are offered quiet activities to enjoy during this time.
Children gather hats, shoes and apply sunscreen. Children take the
opportunity to go to the toilet and wash their hands before afternoon
Afternoon Tea: Children gather at tables with Educators for a snack from
their lunch boxes and drink break.
Outdoor Play in the Big Yard – Emergent Play
Family Groupings in the Possum Room/Yard
Late Afternoon Tea (Centre Provided)
Centre Closes
Koala Room
Meet the Koala Room Educators…
Bec Thibault: Lead Educator
I have a Diploma of Children’s Services and Bachelor of Teaching (Early Childhood). I
have worked here for 8 years – beginning my career in the Possum room, this will be
my 4th year with the Preschool age group. I have lived in the Camden Haven area
most of my life, and after buying a house 3 years ago, I am now settled in the little
town of Kew. I have a strong interest in creative arts, travel and films and look
forward to incorporating these experiences in my teaching. I look forward to
meeting new families and friends this year, and continuing the Preschool journey
Nerida Wilkinson: Educator
I hold a Certificate III in Children’s Services. I have worked for the centre for almost 8
years, starting out as a Trainee. I live in Port Macquarie, am happily married to Roy,
and have three children…Blaney, 20, Keelan, 17 and Paige, 10. In my spare time I like
to catch up with friends, go to the occasional soccer game, read and have a coffee or
two and somewhere in there, find time to relax!
Maree Bartrim: Educator
I am an assistant in the Koala Room working Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and I am affectionately
known as Ree. I hold a Certificate III in Children’s Services and I’ve worked at the Centre for ten years.
I live in Laurieton with my husband Ken, where we have our own plumbing
business. Our 3 children are all grown up – My eldest Clint, is 34 and lives in
Anna Bay. Kirralee, 25, lives at Butzbach Germany and Josh 22, who is moving
to Port Macquarie early this year leaving us ‘empty nesters’. Ken and I both
love travelling and exploring ‘new places’ and meeting new people. We have
another trip to Vietnam and Europe planned for 2015, where we will catch up
with people we have met on our travels and our beautiful Kirralee and her
Lucy McInally: Educator
Hi, my name is Lucy McInally. I live here in Lake Cathie. I have worked at Lake Cathie
Children's Cottage for 4 years. I have a 2 year old son who also attends Lake Cathie
Children's Cottage, and his name is Deklyn. I am engaged to my partner Luke but have
no plans for the wedding yet. I have recently completed my Certificate III in Children’s
Services and hoping to start my Diploma in the near future. I look forward to meeting
you all!
Koala Room – Rhythm of the Day
Winter Cycle: April-September
Family Grouping in the Possum Room
Transition to Koala Room
Children participate in open play opportunities that extend from
interests, observations and learning extensions.
After a 5 minute warning, children are encouraged and supported
to pack-away equipment, games and play experiences.
Morning Meeting Time – Language and Literacy
Incorporates Days of the Week, Speaking and Listening
Presentations, Who is Here Today?
Children apply own sunscreen, wash hands and gather at the tables
for Fruit and drink break.
Outdoor Play
Group games/sport /Movement activities. Children transition
Music/Movement and Language Group Time – this group time is an
opportunity to focus on interest learning areas and project work.
Wash hands; Lunch
Relaxation & Rest time – all children are offered rest/sleep
opportunities based on individual needs
Table Activities; these activities extend from current
learning/interest area.
Pack Away belongings, gather hats, shoes and apply sunscreen
Afternoon Tea and Outdoor Play
Family Grouping in the Possum Room
Late Afternoon Tea (Centre Provided)
Centre Closes
Koala Room - Rhythm of the Day
Summer Cycle: September –April
Family Grouping in the Possum Room
Outdoor Play
Transition inside.
Morning Meeting Time – Language and Literacy
Incorporates Days of the Week, Speaking and Listening Presentations,
Who is Here Today?
Children wash hands and have their Fruit and Drink Break.
Children participate in emergent play opportunities that extend from
interests, observations and learning extensions.
After a 5 minute warning, children are encouraged and supported to
pack-away equipment, games and play experiences.
Music/Movement and Language Group Time – this group time is an
opportunity to focus on interest learning areas and project work.
Wash hands; Lunch; Toileting
Relaxation & Rest time – all children are offered rest/sleep opportunities
based on individual needs
Table Activities; these activities extend from current learning/interest
Pack Away belongings, gather hats, shoes and apply sunscreen
Afternoon Tea and Outdoor Play
Late Afternoon Tea (Centre Provided)
Family Grouping in the Possum Room/Yard
Centre Closes
Wombat & Koala Room Broad Goals (3-5years)
Children have a Strong Sense of Identity
Each child will have the opportunity to:
1. Communicate and collaborate with others
2. Listen to, reflect, compare and extend on the ideas of others
3. Relate and communicate positively to others and recognise the feelings of others
4. Accept responsibility for own actions and belongings
5. Develop confidence and self esteem
6. Practice self-help skills and develop their emerging autonomy
Children are Connected With and Contribute to their World
Each child will have the opportunity to:
7. Appreciate and explore diversity of cultural perspectives
8. Identify, recognise and discuss the different roles of people within our community
9. Communicate own family and cultural values, attitudes and respect those of others
10. Develop respect for peers and needs of others
Children have a Strong Sense of Wellbeing
Each child will have the opportunity to:
11. Demonstrate trust and confidence
12. Develop sense of belonging, connectedness and wellbeing
13. Be responsible for their own learning environments and learn through making choices
14. Develop understanding of health, nutrition, personal hygiene practices and self-help skills
15. Develop fine and gross motor skills through active participation and variety of skill based experiences
16. Participate in experiences that extend and develop non-loco motor and locomotor skills
Children are Confident and Involved Learners
Children will have the opportunity to:
17. Unleash their inquisitive mind through cooperation, creativity, persistence, experimentation and imaginative
18. Extend own learning through connecting with people, places, technologies and a variety of materials both
natural and man-made
19. Develop problem solving skills through trial and error, cause and effect and enquiry
Children are Effective Communicators
Children will have the opportunity to:
20. Develop skills to communicate wants, needs and ideas in a positive way using verbal and non-verbal
21. Communicate and collaborate to establish roles, rules and relationships within the social setting
22. Interact and engage with a range of texts through printed, visual and multimedia texts
23. Engages in creative experiences such as drawing, painting, dancing to explore ideas and develop
understandings of the world around us
24. Interact and engage with a variety of technologies to extend learning and understandings
Upcoming Event
Koala Room Excursion
Alphabet Adventure Day at Port Macquarie Adventist School
Wednesday 2nd April 2014
We will travel by BIG Bus to the Adventist School and participate in 26 alphabet
themed activities 
More details to come!