hp m22 photosmart rf
hp m22 photosmart rf
SCANNED a COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (Nt WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE 436 Dwight Street * Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 - (413) 784-1100 DEVAL L. PATRICK Governor IAN A. BOWLES Secretary TIMOTHY P. MURRAY Lieutenant Governor LAURIE BURT Commissioner February 20, 2009 - Mr. Caleb Mitchell, Conservation Agent Pittsfield Conservation Commission 70 Allen Street, Room 200 Pittsfield, Massachusetts 01201 Re: Pittsfield - RTN 1-00478 City of Pittsfield's Submittal of a Notice of Intent Former Bel Air Mill 370 Wahconah Street Letter of Support Dear Mr. Mitchell: On behalf of the City of Pittsfield and Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC), the Department of Environmental Protection (the Department) is submitting this "Letter of Support" of the removal activities that will involve the temporary installation of an access bridge and off-site transport of building debris that exists in the riverfront area of the West Branch of the Housatonic River. The above referenced subject property consists of a seven-acre parcel located alongside the West Branch of the Housatonic River. The property was used as a textile mill historically, but has seen various other uses throughout the years. The property has been abandoned and post-2001, two separate fires reduced the mill to a massive debris pile consisting of brick, timber, steel frames, and miscellaneous debris. An environmental assessment (in accordance with the American Society for Testing and Materials) was funded by the Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) Brownfields Assessment program, and completed on April 26, 2006. The assessment revealed potential groundwater and soil contamination associated with a historical release from improper disposal of paint thinner, several 55-gallon drums of unknown contents, abandoned 200 to 300-gallon aboveground storage tanks, and automotives. In October 2006 and April 2007,-Weston Solutions, Inc. (on behalf of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) performed a site reconnaissance and collected 62 debris and surface soil samples. Elevated levels of lead and arsenic were detected in surficial soil. The elevated lead and arsenic levels pose a potential Imminent Hazard as defined by the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP). Additional subsurface soil explorations are needed to further define the extent of contamination. However, it is not possible to conduct any further subsurface soil explorations due to the amount of building debris covering the site. Debris removal at the site is challenging due to the proximity of the Housatonic River, only one inadequate concrete bridge for site access. The City has retained a contractor to prepare plans and install a temporary bridge for safe removal of the debris. The City has prepared a Notice of Intent (NOI) for work associated with the bridge construction and debris removal, both of which lie within the riparian buffer zone. DEP on the World Wide Web: http://ww.mass.gov/dep Printed on Recycled Paper - Q ld cr kOO4 78; FormerBel Air Mills Page 2 of2 RTN - Again, the Department supports this project including removal and cleanup of the on-site surface debris in accordance with the MCP and local regulations. If you have further questions, please contact Caprice Shaw at (413) 755-2222. Sin ri y, Richad M.Gken' Section Chief Site Management/ Permits Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup ! I Wannalnctt Mils 6o Suffolk Sbs Sute 200 LcwtI, MA 01854 978910.5600 MONE 978.453,1995 rut www.TRCsduUscwm TRC Reference No.: 109386-000010-020002 February 11, 2009 Caleb Mitchell, Conservation Agent Pittsfield Conservation Commission 70 Allen Street, Room 200 Pittsfield, MA 01201 RE: Submittal of a Notice of Intent for the Former Bel Air Mills Property 370 Wahconah Street, Pittsfield, Massachusetts Dear Mr. Mitchell, On behalf of the City of Pittsfield and the Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC), TRC Environmental Corporation is pleased to submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) to the Pittsfield Conservation Commission pursuant to the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act (MWPA), Massachusetts General Law (MGL) Chapter 131, Section 40. The NOI submittal includes activities associated with proposed building debris removal activities, and Phase II Environmental Site Investigation activities at the Former Bel Air Mills Property (the "Site"), located at 370 Wahconah Street in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. On-Site surface cleanup and removal activities will take place within the Buffer Zone of the West Housatonic River, which flows along the western border of the Site. The Riverfront Area in the vicinity of the Site extends two hundred (200) feet from the bank of the West Housatonic River. Please find the following items enclosed as supporting documentation to this NOI submittal: * A Site Location Map is provided as Figure 1. * A Site Plan, illustrating the locations of the building debris, proposed Phase 11 sampling locations, and applicable Resource, Areas, is provided as Figure 2. * A Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) Priority Resource Map is provided as Figure 3. * A complete copy of the WPA - Form 3 - Notice of Intent is included as Attachment A " A copy of the Notification letter which will be sent to the abutters located within 100 feet of the subject property and a list of abutters are provided as Attachment B. " Photographs of the West Branch of the Housatonic River located adjacent to the Site and of the building debris on the Site are provided as Attachment C. * A copy of the specification details associated with the temporary bridge design is included as Attachment D. Please note that this application is exempt from filing fees, as the City of Pittsfield is the applicant of this NOI submittal. Historically, the Site has featured a large mill building situated above the eastern bank of the West Housatonic River. The building has since been destroyed by two fires (200,1 & 2005), leaving a pile of rubble and debris where it once stood. Currently, access to the Site is provided by a small bridge, constructed of concrete and metal, which spans the West Housatonic River at the northwestern corner of the Site (Figure 2). No documentation detailing the intended design load of this bridge has been made available. It is estimated that 25,000 square feet of surface debris, resulting from the 1uilding fires, currently exists in the Riverfront Area. Cleanup activities on-Site will involve segregating the former building debris into brick, metal, and construction/miscellaneous onstituents. It is expected that brick debris will total approximately 1,125 cubic yards. Clean mejal debris will be segregated for off-Site recycling. It is estimated that the construction/miscellaneous debris will total approximately 200 tons, and include some brick and metal scraps, as well as wood and paper. It is anticipated that-no debris will be stockpiled on-Site, and that the building material will be live-loaded into twenty five (25) cubic yard rolloff containers for removal. All cleanup activities are expected to be performed above existing grade; soil excavation is not anticipated. Large areas of bareexposed soil present following cleanup activities will be seeded, where warranted. Removal activities will involve the off-Site transport of the rolloff containers using appropriatelysized trucks. Due to the uncertainty of how the small 'acess bridge will perform under these circumstances, it is proposed that a stronger, temporary bridge be constructed over the existing bridge. This bridge is expected to remain in the footprintof the existing bridge as closely as possible, as it will be constructed completely within the existing access road. Because the temporary bridge will span over the existing bridge, no impacts to the bank of the river and no vegetation removal is anticipated. After the debris has been removed from the Site, TRC intends to conduct Site investigation activities to: 1) Supplement surface soil analytical data reporte:d for the Site by Weston Solutions, 2) Delineate the vertical extent of contaminant conc ntrations reported for the Site by Weston Solutions, 3) Ensure adequate spatial coverage for Site soil assessments, and 4) Assess the shallow groundwater quality and flow direction at the Site. TRC intends to advance up to nine (9) soil borings at the Site, all of which are located within ths riverfront area. Soil borings are expected to be no greater than twelve (12) inches in diameter, and extend to a depth of up to twenty (20) feet below ground surface (bgs). Where possible, all soil removed during adva ncement will be backfilled into the bore holes after field observations are completed. Three (3) of the borings will be completed as shallow groundwater monitoring wells. The closest boring is anticipated to be installed approxin ately 25 feet from the West Branch of the Housatonic River. [0NRac 0 10 During on-Site activities, several precautionary measures will be taken to protect on-Site workers, as well as environmental resource areas. Site work will be conducted in accordance with a Site Health and Safety Plan. Erosion control measures include the installation of temporary silt fencing along the eastern side of the West Branch of the Housatonic River, to prevent potential sedimentation due to surface runoff from the cleanup and removal areas. TRC personnel will monitor on-Site activities for the generation of fugitive dust, and dust suppression measures will be implemented when necessary. During previous Site investigations, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has identified a small area of soil on Site containing elevated levels of arsenic. During cleanup and removal activities, this area will be barricaded to prevent access to contaminated soils, and the soils will not be disturbed. This project has received oral approval from both the EPA and MassDEP. No portion of the Site lies within Estimated Habitat or Primary Habitat of Rare Wildlife. Cleanup and removal of the on-Site surface debris are necessary to restore the Site to acceptable conditions, and the duration is expected to be approximately ten (10) working days. The duration of Site investigation activities is expected to be approximately four (4) working days. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the submittal of this NOI, please do not hesitate to contact Thomas Biolsi at (978) 656-3502. Sincerely, TRC ENVIRONMENTAL CORPORATION Thomas W. Biolsi, PG Project Manager Attachments cc: T. Hanna, City of Pittsfield M. Provencher, BRPC J. Byrne, EPA C. Shaw, MassDEP Project File - 109386 0 TRC 14 N Approximate Site Boundary 0 - 1,000 -Feet Base map: USGS 7.5 Minute Topographic Quadrangles Wir *lancatml Sffolk Street 650 Lomell, MA 01115,1 TR 978-970-S&WO SITE LOCATION MAP 2.000 370 WAHCONAH STREET PITTSFIELD, MA FIGURE 1 I FEBRUARY 2009 /I k T7e40 Xporary 13.37 Bridge p 1, /- x1mat Approximate Site Boundary pro ary /j at -[SmallGarage I 0i A' 200' River Front Area Line .4 a' I Proposed Soil Boring and Monitoring Well Location 0 It Proposed Soil Boring Location X-Proposed Erosion Control 200' River Front Area Line [ 1Temporary Bridge 40' X 13.3' N * * 1 1iRiver Boundary 100 year Floodplain Boundary Approximate Site Boundary Not Part of Site 0 11= 50 KZ0EZZ = SITE PLAN -ia 100 Feet 370 WAHCONAH STREET PITTSFIELD, MA FIGURE 2 'S i 0 ' 'I 500 FEET & 0.5 MILE RADII Roads Limited Access, Multi-Lane, Major/Minor. Track Trail i Railroad, Pipline, Poierline -+---Iz Major Basin, Sub Basin, Perennial Stream, Intermittent Stream, - - wanact T RC Mills 650 Suffo street L..11f, MA 01854 978-970-560(l Shoreline, Man made Shore. Dam, Aqueduct Weland, SaltWetland, Submerged Wetland, Open Water, Reservoir, Tidal Flat/Shoal Potentially Productive Aquifers Medium, High Yield -t Non-Potential Drinking Water Source Area: Medium, High Yield MA DEP SITE SCORING MAP 370 WAHCONAH STREET PITTSFIELD, MA EPA Sole Source Aquifer, FEMA 100 Yr. Floodplain, DEP Solid Waste Facility Approved Zone ll, IWPA, Surface Water Supply ZoneA Protected Open Space, ACEC U]]] Priority Habitat 2008, Certified Vernal Pool 2008 Boundaries: County and Town I FlGURE 3 l~~]fl 5 17] = 0 Public Water Supplies: Ground. Surface. Non-Community (NTNC. TNC) ® Fe5r1,00 @® @ Source: MassGISIEOEA 1.500 ATTACHMENT A WPA Form 3 - Notice of Intent UMassachusett Provifedb yMassDEP:.7 Department of Envi ronmenital Proteto Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands 'MassDEPFile Number WPA Form 3 - Notice of Intent Docuniit TransadtidrfNuraber Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act MG.L. c. 131, §40 Pittsfield City/Town Important: When filling out forms on the computer, use only the tab key to move your cursor - do not use the return key. A. General Information 1. Project Location (Note: electronic filers will click on button to locate project site): 370 Wahconah Street Pittsfield a. Street Address b. City/Town Latitude and Longitude: 01201 . c. Zip Code 42.4692 -73.2488 d. Latitude e. Longitude Map H12 Block 0012, LotiOl f. Assessors Map/Plat Number g. Parcel /Lot Number, 2. Applicant: Note: Before completing this form consult your local Conservation Commission regarding any municipal bylaw or ordinance. Tory Hanna a. First Name b. Last Name Citv Of Pittsfield: Department of Community Development c. Organization 70 Allen Street d.Street Address Pittsfield MA 01201 e. City/Town f State g. Zip Code 413-448-9673 413- 442-5661 thanna@pittsfieldch com h. Phone Number i. Fax Number j Email Address Property owner (required if different from applicant): [l Check if mnore than one owner J. Barrett Hollister a. First Name b. Last Name c. Organization 51 Holmes Road d.Street Address Pittsfield MA 01201 e. City/Town f. State g. Zip Code 413-447-7522 h. Phone Number i. Fax Number j Email address Representative (if any): b Thomas Biolsi b.Last Name a. First Name TRC c. Company 650 Suffolk Street d. Street Address Lowell MA 01854 e. City/Town f. State g. Zip Code 978-970-5600 978-453-1995 tiosiatrcsolutioncom h. Phone Number I. Fax Number jr Email addressI 5. Total WPA Fee Paid (from NOI Wetland Fee Transmittal Form): Exempt - Municipal a pplicant a. Total Fee Paid wpaform3.doc - rev. 02/21/08 b.State Fee Paid c. City/Town Fee Paid Page I of 8 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands WPA Form 3 - Provided y MassOEP: MassDEP File Number Notice of Intent Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 Document Transaction Number Piftsfield City/Town A. General Information (continued) 6. General Project Description: Installing a temporary bridge over existing bridge to access the site, removing building material debris remaining from fires that destroyed the former mill building, remove temporary bridge, and drill 9 soil borings 3 of which will be completed a monitoring wells. 7a. Project Type Checklist: 1. El Single Family Home :2. 5 Residential Subdivision 3. 5 Limited Project Driveway Crossing 4. El Commercial/Industrial 5. El Dock/Pier 6. E] Utilities 7. El Coastal Engineering Structure 9. 5 Transportation 13.5 Agriculture (e.g., cranberries, forestry) 10. E Other 7b. Is any portion of the proposed activity eligible to be treated as a limited project subject to 310 CMR 10.24 (coastal) or 310 CMR 10.53 (inland)? 1. El Yes 0 No If yes, describe which limited project applies to this project: 2. Limited Project 8. Property recorded at the Registry of Deeds for: Berkshire a. County b. Certificate # (if registered land) 1050 1041 c. Book d. Page Number B. Buffer Zone & Resource Area Impacts (temporary & permanent) 1 E Buffer Zone Only - Check if the project is located only in the Buffer Zone of a Bordering 2. Vegetated Wetland, Inland Bank, or Coastal Resource Area. 0 Inland Resource Areas (see 310 CMR 10.54-10.58; if not applicable, go to Section B.3, Coastal Resource Areas). Check all that apply below. Attach narrative and any supporting documentation describing how the project will meet all performance standards for each of the resource areas altered, including standards requiring consideration of alternative project design or location. For all projects affecting other Resource Areas, please attach a narrative explaining how the resource area was delineated. Resource Area Size of Proposed Alteration Proposed Replacement (if any) a. El Bank 1.linear feet 2. linear feet b.5 Bordering Vegetated Wetland 1. square feet 2. square feet 1.square feet 2. square feet c. Land Under Waterbodies and Waterways wpaform3.doc - rev. 02121/08 3. cubic yards dredged Page 2 of 8 ProvidedyMSDEr-tq.7 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands ~.MassDEP WPA Form 3 - Notice of Intent FiINdmber SDo6imdrt Transation Numvber Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M:G.L. c. 131, §40 -Pittsfield B. Buffer Zone & Resource Area Irpacts (temporary & permanen t) (cont'd) Resource Area Bordering Land Subject to Flooding d. Size of Proposed Alteration lProposed Replacenient (if any) 25,000 (tempdrary, no new structures) i2. square feet [4. cubic feet replaced 3. cubic feet of flood storage lost e. El Isolated Land Subject to Flooding i !_ _ _ _ Ii 1.square feet 2. cubic feet of flood storage lost SilverrroLArea f. 3.cubic feet replaced West Branch 'f the Housatonic River 1. Name of Waterway (if available) 2. Width of Riverfront Area (check one): E. 25 ft. - Designated Densely Developed Areas only El 100 ft. - New agricultural projects only 0 200 ft. - All other projects 3. Total area of Riverfront Area on the site of the proposed 297,000 project square feet 4. Proposed alteration of the Riverfront Ar6a:' 4,000 a. total square feet 3. 10,UUU 0,0U b. square feet within 100 ft. 15 ,A square feet between 100 ft. and 200 ft. 5. Has an alternatives analysis been done-and is it attached to this NO[? E Yes 0 No 6. Was the lot where the activity is proposed breated prior to Au6 ust 1, 1996? El Yes 0 No El Coastal Resource Areas: (See 310 CMR 10.25-10.35) Check all that apply below. Attach narrative andisupporting documentation describing how the project will meet all performance standards for each 6f the resource areas altered, including standards requiring consideration of alternative project design or location. Online Users: Include your document transaction number (provided on your receipt page) with all supplementary information you submit to the Department- Resource Area a. E] Designated Port Areas b. El Land Under the Ocean Size of Proposed Alteration Proposed Replacement (if any) Indicate size under Land Under the Ocean, below 1.square feet : 2. cubic yards dredged c. E Barrier Beach Indicate size under Coastal Beaches and/or Coastal Dunes below d. Coastal Beaches 1. square feet 2. cubic yards beach nourishment e.El Coastal Dunes 1. square feet 2. cubic yards dune nourishment wpatorm3.doc rev. 02/21/08 Page 3 of 8 ' 0 U Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands Pr~vided by MassDEP: MassDEP File Number WPA Form 3 - Notice of Intent Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 tTransaction Number Cityrown B. Buffer Zone & Resource Area Impacts (temporary & permanent) (cont'd) Size of Prooosed Alteration f. El Coastal Banks 1. linear feet g. 1-1 Rocky Intertidal Shores 1. square feet Salt Marshes 1. square feet Land Under Salt Ponds ProDosed Renlacement (if anv) 2. sq ft restoration, rehab., creation 1. square feet 2. cubic yards dredged j. El f Fish Runs fl Land Subject to k. 1. 4. Land Containing Shellfish El 1. square feet Indicate size under Coastal Banks, inland Bank, Land Under the Ocean, and/or inland Land Under Waterbodies and Waterways, above 1. cubic yards dredged ____ coastal Storm Flowage Restoration/Enhancement __________ 1. square feet If the project is for the purpose of restoring or enhancing a wetland resource area in addition to the square footage that has been entered in Section B.2.b or B.3.h above, please enter the additional amount here. a. square feet of BVW b.square feet of Salt Marsh C. Other Applicable Standards and Requirements Streamlined Massachusetts Endangered Species Act/Wetlands Protection Act Review 1. Is any portion of the proposed project located in Estimated Habitat of Rare Wildlife as indicated on the most recent Estimated Habitat Map of State-Listed Rare Wetland Wildlife published by the Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program (NHESP)? To view habitat maps, see the Massachusetts Natural Heritage Atlas or go to http://www.mass.qov/dfwele/dfw/nhesp/nhrecimap.htm. a. E Yes ] No If yes, include proof of mailing or hand delivery of NOI to: October 2008 Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program Division of Fisheries and Wildlife Route 135, North Drive b. Date of map Westborough, MA 01581 If yes, the project is also subject to Massachusetts Endangered Species Act (MESA) review (321 CMR 10.18). To qualify for a streamlined, 30-day, MESA/Wetlands Protection Act review, please complete Section C.C, and include requested materials with this Notice of Intent (NOI); OR complete Section C.d, if applicable. If MESA supplemental information is not included with the NOI, by completing Section 1 of this form, the NHESP will require a separate MESA filing which may take up to 90 days to review (unless noted exceptions in Section 2 apply, see below). - wpaform3.doc - rev. 02/21/08 Page 4 of 8 L .1 - Massachusetts Department of Environnental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands WPA Form 3 - P 1'sEPFl:Nm Notice of Intent Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 I1 P itt City/Town nsd t C. Other Applicable Standards and Requirements(cont'd) 1. c. Submit Supplemental Information for Endangered Species Review 1. O Percentage/acreage of property to be altered: p (a)within wetland Resource Area percentage/acreage (b)outside Resource Area 11percentage/acreage 2. El Assessor's Map or right-of-way plan df site 3 E Project plans for entire project site, including wetland resource areas and areas outside of wetlands jurisdiction, showing existing and proposed conditidns', existing and proposed tree/vegetation clearing line, and clearly demarcated limits of work ** (a) fl Project description (including description of impacts outside of wetland resource area & buffer zone) (b)El Photographs representative of the site (c)[J MESA filing fee (fee informationavailable at: http://www.mass.qov/dfwele/dfw/nhosp/nhenvmesa.htm) Make check payable to "Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Fund" and mafl to NHESP at above address Projects altering 10 or more acres of land also submit: (d)El Vegetation cover type map of site (e) El Project plans showing Priority & Estimated Habitat boundaries d. OR Check One of the Following 1.El Project is exempt from MESA review. Attach applicant letter indicating which MESA exemption applies (See 321 CMR 10.14, http://www.mass.pov/dfwele/dfw/nhesp/nhenvexemptions.htm; the NOI must still be sent to NHESP if the project is within estimated habitat pursuant to 310,CMR 10.37 and 10.59.) 2. [ Separate MESA review ongoing. a. NHESP Tracking Number 3. E * * b.Date submitted to NHESP Separate MESA review completed. Include copy of NHESP "no Take" determination or valid Conservation & Management Permit with approved plan. Some projects not in Estimated Habitat may be located in Priority!Habitat, and require NHESP review (see www.nhesp.ora regulatory review tab). Priority Habitat includes habitat for statelisted plants and strictly upland species not protected by the Wetlands Protection Act. MESA projects may not be segmented (321 CMR210.16). The applicant must disclose full development plans even if such plans are not required as part of the Notice of Intent processi wipatorm3.doc - rev. 02/2 1108 Page 5 of 8 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands Provided by MassbEP: MassDEP File Number Intent Notice WPA Form 3 -Form otie a of ofIIILIILDocument Transaction Number: Pitsfek..... c. 131, §40 - Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. City/Town C. Other Applicable Standards and Requirements (cont'd) 2. For coastal projects only, is any portion of the proposed project located below the mean high water line or in a fish run? a.Z Not applicable - project is in inland resource area only b.El Yes El No Ifyes, include proof of mailing or hand delivery of NOI to either: South Shore - Cohasset to Rhode Island, and the Cape & Islands: Division of Marine Fisheries Southeast Marine Fisheries Station Attn: Environmental Reviewer 838 South Rodney French Blvd. New Bedford, MA 02744 North Shore - Hull to New Hampshire: Division of Marine Fisheries North Shore Office Attn: Environmental Reviewer 30 Emerson Avenue Gloucester, MA 01930 Also if yes, the project may require a Chapter 91 license. For coastal towns in the Northeast Region, please contact MassDEP's Boston Office. For coastal towns in the Southeast Region, please contact MassDEP's Southeast Regional Office. Online Users: Include your document transaction number (provided on your receipt page) with all supplementary information you submit to the Department. 3. Is any portion of the proposed project within an Area of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC)? Ifyes, provide name of ACEC (see instructions to WPA Form 3 or MassDEP a. El Yes 0 No Website for ACEC locations). Note: electronic filers click on Website. b.ACEC 4. Is any portion of the proposed project within an area designated as an Outstanding Resource Water (ORW) as designated in the Massachusetts Surface Water Quality Standards, 314 CMR 4.00? a. ] Yes 0 No 5. Is any portion of the site subject to a Wetlands Restriction Order under the Inland Wetlands Restriction Act (M.G.L. c. 131, § 40A) or the Coastal Wetlands Restriction Act (M.G.L. c. 130, § 105)? a.El Yes 0 No 6. Is this project subject to provisions of the MassDEP Stormwater Management Standards? a. El Yes. Attach a copy of the Stormwater Report as required by the Stormwater Management Standards per 310 CMR 10.05(6)(k)-(q) and check if: 1.E Applying for Low Impact Development (LID) site design credits (as described in Stormwater Management Handbook Vol. 2, Chapter 3) 2. E A portion of the site constitutes redevelopment 3. El Proprietary BMPs are included in the Stormwater Management System. b.0 No. Check why the project is exempt: 1. E Single-family house 2.O Emergency road repair 3. E Small Residential Subdivision (less than or equal to 4 single-family houses or less than or equal to 4 units in multi-family housing project) with no discharge to Critical Areas. wpaform3.doc - rev. 02/21108 Page 6 of 8 Ii i Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection; Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands Provided by MasiDEP WPA Form 3 - Notice of Intent t - MassDEP FileNumiber Document Transaction Number Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 Pittsfield City/Town D. Additional Information Applicants must include the following with this Notice of Intent (NOI).: See instructions for details. Online Users: Attach the document transaction number (provided on your receipt page) for any of the following information you submit to the Department. 1. 2 USGS or other map of the area (along with a narrative description, if necessary) containing sufficient information for the Conservation Commission and the Department to locate the site. (Electronic filers may omit this item.) 2.O Plans identifying the location of proposed activities (including activities proposed to serve as al Bordering Vegetated Wetland [BVWj replication area or other nitigating measure) relative to the boundaries of each affected resource area. 3.E- Identify the method for BVW and other resource area boundary delineations (MassDEP BVW Field Data Form(s), Determination of Applicability, Order of Resource Area Delineation, etc.), and attach documentation of the methodology. 4.M List the titles and dates for all plans and other materials submitted with this NOI. a. Plan Title b.Prepared By c. Signed and Starnped by d. Final Revision Date e. Scale f. Additional Plan or Document Title 5. E 6.El El I 7 g. Date Ifthere is more than one property owner, please attach a list df these property owners not listed on this form. Attach proof of mailing for Natural Heritade and Endangered Species Program, if needed. 7. Attach proof of mailing for Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries, if needed. 8. 2 Attach NOI Wetland Fee Transmittal Fortm 9. El Attach Stormwater Report, if needed. E. Fees 1 E Fee Exempt: No filing fee shall be assessed for projects of any city, town, county, or district of the Commonwealth, federally recognized Indian tribe housirg'authority, municipal housing authority, or the Massachusetts Bay Trarsportation Authorit. Applicants must submit the following information (in addition to pages 1 and 2 of the NOI Wetland Fee Transmittal Form) to confirm fee payment: 2. Municipal Check Number 3. Check date 4. State Check Number 5. Check date 6. Payor name on check: First Name 7. Payor name on check: Last Name wpaform3.doc - rev. 02121108 Page 7 of 8 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands WPA Form 3 - Notice of Intent Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 Provided by MassDEP:-. MassDEP FIle Number Documeint Transaction Number Pittsfield cityrrown F. Signatures and Submittal Requirements I hereby certify under the penalties of perjury that the foregoing Notice of Intent and accompanying plans, documents, and supporting data are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the Conservation Commission will place notification of this Notice in a local newspaper at the expense of the applicant in accordance with the wetlands regulations, 310 CMR 10.05(5)(a). I further certify under penalties of perjury that all abutters were notified of this application, pursuant to the requirements of M.G.L. c. 131, § 40. Notice must be made by Certificate of Mailing or in writing by hand delivery or certified mail (return receipt requested) to all abutters within 100 feet of the property line of the project location. 1. Signature of Applicant 2. Date 3. Signaurof Proe 4. Date Owner (if different) 5. Signature of Representative (if any) 6. Date For Conservation Commission: Two copies of the completed Notice of Intent (Form 3), including supporting plans and documents, two copies of the NOI Wetland Fee Transmittal Form, and the city/town fee payment, to the ConservationCommission by certified mail or hand delivery. For MassDEP: One copy of the completed Notice of Intent (Form 3), including supporting plans and documents, one copy of the NOI Wetland Fee Transmittal Form, and a copy of the state fee payment to the MassDEP Regional Office (see Instructions) by certified mail or hand delivery. Other: If the applicant has checked the "yes" box in any part of Section C, Item 3, above, refer to that section and the Instructions for additional submittal requirements. The original and copies must be sent simultaneously. Failure by the applicant to send copies in a timely manner may result in dismissal of the Notice of Intent. wpaform3.doc -rev. 02/21/08 Page 8 of 8 Li Important: When filling out forms on the computer, use only the tab key to move your cursor - do not use the return key Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands NOI Wetland Fee Transmittal Form . Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 A. Applicant Information 1. Applicant: _anna Tory b. Last Name a. First Name City of Pittsfield; Department of Community Development c. Organization 70 Allen Street d. Mailing Address Pittsfield e. City/Town (413) 448-9673 (413) 442-5661 h. Phone Number i. Fax Number I MA 01201 f. State g.Zip Code thanna@pittsfielddh.com I. Email Address 2. Property Owner (if different): J. Barrett Hollister a. First Name b.Last Name f c. Organization 51 Holmes Road d. Mailing Address MA Pittsfield - Sta e. City/Town 413-447-7522 h. Phone Number g. Zip Code j. Email Address I. Fax Number 3. Project Location: 370 Wahconah Street Pittsfield b.City/Town a. Street Address To calculate filing fees, refer to the category fee list and examples in the instructions for filling out WPA Form 3 (Notice of Intent). 01201 B. Fees The fee should be calculated using the following six-step process and worksheet. Please see Instructions before filling out worksheet. Step 1/Type of Activity: Describe each type of activity that will occur in wetland resource area and buffer zone. Step 2/Number of Activities: Identify the number of each type of activity.' Step 3/Individual Activity Fee: Identify each activity fee from the six project categories listed in the instructions. Step 4/Subtotal Activity Fee: Multiply the number of activities (identified in Step 2) times the fee per category (identified in Step 3) to reach a subtotal fee amount. Note: Ifanyjof these activities are in a Riverfront Area in addition to another Resource Area or the Buffer Zone, the fee per activity should be multiplied by 1.5 and then added to the subtotal amount. 4 Step 5/Total Project Fee: Determine the total proje fee by adding the subtotal amounts from Step 4. I Step 6/Fee Payments: To calculate the state share of the fee, divide the total fee in half and subtract $12.50. To calculate the city/town share of the fee, divide the total fee in half and add $12.50. Wpafor3.doc -Wetland Fee Transmittal Form- rev. 2/21/08 Page I of 2 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands NOI Wetland Fee Transmittal Forim Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 B. Fees (continued) Step 1/Type of Activity Step 2/Number of Activities Step 3/individual Activity Fee Step 4/Subtotal Activity Fee Exempt Step 5/Total Project Fee: Step 6/Fee Payments: Total Project Fee: State share of filing Fee: City/Town share of filling Fee: a. Total Fee from Step 5 b. 1/2 Total Fee less $12.50 c. 1/2 Total Fee plus $12.50 C. Submittal Requirements a.) Complete pages 1 and 2 and send with a check or money order for the state share of the fee, payable to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Department of Environmental Protection Box 4062 Boston, MA 02211 b.) To the Conservation Commission: Send the Notice of Intent or Abbreviated Notice of Intent; a copy of this form; and the city/town fee payment. To MassDEP Regional Office (see Instructions): Send a copy of the Notice of Intent or Abbreviated Notice of Intent; a copy of this form; and a copy of the state fee payment. (E-filers of Notices of Intent may submit these electronically.) Wpafm3.doc -etland Fee Transmittal Form- rev. 2/21/08 Page 2 of 2 0 1 ATTACHMENT B Copy of Notification Letter and List ofAbutters j Ii NOTIFICATION TO ABUTTERS UNDER THE MASSACHUSETTS WETLANDS PROTECTION ACT In accordance with the second paragraph of Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 131, Section 40, you are hereby notified of the following: 4 oeif\ Qt 1. The name of the applicant is 2. The applicant has filed a Notice of Intent with the Pittsfield Conservation Commission seeking permission to remove, fill, dredge or alter an Area Subject to Protection Under the Wetlands Protection Act (General Laws Chapter 131, Section 40). 3. The street address of the property where the activity is proposed is 370C ,and the City Assessor's MAP/BLCK/LOT is l oO5( Block Map A brief description of the proposed work is /) t sk// r r br;dS ,V1 et 4 4. 0a. Lot . 5. Copies of the Notice of Intent may be examined at the Pittsfield Conservation Commission office, Room 200, City Hall between the hours of 10:00am to 2:00pm (or at other times by appointment) Monday through Friday. For more information please call the Commission office at (413) 499-9359. 6. Copies of the Notice of Intent may be obtained from either (check one) the applicantX or the 3betwoon the hours of applicant's repsntative by calling this telephone number (4i)lT.30 and 4j00 on the following days of the week: /Y\ . *Provider may charge for the cost of reproduction. 7. Information regarding the date, time and place of the public hearing regarding this application may be obtained from the Pittsfield Conservation Commission office at (413) 499-9359. 8. Notice of the public hearing, including its date, time and place will be published at least five (5) days in advance in the Berkshire Eagle under the legal notice section. 9. Notice of the public hearing, including its date, time and place will be posted in City Hall at least fortyeight (48) hours in advance. 10. The date that this notification was sent to Abutters via certified mail or hand delivery is: . A completed copy of this form and a list of the Abutters to whom it was sent shall be submitted by the applicant to the Pittsfield Conservation Commission with the Notice of Intent. 11. You may also contact the nearest Department of Environmental Protection Regional office at (413) 784-1100 for more information about this application or the Wetlands Protection Act I:\NOTIFICATION TO ABUrTERS UNDER THE.doc 3//2007 .1 er 2i C- H y 0 C H Ii Cr * I H '0 Ca I H H >= I - 4 0 . > 0 H t p Ca Ca C/) H C r~n 0 0C H n on 0 z -c 0 M C o> xC4 g 0 ni H C Li, z0 * I: - -4 000 000 tu t - ) aza 'C -= mn OO 000 -F OeN - '>> * -= Cr- -. C C,. -= C o -- - .= F, U - F. , N N m C *O ..- - 1 I - ,i - a -... 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'a C m .- -4> -4 -C In .. a > -4 --4 -- 4 o .. -n, C, 2--9 In :0 M-n K N F-M 40 O2|| >-= gj --, <1 :0 - lu, CC Orn C Om NC, "'4> OC 0< *-2 F- Om r- I1 C U, mC a 0' aC WC a 'a OmC - 0' C C N N r -|0 . -3 3r r-O- (N '- nO n -n 'a Ill C, NO 0 Co -tn--a NOw 2 COOO CooO 1 -V 2 -U 2 -v 2 C :0 C 0 :0 O0 Ci a '3 . -i -4- '0-3 rnn 222 . a' 0 -.a a. mm - 0' -a 20m -V N4 0 -000 C4--oo '-3 C :0 2 0? a -4 C 0 C 2 2 01 -4 -n' *OO O -4 0 n! '0 in -- - g -C -, D ~rtm C O--C -, T+O C r I H - 3 et 03.(h flu r r -- A9 . -C - r 0 0 Ii ft C, -= moWw -4 0 gum C, a' -a. N r C, - ft i -4 0 -a. >0 a C to 0 a N ,- 8 000f 0~ C to Ii eetO O am mO yr fi -"-* - .r)C 2 m C PU 2g '0 .2 (A -4 a C C 'U c Ltd C, -I 0 a -~ -c ee 0 . -'-. - 0 anfm">OMD.0 . n 0 a.0a-- =* -f 0 -4 - -N Oxx --r C a m -C 'C C 'I, 'C C, . -- -< -A . ' +* t-.-'-u -- -,flit- . N.- flWIO-i m i33rtm u.0 a ... an--. (0, OOO O OOOO C, 0~f'300.-f C) > -0 -= fur r4 *4 ffN C >0' 0 -d - C, D '3. -- n- - -0 ~ -w -- t 0 cc).mc,nw> -1. - -3 I' N - - r- * -4 '.0 -4 -'n I> C 0- 'C 2 -I- 0 - C ,fl - -- .3 *di -O - .O -N. -7 -I - 'Cr CC -9 a- a 0 -J NnJ 00 I OOO 4-1(0 Jtr a 0O0 rUG. o a Co - -t, 0 a O W .0u.0 0000 N 6 ~*. -on, 'C. - (MN 0' 00 a 00 0 Ot a F17 C -- 4 4"- C 0 ATTACHMENT C Photographs @1 I 1 -E2 0 I 0) 0) C,* 4)x 4)a -c 4)5- 0 -o 0 '0 00 cn 0~~ C U' C) -c E 0 C) 0 I- U H -c t C 0) -C 0 C) Ca 0) 0 I- -t 0) -o to C C -c '4) ja trz t ATTACHMENT D Temporary Bridge Specification Details Ii DEC-05-2008 Mabey Bridge 14:14 508 764 0380 P.001/002 MABEY BRIDGE & SHORE, Inc. 40ft QUICK BRIDGE UNITS The Mabey Quick Bridge Units consist of 2 (two) longitudinal main beams with webs @ 57.4" c/c. Transverse beams are welded to the webs of the main beams @ 55" c/c, with longitudinal stringer beams spanning between these transverse beams. A Durbar (checker plate) running surface is welded to the main beams and longitudinal stringer beams, giving an overall width of68". Main Beams 610 x 229 x 125 kg/m U.B.(equiv. W24 x 84 lbs/ft) Gr. 50c to BS4360(Fy = So ksi) Moment of Inertia 98579 cm(Ixx 2368 in') Section modulus = 3222 cm (Sx e 197 ins) Area of web (reduced), 305 cm 2(Amet 4.73 62) Transverse Beams 203 x 76x23.2kg/mRSC(equiv.MC8 x3 x 16 lbs/ft) Gr. 50c to BS4360(Fy - 50 ksi) Moment ofInertia = 1950 cm3(xx = 46.8 in') Section modulus = 192.0 cma(Sx - 11.7 in3 ) Area of web 14.41 cm2(Ab =2.23 in2) Longitudinal Stringer Beams 127 x 76 x 13.36 kg/m RSJ(equiv. W5 x 9 lbs/ft) Or. 50c to BS4360(Fy = 50 ksi) Moment of Inertia = 476 cm 3(Ix 11.4 ins) Section modulus =75 cm 3(Sx 4.6 in3 Area of web - 5.72 cm2(A. 0.89 in) Durbar (Checker Plate) Running Surface 1725mm x 8mm thk(68" x 5/16" thk) Gr. 50c steel to BS4360(Fy = 50 ksi) DEC-05-2008 14:15 508 754 0380 P.002/002 MABEY BRIDGE & SHORE, Inc. 40ft QUICK BRIDGE UNITS DugbatICkuckerflst4 101 9 W24 x4lblt 24" eo*4 BnA -V T T T K 21 A' -L .SA" EFFECTIVE MOMENT OF iNERTIA (lxx - in4 ) Lxx =6993 in4 FFECTIVE SECTION MODULUS OF UNT (Sx - iny Sxj -819 in3 (top of checker plate) Sx = 440 in' (bottom flange) ALLOWABLE LOADS The Quick Bridge units are designed to carry loads in excess of HS25. Maximum vehicle weight 125,000lbs per unit Maximum single axle load 80,000lbs per unit Maximum single wheel load 40,000lbs per unit TOTAL P.002 TYPICAL ARRANCEMENTV.40' Dwq. QB-2 UNITS No.:-DrwBy- 4, E 20 c MC9 Lx olC I - .9., >o dol aD L .6060 o Ov ~~2~ S0,0 E DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BUREAU OF WASTE SITE CLEANUP MEMORANDUM TO: Rick Green, Section Chief, Site Management/Permits and Files THRU: Ben Fish, Site Management/Permits FROM: Caprice Shaw, Brownfields DATE: December 22, 2008 SUBJECT: Former Bel Air Mills, 370 Wahconah Street RTN: 1-00478 ( On December 22, 2008, I phoned Mr. Tory Hanna, Permit Coordinator for the City of Pittsfield, and he stated that they are communicating with Clean Harbors to design and construct the access road and remove the debris. He stated that Clean Harbors believes they can provide a temporary bridge and will redo their bid to adjust for the cost difference. Mr. Hanna stated that they have money from the Community Development Block Grant and MassDevelopment to cover cost of the debris removal in addition to the money from the EPA grant for site assessment. Mr. Hanna stated that they will be filing a Notice of Intent (NOI) in January and would like the Department's support for this project. He will send the Department the NOI as soon as his consultant prepares it for our information and I stated that we would give our support for the project. The next Wetland Commissioners meeting is on January 29, 2009. Page 1 of2 Shaw, Caprice (DEP) From: Sent: To: Subject: Hanna, Tory [thanna@pittsfieldch.coml Wednesday, November 19, 2008 2:07 PM Shaw, Caprice (DEP) FW: 370 Wahconah St Attachments: 20070494STP01 -PLN -PROF pdf; 20070494STP001-C2.00).pdf; 20070494STP001-C2.01.pdf;* 20070494A90DET001-C3.0-DETAILS.pdf; 20070494A90DET001-C3.1-DETAILS. pdf; Ortho.pdf Caprice, Attached are the plans for road construction. I prepared the last PDF entitled 'Ortho' to try to help you understand the proximity to the river. Please let me know if I can clarify in any way. Excitedi Tory Hanna 413-448-9673 thanna@pittsfieldch.com From: Eric Bernardin [mailto:EBernardin@fando.com] Sent: Monday, November 03, 2008 11:38 AM To: Hanna, Tory Cc: Jon Dietrich; Collingwood, Bruce Subject: RE: 370 Wahconah St Tory, I have attached a preliminary plan of the proposed layout and alignment of the temporary construction access road to 370 Wahconah St. We will be working on an estimate and a plan of the restoration of the original road location. Please let me now if you have any questions or would like to discuss any of the details. Thanks Eric M. Bemardin, P.E. Associate Fuss and O'Neill Inc. 78 Interstate Drive 11/24/2008 Page 2 of 2 West Springfield, MA 01089 N413.452.0445 ext. 4430 413.846.0497 fax ebernardin@fando.com 11/24/2008 WWI U E / I~ ii I / IS 42 I I __ zI I I e, 1 0 0 t + AN .z50 CITY OF PIIVSFIED MWRtSITEACCES PLA AND PRDFLE 370MWACONA STET h m1r0 FUSS & ONEILL hciplnrs Ws DeIIr p _ / / / / / / 7-> 4 / / /1 I. / ~2 2< / I z~3Mflcc~+ I / / / / / t / / / / t~ 4, / 5, A / a' 'I / 1 / // ~ ,2 -) / , S. a Sr. '5,,' / '7.:> -if z 0 -4 -n 0 2 C) 0. z 'U 02 20 LICO: M mtlit.f-'-.|--LD Nj C -4 (0 se)1" -- I -C "flfl.hflrn a1 I "I 1 T2 a ~ -- I I iiI I "22 2 I ii' 2 I j;2~ iii,! lift! I, IKm - A ii I ~ a ~; g~ r ~ z ~I ill! ~ ~ S ~ j NJ ~ 1) ~ I. z 0 0 z --I fill li i iii 1111 hI *j FE I li 1E1! pi * 2 0 Page 1 of 2 Shaw, Caprice (DEP) From: Sent: To: Subject: Hanna, Tory [thanna@pittsfieldch.com] Tuesday, November 04, 2008 9:36 AM Shaw, Caprice (DEP) FW: 370 Wahconah St Attachments: 20070494STP001-PLN-PROF.pdf; 20070494STP001-C2.00.pdf; 20070494STP001-C2.01.pdf; 20070494A90DET001-C3.0-DETAILS.pdf; 20070494A90DET001 -C3. 1-DETAILS. pdf Caprice, Your email was exceptionally timed. Just yesterday, the attached plans were provided to us regarding the construction of an eastern access road that will be used to remove the debris. The City is using Community Development Block Grant money (Brownfields) to pay for the design and construction work. We will be a sending out a neighborhood notification letter, due to the residential nature of the area to the east, and are planning to host a meeting as well. We are still waiting on an estimate, and a plan showing the original road restoration. Really hoping to get debris out before snow..... Thanks, Tory Hanna From: Eric Bernardin [mailto:EBernardin@fando.com] Sent: Monday, November 03, 2008 11:38 AM To: Hanna, Tory Cc: Jon Dietrich; Collingwood, Bruce Subject: RE: 370 Wahconah St Tory, I have attached a preliminary plan of the proposed layout and alignment of the temporary construction access road to 370 Wahconah St. We will be working on an estimate and a plan of the restoration of the original road location. Please let me now if you have any questions or would like to discuss any of the details. Thanks Eric M. Bemardin, P.E. Associate Fuss and O'Neill Inc. 78 Interstate Drive West Springfield, MA 01089 11/7/2008 Page 2 of 2 413.452.0445 ext. 4430 413.846.0497 fax ebernardin@fando.com 11/7/2008 Page 1 of I Shaw, Caprice (DEP) Hanna, Tory [thanna@pittsfieldch.com] Wednesday, July 30, 2008 8:47 AM Sent: To: Shaw, Caprice (DEP) Subject: RE: Bel Air From: Caprice, We really appreciate you putting time into this. It's been such slow going. Currently we're working on getting a quote from oTr DPW's contractor/consultant for an access route off the rear street, down the bank and onto the site. The city has a ROW in the form of a Paper Street abutting the 370 property. This would involve some minor tree removal, and excavating/regrading so as to create a road. The hope is that we could eliminate the bridge option entirely. At this point we're playing a waiting game, as our DPW commissioner is always inundated with 'to-dos'. However Deanna Ruffer has indicated to him that removing the site is a priority before winter hits. I'll let you know what the cost looks like when it becomes available. Thanks again for checking in. Sincerely, Tory Hanna Permitting Coordinator City of Pittsfield 413-448-9673 thanna~c6pittsfieldch.com From: Shaw, Caprice (DEP) [mailto:Caprice.Shaw@state.ma.us] Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 4:21 PM To: Hanna, Tory Subject: Bel Air Hi Tory, Any luck on the access to Bel Air? I have placed a few calls on my end to see about temporary bridges but no luck. I wonder if there is another option to removing the material? This might sound like a crazy idea but what about a conveyor belt system type of thing? I am will check with a few construction/rubble type places to see if they even rent something like that. I will let you know if I find anything. Caprice Shaw Brownfields Section Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup-MassDEP 436 Dwight Street, 5th Floor Springfield, MA 01103 Office: 413.755.2222 Fax: 413.784.1149 7/30/2008 4-' t Ayw~BW C-102B Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Release Tracking Nurnber RELEASE LOG FORM ATTACHMENT E. LOG/RELEASE Cityrrown: , CA 1 O RMATION: (completeifusin BWSC-102BonTe) Date: 22S ne&- D]AM [ K 0 Release Address: Use of Attachment (check one): D [] Amendment to Release Log Form F. INSPECTIONS OR SITE VISITS (also Follow-up Office Response): H 3,a -lime: Initial Compliance Field Response - Announced Compliance Field Response - Announced Field Response - Direct Oversight H [] H Attachrent Page(s): of: - (check one) Initial Compliance Field Response - Unannounced Compliance Field Response - Unannounced D D Follow-up or Other Field Response! Short Notice Audit Inspection Follow-up Office Response G. ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION: "o, t)(Ntv Ov~xo ct.Jg.~ r-Ct A n ~OtP cc Cc&4S Z53223 4 ~ i usPP64 2&.2%03e ~Lyqj c&L C-s-J& 1n 14fa tfrA Hte I&t/I# r A)_ set - ,.od~ (4,4 7r 4(Z-c-O -)Z I H. DEP ASSIGNMENT: Preparer ofRLFA (please print): (complete if usingo 7 WyC-1 9 2A and 102B oSC102B only) 7 7'L k,- Staff Lead Assigned (if different from preparer): [J Check here if the Release or Threat of Release is unassigned. []Check here if this RLFA records a change in staff lead. Revised 11122/99 Do Not After This Form Page 2 of 2 6 K 0! Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup . B3WSC-102A Release Tracking Nunber RELEASE LOG FORM ATTACHMENT A. LOGIRELEASE LOCATION INFORMATION: (complete if using BWSC-102A and 102B or BWSC-102A only) _Time: Date: City/Town: A []PM Release Address: O Use of Altachment (check one): ODeployment of Absorbent or Containment Materials Removal of Contarminated Soils H Re-use or Recycling H H On Ste Treat [] [] Off Site On Site cubic yards Volume: Off Site cubic yards Volume: Describe: On Site Store 1 Landfill F of: (check all that apply) B. ORAL PLAN SUMMARY: H Page(s): Attachrrent Amendment to Release Log Form L Cover Off Site Volume: Disposal Volume:_ cubic yards cubic yards O O Soil Vapor Extraction El Structure Venting System [] L E H Removal of Drums,Tanks or Containers Describe: Temporary Covers or Caps Bioremediation -. Produd or NAPL Recovery GroundwaterTreatmentSysternm Air Sparging Temporary Water Supplies Removal of Other Contaminated Media Temporary Evacuation or Relo;ation of Residents Specify Type and Volume: Fencing and Sign Posting _ Describe: Other Response Actions H Check here if this Release or Threat of Release is a candidate for future presumptive approval of an IRA or RAM Written Plan.' H Oral IRA Plan Approval Check one of the following: Oral RAM Plan Approval L Oral IRA Plan M dification Approval Other Conents: C. ADDITIONAL INVOLVED PERSON INFORMATION: Check One: L PRP PRP Local Contad [ Other Person Performing Response Action Specify: Other Relationship Name of OrganIzation: Title: Name of Contad Check here if this person received a field NOR. Street: State: City/Town: Ext.: _ Telephone: D. DEP ASSIGNMENT: ZIP Code: FAX: (complete ifusino only BWSC-102A) Preparer of RLFA (please print): Staff Lead Assigned (ifdifferent from preparer): Check here if the Release or Threat of Release is unassigned. Check here if this RLFA records a change in staff lead. Revrised 1022M9 Do Not Alter This Form Page 1 of 2 KT I VW et" oz z (A __~ __~~40 ~ S ~ - -- I w rn 'a DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BUREAU OF WAStE SITE CLEANUP MEMORANDUM TO: Rick Green, Section Chief, Site Management/Permits and Files THRU: Ben Fish, Site Management/Permits4 FROM: Caprice Shaw, Brownfields DATE: June 24, 2008 SUBJECT: Former Bel Air Mills, 370 Wahconah Street RTN: 1-00478 On June 24, 2008, at 10:30 a.m., Craig Givens and I performed a site inspection at subject the property. The fence and signs are still in place and has prevented additional illegal dumping at the former Bel Air Mill site. During our site inspection, Mr. Wheeler's daughter was onsite and stated that Ms. Ruffer and Mr. Hanna from the City of Pittsfield came out earlier in the week to inspect the bridge. She stated that she was unaware when the City was planning on removing the debris. On June 26, 2008, I phoned Mr. Hanna, Permit Coordinator for the City of Pittsfield, and he stated that they were out at the site inspecting the integrity of the bridge with their City Engineer. Mr. Hanna stated that the City Engineer's opinion regarding the bridge's stability was uncertain and that it could cost the City up to $25,000 just to perform stability/safety tests. He stated that he contacted Jim Byrne with EPA for any sites that may have used a temporary bridge that the City could use. Mr. Byrne replied that he was unaware of any bridges. Mr. Hanna stated that there maybe an alternative access route located behind or east of the property along the steep hill. He stated that the City might own a portion of this property through an easement years back. He will contact the Department when this route has been determined. In addition, the City has not taken the property for taxes as of this date due to the uncompleted assessment as part of the grant they received from EPA. Massachuseftts Department of Environmental ProteCtion Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC102 Release Tracking Number RELEASE AMENDMENT FORM A. RELEASEJSITE LOCATION: 1. Site Name/Location Aid: BEL AIR MILL 2. Street Address: 1370 WAHCONAH ST 4. ZIPCode: 01201-0000 3. City/Town: PITTSFIELD, PITTSFIELD B. THIS FORM IS BEING USED TO: 1. Date of Response(s): (check all that apply) 06/24/2008 Start Time: 10:30 (mnm/dd/yyyy) fl PM (hh:mm) 2. Record an Initial Compliance Field Response - Announced 3. Record an Initial Compliance Field Response - Unannounced. E 4. Record a Compliance Field Response - Announced. 5. Record a Compliance Field Response - Unannounced. 6. Record a Field Response - Direct Oversight. R 7. Record a Follow-up or Other Field Response. fl 8. Record a Follow-up Office Response. E] 9. Identify or Update a PRP or Other Person Associated with Release. (Fill out Section E) 10. Correct or Add Data to WSC Database otherwise not specified on this form. (Record in Section C and, if needed, F) C. DESCRIPTION OF ACTMTIES RECORDED BY THIS FORM: (If additional lines are needed, record in Section F.) SEE ATTACHED MEMO D. DEP STAFF AND FORM PREPARER: 1. DEPStaff: b. Check here, if Unassigned (or staff name not applicable). a. Name: ISHAW CAPRICE 2. Preparer Signature: CAPRICE SHAW Revised: 04/22/2004 3. Date: 07/01/2008 Page 1 of 2 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ONE WINTER STREET, BOSTON, MA 02108 617-292-5500 DEVAL L. PATRICK Governor. IAN A. BOWLES - FEB 7 TIMOTHY P. MURRAY Lieutenant Governor Secretary SCSd 2068 LAURIE BURT Commissioner January 29, 2008 1. Baret Holister 51 Holmes Rd. Pittsfield, MA 01201 RTN: 1-0000478 Release Addr: 370 Wahconah Street Release City: Pittsfield, MA RE: M.G.L. c.21E; 310 CMR 40.0172 Application for Financial Inability Status FINAL Reminder Notice Dear Mr, Holister: On October 18, 2007 MassDEP mailed you an application letter and forms for the purpose of formally filing for Financial Inability Status pursuant to section 40.0172 of the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP; 310 CMR 40.0000). To date, MassDEP has not received your reply. The purpose of this letter is to provide you with a reminder that FinancialInability Status, and the protection afforded therein, is not granteduntil MassDEP has received your completed application, evaluated it, and made a determination in agreement with your assertion. At the conclusion of the evaluation process, you will receive formal notification from MassDEP regarding the results of the review, rights and responsibilities, and timelines for reapplication if appropriate. Until your complete application is submitted and such a determination is made, you wilt remain responsible for conductingreponse actions pursuant to the MCP, and may be subject to enforcement actions for failure to do so. Please complete the enclosed Financial Inability Applications (BWSC-118 and l8A), and be sure that all the necessary information and attachments have been.submitted with the application. Your claim will not be evaluated unless it includes all of the required documentation, including: 1) Please respond to all items listed in the enclosed letter dated October 18, 2007. 2) Please sign and date enclosed Form 4506T and return to MassDEP. This infonalion is available in aliernate format. Call Donald M. Gomes, ADA Coordinator at 617-556-1057. TDD Service - 1-800-298-2207. MassDEP on the World Wide Web: http:/Aww.mas5.gov/dep CO Printed on Recycled Paper Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC102 Release Tracking Number RELEASE AMENDMENT FORM A. RELEASEISITE LOCATION: 1. Site Name/Location Aid: BEL AIR MILL 2. Street Address: |370 WAHCONAH ST 4. ZIPCode: 01201-0000 3. City/Town:PITTSFIELD, PITTSFIELD B.THIS FORM ISBEING USED TO: (check all that apply) 1. Date of Response(s): 101/24/2008 (mm/dd/yyyy) fl 2. Record an Initial Compliance Field Response - Announced. H Start Time: 12:30 AM PM (hh:mm) 0 3. Record an initial Compliance Field Response - Unannounced. P 4. Record a Compliance Field Response -Announced. S 5. Record aCompliance Field Response -Unannounced. F f 6. Record a Field Response - Direct Oversight. 7. Record a Follow-up or Other Field Response. 8. Record a Follow-up Office Response. O F 9.Identify or Update a PRP or Other Person Associated with Release. (Fill out Section E) 10. Correct or Add Data to WSC Database otherwise not specified on this form. (Record in Section C and, if needed, F) C. DESCRIPTION OF ACTMTIES RECORDED BY THIS FORM: (If additional lines are needed, record in Section F.) SEE ATTACHED MEMO AND PHOTOS. D. DEP STAFF AND FORM PREPARER: 1. DEP Staff: a. Name: 2. Preparer Signature: Revised: 04/22/2004 |SHAW CAPRICE // 1. 3. Date: Sf .(or r-i 3 b. Check here, if Unassigned staff name not applicable). e Page 1 of 2 a ~0 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC102 Release Tracking Number RELEASE AMENDMENT FORM -i478 E. PRP OR OTHER PERSON ASSOCIATED WITH RELEASE: El 1. Check all that apply: 2. Name of Organization: 3. Contact First Name: 5. Street: |51 a. change in contact name E b. change of address F person associated c. new with release (SKI AMERICA |J BARET 4. Last Name: HOLISTER HOLMES COURT 6. Title: 7. City/Town: IPITTSFIELD 8. State: 10. Telephone: 13. Relationship of Person to Release: 11. Ext.: Z a. PRP E] WI 9. ZIP Code: 01201-0000 12. FAX: I b. Other c. Type kPRP Generic or Non-specifled F. ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION: Revised: 04/22/2004 Page 2 of 2 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BUREAU OF WASTE SITE CLEANUP MEMORANDUM TO: Rick Green, Section Chief, Site Management/Permits and Files THRU: Ben Fish, Site Management/Permitsf f FROM: Caprice Shaw, Brownfields DATE: January 24,2008 SUBJECT: Former Bel Air Mills, 370 Wahconah Street RTN: 1-00478 On January 24, 2008, at 12:30 p.m., I performed an unannounced site inspected at the property located on 370 Wahconah Street in Pittsfield. TRC, the consultant for the Berkshire Regional Planning Commission and the City of Pittsfield, was instructed to install fencing around the access area to prohibit illegal dumping and to install signage warning of elevated lead and arsenic levels. I observed a chain link fence extending from the West Branch Housatonic River towards the eastern end of the parking area. I inspected the area where elevated levels of arsenic and lead were detected from the previous Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sampling event. No warning signs were observed. Later in day, I emailed Ms. Joellyn Warren regarding the missing warning signs. Ms. Warren forwarded my email to Mr. Troy Hanna, Permitting Coordinator with the City of Pittsfield. He replied in an email that they had received eight signs and have scheduled them to be installed the next day. On Friday, January 25, 2008, I received an email from Mr. Hanna stating that the eight signs were installed (two per side of property) and he attached a photo of one of the signs. See attached photos from 1/24/2008 site visit, a copy of Mr. Hanna's email with attached photo. Cc: file I S Wi. I S Page I of I Shaw, Caprice (DEP) From: Sent: To: Subject: Hanna, Tory [thanna@pittsfieldch.com] Friday, January 25, 2008 9:32 AM Shaw, Caprice (DEP) 370 Wahconah Caprice, Sorry for the delay. We received signage last week, and I'm finally getting out there today to put them up. I requested 8 or so in an attempt to cover each side of the property. Again sorry for the delay.. Sincerely, Tory Hanna Permitting Coordinator City of Pittsfield 413-448-9673 thanna pittsfieldch .com 1/31/2008 F S VA -,4!4q low ~ ~r~v Page I of I W SGANNEDr% V Shaw, Caprice (DEP) From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Biolsi, Thomas (Lowell,MA-US) [TBiolsi@trcsolutions.com] Friday, December 14, 2007 10:13 AM Joellyn Warren Shaw, Caprice (DEP); Ruffer, Deanna; Hanna, Tory; Arnold, Paul (LowellMA-US) Fence installation complete at 370 Wahconah St. Joellyn, I just wanted to let you know that the fence has been installed at the 370 Wahconah Street site yesterday. I bought a padlock to lock the new gate and I gave a key to Tory (who met me on-site yesterday). Tom Thomas W. Biolsi, PG Project Manager/Geologist CTRC TRC Wannalancit Mills 650 Suffolk Street Lowell, MA 01854 978.656.3502 phone 978.453.1995 fax 781.572.5580 cell tbiolsi(trcsolutions.com 12/14/2007 Page 1 of I Shaw, Caprice (DEP) From: Sent: To: - Cc: Biolsi, Thomas (LowellMA-US) [TBiolsi@trcsolutions.com Wednesday, December 12, 2007 1:55 PM Shaw, Caprice (DEP) Joellyn Warren; Ruffer, Deanna; Hanna, Tory; Arnold, Paul (Lowell,MA-US) Subject: Fence installation at 370 Waconah St. Caprice, I just left you a voice-mail message regarding the fence installation at the 370 Waconah Street property in Pittsfield. We're scheduled to install the fence tomorrow. Apparently, a sewer line runs along the western side of the former building between the former building footprint and the river. However, this sewer line is not depicted on any maps on file at the City and therefore cannot be field-verified. In the interest of quickly mitigating illegal dumping and trespassing activities on this site before the ground freezes (and the snow piles up), while preserving the integrity of this sewer line, the fence posts in the suspected area of the sewer line will not be driven into the ground. Alternatively, they will be secured to metal bases which will not penetrate the ground, and thereby eliminate the possibility of puncturing this line. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. Thanks. Tom Thomas W. Biolsi, PG Project Manager/Geologist CTRC TRC Wannalancit Mills 650 Suffolk Street Lowell, MA 01854 978.656.3502 phone 978.453.1995 fax 781.572.5580 cell tbiolsi(trcsolutions.com 12/12/2007 Page I of I Shaw, Caprice (DEP) From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Shaw, Caprice (DEP) Wednesday, November 28, 2007 11:35 AM 'Joellyn Warren' Fish, Bernard (DEP); Green, Richard (DEP) RE: 370 Wahconah Hi Joellyn, Thanks for sending this... Other sites with similar situations have signage stating what the contaminate isand where so we prefer this statement: "Warning: soil in this area contains high levels of ARSENIC and LEAD which can be harmful upon human contact." -Caprice From: prvs=18528ea43b=jwarren@berkshireplanning.org [mailto:prvs=18528ea43b=jwarren@berkshireplanning.org] On Behalf Of Joellyn Warren Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2007 11:12 AM To: 'Shaw, Caprice (DEP)' Cc: 'Hanna, Tory' Subject: FW: 370 Wahconah Here isthe wording that was suggested from the city. Thanks for your help. From: Hanna, Tory [mailto:thanna@pittsfieldch.com] Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2007 10:40 AM To: Joellyn Warren Subject: 370 Wahconah Joellyn, Interms of signage for the property, the idea is that we submit specific language to Bruce Collingwood and he will produce signs for us? Correct... Should this language be general "Warning: This area contains high levels of environmental contaminants that may be harmful to humans. Keep away per City of Pittsfield." Or specific to the contaminants "Warning: this area contains high levels of ARSENIC and LEAD which can be harmful upon human contact". Possibly I could help with the language prior to the meeting with Mike Wheeler, possibly even have some signs ready. Tory 11/28/2007 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup V Release Tracking Number RELEASE AMENDMENT FORM 1i -47 A. RELEASEISITE LOCATION: 1. Site Name/Location Aid: BEL AIR MILL 2. Street Address: 1370 WAHCONAH ST 4. ZiPCode: 01201-0000 3. City/Town: PITTSFIELD, PITTSFIELD B.THIS FORM ISBEING USED TO; 1. Date of Response(s): (check all that apply) Start Time: 10/2212007 (mm/dd/yyyy) I000 _7/ AM PM (hh:mm) Fl 2.Record an Initial Compliance Field Response - Announced. [] 3. Record an initial Compliance Field Response - Unannounced. 4. Record a Compliance Field Response - Announced. 5. Record a Compliance Field Response - Unannounced. 6. Record a Field Response - Direct Oversight. fl 7. Record a Follow-up or Other Field Res onse. 8. Record a Follow-up Office Response. A 9. Identify or Update a PRP or Other Person Associated with Release. (Fill out Section E) 10. Correct or Add Data to WSC Database otherwise not specified on this form. (Record in Section C and, if needed, F) C. DESCRIPTION OF ACTMTIES RECORDED BY THIS FORM: (If additional lines are needed, record in Section F.) SEE ATTACHED MEMO NOTE: PRP ADDRESS CHANGE: MR. J. BARRET HOLLISTER, 51 HOLMES ROAD, PITTSFIELD, MA 01201. PHONE NUMBER: (413) 447-7522. D. DEP STAFF AND FORM PREPARER: 1. DEP Staff: . Staf, b. Check here, if Unassigned (or staff name not applicable). : SHAW CAPRICE aN a. ame 2. Preparer Signature: CAPRICE SHAW Revised: 04/22/2004 . Date: 11/01/2007 Page 1 of 2 a Ah MassaChusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC102 Release Tracking Number RELEASE AMENDMENT FORM -1 | 7 E. PRP OR OTHER PERSON ASSOCIATED WITH RELEASE: 1. Check all that apply: D new person associated ihc. 'with release b. change of address a. change in contact name 2. Name of Organization: SKI AMERICA 3. Contact First Name: 5. Street: |J BARET 4. Last Name: HOLISTER 6. Title: 27 TOR COURT 8. State: [UAA 7. City/Town: PITTSFIELD 13. Relationship of Person to Release: 2 a. PRP F1 9. ZIP Code: 01201-0000 12. FAX: 11. Ext.: 10. Telephone: I b. Other c. Type PRP Generic or Non-specified F.ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION: Revised: 04/22/2004 wage t OT L Page 2 of 2 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BUREAU OF WASTE SITE CLEANUP MEMORANDUM TO: Ms. Deanna Ruffer, City of Pittsfield Department of Community Planning, 70 Allen Street, Pittsfield, Massachusetts 01201 THRU: Ben Fish, Site Management/Permits and Riclreen Management/Permits FROM: Caprice Shaw, Brownfields DATE: November 2, 2007 SUBJECT: Former Bel Air Mills, 370 Wahconah Street RTN: 1-00478 Section Chief, Site As requested from our October 22, 2007 meeting, attached are: (1) an example of a Letter of Responsibility (LOR) for Municipality with Exempt Status, M.G.L. c. 21 E, 310 CMR 40.0000 and (2) a copy of the relevant excerpts of M.G.L. c. 21E §2. If the City of Pittsfield acquires the subject property, the Department of Environmental Protection (the Department) will issue a LOR similar to the one attached to ensure that the City of Pittsfield is aware of its rights and responsibilities under M.G.L c. 21E and that any cleanup is conducted in accordance with the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP), 310 CMR 40.0000. The cleanup of disposal sites is governed by the Massachusetts Oil and Hazardous Material Release Prevention and Response Act, M.G.L. c. 21E, which is implemented through regulations promulgated by the Department. Please review the attached letter, as it is intended to assist the City in deciding what actions to take in response to the conditions that are present at this disposal site. In addition, please be aware of the second bullet under Response Actions and Applicable Deadlines in the LOR. The MCP requires all parties conducting response actions to perform Immediate Response Actions (IRAs) to address conditions that present an Imminent Hazard. Such persons must continue to evaluate the need for IRAs and notify the Department immediately if such a need exists. According to the May 2007 Preliminary Assessment/Site Investigation Report for the Bel Air Mills Site submitted by Weston Solutions for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region I, one soil sample collected at the site was found to contain an arsenic level of 590 parts per million (ppm). This exceeds the level for arsenic (40 ppm) that could pose an Imminent Hazard, if present in the top twelve inches of unpaved, unfenced soil and within 500 feet of a residential dwelling, school, playground, recreational area or park, as listed in the MCP (310 CMR 40.0321 (2)(b)). If you have further questions, please contact me at (413) 755-2222. All future correspondence and communications regarding this disposal site should reference RTN 1-00478. cc: file sx f Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC102 Release Tracking Number RELEASE AMENDMENT FORM n - 4 A. RELEASESITE LOCATION: 1. Site Name/Location Aid: IBEL AIR MILL 2. Street Address: 370 WAHCONAH ST 4. ZIP Code: 101201-0000 3. City/Town: PITTSFIELD, PITTSFIELD B. THIS FORM IS BEING USED TO: 1. Date of Response(s): (check all that apply) 110/22/2007 Start Time:F(mm/dd/yyyy) o-o _ _AM -./ D PM (hh:mm) 2. Record an Initial Compliance Field Response - Announced. 3. Record an Initial Compliance Field Response - Unannounced. 4. Record a Compliance Field Response - Announced. 5. Record a Compliance Field Response - Unannounced. 6. Record a Field Response - Direct Oversight. F] 7.Record a Follow-up or Other Field Response. L1 8.Record a Follow-up Office Response. 9. Identify or Update a PRP or Other Person Associated with Release. (Fill out Section E) F] 10. Correct or Add Data to WSC Database otherwise not specified on this form. (Record in Section C and, if needed, F) C. DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES RECORDED BY THIS FORM: (If additional lines are needed, record in Section F.) SEE ATTACHED MEMO NOTE: PRP ADDRESS CHANGE: MR. J. BARRET HOLLISTER, 51 HOLMES ROAD, PITTSFIELD, MA 01201. PHONE NUMBER: (413) 447-7522. D. DEP STAFF AND FORM PREPARER: 1. DEP Staff: a. Name: 2. Preparer Signature Revised: 04/22/2004 SHAW CAPRICE 7 . S(or b. Check here, if Unassigned staff name not applicable). 3. Date: Page 1 of 2 a a eIsi a Department of Environmental Protection Massachusetts Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC102 Release Tracking Number RELEASE AMENDMENT FORM 1i -47 E. PRP OR OTHER PERSON ASSOCIATED WITH RELEASE: 1. Check all that apply: E a. change in contact name Fl b. change of address person associated c. new E with release 2. Name of Organization: SKI AMERICA 3. Contact First Name: J BARET 5. Street: 1 4. Last Name: IHOLISTER 27 TOR COURT 6. Title: 7. City/Town: PITTSFIELD 8. State: 10. Telephone: 13. Relationship of Person to Release: 11. Ext.: G/ a. PRP F1 RI1A 9. ZIP Code: 01201-0000 12. FAX: b.Other c. Type PRP Generic or Non-specified F.ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION: revlsea: U4/22(ZUU4 Revised: 04/22/2004 Page 2 of 2 Page 2 of 2 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BUREAU OF WASTE SITE CLEANUP MEMORANDUM TO: Rick Green, Section Chief, Site Management/Permits and Files* THRU: Ben Fish, Site Management/Permits FROM: Caprice Shaw, Brownfields DATE: October 22, 2007 SUBJECT: Former Bel Air Mills, 370 Wahconah Street RTN: 1-00478 On October 22, 2007, at 9:00 a.m., I met with Ms. Joellyn Warren at 370 Wahconah Street to inspect the property. The access bridge to both 370 and 400 Wahconah Street properties appears to be in questionable condition. The pavement is broken in a few places, and the last inspection regarding its integrity is unknown. The property deed and map confirm that the bridge contains a shared right of way for both 370 and 400 Wahconah Street properties. Mr. Mike Wheeler, property owner located at 400 Wahconah Street, came out to inform us that people are illegally dumping and trespassing on the 370 Wahconah property. We observed three aboveground storage tanks that were placed above the-remains of the burned structure abutting the parking area. He stated that kids and adults are accessing the property and taking copper piping and other miscellaneous scraps from the yard. Mr. Wheeler stated that the southern end of the property contained a brick structure and the northern half contained a wooden structure with steel beams. At the time of this site visit, no structure exists except for a portion of the brick building's wall. South of the standing brick wall is a chain-linked fence that surrounds the southern brick-building's footprint. No posted "no trespassing" signs were observed during this site visit. At 10:00 a.m., Ms. Warren and I attended a meeting with Ms. Deanna Ruffer and Mr. Tory Hanna with the City of Pittsfield Department of Community Development, Mr. Jim Byrne with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and Mr. Tom Biolsi with TRC (Berkshire Regional Planning Commission's consultant). Mr. Biolsi started off the meeting by giving a brief history of the site and a quote of approximately $77,000 to remove debris from the site to continue doing subsurface assessment. Ms. Ruffer stated that without the EPA funds they were hoping for, they only have approximately $25,000 to go towards debris removal. Ms. Warren stated that they are going to contact Mass Development for information on obtaining a low interest-revolving loan. Ms. Ruffer stated that the City has not taken ownership of this property and they are concerned about their liability as a municipality. She requested from both MassDEP and EPA to send her letters outlining the Town's liabilities (regarding cleanup) and she will consult with City Counsel before taking ownership. She mentioned that once she has met with the Counsel, then the City will proceed with the foreclosure. She stated that ownership through involuntary acquisition takes between 12 to 18 months. I mentioned that there are active dumping and trespassing occurring at the site. Ms. Ruffer stated that she will have Pittsfield Police Department make more rounds in that area. She agreed with the MassDEP's 2- Bel-Air Mill 370 Wahconah Street Pittsfield,MA letter that a fence should be erected to discourage dumping and trespassing. Ms. Warren stated that the Brownfield's money they were awarded could be used to prevent access to the site including installing a fence. TRC agreed and they will erect a fence along the southern property border starting from the access bridge. On October 23, 2007, I rechecked soil sample results from Weston Solution, Inc.'s Preliminary Assessment/Site Investigation Report for the Bel Air Mills Site, dated September 27, 2006. One sample reported an elevated arsenic level of 590 ppm which is well above the MassDEP level for releases and threats of release that pose imminent hazards listed at 40 ppm. The location of this sample is north of the standing brick wall. This area is not fenced. I contacted Ms. Warren to request that TRC install construction fencing around the area where the elevated arsenic level was collected as well as some of the reported elevated lead sample locations. I requested that warning signage be posted around the elevated arsenic sample location as well as posting "no trespassing" signage around the whole perimeter of the property. She agreed and will convey my message to both TRC and Ms. Ruffer. 2 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS EXECUTrVE OFFICE OF ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ONE WINTER STREET, BOSTON, MA 02108 617-292-5500 DEVAL L. PATRICK IAN A. BOWLES Governor Secretary TIMOTHY P. MURRAY LAURIE BURT Lieutenant Governor Commissioner October 18, 2007 J. Baret Holister 51 Holmes Rd. Pittsfield, MA 01201 RTN: 1-0000478 Release Address: Bel Air Mill; 370 Wahconah St. Release City: Pittsfield, MA RE: M.G.L. c.21E; 310 CMR 40.0172 Application for Financial Inability Status Dear Mr. Holister: The Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP; 310 CMR 40.0000) allows parties who are potentially responsible for assessing and cleaning up oil or hazardous material to assert that they do not have the financial resources to meet their obligations. Upon conducting a review of documentation submitted to substantiate this assertion, MassDEP will make a determination either to accept or deny your assertion of financial inability. If MassDEP accepts the assertion and issues you a Financial Inability ("Fl") Status Designation, you may stop co nducting response actions at the site until such time as your financial situation improves. The FI Status will not end your liability. However, it will serve to protect you from any penalties associated with not making progress toward the assessment and cleanup of the site. To apply for a Financial Inability Status, please complete the enclosed Financial Inability Application (BWSC-118) and Financial Worksheet (BWSC - 118A), (use Worksheet if applicable). Please be sure that all the necessary information and attachments have been submitted with the application. Your claim will not be evaluated unless it includes the following required information: This information isavailable in alternate format. Call Donald M. Comes, ADA Coordinator at 617-556-1057. TDD Service - 1-800-298-2207. MassDEP on the World Wide Web: http://www.mass.gov/dep Printed on Recycled Paper 0 2 Application for Financial Inability Status RTN 1-0000478 October 18, 2007 1) Signed and dated copies of Ski America, Inc./Ski America Enterprises, Inc.'s three most recent federal and state tax returns, as well as a recent balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows; if none, please state reason why. 2) Signed and dated copies of federal and state tax returns for the years 2004, 2005 and 2006 for J. Baret Holister. If tax returns were' not required to be filed, please state the reason why and provide any end of year documentation (ex: W-2 and 1099 forms). 3) Please provide a copy of the Articles of Incdrporation for Skik America, Inc./Ski America Enterprises, Inc., a copies of the last MA Annual Reports, and copies of the minutes of the last corporate meetings. 4) Please provide a statement and pertinent docuimentation ielated to bankruptcy filings If the corporation has filed bankruptcy, has it been legally and discharges. "terminated"? 5) A list of corporations, partnerships, trusts or any other entities with which Ski America, Inc./Ski America Enterprises, Inc. and/or J. Baret Holister has any legal or financial relationship. If none, please state sich' 6) A list of all assets owned by Ski America, Inc./Ski America Enterprises, Inc. Please include description of property, address of property, and current' fair market value. 7) Two (2) Licensed Site Professional (LSP) estimates for the next step of required cleanup work Please check with the Western Regional Office at 413-784-1100 if you have any questions regarding this matter). 8) Documentation of attempts to investigate insurance coverage or procure funding from alternative financial sources. Acceptable documentation would include copies of insurance policies which exempt coverage, letters from insurance companies denying coverage, and recent loan applications and letters of denial from banks or other financial institutions. 9) Documentation of any other pertinent financial information such as trust/beneficiary agreements, leases; property transfers, bankruptcy proceedings, etc. The completed application package and required documentation should be mailed to: Wanda M. Kopcych, Financial Inability Coordinator Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup, Cost Recovery Unit 1 Winter Street, 8th Floor Boston, MA 02108 To assist you in completing this application, enclosed please find the f6llowing informational mnat erials: e e an Application Completeness Checklist; a Guide to Hiring a Licensed Site Professional; and, a Request for Copy of Tax Forms - IRS Form 4506, (Use if you do not have copies of your taxes). IRS Form 4506T - to be returned to Mass IEP with applicAtion -N Application for Financial RTN 1-0000478 October 18, 2007 bility Status 3 MassDEP will review all the information submitted with your Financial Inability Application and will determine whether the information provided supports your assertion that you have insufficient financial resources to undertake the next required cleanup action. Massachusetts offers a variety of brownfields programs, including state subsidized environmental insurance that is available to owners of contaminated property. The Brownfields Redevelopment Access to Capital (BRAC) is a unique state subsidized environmental program that provides secured lender, pollution legal liability, cleanup cost cap coverage and loans that may be helpful in securing from lenders, and covering unanticipated costs encountered during a cleanup project. For more information about this and other brownfields incentives visit http://www.state.ma.us/dep/bwsc/brownfld.htm. Please state in Section H, History of Efforts to Remedy Financial Inability of the Financial Inability Application (BWSC - 118), what steps have been taken pursuant to the above listed programs and resources. MassDEP will notify you in writing with the results of the determination process. A favorable determination will result in MassDEP issuing you a FI Status designation, which shall remain in effect for an initial period of approximately one year. You may reapply to MassDEP to extend your FI Status designation thirty days prior to the expiration date of the current FI Status. There is a requirement that you notify MassDEP of any changes in your financial situation that may enable you to conduct the next step of required assessment or cleanup work at the site. A notice of denial means MassDEP does not agree with your assertion of financial inability and therefore you will be expected to meet all of your responsibilities and obligations under the MCP. While MassDEP is reviewing the application, you will be responsible for any response actions and submittal deadlines in effect as defined by the MCP. Should you have any questions or require assistance completing the enclosed application package, please contact Ms. Wanda Kopcych of my staff at (617) 348-4055. Sincerely, Kristin LaCroix, Director Division of Technical and Financial Support Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup MassDEP copy: Ben Fish; DEP Western Regional Office DEP Boston FI File DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BUREAU OF WASTE SITE CLEANUP MEMORANDUM TO: Rick Green, Section Chief, Site Management/Permits and Files THRU: Ben Fish, Site Management/Permits FROM: Caprice Shaw, Brownfields DATE: October 17, 2007 SUBJECT: Former Bel Air Mills, 370 Wahconah Street RTN: 1-00478 On October 17, 2007, I received a call from Mr. Barret Hollister regarding his property located at 370 Wahconah Street. He stated that he received the Notice of Response Action (NORA) letter dated September 19, 2007. The NORA was sent back to MassDEP due to incorrect PRP address information however Mr. Hollister stated that someone from Town delivered the letter to him. Mr. Hollister stated that he filed for bankruptcy and is financially unable to conduct any assessment or remedial work at the property. He added that he was surprised that the City of Pittsfield has not yet taken ownership. I asked Mr. Hollister to send MassDEP a letter stating the above and that he received the September 19 letter. He agreed. In addition, he is allowing access to his property to do necessary assessment and remedial activities and offered to help in any way other than financially. I contacted Ms. Joellyn Warren with Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) in regards to my phone conversation with Mr. Hollister and she has set a meeting for October 22, 2007 with all stakeholders (including MassDEP) to discuss cost quotes to remove onsite rubble and future assessment activities. Please note contact information change for Mr. J. Barret Hollister: 51 Holmes Road, Pittsfield, MA 01201, phone number: (413) 447-7522. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSEITS EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE. 436 Dwight Street . Springfield, Massachusetts 01103.. (413) 784-1100 - DEVAL L. PATRICK Governor IAN A. BOWLES Secretary TIMOTHY P. MURRAY Lieutenant Governor LAURIE BURT Commissioner September 19, 2007 URGENT LEGAL MATTER: PROMPT ACTION NECESSARY Mr. J. Barret Hollister RE: Pittsfield Bel Air Mill-370 Waconah Street RTN# 1-0478 NOTICE OF RESPONSE ACTION M.G.L. c.21E & 310 CMR 40.0000 President Ski N$merica 5\ 27 To ourt Pittsfield, Massachusetts 01201 Because of a failure to act by those prarties'potentially responsiblefr contamination at the above location, the Department of Environmental Protection is planning to hire its own contractor(s) to begin performing needed work at this site. If such actions occur, the Department will seek to recover 3 times its "costs against those parties considered legally liable for contamination at this site, and will do so by placing a lien on all properties in the Commonwealth owned by such parties. Actions must be taken NOW to prevent the Department from proceeding in this regard. Dear Mr. Hollister: The Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup (the "Department" or "MassDEP") has determined that there have been one or more releases of oil and/or hazardous material at the above-referenced site. The investigation and cleanup of such releases are governed by M.G.L. c. 21E, the Massachusetts Oil and Hazardous Materials Release Prevention and Response Act, and the regulations adopted thereunder, known as the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (the "MCP"; 310 CMR 40.0000). You and/or other parties have previously provided notification to MassDEP that a release of oil and/or hazardous materials had occurred at the above location, and you have previously been issued a "Notice of Responsibility" which outlined needed actions and legal liabilities in this matter. Despite this Notice, you have failed to conduct all necessary assessment and/or cleanup actions at this site within the time period prescribed in state law and regulation. As a This information isavailable in alternate format. Call Donald M. Gomes, ADA Coordinator at 617-556-1057. TDD Service - 1-800-298-2207. DEP on the World Wide Web: http://Aw.mass.gov/dep Printed on Recycled Paper Q Bel Air Mills, 1-0478 NORA Page 2 of 4 result, if you are a legally liable party, you are in noncompliance with M.G.L. c. 21E and the MCP, and are now subject to Civil Administrative Penalties under M.G.L. c. 21A, Section 16 and 310 CMR 5.00, the Civil Administrative Penalty Regulations. The Department previously informed you of your potential liability for this release in a Notice of Responsibility dated July 15, 1996. On March 6, 1998, the Department issued you a Notice of Noncompliance for failure to submit a Tier Classification Form or a Response Action Outcome Statement. On February 2, 1999, the Department issued you a Penalty Assessment Notice in the amount of $3,000.00 under the authority of the Civil Administrative Penalties Act, M.G.L. c. 21A, §16, and its regulations at 310 CMR 5. There was no response from you in regard to the Department's correspondence. The Department has identified you as a responsible party regarding this release. This Notice-provides you a final opportunity to take the Response Actions required-to address this site before the Department does so. Unless you promptly reply to this Notice with your intent by September 28, 2007 and comply with its requirements, the Department will prepare to take the actions described below on or after October 15, 2007. Massachusetts General Law Chapter 21E, Section 4 authorizes the Department to take such Response Actions and, when time allows, requires the Department to notify you of its intent to take such actions. RESPONSE ACTIONS REOUIRED AT THIS SITE To comply with the requirements of M.G.L. c.21E and the MCP, as specified in the Notices of Responsibility and Noncompliance issued in this matter, all necessary actions must be taken to eliminate substantial hazards presented by the site and achieve a level of No Significant Risk [310 CMR 40.1000]. These actions may include, but are not limited to, Comprehensive Response Actions [310 CMR 40.0800] and/or any necessary Immediate Response Actions [310 CMR 40.0400]. COMPLIANCE DEADLINE FOR NOTIFICATION OF YOUR INTENT TO CONDUCT RESPONSE ACTIONS To perform Response Actions in lieu of the Department, you must respond to this Notice by Septenibir 28, 2007, and provide the Department with the following: 1. A signed agreement with a Licensed Site Professional (LSP) to conduct Response Actions as required by M.G.L. c.21E and the MCP. You may obtain a list of the names and addresses of these LSPs from the Board of Registration of Hazardous Waste Site Cleanup Professionals at (617) 556-1145 or online at htp://www.mass.gov/lsp. 2. An Immediate Response Action Plan and a strict timetable for conducting Immediate Response Actions (IRAs) to address reported elevated levels of arsenic in surficial soils that pose a potential Imminent Hazard as defined by the MCP (>40 parts per million) including but not necessarily limited to the following: a. Install fencing to restrict access to this site, as elevated levels of arsenic were found within 100 feet of residences; Page 3 of 4 Bel Air Mills, 1-0478 NORA b. Remove and properly dispose of abandoned drums, aboveground storage tanks (ASTs) and any other potential containers of oil & hazardous materials on-site. The Department inspected the site on July 24, 2007 and identified presumably empty 55-gallon drums and ASTs located on your site; c. Perform surface soil sampling and analysis for metals, including arsenic and lead; and d. Submit an IRA Status Report documenting completion and findings of the above tasks. RESPONSE ACTIONS THE DEPARTMENT INTENDS TO TAKE IF YOU FAIL TO ACT If you do not provide the commitment to conduct such Response Actions as specified above, as an initial step in the site characterization process, the Department will secure the services of one or more of its contractors to conduct one or more of the following actions at this site: 1. 2. 3. 4. Review available information and data for the site; Remove and properly dispose of drums containing oil and/or hazardous materials; Obtain and analyze surface soil samples for metals including arsenic and lead; Obtain and analyze other soil and groundwater samples as deemed appropriate on the basis of site observations; and 5. Erect a fence to prevent public access at the site. Information obtained from the above initial site investigation activities will help determine the scope, nature, and timing of additional actions. The Department reserves the right to conduct the additional response actions necessary to achieve a level of No Significant Risk at the site without providing additional notice to you. POTENTIAL LIABILITY AND TREBLE DAMAGES Please be advised that the Department continues to consider you potentially liable under M.G.L. c.21E for up to three (3) times the Department's Response Action Costs incurred by the Department and for damages from the impairment of the Commonwealth's natural resources. This liability was described in the Notice of Responsibility.previously issued to you. In addition to liability for the Department's Response Action Costs, any person who violates any provision of M.G.L. c. 21E or 310 CMR 40.0000 shall be subject to a civil penalty not to exceed $25,000 for each day of violation or by a fine of not more than $25,000 or by imprisonment for not more than two years for each such violation. To secure payment of Response Action Costs, the Commonwealth has the authority under M.G.L. c. 2 1E, § 13 to effect liens on site and non-site property that you own in the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth may foreclose on any such lien, and the Attorney General may bring other legal action against you to recover any debt owed the Commonwealth. 9 Bel Air Mills, 1-0478 NORA . Page 4 of 4 If you wish to claim that you are financially unable to conduct the required Response Actions at this time, you must submit a notice of financial, technical or legal inability as described in 310 CMR 40.0172 to secure yourself with a defense to treble damages. If you can demonstrate that you do not have the financial resources available to continue the cleanup at your property, the Department can grant Financial Inability (FI) status, which must be renewed annually. In order to be granted Fl status by the Department, you must complete and submit a Fl application to MassDEP on or before September 28, 2007. Your application must include submittal of your three most recent Federal Income Tax returns, along with two cost estimates prepared by LSPs for the next required action to clean up your site. For more information regarding the financial inability application, please contact Wanda Kopeych at (617) 348-4055. Even if you have a defense to treble damages, you will still be obligated to complete response actions that you are able to perform and continue to be liable for costs and damages. Should MassDEP initiate Response Actions at this site, MassDEP reserves the right to exercise the full extent of its legal authority to obtain full compliance with all applicable requirements, including but not limited to, criminal prosecution, civil action including courtimposed civil penalties, and administrative penalties issued by MassDEP. If you have any questions relative to this Notice, please contact Caprice Shaw at the letterhead address or by telephone at 413-755-2222. All future communications regarding this release should reference the following Release Tracking Number: RTN # 1-0478. Sincerely, a .SyZn Deputy Regional Director Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup CERTIFIED MAIL # 7007 0710 0003 2180 7489 cc: Maria Pinaud, Compliance and Enforcement Chief, Boston Kristin LaCroix, Director Financial Section, Boston Pittsfield - Chief Municipal Officer Pittsfield - Board of Health Deanna Ruffer, Department of Community Development Planning Department, Pittsfield City Hall, 70 Allen Street, Pittsfield MA Allen Jarrell, U.S. EPA Removal Program, Region I, 1 Congress St., Suite 1100, Boston, MA 02114-2023 ecc: Denise Andler, BWSC, Data Entry- C&E NORA Mike Gorski, Regional Director, WERO Joellyn Warren, Berkshire Regional Planning Commission DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BUREAU OF WASTE SITE CLEANUP . MEMORANDUM TO: Rick Green, Section Chief, Site Management/Permits and Files THRU: Ben Fish, Site Management/Permits FROM: Caprice Shaw, Brownfields DATE: September 13, 2007 SUBJECT: Former Bel Air Mills, 370 Wahconah Street RTN#: 1-00478 ' On September 13, 2007, 1 received a call from Ms. Joellyn Warren with Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) in regards to my prior phone message pertaining to a call that Clean Harbor trucks were observed at the former Bel Air Mills site. Ms. Warren informed me that they have hired an LSP, TRC Environmental Corporation in Lowell, MA (TRC), to conduct assessment work on the property. She mentioned that TRC subcontracted Clean Harbors to calculate cost estimates to remove onsite rubble and debris, which is preventing access to conduct soil assessment activities. She had mentioned that site assessment activities were on hold due to the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) determination that this site is not an imminent hazard. Ms. Warren stated that due to this determination, EPA Brownfield's funding could not be used to remove the rubble on site, but could be use to continue Phase II assessment activities. Ms. Warren stated that she is challenged to find funding to cover the cost of debris removal since the EPA funding cannot be used for this function. Ms. Warren stated that she will invite all stakeholders (including MassDEP) together once debris is removed and Phase II assessment activity results are completed to discuss the next steps. I mentioned to her to let me know when assessment work will be performed so that I can be present. After reviewing the file, it appears that this site is adjacent to the Housatonic River. I consulted with Sue Steenstrup of MassDEP in regards to potential PCB contamination near the river at this site's location. Sue informed me that a Phase I was performed on this site in regards to breaching a dilapidated dam located up river from the site, and she believed that this site was outside the area of PCB impacted sediment. On September 19, 2007, 1 contacted Ms. Warren to inform her of MassDEP concerns regarding the integrity of the access bridge to the site, which crosses the Western Branch of the Housatonic River. I advised Ms. Warren to validate that the access bridge could support weighted trucks safely. She agreed that this might be a concern and stated that she will contact their LSP to address bridge safety issues. In addition, the site is within 20 feet of the river/wetlands and I asked if she was in communication with the Pittsfield Conservation Commission regarding future assessment activity around the riparian area. She stated that the Department of Community Development is in close contact with the Conservation Commission and they are keeping them informed of all present and future activities. ~O m w0 -M z0 m 2 z KU 0 C-- M co 00 CDo O3a4 L : II' r -'9 C z'i m N N 0 U A -S 2 C 0) *05 C) c0 C) a Cl N t UI -- II I.> S m p SFLE COPY COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENEIGY & ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE 436 Dwight Street - Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 - (413) 784-1100 DEVAL L. PATRICK Governor IAN A. BOWLES Secretary TIMOTHY P. MURRAY Lieutenant Governor LAURIE BURT Commissioner September 19, 2007 URGENT LEGAL MATTER: PROMPT ACTION NECESSARY Mr. J. Barret Hollister President Ski America 27 Tor Court Pittsfield, Massachusetts 01201 RE: Pittsfield Bel Air Mill-370 Waconah Street RTN# 1-0478 NOTICE OF RESPONSE ACTION M.G.L. c.21E & 310 CMR 40.0000 Because of a failure to act by those-parties tentially responsible for contamination at the above location, thedDepartmentof EnvironmentaI Protection is planningto hire its own contractor(s) to begin performing needed work atl is, site., If such ctions occur, the Departmentwill seek to recover 3 times its costs-against those pties considered legally liable for con ation'at thissit willdso 0and yping ien on all properties in the Comionwealthowned by such parties.Actions must be talken NOW to prevent the Department from proceeding in this regard. Dear Mr. Hollister: The Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup (the "Department" or "MassDEP") has determined that there have been one or more releases of oil and/or hazardous material at the above-referenced site. The investigation and cleanup of such releases are governed by M.G.L. c. 21E, the Massachusetts Oil and Hazardous Materials Release Prevention and Response Act, and the regulations adopted thereunder, known as the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (the "MCP"; 310 CMR 40.0000). You and/or other parties have previously provided notification to MassDEP that a release of oil and/or hazardous materials had occurred at the above location, and you have previously been issued a "Notice of Responsibility" which outlined needed actions and legal liabilities in this matter. Despite this Notice, you have failed to conduct all necessary assessment and/or cleanup actions at this site within the time period prescribed in state law and regulation. As a This information is available in alternate format. Call Donald M. Gomes, ADA Coordinator at 617-556-1057. TDD Service - 1-800-298-2207. DEP on the World Wide Web: http://w.mass.gov/dep Printed on Recycled Paper Page 2 of 4 Bel Air Mills, 1-0478 NORA result, if you are a legally liable party, you are in noncompliance with M.G.L. c. 21E and the MCP, and are now subject to Civil Administrative Penalties under M.G.L. c. 21A, Section 16 and 310 CMR 5.00, the Civil Administrative Penalty Regulations. The Department previously informed you of your potential liability for this release in a Notice of Responsibility dated July 15, 1996. On March.6, 1998, the Department issued you a Notice of Noncompliance for failure to submit a Tier Classification Form or a Response Action Outcome Statement. On February 2, 1999, the Departmerit issued you a Penalty Assessment Notice in the amount of $3,000.00 under the authority of the Civil Administrative Penalties Act, M.G.L. c. 21A, §16, and its regulations at 310 CMR 5. There was no response from you in regard to the Department's correspondence. The Department has identified you as a responsible party regarding this. release. This Notice provides you a final opportunity to take the Response Actions required to address this site before the Department does so. Unless you promptly reply to this Notice with your intent by September 28, 2007 and comply with its requirements, the Department will prepare to take the actions described below on or after October 15, 2007. Massachusetts General Law Chapter 21E, Section 4 authorizes the Department to take such Response Actions and, when time allows, requires the Department to notify you of its intent to take such actions. RESPONSE ACTIONS REOUIRED AT THIS SITE I To comply with the requirements of M.G.L. c.21E and the MCP, as specified in the Notices of Responsibility and Noncompliance issued in this matter, all necessary actions must be taken to eliminate substantial hazards presented by the site and achieve a level of No Significant Risk [310 CMR 40.1000]. These actions may include, but are not limited to, Comprehensive Response Actions [310 CMR 40.0800] and/or any necessary Immediate Response Actions [310 CMR 40.0400]. COMPLIANCE DEADLINE FOR NOTIFICATION OF YOURINTENT TO CONDUCT RESPONSE ACTIONS To perform Response Actions in lieu of the Department, you must respond to this Notice by September 28, 2007, and provide the Department with the following: 1. A signed agreement with a Licensed Site Professional (LSP) to conduct Response Actions as required by M.G.L. c.21E and the MCP. You may obtain a list of the names and addresses of these LSPs from the Board of Registration of Hazardous Waste Site Cleanup Professionals at (617) 556-1145 or onlineat'http://www.mass.gov/lsp. 2. An Immediate Response Action Plan and a strict timetable for conducting Immediate Response Actions (IRAs) to address reported elevated levels of arsenic in surficial soils that pose a potential Imminent Hazard as definedby the MCP (>40 parts per million) including but not necessarily limited to the following: a. Install fencing to restrict access to this site, as elevated levels found within 100 feet of residences'; 6f arsenic were p - Bel Air Mills, 1-0478 - Page 3 of 4 NORA b. Remove and properly dispose of abandoned drums, aboveground storage tanks (ASTs) and any other potential containers of oil & hazardous materials on-site. The Department inspected the site on July 24, 2007 and identified presumably empty 55-gallon drums and ASTs located on your site; c. Perform surface soil sampling and analysis for metals, including arsenic and lead; and d. Submit an IRA Status Report documenting completion and findings of the above tasks. RESPONSE ACTIONS THE DEPARTMENT INTENDS TO TAKE IF YOU FAIL TO ACT If you do not provide the commitment to conduct such Response Actions as specified above, as an initial step in the site characterization process, the Department will secure the services of one or more of its contractors to conduct one or more of the following actions at this site: Review available information and data for the site; Remove and properly dispose of drums containing oil and/or hazardous materials; Obtain and analyze surface soil samples for metals including arsenic and lead; Obtain and analyze other soil and groundwater samples as deemed appropriate on the basis of site observations; and 5. Erect a fence to prevent public access at the site. 1. 2. 3. 4. Information obtained from the above initial site investigation activities will help determine the scope, nature, and timing of additional actions. The Department reserves the right to conduct the additional response actions necessary to achieve a level of No Significant Risk at the site without providing additional notice to you. POTENTIAL LIABILITY AND TREBLE DAMAGES Please be advised that the Department continues to consider you potentially liable under M.G.L. c.21E for up to three (3) times the Department's Response Action Costs incurred by the Department and for damages from the impairment of the Commonwealth's natural resources. This liability was described in the Notice of Responsibility previously issued to you. In addition to liability for the Department's Response Action Costs, any person who violates any provision of M.G.L. c. 21E or 310 CMR 40.0000 shall be subject to a civil penalty not to exceed $25,000 for each day of violation or by a fine of not more than $25,000 or by imprisonment for not more than two years for each such violation. To secure payment of Response Action Costs, the Commonwealth has the authority under M.G.L. c. 21E, §13 to effect liens on site and non-site property that you own in the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth may-foreclose on any such lien, and the Attorney General may bring other legal action against you to recover any debt owed the Commonwealth. Page 4 of 4 Bel Air Mills, 1-0478 NORA If you wish to claim that you are financially unable to conduct the required Response Actions at this time, you must submit a notice of financial, technical or legal inability as described in 310 CMR 40.0172 to secure yourself with a defense to treble damages. If you can demonstrate that you do not have the financial resources available to continue the cleanup at your property, the Department can grant Financial Inability (FI) status, which must be renewed annually. In order to be granted Fl status by the Department, you must complete and submit a FI application to MassDEP on or before September 28, 2007. Your application must include submittal of your three most recent Federal Income Tax returns, along with two cost estimates prepared by LSPs for the next required action to clean up your site. For more information. regarding the financial inability application, please contact Wanda Kopcych at (617) 348-4055. Even if you have a defense to treble damages, you will still be obligated to complete response actions that you are able to perform and continue to be liable for costs and damages. Should MassDEP initiate Response Actions at this site, MassDEP reserves the right to exercise the full extent of its legal authority to obtain full compliance with all applicable requirements, including but not limited to, criminal prosecution, civil action including courtimposed civil penalties, and administrative penalties issued by MassDEP. If you have any questions relative to this Notice, please contact Caprice Shaw at the letterhead address or by telephone at 413-755-2222. .All future communications regarding this release should reference the following Release Tracking Number: RTN # 1-0478. Sincerely, a . Sy ngton Deputy,Regional Director Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup CERTIFIED MAIL # 7007 0710 0003 2180 7489 Maria Pinaud, Compliance and Enforcement Chief, Boston cc: Kristin LaCroix, Director Financial Section, Boston Pittsfield - Chief Municipal Officer Pittsfield - Board of Health Deanna Ruffer, Department of Community Development Plannieg Department, Pittsfield City Hall, 70 Allen Street, Pittsfield MA Allen Jarrell, U.S. EPA Removal Program, Region I, 1 Congress St., Suite 1100, Boston, MA 02114-2023 ecc: Denise Andler, BWSC, Data Entry- C&E NORA Mike Gorski, Regional Director, WERO Joellyn Warren, Berkshire Regional Planning Commission 0 @ -2 0 CD m C In 0 z 0 0 CD to 'A law z 0' -1 Go S-Postal Service. OERTIFIED Er -u M=MMMEM C3 -d (-4 C3 131 1ru C3 M C3 Return Receipt Fee C3 (Eridorsement Required) [I 0 ca~ 0 OFFOCOAL U9605 -1 -0 MAILTAIRECEIPT, (Domestic Mail Only; Nio InsuranceCoverage Provided) Postage Certified Fee M M Restricted Delivery Fee 03 (Erdorsement Required) C r- 0 >S C3 CL se ~CD c :3, Mr. J. Barret Hollister, President Ski America or 27 Tor Court Pittsfield, MA 01201 -0 dERTIFIED MAILf.RECEIPT Er (OomtesticMail Only; No Insurance Coverage Providedl) U sf5 LA i i3 O Fo -0 17 > O UNIre, -0- C3 Hq Postage $ Certified Fee 3 0 r C3 Return Receipt Fee (Encorsment Required) Re ntricted Deivery Fee (Encorsement Required) Cco N 3eco'a Mr. J. Barret Hollister, President o Lm Ski America - 27 Tor Court Pittsfield, MA 01201 rk . r- - Vhe Commonwealth of Massachusetts W Jyn Francis Galvin - Public Browse a Page 1 of 2 Search The Commonwealth of Massachusetts William Francis Galvin Secretary of the Commonwealth, Corporations Division One Ashburton Place, 17th floor Boston, MA 02108-1512 Telephone: (617) 727-9640 SKI AMERICA ENTERPRISES, INC. Summary Screen Help with this form Request a Certificate The exact name of the Domestic Profit Corporation: SKI AMERICA ENTERPRISES, INC. Entity Type: Domestic Profit Corporation Identification Number: 042513291 Old Federal Employer Identification Number (Old FEIN): 000052451 Date of Organization in Massachusetts: 01/03/1973 Date of Involuntary Dissolution by Court Order or by the SOC: 05/31/2007 Current Fiscal Month / Day: 06 / 30 Previous Fiscal Month / Day: 12 /31 The location of its principal office in Massachusetts: No. and Street: 370 WAHCONAH STREET City or Town: PITTSFIELD State: MA Zip: 01201 Country: USA If the business entity is organized wholly to do business outside Massachusetts, the location of that office: No. and Street: City or Town: State: Zip: Country: Name and address of the Registered Agent: Name: No. and Street: City or Town: State: Zip: Country: The officers and all of the directors of the corporation: Title Individual Name First, Middle, Last, Suffix NI 9/5/2007 Address (no PO Box) Address, City or Town, State, Zip Code PRESIDENT JOSEPH B HOLLISTER 27 TOR COURT, PITTSFIELD, MA USA 27 TOR COURT, PITTSFIELD, MA USA TREASURER JOSEPH B HOLLISTER 27 TOR COURT, PITTSFIELD, MA USA 27 TOR COURT, SECRETARY JOSEPH B HOLLISTER PITTSFIELD, MA USA 27 TOR COURT, PITTSFIELD, MA USA Expiration of Term I The Commonwealth of Massachusetts William Francis Galvin - Public Browse and Search tPage 2 of 2 1 I14 27 TOR COURT, PIT IT business entity stock is publicly traded: The total number of shares and par value, if any, of each class of stock which the business entity is authorized to issue: Total issued Total Authorized by Articles of Organization or Amendments and Outstanding Num of Shares Total Par Value of Shares No Stock Information available online. Prior to August 27, 2001, records can be obtained on microfilm. Par Value Per Share Enter 0 if no Par Class of Stock INum Confidential Data Consent X Manufacturer Partnership _ Resident Agent X For Profit __ _ Does Not Require Annual Report Merger Allowed Note: There is additional information located in the cardfile that is not available on the system. Select a type of filing from below to view this business entity filings: ALL FILINGS Administrative Dissolution Annual Report Application For Revival Articles of Amendment - _ New Search View Filings Comments @2001 - 2007 Commonwealth of Massachusetts -All Rights Reserved 9/5/2007 -V Help The Commonwealth of Massachusetts iliam Francis Galvin - Public Browse and Search I ~all Page 1 of 2 The Commonwealth of Massachustts William Francis Galvin Secretary of the Commonwealth, Corporations Division One Ashburton Place, 17th floor Boston, MA 02108-1512 Telephone: (617) 727-9640 SKI AMERICA, INC. Summary Screen Help with this form Request a Certificate The exact name of the Domestic Profit Corporation: SKI AMERICA, INC. Entity Type: Domestic Profit Corporation Identification Number: 000589251 Old Federal Employer Identification Number (Old FEIN): 000000000 Date of Organization in Massachusetts: 09/22/1997 Date of Involuntary Dissolution by Court Order or by the SOC: 05/31/2007 Current Fiscal Month ! Day: 12 / 31 Previous Fiscal Month I Day: 00 /00 The location of its principal office in Massachusetts: No. and Street: 51 HOLMES RD. City or Town: PITTSFIELD State: MA Zip: 02101 Country: USA If the business entity is organized wholly to do business outside Massachusetts, the location of that office: No. and Street: City or Town: State: Zip: Country: Name and address of the Registered Agent: Name: No. and Street: City or Town: State: Zip: Country: The officers and all of the directors of the corporation: Title /I 9/5/2007 Individual Name Address (no PO Box) First, Middle, Last, Suffix Address, City or Town, State, Zip Code PRESIDENT J. BARRETT HOLLISTER 51 HOLMES RD., PITTSFIELD, MA 01201 USA 51 HOLMES RD., PITTSFIELD, MA 01201 USA TREASURER J. BARRETT HOLLISTER 51 HOLMES RD., PITTSFIELD, MA 01201 USA 51 HOLMES RD., PITTSFIELD, MA 01201 USA I SECRETARY _ P. KEYBURN HOLLISTER 106 WENDELL AVE., PITTSFIELD, MA 01201 USA Expiration of Term Page 2 The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Wlliam Francis Galvin - Public Browse anjSea;ch 106 WENDELL AVE, PITTSFIELD, MA 01201 USA | | I business entity stock is publicly traded: The total number of shares and par value, if any, of each class of stock which the business entity is authorized to issue: Par Value Per Share Enter 0 if no Par Class of Stock Total Authorized by Articles of Organization or Amendments Total Par Value Num of Shares Total Issued and Outstanding Num of Shares No Stock Information available online. Prior to August 27,2d01, records can be obtained on microfilm. 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Ads by Google Publisher and President Charles Leocha 177 Paris Street, Boston, MA 02182 Telephone: (617) 569-1966 E-mail: leocha@skisnowboard.com World Leisure, Corporation PO Box 160, Hampstead, NH 03841 For resort paid-link advertising click here for details. For display advertising contact Charlies Leocha at leocha@worldleisure.com Ski Resorts Easy to search directory featuring 100's of ski resorts and lodges w.ResortsandLodges.c Mt. Ashland House Secluded Log Home Vacation Rental 7min to. skiing 15min to Shakespeare www.MtAshlandHouse.co, Editor Steve Giordano 217 Bayside Road, Bellingham, WA 98225 Telephone: (360) 733-0249 R-mail: steve@skisnowboard.com Ski vacation Packages Ski Vacation Packages listings Find Ski Vacation Packages info SkiVacations.PrudentBuy. Eastern Resort Editor Mitch Kaplan 10 Berkeley Place, Fair Lawn, NJ 07410 Telephone: (201) 797-2413 R-mail: mitch@skisnowboard.com Ski Vacation Packages Find Snow Ski Vacation Packages Book Snow Ski Vacation Packages Now snow-ski-packages.pricep. Western Resort Editor 9/;5/2007 How to Contact Us at SkiSnowboard.co Lynasen Giordano 217 Bayside Road, Bellingham, WA 98225 Telephone: (360) 733-0249 R-mail: lynn@skisnowboard.com 4 Join our list! Enter your email address, choose a content format and click "Join." , HTML C Text you Join i Home I News & Features I Resorts I Top 10s I Press Access IAbout Us I Contat Us 9/5/2007 Page 2 of 2 Massachusetta Department of Environmental ProteCtan Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup BWSC RELEASE AMENDMENT FORM Rele ase Tracking Numbe - [ 478 A. RELEASE/SITE LOCATION: 1. Site Name/Location Aid: BEL AIR MILL 2. Street Address: 1370 WAHCONAH ST 4. ZIPCode: 012010000 3. City/Town: PITTSFIELD, PITTSFIELD B. THIS FORM IS BEING USED TO: 1. Date of Response(s): (check all that apply) 08/02/2007 [ Li Start Time: 12:30 (mm/dd/yyyy) AM PM (h hhmm) 2. Record an Initial Compliance Field Response - Announced. 3. Record an Initial Compliance Field Response - Unannounced L 4. Record a Compliance Field Response - Announced. 5. Record a Compliance Field Response - Unannounced. O 6. Record a Field Response - Direct Oversight. 7. Record a Follow-up or Other Field Response. fl8. 6 fl Record a Follow-up Office Response. 9. Identify or Update a PRP or Other Person Associated with Release. (Fill out Section E) .10. Correct or Add Data to WSC Database otherwise not specified on this form. (Record in Section C and, if needed, F) C. DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES RECORDED BY THIS FORM: (If additional lines are needed, record in Section F.) I PERFORMED AN INSPECTION OF THE ABOVE SITE. THIS SITE HAS BEEN LISTED AS TIER ID WITH NO RECENT ACTIVITY. I SPOKE WITH KATHY DESNAN, WHO WAS WORKING AT THE BERKSHIRE ROOFING AND SIDING CO., LOCATED AT 400 WACONAH STREET, ADJACENT TO THE SITE. SHE EXPLAINED THAT THERE HAS BEEN NO ACTIVITY AT THE SITE OTHER THAN LOOTERS STEALING BRICKS AND COPPER piping. SHE SAID THAT THE TOWN WAS TRYING TO TAKE THE PROPERTY FOR BACK TAXES AND GAVE ME THE NAME OF THE TOWN CONTACT, DEANNA RUFFER - 413.499-9449. BOTH BUILDINGS HAVE BEEN BURNED DOWN, BUT THE BACK/SOUTH BUILDING, ACCORDING TO KATHY, WAS ENCLOSED WITH A CHAIN-LINK FENCE BY THE TOWN. I DID OBSERVECA SECTION OF THE FENCE WAS DOWN ALLOWING ACCESS. Based upon maps from the recent report funded by the USEPA, i cannot determine if the sample locations with elevated lead and arsenic are within the fenced area around the south building. Access to the entire site is somewhat restricted due to only one entrance over the bridge that spans the West Branch of the Housatonic River that runs along the west side of the property. A good portion of the site is fenced in along its boundary perimeter. Photos attached. On 8-6-07, I received a call from the owner of Berkshire Roofing and Siding Co., Mike Wheeler. He said he has D. DEP STAFF AND FORM PREPARER: 1. DEP Staff: a. Name: 2. Preparer Signature: R d i 22/2 ev se : 04/ 04 FISH BERNARD , b. Check here, if Unassigned (or staff name not applicable). /1 3. Date: - Page I of 2 4 4. Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup RELEASE BWSC102 Release Tracking Number AMENDMENT FORM E. PRP OR OTHER PERSON ASSOCIATED WITH RELEASE: 1. Check all that apply: EJ a. change in contact name c. new person associated b. change of address LUwith release 2. Name of Organization: SKI AMERICA 4. Last Name: HOLISTER 3. Contact First Name: J BARET 5. Street: 27 TOR COURT 7. City/Town: 6. Title: 8. State: [LA PITTSFIELD 10. Telephone: 13. Relationship of Person to Release: 11. Ext.: W a. PRP Fl 9. ZIP Code: 01201-0000 12. FAX: b. Other c. Type PRP Generic or Non-specified F. ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION: called the Town, and the owner, Barry Hollister owes the Town $400K in back taxes. He is interested in buying the property, and wishes to stay in contact with the Department's progress with the site. Revised: 04/22/2004 .Page 2 of 2 CITY OF PITTSFIELD MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEANNA L. DEVELOPMENT RUFFER CITY HAti. 70 ALEN STRtT PITTSFIELO. MA 012 101 (413) 499-9449 (413) 442-5661-- FAX EMAIL DRUFFER@PITTSFIELCH.COM I I ~, DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BUREAU OF WASTE SITE CLEANUP MEMORANDUM TO: Rick Green, Section Chief, Site Management/Permits FROM: Ben Fish, Site Management/Permits DATE: July 24, 2007 SUBJECT: Fmr. Bel Air Mills 370 Waconah Street Pittsfield, MA RTN: 1-0478 On June 4, 2007, the BWSC received a report prepared by Weston Solutions, Inc. and entitled "Removal Program Preliminary Assessment/Site Investigation" Report for the above property. The property was occupied by Bel Air Manufacturing Co., until the 1920s, Goodwill Industries to 1965, Ski America from 1982 to 1986, and unoccupied thereafter. Property is owned by Barry Hollister. In 1988, the Department received notification by CEA concerning 1,450 ppb of methylene chloride in a groundwater-monitoring well. The notification stated that the improper disposal of paint thinner into a floor drain as the possible cause of groundwater contamination. In 1995, the site became a Tier ID, and in 7/1996, a NOR was issued to the owner. In 2001 and 2005 the mill buildings were destroyed in fires. In 4/2006, TRC Env. performed a Phase I Site Assessment for the Berkshire Regional Planning Commission. During an inspection by TRC, several 55-gallon drums and debris piles were observed. TRC suspected lead-based paint and asbestos in the debris. Floor drains and groundwater-monitoring wells were not found. In October of 2006 and April 2007, Weston Solutions, Inc. performed a site reconnaissance and also found the empty 55-gallon drums, ASTs, and debris piles. Over the course of the two inspections, 62 debris and surface soil samples (0-3 inches and 0-6 inches) were obtained for metals and asbestos analyses. Asbestos was not found, but elevated levels of lead and arsenic were found in surficial soil. 590 ppm of arsenic was detected in SS-11 (building debris/ash) at 0-3 inches and 4,900 ppm of lead was detected in SS-19N1 (medium sand, gray fine ground mortar, and brick debris) at 0-6 inches. The elevated level of arsenic poses a potential Imminent Hazard as defined by the MCP (>40 ppm). Sample location is within 100 feet of residences. Site is not access restricted. /,64'7WI UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION GENCY - REGION 1 1 CONGRESS STREET, SUITE 1100 BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02114-2023 1.4PAoIUc May 31, 2007 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection c/o Mr. Ben Fish 436 Dwight Street, 5 th Floor Springfield, MA 01103 Re: Bel Air Mills Site, Pittsfield, MA Dear Mr. Fish: Enclosed is a copy of the Removal ProgramPreliminaryAssessment/Site Investigation Reportfor the Bel Air Mills Site, dated May 2007. Also enclosed is a copy of the Site Investigation Closure Memorandum dated May 15, 2007. If you have any questions regarding these documents, please call me at 617-918-1254. Sincerely, Wing Chau, On-Scene Coordinator Emergency Planning and Response Branch Enclosures. Toll Free - 1 -888-372-7341 Internet Address (URL) . http://www.epa.gov/regioni Recycled/Recyclable .Printed with Vegetable Oil Based Inks on Recycled Paper (Minimum 30% Postconsumer) UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY REGION I DATE: May 15, 2007 SUBJ: Site Investigation Closure Memorandum Bel Air Mills Site . 370 Wahconah Street Pittsfield, MA FROM: Wing Chau, On-Scene Emergency Respons THRU: Steven Novick, Chief Emergency Response and Removal Section II, EPRB, OSRR TO: - oordinator emoval Sect on II, EPRB, OSRR Bel Air Mills Site File In accordance with section 300.410 of the National Contingency Plan (NCP), a Removal Site Evaluation, consisting of a Preliminary Assessment and Site Investigation (PA/SI), has been undertaken at the Bel Air Mills Site ("Site") in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. The findings of the Removal Site Evaluation have been evaluated under the criteria set forth in section 300.415 of the NCP, section 104(a) and (b) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA), 42 U.S.C. § 9604(a) and (b) and Clean Water Act (CWA) § 311 (c)(i) as amended by the Oil Pollution Act (OPA) § 4201 (a). The Removal Site Evaluation has led to the determination that a Removal Action is not appropriate at this time. The findings of the Removal Site Evaluation are outlined below. 1. Source and nature of the release orthreat of release a. The Removal Site Evaluation consisted of the following actions. i. Review of the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report generated by TRC Environmental Corporation, dated April 26, 2006. ii. Review of environmental data for the samples collected in October 2006 by EPA and Weston Solutions. Laboratory Reports generated by EPA's Office of Environmental Measurement and Evaluation (OEME) are dated October 17, 2006 and October 26, 2006. iii. Review of environmental data for the samples collected in April 2007 by EPA and Weston Solutions. Laboratory Reports generated by OEME are dated April 16, 2007 and April 23, 2007. - I iv. v. vi. b. 2. The Site Investigations conducted on October 3, 2006 and April 10-11, 2007. Generating a PA/SI report by EPA's contractor, titled "Preliminary Assessment and Site Investigation Report for the Bel Air Mill Site, Pittsfield, MA"; and Completing PA and SI forms included in the above report. Based on the information available at this time, the principal hazardous substances or pollutants or contaminants that are being released or for which there is threat of release include but are not necessarily limited to the list below. Hazardous Substances or Pollutants or Contaminants Media Lead soil Evaluation of the threat to public health, welfare and the environment a. Federal Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry: Threat b. No Threat Endangerment to the ecosystem: Threat 3. Evaluation Not Necessary _X No Threat Evaluation Not Necessary _X The Removal Site Evaluation was terminated pursuant to section 300.410(f) of the NCP for the following reason(s). ) There is no release. ) The source is neither a "vessel" nor a "facility" as defined in section 300.5 of the NCP. () ) The reldase involves neither a hazardous substance, nor a pollutant or contaminant that may present an imminent and substantial danger to public health or welfare of the United States. It is subject to the limitations on response specified in §300.400(b)(1) through (3). The release is () of a naturally occurring substance in its unaltered form, or altered solely through naturally occurring processes or phenomena, from a location where it is naturally found. Site Investigation Closure Memorandum Bel Air Mills Site, Pittsfield, MA May 15, 2007 Page 2 of 4 - qlq 9 () from products that are part of the structure of, and result in exposure within, residential buildings or businesses or community structures. ) into public or private drinking water supplies due to deterioration of the system through ordinary use. (X) 4. The amount, quantity, or concentration released does not warrant a Federal response. ) A party responsible for the release, or any other person, is providing appropriate response, and on-scene monitoring by EPA is not required. ) The Removal Site Evaluation is complete. As reflected in Section 3, above, the Removal Site Evaluation was terminated due to its completion, and not for other reasons. a. The factors listed below, found in Section 300.415(b)(2) of the NCP, are applicable to this Site. (X) Actual or potential exposure to nearby human populations, animals, or the food chain from hazardous substances or pollutants or contaminants. (X) Actual or potential contamination of drinking water supplies or sensitive ecosystems. ) (X) Hazardous substances or pollutants or contaminants in drums, barrels, tanks, or other bulk storage containers, that may pose a threat of release. High levels of hazardous substances or pollutants or contaminants in soils' largely at or near the surface, that may migrate. ) Weather conditions that may cause hazardous substances or pollutants or contaminants to migrate or be released. ) Threat of fire or explosion. ( ) The availability of other appropriate Federal or State response mechanisms to respond to the release. ( ) Other situations or factors that may pose threats to public health or welfare of the United States or the environment. b. The absence of the conditions specified in Section 4.a., above, indicate that a Removal Action under section-300.415 of the NCP is not necessary. Site Investigation Closure Memorandum May 15, 2007 Bel Air Mills Site, Pittsfield, MA Page 3 of 4 9 9 Analytical results for the soil samples collected during the October 2006 and April 2007 site investigations do not support the need for a Federal response at this time. The extent of leadcontamination at the site was significantly characterized during these sampling events. Two very small hot-spot areas were detected and the source is believed to be from lead paint from the building. EPA will refer this site to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection for oversight. 5. As reflected in Section 3, above, the Removal Site Evaluation was terminated due to its completion, and not for other reasons. a. As found in section 300.410(e)(1) of the NCP, the OSC shall determine whether a release -governed by CWA section 311(c)(1), as amended by OPA section 4201(a), has occurred. ). (X). b. There is a release, or potential threat of release, as governed by the CWA as amended by OPA. There is not a release, or potential threat of release, as governed by the CWA as amended by OPA. The absence of the conditions specified in Section 5.a., above, indicate that an Oil Spill Response under Appendix E to Part 300 of the NCP is not necessary. cc: Steven Novick, Chief, Emergency Response and Removal Section-fI, OSRR (w/o attachments) Meghan Cassidy, Chief, Technical Support & Site Assessment Section, OSRR (w/o attachments) Cheryl O'Halloran, EPRB, OSRR (w/o attachments) Ben Fish, Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection J. Barrett Hollister, Property Owner Joellyn Warren, Berkshire Regional Planning Commission Encl: PA/SI Report Site Investigation Closure Memorandum Bel Air Mills Site, Pittsfield, MA May 15, 2007 Page 4 of 4 4 SCANN EZD kr/V/--o'?' REMOVAL PROGRAM PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT/ SITE INVESTIGATION REPORT FOR THE BEL AIR MILLS SITE COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS BERKSHIRE PITTSFIELD, 27 SEPTEMBER 2006,3 OCTOBER 2006, and 10 - 11 APRIL 2007 Prepared For: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region I Emergency Planning and Response Branch 1 Congress Street, Suite 1100 Boston, MA 02114-2023 CONTRACT NO. EP-W-05-042 TDD NO. 06-07-0020 TASK NO. 0231 DC NO. R-4459 Submitted By: Weston Solutions, Inc. Region I Superfund Technical Assessment and Response Team III (START) 3 Riverside Drive Andover, MA 01810 May 2007 TABLE OF CONTE NTS Preliminary Assessment/Site Investigation Forms II. Narrative Chronology IIL. Appendices Appendix A - Figures Appendix B - Tables and Spreadsheets Appendix C - Photodocumentation Log Appendix D - Chain-of-Custody Record iI 1I I. Preliminary Assessment/Site Investigation Forms I U I EPA REGION I REMOVAL PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT Site Name and Location Name: Bel Air Mills Town: Pittsfield Site Status: Location: 370 Wahconah Street County: Berkshire ()NPL ()ACTIVE ()NON-NPL (4)ABANDONED ()RCRA ()OTHER (4)Attached USGS Map of Location Latitude: 420 28' 9.5" North iState: Massachusetts ()TSCA (J)Site I.D. No.: 01DW Longitude: 73 0 14' 60" West Referral ()Citizen ()RCRA ()City/Town )State ()Preremedial (J)Other: EPA Brownfields Section Name of referring party: US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Brownfields Group. Address: 1 Congress Street, Suite 1100, Boston, MA 02114 Telephone: (617) 918-1389 Contacts Identified 1) Jim Byrne 2) 3) Telephone: (617) 918-1389 Telephone:( ) Telephone:( ) Source of Information () Verbal: () Report: TRC Environmental Corporation (TRC), PhaseIEnvironmental Site Assessment, dated 26 April 2006. ()Other: Potential Responsible Parties Owner: J. Barret Hollister Telephone:(413) 447-7522 Address: 51 Homes Road, Pittsfield, MA 01201 1 I I I U I I I I I I I I I I I I t I * 6 Site Access Authorizing Person: J. Barret Hollister Date: 13 August 2006 Telephone: (413) 447-7522 (4)Obtained ()Not Obtained ()Verbal (')Written Historical Preservation 0 Site is Historically Significant or Eligible for Historic Preservation Contacts Identified 1) State Historical Preservation Officer (SHPO) Name: Brona Simon Telephone:(617) 727-8470 2) Tribal Historical Preservation Officer (THPO) Telephone:( ) Name: Comments: The site is not considered to be historically significant. The on-site buildings have been destroyed by several fires, and are therefore not eligible for historic preservation. Physical Site Characterization Background Information: The Bel Air Mills site (the site) is located at 370 Wahconah Street in Pittsfield, Berkshire County, Massachusetts. The geographical coordinates as measured from the approximate center of the site are 420 28' 9.5" north latitude and 730 14' 60" west longitude. The property is bordered to the north by a warehouse and Bel Air Pond Dam, to the east by residential housing, to the south by Bel Air Avenue and residential housing, and to the west by the West Branch of the Housatonic River, Wahconah Street and residential housing. The property is owned by J. Barret Hollister. The site is the location of the Former Bel Air Mills Property. The two Bel Air Mills buildings (northern and southern) were built in the late 19 * century, and occupied by Bel Air Manufacturing Company until the 1920s, when the property was sold to Hathaway Bakeries, Inc., which occupied the facility until the 1950s. It was then sold to Goodwill Industries in 1965, and was then occupied by Ski America, a ski supply and retail store, from 1982 to 1986. The site has been unoccupied since 1986. On 27 April 1988, the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering [now the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (Mass DEP)] received notification of possible on-site contamination of groundwater, based on a monitoring well sample that revealed a concentration of methylene chloride at 1,450 parts per billion (ppb). The report, submitted by Corporate Environmental Advisors, Inc. (CEA), noted that the possible source of contamination was the disposal of paint thinner through a floor drain. CEA performed the sampling and inspection on behalf of the owner, Mr. Hollister. CEA also suspected that other chemicals and contaminants were 2 4g REMOVAL PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT Physical Site Characterization (Continued) disposed of in a similar fashion, or in other inappropriate ways, such as release into the West Branch of the Housatonic River, or dumping directly onto the soil. On 9 August 1995, Mass DEP assigned a Tier 1D Default status to the site. qI In July 1996, the property owner was issued a Notice o Responsibility by ass DEP. The notice stated that the owner had failed to comply.with submission deadlines, ad that no work-had been done at the site since the sample collection in 1988. In February 2001, the southern mill building was destroyed by fire. During an arson inspection in 2002, the Pittsfield Fire Department observed several forms of machinery and two gasoline tanks (unknown capacity) that were removed during the inspection. An inspection conducted by the Department of Environmental Management (DEM) (nov known as the Department of Conservation and Recreation) in 2002 indicated the disrepair and poor condition of the Bel Air Pond Dam and pedestrian footbridge located on the property. In October 2005, the northern mill building was destroyed by fire. An October 2005 inspection conducted by the Office of Dam Safety (ODS) reiterated the previous findings on the condition of the Bel Air Pond Dam. On 26 April 2006, a Phase I Site Assessment Report was produced by TRC Environmental Corporation (TRC) on behalf 'of the Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC). TRC reported that during a reconnaissance in February 2006; several unidentified 55-gallon drums were observed, as well as several large debris piles from the 2001 and 2005 mill fires. There are two small concrete structures on the site, which were also filled with various debris, drums, and other refuse. An estimated 300-gallon aboveground storage tank (AST) was also observed amidst the debris. TRC also suspected the presence of lead-based paint and asbestos in the debris. The report indicated that floor drains and monitoring wells were not found" and no additional sourcesof -potential contamination were observed due to snow and debris present at the time of the'reconnaissance. Description of Substances Possibly Present, Knownor Alleged: A 1988 report submitted by CEA indicated the presence of methylene chloride at 1,450 parts per billion (ppb) in a monitoring well sample. The report noted that the possible source of contamination was the disposal of paint thinner through a floor drain. Existing Analytical Data ( Real-Time Monitoring Data: (X) Sampling Data: A 1988 report submitted by CEA indicated the presence of methylene chloride at 1,450 parts per billion (ppb) in a monitoring well saimple. On 26 April 2006, a Phase I Site Assessment Report was produced by TRC Environmental Corporation on behalf of the BRPC. 3 I I I I 4 4 REMOVAL PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT Potential Threat Description of potential hazards to environment and/or population-identify any of the criteria for a Removal Action (from NCP) that may be met by the site under 40 CFR 300.415 [b] [2]. i. Actual or potential exposure to nearby human populations, animals, or the food chain from hazardous substances, pollutants or contaminants. ii. Actual or potential contamination of drinking water supplies or sensitive ecosystems. iii. Hazardous substances or pollutants or contaminants in drums, barrels, tanks, or other bulk storage containers, that may pose a threat of release. iv. High levels of hazardous substances or pollutants or contaminants in soils largely at or near the surface, that may migrate. v. Weather conditions that may cause hazardous substances or pollutants or contaminants to migrate or be released. vi. Threat of fire or explosion. vii. The availability of other appropriate federal or state response mechanisms to respond to the release. viii. Other situations or factors that may pose threats to public health or welfare or the environment. Prior Response Activities (X) OTHER ()FEDERAL ()STATE (PRP Advisors. April 1988. Environmental Brief Description: Site Inspection, conducted by Corporate Phase I Site Assessment, conducted by TRC Environmental Corporation. April 2006. Priority for Site Investigation (X) High Comments: (Medium ()Low (None Report Generation Date: Telephone: Task No.: Originator: Bonnie J. Mace Affiliation: Weston Solutions, Inc. (START) 06-07-0020 TDD No.: 4 13 April 2007 (978) 552-2131 0231 4 S6 a EPA REGION IT REMOVAL SITE INVESTIGATION Inspection Information Site Name: Bel Air Mills Town: Pittsfield Date of Inspection: Address: 370 Wahconah Street County: Berkshire State: Massachusetts 3 October 2006, and 10 to' 11 April 2007 Weather Conditions: 3 October 2006 - Partly cloudy, 680 Fahrenheit. 10 April 2007 - Cold, overcast, 350 Fahrenheit. 11 April 2007 - Clear, dold, sunny, 45* Fahrenheit. (') INACTIVE Site Status at Time of Inspection: () ACTIVE Comments: The southern portion of the building was destroyed by fire intFebruary 2001, and the north portion of the building was destroyed by fire in October 2005. Agencies/Personnel PerforM ing Inspection (4) EPA: (4)EPA Contractor: Names Allen Jarrell Wing Chau Program U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region I Emergency Planning and Response Branch (EPRB) On-Scene Coordinator (OSC). Bonnie Mace Eric Ackerman John Burton Lindsay Rasel Carolyn Imbres Weston Solutions, Inc. (WESTON) Superfund Technical Assessment and Response Team III (START). () State: ()Other: Current Owner Based on Field Interview: J. Barret Hollister I I I U I I U I I I I I I I I I I REMOVAL SITE INVESTIGATION Physical Site Characteristics Parameter Quantities/Extent ()Cylinders: ( Drums: Several empty 55-gallon drums were found on site and in the remaining on-site structures. ()Lagoons: (4)Tanks: (4) Above: Two empty 300-gallon fuel tanks were discovered in the north portion debris pile. () Below: (4)Asbestos: START collected four samples of glazing from building windowpanes, along with other possible asbestos containing materials. (4) Piles: Large debris piles were observed on site from the fire-damaged mill buildings. ()Stained Soil: (Sheens: ()Stressed Vegetation: (Landfill: (4) Population in Vicinity: A warehouse abuts the north portion of the site which employs several workers. The site is also surrounded by several single and multi-family residences. ()Wells: ()Drinking: ()Monitoring: (Other: Physical Site Observations The site contains a large debris pile from the fire-damaged mill buildings. The north portion consists mainly of wood timbers, while the southern portion consists mainly of brick. There were two small concrete structures on the site, which were also filled with various debris, empty drums, and other refuse. Two empty, estimated 300-gallon aboveground storage tanks (ASTs) were also observed amidst the debris, and several empty unidentified 55-gallon drums were observed in the remaining on-site structures. The property is bordered to the north by a warehouse and Bel Air Pond Dam, to the east by residential housing, to the south by Bel Air Avenue and residential housing, and to the west by the West Branch of the Housatonic River, Wahconah Street, and residential housing. Field Sampling and Analysis Matrix/Analytical Parameter Background Readings: Field Instrumentation CGI/0 2 RAD PID 0.0/20.9% 9gR/hr 0.0 FID 0.0 Air: 0.0/20.9% 0.0 9gR/hr 2 0.0 Other II a REMOVAL SITE INVESTIGATION I Field Sampling and Analysis (Concluded) Matrix/Analytical Parameter Field Instrumentation CGI/0 2 RAD PID FID Soil: Piles: Other: 0.0/20.9% 0.0/20.9% 0.0 0.0 9piR/hr 9pR/hr, 0.0 0.0 Other 'U I II Field Quality Control Procedures ()Deviation From SOP (4) SOP Followed Comments: START followed the protocol outlined 'in the document entitled, Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) for the 370 Waconah Street Site, Iittsfield,Massachutsetts. On 3 October 2006, START collected a total of 40 debris and surface soil samples from 38 locations throughout the site for metals analysis. In addition, four samples were collected from window pane glazing and other possible asbestos-containing material (ACM) locations for asbestos analysis. All samples were sent to EPA'Office of Environnental Measurement and Evaluation (OEME) located in North Chelmsford, Massachusetts for metals and asbestos analysis. On 10 and 11 April 2007, START collected a total of 35 "debris and surface soil samples from the areas surrounding six of the original sample locations for on-site X-Ray Fluorescence screening for lead. In addition four, of these samples were sent to the laboratory for confirmatory lead analysis. The on-site samples were screened by OEME lab personnel and the confirmatory samples were sent to OEME for leadt analysis. Analyses Analytical Parameter )VOC ()PCB. ()PESTICIDE (4)METALS (Lead) ()CYANIDE (SVOC (TOXICITY ()DIOXIN (4) ASBESTOS ()OTHER Media ()AIR ()WATER (4) SOIL (4) SOURCE (SEDIMENT I I Description of Sampling Conducted Laboratory (4)OEME ()CLP ()PRIVATE (SAS (SOW (4) FIELD 'I II iN I F I. - 3 a REMOVAL SITE INVESTIGATION Analytical results: (see Appendix E - Analytical Data) Receptors Comments ()Drinking ()Private: Water ()Municipal: ()Groundwater: () Unrestricted Access: The site is adjacent to an active warehouse, therefore access is unrestricted. (1) Population in Proximity: A warehouse abuts the north portion of the site which employs several workers. The site is also surrounded by several single and multi-family residences. (') Sensitive Ecosystem: The west branch of Housatonic River borders the site to the west. ()Other: Additional Procedures for Site Determination ()Biological Evaluation (ATSDR To be determined by the Task Monitor. Site Determination Depending on further information, criteria that may be met by the site include 40 CFR 300.415 [b] [2], parts: i. Actual or potential exposure to nearby human populations, animals, or the food chain from hazardous substances, pollutants or contaminants. ii. Actual or potential contamination of drinking water supplies or sensitive ecosystems. iii. Hazardous substances or pollutants or contaminants in drums, barrels, tanks, or other bulk storage containers, that may pose a threat of release. iv. High levels of hazardous substances or pollutants or contaminants in soils largely at or near the surface, that may migrate. v. Weather conditions that may cause hazardous substances or pollutants or contaminants to migrate or be released. vi. Threat of fire or explosion. vii. The availability of other appropriate federal or state response mechanisms to respond to the release. 4 REMOVAL SITE INVESTIGATION Site Determination (Codncluded) viii. Other situations or factors that may pose threats to public health or welfare or the environment. I U I U U Report Generation Originator: Affiliation: TDD No.: 13 April 2007 (978) 552-2131 0231 Date: Telephone: Task No.: Bonnie Mace Weston Solutions, Inc. (START) 06-07-0020 .IL - 5 I, I II. Narrative Chronology Narrative Chronology Introduction The Bel Air Mills site (the site) is located at 370 Wahconah Street in Pittsfield, Berkshire County, Massachusetts [see Appendix A - Figures, Site Location Map (Figure 1)]. The geographical coordinates as measured from the approximate center of the site are 42 28' 9.5" north latitude and 730 14' 60" west longitude. The site is a former mill property that had the northern and southern mill buildings destroyed by separate fires in 2005 and 2001, respectively. Large debris piles remain on the property from these fires. In 1988, there was a reported release of methylene chloride to the groundwater, believed to be from the inappropriate disposal of paint thinner through a floor drain. There is the potential of lead-based paint and asbestos within the debris piles. Several drums and aboveground storage tanks (ASTs) were observed in the debris piles, and two small concrete buildings also contained drums and debris. Weston Solutions, Inc. Superfund Technical Assessment and Response Team (START) was tasked with performing a Preliminary Assessment/Site Investigation (PA/SI) at the site to determine whether contamination remains or is present in on-site soil and debris. Site Description The site is bounded to the north by a warehouse and Bel Air Pond Dam, to the east by residential housing, to the south by Bel Air Avenue and residential housing, and to the west by the West Branch of the Housatonic River, Wahconah Street and residential housing [see Appendix A Figures, Site Diagram (Figure 2)]. The property is owned by J. Barret Hollister. The site contains a large debris pile from the fire-darnaged mill buildings. The north portion consists mainly of wood timbers, while the southern portion consists mainly of brick. There were two small concrete structures on the site, which were also filled with various debris, drums, and other refuse. Two estimated 300-gallon aboVeground storage tanks (ASTs) and several unidentified 55-gallon drums were observed amidst the debris. Site History The site is the location of the Former Bel Air Mills Property. The two Bel Air Mills buildings (northern and southern) were built in the late 19t century, and, occupied by Bel Air Manufacturing Company until the 1920s, when the property was sold to Hathaway Bakeries, Inc., which occupied the facility until the 1950s. It was then sold to Goodwill Industries in 1965, and was occupied by Ski America, a ski supply and retail store, from 1982 to 1986. The site has been unoccupied since 1986. On 27 April 1988, the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering [now the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (Mass DEP)] received notification of possible on-site contamination of groundwater, based on a monitoring well sample that revealed a concentration of methylene chloride at 1,450 parts per billion (ppb). The report, submitted by Corporate Environmental Advisors, Inc. (CEA) noted that the possible source of contamination was the disposal of paint thinner through a floor' drain. CEA perfdrmed the sampling and 1 inspection on behalf of the owner, Mr. Hollister. CEA also suspected that other chemicals and contaminants were disposed of in a similar fashion, or in other inappropriate ways, such as release into the West Branch of the Housatonic River which bisects the site, or dumping directly onto the soil. On 9 August 1995, Mass DEP assigned a Tier ID Default status to the site. In July 1996, the property owner was issued a Notice of Responsibility by Mass DEP. The notice stated that the owner had failed to comply with submission deadlines, and that no work had been done at the site since the sample collection in 1988. In February 2001, the southern mill building was destroyed by a fire. During an arson inspection in 2002, the Pittsfield Fire Department observed several forms of machinery and two gasoline tanks (unknown capacity) that were removed during the inspection. An inspection conducted by the Department of Environmental Management (DEM) (now known as the Department of Conservation and Recreation) in 2002 indicated the disrepair and poor condition of the Bel Air Pond Dam and pedestrian footbridge located on the property. In October 2005, the northern mill building was destroyed by fire. An October 2005 inspection conducted by the Office of Dam Safety (ODS) reiterated the previous findings on the condition of the Bel Air Pond Dam. On 26 April 2006, a Phase I Site Assessment Report was produced by TRC Environmental Corporation (TRC) on behalf of the Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC). TRC reported that during a reconnaissance in February 2006, several unidentified 55-gallon drums were observed, as well as several large debris piles from the 2001 and 2005 fires. There are two small concrete structures on the site, which were also filled with various debris, drums, and other refuse. An estimated 300-gallon aboveground storage tank (AST) was also observed amidst the debris. TRC suspected the presence of lead-based paint and asbestos in the debris. The report indicated that floor drains and monitoring wells were not found, and no additional sources of potential contamination were observed due to snow and debris present at the time of the reconnaissance. Site Activities On 27 September 2006, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) On-Scene Coordinator (OSC) Allen Jarrell and START members Eric Ackerman and Lindsay Rasel mobilized to the site to conduct a reconnaissance of the property to prepare for future sampling activities as part of a Removal Program preliminary assessment/site investigation (PA/SI). START member Ackerman conducted a safety and operations meeting, and on-site personnel reviewed and signed the site health and safety plan (HASP). The HASP was prepared as a separate document, entitled Weston Solutions, Inc., Region I START Health and Safety Plan (HASP) 370 Waconah Street Site, Pittsfield, Massachusetts. START confirmed the observations made by TRC in the February 2006 reconnaissance; noting the large debris piles from the destroyed buildings, empty drums on site and in the on-site concrete structures, and two empty 300-gallon ASTs within the 2 debris piles. START conducted air monitoring during the reconnaissance, and detected no levels above background. On 3 October 2006, OSC Jarrell and START members Ackernan, Rasel, onnie Mace and John Burton mobilized to the site to conduct debris and surface soil sampling activities. START personnel established a support zone and calibrated air monitoring instruments, including a combination photoionization detector (PID)/flame ionization detector (FID), a combustible gas indicator/oxygen meter (CGI/02), and a radiation meter (MicroR). Background levels were recorded in the HASP as follows: PID = 0.0 parts, per million (ppm); FID = 0.0 ppm; lower explosive limit (LEL) = 0%; oxygen (02) = 21.1%; and MicroR = 9 microRoentgens per hour START member Mace conducted a safety and operations meeting, and on-site (pR/hr). personnel reviewed and signed the site HASP. START personnel collected 40 grab debris and surface soil samples from the debris piles and onsite surface soils using dedicated sampling equipment [see Appendix A - Figures, Sample Location Map (Figure 3)]. The debris and soil samples were collectedifor metals analysis. In addition four samples were collected for asbestos analysis. Descriptions pf samples collected are summarized in Table 1 [see Appendix B - Tables and Spreadsheets, Sample Descriptions for the Bel Air Mills Site (Table 1)]. Sampling activities were performed in accordance with the site sampling and analysis plan (SAP), which was prepared as a separate document, entitled Sampling and Analysis Plan for the 370 Waconah Street Site, Pittsfeld, Massachusetts. Air monitoring conducted at each sample location indicated no readings above background levels. The site and selected sample locations were photoddcumented by START member Ackerman (see Appendix C - Photodocumentation Log). Samples were transported to the EPA Office of Environmental Measurement and Evaluation (OEME) located in North Chelmsford, Massachusetts! for metals and asbestos analysis. Samples were relinquished to the EPA OEME sample custodian (see Appendix D - Chain-of-Custody -Record). On 16 November 2006, START received the analytical data results from OEME. These data have been summarized and included as an appendix [see Appendix B - Tables and Spreadsheets, Bulk Asbestos Analyses (Table 2) and Metals in Soil Analyses (Table 3)]. On 10 and 11 April 2007, EPA OSC Wing Chau, START members Mace and Carolyn Imbres, and OEME Chemist Eugene Wafo mobilized to the site to collect additional soil samples surrounding six of the 3 October 2006 sample locations where analytical results for lead were greater than 300 parts per million (ppm). START personnel established a support zone and calibrated the air monitoring instrument that included a CGI/0 2 meter with a PID. Background levels were recorded in the HASP as follows: PID{ 0.0 units; LEL 0%; and oxygen (02) = START member Mace conducted a safety and operatiohs meeting, and on-site 20.9%. personnel reviewed and signed the site HASP. START personnel collected 32 grab debris and surface soil samples 'sing dedicated sampling equipment from the areas surrounding six of the previous sample locations [see Appendix A 3 - 4 .9 Figures, Sample Location Map (Figure 4)]. The debris and soil samples were collected for onsite X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) screening analysis for lead. Descriptions of the samples collected were summarized and included in Table 1. Sampling activities were performed in accordance with the modifications to the SAP. Air monitoring conducted at each sample location indicated no readings above background levels. The site and selected sample locations were photodocumented by START member Mace. Samples were relinquished to the on-site OEME chemist for XRF lead screening. In addition, four of the samples were selected for confirmatory lead analysis. Samples were relinquished to the on-site OEME chemist for delivery to the OEME sample custodian and the chain-of-custody records are included in Appendix D. Analytical Data Summaries On 16 November 2006, START received the 3 October 2006 analytical data results from OEME. These data have been summarized and included as an appendix (see Appendix B - Tables and Spreadsheets: Table 2 - Bulk Asbestos Analyses and Table 3 - Metals in Soil Analyses). Based on a review of the samples submitted for asbestos analysis, none were found to contain asbestos (see Appendix B - Tables and Spreadsheets: Table 2 - Bulk Asbestos Analyses). Four metals were detected in surface soil samples submitted for metals analysis by XRF, including arsenic, barium, chromium, and lead. Metals levels exceeding the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP) S2 Reportable Concentrations (RC) are listed in Appendix B (see Appendix B - Tables and Spreadsheets: Table 5 - Summary of Metals Screening Results). Those analytes above the MCP S2 RC include: arsenic [sample SS-11 (590 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg))]; and lead [samples SS-06 (880 mg/kg), SS-19 (880 mg/kg), SS-31 (320 mg/kg), SS-33 (360 mg/kg), SS-34 (520 mg/kg), and SS-38 (350 mg/kg)]. Based on these initial results, EPA and START collected additional soil samples surrounding the six locations where analytical results for lead were greater than 300 ppm. On 8 May 2007, START received the 10 and 11 April 2007 analytical data results from OEME. These data have been summarized and included as an appendix (see Appendix B - Tables and Spreadsheets: Table 4 - Lead in Soil Analyses). Lead levels exceeding the MCP S2 RC are listed in Appendix B (see Appendix B - Tables and Spreadsheets: Table 5 - Summary of Metals Screening Results). Those analytes above the MCP S2 RC include: lead [SS-06N (341 mg/kg), SS-06E (869 mg/kg), SS-06W (555 mg/kg), SS-19N (306 mg/kg), SS-19W (299 mg/kg), SS-31N (516 mg/kg), SS-34E (478 mg/kg), SS-33N (658 mg/kg), SS-33S (454 mg/kg), SS-38E (834 mg/kg), SS-38W (416 mg/kg), SS-33S1 (482 mg/kg), SS-19N1 (2,850 mg/kg), SS-06E1 (347 mg/kg), and SS-06E2 (1,371 mg/kg)]. 4 III. Appendices I: Appendix A Figures Site Location Map (Figure 1) Site Diagram (Figure 2) Sample Location Map - October 2006 (Figure 3) Sample Location Map - April 2007 (Figure 4) ,[S -"2--- OSE4 TE --- . "'1 NG 27 -S|T RKrks CC6 W\HO 3H0 A f - '1 FIGUR '1 CotatN.E-4502PitfedWsM I RK'' '4i 9 EP ",* *"-NAHTank Wat /te e * s*iJ'- -Y18 - i-§)b - in Al a T .0,5 > Sn C C -- N{ FIGURE 1 SITE LOCATION MAP BEL AIR MILLS SITE 3/0 WAHCONAH STREET PITTSFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS Data Sou rcesEPA Regio I Topos: K42073D1.TJF&K4207D3TIvicr~t Superfund Technical Assessment and USGS Quadrangle Name(s):PtsilEa, MA Response Team (START) III Contract No.EP-W-05-042Pittsfield West, MA-NY 1988Alohrdt:SAR Cnrc o PWO-4 06-07-0020J TDD Number: Created by: Created on: Bonnie Mace .28 Modified by: Modified on: September 2006 Bonnie Mae Efficiency Restoring Resource Air Mills\Figure 1.mxd j :MA gis\Bel b I AVENUE / 4/ It' THIS ( I WAREHOUSE BUILDING I I / Lo (I PITTSFIELD HOUSING AUTHORITY NOT TO SCALE - - - - - SITE BOUNDARY BRIDGE PROPERTY LINE SURFACE WATER SOURCES: TRC ENVIRONMENTAL CORPORATON PHASE I EN'ARONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT SITE DIAGRAM BEL AIR MILLS SITE 370 WAHCONAH STREET PITTSFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS REGION I SUPERFUND TECHNICAL ASSESSMENT AND RESPONSE TEAM TDD #II 06-07-0020 DRAWN BY: B. MACE FILE NAME: R:\06070020\FIGURES\FIGURE2.DWG I DATE 05/07/07 FIGURE 2 SS-02/SS-39 =SS-06 2 0 Z) 4 'ASB-03 0c to Brick Debris '~~Stding Brick Wall| 3-041 LU GARAGE S EE-1 SS-15 I I iC Legend * = Sample Locations - Surface Water Building Outline - Road 30 --- 20 0 5 10 .w=: 40 Feet SAMPLE LOCATION MAP (OCTOBER 2006) BEL AIR MILLS SITE 370 WAHCONAH STREET PITTSFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS Restoring Resource Efficiency REGION I SUPERFUND TECHNICALASSESSMENTAND RESPONSE TEAM TODNUMBEk 06-07-0020 CREATEDBY ii B. MACE . CREATED ON: 05/07/07 FILELOCATION: E:\MA_GIS\BEL'AIR MILLS\FIGURE3.MXD FIGURE 3 I I X Brick Debris| 0 0 Legend e = o Sample Locations Surface Water Building Outline Road 0 5 I = Additional Sample Locations 10 20 = 30 Feet SAMPLE LOCATION MAP (APRIL 2007) BEL AIR MILLS SITE 370 WAHCONAH STREET PITTSFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS Restoring Resource Efficiency REGION I SUPERFUND TECHNICAL ASSESSMENT AND RESPONSE TEAM TOD NUMBER 06-07-0020 CREATEDBY: B. MACE FILELOCATION: E:\MAGIS\BEL. AIR MILLS\FIGURE4.MXD CREATED ON: 05/07/07 FIGURE 4 Appendix B:I Tables and Spreadsheets Sample Descriptions for the BelAir Mills Site (Table 1) Bulk Asbestos Analyse (Table 2) Metals in Soil Analyses (Table 3) Lead in Soil Analyses (Table 4) Summary of Metals Screening Results (Table 5) TABLE 1 Sample Descriptions Bel Air Mills Pittsfield, Massachusetts Sil S oilG 0231-02 0231-00 S -0 r - C olo r orgamesam BIN orgamos g d ebr I/ Black/gray Brown Black/gray B Building debris/ash organics Building debris/ash trace sand, Medium trace Black/gray Building debris/ash c ' SS-05 0231-001 0231-001 SS-07 0231-002 0231-0038 006 0231-004 023-005 10/3/06 10/3/06 10/3/066 02S31-015 023-005 10/3/06 S Soil Grab 0-3 Black/gray Building debris/ash 0231-006 10/3/06 Soil Grab 0-3 Black/gray Building debris/ash Soil Soil Soil Soil Grab Grab Grab Grab 0-3 0-3 0-3 Soil Grab 0-3 _________ 10/3/06 ______ orgamocs SS-07 0231-007 10/3/06 Soil Grab Grab 0-3 0-3 Brown Brown Medium sand, trace organics SS-01 10/3/06 Soil Grab 0-3 Brown Medium sand, trace 0231-0016 SS-007 0231-009 0231-001 023-010 10/3/06 Soil Grab 0-3 Brown 10/3/06 1//6 Si Soil Grab 0-3 Black/gray orgamics orgdi andriacs r Building debris/ash 02310010 S231-011 10/3/06 Soil Grab 0-3 Black/gray Building debris/ash SS-012 0231-0012 10/3/06 Soil Grab 0-3 Brown Medium sand, trace e organics '- Collected under an empty 55-gallon steel drum outside the small garage. Collected from a 023S-013 023-013 10/3/06 Soil _________ SS-014 0231-0014 SS-015 0231-0015 1//6 1//6 1//6 Grab ________ Brown 0-3 _______________ __________________ equipment. ________ Collect from a sad, tace Medim Medium6sand, trace3Bow mound of soil outside the garage. SiGrb03Bonorganics Medium sand, trace 10/3/06 Soil Grab Brown 0-3 organics ________ Medium sand, trace SS-017 0231-0017 10/3/06 Soil Grab 0-3 Brown organics 0231018 10/3/06 Soil Grab 0-3 Black/gray Building debris/ash 10/3/06 Soil Grab 0-3 Black/gray Building debris/ash Brown Medium sand, trace organics 02109 n conad ofsire suesonting.fr Medium sand, trace SiGrb03Bon SiGrb03Bonorganics SS-016 0231-0016 Medium sand, trace organics 10//0-So20ra 02 0//0 1000 SilGrb0-3 Page 1 of 4 ________ i 0 TABLE 1 Sample Descriptions Bel Air Mills Pittsfield, Massachusetts iN -I I I I -I -I -I I -I -I 21 3* -I -I Page 2 of 4 I 0 S TABLE 1 Sample Descriptions Bel Air Mills Pittsfield, Massachusetts Collected from 10/3/06 023B-004 Solid Grab NA 0231-0054 SS-06N 023 1-0061 SS-06S ______ 4/10/07 White Solid window pane __________glazing. Soil Grab 0-6 Soil Grab 0-6 Black Building debris/ash ____ 4/10/07 0231-0062 Dark Brown . __________ SS-06E~Mt Medium sand, some building debris/ash MeimsndIrc 0231-0063 4/10/07 Soil Grab 0-6 Brown ael geiu 023S-064 4/10/07 Soil Grab 0-6 Black Building debris/ash SS19-0 4/10/07 0231-00651and Soil Grab 0-6 Light Brown Medium sand, gray fine ground mortar SS-06S 0231-00662- 4/10/07 Soil Grab 0-6 Brown SS-06 4/10/07 0231-00674and Soil Grab 0-6 Brown SS-19W SS-34W 023 1-0080 trace______ brick debris Medium sand, gray fine ground mortar and brick debrish Medium sand, gray tine ground mortar brick debris Brown Medium sand, gray fine ground mortar brick debris Grab 0231-0068 0-6 Soil Grab 0-6 Brown Soil Soil Grab Grab 0-6 0-6 Brown Brown Soil Grab 0-6 Brown Soil Soil Soil Grab Grab Grab 0-6 0-6 0-6 Black Brown Black 4/10/07 4/10/07 Soil Soil Grab Grab 0-6 0-6 Black Brown 4/10/07 4/10/07 4/10/07 Soil Soil Soil Grab Grab Grab 0-6 0-6 0-6 Black Black Black Building debris/ash Medium sand, some building debris/ash Building debris/ash Building debris/ashSape Building debris/ash Brown Medium sand, some building debris/ash 4/10/07 SS-19 4/10/07 0231-006 SS-3Medium 4/10/07 0231-0070 4/10/07 SS-31E 0231-0071 4Medium S-31W 4/10/07 0231-0072 SS-314N 4/10/07 0231-0073 SS-34S 4/10/07 0231-0076 4/10/07 0231E0074 0231-0075 SS-34W 0231-0076 023-07 0234-07 0234-07 _______ 4/10/07 Soil Soil Grab -- ____ ____and 0-6 Page 3 of 4 Medium sand, some d debris/ash building sand, s Meidim sands/sm Mediusand, some building debris/ash sand, some building debris/ash ding debris/as Building debris/ash Medium some building sand, debris/ash Building debris/ash Sfmatio Confirmation Sample. Sample. TABLE 1 Sample Descriptions Bel Air Mills Pittsfield, Massachusetts Dscfi tI Buldn ebri/isn Building debris/ash Building debris/ash Building debris/ash Building debris/ash Building debris/ash Building debris/ash Building debris/ash Buildin0 Medium sand, gray fine ground mortar and brick debris Medium sand, some building debris/ash Building debris/ash Mediim sand Building debris/ash Medium sand Medium 'sand, some organics,under bark mulch Lab Sand NA - Not applicable. 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DATE: 27 September 2006 PHOTOGRAPHER: Eric Ackerman TDD No. 06-07-0020 TIME: 16:58 hours CAMERA: HP PhotoSmart M22 Page 1 of 10 TASK No. 0231 I U I U I I I I U PHOTOGRAPHY LOG SHEEP Bel Air Mills * Pittsfield, Massachusetts SCENE: View of the northeast corner of the building debris pile with a 300-gallon AST. Photograph taken facing south. DATE: 3 October 2006 PHOTOGRAPHER: Eric Ackerman TIME: 11:04 hours CAMERA: Nikon CoolPix 3100 KAt SCENE: View of the northwest corner of the debris pile. Photograph taken facing south. DATE: 3 October 2006 PHOTOGRAPHER: Eric Ackerman TDD No. 06-07-0020 TIME: 11:04 hours CAMERA: Nikon CoolPix 3100 Page 2 of 10 TASK No. 0231 9 PHOTOGRAPHY LOG SHEET I I I Bel Air Mills e Pittsfield, Massachusetts SCENE: View of the debris pile, note a section of the brick wall still standing. Photograph taken facing southwest. TIME: 11:05 hours CAMERA: Nikon CdolPix 3100 DATE: 3 October 2006 PHOTOGRAPHER: Eric Ackerman SCENE: View of the debris pile. Photograph taken fac ing west. TIME: 11:05 hours CAMERA: Nikon CdolPix 3100 DATE: 3 October 2006 PHOTOGRAPHER: Eric Ackerman TDD No. 06-07-0020 Page 3 of 10 TASK No. 0231 I I I I I U PHOTOGRAPHY LOG SHEE* Bel Air Mills * Pittsfield, Massachusetts SCENE: View of the western portion of the debris pile with adjacent warehouse in the background. Photograph taken facing north. DATE: 3 October 2006 TIME: 11:06 hours PHOTOGRAPHER: Eric Ackerman CAMERA: Nikon CoolPix 3100 F N SCENE: View of the southwestern portion of the debris pile. Photograph taken facing north. DATE: 3 October 2006 PHOTOGRAPHER: Eric Ackerman TDD No. 06-07-0020 TIME: 11:07 hours CAMERA: Nikon CoolPix 3100 Page 4 of 10 TASK No. 0231 I PHOTOGRAPHY LOG SHEET Bel Air Mills * Pittsfield, Massachusetts I SCENE: View of the southern portion of the debris pile surrounded by chain-link fence. Ph tograph taken facing north. DATE: 3 October 2006 PHOTOGRAPHER: Eric Ackerman TIME: 11:08 hours CAMERA: Nikon CoolPix 3100 U I SCENE: View of southeastern portion of the debris pile Photograph taken facing northeast. DATE: 3 October 2006 PHOTOGRAPHER: Eric Ackerman TDD No. 06-07-0020 TIME: 11:08 hours CAMERA: Nikon CoolPix 3100 Page 5 of 10 TASK No. 0231 .1 I I U 0 PHOTOGRAPHY LOG SHEEP Bel Air Mills o Pittsfield, Massachusetts SCENE: View of the southeastern portion of the debris pile with the garage .in the background. Photograph taken facing east. DATE: 3 October 2006 TIME: 11:08 hours PHOTOGRAPHER: Eric Ackerman CAMERA: Nikon CoolPix 3100 rF'. SCENE: View of the entrance to the garage. Photograph taken facing east. DATE: 3 October 2006 PHOTOGRAPHER: Eric Ackerman TDD No. 06-07-0020 TIME: 11:08 hours CAMERA: Nikon CoolPix 3100 Page 6 of 10 TASK No. 0231 PHOTOGRAPHY LOG SHEET Bel Air Mills e Pittsfield, Massachusetts I I I U I i ~sc~t<'~r 2Ie ;; SCENE: View of the eastern portion of the debris pile. Photograph taken facing north. TIME: 11:09 hours CAMERA: Nikon CoolPix 3100 DATE: 3 October 2006 PHOTOGRAPHER: Eric Ackerman I U SCENE: View of sample location SS-19. Photograph taken facingnorth. TIME: 14:50 hoursi' : CAMERA: Nikon CoolPix 3100 DATE: 10 April 2007 PHOTOGRAPHER: Bo nnie Mace TDD No. 06-07-0020 Page 7 of 10 TASK No. 0231 I I I I U PHOTOGRAPHY LOG SHEEP Bel Air Mills * Pittsfield, Massachusetts SCENE: View of sample location SS-3 1. Photograph taken facing east. DATE: 10 April 2007 PHOTOGRAPHER: Bonnie Mace TIME: 14:53 hours CAMERA: Nikon CoolPix 3100 SCENE: View of sample location SS-33. Photograph taken facing east. DATE: 10 April2007 PHOTOGRAPHER: Bonnie Mace TDD No. 06-07-0020 TIME: 14:53 hours CAMERA: Nikon CoolPix 3100 Page 8 of 10 TASK No. 0231 I I I PHOTOGRAPHY LOG SHEET Bel.Air Mills e Pittsfield, Massachusetts SCENE: View of sample location SS-34. Photograph taken facing east. DATE: 10 April 2007 PHOTOGRAPHER: Bonnie Mace TIME: 14:54 hours CAMERA: Nikon CbolPix 3100 SCENE: View of sample location SS-06. Photograph taken facing west DATE: 10April2007 PHOTOGRAPHER: Bonnie Mace TDD No. 06-07-0020 TIME: 14:58 hours CAMERA: Nikon CbolPix 3100 Page 9 of 10 TASK No. 0231 I I I I I I I 0 2 PHOTOGRAPHY LOG SHEEP Bel Air Mills * Pittsfield, Massachusetts p. ,-.- ~S~t SCENE: View of sample location SS-38. Photograph taken facing south. DATE: 10 April 2007 PHOTOGRAPHER: Bonnie Mace TDD No. 06-07-0020 TIME: 14:59 hours CAMERA: Nikon CoolPix 3100 Page 10 of 10 TASK No. 0231 3 I 0 S II Appendix D Chain-of-Custody Record 3 I U I / II U a I' L I I 1 a 0 Co - 0 z z z u1 ,j -4 Q.. 6 0 0 I N 0) z z z z z z z z z z zzz 2 z2 z oW0 0 U- 0. 2 a0 . -o0 - - 800 fino~ fnn~- -o 0556ooo -----nf 4.o nn .aagga aaaaa aa~a 0000oooo ------naon anna~ nn o- aaga zU -U 0 E o z a 00O M 0 0 Cv) s. 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E C) U' -I2< 0 z QQQ 0 09 C? 8 90 .2 C) C -Q z::: S it 1! .0 C) .1 8 C) cc 0 O0 4) 0 C) C) o 0 0 >, .0 0 - -- - - - - - - - -, *~J C) IA C 0 to C) C) 0 C) 0, C) a I- cc -C Ito cc U) E. 4) L 0 2 0 z z a C z zzz I U. 0 I0 0u r aa 0S) Q C nz 2 o E00 0 0) zz m om m (0a0 O U) Eo p a - .0 - O (N 0' N m U) m (0 C" = Cu 'C nn U 0) C U 0) 0 I- .2 0 it U)e 0( (n9 o0)0f 9 9 (0 C a) a E it x Cu 0) it C;0) 0. C 0 0 = Co C 0) a Co. Green, Richard (DEP) From: Sent: To: Subject: SCAN = Tor, Eva (DEP) Friday, August 11, 2006 8:36 AM Ellis, Steven (DEP); Symington, Anna (DEP); Fish, Bernard (DEP); Green, Richard (DEP) Pittsfield Mills Former mills to be cleaned By Tony Dobrowolski, Berkshire Eagle Staff Berkshire Eagle Friday, August 1 1PITTSFIELD - Two abandoned and fire-damaged former mills, considered to be potential environmental hazards, have been accepted into a regional brownfields program managed by the Berkshire Regional Planning Commission. The two properties - at 370 Wahconah St. and 50 East Mill St. - will now have access to federal funding provided by the Environmental Protection Agency and the state Department of Environmental Protection. The funds will be used to conduct two phases of environmental site assessments. The owners of the two former mills owe the city a combined $365,425 in back taxes. Community Development Director Deanna L. Ruffer told the City Council Tuesday night that the city's goal is to clear the way for both properties to be put back into active use so that they can produce tax revenue for the city. The first phase of the environmental site assessment report, completed by a Lowell firm for the Berkshire Regional Planning Commission this spring, found the potential for both groundwater and soil contamination on both properties. This is due mostly to chemicals that had either been used or were stored on both parcels throughout the years. No evidence of PCB contamination at either site has been found. The west branch of the Housatonic River bisects the Wahconah Street property, and flows near the western and southern boundaries of the East Mill Street site. Both properties are located in predominately residential neighborhoods. Founded in 1995, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Brownfields Program is designed to empower states, communities and other stakeholders in economic redevelopment to work together to prevent, assess, safely clean up and sustainably reuse "brownfields." A brownfield is considered by the EPA to be an area where the expansion, redevelopment or reuse may be complicated by the presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant or contaminant. The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission has accepted 10 county sites into its regional brownfields program since it was established last September, commission planner JoEllen Warren said. The site of the former A.H. Rice building on Spring Street in Pittsfield has also been accepted into the program. It is expected that the city will seek state and federal funding to pay for remediation work on both properties once the environmental assessments have been completed. Soil samples to be taken Warren said the second phase of environmental site assessments will consist of soil samples to determine if the contaminants reported to be on both properties really exist. She said the EPA is currently removing piles of debris at both sites, especially those that contain materials that pose an imminent danger to the public. The soil samples will be taken once the debris is gone. 1 Funding for the second phase, which Warren said will probably begin in late fall, has been approved and will be paid for through the brownfields program. Wahconah Street site The seven-acre site at 370 Wahconah St. was used as a textile mill by the Bel Air Manufacturing Company in the late 1800s, then housed a bakery and two other commercial businesses before it was abandoned in 1986. J. Barrett Hollister of Pittsfield, who purchased the property from Goodwill Industries in 1981 for $83,000, currently owes the City of Pittsfield $252,707 in back taxes, according to the city treasurer's office. The property contains two small concrete storage buildings, but it also includes piles of debris leftover from the two fires in 2001 and 2005 that destroyed most of the former mill buildings. The Lowell firm found the potential for both groundwater and soil contamination at the Wahconah Street site associated with reported historical methylene chloride contamination in the groundwater and the improper disposal of paint thinner in a floor drain. Potential soil and groundwater contamination is also associated with the presence of several 55 gallon drums of "unknown contents" that were found on the property, a 200- to 300-gallon aboveground storage tank, an abandoned automobile and a truck trailer. It's also possible that asbestos-containing material and lead-based paint are on the property in the additional drums, storage tanks and large debris piles located on the parcel. East Mill Street site A textile mill occupied the three-acre East Mill Street site between the late 1800s and the 1930s. Other commercial uses since 1960 have included an automobile storage and reclamation yard and scrap metal recovery. The property has been abandoned since the early 1990s. A fire in October 2004 damaged the former mill building, which contains various building refuse and fire debris. A four-bay garage is also located on the site. The Lowell firm found the potential for groundwater and soil contamination on East Mill Street associated with the prior use of underground storage tanks that were used to store petroleum products. A half-full unsecured storage tank believed to contain either gasoline or diesel fuel is located at the former mill, along with four plastic, 55-gallon drums containing a solvent that is suspected to be acetone. These drums are also unsecured. Like the half-full storage tank, the drums have no secondary containment to contain a spill or release to the environment. Ruth Baldassare, the owner of the East Mill Street parcel, owes the city $112,718, in back taxes. She currently lives in a long term care facility in Lake Oswego, Ore. Her late husband, Ernest C. Baldassare, was a West Stockbridge developer who owned several city properties in the 1980s, but sold them in the 1990s when he filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection after the real estate boom went bust. 2 CA .. -.- AICAILL ttL < - -Dws-~ yAC >__- L tLoo ppttnsnwtaaJ U s_ __ A. t6 j, ct- ~ - seytO. ____ 0 - I ma- -ticuMT ft/nZ -t.) -ThL-dfrft - no ___ L_ __L_ iLt_-d< _ _L.TFo__/o 59oe C ________AT tn-tu-pcW (P____ ___ - DM /-u1z /si ce4 IS/l~s~5 -Sr C zsn _ __ 2 L,,sr44t c-o ntL r1r T __ g al natasj 2 - wia lrt, 3 net -/2cT2.fJL?, _ _LSY scet st& Ob __ . _ At LLJ~~sML.'.4h CM E . r..~r FILE copi~y! O COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE ARGEO PAUL CELLUCCI Governor TRUDY COXE Secretary DAVID B. STRUHS Commissioner February 2, 1999 Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested In the Matter of: J. Barret Hollister J. Barret Hollister, President Ski America 27 Tor Court Pittsfield, Massachusetts 01201 Re: Pittsfield; Site 1-0478 Bel Air Mill 370 Waconah Street Date of SPAN Issuance: SPAN #: SPAN-WE-99-3004 Amount: $ 3,000.00 Bureau Of Waste Site Cleanup Program: PENALTY ASSESSMENT NOTICE THIS NOTICE IS IMPORTANT. FAILURE TO RESPOND COULD RESULT IN SERIOUS LEGAL CONSEQUENCES. Dear Mr. Hollister: The Department is issuing this Penalty Assessment Notice (penalty) in the amount of $ 3,000.00 under the authority of the Civil Administrative Penalties Act, M.G.L. c. 21A, §16, and its regulations at 310 CMR 5.00. The Department has considered the factors set forth in 310 CMR 5.25 in determining the amount of this penalty. The maximum legally permissible administrative penalty for the violation(s) cited below is $1,000.00 per day. A file review of this site was completed by the Department on January 28, 1999. A Notice of Noncompliance (NON), NON-WE-983018, was issued by the Department to you (you refers to J. Barret Hollister and Ski America) on March 6, 1998. The NON, a copy of which is attached and incorporated into this Penalty Assessment Notice, documents activities or conditions noted by the Department, at the Bel Air Mill site, which are in noncompliance with one or more laws, regulations, orders, licenses, permits or approvals enforced - by the Department pursuant to M.G.L. Ch. 21E. This information is available in alternate format by calling our ADA Coordinator at (617) 574-6872. 436 Dwight Street . Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 - FAX (413) 784-1149 . TDD (413) 746-6620 . Telephone (413) 784-1100 40 Printed on Recycled Paper - 1999, on January 28, A review of the Department's records confirmed that you failed to perform the necessary actions the NON for coming into compliance. within the specified in deadlines set forth therein. Specifically, you failed to provide the Department with one of the required submittals set forth at A penalty of $3,000.00 is being imposed on you 310 CMR 40.0610. pursuant to 310 CMR 5.00. violation for this Full payment is due (and must be received by the Department) no than 21 days from the date this Penalty Assessment Notice later Payment must be made by cashier's check, certified is received. check or money order made payable to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and must be sent to: Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Commonwealth Master Protection, Environmental of Department Boston, MA 02241-3584 along with the Lockbox, P.O. Box 3584, In order to ensure your payment is attached transmittal form. correctly applied, please include on your check the SPAN number SPAN-WE-99-3004. A copy of the check must also be sent to this regional office at the letterhead address. You have a right to appeal this Penalty Assessment Notice, as If you fail to pay the described in the attached instructions. (see attached appeal file a timely appeal penalty or to instructions for details), the penalty will become final and the The debt may be Department will proceed to collect the debt. to the Massachusetts referred either to a collection agency, State or to the collection for Attorney General's Office Comptroller's Office for collection and interception of other money due to you from the state. In the event of nonpayment of a final penalty, the Department is entitled to assess and collect up to three times the amount of the final penalty, plus interest and costs from the time the penalty became final, plus attorney's fees, including fees directly incurred from penalty collection, If the noncompliance cited in pursuant to M.G.L. c. 21A, §16. this penalty is not corrected immediately, you remain subject to The issuance of continued enforcement action by the Department. action, including preclude further penalty does not this civil or criminal administrative, of additional assessment penalties against you as deemed necessary by the Department to obtain compliance nor does payment alone without further action to respond to the cited violation(s) constitute compliance. ISSUED BY: Departme of Environmental Protection: Alan Weinberg Deputy Regional Dire tor Bureau Of Waste Site Cleanup 11 0 0 Certified Mail #*: P 348 006 175 DEP Staff/Inspector: Regional Phone Number: cc: Saadi Motamedi 413-784-1100 Steve Ellis, WERO (two copies) BWSC/WERO Enforcement File Maria Pinaud, BWSC, Boston Site Files, BWSC, WERO Pittsfield, Board of Health Pittsfield, Chief Municipal Officer Enclosures: Copy of Notice of Noncompliance Copy of Procedures for Appeal Transmittal Sheets, Forms #1-#3 I 1. P 348 006 175 US Postal Service Receipt for Cerlif led -Mail Mr J Barret Hollister Ski America 27 Tor Court Pittsfield MA 01201. ~2 Postage 1 Certified Fee SpecialDeliveryF Resticted Delivery RetumnReceipt Showing Whom &Date Delivered Retun Recip ShOWiNloWhom, Dao,& Aftessees huess C C3 TOTAL Postage &Fees a CI E Postmark or Date LL $ FiLE COPY (ne uOMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETI'S ExEcuTrnE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE ARGEO PAUL CELLUCCI Governor TRUDY COXE Secretary DAVID B. STRUHS Commissioner March 6, 1998 URGENT LEGAL MATTER CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED J. Barret Hollister Re: President, Ski America 27 Tor Court Pittsfield, MA 01201 Pittsfield; Site #1-0478 Bell Air Mill; 370 Waconah Street NON-WE-98-3018 M.G.L. c.21e NOTICE OF NONCOMPLIANCE Failure to Meet a Transition Provisions Deadline Dear Mr. Hollister: A review of records conducted by Department of Environmental Protection personnel demonstrates Barret Hollister and Ski America) that you ("you" refers are not in compliance to J. with one or more laws, regulations, orders, licenses, permits, or approvals enforced by the Department. Be advised that the regulations that generally set forth the requirements, timelines and procedures for Locations to be Investigated, are codified in Subpart F, Transition Provision 310 CMR 40.0600. The Department incorporated into this of the Massachusetts has included Contingency with and Plan (MCP), specifically writing a NOTICE OF NONCOMPLIANCE SUMMARY, which includes: (1) the requirements applicable to the located at 370 Waconah Street, Pittsfield; (2) the elements and occurrence(s) of necessitating the issuance of this Notice; Transition the and Site noncompliance (3) the deadline within which a return to compliance must be achieved. This information is available in alternate format by calling our ADA Coordinator at (617) 574-6872. 436 Dwight Street . Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 - FAX(413)784-1149 . TDD (413) 746-6620 Printed on Recycled Paper (20% Post Consumer) - Telephone (413) 784-1100 J. Barret Hollister, President Ski America Notice of Non-compliance Page 2 An administrative penalty may be assessed for every day from now on that you remain out of compliance with the requirements described in this Notice of Noncompliance. Notwithstanding this the Department reserves the right to Notice of Noncompliance, exercise the full extent of its legal authority in order to obtain full compliance with all applicable legal requirements, including civil administrative assessment of limited to the but not penalties, the commencement of a civil action in the court(s) of competent jurisdiction, or the commencement of a criminal prosecution in the court(s) of competent jurisdiction. Please contact Mr. Thaddeus Tokarz at 413/784-1100 if you have any questions concerning this Notice. Sincerely, Alan Weinberg Deputy Regional Director. Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Certified Mail #: Z 276 663 062 AW/TT/ers A:3018non.doc CC: Pittsfield Chief Municipal Official Pittsfield Board of Health Steve Ellis, WERO (2 Copies) Helen Waldorf, BWSC, Boston Enforcement 'Files, BWSC, WERO Site Files, BWSC, WERO ext.255 NONCOMPLIANCE SUMMARY NON-WE-98-3018 NAME OF ENTITIES IN NONCOMPLIANCE: J. Barret Hollister and Ski America LOCATION WHERE NONCOMPLIANCE OCCURRED OR WAS OBSERVED: 370 Waconah Street Site # 1-0478 DATE WHEN NONCOMPLIANCE OCCURRED OR WAS OBSERVED: August 6, 1996 DESCRIPTION OF NONCOMPLIANCE AND OF THE REQUIREMENTS NOT COMPLIED WITH: On October 15, 1988, the above referenced property (the Site) was listed by the Department as a Location to be Investigated (LTBI) and was subsequently listed as such on the List of Confirmed Disposal Sites and Locations to Be Investigated dated August, 1993. This listing was as a result of a Preliminary Assessment Report, dated April 27, 1988,indicating the presence of contamination at the site. On July 15, 1996, the Department issued a Notice of Responsibility (NOR) to you (''you' Hollister and Ski America). refers to J. Barret The NOR informed you of your liability under M.G.L. C. 21e for a release/threat of release of oil and/or hazardous material at the site and established a compliance deadline. Such deadline expired on August 6, 1996. To date, the Department has not received the appropriate submittals as required by 310 CMR 40.0600. ACTIONS TO BE TAKEN, AND THE DEADLINE FOR TAKING SUCH ACTION: Submittal to the Department of the necessary documentation, as required by 310 CMR 40.0600, within 21 days of receipt of this Notice. For the Department of Environmental Protection: March 6, 1998 Date Alan Weinberg Deputy Regional Director Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup 0 Scopletete o and/r2 f arI. 6) I also wish to receive the / -complete items 3,4a and 4b. sPrint your name and address on the reverse of this form so that we can retum this card to you. *Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space does not permit. -Write-Retum Receip Requested'on the mailpiece below the article number. aThe Return Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the date delivered. following services (for an extra fee): 1. 0 Addressee's Address 2. 0 Restricted Delivery Consult postmaster for fee. 4a. Article Number 3. Article Addressed to: 4, 0 ci U) 0. 4, U 4, C J BARRET HOLLISTER PRESIDENT, SKI AMERICA 27 TOR COURT PITTSFIELD MA 01201 4b. Service Type 0 Registered &Certified 0 Express Mail 0 Insured 0 Retum ReceiptforMerchandise 0 COD 7. Date of Delivery 4, 0, C 0 0 . o 5. Received By: (Print Name) 6. Snature: 0 r PSFrX 81 eebr19 PS Form 3811, bmne 94 8. Addressee's Address (Only if requested and fee is paid) __ _ __re__ _ C ci I__ oetcRtr _ eep Domestic Retumn Receipt COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUS S EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE ARGEO PAUL CELLUCCI Governor TRUDY COXE Secretary DAVID B. STRUHS Commissioner PROCEDURES FOR APPEALING THIS PENALTY Requesting a Hearing: You have a right to appeal this penalty by requesting an adjudicatory hearing. To do so, your written request for a hearing must be received by the Department at the lockbox identified below within twenty-one (21) calendar days from the date the penalty was issued (noted on the penalty). All hearing requests must contain a denial of the violations alleged in the penalty assessment notice, an assertion that the amount of the penalty is excessive, or both. Types of Adjudicatory Hearings: There are two types of adjudicatory hearings: A. Formal Adjudicatory Hearings A formal adjudicatory hearing is one which meets all the procedural requirements of M.G.L. c.30A, §11. In a formal hearing, the parties may conduct discovery, submit written motions and briefs, submit live or written testimony, cross-examine witnesses and present other documentary evidence to an administrative law judge. Under Departmental policy, all formal adjudicatory hearings are completed within one year of receipt of the request for the hearing. Final written decisions resolving formal hearings are issued by the Commissioner within 3% months after the close of the hearing record. A form for requesting a hearing is attached (Transmittal Form # 1). formal adjudicatory B. Simplified Adjudicatory Hearings If all parties consent, the hearing may be conducted in the simplified manner authorized by 310 CMR l.01(8)a. be brief. These hearings are intended to Each party will have approximately 2% hours to present its view of the disputed issues. Each party and any witnesses shall appear at the simplified hearing to present its case and may offer evidence including statements and documents. Following a party's presentation each other party shall have an opportunity to refute the case presented. By agreeing to a simplified hearing all parties waive the right, among other things, to This information isavailable in alternate format by calling our ADA Coordinator a (617) 574-6872. 436 Dwight Street . Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 * FAX (413) 784-1149 . TDD (413) 746-6620 - Telephone (413) 784.1100 Printed on Recycled Paper cross-examine witnesses. Final decisions will be either stated in the record at the conclusion of the hearing, or prepared by the Administrative Law Judge within 30 days of the hearing. A form for requesting a simplified hearing is attached (Transmittal Form # 2). The Department hereby consents to a simplified hearing to resolve any appeal concerning this expedited penalty assessment. Required Filing Fees and Mailing Address: Unless you are exempt or request a fee waiver as described below, your request for a hearing must include payment of the applicable filing fee pursuant to 310 CMR 4.06: $100 for formal adjudicatory hearings and $25 for simplified hearings. Your hearing request will be dismissed if a required filing fee is not paid. Send your request for a hearing and the filing fee to: Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Environmental Protection, Commonwealth Master Lockbox, P.O. Box 4062, Boston, MA 02211-4062. Exemptions and Waivers from the Filing Fee Petitioners are exempt from the filing fee requirement if they are cities, towns, counties, districts of the Commonwealth, municipal housing authorities or other municipal authorities, and federally recognized indian tribal housing authorities. The Department may waive the filing fee for any person who demonstrates that paying the fee will create an undue financial hardship. To seek a waiver, your request for a hearing must include a statement of the facts supporting your claim of financial hardship. CMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSIrS EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE ARGEO PAUL CELLUCCI Governor TRUDY COXE TUYCX Secretary DAVID B. STRUHS Commissioner TRANSMITTAL FORM # 1 PAYMENT OF STANDARD PENALTY ASSESSMENT Penalty issued to: Date of Issuance: SPAN#: Amount: $ SS# or FEIN# (Social Security/Federal Employer Identification Number) Payment enclosed: $ by certified or cashier's check or money order made out the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. I understand that payment alone does not constitute compliance. I certify that I: (chock one) o have responded and have returned to compliance with the applicable regulations; or O will respond to the violation(s) cited on this SPAN document and have attached a work plan and schedule to bring the site into compliance. Signed this day of_, 19 By: Address: Phone: ( ) - Send this form with your payment to: Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Environmental Protection, Commonwealth Master Lockbox, P.O. Box 3584, Boston, MA 02241-3584 This information is available in alternate format by calling our ADA Coordinator at (617) 574-6872. 436 Dwight Street . Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 - FAX 4 (413) 784-1 149 . TDD (413) 746-6620 . Telephone (413) 784-1100 Printed on Recycled Paper COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSES EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE ARGEO PAUL CELLUCCI Governor TRUDY COXE Secretary DAVID B. STRUHS Commissioner TRANSMITTAL FORM # 2 - REQUEST FOR SIMPLIFIED HEARING TO CONTEST STANDARD PENALTY ASSESSMENT Penalty issued to: Issuing DEP Inspector: Date of Issuance: SPAN#: Amount: $ I hereby request a simplified adjudicatory hearing pursuant to I agree to vary the procedures required of a 310 CMR 1.01(8) (a). §11 and formal adjudicatory hearing prescribed by G.L. c.30A, agree to the process described in 310. CMR 1.01(8)a. I understand that by requesting a simplified adjudicatory hearing that I am waiving, among other things, my right to cross-examine witnesses. I am appealing this penalty because: Check One or Both Appropriate Box(s): ] the acts or omissions alleged in the penalty assessment notice did not occur; ] the amount of the penalty is excessive. Please use the space below if you wish to provide any additional statement about this penalty. This information isavailable in alternate format by calling our ADA Coordinator at (617) 574-6872. 436 Dwight Street . Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 - FAX (413) 784-1149 . TDD (413) 746-6620 -Telephone (413) 784-1100 0 Printed on Recycled Paper Transmittal Form Page 2 Filing fee enclosed: $25 SS or FEIN# - (Social Security/Federal Employer Identification Number) Signed this day of , 19 By: Petitioner Address: Phone: ) " The Department consents to a simplified hearing to resolve this expedited penalty appeal" . Send this form with the filing fee to: Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Environmental Protection, P.O. Box 4062, Boston, MA 02211-4062 CORONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSET EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE ARGEO PAUL CELLUCCI TRUDY COXE Governor Secretary DAVID B. STRUHS Commissioner TRANSMITTAL FORM #3 REQUEST FOR FORMAL HEARING TO CONTEST STANDARD Penalty issued PENALTY ASSESSMENT to: Issuing DEP Inspector: Date of Issuance: SPAN#: Amount: $ I hereby request a formal adjudicatory hearing pursuant to M.G.L. c.30A. A notice of claim for a formal adjudicatory hearing must contain a clear and concise statement of the facts which are the grounds for the appeal, the relief sought, and any additional information required by law, pursuant to 310 CMR 1.01(6) (b) . You may attach additional statements or information to this form. I am appealing this penalty assessment because (check one or both boxes): the acts or omissions alleged in the penalty assessment notice did not occur; the amount of the penalty assessment is excessive. Formal Adjudicatory Hearing Filing Fee is Enclosed: SS or FEIN# $100 - (Social Security/Federal Employer Identification Number) Signed this day of , 19 By: Petitioner This information isavailable in alternate format by calling our ADA Coordinator at 4617) 574-6872. 436 Dwight Street - Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 0 * FAX (413) 784-1149 . TDD (413) 746-6620 Printed on Recycled Paper * Telephone (413) 784-1100 Transmittal Form # Page 2 Address: Phone: ) Send this form with the filing fee to: Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Environmental Protection, P.O. Box 4062, Boston, MA 02211-4062 SCAN FDLE COPY D MMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUdrJTTS ExEcuTIvE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE ARGEO PAUL CELLUCCI Governor TRUDY COXE Secretary DAVID B. STRUHS Commissioner March 6, 1998 URGENT LEGAL MATTER CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED J. Barret Hollister Site #1-0478 Pittsfield; Re: President, Ski America Bell Air Mill; 27 Tor Court Pittsfield, MA 01201 370 Waconah Street NON-WE-98-3018 M.G.L. c.21e NOTICE OF NONCOMPLIANCE Failure to Meet a Transition Provisions Deadline Dear Mr. Hollister: A review of records conducted by Department of Environmental to J. refers ("you" you Protection personnel demonstrates that and Ski America) are not in compliance with one Barret Hollister or more laws, regulations, orders, licenses, permits, or approvals Be advised that the regulations that enforced by the Department. generally set forth the requirements, timelines and procedures for Subpart F, Locations to be Investigated, Transition Provision of codified are in (MCP), the Massachusetts Contingency Plan 310 CMR 40.0600. The specifically and with included has Department incorporated into this writing a NOTICE OF NONCOMPLIANCE SUMMARY, which includes: (l) the to applicable requirements the Transition Site located at 370 Waconah Street, Pittsfield; noncompliance (2) the elements and occurrence(s) of the necessitating the issuance of this Notice; and (3) the deadline within which a achieved. to compliance return must be This information is available in alternate format by calling our ADA Coordinator at (617) 574-6872. 436 DwightStreet - Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 C . FAX(413)784-1149 * TDD(413)746-6620 Printed on Recycled Paper (20% Post Consumer) * Telephone (413) 784-1100 N J. Barret Hollister, President Ski America Notice of Non-compliance Page 2 An administrative penalty may be assessed for every day from now on that you remain out of compliance with the requirements described in this Notice of Noncompliance. Notwithstanding this Notice of Noncompliance, the Department reserves the right to exercise the full extent of its legal authority in order to obtain full compliance with all applicable legal requirements, including but not limited to the assessment of civil administrative penalties, the commencement of a civil action in the court(s) of competent jurisdiction, or the commencement of a criminal prosecution in the court(s) of competent jurisdiction. Please contact Mr. Thaddeus Tokarz at 413/784-1100 if you have any questions concerning this Notice. Sincerely, Alan Weinberg Deputy Regional Director. Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Certified Mail #: Z 276 663 062 AW/TT/ers A:3018non.doc CC: Pittsfield Chief Municipal Official Pittsfield Board of Health Steve Ellis, WERO (2 Copies) Helen Waldorf, BWSC, Boston Enforcement Files, BWSC, WERO Site Files, BWSC, WERO ext.255 NONCOMPLIANCE SUMMARY9 NON-WE-98-3018 NAME OF ENTITIES IN NONCOMPLIANCE: J. Barret Hollister and Ski America LOCATION WHERE NONCOMPLIANCE OCCURRED OR WAS OBSERVED: 370 Waconah Street Site # 1-0478 DATE WHEN NONCOMPLIANCE OCCURRED OR WAS OBSERVED: August 6, 1996 DESCRIPTION OF NONCOMPLIANCE AND OF THE REQUIREMENTS NOT COMPLIED WITH: On October 15, 1988, the above referenced property (the Site) was listed by the Department as a Location to be Investigated (LTBI) and was subsequently listed as such on the List of Confirmed Disposal Sites and Locations to Be Investigated dated August, 1993. This listing was as a result of a Preliminary Assessment Report, dated April 27, 1988,indicating the presence of contamination at the site. On July 15, 1996, the Department issued a Notice of Responsibility (NOR) to you Hollister and Ski America). ('you'' refers to J. Barret The NOR informed you of your liability under M.G.L. C. 21e for a release/threat of release of oil and/or hazardous material at the site and established a compliance deadline. Such deadline expired on August 6, 1996. To date, the Department has not received the appropriate submittals as required by 310 CMR 40.0600. ACTIONS TO BE TAKEN, AND THE DEADLINE FOR TAKING SUCH ACTION: Submittal to the Department of the necessary documentation, as required by 310 CMR 40.0600, within 21 days of receipt of this Notice. For the Department of Environmental Protection: March 6, 1998 Date Alan Weinberg Deputy Regional Director Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup I 0 H H H 0 0 C.% t -s aN. 03 I pCM is your RETURN m' CA completed on the I averse side" ADDRESS -aa -0 ~ ~~~~ 3 HD38A R ; w ----------- 3~ 3 p-0 cr > ~ C - 0 0 -. o 0 * 4o , i ao <a'a laeturnl Receipt Service. s t. 'M16 f& 75 469 8L |-r Receiptfor C'ertifled MA No Insurance Covi Provider J BARRET HOLLISTER PRESIDENT, SKI AMERICA 27 TOR COURT PITTSFIELD MA 01201 Postage - Certified Fee Speciaf De.iery Fee Restricted Deliver F Return Receipt S to Whom & Date 0 8 Return Receipt Sh Date, and AddreS:s TOTAL Postage & rees Postmark or Date 0o Q) i red 4' I1l' Is your RETURN ADDRESS comrleted on the reverse side? Thank you for using Return Receipt Service FILE cpy SCANNED * COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE WILLIAM F. WELD Governor TRUDY COXE TU crjy ARGEO PAUL CELLUCCI Lt. Governor DAVB.R ComtiSir July 15, 1996 URGENT LEGAL MATTER: PROMPT ACTION NECESSARY CERTIFIED MAIL: RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED J. Barret Hollister President, Ski America 27 Tor Court Pittsfield, MA 01201 RE: Pittsfield; Site # 1-0478; Bel Air Mill; 370 Wahconah Street NOTICE OF RESPONSIBILITY M.G.L. c. 21E, 310 CMR 40.0000 Dear Mr. Hollister: During a routine site review process, the Department identified you as a Potentially Responsible Party for the abovereferenced location to be investigated (LTBI). In light of this action, the Department wishes to ensure that you (as used in this notice, "you" collectively refers to J. Barret Hollister and Ski America) are aware of your rights and responsibilities under the Massachusetts Oil and Hazardous Material Release Prevention and Response Act, M.G.L. c. 21E, and the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP), 310 CMR 40.0000. Information contained in our- most recent site report (dated April, 1988) indicates that the above-referenced property has been subject to a release of oil and/or hazardous materials in unknown quantities or in excess of the applicable reportable quantity or reportable Department thereof, is concentration. Based has reason to believe that a disposal site cleanup of disposal sites on this information, the the property, or portions which requires a response action. is governed by M.G.L. The information contained in our files c. The 21E and the MCP. and obtained during our routine file review indicates that you are a party withpotential liability 21E, 436 Dwight Street for response § 5. action costs The attached summary . Springfield, Massachusetts 01103 10 * is and damages intended FAX (413) 784-1149 0 Printed on Recycled Paper (20% Post Consumer) under M.G.L. to provide TDD (413) 746-6620 c. you with * Telephone (413) 784-1100 under Chapter 21E to assist information about liability deciding what actions to take in response to this notice. you in You should be aware that you may have claims against third or for contribution including claims damages, for parties reimbursement for the costs of cleanup. Such claims do not exist indefinitely but are governed by laws which establish the time The Department encourages you to allowed for bringing litigation. take any action necessary to protect any such claims you may have against third parties. ACTIONS UNDERTAKEN TO DATE AT THE SITE with the Department indicates that the Information on file following response actions have been performed to date at this 1988, the Department received an On May 16, disposal site: Environmental Site Investigation report prepared on your behalf by The report indicated Corporate Environmental Advisors, Inc. (CEA). that paint thinner had been improperly disposed of in a floor drain, and that methylene chloride was detected in one groundwater sample at a level of 1,450 parts per billion (ppb). According to CEA, two additional groundwater monitoring wells were planned to be installed. Colin Devonshire of this office spoke with Steve Migridichian of CEA in November of 1995 to determine if this proposed work was completed. Mr. Migridichian confirmed that the work had been done and a report was generated on June 21, 1988. Mr. Devonshire then spoke with you on December 12, 1995 and February 1,,1996. You indicated that you would try to locate the report for the Department. To date, the Department has received no futher information concerning additional monitoring wells or groundwater sampling. The site was first listed as a Location To Be Investigated on October 15, 1988. On July 23, 1993, the Bel Air Mill was issued an LTBI Transition Letter. This letter outlined your obligations under the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP), 310 CMR 40.0610. As required by the MCP, sites listed as locations to be investigated between January 15, 1987 and January 15, 1989 were required to submit a Licensed Site Professional's Evaluation Opinion to the Department by August 2, 1995. To date the Department has not received the required documentation. NECESSARY RESPONSE ACTIONS AND APPLICABLE DEADLINES No disposal site will be deemed to have had all the necessary and required response actions taken for it unless and until all substantial hazards presented by the release and/or threat of release have been eliminated and a level of no significant risk exists or has been achieved in compliance with M.G.L. c. 21E and the MCP. S0 3 The MCP requires persons undertaking response actions at a disposal site to submit to the Department a Response Action Outcome Statement prepared by a Licensed Site Professional upon determining that a level of no significant risk already exists or has been achieved at the disposal site. In addition, the MCP requires responsible parties. and any other person undertaking response actions at a disposal site to perform Immediate Response Actions in response to sudden releases, Imminent Hazards and Conditions of Substantial Release Migration. Such persons must continue to evaluate the need for Immediate Response Actions and notify the Department immediately if such a need exists. PROCEDURES TO FOLLOW TO UNDERTAKE RESPONSE ACTIONS The Department encourages parties having liability under M.G.L. c. 21E to take prompt action in response to releases and threats of release of oil and hazardous materials. By taking prompt action, liable parties may significantly lower cleanup costs and avoid the imposition of, or reduce the amount of, certain permit and/or annual compliance assurance fees payable under 310 CMR 4.00 (e.g., no annual compliance assurance fee is due for Response Action Outcome Statements submitted to the Department within 120 days of the initial date of release notification). You must employ or engage a Licensed Site Professional to manage, supervise or actually perform all response actions which you intend to undertake at this disposal site. The August 2, 1995 deadline implemented for an LSP Evaluation Opinion for this site may be extended to August 2, 1996 if both of the following conditions are met: First, the groundwater at the site is defined as category GW-1 solely because the groundwater is within a Potentially Productive Aquifer; and second, the Department is notified, in writing, of the intention to extend the deadline. You may obtain a list of the names and addresses of Licensed Site Professionals by contacting the Board of Registration of Hazardous Waste Site Cleanup Professionals by telephone at (617) 556-1145 or in person or by mail at One Winter Street, 6th Floor, Boston, Massachusetts 02108. Within 21 days from the date of receipt of this letter, you must provide the Department with the documentation as required by 310 CMR 40.0610. If you fail to provide a response to this notice as requested, or fail to undertake the necessary response actions in accordance with the MCP, the Department may perform the necessary response actions and take appropriate legal action against you. If any response actions have been taken since your association with this disposal site, such as groundwater sampling or well installation, the Department requests any information concerning those actions. 4 If you have any further questions, please contact Mr. Saadi Motamedi at the letterhead address or at 413/784-1100 ext. 224. All future correspondence communications regarding the disposal site should reference the following Release Tracking Number: 1-0528. Since ely, Alan Weinberg Regional Engineer Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Certified Mail # Z 082 549 782 Enclosure cc: Pittsfield Board of Health Pittsfield Mayor/Board of Selectmen Site files, BWSC, WERO Steve Winlsow, BWSC, Boston SM/dpr.NOR.528 N SUMMARY OF LIABILITY UNDER CHAPTER 21E As stated in the Notice of Responsibility accompanying this summary, the Department has reason to believe that you are a with potential liability Potentially Responsible Party ("PRP") under M.G.L. c. 21E, section 5, for response action costs and damages to natural resources caused by the release and/or threat of release. The Department has identified you as a PRP because it believes you fall within one or more of the following categories of persons made potentially liable by subsection 5(a): * any current owner or operator of a site from or at which there is or has been a release or threat of release of oil and/or hazardous material; * any person who owned or operated a site at the time hazardous material was stored or disposed of; * any person who arranged for the transport, disposal, storage or treatment of hazardous material to or at a site; * any person who transported hazardous material to a transport, disposal, storage or treatment site from which there is or has been a release or threat of release of such material; and * any person who otherwise caused or is legally responsible for a release or threat of release of oil or hazardous material at a site. For purposes of the MCP, you are considered a Responsible Party ("RP") with actual liability under Chapter 21E if you fall within one of these categories unless you (1) are entitled to a defense under section 5 or other applicable law, and (2) have reasonably incurred cleanup costs in an amount equal to or greater than any applicable cap on liability under subsection 5(d). meaning it is not based on fault, This liability is "strict," but solely on your status as an owner, operator, generator, It is also joint and several, meaning transporter or disposer. that each person who falls within-one of these categories may be held liable for all response action costs incurred at the site, regardless of the existence of any other liable parties. Section 5 provides a few narrowly drawn defenses to liability, including a defense for releases and damages caused by an act of God, an act of war or an act by a third party other than an employee, agent or person with whom the party has a contractual relationship (see subsection 5 (c)) ; a defense for certain owners of residential property at which the owner maintains a permanent residence (see subsection 5(h)); and a defense for cert4,in public utilities and agencies of the Commonwealth which own a right-of-way that is a site (see subsection 5(j)). You may voluntarily undertake response actions under the MCP without having your liability under Chapter 21E formally adjudicated by the Department. If you do not take the necessary to perform them in an appropriate and response actions, or fail authorized by Chapter 21E to the Department is timely manner, perform the necessary work. By taking the necessary response actions, you can avoid liability for response action costs incurred by the Department in to perform If you are an RP and you fail performing these actions. you may be held liable for necessary response actions at the site, response action costs incurred by the up to three (3) times all may be imposed. on you for failure to Department and sanctions perform response actions required by the MCP. Response action costs include, without limitation, the cost of direct hours spent by Department employees arranging for response actions or overseeing work performed by persons other than the contractors, expenses incurred by the Departmeit Department or its in support of those direct hours, and payments to the Department's see 310 CMR (for more detail on cost liability, contractors The Department may also assess interest 40.1200: Cost Recovery) on costs incurred at the rate of twelve percent (12%), compounded annually. Any liability to the Commonwealth under Chapter 21E To secure payment of this constitutes a debt to the Commonwealth. of your property in the debt, the Department may place liens on all Commonwealth under M.G.L. c. 21E, section 13. To recover this debt, the Commonwealth may foreclose on these liens or the Attorney General may bring legal action against you. in addition to your potential liability for response action costs and damages to natural resources caused by the release, civil and criminal liability may also be imposed by a court of competent jurisdiction under M.G.L. c. 21E, section 11, and civil administrative penalties may be assessed by the Department under. M.G.L. c. 21A, section 16, for each violation of Chapter 21E, the MCP or any order, permit or approval issued thereunder. If you are an RP and you have reason to believe that your performance of the necessary response actions is beyond your technical, financial or legal ability, you should promptly notify the Department in writing of your inability in accordance with Chapter 21E, subsection 5(e), and 310 CMR 40.0172. If you assert and demonstrate in compliance therewith that performing or paying for such response action is beyond your ability, subsection 5(e) provides you with a limited defense to an action by the Commonwealth for recovery of two to three times the Department's response action costs and 310 CMR 40.0172 provides you with a limited defense to the Department's assessment .of civil administrative penalties. SCORPORATE ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORS, INC. 7 e Groundwater/Subsurface Investigations e Drilling, Sampling & Monitoring e Pollution Prevention & Remediation Asbestos and Environmental Laboratory * Hazardous Materials/Waste Management Seminar and Training Development o Industrial Regulatory Compliance GARY P. ALICANDRO President STEVEN M. MIGRIDI M.rid ie V ne ViceMPreidentY 00i.e Re- 'y -.n.ronmental April 27, Eineerin; 1988 Mr. Stephen F. Joyce Deputy Regional Environmental Engineer Engineering Department of Environmental Quality Western Region, 436 Dwight Street NA 01103 Springfield, RE: 370 Wahconah Street Pittsfield, MA Findings Dear Mr. I of Envir-6nmental Site Investigation Joyce: Enclosed please find a copy of an Environmental Site Investigation pertaining to the above-referenced site. On behalf of our client Mr. J. Barrett Hollister, we are notifying the DEQE pursuant of a probable release condition at this property to M.G.L., Chapter 21E, Section 7. Four (4) groundwater monitoring wells were installed at the site. Samples from one of these wells contained Methylene Chloride at a concentration of 1,450 ppb. fit the present time, work is scheduled to further assess the extent of contamination at the site. are planned. Two (2) additional wells While we realize that the Department must prioritize review of site investigations, we would like to request review of this report in a timely fasnion so as to expedite pending property -transactions. Complete Geotechnical & Environmental Services 453 CENTER STREET, LUDLOW, MASSACHUSETTS 01056 (413) 589-0548 Central and Eastern Massachusetts (617) 754-1080 Facsimile No. (413) 583-5283 0 CORPORATE ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORS, INC. Page 2: Mr. Stephen F. April 27, Joyce 1988 If you should have further questions or comments, please contact me at our office (589-0648). Sincerely, CORPORATE ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORS, INC. Doris S. Atkinson Environmental Engineer DSA/cgd A 0 Commnonwealth of Massachusetts Departrment of Environmental Quality Engineering For DEOE Use Only rdous Material Release Site Potential Oil/H * PRELIINARY ASSESSMENT REPORT Case No. Date Uisted 1. PROPERTY NAME AND LOCATION (See Supplementary Instructions) %trNz I?0t\ s Property Name Dispositon \s\ U-) Address Zip Code municipality Municipality l udLatitude/ bSGS Qud~) PKt~dC Cd 10 \ jrls R-%eMA 1. OWNERS/OPERATORS Date Acquired Present Owner.* ~ '3c.-rreAddress: Contact ) M i____________VC_0_________________ D3 N eL\ tufo W Present Operator Address o TeL.4r'-, " Previous Owner: Addres.S: a \\ N Specific Propery Use/Activity I [ Active 0 Inacive C Inactive E0 Actve SIC 8 - Tel. G A LI 2-& Li-Zw-1 L-3 Specific Property Use/Activity Oats started Contact 2.5 - zt Sic #14 43 -- } C"Q Longitude Specific Propery Na/To Use/Activity oPopPeQ D ate 1- Previous Operator. Address: SIC a - Tel. VA\ From/To Dat" u segA Additional Owner/Operator Information is: Tel. - -;. Attached Specific Property Use/Activity Unknown - Property Present Surrounding Area Property Past -.-...- Industrial Commercial Resdential ....- Agricultural Undeveloped ... Not Pertinent Site Locus Map Attached' Ill. . GENERAL PROPERTY/AREA INFORMATION Property/Area Use * \ 22 Si S\ - Check it property is or ever was a known: Refuse/Waste Disposal Area ..,. Gasoline (Servic) Station Fuel Storage Depot .. Industrial Manufacturing Facility Check If Property is Planned for Development. IV. REVIEW OF AVAILABLE RECORDS/INFORMATION Municipal: Date Reviewed - By Information Source(sI: - Contact Person(s): State: * Date Reviewed Telephon By Information Source(a): Of Date Reviewed Telephone: of Oy 87-2 F Telephone: By Additional Information/information Sources are attached Form PA C A P-r Of Informton Source(s): Contact Persorn(s: CHW/SAC C - Contact Persons): Owner/Operator:Ie Date Reve.ed Information Source(sI: Contact Person(s): Otner 1 (- O -CkprkY Telephone: C1 Yes 0 No. Page 1 of 4 A ~ IV. SURVEY OF AVAILABLE RECORDS/INFORMATION (Continued.) Based upon records and available information, have petroleum products or hazardous materials been used. treated. stored, or disposed o, on the property? (l A5 ,,A _ Petroleum .'2.. Hazardous Materials Yes 0 No C Yes Records/Evidence of Present/Former Use: Underground Storage Tanks: Waste/Other Oil Gasoline Fuel Oil indicate Number of Tanks: Presently On-site --Removed With Capacity 1100 Gallons --Over 10 Years Old Total Number Wastewater:" Present Past Comments: T . No Hardous Materials .... .- - Generated? @ Yes [ No 0 Unknown Yes 0 No E Unknown 0 ps\ Composition Sanitary 0 Industial Sanitary C Indusuial Disposal Municipal Sewer 1 On-site E Other Cter Municipal Sewer L On-site O . C Yes R Yes Is there currently an on-site water supply well? Other existing means for sampling groundwater? [ No No C O Unknown. Acve? Indicate Present or Past Federal/State Environmental Permits/AReguladons at tIe Property. O N.P.D.E.S. Comments: Unknown C Groundwater Discharge 0 R.CRA. Generator 0 R.C.RA TSD C Air Duality Yes C C No. Oter Is/are there any record(s of Criminal, Civil, or Administradve Actions. at te property duo to (alleged) violations of environmental statute or regulanon7 0 Yes 1 No rComment. V. PROPERTY RECONNAISSANCE Property Reconnaissanc, by Owner/Operato "uit'. (Circle one.) CO CO^ZflT0 ' Thl- SAost>I Date 2 L By ~W6& Evidence of a Release of Oil or Hazardous Materials7 Yes C No Z Potential if Yes/Potental. Based upon: C visual 0 olfactory 1 analytical/screening 0 CA^k-- Comments: - oA \ o- EiOOf~A..rm' F0fl'5ES A C 0U FOR DEOE USE ONLY: - Date On-site Reconnaissance . Off-site Reconnaissance By EPA/DEOE/Contractor: By Evidence of a Release of Oil or Hazardous Materials? (Circle one.) of C Yes 0 No 0 Potential Comments: Page 2 Of 4 .4 9 li I- I 2 O C -a--- a 0' a, 2 ri C - a- oc 0. a0 ii C C- 7 C # *a. -. .. I -4 .. - C qt. a- -. 4. * uJ -M a I-. A -a":'"* . -4':. a~-,',a., o .0 cQ3Z U OY C C 0 A S U t4 a -C 4 C a a 8 L& a a C 0z .0 '~1- Ta -C- a - U oo 41 C. C U C 'SI, C a 0 C 0 2 3, 2' sC - 5- = C 2 a: 3' C C C C a U C n C C S C C0 Oq -v2 2 'a 0, C g a Lu - Q r I 2 o C FL w 0 C C S C U a a U 2 C C1 *1 C a 'I, - S, a U, z a ; c C a I'. ! 2w C1 .2 ac . 0 (a C w- S zi 0 .4 C =0 a a 0 C3 a t o0=; A 0 C. M A. 9 - CONCLUSIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS VII. Based upon all available information and data. pursuaritto MGL Chapter 212. is there evidence that a release of oil or hazardous matenals C No C Unknown at this time Yes has or is occurring at the propery? C Do property conditions constitute a direat of release? O No Yes Potential it either of above is "yes", are Immediate site actions necessary to abate an Imminent hazard to public health, safety, wellfa, or the enivironment, due to: - Proximity to known potable water supplies? C Potential for direct human contact and exposure? C Yes Potential for fire or explosion? Proximity to fisherlIes/crical habitats? 0 Yes - C Yes IS No Other 0 Yes Yes No l 19 No No No ifa release fns been confirmed. are immediate actions necessary to initiate abatement. containment. or recovery actions in order to avoid a situation where a delay in remedial actions will substainally decrease the efficiency and/or degree of ultimate cleanup? Have remeolal actons already been taken at Me site? No Yes .- DYes 3 No NOTE: If Immediate actions are needed. or if remedial actions have already been taken at me site, append complete details on nature of kcott . No problem and prooosed/completed site acdons. /perator/Private Name Title Company Professional Environmental Consultant Party (Circle one.) ~ WVN&s - V) vx Date Property Affiliation ()'C -k Name Title WZ\S C' Vtk Firm fa, C(y9 KA , Vtb A c - A Set cz'S if Fcrm comoietac by Private Pary and/or Professional Environmental Consultant. please sign: I hereby certify mat Me intormation furnished In and with this Form, to te best of my kn wiedge. is Vill. S ___ 'A - I Date Additional Information attacned to Form Indicate Namefs) of Environmental Assessment Repors) prepared for Propertr Sgrgarure: 1kttib'qZ_ L aRnE . c . _ C .t complete. Signtuor tCwner/ Operator/ Pnivte Party) (Ccn DISPOSMON OF CASE 'V O r,,a' FOR DEZE USE ONLY: Form completed by PRP/Consultant/0E02OEE Contractor/Other (Circle one.) Date Received: Adequate C Insufficient C Inaccurate C Potenta Roli"". - Further Invesdgation Required Release Confirmed If not compiled by DECE. Is provided informadon: Conclusiion: 0 No Evidence of Reiease Disposition of Case; Enforcement Position: C C No Action C NA C C O 0 Re-do PA Send N.O.R. 0 Perform Si. N.C.R. sent C Perform IRM 0 Other C Other Comnients: DECE STAFF: TITLE: SIGNATURE DATE:_ Page 4 0l4