Thursday Notes February 19, 2015


Thursday Notes February 19, 2015
Thursday Notes
February 19, 2015
You are cordially invited to join the students at the regular 8:00 am. Mass next Wednesday,
February 25th. Thank you for your efforts in making sure that your child is punctual.
During this Lenten Season you are also cordially invited to join us as we pray the Stations of the Cross on
Fridays at 2:15 p.m.
Please join us at the monthly Family Mass this coming Sunday, February 22nd at 10:30 a.m.
I would like to take this opportunity and thank the entire School Board for sponsoring the recent Family
Valentine’s Dinner Dance. It was truly a delightful evening for all who attended and was enjoyed by
everyone. The evening was filled with great enthusiasm and celebration. My sincerest thanks and
gratitude is extended to our chairperson, Mr. Scott Pavlik and all who assisted in the planning and
preparations for this wonderful event especially Eileen Pavlik, Monika Rosol, Donna Rzepka, Marta
Janur, Agatha Kasprzyk, Rodel Pinpin, Jennifer Cyra, Magda Kapusta, Francisco Rodriguez, Nick Novak,
Adam and Dabelim Drozd, Jim and Sibby Gordon, the classroom teachers, families, and students. I would
also like to acknowledge and thank the many individuals who stepped in to assist us throughout the
evening as needed. In addition, I would like to thank the many individuals/businesses for their generous
donations. We are truly grateful for your support. I will share our net profit with you after the final figures
become available.
This is early notification that the students in grades 3-7 will be taking the annual Terra Nova
Achievement Tests the week of March 2, 2015. On Friday, February 27th, the students will take the
Practice Test. Testing will take place throughout the week concluding on Friday, March 6th.
Please remember to re-register your child for the 2015-2016 school year (Application for
Re-Enrollment) by Wednesday, April 1, 2015 in order to take advantage of the tuition rate hold. Any
registrations received after April 1, 2015 will incur an additional $100.00 per child tuition increase,
along with a $75.00 late registration fee per family.
Thanks to the generosity of our school patron, Ms. Leigh-Anne Kazma, we are offering a “special”
Raffle. One lucky winner of 1st prize will be the recipient of a full year’s tuition voucher for the upcoming
2015-2016 school year. The winning family name will be applied directly to the 2015-2016 Facts Tuition
statement. The 2nd Place winner will receive a half year’s tuition voucher for the 2015-2016 school year.
This 2nd place prize will also be applied directly to Facts Tuition. The Special Raffle Drawing will take
place on Wednesday, April 1, 2015 at 10:30 a.m. in the school lobby. All are welcome. Raffle tickets are
$50.00 each or 2 for $80.00. Order Forms/Raffle Tickets are included in today’s folder or in the school
office for your convenience.
Please remember to support our Class of 2015 in their fundraising efforts by ordering a cheesecake
through their Gourmet Delight Cheesecake Fundraiser. All orders/payment are due on or before
Thursday, March 5, 2015.
Today was the deadline for the Six Flags Read To Succeed program. Unfortunately, no late entries will be
This is to remind you that the Student Council is sponsoring a Disney and Cartoon out of uniform day
next Thursday, February 26th. As always, appropriate attire is expected.
This week we congratulate yet another student, Sandra Swierczek who also was chosen to have her
original work of poetry published in the 2015 edition of the Anthology of Poetry by Young Americans.
Once again, thousands of poems are reviewed each year and only the most creative are chosen for
publication. Great job Sandra!
Thank you to all who participate in the Box Tops Program. The January Box Tops winner is 2nd grader,
Matthew Miller who collected 142 Box Tops, and will receive a $25.00 Gift Card to a Disney Store. The
total Box Tops collected was 795.
This is a reminder that tomorrow is our scheduled Special Lunch Day. Please remember that if you did
not preorder a lunch for your child to please send one from home, as there will be no regular food service
This week we would like to thank you for the many delicious treats shared with us in honor of Valentine’s
Day, especially the Donis and Gracias families. They were enjoyed by all of us!
We would also like to express our thanks to the Hudec family for their generous supply of office supplies.
Eva M. Panczyk
835 NORTH RUSH STREET * CHICAGO, IL 60611-2030 * PHONE: 312-534-8230 * FAX: 312-534-6379
February 12, 2015
Dear St. Constance Parish Community,
My prayers and blessings are with your community as we prepare to enter the Lenten
season. In the short time that I have served as Archbishop of Chicago, I have been incredibly
impressed with the commitment and dedication that our pastors, parishes, faculty, administration,
families, and students demonstrate toward achieving exceptional Catholic education. I believe
that as Catholic adults, we share in the duty to continue this legacy of providing excellent
academic and faith-filled education that enriches our faith and our community.
Today, the world and the Church are very different from when Catholic education began
here in Chicago over 130 years ago, and the landscape is more complex than ever. Given the
changes in our Catholic population, the demographic shifts within the region, economic
considerations, and the increasing costs to operate schools, we are called to find innovative ways
for parish communities to continue providing exceptional academic and faith-filled education
and build on our proud legacy. For these reasons I am fully behind the regional planning
process, as I believe that it gives us a chance to manage the future rather than have the future
manage us.
Recently, I invited the St. Constance parish and school leadership to participate in a pilot
regional planning process, along with a select group of Catholic schools in the northwest corner
of Chicago. At a meeting on January 19, which I personally attended, our Office of Catholic
Schools presented up-to-date data about the finances and enrollment in these parish schools
along with demographic information and trends. Your pastor, Father Dzieszko, and your
principal, Mrs. Panczyk, were in attendance. All the pastors were informed that, because of the
limited finances of the Archdiocese, it was now necessary to ask these parishes to collaborate in
a regional planning process that would determine how best to use our resources going forward.
All the parishes were informed that they have the option of participating in the regional planning,
but choosing not to participate would mean that the Archdiocese regrettably would not be in a
position to offer financial support either in the present moment or in the future if it is needed.
Opting out would also mean the following:
1. Non-participating parishes in the regional planning process would assume all financial
responsibility for their school. This is important to emphasize since parishioners need to
weigh the impact that going alone eventually could have on the future viability of the
2. The Archdiocese would not be able to provide any financial aid, which would include
unpaid Archdiocesan bills, payroll loans, operating grants, or new scholarship support to
the school. This excludes requests of funds through the Cardinal’s Emergency
Scholarship program administered by the Office of Catholic Schools.
3. Parishes that opt out of participating in the regional planning could continue to
financially support their schools, but only if the parish financial support to the school
does not lead to any Archdiocesan financial aid to the parish.
4. If the parish does not have sufficient financial reserves on hand in advance to cover
forecasted school operating deficits, the pastor will be obligated to announce a school
closure. This announcement would be made during the academic year and would be
effective at the close of that school year.
The pastors and principals were urged to speak to their leadership and let me know by
February 20 if they would be willing to participate in the regional planning process. On January
23, Father Dzieszko wrote to me indicating that, after thoughtful consideration and consultation
with various stakeholders within the St. Constance community, the parish had declined the
opportunity to participate in this regional program. Fully respecting the parish leadership’s
decision and insisting on full transparency to parishioners, I thought it only fair to communicate
directly with you about this development, so that all parishioners are fully aware of this situation,
particularly how this decision affects your school and your parish now and in the future, as
outlined above.
The parish and school leadership also know that the decision to opt out of the regional
planning process will mean that St. Constance will be governed and will operate as a traditional
parish school, rather than under the direction of the Office of the Superintendent of Schools
through the Archdiocesan Initiative Model (AIM) Agreement. Up to now the AIM agreement
has been in place for St. Constance School at the parish’s request. Moving forward, the Office of
Catholic Schools will continue to provide counsel and consulting support as requested in the
areas of academics, leadership, marketing, and finance. Representatives from the Office of
Catholic Schools will be working with the leadership of St. Constance to help ensure there is a
seamless transition back to the parish school model of governance for the 2015/2016 academic
My genuine hope is that your future will be secure, as I treasure Catholic schools and
value the sacrifices made by the St. Constance community. Your kind understanding of our need
to use our limited resources through regionalization is much appreciated. You will remain in my
prayers, and I ask for your prayers for all those participating in the regional planning process. In
due time, I look forward to visiting your multicultural parish, and with all my heart I thank you
for your continued devotion and commitment to passing on faith and knowledge to the next
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Reverend Blase J. Cupich
Archbishop of Chicago
Tuition Raffle
Grand Prize
Full Tuition Credit for 2015/2016 School Year
First Prize
Half Tuition Credit for 2015/2016 School Year
*Grand Prize will be drawn first*
Drawing will take place April 1, 2015
Tickets can be bought in the school office or by filling out
the form below.
1 Ticket for $50.00
2 Tickets for $80.00
Family Name ______________________________________________
Student Name(s) _________________________Grade(s) __________
Number of tickets you wish to buy:
 1 for $50.00
 Other _________________
 2 for $80.00
Amount Enclosed: _________
FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment
FACTS Management, a division of Nelnet, Inc., makes quality education affordable for families and
students, while supporting the financial stability of private and faith-based institutions.
One way we do this is through our Grant & Aid Assessment service, which allows schools to award
financial aid with confidence to the families who truly need it. We work with schools to create a custom
application for families, so FACTS can collect the financial data that matters. This way, your school will
have the most accurate picture possible to make award decisions it can be proud of.
You can
can apply
apply at
or by
or visiting
by visiting
• If you use FACTS Tuition Management, you may log in using the same credentials
• Fill out and submit your online application*
• Submit all required supporting documents by uploading online or faxing to 866.315.9264
Customer Care Representatives are available to assist you at 866.441.4637.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Who sets the application deadlines?
A. Application deadlines are set by your institution. If you are applying after the deadline,
please contact your school to make sure your application will be accepted.
Q. Is the application process secure?
A. Yes. All documentation received is imaged upon receipt and then destroyed.
Then, the application data becomes property of the applicable institution.
Q. What happens after I apply?
A. You can log into to check the status of your application.
Please allow two weeks for processing.
Q. Does the FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment process require a credit check?
A. No. FACTS does not require a credit check!
Apply atat
or visit
at: at:
* A nonrefundable application fee may be required before your application will be submitted.
' 
Day Dance Pictures
Valentine’s Day Dance pictures can be found at:
Password: 2-15-14
Please contact the photographer with a number of the photo
you are interested in buying to receive a digital copy
for only $1.00 or a print copy for $2.00!
from 6:30pm-8:30pm
at McFetridge Sports Center
3843 N California Ave, Chicago, IL 60618
Admission: $7.00; Skate rental: $3.00
(we will provide some refreshments)
For tickets and more information:
REP Office – Sr. Kinga (773) 545-8581 ext. 40
Will 4th Grade Remain The Reigning Champs Of The Classroom
Contests? Or Will A New Class Be Our Box Tops Heroes?
February Classroom Box Tops Contest: • Contest will be a classroom effort • The classroom with the MOST BOX TOPS will be our Super bowl Champs • Please only include 20 box tops per sheet o If you have less, that is ok o Multiple sheets are always welcomed • Box Tops must be current, non expired Super bowl Prizes: • Winning Class will receive: o A cupcake party o Trophy • The Children of the Winning Class will also have a raffle: o TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR RAFFLE ENTRY:  At least 1 completed sheet of 20 box tops must be submitted o Prize for raffle:  Certificate for 1 free child’s meal at Rainforest Café  2 Glasses from Rainforest Café (for the winning child’s parent) for their support of our Box Tops Program SUBMISSION DEADLINE IS February 25th
Please turn all box tops into your teacher or school office.
Tape or glue (no staples please) 20 NON-EXPIRED Box Tops to the boxes above.
Don’t forget to write down your teacher & grade. Thanks!
Student Name______________________________________
Teacher Name__________________________ Grade_______
St. Constance School wishes to send a heart felt thank you to our many friends,
who helped make the 2015 Valentines Dinner Dance successful!
Disney Grand Raffle Sponsers
Food, Beverages, Entertainment and Donations
Alderman John Arena
Anonymous Donor
Children's Dental World
Cumberland Chapels
Frank's Family Inc
Kapusta Family
Muzyka and Son Funeral Home
Novak/Erpelo Family
Pavlik Family
St Constance Sports Association
St Constance Women's Club
St Constance Young at Hearts
The Cleaning Company
Dino's Pizza
Joe's Pizza
Dance Fever Academy
Jaime Aponte, Magician
Nadya Savka, Face Painting Artist
Adi Photography
DJ Ryan Levin and 4 Sure Entertainment
Shop and Save Market on Devon
Lowell Foods in Franklin Park
Wiklanski's Bakery on Belmont and Austin
Montrose Deli on Irving Park Rd
Agnes Flowers on Belmont and Oak Park
Rzepka Family
Rosol Family
Z-Print - raffle tickets and flyers
Tuition Raffle Sponsor
Ms Leigh Anne Kazma
Prize Raffle Sponsors
Prize Raffle Sponsors
Adam's Jewelery
Anomymous Donors
Bernie Smith
Buffalo Wild Wings
Caamic Family
Cione Family
Cora Lee Candies in Glenview
Dear Franks in Glenview
Dino's Pizza and Restaurant on Higgins
Donna Budzioch
Dorota Malek
Duet Carpet
Edward Fox Photography on Milwaukee
Electronic Repair Zone on Western
Galvin's Public House on Lawrence
Garfield Liquor on Central Ave
Gen-Ki-Karate and Fitness Center
Marta Janur
Medieval Times
Montrose Deli
Otter Box
Outback Steakhouse
Parents of Grade 1 Students
Parents of Grade 2 Students
Parents of Grade 3 Students
Parents of Grade 4 Students
Parents of Grade 5, 6, 7 & 8 Students
Parents of Kindergarten Students
Parents of Pre-School and Pre-K Students
Park View Dental Care
Pavlik Family
Pilch Family
Pinpin Family
Poretta Restaurant
Hagen's Fish Market
Kapturski Family
Kasprzyk Family
Margaret Saladyga
Maria - Old Towne Travel
Mario Tricocci
Rosol Family
Sajdak/Franco Family
Van Allman Family
Yu Kids Island Schaumburg
Zrodlo Bookstore
Bakers for the Sweet Table
Bakers for the Sweet Table
Wiklanski's Bakery
Shop and Save Market
Lowell Foods
Montrose Deli
Budzioch Family
Ewa Aelimiawicz
Geri Henning
Kasprzyk Family
Barbara Kielian
LaCour Family
Michelle Cione
Pavlik Family
Rzepka Family
Yecani-Sanchez Family
… and all who brought something on Saturday!
Appetizer Donations
Appetizer Donations
Angela Nuxoll
Brenda Van Allman
Elizabeta Sieklucki
LaCour Family
… and all who brought something on Saturday!
Gourmets’ Delight Cheesecakes
Try one of 14 delicious cheesecakes from Gourmets’ Delight. These are 9” presliced, fresh-frozen pies that are sure to please your palate. Serve at your
Easter dinner or take as many slices as you need at a time. Fill out the following form, and return it in an envelope marked “Eight Grade Cheesecake” to the
school office, collection basket, or rectory by Thursday morning, March 5th,
2015. Pick-up will take place at the main school entrance on Friday, March 27,
at 3PM. Thank you for your support!
The 8th Grade Class of St. Constance School
Make checks payable to St. Constance School
Gourmets’ Delight Cheesecakes
Amount Enclosed:
Number of Cheesecakes
Chocolate Chip
Mint Chocolate Chip
Chocolate Marble
Pineapple Coconut
Key Lime
Cherry (Heart Shaped)
Pecan Carmel
Raspberry Fudge
Cookies & Crème (Oreo) $21.00
Variety (7 flavors)