February 21, 2016 - St. John Vianney Catholic Community
February 21, 2016 - St. John Vianney Catholic Community
St. John Vianney Catholic Community 1345 Turnbull Canyon Road Hacienda Heights California 91745 Phone: 626-330-2269 FAX: 626-330-0220 February 21, 2016 Second Sunday of Lent SCHEDULE OF SERVICES: MASS HOURS/ HORARIO DE MISAS: Sunday: 6:30, 8:00 (Español), 10:00, 12:00 pm & 5:15 pm Monday - Friday: 6:30 & 8:00 am Saturday: 8:00 am & 5:15 pm Holy Days: As Announced SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (CONFESSIONS/ CONFESIONES): Monday - Friday: 4:30 - 5:00pm Saturday: 4:00 - 5:00 ADORATION: Eve of First Fridays, beginning at 6:00 pm; and ending at 10:00 pm. BAPTISM/ BAUTISMOS: For information please call the Corpus Christi Center. You may call during the latter part of your pregnancy or 3 months in advance. MARRIAGE/ BODAS: Call the Corpus Christi Center to meet with a priest at least 6 months in advance. QUINCEAÑERA: Call the Corpus Christi Center 11 months in advance for reservations. Llamar 11 meses por adelantado para reservar. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK AND/ OR HOLY COMMUNION: For the home bound, please call the Corpus Christi Center. ST. JOHN VIANNEY PARISH MISSION STATEMENT We, the people of St. John Vianney Catholic parish, commit ourselves to sharing the gift of salvation with all by deepening our relationship with God through Jesus Christ. We do this by: ♦ Centering our faith life in the Eucharist ♦ Providing for the spiritual growth of all persons ♦ Offering physical and emotional support to those in need, by celebrating life through the Scriptures, Sacraments and Fellowship. Pastor Rev. Msgr. Tim Nichols Associates: Rev. R. Carlos Nava, O.M.I. Rev. Patrick Nwokeogu In Residence: Rev. Mike Sezzi Deacons: Jesse Martinez Richard Noon Seminarian: Spencer Lewerenz ALL BUSINESS IS HANDLED AT THE CORPUS CHRISTI CENTER PARISH OFFICES - 626-330-2269 Website: www.sjvhh.org Hours: Weekdays: Mon-Thurs 8:30 am - 8:30 pm Fridays 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Saturday & Sunday: 9:00 am - Noon Administrative Assistant/ Bulletin: Jan O’Neill, Ext. 225 Business Manager: Jeannie Jaramillo Shepard, Ext. 227 Music: Michael Gribschaw, Director, Ext. 237 Christine Brydges, Choir Director, Ext. 236 Jorge Amezcua, Youth Band/Choir Director Parish Outreach: Carol Lazarovits, Coordinator, Ext. 228 Religious Formation: Cristina Alba, Director, Ext. 238 Sandra Colindres, Spanish Rel Ed Coord, Ext 242 Initiation for Adults - RCIA (Sacraments) Gina Zepeda, Ext. 230 Scheduling of Facilities: Please call the Cor pus Christi Center. Youth Ministry/Confirmation: Becky Cerda, Coordinator, Ext 231 To make an appointment with one of the priests, please call the Office. New Parishioners are welcome and are asked to register at the Parish Office, the Corpus Christi Center. PAGE 2 St. John Vianney Parish CALENDAR OF EVENTS Monday, February 22 8:45 am Parish Mission - Church 4:00 pm Monday Family Catechesis - O’C Hall 5:30 pm High School Communion Class - Rm 6 6:30 pm Confirmation I Classes 7:00 pm Parish Mission - Church 7:30 pm Juan 23rd Grupo de Oracion - Dolan Hl Tuesday, February 23 8:45 am Parish Mission - Church 6:30 pm Catholic Men’s Fellowship - Dolan Hl 7:00 pm Parish Mission - Church RCIA Session - O’Callaghan Center Discipulos de Cristo - Room 7 Spanish Bible Study - Room 2 7:30 pm Tuesday Bible Study - Room 3 Wednesday, February 24 10:00 am Wednesday Bible Study - O’C Hall 6:00 pm Religious Education Classes Youth Choir Rehearsal - Music Room Lenten Soup & Salad - O’C Center 7:00 pm English Baptism Class - Rooms 11/12 Thursday, February 25 11:30 am Seguidores de Jesus - Dolan Hall 6:00 pm Middle School Faith Formation-O’C Hl 7:00 pm Apostoles de la Divina Misericordia-Dol Hall Friday, February 26 6:00 pm Lenten Fish Fry - O’Callaghan Center Saturday, February 27 1:00 pm El Shaddai - Dolan Hall Sunday, February 28 6:30am-12:30 pm Blood Drive - O’C Center 10:00 am RCIA Dismissal to Corpus Christi Ctr 6:30 pm Youth Ministry Faith Night - O’C Hall LENTEN PARISH MISSION Monday, February 22 & Tuesday, February 23 After 8 am Mass and again at 7 pm HEALING SERIES - we will be having our special Parish Mission on healing. John Cojanis, a Catholic lay missionary from out of the Tucson Diocese will be conducting the Mission. There will be music, fun and interesting talks The entire family is encouraged to attend and if you would like - invite a neighbor or friend. PARISH/COMMUNITY BLOOD DRIVE - FEBRUARY 28TH Our Knights of Columbus Council in conjunction with the American Red Cross will be hosting a parish/community Blood Drive on Sunday, February 28th from 6:30 am to 12:30 pm in the O'Callaghan Center . Please consider sharing the “Gift of Life” by signing up to donate. All donors will receive one free dinner ticket to the weekly Lenten Friday Fish Frys. Sign-ups on the patio after all Sunday morning Masses or 626-336-0846 to make an appointment. February 21, 2016 MASS INTENTIONS Sunday, February 21 8:00 am - Martina Banuelos - RIP requested by Vargas Family 10:00 am - Jovita Reyes - RIP requested by Marysol Reyes 12:00 pm - Antonio Jimenez - RIP requested by his daughter 5:15 pm - Rosa Godinez - RIP requested by Guzman-Ponce Family Monday, February 22 6:30 am - Lito De Vera - Birthday requested by Chris De Vera 8:00 am - Fr. Nava’s Family - RIP request by Norm/Carol Reinberger Tuesday, February 23 6:30 am - Huguette Chehata - RIP requested by daughter 8:00 am - John Pluth - RIP request by Norm/Carol Reinberger Wednesday, February 24 6:30 am - Fr. Nava’s Family - RIP requested by Al/Sandi Salcido 8:00 am - Fr. Nava’s Family - RIP requested by SJV Lectors Thursday, February 25 6:30 am - Elissa Macias - RIP requested by AlSandi Salcido 8:00 am - Cristina Alba -Birthday requested by LoVetere Family Friday, February 26 6:30 am - Elissa Macias - RIP requested by David & Jeannie 8:00 am - Linda Zandi - RIP requested by Ron Zandi Saturday, February 27 8:00 am - Elaine Helbling - RIP requested by mother 5:15 pm - Francisco Salazar - RIP requested by Rosa Salazar Sunday, February 28 6:30 am - Henri Bouwens - Special Intention requested by Steve/Liz Harper 8:00 am - For St. John Vianney Community 10:00 am - Guillermo Contreras - Special Intent requested by Guillermo Contreras 12:00 pm - Rosa Navarro - RIP requested by Weiner family 5:15 pm - Richard Arias - RIP requested by Arias Family Please Pray for Those who have Died and their Families Josephine Sumpter Stella Ruelas Cecilia Africa Ed Sauer Juan Ortiz Casillas Second Sunday of Lent READINGS FOR THE WEEK Today: Gn 15:5-12, 17-18; Ps 27:1, 7-9, 13-14; Phil 3:17-4:1; Lk 9:28b-36 Monday: 1 Pt 5:1-4; Ps 23:1-3a, 4-6; Mt 16:13-19 Tuesday: Is 1:10, 16-20; Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21, 23; Mt 23:1-12 Wednesday: Jer 18:18-20; Ps 31:5-6, 14-16; Mt 20:17-28 Thursday: Jer 17:5-10; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 16:19-31 Friday: Gn 37:3-4, 12-13a; 17b-28a; Ps 105:16 -21; Mt 21:33-43, 45-46 Saturday: Mi 7:14-15, 18-20; Ps 103:1-4, 9-12; Lk 15:1-3, 11-32 Sunday: Ex 3:1-8a, 13-15; Ps 103:1-4, 6-8, 11; 1 Cor 10:1-6, 10-12; Lk 13:1-9 SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCE Monday: The Chair of St. Peter the Apostle Tuesday: St. Polycarp Friday: Abstinence LENTEN FRIDAY NIGHT FISH NIGHT O’Callaghan Center February 26, March 4, 11,18 6:00-7:30 pm Fish Dinner: Adults $9.00 Children 12 & under $5.00 Shrimp Combo: Adults $11.00/Children $5.00 Enchilada Dinner - $6.00 Dinners include Icelandic Cod or shrimp, fried in vegetable oil; baked potato or French fried potatoes; salad; roll; ice cream and coffee or punch. LENTEN SOUP AND SALAD O’Callaghan Center Wednesday February 24, March 2, 9, 16, 23 6:00-7:15 pm You are cordially invited to attend the annual Lenten Soup and Salad Nights. The price is a donation which will be given to our local food pantry. You will enjoy a choice of many delicious homemade soups, plus salad, roll and beverage. Come and socialize with fellow parishioners while helping the needy in our area. Fish Fry and Soup and Salad nights Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus YOUR PRO-LIFE MINUTE … 40 Days for Life - February 11-March 20 God, who can do all things and you can pray that more lives will be spared from abortion. During these 40 Days, pray each day for our babies. LIFE IS SACRED PAGE 3 RCIA With hearts full of gratitude St. John Vianney proudly recognizes the Elect and Candidates who are entering into the final period of preparation towards their Easter Sacraments. Our community supports their commitment and ongoing journey of conversion through prayer, by the witnessing of our Christian faith, and the observance of the Lenten Season. We will joyfully celebrate and welcome them at the Easter Vigil when they are received fully into the Catholic faith. Con corazones llenos de gratitud San Juan Vianney reconoce a los Elegidos y Candidatos que entran en periodo final de preparación hacia los Sacramentos de Pascua. Nuestra comunidad les da apoyo en su compromiso y se une con ellos en su jornada de conversión a través de nuestra oración, nuestro ejemplo en cómo vivir la fe Cristiana, y con la observancia de la Cuaresma. The Elect / Los Elegidos The Elect participated in the Rite of Election on February 14th, 2016 at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. Los Elegidos participaron en el Rito de Elección el 14 de Febrero, 2016 en la Catedral Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles. Pictured at left: Jamne Morales Pictured at right top row from left: Joey Martinez, Andres Botello, Ken Marschall Jr., and Philip Port, bottom row: Krystal Jaramillo-Nunez and Isabel Alvarez Candidates for Confirmation and Eucharist / Candidatos para Confirmación y Eucaristía The Candidates will be participating in the Rite of Call to Continuing Conversion on February 21st, 2016, at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. Los Candidatos participaran en el Rito al Llamado a la Conversión Continua el 21 de Febrero, 2016 en la Catedral Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles. Pictured at left: back row: Martin Martinez, Abran Sanchez, and Rafael Vazquez, bottom row: Sonia Martinez and Guadalupe Herrera Pictured at right: top row from left: John Heilmann, Albert Dela Rosa, and Brian Martinez, bottom row: David Martinez, Noah Martinez (not pictured: Julissa Jimenez, Dawn Miller and Jacqueline Regalado) SJV GIFT SHOP Just arrived!! Wonderful gift ideas for First Communion, Confirmation, Baptism and all other occasions. Come on over and check them out. We are open Sundays from 9 am to 1:30 pm. PAGE 4 St. John Vianney Parish MINISTERIO DE EUCARISTIA El Ministerio de Eucaristía estará ofreciendo sus clases de formación Litúrgica para todas aquellas personas que les gustaría unirse a nosotros a servir Comunión a la Comunidad de San Juan Vianney. Habrá 4 sesiones, y su asistencia es requerida en todas las sesiones. Clases darán comienzo el lunes 29 de febrero, y seguirán al 7 (Rms 11/12), 8 y 14 de marzo. Todas las clases darán comienzo a las 7:00 p.m. en el Salón Cenacle, que esta en el Centro Corpus Christi. Las solicitudes estarán disponibles en la oficina o para más información llame a Flor I. Espinoza al (626) 622-3362. Estas clases también serán requeridas para todos los Ministros de Eucaristía y su asistencia es mandatoria. YOUTH MINISTRY/YOUTH CONFIRMATION Next Faith Night February 28 After 5:15 Mass O’Callaghan Center If you have any questions or need to make an appointment, Please call Becky Cerda, Youth Minister/Confirmation Coordinator 330-2269 ext. 231 or Email: sjvyouthhh@gmail.com or go to www.sjvhh.org/YM/confirmation you can also follow us on Instagram and facebook. S T E W A R D S H I P TIME * TALENT * TREASURE Collection for 02-14-2016 Envelope: $ 18,953.50 Plate: 3,870.50 Rebuild Fund/Rise Again: 11,737.33 Ash Wednesday: 7,130.00 Building/Maintenance Fund: 724.00 Parish Outreach: 673.00 Coffee/Donuts: 210.00 Food Pantry: 115.00 Christian Service: 25.00 Other: 20.00 Total Deposit: $ 43,458.33 Envelopes Used: 729 Comparison of Offertory 2nd Week of February 2015 2015 2016 Envelope: $ 16,432.00 $ 18,953.50 Plate: 3,691.00 3,870.50 Total $ 20,123.00 $ 22,823.00 February 21, 2016 RISE AGAIN Capital Campaign Our Goal: $6,000,000 PLEDGED DOLLARS DÓLARES PROMETIDOS PLEDGED DOLLARS PAID PROMESAS EN DÓLARES PAGADAS PLEDGED DOLLARS STILL OWED $ 5,233,572 $ 2,484,559 $ 2,837,901 PROMESAS EN DÓLARES QUE AUN SE DEBEN PLEDGED DOLLARS PAST DUE (>90 DAYS) PROMESAS EN DÓLARES ATRASADOS (>90 DIAS) PLEDGED DOLLARS SUSPENDED/CANCELLED PROMESAS EN DÓLARES SUSPENDIDAS/CANCELADAS $ 146,294 $ 167,389 Our new campaign video can be viewed on the SJV church website www.sjvhh.org. We still have a long way to go to reach our goal of $6,000,000 – we need everyone’s support! No amount is too small! Please visit the church website www.sjvhh.org to make a pledge or a payment. You can also visit the parish office to make your donation, or place it in the bright pink envelope at church. If you have any questions about the campaign or your account, please call Leticia Vargas, 626-3302269, Ext. 240. Campana Capital “RISE AGAIN” Nuestra Meta: $6,000,000 El video nuevo de la Campana puede ser visto en la pagina de internet de la parroquia www.sjvhh.org. Aún nos falta mucho para llegar a nuestra meta de $6, 000,000 – necesitamos el apoyo de todos! No hay cantidad pequeña!! Por favor visite nuestra página parroquial en el sitio web al www.sjvhh.org para hacer promesas o hacer pagos. También puede venir a la oficina parroquial para hacer su donación, o ponga su donación en el sobre rosa subido y deposítelo en la canasta de donación los domingos. Si tiene alguna pregunta acerca de la campaña o acerca de su cuenta, por favor háblele a Leticia Vargas, al (626) 330-2269, ext. 240. Second Sunday of Lent LOS ANGELES RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CONGRESS 2016 ANAHEIM CONVENTION CENTER February 25 - Youth Day February 26 - 28 CONGRESO DE EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA DE LOS ANGELES 2016 25 de febrero - Jornada Juvenil 26 - 28 marzo PLEASE JOIN US IN THE HOSPITALITY ROOM FOR ST. JOHN VIANNEY PARISH Marriott Hotel – Oasis Tower – Room 1758 Coffee - Regular & Decaf, Hot & Iced Tea, & Water are provided at each service. If you would like soda or wine with your meal, please bring some to share. Friday evening - After Liturgies Soup & Salad Saturday Lunch - After 10:00 Sessions Mexican Buffet Saturday Evening - After Liturgies Pizza SJV 50TH ANNIVERSARY EVENTS GOLF TOURNAMENT - APRIL 18 FRIENDLY HILLS GOLF COURSE There will be a Silent Auction Dinner following the tournament and we need auction items. Any donations of themed baskets, new items, eg, gifts, gift certificates for goods or services, children items, liquor, wine, gardening tools, etc., will be greatly appreciated. Your donations can be brought to the Corpus Christi Center between February 28 and March 20th. To volunteer to help or for questions on donations, please call Sandi 626-336-0846 or Sandy 562-693-8895. YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY Young Adult Ministry If you are between the ages of 18-35, join the 30+ Young Adults (YAMs) who have committed themselves to nurturing their faith and serving the Lord and the SJV community. Invite a friend! We gather every other Thursday from 8 - 10 pm in Rooms 11/12 Upcoming dates: Febr uar y 25; Mar ch 10 For more information about the YAMs and upcoming events, go to www.sjvhh.org/young-adult-ministry PAGE 5 EARLY CALIFORNIA DAYS Golden Jubilee (50th Anniversary) Mark your calendars! ECD 2016 will be held June 3, 4, & 5. Help us prepare for another successful festival by volunteering to become a chairperson or captain. These positions need to be filled as soon as possible. We ar e now in the planning stage. We need enthusiastic volunteers to step forward for the following positions: Food Booth Captains - Game Booth Captains - Beverage Captains The above jobs can be shared by two people or couples. You can also help solicit company sponsorships and donations. We need bamboo (for fencing), mulch, bark, or wood shavings for ground cover. Don’t forget - confetti eggs! We need lots for the Country Store. Consider contributing an item to the Silent Auction. Suggested contributions are gift cards, sporting event tickets, services, trips, jewelry, wine, holiday items or electronic equipment. If you would like more information about any of the above, please call one of the Chairpersons: Al/Maggie Reynaga (909) 262-6538 Ron/Arlene Franco (626) 391-5835 or Michael/Jeanne Reynaga (909) 630-8893 2015-2016 FAMILY LIFE SERIES Don’t miss the next Marriage and Family Session: Resolving Conflicts in the Family MONDAY, FEBRUARY 29TH from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the O’Callaghan Center to be pr esented by Terri and Ted Furlow. Ted and Terri have been facilitating marriage enrichment with the Archdiocesan Ministry of Family Life. Terri earned a Master’s degree in Health Care Administration and Ted holds a Master’s in Pastoral Theology. January’s Simple Ways to Become a Happier Family Recap Nothing is more foundational for our world and our lives today than solid marriages and loving caring families. Gloria and Bob Farley shared six essential foundational elements needed for a happy marriage and family life: Gratitude – regular and ongoing acknowledgement and thankfulness for one another. A grateful heart gives us capacity to love. Respect – acting, speaking and treating one another with kindness. Helpfulness – caring for those within and outside our family Prayer –“A Family that Prays Together Stays Together”. Forgiveness – letting go of hurts or perceived injuries. Fun – God wants us to laugh and enjoy each other. PAGE 6 St. John Vianney Parish PARISH ORGANIZATIONS AND MINISTRIES Baptismal Ministry Couples help pr epar e par ents & God parents of children to be baptized. If you are inter ested in this ministry call Mary Ellen 626-330- 7635. Bereavement Ministry wor ks with families who have lost a loved one and offers assistance for the day of the funeral. Contact the Corpus Christi Center for more in formation. Breathe in the Spirit Women’s Fellowship - Third Sat urday of the Month 9-11 am, O’C Center. Catholic Men’s Fellowship Fir st & Thir d Tuesdays, Dolan Hall, 6:30 pm. Call Tony 626-893-9363. Eucharistic Ministry - if you ar e 18 year s or older , par ticipate regularly in church life, and wish to dis tribute the Eucharist, please call Felipe & Flor Espinoza 626-333-0787. Filipino Catholic Association pr omotes fellowship, hospitality and group prayer to the Filipino Community. Call Celso 626-330-4208 or Evelyn 626- 912-6291. Friday Morning Lectionary Group Study, shar e, pray the Sunday readings on Friday from 8:45 to 10:00 am.. All invited for food and fellowship. Kay and Bob 562696-1136 Hospitality Ministry pr ovides hospitality to and for many areas of the parish. Call Gerri 626-333-1044 or Joan 626-674-9669. Kings & Queens is a gather ing of Senior Citizens meet ing first and third Thursdays for companion ship, lunch and bingo. Knights of Columbus is a fr ater nal or ganization open to practicing Catholic men 18 and older, pro viding fel lowship in pursuit of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Pat riotism. Call Grand Knight Ray Gomez 626-315-7325; Deputy Grand Knight Edwin Flores 213-291-4821 or Membership Director Michael Reynaga 909-630-889 www.KofC6028.org Marriage Encounter is a weekend for any mar r ied couple that has the desire to want more in their relationship. More passion, forgiveness, tender ness and communication. Call Ray & Letycia Gomez at 626 -315-7332. Our Lady of Guadalupe Fraternity of the Secular Franciscan Order - meets second Sunday of month in Dolan Hall. For more information call, Greg 626-9614832 Our Lady Queen of Peace - Monday Rosary ever y Monday in the Church 5:30 pm. Parish Outreach/Christian Service/Food Pantry for in formation, call Carol, Coordinator, 626-330- 2269- Ext 228. Pro-Life Information Whittier Life Center Pregnancy Hot Line 562-6938803. Small Christian Communities always welcome new members. Groups meet on a variety of days- times to deepen their faith while sharing life experiences. Call Mary Ellen 626-330-7635. Tuesday Evening Bible Study October thr u May. Call Mary Ellen 626-330-7635. Wednesday Morning Bible Study October thr u May. Call Ann 626-330-6093. February 21, 2016 REDISCOVER JESUS! The best time to rediscover Jesus is during Lent. On Saturday, March 12 beginning with the 8 am Mass, popular speaker Fr. Bill Adams, a Redemptorist Priest, will present a Lenten Reflection based on Matthew Kelly’s new book “Rediscover Jesus”. YEAR OF MERCY December 8, 2015 November 20, 2016 February 21, 2016 Second Sunday of Lent Many icons depicting Jesus’ transfiguration bear the Greek title Metamorphosis, a technical term also for nature’s springtime transformation. Fittingly, this Jubilee Year of Mercy coincides with the Lectionary’s Year of Luke, for only Luke specifies Moses and Elijah speaking about Jesus’ “exodus that he was going to accomplish in Jerusalem” (Luke 9:31). Israel’s exodus liberated from slavery; Jesus’ exodus liberates from sin’s living death of selfishness. Pope Francis suggests that Lent’s prayer, fasting, and works of charity can transfigure the world, if Christians translate Isaiah’s challenge into our daily lived experience of Jesus’ lifegiving exodus by releasing those bound unjustly, setting free the oppressed, sharing your bread with the hungry, bringing the afflicted and homeless into your house, clothing the naked, not turning your back on your own. “If you remove from your midst oppression, and malicious speech . . . then light shall rise for you in the darkness . . . you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring whose water never fails” (Isaiah 58:9, 10, 11). 21 de febrero de 2016 Segundo Domingo de Cuaresma Muchos iconos con la imagen de la transfiguración de Jesús tienen un título en griego que dice Metamorphosis, una palabra técnica que también se refiere a la transformación natural de la primavera. Casualmente, este A ño Jubilar de la Misericordia coincide con el Año C en el que los domingos se lee el Evangelio de Lucas, además solamente Lucas menciona que Moisés y Elías “hablaban del éxodo de Jesús, que él estaba a punto de cumplir en Jerusalén” (Lucas 9:31). El éxodo de Israel liberó de la esclavitud; el éxodo de Jesús libera de la muerte en vida del pecado del egoísmo. El Papa Francisco sugiere que en esta Cuaresma la oración, el ayuno y las obras de caridad pueden transformar al mundo, si los cristianos en la vida diaria interpretaran el desafío de Isaías de experimentar de Jesús el éxodo que da vida al liberar a los presos injustamente, dando libertad a los cautivos, compartiendo el pan con los hambrientos, ofreciendo un techo a los desamparados y afligidos, vistiendo al desnudo, no dándoles la espalda a los más necesitados. “Si quitas de en medio de ti el yugo, el amenazar con el dedo y el hablar iniquidad, y si te ofreces al hambriento, y sacias el deseo del afligido, entonces surgirá tu luz en las tinieblas, y tu oscuridad será como el mediodía. Y el Señor te guiará continuamente, saciará tu deseo en los lugares áridos y dará vigor a tus huesos; serás como huerto regado y como manantial cuyas aguas nunca faltan” (Isaías 58:9, 10, 11).
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