Greenhouses, Nurseries, Florists
Greenhouses, Nurseries, Florists
Greenhouses, Nurseries, &Florists McVeytown Area Riverside Greenhouse– 438 River Road, McVeytown. 717-899-7964 Stone House Nursery & Landscaping— 70 River Road, McVeytown. 717-899-7158 Reedsville/ Milroy Kathryn & Company Florist— 1 N Main St, Reedsville. 717-667-3121. Dairyland Flea Market— Reedsville Exit, Rt. 655 toward Belleville. Open Wednesdays ONLY, weather dependent. Plants available in season. Metzler Forest Products — 26 Timber Lane, Reedsville. 717-667-2924. Burnham One of our favorite ways to know it’s spring in the Juniata River Valley is the re-awakening of our gardens. And with that comes the opportunity to get dirty while adding a few new plants. Use this list to find those new plants and while you’re at it, discover a new corner of the beautiful Juniata River Valley. Ron’s Fruit Market– Great spot for fall mums. 4707 Old Rte. 322, Reedsville. 717-667-9221. www.ronsfruitmarket .com. MIFFLIN COUNTY Bossert’s Hardware— 838 W 4th St. 717-248-6312 Deihl’s Flowers– 1 Parkview Terrace, Burnham. 717-248-7843. K-Mart— 331 W. Freedom Ave., Burnham. 717-242-4473 Lewistown Florist– 129 S Main St. 717-248-9683, Wal-Mart #1607– 10180 US Hwy 522S. 717-242-6201, Burnham Hardware & Gifts— 204 First Ave., Burnham. 717-248-0023. Klinger’s Produce—209 West Freedom Ave, Burnham. 717-248-5905. Lewistown Area Lowe’s– 10472 US Hwy 522S. 717-363-5000, Barger’s Landscaping Plus—435 Old Park Rd., Lewistown. 717-242-5328. Wray’s Landscaping—15 Nolan Dr, Burnham. 717-242-3300. Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau Historic Courthouse 1 West Market Street Lewistown, PA 17044 717-248-6713 For more special interest tours and accompanying Google Maps, go to: This green box designates members of our Chamber of Commerce. Rt. 522 toward McClure Fisher’s Farm Market– 5726 US Hwy 522N, 717-543-6500. Belleville Belleville Livestock Auction— 26 Sale Barn Lane, 717-935-2146. Open Wednesdays ONLY. Plants vendors are there spring through fall. Peachey’s Greenhouse— 2434 W. Back Mountain Road, Belleville. Closed Sundays. Port Royal Brummer’s Happy Breeze Farm—316 Butchershop Rd. Port Royal. 717-527-4081 Hunter’s Run Nursery— 942 Boyer Rd, Port Royal. 717-269-9617 Russell Bryner Greenhouse— 5834 Mountain Rd., Port Royal. 717-527-4046 Photo by Fisher’s Farm Market JUNIATA COUNTY Spruce Hill Gardens—21769 Rt. 75 South , Port Royal. 717-527-4175 McAlisterville Hart’s Nursery– 472 Leonard Hill Rd., McAlisterville. 717-463-9000 Photo by Hunters Run Nursery Mifflintown/Mifflin Mike & Maddy Hostettler half mile south of Port Royal on Rt. 75. Willow Lane Greenhouse—2620 Locust Run Rd, Mifflintown. Quarter mile south of Van Wert Sunrise Greenhouse—9318 Wm. Penn Hwy, Mifflintown. 717-535-0091 Crawford Evergreens—4102 McCoysville Rd, Mifflin. 717-527-2589 Twin Cedar Greenhouse—25533 Rt. 35 north of Rt. 322 interchange. 717-436-6865 Honey Grove Shade Mountain Greenhouse—136 Green House Lane, Honey Grove. 717-734-3129 How to get there: Your GPS will be enough to help you navigate the back county roads of Mifflin and Juniata Counties but do yourself a favor and call or google to verify the hours of operation before you go. Each owner sets their own hours and some are open only on weekends. Most will be closed on Sunday. Other suggestions: Bring cash. The Juniata River Valley is populated with many industrious Amish families who will welcome your business but not necessarily your credit card. Don’t be afraid to ask the owners for their recommendations. Many welcome questions and their expertise could solve your biggest gardening problems.
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