Christian Ministries 2012–13


Christian Ministries 2012–13
Christian Ministries 2012–13
OneVoice Gospel Choir
Community Ministries
Church Relations
Discipleship Ministries
Missions Involvement
HeartSong Ministries
SERVE Chapel | Justin Spann, Chapel Music Coordinator
Daily chapel is the heartbeat of the Cedarville experience. Students daily encounter
the truths of God’s Word as presented by our president, campus pastor, faculty and
renowned guest speakers from across the globe. Chapel is also a time of fellowship
and corporate worship. Students participate in chapel through special music, studentled worship bands, or other forms of creative expression. Student ministries including
OneVoice Gospel Choir, HeartSong, and Jubilate perform regularly, and our Student
Government Association (SGA) leads chapel on most Fridays.
If you are interested in auditioning for a studentled worship band, please plan to attend an
informational meeting in Dixon Ministry Center
(DMC) 164 on Wednesday, August 22 at 8:45
p.m., following the evening session of the Fall
Bible Conference. Auditions for chapel worship
involvement will be held August 25-26.
SERVE OneVoice Gospel Choir | Justin Spann, Director
OneVoice Gospel Choir is a music
ministry open to all students. No audition
is necessary! The choir uses a variety
of music styles to spread the Gospel
and celebrate the joy of knowing Jesus
Christ. OneVoice participates regularly in
chapel and in special events on and off
campus. Rehearsals are held Monday
and Thursday from 6–7 p.m. in the choir
room in DMC 149, beginning Monday,
August 27.
Find us on:
John Wambold, Director
SERVE Community Ministries | Vicky
Hines, Administrative Assistant
Weekly Ministry Teams
Community ministry teams are formed during the first few
weeks of fall semester. These student teams travel to the same
location each week throughout the school year to serve in
various ministries, applying what they learn in chapel and the
classroom to real-life ministry opportunities. With more than 50
teams to choose from, there is something for everyone! Use
your gifts, talents, and interests in one of these ministry areas:
Local Church Teams
ƒƒ Worship/Music
ƒƒ Youth
ƒƒ Children
ƒƒ Awana
ƒƒ Nursery
Community Outreach Teams
ƒƒ Crisis Pregnancy and Abstinence
ƒƒ Urban/Inner-City
ƒƒ Hospitals
ƒƒ Jail and Detention Center
ƒƒ Nursing Home and Elderly Visitation
ƒƒ Public School Tutoring and Teaching
English as a Second Language
ƒƒ Service Projects and Encouragement
ƒƒ Special Needs
ƒƒ Youth and Children
Spring Break Teams
Each year the community ministries office coordinates several
spring break ministry teams. These teams are selected in
November. This year, spring break teams will serve at locations
including Inner City Impact in Chicago, Urban Hope in
Philadelphia, the John Perkins Foundation in Mississippi, and
Shepherds Ministries in Wisconsin.
How Do I Get Involved?
Attend the Involvement Fair on Friday, August 24 from 6–8
p.m. to discover ways to connect with Cedarville’s campus and
serve as a volunteer in the local community.
Come enjoy food, music, and games; meet with
representatives from service and ministry organizations both on
and off campus; and find ways to connect, serve, and grow!
For more information, contact John Wambold, director of
community ministries at, or contact
any of the student ministry team leaders listed on our website:
Connecting With Local Churches
The department of church relations
seeks to engage Christ-centered
churches and their leadership to
build and strengthen strategic
relationships, provide programs
and services, and promote student
involvement in local churches. To
get involved with church relations
and its programs, contact Bruce
Traeger, director of church relations
SERVE Discipleship Ministries | Mark Irving, Director
While community ministries focus on
outreach from campus, discipleship
ministries focuses primarily on “in-reach”
to campus through prayer groups and
small-group Bible studies. Led primarily
by upperclassmen, these groups meet
weekly throughout the school year
and seek to create an atmosphere for
spiritual growth through accountability,
prayer, study of God’s Word, and loving
If you are interested in participating in
discipleship ministries, sign up in the
Stevens Student Center (SSC), from
September 4–6.
If you have questions or want more
information, contact Mark Irving,
director of discipleship ministries at or the student
leader listed beside each group on the
next page.
Discipleship Small Groups for Men
When You Pray by Philip Ryken
Radical by David Platt
James Bible Study
Not A Fan by Kyle Idleman
Mark Bible Study
Pat Cook
Ben Dixson
Corbin Edmonds
Jared Gerber
Mike Leonzo
Discipleship Small Groups for Women
The Discipline of Grace by Jerry Bridges
Radical by David Platt
Crazy Love by Francis Chan
Not A Fan by Kyle Idleman
The Practice of Godliness by Jerry Bridges
The Christian Atheist by Craig Groeschel
Ephesians Bible Study
Rebecca Belton
Kelly Classen
Abby Cline
Jackie Decker
Meredith LePage
Megan McNicol
McKenzie Shenk
Prayer Groups
Chapel Prayer Team
Prays during chapel services on a rotating schedule
David Kemmenoe
Prayer group for students with unsaved family members
Alex Struble
Hannah Dreisbach
A prayer ministry for students with chronic illnesses or disabilities
Chelsae Ward
A prayer group for students with loved ones with serious illnesses
SERVE Missions Involvement Services | Brian Nester, Director
Missions Opportunities
ƒƒ Caring for the physical
needs of people in
Swaziland, Togo,
Bangladesh, or Peru through
our nursing and premedical
missions teams
ƒƒ Helping to provide water
purification systems to
people in Liberia who have
no access to clean drinking
ƒƒ Training people to use
computers in Romania
ƒƒ Ministering through drama
and music in Australia or
ƒƒ Teaching English in Hungary,
China, Germany, or
ƒƒ Using basketball, soccer,
tennis, volleyball, or
any other sport as an
evangelistic tool in Scotland,
Costa Rica, the Dominican
Republic, or the Philippines
ƒƒ Conducting children’s
ministry programs around
the world
ƒƒ Building homes, churches,
or recreational centers in
Eleuthera, Jamaica, or Haiti
ƒƒ Organizing a school library
in Bangladesh, China, or
ƒƒ Ministering to communities
and villages in the remote
jungles of the Amazon
ƒƒ Serving individually through
a missionary apprenticeship
in almost any country in the
Ready to Connect?
Explore your missions opportunities during Missions
Involvement Services (MIS) Recruitment from October 8–10.
Gather information.
Think about where you want to serve.
Watch for emails announcing informational meetings for
Christmas break, spring break, and summer teams.
Visit the MIS staff in DMC 175.
We are committed to providing students with ministry
opportunities that reach beyond Cedarville University to
the “uttermost parts of the world.” MIS trips allow you to
experience firsthand what missions work is all about. As you
go through the application process, raise support, and train for
ministry, you will gain valuable insight into preparing for a crosscultural experience. On the mission field, you will be guided by
an experienced missionary and see God work in ways that will
influence your life forever.
Waltz, Director
Ministries | Brandon
Matt Anderkin, Brand and Project Manager
Jim Cato, Executive Director
Chloe Lukasiewicz, Marketing and Office Coordinator
HeartSong Ministries exists to communicate the livable reality
of the Gospel as seen through genuine worship. Whether at a
large conference or small youth event, our HeartSong teams
intentionally balance music, Scripture, and life stories to engage
audiences in a way that is distinctively Cedarville.
ƒƒ Four teams represent Cedarville throughout the year
ƒƒ Eight members per team, including vocals; keyboard; acoustic,
electric, and bass guitar; drums; and media specialist
ƒƒ Special events and weekend travel during school year
ƒƒ 10-week summer commitment
ƒƒ Salary included
Auditions begin Sunday, August 19. Sign up outside DMC 183.
Please bring a prepared solo to your audition. Media specialists
should sign up for an interview.
Find us on:
Thank you for taking time to review the many ministry opportunities available to
you this year! Serving others is an essential part of the Cedarville experience. Each
week freshmen and sophomore students are asked to submit an online form listing
the church where they worshipped and one other spiritual formation activity. The
ministries listed in this brochure qualify for your spiritual formation involvement.
As followers of Christ, we are called to build relationships and share God’s love
with the people He has placed in our lives — from neighbors and co-workers to
family members and fellow students. Get involved in a tight-knit discipleship group,
local church, community outreach, short-term missions trip, or music ministry
opportunity! At Cedarville, we’re committed to helping you develop a Christcentered mind and preparing you to influence the world for Christ.
We are here to serve you. If you ever have questions or ideas, you are always
welcome to visit our offices in the Dixon Ministry Center. More information about
current ministry opportunities is available at
Coram Deo,
Robert K. Rohm
Vice President for Christian Ministries
Christian Ministries Division
Dixon Ministry Center