October_18_2015_Bulletin - St. John The Baptist Church
October_18_2015_Bulletin - St. John The Baptist Church
They were exceedingly astonished and said among themselves, “Then who can be saved?” Jesus looked at them and said, “For human beings it is impossible, but not for God. All things are possible for God.” Mark 10:26-27 Please visit us at www.johnthebaptist.org. Welcome to St. John the Baptist Catholic Church 323 Collyer Street, Longmont, Colorado 80501 Parish Office Hours Sunday Monday - Thursday Friday Saturday Liturgy Schedule 8:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Masses Weekday Mass 6:30 a.m. and 8:15 a.m. Misa en Español - Jueves 6:00 p.m. Saturday 5:00 p.m. Sunday 7:00 a.m., 8:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m., and 4:00 p.m. Misa en Español - 12:30 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration Monday 9:00 a.m. - 8:45 p.m. Tuesday 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 8:45 p.m. To inquire about or sign up for Adoration, please contact Dorothy Sanchez at 303-485-6326 or Benita Valencia (en espanol) at 720-224-6290. First Saturday of the Month 7:30 a.m. Reconciliation 8:30 a.m. Mass in chapel Children’s Adoration Thursday 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. All children and their parents are welcome. Please call Dorothy Sanchez at 303-485-6326 for more information. Baptism Information Parents and godparents must attend baptism preparation class prior to a child’s baptism. We offer classes in both English and Spanish. Adults only—no children, please. English Saturday, November 7th in Mar tin Hall 12:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Spanish Saturday, November 14th in Mar tin Hall 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Reconciliation Anointing Thursday 4:30 p.m. Saturday 3:30 p.m. Sunday 11:45 a.m. Also by appointment. Please call 303-776-0737 for an appointment. 804 S. Lincoln Street Longmont, CO 80501 Phone - 303-678-1469 E-mail - sjbfoodbank@gmail.com Wedding Information Please contact our parish office at least eight months in advance of your planned wedding date. For baptisms and weddings, please contact the parish office at 303-776-0737. Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays 10:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Gift Shop Hours Saturday 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Sunday 8:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Wednesday 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Friday 9:00 a.m. - Noon St. John the Baptist Catholic School Office Hours Our school office hours are Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. when school is in session. Please contact Nancy Olivari at 303-776-0737. If you need to get in touch with our school office personnel, please call 303-776-8760 or e-mail schooloffice@johnthebaptist.org. Please see our ad on page 8. 2 TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OCTOBER 18, 2015 A Word from Our Pastor Fr. Ron Weissbeck My dear family in Christ, I recently had dinner with Jeff and Hilary James and Fr. Francis. We were sharing experiences of how people are touched by the Good News. This is accented this weekend as the universal Church calls our attention to being missionaries. We are called to live and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the world in which we live and the wider horizons that include all people. This is evident when we reach out to people of various countries and cultures around the world. I learned one thing clearly as a missionary. I did not go to another country to take their resources, but to be there among them and walk the road with them. People from different countries do not look at others and things the same way. One can acknowledge this in thought. A more radical demand is to actually be open to the way that people from another culture see relationships and express expectations. This may be as simple as time, information, and/or communication. I learned a hard lesson when I was in a village in Colombia and I set a time for the celebration of baptism. When I asked the people at what time they wanted to have the Mass and the celebration of Baptism they asked, “What time do you want?” I replied, “How about 9:00 a.m.?” They said, “Fine.” I biked out there through the mud and rain and when I arrived, the whole village was still asleep. So I went around to visit the people and invite them to Mass. We started at 12:00 p.m. (I was on “German” time and they were on their own time.) I learned that they were responding to what they thought I wanted. This is a lesson I continue to put into practice. People wanted to please me and do want they thought I expected. The mission experience is a world of surprises, lessons in humility, and faith in the ever-presence of the Holy Spirit. Yes, we have been invited to consider the W orld Mission to which the Church is called. It begins with us and we have been generous with our support of the Uganda mission and, especially, Fr. Francis. Let us all continue in our receptivity to sharing the Good News both internationally and locally. This is what we receive when we leave Mass: “Go, and live what you have just experienced.” Mission Sunday is extended to all people around the world, even those in the third world. All are missionaries to follow the command of the Risen Lord. “Go out into the world and make disciples of all nations” Matthew 28:19. World Mission Sunday Today is World Mission Sunday. In Scripture, we read that St. Paul asked the Gentile Churches to take up a collection to support the Church in Jerusalem. Now we are asked to reach out and support the young churches throughout our world. Your prayers and generous gifts to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith in the collection today will help missionaries offer the poor of these areas practical help as they share the mercy of God. It will ensure the development of local dioceses, and support the work of priests, religious, and lay leaders who serve those on the margins and in most need. Go out to the whole world through your gift in today's collection. www.johnthebaptist.org 3 CHURCH OF SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST LONGMONT, COLORADO September 23 - November 1 The Gabriel Project The Gabriel Project serves pregnant women in times of distress by providing emotional and spiritual support as well as free baby items such as diapers, baby clothes, food, and toiletries. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church will be adopting the Boulder Gabriel House the weekend of October 24th and 25th. A crib will be set up in the grand foyer for your donations. Holy Hour of Adoration For the 40 Days for Life campaign, St. John’s will set aside a Holy Hour of Adoration in our Immaculate Heart of Mary chapel each Wednesday of the campaign from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. through October 29th. We will pray for an end to abortion, and for the babies, parents, grandparents, siblings, and abortion clinic workers. Boulder Gabriel House wish list: Respect Life Prayer Vigil Winter clothing, toddler sizes Boppies Infant bathtubs Toilet training seats *Baby shampoo *Baby lotion *Diaper rash ointment *Pack and Plays *Wipes *Infant formula *Diapers sizes 4, 5, and 6 *indicates biggest need Come with us to pray at the Boulder Abortion Clinic for an end to abortion. We will pray silently and peacefully for the babies lost to abortion including their families, the clinic workers, and our country. We will be carpooling on Fridays through October 30th We will leave St. John’s at 9:00 a.m., arrive in Boulder at 9:30 a.m., and pray until 10:30 a.m. We should return to St. John’s by 11:15 a.m. Please call Amy at 303-682-8824 if you want a ride or have questions. Gabriel House is unable to accept used cribs, strollers, or car seats. Please contact Mary Carey at mary@careyhome.org with any questions you may have. The Boulder Gabriel House is located at Sacred Heart of Mary Catholic Church. If you are interested in a tour, hours are Tuesdays, 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. and Saturdays, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.. They would love for you to stop by! You Are Not Alone… It’s normal to grieve a pregnancy loss, including the loss of a child by abortion. It can form a hole in one’s heart, a hole so deep that sometimes it seems nothing can fill the emptiness. Project Rachel Post Abortion Healing Hotline: 303-388-4491, ext. 153. Open 24 hours to women and men. Receive a Daily Message. The gift of being aware of God in our daily lives begins with individual personal growth through which we can mature into a community of faith. To get started, text sjbjoin to 84576 or visit www.flocknote.com/sjb. Please consider this as a powerful and faith-filled opportunity to begin each day. 4 TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OCTOBER 18, 2015 Respect Life Prayer Dear God, We see life cheapened every day through abortion and other forms of abuse, through terrorism and other acts of violence, and through neglect of children, the poor, and the elderly. In a world of plenty, we can forget that there is nothing more precious than human life. Give us the grace to see how we can make a difference, and encourage change in our culture. When we are discouraged, remind us of the Catholic monk Telemachus who stopped the gladiator games with an act of charity. Inspire us with the stories of Mary and other mothers of unexpected pregnancies, who knew that every child is a gift of God’s grace and is wanted by you in this world. Encourage conviction in the hearts of those who do not yet know or understand that a desire for choice is no reason to end any life and that you desire that all life come only to a natural end in you. Amen. - d “Our generation will show that it can rise to the promise found in each young person when we know how to give them space. This means that we have to create the material and spiritual conditions for their full development; to give them a solid basis on which to build their lives; to guarantee their safety and their education to be everything they can be." Pope Francis Pray the Rosary Ask for Help “Ask Our Lady to help you. Ask her to entreat her Son to let you know what you should do.” Bl. Marie Rose Durocher Blessing of the Rosary ♦ Sinners are forgiven. ♦ Souls that thirst are refreshed. ♦ Those who are fettered have their bonds broken. ♦ Those who weep find happiness. ♦ Those who are tempted find peace. ♦ The poor find help. ♦ Religious are reformed. ♦ Those who are ignorant are instructed. ♦ The living learn to overcome pride. ♦ The dead (the Holy Souls) have their pains eased by suffrages. www.johnthebaptist.org 5 CHURCH OF SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST LONGMONT, COLORADO St. John’s Food Bank and Outreach Everyday Stewardship Do you remember a time when you felt important because of your association with someone else? Maybe it was in school and you got to hang with the cool kids. Maybe it was being asked to lunch by company leadership. Perhaps it even happened at church when you spent more time than usual with your new friend, the pastor. As humans we sometimes think our friends, acquaintances, or colleagues elevate our status. It is true that whom we surround ourselves with is important. Parents are correct when they tell their children to hang out with the right crowd. Successful people do most times achieve success by surrounding themselves with other successful people. But the reality is that who we really are is mostly determined by our own actions, not the actions of others. The trap for a Christian is the belief that it is enough to simply associate with Jesus Christ. James and John thought something similar in Mark's Gospel when they asked for seats of prominence next to Jesus in his coming kingdom. But Jesus explained to them that essentially it is not who you associate with that makes all the difference, it is becoming like those with whom you associate. We are called to become Jesus in the world, to be a servant of all, just as he chose to do. I bet it was great for the first disciples to hang with Jesus, the savior of the world. But in the end, the goal was not for others to look at them and think they were so wonderful. The goal was for others to look at them and see not them, but only Jesus. If that can happen to us, now, that's cool. Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS © 2015 Liturgical Publications Inc By John Williams Our food bank wishes to extend a hearty thank our parishioners for the generous turnout of our food drive on the weekend of October 3-4. Our preliminary numbers on food collected was 2,491 pounds. with even more food arriving this past week. This is a new high for us! Because of this great response, and with larger donations by Community Food Share, our shelves are well stocked for the fall and winter season. We are grateful for the 680 pounds that St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church contributed few weeks ago. With the arrival of colder weather we are collecting winter coats, hats, gloves, and scarves for the homeless in our community. It is also a good time to clean out closets and storage bins and donate some of those items not worn for a while. All items will be donated to the HOPE organization so they can distribute them to those who will benefit most. Winter wear may be dropped off in our food bins located in the foyer of the church near the reception desk. Thank You for Standing Up for Life The Knights of Columbus, Longmont Council #1313 and St. John the Baptist Council #14898, would like to thank the parishioners of St. John's for their support of our 22nd Annual "Life Chain" abortion protest held Sunday, October 4th, at the intersection of Hover and Nelson Roads. Over 140 people attended, creating a very visible, powerful statement of our commitment to the preservation of human life in all its stages. The Longmont "Life Chain" is one of over 1900 similar demonstrations held simultaneously throughout the United States and Canada. Thanks for standing up for life! "The cup that I drink, you will drink, and with the baptism with which I am baptized, you will be baptized; but to sit at my right or at my left is not mine to give but is for those for whom it has been prepared.” Mark 10:39-40 Don’t forget to buy your SCRIP this week! www.johnthebaptist.org 6 TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OCTOBER 18, 2015 EVANGELIZAR ES SERVIR Y SERVIR ES EVANGELIZAR Para los habitantes de la tierra el poder y la autoridad son dos medios para prosperar; para tener muchos servidores; para dar rienda suelta al orgullo y la presunción; para colocar -vía amiguismo y compadrazgo - a parientes, amigos y a los del partido; para tener influencias, para mirar por encima del hombro al pueblo; para viajar en "mystere" y tener coche blindado; para tener cuatro chalés mejor que tres; para viajar a costa del dinero de los contribuyentes, aunque sea un viaje particular, etc. Fr. Gerardo Para los ciudadanos del Reino la autoridad es servicio y no hay otro trono posible que el de la cruz. Para los ciudadanos del Reino no hay nadie más importante y más valioso que los pobres y los niños, los que socialmente no cuentan, los que son un número sin rostro; la categoría social es inútil porque "los últimos serán los primeros, y los primeros serán los últimos". Para los habitantes de la tierra hay muchos valores absolutos a los cuales se ven sometidos los hombres: la estética, el deporte, estar en forma, los objetos de consumo, el piso, el coche... Para los ciudadanos del Reino no hay otro valor absoluto que Dios, junto con el hombre, creado a imagen y semejanza de Dios; todo lo demás, absolutamente todo lo demás está al servicio del hombre, nunca al revés. Ya lo hemos dicho: una cosa es ser habitantes de la tierra y otra muy distinta, ser ciudadano del Reino. Pero nosotros, inteligentes y hábiles que somos, hemos encontrado la forma de "nadar y guardar la ropa": seamos habitantes de la tierra y declarémonos ciudadanos del Reino. El mejor servicio posible que damos es Evangelizar. Ministros extraordinarios de la Sargada Comunión Clases de Bautismo La clase para la comisión de los Ministros Extraordinarios de la Sagrada Comunión es el domingo 18 de octubre a las 2:00 p.m. en el salón Benedicto. Esta clase es mandataria para todos los Ministros Extraordinarios. Fechas para el 2015; octubr e 10 y noviembr e 14. Fechas para el 2016; febr er o 13, abr il 9, mayo14, junio 11, julio 9, agosto13, septiembre 10, octubre 8 y noviembre 12. Las clases son en el salón Benedicto de 9:00 a.m. a 11:30 a.m. no hay cuidado de niños. Debe presentar una copia del acta de bautismo del niño/a si va a ser bautizada aquí en San Juan Bautista. Clases de liderazgo Las clases de liderazgo comienzan el sábado 7 de noviembre de 9:00 a.m. a 2:00 p.m. en el salón Benedicto. Todos están invitados. Los bautizos se celebran cada domingo después de la misa de Estas son las fechas de todas las clases: Noviembre 7, Enero 9, Febrero 20, Marzo 19, Abril 2, Mayo 12:30 p.m. en la capilla. Se le pide llamar para confirmar la fecha antes de presentarse al bautismo. 7, Junio 18. RICA (Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos) Rica no es un programa sino un proceso en el cual la persona, después de oír la explicación del misterio de Cristo, decide libremente seguir a Cristo por el camino de la fe en la Iglesia Católica. Si usted es un apersona adulta y le faltan los sacramentos de indicación: bautismo, Confirmación y Comunión, este proceso es para usted. Las clases se ofrecerán los lunes de 6:00 a 7:30 p.m. para registrase puede pasar a la oficina o llamar al 303-776-0737. El grupo de Jóvenes: Se reúne todo los jueves a las 7:00 p.m. en el salón Martin Hall. El grupo de Mujeres: Se reúne todos los mar tes a las 7:00 p.m. en la capilla. El Grupo de Hombres: se reúne todos los miér coles de 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. en el salón Cry Room. Grupo familiar de la Renovación Carismática: se r eúne los sábados a las 6:00 p.m. en el salón Benedicto. Lecturas para la semana del 18 de octubre Domingo: Is 53, 10-11/Heb 4, 14-16/Mc 10, 35-45 o 10, 4245 Lunes: Rom 4, 19-25/Lc 12, 13-21 Martes: Rom 5, 12. 15. 17-19. 20-21/Lc 12, 35-38 Miércoles: Rom 6, 12-18/Lc 12, 39-48 Jueves: Rom 6, 19-23/Lc 12, 49-53 Viernes: Rom 7, 18-25/Lc 12, 54-59 Sábado: Rom 8, 1-11/Lc 13, 1-9 www.johnthebaptist.org 7 CHURCH OF SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST LONGMONT, COLORADO Treasure from Our Tradition In Our Gift Shop… The Irish are rightly tired of being the subject of jokes about guilt. In fact, it is from the Celtic church that the whole experience of reconciliation in our tradition was creatively rescued and revived. The Irish church was unique in its origins, not so much organized around dioceses, but around monasteries. Aspects of religious community life readily spilled over into ordinary gatherings of the faithful, including the way people looked at sin and applied remedies. Unlike the public nature of canonical penance, the Irish method was linked to a kind of mentoring process they called “soul friending.” Just as young novice monks might find a mentor in the wisdom of a senior guide, so did a way of penance open up to ordinary folks. Monks were accustomed to frequent confession of faults to the abbot or mentor, who would suggest penances. In time, abbots with a certain flair for this began to share lists of sins and corresponding “tariffs” with others. Some of these books survive, and provide a hair-raising view of long ago sins like cattle rustling, and a great deal of self correction involving dips in icy streams and rolling about in thickets of thorns. After the penance was performed, the penitent returned to the confessor, and in a private act marked by the laying on of hands, or perhaps a kiss of the altar, the sinner was restored. Irish monks were committed travelers, and their methods were widely copied. We might say that they saved a sacrament, but at the expense of shifting attention to the sins of the individual and away from the actions of the reconciling community. Beautiful rosaries in every price range and for every age. We have a large selection of handmade rosaries from our St. Anne's Rosary Guild as well as rosaries for children, rosary prayer books and our customer favorite —Scriptural Rosary. Stop in this week! —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. www.johnthebaptist.org 8 TWENTY-NINTH DEDICATION OF THE SUNDAY LATERAN ORDINARY BASILICA TIME COMMEMORATION OF ALLINTHE FAITHFUL DEPARTED - ALL SOULS DAY Mass Intentions: NOVEMBER OCTOBER 18, 9, 2015 2, 2014 Readings for the Week of October 18th Sunday: Saturday, October 17, 2015 5:00 p.m. ♥Eugenia Sulistio Is 53:10-11/Heb 4:14-16/Mk 10:35-45 or 10:42-45 Rom 4:20-25/Lk 12:13-21 Rom 5:12, 15b, 17-19, 20b-21/Lk 12:35-38 Rom 6:12-18/Lk 12:39-48 Rom 6:19-23/Lk 12:49-53 Rom 7:18-25a/Lk 12:54-59 Rom 8:1-11/Lk 13:1-9 Jer 31:7-9/Heb 5:1-6/Mk 10:46-52 Next Is 53:10-11/Heb 4:14-16/Mk 10:35-45 or 10:42-45 Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: Sunday: Sunday, October 18, 2015 - Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 a.m. †♥Parishioners of St. John the Baptist 8:30 a.m. †Pete Sena 10:30 a.m. ♥Marianna Bakowiez 12:30 p.m. †Maria Francisca Rodriguez 4:00 p.m. †Edward H. Olivari 6:00 p.m. †Pedro and †Maria Alvidrez Monday, October 19, 2015 6:30 a.m. ♥Greg Riddoch 8:15 a.m. †Jim Csotty Tuesday, October 20, 2015 6:30 a.m. †May Sullivan 8:15 a.m. †Doris Darlene Weibel Wednesday, October 21, 2015 6:30 a.m. †Archie Bartosh 8:15 a.m. ♥ Nga Dang Select Events at St. John’s Thursday, October 22, 2015 6:30 a.m. †David Cunningham 8:15 a.m. †Charlie Ward 6:00 p.m. †Ernesto Lechuga Sunday, October 18: · Coffee and Donuts, after all Masses, Benedict Hall · RCIA, 8:30 a.m., Middle School · CREED, 9:30 a.m., Middle School Monday, October 19: · Breaking Open the Word, 9:00 a.m., Nursery · Spanish R.E., 6:00 p.m., Middle School · Boy Scouts Troop 65, 7:00 p.m., St. Michael Tuesday, October 20: · Tuesday Morning Bible Study, 9:00 a.m., St. Catherine · CREED, 6:00 p.m., Middle School Wednesday, October 21: · Fr. Ron’s Scripture Class, 9:00 a.m., St. Catherine room · Spanish R.E., 6:00 p.m., Middle School · Holy Hour, 6:00 p.m., Chapel Thursday, October 22: · Men of Faith, 6:00 a.m., Benedict Hall · Spanish Confirmation, 6:00 p.m., Middle School Friday, October 23: · Endow, 9:30 a.m., St. Catherine Room Friday, October 23, 2015 6:30 a.m. ♥Patricia Merriam 8:15 a.m. ♥Jerry Cronin Saturday, October 24, 2015 5:00 p.m. †Thelma and ♥Delbert Brown Sunday, October 25, 2015 - Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 a.m. †Michael Warhola 8:30 a.m. †♥ Parisioners of St. John the Baptist 10:30 a.m. ♥Elizabeth and †Carl Demo 12:30 p.m. †Luis Ramirez and †Socorro Medina 4:00 p.m. ♥Harry and ♥Loretta Lewis 6:00 p.m. ♥Family of Bravo Morales Intentions indicated by † deceased and ♥ living. Unmarked if unknown. Hospital Stays and Holy Communion When being admitted to the hospital you are typically asked if you would like a clergy visit. Please answer yes in order for someone from the Catholic Church to be able to bring you Holy Communion, or pray with you. It does not mean that you want a priest to visit you. We have Eucharistic Ministers who bring Communion to the hospital every day of the week. If you are not asked about a visit from your church, please let them know you would like a Outside of St. John’s North Metro Catholic Singles will have a meeting at Immaculate Heart of Mary on October 22nd at 7:00 p.m. Please save the date for our North Metro Catholic Singles Retreat with Father John Paul Leyba at Immaculate Heart of Mary on October 31st. Registration will be between 12:00 and 12:30 p.m. Cost is $12.00. Please bring a dessert. Please contact Sue at 303-465-1593, or Mary Jo at 303-457-8289. www.johnthebaptist.org 9 Contacts For the weekend of October 11-12 Phone: 303-776-0737 Parish Fax: 303-772-5636 Website: www.johnthebaptist.org Treasure Sharing Collection Offertory $18,804.29 Renew and Reserve $ 333.00 Food Bank/2¢ a Meal $ 2,014.00 Consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary $ 124.00 Uganda $ 2,272.00 Clergy Father Ron Weissbeck, Pastor ronw@johnthebaptist.org Father Gerardo Garcia, Par ochial Vicar gerardog@johnthebaptist.org Deacon Bob Howard bobh@johnthebaptist.org Deacon Mike Berens michaelb@johnthebaptist.org Deacon Modesto Garcia Scrip Program Sales Profit $ 3,110.00 $ 138.35 St. John’s Food Bank Parish Staff Families $ 179.00 Food bank purchases $0 Assistance $0 Pounds of food distributed 12,560 (Food Drive 2,491) St. John’s also give $150 a month to Safe Shelter of St. Vrain Valley and $100 a month to the OUR Center. Peggy Belknap, Business Office peggyb@johnthebaptist.org, or ext. 148 Anna Campbell, RCIA annac@johnthebaptist.org, or ext. 140 Mary Ruth Chopyak, Pastoral Assistant and Facility Scheduler maryruthc@johnthebaptist.org, or ext. 139 Teresa Cuevas, Receptionist teresac@johnthebaptist.org, or ext. 100 Socorro Garcia, Director of Hispanic Ministries socorrog@johnthebaptist.org, or ext. 113 Lyle Herrera, Maintenance Manager lyleh@johnthebaptist.org, or ext. 135 Maggie Howard, Music and Liturgy maggieh@johnthebaptist.org, or ext. 112 Loretta Lewis, Scrip - ext. 107 Nancy Olivari, Gift Shop nancyo@johnthebaptist.org, or ext. 108 Karen Sabo, Sacramental Records karens@johnthebaptist.org, or ext. 109 Liz Smith, CREED Coordinator lizs@johnthebaptist.org, or ext. 106 Theresa Valencia, Director of Administrative Services theresav@johnthebaptist.org, or ext. 111 John Williams, Outreach Coordinator sjbfoodbank@gmail.com, or 303-678-1469 Special Collections for October A portion of our collections will be distributed as follows: October 18: World Mission Sunday Reloadable Scrip Please remember that our Safeway and King Soopers cards are reloadable up to $500 and can be used indefinitely. This may be done at the customer service desk or the register. The gift card must be reloaded in a SEPARATE TRANSACTION PRIOR TO THE GROCERIES BEING SCANNED. The numbers on our Safeway and King Soopers cards are linked to St. John’s assuring us of our 5% profit. School parents must remember to register their cards with the school office for credit to be given to their family. The more cards that are reloaded, the less cards the church has to purchase up front. It’s a win-win situation for both our church and school. St. John the Baptist School Investing in Our Children’s Future Since 1922 350 Emery Street, Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-8760 or schooloffice@johnthebaptist.org A Catholic learning environment for grades P-8 Kemmery Hill, Principal Beth Ann Rosa, Assistant Principal Tami Moskal, Preschool Director school.johnthebaptist.org 10 Martha Martin Business Services LLC 623 Main St. Longmont, CO 80501 (303) 776-5072 • Fax (303) 684-9233 Income Tax • Bookkeeping Translations • Passport Photos DEFALCO CONSTRUCTION CO. 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MOHAN 1610 Hover St., Suite 202 Longmont, CO 80501 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR Office: 303-678-7808 Mobile: 303-652-7722 Service/Remodel New Construction • Hydronic Heat • Basement Finish Patrick E. Dowlin Email: patrick.dowlin@lpl.com Wealth Advisor Website: www.lifetimeinvestmentplanning.com Excellence, Integrity, Value & Positive Relationships 303-776-7679 COLORADO COURIER TRADITIONS, INC. CAROL SCHACK, CRS, GRI Ask for Steve Powers or Elizabeth Rittenburg COSMETICS Helen Herman Protect your skin with SPF 30 or 50 Parishioner Independent, unbiased advice and guidance Securities offered through LPL Financial Member FINRA/SIPC 303-772-7678 Licensed Insured Jim, Parishioner email: jemohanplumbing@gmail.com • Mobile: 303-901-0796 LEAP Into An Educational Partnership Sedation, Cosmetic & Family Dentistry www.myeducationpartner.org Call 970-218-4097 New Patients Welcome To Find Out How We Can Help Your Student Thrive www.superwashlongmont.com Complete Care in a Comfortable and Caring Environment 614 Coffman 303-776-2804 Dr. Cliff Rogge (Parishioner) Since 1898 www.howemortuary.com 650 20th Ave. www.longmontflorist.com 776-4077 303-776-2434 920 S. Hover Longmont, CO 80501 303-485-8888 Artistic Smiles.org Abogados de Inmigración FRANCESCA RAMOS 303-417-6370 En Longmont y Aurora Jody Whitmore - Realtor® Carniceria “Serving Northern Colorado” Longmont’s Largest Selection of Fresh Meats, Produce and a Wide Variety of Hispanic Groceries Since 1982 303-774-6335 823 Ken Pratt Blvd Longmont CO 80501 Cell: 720-530-4142 Direct: 303-684-7773 jody.whitmore@era.com 24 South Main Street Longmont, CO 80501 “No job too small” (303) 776-6031 www.electricianlongmont.com Commercial Residential & H.O.A.’s “Where Cleaning is an Art” Knights of Columbus Full Service Dry Cleaning & Laundry Alterations • Leather Cleaning • Specialty Items Full Service Landscape Maintenance Environmentally Friendly Green Earth Cleaning 303-684-9484 Free Pick up & Delivery 1631 Pace, Longmont www.artcleaners.com 303-684-8585 St. John the Baptist Council #14898 Catholic - Family Fraternal - Service — Parish First — Contact http://kofc14898.org or Brad Jolly • (720) 526-5421 www.kofc.org Isela Oliv Isel Olivas Mortgage Loan Officer Si, hablo Español | Direct 303-906-2497 | iolivas@allwestern.com Artu Ar turo M tu Moral ales al Broker Associate HomeSmart Realty Group Dir 303-906-4594 Direct Traditions 33 Year Parishioner Alyson Canepa ABR, CDPE, CRS, e-PRO, GRI, SFR, SRES 303-912-4663 arturo_morales@comcast.net Alyson@AlysonSellsHomes.com www.AlysonSellsHomes.com FOR AD INFO CALL JOHN CORNISH AT 1-800-950-9952 • Contact John Cornish to place an ad today! JCornish@4LPi.com or (800) 950-9952 x4305 WWW.4LPi.COM ST. JOHN, LONGMONT, CO A 4C 05-0018
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