print pricelist 2015
print pricelist 2015
PRICELIST PRINT 2015 innen ing ● M tforskn k lä S förr ● Livet World-leading genealogical research ● kr in 14 49,90 Nr 1, 20 kl mom s innen ing ● M tforskn ● Släk rr s fö ● Livet ,90 kr inkl mom 14 49 Nr 1, 20 ny arie: Britt-M Marie: ! ny nin gg dnni t tiid n Britpappa gde Main yg P pbpyaggbdeork! NewrkY! New Yo t- f rå Cetnosgkarva”van Bd Tö ”D li ls liv! ammsaesntåaM m älaren tog tu p t e ord Massm ! ores!ka Tfid ku slräg to a Sig k s r Lär d o tf k ä ig sl toria ● Lär d ända hpisert ubes oakvår exts knog ● ta ● Fråg biträde e s p nökar ● Hem sta ti ● 10 bnäs dotter sp e g n u ● K a +tiiddEEnxnxtitinnirdrdggooarr t si as arna LLäässa bildeer ab u ika unik seer ells berätte & &b 88 s m meedd liig g TIDSAM1 4727-0 01 rl llg ii är H Hä a g ta st os n no !g inngin ornsk tfk tfäokrs påksl n apnådeslä vä ärlrlddsleed , v i ry t st rs ce tr yA,nstö esed necm aet eadrb mm I sa te e I samarb 996 472 704 7 388 SVENSKA ÖDEN & ÄVENTYR Svenska Öden & Äventyr is a new magazine from Hemmets Journal which is targeted at a wide group of people aged 40 and above, both women and men. There is substantial interest in this group in traditional weekly magazine material such as interviews and human interest stories, but also in Swedish history. 2014-02-03 EAN OD 2 17:24:2 1 01-14.indd All magazines at For example, in Svenska Öden & Äventyr you can read about the Swedish emigrants who built New York’s skyscrapers. About the everyday lives of domestic servants. About how Sofia found her great-grandfather’s grave in Brazil’s uninhabited wilderness. About the adventuress Aina Cederblom who travelled the oceans alone in an open boat. About when bananas came to the village… and much, much more! PRICELIST PRINT 2015 FORMAT/PRICES/PUBLICATION DATES ADVERTISMENT PAGES 1/1-page 208 x 278 mm +5 mm bleed SEK 29,000 2/1-page 416 x 278 mm +5 mm bleed SEK 40,000 Back page 208x 255 mm +5 mm bleed SEK 34,000 1/2-page horizontal 2008 x 139 mm +5 mm bleed SEK 21,000 1/2-page vertical 104 x 278 mm +5 mm bleed SEK 21,000 1/4-page horizontal 208 x 82 mm + 5mm bleed SEK 8,000 1/4-page 104 x 139 mm SEK 8,000 PUBLICATION SCHEDULE 2015 Issue 123 4 5 67 8 Publication date 5/1 Copy date 19/2 2/4 12/5 17/6 13/8 29/917/11 1/1223/1 6/3 13/4 19/517/7 2/920/10 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION CREATIVE SOLUTIONS You might want to do something out of the ordinary to become even more visible. In that case we have lots of creative solutions. Contact your sales representative to find out more. Information is also available at PRODUCTION OF ADVERTISEMENTS We can assist with simple production of advertisements. Advertising material that we receive for productio can be sent in the following file formats: PDF, EPS, TIFF, JPG. All picture material should be 300 dpi for the best possible quality. Price: SEK 245 (+ VAT) per commenced 15-minute period. Final cost for any advertisement production is specified on the invoice. For information: +46 (0)8-692 01 00 Advertisement processing. DELIVERY OF ADVERTISING MATERIAL Delivery address: Name the material: format/customer/product/ Magazine/year/issue E.g. 11_customer_product_ODE1507 Address: Egmont Publishing, Annonshantering, 169 91 Solna CANCELLATION RULES For cancellation later than 14 days before the copy date given in the price list, a booking fee of 50 % of the value of the space booked will be charged. If cancellation takes place later than one week before the copy date, we reserve the right to invoice the agreed advertising rate. QUICK MATERIAL GUIDE Material ready for printing Advertising material shall be submitted as a high-resolution PDF that is ready for printing. 5 mm bleed Advertising material should have a 5 mm bleed. Advertisement spreads are to be submitted as spreads. 300 dpi All pictures in the advertisement must have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. CMYK All pictures must be defined in CMYK. Spot colours (PANTONE) are to be converted to CMYK. We do not accept open documents. ICC profiles for print and Joboption for Acrobat can be downloaded from CONTACTS To book advertising: Questions concerning advertising material: Sales department, switchboard: +46 (0)8-692 01 00, switchboard: +46 (0)8-692 01 00 Annonshantering All magazines at
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sent in the following file formats: PDF, EPS, TIFF, JPG.
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