St. Ferdinand Church


St. Ferdinand Church
St. Ferdinand Church
Rectory: 5900 W. Barry Avenue
Chicago, IL 60634
(773) 622-5900
January 13, 2008
Photo by Romuald Gluch
The Baptism of the Lord
Page Two
The Baptism of the Lord
Mass Intentions
MONDAY, January 14, 2008
7:00 AM— Marita DelaCruz rq. Family
8:00 AM—Special Intention rq. A. Coco
5:00PM— Mass in Polish
TUESDAY, January 15, 2008
7:00 AM— Mass in English
8:00 AM— Mass in English
7:00PM— Mass in Polish
January 13, 2008
The sanctuary lamps this
week are lit for:
Ben Zablocki
Frank Mauro
We Welcome in
WEDNESDAY, January 16, 2008
7:00 AM—Mass in English
8:00 AM— Elizabeth Staron rq. Family
7:00 PM—Mass in Polish
THURSDAY, January 17, 2008— Memorial of
St. Anthony
7:00 AM— John Lucas rq. Family
8:00 AM—Mass in English
7:00 PM— Mass in Polish
FRIDAY, January 18, 2008
7:00 AM— Ben Zablocki rq. Family
8:00 AM— Wanda Nuzo rq. Husband
7:00 PM— Mass in Polish
SATURDAY, January 19, 2008
7:00 AM— Mass in Polish
8:00 AM— Catherine Pivarcyk rq. Richard Pivarcyk
Vigil: Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
5:00 PM—Krystine Lorenzana—Cabalfin rq. Mr. & Mrs.
SUNDAY, January 20, 2008
7:00 AM— Tadeusz Flis w 25 rocznicę śmierci
8:30 AM—People of St. Ferdinand
10:30 AM— Mass in English
10:45 AM— O zdrowie I Boże błogosławieństwo,
potrzebne łaski oraz opiekę MB na kaźdy dzień dla Ireny i
Dariusza; o Boże błogosławieństwo i potrzebne łaski dla
Anny, Włodzimierza i Izabeli Nowak; o Boże
błogosławieństwo oraz potrzebne łaski dla Grzegorza Wnuk
i Jego rodziny; Janiny Zając w 4 rocznicę śmierci,
Zygmunta Zając w 7 miesięcy po śmierci; za zmarłych z
rodziny Ludwiczek, Urban, Kowalski i Wnuk.
12:30 PM— Stephen Kanonik rq. Lucas Family
3:00PM — Mass in Polish
5:00 PM— William Butler rq. Carol & Lou Rostan
6:30 PM— Mass in Polish
Natalie, daughter of David and Izabela (Grochmal)
Jakub, son of Pawel and Dorota (Sledziewska)
Victoria, daughter of Pawel and Wioletta (Zieciena)
Allan, son of Grzegorz and Nina (Balicka) Pirga
Marriage Banns
3rd Publication
Jozef Rozkuszka and Danuta Duzynska
Marcin Niewola and Ewelina Nosek
Marek Krzyzanowski and Mania Miltcheva
2nd Publication
1st Publication
Michal Moczydlowski and Marzena Opido
Congratulations and best wishes to the
couple married in our church last week:
Jerry Zychowski and Wanda Kogut
Szymon BOgacki and Magdalena Pilat
Tomasz Purchala and Bozena Palasiewicz
We pray for God’s blessings upon them as they
begin their new life together.
January 13, 2008
The Baptism of the Lord
Remember in Prayer
As members of the parish faith community, it is
our responsibility to remember both in concrete
and spiritual ways those who cannot celebrate
with us each week because they are ill. Those who
are sick in turn, remember all of us daily in their prayers
and in their sufferings. We experience many blessings
because of their remembering us. And so...please remember in your prayers:
Violet Del Vacchio
Adam Shershen
If yours or a loved one name was
removed from our previous list, but still needs
our prayer, we kindly ask that you please call our
rectory office for the name to be included on the list
again. Anyone who would like a name to be included,
please contact our office. Thank you!
O compassionate Father in Heaven,
comfort of the afflicted,
do not forget the sorrows of those
who suffer,
those who pray,
those who weep.
O Great Lord and Master,
we ask You to grant us patience in
our sufferings,
restore us to health,
heal us in the name of Jesus, our Lord.
Page Three
A Prayer for
the Armed Forces
Almighty God, stretch
forth Your mighty arm to
strengthen and protect the men
and women of our Armed Forces. As they
face the
myriad of challenges and decisions that each day is destined to bring, may they be anchored by their faith, protected by Your presence and comforted by the knowledge
that they are loved by You and by this community of
faith. Grant that, meeting danger with courage, and all
occasions with discipline and loyalty, they may truly
serve the cause of justice and peace to the honor of your
holy name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
May God keep you safe!
Daniel Guziec
SPC Jeffrey Foerster
Bryan Callan
Robert Peregrino
Roses to those on the
Way of the Cross
It remains our sincere hope that through
word and deed, education and example, we young
and old one heritage or another, would all come to
know that our care for Our Church — His really, is
done through small and not so small gestures of
help and support. As a source of hope and inspiration it is our intention to publish those names in
print who have done outstanding work in the
course of the week to “plant a rose” so to speak
along the way as we carry the cross in the glory of
the victory “He” won. Our part though small can
and does grow. We might need to see the proof.
The names are both a thank you and attempt to
have lots of roses where ever “the cross” is.
Lukasz, Mateusz Grygo
Dorota, Marek Grygo
Zofia Nicpon
Lidia Krajewska
Dawid, Emilia Tekien
Joshua Orleana
Tadeusz Zakewski
JAdwiga Maleszko
Danuta Bialas
Wikotria Pytka
Jose Vega
May God grant him Eternal Rest
and Peace.
Just a reminder: We clean our church on
Monday evening at 5:00 pm and Friday at 10:00 am
Page Four
The Baptism of the Lord
January 13, 2008
Today the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Baptism of Our Lord. This brings to an end the season of Christmas.
The Church recalls Our Lord's second manifestation or epiphany which occurred on the occasion of His baptism in the
Jordan. Jesus descended into the River to sanctify its waters and to give them the power to beget sons of God. The event
takes on the importance of a second creation in which
the entire Trinity intervenes.
The practice of baptism was a common rite of initiaMediterranean world. From the time of Jesus,
tism freedom from sin, union with Jesus Christ
in the salvific death and resurrection of Jesus and
Water as a symbol of baptism is rich and meanlife. Many adults remember that as children rethe study of baptism was on the removal of origiA frequently asked question was, "How can God
When speaking of original sin, we are not
inclination to evil, a deprivation of holiprived condition, which we call original sin,
of holiness and friendship with God. Like their
and are subject to suffering, death and ignorance.
tion in many religious expressions in the ancient
Christianity also expressed through water bapand all other baptized persons, our participation
our new life in the Spirit.
ingful. Water refreshes, cleanses and gives
ceiving religious instruction, the emphasis in
nal sin.
punish me for something I did not do?"
referring to personal fault but rather to an
ness and likeness to our Creator. This deis the result of Adam and Eve's loss of their gift
first parents, all human beings share this loss
In baptism, we are reoriented toward God; the life of grace overcomes the power of evil and enables the baptized to believe in God and to engage, under the power of the Holy Spirit, in the struggle against Satan and the power of death.
Water also has the power to take away life. In baptism, the person dies to all that is not of Christ and rises to new life
with him: "Therefore we have been buried with him by baptism into death, so that, just as Christ was raised from the
dead by the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life" (Romans 6:4).
Baptism is more than a single momentary event. The rite of baptism plunges the newly baptized person into a new relationship with God and others.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Fest Program
8:00 p.m.
Food Service
6:00-9:00 p.m.
$7.00 Pre-Sale until 3:00 p.m. on January 31, 2008
$10.00 on February 1, 2008—Children under 5 are free
Parking: Ample parking is available on nearby streets
or lots: St. Ferdinand Church—St. Patrick High
School—US Bank—and city lot on Belmont/Central
Contact: Jorge Mora at 773-622-9494 or for ticket information
Sunday, January 20, 2008
4:00 p.m.
8th Annual Chicagoland
Ecumenical Prayer Service
Christ Community Church
1151 E. 170th St., South Holland
Prayer for Christian Unity
O God, holy and eternal Trinity,
we pray for your church in the world.
Sanctify its life; renew its worship;
empower its witness; heal its divisions;
make visible its unity.
Lead us, with all our brothers and sisters,
towards communion
in faith, life and witness
so that, united in one body
by the one Spirit,
we may together witness
to the perfect unity of your love.
January 13, 2008
The Baptism of the Lord
The Holy Family Sunday
December 30, 2007
Loose Cash:
$ 8,320.00
$ 4,287.00
The Epiphany of the Lord
January 6, 2008
Loose Cash:
$ 6,657.00
$ 3,586.00
$ 10,243.00
Thank you for your continued
The Women’s Center
At the present time we need diapers, receiving blankets,
sleepers, onesies, gently used small and extra large maternity clothes and children’s clothes sizes 4 and up.
Please call 773-794-1313 for our address where these
can be dropped off. The families who receive them are
grateful for your generosity.
Also needed are baby cribs, crib sheets, crib blankets,
bumper pads, baby swings, car seats for newborn infants
and toddler beds. It will be a great help if you can deliver
these to us, otherwise call 773-794-1313 to have a volunteer pick them up.
If you shop at Dominick’s Food Stores and register
your Fresh Values card with The Women's Center, we
earn a percentage of what you spend. You can shop any
day and at any time of day. Please call us at 773-7941313 to register your card. You can also benefit us by
calling to receive Jewel Shop and Share coupons.
Page Five
2006 Contribution Statements are prepared by
REQUEST only for any registered parishioner. Please
call the Parish Office with your name, address and envelope number. The statement can be either picked up at
the office or it will be mailed to your home address
after January 15.
January 19, 2008
All boys and girls ages 10-14 are invited to participate in
the „First” ever Knigths of Columbus Free Throw championship on Saturday, January 19 in the school gym.
Each shooter will take 15
throw shots and the
local winners get a a chance
to move on
additional local, district and
sponsored annually.
All boys and grisl 10-14
are eligible to participate and
will compete in their respective division.
Last year more than 179,000 sharoshooters participated in over
Participants are
required to furnish proof
of age and a
written parental consent.
Everyone is a
winner and all contestants
for their participation in the
It is easy, You can
request addtional information
or entery forms by contacting the following:
Peter Holod 773-745-1708
Chuck Calcitrari 773-286-6474
The Knights of Columbus is an internationa Catholic fraternal service organization with nearly 1.7 milion memebers in over 12,500 local councils. Last year Knights
donated 60 milion volunteer houes and $30 million to
charitable benevolent causes, sponsoring projects to benefit their church, communities, councils, families and
St. Ferdinand’s Mater Christi is proud to sponsor this
event and is looking forward to seeing the community
youth come out and have some fun.
Page Six
The Baptism of the Lord
Boy Scout 50th Anniversary Celebration
St. Ferdinand Boy Scout Troop 51 welcomes all former
members to our 50th Anniversary celebration on
Scout Sunday, February 3, 2008
11:30-2:00 in the school cafeteria.
3131 N. Mason, Chicago, IL
January 13, 2008
Don’t Miss This –
Mark Your Calendar
On Monday, January 21, 2008, the Office for Racial Justice and Catholics United for Racial Justice are proud to
sponsor a Vicariate IV presentation of Storyteller Susan
“Stories of RACE, Stories of PLACE,
Stories of GRACE”
RSVP Cheryl by 1/29 – 773.467.9467
invites you to the
BORGIA CAFÉ (Catholic Adult Faith Education)
This course will examine Paul’s insights about Christ and
Christianity from two of his most inspiring letters, and
the relevance of these teachings for us today. We will
look at the historical, social, political and religious context of these works, with a specific focus on their internal
moral and spiritual message. Critical reading skills and
current Catholic interpretation will be emphasized.
BYOB—Bring Your Own Bible!
Chuck Thompson
Teacher at St. Ignatius High School in Chicago, with
many years of experience as a teacher, DRE, and
presenter about Catholicism.
Wednesdays at 7:30PM
January 16, 23, 30
February 13, 20, 27
March 5
Fr. Stokes Center
8025 W. Addison, Chicago
Free admission—Light refreshments
A nice young man that works for the
Legionaries of Christ Community is looking
for a room to rent or a small apartment.
If somebody in the parish is able to help him please
contact Fr. Jason Brooks, LC at 847.309.2523.
which celebrates Cardinal George’s pastoral letter on racism, “DWELL IN MY LOVE” and highlights the four
types of racism outlined in the pastoral.
Join with family (appropriate for children 10 years of age
and older) and friends to explore the sin of racism and
how deeply it affects individuals and institutions; use the
stories to spark discussion on how we are called to dwell
in God’s love and how we can respond to that call.
The program begins at 7 PM at St. Francis Xavier Parish,
124 N. Spring Av. in LaGrange. There is no charge for
this event; however, a free will donation will be appreciated. This program is partially supported by a grant from
the Illinois Arts Council, a state agency. For information
or directions, please visit
Keep Smiling ….
The old time pastor was galloping down the road, rushing
to get to church on time. Suddenly his horse stumbled
and pitched him to the ground. In the dirt with a broken
leg, the pastor called out, "All you saints in Heaven, help
me get up on my horse!"?
Then, with superhuman effort, he leaped onto the horse's
back and fell off the other side.
Once again on the ground, he called to Heaven, "All
right, just half of you this time!"
All notices for the bulletin need to be in the rectory office NO
LATER than 3:00 PM on Friday, a week before the actual
Sunday bulletin date.
You may bring your bulletin notices to the rectory in an envelope labeled “bulletin”; you may fax them to
773/622-5903 or you may e-mail them to:
January 13, 2008
The Baptism of the Lord
Page Seven
January 13, 2008
MONDAY — January 14, 2008
10:00AM — Friendship Club Meeting (Convent #2)
6:00PM — Highlanders Dance Class (Canning Hall)
6:00PM — Troop #51 (McManus Hall)
6:30PM — Cub Scouts (Convent #2/3)
7:00PM — Jazz Band Practice (Music Room)
7:00PM — Scripture Study (Convent #4)
5:30PM —
6:30PM —
7:00PM —
7:00PM —
January 15, 2008
Radosc (Polish Choir) - Music Room
Serduszka (Convent #2/3)
Parish Council Meeting (Rectory)
Athletic Association Mtg. (Heeney Hall)
WEDNESDAY — January 16, 2008
9:00AM — Ladies of St. Anne Group Mtg. (Canning )
2:30PM — Jr. Legionnaries (Convent #2, small c.)
5:00PM — Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena
6:00PM — Webelos, 3051 (Convent #1, 2 and 3)
6:00PM — Polish School Art Class (McManus Hall)
6:00PM — Kropeczki (Polish Choir) (Canning Hall)
6:30PM — Legion of Mary (Small Convent)
7:00PM — Troop #51 Committee Mtg (Convent #4)
THURSDAY — January 17, 2008
8:00AM — School Mass
2:30PM — Jr. Legion-Rosary (Church)
5:30PM — Girl Scouts (Convent #1, 2 and 3)
7:00PM — School Board Mtg. (Heeney Hall)
7:15PM — Filareci (Polish Adult Choir-Music Room)
FRIDAY — January 18, 2008
8:00AM — Confirmation Retreat (McManus & Cann)
9:00AM — Legion of Mary (Convent #2)
6:00PM — New Year’s School Dance (McManus)
7:00PM — Pilgrim Virgin (Convent #2)
7:30PM — Faustinum Group Mtg.. (Church)
SATURDAY — January 19, 2008
8:00AM — Polish Saturday School
4:00PM — Holy Spirit Group Mtg. (Convent #2)
6:00PM — Polish HS Dance (McManus Hall)
SUNDAY — January 20, 2008
9:00AM — Serduszka (Convent #2/3)
3:00PM — Baptism in Polish (Church)
4:00PM — Rosary Group Evening of Carols
The Lord is My Light… Psalm 27:1
Many of our parishioners either have or soon will receive a mailing from Cardinal George. He will ask that you make a
pledge to the 2008 Annual Catholic Appeal.
The Appeal not only funds the operations of the Archdiocese, it funds services that are of
great help to the ministries here in our parish. For example, Annual Catholic Appeal funds some of the following ministries: training of volunteer religious educators to conduct parish religious education programs
recruitment, education and formation of lay ministers and deacons, capital grants to parishes and schools serving economically disadvantaged communities, Catholic Relief Services for aid to the poor in foreign lands
Ministries of care and comfort to those in need and many, many more.
Your financial support is important. The success of the Appeal depends upon the gifts given by each of us to support
our Archdiocese. Each of our gifts enables our parishioners to reach far beyond our parish boundaries. They bring the
light of Christ to many who are served through education, ministry and services provided by the Archdiocese of Chicago.
When our parish reaches its goal of $ 40,358 - 100% of the additional funds received are returned to us for use in
our parish.
Please answer the Cardinal’s request and make a generous pledge.
Page Eight
The Baptism of the Lord
January 19-20
2 Sunday in
Ordinary Time
January 26-27
3 Sunday in
Ordinary Time
January 13, 2008
February 2-3
4 Sunday in
Ordinary Time
February 9-10
1 Sunday of
5:00 PM
L – D. Lasiewicz
L – H. Marros
L – M/ Lucas
L – H. Syodia
J. Lohrmann
R. Scrapelli
E. Mele
A. Steinhable
D. Lasiewicz
R. Scrapelli
E. Mele
J. Lohrmann
8:30 AM
L – H. Syodia
L – A. Cesaroni
L – M. Syodia
L – H. Marros
M. Lucas
R. Clemente
J. Aloisio
M. Pallasch
A. Vaccaro
B. R. Pasko
C. Dcn. R. Weiner
M. Chavez
J. Evangelista
L. Sikorski
M. Starsiak
G. Soberski
B. Evangelista
Dcn. R. Weiner
R. Barnhart
B. Koziel
R. Wenzl
M.A. Barnhart
T. Kass
A. Vaccaro
Dcn. I. Hotcaveg
H. Kanonik
Sr. M. Buckley
M. Starsiak
J. Evangelista
B. Evangelista
R. Pasko
Ministers of Care
No MOC Assign.
10:30 AM
12:30 PM
5:00 PM
Please note:
L – A. Steinhable
L – E. Supan
L – Boy Scouts
L –J. Camara
K. Aloisio
R. Barnhart
M.A. Barnhart
J. McGinniss
A. Supan
F. Supan
R. Hagberg
R. Serran
M. McGinniss
K. Aloisio
J. McGinniss
R. Clemente
Boy Scouts Mass
B. Koziol
A. Cazares
E. Camara
D. Camara
L – J. Zarate
L – M. Syodia
L – I. Beyer
L –J. Zarate
T. Cazares
A. Cazares
M. Medrano
S. Kass
M. Medrano
F. Mesina
A. Rabor
E. Rabor
L – V. Macias
L – J. Camara
L – C. Proctor
L – M. Glodz
A. Rabor
E. Rabor
D. Pappa
M. Segovia
T. Cazares
A. Cazares
M. Segovia
D. Pappa
February 5, 2008—ASH WEDNESDAY
Help will be needed at ENGLISH MASSES scheduled (see bulletin)
Don’t “schedule me” date deadline—February 24
Page Nine
The Baptism of the Lord
January 13, 2008
February 16-17
2 Sunday of Lent
February 23-24
3 Sunday of Lent
March 1-2
4 Sunday of Lent
5:00 PM
L – M. Syodia
L – M. Lucas
L – H. Marros
L – M. Lucas
J. Evangelista
B. Evangelista
J. Lohrmann
R. Serran
E. Mele
R. Scrapelli
D. Lasiewicz
A. Cazares
8:30 AM
L – M. Lucas
L – M. Syodia
L – A. Cesaroni
L – G. Soberski
R. Clemente
J. Aloisio
M. Pallasch
M. Chavez
S. Kass
A. Vaccaro
H. Kanonik
L. Sikorski
G. Soberski
R. Pasko
T. Cazares
T. Kass
Dcn. R. Weiner
R. Barhart
B. Koziol
R. Wenzl
M.A. Barnhart
A. Vaccaro
R. Pasko
Dcn. I. Hotcaveg
H. Kanonik
Sr. M. Buckley
L. Sikorski
J. Evangelista
B. Evangelista
T. Kass
Ministers of Care
March 8-9
5 Sunday of Lent
No MOC Assign.
10:30 AM
12:30 PM
5:00 PM
L – A. Cesaroni
L – J. Camara
L – Girl Scouts
L – C. Proctor
K. Aloisio
Dcn. R. Weiner
M. Starsiak
S. Hagberg
M.A. Barnhart
R. Barnhart
E. Camara
D. Camara
K. Aloisio
J. McGinniss
S. Hagberg
M. McGinniss
Girl Scouts Mass
M. Starsiak
A. Cesaroni
F. Supan
A. Supan
L – A. Steinhable
L – I. Beyer
L – J. Zarate
L – H. Syodia
R. Serran
M. Medrano
D. Medrano
M. Medrano
A. Steinhable
F. Mesina
A. Rabor
E. Rabor
L – E. Supan
L – V. Macias
M. Segovia
Dcn. R. Weiner
D. Pappa
L – C. Proctor
L – M. Glodz
D. Pappa
T. Cazares
M. Segovia
A. Supan
F. Supan
A big “Thank you” to the lectors and Eucharistic Ministers who serve at the 5PM Mass on Sunday. Your help is
greatly appreciated. We know it is not everyone’s favorite Mass. God bless you for being faithful!
Betty Hotcaveg
January 13, 2008
The Baptism of the Lord
Page Ten
Księża, Siostry Misjonarki oraz parafianie kościoła Św. Konstancji w Chicago serdecznie zapraszają na specjalny koncert
Parafia św. Ferdynanda
5900 W. Barry Ave., Chicago, IL
Sobota, 9 luty — godz. 7:30 PM oraz
niedziela, 10 luty — godz. 3:00PM
29 kwietnia 2008
Godz. 7:00pm
Centrum Kopernikowskie
5216 W. Lawrence Ave
Chicago, IL
Katechezy przygotowujące
do sakramentu
rozpoczynają się 26 stycznia 2008
Zapisy w biurze parafialnym
poniedziałek.-piątek 9 a.m.—4:00 p.m.
Tel. 773/622-5900
Biuro parafii św. Konstancji
Biuro Bazyliki św. Jacka
Biuro parafii św. Ferdynanda
Biuro Polskiej Misji św. Trójcy
Centrala Radia Maryja
Księgarnia „Źródło”
Księgarnia „Nie-bo”
Dochód z koncertu jest przeznaczony na likwidacje
skutków pożaru kościoła.
Zaświadczenia do
rozliczenia podatkowego
Zarejestrowani parafianie, którzy pragną
otrzymać zaświadczenie potrzebne do rozliczenia podatkowego z ogólną kwotą ofiar
złożonych na naszą parafię w 2006 roku,
proszone są o kontakt z biurem parafialnym:
Dzwoniąc, prosimy o podanie imienia i
nazwiska, adresu oraz numeru parafialnego
Przygotowane zaświadczenia można będzie
odebrać osobiście w biurze parafialnym po
15 stycznia lub zostaną przesłane na adres
domowy zarejestrowanej osoby.
Page Eleven
The Baptism of the Lord
Wszystkim w koło obwieszczamy,
Sobota, 2 luty 2008
Bardzo Państwa zapraszamy
Pyszny obiad zapewniamy
Tańców, zabaw nie zabraknie
Bo „Zawisza” zagra ładnie.
I atrakcji mamy wiele,
Z główną nagrodą na czele.
Chcesz zobaczyć co to będzie?
-kupuj bilet jak najprędzej.
Bilety w cenie $35.00 od osoby do nabycia
w każdą sobotę w sekretariacie szkoły
telefonicznie u Pani Władysławy Mitoraj
Komitet Rodzicielski Polskiej Katolickiej
Szkoły im. Św. Ferdynanda
Matki Boskiej Częstochowskiej wraz z
duchowym opiekunem
ks. Tomaszem Sztanderą
zapraszają na
January 13, 2008
Podhalanie i Miłośnicy Tatr im.
Stanisława Kowalkowskiego
zapraszają na Wielką
Zabawę Karnawałową
Sobota, 26 stycznia, 2008
godz. 7:00 p.m.
sala Mc Manus
Bilety $20 od osoby w tym wliczona jest kawa, ciasto i gorące danie. Do tańca gra wspaniały zespół
„Polonez”, Romana Mytnika.
Gwarantujemy miłą atmosferę, wiele niespodzianek
oraz atrakcyjną loterię fantową.
Serdecznie wszystkich zapraszamy.
Po więcej informacji prosimy dzwonić:
Prezes: 773/804-1373
V-ce Prezeska: 773/427-4922
Sekretarka: 773/622-4959
Zabawa Karnawałowa
... po której nie będzie
nikogo bolała głowa!!!
Sobota, 19 stycznia 2008
8:00 p.m.
Resurrection Hall
(przy Bazylice Św. Jacka)
Wieczór Kolęd
„A słowo Ciałem się stało i mieszkało między nami”
Niedziela, 20 stycznia, 2008
godz. 4:00 po południu
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Krucjata Wyzwolenia Człowieka
January 13, 2008
The Baptism of the Lord
Page Twelve
KWESTA KATOLICKA (Annual Appeal) 2008
Wielu z nas już otrzymało, lub niedługo otrzyma list od Księdza Kardynała Franciszka George’a. Będzie on zawierał
prośbę o złożenie ofiary na rzecz Dorocznej Kwesty Katolickiej (Annual Appeal) 2008.
Kwesta nie finansuje jedynie działalności samej Archidiecezji, ale wspiera także usługi z których korzystają duszpasterstwa działające na terenie naszej parafii. Przykładowo Doroczna Kwesta Katolicka wpiera między innymi takie programy jak: stypendia dla uczniów w środowiskach społecznie upośledzonych, pomoc w kształceniu diakonów oraz szkoleniu katechetów, duszpasterstwa zapewniające troskę i opiekę ludziom w potrzebie, programy dla młodzieży oraz programy sponsorowane przez Biuro Poszanowania Życia (wspólnoty elżbietańskie, projekt Rachel) oraz wiele, wiele innych.
Wsparcie każdego z nas jest ważne. Powodzenie Kwesty zależy od ofiar złożonych przez każdą osobę na rzecz naszej
Archidiecezji. Każda z tych ofiar daje naszym parafianom możliwość dotarcia poza granice parafii. Niosą oni światłość
Chrystusa wielu osobom, które korzystają z programów edukacyjnych, duszpasterstw i innych form pomocy oferowanych przez Archidiecezję Chicago.
Kiedy nasza parafia uzbiera docelową kwotę $ 40,358— 100% środków powyżej tej sumy jest nam zwracanych do wykorzystania przez naszą parafię.
Prosimy o odzew na prośbę Księdza Kardynała i złożenie hojnej ofiary.
(The Women’s Center)
22 stycznia przypada 35. rocznica zalegalizacji aborcji w tym kraju, której skutkiem jest śmierć ponad 48 milionów niewinnych, nienarodzonych dzieci, przeciętnie jedno dziecko co 30 sekund. The Women’s Center - jest Ośrodkiem pomocy dla kobiet w ciąży, który w roku 2007 udzielił pomocy ponad 5,000 kobiet i ich rodzinom. Proponujemy
kobietom inne rozwiązania aniżeli aborcja i udzielamy pomoc matarialną, fachową poradę, przyjaźń i wsparcie modlitewne.
23-ci Doroczny Bankiet Obrony Życia organizowany przez The Women’s Center odbędzie się w niedzielę 17
lutego 2008 w Crystal Palace – Park Ridge. Głównym mówcą będzie ks. Frank [Rocky] Hoffman. Jeżeli możecie ofiarować jakiś przedmiot, usługę lub inny prezent na naszą cichą aukcję będziemy bardzo wdzięczni. Po bilety na bankiet
albo z ofertą na aukcję prosimy dzwonić na numer 773-794-1313.
Obecnie potrzebujemy: pieluszki, małe kocyki, domowe pantofelki, śpioszki, mało używaną odzież na okres
ciąży o rozmiarach: małym i bardzo dużym [extra large], ubranka dla dzieci o rozmiarach od 4 wzwyż. Aby uzyskać
adres, gdzie można te rzeczy przywieźć, prosimy do nas dzwonić na numer 773-794-1313. Rodziny, które te rzeczy dostają są Wam bardzo wdzięczne. Potrzebujemy również łóżeczka dla niemowląt, prześcieradełka, wkładki zabezpieczające, małe huśtawki, krzesełka do samochodu dla niemowląt i łóżeczka dla starszych dzieci. Będzie bardzo wielką pomocą dla nas jeśli te rzeczy sami do nas dostarczycie. Jeśli nie możecie ich dostarczyć zadzwońcie na numer 773-7941313, a któryś z naszych wolontariuszy odbierze je.
Jeżeli robicie zakupy w sklepach Dominick’s i zarejestrujecie swoją kartę <Fresh Values> w Women’s Center,
otrzymamy od nich pewien procent z tego co wydajecie. Odnosi się to do każdego dnia, o każdej porze. Dzwońcie do
nas na numer 773-794-1313, aby zarejestrować swoją kartę. Możecie także nam dopomóc dzwoniąc po kupony <Jewel
Shop i Share coupons>.
January 13, 2008
The Baptism of the Lord
Page Thirteen
Copyright 2008 by John B. Reynolds (
Pointing fingers. We see it often on the evening news. In the figurative sense at least. If something bad happens, somebody
has to be responsible. Who can we point fingers at? I can’t recall the story that confirmed this observation in my own head years ago,
but I remember a TV news reporter commenting on the tragedy de jour, and she seemed absolutely breathless with the excitement of
pinning the blame on somebody. Anybody. Behind every How could this happen is an unspoken and who can we blame for it? It’s
good, of course, to learn the root causes when things go wrong so that we can make corrections going forward. I just find the vindictiveness of the blame game tiring. I’ve seen many workplace problems over the years, and when all of the complicit parties gather in
the same room, it usually looks like the Scarecrow telling Dorothy which way to go on the yellow brick road: fingers are pointing
Sometimes, however, pointing fingers is a good thing. I saw a Saturday Night Live skit several months ago that was all about
finger-pointing. In my memory, the skit participants were (ironically) all on the same TV news team. They were having their promotional pictures taken, and the photographer suggested that they do something fun and new and loose with this year’s shot. Specifically, he suggested that the news team walk around in musical chair fashion, and then, on cue, stop and point to another team member. He was getting a lot of good shots until one of the team members observed that nobody was ever pointing at him. The team
member felt left out because of this. First he complained nicely about his lack of recognition, then he actually began jumping in front
of his fellow news commentators when the time was right to steal somebody else’s point. Good finger-pointing gone bad, apparently.
Sometimes we see athletes pointing fingers at each other. In recognition of a player’s great pass, for example. Or catch, or hit,
or block, or etc. And sometimes we see athletes pointing toward heaven in recognition of the One who gives them the prowess to
pass, catch, hit, block, etc. in the first place. In a sense, this is what the Baptist does in today’s Gospel. He makes it clear that One
much greater than himself is in charge. When he sees Jesus approach, John says “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins
of the world. He is the one of whom I said, ‘A man is coming after me who ranks ahead of me…” And later: “I saw the Spirit come
down like a dove from heaven and remain upon him.” And finally, “Now I have seen and testified that he is the Son of God.” Like
the Baptist, we are called to behold the Lamb. We are called to point out Christ in the world. We are called to testify that he is the
Son of God. Certainly it’s the ultimate in good finger-pointing, and we don’t have to lift a finger to do it. All we have to do is live the
life Jesus calls us to live. Blame mongering and pointing fingers are a lot easier, of course, but that’s another conversation, and sorry,
I’m just too breathless at the moment…
St. Ferdinand Parish
Mr. Charles Calci trai, Grand Knight
Ladies of St. Anne: Mrs. Violet DelVecchio, President
Legion of Mary: Mr. Justo Evangelista &
Mrs. Fely Mesina, Co-Presidents
Legion of Mary, Juniors: Mrs. Emma Camara, President
Irving Park Catholic Woman’s Club: Mrs. Dolores Schoewe
Mr. Andrew Warzocha, Director of Music and Liturgy
Market Day: Mrs. Kelly Trujillo, Coordinator
Mrs. Betty Hotcaveg, Lector Coordinator
Pol. & Eng. Altar Servers: Fr. Mariusz Stefanowski, Moderator
Deacon Irv Hotcaveg, Coordinator of Eucharistic Ministers
Polish Club of the Good Shepherd: Mr. Andrzej Parada, President
& Ministers of Care
Polish Rosary Group: Mrs. Helena Lesak, President
Ms. Jane Lohrmann, Scheduler of
Polish Saturday School: Sr. Genowefa Potaczała, Director
Ministers of Care to the Homebound
Polish School Parents’ Ass’n.: Mrs. Władysława Mitoraj, Pres.
Serduszka: Miss Iwona Raszyk, Music Teacher
Parish Council
Radość: Miss Marzena Kulesza, Music Teacher
Mr. Ralph Barnhart-President, Mrs. Mary Bucaro, Mr. Gilbert
St. Ferdinand Athletic Boosters: Mrs. Ann Liedke &
DeJesus, Mrs. Sophie Kass, Mr. Stan Mastalerz, Mr. Anthony
Mrs. Tammy Sammarco, Co-chairpersons
Supan, Violet Del Vacchio. ExOfficio Members: Dr. Lucine
St. Ferdinand Family & School Ass’n., Mrs. Connie Glorioso
Mastalerz , Mr. Andrew Warzocha.
St. Ferdinand Polish Highlanders Club:
Parish Finance Committee
Mr. Stanisław Ciszek, President
Mr. Tom Bucaro, Fr. Jason Torba, Mrs. Mary Ann Barnhart,
Mr. Gene Szaben, ExOfficio Members: Mr. Martin Wojtulewicz- St. Ferdinand School Board:
Mrs. Mary Ann Barnhart, Chairperson
Parish Accountant, Sr. Bernadetta Gościniak, Dr. Lucine MastaSt. Vincent DePaul Society: Mr. Ralph Barnhart, President
Teens of Our Church (TORCH):
Parish Organizations and Prayer Groups
Mr. & Mrs. Rob (Irene) Heidelbauer, Youth Ministers
Adult Scripture Study: Miss Ameriga Cesaroni, Coordinator
The “Faustinum” Association of Apostles of the Divine Mercy:
Boy Scout: Mr. Vince Clemente, Coordinator
Fr. Mariusz Stefanowski, Fr. Tomasz Sztandera,
Fish Fry: Mr. & Mrs. Rich (Pat) Wenzl, Coordinators
Friendship Club: Mrs. Patricia Flynn, President
The Home Church Movement: Fr. Tomasz Sztandera, Moderator
Girl Scout: Mrs. Joyce McGinniss, Coordinator
Ushers Club: Mr. Peter Holod, President
Knights of Columbus—Mater Christi Council:
Support Staff
Mrs. Dorota Gołda, Parish Secretary
Sr. Bernadetta Gościniak, Administrative Assistant
St. Ferdinand Church
5900 W. Barry Ave.
Chicago, IL 60634
St. Ferdinand Parish
Phone: (773) 622-5900
Rev. Zdzisław (Jason) Torba, Pastor
Rev. William M. Holbrook, Associate Pastor
Rev. Mariusz Stefanowski, Associate Pastor
Rev. Tomasz Sztandera, Associate Pastor
Irwin Hotcaveg, Deacon
Ronald Weiner, Deacon
St. Ferdinand School & Religious Ed. Office: 773 622-3022
Dr. Lucine Mastalerz, Principal/D.R.E.
Christian OutReach (COR): 773 622-9732
Mrs. Lu Caravette, Director
Missionary Sisters of Christ the King - 773 889-7979
Sr. Genowefa Potaczała, Superior
Sr. Hiacynta Ratajczak
Sr. Elżbieta Barnowska
Sr. Bernadetta Gościniak
7:00 AM and 8:00 AM
8:00 AM and 5:00 PM (Anticipated)
8:30 AM
10:30 AM (Chapel)
12:30 PM
5:00 PM
W ciągu tygodnia
7:00 PM
7:00 AM
7:00 AM
10:45 AM
3:00 PM
6:30 PM
Monday—Saturday / od poniedziałku do soboty
6:30 PM — 7:00 PM
Saturday / Sobota
8:30 AM — 9:00 AM
First Friday of the month / Pierwszy piątek miesiąca
6:00 PM —7:30 PM
For Children: a pre-Baptism class is required for Baptism of the first
child. Classes are held in English on the first Wednesday of each
month at 7:00 PM in the Convent, and in Polish on the last Tuesday of
each month at 7:30 PM in the Church. Following registration, the
sacrament of Baptism is celebrated in English on the second Sunday
each month at 1:45 PM and on the fourth Sunday of the month at the
12:30 PM Mass. The sacrament of Baptism is celebrated in Polish on
the first Sunday of the month at 1:45 PM and on the third Sunday of
the month at the 3:00 PM Mass. Please call the rectory to register at
For Adults: Classes are taught through the Rite of Christian Initiation
Program (RCIA) on Sunday mornings at 10:00AM. Please call Stan
Mastalerz, the RCIA Director at 773/865-4151 for more information.
Must be arranged at least four months prior to the ceremony. Please
call the rectory.