KOL KINLOSS NEWSLETTER OF FINCHLEY SYNAGOGUE ראה בס׳׳ד Re’eh 22/23 August 2014 כ׳׳ז אב תשע׳׳ד Volume 18/Number 44 Shabbat Mevarchim commences at at 7:30pm and terminates at 8:57pm. Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat at 7:30pm. Kadimah Kinloss is delighted to invite the entire community to Kiddush in the Kinloss Suite after our services. This week’s kiddush is sponsored by Ros Altmann and Paul Richer to welcome Rabbi Lawrence and family to the Kinloss community. SHABBAT LEARNING AT KINLOSS Shabbat Morning 8:30am: (Sephardi Synagogue) Sefer Hachinuch by Rabbi Heller. Rabbi Dr Raphael Zarum’s shiur will not be taking place this Shabbat. It will resume on 6th September. Shabbat Afternoon 6:45pm: Daf Yomi shiur by Jeffrey Sagal. Mincha at 7:45pm, followed by a talk by RABBI JEREMY LAWRENCE WWW.KINLOSS.ORG.UK SHABBAT AT KINLOSS HASHKAMA 7:45am in the Liora Graham Beit Hamidrash, followed by Kiddush and a short shiur. MAIN SYNAGOGUE 9:15am led by Michael Staszewski. Kriat Hatorah by Toby Weiniger. Rabbi Lawrence will speak before Musaph. THE MINYAN 9:30am in the Nissan and Rifca Deal Hall. Kriat Hatorah by Robert Owen. Rabbi Lawrence will speak before Kriat Hatorah. SEPHARDI SERVICE 9:00am in the Sephardi Synagogue led by Reuben Gorji and Rabbi Heller. who will speak on “Confession and Confidentiality.” All welcome. Followed by Ma’ariv at 8:57pm. Would you like to sponsor a kiddush to mark a special family occasion or a yahrzeit or any other family event? YOUTH SERVICE Our Youth Service will resume after the summer holidays. If so, please contact the Shul Office on 020 8346 8551. 0-4 year olds with Sara Keen in the Banqueting Foyer (Lower Ground Floor). Reception up to School Year 2 with Natalie Sommer in the Avram Nemetnejad Room (2nd Floor). School Years 3 – 4 with Rav Yehonatan in the 1st Classroom. School Years 5 - 6 with Jason Marantz in the 2nd Classroom. Children’s Services from 0-School Year 4 will start at 10:45am, School Years 5 6 will start at 10:30am. Services will be followed by a kiddush. PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF DATE: The Honorary Officers and Board of Management are delighted to invite the entire community to the Induction of Rabbi Jeremy Lawrence, as Senior Rabbi of Finchley United Synagogue, by Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis. SHABBAT 10TH JANUARY 2015 at 9:00am, followed by a Kiddush. RSVP, by December 12th 2014, to: office@kinloss.org.uk SAVE THE DATE Tuesday, 16th September 2014 KLC together with StandWithUs UK Present: CROSSING THE LINE A powerful 30-minute film exploring the antisemitism movement on campuses across Great Britain. Doors open 7:30pm. Programme commences 7:45pm. Cost: £8 Students & Kinloss members, £10 Non-Members To book, please phone Shoshi or Adina on 020 8346 8551/020 8349 5269. Bookings can be made online at www.kinloss.org.uk. Tuesday, 16th September 2014 Doors 7:30pm. Programme Mazaltov toopen the children inCommences our 7:45pm. community celebrating their KLC together with StandWithUs UK Present: birthdays this week: SAVE THE DATE - SHABBAT 24TH/25TH OCTOBER FULL DETAILS OF THE EXCITING PROGRAMME AT KINLOSS, AVAILABLE SHORTLY. Joshua Brittan (9) Aviya Morris CROSSING THE (7) LINE Eden Broch (1) Saphira Nicholls Zarum (8) Zac Broch A(1)powerful 30-minute Millie Nourmand (8) film exploring the anti-Semitism movement on campuses Great Britain. Aron Crespi (3) Josephacross Rubinoff (10) Raya Frenkel (1) Oliver Wacks (1) The film will be followed by a panel of university students who will Charlotte Furman (7) White (3) on campus, sparking discuss their experiencesOrli with anti-Semitism further debate about what more can be done to deal with modern anti-Semitism. Cost: £8 Students & Kinloss members, £10 Non-Members To book, please phone Shoshi or Adina on 020 8346 8551/020 8349 5269. Bookings can be made online at www.kinloss.org.uk. If you require help or support, please call Jennifer on 0203 182 0105 on Mondays or Wednesdays, 9:00am – 5:00pm, or email jennifer.morris@kinloss.org.uk. All messages treated in the strictest confidence. Volunteers for Letter Delivery Looking for volunteers to deliver Synagogue mailings to your local area. Email shimon.gillis@kinloss.org.uk with the roads that you are able to help with. Some thoughts on the Sidra RE’EH BY RABBI JEREMY LAWRENCE This coming week in shul we shall read Parshat Re’eh, quite a sizeable Parsha with a restatement of the laws of worship, food and festivals. There’s little left untouched. Amongst the detail, Moses gives one general principle, “Adhere and you shall listen to all these words that I command you, in order that it be well with you and your children after you, forever, when you do what is “tov” what is good and what is “yashar”, what is right in the eyes of God.” (Devarim 12, 28) Adhere and you shall listen – Sh’mor ve-shamata… As the Ohr HaChayim (1646-1743 Morocco) observes, the order seems strange. Surely you need to listen first and you can only keep the mitzvoth afterwards. What does it mean adhere and you shall listen? The question is compounded when we look at some of the commentaries which translate it “teach and listen”. Surely it makes sense to listen first and to teach thereafter! We can reframe the question this way. “I heard it at Sinai. I got the Torah already. I’m doing the mitzvoth… So why do I need to listen now? Let me just get on with it!” Says the Torah, “Sh’mor veshamata” - Adhere and keep listening. The eternal benefit of a relationship with God, just like a relationship with our families, comes in part from fulfilling the commitments we have already made – but as a whole – the reward comes as we keep listening, keep learning and keep growing. Wednesday sees the beginning of the Jewish month of Ellul – the month leading up to Rosh Hashanah. Every weekday we will be sounding the shofar at the end of the shacharit service. The mitzvah of the shofar is also about listening. It is also about cementing a relationship. The blessing on the shofar is on the hearing, not the blowing. At this stage in the year it is an alarm or wake up call. It heralds the coming season and invites us to ready ourselves spiritually. On Rosh Hashanah itself, the shofar blasts are less of an alarm. They are divided in the service between the blasts of Malchuyot – celebrating God as King, Zichronot – the remembrance of the strong relationship forged in the past and finally Shofarot – a fanfare anticipating a great future. We draw comfort from the memories of our courtship and are filled with warmth when the music starts and we recall, “darling, they are playing our song…” However, the Torah reminds us that upon faithful foundations, we must keep listening and must keep longing to listen. Sh’mor veshamata… The more we invest in our relationship with God and the more we invest in our relationships with our families, the more beautiful the music, the more we learn… and the more we are inspired to grow. Shabbat Shalom. THE KEHILLA WISHES “ חיים ארוכיםLONG LIFE” TO THE FOLLOWING WHO HAVE YAHRZEIT Saturday 23 August Bernard Goldberg Father Karen LeighFather Susan Sperber-Kosky Second Husband Marion Tinger Father Leonard Wiseman Brother Sunday 24 August Stephen Berman Mother Sandra Delroy Mother Cecilia JayFather Jean Rappaport Mother Lily RoseSister Wendy RybMother Cilla Summers Father Monday 25 August Samuel Cohen Father Trevor GeeMother Loraine Gershon Father Joyce Grossmark Father Stuart LaskyMother Peter Sherwood Father Tuesday 26 August Lester Christie Kate Cohen Ubby Cowan Norman Gilmore Shirley Kenley Gad Levy David Lightstone Barbara Maurice Clive Rosenfeld Brother Sister Sister Father Mother Father Wife Father Mother Wednesday 27 August Anne Cavendish Father Laurence Faiman Father Rebecca NemetnejadFather Thursday 28 August Henry Aaronson Ronald Aaronson Minnie Bayard Geoffrey Bradley Sally Doffman Sister Sister Mother Father Son Helena Horn Brother Cecilia Jay Mother Shirley Weiner Daughter Friday 29 August Leonard Craven Ruth Gabay Stuart Lasky David Laurier John Loftus Louis Stanton Eric Tager Michael Tager Anne Winton Sister Father Father Wife Mother Wife Mother Mother Mother HELP MAKE SHABBAT SPECIAL AT CLORE MANOR Can you help make up Shabbat morning Minyan over the Summer? Service starts at 9:30am, followed by Kiddush. Clore Manor, 160-162 Great North Way. Contact Mike Abrahams on 07961 126 075 KINLOSS NOTICE BOARD MAZALTOV TO: * Sue and Douglas Joseph on the birth of a grandson, Yehoshua Nosson, in Jerusalem. Mazaltov also to parents, Robert and Leah-Miriam Joseph, and to siblings, Aryeh, Chana-Malka, Rivka, Hadassah and Nachman. Mazaltov also to grandparents, Bayla and David Goldmeier. * The children in our community who did well in their recent GCSE’s and A Levels. CONDOLENCES TO: • • • • • The family of Elizabeth Dryer ע׳׳ה Dr David and Mrs Sue May, Ben May, Shmuel May and Anna Lester, Shira, Racheli and Aron on the loss of their daughter, sister and mother, Jessica Crespi ע׳׳ה Yvette Korcia and׳׳Sandrine Prager on the loss of their husband and father, Georges Korcia ע ה TOMBSTONE CONSECRATIONS SUN 24 AUG MON 25 AUG SUN 31 AUG SUN 31 AUG 12:30pm at Bushey in memory of Jean Burke ע׳׳ה 1:00pm at Bushey in memory of Mildred Morris ע׳׳ה 12:30pm at Bushey in memory of Nellie Grinberg ע׳׳ה (Mother of Linda Weinstein) 3:00pm at Willesden in memory of Ralph Conway ע׳׳ה Our new KCC term begins on 1st September. Brochures can be collected from the Shul Office (if you haven’t already received yours by email or post). KINLOSS COMMUNITY CENTRE AND FINCHLEY SYNAGOGUE USEFUL PHONE NUMBERS Rabbi Jeremy Lawrence (through the Shul Office): 020 8346 8551 Shul Office: 020 8346 8551 Kinloss Cares Careline: 020 3182 0105 Kinloss Community Educator and Yoetzet Halacha, Lauren Levin: 07540 461 557 THANK YOU TO: * Security Team 6. If you are unsure about your rota, please contact securekinloss@yahoo.co.uk, or call Martin Shiers on 07831 836 031. * Elaine Gold’s Kiddush Team. * Joyce Berman of our Welcoming Committee. SERVICES ( שבתsee front page) Shacharit 1 Shacharit 2 Sephardi Shacharit Mincha followed by Ma’ariv Sun 7:30am 8:15am 8:00am 7:30pm Mon Tues PLEASE NOTE: The Shul Office will be closed on Bank Holiday Monday, 25th August. It wil reopen at 9:00am on Tuesday, 26th August. Bank Holiday Rosh Chodesh Ellul Rosh Chodesh Ellul Weds Thurs Fri 7:15am 8:15am 8:00am 6:50am 8:00am 6:45am 6:50am 8:00am 6:45am 7:00am 8:00am 6:45am 7:00am 8:00am 6:45am 7:30pm Next Shabbat7:30pm Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm
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