March 2009 - Fugitive Watch


March 2009 - Fugitive Watch
Help Stop Crime…
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Fugitive Watch
construction of new prison
facilities but for renovation
of existing medical facilities
and future planning. Kelso
has said that several billion
dollars may be eventually
needed to construct adequate medical facilities.
Brosnahan also argued
the state’s appeal was premature. He said the state
should have waited until
Henderson held a hearing
to decide whether Gov.
Arnold Schwarzenegger
and Controller John Chiang
should be held in contempt
of court for refusing to pay
the money.
Brosnahan argued, “The
prisoners have all been
convicted of crime. But
they did not receive death
penalties from the judicial system and they are
In ordering the receivership in 2005, Henderson
found that one inmate
per week was dying needlessly because of defective
medical care.
Fugitive Watch
Fugitive Watc
March 2009
State Asks Appeals Court
To Overturn $250 Million
Prison Payment Order
A state lawyer asked
a federal appeals court
in San Francisco today
to overturn a lower court
order requiring California to
give a court-appointed receiver a $250 million down
payment for improved
prison health care.
The payment was
ordered last year by U.S.
District Judge Thelton
Henderson, who put the
prison health care system
into receivership in 2005 after concluding that inmate
medical care in the state’s
overcrowded prisons fell
below minimum constitutional standards.
Deputy Attorney General
Daniel Powell argued to
the 9th U.S. Circuit Court
of Appeals that a U.S. law
regulating prison lawsuits
doesn’t permit a federal
judge to order construction
of new facilities against the
state’s will.
But attorney James
Brosnahan, representing
receiver Clark Kelso, said
the payment was not for
A three-judge panel
took the appeal under
consideration and will
issue a written ruling later.
The appeal is one of several ongoing legal battles
related to prison health
On Monday, a different
federal panel tentatively
ruled that the only way
to correct defective
medical and mental
health care is to release
thousands of prisoners
over the next two or three
years. A final ruling has
not been issued.
The state has also asked
Henderson to terminate
the receivership. A hearing on that request is
scheduled for next month.
Los Más Buscados
Editorials &
How to Show Your Teen
You Care. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. pg 4
County’s Domestic Violence
Related Deaths. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. pg 5
It’s the Law for Dummies. .. .. .. pg 15
Sponsor Spotlights . .. .. .. .. ..
Get on Track with a Trainer. .. pg 7
Why Buy a Scooter. .. .. .. .. .. .. pg 26
Support Our
Sponsors &
Watch New Episode of Fugitive Watch
Now! More dangerous fugitives shown
daily on Fugitive Watch® Television…
See pg.33
email: • Tip Hotline: 1-800-9-CAUGHT As of this printing-all persons depicted
are being sought by law enforcement
for valid outstanding warrants or as
a suspect in a crime for identification
Fugitive Watch®News
March 2009
Fugitive Watch®News
March 2009
Table of Contents
March 2009
Featured Fugitives
County’s Domestic Violence Related Deaths. . . . . . . . . . . 4
How To Show Your Teen You Care. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Letter To The Editor: If You Tell A Big Lie Enough Times. . . . 5
Sponsor Spotlight: Get On Track With A Trainer. . . . . . . . . . 7
Justin Wallace
Bank Robbery
Fugitive Watch : Comcast On Demand. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Kelly Vincent
Parole Violation
It’s The Law: Sirens Approaching. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Movie Critic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Auto Theft
Fugitive Watch Factoids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Sponsor Spotlight: Why Buy A Scooter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Clifford Lane
Attempted Murder
Steve Costello
Elder Abuse
Paul Marks
Elder Abuse
Word Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Hometown Channel Show Time Guide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Bay Area Gas Prices Continue To Rise Despite
Cheap Price Of Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Bustin’ Up. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Fugitive Watch Showtimes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Fugitive Watch® Productions,Inc. © 2009
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Fugitive Watch®News
How to Show Your Teen
You Care
By Steve Saso
You can’t go into any store and
not be reminded that Valentine’s
Day is here.
Valentine’s Day. A day for the
little ones to pass out those cute,
heart-shaped “Be Mine” cards. A
day for buying flowers or candy
for your sweetheart. A day for saying “I love you” to those we hold
It’s not so easy for many parents to say “I love you” to their
It used to be easy, and come so
naturally: “Good night, honey. I
love you.” Or “Have a good day
at school today. I love you.”
But when the kids morph into
adolescents, those words are
harder for some parents to utter.
It was for me. I would pass by
Brian and Paul’s room when they
were teenagers. “Good night,
boys. I...uh...I...well, sleep tight.”
Somehow, looking at those
hulking, teenage bodies gave me
pause, and the words “I love you”
got stuck in my throat.
It’s bad enough uttering the L
word in private, but imagine saying “I love you” to your teen in
Once at the high school where
I taught a mom dropped her son
off in the morning. She forgot to
say “I love you.” So she rolled
down her window and shouted
across campus, “I love you
Johnny.” John’s friends mocked
him all day: “I love you, Johnny! I
love you, Johnny!”
So how can a parent of a teen
say “I love you?”
Things to Remember
One thing is to realize that if we
are brave enough to utter the L
word to our teens, we probably
won’t get much of a response.
It’s not that they don’t
appreciate our telling them we
love them (in private), it’s just that
the awkwardness of the teenage
years makes it hard for them to
There was a time when my son
was a senior in high school and I
went into his room. I summoned
up all my parental courage to
say, “I love you, Brian.” Brian
grunted. He grunted! Oh, well,
it was better than nothing, I
Another thing is to remember
that all teenagers are different
and some kids are comfortable
with hearing the words, “I love
you.” Others are even good at
saying it back. Our daughter
Mikhaila, who is now almost 21,
has never been hesitant about it.
Write a Note
For other teens, instead of
saying the L word, try writing it.
A few years back, Patt wrote a
love note to each one of our kids
on Valentine’s Day. Mikhaila, of
course, wrote a love note back.
And even though the boys did
not acknowledge the note, we
know it was important to them. I
did the same thing last Christmas.
Birthdays are another good time
to write a love letter to our teens.
Do the Unexpected
Be creative. Stick a love note in
your teen’s school bag.
Write “I love” you with lipstick on
the kids’ bathroom mirror.
Humor is Always Good
A friend had another kind of
love note from his teen written
on the bathroom mirror. Getting
ready to brush his teeth Greg
looked up and saw: “Faces in
this mirror are uglier than they
So this Valentine’s Day, along
with the candy hearts and chocolate valentines, write your teens
a love note. They may think it’s
stupid or silly or weird, but I guarantee you that your words of love
will go straight to their hearts.
Check out our Parenting Tools
for more help with parenting your
March 2009
Feb 13, 2009……The number of
domestic violence-related deaths
in Santa Clara County has been
on a steady decline in the last
several years, according to an annual report released today.
Assistant District Attorney
Rolanda Pierre-Dixon, wearing red
and sporting a heart-shaped pin
on her jacket today, said Santa
Clara County’s Domestic Violence
Death Review Committee purposefully presents the report near
Valentine’s Day.
“We do this around Valentine’s
Day because the hope of the
committee is Valentine’s Day
represents a time of love and affection and good relationships,”
Pierre-Dixon said. “We’re hoping
for those folks that are celebrating all of those good things, that
they take the time to remember
that not everyone has that same
The county recorded the fewest
number of domestic violencerelated deaths in 2008 than in any
other year since the committee
began keeping track.
Three domestic violence-related
deaths were reported in the
county last year, according to the
Two of the deaths occurred
in the Hispanic community and
one in the black community, said
Pierre-Dixon, who highlighted the
fact that no domestic violencerelated deaths were reported in
the Asian community.
“This is the first time in a very
long time,” she said.
Up until two years ago, the
Asian community represented
more than 50 percent of the
deaths, she explained.
In two of the three cases
reported in 2008, the couples involved were separated, divorced
or discussing divorce.
“This holds true for the majority
of cases in the many years that
we’ve looked at,” Pierre-Dixon
said. “The time of divorce or separation, or the mere discussion of it,
is a very, very dangerous time.”
Pierre-Dixon and the rest of the
27-member Domestic Violence
Review Committee was created
in 1994.
The committee’s report released
today recalls that for years after
2000, the number of domestic
violence-related deaths reached
a peak in 2003, when there were
21 deaths.
That number decreased to 10
or fewer deaths in the following
years until 2008, when the least
number of domestic violencerelated deaths was reported.
Advocacy, prosecution, appropriate sentencing, counseling,
and community campaigns likely
contributed to the steady decline
in domestic violence-related
deaths, Pierre-Dixon said.
The committee, which brings
together agencies such as the
district attorney’s office, the department of corrections, law enforcement agencies, the probation department and advocacy
agencies, also works to bring the
information they find together to
their respective work. Restraining
orders are also an important part
of the process, Pierre-Dixon said.
Santa Clara County has more
restraining orders and more
violations recorded according
to information from the Attorney
General’s Office, Pierre-Dixon
“The reason is because if they
are violated we will prosecute,”
she said. The committee works
to encourage victims to come
forward and file for restraining
“It’s very important to get the
restraining order,” Pierre-Dixon
said. “Because victims have the
knowledge inside of themselves
about how they feel and how
dangerous it is and how scary it is.
Sitting down and writing that out,
and putting it down on a piece of
paper and presenting it to a court
validates those feelings.”
She added a restraining order
can make a perpetrator, even
one with strong community ties,
think twice.
Copyright © 2009 by Bay City News, Inc.
-- Republication, Rebroadcast or any other
Reuse without the express written consent
of Bay City News, Inc. is prohibit
Fugitive Watch®News
March 2009
Letter to the Editor: If You Tell A Big Lie Enough Times!
The Nazi Minister of Propaganda
Joseph Goebbels once said “If
you tell a lie big enough and keep
repeating it, people will eventually
come to believe it”, “for the truth
is the mortal enemy of the lie”. This
is exactly what is transpiring in the
ongoing accusations against the
San Jose Police Department of
profiling, unjust and illegal drunk in
public arrests of “Hispanics”. The
people that are promoting this lie
have never provided one shred of
objective academic, sociological
or validated evidence to substantiate their allegations. They and
the Mercury News only provide
emotional self-serving allegations and frivolous non-objective
biased statistical comparisons with
other police departments. The
Mercury News recently quoted an
Ad hoc task force member as saying “I believe there is a credibility
and trust issue between the SJPD,
the city administration and the
city at large”. “It is real, it is persistent and it is growing.’’ What
scientific evidence does he have
to support such a serious allegation? Has there been a Gallup
Poll, Harris Poll or Pew Research
Center survey we have not been
told about? They are only offering
lynch mob accusations. I have
never had a friend or relative
of mine tell me they do not trust
the San Jose Police Department.
Again they do not provide any
academic objective evidence
that there is a lack of trust. In my
opinion, these “activists” believe
that if they tell this big lie enough
and intimidate the politicians,
they can get people to believe it.
Allow me to provide a few facts
to shed some light on this dark lie.
1. There is academic and medical studies that conclude that
Mexican-American males have a
higher rate (up to 3 times that of
non-Hispanics) of alcoholism than
the general population and that
they have a higher rate of binge
and “heavy” drinking and associated problems (which would
include getting arrested for drunk
in public) when they drink. There
are medical studies that report
that Mexican-Americans have
a genetic predisposition to
2. New York Mayor Rudy
Giuliani and the New York Police
Department significantly reduced
crime by enforcing “minor”
offenses which included public drunkenness which helped to
reduce violent crime. 3. For six years in a row San
Jose had the distinction of being
selected has the Safest Big City in
America. Not the other cities with
“less drunk in public arrests”.
4. Mercury News did not publish
any information on how the other
police departments arrived at
their statistics. Are they using the
exact same criteria that the San
Jose Police Department does? Is
their violent crime rate higher than
San Jose? Is there a correlation?
If the other police departments
use sobering stations and do not
count drunk in public arrestees as
arrested than they would naturally
have a lower arrest count. The
San Jose Police Department does
not access to a sobering station.
5. What is the statistical proportion of “Hispanic” males vs. “nonHispanic” males downtown at the
times of these arrests?
6. The San Jose Police
Department did have access
to a sobering station in the
past. People that were taken
there were allowed to sober up
and offered anti-alcohol abuse
materials and services and
released when they sobered
up. They were not charged
with drunk in public. However
many arrestees were not allowed
and had to be booked into jail
because of the sobering station
rules that barred certain types of
drunk in public arrestees from the
sobering station. A few of the rules
were that arrestees would be refused by the sobering station if the
arrestee was a repeat offender,
violent, aggressive or threatening
the staff, so drunk he could not
stand or appeared medically in
danger. It was my understanding
that the sobering closed because
they ran out of funding. This had
nothing to do with the San Jose
Police Department.
7. Just because the district
attorney did not file charges of
drunk in public does not mean the
continued on page 7
The Los Altos Police Department is asking
for your help in identifying the persons in these
surveillance photos. Detective Wesley Beverage
reports that unknown persons are stealing ATM
bank card codes and then using the information to
steal money from bank ATM machines. According
to recent reports, numerous people across the
state are being victimized. These suspects were
photographed by bank cameras as they were withdrawing money from Los Altos banks using stolen
codes. Please call the
Fugitive Watch Hot Line
at 1-800-9-CAUGHT if
you know the names of
these men.
march 2009
Fugitive Watch®News
Justin Wallace
10/10/80 age: 29
The Campbell Police Department is currently seeking Justin Wallace on a
No Bail Allowed warrant charging him Kidnapping and Assault. Detective Dan
Livingston reports that Wallance and four accomplices allegedly confronted a victim at Fry’s Electronic’s in Campbell. The victim fled from the suspects who caught
him across the street and dragged him into a van which was seen on surveillance
cameras. Wallace then allegedly beat the victim severely in the van with a weapon.
The suspects said they were going to take the Victim into the hills and kill him.
Fortunately the Victim was able to jump out of the vehicle taken to a hospital.
According to Detective Livingston, Wallace and hi accomplices committed another
home invasion and kidnapping in San Jose earlier in the day. The vehicle used
during both kidnappings was Wallace’s 1999 Plymouth Voyager gray in color. The
van was later found burned in Patterson, California. Wallace knows he is wanted
and was last seen in the area of Captiol and McKee in East San Jose.
all persons depicted in this publication are presumed to be innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law. do not attempt under any circumstance to apprehend any persons depicted in this publication.
all persons may be considered armed and dangerous by law enforcement. please call the fugitive hotline number (se habla español) or 9-1-1 for an immediate sighting.
Fugitive Watch®News
Letter to the Editor: continued from page 5
arrest was an illegal arrest or the
person was not drunk in public. If
you do not believe me ask the
district attorney’s office.
I’am a Mexican-American and
I have spent most of my life living
and working in the “Hispanic”
part of town. One of the major
problems that reduced the quality
of life for me was having to tolerate the never-ending problem
of “Hispanic” public drunks in the
“Hispanic” part of town. They
make life miserable for so many
of my fellow “Hispanics”. I have
not conducted a scientific study
but I see them daily. They are in
our parking lots, sidewalks, laundry
rooms and businesses. They are
many times filthy, lice ridden,
have defecated in their pants
and urinate in public. They harass and scare fellow “Hispanic”
women and children. They
scare away customers from our
“Hispanic” owned businesses
trying to make a living. Over the
years I have seen many of them
arrested repeatedly for drunk
in public only to be released
and return to the same spot
drunk. Many times these same
drunks repeatedly cause the fire
department, paramedics and
police to respond. They are so
drunk the jail will not accept
them. They cause us to lose the
services of those emergency personnel for real emergencies. They
cause highly trained police officers to be taken off the street
for hours to baby-sit the drunk at
the hospital until he sobers up.
These mean fewer officers for
the “Hispanic” part of town. Yes
these “Hispanic” drunks drastically
reduce the quality of life for fellow
In my opinion their suggestion to
place a moratorium on arresting
drunks is absurd and illegal. Trying
to create a baseless racial discrimination issue over drunk in
public arrests insults the memory
of real victims of racial discrimination. They would better benefit the
“Hispanic” community by using
their energy to address the issue
of alcoholism in the “Hispanic”
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March 2009
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Sponsor Spotlight:
Get on Track with a Trainer
It’s that time of year again--champagne flows, balls drop and
New Year’s resolutions are made.
Resolutions run the gamut---from
quitting smoking or being more
productive at work, to eating
more vegetables, or losing 10
pounds. A majority of resolutions,
though, revolve around exercise.
People often pledge to start
an exercise program, get back
on track with a program they
resolved to start last year, or raise
the intensity of their current exercise program.
Unfortunately, many of these
good intentions don’t last past
February. This is where a Certified
Personal Trainer becomes very
helpful. They can test your current
level of fitness, measure your percentage of body fat and design
an exercise program to meet your
particular needs and goals.
We all think we know how to
workout and get results, but we
often get discouraged when we
see no improvement, and that
can lead to workout burnout. A
personal trainer can revitalize your
workout and provide some much
needed motivation.
Your exercise program needs
to have variety and be fun if
you truly intend to stick with it. A
trainer can assess your fitness level
and your needs, and then put
together a program that gets into
the nuts and bolts of exercise, one
based on the right techniques
and good body mechanics.
A personal trainer knows the
body and knows the equipment.
Even seemingly minor changes in
the way you exercise can make
a huge difference in the results. It
does not have to cost a fortune.
Programs are designed for oneon-one training, partner training,
and small group training.
So make up your mind that 2009
is the year you stick to your New
Year’s Resolution and don’t be
afraid to ask for a little help.
Courtney Maxwell
Cross Fit Campbell
1997 Mercedes-Benz E320
2001 Toyota Camry
2004 Nissan Sentra
2002 Chevy Impala
Fugitive Watch®News
March 2009
Capitol Auto Service Mall
Fugitive Watch®News
March 2009
Word Search
Mon: 5pm & 8:30pm
Tues: 9am & 7:30pm
Fri: 5pm
Sun 7am , 6pm & 9pm
answers on
page 25
Bank Robbery/Robo de
The Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Department is
asking for Fugitive Watch viewers help in identifying the man in these photos. Detective Ken Binder
reports that a serial bank robber has robbed the
same bank in Saratoga, California. On January 15,
2009 this suspect waited until there were no customers in the bank before parking his small, white
truck straight into a parking stall in front of the
bank. He then entered the bank robbed the bank
at gun point. The suspect is described as a white
male adult in his late 40’s or early 50’s with grayish hair and blue eyes, approximately 6’0 to 6’3”
and a husky build. According to Detective Binder,
this suspect allegedly robbed this same bank on
December 12th, 2007. In that robbery the suspect
drove an aqua green/blue color Ford Contour.
Please call the Fugitive Watch hot line if know the
name of this man.
march 2009
Fugitive Watch®News
The San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office and Redwood City Police Department
are investigating an attack on a local street vendor, the second such crime in two
weeks. On Jan. 27, just before 1 p.m., a man approached a street vendor in the
600 block of Hampshire Avenue in unincorporated San Mateo County. The man
asked the vendor if he could purchase a piece of fruit for one dollar. When the
vendor told the suspect that the fruit cost more, he punched the vendor, Redwood
City police said, then chased him down the street to punch and kick him. The
suspect ultimately fled the scene on foot without taking any money. Redwood City
police Detective Aaron Treadway said the same man is probably behind a Jan. 13
attack and robbery, involving a different street vendor in the 600 block of Laurel
Street in Redwood City. According to police, both victims described their attacker as a man age 18 to 20, between 6 feet and 6 feet 2 inches tall. The suspect is
described as a heavyset man of Pacific Islander heritage with long, bushy hair. “I
think he’s local,” Treadway said. “This suspect probably lives in the area.” Please
call the Fugitive Watch hot line if you know the name of this man.
all persons depicted in this publication are presumed to be innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law. do not attempt under any circumstance to apprehend any persons depicted in this publication.
all persons may be considered armed and dangerous by law enforcement. please call the fugitive hotline number (se habla español) or 9-1-1 for an immediate sighting.
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march 2009
Fugitive Watch®News
On February 5, 2009, at approximately 10:37
AM., Morgan Hill Police Dispatch received a
call of a robbery from Bank of America at 101
Vineyard Town Center Way. Responding officers
were told that there were two male suspects and
both had fled the area.According to the Bank of
America teller, one of the male suspects approached
her and handed her a note demanding money. No
weapons were seen, but the suspect reached to his side,
indicating to the teller that he may have a weapon. The
teller handed the suspect the money. Another male
suspect was seen standing at the entrance/exit of the
bank. Once the suspect received the money, both were
seen exiting the bank and fled W/B through the parking lot. It is unknown whether the suspects escaped on
foot or in a vehicle. The suspect that approached the
teller was described as: 17-18 year old Hispanic male
adult, 5í10î tall and 150 lbs, clean shaven, shaved head,
medium to dark complected, wearing a dark long tee
shirt with a white tee shirt underneath, blue jean shorts,
black sunglasses, and having a dark colored beanie on
his head. The second suspect was described as: 17-18
year old Hispanic male adult, 5í6î tall and 150 lbs, dark short hair, mustache, dark
complected and wearing a black hooded sweatshirt and blue jeans. Please call the
Fugitive Watch hot line at 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) if you know the
name of these men.
Kelly Shane Vincent
Parole Violation/
violación de Libertad
4/24/71 age: 38
The California Department of Corrections is currently seeking Kelly Shane
Vincent on a warrant charging him with Parole Violation. Agents report that
Vincent was released on parole after being convicted of Car Jacking. He has
allegedly absconded supervision in November of 2008 and is now considered a
parolee at large. He uses the alias of Kelly Brown and is known to frequent the
San Jose area.
all persons depicted in this publication are presumed to be innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law. do not attempt under any circumstance to apprehend
any persons depicted in this publication. all persons may be considered armed and dangerous by law enforcement. please call the fugitive hotline number
(se habla español) or 9-1-1 for an immediate sighting.
Fugitive Watch®News
March 2009
Fugitive Watch®News
March 2009
Look for Our Commercial on the Fugitive Watch Website for Special Discouts
Fugitive Watch®News
march 2009
The Redwood City Police Department is asking for Fugitive Watch viewers
help in identifying the suspect in this police sketch. Detective Treadway reports
that on January 2nd 2009 at about 9:30pm, three Spanish speaking Hispanic
males in their 20’s, wearing dark hoodies contacted the Victims near their vehicle
at 2nd Avenue and Bay Road in Redwood City. The suspects then all brandished
knives ordered the Victims back into their vehicle. The Suspects then ordered one
of the Victims to drive them to a parking lot located at 559 Hampshire Avenue in
Redwood City. Upon arrival, the Suspects ordered the Victims to lie on the ground
and robbed them. It appears that on January 4th 2009 at about 9:30pm the same
three Suspects robbed two other victims at 1107 2nd Avenue in Redwood City.
In this robbery the suspects robbed the victims of their belongings and drove off
in the Victims’ vehicle. The stolen Nissan Sentra was abandoned and found in the
3600 block of Page in Redwood City.
The San Jose Police Department is asking for Fugitive Watch viewers help
in identifying the man in this police sketch. According to detectives on January
19th 2009 at about midnight a police officer made a pedestrian stop at Capitol
Expressway and Seven Trees Blvd. While arresting a suspect, a car occupied by
three adult males drove by the officer. As the car passed by, the left rear passenger
leaned out the window and pointed a gun at the officer and yelled “Hey, punk
cop.” The car then fled northbound on Rancho Drive. The suspect pointing the
gun was described as an Hispanic male, 20-25 years old, 5-6 to 5-8, 150 lbs -170
lbs, thin build, short brown hair and wearing a black hooded sweatshirt and white
t-shirt. The driver was described as an Hispanic male, 20-25 years old, brown hair
and unknown clothing. The front right passenger was described an Hispanic male,
20-25 years old. The suspect’s car was described as a gold 1995-2000, Nissan or
similar, Maxima or similar type, with 4 doors. Please call the Fugitive Watch hot
line at 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) if you know the name of this man.
The Albany Police Department is asking for Fugitive Watch viewers help in
identifying the man in this photograph. According to detectives, this man entered
the Target store in Albany and made a large purchase to the victim’s credit card
account. The victim in this case still has possession of the credit card, and she
resides in North Carolina. It is unknown how the suspect obtained her account
information. He was seen leaving the store in a white or silver Sport Utility Vehicle
(possibly a GM product). Please call the Fugitive Watch hot line if you know the
name of this man.
The Los Gatos Police Department is asking for Fugitive Watch viewers help in
identifying the woman in this photograph. Detective Kat Mann reports that on
September 22nd 2008, a victim had an attempt at a fraud on her Bank of America
account in Topeka, Kansas. The suspect had presented a California Driver’s License
in her name. When the bank called to check on the driver’s license the suspect fled
the bank. On December 19th 2008, this suspect was able to withdraw thousands of
dollars from the victim’s Bank of America account. This suspect has been operating this fraud for the past two years. She flies into Boston and other East Coast
states, presents a fictitious driver’s license and withdraws large amounts of money
and then flies back to California. She has been dubbed “Dora the Explorer” and
at one time she was a part of a ring of 6 people and she was always involved. It appears she is possibly working by herself now. She always wears hospital scrubs and
withdraws thousands of dollars. Dora has been on Massachusetts Most Wanted
for sometime and they have been unable to identify her. Please call the Fugitive
Watch hot line at 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) if you know the name of
this woman.
all persons depicted in this publication are presumed to be innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law. do not attempt under any circumstance to apprehend any persons depicted in this publication.
all persons may be considered armed and dangerous by law enforcement. please call the fugitive hotline number (se habla español) or 9-1-1 for an immediate sighting.
Fugitive Watch®News
It’s the Law:
Sirens Approaching
What you should do if an
emergency police car, fire
truck or ambulance
approaches you from
behind or in front?
Police officers, firemen and
paramedics hate when they are
driving CODE 3 and the driver in
front decides to stop right in front
of them or pull over to the left.
Below is the California Vehicle
Code section that tells you the
21806. Upon the immediate
approach of an authorized emergency vehicle which is sounding
a siren and which has at least
one lighted lamp exhibiting red
light that is visible, under normal
atmospheric conditions, from a
distance of 1,000 feet to the front
of the vehicle, the surrounding
traffic shall, except as otherwise
directed by a traffic officer, do
the following:
(a) (1) Except as required
under paragraph (2), the driver of
every other vehicle shall yield the
right-of-way and shall immediately drive to the right-hand edge or
curb of the highway, clear of any
intersection, and thereupon shall
stop and remain stopped until the
authorized emergency vehicle
has passed.
(2) A person driving a vehicle
in an exclusive or preferential us
lane shall exit that lane immediately upon determining that the
exit can be accomplished with
reasonable safety.
(b) The operator of every street
car shall immediately stop the
street car, clear of any intersection, and remain stopped until the
authorized emergency vehicle
has passed.
(c) All pedestrians upon the
highway shall proceed to the
nearest curb or place of safety
and remain there until the authorized emergency vehicle has
Purchase Your Tickets
On-Line for a 10% Discount Enter FUGITIVE in the
Promo Code Box
March 2009
Movie Critic:
Slumdog Millionaire
by Steven Ferdin
Slumdog Millionaire is a strong
contender for Best Picture for
good reason. Based off the novel
Q & A by Vikas Swarup, this film
tells the story of Jamal Malik and
his experience on the Indian
version of the show Who Wants
to Be a Millionaire. It shows how
the questions he is being asked
tie in with the overlaying plot of
his personal life and past experiences. Prior to his appearance
on the show, we see the events
of Jamal’s life and how they
interconnect with those of those
around him. What works so well is
the combination of Indian cinema
and western influence that create something unique and unlike
anything found in mainstream cinema. It creates a fairly accurate
portrayal of poverty life in India
and actually uses local children
for some of the scenes.
What I enjoyed the most were
the characters. They were each
distinctive and it was enjoyable
seeing them develop onscreen
from childhood to present time
watching how each of their life
experiences affected them. It’s
also interesting how many layers
it has. It could be taken at face
value or analyzed deeper about
a message of society of poverty,
western influence around the
world, and cultural differences.
And much in Bollywood fashion,
it ends with a well choreography
dance routine not uncommon in
Indian movies.
Fugitive Watch®News
March 2009
exp. 3/15/09
Fugitive Watch®News
March 2009
Fugitive Watch®News
March 2009
Fugitive Watch®News
March 2009
Fugitive Watch®News
March 2009
Fugitive Watch®News
March 2009
Clifford Eugene Lane
5/26/67 Age: 42
The Colma Police Department is currently seeking Clifford Eugene Lane.
During the first week of January 2009, Lane used a CHASE credit card belonging to a victim of Identity theft. Lane entered several casinos in the Bay Area and
received cash advances on the credit card totaling over $30,000. Lane used an
Oregon identification card with the name of CLIFFORD ADAMS. Lane has warrants in Las Vegas and in Oregon. He was last seen in a dark, newer model BMW
Sport Utility Vehicle, with unknown license plate
march 2009
Fugitive Watch®News
The US Postal Inspection Service is asking for Fugitive Watch viewers help in
identifying the woman in this photograph. According to detectives, on December
18, 2008, this suspect was videotaped from the victim’s surveillance camera stealing
parcels and mail from the front porch of a residence on Guildhall Dr in North San
Jose. The suspect has been seen at local convenience stores near the intersection
of Cropley and North Capitol Ave. The home owner has had parcels and mail
stolen at four times in past month. If anyone can identify the suspect, or have
cases involving mail theft in this area, please call the Fugitive Watch hotline at
1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448).
all persons depicted in this publication are presumed to be innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law. do not attempt under any circumstance to apprehend any persons depicted in this publication.
all persons may be considered armed and dangerous by law enforcement. please call the fugitive hotline number (se habla español) or 9-1-1 for an immediate sighting.
Fugitive Watch®News
March 2009
Fugitive Watch Factoids
Men think about sex every 52
Each year US surgeons perform
250,000 breast implants.
Mountain Lions have killed 14
people in the US since 1900.
South Africa had over 14,000
car jackings last year. It is now
legal to install hidden flame
throwers below the doors to
blast carjackers by pressing a
button on the floorboard as an
anti-car jacking device.
Bears have killed 133 people in
the US since the year 1900.
130 people a year are killed in
Deer vs. Car accidents every
year. Costing more than a million dollars of damage a year.
The American car Model SSC
Ultimate Areo TT has 1,180
Horse Power has a top speed
of 273 MPH and costs $654,000.
It is the most expensive car
made in America.
Accidents involving elevators
injure more than 17,000 people
every year.
Since 1990, 14 humans have
been killed by captive tigers in
the US.
Three floods in the last 125
years have killed more than 5
million people.
The California town of Mt.
House has 9 out of 10 homes in
The Maya civilization came
into existence 2,000 years before Christ.
25% of people with oral cancer
are not in the high risk group.
They do not drink or smoke.
The Tehama County Sheriff’s
Department has:
1 Sheriff
1 Under Sheriff
3 Captains
2 Lieutenants
9 Sergeants
29 Deputies
There are less tigers left in India
than there are in the state of
Termites release 20 million
metric tons of methane gas by
farting every year. This is more
metric tons than cows.
34% of women think about sex
According to the Department
of Justice a pimp with 6 hookers averages an annual cash
income of $800,000 a year for
the pimp.
15% of couples have a sexless
marriage or relationship.
Sand is the greatest cause
of death for people at the
There are over 1,250,000 handcuffs sold in the US every year.
Men’s index fingers are shorter
than their ring fingers. Women
are the opposite, their index
finger is longer than their ringer
finger. This characteristic is
never changed during sex
change operations.
Falling vending machines kill 2
people every year.
94% of people who want jobs
have jobs.
A human being could only live
in outer space without a space
suit for about 90 seconds.
75% of homes are occupied by
there owners.
Fugitive Watch®News
March 2009
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for more information
Fugitive Watch®News
March 2009
Watch the Newest TV
Episode of Fugitive Watch on
Comcast Channel 104!
Word Search Answers from page 9
Fugitive Watch®News
March 2009
Sponsor Spotlight: Why Buy a Scooter?
Since returning to California
from vacationing in Europe last
year, I decided to educate our
younger generation to save
money and conserve gas. With
the economic situation on hand
and our addiction to gasoline,
it only makes sense to be smart
and sensitive to our environment.
With some options like electric
cars and the small Smart cars, or
on the other hand electric or gas
scooters-one has to make budgetary and personal decisions.
With oil prices guaranteed
to go up this summer, buying a
scooter is a good decision and
a smart investment. Apparently
more people are agreeing with
me - I started noticing more and
more scooters on the road since
last summer. While riding my
scooter in Almaden, I had people
pull up beside me at stop lights
and ask me about buying one. I
thought I’d do a quick run-down
on the pros and cons for people
considering making the jump to a
The Good
It’s easy: Although California
requires you to get a motorcycle
license to drive a scooter, obtaining a license is simple, especially
if you already have a driver’s
license. You take a simple written
test to get your learner’s license,
and then take a weekend safety
course that exempts you from the
DMV road test. Note that if you
already have a driver’s license,
you will also need to renew your
existing license when you take the
motorcycle license written test
It’s cheap: A sporty TBX-260cc,
70+MPH cost around $3K with tax
and dealer fees. You can also find
a 150cc; 55+MPH, 80MPG for as
little as $1,895. Insurance will run
you about $200 for the year.
It’s fuel-efficient: If you drive
20 miles per day or approx. 5000
miles a year on an average, you
would need only 65 gallons of gas
along the way. That’s about 70 to
80 miles per gallon.
It’s environmentally friendly:
Not only are scooters more fuel
efficient, but four-stroke engines in
larger scooters have lower overall
carbon dioxide emissions versus
cars. Not only will you be saving
money, but you’ll be dumping
about 75% less CO2 into the air.
The Awesome
Traffic? What traffic? Fortunately,
lane-splitting is legal in California.
There are always situations where
a little extra maneuverability
comes in handy, not to mention
150CC scooters are freeway legal
and you can use the car-pool
lane during traffic hours. Nothing
wipes the superior smile off a car
driver’s face like watching a cute
little girly scooter pull into the
space between traffic and disappear into the distance.
Did I mention it’s cheap? When
you’re getting 80 miles per gallon,
your gas costs go through the
floor. On average, if you drive a
scooter 140 miles a week, you will
spend about $4 a week on gas.
Your cost to run your scooter is
less than $35 a month including
Save Money,
Gas And Have Fun!
Happy Scooting!
Scooter Land US
My next door neighbor wans to ban all
guns! Their house is not armed. To
respect their opinion. I promise not to
use my guns to help protect them
Fugitive Watch®News
March 2009
Fugitive Watch®News
March 2009
exp. 3/15/09
By Bay City News Service
February 11, 2009……Bay Area
gas prices steadily increased
over the last two months, according to AAA, which announced
Wednesday that California’s
average price per gallon went up
by 22 cents in the last month after
increasing 15 cents the month
Despite a global decrease in
the price per barrel of oil, which
usually runs parallel with trends
in the cost of gasoline, refineries
have reportedly cut the amount
of gasoline product being refined
due to a decreased demand in a
sluggish economy, according to
AAA spokesman Matt Skryja.
“That cutback has had an
impact on supply, pushing retail
prices higher while oil prices have
leveled off in the $40 per barrel
The average price in the Bay
Area for a gallon of regular unleaded gas is $2.25, an increase
of 22 cents over the past month
and 32 cents above the national
average at $1.93.
Concord and Fremont drivers
currently enjoy the least expensive
average in the Bay Area at $2.17,
according to the AAA, while
Monterey drivers pay the most at
an average of $2.25.
Copyright © 2009 by Bay City News, Inc.
-- Republication, Rebroadcast or any other
Reuse without the express written consent of Bay City News, Inc. is prohibited.
Permission Granted to Fugitive Watch
The Sunnyvale Police Department is asking for Fugitive Watch viewers help
in identifying the men in these photographs. Detective Jose Ramirez reports
that on January 29th 2009 at about 1am, a robbery occurred at the 7-11 Store
at 615 Old San Francisco Road. The first suspect entered the store and asked
for change for a dollar bill. When the clerk opened the cash register, he allegedly
jumped over the counter and attempted to take the cash. The clerk managed to
close the register and the suspect was unable to take the money. He then stole 5
packs of Marlboro cigarettes. The suspect was described as a Black Male, about
5’9 tall, thin build, and about 40 yrs old. He was wearing a blue ski jacket and a
gray beanie.
march 2009
Fugitive Watch®News
Attempted Murder/
Intento de Homicidio
The San Jose Police Department is asking for Fugitive Watch viewers help
in identifying the man in this police sketch. According to Detective Dan Phelan
on December 28th 2008 at about 2:30am, two victims were walking home from
Great Oaks Blvd. in south San Jose. As they were walking on Azucar towards
Carryback, a suspect vehicle pulled over to the curb. The passenger exited the car
while the driver stayed inside the car. He then said to them with a Spanish accent,
“Where are you from hommies”. When the victims did not answer him, the suspect
started shooting at the victims. He shot one victim in the chest and stomach and
the other victim in the legs. The suspect then got back in the car and fled the
scene. The suspect is described as an Hispanic male, black hair, 17 years, 5-6 to
5-7, with a medium build. The suspect vehicle was described as possibly a grey
2007 Chrysler 300.
all persons depicted in this publication are presumed to be innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law. do not attempt under any circumstance to apprehend any persons depicted in this publication.
all persons may be considered armed and dangerous by law enforcement. please call the fugitive hotline number (se habla español) or 9-1-1 for an immediate sighting.
Steve Costello
Elder Abuse/Abuso de
2/21/57 age: 52
The Albany, California Police Department is currently seeking Steve Costello on
a $150,000 warrant charging him with Elder Abuse. Detective John Costenbader
reports that he and his accomplice Paul Marks are allegedly involved in financial
elder abuse scams. They are considered nomadic predators who use a variety of
scams and confidence crimes. They incorporate members of their family as well as
close friends. They have ties throughout California, Texas, Illinois, Colorado and
Nevada. Information received indicated that they are in the Houston, Texas area
but they also travel to Chicago Illinois. Steve Costello is also known to use the alias
of Steve Colby.
march 2009
Fugitive Watch®News
Paul Marks
Elder Abuse/Abuso de
6/29/69 age: 40
The Albany, California Police Department is currently seeking Paul Marks on
a $150,000 warrant charging him with Elder Abuse. Detective John Costenbader
reports that he and his accomplice Steve Costello are allegedly involved in financial elder abuse scams. They are considered nomadic predators who use a variety
of scams and confidence crimes. They incorporate members of their family as well
as close friends. They have ties throughout California, Texas, Illinois, Colorado
and Nevada. Information received indicated that they are in the Houston, Texas
area but they also travel to Chicago Illinois.
all persons depicted in this publication are presumed to be innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law. do not attempt under any circumstance to apprehend any persons depicted in this publication.
all persons may be considered armed and dangerous by law enforcement. please call the fugitive hotline number (se habla español) or 9-1-1 for an immediate sighting.
Fugitive Watch®News
March 2009
Fugitive Watch®News
March 2009
I recently saw a distraught young lady weeping beside her car. “Do you
need some help?” I asked. She replied, “I knew I should have replaced
the battery in this remote door unlocker. Now I can’t get into my car. Do
you think they (pointing to a distant convenience store) would have a
battery for this?” “Hmmm, I dunno. Do you have an alarm, too?” I asked.
“No, just this remote ‘thingy,’” she answered, handing it and the car keys
to me. As I took the key and manually unlocked the door, I replied, “Why
don’t you drive over there and check about the’s a long
My friend called his car insurance company to tell them to change his
address from Texas to Vermont. The woman who took the call asked
where Vermont was. As he tried to explain, she interrupted and said,
“Look, I’m not stupid or anything, but what state is it in?”
I was in a car dealership a while ago when a large motor home was
towed into the garage. The front of the vehicle was in dire need of repair
and the whole thing generally looked like an extra in “Twister.” I asked
the manager what had happened. He told me that the driver had set
the cruise control, then went in back to make a sandwich
You are on the bus when you suddenly realize ... you need to fart. The
music is really loud, so you time your farts with the beat. After a couple
of songs, you start to feel better as you approach your stop. As you are
leaving the bus, people are really staring you down, and that’s when you
remember: you’ve been listening to your ipod.
A blonde and her husband are lying in bed listening to the next door
neighbor’s dog. It has been in the backyard barking for hours and hours.
The blonde jumps up out of bed and says, “I’ve had enough of this”.
She goes downstairs. The blonde finally comes back up to bed and her
husband says “The dog is still barking, what have you been doing?”
The blonde says, “I put the dog in our backyard, let’s see how THEY like
While shopping in a food store, two nuns happened to pass by the
beer. The first nun said it would be nice to enjoy a beer. The second
nun answered that, indeed, it would be very nice to have one, but that
she wouldn’t feel comfortable about buying it. The first nun replied that
she could handle that without a problem. So, she picked up a six-pack
and took it to the cashier. The cashier had a surprised look on his face,
so the nun said, ‘We use beer for washing our hair; a sort of shampoo, if
you will.’ Without blinking an eye, the cashier reached under the counter, pulled out a package of pretzel sticks and placed them in the bag
with the beer. He then looked the nun straight in the eye, smiled, and
said, ‘The curlers are on the house.’
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Fugitive Watch®News
March 2009
Fugitive Watch Television Cable Systems & Showtimes
Santa Clara County
Comcast Cable ...San Jose, Campbell, Santa Clara, Sunnyvale,
Cupertino, Mt. View, Los Altos, Saratoga, Milpitas, Los Gatos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Airtimes: Mon-Fri : 7am, 12pm, 5pm, 11:30pm…Sat: 7am
Sun: 7am, 6:30pm, 11:30pm
Charter Communications... Morgan Hill, San Martin, Gilroy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Airtimes: Daily…11:00am
Mon-Fri: 5:00pm
Public Access Channel... Gilroy, Hollister, San Juan Bautista . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Airtimes: Thurs 4:30pm……Sat 11:30am
Comcast Cable ...Palo Alto, Stanford. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Airtimes: Sat: 8:00 pm
Palo Alto. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Airtimes: Channel 30: Mon: 11:30pm………Channel 28: Sun: 11:30pm
. Channel
Santa Cruz County
Comcast Cable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Airtimes: Mon - Fri: 12noon…Sun-Fri: 11pm…Mon-Tues-Wed-Fri: 5pm…Sun: 4pm
San Mateo County
Comcast Cable ...Palo Alto, Stanford, East Palo Alto, Menlo Park,
East Menlo Park. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Foster City. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Airtimes: Fri: 5:30pm
Sat: 7:30 pm
Peninsula TV…Atherton, Belmont; Brisbane, Broadmoor, Burlingame, Colma
Daly City, Davenport, East Palo Alto, El Granada, Half Moon Bay, La Honda,
Harrison, Hillsborough, Loma Mar, Menlo Park, Millbrae, Montara, Redwood City,
Moss Beach, Pacifica, Pescadero, Portola Valley, San Bruno, San Carlos,
San Gregorio, South San Francisco, West Menlo Park, Woodside . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Airtimes: Mon: 5:00pm
Alameda County
Comcast Cable ...Richmond, El Cerrito, Oakland. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Airtimes: Sat: 2pm…Sun: 6am Oakland North Channel 16 & 78 Sun: 6am…Mon: 6am
San Benito County… Charter Communications...Hollister . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Airtimes: Daily: Every 1/2 Hour
Comcast Cable ...San Leandro, San Lorenzo, Hayward, Union City, Ashland. . . . . . . . . . 28
Airtimes: Monday: 6am…Mon-Wed & Fri: 5pm……Friday: 6pm…Sat: 2pm…Sun: 8:00am
Contra Costa County
Airtimes: Mon - Thurs: 4:00pm
Ponderosa Cable...Danville. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Comcast Cable ...Danville, Alamo, Clyde (Rebuild). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Comcast Cable ...Clayton, Concord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15/27
Comcast Cable ...Walnut Creek. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Comcast Cable ...Oakley, Unincorporated Areas Of:
Bethel Island, Byron, Knightsen.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Comcast Cable ...Alamo, Clyde, Danville, Lafayette, Martinez,
Moraga, Orinda, Pleasant Hill,Rossmoor, Pacheco,
Unincorporated Areas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Comcast Cable ...Antioch, Bay Point, Pittsburg,
Unincorporated Areas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Comcast Cable ...Pinole, Rodeo, Crockett, Albany, San Pablo,
Hercules, Richmond, El Sobrante, El Cerrito, Unincorporated Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Western Cable...Brickyard Cove, Marina Bay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Viacom Cable...San Ramon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Comcast Cable ...Alameda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Airtimes: Fri: 6pm……Sat: 2pm
Channel 16 & 78 =Sun: 6am
Comcast Cable ...Hayward. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Airtimes: Mon-Fri: 5pm……Thurs: 9:30pm…Fri: 6pm……Sat: 2pm……Sun: 6am……
Mon: 6am
Comcast Cable ...Castro Valley West Of Freeway 580. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Airtimes: Mon-Fri: 5pm……Thurs: 9:30pm…Sat: 3:30pm……Sun: 10:30pm
Fremont . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Airtimes: Mon: 9:30pm………Thues: 4:30pm
CTV Cable...Dublin, San Ramon, Livermore, Sunol, Castro Valley
East of Fwy 580. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Airtimes: Mon, Tues, Weds, Thurs…4:00pm
Viacom Cable...Livermore, Pleasanton, Dublin, Castro Valley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Airtimes: Thurs & Fri: 12:00 Noon… Thurs: 7:30pm
Comcast Cable ...Newark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Airtimes: Mon: 9:30pm………Thues: 4:30pm
Comcast Cable ...Union City. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Airtimes: Mon-Fri: 5pm……Thurs: 9:30pm
Foster City TV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Airtimes: Mon: 6pm……Fri: 5pm
KCRT Cable...Richmond, El Cerrito, El Sobrante, Point Richmond. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
KCRT Cable...Albany, San Pablo, Kensington . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Airtimes: Tues: 7:30am……Thurs: 7pm……Fri: 3pm……4:30pm and 11pm
Fugitive Watch
editions vary per cable provider
For any information,
please call:
Steve Ferdin at
Advertise on the fugitive watch show
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Call 408.729.7737
Fugitive Watch®News
March 2009
Fugitive Watch®News
San Jose Yamaha
776 N. 13th Street, San Jose, CA 95112
408.287.2946 FAX 408.287.4560
San Jose Yamaha
776 N. 13th Street, San Jose, CA 95112
408.287.2946 FAX 408.287.4560
March 2009
Fugitive Watch®News
March 2009