January 2012 - Fugitive Watch


January 2012 - Fugitive Watch
January 2012
Los Fugitivos • Bilingual
In Memoriam
Police Officer
James Capoot
Derek Kotecki
Police Department
Lower Burrell
Police Department
Editorials & Reports
Abanderamiento del 105 Batallón de Infantería. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Fugitive Watch New Years Anti-Gunfire Warning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Cardenal cree en el Ejército Mexicano y en la Policía Federal. . . . . . . . . 4
31 Arrested in Gang Raid in Santa Clara. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
In Memoriam. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Bustin’ Up. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Fugitive Watch Business Sponsors Web Watch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Fugitive Watch Showtimes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
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fugitive watch® news
jan - 12
Featured Fugitives
Raul Sandoval, Jr.
Assault with a Deadly Weapon. . . 9
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11-341 Unknown
Attempted Kidnapping. . . . . . . . . 9
11-350 Unknown
Robbery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
10-039 Kevin Aaron Alvarado
Murder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Robbery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
11-343 Unknown
Sexual Assault. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
11-325 Emanuel Abazan
Robbery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
11-287 Hasan McCaulie
Murder & Robbery. . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Theft. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Table of Contents
Abanderamiento del 105 Batallón de Infantería. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Cardenal cree en el Ejército Mexicano y en la Policía Federal. . . . . . . . . 4
Parenting Teens Just Got Easier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
In Memoriam. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Business Sponsors Web Watch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Fugitive Watch New Years Anti-Gunfire Warning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
31 Arrested in Gang Raid in Santa Clara. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Word Search. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Factoids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Bustin’ Up. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Fugitive Watch Showtimes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Fugitive Watch : Comcast On Demand. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
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This publication brought to you by:
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•Scott Castruita
•Steve Ferdin
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•Marilouise Salsiccia
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• Marc Hinch
• Oscar Lugo
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• Josh Ino
• Steve Ferdin
• Russ Keven
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fugitive watch® news
jan - 12
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fugitive watch® news
Abanderamiento del 105 Batallón de
Ciudad Mier, Tamaulipas, 8 de diciembre del
2011.- El Presidente Calderón encabezó la Ceremonia de Abanderamiento del 105 Batallón de
Infantería y la inauguración de sus instalaciones.
Acompañaron al Presidente, Egidio Torre
Cantú, Gobernador de Tamaulipas, Alejandro
Etienne Llano, Presidente del Tribunal Superior de
Justicia del estado, Anastasia Guadalupe Flores,
Presidenta de la Junta de Coordinación Política del
Congreso, el General Guillermo Galván, Secretario
de la Defensa, y el Almirante Mariano Francisco
Saynez, Secretario de Marina.
En febrero pasado de este año, se anunció que
se reforzaría la presencia militar en la región con 4
batallones por lo que la inauguración de instalaciones forma parte de las acciones del Gobierno
Federal para proteger a la población, la cual se ha
jan - 12
Cardenal cree en el Ejército Mexicano y en
la Policía Federal
visto afectada por el fenómeno del crimen organizado. “Tamaulipas ha vivido hechos terribles y
vine para decirles que no están solos, el Gobierno
Federal, a través del Ejército, está para protegerlos”, dijo el Presidente al arrancar su discurso.
Para el arzobispo de Guadalajara, Juan Sandoval Íñiguez, la presencia de más elementos del
Ejército y de la Policía Federal podría inhibir el
crecimiento de la delincuencia organizada en la
Al referirse al Operativo Noreste, el Presidente
aseguró que es una respuesta a la demanda del
gobierno estatal y de autoridades municipales para
apoyar con Fuerzas Federales a la sociedad.
“La Policía Federal y el Ejército sí lo puede
inhibir (a los carteles del narcotráfico). Ojalá que
venga para acá el Ejército. Ojalá y los libre. Es una
ciudad grande, importante para la región, para que
pueda trabajar en paz, tener turismo, pero si viene
para acá el Ejército ¿qué hacen los maleantes?,
pues se van a dañar a otra parte, andan corriendo
a donde no haya seguridad”, expresó el jerarca
En el caso de Ciudad Mier se anunció que la
labor de las Fuerzas Armadas está regresando la
tranquilidad a la población y la normalidad a las
calles. El Presidente, antes de finalizar su participación, agradeció y reconoció la entrega de las
Fuerzas Armadas, quienes dijo “siembran con su
esfuerzo la semilla de un México más seguro”.
4 .
El cardenal tapatío fue entrevistado en su casa
de Tlaquepaque y dijo que él intuyó que algo malo
pasaría una vez que terminaran los Juegos Panamericanos y que se fuera la Policía Federal de la
ciudad, al referirse al hallazgo de 26 cuerpos en
tres camionetas el pasado jueves.
Por eso el mal pensamiento que se me vino
cuando los Juegos Panamericanos, dije, ‘vamos
a estar muy seguros durante los Juegos’ y yo
me preguntaba “¿y después qué?” y mira ahora,
pues claro, se fue la seguridad, se fue la Policía y
regresaron (los delincuentes), claro, refirió.
Sandoval Íñiguez expuso que ojalá que las
fuerzas del orden puedan dar con los culpables y
los llamen a juicio y que, a largo plazo, los líderes
de la sociedad “llámense políticos, empresarios,
líderes sindicales o lo que sea, arreglen este país
y lo saquen de la corrupción y la miseria”.
El líder religioso se dio tiempo para responder
a todas las preguntas que le plantearon los
reporteros sobre la aparición de las 26 personas ejecutados. “Las autoridades tienen en sus
manos la solución. Si los legisladores hubieran
hecho esas reformas hace cinco u ocho años… no
lo hicieron porque se les reduce su poder, son
reformas urgentes, no se han hecho. Las reformas
hacendaria, laboral, política, son urgentísimas,
quien sabe porque no lo han hecho. Tal vez por
irresponsabilidad, intereses de grupo, todas esas
cosas”, criticó.
También hizo duras críticas a los diputados
locales: “¿Qué hacen nuestros legisladores aquí
en Jalisco?, gastarse el presupuesto antes que termine el año y luego pedir más, oigan, pues si les
dan un presupuesto, divídanlo entre 12 meses y lo
van gastando cada mes”, aseveró.
all persons depicted in this publication are presumed to be innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law. do not attempt under any circumstance to
apprehend any persons depicted in this publication. all persons may be considered armed and dangerous by law enforcement. please call the fugitive
hotline number (se habla español) or 9-1-1 for an immediate sighting.
EMAIL: newsinfo@fugitive.com
jan - 12
Raul Sandoval Jr
Assault with a deadly weapon / asalto
The Monterey County Sheriff’s Office is currently seeking Raul Sandoval Jr., on a warrant charging him with an alleged
assault with a deadly weapon. Detective Gary Wheelus reports, that on December 12, 2004 at about 12:30 am, an exemployee and two other men went to a Taco Bell in Monterey County. One of the men waited outside of the closed
Taco Bell with the get away vehicle while the other two men went up to the restaurant. The ex-employee walked up to
the drive-through window and asked if he could use the restroom. The ex-employee was armed with a toy handgun,
hand cuffs and a knife. The other suspect that entered with him was armed with a shotgun and a folding baton. There
were two employees inside closing the business. One was a young man working his way through college. The second
employee was the manager. As the suspects entered, the ex-employee took the college student captive, handcuffed
him and walked him into a refrigerated storage unit. The second suspect confronted the manager with the shotgun
and demanded money. When the manager refused to give the suspect money, the suspect began striking the manager
with the baton. The manager then fled into his office. While this was occurring, the ex-employee suspect attacked the
handcuffed student as he lay on the floor and cut his throat, almost decapitating him. The suspect with the baton broke
the glass to the manager’s office as the manager was on the telephone with 911. The ex-employee then threw the same
knife he had just used on the college student, at the manager. All the suspects then fled to a waiting vehicle. Two of
the suspects have been arrested and found guilty. Raul Sandoval Jr. has been identified as the 3rd suspect and is still at
Please call the Fugitive Watch hot line at 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) or text us at 408-355-0999 or send a
confidential email tip, if you know his whereabouts.
Por favor llame la línea de Los Fugitivos en 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) o texto en 408-355-0999 o envia un email
a tips@fugitive.com, si usted sabe su paradero.
fugitive watch® news
It is easy to get caught up in the hoopla of the
holiday season and forget what really matters most.
This coming year we hope you take time for your
loved ones and remember to give them the gift
of your presence. The following story can help us
remember what we sometimes forget.
Remembering What We Forget
It was one of those cold fall nights when the
father came home from work late again. He was
feeling stressed out and tired and found himself irritated seeing his 11-year-old son waiting for him as
he entered the home.
While eating supper, the boy asked his dad how
much money he made an hour.
“That’s none of your business! What makes you
ask such a thing?” The father’s tone was impatient
and demeaning.
“I just wanted to know.” His voice was almost
inaudible. “Please tell me, how much do you make
an hour?”
“Well, if you must know, I make $30.00 an hour,
and time and a half when I work over-time.”
Lowering his head, the boy asked if he could
borrow ten dollars.
Parenting Teens Just Got Easier
The father yelled, “If the only reason you wanted
to know how much money I make is so you can
have money to go buy junk, then you go right to
your room!”
The boy slowly counted out his bills then looked
up at his father.
Hearing the boy’s door shut, the father raised his
tone speaking to his wife as if he wanted the boy to
hear. “That boy is selfish to think of himself at this
time of year! How dare he ask for money to go buy
some junky toy.”
“Because I didn’t have enough, but now I do.
Daddy, I have $30.00 now.”
“Why did you want more money if you already
had some?”
There was a silent pause.
“Can I buy an hour of your time?”
Settling into the evening, the father found himself
reflecting on his son’s question. Maybe he really
did need something with that money. He didn’t ask
for cash very often. He decided to go talk with him.
Sticking his head in the dimly lit room, he spoke
softly, “Are you asleep, son?”
“No, Daddy.”
“I’ve been thinking, maybe I was too hard on you
earlier.” Sitting on the side of the bed he continued,
“I had a long day and I took my frustration out on
you. Here is the ten bucks you asked for.”
“Oh, thank you, Daddy!”
The eager boy jumped out of bed and ran to the
tin box on his bookshelf. As the boy pulled out the
crumpled bills the dad felt his anger returning. He
already has money!
Fugitive Watch
By Patt Saso
jan - 12
6 .
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!
See You Next Month.
Patt Saso, psychotherapist, author, speaker,
helps people restore harmony in their relationships. For more parenting tools visit www.ParentingTeensJustGotEasier.com
fugitive watch® news
On Thursday November 17th, 2011, Officer
Capoot pursued bank robbery suspect Henry
Albert Smith in a vehicle through a residential area,
where he was able to force the suspect vehicle off
the road and disable the suspect vehicle. He then
pursued the suspect on foot into the back yard of
a residence where he was allegedly shot several
times by the suspect.
Officer Capoot was transported to Kaiser Permanente Medical Center, where he succumbed to his
The suspect was arrested near the scene.
Officer Capoot was a U.S. Marine Corps
veteran. He had served the Vallejo Police Department for 19 years and had previously served with
the California Highway Patrol for two years. He is
survived by his wife and three daughters.
“My Beat”
Every day as I begin my tour of duty
I pray to god that
I make it home safe at the end of my shift,
and I tell myself in the mirror!
“Nothing is going to hurt my beat to night”
Because I have pride in doing my job,
and I will do it to my fullest even if
it means giving up my own life for someone else
I am a police officer.
When my night finally ends and I go home,
I hold my head up proud
give a little smile and tell myself!
“Nothing is going to hurt my beat tonight”
By Chris Eads
Indianapolis Police Explorer
jan - 12
Police Officer
James Capoot
Derek Kotecki
Police Department
Lower Burrell
Police Department
In Memoriam
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Patrolman Derek Kotecki was shot and killed
while investigating reports of a wanted man at a local fast food restaurant. The man was wanted for a
shooting ten days earlier and for threatening police
officers during the previous week.
The subject was hiding by laying in the back
seat of his SUV. As Patrolman Kotecki and his
canine, Odin, approached, the man suddenly sat up
opened fire from a distance of about 10 feet. Patrolman Kotecki was struck in the head, abdomen, and
left arm.
The man then fled, but was confronted by other
officers as he attempted to climb a fence behind
the restaurant. He was killed during an exchange of
shots with the responding officers.
K9 Odin was uninjured but had to be muzzled
after refusing to leave Patrolman Kotecki’s side.
Patrolman Kotecki had served with the Lower
Burrell Police Department for 18 years. He is
survived by his wife and two children.
fugitive watch® news
jan - 12
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EMAIL: newsinfo@fugitive.com
attempted kidnap / secuestro
Los Gatos police have released a sketch of the suspect who tried to kidnap a 17-year-old girl near a Los Gatos trail.
The victim was walking west on Lark Avenue near the trail when a dark brown car slowed down next to her and the
driver offered to give her a ride.
The girl said no and continued walking, but the driver stopped his and exited the car and opened the passenger door.
He then grabbed her arm and attempted to lift her, but she punched him in the face and kneed him in the groin. The
suspect then released her and she was able to get away. The suspect then fled the scene.
The suspect car he was driving was a small sedan, hatchback or station wagon with tinted rear passenger windows
and a manual transmission. It may have been a mid-80s Volkswagen Jetta or similar-looking vehicle.
The car had several large areas that were painted dark blue or black and it appeared that the paint was being used
to cover areas that were rusting.
Please call the Fugitive Watch hot line at 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) or text us at 408-355-0999 or send a
confidential email tip, if you know the name of this man or have any information that can help solve this crime.
all persons depicted in this publication are presumed to be innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law. do not attempt under any circumstance to
apprehend any persons depicted in this publication. all persons may be considered armed and dangerous by law enforcement. please call the fugitive
hotline number (se habla español) or 9-1-1 for an immediate sighting.
jan - 12
robbery / robo
The Stanford Department of Public Safety has released a sketch of one of two suspects in an armed robbery at a
university student housing complex. The robbery occurred around 8 p.m. in an apartment in Quillen Courtyard in
Stanford University’s Escondido Village, according to police.
A student told police that a man and woman forced their way into his apartment and took his property at gunpoint.
Both suspects had firearms but they did not harm the victim, police said. The first suspect was described as a
Hispanic man between 20 and 30 years old, with a medium build. He was wearing a dark gray hooded sweatshirt.
The second suspect was described as a Hispanic woman between 20 and 30 years old. She was wearing dark
Please call the Fugitive Watch hot line at 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) or text us at 408-355-0999 or send a
confidential email tip, if you know the name of this man or have any information that can help solve this crime.
Por favor llame la línea de Los Fugitivos en 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) o texto en 408-355-0999 o envia un
email a tips@fugitive.com, si usted tiene alguna información que pueda ayudar a resolver este crimen.
Kevin Aaron Alvarado
murder / asesinato
Berkeley police are looking for a 22-year-old man who is suspected of fatally stabbing a man in their city. Kevin Aaron
Alvarado is wanted in connection with the stabbing, which was reported in the 2100 block of Curtis Street, according
to police Officer Andrew Frankel. Officers arrived near the corner of Curtis Street and Allston Way and found the
victim, Michael Mayfield suffering from a stab wound to his chest. He was taken to a local hospital where he later
died from his injuries, Frankel said. Alvarado, a Berkeley resident and a known member of the West Side Berkeley
gang, is wanted for murder and should be considered armed and dangerous. Already arrested for his involvement
with this case is Robert Charles Briggs, Birth date 8/10/67, of Berkeley. Briggs was charged with Assault with a
Deadly Weapon and as an accessory to Murder.
Please call the Fugitive Watch hot line at 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) or text us at 408-355-0999 to send a
confidential email tip, if you know his whereabouts.
Por favor llame la línea de Los Fugitivos en 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) o texto en 408-355-0999 o envia un
email a tips@fugitive.com, si usted sabe su paradero.
Copyright © 2010 by Bay City News, Inc. — Republication, Rebroadcast or any other Reuse without the express
written consent of Bay City News, Inc. is prohibited.
Por favor llame la línea de Los Fugitivos en 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) o texto en 408-355-0999 o envia un
email a tips@fugitive.com, si usted tiene alguna información que pueda ayudar a resolver este crimen.
robbery / robo
The San Jose Police Department is asking for the public’s help in identifying
the suspect in these photos. According to Detective Adam Hutson, on Oct
11, 2011 at about 7 pm, this suspect entered the Safeway located on Stevens
Creek Blvd. Once inside, he went to the customer service door and allegedly
said he had a gun and tried to force his way inside. The employee pushed
him backward and was able to close the door. The suspect then fled on foot
to a waiting getaway car. The getaway car is possibly a dark color BMW. The
suspect is described as a black male, about 24 to 25 years of age, 5 foot tall
and 130 lbs.
Please call the Fugitive Watch hot line at 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) or
text us at 408-355-0999 or send a confidential email tip, if you know the name
of this man or have any information that can help solve this crime.
Por favor llame la línea de Los Fugitivos en 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448)
o texto en 408-355-0999 o envia un email a tips@fugitive.com, si usted tiene
alguna información que pueda ayudar a resolver este crimen.
fugitive watch® news
jan - 12
10 .
Business Sponsors Web Watch
Cash For Cars
Keith M. Cooper, DDS
Bad Boys Bail Bonds
Call 408.729.7737
Target Master West
(Indoor Shooting Range)
Classic Car Wash
(Coupons On-line)
Call 408.729.7737
Halpern Law Offices
Gilroy Motorcycle Center, Inc.
Conklin Bros. (flooring)
Kims Embroidery
Fugitive Watch
fugitive watch® news
jan - 12
11 .
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fugitive watch® news
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EMAIL: newsinfo@fugitive.com
sexual assault / asalto sexual
The San Jose Police Department is asking for the public’s help in identifying the suspect in this police sketch.
According to Detective Emilio Perez, between September 23 and 24, 2011, several male suspects sexually assaulted
the victim in his home. The victim said he awoke to find several suspects sexually assaulting him. The victim
described the person in this sketch and says he recognized him from the gay bar scene in San Jose. The person in
this sketch is described as an Asian male about 30 years old, 5’-8” tall with black hair. He was wearing a ribbed
yellow shirt, khaki shirts and had a “Toothy Cheeth Grin”. He is also described as having a meth habit, demonstrating
violent behavior and may possibly carrying a knife on his person.
Please call the Fugitive Watch hot line at 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) or text us at 408-355-0999 or send a
confidential email tip, if you know the name of this man or have any information that can help solve this crime.
jan - 12
Emanuel Abazan
robbery / robo
The Palo Alto Police Department is currently seeking Emanuel Abazan on a warrant charging him with robbery.
According to Detective Max Nielepko, they have identified him as the alleged suspect in the Oct 20, 2011 armed
robbery in downtown Palo Alto. Abazan allegedly approached a woman who was walking with a friend in the
300 block of Ramona Street around 11 p.m. The suspect approached from behind, showed a small handgun and
demanded the woman’s purse. The woman complied and the suspect fled in a car. A felony arrest warrant has been
issued for Abazan for the charges of robbery, vehicle theft and possession of stolen property. Detectives searched
Abazan’s home in Redwood City where they recovered the victim’s stolen property. Police also reportedly seized a
handgun from the home.
Please call the Fugitive Watch hot line at 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) or text us at 408-355-0999 or send a
confidential email tip, if you have any information that can help solve this crime.
Por favor llame la línea de Los Fugitivos en 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) o texto en 408-355-0999 o envia un
email a tips@fugitive.com, si usted tiene alguna información que pueda ayudar a resolver este crimen.
Hasan McCaulie
murder and robbery / asesinato y robo
Police arrested one man and are seeking another suspect for a murder and robbery at a Fairfield residence
Wednesday, police said. A resident of the 2500 block of Hilborn Drive returned home at around 11:15 p.m. that night
to find their 21-year-old son bloody and unconscious in his bedroom, according to Fairfield police officials. Police
said medical personnel pronounced the victim dead at the scene, and police determined that the attacker knew the
victim and had targeted him in a robbery.
Police arrested 23-year-old Kenneth Franklin of Fairfield in connection with the murder, and are seeking another
man, 18-year-old Hasan McCaulie who has addresses in both Vallejo and Richmond. McCaulie is an 18-year-old
black man, 5’9” tall and weighs 155 pounds. He has black hair and brown eyes, and is believed to be in possession
of several handguns and is considered be armed and dangerous.
Please call the Fugitive Watch hot line at 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) or text us at 408-355-0999 or send a
confidential email tip, if you have any information that can help solve this crime.
Por favor llame la línea de Los Fugitivos en 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) o texto en 408-355-0999 o envia un
email a tips@fugitive.com, si usted tiene alguna información que pueda ayudar a resolver este crimen
Por favor llame la línea de Los Fugitivos en 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) o texto en 408-355-0999 o envia un
email a tips@fugitive.com, si usted tiene alguna información que pueda ayudar a resolver este crimen.
all persons depicted in this publication are presumed to be innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law. do not attempt under any circumstance to
apprehend any persons depicted in this publication. all persons may be considered armed and dangerous by law enforcement. please call the fugitive
hotline number (se habla español) or 9-1-1 for an immediate sighting.
theft / robo
The Campbell Police Department is asking for the public’s help in identifying the suspect in these photos. According
to Detective Cynthia Zuniga, on August 18, 2011, at about 8:30 p m, this suspect allegedly used a counterfeit credit
card and purchased merchandise and two $100.00 gift cards. The theft occurred at the Safeway store located at 950
W. Hamilton Ave. in Campbell. The suspect tried to use a different card, but it was declined. The suspect then used
three different credit cards to make two separate purchases.
Please call the Fugitive Watch hot line at 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) or text us at 408-355-0999 or send a
confidential email tip, if you know the name of this man or have any information that can help solve this crime.
Por favor llame la línea de Los Fugitivos en 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) o texto en 408-355-0999 o envia un
email a tips@fugitive.com, si usted tiene alguna información que pueda ayudar a resolver este crimen.
fugitive watch® news
jan - 12
15 .
Fugitive Watch New Years Anti-Gunfire Warning
Don’t fire guns in the air. Remember what goes
up, will come down, and when a bullet comes
down it is traveling at up to 700 feet per second.
Fugitive Watch once again advises that shooting guns into the air on New Year’s Eve threatens
the lives of neighbors, houseguests and themselves. A bullet fired into the air returns to earth
with the same deadly force that can kill someone.
Shooting a gun into the air is a stupid display
of ignorance and celebration. This year Fugitive
Watch asks gun owners to think before pulling the
trigger of a gun.
Just a few years ago, a young Los Angeles
boy was killed when a bullet came crashing down
on him New Year’s Eve. The New Year brought
nothing but heartache for that young boy’s family
because some irresponsible person fired a gun
into the air. Someone shooting a gun in the air
killed 14-year-old Shannon Smith in June 1999.
In New Orleans an elderly women was killed, five
people were wounded. In Kansas City, Mo., a man
was killed by a falling bullet from someone else’s
weapon, moments after he fired his own gun into
the air. In Atlanta, a teen-ager was wounded. In
Detroit an elderly woman was killed by a stray bullet on New Year’s Eve.
Many police and sheriff’s departments in California will be making special efforts to put a stop
to this stupid and dangerous practice while some
will encourage their officers to take cover until the
shooting stops. Redwood City is also offering a
$500 reward for information leading to the arrest of
anyone illegally firing a gun. Fliers to that effect are
being distributed in the city’s neighborhoods.
In Los Angeles a special team of about 300
specially trained police officers will patrol traditionally busy areas in Los Angeles looking for and
responding to people who fire off their guns on New
Year’s Eve.
Fugitive Watch asks law enforcement to have
Shooting a gun into the air is a felony. You
will spend up to one year in prison if you
are caught.
People involved in celebrating the holidays
by shooting their guns do not realize the
danger posed by their actions.
® A bullet fired into the air can climb up
to two miles. When it falls back to earth, it
can reach a speed of 300 to 700 feet per
second. A speed of 200 feet per second
is enough to penetrate the skull and kill
If you ever see someone fire a gun into the
air, call the police.
Celebrate the holidays safely and responsibly. Don’t fire guns into the air.
If you’re arrested for shooting a gun into
the air, you will be prosecuted to the fullest
extent of the law.
Disparar un arma hacia al aire es delito
mayor que se condena hasta un año de
cárcel se es consignado por las autoridades.
If a stray bullet from your gun should kill
someone, you will be arrested and charged
with murder.
Al ser arrestado por disparar un arma
hacia al aire, se le aplicarar en total las
sanciones de la ley.
Si la bala que usted dispara, llega a causarle la muerte a una persona, usted será
arrestado y consignado por homicidio.
Toda persona que celebre los días festivos disparando el arma hacia al aire, no
mide el peligro que resulta por parte de
sus acciones.
Una bala disparada hacia al aire, puede
llegar hasta dos millas de altura. En
su caída a la tierra, puede acelerarse
desde trescientos a setecientos pies por
Si usted observa a cualquier persona
disparar un arma de fuego al aire, llame a
la policía.
Celebre los días festivos con toda seguridad y responsabilidad. No dispare su arma
hacia al aire.
fugitive watch® news
jan - 12
Gilroy Motorcycle Center
7661 Monterey Street
Gilroy, California 95020
16 .
fugitive watch® news
31 Arrested in Gang Raid in Santa Clara &
San Benito CountiesCounty
A massive raid targeting powerful Gilroy gang
members resulted in 31 arrests in the South Bay
this morning, Gilroy police said. A coalition of 20
federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies
served search and arrest warrants and apprehended 21 suspected gang members and leaders. Ten
others associated with the gangs were arrested
on outstanding warrants, and five suspected gang
members remain at large. Of those arrested, two
are juveniles. The eldest suspect is 54 years old,
police Sgt. Chad Gallacinao said. Some belong to
a multi-generational gang family, he said.
The operation was carried out between 4 a.m.
and 10 a.m. at nine homes in the cities of Gilroy,
Morgan Hill, Hollister, San Martin, and San Jose.
Gallacinao said the suspects are all active in a
Gilroy-based criminal street gang, but that police
are not releasing the name of the gang. Agents
also seized drugs and two weapons during the
Copyright © 2011 by Bay City News, Inc. -Republication, Rebroadcast or any other Reuse
without the express written consent of Bay City
News, Inc. is prohibited.
jan - 12
17 .
fugitive watch® news
Word Search
on page
jan - 12
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fugitive watch® news
jan - 12
19 .
Fugitive Watch Factoids
• Whales never fully sleep but are still able to
get the rest they need.
• US Army and Marines planned to land on 23
beaches of Japan. • Donkeys kill more people anually than
plane crashes or shark attacks. • Zip Code=Zone Improvement Plan.
• 12 US divisions landed at Normandy.
• In Europe the “Camorra” has killed more
people than all other criminal organizations.
4,000 murders in the last 30 years. One
murder every 3 days. Gains from illegal
activities are reinvested in legal activities
worldwide. It is believed they have
invested in the rebuilding of the New York
Twin Towers.
• 25 US divisions planned to land on Japan.
• You burn more calories sleeping than you
do watching television. • The World War Two combined Allied naval
armada assembled to invade Japan would
have been larger than for the Nomandy
invasion of Europe. It would have been the
largest ever assembled, including forty-two
aircraft carriers, twenty-four battleships, and
four hundred destroyers and destroyer
escorts. Fourteen U.S. divisions were
scheduled to take part in the first landings.
• The US Army landed on 2 beaches during
the Normandy Invasion of Europe.
• American casualties for the invasion
of Japan were estimated to be in the
millions. Japanese causalities were
estimated to be in the tens of millions.
• The Japanese had organized the Patriotic
Citizens Fighting Corps which included
all healthy men aged 15–60 and women
17–40—to perform combat support, and
ultimately combat jobs. Weapons, training,
and uniforms were generally lacking: some
men were armed with nothing better than
muzzle-loading muskets, longbows, or
bamboo spears; nevertheless, they were
expected to make do with what they had.
• No piece of paper can be folded in
half more than seven (7) times. • Oak trees do not produce acorns until they
are fifty (50) years of age or older. • The first owner of the Marlboro Company
died of lung cancer. So did the first
‘Marlboro Man’. • Walt Disney was afraid OF MICE! • Pearls dissolve in vinegar.
• The first product to have a bar code was
Wrigley’s gum. • The three most valuable brand names on
earth: Marlboro, Coca Cola, and Budweiser,
in that order. • The King of Hearts is the only king without
a moustache.
• It is possible to lead a cow upstairs... but,
not downstairs. • American Airlines saved $40,000 in 1987
by eliminating one (1) olive from each salad
served in first-class. • Dentists have recommended that a
toothbrush be kept at least six (6) feet away
from a toilet to avoid airborne particles
resulting from the flush. (I keep my
toothbrush in the living room now !) • Venus is the only planet that rotates
clockwise. (Since Venus is normally
associated with women, what does this tell
you ?) (That women are going the ‘right’
direction...?) • Most dust particles in your house are made
from dead skin.
• And the best for last....Turtles can breathe
through their butts. (I know some people
like that, don’t YOU ?)
fugitive watch® news
Elder Banking... PRICELESS!!
Shown below, is an actual letter that was sent
to a bank by an 86 year old woman. The bank
manager thought it amusing enough to have it
published in the New York Times.
Dear Sir:
I am writing to thank you for bouncing my check
with which I endeavored to pay my plumber last
By my calculations, three nanoseconds must
have elapsed between his presenting the check
and the arrival in my account of the funds needed
to honor it.
I refer, of course, to the automatic monthly deposit of my entire pension, an arrangement which, I
admit, has been in place for only eight years.
You are to be commended for seizing that brief
window of opportunity, and also for debiting my account $30 by way of penalty for the inconvenience
caused to your bank.
My thankfulness springs from the manner in
jan - 12
which this incident has caused me to rethink my
errant financial ways. I noticed that whereas I
personally answer your telephone calls and letters,
--- when I try to contact you, I am confronted by the
impersonal, overcharging, pre-recorded, faceless
entity which your bank has become.
From now on, I, like you, choose only to deal
with a flesh-and-blood person.
My mortgage and loan repayments will therefore
and hereafter no longer be automatic, but will arrive at your bank, by check, addressed personally
and confidentially to an employee at your bank
whom you must nominate.
Be aware that it is an OFFENSE under the
Postal Act for any other person to open such an
Please find attached an Application Contact
which I require your chosen employee to complete.
I am sorry it runs to eight pages, but in order
that I know as much about him or her as your bank
knows about me, there is no alternative.
Please note that all copies of his or her medical
history must be countersigned by a Notary Public,
and the mandatory details of his/her financial situation (income, debts, assets and liabilities) must be
accompanied by documented proof.
In due course, at MY convenience, I will issue
your employee with a PIN number which he/she
must quote in dealings with me.
I regret that it cannot be shorter than 28 digits
but, again, I have modeled it on the number of button presses required of me to access my account
balance on your phone bank service.
As they say, imitation is the sincerest form of
Let me level the playing field even further.
When you call me, press buttons as follows:
20 .
#7. To leave a message on my computer, a
password to access my computer is
required. Password will be communicated to
you at a later date to that Authorized Contact
mentioned earlier.
#8. To return to the main menu and to listen to
options 1 through
#9. To make a general complaint or inquiry. The
contact will then be put on hold, pending
the attention of my automated answering
#10. This is a second reminder to press* for
While this may, on occasion, involve a lengthy
wait, uplifting music will play for the duration of the
#2. To query a missing payment.
Regrettably, but again following your example,
I must also levy an establishment fee to cover the
setting up of this new arrangement.
#3. To transfer the call to my living room in case
I am there.
May I wish you a happy, if ever so slightly less
prosperous New Year?
#1. To make an appointment to see me
#4 To transfer the call to my bedroom in case I
am sleeping.
#5. To transfer the call to my toilet in case I am
attending to nature.
#6. To transfer the call to my mobile phone if I
am not at home.
Your Humble Client
fugitive watch® news
jan - 12
21 .
fugitive watch® news
jan - 12
22 .
Fugitive Watch Television Cable Systems & Showtimes
Gilroy, Hollister, San Juan Bautista
Public Access Channel 20
Thursday 4:30 pm
Saturday 11:30 am
Morgan Hill, San Martin,
Gilroy……Charter Communications Channel 17
11am Monday - Friday
Albany, Emeryville, Berkeley, Oakland, Piedmont,
Hayward, San Leandro, San Lorenzo, Union City,
Newark, Fremont, Castro Valley, Pleasanton,
Livermore, San Ramon, Sunol
Channel 28
Monday 5:00pm
Tuesday 5:00pm
Wednesday 5:00pm
Sunday 7:30am
Newark…Channel 27
Fremont… Channel 29
Monday 9:30pm
Tuesday 4:30pm
Atherton, Belmont, Brisbane, Broadmoor, Burlingame, Colma, Daly City, Davenport, East Palo Alto,
El Granada, Foster City, Half Moon Bay, Harrison, Hillsborough, La Honda, Loma Mar, Menlo
Park, Millbrae, Montara, Moss Beach, Pacifica,
Pescadero, Portola Valley, Purisima, Redwood City,
San Bruno, San Carlos, San Gregorio, San Mateo,
South San Francisco, West Menlo Park, Woodside
Peninsula TV Channel 26
Mon: 5:00 PM
Foster City TV Channel 27
Mon: 6:00 PM
Fri: 5:00 PM
Charter Communications Channel 34
Daily: Every 1/2 Hour
Danville, Alamo, Antioch, Blackhawk, Brentwood,
Clayton, Concord, Pleasant Hill, Lafayette, Martinez, Moraga, Oakley, Orinda, Pittsburg, Walnut
Creek, Bethel Island, Bryon, Knightsen, Clyde,
Rossmoor, Pacheco, Bay Point, Richmond, Pinole,
Dublin, Rodeo, Crockett, Albany, San Pablo, Kensington, San Pablo, Corte Madera, San Ramon,
Brickyard Cove, Marina Bay, Hercules, Richmond,
El Sobrante, El Cerrito, Unincorporated Areas
Richmond, El Cerrito, El Sobrante, Point Richmond,
Albany, San Pablo, Kensington,
CCTV Comcast Channel 27
Fisrt and Third Fridays at 5:30pm
Fugitive Watch now on
Comcast Video
On-Demand Channel
Fugitive Watch
Fugitive Watch can now be seen 24 hours a day
7 days a week on Comcast Video On-Demand
in the following counties.
San Francisco, Marin County, Sonoma County,
Solano County, Contra Costa County, Alameda
County, San Mateo County, Santa Clara County,
Santa Cruz County, Monterey County, Napa
County, Mendocino County, Santa Barbara
County, San Luis Obispo County.
editions vary per
cable provider
For any information,
please call:
ON-DEMAND Directions:
Steve Ferdin at
• Click the ON-DEMAND button on your
• Click the GET LOCAL
• Scroll down and click on
Below is a list of the
ON-DEMAND cities:
Brentwood, Oakley, Byron, Knightsen, Bethel
Island, Discovery Bay, Pleasant Hill, Lafayette,
Orinda, Moraga, Concord, Clayton, Clyde, Martinez, Rossmoor, Walnut Creek, Alamo, Danville,
Dublin, Livermore, Pleasanton, San Ramon, Sunol,
Castro Valley, Walnut Creek, Pittsburg, Antioch,
Bay Point
Alameda, Berkeley, Fremont, Hercules, Richmond,
El Cerrito, Oakland, Piedmont, Emeryville, Union
City, Newark, San Pablo, Albany, Kensington, El
Sobrante, Pinole, Rodeo, Crockett, Port Costa
Benicia, Vallejo, Healdsburg, Cloverdale, Windsor,
Sonoma County, Geyserville, Forestville, Novato,
Petaluma, Rohnert Park, Cotati, Sebastopol, Pennigrove, Graton, Bodega Bay, Occidental, Camp
Meeker, Cazadero, Fairfield, Marin, San Rafael,
Sausalito, Tiburon, San Geronimo, San Quentin,
San Anselmo, Belvedere, Corte Madera, Fairfax,
Larkspur, Mill Valley, Kentfield, Napa, Yountville,
Sonoma, St. Helena, Glen Ellen, Vacaville, Travis
Air Force Base, Rio Vista
San Jose, Campbell, Santa Clara, Monterey,
Seaside, Salinas, Marina, Pebble Beach, Carmel,
Carmel Valley, Pacific Grove, Del Rey Oaks, Sand
City, Milpitas, Los Gatos, Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley,
Santa Cruz County, Capitola, Aptos, Ben Lomand,
Boulder Creek, Brooksdale, Watsonville, Cupertino,
Los Altos, Mountain View
Burlingame, Millbrae, Daly City, Pacifica, Colma,
Broadmoor, Brisbane, Los Altos Hills, Palo Alto,
Woodside, Portola Valley, Atherton, East Palo
Alto, Menlo Park, Stanford, Portions of San
Mateo County & Santa Clara County, San Mateo,
Belmont, San Carlos, Redwood City, Foster City,
Hillsborough, Emerald Hills, San Francisco, South
San Francisco
Ballard, Buellton, Lompoc, Los Olivos, Orcutt,
Santa Maria, Santa Ynez, Solvang, Vandeberg
Village, Mission Hills
Are you trying to figure out
how to get more customers coming in the front door? Or do you
think you can’t afford effective
TV advertising? Think Again!
Fugitive Watch makes quality
television ads for you and televises them in your target market
area. This allows us to make it
more affordable for you. Let’s
face it: most of your customers
are coming from within a few
miles of your business. Why
waste your advertising dollars
broadcasting your ad all over the
bay area?
So if you want to advertise
from San Francisco to San Jose
or Santa Cruz, or if you just
want to advertise in a local
market - advertise on Fugitive
Call us now and find
out how to advertise
on the hottest local bay
area cable show
fugitive watch® news
jan - 12
23 .
Fugitive Watch Can Now Be Seen On
Comcast On-Demand Channel 1
Amador County, Amador City, Angels Camp,
Arnold, Avery, Calaveras, Douglas Flat,
Hathaway Pines, Jackson, Mokelumne Hill,
Murphys, Plymouth, San Andreas, Sutter
Creek, Vallecito, Valley Springs, Wallace
Healdsburg, Cloverdale, Windsor,
Sonoma Co., Geyerville, Forestville
Antelope, Carmichael, Citrus Heights, Elk
Grove, Elverta, Fair Oaks, Folsom, Galt,
Gold River, Mather, McCellan, N. Highlands,
Orangevale, Rancho Cordova, Represa, Rio
Linda, Sacramento, Sacramento County,
Wilton, Government/Schools, McClellan AFB
Los Altos
Auburn Lake Trails, Cameron Park, Camino,
Cool, Diamond Springs, El Dorado, El
Dorado Hills, El Dorado County, Georgetown,
Placerville, Pollock Pines, Rescue, Shingle
Ballard, Buellton, Lompoc, Los Olivos, Orcutt,
Santa Maria, Santa Ynez, Solvang, Vandeberg Village, Mission Hills
Benecia, Vallejo
Biggs, Butte County, Gridley, Magalia, Oroville, Palermo, Paradise, Gridley
Brentwood, Oakley, Byron, Knightsen, Bethel
Island, Discovery Bay
Lodi, Acampo, Lockeford, Victor, Woodbrindge,
Los Banos, Dos Palos
Los Gatos, Monte Soreno
Modesto, Stanislaus County (Modesto), Oakdale, Stanislaus County (Oakdale)
Monterey, Seaside, Salinas, Marina, Pebble
Beach, Carmel, Carmel Valley, Pacific Grove,
Del Rey Oaks, Sand City
Mountain View
Castro Valley
Oakland, Piedmont, Emeryville
Colusa, Colusa County, Live Oak, Marysville,
Olivehurst, Sutter, Sutter County, Wheatland,
Yuba City, Yuba County, Beale AFB
Palo Alto, Woodside, Portola Valley, Atherton,
East Palo Alto, Menlo Park, Stanford and
portions of San Mateo County & Santa Clara
Patterson, Newman, Crows Landing, Grayson
Dublin, Livermore, Pleasanton, San Ramon,
Fairfield, Susuin City
Grass Valley, Nevada City, Nevada County,
Penn Valley, Rough & Ready
Hayward, San Lorenzo, San Leandro
San Jose, Campbell
Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley, Capitola, Soquel,
Boulder Creek, Ben Lomond, Felton, Rio Del
Mar and Aptos
Davis, Yolo County
San Francisco
Merced, Atwater, Winton, Lake Area, Beachwood Area, Castle Business Park, Chowchilla
Butte County, Chico, Durham
Danville, Alamo, Concord, Concord NWS,
Clayton, Clyde, Martinez
Roseville, Placer County
Marin, San Rafael, Sausalito, Tiburon, San
Anselmo, San Geronimo, San Quentin, San
Alsemo, Belvedere Tiburon, Corte Madera,
Fairfax, Larkspur, Mill Valley, Kentfield, Woodacre, Lagunitas, Ross
Burlingame, Millbrae
Daly City, Pacifica, Colma, Broadmoor,
Rio Vista
San Mateo, Belmont, San Carlos, Redwood
City, Foster City, Hillsborough, Emerald Hills
Napa, Yountville, Sonoma, St. Helena, Glen
Ellen, American Canyon
Madera, Visalia, Tulare, Lemoore, Kings
County, Corcoran,
Laton, Fowler, Hanford, Visalia, Riverdale
Richmond, El Cerrito
Petaluma, Rohnert Park, Cotati, Sebastopol
& Surrounding Areas, Pennigrove, Graton,
Bodega Bay, Occidental, Camp Meeker,
Cazadero, Graton
Pinole, Rodeo, Crockett, Port Costa, portions
of El Sobrante
Pittsburg, Antioch, Bay Point
Pleasant Hill, Lafayette, Orinda, Moraga,
Rossmoor, Sm. Portions of Walnut Creek
Reedley, Sanger, Selma, Dinuba, Kingsburg,
Fowler, Kerman, Mendota, Firebaugh, San
Joaquin, Parlier, Del Rey, Fresno, Clovis,
San Pablo, Albany, Kensington, portions of El
South San Francisco
Stockton, Linden, French Camp, Lathrop,
Tracy, San Joaquin County (Tracy), Mountain
Travis AFB
Union City
Walnut Creek
Santa Clara
Santa Nella, Gustine
Santa Rosa, Kenwood
Word Search Answers
fugitive watch® news
jan - 12
24 .

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