May 2012
Los Fugitivos • Bilingual In Memory of MANY, In Honor of ALL National Police Week 2012 fugitive watch® news MAY - 12 fw Featured Fugitives ID Fugitive Want Page 12-132 Vitaliy Nikalayevich Assault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 12-130Unknown Assault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 01-688 Daniel Bramila Murder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Voto Para 12-134 Unknown Indecent Exposure . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Andrés Manuel López Obrador 12-89Unknown Murder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Confia en el candidato Andrés Manuel López Obrador Para El Presidente de la Republica Mexicana 12-126 Joaquin Brambila Vasquez Murder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 12-87Unknown Fraud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 12-67 Attempted Murder. . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Jesus Chavez 2 . 12-122 Unknown Bank Robbery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 12-106 Antonio Mendoza Attempted Murder. . . . . . . . . . . . 15 12-129Unknown Assault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 12-95Unknown Murder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 12-128 Gerardo Betancourt Parole Violation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 12-92Unknown Murder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 WANTED Table of Contents The Truth About Measure B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Most Wanted Fugitive Selling Time Shares in Mexico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Decomisan 32 Toneladas De Precursores Químicos En Colima. . . . . . . 5 Fugitive Watch Salutes All Military Service Members. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Police Memorial History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Movies to Watch on Memorial Day. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Parenting Teens Just Got Easier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Movie Critic’s Corner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Word Search. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Pistoleros Interrogan A Coordinador De Cereso En Chihuahua. . . . . . . 13 Fugitive Watch Factoids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Business Sponsors Web Watch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Bustin’ Up. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Ejercito Se Lleva A 175 Agentes En Monterrey Por Posible Nexo Con El Narco. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Fugitive Watch : Comcast On Demand. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Fugitive Watch® Productions,Inc. © 2011 No part of this publication may be reproduced without express permission from Fugitive Watch® Productions, Inc. Opinions expressed in the publication are not necessarily those of Fugitive Watch® Productions., Inc. Fugitive Watch does not endorse or assume any responsibility for any products or services advertised in this publication. Fugitive Watch News distributes 25,000 newspapers throughout the Santa Clara County free drop points in over 200 business locations such as: Train Stations, Transit Malls, Denny’s Restaurant, Public Libraries, colleges, coffee shops, medical offices, restaurants, government buildings, and many others. Pass-along reaches over 35,000. By submitting information to Fugitive Watch, you grant Fugitive Watch a perpetual, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, modify, publish, distribute, and otherwise exercise all copyright and publicity rights with respect to that information at its sole discretion, including storing it on Fugitive Watch servers and incorporating it in other works in any media now known or later developed including, without limitation, published books. If you do not wish to grant Fugitive Watch these rights, it is suggested you do not submit information to this publication or televised production. Fugitive Watch reserves the right to select, edit and arrange submissions, and to remove information from the Fugitive Watch website at any time at its sole discretion. Fugitive Watch does not endorse or assume any responsibility for any products or services featured in our newspaper or television show. Disclaimer: Fugitive Watch in no way warrants, vouches for, or authenticates the accuracy, timeliness, or reliability of the information contained herein. Before any arrests are made, or criminal charges filed, any information contained herein should be corroborated with other reliable evidence, sources, and applicable governmental documentation. NOTICIA: Todas las personas representadas son presumidas de ser inocente a menos que resultara culpable en un tribunal de justicia. El y Fugitivos anotaciones que aparecen en este sitio son MARCAS REGISTRADAS y NO una expresión de hecho o de opinión. This publication brought to you by: Managing Editors •Scott Castruita •Steve Ferdin Production Director •Marilouise Salsiccia TV Producer & Director • Marc Hinch • Oscar Lugo Staff Reporter • Josh Ino Sales • Steve Ferdin • Russ Keven Fugitive Watch Productions Inc., including any predecessor or affiliated companies, does not represent or endorse the accuracy or reliability of any of the advertisements or other information accessed directly or indirectly from host advertisements contained in this publication, nor the quality of any products, information or other materials displayed, purchased or obtained by any consumer, as a result of an advertisement or any other information or offer in connection with the service or products. 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(408) 729-7737 PMB #228 • 353-E East Tenth St. Gilroy, CA 95020-6577 Phone: (408) 729-7737 • Website: e-mail: fugitive watch® news MAY - 12 fw The Truth About Measure B By Damian Bortolotti Mayor Reed goes to great lengths to claim that Measure B is reasonable “reform.” If that is the case, then why are many San Jose police officers ready to head for the hills if Reed’s scheme is approved by voters this June? The simple answer is that Measure B will slash the take home pay of officers so badly that it will force many of them to leave the San Jose Police Department and take jobs with other agencies to earn a living wage. San Jose’s officers are already the lowest paid police in the bay area, and they pay more into their retirement than any other police agency in the region. Some people may think that officers leaving is to be expected and it won’t be that big of a problem, but when you lose 200+ officers in the next two years or less it will be impossible to replace them fast enough. The City is planning on having two police academies of 35 officers each completed by the end of 2013. Normally, about 20% of the trainees do not complete the academy so this doesn’t come close to making up for that huge loss of man power. Since the San Jose Police Department is already below the minimum number of officers needed to police the city effectively, this will be a recipe for disaster. I personally know of over 30 officers that are now near their end of their hiring process with other police agencies, and I am sure there are at least that many more that I don’t know about. Many are fed up and aren’t going to wait around to see what happens with Measure B. You may be thinking that there can’t possibly be 200+ police jobs out there. Just as an example, The San Francisco Police Department alone is planning on hiring well over 200 officers in the next 2 to 3 years in order to replace an aging group of officers that will be retiring. They are heavily recruiting San Jose officers as we speak and have already hired five. San Francisco police officers are paid much more and have a good retirement plan. Other cities in the bay area also know that they can avoid the high costs to hire and train new recruits because they will be able to draw on the highly trained San Jose officers that are ready to join the exodus. Why hire San Jose police officers and not train recruits? This is because San Jose officers are experienced and well trained. Fresh recruits 3 . in contrast cost approximately $150,000 per officer to hire and train. As of this writing, 53 officers have already resigned from the San Jose Police Department and moved on to some of these other police agencies. Of the 66 officers that were laid off last year, 30 of them declined when offered their jobs back. Add that to the 53 and you have 83 officers lost; 83 officers that the city of San Jose paid roughly $12,450,000 to hire and train. So what is the driving force that is causing this to happen? What is it about Measure B that is so horrible? In a nutshell, Measure B does not change a current officers’ pension; instead it makes the officers pay more of their salary into their retirement.......much more. I will try to lay it out as simply as I can. Just for reference here is what officers were paying into their retirement in the 2009-2010 fiscal year: • % of base pay paid into retirement: 8.18% • % paid into retiree medical : 4.78% • Total base pay reduction: 12.96% This is what San Jose officers currently pay into retirement: • % of base pay paid into retirement:10.38% • % paid into retiree medical : 7.01% • Total base pay reduction: 17.39% This coming July the percentages taken out of base pay will increase. (This will happen regardless of whether Measure B passes or not): • % of base pay paid into retirement: 11.13% • % paid into retiree medical: 8.26% • Total base pay reduction: 19.36% In addition, San Jose police officers agreed to a 10% pay cut that began in July of 2011 and will be in effect at least until June of 2013. That puts the current take home pay reduction at 27.39%, and it will bump up to 29.39% when the new fiscal year starts this July. That is almost a 30% pay reduction that officers are already going to be struggling with. Measure B will take even more. Specifically I want to point out sections 6(c) and 15(c) of the initiative. What those sections say is that current employees will be required to contribute either an additional 16% of their salary into their retirement, or if that section is continued on page 4 HOTLINE: 1-800-9CAUGHT EMAIL: all persons depicted in this publication are presumed to be innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law. do not attempt under any circumstance to apprehend any persons depicted in this publication. all persons may be considered armed and dangerous by law enforcement. please call the fugitive hotline number (se habla español) or 9-1-1 for an immediate sighting. Please call the Fugitive Watch hot line at 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) or text us at 408-355-0999 to send a confidential email tip, if you know his whereabouts. Por favor llame la línea de Los Fugitivos en 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) o texto en 408-355-0999 o envia un email a, si usted sabe su paradero. • The San Francisco Police Department is currently seeking Vitaliy Nikolayevich Spichak on a warrant charging him with assault. According to detectives, on December 10th, 2006, Spichak and a 36 year old man were standing in front of a building at 1335 Washington Street. Spitchak then repeatedly stabbed the victim after an argument. Spitchak then fled the scene and is still at large. He may be traveling between the US and Russia. FUGITIVE WATCH 1-800-9CAUGHT 12-132 Vitaliy Nikolayevich assault / asalto FUGITIVE WATCH 1-800-9CAUGHT Measure B, continued from page 3 found to be illegal in court, the city will instead take 16% in pay cuts over the next five years. The cuts would be in 4% increments starting in July of 2013 and topping out in July of 2016. If that weren’t bad enough, Measure B also calls for employees to pay for half the cost of retiree medical. For police, half of the cost is 16% of base pay. That would basically double the percentage that officers pay for retiree medical from 8.26% to 16%. So to break it down more simply with round numbers: • % base pay reduction that will be in effect this July regardless of what happens with Measure B: 29% • additional payment into retirement (or pay cut) if Measure B passes: 16% • Additional percentage paid into retiree medical if measure B passes: 8% The percentage that an officers’ pay would be reduced as of July of 2016 (This is before taxes and health/dental costs): 53% As mentioned above, San Jose officers voluntarily gave up 10% of their pay at the beginning of the 2011-12 fiscal year. The City has stated that they want this pay cut to be on-going. Because of this, I am assuming this 10% cut will still be in effect come July of 2016. San Jose Police Officers would go from having their pay reduced by 12.96% in 2009 to 53% in 2016! Now Mayor Reed and his supporters on the city council like to say that city employees can avoid having all this extra money taken out of their checks by opting in to the “VEP” (Voluntary Election Program). But they always forget to mention that the VEP does not exist yet, and probably won’t exist for a long long time. Section 7 of Measure B talks about this VEP that employees could theoretically opt into. It is a retirement plan that reduces the benefits employees accrue going forward. The city says if employees opt into this VEP plan they can avoid having all that additional money taken out of their checks. states in the second sentence of that section, “The implementation of the VEP is contingent upon receipt of IRS approval.” Well, San Jose has not received that approval. In fact, Orange County (among others) has been trying MAY- 12 fw 4 to get IRS approval for their similar plan for four years without success. Most legal experts say that getting such approval is unlikely since it would involve changing the federal tax code. Changing the tax code means the U.S. Congress must get involved. In other words, the city will be attempting to force its employees into a VEP that does not and will not exist. Since there is no VEP, all city employees will have to choose between having their take home pay drastically cut, or resigning. Even the Mercury News seems to get this. Here is an excerpt from one of their editorials from November of last year: “But the plan is pending IRS approval. Welcome to the club. Some 25 similar plans have been submitted since 2005, when the IRS placed a moratorium on them, apparently to come up with a consistent standard. Six years have passed with no action, and for all anybody knows, it could be another six before the IRS rules.” Mayor Reed constantly says these reforms are “reasonable”. But he will not break it down and show the public these numbers and facts because he knows the majority of people would not support it. How could anyone think that taking 53% from an employee’s paycheck is reasonable? He knows that because Measure B is long and complicated, most people will not take the time to read it. So the public remains uninformed. They appear to be about to vote yes on something that will drive San Jose police officers to other agencies much faster than the City will be able to hire and train replacements. The intent of Measure B is to restore city services including public safety. But it will do just the opposite. Damain Bortolotti is a San Jose Police Sergeant and is also a member of the San Jose Police Officers’ Association Board of Directors fugitive watch® news Most Wanted Fugitive Selling Time Shares Rene Morales Munoz had been able to elude law enforcement for years. In February, 2011, a tip was called in regarding a possible location out of the country. Munoz had entered Mexico under an assumed name and took up residency in Puerto Vallarta. The tip proved to be legitimate, Munoz was located at a resort selling time shares to tourists. Munoz, a Texas Mexican Mafia gang member, wanted for a Murder in Frio County, Texas and Parole Violation, was also wanted by the US Marshals for Kidnapping, Aggravated Assault and Sexual Assault. It is alleged that on January 15th, 2005, he held a woman hostage as a sex slave for 6 days when he savagely beat her when she tried to escape. He was arrested and then released on bail. While out on bail, it is alleged he was driving the car used in the gang murder Hector Martinez because Martinez refused to pay the Mexican Mafia for permission to sell drugs in Texas. MAY - 12 fw in Mexico On May 2, 2012, 14 months after receiving the first tip of 3 tips, Munoz was arrested in Nueva Vallarta, Nayarit, Mexico by Mexican Immigration agents and detained in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. On the morning of May 3, 2012, the Mexico City Foreign Field Office was able to coordinate his deportation to Houston, Texas. Munoz was accompanied on the plane by the US Marshals. Munoz was then transported to a Federal detention center without incident. Be aware when visiting Mexican resorts. We have received many tips about American fugitives working in resorts. 5 . Decomisan 32 Toneladas De Precursores Químicos En Colima Elementos de la Procuraduría General de la República y de la Secretaría de Marina-Armada de México decomisaron en el puerto de Manzanillo, Colima, casi 37 toneladas de precursores químicos que sirven para la elaboración de drogas sintéticas. En el operativo, en el que participó el Servicio de Administración Tributaria, se inmovilizaron los contenedores con matrículas CNIU2162294 y FSCU3358255, los cuales contenían un total de 32 mil 670 kilogramos de metilamina. La sustancia provenía de China con destino final a México. La delegación de la PGR en Colima inició averiguación previa para investigar y des- lindar las responsabilidades legales que resulten procedentes. Los contenedores se encuentran bajo la custodia y resguardo permanente de la Secretaría Armada de México, en el recinto fiscal de la Aduana de Manzanillo. fugitive watch® news fw Fugitive Watch Salutes All Our Military Service Members The sheer number of dead soldiers, both Union and Confederate, meant that burial and memorialization would become important following the war. People in towns, particularly women, had buried the dead and decorated graves during the war. In 1865, the federal government began a program of creating national cemeteries for the Union dead. Following President Abraham Lincoln’s assassination in April 1865, there were a variety of events of commemoration. The first known observance of a Memorial Day-type observance was in Charleston, South Carolina on May 1, 1865. During the war, Union soldiers who were prisoners of war had been held at the Charleston Race Course; at least 257 Union prisoners died there and were hastily buried in unmarked graves. Freed slaves knew of the Union dead and decided to honor them. Together with teachers and missionaries, freed slaves in Charleston organized a May Day ceremony covered by the New York Tribune and other national papers. It came to be called the “First Decoration Day” in the North. Beforehand the freed slaves had cleaned up and landscaped the burial ground, building an enclosure and an arch labeled, “Martyrs of the Race Course.” Nearly ten thousand people, mostly freed slaves, gathered on May 1 to commemorate the dead Union soldiers. Involved were 3,000 school children newly enrolled in freed slave schools, Union troops, and black ministers and white northern missionaries. Most brought flowers to lay on the burial field. The historian David Blight described the day: “This was the first Memorial Day. African Americans invented Memorial Day in Charleston, South Carolina. What you have there is black Americans recently freed from slavery announcing to the world with their flowers, their feet, and their songs what the War had been about.” MAY - 12 6 . fugitive watch® news MAY - 12 fw Police Memorial History Each year during the week of May 15, groups of people gather together to honor the memory of a member of their family. Surviving spouses grieving a lost partner; children missing a parent; older couples who have survived their son or daughter; brothers, sisters, fellow peace officers – so many of us commemorate National Police Week as participants of a Peace Officers’ Memorial Service. California Peace Officers’ Memorial Ceremonies have been conducted in the State Capitol since 1977. It is a ceremony that honors the officers who have fallen in the line-of-duty the preceding year, recognizing the sacrifice of those loved and left behind. On May 13, 1988 hundreds of the cities’, counties’ and states’ finest were gathered for the dedication ceremony . Visitors stared at the three figures looking out into the grassy, tree-lined park. The bronze figure represents an evolution of California law enforcement depicted by a county sheriff of the 1880s, a state traffic officer of the 1930s, and a city patrolman of the 1980s. To give real meaning to the piece, there is a woman comforting a child, in bronze sculpture, life-sized and seated facing the monument. Placed alongside the woman, on the bench lies an American flag folded into a triangle. Inscribed on the front of the pedestal of the principal monument are the simple, yet meaningful words “in the line-of-duty.” As the brick planter that contains individual plaques bearing the names of fallen peace officers was unveiled, the pride and sense of honor emerged from everyone present and was almost overwhelming. “We pledge our best efforts to stand behind the men and women who stand behind the badge,” said Gov. Deukmejian in dedicating the memorial. Word Search answers on page 23 7 . fugitive watch® news fw MAY - 12 8 . HOTLINE: 1-800-9CAUGHT EMAIL: all persons depicted in this publication are presumed to be innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law. do not attempt under any circumstance to apprehend any persons depicted in this publication. all persons may be considered armed and dangerous by law enforcement. please call the fugitive hotline number (se habla español) or 9-1-1 for an immediate sighting. Continue to expand limits, giving your teen more freedom while still under your supervision. Remind yourself that, “This, too, shall pass” when your teen’s choices seem so crazy and stupid you want to scream. The adolescent brain is under major reconstruction and this goofy behavior is temporary. It has nothing to do with your parenting. Keep the dialogue open with your teen. Talk honestly about your fears, concerns, joys and expectations. More importantly, listen to what s/he has to say, too. Be aware of when your fear gets in the way of you being an effective parent. A clue might be when you become irrational or overly reactive. Get help, if needed. Get support. Talk with other adults about your mixed feelings about this stage in family life. Swapping stories may normalize your situation. • On Sunday, April 1, my daughter and I competed in the Lavaman Triathlon in Hawaii. It was an International Triathlon: 1.5K swim, 40K bike ride, and 10K run. We trained with Team-in-Training and fundraised for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. I am very proud to share that we raised close to $10,000 to help find a cure for cancer. When I signed up for this adventure I didn’t own a bike and I didn’t even know how to swim. I was way out of my comfort zone. But with help I succeeded. As parents, we know this feeling. Not knowing what to do or how to do it. Or being inexperienced in a particular issue we may be facing with our teen. Being out of our comfort zones is part of parenting. Our parenting question this month comes from a mother here in the Bay Area. Help! What are reasonable ground rules to set for my son who is a senior? He is getting out of control. - Bay Area Parent Dear Bay Area Parent, Often, without realizing it, parents begin to constrict during senior year rather than releasing. Fear drives parents to pull in more rather than to let go more. And what are we afraid of? We are afraid of our child making a mistake. Parents are afraid to give freedom because they don’t want their teen to screw up. Yet, by making mistakes s/he will learn and grow! Mistakes are how we all learn. And the best time for a teen to make them is while at home, so parents can intervene if necessary. Parents Keep in Mind the Following: Remind yourself that mistakes are a part of life and that you can handle any problem that comes your way. Tell your teen that you will stand by his or her side during difficult times. FUGITIVE WATCH 1-800-9CAUGHT By Patt Saso FUGITIVE WATCH 1-800-9CAUGHT Parenting Teens Just Got Easier Parenting isn’t over once our teen leaves home. It usually continues until our young adult is financially independent. Now a days, that can be 25 years or older! So relax as much as you can while parenting. Know that our child WILL make mistakes. Unplanned and unexpected events WILL happen. And remind yourself you WILL handle whatever comes your way. If you really get stuck visit my website for resources. See you next month. Patt Saso, psychotherapist, author, speaker, helps people restore harmony within themselves and in their relationships. For more parenting tools visit MAY - 12 fw 9 12-130 unknown assault / asalto Santa Cruz County sheriff’s investigators have released a sketch of a man who accosted a female jogger on a local trail last week. The man approached a 25-year-old woman from behind as she was jogging on the Seascape Trail in the Fall Creek area of Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park at around 4:30 p.m. on May 2, according to the sheriff’s office. The man attempted to make conversation with the woman, who continued running, and then he began to chase her. She sprinted away and called 911 from a safe location, sheriff’s officials said. Deputies and park rangers searched the trails but could not locate the suspect, who was described as a white man in his 30s, 5 feet 10 inches tall, with a medium build and brown hair. On the day of the incident, he was wearing a black baseball cap, a black long-sleeve shirt and light-colored pants. Park-goers are encouraged to be aware of their surroundings, not to use trails alone, and to call 911 about suspicious individuals in the park, according to the sheriff’s office. Copyright © 2012 by Bay City News, Inc. -- Republication, Rebroadcast or any other Reuse without the express written consent of Bay City News, Inc. is prohibited. HOTLINE: 1-800-9CAUGHT EMAIL: 01-688 daniel bramila murder / asesinato The Salt Lake City Police Department in Utah is currently seeking Daniel Bramila on a 1/2 million dollar warrant charging him with Murder. Detectives report that May 26th 2001, Brambila allegedly stabbed his domestic partner to death. After committing the murder, Brambila fled the scene in the victim’s car. The car was later found abandoned and parked in Sunnyvale, California. Brambila uses the alias of Daniel Montez and speaks little english and has a red birth mark on the side of his face. It is believed that Brambila may have been arrested in Santa Clara County and released before it was determined he was wanted for murder. This photo of Bramila is over 11 years old. 1-800-9CAUGHT FUGITIVE WATCH 1-800-9CAUGHT all persons depicted in this publication are presumed to be innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law. do not attempt under any circumstance to apprehend any persons depicted in this publication. all persons may be considered armed and dangerous by law enforcement. please call the fugitive hotline number (se habla español) or 9-1-1 for an immediate sighting. MAY - 12 fw 10 12-134 Unknown indecent exposure / exibicionista sexual The Mountain View Police Department is asking for the public’s help in identifying the man in this police sketch. According to detectives the victim reported that this man allegedly twice exposed himself to the same victim about 15 months apart. One incident happened as the victim, a 13-year-old girl, was walking home from Crittenden School in the 100 block of North Rengstorff Avenue. The suspect was driving a red Jeep, possibly a Cherokee, and exposed himself as he sat in the vehicle. In February 2011, the same suspect exposed himself to the victim near Whisman Sports Pavilion on Middlefield Road. In neither incident did the suspect try to lure the girl into his car or approach her. Please call the Fugitive Watch hot line at 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) or text us at 408-355-0999 or send a confidential email tip, if you know the name of this man or have any information that can help solve this crime. It has been a great honor and privilege to serve the community for the last two decades. I would like to continue my two decades of public service for the benefit of all current and future residents. Together, we can make San Jose a better place to work, play, raise a family, and to retire. I humbly ask for your vote to re-elect me for my final term. Please help me spread the word by sharing this with your friends and neighbors and visit to follow my campaign. Thank you again for your support! Kansen Chu, Kansen Chu for San Jose City Council San Jose, CA Fugitive Watch Endorses Kansen Chu for Re-election to San Jose City Council District 4. HOTLINE: 1-800-9CAUGHT EMAIL: 12-89 unknown murder / asesinato Police have released a sketch of a suspect in the murder of a 42-year-old Watsonville man who was shot while mowing a lawn outside a southern Santa Cruz County home on Tuesday evening. Rafael Cendejas was shot and killed around 6:10 p.m. in the 300 block of Dutchman Road, sheriff’s spokeswoman Deputy April Skalland said. The neighborhood is located just north of Watsonville and east of Pinto Lake. Cendejas was mowing the lawn when someone got out of the car and opened fire, hitting him, Skalland said. The shooter then got back into the vehicle and left the scene. Please call the Fugitive Watch hot line at 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) or text us at 408-355-0999 or send a confidential email tip, if you know the name of this man or have any information that can help solve this crime. Por favor llame la línea de Los Fugitivos en 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) o texto en 408355-0999 o envia un email a, si usted tiene alguna información que pueda ayudar a resolver este crimen. Copyright © 2012 by Bay City News, Inc. Republication, Rebroadcast or any other Reuse without the express written consent of Bay City News, Inc. is prohibited. FUGITIVE WATCH 1-800-9CAUGHT all persons depicted in this publication are presumed to be innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law. do not attempt under any circumstance to apprehend any persons depicted in this publication. all persons may be considered armed and dangerous by law enforcement. please call the fugitive hotline number (se habla español) or 9-1-1 for an immediate sighting. MAY - 12 fw 11 12-126 Joaquin Brambila Vazquez Murder / asesinato The Tucson Police Department is currently seeking Joaquin Brambila Vazquez on a warrant charging him with First Degree Murder. Detectives report that on March 14, 2008, Martha Flores a mother of two children was found shot to death in her home in what later is discovered to be a case of Domestic Violence. Later that day, police found Vazquez at the Mother of Sorrows Hospital after he allegedly tried to kill himself by taking an overdose of medications and crashing Martha’s car. Police tried to interview him but he refused to answer any questions. He was then released from the hospital and fled before police were able to collect and analyze the DNA evidence connecting him to the murder. Tucson police now hold a warrant for Vazquez arrest. Vazquez may be staying with friends or relatives and is known to travel between the US and Mexico. Please call the Fugitive Watch hot line at 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) or text us at 408355-0999 to send a confidential email tip, if you know his whereabouts. Por favor llame la línea de Los Fugitivos en 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) o texto en 408355-0999 o envia un email a, si usted sabe su paradero. fugitive watch® news MAY - 12 fw 12 . Movie Critics Corner: The Man Who Fell to Earth Why bother talking about The Avengers? You’ve probably already seen it anyway. Instead, I’d like to talk about The Man Who Fell to Earth. I don’t really have a good reason why nor does it have anything to do with The Avengers in the slightest. Released in 1976, it features David Bowie in his first starring film role in his prime during the 70’s. Bowie proves to be a pretty natural actor. His alleged drug use also played towards his advantage in his role, as an extraterrestrial on Earth, which made him feel as alienated as his character. His performance laid the groundwork towards perhaps one of the most successful acting careers for a musician, in terms of ability at least. Thomas Newton comes to Earth on a mission to ship water back to his home planet that is facing a major drought. He gains financial stability by patenting the advance technology from his home world, in the attempt to build a craft to carry water back home, under the guise of his own cooperation. However, he falls victim to a girl named Mary, who introduces him to television and alcohol among other things, while also trying to keep his true identity to himself. One of the more peculiar outcomes of this movie would be Bowie’s 1977 album Low, my personal favorite album of his and also the first in his critically acclaimed Berlin trilogy. Director Nicolas Roeg rejected Bowie’s composition for the film, which he later reworked and made an entire studio album out of, even featuring a photograph from the movie as the album artwork. One of few complaints about The Man Who Fell to Earth would be this omission. Listening to the album, it’s strikingly apparent how well his score would fit perfectly with the surreal visuals on screen. It’s such a shame they were cut. Fans will also notice his Young Americans album staring right into the camera briefly during a scene in a record shop at the film’s conclusion. Interestingly enough, the movie was produced by Michael Deeley and Barry Spikings, who reunited two years later on the more wider known film, The Deer Hunter. Another fun fact is that author Michael Crichton was director Roeg’s first choice for lead role; Michael was more prevalent behind the camera during his career. Science fiction films had resurgence in the 1970’s; The Man Who Fell to Earth is one of the lesser known (space) oddities. By Steven Ferdin Jr. Movies To Watch On Memorial Day REVOLUTIONARY WAR The Patriot (2000) CIVIL WAR Gettysburg (1993) Glory (1989) The Horse Soldiers (1959) The Civil War PBS Series by Ken Burns (1990) BOXER REBELLION The Sand Pebbles (1966) WW 1 War Horse 2011 The Lost Battalion (2001) The Lighthorsemen (1987) Fly Boys (2006) All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) WW2 movies Schindler’s List (1993) The Great Raid (2005) The Thin Red Line (1998) Casablanca (1942) Flags Of Our Fathers (2006) Letters from Iwo Jima (2006) The Big Red One (1980) Das Boot (1981) Kelly’s Heroes (1970) The Longest Day (1962) The Pianist (2002) MacArthur (1977) Patton (1970) Battle of the Bulge (1965) Band of Brothers Series (2001) Pacific Series (2010) Victory at Sea Series (1952-1953) A Bridge to Far (1977) Stalag 17 (1953) Saving Private Ryan (1998) The Great Escape (1963) Memphis Belle (1990) Midway (1976) Miracle at St. Anna (2008) PT 109 (1963) Sink the Bismark (1960) Tora Tora Tora (1970) The Train (1964) Pearl Harbor (2001) Von Ryans’ Express (1965) Windtalkers (2002) Korean War movies The Manchurian Candidate (1962) MASH (1970) Pork Chop Hill (1959) Fix Bayonets (1951) The Bridges at Toko-Ri (1954) VIETNAM Héroes de Otra Patria (Heroes without a Cause) (1998) Platoon (1986) Full Metal Jacket (1987) Hamburger Hill (1987) We Were Soldiers (2002) SOMALIA Black Hawk Down (2001) Cold War movies Ice Station Zebra (1968) The Bedford Incident (1965) On the Beach (1959) The Odessa File (1974) The Hunt for Red October (1989) Iraq/Afganistan War Turtles Can Fly (2005) Restrepo (2010) Three Kings (1999) The Hurt Locker (2008) Jar Head (2005) Generation Kill (2008) fugitive watch® news The Editorial Board of Fugitive Watch Endorses the Following Candidates San Jose City Council District 2: Ash Kalra (FPPC# 1343638) District 4: Kansen Chu (FPPC# 1343133) District 6: Steve Kline (FPPC# 1343630) District 8: Patricia Martinez-Roach (FPPC# 1345523) The Editorial Board of Fugitive Watch Encourages Voters to VOTE NO on San Jose Measure “B”. Steven Pogue for Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge fw MAY - 12 13 . Pistoleros Interrogan A Coordinador De Cereso En Chihuahua Un video, en donde se observan a cinco hombres fuertemente armados, quienes apuntan e interrogan a un hombre que viste uniforme policiaco, y quien se identifica como César Pérez. La grabación dura poco más de un minuto, y en el video el hombre confiesa ser el coordinador del CERESO Estatal de Casas Grandes, Chihuahua. El hombre durante la grabación confiesa que varios mandos trabajan para el Cártel de Sinaloa, y que reciben indicaciones directamente de Joaquín El Chapo Guzmán. Se informó que el hombre fue liberado por el comando armado, y al parecer César Pérez ha huido de México. El vídeo puede ser visto en el sitio de Fugitive Watch www. fugitive watch® news fw MAY - 12 14 . HOTLINE: 1-800-9CAUGHT EMAIL: 12-87 unknown fraud / fraude The Orange County Sheriff’s Department is asking for the public’s help in identifying the suspect in this sketch. Deputies report that on Sunday, March 11, 2012, at about 12 noon, this suspect entered The Jig Shop, located at 34186 Pacific Coast Highway, Dana Point, and inquired about fishing rods and reels. After two hours of shopping the suspect agreed to purchase 4 rods and 4 reels at a cost of $2,917.86. The suspect wrote a check and provided fictitious identification. The suspect also showed the clerk a star shaped badge and said he was a deputy sheriff from Mission Viejo. The suspect refused to remove the fictitious identification from his wallet to be photocopied; it could only be copied through the plastic window of the wallet. The issuing bank later contacted the victim and advised him of the fraudulent activity. Please call the Fugitive Watch hot line at 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) or text us at 408-355-0999 or send a confidential email tip, if you know the name of this man or have any information that can help solve this crime. MAY- 12 fw 15 12-67 Jesus Chavez attempted murder / asalto Deputies are trying to locate a suspect in a stabbing this morning east of San Jose that sent a female victim to the hospital, Santa Clara County sheriff’s officials said. The victim was found suffering from a stab wound at 9:12 a.m. near the corner of Mount Hamilton Road and Ridgeview Way in an unincorporated area, sheriff’s officials said. She was transported to a hospital, and authorities have not disclosed her condition. The sheriff’s office is seeking a possible suspect in the stabbing, identified as Jesus Chavez, 43, from the San Mateo County area. Chavez was seen leaving the scene of the stabbing in a white four-door Lexus with California license plate number 6KMY367, sheriff’s officials said. Please call the Fugitive Watch hot line at 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) or text us at 408355-0999 to send a confidential email tip, if you know his whereabouts. Por favor llame la línea de Los Fugitivos en 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) o texto en 408355-0999 o envia un email a, si usted sabe su paradero. Copyright © 2012 by Bay City News, Inc. -- Republication, Rebroadcast or any other Reuse without the express written consent of Bay City News, Inc. is prohibited. 12-122 unknown Bank Robbery / robo de banco The St. Johns County Sheriff’s Office is asking for the public’s help in identifying the man in this photo. According to Corporal Catherine Payne, deputies were dispatched to the Johns Creek branch of Well’s Fargo Bank located at 2841 CR-210 West in St Johns, on a report of a bank robbery. According to SJSO Corporal Payne, the suspect allegedly displayed a note to bank employees; however, it was not reported if a firearm or other weapon was involved. The suspect is described as a white male, approximately 5’07, with short blonde hair. Please call the Fugitive Watch hot line at 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) or text us at 408-355-0999 or send a confidential email tip, if you know the name of this man or have any information that can help solve this crime. Por favor llame la línea de Los Fugitivos en 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) o texto en 408355-0999 o envia un email a, si usted tiene alguna información que pueda ayudar a resolver este crimen. FUGITIVE WATCH 1-800-9CAUGHT • Por favor llame la línea de Los Fugitivos en 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) o texto en 408355-0999 o envia un email a, si usted tiene alguna información que pueda ayudar a resolver este crimen. FUGITIVE WATCH 1-800-9CAUGHT all persons depicted in this publication are presumed to be innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law. do not attempt under any circumstance to apprehend any persons depicted in this publication. all persons may be considered armed and dangerous by law enforcement. please call the fugitive hotline number (se habla español) or 9-1-1 for an immediate sighting. 12-106 antonio mendoza attempted murder / asalto The San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office is currently seeking on Antonio “Tony” Mendoza on warrant charging him with Attempted Murder. Detective Linda Gibbons reports that on Saturday, April 7th, 2012 at approximately 1:30 PM, a shooting occurred in the 300 block of 4th Ave., in the North Fair Oaks area of unincorporated Redwood City. Antonio “Tony” Mendoza was identified and described as a jealous ex-boyfriend who allegedly fired a handgun at the current boyfriend of his ex-girlfriend. Mendoza was a passenger in a vehicle which drove onto the 300 block of 4th Ave. and confronted his exgirlfriend and the victim. Mendoza shot at the victim who was not struck by the bullet and was not injured. After the shooting, Mendoza fled the area in a green or turquoise late 90’s Honda or Toyota 4-door driven by an unidentified male. A “no bail allowed” felony warrant has been issued by the San Mateo Co. Superior Court for Mendoza’s arrest. fugitive watch® news fw MAY - 12 16 . HOTLINE: 1-800-9CAUGHT EMAIL: all persons depicted in this publication are presumed to be innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law. do not attempt under any circumstance to apprehend any persons depicted in this publication. all persons may be considered armed and dangerous by law enforcement. please call the fugitive hotline number (se habla español) or 9-1-1 for an immediate sighting. Fremont police tonight released a sketch of a possible suspect in the fatal shooting of a 20-year-old man Thursday night. Officers responded to 4273 Central Ave. at about 11 p.m. on a report of gunshots heard and found the victim, a Fremont resident, unconscious in a driveway with a gunshot wound to the head. The man was transported to San Jose Regional Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead. His identity had not been released as of tonight. The suspect was described as a black man in his 20s with earrings in both ears. He was wearing a white T-shirt, police said. Please call the Fugitive Watch hot line at 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) or text us at 408-355-0999 or send a confidential email tip, if you know the name of this man or have any information that can help solve this crime. Por favor llame la línea de Los Fugitivos en 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) o texto en 408-355-0999 o envia un email a, si usted tiene alguna información que pueda ayudar a resolver este crimen. fw 17 12-129 • unknown Assault / asalto FUGITIVE WATCH 1-800-9CAUGHT 12-92 unknown murder / asesinato MAY - 12 12-128 gerardo betancourt parole violation / violación de libertad condicional The California Department of Corrections is currently seeking Gerardo Betancourt on a warrant charging him with Parole Violation. Agents report that Betancourt has failed to comply with the terms and conditions of his parole and is now considered a parolee at large. Betancourt is also being sought on a $20,000 warrant for allegedly failing to appear in court in Morgan Hill. He has a tattoo of lips on his neck with the name Annie and a tattoo of Jesus on his right hand and the Virgin Mary on his left hand and he may possibly be in the Morgan Hill and Gilroy areas. Please call the Fugitive Watch hot line at 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) or text us at 408355-0999 to send a confidential email tip, if you know his whereabouts. Por favor llame la línea de Los Fugitivos en 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) o texto en 408355-0999 o envia un email a, si usted sabe su paradero. FUGITIVE WATCH 1-800-9CAUGHT • Copyright © 2012 by Bay City News, Inc. -- Republication, Rebroadcast or any other Reuse without the express written consent of Bay City News, Inc. is prohibited. The San Francisco Police Department is actively investigating two incidents that happened in the Castro and Hayes Valley districts of San Francisco. Investigators are seeking the public’s assistance to identify the suspects in both incidents. The first incident occurred on March 29, 2012, at 2:30 AM on the 400 block of Castro. The second incident occurred on April 07, 2012, at 10:40 PM near the intersection of Market and Gough Streets. In both incidents, the suspects attacked the victims while yelling homophobic remarks. Investigators believe it is the same suspects in both incidents. The first suspect is described as a Hispanic male, 2530 years old, approximately 6 feet tall, 170 pounds, black hair and clean cut. The second suspect is described as white or Hispanic male, 25-30 years old, approximately 5 feet 7 inches tall, 150 pounds, blonde spiky hair. He was last seen wearing a black puffy jacket and blue jeans. A third suspect is a white or Hispanic male, approximately 5 feet 10 inches tall, 150 pounds with short blond hair and last seen wearing blue jeans. The suspects spoke with an East Coast or foreign accent. The San Francisco Police Department is also asking for any additional victims of a similar incident to come forward and contact investigators to file a report. 12-95 unknown attempted murder / asalto The Los Angeles Police Department is asking for the public’s help in identifying the man in these photos. Detective Iris Romeroreports that on January 28th 2012, at about 9:50 pm, this suspect allegedly entered a house on Main and 99th Streets and shot a victim several times, including the head. When the victim’s mother pleaded for her son’s life, the suspect allegedly shot her too. According to detectives, four children saw the shooter coming and hid in a closet. The suspect’s photos were recovered from video cameras in the area. The suspect is described as a thin, roughly 6-foot-2-inch black man in his 20s with light complexion. The photos appear to show the suspect carrying a gun in his right hand. Please call the Fugitive Watch hot line at 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) or text us at 408-355-0999 or send a confidential email tip, if you know the name of this man or have any information that can help solve this crime. Por favor llame la línea de Los Fugitivos en 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) o texto en 408-355-0999 o envia un email a, si usted tiene alguna información que pueda ayudar a resolver este crimen. fugitive watch® news • • • • • • 20 million seeds of all the worlds plants are stored in a special vault in Norway in case a worldwide disaster destroys all the earths plant life. 7,000 students drop out of school everyday. Thats a line of school desks 4 miles long. The U.S. produces about 75 billion chicken eggs a year, about 10% of the world supply. A person that kills another person in the US while driving drunk can not be extradited from Mexico under the current extradition treaty. 6.5 million boxes of the Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 were sold in 24 hours. A record for any video game. 1.5 million cannon balls were fired during the American Civil War. MAY - 12 fw Fugitive Watch Factoids • The average American worker spends $1,092 a year on coffee. • JP Morgan Chase lost $2 billion dollars in the last 6 weeks in risky investments. • Avocados are a fruit, not a vegetable. • 2 million Americans used guns to stop a crime last year. • Mexican authorities have seized more than 68,000 guns in the past five years that have been traced back to the United States. • In Europe the “Camorra” has killed more people than all other criminal organizations. 4,000 murders in the last 30 years. One murder every 3 days. Gains from illegal activities are reinvested in legal activities worldwide. It is believed they have invested in the rebuilding of the New York Twin Towers. • The World War Two combined Allied naval armada assembled to invade Japan would have been larger than for the Nomandy invasion of Europe. It would have been the largest ever assembled, including forty-two aircraft carriers, twenty-four battleships, and four hundred destroyers and destroyer escorts. Fourteen U.S. divisions were scheduled to take part in the initial landings. • The US Army landed on 2 beaches during the Normandy Invasion of Europe. • US Army and Marines planned to land on 23 beaches of Japan. • Between 1920 and 1951, Ed Leedskalnin single-handedly worked at night to build a castle made of coral in Florida. Using home made tools (no power or hydraulic tools), he 18 . carved 30-ton stones (larger than those at Stonehenge or the Great Pyramid) from the ground and made them vertical, and smooth on all four sides. No one has managed to solve the mystery of how he did it. Leedskalnin only had a 4th grade education and eventually died taking his secret with him. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Colonel Carrol A. Lake, stated that “Leedskalnin proved for all the world to see today that he knew the construction secrets of the ancients.” The castle is still being studied by scientists and is now a tourist attraction. • In 1915, US Army General George C. Patton was a young Army Lieutenant in the American Army’s invasion of Mexico, when he killed Mexican General Pancho Villa’s bodyguard General Cardenas. fugitive watch® news MAY - 12 fw 19 . Business Sponsors Web Watch Cash For Cars 408-292-4000 Bad Boys Bail Bonds 800-224-5688 Keith M. Cooper, DDS 408-253-4150 www.contemporarydentalarts. Luna Bail Bonds 1-877-422-BAIL (2245) Halpern Law Offices 408-286-8595 Target Master West (Indoor Shooting Range) 408-263-7468 Classic Car Wash (Coupons On-line) Gilroy Motorcycle Center, Inc. 408-842-9955 www.gilroymotorcyclecenter. Call 408.729.7737 Conklin Bros. (flooring) 800-750-2250 Kims Embroidery 408-264-7518 Call Fugitive Watch 408.729.7737 fugitive watch® news MAY - 12 fw 20 . Defense: “And are there lockers in that room?” intimidating Officer George during testimony. A cop’s testimony on the witness stand is vital to the prosecution’s case. Over the years, cops learn never to volunteer information, and to give direct and concise answers. Such was the case of the State of South Carolina v Willis. Officer George did not see the crime committed, but arrested the fleeing suspect based on a physical description given to him on the police radio. The defense lawyer was hoping to shoot down the prosecution’s case by Defense attorney: “Officer George, did you see my client, Mr. Willis, actually fleeing from the scene of the crime?” Officer George: “No, sir. I subsequently observed a person who matched the description of the suspect running several blocks from the scene of the crime.” Attorney: “And who gave you the description of the suspect?” Officer: “The officer who first arrived at the scene of the crime.” Attorney: “Your fellow officer, the one who gave you the description of the supposed offender. Do you trust the word of this officer?” Officer: “Yes, sir, I’d trust him with my life!” Seeing a chance to discredit the cop’s testimony, the defense lawyer sets a verbal trap: “You trust him with your life? That’s interesting. Tell me, Officer George, do you have a place where you change into your uniform before your daily duties?” Officer: “Yes sir.” Officer: “Yes sir, there are.” Defense: “And do you place a padlock on your locker?” Officer: “Yes sir, I do.” Lawyer: “Then explain to me, officer, why you trust the other officers with your life, yet you find it necessary to place a padlock on your locker in a room you share with these same officers?” Officer: “Well, sir, we share the building with the entire court complex, and sometimes lawyers might walk through our locker room.” fugitive watch® news 21 . MAY - 12 fw Ejercito se lleva a 175 agentes en Monterrey por posible nexo con el narco Elementos militares sitiaron las instalaciones de la Secretaría de Vialidad y Tránsito de Monterrey, en el cambio de turno, requiriendo a los agentes para trasladarlos a la Policía Ministerial del Estado Un total de 175 agentes de tránsito fueron retenidos y llevados a la Agencia Estatal de Investigaciones con el fin de tener sus datos y cotejarlos en el sistema Plataforma México. Cada uno de los elementos requeridos aportará sus datos y, en caso de que resulte con anomalías, es decir, nexos con delincuencia organizada, directa o indirectamente, será sujeto a proceso. Hasta el momento el municipio de Monterrey no ha informado los detalles de los operativos, aunque se establece que son desde agentes de crucero hasta capitanes los investigados. El operativo forma parte del control y pruebas de confianza y depuración que se realizan a las corporaciones tanto de policía, como de tránsito en todo el estado. fugitive watch® news fw MAY - 12 22 . fugitive watch® news MAY - 12 fw 23 . Fugitive Watch Can Now Be Seen On Comcast On-Demand Channel 1 Alameda Amador County, Amador City, Angels Camp, Arnold, Avery, Calaveras, Douglas Flat, Hathaway Pines, Jackson, Mokelumne Hill, Murphys, Plymouth, San Andreas, Sutter Creek, Vallecito, Valley Springs, Wallace Healdsburg, Cloverdale, Windsor, Sonoma Co., Geyerville, Forestville Antelope, Carmichael, Citrus Heights, Elk Grove, Elverta, Fair Oaks, Folsom, Galt, Gold River, Mather, McCellan, N. Highlands, Orangevale, Rancho Cordova, Represa, Rio Linda, Sacramento, Sacramento County, Wilton, Government/Schools, McClellan AFB Los Altos Auburn Lake Trails, Cameron Park, Camino, Cool, Diamond Springs, El Dorado, El Dorado Hills, El Dorado County, Georgetown, Placerville, Pollock Pines, Rescue, Shingle Springs Ballard, Buellton, Lompoc, Los Olivos, Orcutt, Santa Maria, Santa Ynez, Solvang, Vandeberg Village, Mission Hills Benecia, Vallejo Berkeley Biggs, Butte County, Gridley, Magalia, Oroville, Palermo, Paradise, Gridley Brentwood, Oakley, Byron, Knightsen, Bethel Island, Discovery Bay Hercules Lodi, Acampo, Lockeford, Victor, Woodbrindge, Los Banos, Dos Palos Los Gatos, Monte Soreno Milpitas Modesto, Stanislaus County (Modesto), Oakdale, Stanislaus County (Oakdale) Monterey, Seaside, Salinas, Marina, Pebble Beach, Carmel, Carmel Valley, Pacific Grove, Del Rey Oaks, Sand City Mountain View Castro Valley Oakland, Piedmont, Emeryville Colusa, Colusa County, Live Oak, Marysville, Olivehurst, Sutter, Sutter County, Wheatland, Yuba City, Yuba County, Beale AFB Palo Alto, Woodside, Portola Valley, Atherton, East Palo Alto, Menlo Park, Stanford and portions of San Mateo County & Santa Clara County Patterson, Newman, Crows Landing, Grayson Dublin, Livermore, Pleasanton, San Ramon, Sunol Fairfield, Susuin City Fremont Grass Valley, Nevada City, Nevada County, Penn Valley, Rough & Ready Hayward, San Lorenzo, San Leandro San Jose, Campbell Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley, Capitola, Soquel, Boulder Creek, Ben Lomond, Felton, Rio Del Mar and Aptos Novato Davis, Yolo County San Francisco Merced, Atwater, Winton, Lake Area, Beachwood Area, Castle Business Park, Chowchilla Butte County, Chico, Durham Danville, Alamo, Concord, Concord NWS, Clayton, Clyde, Martinez Roseville, Placer County Marin, San Rafael, Sausalito, Tiburon, San Anselmo, San Geronimo, San Quentin, San Alsemo, Belvedere Tiburon, Corte Madera, Fairfax, Larkspur, Mill Valley, Kentfield, Woodacre, Lagunitas, Ross Burlingame, Millbrae Daly City, Pacifica, Colma, Broadmoor, Brisbane Rio Vista San Mateo, Belmont, San Carlos, Redwood City, Foster City, Hillsborough, Emerald Hills Napa, Yountville, Sonoma, St. Helena, Glen Ellen, American Canyon Newark Cupertino Madera, Visalia, Tulare, Lemoore, Kings County, Corcoran, Laton, Fowler, Hanford, Visalia, Riverdale Richmond, El Cerrito Petaluma, Rohnert Park, Cotati, Sebastopol & Surrounding Areas, Pennigrove, Graton, Bodega Bay, Occidental, Camp Meeker, Cazadero, Graton Pinole, Rodeo, Crockett, Port Costa, portions of El Sobrante Pittsburg, Antioch, Bay Point Pleasant Hill, Lafayette, Orinda, Moraga, Rossmoor, Sm. Portions of Walnut Creek Reedley, Sanger, Selma, Dinuba, Kingsburg, Fowler, Kerman, Mendota, Firebaugh, San Joaquin, Parlier, Del Rey, Fresno, Clovis, San Pablo, Albany, Kensington, portions of El Sobrante Saratoga South San Francisco Stockton, Linden, French Camp, Lathrop, Manteca Sunnyvale Tracy, San Joaquin County (Tracy), Mountain House Travis AFB Union City Vacaville Walnut Creek Santa Clara Santa Nella, Gustine Santa Rosa, Kenwood Word Search Answers fugitive watch® news fw MAY - 12 24 .
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