August 2013 - Fugitive Watch
August 2013 - Fugitive Watch
August 2013 FREE gratis Los Más Buscados • Bilingual Officer Robert Hornsby Killeen Police Department Texas Corporal Mike Wilson Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office, Florida fugitive watch® news Table of Contents Does Madison Nguyen Believe Private Security is the Answer?. . . . . . . . 4 2 . aug - 13 fw Featured Fugitives ID Fugitive Want Page 13-253 Ivan Rodriguez Murder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Asesinan en Oaxaca a Sixto López, Defensor de Derechos . . . . . . . . . . . 7 13-254Unknown Robbery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Permanent Residents Get a Green Light To Petition for Immediate Family Members. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 12-332 Jason Derek Brown Murder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 13-257 Unknown Bank Robbery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Burglary Suspect Arrested. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 13-261Unknown Assault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Fugitive Watch Factoids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 13-263 Derrick Estell Escape. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 In Memoriam. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 13-264 Unknown Bank Robbery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Did an Angel Appear at the Scene of a Car Accident?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 13-265 Unknown Bank Robbery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Apprehended. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 13-266 Unknown Bank Robbery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Durante Funerales EPN Honra Trabajo de Marinos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 13-240 Antonio Keshawn Raglin Hit & Run. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Movie Critics Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 13-252 Jorge Gomez San Jose Police Get No Pay Raise. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Failure to Appear . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 13-270 Emmanuel Sanchez-Martinez 13-249Unknown Murder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Theft. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 WANTED Fugitive Watch® Productions,Inc. © 2013 No part of this publication may be reproduced without express permission from Fugitive Watch® Productions, Inc. Opinions expressed in the publication are not necessarily those of Fugitive Watch® Productions., Inc. Fugitive Watch does not endorse or assume any responsibility for any products or services advertised in this publication. Fugitive Watch News distributes 25,000 newspapers throughout the Santa Clara County free drop points in over 200 business locations such as: Train Stations, Transit Malls, Denny’s Restaurant, Public Libraries, colleges, coffee shops, medical offices, restaurants, government buildings, and many others. Pass-along reaches over 35,000. By submitting information to Fugitive Watch, you grant Fugitive Watch a perpetual, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, modify, publish, distribute, and otherwise exercise all copyright and publicity rights with respect to that information at its sole discretion, including storing it on Fugitive Watch servers and incorporating it in other works in any media now known or later developed including, without limitation, published books. If you do not wish to grant Fugitive Watch these rights, it is suggested you do not submit information to this publication or televised production. Fugitive Watch reserves the right to select, edit and arrange submissions, and to remove information from the Fugitive Watch website at any time at its sole discretion. Fugitive Watch does not endorse or assume any responsibility for any products or services featured in our newspaper or television show. Disclaimer: Fugitive Watch in no way warrants, vouches for, or authenticates the accuracy, timeliness, or reliability of the information contained herein. Before any arrests are made, or criminal charges filed, any information contained herein should be corroborated with other reliable evidence, sources, and applicable governmental documentation. NOTICIA: Todas las personas representadas son presumidas de ser inocente a menos que resultara culpable en un tribunal de justicia. El y Fugitivos anotaciones que aparecen en este sitio son MARCAS REGISTRADAS y NO una expresión de hecho o de opinión. This publication brought to you by: Managing Editors •Scott Castruita •Steve Ferdin Production Director •Marilouise Salsiccia TV Producer & Director • Marc Hinch Staff Reporter • Josh Ino Sales • Steve Ferdin • Robert Kutz Fugitive Watch Productions Inc., including any predecessor or affiliated companies, does not represent or endorse the accuracy or reliability of any of the advertisements or other information accessed directly or indirectly from host advertisements contained in this publication, nor the quality of any products, information or other materials displayed, purchased or obtained by any consumer, as a result of an advertisement or any other information or offer in connection with the service or products. Fugitive Watch Productions Inc., shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions contained within any 3rd party advertisement contained within its publication, and reserves the right to make changes and regulate content without notice. Accordingly, Fugitive Watch Productions Inc., and 3rd party information are provided “AS IS.” You, the consumer, acknowledge that any reliance upon any materials shall be at your sole risk. FUGITIVE WATCH PRODUCTIONS INC., EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT, WITH RESPECT TO THE SERVICE OR ANY MATERIALS AND PRODUCTS. In no event shall Fugitive Watch Productions Inc., be liable for any damages, whatsoever, and in particular, shall not be liable for direct, indirect, consequential, incidental, or punitive damages, or damages of lost profits, loss of revenue, or loss of use, arising out of related to any portion of this publication or the information contained in it, whether such damages arise in contract, negligence, tort, under statute, in equity, at law or otherwise. The and Fugitive notations appearing in this publication are TRADEMARKS and NOT an expression of fact or opinion. For advertising rates and information, please write or call: Fugitive Watch® Productions, Inc. (408) 729-7737 PMB #228 • 353-E East Tenth St. Gilroy, CA 95020-6577 Phone: (408) 729-7737 • Website: e-mail: fugitive watch® news fw aug- 13 3 . Gilroy Motorcycle Center 7661 Monterey St • Gilroy, CA 95020 • 408.842.9955 fugitive watch® news Does Madison Nguyen Believe Private Security is the Answer? Opinion written by Jim Unland JIM UNLAND is president of the San Jose Police Officers Association and a Sergeant in the San Jose Police Department. According to a local newspaper, it appears that Vice Mayor Madison Nguyen is promoting the private security company of her protégé and losing city council candidate as an answer to the increasing level of crime in San Jose neighborhoods. A San Jose Police Officer, ran unsuccessfully against Councilmember Kansen Chu in 2012 and according to a news article is promoting his company’s services to neighborhoods. It is unfortunate that Ms. Nguyen and her protégé, a San Jose Police Officer are not advocating for city leadership to utilize the $96 million dollars in general fund reserves to offer police officers a pay-raise aug- 13 fw and restore the hundreds of officers who have left the force. It is also unfortunate that Madison and her protégé don’t disclose to residents that it does not matter if a private security guard, or a resident, calls 911 the same response protocol is followed. The bottom line is that there are not enough police officers to respond now and it does not matter who is placing the call. According to the article, this coming week the security company will be pitching its service to a Willow Glen neighborhood that has gotten fed up and frustrated with the rise in crime. San Jose Police Officers share their frustration and hope that Vice-Mayor Nguyen is not travelling down the path of privatizing police services in San Jose, especially a service that will benefit one of her family friends. This article is the expressed opinion of the Sergeant Jim Unland. 4 . San Jose Police Get No Pay Raise Submitted by Protect San Jose San Jose (CA)-Retired Judge Flaherty rules in City of San Jose’s favor on all issues arbitrated upon including City proposal of 0% pay restoration for police officers. “Mayor Chuck Reed accomplished his goal of “reforming” arbitration by ensuring that San Jose police officers get no pay raise as a result of the new arbitration rules hidden in the fine print of Measure V, passed by the voters in 2010,” said San Jose Police Officer’s Association President Jim Unland. Unland went on to say, “Mayor Reed sold the voters a bill of goods that has guaranteed officers will continue to leave to other jurisdictions, neighborhoods will continue to see car thefts, burglaries and gang activity increase and our once proud police department will be left in a shambles.” The City of San Jose has at least $92 million dollars in General Fund reserves that could have been utilized to restore pay for police officers. Mayor Reed and his supporters chose instead to offer a 0% pay increase that was adopted by the arbitrator. “Many of us were waiting for today’s ruling to decide what to do and this ruling of no pay increase and more benefit takeaways makes my decision clear, I will seek employment with an agency that actually puts public safety first”, said veteran officer Juan Vallejo. Today, there are 887 street ready officers in SJPD, 392 of which are assigned to and working patrol. This has increased emergency response times to over 20-minutes for Priority 2 calls and requires the department to scramble every single day to fill patrol beats using a mix of voluntary and mandatory overtime. 13-253 Ivan Rodriguez Murder asesinato The Phoenix Police Department is currently seeking Ivan Rodriguez (Also known as Silverio Gonzalez Trejo) on a warrant charging him with Domestic Violence and Attempted Murder. According to detectives, on July 13, 2013, the victim returned to her residence early in the morning after a night out with friend. Rodriguez, her live in boyfriend, and father of their children, became upset with her and an argument ensued. During an assault at their residence Rodriguez doused the victim with gasoline and set her on fire. The victim was burned on over 30% of her body and was heard by others in the home screaming for help. After setting the victim on fire the suspect fled the scene in a 2006 Black Volkswagen Golf 2 Door HB, Arizona License Plate AWB9669. He is believed to have been burned during the assault. Rodriguez should be considered dangerous and is believed to still be in the Phoenix area. He was last seen wearing Blue jeans, grey t-shirt with design on front, white baseball cap with black writing in front, white tennis shoes, sustained serious burns to one of his forearms. FUGITIVE WATCH 1-800-9CAUGHT all persons depicted in this publication are presumed to be innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law. do not attempt under any circumstance to apprehend any persons depicted in this publication. all persons may be considered armed and dangerous by law enforcement. please call the fugitive hotline number (se habla español) or 9-1-1 for an immediate sighting. HOTLINE: 1-800-9CAUGHT EMAIL: aug - 13 fw 5 13-254 unknown Robbery robo The Gilroy Police Department is asking for the public’s help in identifying two men that allegedly robbed a woman in a shopping center parking lot. Detectives report that on June 29, 2013, the woman was walking with her children near her car in the parking lot of a shopping center located at 950 Renz Lane when the two male suspects walked up. While one suspect acted as a lookout, a second man pulled out a gun and stole the woman’s purse. Both suspects then fled leaving behind the woman and her terrified children. fugitive watch® news fw aug- 13 6 . fugitive watch® news Asesinan en aug- 13 fw Oaxaca a Sixto López, Defensor Herón Luciano Sixto López, defensor de derechos humanos perteneciente al Centro de Orientación y Asesoría a Pueblos Indígenas fue hallado muerto este sábado en el paraje denominado Camino a Cahuaya, perteneciente al municipio de San Sebastián Tecomaxtlahuaca, en la región de la Mixteca, informó el subprocurador de dicha zona, Víctor Alonso Altamirano. El cuerpo fue hallado por un campesino alrededor de las 15 horas, de acuerdo con el reporte de la Procuraduría General de Justicia del Estado (PGJE), y fue reportado de inmediato a las autoridades y a la Agencia Estatal de Investigaciones (AEI). Los agentes se presentaron en el lugar y dieron inicio a las diligencia por el delito de homicidio culposo contra quien o quienes resulten responsables; tras la necropsia de ley, el funcionario dijo que el activista levantado por un comando de 7 . Derechos Humano armado el pasado 15 de julio presenta seis impactos de arma de fuego, tres en el tórax dos en la cabeza y uno más en el cuello, además de que fue asesinado hace 5 o 6 días. Sixto López, de 43 años, fue reportado como desaparecido el pasado 15 de julio por sus familia, mientras que integrantes del Centro de Orientación y Asesoría a Pueblos Indígenas, reportaron que el defensor fue sacado violentamente de sus oficinas en el municipio de Santiago Juxtlahuaca por un grupo de encapuchados. Apenas el viernes la oficina en México del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos (ONU-DH) así como Amnistía Internacional exigieron a las autoridades estatales y federales localizar con vida al defensor. fugitive watch® news Permanent Residents Get By Richard Hobbs, Immigration Attorney For the first time in decades any person in possession of a green card (“sponsor”, or “petitioner”) can petition for a spouse or minor child (“beneficiary”) and that spouse or child has absolutely no wait in the preference system. For example, until last month a beneficiary had to wait at least two years in the preference system. Now there is no wait at all. Green card holders should apply now for their wife, husband, or minor child and take advantage of this unusual opportunity. Below are some common questions and answers regarding the family-based immigration system, which accounts for nearly 80% of all legal immigration to the United States. aug- 13 fw a Green Light To Petition What is the USCIS? USCIS stands for U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. It is the key agency of the U.S. government responsible for matters dealing with immigrants in the United States. USCIS has jurisdiction over immigrant petitions for family based Immigration. Prior to March 2003, the USCIS was called the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS). Who can be a Sponsor? A United States Citizen (USC) or Lawful permanent Resident (LPR) can be the sponsor of a family based immigration petition. The sponsor has to meet some requirements and legal obligations, such as executing a legally binding affidavit of support for the beneficiary. The sponsor must guarantee to maintain the standard of living of the beneficiary at a level not lower than 125% of the national poverty level. for Immediate Who can a USC sponsor? A USC 21 years of age or older can immediately immigrate his or her parent, minor child under 21, or spouse. US citizens under 21 can petition for a spouse also under certain circumstances. As “immediate relatives” there is no waiting period for these persons. Is there a wait for those who are not immediate relatives sponsored by a USC? Yes. In the preference system a US citizen can also petition for unmarried children over 21 years old, married children over 21 years old, and brothers or sisters. In these cases the waiting period is 7-12 years for immigrants from Latin America and most of the world. Mexicans have a 17-20 year wait. 8 . Family Members Who can an LPR sponsor? As mentioned above, all LPRS from anywhere on the planet can immigrate their spouse or minor child under 21 immediately, for the first time in decades. In addition, an LPR from Latin America and most of the world can sponsor an unmarried child over 21. There is about an 8 year wait. For Mexicans the wait is about 19 years. If you have any questions you can contact the law office of Richard Hobbs, 408-642-7404. fugitive watch® news fw aug- 13 9 . fugitive watch® news fw aug- 13 10 . 12-332 Jason Derek brown Murder asesinato The FBI is currently seeking Jason Derek Brown on a warrant charging him with murder. Agents report that on November 29, 2004 Brown allegedly shot 24 year old, Robert Keith Palomares five times in the head outside a theater in Ahwatukee, Arizona. Brown then fled the scene on a bicycle with $56,000. The bike was later found with his fingerprints. Palomares was an armored car guard picking up the Thanksgiving holiday receipts from the movie theaters when Brown walked up to Palomares and allegedly murdered him in cold blood. Brown used his BMW as a getaway car and fled to Henderson, Nev., where he deposited $2,000 in cash into his bank account the next morning. Brown then traveled to Las Vegas, police say, and swapped his BMW for a black Cadillac Escalade he had in storage. He moved on to Orange County, Calif., and stayed there with family and friends until Dec. 6, 2004, when FBI agents carrying a warrant for his arrest missed him by only an hour. About a month later authorities recovered Brown’s Cadillac in the long-term parking lot at the Portland International Airport. Brown was a former Mormon missionary and is good at lying and convincing people that he’s someone else. Brown was raised in Southern California, and served as a Mormon missionary in France and speaks French. Photos at Time of Murder and Aged Enhanced photos. Scan QR code with your Smart Phone to watch video all persons depicted in this publication are presumed to be innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law. do not attempt under any circumstance to apprehend any persons depicted in this publication. all persons may be considered armed and dangerous by law enforcement. please call the fugitive hotline number (se habla español) or 9-1-1 for an immediate sighting. HOTLINE: 1-800-9CAUGHT HOTLINE: 1-800-9CAUGHT EMAIL: EMAIL: Siga a las aventuras de los Huevos Poeta Huevos en Brandy Huevo Totote: En esta ocasión, debido su creciente fama y su renombre como catadores de cualquier bebida alcohólica, los tres poetas han sido invitados a promover una importante marca de brandy. Este promocional, dejará al espectador ansioso de degustar dicho fino brebaje a la venta sólo en Huel-Mart. Escanear el código QR con su smartphone para ver el cartoon. aug - 13 fw 11 Burglary Suspect Arrested On August 7, 2013, Morgan Hill Police Officers were dispatched to the area of Barnell Ave on a report of a suspicious male subject in the rear yard of a residence. While responding to the call, witnesses recorded seeing the male subject fleeing the area on a bicycle towards Dunne Ave. Responding officers located the suspect’s discarded bicycle in the yard of a residence on Dunne near Del Monte Ave. A perimeter was established and another witness led officers to the Dollar Tree store. As officers initiated a search of the Dollar Tree store, the suspect ran out of the store through the rear doors. Officers spotted the suspect and chased him. Officers tackled the suspect as he ran through the Monte Vista Apartments. The suspect, later identified as 33 year old Jaime Alvarado of Morgan Hill, had multiple warrants for FUGITIVE WATCH 1-800-9CAUGHT his arrest and was taken into custody without further incident. During the investigation, Officers determined Alvarado was allagedly responsible for a series of burglaries in Morgan Hill. Alvarado was later booked into the Santa Clara County Main Jail for burglary and resisting arrest. This case would not have been solved and property recovered as quickly as it was without the assistance and willingness of our community to get involved and report suspicious activity. Together we have solved yet another crime as a result of our strong partnership. fugitive watch® news fw aug- 13 12 . 13-257 unknown Bank Robbery Robo de banco The Santa Clara County Sheriff’s office is asking for the public’s help in identifying a man who attempted to rob a Cupertino bank, a sheriff’s spokesman said. The robbery occurred at the Bank of America branch at 19376 Stevens Creek Blvd. at about 3:30 p.m. on July 23. The suspect approached a bank teller, demanded money and threatened to shoot customers with a firearm, sheriff’s Sgt. Kurtis Stenderup said. The teller did not see a weapon and refused to hand over any money, he said. The suspect then fled in an unknown direction. t i g u .f w w w m o c . ive 15-year-old high school student Jack Thomas Andraka has won a $100,000 college scholarship by inventing a sensor that would detect early stages of pancreatic cancer. A giant multi-million dollar clock 200 feet tall, designed to keep time for 10,000 years is being built in the hills at 2,000 feet elevation of west Texas. The founder of has donated $40 million dollars to the project. The clock will sound off a different sound every year for 10,000 years. The National Insurance Crime Bureau’s annual “Hot Spots” report finds that car thefts are rising again after an eight-year decline and Modesto racked up the nation’s worst theft rate, recording more than 4, 200 thefts last year. Youngstown, Ohio, with a similar population, had just 910. FUGITIVE WATCH 1-800-9CAUGHT all persons depicted in this publication are presumed to be innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law. do not attempt under any circumstance to apprehend any persons depicted in this publication. all persons may be considered armed and dangerous by law enforcement. please call the fugitive hotline number (se habla español) or 9-1-1 for an immediate sighting. HOTLINE: 1-800-9CAUGHT EMAIL: During the American Civil War, 80% of all white males between the ages of 18 to 45 years of age were in the Confederate Army. During the American Civil War, 50% of all white males between the ages of 18 to 45 years of age were in the Union Army. During the American Civil War, the southern Confederacy had a law that anyone the owned more than 20 slaves could not be drafted into the Army. The State of Texas reports that it is running out of the drug it uses to execute prisoners. fw 13 13-261 unknown assault asalto The Fairfax County Police Department is asking for the public’s help in identifying the suspects in a brutal beating of a teen that was caught on tape. The victim appeared to be allegedly sucker-punched and when he falls to the ground, numerous members of a mob then allegedly mercilessly beat and kicked the victim on his body and head. WARNING THE VIDEO IS DISTURBING AND NOT SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN. Scan QR code with your Smart Phone to watch video Fugitive Watch Factoids During the American Civil War, 40% of the all nurses giving medical care to wounded Confederate soldiers were black female slaves. aug - 13 The State of Texas has executed 503 inmates since the death penalty was reinstated in 1976. over 2, 700 are police officers of various ranks and over 750 are corrections officers of various ranks. The State of Virginia comes in second with 110 executions since 1976. In the US, 3,000 people die from food poisoning each year. The State of California has executed 13 inmates since 1976. Inca Empire in South America built majestic cities of granite rock and 10,000 miles of roads without the use of the horse or the wheel or iron or a written language. McDonalds Corporation made $5.5 billion in profits last year. 16 million people take vacation cruises every year. New York has passed a new law making it a felony crime to injure or kill a police animal like a police dog or police horse. Las Vegas Metro Police Department has more than 5, 100 members. Of these, Chile is the 3rd highest consumer of Mayonnaise behind Russia and the USA. One billion dollars is spent by consumers around the legend of Bigfoot yearly. Albert Einstein predicts, all human life will die off in 4 years after honey bees become extinct. (There is currently a disease with no known cause or cure killing honey bees.) aug- 13 fw Corporal Mike Wilson was shot and killed while responding to a domestic violence call at an apartment complex on Veterans Boulevard in Port Charlotte. in memoriam in memoriam fugitive watch® news Police Officer Bobby Hornsby was shot and killed while participating in a SWAT deployment. Officer Hornsby responded to a call that a resident in an apartment complex displayed a weapon at several people using the pool. The subject brandished an AK-47 rifle and barricaded himself in his apartment. The call involved a man in a physical fight with his wife and son. As Corporal Wilson walked up to the stairs to the apartment the male subject emerged and opened fire from the second floor landing, killing Corporal Wilson. The subject then committed suicide. Corporal Mike Wilson Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office Florida End of Watch: Monday, August 5, 2013 Corporal Wilson had served with the Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office for 20 years. He is survived by his wife and three children. 14 . Officer Robert “Bobby” Hornsby Killeen Police Department Texas End of Watch: Sunday, July 14, 2013 The subject opened fire on the officers as they attempted to arrest him. Officer Hornsby and another officer were shot before the subject was killed by return fire. Both officers were transported to a local hospital, where Officer Hornsby died from his wounds. Officer Hornsby had served with the Killeen Police Department for four years. He is survived by his wife, daughter, and son. fugitive watch® news Did Witnesses at the scene of a major car accident report a mystery priest appeared out of nowhere anointed and prayed with the teenage victim and then vanished without a trace. “I think that this time I’ve actually witnessed a guardian angel at work,” Jeremiah See of the New London Fire Department. Family and friends of the victim, 19-year-old Katie Lentz say they are hoping to find the priest and thank him for making the rescue possible. Rescuers report that an alleged DUI driver crossed the center lane and hit Lentz’ car head-on. Rescuers spent about 45 minutes trying to cut her out of the car, but the metal on her older car dulled their equipment. Rescuers stopped because their tools weren’t working and then Lentz asked the rescuers to pray with her. As the rescuers aug- 13 fw an Angel Appear at the prayed with Lentz, a priest appeared – although the highway was blocked for two to three miles and emergency responders were not letting anyone past the roadblocks. He came and he asked to anoint the girl in the car he anointed Lentz and her rescuers with oil, prayed with them and asked them to remain calm and their tools will save her. Suddenly other rescuers arrived with fresh equipment and were able to free Lentz. After getting her in the Air Evac helicopter, rescue workers said the priest was nowhere to be found. Fire Chief Reed said the department took 80 photos of the scene and the priest did not appear in any of them. The Arch Diocese of Jefferson City reports they have not located the priest involved. Scene of Car Accident? Charges maybe be filed against the other driver Aaron Smith for alleged DUI. Scan QR Code Below to Watch Video Newscast 15 . all persons depicted in this publication are presumed to be innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law. do not attempt under any circumstance to apprehend any persons depicted in this publication. all persons may be considered armed and dangerous by law enforcement. please call the fugitive hotline number (se habla español) or 9-1-1 for an immediate sighting. Apprehended A San Martin man has been identified as the suspect in an attempted robbery and shooting Thursday at a check cashing business in San Jose, police said today. Oscar Sencion, 21, was arrested around 10:30 a.m. behind a home in the 2000 block of Cinderella Lane after a search of the neighborhood, San Jose police spokesman Officer Albert Morales said. He was arrested on suspicion of false imprisonment, robbery, probation violation and numerous firearms charges. Police began searching the neighborhood after receiving word at 7:48 a.m. of a robbery attempt in which shots were fired at the California Check Cashing store at 2151 Story Road. Morales said an alarm was tripped during the robbery, and when officers arrived they saw a man fleeing and jumping fences. Sencion was taken to a hospital. His injuries were not considered life threatening, Morales said. A gun was recovered near where the arrest occurred. Sencion is alleged to have fired shots inside the business, but no one was injured. Sencion is being held without bail. Copyright © 2013 by Bay City News, Inc. -- Republication, Rebroadcast or any other Reuse without the express written consent of Bay City News, Inc. is prohibited. HOTLINE: 1-800-9CAUGHT HOTLINE: 1-800-9CAUGHT EMAIL: EMAIL: Fugitive John Stahl has reportedly been arrested by Cambodian police in Preah Sihanouk Province and is now awaiting deportation to the U.S. John Stahl is wanted by the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office on multiple arrest warrants. Deputies report that Stahl has a felony warrant charging him with alleged possession of a controlled substance, Furnishing a narcotic to a minor, transportation of a controlled substance and annoying/molesting of a child with the set bail of $20,000.00. He is also wanted on a warrant charging him with failure to appear in court with a set bail of $15,000.00 and a warrant for failure to register as a sex offender with a set bail of $5,000.00 aug - 13 fw 16 Stahl’s last known address was in Leggett, California Stahl was arrested in the village of Sihanoukville following a request made through the U.S. Embassy in Phnom Penh. Apprehended FUGITIVE WATCH 1-800-9CAUGHT 13-263 Derrick Estell escape Police in Arkansas are on a manhunt for a very dangerous prison inmate Derrick Estell. Authorities report that Estell had an accomplice, William Harding, who allegedly distracted sheriff’s deputies allowing Estell to jump though a small open window in the visiting area of the jail. He ran outside where his girlfriend Tamara Upshaw was allegedly waiting for him in a get away car. Scan QR code with your Smart Phone to watch video 13-264 unknown bank robbery robo de banco Marin County sheriff’s officials are asking for the public’s help in locating a man who held up a Citibank in unincorporated area of Mill Valley. A man walked into the Citibank at 101 Tiburon Blvd. in Mill Valley’s Strawberry neighborhood and gave a bank teller a note demanding money, according to the sheriff’s office. The teller handed over an undisclosed amount of cash and the suspect left the bank. The man did not appear to be carrying a weapon and no injuries were reported. 1-800-9CAUGHT fugitive watch® news aug- 13 fw Durante Funerales EPN Honra Trabajo El presidente Enrique Peña Nieto encabezó el homenaje luctuoso al vicealmirante Carlos Miguel Salazar Ramonet y del segundo maestre Francisco Ricardo Hernández Mercado, al tiempo que se comprometió a que en todos los rincones del territorio nacional debe prevalecer la seguridad y la tranquilidad para la población. El presidente Enrique Peña Nieto encabezó el homenaje luctuoso al vicealmirante Carlos Miguel Salazar Ramonet y del segundo maestre Francisco Ricardo Hernández Mercado, al tiempo que se comprometió a que en todos los rincones del territorio nacional debe prevalecer la seguridad y la tranquilidad para la población. Nuestro compromiso es asegurar la libertad de tránsito, así como todos los derechos que establece nuestra Constitución. Para lograrlo, contamos con un sólido pilar, que son nuestras Fuerzas Armadas, a las que hoy reitero mi mayor solidaridad y respaldo. En las instalaciones de la Secretaría de Marina, al sur de la ciudad de México, Peña Nieto dijo que hoy honramos a dos valientes, a dos hombres de mar, quienes dedicaron su vida a servir a México. En su discurso ante los féretros y guardias de honor de sus compañeros, el jefe Supremo de las Fuerzas Armadas expresó nuevamente su más sentido pésame a todos los familiares, amigos y de 17 . Marinos compañeros de armas del vicealmirante Salazar Ramonet y del Segundo Maestre Francisco Ricardo Hernández Mercado. Estos dos grandes marinos son una pérdida profunda para la Nación. . El Vicealmirante Salazar tuvo una destacada trayectoria en la Secretaría de Marina, siempre comprometido con el bien de México. Ambos, en el cumplimiento de sus labores, trabajaron para cumplir la misión que les fue encomendada para servir a la Nación. Por su parte, el secretario de Marina- Armanda de México, Vidal Soberón Sanz afirmó que ante los hechos violentos que ocasionaron la muerte de estos dos marinos, dijo que la institución que encabeza está comprometida con la decisión del Gobierno de la República de luchar contra las actividades ilícitas, y así devolverle a la Nación la tranquilidad a la que tiene derecho. La muerte de estos valerosos marinos mexicanos refuerza nuestras convicciones y energía para no desistir en nuestro firme compromiso de servir a la patria. La Nación reconoce y elogia a mexicanos como ellos, quienes en desventaja numérica hicieron frente con valentía al cobarde atentado perpetrado por la delincuencia organizada. El almirante Soberón indicó que el arrojo del vicealmirante y del segundo maestre al enfrentarlos a los delincuentes, salvó las vidas de sus acompañantes, y permitió dar tiempo a que llegara el apoyo de nuestros hermanos del Ejército Mexicano. all persons depicted in this publication are presumed to be innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law. do not attempt under any circumstance to apprehend any persons depicted in this publication. all persons may be considered armed and dangerous by law enforcement. please call the fugitive hotline number (se habla español) or 9-1-1 for an immediate sighting. HOTLINE: 1-800-9CAUGHT HOTLINE: 1-800-9CAUGHT EMAIL: EMAIL: aug - 13 13-265 & 13-266 unknown bank robbery robo de banco 13-265 A B The Santa Cruz and Modesto and Paso Robles Police Departments and The San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Department are asking for the public’s help in identifying four women that have allegedly robbed multiple banks in the Santa Cruz, Central Coast and Central Valley parts of California. It is unknown if these women or robberies are connected to one another. 13-265 FUGITIVE WATCH 1-800-9CAUGHT C fw 18 fugitive watch® news fw aug- 13 19 . fugitive watch® news fw aug- 13 20 . all persons depicted in this publication are presumed to be innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law. do not attempt under any circumstance to apprehend any persons depicted in this publication. all persons may be considered armed and dangerous by law enforcement. please call the fugitive hotline number (se habla español) or 9-1-1 for an immediate sighting. 13-240 Antonio Keshawn Raglin Hit and run asalto The Muskegon police are currently seeking Antonio Keshawn Raglin on a warrant charging him with Hit and Run. Shocking video from the surveillance system at a Muskegon convenience store shows Raglin allegedly backing over a woman and her child in a stroller knocking them to the ground. Raglin then moved forward with the stroller hung up in the back bumper with the child still strapped in. She got up and frantically chased the van, which stopped at the street. The van stopped just long enough for the young mom to free the 1-year-old boy, and then Raglin took off. Police later determined the van had allegedly been stolen. aug - 13 fw 21 13-270 Emmanuel Sanchez-Martinez murder asesinato The Rohnert Park Department of Public Safety is currently seeking Emmanuel Sanchez-Martinez in connection with the murder of his his brother Edgar Sanchez-Martinez. According to detectives, Emmanuel allegedly stole his brothers Chevy Tahoe from his driveway. Emmanuel’s two brothers spotted him stealing the Tahoe and jumped on the sides of vehicle trying to stop him. Emmanuel continued driving until he reached a high rate of speed and crashed into a concrete barrier causing his brothers to be thrown to the ground. His brother Edgar SanchezMartinez was pronounced dead at the scene. Emmanuel fled the scene as is currently at large. Please call the Fugitive Watch hot line at 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) or text us at 408-355-0999 to send a confidential email tip, if you know his whereabouts. Por favor llame la línea de Los Fugitivos en 1-800-9-CAUGHT (1-800-922-8448) o texto en 408-355-0999 o envia un email a, si usted sabe su paradero. 13-252 Jorge Gomez Failure To Appear Por No Presentarse En Corte The El Paso Police Department is currently seeking Jorge Gomez on multiple warrants. According to detectives, in June 2012, Gomez and accomplices were stopped by police officers in a vehicle that Gomez was allegedly driving. A search of the vehicle allegedly resulted in several baggies of Methamphetamine hidden within the car. Gomez was arrested in this case and was again arrested in October 2012 for an alleged unrelated Theft offense. Gomez has since failed to show to appear in court for his 2012 crimes and is now wanted. Authorities were closing in on him and nearly apprehended him in Mid-July 2013. Gomez knows authorities are looking for him and remains on the run eluding capture. 1-800-9caught FUGITIVE WATCH 1-800-9CAUGHT • Scan QR code with your Smart Phone to watch video FUGITIVE WATCH 1-800-9CAUGHT HOTLINE: 1-800-9CAUGHT HOTLINE: 1-800-9CAUGHT EMAIL: EMAIL: 13-249 Unknown Theft robo Hollister Police Department– July 18, 2013 Police seek suspect caught on tape during theft at local Quick Stop Market. On July 07, 2013 approximately 11:45 p.m., Hollister Police responded to Quick Stop Market at 1300 San Juan Road regarding a just occurred theft. The store clerk described a White or Hispanic male adult approximately 20-25 years old and wearing dark clothing and a knit cap enter the convenience store. The suspect then walked to the beverage cooler, located in the rear of the store. The unknown suspect allegedly grabbed cases of beer and quickly left the store without making any attempt to pay. He then fled on foot northbound through the field behind the store toward Gonzalez Drive. The suspect was caught on the surveillance video of the store. fugitive watch® news fw aug- 13 22 . Movie Critics Corner: The People vs. Larry Flynt by Steven Ferdin, Jr. Perhaps an unlikely candidate for a critically acclaimed biographic drama, Larry Flynt’s life story and infamous First Amendment activism was adapted into a theatrical film in 1996 by director Milos Forman. The People Vs Larry Flynt is an abridged biographic account of pornographic magazine publisher Larry Fylnt from his modest origins in rural Kentucky, his life work as a free speech advocate, to the infamous 1988 Supreme Court case Hustler Magazine v. Falwell. Woody Harrelson does an effective job portraying the ostentatious Flynt, while his wife Althea Leasure is played by the surprisingly competent Courtney Love. (Although in fairness it seemed that Ms. Love and her character are one and the same person.) Also making a regular appearance is a youthful Edward Norton as a composite character of Flynt’s legal team. The predominate theme of this movie is that of free speech and what is protected under the First Amendemnt. As Larry Flynt’s influence accumulates, he attracts several antagonists such as Charles Keating, Jerry Falwell, and the christian right, who bombard Flynt with several legal altercations. The People Vs Larry Flynt is half court drama, half biopic concerning other aspects of Flynt’s life. In one of the movie’s more benevolent moments, Ruth Carter pleads her support towards Larry Flynt’s work and successfully, although briefly, to evangelism. The People Vs Larry Flyn wonderfully portrays the rise Larry Flynt’s media empire and his role in the national debate of free speech. It’s genuinely humorous, uses pathos effectively and portrays the constant clash against conflicting ideological viewpoints in American culture. Although an extremely polarizing figure, the movie tagline inquires, “You may not like what he does, but are you prepared to give up his right to do it?” fugitive watch® news fw aug- 13 23 . fugitive watch® news fw aug- 13 24 .
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July 2013 - Fugitive Watch
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